Pembroke College Department of Physical Education records, 1914-1978

John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts
Box A
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: Manuscripts: 401-863-3723; University Archives: 401-863-2148
Email: Manuscripts:; University Archives:

Published in 2024

Collection Overview

Title: Pembroke College Department of Physical Education records
Date range: 1914-1978
Creator: Pembroke College (Brown University)
Extent: 6 Linear Feet
Abstract: This collection contains the records of the Pembroke College Department of Physical Education. Established in 1897, this department was part of Pembroke College, the women's college in Brown University until the women's and men's colleges merged in 1971. This collection includes physical education course materials, financial records, correspondence, conference materials, meeting materials, and museum objects dating from 1914 – 1978.
Language of materials: English
Repository: John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts
Collection number: OF.1OA.1ZP

Scope & content

This collection contains the records of the Pembroke College Department of Physical Education. Established in 1897, this department was part of Pembroke College, the women's college in Brown University until the women's and men's colleges merged in 1971. This collection includes physical education course materials, financial records, correspondence, conference materials, meeting materials, and museum objects. Materials date from 1914 – 1978 and are arranged into 9 series.

Series 1, Courses: Hygiene and other instruction, 1915-1955, includes correspondence, syllabi, pamphlets, reports, lecture notes, material from other colleges, exams, and course evaluations by the students. The bulk of this series is material used by freshman course (referred to as Hygiene and Body Mechanics) instructors, but it also includes files used to teach gymnastics, camp counseling and water safety, and how to teach games. This series documents an important part of the required curriculum at Pembroke College, including implicit, if not explicit, definitions of what Pembroke women should know and how they should carry themselves and act. Since the freshman course had counterparts at most, if not all, women's colleges in the northeast, this series can be used to add to that more general history as well as to the social history of women at Brown. This series is arranged alphabetically by course title and then chronologically.

Series 2, Courses: Recreation and sports, 1915-1961, contains correspondence, exams, clippings, articles, rules, announcements, material from other colleges, reports, pamphlets, and results of inter- and intra-collegiate events. A number of instructional clippings, and printed pamphlets were discarded; a sampling was kept. In addition to the file of exams at the end of the series, exams appear throughout this series. Although Bessie Rudd was probably the primary owner of many of these files, some predate her arrival and many were added to and used by other instructors. In addition to documenting the variety of sport and recreation courses the department offered and some of the pedagogy used, this series provides information about early intercollegiate and intramural athletics. This series is arranged alphabetically by course title.

Series 3, Classes of 1933-1969, contains statistics (e.g. the class's combined weight), lists of potential athletes, notes taken during first year and senior student conferences, grades, results of swimming and other tests, lists of students restricted from specific physical activity and why, lists of students with dysmenorrhea, lecture notes, clippings, and some reunion material. It does not include posture pictures, which were destroyed (for one example, see series VI). Early files were marked "statistics". Portions of almost all of the flies in this series are closed until eighty years after the year of graduation. For a sample of some of the closed items, see the first folder in the series. The closed material includes all information regarding student grades and medical and physical descriptions. The first year and senior student conferences were conducted by Bessie Rudd, and later by Arlene Gorton. During those conferences. Rudd and Gorton noted such attributes as a student's height, weight, ideal weight, physical (e.g. severe acne) and emotional (e.g. moody) descriptions, if she had dysmenorrhea, notes regarding posture and corrective requirements therein, medical restrictions (e.g. has asthma--may drop out), athletic interests. and career plans. For more information on posture pictures, read The Great Ivy League Nude Posture Photo Scandal in The New York Times (January 15, 1996) and listen to these Pembroke Center Oral History Project interviews. This series is arranged chronologically by class year.

Series 4, Financial records, 1967-1968, includes work orders, invoices, purchase orders, and receipts that document some of the department's fiscal activity during one academic year. This series may provide insight into such diverse matters as what kinds of equipment the department had, and their reliance on taxicabs.

Series 5, Student organizations and events, 1914-1961, contains correspondence, programs, lists of Athletic and Recreation Association board members, score cards, and an Archery Club report. It includes lists of events, planning material, and results from the inter-class competition and demonstration days, sometimes known as Field Day. This series provides fragmentary evidence of the relationship between the department and student activities; more such documentation is available in series 8.

