Guide to the James Manning papers, 1761-1827

(bulk 1765-1791)

, 1761-1827

(bulk 1765-1791)

John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts
Box A
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: Manuscripts: 401-863-3723; University Archives: 401-863-2148
Email: Manuscripts:; University Archives:

Published in 2025

Collection Overview

Title: James Manning papers
Date range: 1761-1827, (1765-1791)
Creator: Manning, James, 1738-1791
Extent: 0.5 Linear Feet
ca. 230 items
Abstract: The James Manning papers consist primarily of correspondence dating from 1765-1791 with prominent British and American Baptist ministers. Much of the correspondence involves the early history of Brown University or various issues regarding the Baptist religion and the growing tide of religion in Providence, Rhode Island.
Repository: John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts
Collection number: AMS.1C.1

Scope & content

The James Manning papers consists primarily of correspondence, mostly with prominent Baptist ministers. Much of the correspondence involves the early history of Brown University, including the effects of the American Revolutionary War on the university, the solicitation of funds to the university (including the King of France), the college's financial difficulties, the construction of University Hall and the use of the building for war purposes, various issues regarding the Baptist religion and the growing tide of religion in Providence

There is some information on Manning's family, but the bulk of the correspondence concerns Brown University and various contemporary issues. The bulk of the dates correspond to Manning's tenure as president of Brown.

Some of the principal and/or prominent correspondents include:

Access Points

Subject Names Subject Organizations Subject Topics Geographical Names Document Types


The papers are arranged in 5 series:

  • Series 1. Letters and manuscripts of James Manning
  • Series 2. Letters and manuscripts by others
  • Series 3. Genealogy of the Manning family
  • Series 4. Letters from Manning to Robert Carter
  • Series 5. Letters from Robert Carter

Biographical note

James Manning (1738-1791), first president of Brown University, was born October 22, 1738 in Piscataway, New Jersey, the son of James and Grace (Fitz-Randolph) Manning. He studied at the Latin Grammar School conducted by Isaac Eaton in Hopewell, New Jersey, and graduated second in a class of 21 from the College of New Jersey (Princeton University) in 1762. He was licensed to preach by the Scotch Plains Baptist Church, February 6, 1763, and ordained April 19, 1763. He married Margaret Stites on March 23, 1763. That same year he was sent by the Philadelphia Association of Baptist Churches to Rhode Island for the purpose of establishing a college to be principally under the direction of the Baptists. The college was chartered March 3, 1764. In April 1764 Manning opened a Latin school in Warren, Rhode Island, and became the first pastor of the Warren Baptist Church founded in November 1764. In September 1765 he was elected the first president of Rhode Island College. Manning was the only professor until 1767, when the increase in students presented a need for an additional instructor. David Howell, a graduate of the College of New Jersey was engaged as a tutor and was appointed professor of natural philosophy in 1769. In September 1769 the first Commencement was held. Seven students received the degree of Bachelor of Arts and 21 honorary degrees were awarded. On the evening of Commencement the Corporation appointed a committee to select and buy a site for the College and to solicit subscriptions. A lively competition arose, as the inhabitants of East Greenwich, Newport and Providence vied for the location of the college in their towns. When the final decision rested between Newport and Providence, depending on which raised the higher subscription of funds, Manning himself favored Providence and entered into the contest by writing an "anonymous" letter to Nicholas Brown, in which he outlined a strategy by which the fact that the Browns could build the edifice themselves at less cost in Providence could be taken into account in calculating the amount of the subscriptions. The College Edifice was built in Providence in 1770, and Manning moved to Providence and lived in Benjamin Bowen's house while the president's house was being built.

The Revolutionary War soon interrupted the life of the College, when the Edifice was taken over from December 7, 1776 to May 27, 1782, and used as barracks and as a hospital by American and French troops, and left in dilapidated condition. The war left Rhode Island short of food, as a large part of the state was in the hands of the enemy and provisions could not by law be brought from another state. Manning was commissioned to visit Connecticut and confer with the government on this matter, after which the restrictions were removed and contributions of money and provisions were sent to Rhode Island. On April 29, 1779 he left Providence with Mrs. Manning, and traveled to Philadelphia, visiting relatives in New York and New Jersey, preaching in churches along the way, and returning to Providence on September 29, at which time he wrote in his journal, "Reached Providence at six o'clock, the road better than usual; being just five months to an hour absent from home."

When the war was over, the College reopened, poor, with few students and a damaged building. David Howell had resigned as professor in 1779, leaving the College with no faculty other than the president. A subscription was begun to raise funds for the repair of the Edifice. Asher Robbins, a graduate of Yale, was appointed as tutor. In 1783 John Brown offered to pay half the price of a "compleat Philosophical Apparatus and Library," and the other half was quickly raised. In 1784 two professors were appointed, Joseph Brown as professor of experimental philosophy, and Benjamin Waterhouse as professor of natural history, both of whom "engaged to give Lectures in their respective Branches, without any Expence to the College while destitute of an Endowment." A Commencement was held in 1783 for six graduates, who had been students before the war or had studied privately with Manning, but it was not until 1786 that more students were ready for graduation. The number of students increased steadily from twenty in 1784 to fifty in 1786.

In 1786 Manning was appointed by a unanimous resolution of the General Assembly to represent Rhode Island in the Congress of the Confederation. At first he tried to decline but, on the advice of Corporation members who were men of high political standing, he left the College under the care of Perez Fobes as vice-president, and took his seat. He explained his reasons for accepting the appointment in a letter to Reverend John Rippon in England on April 7, 1786, "Pray, don't be alarmed should you hear that I am in Congress. The motive of my accepting this most unexpected, unsolicited, but unanimous appointment of the State to that office, was the recovery of a considerable sum due to the College, for the use taken of the Edifice, and the damage done to it by the public during the late war." The years after the war were difficult for Manning, and he thought seriously of leaving Providence. On November 12, 1785 he wrote to Reverend Samuel Jones, who was establishing a school in Kentucky:

"I really wish, should my Life be spared, that my connections here would any how admit of my going out with you in the Spring. I feel my Spirit moved to it, but as yet see no way open, but by disengaging myself at once from Providence at all events; & I see not how I can consistently do this, at least, before the next Commencement: My feelings have long since prognosticated that I shall not spend all the remnant of my days in Providence, unless they are few indeed."

He had not been paid his salary as delegate to the Congress and could not obtain payment in good money. He wrote to Hezekiah Smith about the sad state of his affairs on January 18, 1787:

"At the last session I petitioned them to pay my advances, and the remainder of my salary as delegate, amounting to upwards of four hundred dollars. This they offered to do in their paper, but in no other way. ... A more infamous set of men under the character of a legislature, never, I believe, disgraced the annals of the world. And there is no prospect of a change for the better. Of all the arrearages of tuition for the last year, and the quarter advanced in this, I have not received ten pounds. I was taken sick the day after the second great snow, with no provisions in the cellar except one hundred-weight of cheese, two barrels of cider, and some potatoes; with not a load of wood at my door; nor could I command a single dollar to supply these wants. The kindness of my neighbors, however, kept me from suffering. But when a man has hardly earned money, to be reduced to this abject state of dependence requires the exercise of more grace than I can boast of. ... I have serious thought of removing to the farm at the Jerseys, and undertake digging for my support. Should things wear the same unfavorable aspect next year, I believe I shall make the experiment, if my life is spared."

Added to his financial distress was unpleasantness at the College. He had expelled two students, one of whom had connections with powerful local families, who, advised and assisted by David Howell, had appealed to the Corporation. On July 23, 1787, he wrote to Samuel Jones,

"The College Horizen [sic], to me, is cloudy at Providence, but what will be the final result God only knows. I expect some trying scenes between this & Commencement. ... John Brown ... has conferred with me several times on the subject, & I have told him plainly that if I must be subject to the pointed censure of David Howel, whether I execute, or dispense with the Laws (which has been of late the case); & if he must lay hold of every opportunity to injure the Authority of College, & be supported in it by the influential men in the Corporation, they may take the Presidential Chair that choses, for I will not hold it. ... It is the opinion of many that he wishes to displace me from the College. This I believe is the truth; but it not so agreeable to be pushed out."

Manning did, in fact, spend the rest of his days as president of the College. On July 24, 1791 he was seized by a fit of apoplexy while at prayers in his home and died on July 29, 1791. His funeral on the following day was reported by the Providence Gazette to have been "the most numerous and respectable event attended in town." He was laid to rest in the North Burying Ground, next to Nicholas Brown, who had died a few months earlier.

A footnote in Reuben Guild's Early History of Brown University, including the Life, Times, and Correspondence of President Manning, published in 1897, contains this interesting commentary on Manning's appearance:

"In his youth, says Judge Howell, who knew him well, he was remarkable for his dexterity in athletic exercises, for the symmetry of his body, and gracefulness of his person. Had he lived in our day he could easily have been captain of a base-ball nine or of a foot-ball club. In his maturer years he weighed upwards of three hundred pounds. Concerning his bulk the Hon. Wm. Hunter, one of his pupils, thus writes: 'His motions and gestures were so easy and graceful, that ordinary observers thought not of his immense volume of flesh, and those who critised, admired the manner in which it spontaneously wielded.'"

Professor Goddard attested to Manning's physical prowess, "He sometimes made his own stone wall; and in the use of a scythe, he acknowledged no superior among the best trained laborers in the meadow." For his wall building services, the Corporation records note that on September 3, 1777, "President Manning laid before the Corporation an Accompt for making thirty two Rods of Stone wall on the College Land." Manning's own description of his life as president of the college and pastor of the First Baptist Church was reported thus by Benjamin Waterhouse:

"I shall never forget what Dr. Manning, in great good humor, told me were among his trying 'experiences.' He told me that ... he performed all the duties of President of the College; heard two classes recite every day; listened to complaints, foreign and domestic, from undergraduates and their parents of both sexes, and answered them, now and then, by letter; waited, generally, on all transient visiters into college, &c. &c. Nor was this all. 'I made,' said Dr. Manning, 'my own garden and took care of it repaired my dilapidated walls; went nearly every day to market; preached twice a week, and sometimes oftener; attended, by solicitation, the funeral of every baby that died in Providence, visited the sick of my own Society, and, not unfrequently, the sick of other Societies; made numerous parochial visits, the poorest people exacting the longest, and, in case of any seeming neglect, finding fault the most.'"

He also at times took boarders, among them two sons of Robert Carter of Nomony Hall in Virginia, who wrote to Manning in February 1786 of George and John Tasker Carter, "they to be Sent from Boston immediately upon their Arrival there to your College in Providence. I beg leave to appoint you their Foster Father intimating that my desire is that both my Said Sons shd. be active Characters in Life ... The prevailing Notion now is, to Continue the most abject State of Slavery in this Common-Wealth" On this Consideration only, I do not intend that these my two Sons shall return to this State till each of them arrive to the Age of 21 years."

