Box 2, Folder 3 |
Pen and Ink drawing: German soldier with bayonet
Box 3, Folder 22 |
Box 8, Folder 20 |
Box 11x, Folder 1 |
Gravesite of Otto Müller
Box 11x, Folder 3 |
Assorted prints, photographs, and illustrations
Series 2. Newspaper/Journal Clippings
Box 2, Folder 21 |
Swabian Chronicle; 2
1880-1882 |
Box 4, Folder 8 |
Articles about Müller: Burger, Alexander Afred Bock, 1902; Burschenschaftliche Blatte, Berlin, April 1890; Hessenland, Nov. 1901
1890, 1901, 1902 |
Box 5, Folder 4 |
Zeilage zum Sonntagsblatt der New York Staats Zeitung: clippings
1885 |
Box 5, Folder 11 |
Frankfurt Museum Aesthetic Newspaper 1855-1956, edited by Otto Mueler
1855-1856 |
Box 5, Folder 16 |
New York Staats Zeitung clippings
Sept. 1889 |
Box 6, Folder 14 |
Deutsche Illustrierte Zeitung
1894 |
Box 6, Folder 15 |
Wiener Literatur Zeitung, 1885-1892; Burschenschaftliche Blatter, 1890; Homeopathic Monthly Magazine, 1885
1885-1890 |
Box 6, Folder 17 |
Newspaper clippings
1880s |
Box 8, Folder 14 |
Box 8, Folder 21 |
1859 |
Box 8, Folder 24 |
Pussnaer Bitterwasser (?)
Box 8, Folder 26 |
Europaishe Beitung
1817 |
Box 2, Folder 4 |
Miscellaneous correspondence
Box 2, Folder 10 |
Letter or Note from Gustava Fritze
1846 |
Box 2, Folder 12 |
Letters of Gustava Fritze Müller
Box 2, Folder 13 |
Letters of Otto Müller, mostly to his son Gustav
1885-1894 |
Box 2, Folder 14 |
Letters to Otto Müller from Gustav Müller
1887-1889, 1886 (?) |
Box 2, Folder 16 |
Letters from Gustav Müller
1879-1881 |
Box 2, Folder 23 |
Letters of Otto Müller to his sister in Darmstadt and to his mother in Bremen
Box 3, Folder 6 |
Two leather writing cases with newspaper clippings and some letters
Box 3, Folder 12 |
Letters to Gustav Müller. Pamphlets by Schulte von Bruhl concerning Otto Müller
Box 3, Folder 15 |
Letters, autographs, souvenir programs to Otto Müller
Box 3, Folder 21 |
Additional correspondence
Box 5, Folder 8 |
Letters to Otto Müller in Stuttgart from Anna Andreae with death notice
Box 5, Folder 12 |
Love letter, from Otto Müller to his wife
1849 |
Box 7, Folder 1 |
Correspondence: various writers (H)
1860-1880 |
Box 7, Folder 2-5 |
Correspondence: various writers (A-D)
1860-1903 |
Box 7, Folder 6-8 |
Gustav Müller letters (copied) during his wandering years
1870-1882 |
Box 7, Folder 9-10 |
Correspondence: various writers (R)
1860-1880 |
Box 7, Folder 11 |
Correspondence: various writers (J)
1860-1880 |
Box 7, Folder 12 |
Correspondence: various writers (M)
1860-1880 |
Box 8, Folder 1 |
Correspondence: various writers (L)
1860-1880 |
Box 8, Folder 2 |
Correspondence: various writers (E)
1846-1886 |
Box 8, Folder 3 |
Correspondence: various writers (F)
1860-1880 |
Box 8, Folder 4 |
Correspondence: various writers (G)
1860-1880 |
Box 8, Folder 8 |
Gustava Fritze letters from youth
1830-1860 |
Box 8, Folder 12 |
Family matters: 79 letters
1892-1894 |
Box 8, Folder 17 |
Box 8, Folder 19 |
Correspondence: unlabeled
Box 8, Folder 22 |
Otto Müller's letters
Box 8, Folder 23 |
Letters, clippings
Box 10, Folder 1 |
Correspondence: various writers (W)
1860-1880 |
Box 10, Folder 4 |
Correspondence: various writers (W)
1860-1880 |
Box 10, Folder 5 |
Correspondence: various writers (Z)
1860-1880 |
Box 10, Folder 6 |
Literary Activities: to Scheffel from Otto Müller
1855-1861 |
Box 10, Folder 7 |
Correspondence: (S-Scheffel)
Box 10, Folder 8 |
Literary Activities: to Scheffel from Otto Müller
1855-1861 |
Box 10, Folder 9 |
Correspondence: various writers (O-P)
1860-1880 |
Box 10, Folder 10 |
Correspondence: various writers (P)
1860-1880 |
Box 1, Folder 1 |
Typed Documents: Book Contracts, Refusal to publish article
Box 2, Folder 6 |
Letters to Publishers
1885-1893 |
Box 3, Folder 8 |
Copy of Otto Müller's Birth ceritificate 1833, original date 1816
1833 |
Box 3, Folder 9 |
Funeral 2nd class of Gustava Müller. Mannheim
1852 |
Box 3, Folder 14 |
Box 3, Folder 19 |
Wedding: Otto Müller and Alvinia Fritze
1856 |
Box 4, Folder 12 |
Other documents
Box 6, Folder 1 |
Summons to court, ref J.P. Grohe
1848 |
Box 8, Folder 5 |
Box 8, Folder 7 |
Copies of legal documents, birth certificates, etc.
