Box 13, folder 1 |
1959, undated |
Box 13, folder 2 |
"Alberti in the Etruscan Mode: The Badia in Fiesole"
undated |
Box 13, folder 3 |
"Alberti's Letter to Matteo de' Pasti Revisited"
1994 |
Box 13, folder 4 |
"Alberti's San Sebastiano in Mantua," Renaissance Studies
1985 |
Box 13, folder 5 |
"The Authorship of the Pazzi Palace," The Art Bulletin LXVI:3
1964 |
Box 13, folder 6 |
"The Baltimore and Urbino Panels: Cosimo Rosselli," The Burlington Magazine CX:784
1968 |
Box 13, folder 7 |
"The Bigallo" correspondence with NYU Press
1970 |
Box 13, folder 8 |
"The Bigallo" draft with edits
undated |
Box 13, folder 9 |
"The Bigallo" draft with notes by Christine Kaiser
1969-1970 |
Box 13, folder 10 |
"The Bigallo" layout sheets
ca. 1969 |
Box 13, folder 11 |
"The Bigallo" page proofs
undated |
Box 13, folder 12 |
"The Bigallo" reviews, etc.
undated, ca. 1969-1970 |
Box 13, folder 13 |
"Carrara Burials in the Baptistery of Padua," The Art Bulletin LXIX:3
1986-1987 |
Box 13, folder 14 |
"The Castiglione d'Olona 'Annunciation,'" Burlington Magazine
1990 |
Box 13, folder 15 |
"The Church of Ss. Annunziata in Florence" chapter text (1/2)
undated |
Box 13, folder 16 |
"The Church of Ss. Annunziata in Florence" chapter text (2/2)
undated |
Box 14, folder 1 |
"The Church of Ss. Annunziata in Florence" -- list of Annunziata documents
undated |
Box 14, folder 2 |
"The Church of Ss. Annunziata in Florence" typescript draft
undated |
Box 14, folder 3 |
"Concerning Michelangelo's Early Projects for the Tomb of Julius II," in "Michelangelo Drawings"
1992 |
Box 14, folder 4 |
"The Cupola Problem," Focus 8:2
1978 |
Box 14, folder 5 |
"Current Research in Early Renaissance Architecture: Florence and Rome," College Art Association of America Proposal
1987 |
Box 14, folder 6 |
"Designing the Pazzi Chapel: The Problem of Metrical Analysis," Architectura
1979 |
Box 14, folder 7 |
"Documenti Inediti sulla Cappella della Ss. Annunziata," Scritti di Storia dell'Arte in Onore di Ugo Procacci
undated |
Box 14, folder 8 |
"Il Filarete e la teoria architettonica del primo Rinascimento," Bolletino Tecnico
1988 |
Box 14, folder 9 |
"Filippo Brunelleschi: The Buildings" correspondence, Penn State Press
1992-1994 |
Box 14, folder 10 |
"Filippo Brunelleschi: The Buildings" proofs (1/2)
1993 January |
Box 14, folder 11 |
"Filippo Brunelleschi: The Buildings" proofs (2/2)
1993 January |
Box 14, folder 12 |
"Filippo Brunelleschi: The Buildings" proofs with illustrations (1/2)
1993 April |
Box 15, folder 1 |
"Filippo Brunelleschi: The Buildings" proofs with illustrations (2/2)
1993 April |
Box 15, folder 2 |
"Filippo Brunelleschi: The Buildings" typescript, title-Chapter III (1/4)
undated |
Box 15, folder 3 |
"Filippo Brunelleschi: The Buildings" typescript, Chapter IV (2/4)
undated |
Box 15, folder 4 |
"Filippo Brunelleschi: The Buildings" typescript, Chapters V-VII (3/4)
undated |
Box 15, folder 5 |
"Filippo Brunelleschi: The Buildings" typescript, Chapter VIII-end (4/4)
undated |
Box 15, folder 6 |
"Filippo Brunelleschi: The Cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore" citations and reviews
1981-1983, undated |
Box 15, folder 7 |
"Filippo Brunelleschi: The Cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore" monograph draft
1973, undated |
Box 16, folder 1 |