There were 165 graduates of the College during Manning's administration. Of these, 43 were clergymen, 29 lawyers, 19 physicians, 19 teachers, 12 judges, 12 business men, 6 professors, 6 congressmen, 2 college presidents, 2 United States ministers, 1 United States consul, 1 governor, and 1 librarian. Of the 43 clergymen, it should be noted, the majority were not Baptists, as might have been expected. Twenty-six were Congregationalist, twelve Baptist, one Episcopal, one Unitarian, and three of unknown denomination.

Access & Use

Access to the collection: There are no restrictions on access, except that the collection can only be seen by prior appointment. Some materials may be stored off-site and cannot be produced on the same day on which they are requested.
Use of the materials: Researchers are advised that express written permission to reproduce, quote, or otherwise publish any portion or extract from this collection must be obtained from the Brown University Library. Although Brown University has physical ownership of the collection and the materials contained therein, it does not claim literary rights. It is up to the researcher to determine the owners of the literary rights and to obtain any necessary permissions from them.
Alternate form: Existence and Location of Copies noteDigital facsimiles of 204 items from this collection are available from within the Inventory by clicking on the hyperlinked title of the item.
Preferred citation: James Manning papers, AMS-1C-1, Brown University Archives
Contact information: John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts
Box A
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: Manuscripts: 401-863-3723; University Archives: 401-863-2148
Email: Manuscripts:; University Archives:

Administrative Information

Acquisition: Collection received in 1848 from Mrs. Peter Ludlow, daughter of Stephen Gano, nephew of Mrs. Manning.
Author: Finding aid prepared by Martha Mitchell. Revised to local encoding standards by Sarah Shaw; scope and content note, written by Ray Butti, added 2005 Jun 21
Encoding: Finding aid encoded by Patrick Yott 2004 May 14, and updated using ArchivesSpace on 2025-02-14.
Descriptive rules: Describing Archives: A Content Standard

Additional Information

Location/Existence of copies:

Existence and Location of Copies note

Digital facsimiles of 204 items from this collection are available from within the Inventory by clicking on the hyperlinked title of the item.
Other information:


Series 1. Letters and manuscripts of James Manning
99 items

Container Description Date
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 1 [Signature]
Accession Number: A537
Physical Description Note: genreform: manuscript

Manning, James, 1738-1791

Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 1 [Fragment]
Contents Note: Mentions speculations concerning the college.

Physical Description Note: genreform: manuscript

Manning, James, 1738-1791

Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 1 A list of subscriptions due to College
Contents Note: List of sixteen persons, in hand of Manning.

Accession Number: A50856
Physical Description Note: genreform: subscription list

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University--Subscriptions

Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 1 Receipt in behalf of the Corporation
Contents Note: Mounted with newspaper clipping, "Manning and Brown University," which mentions Reuben A. Guild's biography of Manning and acquisition of Manning papers.

Accession Number: A18404
Physical Description Note: genreform: receipt

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Guild, Reuben Aldridge

Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 2 Manning, James to Howell, David
Contents Note: Suggests that Howell, a senior at Princeton, consider coming to Rhode Island either to take a school at Newport or to become tutor at the College.

Accession Number: A704
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Howell, David, 1747-1824
Brown University--Faculty

1766 Jul 14
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 3 A matriculation roll of the number of students in Rhode Island College, with the date of their admission
Contents Note: Names, dates of admission, and residences of 29 students admitted from 1765 to 1769.

Accession Number: A701
Physical Description Note: genreform: manuscript

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University--Students
Brown University--Registration

Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 4 Manning, James to Smith, Hezekiah
Warren, RI
Contents Note: Rivalry of people of Providence and Newport over situation of the College; JM's position in the matter; college finances and how Smith's fund raising trip will help.

Accession Number: A757
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Smith, Hezekiah, 1737-1805
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University--Location
Brown University

1770 Feb 12
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 4 Manning, James to Stennett, Samuel
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Thanks him for the books he sent to the College; discusses the origins of the funds for, the plans for, and the progress in building the "College Edifice."

Accession Number: A751
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Stennett, Samuel, 1728-1795
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University. Library
Brown University. University Hall

1770 Jun 07
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 4 List of books for the College library to be sent for by Capt. David Shand
Contents Note: List of books desired for the college library, from which list 5 guineas worth were to be purchased.

Accession Number: A9410
Physical Description Note: genreform: manuscript

Shand, David
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University. Library

1770 Dec 20
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 5 Manning, James to Ryland, John C.
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Thanks him for his gifts to the college and describes the size and needs of the college, and the opposition of the New England Presbyterians to it.

Accession Number: A980
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Presbyterians -- New England

Ryland, John Collett, 1723-1792
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1771 Jun 01
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 5 Manning, James to Stennett, Samuel
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Comments on his presidency of the College and on the spread of the Baptist religion in Va. and N. C. which before "seemed to me to be the Rendezvous of Devils," and discusses a bitter controversy with the New England Presbyterians.

Accession Number: A753
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Presbyterians -- New England
Baptists -- Virginia
Baptists -- North Carolina

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Stennett, Samuel, 1728-1795

1771 Jun 05
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 5 Manning, James to Edwards, Morgan
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Copy. By Stephen Hopkins and James Manning. Authorizing him to solicit and receive benefactions in any part of America for Rhode Island College.

Accession Number: A21416
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Edwards, Morgan
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University--Subscriptions

1771 Dec 16
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 6 Manning, James to LLewelyn, Thomas
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Describes the "infant college;" thanks him for his interest in the College and solicits further aid in financing it.

Accession Number: A778
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Llewelyn, Thomas, 1720?-1793

1772 Feb 21
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 6 Manning, James to Ryland, John C.
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Says he will suggest for honorary degrees the names sent by Ryland. Sends news of the Baptist religion in New England.

Accession Number: A982
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Baptists -- New England

Ryland, John Collett, 1723-1792
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University--Degrees

1772 May 19
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 6 Manning, James to Ryland, John C.
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: The College has awarded an honorary degree to his son John Ryland. Sends news of the College's opinions regarding other honorary degrees, of opposition to the College by the New England Clergy, and of the progress of the Baptist religion in America.

Accession Number: A983
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Baptists -- United States

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Ryland, John Collett, 1723-1792
Brown University--Degrees

1772 Nov 12
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 7 An acct. of the College in 1773
Contents Note: Early history of the College, staff, size of student body, and fees.

Accession Number: A699
Physical Description Note: genreform: manuscript

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University--Tuition, fees, etc.
Brown University--Students
Brown University--Faculty
Brown University--Registration

Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 7 [Description of Rhode Island College]
Contents Note: Early history of the College; list of staff and faculty; description of the building.

Accession Number: A702
Physical Description Note: genreform: manuscript

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University. University Hall
Brown University--Faculty

Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 7 Manning, James to Smith, Hezekiah
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Apologizes for not visiting Smith and invites him to Providence. Describes his preaching tour of Connecticut and an angry letter from Rev. John Ryland about college affairs, especially about degrees.

Accession Number: A759
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Smith, Hezekiah, 1737-1805
Ryland, John Collett, 1723-1792
Brown University--Degrees

1773 May 05
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 7 Manning, James to Wallin, Benjamin
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Thanks him for the books he sent, and mentions a gift to the College library of works of John Gill.

Accession Number: A711
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Gill, John, 1697-1771
Wallin, Benjamin, 1711-1782
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University. Library

1773 May 18
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 7 Manning, James to Ryland, John C.
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Thanks him for his gifts and friendship to the College. Discusses the nature and reputation of the college, and promises further details. Says the College will award honorary degrees to the men Ryland recommended.

Accession Number: A986
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Ryland, John Collett, 1723-1792
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University--Degrees

1773 May 20
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 7 Manning, James to Ryland, John C.
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Explains that the honorary degrees to be sent to England are late owing to the need to manufacture new diplomas, and promises him a printed account of the college. Rejoices that Dr. Stennett has obtained the repeal of a law against the Baptists.

Accession Number: A989
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Baptists -- Great Britain

Ryland, John Collett, 1723-1792
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Stennett, Samuel, 1728-1795
Brown University--Degrees

1773 Nov 25
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 7 Manning, James to Wallin, Benjamin
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Thanks him for the books he sent to the library. Mentions the form for making donations, and comments on the state of the Baptist faith in England and United States

Accession Number: A714
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Baptists -- United States
Baptists -- Great Britain

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Wallin, Benjamin, 1711-1782
Brown University. Library

1773 Nov 25
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 7 Manning, James to Booth, Abraham
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Signature cut out. Thanks him for the books he sent to the library, and asks to open a correspondence with him.

Accession Number: A721
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Booth, Abraham, 1734-1806
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University. Library

1773 Nov 26
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 7 Manning, James to Woodman, Isaac
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Says that literature should be "an hand maid to Religion." Hopes Woodman will accept an honorary degree; praises John C. Ryland's support of the College, and mentions the enemies of the College.

Accession Number: A775
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Ryland, John Collett, 1723-1792
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Woodman, Isaac
Brown University--Degrees

1773 Nov 26
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 8 Manning, James to Wallin, Benjamin
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Manuscript copy. Mentions imprisonment of Baptists "for their Rates to the Presbyterians, in the colony of Massachusetts Bay." The state of religion in Providence is low.

Accession Number: A716
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Church tax

Wallin, Benjamin, 1711-1782
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1774 May 25
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 8 Manning, James to Ryland, John C.
Newport, RI
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Thanks Ryland for his donation to the College, and mentions his illness during the winter as causing the lateness of the "College Papers" he promised to send.

Accession Number: A990
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Ryland, John Collett, 1723-1792

1774 May 27
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 8 Manning, James to Freeman, Philip
Boston, MA
Contents Note: "The inclosed for the baptist Committee at Boston ... the contents are important." [No enclosure] "I have referred both Mr. Smith & Backus to Boston for copies of the Proceedings." Seeks a housemaid from those rendered unemployed by the "Boston Port Bill."

Accession Number: A54004
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Baptists -- Massachusetts

Freeman, Philip
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1774 Nov 20
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 9 Manning, James to Ryland, John C.
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Mentions that state of the Baptist religion in New England during the Revolution; the College has suffered from high prices; sends news of degrees awarded; mentions recent religious revivals.

Accession Number: A991
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Revivals -- Providence

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Ryland, John Collett, 1723-1792
Brown University--History--Revolution
Brown University--Religion

1776 Nov 13
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 9 Manning, James to Howard, A.
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Letter of condolence on the death of her fiance, Capt. Bell. "NB This Copy of a Letter to Miss A. Howard was not ye same wh. ys sent as it was greatly altered and enlarged."

Accession Number: A536
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Howard, A.
Bell, (Capt.)
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1776 Nov 19
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 10 Journal of a trip from Providence to Philadelphia and return
Contents Note: Published in full in Guild, R. A. (Providence, 1897) p.314-331.