Series 6, Resources and correspondence, 1919-1972, documents the department's ties with other colleges including exhibitions and their sharing of resources, particularly regarding posture. Items include pamphlets, correspondence, programs, reports, speeches and radio scripts written by Pembroke College department staff and others. This series also contains the only posture pictures (all of one woman) found in these records, which are closed for research pending administrative review. For more information on posture pictures, read The Great Ivy League Nude Posture Photo Scandal in The New York Times (January 15, 1996) and listen to these Pembroke Center Oral History Project interviews. This series is arranged chronologically.

Series 7, Conferences and Professional Organizations, 1923-1976, contains reports, announcements, handouts, and correspondence, from conferences and organizations within which department staff were active. For material from organizations in which staff do not appear to have been active, see series 6. Many of these files were kept by Bessie Rudd, who continued to go to meetings and conferences and to collect material after her retirement. Because her files continue those begun in these departmental records, they remain in this collection. For the participation in similar organizations by former members of the department after the merger, see University Archives OF-lOA-2. The organizations represented here include: the Annual Conference of Instructors of Body Mechanics (the name of which changed several times, see the files for the name at any given time); the American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation and its relational Section on Women's Athletics, Division for Girls and Women's Sports, Eastern District Association, and Rhode Island DGWS; the Eastern and, National Associations for Physical Education of College Women; the Women's Division of the National Amateur Athletic Federation; the [New England Women's Intercollegiate Sailing Association; and the Rhode Island Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. Material from the body mechanics conferences documents the philosophy driving curriculum in Pembroke College's Freshman Course and similar courses in other departments, as well as illustrating the curriculum itself. This series provides the context of national, regional and state organizations within which the department acted. This series is arranged alphabetically by name.

Series 8, Women Coaches, 1968-1978

Series 9, Museum Objects, 1934-1976

The folder titles in this collection were virtually all taken from the titles on the files when they arrived in the archives. Unfortunately, these files do not provide much information about the Department of Physical Education before 1930. Although there is only one folder specifically devoted to the Pembroke College Athletic and Recreation Association, the work of this student organization is evident throughout these records.

Access Points

Subject Organizations Subject Topics


These records are arranged into 9 series:

Series 1, Courses: Hygiene and other instruction, 1915-1955

Series 2, Courses: Recreation and sports, 1915-1961

Series 3, Classes of 1933-1969

Series 4, Financial records, 1967-196

Series 5, Student organizations and events, 1914-1961

Series 6, Resources and correspondence, 1919-1972

Series 7, Conferences and Professional Organizations, 1923-1976

Series 8, Women Coaches, 1968-1978

Series 9, Museum objects, 1934-1976

Biographical / Historical

The Pembroke College Department of Physical Education was established in the fall of 1897 as the Department of Physical Culture in the Women's College. In 1904, it became the Department of Physical Training. The name changed again in 1912 to the Department of Hygiene and Physical Education. The department was located in Sayles Gymnasium after the building's dedication in 1907. In 1956 the department assumed its final name, the Department of Physical Education, until 1971 when it merged with the men's Department of Physical Education. The merger of men's and women's physical education and athletics was not complete, however, until 1973-74 when they had a single budget, administration, and faculty. Although it was known as the Department of Physical Education and Recreation in the 1960s, it is not clear that that was ever its official name. In 1892, the second year women were allowed to take Brown University's final examinations, women were required to exercise with dumb bells and Indian clubs and "in Swedish movements", and first year students had to take a course in hygiene. The exercise requirements reflect the growth of the new field of physical education; men were also required to exercise and hygiene was part of a required course for both sexes (at first physiology, later biology). By the mid-19l0s, however, women's requirements grew into a four-year program that cultivated fitness and femininity whereas the men's dwindled to two years, and then only one year, of exercise. It was not until 1957 that the chair of the department, Bessie Rudd, excused seniors without too many prior cuts from physical education their final year. In 1963, the requirement dropped to one year to match the men's. In 1970, the physical education requirement was eliminated for both sexes. Although hygiene was initially part of an introductory biology course and was also taught through the short-lived Household Economics department, by 1912, as its name proclaims, hygiene was an integral part of the department's work. A "freshman course" that included instruction in hygiene began before 1910. Hygiene included not only care for one's body through proper grooming, but also nutrition, information about diseases, and posture and other training appropriate for "proper" young women. Both parts of the department's mission (hygiene and physical education) required close connections to campus medical and health staff, from the days of the Medical Examiner through the emergence of the Division of University Health.

