Scope & content
Per RIGL§ 42-8-7. "The secretary of state shall keep a copy of every official letter sent by him or her, and shall preserve all public letter received by him or her."
Records are subject files maintained by the Administrative Office, Hope Spruance, Chief of Staff and span the dates 1993-1994 reflecting the one term of Secretary of State Barbara Leonard. They contain correspondence, memos and publications. The files primarily reflect activities within the divisions of the Department of State (i.e. Archives, Elections, Corporations, Administrative Records). Where no folder existed, items were foldered and folder title assigned in brackets [] according to subject. Where a folder title did not accurately reflect contents, a description is noted in brackets []. It is not apparent to the processor if this series of subject files were arranged in a strict alphabetical sequence or if they were grouped according to Division. Where necessary, items that were misfiled were re-filed into the appropriate subject file.
Accession 2003-47 is a closed law case (January 24, 1993) involving a complaint against lobbyists by Charles M. Silverman of Operation Clean Sweep. The complaint stipulates that several lobbyists did not conspicuously display their lobbyist badges while conducting business at the state house.