Accession Number: A9421
Physical Description Note: genreform: manuscript

Manning, James, 1738-1791

1779 Apr 29 - 1779 09-29
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 11 Manning, James to Ustick,Thomas
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Concerns Latin books, copies of address from Church of Philadelphia; asks Ustick to preach.

Accession Number: A9798
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Ustick, Thomas, 1753-1803

1781 Jul 22
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 11 Manning, James to Ustick,Thomas
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Invitation to preach in Providence. Copy (Original in N.Y. Baptist Society, Colgate University).

Accession Number: A11055
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Ustick, Thomas, 1753-1803
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1781 Oct 02
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 12 Manning, James to Ustick,Thomas
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Asks more information about his situation.

Accession Number: A9751
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Ustick, Thomas, 1753-1803

1782 Aug 23
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 12 Manning, James to Ustick,Thomas
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Plans to solicit donations in New England; steward appointed; vice-president to be appointed.

Accession Number: A9793
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Ustick, Thomas, 1753-1803
Brown University--Faculty
Brown University--Subscriptions

1782 Nov 18
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 12 Manning, James to Howell, David
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Family news; French army encamped near Providence; college building is ready and Manning is very pressed with work.

Accession Number: A705
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Howell, David, 1747-1824
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University--History--Revolution
Brown University. University Hall

1782 Nov 19
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 12 Manning, James to the Chancellor and Corporation of the College in Providence
Contents Note: Suggests a solution for the low state of College funds and offers his services for the task. States the terms on which he will travel "to solicit benefactions."

Accession Number: A704
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Brown University--Corporation
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University

1782 Dec 25
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 12 [Draft of letter to a French officer]
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Requesting his help in presenting an appeal to the French king on behalf of Rhode Island College for books and other benefits to promote the study of French.

Accession Number: A9441
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University--Relations with the French

1782 Dec 28
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 13 Manning, James to Howell, David
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Family matters; public Commencement which aroused public enthusiasm and led to John Brown's offer to help raise funds for equipment. Asks Howell to obtain catalogues of books. A committee has prepared an address to King Louis of France, asking his patronage for the College, which has been forwarded to Howell, who is to have it sanctioned by the Minister to France. Dr. S. Drowne has been chosen Fellow and the College Seal's device is settled.

Accession Number: A706
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Brown, John
Howell, David, 1747-1824
Drowne, Solomon
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Louis XVI, King of France
Brown University--Commencement, 1783
Brown University--Seal

1783 Sep 13
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 13 Manning, James to Ustick,Thomas
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Tells of Commencement program; money to be raised for Apparatus and Library.

Accession Number: A9794
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Ustick, Thomas, 1753-1803
Brown University--Commencement, 1783

1783 Oct 07
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 13 Manning, James to Keene, Henry
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Comments of Benjamin Wallin's death and his bequest to the College. Says that the college will be named for one of its benefactors.

Accession Number: A720
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Keene, Henry
Wallin, Benjamin, 1711-1782
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University--Name

1783 Nov 08
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 13 Manning, James to Llewelyn, Thomas
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Explains the needy situation of the College and promises to name it after him, if he were to provide the funds to reestablish it.

Accession Number: A779
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Llewelyn, Thomas, 1720?-1793
Brown University--Name

1783 Nov 08
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 13 Manning, James to Ryland, John C.
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Comments that the American Revolution "is of God;" reports the decline of the Baptist religion in America, except at the frontier; asks if Ryland knows a wealthy man to endow and name the College.

Accession Number: A992
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Baptists -- United States

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Ryland, John Collett, 1723-1792
Brown University--Name

1783 Nov 08
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 13 Manning, James to Stennett, Samuel
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Happy to resume correspondence with friend in England; concerns state of religion in New England, effect of the war on religion, use of the College for barracks; subscription for the library and for philosophical apparatus. Plans to appoint a committee to take charge of aid to worthy students. Hopes to receive donations for this purpose. Pleased with Stennett's books on domestic duties, and asks to buy the rest of his works for the library.

Accession Number: A756
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Stennett, Samuel, 1728-1795
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University--History--Revolution
Brown University--Financial aid
Brown University--Scientific apparatus and instruments
Brown University. Library

1783 Nov 08
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 14 Manning, James to Ustick,Thomas
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Tells of ill health of Nicholas Brown and death of Mrs. Brown; Mr. Howell going to Europe to solicit funds. Copy (Original in N.Y. Baptist Society, Colgate University).

Accession Number: A11054
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Howell, David, 1747-1824
Ustick, Thomas, 1753-1803
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown, Nicholas
Brown University

1784 Jan 12
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 14 Manning, James to Smith, Hezekiah
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: On p.[4] ms. notes headed: Psa. 89.19.

Accession Number: A760
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Smith, Hezekiah, 1737-1805
Manning, Margaret (Stites)
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University
Brown University--Admissions
Brown University--Tuition, fees, etc.
Brown University--Registration

1784 Mar 18
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 14 Manning, James to Stennett, Samuel
Contents Note: Autograph copy, incomplete. Delivers Mr. Backus's request to open a correspondence with Dr. Stennett.

Accession Number: A1160
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Stennett, Samuel, 1728-1795
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Backus, Isaac

1784 Apr
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 14 Manning, James to Stennett, Samuel
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Copy. Asks his advice and assistance in procuring Apparatus and Library for the College.

Accession Number: A9409
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Stennett, Samuel, 1728-1795

1784 Apr 22
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 14 Manning, James to Smith, Hezekiah
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Illness of Mrs. Manning's mother. "The Plains are destitute of a minister. They intend to try for Sammy Jones." Mentions revivals at various places. The College has 23 students and more are expected; his nephew Jimmy, son of Jeremiah, is a student. The school has nearly 20 students; Mr. Wilkinson is a good master. The lower rooms in the edifice are full; the upper two should be finished. Mr. Wood would do as well here as at Jersey College.

Accession Number: A763
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter


Smith, Hezekiah, 1737-1805
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Wilkinson, William, 1760-1852
Brown University. University Hall
Brown University. Latin School
Brown University--Registration

1784 Jul 03
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 14 Manning, James to Gill, John
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Hopes Dr. Gill's Bible will be completed, and comments on some revivals of the Baptist religion since the war, and the reestablishment of the College.

Accession Number: A735
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter


Gill, John, 1697-1771
Gill, John (goldsmith)
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1784 Jul 09
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 14 Manning, James to Rippon, John
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Will distribute Bibles, etc., from England among poor; will place prints of Dr. Gill, Rev. Hugh Evans, Rev. Rippon in the College. Discusses replacement of Mr. Winchester by Rev. Thomas Ustick in Philadelphia. Discusses Baptist and other Protestant churches in America. Describes college edifice, enrollment, faculty; encloses catalogue of library [no enclosure].

Accession Number: A792
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Evans, Hugh, d.1781
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Gill, John, 1697-1771
Winchester, Elhanan
Rippon, John, 1751-1836
Brown University--Registration
Brown University--Faculty
Brown University. University Hall

1784 Aug 03
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 14 Manning, James to Evans, Caleb
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Copy of the letter sent. Comments on the acquisition of books and scientific instruments by the College, the poverty caused to the College by its public use from 1776 to 1782, and the beneficial effect on religious freedom caused by the Revolution.

Accession Number: A781
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Evans, Caleb, 1737-1791
Brown University--Scientific apparatus and instruments
Brown University. Library
Brown University--History--Revolution

1784 Sep 13
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 14 [Account of expenditures]
Contents Note: Written on verso of: Rhode Island Election prox. His Excellency William Greene ... Prov., Bennett Wheeler, 1784.

Accession Number: A10877
Physical Description Note: genreform: account

Manning, James, 1738-1791

1784 Oct 2 - 1785 Jan 29
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 14 Manning, James to Booth, Abraham
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Thanks him for publications he sent; introduces Dr. Drowne; "two of the Leaders in what they called the new Dispensation, but others the shaking Quakers [i.e. the Shakers] have, notwithstanding their boasted immortality, lately died."

Accession Number: A723
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter


Booth, Abraham, 1734-1806
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Drowne, Solomon

1784 Oct 03
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 14 Manning, James to Sharp, Granville
Providence, RI
Contents Note: Thanks him for donation to College Library; gives information about the early college and its government; use of college by armies during Revolution; slavery in the Colonies. Recommends Isaac Backus's book,

Accession Number: A9408
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Sharp, Granville, 1735-1813
Backus, Isaac
Brown University--History--Revolution
Brown University. Library

1784 Oct 12
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 14 Manning, James to Evans, Caleb
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Signature cut out. Encloses a catalogue of the books in the library, introduces Dr. Drowne, and mentions a Baptist revival in Massachusetts and Vermont.

Accession Number: A782
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Baptists -- Vermont
Baptists -- Massachusetts

Drowne, Solomon
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Evans, Caleb, 1737-1791
Brown University. Library

1784 Nov 12
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 14 Manning, James to Rippon, John
Contents Note: Sends letter and diploma by Dr. Solomon Drowne. In eastern Massachusetts and Vermont whole congregations of Congregationalists are becoming Baptist.

Accession Number: A794
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Baptists -- Vermont
Baptists -- Massachusetts

Rippon, John, 1751-1836
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Drowne, Solomon
Brown University--Degrees

1784 Nov 12
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 14 Manning, James to Ryland, John
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Sends Ryland's diploma; would like to continue correspondence with Ryland's father. There are 30 students in college; "We were so fortunate, in the Wreck of public Credit during the War, as to preserve our Fund undiminished."

Accession Number: A993
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Ryland, John Collett, 1723-1792
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University--Registration
Brown University

1784 Nov 12
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 14 Manning James to Howell, David
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Family and neighborhood news. Inquires if a petition to Congress for redress of damages to the College if feasible; asks Howell's opinion on other financial matters facing Congress and possibly affecting the College.

Accession Number: A707
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Howell, David, 1747-1824
Brown University
Brown University--Claims vs. the United States

1784 Dec 23
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 15 Manning, James to Ustick,Thomas
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Suggests that Samuel Jones visit Kentucky to preach.

Accession Number: A9795
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Jones, Samuel, 1735-1814
Ustick, Thomas, 1753-1803
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1785 Mar 10
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 15 Manning, James to Howell, David
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Comments on family affairs, weather, and politics. Asks Howell's opinion on possibility that the College might obtain a grant of land in the West, in lieu of damages.

Accession Number: A708
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Howell, David, 1747-1824
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University--Claims vs. the United States

1785 Mar 25
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 15 Manning, James to Mackaness, Thomas
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Thanks him for the books he donated, sends news of his friends and church, and of the College. Mentions some revivals of the Baptist faith in America.