Although the Department of Physical Education was not the rubric under which competitive undergraduate women's sports developed, its staff facilitated student-run efforts to organize some A sports. (Although the work of the Athletic and Recreation Association, a student organization, is - evident throughout these files, for its own records, see the Pembroke College Athletic and Recreation Association records (OF-lQ-Alzp) at Brown University)

Although competition was carefully regulated so as to keep Pembroke women within the bounds of femininity, there was inter-class and even intercollegiate competition. The attempts to restrain competition may have been what produced intercollegiate "telegraphic meets" in bowling, archery, etc.; rather than compete directly, students sent their scores to be measured against the results from competing schools.

Some intercollegiate competition appears to have emerged from individual physical education courses, for example the Basketball course (see series II: Basketball). In addition to sports, the department was the locus of dance on campus until the late 1960s. The department offered dance courses and sponsored student performances and exhibitions by outside groups. May Day and Sophomore Masque productions were aided by department faculty.

For further historical information, see see Cindy Himes' "From Equity to Equality: Women's Athletics at Brown", in Polly Welts Kaufman's The Search for Equity: Women at Brown University, 1891-1991.

Access & Use

Access to the collection: There are some restrictions on access for analog materials, including student records that are closed for 80 years and posture pictures, which were closed for research pending administrative review in 2024. The collection can only be seen by prior appointment. Some materials may be stored off-site and cannot be produced on the same day on which they are requested. Advance notice is required to view any audiovisual media or born-digital records that may exist in this collection.
Use of the materials: All researchers seeking to publish materials from the collections of the John Hay Library are requested to complete a Notice of Intent to Publish, available on the John Hay Library website or by request, prior to reproducing, quoting, or otherwise publishing any portion or extract from this collection. Although Brown University has physical ownership of the collection and the materials contained therein, it does not claim literary rights. It is up to the researcher to determine the owners of the literary rights and to obtain any necessary permissions from them.
Preferred citation: Pembroke College Department of Physical Education records, OF.1OA.1ZP, Box [#], Folder [#], Pembroke Center Archives, John Hay Library, Brown University.
Contact information: John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts
Box A
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: Manuscripts: 401-863-3723; University Archives: 401-863-2148
Email: Manuscripts:; University Archives:

Administrative Information

Acquisition: Many of these files were transferred from the Pembroke College Department of Physical Education to the University Archives via Pembroke Center Archivist Karen Lamoree in 1986 and 1988.
Author: Raymond Butti Jr. and Amanda Knox on behalf of the Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women and the John Hay Library, Brown University.
Encoding: This finding aid was produced using ArchivesSpace on 2024-06-13.
Descriptive rules: Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Sponsor: Curatorial work provided by Karen Lamoree on behalf of the Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women and the Brown University Library.

Additional Information

Related material:

Related Materials

Additional Pembroke College Department of Physical Education records exist in the University Archives. For clippings see the Topics File: 1-ZP Pembroke Athletics. For eleven comprehensive scrapbooks compiled by the department, see SB-lOA- lzp. For departmental bulletins, see Classified File: 1-ZP Physical Education Departmental Bulletins. For information about women's athletics at Brown University after the merger see the Women's Coaches minutes: OF-lOA-2. For physical education banners and clothing, see the Museum Objects Index. Records documenting women in the Department of Physical Education and in athletics at Brown University after the merger are in the departmental and athletics records as well as the Brown University women's athletics ephemera (Ms.2019.014) at Brown University. See also the Arlene Gorton files (OF-1UF-G3) at Brown University and her oral history interviews. For more information on posture pictures, read The Great Ivy League Nude Posture Photo Scandal in The New York Times (January 15, 1996) and listen to these Pembroke Center Oral History Project interviews.


Series 1. Courses: Hygiene and other instruction, 1915-1955

Container Description Date
Box [3 1236 09402 6492] 1, Folder I.1 Camp Counselors Training
Box [3 1236 09402 6492] 1, Folder I.2 Camp Counselors Training
Box [3 1236 09402 6492] 1, Folder I.3 Camp Counseling
Box [3 1236 09402 6492] 1, Folder I.4 Camp Counseling
Box [3 1236 09402 6492] 1, Folder I.5 Freshman Course - Correspondence
Contents Note: Correspondence.