"Filippo Brunelleschi: The Cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore" proofs (1/2)
1979-1980 |
Box 16, folder 2 |
"Filippo Brunelleschi: The Cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore" proofs (2/2)
1979-1980 |
Box 16, folder 3 |
"Filippo Brunelleschi: The Cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore" typescript edited draft, front matter through Chapter II (1/4)
undated |
Box 16, folder 4 |
"Filippo Brunelleschi: The Cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore" typescript edited draft, Chapter III (2/4)
undated |
Box 16, folder 5 |
"Filippo Brunelleschi: The Cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore" typescript edited draft, Chapters IV-VI (3/4)
undated |
Box 16, folder 6 |
"Filippo Brunelleschi: The Cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore" typescript edited draft, footnotes and back matter (4/4)
undated |
Box 17, folder 1 |
"First Medici Palace," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians"
1985 |
Box 17, folder 2 |
"Further Notes on the Capella Barbadori in S. Felicita," Burlington Magazine
1958 |
Box 17, folder 3 |
"Goodness and Value in the Structuring of Cognitive Processes," Journal of Architectural Education 43
1990 |
Box 17, folder 4 |
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians -- Letter to the Editor re: Marvin Trachtenberg Review
1984 January |
Box 17, folder 5 |
"I Tatti in 1427," in In Onore di M. P. Gilmore
1977 |
Box 17, folder 6 |
List of Publications
ca. 1980 |
Box 17, folder 7 |
"The Literature of Art: The Ducal Palace of Urbino," Burlington Magazine CXIII
1971 |
Box 17, folder 8 |
"The Literature of Art: Early Italian Architecture," Burlington Magazine CXX
1978 January |
Box 17, folder 9 |
Macmillan Encyclopedia of Architects
1980-1981 |
Box 17, folder 10 |
"Medieval Architecture: European Architecture 600-1200" proofs
1962 |
Box 17, folder 11 |
"Messer Battista a Mantova: Questioni Aperte," Quadrante padano XV:2
1994 August |
Box 17, folder 12 |
"Michelangelo at Saint Peter's: The Arberino Correspondence," The Art Bulletin
1978 |
Box 17, folder 13 |
"Michelangelo: S. Maria del Fiore and St. Peter's," The Art Bulletin
undated, ca. 1979-1988 |
Box 17, folder 14 |
"Mikdash: The Desert Sanctuary: An Architectural Historian's Approach" typescript, correspondence, figures
1987-1988 |
Box 17, folder 15 |
"Mikdash: The Desert Sanctuary" correspondence and drawings
1987-1988 |
Box 17, folder 16 |
"Mikdash: The Desert Sanctuary" supplemental material
1987 |
Box 18, folder 1 |
"Neu-St. Peter 1505-1514," Sitzungsberichte - Kunstgeschichtliche gesellschaft zu Berlin 17
1968-1969 |
Box 18, folder 2 |
"The New Sacristy of San Lorenzo before Michelangelo," The Art Bulletin LXVII:2 (1/2)
1985 |
Box 18, folder 3 |
"The New Sacristy of San Lorenzo before Michelangelo," The Art Bulletin LXVII:2 (2/2)
1985 |
Box 18, folder 4 |
1953-1957 |
Box 18, folder 5 |
Notebooks -- #88, #89
undated, 1988-1989? |
Box 18, folder 6 |
Notebooks -- Archivio #1
1962 January-February |
Box 18, folder 7 |
Notebooks -- Archivio #2
1964 February - 1965 June |
Box 18, folder 8 |
Notebooks -- Archivio #3
1964-1965 |
Box 18, folder 9 |
Notebooks -- Archivio #4
1965 June |
Box 18, folder 10 |
Notebooks -- Mantova
ca. 1991 |
Box 18, folder 11 |
Notes -- Gonzaga, Barbara archives, ASM [Archivio di Stato, Mantova?]