Accession Number: A772
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Mackaness, Thomas

1785 Jul 10
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 15 Manning, James to Evans, Caleb
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Discusses the state of the Baptist faith in New England, and mentions the settlement of Kentucky by Baptists. Mentions the local stagnation of business and asks aid in collecting a library for the College.

Accession Number: A785
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Baptists -- Kentucky
Baptists -- New England

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Evans, Caleb, 1737-1791
Brown University. Library

1785 Jul 21
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 15 Manning, James to Rippon, John
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Thanks for present of books from England. Discusses state of Baptist church in England and America. Tribute to Stephen Hopkins. Asks for funds from England for library for Baptists in Kentucky, intended as basis of academy which will offset present advantage of Presbyterians there.

Accession Number: A796
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Baptists -- United States
Baptists -- Kentucky
Baptists -- Great Britain

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Hopkins, Stephen, 1707-1785
Rippon, John, 1751-1836

1785 Jul 22
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 15 Manning, James to Gill, John
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Transacts some business relating to books, and complains of the stagnation of business in New England, owing to governmental restrictions and scarcity of money.

Accession Number: A737
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Gill, John (goldsmith)

1785 Jul 24
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 15 Manning, James to Sharp, Granville
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Thanks him for his gift to the College library. Mentions some copies made of Sharp's letter on ecclesiastical matters, and discusses Sharp's "scheme" for furthering American interests, especially his proposed agrarian law and its relation to current laws on inheritances.

Accession Number: A818
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Sharp, Granville, 1735-1813
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University. Library

1785 Jul 26
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 15 Manning, James to Howell, David
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Asks Howell to act quickly in the matter of the College's petition to Congress for payment of damages to the College building, and the possibility of petitioning the local Legislature. Signed also by John Brown and Enos Hitchcock as members of the committee.

Accession Number: A709
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Hitchcock, Enos, 1744-1803
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University. University Hall
Brown University--Claims vs. the United States

1785 Sep 09
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 15 [Certificate of Rachel Martin membership in the Providence Baptist Church]
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Signed, James Manning, Elder.

Accession Number: A9580
Physical Description Note: genreform: certificate

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Martin, Rachel
First Baptist Church (Providence, R.I.)

1785 Nov 09
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 16 Manning, James to Franklin, Benjamin
Contents Note: Requests assistance in presenting address to the King of France, soliciting his patronage in establishing a Professor of French and History and in presenting the books declined by Yale. Includes draft of the address to be presented to the King written in another hand.

Accession Number: A9440
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Louis XVI, King of France
Franklin, Benjamin
Manning, James, 1738-1791

Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 16 Manning, James to Ustick, Thomas
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Advice about ordering and selling books. Postscript added February 10.

Accession Number: A11020
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Ustick, Thomas, 1753-1803
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1786 Jan 30
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 16 Manning, James to Green, Timothy
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: He has been censured by the Corporation for length of absence allowed students, so all students must return by March.

Accession Number: A55878
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Green, Timothy, 1765-1813
Brown University--Vacations
Brown University--Students

1786 Feb 15
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 16 Manning, James to Booth, Abraham
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Comments on Booth's and the state of the Baptist faith in London and America. Informs him of the M.A. degree conferred on him by the College, which "promises fair to hold a rank amongst literary institutions in this new world," and says the College is in financial need.

Accession Number: A725
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Baptists -- United States
Baptists -- Great Britain

Booth, Abraham, 1734-1806
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University--Degrees

1786 Apr 07
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 16 Manning, James to Evans, Caleb
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Describes an attempt to obtain money from the government to repair damages to the College caused by the war, and cites his election to Congress as a measure to obtain such money. Asks if Evans can find a good man to substitute in his pulpit.

Accession Number: A787
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Evans, Caleb, 1737-1791
Brown University--Claims vs. the United States

1786 Apr 07
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 16 Manning, James to Rippon, John
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Sends letters and diplomas to several English gentlemen upon whom the college conferred honorary degrees before the war with apologies for belated notification. Has accepted election to Congress only to expedite payments due the college. Is resigning pastorship of church. Sends message for Dr. Drowne. Encloses letters from Nathaniel Dummer.

Accession Number: A798
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Dummer, Nathaniel
Drowne, Solomon
Rippon, John, 1751-1836
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University--Degrees

1786 Apr 07
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 16 Manning, James to Gordon, William
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Encloses some diplomas for him to deliver in England, thanks him for his gift to the library, and explains his reasons for accepting election as a congressman. He will not run for Congress again.

Accession Number: A746
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Gordon, William
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University--Degrees
Brown University. Library

1786 Apr 13
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 16 Manning, James to Sharp, Granville
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. The New England Episcopalians intend to support Samuel Seaberry [i.e. Seabury] as properly consecrated as bishop, and would resent his intervention in publishing Sharp's letter.

Accession Number: A979
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Seabury, Samuel, 1729-1796
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Sharp, Granville, 1735-1813

1786 Apr 13
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 16 Manning, James to Manning, Jeremiah
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Discusses his unanimous appointment to Congress. Expects to be short of "the needful" while in New York and will find it necessary to call upon friends for assistance.

Accession Number: A699
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, Jeremiah
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1786 Apr 19
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 16 Manning, James to Smith, Hezekiah
New York
Contents Note: Comments on the choice of Smith as his successor at the Providence church, on the state of religion in New York, on politics and Indian affairs. Complains of his empty pocket-book.

Accession Number: A761
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Smith, Hezekiah, 1737-1805
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1786 May 17
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 16 Manning, James to Miller, Nathan
New York
Contents Note: Asks if he has obtained money necessary to take his seat in Congress. Mentions violation of treaty with Great Britain in matter of paper money.

Accession Number: A21305
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Miller, Nathan
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1786 May 19
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 16 Manning, James to Holroyd, William
New York
Contents Note: Conditions at the College when parents would not pay their bills and Manning was thirty dollars out of pocket.

Accession Number: A3825
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Holroyd, William
Brown University

1786 Aug 15
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 17 Manning, James to Smith, Hezekiah
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Family and neighborhood news. Writes in strong terms of the legislature and financial affairs, especially as they affect the college. Low state of religion in Providence.

Accession Number: A762
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Smith, Hezekiah, 1737-1805

1787 Jan 18
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 17 Manning, James to Ustick, Thomas
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Happy to hear of increase of church in Philadalphia. Injustice, anarchy and confusion prevail in the country; he is out of the habit of disposing of books; Isaac Backus is writing, but it is an antibookish era in New England.

Accession Number: A9799
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Backus, Isaac
Ustick, Thomas, 1753-1803

1787 Apr 02
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 17 Manning, James to Van Horne, William
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: On behalf of the Corporation, asks Van Horne to bring all College property, bills, money, certificates and continental bills to Providence. Discusses financial state of the college and country, religious conditions in New England.

Accession Number: A700
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Van Horne, William
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University

1787 Aug 03
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 17 Manning, James to Wood, William
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Concerns character and training of Dr. Solomon Drown, who contemplates moving to Kentucky; recommends him to Wood's attention.

Accession Number: A3860
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Wood, William
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Drowne, Solomon

1787 Nov 05
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 17 Manning, James to Carter, Robert
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Discusses business matters; offers to arrange the sale of tobacco on behalf of Carter and his son George. Comments on George's progress at school under Mr. Rogers, and on the state of religion in Providence.

Accession Number: A976
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Carter, George
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Carter, Robert, 1728-1804

1787 Nov 07
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 17 [Account with Yokoway Fenner]
Contents Note: For provisions and services from May 14 to November 7.

Accession Number: A10338
Physical Description Note: genreform: account

Fenner, Yokoway
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1787 Nov 07
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 18 Manning, James to Smith, Hezekiah
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: State of religion in Providence and in Virginia. "The College continues to gradually increase" and will do so as times become more stable; political affairs in Massachusetts.

Accession Number: A764
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Smith, Hezekiah, 1737-1805

1788 Feb 11
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 18 Manning, James to Smith, Hezekiah
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Spread of religion in Massachusetts; growth of the College; departure of Gano to Kentucky; political affairs related to the Constitution and it acceptance.

Accession Number: A765
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Gano, John
Smith, Hezekiah, 1737-1805
Manning, James, 1738-1791
United States. Constitution

1788 Jun 10
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 18 [Bill to Elisabeth Brown for potatoes]
Accession Number: A17232
Physical Description Note: genreform: bill of sale

Brown, Elisabeth
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1788 Jul 22
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 18 [Bill to Samuel Green for tuition]
Accession Number: A2414
Physical Description Note: genreform: bill of sale

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Green, Samuel
Brown University--Tuition, fees, etc.

1788 Dec 06
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 18 Manning, James to Smith, Hezekiah
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Sympathizes with and encourages Smith; thinks his son wants a little more stability.

Accession Number: A766
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Smith, Hezekiah, 1737-1805
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1788 Dec 07
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 19 Manning, James to Booth, Abraham
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Autograph copy. Including list "Terms of most marked contempt." Comments on an attack on Booth's sends news of the College, and related in detail the American career of John Stanford.

Accession Number: A731
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter


Booth, Abraham, 1734-1806
Stanford, John, 1754-1834
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1789 Dec 25
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 20 Manning, James to Ustick, Thomas
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Reports improvement of religious conditions in Providence.

Accession Number: A9797
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Ustick, Thomas, 1753-1803

1790 Mar 17
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 20 Manning, James to Smith, Hezekiah
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: State of religion improves. Comments on members of his congregation. Suggests that Smith supply for him during his trip to Jersey. No news of Dr. Gano.

Accession Number: A767
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Gano, John
Smith, Hezekiah, 1737-1805

1790 Apr 20
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 20 Manning, James to Smith, Hezekiah
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Discusses the prospects of Messrs. Read and Messer, the increase in numbers of Baptist, his son's progress and difficulties with John Brown.

Accession Number: A768
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Smith, Hezekiah, 1737-1805
Messer, Asa, 1769-1836
Brown, John

1790 Nov 10
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 21 [Note of sum due on the College Security, September 3, 1791]
Contents Note: On verso is fragment of letter by JM.

Accession Number: A17187
Physical Description Note: genreform: manuscript

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University

1791 Sep 03
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 21 Manning, James to Ustick, Thomas
Contents Note: Asks about the church in Phildelphia; hope of increased number of students at the College.

Accession Number: A9796
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Ustick, Thomas, 1753-1803
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1791 Feb 24
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 21 Manning, James to Baptist Society at South Hadley
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Recommendation of Asa Hunter to South Hadley as a devoted minister in good standing who wishes a charge, his present congregation being depleted by migration.

Accession Number: A306
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Hunter, Asa
Manning, James, 1738-1791
South Hadley--Baptist Society

1791 Mar 28
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 21 Manning, James to Harding, Eleazer
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Ordering white oak posts. On verso is note by Walker Harding, March 28, 1792, receipt for payment.

