Guide to the Margaret Stillwell papers, 1827-1984

John Hay Library
John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts
Box A
Brown University
Providence, RI, 02912
Tel: 401-863-3723
Published in 2018
Collection Overview
Title: |
Margaret Stillwell papers |
Date range: |
1827-1984, (bulk
1907-1984) |
Creator: |
Stillwell, Margaret Bingham, 1887-1984 |
Extent: |
10 linear feet
Abstract: |
The Margaret B. Stillwell papers consist of personal papers, personal and
professional correspondence, research materials related to her writings, especially
those used in preparing Incunabula in American Libraries: A Second Census of
Fifteenth-century Books Owned in the United States, Mexico, and Canada; notes and
essays on topics ranging from the Annmary Brown Memorial to the women’s movement,
examples of typefaces used by printers in Europe and the United States, and subject
files. |
Language of materials: |
English |
Repository: |
John Hay Library
Collection number: |
MS-1UF-S3 |
Scope & content
The Margaret B. Stillwell papers consist of personal papers, personal and
professional correspondence, research materials related to her writings,
especially those used in preparing Incunabula in American Libraries: A Second
Census of Fifteenth-century Books Owned in the United States, Mexico, and
Canada; notes and essays on topics ranging from the Annmary Brown Memorial to
the women’s movement, examples of typefaces used by printers in Europe and the
United States, and subject files. The papers are dated from 1907 to 1984. They
have been arranged into the following eight series.
Series 1. Personal papers. This series consists of
material that is not directly related to Margaret Stillwell’s employment as
curator of the Annmary Brown Memorial Library at Brown University. It includes,
but is not limited to, appraisals of her personal property, biographical and
genealogical information about the Stillwell family, drawings by Miss Stillwell,
instructions regarding her funeral arrangements, honorary degrees from Brown
University and the University of Rhode Island, invitations to and announcements
of various events, personal notebooks, photographs, and retirement and financial
materials. The financial materials include instructions regarding her gifts of
personal property and her home in Greenville, Rhode Island to Brown University.
This series is arranged alphabetically by the title of the folder. It is dated
from 1912 to 1984.
Series 2. Personal correspondence. Most of the
correspondence in this series is from family members, academic colleagues,
friends, and organizations to which Miss Stillwell belonged. It is arranged
alphabetically by the name of the person or organization on the folder. Other
personal correspondence may be found in
Series 1. Personal
papers; Series 5. Essays and talks; and Series 8. Subject files.
Correspondence related to the second census of incunabula is in
Series 3. Incunabula in American Libraries: A Second Census of
Fifteenth-century Books Owned in the United States, Mexico, and Canada –
documentation and correspondence. Correspondence related to Miss
Stillwell’s other writings may be found in
Series 4. Other
writings. This series is dated from 1907 to 1984.
Series 3. Incunabula in American Libraries: A Second Census
of Fifteenth-century Books Owned in the United States, Mexico, and Canada –
documentation and correspondence. This series consists primarily of
correspondence directly related to the preparation and publication of Incunabula
in American Libraries: A Second Census of Fifteenth-century Books Owned in the
United States, Mexico, and Canada, published in 1940. This work is an update of
the Census of Fifteenth-century Books Owned in America, published in 1919. The
series also contains material used to document the incunabula listed in the
second census. That material includes author charts, title checking charts,
editing instructions and photographs of the title pages of books in the Peitang
Library in Beijing, China. The Peitang Library, as it was known colloquially,
was part of the Church of the Holy Savior, established by the Jesuits in 1703.
Finally, the series contains a box of photocopies of correspondence between Miss
Stillwell and Howard Lehman Goodhart (1884-1951), a collector of incunabula.
After Mr. Goodhart’s death, approximately one thousand of his incunabula were
donated to the library at Bryn Mawr College in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The
originals of correspondence owned by Brown University are in the Brown
University Archives. The originals of correspondence owned by Bryn Mawr College
are in their archives. The documentation for the second census is at the
beginning of the series, arranged alphabetically by the title of the folder. It
is followed by correspondence, arranged alphabetically by the name of the person
or organization. This series is dated from 1919 to 1982.