Box [3 1236 09402 6492] 1, Folder I.6 Freshman Course
Box [3 1236 09402 6492] 1, Folder I.7 Freshman Course - Grooming
Box [3 1236 09402 6492] 1, Folder I.8 Freshman Course - Schedules
Box [3 1236 09402 6492] 1, Folder I.9 Freshman Course - Schedules
Box [3 1236 09402 6492] 1, Folder I.10 Freshman Course - Suggestions From Other Students
Box [3 1236 09402 6492] 1, Folder I.11 Freshman Course - Suggestions Given at Exam
Box [3 1236 09402 6492] 1, Folder I.12 Freshman Course - Suggestions Given at Exam
Box [3 1236 09402 6492] 1, Folder I.13 Freshman Course - Suggestions Given at Exam
Box [3 1236 09402 6492] 1, Folder I.14 Freshman Course - Tally
Box [3 1236 09402 6492] 1, Folder I.15 Freshman Course - Tuberculosis and Heart
Box [3 1236 09402 6492] 1, Folder I.16 Freshman Course - Hygiene
Contents Note: Contains books lists and visual aids.

Box [3 1236 09402 6492] 1, Folder I.17 Freshman Course - Hygiene - Diseases
Box [3 1236 09402 6492] 1, Folder I.18 Freshman Course - Hygiene - Diseases
Box [3 1236 09402 6492] 1, Folder I.19 Freshman Course - Hygiene
Box [3 1236 09402 6484] 2, Folder I.20 Freshman Course - Hygiene - Examinations and Keys
Box [3 1236 09402 6484] 2, Folder I.21 Freshman Course - Hygiene - Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Box [3 1236 09402 6484] 2, Folder I.22 Freshman Course - Hygiene - General Health
Contents Note: Includes card warning against low weight.

Box [3 1236 09402 6484] 2, Folder I.23 Freshman Course - Hygiene - General Health Pamphlets
Contents Note: Includes reprint of "Vital Capacit4y in College Women : A Study of Students with High and Low Vital Capacity" by Abby H. Turner, published by the Archives of Internal Medicine, 1930, and pamphlet re: Elizabeth Blackwell.

Box [3 1236 09402 6484] 2, Folder I.24 Freshman Course - Hygiene - Mental Health
Box [3 1236 09402 6484] 2, Folder I.25 Freshman Course - Hygiene - Nutrition
Box [3 1236 09402 6484] 2, Folder I.26 Freshman Course - Hygiene - Nurtition (Printed Material)
Box [3 1236 09402 6484] 2, Folder I.27 Freshman Course - Hygiene - Poster and Bulletin Board Material
Box [3 1236 09402 6484] 2, Folder I.28 Freshman Course - Hygiene - Sex and Reproduction
Box [3 1236 09402 6484] 2, Folder I.29 Freshman Course - Hygiene - Skin
Box [3 1236 09402 6484] 2, Folder I.30 Freshman Course - Hygiene - Teeth
Box [3 1236 09402 6484] 2, Folder I.31 Freshman Course - Hygiene - Body Mechanics - Feet and Shoes
Box [3 1236 09402 6484] 2, Folder I.32 Freshman Course - Hygiene - Body Mechanics - Menstruation
Box [3 1236 09402 6484] 2, Folder I.33 Freshman Course - Body Mechanics - Notes for Bessie Rudd
Box [3 1236 09402 6484] 2, Folder I.34 Freshman Course - Hygiene - Body Mechanics - Posture
Box [3 1236 09402 6484] 2, Folder I.35 Freshman Course - Hygiene - Body Mechanics - Posture
Box [3 1236 09402 6484] 2, Folder I.36 Freshman Course - Hygiene - Body Mechanics - Relaxation
Box [3 1236 09402 6484] 2, Folder I.37 Freshman Course - Hygiene - Body Mechanics - Sample Examinations
Box [3 1236 09402 6484] 2, Folder I.38 Games
Contents Note: Grade school, leisure time.

Box [3 1236 09402 6476] 3, Folder I.39 Gymnastics - Exercises
Contents Note: Games, stungs, Folk Dancing, etc.

Box [3 1236 09402 6476] 3, Folder I.40 Gymnastics - Exercises
Box [3 1236 09402 6476] 3, Folder I.41 Health Education
Contents Note: Material for Hygiene lectures and conferences.

Box [3 1236 09402 6476] 3, Folder I.42 Health Education
Box [3 1236 09402 6476] 3, Folder I.43 Recreation and Course Material
Box [3 1236 09402 6476] 3, Folder I.44 Spectator Sports
Contents Note: Lecture notes.

Box [3 1236 09402 6476] 3, Folder I.45 Water Safety, Canoeing

Series 2. Courses: Recreation and Sports, 1915-1961

Container Description Date
Box [3 1236 09402 6476] 3, Folder II.1 Examinations on Sports
Contents Note: Copies of tests.

