Aquidneck Island Law Enforcement Planning Commission meeting minutes (1997-28)
Rhode Island State Archives
Rhode Island State Archives 337 Westminster Street Providence, RI 02903 Tel: 401-222-2353 Fax: 401-222-3199 email:
Series 1. Meeting Minutes Box 1, Folder 4-9
Box 1, Folder 4-9
Meeting Minutes Contents Note: The Aquidneck Island Law Enforcement Planning Commission meeting minutes includes meeting minutes for the years 1969-1972. The records also include meeting notices and agendas (mimeograph); Executive Director's reports; Treasurer's report; rosters of Commission members; project plans submitted to the Commission; status reports on projects; copies of subgrant applications to Governor's Committee on Crime (see Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968) and financial reports; correspondence to/from agencies/organizations; periodic reports on juvenile crime from the Youth Program Coordinator for the county (mimeograph); monthly reports on status of action projects; financial summary of subgrants (mimeograph) and the Committee's bylaws.