Series 4. Other writings. This series contains
material such as correspondence, research materials and drafts of various
chapters used to prepare works other than Incunabula in American Libraries: A
Second Census of Fifteenth-century Books Owned in the United States, Mexico, and
Canada. Not all of Miss Stillwell’s published works are represented here. The
series is arranged alphabetically by the title of the work and within each work,
alphabetically by the title of the folder. The works in this series include: The
Awakening Interest in Science during the First Century of Printing 1450-1550,
published in 1970; The Beginning of the World of Books, 1450 to 1470: A
Chronological Survey of the Texts Chosen for Printing During the First Twenty
Years of the Printing Art, with Synopsis of the Gutenberg Documents, published
in 1972; Essays on the Heritage of the Renaissance from Homer to Gutenberg,
published in 1982; General Hawkins as He Revealed Himself to His Librarian,
Margaret Bingham Stillwell, published in 1923; Gutenberg and the Catholicon of
1460 : A Bibliographical Essay, published in 1936; Incunabula and Americana,
1450-1800: A Key to Bibliographical Study, published in 1936; Librarians are
Human: Memories in and out of the Rare-Book World, 1907-1970, published in 1973;
Noah's Ark, in Early Woodcuts and Modern Rhymes, published in 1942; The Pageant
of Benefit Street: Down through the Years, published in 1945; Rhythm and Rhymes:
The Songs of a Bookworm, published in 1977; Vignettes and Rhymes on the Times:
Observations of a Bookworm, published in 1986; and While Benefit Street Was
Young, published in 1943. This series also contains unpublished poetry by Miss
Stillwell, two poems by Dorothy Carter Allan, and a poem translated from Chinese
by Helen Waddell titled “The Age-Old Stupidity of Men”, originally written in
675 B.C.E. This series is dated from 1923 to 1984.
Series 5. Essays and talks. This series is divided
into two subseries. Subseries A. Margaret B. Stillwell contains essays and notes
for talks given by Miss Stillwell on topics such as the Annmary Brown Memorial,
the history of Benefit Street and Rhode Island, incunabula, the problems of
aging, Rush Hawkins and the women’s movement. Subseries B. Others contains one
essay each by David R. Brower, Patrick T. Conley and William H. Scheride, and
one anonymous essay titled “What is a Grandmother”. Within each subseries
material is arranged by the title of the essay or talk. This series is dated
from 1917 to 1983.
Series 6. Notes. This series contains notes on the
research Miss Stillwell did in preparing her scholarly works. The notes are on
topics ranging from Byzantium and Greek literature to the translation of ancient
texts. Most of the material in this series is not dated. The dated material is
from 1948 to 1975.
Series 7. Specimen pages. This series consists of
facsimiles of the typefaces used by printers in Europe and America. Many of the
examples are copies of the title page of a book. The works represented range
from incunabula to titles published in the twentieth century. This series is
dated from circa 1900 to the 1940s.
Series 8. Subject files. This series contains
information about Gutenberg and the invention of printing; the Hroswitha Club of
women book collectors founded in New York in 1944; the Pembroke Center for
Teaching and Research on Women; and the Stillwell-Allan fund which supports the
Annmary Brown Memorial.
Access Points
Subject Names
Subject Organizations
Subject Topics
Geographical Names
Document Types
Subject Topics
This collection is arranged in 8 series. The materials are arranged
alphabetically within each series.
- Series 1. Personal papers
- Series 2. Personal correspondence
- Series 3. Incunabula in American Libraries: A Second Census of
Fifteenth-century Books Owned in the United States, Mexico, and Canada –
documentation and correspondence
- Series 4. Other writings
- Series 5. Essays and talks
- Series 6. Notes
- Series 7. Specimen pages
- Series 8. Subject files
Biographical/Historical Note
Margaret Bingham Stillwell was born in Providence, Rhode Island, on January 26, 1887.
Her parents were Edward A. Stillwell (1840-1925) and Mary Stillwell (1854-1951). The
family home was on Providence’s Benefit Street, a few blocks away from where, in
1905, Miss Stillwell enrolled at the Women’s College in Brown University. While at
the Women’s College, later named Pembroke College, she also studied decorative
illustration at the Rhode Island School of Design, also in Providence. In her senior
year she was editor of Brun Mael, the Women’s College yearbook. She began working as
an assistant to George Parker Winship, librarian of the John Carter Brown Library on
the Brown University campus, while she was still a student. She continued to work
there after graduating in 1909. In 1914, with Mr. Winship’s recommendation, she
moved to New York City with her parents to work at the New York Public Library,
cataloging its collection of Americana.
While working in New York, Miss Stillwell met General Rush C. Hawkins, a Civil War
veteran and a collector of incunabula. His incunabula were housed at the Annmary
Brown Memorial in Providence, which General Hawkins had built in 1907 in memory of
his late wife. In addition to the incunabula the building also housed General
Hawkins’ collection of paintings and manuscripts. In 1917 he asked Miss Stillwell to
be the research librarian in charge of his collection. She accepted and moved back
to Providence that year. Her tenure as Curator of the Annmary Brown Memorial lasted
until she retired from Brown University in 1953.
During her time at the Memorial Miss Stillwell became an internationally respected
authority on early printed books. Her major scholarly work, Incunabula in American
Libraries: A Second Census of Fifteenth-Century Books Owned in the United States,
Mexico, and Canada, was published in 1940. It was begun at the request of General
Hawkins, who asked that she produce a work that would be an important contribution
to the study of incunabula. She also, at his request, wrote an account of his life.
