Drawer 32, Folder 1 |
Map of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, 1636-1740 Contents Note: Created by Eugene E. Wetherill
1925 |
Drawer 32, Folder 1 |
Map of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, 1636-1740 (with coloring) Contents Note: Created by Eugene E. Wetherill
1925 |
Drawer 32, Folder 1 |
Map of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, 1636-1740 Contents Note: Created by Eugene E. Wetherill
1925 |
Drawer 32, Folder 1 |
Bounds of the King’s Province as named by the Council (RI), 1669 Contents Note: Reproduction, pencil tracing in Mylar [md134]
undated |
Drawer 32, Folder 1 |
Part of Map of Rhode Island and Virginia. By Philip Lea in Cheap-side London, circa 1690 Contents Note: Reproduction. [md143]
undated |
Drawer 32, Folder 1 |
Map showing Bounds and Limits of the Colony of Rhode Island, 1720 Contents Note: By John Mumford. Pencil tracing in mylar [md93]
undated |
Drawer 32, Folder 1 |
Plan of Sea Coast of Rhode Island, 1741 Contents Note: By Ja.s Helme and Wm. Chandler. Unmounted tracing in mylar . [md131]
Drawer 32, Folder 1 |
Eastern Strip Over Which Rhode Island jurisdiction was formally extended, 1747 Contents Note: Unmounted tracing in mylar. [md82]
undated |
Drawer 32, Folder 1 |
The state of Rhode Island; compiled from the Surveys and Observations of Caleb Harris (colored), 1795 Contents Note: Created by Harding Harris. [md66]
undated |
Drawer 32, Folder 2 |
Map of the State of Rhode Island taken from Surveys by Caleb Harris, 1795 Contents Note: By Harding Harris. [md3]
undated |
Drawer 32, Folder 2 |
Map of the State of Rhode Island taken from Surveys by Caleb Harris, 1795 Contents Note: By Harding Harris. [md6]
undated |
Drawer 32, Folder 2 |
Map of the State of Rhode Island by Caleb Harris, 1795 Contents Note: Negative facsimile [md38]
undated |
Drawer 32, Folder 2 |
The State of Rhode Island; compiled from the Surveys and Observations of Caleb Harris, 1814 Contents Note: By Harding Harris. Laminated. [md67]
undated |
Drawer 32, Folder 2 |
Map of the State of Rhode Island, 1819 Contents Note: By M.M Peabody. Hand drawn copy. [md5]
undated |
Drawer 32, Folder 2 |
Map of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, 1819 Contents Note: By Benoni Lockwood. [md16]
undated |
Drawer 32, Folder 2 |
Map of Rhode Island, 1824 Contents Note: [md61]
undated |
Drawer 32, Folder 2 |
Map of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 1833 Contents Note: By H.S Tanner. [md64]
undated |
Drawer 32, Folder 2 |
Rhode Island…exchange in territory with Massachusetts, 1862 Contents Note: Pencil tracing in mylar. [md87]
undated |
Drawer 32, Folder 3 |
Map of Rhode Island, 1838 Contents Note: By T.G Bradford. [md55]
undated |
Drawer 32, Folder 3 |
Colony of Rhode Island giving Indian Names of Locations..., 1903 Contents Note: By Sidney S. Rider. Unmounted tracing in mylar. [md81]
undated |
Drawer 32, Folder 3 |
Map of the State of Rhode Island Showing Recreation Facilities Contents Note: By The State Planning Board (original). [md46]
1935 |
Drawer 32, Folder 3 |
Colony of Rhode Island Providence Plantation Contents Note: [md104]
undated |
Drawer 32, Folder 3 |
Map of Part of the State of Rhode Island Showing Original Purchases Contents Note: By J.J. Ryder. Unmounted photostat. [md147]
undated |
Drawer 32, Folder 3 |
Blackstone Canal, from Cove to Smithfield Pike Contents Note: Blueprint. [md146]
1825 |
Drawer 32, Folder 3 |
A Map of Blackstone Canal and its appendages as constructed in the year 1828 Contents Note: By Ed. E. Phelps. Photostat. [md94]
undated |
Drawer 32, Folder 3 |
Map of Blackstone Canal “6 mile” Contents Note: Photostat. [md98]
1828 |
Drawer 32, Folder 3 |
Map of Blackstone Canal “North Providence” Contents Note: Photostat. [md101]
1828 |
Drawer 32, Folder 4 |