1971 |
Box 18, folder 12 |
Notes -- Loose archives
1992 |
Box 18, folder 13 |
Notes -- San Andrea
undated |
Box 19, folder 1 |
"One-Bay Houses in Florence," Riedl Festschrift, with Jeanne Saalman
1989 |
Box 19, folder 2 |
"An Opinion: Exhibitions and Exhibition Catalogues"
1994 |
Box 19, folder 3 |
"The Palazzo Comunale in Montepulciano: An Unknown Work by Michelozzo," Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte
1965 |
Box 19, folder 4 |
"The Pantheon Coffers: Pattern and Number," Architectura
1987-1988 |
Box 19, folder 5 |
"Die Planung neu St. Peters," Münchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst XL
1989 |
Box 19, folder 6 |
"Recent Excavations under the Ombrellone of Sant'Andrea in Mantua: Preliminary Report" and Italian translation, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians LI:4, with Livio Volpi Ghirardini and Anthony Law
1992 |
Box 19, folder 7 |
"Recent Excavations under the Ombrellone of Sant'Andrea in Mantua: Preliminary Report" correspondence and images
1991-1992 |
Box 19, folder 8 |
"Recent Excavations under the Ombrellone of Sant'Andrea in Mantua: Preliminary Report" research, drafts, and images
1990 |
Box 19, folder 9 |
"Review. Ciletti, Elena, 'The Last Medici Façade for San Lorenzo'"
1985 |
Box 19, folder 10 |
"Review. Goldthwaite and Rearick, 'Michelozzo and the Ospedale di San Paolo in Florence'"
1975-1976 |
Box 19, folder 11 |
"Review. Heydenreich, Ludwig, 'The Pelican Handbook on Early Renassance Architecture (1974)," The Burlington Magazine
1977 |
Box 19, folder 12 |
"Review. Kent at al, 'Giovanni Rucellai ed Il Suo Zibaldone, II: A Florentine Patrician and His Palace,' Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians"
1987 |
Box 19, folder 13 |
"Review. Paul, Jürgen, 'Der Palazzo Vecchio in Florenz, Ursprung und Bedeutung seiner Form […] (1969),'" The Art Bulletin
undated, ca. 1970s |
Box 19, folder 14 |
"Review. Prager, Frank D. and Gustina Scaglia, 'Brunelleschi: Studies of His Technology and Inventions […]," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians XXXI:3
1972 |
Box 19, folder 15 |
"Review. Zerras, Diane Finiello, 'Filippo Brunelleschi's Political Career,'" Burlington Magazine
1979 |
Box 19, folder 16 |
"San Francisco in Rimini: The Tempio Malatestiano"
undated |
Box 20, folder 1 |
"San Lorenzo 1462-1466: The Neroni Ascendancy," Hülle und Fülle
1993 |
Box 20, folder 2 |
"San Lorenzo: The 1434 Chapel Project," Burlington Magazine
1978 |
Box 20, folder 3 |
"San Lorenzo: The 1434 Chapel Project," Burlington Magazine, and collaboration with Jeffrey Ruda
1977-1978 |
Box 20, folder 4 |
"The San Lorenzo Pulpits: A Cosimo Portrait?," The Burlington Magazine
1986 |
Box 20, folder 5 |
San Sebastiano chapter text with plans by Lizzie
ca. 1995 |
Box 20, folder 6 |
"San Sebastiano in Mantua: Recent Observations," for Society of Architectural Historians
1995, undated |
Box 20, folder 7 |
"Santa Maria del Fiore: 1294-1418," The Art Bulletin
undated |
Box 20, folder 8 |
Solomon's Temple 5742
1981-1982 |
Box 20, folder 9 |
"Strozzi Tombs in the Sacristy of San Trinità," Münchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst XXXVIII
1987 |
Box 20, folder 10 |
"Strozzi Tombs in the Sacristy of San Trinità" research, typescript, and correspondence
1987-1988 |
Box 20, folder 11 |
"The Thermal Windows of Sant'Andrea in Mantua," Burlington Magazine, text and correspondence
1994-1995 |
Box 20, folder 12 |
"Tommaso Spinelli, Michelozzo, Manetti, and Rosselino," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians XXV:3
1966 |
Box 20, folder 13 |
"Towards a History of Architectural Technology," Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Architektur
1972 |
Box 20, folder 14 |
"The Transformation of the City in the Renaissance: Florence as a Model," Annali di architettura
1990 |
Box 20, folder 15 |
Unidentified work -- Index of Documents (for printer)