This biography, published in 1923, was titled General Hawkins as He Revealed Himself
to His Librarian, Margaret Bingham Stillwell.
In 1948 the Annmary Brown Memorial was deeded by its Trustees to Brown University.
That year President Henry Merritt Wriston (1889-1978) appointed Miss Stillwell to a
full professorship on the university faculty, the first woman to attain that rank.
In 1951 she was appointed a President’s Fellow, again, the first woman to be so
Work at the Annmary Brown Memorial had many challenges. There was no heat or
electricity in most of the building for the first ten years Miss Stillwell worked
there. The Trustees refused to buy essential reference works, making it necessary
for Miss Stillwell to borrow copies of titles she needed for her research from other
university libraries. She continued to receive her small salary, which was rarely
increased, even after being appointed a full professor.
In 1954, Miss Stillwell and her partner Dorothy Carter Allan (1896-1974) purchased a
home in Greenville, Rhode Island, which they named Elfendale. Soon after moving to
Greenville, Miss Stillwell became aware of the town’s need for a new library
building and of the difficulties the Greenville Library Association was having in
raising the money it needed for the project. Miss Stillwell drew plans for a lower
and main floor which were later used to produce blueprints for the new building. She
was also instrumental in raising the money needed to complete the project. The new
Greenville Public Library opened in November 1956.
In 1978 Miss Stillwell donated her home and its contents, which included many Chinese
antiques, to Brown University. The proceeds of the sale of her home, as well as the
proceeds from her book Essays on the Heritage of the Renaissance from Homer to
Gutenberg, published in 1982, were used to establish the Stillwell-Allen fund to
benefit the Annmary Brown Memorial.
Both before and after she retired, Miss Stillwell gave talks and wrote scholarly and
historical works on a wide variety of subjects, including the heritage of the
Renaissance, the history of Benefit Street, the history of printing, the problems of
aging, the study of incunabula, and the women’s movement. Her autobiography
Librarians are Human: Memories in and Out of the Rare Book World 1907-1970, was
published in 1973. She also wrote two books of poetry: Rhythms and Rhymes: The Songs
of a Bookworm, published in 1977, and Vignettes and Rhymes on the Times:
Observations of a Bookworm, published in 1986.
Miss Stillwell was a member of many organizations, including the Bibliographical
Society of America, the Hroswitha Club, which was an organization of American women
book collectors; the National Society of Colonial Dames, Phi Beta Kappa, The
Providence Art Club, and the Providence Preservation Society. She was a former vice
president of the Providence Athanaeum and former president of the Rhode Island Short
Story Club. In 1977 she was named the first honorary woman member of the Grolier
Club in New York City. This club was an organization of bibliophiles that did not at
that time admit women as members. She was also an Honorary Fellow of the Pierpont
Morgan Library in New York City.
Miss Stillwell passed away on April 22, 1984 at her apartment in Royal Manor in
Greenville. She is buried in her family’s plot in Swan Point Cemetery in
Access & Use
Access to the collection: |
There are no restrictions on access, except that the collection can only be seen
by prior appointment. Some materials may be stored off-site and cannot be
produced on the same day on which they are requested. |
Use of the materials: |
Although Brown University has physical ownership of the collection and the materials contained therein, it does not claim literary rights. Researchers should note that compliance with copyright law is their responsibility. Researchers must determine the owners of the literary rights and obtain any necessary permissions from them. |
Preferred citation: |
Margaret Stillwell papers, MS-1UF-S3, Brown University Library |
Contact information: |
John Hay Library John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts Box A Brown University Providence, RI, 02912 Tel: 401-863-3723
Administrative Information
Processing information: |
The life of Margaret Stillwell is intertwined with the history of the Annmary
Brown Memorial at Brown University because she worked as the curator there
almost from the founding of the memorial for the majority of her career. As a
result, Stillwell's personal papers and the records of the Annmary Brown