Map of Blackstone Canal “Providence” Contents Note: Photostat. [md103]
1828 |
Drawer 32, Folder 4 |
Map of Blackstone Canal. “Smithfield” Contents Note: Photostat. [md100]
1828 |
Drawer 32, Folder 4 |
Map of Blackstone Canal “Scott’s Pond” Contents Note: Photostat. [md99]
1828 |
Drawer 32, Folder 4 |
Map of Blackstone Canal “Smithfield turnpike" Contents Note: Photostat. [md102]
1828 |
Drawer 32, Folder 4 |
Map of Blackstone Canal “Worcester” Contents Note: Photostat. [md149]
1828 |
Drawer 32, Folder 4 |
Plat of Blackstone Canal Basin Contents Note: Unmounted blueprint. [md114]
1846 |
Drawer 32, Folder 4 |
Blackstone Canal, from Scott's Pond to Providence River Contents Note: Blueprint. [md110]
1896 |
Drawer 32, Folder 4 |
Map of the Rhode Island State Farm, Cranston by J.A Latham Contents Note: [md8]
1887-1889 |
Drawer 32, Folder 4 |
Map of the town of Cumberland R.I. Contents Note: By Newell Nelson Photostat. [md45]
1838 |
Drawer 33, Folder 5 |
Map of King's County Contents Note: By State Planning Board and W.A. Perry [md51]
1936 |
Drawer 33, Folder 5 |
A Topographical Chart of the Bay of Narragansett, 1777 Contents Note: By Charles Blaskowitz. Collotype copy p. 1956. Unmounted. Original in John Carter Brown Library. [md77]
1956 |
Drawer 33, Folder 5 |
A Topographical Chart of the Bay of Narragansett, 1777 Contents Note: By Charles Blaskowitz. [md96]
undated |
Drawer 33, Folder 5 |
A Topographical Chart of the Bay of Narragansett, 1777 Contents Note: By Charles Blaskowitz. [md49]
undated |
Drawer 33, Folder 5 |
Plan de la Baie de Narragansett dans la Nouvelle Angleterre, 1780 Contents Note: By Charles Blaskowitz. In French [md97]
undated |
Drawer 33, Folder 5 |
Balloon View of Narragansett Bay, 1890-95 Contents Note: By C.A. Pabodie & Son. Unmounted. [md15]
undated |
Drawer 33, Folder 5 |
Bird's-eye View of Narragansett Bay, 1907 Contents Note: By Walker Litho & Pub. Co. Boston. In folder. [md118]
undated |
Drawer 33, Folder 5 |
Earliest Narragansett Contents Note: By Norman Morrison Isham. [md68]
undated |
Drawer 33, Folder 5 |
Map showing the ancient paths to Pequot Contents Note: By Norman Morrison Isham. (copy) Published in 1936 in The Ancient Paths to Pequot by William Morris Davis. unmounted. [md59]
1936 |
Drawer 33, Folder 6 |
Map of Providence Plantations, 1636-1700 Contents Note: By C.S.Brigham in 1903. Unmounted photostat. [md35]
1903 |
Drawer 33, Folder 6 |
Draught of the Plain Lots, 1645 Contents Note: By Worster Carpenter. Blueprint copied in 1902. Unmounted. [md137]
1902 |
Drawer 33, Folder 6 |
Original Map of Providence, 1650 Contents Note: By Henry R. Chace [md155]
undated |
Drawer 33, Folder 6 |
Map of Providence in 1664 showing home lots and Indian Trails Contents Note: Photostat [md17]
undated |
Drawer 33, Folder 6 |
Plats of streets and highways Contents Note: 16 Photostats unmounted in folder. [md129]
before 1750 |
Drawer 33, Folder 6 |
Providence in the 17th Century Contents Note: Photostat. [md37]
undated |
Drawer 33, Folder 6 |
Map of house lotts against Zachariah Mathewson's dwelling, 1717-18 Contents Note: Blueprint copied in 1929. [md4]
1929 |
Drawer 33, Folder 6 |
Map of the house Lotts in the Towne Street Stampers' Hill, 1717-18 Contents Note: By Andrew Harris. Photostat made in 1886. [md141]
1886 |
Drawer 33, Folder 6 |
Plat of lots & streets from the river up Weybosset St., 1717-18 Contents Note: . By Philip Crapo in 1824. [md36]
1824 |
Drawer 33, Folder 7 |
Weybosset St. Draft of a highway from Weybosset Bridge to parting of the paths (New Market Place), & Highway from Ezekiel Woodman's land, 1737 Contents Note: Blue print copied in 1881. [md43]
1881 |
Drawer 33, Folder 7 |
Plat of Providence Town Street, 1746 Contents Note: [md151]
undated |
Drawer 33, Folder 7 |
Plat of land between town bridge and Muddy Dock St., 1775 Contents Note: [md23]
undated |