Accession Number: A17237
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Harding, Walter
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1791 Apr 19
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 21 Manning, James to Smith, Hezekiah
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: College and ministerial appointments and opening; deaths of Nicholas Brown and J. Jenckes. College affairs do no prosper as well as he might wish. Ill-fortune of Brother Gano.

Accession Number: A769
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Gano, John
Smith, Hezekiah, 1737-1805

1791 Jun 04

Series 2. Letters and manuscripts by others
104 items

Container Description Date
Box [31236096699734] 2X, Folder 1 Inventory of the personal estate of the Rev'd Doctor James Manning who departed this life the 29th July 1791
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Appraised by James Arnold and William Holroyd, witnessed and this true copy made by Daniel Cooke, County Clerk.

Accession Number: A17236
Physical Description Note: genreform: estate inventory

Arnold, James
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Holroyd, William

1791 Aug 30
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 22 Benson, George to Manning, Margaret
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Lists "names of the persons who have been added to the Baptist Church in Providence under the pastoral care of the Revd. James Manning." Includes 106 names from December 1774 to September 1775.

Accession Number: A9428
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, Margaret (Stites)
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Benson, George
First Baptist Church (Providence, R.I.)

1775 Sep 13
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 23 Booth, Abraham to Manning, James
Contents Note: Written from London. Rejoices in renewal of communication with America after the war; reports death of Benjamin Wallin.

Accession Number: A722
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Booth, Abraham, 1734-1806
Wallin, Benjamin, 1711-1782
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1784 Jun 30
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 23 Booth, Abraham to Manning, James
Contents Note: Written from London. Sending also his which he asks Manning to read and correct for 2nd edition; first edition of 500 has been sold; duplicity of Mr. R. Robinson; favorable impressions of Solomon Drowne and of Dr. Stennett; reports dissolution of two Baptist Churches, but general gain of religion in both Baptist and Church of England; thinks Presbyterians have renounced Gospel; death of Dr. Gibbons.

Accession Number: A724
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter


Booth, Abraham, 1734-1806
Drowne, Solomon
Robinson, Robert
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Stennett, Samuel, 1728-1795

1785 Mar 25
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 23 Booth, Abraham to Manning, James
Contents Note: Written from London. Gratitude for honorary degree; his esteem for Abbadie.

Accession Number: A726
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Booth, Abraham, 1734-1806

1786 Sep 22
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 23 Booth, Abraham to Manning, James
Contents Note: Written from London. Pained at thought of Manning's leaving the College; praises V------, who has died.

Accession Number: A727
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Booth, Abraham, 1734-1806

1787 Aug 18
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 23 Booth, Abraham to Manning, James
Contents Note: Written from London. Sending copy of his expects answer to be published by Mr. Edward Williams; requests information about popular American preacher Mr. Winchester now in England.

Accession Number: A728
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Booth, Abraham, 1734-1806
Williams, Edward
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Winchester, Elhanan

1787 Dec 12
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 23 Booth, Abraham to Manning, James
Contents Note: Has sent two medical books to Solomon Drowne; Williams may not publish his answer; has just published asks Manning to assist in sale of Paedobaptism examined; translations of his books; Mr. Winchester making a "considerable stir."

Accession Number: A729
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Drowne, Solomon
Booth, Abraham, 1734-1806
Williams, Edward
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Winchester, Elhanan

1788 Sep 29
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 23 Booth, Abraham to Manning, James
Contents Note: Written from London. Hopes Manning will not leave the College; publication of Mr. Williams's scandalous conduct of Mr. John Stanford, who has been accepted as a minister in America.

Accession Number: A730
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Booth, Abraham, 1734-1806
Williams, Edward
Stanford, John, 1754-1834

1789 Jul 11
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 23 Booth, Abraham to Manning, James
Contents Note: Written from London. Comments on Mr. Stanford, Mr. Robinson's Dr. Priestly; has sent Dr. Samuel Jones his views on baptism which differ from those of the Philadelphia Association.

Accession Number: A732
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter


Stanford, John, 1754-1834
Robinson, Robert
Jones, Samuel, 1735-1814
Booth, Abraham, 1734-1806
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1790 Feb 25
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 23 Booth, Abraham to Manning, James
Contents Note: Written from London. Death of Mr. Robinson and his burial by Dr. Priestley; condemns Priestly's funeral sermon; Robinson's Socinianism gaining in England; publication of Booth's books.

Accession Number: A733
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter


Manning, James, 1738-1791
Booth, Abraham, 1734-1806

1791 Apr 01
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 24 Bowering, Caleb to Manning, Margaret
New York
Contents Note: Written from New York. Acknowledges arrival of letter and sweet corn; Col. Whipple has a son; Bowering's son has been named John; invites her to visit when Dr. Gano comes to association meeting; approval of Mr. Chaplain; laments contrast between N. Y. and Boston. Note added by Maria Bowering mentions other relatives including Aunt Woodruff.

Accession Number: A3669
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Bowering, Maria
Bowering, Caleb

1804 Mar 07
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 25 Bowering, Maria to "my dear aunts"
Contents Note: Laments death of "one of the best of women" and her own child; mentions Julia's son, named James Manning.

Accession Number: A3668
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Bowering, Maria

1804 Nov 28
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 25 Bowering, Maria to "my dear and honored Aunt"
Contents Note: News of family members. She has had the paintings of James and Margaret Manning treated for preservation.

Accession Number: A3670
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791--Portrait
Manning, Margaret (Stites)--Portrait
Bowering, Maria
Brown University--Portraits

1806 Jun
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 27 [Account of James Manning and his estate with the college treasurer]
Accession Number: A3666
Physical Description Note: genreform: account

Brown, John
Brown University--Treasurer
Manning, James, 1738-1791--Estate

1787 - 1794
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 29 [Receipt to James Manning]
Boston [MA]
Accession Number: A3658
Physical Description Note: genreform: receipt

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown, Nathaniel

1769 Aug 17
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 26 Order of procession to be observed at the funeral of President Manning
Providence [RI]
Accession Number: A6711
Physical Description Note: genreform: manuscript

Manning, James, 1738-1791--Funeral
Brown University

1791 Jul 31
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 28 Brown, Moses to Manning, James
Contents Note: Is sending catalogue of books he sent to the College Library; the University of Cambridge has given a prize medal for the best piece against the African slave trade; wishes that Rhode Island College would do the same, but is aware that a few members of the Corporation would not be in favor; he would support this project himself, if only his brother were "clear of the Evil, or disposed to rid himself of it."

Accession Number: A9406
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter


Brown, Moses
Brown, Nicholas
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University--Prizes

1786 Jan 30
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 30 Dummer, Nathaniel to Manning, James
Contents Note: Endorsement in hand of JM, "Copy of a letter from Nathl. Dummer sent by me to Revd. Jno Rippon of London April 10th 1786." Enquiring for heirs of Thomas Dummer.

Accession Number: A3656
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Dummer, Nathaniel
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Dummer, Thomas

Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 31 Evans, Caleb to Manning, James
Bristol [England]
Contents Note: From Bristol, England. Will do all in his power to help the "infant college," especially in sending duplicate books from the Bristol Academy; disappointed at low state of religion in America.

Accession Number: A783
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Evans, Caleb, 1737-1791
Bristol Academy, Bristol, England

1785 Jan 26
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 31 Evans, Caleb to Manning, James
Briston [England]
Contents Note: Will be happy to receive Dr. Drowne if he visits Bristol; tomorrow he will receive 27 candidates for baptism.

Accession Number: A784
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Drowne, Solomon
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Evans, Caleb, 1737-1791

1785 Jan 31
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 31 Evans, Caleb to Manning, James
Briston [England]
Contents Note: Has obtained vote of Education Society respecting sending books to Rhode Island College; requests honorary M.A. for Rev. James Newton.

Accession Number: A786
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Evans, Caleb, 1737-1791
Newton, James, d.1790
Bristol Education Society, Bristol, England

1785 Sep 05
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 31 Evans, Caleb to Manning, James
Bristol [England]
Contents Note: On departure of the Mulletts; recommends sermons of Dr. Stennett and Priestley's Lectures on History; expects soon a history of the Baptists by Mr. Robins; considers Providence a luminous spot on a dark mass; Priestley's writings border on heresy; recommends a young man from Bristol Academy who would be suitable to assist in Manning's college or grammar school or to be sent to Kentucky.

Accession Number: A788
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Evans, Caleb, 1737-1791
Stennett, Samuel, 1728-1795

1788 Sep 20
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 31 Evans, Caleb to Manning, James
Bristol [England]
Contents Note: Acknowledging honorary degree; has also received degree from King's College, Aberdeen; delighted by the French Revolution; astonished by resolve of Association on rebaptizing; rejoices that Stanford has been rooted out.

Accession Number: A789
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter


Stanford, John, 1754-1834
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Evans, Caleb, 1737-1791
Brown University--Degrees

1790 Feb 22
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 32 [Inventory of personal estate of Margaret Manning]
Contents Note: Appraised by Stephen Gano and Asa Messer, executors. In hand of Asa Messer. Notarized by Nathan W. Jackson.

Accession Number: A3673
Physical Description Note: genreform: estate inventory

Gano, Stephen
Manning, Margaret (Stites)
Jackson, Nathan W.

1815 Nov 14
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 32 To the Estate of Margaret Manning
Contents Note: Receipt for Mrs. Manning's funeral expenses.

Accession Number: A3674
Physical Description Note: genreform: receipt

Gano, Stephen
Manning, Margaret (Stites)

1815 Dec 06
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 32 [Transfer of shares in Roger Williams Bank]
Contents Note: Shares transferred from estate of Margaret Manning to James Manning Holroyd by her executors, Stephen Gano and Asa Messer. Witnessed by Nathaniel Smith.

Accession Number: A3676
Physical Description Note: genreform: estate records

Gano, Stephen
Manning, Margaret (Stites)
Messer, Asa, 1769-1836

1825 Aug 09
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 32 Gano, Stephen to Rogers, Eliza B.
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Letter to his daughter with news of acquaintances; has preached in North Providence and will preach for the Dorcas Society; agrees with Mr. Brantly that "now is the time to make an exertion to save the College" [Columbian College] and blames L.R. [Luther Rice] for its condition. Appended to a letter by Cornelia.

Accession Number: A3675
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Gano, Stephen
Rogers, Eliza B.
Rice, Luther, 1783-1836 (h1814)
Dorcas Society
George Washington University

1826 Mar 19
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 32 Gano, Stephen to Rogers, Eliza B.
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Family news; arrival of President and Mrs. Wayland and her brother, Deacon Heman Lincoln; changes in the University; Wayland's aversion to a public inauguration. Letter by Clarissa appended.