undated |
Box 20, folder 16 |
Unidentified work -- List of Documents (for printer)
undated |
Box 20, folder 17 |
"Vecchie e Nuove Prospettive su Brunelleschi"
undated |
Box 20, folder 18 |
Villa Medici -- Fiesole and S. Girolamo ([Paul] Foster documents), 1454-57
undated |
Box 21, folder 1 |
Alberti, Leon Battista, De Re Aedificatoria (1485) photocopy chapters with annotations
undated |
Box 21, folder 2 |
Alberti material --S. Sebastiano, S. Andrea, various
undated |
Box 21, folder 3 |
Alberti Xeroxes
undated |
Box 21, folder 4 |
Amiatinus photograph
undated |
Box 21, folder 5 |
Archivi Alinari photographs
undated |
Box 21, folder 6 |
Archivio di Stato di Firenze -- Andrea Pazzi, Petition to Signoria, 1422 photographs
undated |
Box 21, folder 7 |
Archivio di Stato di Firenze -- Andrea Pazzi, Tax Reduction 1445 photographs
undated |
Box OS1, folder 5 |
Archivio di Stato di Firenze -- Provvisioni photographs, 186r-187v (1416)
undated |
Box 21, folder 8 |
Stato di Mantova -- San Andrea, Declaratio Cappellarum
1994, undated |
Box 21, folder 9 |
Aspekte "Historistischen" Bauens im Wilheminischen Preussens am Beispel der Bautätogkeit der Städte Rixdorf und Wilmersdorf in den Jahre 1895 bia 1905 im Buldungsbersich
undated |
Box 21, folder 10 |
Beyer, Andreas, and Bruche Boucher (eds.), Piero de'Medici "il Gottoso" 1416-1469 extracts
1993 |
Box 21, folder 11 |
Borsi, Franco, "The Tempio Malatestiano," in Leon Battista Alberti: The Complete Works [photocopy]
undated |
Box OS2, folder 6 |
Braunfels, Wolfgang. "Der Dom von Florenz" (Olten, Switzerland: Urs Graf-Verlag, 1964)
1964 |
Box OS2, folder 7 |
Cecchini, Alessandro, "Due Discorsi sopra la Cupola di S. Maria del Fiore" [photocopy]
undated |
Box 21, folder 12 |
Curia Vescovile Mantova archival document [photocopies] (1782-1883), (1/2)
undated |
Box 21, folder 13 |
Curia Vescovile Mantova archival documents [photocopies] (1857), (2/2)
undated |
Box 21, folder 14 |
Diocesan Archive, re: San Andrea, Mantua
undated |
Box 21, folder 15 |
Donesmondi Excerpts, Dell'Istoria Ecclesiastica di Mantova (1656) [photocopies]
undated |
Box 21, folder 16 |
Elam, Caroline, "The Nelli Houses"; San Lorenzo
undated |
Box 21, folder 17 |
Eusebius, of Caeserea, "De Vita Constantini" fragment
undated |
Box 21, folder 18 |
Fabriczy, Cornelius von, Brunelleschiana: Urkundenund Forschungen zur Biografie des Meisters (1907) [photocopies]
undated |
Box 22, folder 1 |
Facoltà di Architettura dell'Università du Firenze, "Coro e Cupola della Ss. Annunziata a Firenze" (1971) annotated excerpt
undated |
Box 22, folder 2 |
Foster, Philip, "Lorenzo de Medici and the Façade of Santa Maria del Fiore" with correspondence
1980 |
Box 22, folder 3 |
Frey, Carl, "Il Libro di Antonio Bille" (Berlin: G. Grote'sche Verlagbuchhandlug)
1892 |
Box 22, folder 4 |
Friedman, Richard E., "The Tablernacle in the Temple," Biblical Archeologist 43: 4 (Fall 1980)
1980 |
Box 22, folder 5 |
Gaye, Giovanni [Johann], "Carteggio Inedito d'Artisti dei Secoli XIV, XV, XVI (Firenze: Presso Giuseppe Molini)
undated |
Box 22, folder 6 |
Geymüller, Heinrich von, "Michelozzo di Bartolomeo," Die Architektur der Renaissance Toscana, vol. II (1885) [photocopy], with sketch
undated |
Box 22, folder 7 |
Ghirardini, Livio Volpi, "I frammenti del modello numerico per il San Sebastiano di Leon Battista Alberti" article drafts, translations, correspondence
1995 |
Box 22, folder 8 |
Ghirardini, Livio Volpi, "Iconometria nel portico superiore di San Sebastiano in Mantova" draft and Allegati
1993 December |
Box 22, folder 9 |
Ghirardini, Livio Volio -- San Sebastiano text and measured drawings
1995 |
Box 22, folder 10 |
Gosebruch, Martin, Florentinische Kapitelle von Brunelleschi bis zum Tempio Malatestiano un der Eingenstil der Frürenaissance
1958 |
Box 22, folder 11 |
Herzner, Volber, "Zur Baugeschichte von San Lorenzo in Florenz," Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte Band 36
