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Special Collections also holds a selection of Dr. Saalman's books, often with notes, inscriptions, or pasted-in materials:
- The Synagogues of the Lower East Side, Spec Coll BM 225 .N49 F56 1978
- A Handbook of Roman London, Spec Coll DA 677.1
- Genova, Spec Coll DG 636 .P64
- Jüdisches Leben, Spec Coll DS 135 .G4 B459 1985
- Uffizi Firenze, Spec Coll N2570 .A78 1968
- Giovanni Rucellai ed il suo Zibaldone, Spec Coll N5273.2 .R8 1981
- I Commentari del Ghiberti, Spec Coll N 7420 G5 1947
- The Gingerbread Age, Spec Coll NA 710 .M3 1957a
- Luca Fancelli: architetto, Spec Coll NA1123 .F28 A3 1979
- Raffaelo e l'Architettura a Firenze, Spec Coll NA1123 .R3 R3 1984
- La Sacrestia Vecchia di S. Lorenzo, Spec Coll NA5621 .F62 S23 1986
- La 'porta dei sette cieli', numeri e geometrie del portico principale di Sant'Andrea in Mantova, Spec Coll NA5621 .M326 V65 1993
- The Pavement of the Siena Cathedral, Spec Coll NA 5621 .S6 P33 1960
- Il Palazzo Pazzi a Firenze, Spec Coll NA7856 .F6 M89 1963
- Disegni di Fabbriche Brunelleschiane, Spec Coll NC27 .I8 F55 no. 47
- Views of Florence and Tuscany, Spec Coll NC 1155.Z6 A7
- Italian Sketchbook, Spec Coll ND497 .B677 Y6
- Italian Pictures of the Renaissance, Spec Coll ND615 B56 1932
- Ricami Italiani, Spec Coll NK 9252 .R54
- Sonnets from the Portuguese, Spec Coll PR 4189 .A1 1948a
- Michelangelo Architetto, Spec Coll NA 1123 .B9 P6
- Carta's Historical Atlas of Jerusalem, Spec Coll G2239 .J4 B28 1986
- Milano Museums, Picture Galleries, Art Collections, Spec Coll N 6921 .M6 M48
- Schönes altes Düsseldorf : ein Bildband, Spec Coll DD901.D95 P3 1960
- Das Buch der alten Firmen der Stadt und des Handelskammerbezirkes Stettin im Jahre 1931, Spec Coll HF3639.5 .S93 1931
- Der karolingische Klosterplan von St. Gallen = Le plan carolingien de l'Abbaye de Saint-Gall = The Carolingian plan of St. Gall Abbey = Delineato Monasterii S. Galli, Spec Coll NA 5851 .S3 K3 map
- Der St. Galler Klosterplan, Spec Coll NA 5851 .S3 K3