Drawer 33, Folder 7 |
Plat of area between Church St, North Main St, Angell St, & Congdon St, showing Fort, 1775 Contents Note: [md145]
undated |
Drawer 33, Folder 7 |
Map - highways in Providence, 1765 Contents Note: By Henry R. Chase in 1905. Unmounted negative photocopy. [md19]
1905 |
Drawer 33, Folder 7 |
Plat of Muddy Dock St., 1796 Contents Note: By D. Anthony. Blueprint copy 1818. [md150]
1818 |
Drawer 33, Folder 7 |
Plat of part of cove above Weybosset Bridge, 1797 Contents Note: By Daniel Anthony. Photostat. [md34]
undated |
Drawer 33, Folder 7 |
Plat of Benefit St. By D. Anthony Contents Note: 1881 copy. [md140]
1801 |
Drawer 33, Folder 7 |
Map of the Town of Providence, 1803 Contents Note: By Daniel Anthony. Engraved by William Hamlin. (in Civic and Architectural Development of Providence). [md74]
undated |
Drawer 33, Folder 8 |
A Map of the Town of Providence, 1823 Contents Note: By Daniel Anthony (in Civic and Architectural Development of Providence). [md154]
undated |
Drawer 33, Folder 8 |
Map of the Town of Providence, 1823 Contents Note: By Daniel Anthony. [md20]
undated |
Drawer 33, Folder 8 |
Fac-simile of the Map of the Town of Providence in 1823 Contents Note: By Daniel Anthony. [md22]
undated |
Drawer 33, Folder 8 |
Dyer and Dorrance Sts, 1825; Elbow St., 1828 Contents Note: Traced by JHC in 1944. [md8]
1944 |
Drawer 33, Folder 8 |
Union buildings, 1825 Contents Note: By Benoni Lockwood. Traced by JHC in 1944. [md148]
1944 |
Drawer 33, Folder 8 |
Plat 16, 1827 Contents Note: Pencil tracing by John Hutchins Cady in 1944. [md136]
1944 |
Drawer 33, Folder 8 |
Plat of Dorrance St. Association Lands, 1827 Contents Note: Blueprint. [no md]
undated |
Drawer 33, Folder 8 |
Thomas St. and Cove St., 1830, 1836 Contents Note: Pencil tracing. [md139]
undated |
Drawer 33, Folder 8 |
Chart of Providence River from Weybosset Bridge to the Crook, 1834 Contents Note: By S.B. Cushing. Traced by JHC in 1944. Unmounted. [md133]
1944 |
Drawer 34, Folder 9 |
Map of City of Providence & Town of North Providence, 1835 Contents Note: By B. Lockwood and S. B. Cushing. Facsimile. [md25]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 9 |
Map of part of Cove, 1841 Contents Note: By M.B. Lockwood. Photostat. [md32]
Drawer 34, Folder 9 |
Plan of the city of Providence, 1844 Contents Note: Drawn by N.B Schubarth, published by B.F. Moore. [md71]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 9 |
Plat, Providence & Worcester RR., 1845 Contents Note: Unmounted blueprint copied 1904. [md10]
1904 |
Drawer 34, Folder 9 |
Plat, Providence & Worcester RR., 1845 Contents Note: Unmounted blueprint copied 1904. [md11]
1904 |
Drawer 34, Folder 9 |
Plat, Providence & Worcester RR, 1846 Contents Note: By Atwater and Schubarth. Unmounted blueprint. [md12]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 9 |
Plat of Dyer St. extension, 1848 Contents Note: By Atwater & Schubarth [md11?]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 9 |
Plot of Dyer St. Extension, 1848 Contents Note: By Atwater & Schubarth. Blueprint [md7]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 9 |
A Map of the City of Providence, 1849 Contents Note: By Cushing & Walling (copy) (in Civic and Architectural Development of Providence). [md58]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 10 |
Railroad Crossing St, 1850 Contents Note: By City Engineer’s Office Street Line Dept. Traced by J.H.C 1944. [md167]
1944 |
Drawer 34, Folder 10 |
Plat of Long Wharf estate, 1851 Contents Note: Traced by J.H.C in 1941. [md28]
1941 |
Drawer 34, Folder 10 |
Plat, Providence & Worcester RR, 1852 Contents Note: Blueprint copy 1896. [md2]
1896 |
Drawer 34, Folder 10 |
Plat of Dexter Farm belonging to Nicholas Brown, 1855 Contents Note: By Cushing & Farnum. Mounted on fabric. [md75]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 10 |