Memorial (OF-1X-14) were also intertwined. The processing archivists have
separated materials of a strictly personal nature from the records of the
Annmary Brown Memorial as much as practical. However, overlap does of course
exist. Researchers should consult both collections to get a full picture of both
Stillwell as a person and the history of the memorial. |
Author: |
Finding aid prepared by Mary Harrison. |
Encoding: |
This finding aid was produced using the RIAMCO EAD spreadsheet, 2018 |
Descriptive rules: |
Finding aid based on Describing Archives: A Content Standard
(DACS) |
Additional Information
Related material: |
Annmary Brown Memorial records (OF-1X-14); Rush Hawkins papers (Ms.2006.05) |
Series 1. Personal papers
Box 1, Folder 1 |
Address book
undated |
Box 1, Folder 2 |
Appraisal of furnishings for Miss Margaret B. Stillwell
1974 Oct 24 - Nov |
Box 1, Folder 3 |
Articles of recognition
1975 Sep 28 - 1977 Sep |
Box 1, Folder 4 |
Belmont, the Gari Melchers Memorial Gallery
1976 - 1977 |
Box 1, Folder 5 |
Biographical information on Margaret B. Stillwell
undated |
Box 1, Folder 6 |
Condolence letters
1984 Apr 10 - Jun 5 |
Box 1, Folder 7 |
Copyright certificates
1942 - 1945 |
Box 1, Folder 8 |
Correspondence regarding the honorary Doctor of Letters awarded to Margaret B. Stillwell by Brown University
1942 May 16 - Jun 24 |
Box 1, Folder 9 |
Daniel Stillwell house, Bingham Manor house
1967 Feb, undated |
Box 1, Folder 10 |
Day book
undated |
Box 1, Folder 11 |
undated |
Box 1, Folder 12 |
Estate of Jenny B. Ullman
1927 Mar 26 - 1954 Oct 7 |
Box 1, Folder 13 |
Guest book
1977 Feb 4 - 1982 Dec 5 |
Box 1, Folder 14 |
A History of Printing: Catalog of an Exhibition at the John Carter Brown Library
1977 Oct 28 |
Box 1, Folder 15 |
Honorary degrees awarded to bookmen and librarians by Brown University
undated |
Box 1, Folder 16 |
Honorary Doctor of Letters degree awarded to Margaret B. Stillwell by the University of Rhode Island
1952 Jun 9 |
Box 1, Folder 17 |
Map of old Providence showing historic buildings standing in 1956
1956 |
Box 1, Folder 18 |
Memorial book
1984 |
Box 1, Folder 19 |
A Mile of History in Providence, Rhode Island: Benefit Street and North Main Street
1959 |
Box 1, Folder 20 |
Miscellaneous invitations and announcements
1915 Feb 3 - 1953 Oct 24 |
Box 2, Folder 1 |
Miscellaneous invitations and announcements
1928 Nov 11 - 1978 May 24 |
Box 2, Folder 2 |
Miscellaneous invitations and announcements
1928 Feb 4 - 1983 Mar 9 |
Box 2, Folder 3 |
Miscellaneous notes by Margaret B. Stillwell
1926 - 1982 |
Box 2, Folder 4 |
Newspaper clippings
1933 - 1974 Feb |
Box 2, Folder 5 |
1941 |
Box 2, Folder 6 |
undated |
Box 2, Folder 7 |
Notes on the location of records
1981 Jul 8 |
Box 2, Folder 8 |
Notes on the location of storage boxes
1977 |
Box 2, Folder 9 |
Obituaries and funeral arrangements
1974 Mar 21 - 1984 May 31 |
Box 5, Folder 1 |
Original drawings by Margaret B. Stillwell
undated |
Box 2, Folder 10 |
Outline of the history of English literature compiled by Dorothy C. Allan
undated |
Box 5, Folder 2 |
Painting of a Greek temple by J. Kalokerinos
undated |
Box 2, Folder 11 |
Personal notebook regarding the Annmary Brown Memorial
1927 - 1948 |
Box 2, Folder 12 |
Photographs of exteriors, identified
1958 - 1976 |
Box 2, Folder 13 |
Photographs of exteriors, unidentified
undated |
Box 2, Folder 14 |
Photographs of interiors and objects, identified
1973-1983 May |
Box 3, Folder 1 |
Photographs of interiors and objects, unidentified
undated |
Box 3, Folder 2 |
Photographs of people, identified
1912 - 1983 Jan 26 |
Box 3, Folder 3 |
Photographs of people, unidentified
undated |
Box 3, Folder 4 |
The Players present Disraeli
1945 |
Box 3, Folder 5 |
Promissory note to Margaret B. Stillwell from Dorothy C. Allan
1967 Jan 26 |
Box 3, Folder 6 |
Record of correspondence
1977 May 1 - 1978 Jun 1 |
Box 3, Folder 7 |
Record of personal letters
1978 Jun 10 - 1983 Mar 1 |
Box 3, Folder 8-14 |
Retirement and financial material, gifts to Brown University
1950s-1978 |
Box 4, Folder 1-6 |
Retirement and financial material, gifts to Brown University
1979-1984 |
Box 4, Folder 7 |
Retirement announcement of WJAR radio
1953 Decv 31 |
Box 4, Folder 8 |
Safe deposit box notebook
undated |
Box 4, Folder 9 |
Songs of a Bookworm: An interview with Margaret B. Stillwell
1979 Jan 4 |
Box 4, Folder 10 |
Stillwell family genealogy
1927 Dec 16 - 1971 |
Box 4, Folder 11-12 |
Visitors' register
1970 Apr 15 - 1984 Sep 20 |
Box 4, Folder 13 |
Who's Who certificates
1976 Nov - 1981 |
Series 2. Personal correspondence
Box 6, Folder 1 |
Adams, Frederick B.