1974 |
Box 22, folder 12 |
Hope, Charles, "The Early History of the Tempio Malatestiano" with notes and correspondence
1991 |
Box 22, folder 13 |
Innocenti documents -- Mendes transcripts
1965 |
Box 22, folder 14 |
Johnson, Eugene, S. Andrea in Mantua and Volpi Restauro; "New Information on the Date of the Latin Cross Plan of Sant'Andrea in Mantua"
1972, undated |
Box 22, folder 15 |
Kent, F.W., and Brenda Preyer, Giovanni Rucellai ed il suo Zibaldone: A Florentine Patrician and His Palace reprints [annotated photocopies[
1982 |
Box 23, folder 1 |
Krautheimer, Richard, "Alberti's Templum Etruscum" and other sources re: Leon Battista Alberti
1961, undated |
Box 23, folder 2 |
Ledewitz, Stefani, "Models of Design in Studio Teaching," Journal of Architectural Education 38:2
1985 |
Box 23, folder 3 |
"Michelozzo e San Paolo," Cronaca di Firenze, 8 febbraio 1974
February 8, 1974 |
Box 23, folder 4 |
Ministero per I Beni Culturali e Ambientali archival documents copies
undated |
Box 23, folder 5 |
Mishkan (1/3)
ca. 1980s |
Box 23, folder 6 |
Mishkan (2/3)
ca. 1980s |
Box 23, folder 7 |
Mishkan (3/3)
ca. 1980s |
Box OS2, folder 8 |
Mospignotti, A. Nardini Despotti, "Filippo di Ser Brunellesco e La Cupola del Duomo di Firenze" (Livorno: Giuseppe Meucci, 1885)
undated |
Box 23, folder 8 |
Ordo Massae
undated |
Box 23, folder 9 |
Pellechia, Linda, "The Patron's Role in the Production of Architecture: Bartolomeo Scala and the Scala Palace" with correspondence
1987 |
Box 23, folder 10 |
Plumley, Frank, "Life Sketch of Hon. Charles P. Hogan," Proceedings of the Vermont Bar Association X: 1-3 (1914-1916)
undated |
Box 23, folder 11 |
Poggi, G., Il Duomo di Firenze (1909) [photocopy]
undated |
Box 23, folder 12 |
Rosselli, Piero, "Note e precisazioni sulla chiesa di S. Spirito a Firenze," "Bolletino degli Ingegneri" II
1981 |
Box 23, folder 13 |
Rossi, Ferdinando, "La Lanterna della Cupola di Santa Maria del Fiore e Suoi Restauri," "Bolletino d'Arte XLI (1956)
undated |
Box 23, folder 14 |
San Lorenzo
undated |
Box 23, folder 15 |
San Sebastiano Figures -- writings by L. Volpi Ghirardini and images
undated, ca. 1993? |
Box 24, folder 1 |
Sanpaolesi, Piero, "Il rilievo della Cupola del Duomo di Firenze," "Rivista dell'Arte" (1937)
undated |
Box 24, folder 2 |
Sant'Andrea supplementary material
undated |
Box 24, folder 3 |
Santissima Annunziata supporting documents (1/3)
undated |
Box 24, folder 4 |
Santissima Annunziata supporting documents (2/3)
undated |
Box 24, folder 5 |
Santissima Annunziata supporting documents (3/3)
undated |
Box 24, folder 6 |
Schiavi Papers, Soprintendenza per I Beni Ambientali ed Architettonici, Brescia (1923-1934)
copied 1993 |
Box OS2, folder 9 |
Schiavi, Andrea, Il Restauro della Chiesa di S. Sebastiano di Leon Battista Alberti in Mantova
1932 |
Box 24, folder 7 |
Siebenhüner, Herbert, "Berichte über die Sitzungen des Institutes" (1940)
undated |
Box 24, folder 8 |
Siebenhüner, Herbert, and Ludwig H. Heydenreich, "Die Klosterkirche S. Franceso al Bosco in Mugello"
undated |
Box 24, folder 9 |
Soprintendenza alle Gallerie Firenze map photograph
undated |
Box 24, folder 10 |
Stark, Shirley, "The Proportions of the Badia Fiesolana" [Restricted - FERPA]
1971 |
Box 24, folder 11 |
Statua Populi et Comunis Florentiae [photocopy]
undated |
Box 24, folder 12 |
Steiner, George, "The Cleric of Treason," The New Yorker
1980 December 8 |
Box 24, folder 13 |
Thesiger, Wildred, The Last Nomad (New York: Dutton, 1980) excerpt
1980 |
Box 24, folder 14 |
Thiem, Gunther und Christel, "Toskanische Fasseden -- Dekoration in Sgraffito und Fresko" (1964)
undated |
Box OS2, folder 15 |
Unidentified vellum manuscript photographs
undated |
Box 24, folder 16 |
Vespasiano, da Bisticci, Le Vite (Firenze: Nella sede dell'Istituto Palazzo Strozzi, 1970) excerpts
1990 |