Box [3 1236 09402 6476] 3, Folder II.2 Archery
Box [3 1236 09402 6476] 3, Folder II.3 Archery
Box [3 1236 09402 6476] 3, Folder II.4 Badminton
Box [3 1236 09402 6476] 3, Folder II.5 Basketball
Contents Note: Includes resultes from national survey.

Box [3 1236 09402 6476] 3, Folder II.6 Basketball
Box [3 1236 09402 6476] 3, Folder II.8 Basketball Examinations
Box [3 1236 09402 6476] 3, Folder II.9 Baseball
Box [3 1236 09402 6476] 3, Folder II.10 Billiards
Box [3 1236 09402 6476] 3, Folder II.11 Bowling
Box [3 1236 09402 6476] 3, Folder II.12 Bowling
Box [3 1236 09402 6476] 3, Folder II.13 Bowling
Box [3 1236 09402 6476] 3, Folder II.14 Crew
Box [3 1236 09402 6476] 3, Folder II.15 Fistball
Box [3 1236 09402 6468] 4, Folder II.16 Fencing
Box [3 1236 09402 6468] 4, Folder II.17 Field Ball
Box [3 1236 09402 6468] 4, Folder II.18 Field Hockey
Box [3 1236 09402 6468] 4, Folder II.19 Field Hockey
Box [3 1236 09402 6468] 4, Folder II.20 Field Hockey - Scorebook
Box [3 1236 09402 6468] 4, Folder II.21 Games - Recreation : Deck Tennis, etc.
Box [3 1236 09402 6468] 4, Folder II.22 Golf
Box [3 1236 09402 6468] 4, Folder II.23 Golf
Box [3 1236 09402 6468] 4, Folder II.24 Golf - Reference Material
Box [3 1236 09402 6468] 4, Folder II.25 Lacrosse
Box [3 1236 09402 6468] 4, Folder II.26 Riding
Box [3 1236 09402 6468] 4, Folder II.27 Riflery
Box [3 1236 09402 6468] 4, Folder II.28 Sailing
Box [3 1236 09402 6468] 4, Folder II.29 Skating
Box [3 1236 09402 6468] 4, Folder II.30 Skiing
Box [3 1236 09402 6468] 4, Folder II.31 Soccer and Speedball
Box [3 1236 09402 6468] 4, Folder II.32 Square Dance
Box [3 1236 09402 6468] 4, Folder II.33 Swimming
Box [3 1236 09402 6468] 4, Folder II.34 Swimming
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder II.35 Swimming
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder II.36 Swimming
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder II.37 Table Tennis
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder II.38 Tennis
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder II.39 Tennis
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder II.40 Tennis
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder II.41 Tennis Rackets
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder II.42 Track
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder II.43 Volleyball

Series 3. Classes of 1933-1969

Container Description Date
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.1 First Year and Senior Conference, Posture Evaluations
Contents Note: Samples of closed material in series III. Also includes blakd medical form not found in these records but that may have been used by the department.

Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.2 Class of 1933
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.3 Class of 1934
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.4 Class of 1936
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.5 Class of 1937
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.6 Class of 1938
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.7 Class of 1939
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.9 Class of 1940
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.10 Class of 1942
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.11 Class of 1943
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.12 Class of 1944
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.13 Class of 1945
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.14 Class of 1946
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.15 Class of 1947
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.16 Class of 1948
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.17 Class of 1949
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.18 Class of 1950
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.19 Class of 1951
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.20 Class of 1952
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.21 Class of 1953
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.22 Class of 1954
Box [3 1236 09402 6450] 5, Folder III.23 Class of 1955
Box [3 1236 09402 6443] 6, Folder III.24 Class of 1956
Box [3 1236 09402 6443] 6, Folder III.25 Class of 1957
Box [3 1236 09402 6443] 6, Folder III.26 Class of 1958
Box [3 1236 09402 6443] 6, Folder III.27 Class of 1959
Box [3 1236 09402 6443] 6, Folder III.28 Class of 1960
Box [3 1236 09402 6443] 6, Folder III.29 Class of 1961
Box [3 1236 09402 6443] 6, Folder III.30 Class of 1962
Box [3 1236 09402 6443] 6, Folder III.31 Class of 1963
Box [3 1236 09402 6443] 6, Folder III.32 Class of 1964
Box [3 1236 09402 6443] 6, Folder III.33 Class of 1965
Box [3 1236 09402 6443] 6, Folder III.34 Class of 1966
Box [3 1236 09402 6443] 6, Folder III.35 Class of 1967
Box [3 1236 09402 6443] 6, Folder III.36 Class of 1968
Box [3 1236 09402 6443] 6, Folder III.37 Class of 1969