Map - ancient residence and burial place of Roger Williams, 1860 Contents Note: By S.B Cushing. [md54]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 10 |
Map of the City of Providence Rhode Island, 1870 Contents Note: By D.G. Beers & Co. Photostat (negative). [md106]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 10 |
Map of the City of Providence Rhode Island, 1870 Contents Note: By D.G. Beers & Co. Photostat. (in Civic and Architectural Development of Providence). [md108]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 10 |
Tracing of an Ancient Plat, 1875 Contents Note: By Z. Allen. Unmounted tracing by JHC in 1944. [md132]
1944 |
Drawer 34, Folder 10 |
Bull (Jirah) House in South Kingston, 1879 Contents Note: Blueprint. [md142]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 11 |
Map of the City of Providence, Rhode Island, 1881 Contents Note: By Sampson, Davenport & Co. Photostat. [md105]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 11 |
First division of home lots, Providence - Towne Street, 1886 Contents Note: By C.W. Hopkins. [md69]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 11 |
Home lots of early settlers of Providence along North Main Street, 1886 Contents Note: By C.W. Hopkins. Photostat. [md153]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 11 |
Home lots of early settlers of Providence along South Main Street, 1886 Contents Note: By C.W. Hopkins. Photostat. [md152]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 11 |
Map of Providence by The Metropolis Map Co., 1890 Contents Note: [md109]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 11 |
Plat of river lines and street lines between Crawford St Bridge and Weybosset Bridge, 1897 Contents Note: Unmounted blueprint copied in 1914. [md76]
1914 |
Drawer 34, Folder 11 |
Map of the City of Providence, Rhode Island Contents Note: By Sampson, Murdock & Co. Unmounted. (original) (in Civic and Architectural Development of Providence) [md130]
1899 |
Drawer 34, Folder 11 |
Map of the City of Providence, Rhode Island, 1899 Contents Note: By Sampson & Murdock Co. Photostat. [md86]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 11 |
Map of the City of Providence, 1900 Contents Note: By Sampson & Murdock Co. [md107]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 12 |
Latest Map of Providence City Rhode Island, 1905 Contents Note: By Walker Lith & Pub. Co. Fold out map with cover in mylar. [md124]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 12 |
Map of the City of Providence, 1927 Contents Note: By Sampson & Murdock Co. Photostat. [md95]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 12 |
Map of the City of Providence Rhode Island, 1933 Contents Note: By Sampson & Murdock Co. Unmounted on mylar. Re-annexations noted. [md91]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 12 |
Map of the City of Providence Rhode Island, 1942 Contents Note: By R. L. Polk & Co. [md113]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 12 |
Fowlers Hill (Weybosset opp. Mathewson), 1943 Contents Note: By Clarence F. Lamb. Photostat. [md33]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 12 |
A Prospect of College Hill in the City of Providence, 1962 Contents Note: By The Providence Preservation Society. Unmounted illustration. [md92]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 12 |
South County in Rhode Island, 1935 Contents Note: Designed by Phillips D. booth, published by The Utter Company. [md41]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 12 |
South County in Rhode Island, 1936 Contents Note: Designed by Phillips D. booth, published by The Utter Company. [md65]
undated |
Drawer 34, Folder 12 |
Western Warwick RI Tercentenary, The Pawtuxet Valley of R.I., 1936 Contents Note: [md48]
undated |