Box 8, Folder 11 |
Geneology: Müller and Klamroth
Box 8, Folder 18 |
Family documents
1816- |
Box 8, Folder 28 |
1849 |
Box 1, Folder 4 |
Otto Müller visiting cards
Box 2, Folder 7 |
Printed Card, Café Rabenau
Box 2, Folder 9 |
Carmen Program; Lucerne
1889 |
Box 2, Folder 11 |
Hochfurstlich Hessen-Darmstadtischer Staats und Address-Kalender Auf Das Jahr
1791 |
Box 2, Folder 18 |
Grassman; Moral Theology; banned in Stettin, anti-catholic pamphlet with insert bay Prince Max; Grossman
1901 |
Box 2, Folder 22 |
National Korner Feier; with letter signed by committee
1863 |
Box 3, Folder 7 |
New Year's Greeting Cards; 60; Stuttgart
before 1846 |
Box 3, Folder 10 |
Routes et Distances de Frankfurt; Gumprecht, German Verein
1882 |
Box 3, Folder 11 |
Frederic Schiller's Autograph
Box 3, Folder 13 |
Florence University Catalogue, 1914; History of Turnigen Student Union, 1909; The House with the 3 Lyres; Bundewald; Müller et al. Schulerfest 1859; Das Schulerfest; Müller et. al. Instructions on how to keysonder 1859; letters and article
1914, 1909, 1859 |
Box 4, Folder 3 |
Spulheft, the mighty paver of the press; Zuller; Laustner; Knopf; Bucher; Emminghaus; Roberts Burning Theater Questions; Neustadt Gymnasium Catalog; Poem
Box 4, Folder 5 |
Denkinger; Jubilee of John Calvern; S.A.Altar
1909 |
Box 5, Folder 1 |
Clossman, Ma Vie; chipped, not complete
1859 |
Box 5, Folder 3 |
Numerous pamphlets and booklets
1850-1869 |
Box 5, Folder 20 |
Schillerfest program
1863 |
Box 6, Folder 8 |
Green Booklet
Box 6, Folder 13 |
Reviews, invitations, programs, etc
Box 8, Folder 13 |
Box 9, Folder 1 |
Box 10, Folder 2 |
Weidig; Reliquien; Huff (Otto Müller's copy)
1838 |
Box 10, Folder 3 |
Weidig; history and poems; poison
1847 |
Box 1, Folder 2 |
Original manuscript of Alter and Kirker - volume 2
Box 1, Folder 3 |
Uber Land und Meer vol. 52
1874 |
Box 2, Folder 1 |
Rotharmel in parts; Sonntagsblatt der N.Y. Stadts Zeitung
1889 |
Box 2, Folder 8 |
Ad for Der Fall Von Konstanz- Wilhelm Meck; Ad for Der Fall Von Konstanz- Ernst Gunther
Box 2, Folder 17 |
Illustrierten Deutschen Monatshefte: serialization of Das Irrwischparchen
1886 |
Box 2, Folder 19 |
Illustrierte Deutsche Monatshefte: Die Deutsche Muse am Nordpal
1892 |
Box 2, Folder 20 |
Unnamed Manuscript of Otto Müller; 200 pages with corrections
Box 3, Folder 1-2 |
First draft of Die Kiliansverberge
Box 3, Folder 4 |
Corrected manuscript of Charlotte Ackermann, Frankfurt, with printer's instructions
1854 |
Box 3, Folder 5 |
Unpublished manuscript: Die Kiliansverberge
Box 3, Folder 17 |
The Ones Who Are at Fault, for WWI; Gustav Müller; Swabischer Merkur
1916 |
Box 3, Folder 18 |
Rotharmel in parts; Sonntagsblatt der N.Y. Staats Zeitung; Serialization
1889 |
Box 3, Folder 20 |
Playbills of Charlotte Ackermann
1855-1869 |
Box 4, Folder 2 |
Playbills of Charlotte Ackermann
Box 4, Folder 4 |
Playbills Charlotte Ackermann, 9 copies; screenplay by Mosenthal
1854 |
Box 4, Folder 7 |
Landasdorf, A., Der Fleischtrager Romer Bull, with wrappers
1842 |
Box 4, Folder 10 |
Extracts of Andrea D'Castago; missing 1/8 Frankfurter Museum
1857 |
Box 4, Folder 13 |
