Rhode Island Archival and Manuscript Collections Online

For Participating Institutions

Office of the Governor Executive Orders (1997-14)

Rhode Island State Archives

Rhode Island State Archives
337 Westminster Street
Providence, RI 02903
Tel: 401-222-2353
Fax: 401-222-3199
email: statearchives@sos.ri.gov

Scope & content

The Office of the Governor Executive Orders includes the executive orders for the years 1959-1994. The records include the executive orders of Christopher DelSesto (1959-1960), John H. Chafee (1963-1968), Frank Licht (1969-1972), Philip Noel (1973-1976), J. Joseph Garrahy (1977-1984), Edward DiPrete (1985-1990) and Bruce Sundlun (1991-1994). The executive orders of John Notte (1961-1962) have not been received and are not a part of these records. The records include an index to the executive orders arranged by both subject and by order number.