Series 4. Financial Records, 1967-1968

Container Description Date
Box [3 1236 09402 6435] 7, Folder IV.1 Equipment Repair
Box [3 1236 09402 6435] 7, Folder IV.2 Miscellaneous and Publicity
Box [3 1236 09402 6435] 7, Folder IV.3 Petty Cash : Leotard and Key Accounts
Box [3 1236 09402 6435] 7, Folder IV.4 Sports
Box [3 1236 09402 6435] 7, Folder IV.5 Supplies, Books and Periodicals
Box [3 1236 09402 6435] 7, Folder IV.6 Supplies, Books and Periodicals
Box [3 1236 09402 6435] 7, Folder IV.7 Student Service [Employees]
Box [3 1236 09402 6435] 7, Folder IV.8 Swim
Box [3 1236 09402 6435] 7, Folder IV.9 Travel

Series 5. Student Organizations and Events, 1914-1961

Container Description Date
Box [3 1236 09402 6435] 7, Folder V.1 Archery Club
Box [3 1236 09402 6435] 7, Folder V.2 Athletic Association
Box [3 1236 09402 6435] 7, Folder V.3 Dance Club
Box [3 1236 09402 6435] 7, Folder V.4 Interclass Competition and Demonstrations of Gymnastics, Games, and Dancing
Box [3 1236 09402 6435] 7, Folder V.5 Interclass Competition and Demonstrations of Gymnastics, Games, and Dancing
Box [3 1236 09402 6435] 7, Folder V.6 Interclass Competition and Demonstrations of Gymnastics, Games, and Dancing
Box [3 1236 09402 6435] 7, Folder V.7 Interclass Competition and Demonstrations of Gymnastics, Games, and Dancing
Box [3 1236 09402 6435] 7, Folder V.8 Interclass Competition and Demonstrations of Gymnastics, Games, and Dancing
Box [3 1236 09402 6435] 7, Folder V.9 May Day

Series 6. Resources and Correspondence, 1919-1972

Container Description Date
Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.1 Dancing : Pageants, Masques, etc.
Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.2 Dancing : Pageants, Masques, etc.
Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.3 Dancing : Pageants, Masques, etc.
Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.4 Course Outline by Gertrude Mandustro : Rhode Island State Normal School
Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.5 Demonstrations and meets - other colleges
Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.6 Demonstrations and meets - other colleges
Contents Note: Flyers, pamphlets, etc.

Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.7 Physical Education in War Time
General Note:
    Phamplets, reports. Also marked "Physical Fitness Test".

Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.8 Posture
Contents Note: Schematograph and Wellesley method for recording images 1920s (late).

Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.9 Posture
Contents Note: Correspondence with Samuel Higby.

Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.10 Posture
Contents Note: Correspondence re: National Posture Week.

Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.11 Posture
Contents Note: Photographs (silhoulette) and evaluation. Closed for research pending administrative review.

Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.12 Speeches and Radio Broadcasts
Contents Note: Radio scripts and speeches. It is unclear if they all belong to exclusely to Bessie Rudd.

Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.13 Holyoke Dance Recital
Contents Note: Correspondence.

Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.14 Biology
Contents Note: Relative to lecture by Miss Wilder.

Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.15 Announcement
Contents Note: Re: classes offered to alumnae, staff, and their families.

Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.16 Bryn Mawr May Day
Contents Note: Program, clipping.

Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.17 May Day, Sophomore Masque
Contents Note: Correspondence.

Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.18 National Aquatic Leadership Committee
Contents Note: Pamphlets, correspondence, proposal, report. Comittee of the American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation.

Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.19 Menstrual Research--Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania
Contents Note: Correspondence, charts, etc.

Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.20 Radio Scripts : Physical Fitness and War, Women and Sport
Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.21 American Association of University Women, British Federation of University Women
Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.22 Preparatory Material for Speeches
Contents Note: Articles, jokes, stories, etc.

Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.23 Anatomical Charts
Contents Note: Correspondence.

Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.24 Sayles Gym and Alumnae Hall
Contents Note: Memos.

Box [3 1236 09402 6427] 8, Folder VI.25 Your Job Future after College
Contents Note: Phamplet.

Box [31236094026419] 9, Folder VI.26 Martha Graham Concert
Contents Note: Program, notes, clippings, correspondence, fincial accounts. Martha Graham and Dance Company performed in November 1949. Also includes program from Graham's 1936 Providence performance. Oversized poster filed in office files map case drawer.

