Scope & content
The Department of Administration Division of Accounts and Control State Highway Program fiscal records include balance sheets, correspondence, program agreements and adjustment vouchers for the years 1946-1967. The fiscal records also include highway projects ledgers, work vouchers for work performed under provisions of the Federal Aid and Federal Highways Acts, office memorandum, road program work project closeouts, completed projects, expenditure records, public work program monthly balance sheets, federal forms, project agreements, documents relating to federal aid urban project U-036 Huntington Expressway located in Providence and Cranston, records relating to the Highway Improvement Loan of 1955, records relating to Park Avenue (S-0223(3)) project from Gansett Avenue to Cranston Street, Cranston, balance sheets and reconciliation sheets relative to the Hayden-Cartwright Road Construction and the project agreement and other documentation relative to the 1958 "D" Crash Program.