Accession Number: A3677
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Gano, Stephen
Wayland, Francis
Rogers, Eliza B.
Lincoln, Heman, 1821-1887

1827 Mar 02
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 33 Gill, John to Manning, James
Contents Note: Death of George Keith, bookseller; has books of Dr. John Gill for sale;

Accession Number: A734
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Gill, John (goldsmith)
Keith, George
Gill, John, 1697-1771
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1784 Mar 13
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 33 Gill, John to Manning, James
Contents Note: Copies of Backus's history were not received by Mr. Wallin; thanks him for assistance in sale of Dr. Gill's works.

Accession Number: A736
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Gill, John (goldsmith)
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Gill, John, 1697-1771
Wallin, Benjamin, 1711-1782
Backus, Isaac

1784 Oct 14
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 33 Gill, John to Manning, James
Contents Note: The sheets for Mr. Backus's history have been discovered in the hands of a cheese-monger and purchased by Mr. Thomas.

Accession Number: A738
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Gill, John (goldsmith)
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Backus, Isaac

1786 Mar 24
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 34 Gordon, William to Manning, James
Contents Note: On enlistment of army for three years; doesn't want a great army to disband.

Accession Number: A740
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Gordon, William

1780 Aug 26
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 34 Gordon, William to Manning, James
Contents Note: Import bill would ruin future liberty; wants information about Rhode Island delegates.

Accession Number: A741
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Gordon, William

1782 Jun 24
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 34 Gordon, William to Manning, James
Contents Note: Rejoices in Rhode Island's rejection of import bill; should not trust Congress too far.

Accession Number: A742
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Gordon, William

1782 Jul 01
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 34 Gordon, William to Manning, James
Jamaica Plain [MA]
Contents Note: Sending a pierce to be published anonymously.

Accession Number: A744
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Gordon, William

1782 Aug 19
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 34 Gordon, William to Manning, James
Jamaica Plain [MA]
Contents Note: He is not the author of the History of the War being published in Boston.

Accession Number: A745
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Gordon, William

1784 Sep 20
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 34 Gordon, William to Brown University Library
Jamaica Plain [MA]
Contents Note: Sending box of books for the college and leaving for England.

Accession Number: A739
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Gordon, William
Brown University--Library

1786 Mar 21
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 34 Gordon, William to Manning, James
Jamaica Plain [MA]
Contents Note: Instruction for calling for books.

Accession Number: A743
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Gordon, William

1796 Mar 27
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 34 Gordon, William to Manning, James
Stoke Newington [England]
Contents Note: Written from Stoke Newington, England. Is writing his History; surprised at coolness of his brethren in England, but does not repent.

Accession Number: A747
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Gordon, William

1786 Sep 13
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 34 Gordon, William to Manning, James
Contents Note: Written from London. There appears to be no disposition toward friendship with the United States; Winchester is making a noise in Southwalk; fears government measures toward East India possessions will result in their loss.

Accession Number: A748
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Gordon, William
Winchester, Elhanan
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1788 Mar 24
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 34 Gordon, William to Manning, James
Ringwood [England]
Contents Note: Written from Ringwood in England. Describes the location of Ringwood; will retire to Ipswich; sending a set of his History for the college and five more sets for Manning to deliver and collect payment.

Accession Number: A750
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Gordon, William
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1789 Feb 27
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 35 Hart, Oliver to Manning, James
Charleston [SC]
Contents Note: Written from Charleston, S.C. Laments death of President Davies of Princeton.

Accession Number: A812
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Hart, Oliver, 1723-1795
Davies, Samuel, 1723-1761
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1761 Apr 27
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 35 Hart, Oliver to Manning, James
Charleston [SC]
Contents Note: Urging him to settle in South; congratulations on his marriage and ordination.

Accession Number: A811
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Hart, Oliver, 1723-1795

1763 Jun 20
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 35 Hart, Oliver to Manning, James
Charleston [SC]
Contents Note: Sending a letter from Mr. Simpson in answer to a call from Halifax; announces day of fasting and prayer for revival of religion; Mr. Pugh to be ordained; asks about college affairs; seeks new location for his own health.

Accession Number: A3657
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Hart, Oliver, 1723-1795

1764 Nov 14
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 35 Hart, Oliver to Manning, James
Charleston [SC]
Contents Note: Shattered condition of his church; imprudence of his assistant, Mr. Bedgegood; discusses a young widow who will be baptized.

Accession Number: A17234
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Hart, Oliver, 1723-1795

1765 Aug 30
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 35 Hart, Oliver to Manning, James
Charleston [SC]
Contents Note: No revival in his area; some success amoung separatists, especially under Philip Mulkey, whose personal downfall later caused religion to suffer.

Accession Number: A810
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Hart, Oliver, 1723-1795
Mulkey, Philip

1767 Dec 23
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 35 Hart, Oliver to Manning, James
Charleston [SC]
Contents Note: Regrets departure of Hezekiah Smith; success of Smith's preaching and his solicitation on behalf of the college in spite of opposition; hopes the benefaction of his province will promote the welfare of the college.

Accession Number: A809
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Hart, Oliver, 1723-1795
Brown University--Subscriptions

1770 Apr 17
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 35 Hart, Oliver to Manning, James
Charleston [SC]
Contents Note: Traveling to Georgia to assist Mr. Pelot in constituting a Baptist Church; success of labors of young Botsford; distressed by misbehavior of his son John on whose education he is spending money; "cash was never so scarce in Carolina, as at present."

Accession Number: A808
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Hart, John, d.1814
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Hart, Oliver, 1723-1795
Pelot, Francis, 1720-1774

1773 Nov 05
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 36 Holroyd, C.P. to Gano, Sally S.
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Reports illness of Aunt [Margaret] Manning, who has ordered a cap and shroud; impending death of James Eddy, who is being attended by Doctors Bowen, Wheaton, and Eddy; thoughts on religious state; has attended Covenant meeting.

Accession Number: A3672
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Holroyd, C. P.
Gano, Sally S.
Wheaton, Levi, 1761-1851
Manning, Margaret (Stites)
Eddy, James

1814 Jul 08
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 37 Howell, David to Manning, James
Princeton [NJ]
Contents Note: Describes examination at Princeton; pleased that money has been raised for apparatus and library, and that persons have been appointed to solicit donations; the fate of the college will rest on collections in Europe and Providence; advises JM against going abroad himself to solicit funds; recommends applying to Congress for compensation for damages to the college edifices; notes arrival of Congressional delegates from several states; pleased by his son's performance at public speaking, which is "unum nessarium in political life" to which he should have paid more attention.

Accession Number: A9439
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Howell, Jeremiah Brown, 1771-1822
Howell, David, 1747-1824
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University--Scientific apparatus and instruments
Brown University--Subscriptions
Brown University. Library

1783 Sep 27
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 38 Lemmon, Richard to Carter, Robert
Baltimore [MD]
Contents Note: Concerns sale of iron for Carter; JM has reported to Philadelphia Association on state of the College, that he is obliged to teach three classes himself at a salary of eighty pounds; the Baptist churches are being solicited for contributions to allow the only Baptist institution on the continent to continue.

Accession Number: A7191
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Baptists -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia Association

Lemmon, Richard
Carter, Robert, 1728-1804
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University--Subscriptions

1782 Nov 11
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 38 Lemmon, Richard to Carter, Robert
Baltimore [MD]
Contents Note: Financial state of college so low that JM cannot purchase a coat; mentions sale of iron. Mr. Ritchards(sic) is in Baltimore.

Accession Number: A3864
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Lemmon, Richard
Carter, Robert, 1728-1804
Brown University

1783 Nov 21
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 39 Leonard, David Augustus to Manning, Margaret
Bridgewater [MA]
Contents Note: Mentions his intention of entering the ministry.

Accession Number: A3665
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, Margaret (Stites)
Leonard, David Augustus, 1771-1818

1792 Dec 28
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 41 Deed: McClellan, Samuel to Manning, James
Contents Note: Deed to JM for twenty-nine acres in Woodstock, property of the late Mary Tew. Witnessed by Thomas Grosvenor and Ann Grosvenor. Note by Jedediah Morse, December 14, 1789, on verso.

Accession Number: A3659
Physical Description Note: genreform: deed

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Tew, Mary
McClellan, Samuel

1789 Dec 07
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 41 McClellan, Samuel to Manning, Margaret
Contents Note: Reply to a "dunning letter" regarding a debt to JM already paid.

Accession Number: A3663
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, Margaret (Stites)
Manning, James, 1738-1791
McClellan, Samuel

1792 Feb 27
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 42 Mackaness, Thomas to Manning, James
Boston [MA]
Contents Note: On his religious state.

Accession Number: A771
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Mackaness, Thomas

1777 Jan 22
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 42 Mackaness, Thomas to Manning, James
Plymouth [MA]
Contents Note: On present afflictions; distressed at news from the Jerseys; pleased that JM has found his books useful.

Accession Number: A773
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Mackaness, Thomas

1777 Jan 31
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 42 Mackaness, Thomas to Manning, James
Contents Note: Resumes correspondence with news of death of his wife and son; he expected to be in London, but is detained with daughter in Shelburn; son-in-law Thomas Harvey is travelling to America, selling Irish linen; sewing silks also available, but money is scarce and he does not extend credit to persons unacquainted with him; has heard of illness of Mrs. Manning.

Accession Number: A770
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, Margaret (Stites)
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Mackaness, Thomas
Harvey, Thomas

1785 Jan 13
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 42 Mackaness, Thomas to Manning, James
Contents Note: Sending five volumes of Wilson(?) which have crossed the ocean three times; Mr. Harvey is in Philadelphia; Mackaness hopes to embark for England.

Accession Number: A1150
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Harvey, Thomas
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Mackaness, Thomas

1785 Apr 27
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 43 [Accounts for servants' wages]
Accession Number: A3655
Physical Description Note: genreform: accounts

Manning, Margaret (Stites)

1798 - 1800
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 43 [Last will and testament]
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Witnessed by Amelia Burrill, George R. Burrill, and Asa Messer.

Accession Number: A3667
Physical Description Note: genreform: will

Manning, Margaret (Stites)
Burrill, George Rawson, 1770-1818

1804 Dec 18
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 43 [Last will and testament]
Providence, RI
Contents Note: Witnessed by Abner Daggett, William Snow, and Ann Daggett. Inheritors include Stephen Gano, Julia M. Holroyd, James Manning Holroyd, William Tillinghast Holroyd, Abba Stites Holroyd, Sally Tillinghast Holroyd. Gives portrait of JM to Brown University. Annexed is Providence Probate Court document, November 13, 1815, witnessed by Nathan W. Jackson. Endorsements by Nathan W. Jackson on verso of will.