1962 Feb 17, Mar 5 |
Box 6, Folder 2 |
Adams, Thomas Randolph
1956-1981 |
Box 6, Folder 3 |
Akiyama, Tomiya
1978-1982 |
Box 6, Folder 4 |
Allen, Elizabeth
undated |
Box 6, Folder 5 |
Allen, Helen T.
1976 |
Box 6, Folder 6 |
Allin, Jeanne
1977 |
Box 6, Folder 7 |
American Council of Learned Societies Contents Note: see also Trustees of the Annmary Brown Memorial
1931-1932 |
Box 6, Folder 8 |
Angell, Walter F.
1917, 1927 |
Box 6, Folder 9 |
Amherst College
1952 Apr 14 |
Box 6, Folder 10 |
Anthony, Arline
1971-1975 |
Box 6, Folder 11 |
Anthony, Ryan
1978-1983 |
Box 6, Folder 12 |
Appleton, Marguerite
1977 |
Box 6, Folder 13 |
Austin, Gabriel
1968-1972 |
Box 6, Folder 14 |
Ayer, Thomas P.
1939, 1978 |
Box 6, Folder 15 |
Azzolina, Philip
1979 Feb 8 |
Box 6, Folder 16 |
Barker, Nicholas
1975 Jul 10 |
Box 6, Folder 17 |
Barlow, Marjorie
1971-1979 |
Box 6, Folder 18 |
Beardsley, Sarah
1975 |
Box 6, Folder 19 |
Beck, Leonard N.
1975 Oct 26 |
Box 6, Folder 20 |
Beillen, Bob
1976 Apr 16 |
Box 6, Folder 21 |
Bellows, Beulah
1967 Feb 3 |
Box 6, Folder 22 |
Benedikz, B. S.
1975 Apr 7 |
Box 6, Folder 23 |
Benjamin, Brooks
1978 Mar 31 |
Box 6, Folder 24 |
Bergeron, Lucien
1954-1980 |
Box 6, Folder 25 |
Berry, Frank B.
1971 |
Box 6, Folder 26 |
Bibliographical Society of America
1950 Jun 27 |
Box 6, Folder 27 |
Biener, Edith
1974 |
Box 6, Folder 28 |
Bigelow, Bruce M.
1950 Oct 4-1954 Jan 11 |
Box 6, Folder 29 |
Binsfield, Edmund L
1954 Sep 22, Dec 18 |
Box 6, Folder 30 |
Black, Jeannette
1974 Aug 26 |
Box 6, Folder 31 |
Blair, Lachlan
1963 Sep 3, 23 |
Box 6, Folder 32 |
Blaisdell, Nathaniel
1941-1946 |
Box 6, Folder 33 |
Bliss, Leslie E.
1925 Jun 11-1927 Oct 28 |
Box 6, Folder 34 |
Bloch, Joshua
1937 Mar 26 |
Box 6, Folder 35 |
Bobinski, George S.
1974 Dec 12 |
Box 6, Folder 36 |
Book of the Month Club
1978 May 8 |
Box 6, Folder 37 |
Branch, F.E.
1931 Oct 28 |
Box 6, Folder 38 |
Brooks, Ethel
1938-1970 |
Box 6, Folder 39 |
Brooks, Ruth Contents Note: see Trustees of the Annmary Brown Memorial
1951 Dec 15 |
Box 6, Folder 40 |
Brown, Alden
1959 Jul 2 |
Box 6, Folder 41 |
Brown, Anne S. K.
1961-1977 |
Box 6, Folder 42 |
Brown, Dorothy Beals
1977-1978 |
Box 6, Folder 43 |
Brown, John Nicholas
1952 Mar 14-1975 Jul 7 |
Box 6, Folder 44 |
Brown, Mrs. John Nicholas
1979 Oct 21 |
Box 6, Folder 45 |
Brown Faculty Club
1957 Nov 21, 1965 Mar 20 |
Box 6, Folder 46 |
1977 Oct 21 |
Box 6, Folder 47 |
Bryn Mawr College
1951 May 29-1952 Dec 19 |
Box 6, Folder 48 |
Buhler, Curt F.
1938-1977 |
Box 6, Folder 49 |
Bullock, Marie
1976-1977 |
Box 6, Folder 50 |
Burgess, Alexander M.
1954 Jun 11 |
Box 6, Folder 51 |
Burgess, Dorothy
1975 Jan 5 |
Box 6, Folder 52 |
Burgess, James W.
1977 Oct 6 |
Box 6, Folder 53 |
Burlingame, Katharine DePew
1942 May 17, 1977 Mar 1 |
Box 6, Folder 54 |
Byrnes, Garrett Davis
1970 Jun 28, 30 |
Box 6, Folder 55 |
Campbell, Mary
1977-1979 |
Box 6, Folder 56 |
Canby, Henry Seidel
1936 Dec 14 |
Box 6, Folder 57 |
Carter, John
1972 |
Box 6, Folder 58 |
Cate, Mrs Arthur W.
