Biographical / Historical
Sister Mary James O'Hare, R.S.M. was born on October 30, 1888 in Lincoln, RI. She attended St. Xavier Academy and later received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Providence College and a Master of Arts and PhD from Boston College. Between 1907-1909, O'Hare entered the Sisters of Mercy, devoting her life to the religious order and serving as an educator within various educational institutions; most notably as the principal of St. Charles Junior High School in Woonsocket, RI from 1926-1932 and later for St. Xavier Academy from 1936-1947. In 1947, O'Hare became the first Academic Dean of Salve Regina University where she greatly advanced the development of a robust curriculum for the academic community. Such initiatives as the creation of the Division of Nursing, the emergence of Salve Regina College Alumnae Association and the Salve Regina College Guild were greatly due to the strong leadership and dedicated spirit of Sister Mary James O'Hare. O'Hare died on December 4, 1953, leaving behind a strong legacy of professional achievements and a solid educational framework for the University.