Accession Number: A3671
Physical Description Note: genreform: will

Holroyd, James Manning
Holroyd, Abba Stites
Gano, Stephen
Holroyd, Sally Tillinghast
Holroyd, Julia M.
Jackson, Nathan W.
Holroyd, William Tillinghast
Manning, Margaret (Stites)
Manning, James, 1738-1791--Portrait

1813 Jan 08
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 40 [Receipt]
Contents Note: Receipt to Margaret Manning for six sets of Dr. Gordon's

Accession Number: A3662
Physical Description Note: genreform: receipt

Manning, Margaret (Stites)
Gordon, William
Mason, Jonathan

1791 Oct 06
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 44 Mullett, Thomas to Manning, James
Contents Note: Mentions death of Dr. Evans and sends copy of funeral sermon by Dr. Stennett.

Accession Number: A3660
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Evans, John
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Stennett, Samuel, 1728-1795
Mullett, Thomas

1791 Oct 05
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 45 [Receipt]
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Receipted bill for account of JM, November 22 1790 - July 29, 1791.

Accession Number: A3664
Physical Description Note: genreform: receipt

Pitman, Isaac
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1792 Mar 22
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 46 Pitman, John to Carter, Robert
Contents Note: Death of JM; importance of continuation of education of Carter's son, George, who may continue to board with Mrs. Manning in the president's house.

Accession Number: A7190
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Carter, George
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Carter, Robert, 1728-1804
Pitman, John
Manning, Margaret (Stites)

1791 Oct 03
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 47 City of Providence, R.I. to Manning, James
Providence, RI
Contents Note: Note signed by James Arnold, town treasurer, for one pound four shillings.

Accession Number: A9434
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Arnold, James
Providence, R.I.

1791 Jun 20
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 48 First Baptist Church (Providence, R.I.) to Benson, George
Providence [RI]
Contents Note: Signed by Nicholas Brown, John Brown, John Jenckes, David Martin, Ephraim Wheaton, David Howell, Christopher Sheldon, William Holroyd, John Brown, George Benson. Entreats him to preach tomorrow in absence of Mr. Stillman, who has not arrived as planned.

Accession Number: A3858
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Providence--First Baptist Church
Benson, George, d.1836
Stillman, Samuel, 1757-1807

1789 Nov 07
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 49 Richards, William to Manning, James
Lynn, England
Contents Note: Written from Lynn, England. Had hoped to move to America, but will probably move to Wales; his controversy with Mr. Carter has been ended by his piece, and Independent brethren, who are powerful in Norfolk and Suffolk, and are more educated than the Baptists, have treated the Baptists better as a result; Richards is now engaging in controversy with Welsh Presbyterians and Independents under the direction of Benjamin Evans, and supported by Whitefieldites; has sent a Welsh pamphlet to Samuel Jones; Baptists increasing in Wales; thinks of writing life of Roger Williams; regrets financial difficulties of the College and small size of its library; the Bristol Library improved by collections of Drs. Gifford and Llewelyn; Richards may will his library to Rhode Island College.

Accession Number: A780
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Presbyterians -- Great Britain
Baptists -- Great Britain

Gifford, Andrew
Evans, Benjamin
Llewelyn, Thomas, 1720?-1793
Jones, Samuel, 1735-1814
Richards, William, 1751-1824
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University. Library

1791 Jun 06
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 50 Rippon, John to Manning, James
Southwark [England]
Contents Note: Written from Southwark, England. Introduces and describes himself and seeks correspondence with JM; joy among the churches at revival in New England, grief over change of sentiments of Mr. Winchester; Baptist ministers in England sided with American during the Revolution; Baptist interest more flourishing than Presbyterian in England; is sending books by Mr. Chace and prints of Gill, Hugh Evans, and himself.

Accession Number: A791
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Presbyterians -- Great Britain
Baptists -- Great Britain

Gill, John, 1697-1771
Evans, Hugh, d.1781
Rippon, John, 1751-1836
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Winchester, Elhanan

1784 May 01
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 50 Rippon, John to Manning, James
Contents Note: Acknowledges letters; sends a pamphlet on death of Rev. Dr. Gifford.

Accession Number: A793
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Gifford, Andrew
Rippon, John, 1751-1836

1784 Dec 24
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 50 Rippon, John to Manning, James
Contents Note: Solomon Drowne is with him; wants to help in procuring books at saving for the College; rise of Baptist interest in some counties; rejoices at state of religion in Vermont. With note conveying books from Deacon Leprand(?) and Mr. Ryland, Sr. for the College.

Accession Number: A797
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Baptists -- Great Britain

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Drowne, Solomon
Ryland, John Collett, 1723-1792
Rippon, John, 1751-1836
Brown University. Library

1785 Feb 23
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 50 Rippon, John to Manning, James
Contents Note: Recommends Rev. Thomas Dunscombe and Abraham Booth for honorary degrees.

Accession Number: A795
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Booth, Abraham, 1734-1806
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Dunscombe, Thomas
Rippon, John, 1751-1836

1785 Jun 22
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 50 Rippon, John to Manning, James
Contents Note: Will send information on Dummer family; he is preparing a work, Has provided books for Mr. Ustick; wishes JM may do much good in present situation and soon return to his former station.

Accession Number: A800
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Rippon, John, 1751-1836

Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 50 Rippon, John to Manning, James
Contents Note: Sending intelligence from Mr. Keene on subject of "The Estate."

Accession Number: A799
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Rippon, John, 1751-1836
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1786 Sep 19
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 50 Rippon, John to Manning, James
Contents Note: His selection of hymns well received; sends handbills advertising it.

Accession Number: A801
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Rippon, John, 1751-1836

1787 Jun 29
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 50 Rippon, John to Manning, James
Contents Note: Expects second edition of his work; thanks JM for introducing it at Chelmsford Associations; Presbyterians, Independents, and Antipaedobaptists have united to petition Parliament for abolition of slave trade.

Accession Number: A802
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Rippon, John, 1751-1836

1788 Feb 14
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 50 Rippon, John to Manning, James
Contents Note: Sends copy of news from Dr. Erskine of Edinburgh relating to Mr. Kirkland's work in conversion of Oneida Indians and conspiracy of Indian youths to murder Kirkland.

Accession Number: A803
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Oneida Indians

Erskine, John, 1721-1803
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Kirkland, Samuel, 1741-1808
Rippon, John, 1751-1836

1788 Aug 09
Box [31236096699734] 2X, Folder 2 Rippon, John to Manning, James
Contents Note: Handwritten letter written on a broadside advertisement for the publication of the second edition of John Rippon's book Selection of Hymns from the Best Authors, Intended to be an Appendix to Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns. Contents of letter concern the publication of the book of hymns, a donation of books to the college by Rev'd Middleton and Lord Cadogan's son, Dr Erskine's account of the spread of the Gospel among the Indians, and a request for an account of the Indian Preacher named Samuel Niles.

Accession Number: A804
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Oneida Indians

Erskine, John, 1721-1803
Niles, Samuel, 1744-1814
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Rippon, John, 1751-1836

1788 Oct 28
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 50 Rippon, John to Manning, James
Contents Note: Concerning painting of JM to be reproduced in England; suggests awarding D.D. to Caleb Evans; expects that honor for John Ryland, Jr. from Yale; discusses sale of his in America.

Accession Number: A805
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Rippon, John, 1751-1836
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Ryland, John Collett, 1723-1792
Evans, Caleb, 1737-1791

1789 Sep 21
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 50 Rippon, John to Manning, James
Contents Note: Written on printed proposal for Baptist Annual Register; inclusion in Register of engraving and account of First Baptist Church said to have been written by John Stanford; sorry to hear Stanford did not behave well at Providence; intends the Register to serve the American Brethren; wants drawing and history of the College; Mr. Wesby's people are aiming to have a new college in America.

Accession Number: A790
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Baptist Annual Register

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Stanford, John, 1754-1834
Rippon, John, 1751-1836
First Baptist Church (Providence, R.I.)

1791 Jan
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 50 Rippon, John to Manning, James
Contents Note: The 2d part of the Register for 1790 will be out in August; needs to establish a method of receiving regular communications from America; Dr. Evans of Bristol and Mr. Thomas of Leominster have written more than any others for the Register; plan for acquiring books for ministers in Virginia; selling of Register and his in America; wishes drawing of College Edifice; Dr. Evans has suffered paralytic stroke; compares Manning and Maxcy to Paul and Timothy; the College should have sent Dr. Evans a doctorate before; also recommends Revs. Thomas, Dunscombe, John Fawcett, Benjamin Francis, and John Ryland; sending publications for Drowne, Backus, Flint, and Maxcy. Also a packet from Mr. Bowyers for President of the United States, which includes an engraving of Lady Huntingdon, whose name was Washington.

Accession Number: A806
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Baptist Annual Register

Drowne, Solomon
Dunscombe, Thomas
Backus, Isaac
Flint, Benjamin
Fawcett, John, 1740-1817
Maxcy, Jonathan, 1768-1820
Evans, John
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Rippon, John, 1751-1836
Washington, George, 1732-1799

1791 Jun 28
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 50 Rippon, John to Evans, Caleb
Contents Note: Death of Dr. Evans; plight of the Academy; asks communication about and engraving of the college for inclusion in the Register. Written after death of JM.

Accession Number: A807
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Rippon, John, 1751-1836
Evans, Caleb, 1737-1791

1791 Aug 14
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 51 Rogers, William to Manning, James
Philadelphia [PA]
Contents Note: Enclosing letter discovered in Cross Key tavern (no enclosure); will preach at Swedish Church and then visit Baltimore.

Accession Number: A776
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Rogers, William, 1751-1824
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1775 Oct 27
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 52 A list of Gospel Ministers of the Church of England, 1772
Contents Note: Sent to JM. 130 names arranged by location.

Accession Number: A985
Physical Description Note: genreform: manuscript

Ryland, John Collett, 1723-1792
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Church of England

Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 52 Ryland, John Collett to Manning, James
Contents Note: Letter received on April 9. His interest in the college with list of scholars on whom honorary degrees might be conferred. His son, John, is proficient in languages and has published a volume of poems of experimental religion; feels that honors are a motivation to the young, and that laziness and cowardice have prevented Baptist ministers in England from learning Greek and Hebrew, and that college honors conferred on scholars will incite them to diligence.

Accession Number: A981
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Baptists -- Education

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Ryland, John Collett, 1723-1792
Brown University--Degrees

Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 52 Ryland, John Collett to Manning, James
Contents Note: He encloses "hints" that may be of service in matters of religion and the college; offers "blunt Friendship" rather than flattery in their correspondence; sends pamphlets that may be suitable for the college library.

Accession Number: A984
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Ryland, John Collett, 1723-1792
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University. Library

1773 Feb 09
Box [31236096699734] 2X, Folder 3 Ryland, John Collett to Manning, James
Contents Note: Concerns a request for an account of the rise, progress and methods of education at the college to be printed and distributed throughout England to solicit subscriptions and donations for the benefit of the college. He continues by reprimanding Manning for not agreeing to confer degrees on worthy men in England, such as Rev. Augustus Toplady and Mr. Isaac Wordman, as a way of gaining friends for the college and the potential for donations from them. Ryland opposes the use of a Lottery to raise money for the college. He also mentions a box of books he sent for the library but has not heard if they arrived.