1923-1925 |
Box 6, Folder 59 |
Cavanaugh, G. S. T
1970 |
Box 6, Folder 60 |
Chace, Happy
1975-1977 |
Box 6, Folder 61 |
Champlin, Richard
1975 |
Box 6, Folder 62 |
Chromley, Monique M.
1977 |
Box 6, Folder 63 |
Chudacoff, Nancy T.
1975-1977 |
Box 6, Folder 64 |
Church, Kathleen
1975-1978 |
Box 6, Folder 65 |
Church, William Farr
1977 |
Box 6, Folder 66 |
Churchwell, Charles D.
1975 |
Box 6, Folder 67 |
Claggett, Marshall
1964 |
Box 6, Folder 68 |
Clapp, Helen
1977 |
Box 6, Folder 69 |
Clapp, Roger Tillinghast
1972-1976 |
Box 6, Folder 70 |
Clarke, Bert
1969-1978 |
Box 6, Folder 71 |
Cole, Watson
1926 Mar 29 |
Box 6, Folder 72 |
Coleman, Mary
1972, 1977 |
Box 6, Folder 73 |
Coleman, S. Bernard
1972 |
Box 6, Folder 74 |
Collective Edition of the Correspondence of Voltaire
1953 Mar 16 |
Box 6, Folder 75 |
Corn, Ira G.
1976 |
Box 6, Folder 76 |
Cornell University Library
1951 Jul 31 |
Box 6, Folder 77 |
Corson, Rosalie P.
1972 Dec 1 |
Box 6, Folder 78 |
Cousin Beth
1978 |
Box 6, Folder 79 |
Cousin Pattie
1940, 1950 |
Box 6, Folder 80 |
Cousins, Norman
1975 Jul 8 |
Box 6, Folder 81 |
Crosby, Everett
1945 |
Box 6, Folder 82 |
Cunningham, Lily
1963 |
Box 6, Folder 83 |
Currier, Richard S.
1936 |
Box 6, Folder 84 |
Curtis, Howard Stone
1970 |
Box 6, Folder 85 |
Davis, Karen
1981 |
Box 6, Folder 86 |
Davis, Philip J.
1969 |
Box 6, Folder 87 |
Davison, Daniel P. (Mrs.)
1978 |
Box 6, Folder 88 |
DeCredico, Jessan D.
1971 |
Box 6, Folder 89 |
DeRicci, Seymour
1936 |
Box 6, Folder 90 |
Dexter, Elizabeth (Anthony)
1954-1970 |
Box 6, Folder 91 |
Dexter, Lewis A.
1960-1983 |
Box 6, Folder 92 |
Dillon, Wilton
1978 |
Box 6, Folder 93 |
Downs, Robert B. Contents Note: Director of the libraries at New York University
1940 Sep 26-Oct 4 |
Box 6, Folder 94 |
Dressler, Philip
1971 |
Box 6, Folder 95 |
Dressler, Robert A.
1971-1978 |
Box 6, Folder 96 |
Edwards, Ivan F. W.
1972-1974 |
Box 6, Folder 97 |
Edwards, Knight
1977 |
Box 6, Folder 98 |
Edwards, Walter A.
1947 Jul 8 |
Box 6, Folder 99 |
Ellis, Arthur
1926 |
Box 6, Folder 100 |
Eugene Field Society
1939 Mar 22 |
Box 6, Folder 101 |
Everhart, Margaret E.
1970-1979 |
Box 7, Folder 1 |
Faunce, William Herbert Perry
1914 |
Box 7, Folder 2 |
Fawcett, John
1970 |
Box 7, Folder 3 |
Foster, Frances A.