Frankfurter Zeitung 1886, incomplete serialization
1872 |
Box 5, Folder 5 |
Revision of printed second edition of Der Tannenschutz
c. 1880 |
Box 5, Folder 6 |
Das Irrwischparchen, short story by Otto Müller; corrected galley proofs
Box 5, Folder 13 |
Das Irrwischparchen, manuscript by Otto Müller
Box 5, Folder 15 |
Manuscript: The Kaiser's Flea and published excerpt
Box 5, Folder 21 |
Literature by Gustava
Box 6, Folder 3 |
Serialization of Das Irrwischparchen; illustrierte Deutsche Montashefte
1886 |
Box 6, Folder 5 |
Reviews of selected writings
1873 |
Box 6, Folder 6 |
Serialization of Der Tannenschutz, 1851, in parts
1851 |
Box 6, Folder 11 |
Handwritten Booklets by Gustava
Box 6, Folder 12 |
Newspaper installments from Otto Müller novel "The Countess and her Servants": Die Grafin und Ihr Diener; incomplete; Frankfurter Zeitung
1880 |
Box 6, Folder 16 |
Frankfurter Zeitung 1886, incomplete serialization
1886 |
Box 8, Folder 6 |
Copies of poems, etc.
c. 1852 |
Box 8, Folder 9 |
unpublished manuscripts
Box 8, Folder 10 |
La Martime Rafael
1849 |
Box 8, Folder 15 |
Random thoughts, sayings, poems of Otto Müller
Box 8, Folder 25 |
Romildje Steinbrudje auf dem Felsberg an der Bergstrake program
1876 |
Box 8, Folder 27 |
Programs and signature books
Box 11x, Folder 2 |
Galley Proofs, Cola Rienzi
1843 |
Box 11x, Folder 4 |
Die Kunst und Alterthums-Denkmale in Konigsreigh Wurtemburg
1880 |
Box 2, Folder 24 |
Diary of Fritze Müller with poems
1839- |
Series 7. Reviews/Criticism
Box 2, Folder 2 |
Literary Criticism
Box 2, Folder 5 |
Reviews of the Professor from Heidelberg
Box 2, Folder 15 |
Reviews of Schatten Auf Hohen
1884 |
Box 3, Folder 3 |
Reviews of Charlotte Ackermann
1854 |
Box 3, Folder 16 |
Review of George Volker by Gustava Fritze
1851 |
Box 4, Folder 1 |
Reviews of Altan and Kerker
1884 |
Box 4, Folder 6 |
Reviews of Otto Müller's books
1880s |
Box 4, Folder 9 |
Reviews of Der Wildsfarrer; review of Aus Petranicus Alten Tagen
Box 4, Folder 11 |
Handwritten critique to unfavorable review of Georg Volker by Friedrich Lichterfeld
1851 |
Box 5, Folder 2 |
Review of Der Postgraf
1880s |
Box 5, Folder 7 |
Review of Munchausen in Vogelslung
Box 5, Folder 9 |
Review of Der Klosterhof
Box 5, Folder 10 |
Review of Diadem und Maske; favorable
1875 |
Box 5, Folder 14 |
Reviews: Georg Volker, Revolutionary Novel
1880s |
Box 5, Folder 17 |
Munchausen in Sud Deutschland, review by Karl Falk; Frankfurter Zeitung
1882 |
Box 5, Folder 18 |
Reviews of Burger by Otto Müller; in Weser Zeitung
c. 1846 |
Box 5, Folder 19 |
Reviews of Müller's books
1880s |
Box 5, Folder 22 |
Reviews of Majoratsherr
1880s |
Box 5, Folder 23 |
Reviews of Professor from Hidelberg, Schatten und Hohen Sat Review
18 March 1872 |
Box 6, Folder 2 |
Reviews of Schatten und Hohen
c. 1881 |
Box 6, Folder 4 |
Reviews of Charlotte Ackermann, Monitor Universal and other papers
1854 |
Box 6, Folder 7 |
Reviews of Monika; Algemeine Moden Zeitung, et. al.
1877-1878 |
Box 6, Folder 9 |
Wesen Zeitung, 1846; Weiner Zeitung 1854; Review of Altar und Kerken
1846, 1854 |
Box 6, Folder 10 |
Reviews of Altar und Kerken
1884 |
Box 8, Folder 16 |
1846 |