Accession Number: A987
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Fund raising

Toplady, Augustus, 1740-1778
Ryland, John Collett, 1723-1792
Wordman, Isaac
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Brown University

1773 May
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 52 Memorandum and Hints for Professor Manning at Rhode Island
Contents Note: Date from endorsement by JM. Itemized list of information; Stennett procured order that stopped oppression of Baptists near Boston; two ministers to be ordained from Caleb Evans's Academy [Bristol Academy]; textbooks in mathematics used in England; Ryland's "optical cards" for instruction in optics prepared with assistance of James Ferguson, who is responsible for a book in which Ryland's name appears instead of Ferguson's; also a list of "Calvinistical Baptist Ministers in England who can read the Greek Testament."

Accession Number: A988
Physical Description Note: genreform: manuscript

Optics -- Study and teaching
Baptists -- Massachusetts
Baptists -- Great Britain

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Ferguson, James
Stennett, Samuel, 1728-1795
Ryland, John Collett, 1723-1792

1773 Aug
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 53 Shakespear, David to Manning, James
Contents Note: Suggestions for a sermon.

Accession Number: A814
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Shakespear, David
Manning, James, 1738-1791

Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 53 Shakespear, David to Manning, James
Contents Note: He and Mr. Mackaness sailing to Plymouth where Capt McDonald hopes to sail from at the end of the month.

Accession Number: A813
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Mackaness, Thomas
Shakespear, David
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1777 Jan 11
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 53 Shakespear, David to George Benson or Joseph Rogers and Manning
Contents Note: Addressed to "Friends and Brethren in the Lord." Encourages patience and fortitude in time of persecution and distress. Letter continued at Plymouth, January 30. Distressed at attempt to turn Mrs. Manning out of her house. Even though he and Mr. Mackaness considered that house a refuge, they refrained from coming there lest they draw resentment there; has left Boston reluctantly.

Accession Number: A815
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Rogers, Joseph
Manning, Margaret (Stites)
Shakespear, David

1777 Jan 15
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 54 Sharp, Granville to Manning, James
Contents Note: Written from London. Sending books for college library; advocates and describes well-regulated Agrarian law for America; opinions on American constitution and popular right of electing bishops.

Accession Number: A816
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Agricultural laws and legislation

Sharp, Granville, 1735-1813
Manning, James, 1738-1791
United States. Constitution
Brown University. Library

1785 Feb 21
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 54 Sharp, Granville to Manning, James
Contents Note: Disapproves of ordination of Samuel Seaberry [i.e. Seabury] of Connecticut as bishop; is sending works of Bishop Wilson, whose character he does approve.

Accession Number: A817
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Seabury, Samuel, 1729-1796
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Wilson, (bishop)
Sharp, Granville, 1735-1813

1785 Mar 04
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 54 Sharp, Granville to Franklin, Benjamin
Contents Note: Copy of letter objecting to consecration of Dr. Seabury by Non-juring Bishops of Scotland; anxious that rite of "laying on hands" be communicated to Episcopal Church of America; comments on abbreviated liturgy.

Accession Number: A977
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Sharp, Granville, 1735-1813
Seabury, Samuel, 1729-1796
Franklin, Benjamin
Episcopal Church--United States

1785 Oct 29
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 54 Sharp, Granville to Manning, James
Contents Note: Will send works of Bishop Wilson; encloses copy of his letter to Benjamin Franklin.

Accession Number: A978
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Sharp, Granville, 1735-1813
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1785 Dec 11
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 55 Stennett, Samuel to Manning, James
Contents Note: Written from London. William Gordon emigrating to America; rejoices in success of Rhode Island College; will try to help the college, but the Baptists are not wealthy and few are advocates of learning; Dr. Llewelyn is a friend; regrets loss of Mr. Roffey; funds being collected by Dr. Moore and need to look after friends in Nova Scotia.

Accession Number: A752
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Moore, (Dr.)
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Stennett, Samuel, 1728-1795
Llewelyn, Thomas, 1720?-1793
Gordon, William

1770 Aug 10
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 55 Stennett, Samuel to Manning, James
Contents Note: Pleased to resume correspondence after Revolution; sending letter by Mr. Mullett; Stennett is publishing a volume on domestic duties.

Accession Number: A755
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Stennett, Samuel, 1728-1795
Mullett, Thomas

1783 May 14
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 56 Thurston, Gardner to Manning, James
Contents Note: Thanks JM for supplying a preacher for his pulpit during his illness and asks JM to preach in Newport on the next Sunday.

Accession Number: A749
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Thurston, Gardner

1781 Aug 20
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 57 Funeral sermon occasioned by the death of The Revd. & Honl. James Manning
Accession Number: 842
Physical Description Note: genreform: sermon

Manning, James, 1738-1791--Death
Ustick, Thomas, 1753-1803

Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 58 Wallin, Benjamin to Manning, James
Contents Note: Written from Southwark, England. Sending some "pieces" with Mr. Edwards.

Accession Number: A710
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Wallin, Benjamin, 1711-1782
Edwards, Morgan

1773 Mar 20
Box [31236096699734] 2X, Folder 4 Wallin, Benjamin to Manning, James
Contents Note: Written from London, England. He sends copies of his publications and requests a concise account of the college neatly printed so that he would know how to describe the college in his will.

Accession Number: A712
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Wallin, Benjamin, 1711-1782
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1773 Jul 30
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 58 Wallin, Benjamin to Manning, James
Contents Note: Sending books with George Keith and list of subscribers obtained by Morgan Edwards with Baptists marked; has sent Backus wrong account through error.

Accession Number: A713
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Wallin, Benjamin, 1711-1782
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Backus, Isaac
Edwards, Morgan

1773 Aug 17
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 58 Wallin, Benjamin to Manning, James
Contents Note: Seeks opinion of works he sent; awaits an account of the college. "Your instructions seem sufficient to direct a bequeathment to your infant seminary."

Accession Number: A715
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Wallin, Benjamin, 1711-1782
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1774 Feb 21
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 58 Wallin, Benjamin to Manning, James
Contents Note: Pleasure at religious state of Manning's church and college; low state of religion in England; manner of opening churches by Episcopalians; an address of Wallin's to congregational churches has been criticized; mentions Mr. Dawson, a sabbatarian Baptist who has been in New England; state of his own church; increase of papists; his own age and infirmity; has sent his own works for college library.

Accession Number: A718
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter


Wallin, Benjamin, 1711-1782
Manning, James, 1738-1791

1777 Aug 30
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 59 Warner, Amos to Manning, James
Contents Note: Receipted bill for shoes for students in JM's care, including Richard Stites and George Carter.

Accession Number: A3661
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Carter, George
Stites, Richard
Manning, James, 1738-1791
Warner, Amos

1791 Oct 24
Box [31236096699734] 2X, Folder 5 Deed: West, William to Manning, James
Contents Note: Deed from William West to James Manning for a tract of pasture land in Providence signed by William and his wife Eleanor West. Deed grants to James Manning of about seven acres of land, east of the College land, "reserving to the College Land a Twelve Feet Gangway on the North and South Sides to the water." Witnessed by Esek Hopkins and Archibald Stewart and recorded by James Angell.

Accession Number: A3854
Physical Description Note: genreform: deed

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Hopkins, Esek
West, Eleanor
Stewart, Archibald
West, William
Angell, James

1771 May 8
Box [31236096698983] 1, Folder 60 Woodman, Isaac to Manning, James
Thorp [England]
Contents Note: Written from Thorp, England. Doubts that a fund-raising trip to England for the College would succeed; hopes the College and the Baptist denomination in Rhode Island "is loyal and obediant disproveing the opposition made to government in your neighborhood." He is grateful for offer of honorary degree but not qualified for the title; praises Mr. Ryland.

Accession Number: A774
Physical Description Note: genreform: letter

Manning, James, 1738-1791
Woodman, Isaac
Brown University--Degrees
Brown University--Subscriptions

1773 Feb 20

Series 3. Genealogy of the Manning family
1 item

Container Description Date
Manning family of Plainfield, NJ : pioneer settlers of Plainfield and vicinity
Contents Note: A genealogy of the Manning family by Oliver B. Leonard. Typescript genealogy extracted from a scrapbook of newspaper clippings cut from a Plainfield, New Jersey newspaper dated 1886 from internal evidence. These articles were reprinted or perhaps rewritten in 1917 in other New Jersey newspapers. The genealogy is presented in Register format with Leonard's biographical data placed after the name. Transcribed and edited by Sherrill Foster.

Brown University does not own this item. Original owned by the New England Historic Genealogical Society in Boston, Massachusetts (Call Number: MSS A 659).

Digital facsimiles not available.

Physical Description Note: genreform: manuscript

Leonard, O. B.
Foster, Sherrill
Manning family

Series 4. Letters from Manning to Robert Carter, 1786-1790
Digital facsimiles not available.

Series 5. Letters from Robert Carter, 1786-1791
28 letters (typed copies)

Typed copies of twenty-eight letters to James Manning and others. Appoints Manning foster father to his sons, John Tasker Carter and George Carter, who are to return to Virginia until the age of 21 because of his disapproval of Virginia's acceptance of slavery. Includes leters to his sons and to agents for the sale of commodities to remit payments for their support; letters to Robert Rogers and Benjamin Wood at a Newport Academy where John Tasker Carter was placed in 1787 and regarding his removal in 1789 to learn farming with Jonathan Bowen in Pennsylvania and to study with Samuel Jones in Pennipeck, Pa. in 1790; and letters to John Pitman and Samuel Jones concerning George Carter's removal from Rhode Island College in 1792 to study with Jones and to enter to College of Philadelphia. Includes references to visits to Virginia by John Tasker Carter in 1790 and by George Carter in 1791. Letter of November 17, 1788 instructs that five pounds yearly from Carter's account with Manning be applied to the college expenses of the son of Asa Hunt [Joseph S. Hunt].

Series 6. Diary and Memorandum Books, 1773-1824

Container Description Date
Diary and Memorandum Book
Contents Note: "Library's copy of vol.1, inscribed 'President James Manning', contains autogrpah memoranda, 1773-1786: expenditures, speaking engagements, names of students at Brown University and other miscellaneous notes, personal or administrative. Interspersed are ms. notes in a different handwriting, added in 1824." The above description was taken from a card in the old card catalogue, with call number 1-U M312a, with the title "Aitken's General American Register, and the Gentleman's and Tradesman's Complete Annual Account Book, and Calendar, for the Pocket or Desk; For the Year of Our Lord, 1773."