1974-1975 |
Box 7, Folder 4 |
Francis, W. Nelson
1937 |
Box 7, Folder 5 |
Friend, Eileen
1978 |
Box 7, Folder 6 |
Fries, Elizabeth
1977 |
Box 7, Folder 7 |
Fuetterer, Marianne
1969 |
Box 7, Folder 8 |
Fuhrmann, Otto
1956 |
Box 7, Folder 9 |
Fuller, Margaret
1970 |
Box 7, Folder 10 |
G. Hess, Antiquariat, Munchen
1928 Jul 30 |
Box 7, Folder 11 |
undated |
Box 7, Folder 12 |
Gerster, John
1951 Feb 14-1955 Jan 27, undated |
Box 7, Folder 13 |
1978 |
Box 7, Folder 14 |
Gibbs, Donald T
1974 |
Box 7, Folder 15 |
Gleeson, Alice Collins
1927 Feb 1 |
Box 7, Folder 16 |
Goff, Frederick Richmond
1943 Nov 12-1980 May 27 |
Box 7, Folder 17 |
Goldberger, Edward
1979-1984 |
Box 7, Folder 18 |
Goldschmidt, E. L
1936-1937 |
Box 7, Folder 19 |
Goodhart, Howard
1936-1951 |
Box 7, Folder 20 |
Gooding, Lydia M
1969, 1977 |
Box 7, Folder 21 |
Goodspeed, Charles
1940 |
Box 7, Folder 22 |
Gordan, Phyllis
1968-1983 |
Box 7, Folder 23 |
Gordon, Albert
1971, 1977 |
Box 7, Folder 24 |
Gottschalk, Louis
1936, 1945 |
Box 7, Folder 25 |
Gotwals, Muriel Clemens
undated (Jan 19) |
Box 7, Folder 26 |
Graef, Peter
1941 |
Box 7, Folder 27 |
Grand Central School of Art
1925 |
Box 7, Folder 28 |
Granniss, Ruth
1926-1939 |
Box 7, Folder 29 |
Grantfest, S.O.
1945 |
Box 7, Folder 30 |
Graphic History Society of America
1953 Jun 15 |
Box 7, Folder 31 |
Gravallese, Robert
1961, 1964 |
Box 7, Folder 32 |
Greene, E.F.
1972 |
Box 7, Folder 33 |
Greenwood, David
1936 |
Box 7, Folder 34 |
Griffin, Nathaniel E.
1929 |
Box 7, Folder 35 |
Griffith, Elmer C.
1926 |
Box 7, Folder 36 |
Grubbs, Mrs. C.R.
1938 |
Box 7, Folder 37 |
Grunebaum, L. H.
1954 |
Box 7, Folder 38 |
Guilday, Peter
1936 |
Box 7, Folder 39 |
Guppy, H.
1925 |
Box 7, Folder 40 |
Gutenberg Jahrbuch
1937-1938 Aug 17 |
Box 7, Folder 41 |
Guthmar, Marvin E.
undated |
Box 7, Folder 42 |
Hackett, E. Byrne
1936-1952 |
Box 7, Folder 43 |
Hall, E.S.W.
1933-1934 |
Box 7, Folder 44 |
Hall, Robert
1959 |
Box 7, Folder 45 |
Halle, J.
1931 |
Box 7, Folder 46 |
Ham, Edward B.
1932 |
Box 7, Folder 47 |
Hamer, Sidney
1949 |
Box 7, Folder 48 |
Hanley, James L.
1945 |
Box 7, Folder 49 |
Hanson, J.C.M.
1925 |
Box 7, Folder 50 |
Haraszti, Zoltan
1926-1936 |
Box 7, Folder 51 |
Harding, George L.
1947 |
Box 7, Folder 52 |
Hare, C.H.
1941 |
Box 7, Folder 53 |
Harper, Lathrop
1925-1930, 1945 |
Box 7, Folder 54 |
Harrington, Richard
1968-1977, undated |
Box 7, Folder 55 |
Harris, Paul S.
1932 |
Box 8, Folder 1 |
Harrison, Jean S.
1977 |
Box 8, Folder 2 |
Harvard College Library
1925-1939 |
Box 8, Folder 3 |
Haskell, John D.
1973 |
Box 8, Folder 4 |
Hawk, Grace
1960 Aug 17, 1965 June 26 |
Box 8, Folder 5 |
Hawkins, Rush Christopher
1907-1917 |
Box 8, Folder 6 |
Hayward, John
1954-1956 |
Box 8, Folder 7 |
Hazard, Caroline
undated |
Box 8, Folder 8 |
Heaney, Howell J.
1974 |
Box 8, Folder 9 |
Heath, Anna Cooper
1968-1979 |
Box 8, Folder 10 |
Heath, Dwight B.
undated |
Box 8, Folder 11 |
Heilburn, George
1962 |
Box 8, Folder 12 |
Heins, Nancy
1961 |
Box 8, Folder 13 |
Heller, F. Thomas
1945-1950 |
Box 8, Folder 14 |
Hellman, C. Doris
1931 May 14 |
Box 8, Folder 15 |
Henry, Edward A.
1929-1947 |
Box 8, Folder 16 |
Hersey, Frances Warren
1968 |
Box 8, Folder 17 |
Hersey, Mayo D.
1970 |
Box 8, Folder 18 |
Herwitz, Samuel S.
1926 Dec 3 |
Box 8, Folder 19 |
Herzfelder, Martha A.
1940 Mar 18 |
Box 8, Folder 20 |
Hesh, J.
1971-1972 |
Box 8, Folder 21 |
Hess, Albert G.
1953 May 25 |
Box 8, Folder 22 |
Hiersemann, Karl W.
1925 Aug 8-1926 Aug 18 |
Box 8, Folder 23 |
Hill, Jan
1977 |
Box 8, Folder 24 |
Hill, Robert E.