Box [31236094026419] 9, Folder VI.27 Martha Graham Concert
Contents Note: Correspondence, report.

Box [31236094026419] 9, Folder VI.28 Brazilian Dance Group
Contents Note: Reports, correspondence, photographs. The group performed at Pembroke in October 1951.

Box [31236094026419] 9, Folder VI.29 International Relations
Contents Note: Pamphlets.

Box [31236094026419] 9, Folder VI.30 International Relations
Contents Note: Newsletter, booklets, reports 1952.

Box [31236094026419] 9, Folder VI.31 Bennington College Dance Group
Box [31236094026419] 9, Folder VI.32 Material on Alcohol
Contents Note: Most from workshop at Rhode Island College of Education.

Box [31236094026419] 9, Folder VI.33 Dorothy S. Ainsworth
Contents Note: Letters to Bessie Rudd. Photographs are filed in University Archives Photograph File: 1-ZP, Bessie Rudd.

Box [31236094026419] 9, Folder VI.34 Survey of Physical Education Facilities and Programs in a Selected Group of Colleges and Universities in the South and Midwest
Contents Note: Report of a Tour of Colleges and Universities, by Bessie Rudd.

Box [31236094026419] 9, Folder VI.35 Red Cross Basketball Commemoration Day
Contents Note: Programs.

Box [31236094026419] 9, Folder VI.36 Arlene Gorton
Contents Note: Letter to Bessie Rudd. Folder was marked "Arlene Gorton". Letter signed "Ronnie".

Box [31236094026419] 9, Folder VI.37 Physical Education at Pembroke College
Contents Note: Recommendations.

Box [31236094026419] 9, Folder VI.38 Bessie Rudd
Contents Note: Place card. Cutout of woman dancing.

Series 7. Conferences and Professional Organizations, 1923-1976

Container Description Date
Box [31236094026419] 9, Folder VII.1 American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation
Box [31236094026419] 9, Folder VII.2 American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation
Contents Note: Committee to Develop Patterns and Standards: reports, etc.

Box [31236094026419] 9, Folder VII.3 American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation--Division for Girls and Women's Sports
Contents Note: Reports, pamphlets, histories.

Box [31236094026419] 9, Folder VII.4 American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation--Division for Girls and Women's Sports--Rhode Island
Box [31236094026419] 9, Folder VII.5 American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation--Eastern District Association
Contents Note: Constitution, proceedings, plans, manuals.

Box [31236094026401] 10, Folder VII.6 American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation--National Section on Women's Athletics
Contents Note: Standards for sports.

Box [31236094026401] 10, Folder VII.7 American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation--National Section on Women's Athletics
Contents Note: Marked for "BHR" report by Frances Kaszubski, member of the 1948 women's Olympic team.

Box [31236094026401] 10, Folder VII.8 American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation--National Section on Women's Athletics
Contents Note: Credo and operating codes.

Box [31236094026401] 10, Folder VII.9 American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation--National Section on Women's Athletics
Contents Note: Personnel and finance reports, policy.

Box [31236094026401] 10, Folder VII.10 American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation--National Section on Women's Athletics
Contents Note: Re: executive secretary, change to divisional status.

Box [31236094026401] 10, Folder VII.11 Annual Conference of Instructors of Body Mechanics
Contents Note: Reports announcement. The name of this conference changed constantly. See contents.

Box [31236094026401] 10, Folder VII.12 Annual Conference of Instructors of Body Mechanics
Contents Note: Correspondence re: conference at Pembroke College.

Box [31236094026401] 10, Folder VII.13 Annual Conference of Instructors of Body Mechanics
Contents Note: Correspondence re: conference at Pembroke College

Box [31236094026401] 10, Folder VII.14 Annual Conference of Instructors of Body Mechanics
Contents Note: Reports and handouts for conference at Pembroke College.

Box [31236094026401] 10, Folder VII.15 Annual Conference of Instructors of Body Mechanics
Contents Note: Re: student surveys for presentation at 1941 conference. The presentation was given by Bessie Rudd.

Box [31236094026401] 10, Folder VII.16 Annual Conference of Instructors of Body Mechanics
Box [31236094026401] 10, Folder VII.17 Eastern Association of Directors of Physical Education for College Women
Contents Note: Annual Conference, Pembroke College. The contents of this files refers to the association as a society, but the proper name is at it appears above.

Box [31236094026401] 10, Folder VII.18 Eastern Association for Physical Education for College Women
Contents Note: History, reports.

Box [31236094026401] 10, Folder VII.19 Eastern Association for Physical Education for College Women
Contents Note: Newsletters, programs lists.

Box [31236094026401] 10, Folder VII.20 Eastern Association for Physical Education for College Women
Contents Note: Newsletters, programs lists.

Box [31236094026401] 10, Folder VII.21 Eastern Association for Physical Education for College Women
Contents Note: Newsletters, programs lists.

Box [31236094026393] 11, Folder VII.22 Eastern Association for Physical Education for College Women
Contents Note: Skits for 50th anniversary.

Box [31236094026393] 11, Folder VII.23 Middle Atlantic Association of Women Sailors
Box [31236094026393] 11, Folder VII.24 National Amateur Athletic Federation--Women's Division
Box [31236094026393] 11, Folder VII.25 National Amateur Athletic Federation--Women's Division
Box [31236094026393] 11, Folder VII.26 National Amateur Athletic Federation--Women's Division
Box [31236094026393] 11, Folder VII.27 National Amateur Athletic Federation--Women's Division
Box [31236094026393] 11, Folder VII.28 National Amateur Athletic Federation--Women's Division
Box [31236094026393] 11, Folder VII.29 National Association for Physical Education of College Women
Contents Note: Newsletter, history.

Box [31236094026393] 11, Folder VII.30 National Conference on Intramural Sports for College Men and Women.
Contents Note: Washington, D.C.

Box [31236094026393] 11, Folder VII.31 New England Women's Sailing Association
Box [31236094026393] 11, Folder VII.32 New England Women's Sailing Association
Box [31236094026393] 11, Folder VII.33 New England Women's Sailing Association
Box [31236094026393] 11, Folder VII.34 New England Women's Sailing Association
Box [31236094026633] 12, Folder VII.35 Northeast Regional Conference of the Athletic Recreation Federation of College Women
Contents Note: Program, report, handouts from conference at Pembroke College.

Box [31236094026633] 12, Folder VII.36 Rhode Island Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation
Contents Note: Constitutions, history, speech by Bessie Rudd.

Box [31236094026633] 12, Folder VII.37 Rhode Island Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation
Contents Note: Newsletters lists of officers, etc.

Box [31236094026633] 12, Folder VII.38 Rhode Island Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation
Contents Note: Newsletters, etc.

Box [31236094026633] 12, Folder VII.39 Rhode Island Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation
Box [31236094026633] 12, Folder VII.40 Rhode Island Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation
Contents Note: Programs and minutes.

Box [31236094026633] 12, Folder VII.41 Rhode Island Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation
Contents Note: Resolutions Committee.


Series 8. Women Coaches, 1968-1978

Container Description Date
Box [31236094026542] 13, Folder VIII.1 Women's Coaches Meetings
Contents Note: Minutes, correspondence, schedules.

Box [31236094026542] 13, Folder VIII.2 Women's Coaches Meetings
Box [31236094026542] 13, Folder VIII.3 Women's Coaches Meeting
Box [31236094026542] 13, Folder VIII.4 Eastern Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women
Contents Note: Newsletter, policies and procedures, minutes.

Box [31236094026542] 13, Folder VIII.5 Eastern Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women
Contents Note: Pamphlets and correspondence.

Box [31236094026542] 13, Folder VIII.6 Eastern Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women
Contents Note: Includes correspondence.

Box [31236094026542] 13, Folder VIII.7 Eastern Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women
Box [31236094026542] 13, Folder VIII.8 Eastern Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women
Box [31236094026542] 13, Folder VIII.9 Eastern Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women
Contents Note: Meetings.


Series 9. Museum Objects, 1934-1976

Container Description Date
Box [31236094026633] 12, Object IX.1 Pembroke College Horse Meet
General Note:
    Two identical items (ribbons).

1934 November 22
Box [31236094026633] 12, Object IX.2 Medallion
General Note:
    National College Athletics Association Swim Meet.

Box [31236094026633] 12, Object IX.3 Key Ring
Box [31236094026633] 12, Object IX.4 Button
General Note:

Box [31236094026633] 12, Object IX.5 Button
General Note:
    "Farewell Steve Harvey".

Box [31236094026633] 12, Object IX.6 Pin
General Note:

Box [31236094026633] 12, Object IX.7 Fork
General Note:
    One silver fork inscribed "Women's College".