1977-1978 |
Box 8, Folder 25 |
Hilton, Ronald
1928 Aug 16-Oct 31 |
Box 8, Folder 26 |
Hirsch, Emil
1931 Mar 24-1949 Mar 11 |
Box 8, Folder 27 |
Hispanic Society of America
1925 Jul 25-1935 Feb 19 |
Box 8, Folder 28 |
Hobson, Geoffrey D.
1927 Jul 19-1936 May 28 |
Box 8, Folder 29 |
Hofer, Philip
1932 Oct 25-1944 Apr 22, undated |
Box 8, Folder 30 |
Holmes, Thomas J.
1931 Jun 6-Jul 1 |
Box 8, Folder 31 |
Hood, Marshall L.
1971 |
Box 8, Folder 32 |
Hopkins, Joseph G.E.
1971 |
Box 8, Folder 33 |
Horn, Francis H.
1937 Jan 5-1944 Apr 3 |
Box 8, Folder 34 |
Horne, David
1973 |
Box 8, Folder 35 |
Hornig, Donald F.
1971-1976 |
Box 8, Folder 36 |
Hough, Samuel
1976-1977 |
Box 8, Folder 37 |
Howard, Anna
1935 |
Box 8, Folder 38 |
Howe, Emma
1926, 1930 |
Box 8, Folder 39 |
Howe, Jerome W.
1940 Nov 13-1950 Jan 12 |
Box 8, Folder 40 |
Hughes, Paulina
1961 |
Box 8, Folder 41 |
Hugo. E.H.
1935 May 20 |
Box 8, Folder 42 |
Hunt, Alfred M.
1973-1982 |
Box 8, Folder 43 |
Hunt, Rachel
1952 Feb 5 |
Box 8, Folder 44 |
Hutchinson, Nanine
1973 |
Box 8, Folder 45 |
Hutchinson, Phyllis
1931 December 21 |
Box 8, Folder 46 |
Inter-American Bibliographical and Library Association
1940 Sep 5 |
Box 8, Folder 47 |
Jackson, William A.
1941, 1947 |
Box 8, Folder 48 |
Jarcho, Saul
1971 |
Box 8, Folder 49 |
Johnson, Richard Colles
1979 |
Box 8, Folder 50 |
Jonah, David K.
1959, 1970 |
Box 8, Folder 51 |
Joseph, Jonathan
1971 |
Box 8, Folder 52 |
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
1950 Jul 13 |
Box 8, Folder 53 |
Katz, Sidney
1983 Nov 22 |
Box 8, Folder 54 |
Keeney, Barnaby Conrad, 1914-1980
1959-1973 |
Box 8, Folder 55 |
Kelly, Helen S.
1976 |
Box 8, Folder 56 |
Kent, Sadie T.
1939 |
Box 8, Folder 57 |
Kibre, Adele
1936 Nov 29 |
Box 8, Folder 58 |
King, Patricia
1977 |
Box 8, Folder 59 |
Kinsman, Clare D.
1972 |
Box 8, Folder 60 |
Klebs, Arnold C.
1940 |
Box 8, Folder 61 |
Klyberg, Albert T.
1974, 1976 |
Box 8, Folder 62 |
Knopf, Alfred
1972 |
Box 8, Folder 63 |
Kurath, Hans
1937 |
Box 8, Folder 64 |
Kurneta, Tony
1977 |
Box 8, Folder 65 |
Lamont, Edwin J.
1968-1978 |
Box 8, Folder 66 |
Laszerski, Zofia
1929 |
Box 8, Folder 67 |
Lawrence, Arthur L.
1974 |
Box 8, Folder 68 |
Lawrence, George H. M.
1958-1970 |
Box 8, Folder 69 |
Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut
1937-1977 |
Box 8, Folder 70 |
Leland, Waldo
1937 |
Box 8, Folder 71 |
Lerner, Michael
1973 |
Box 8, Folder 72 |
Levine, Jane
1982 |
Box 8, Folder 73 |
Leyland, Herbert T.
1964 |
Box 9, Folder 1 |
Library of Congress
1954 Sep 8-Oct 19 |
Box 9, Folder 2 |
Library of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland
1925 Jul 15 |
Box 9, Folder 3 |
Liebert, Herman W.
1977 |
Box 9, Folder 4 |
Lindner, Gladys
1975-1977 |
Box 9, Folder 5 |
Linfield, H.S.
1933 Jan 18 |
Box 9, Folder 6 |
Lograsso, Angeline H.
1926 Sep 16 |
Box 9, Folder 7 |
Lord, Milton E.
1931-1932 |
Box 9, Folder 8 |
Lownes, Albert E.
1950-1977 |
Box 9, Folder 9 |
Lubrano, Jack A.
1975, 1979 |
Box 9, Folder 10 |
Luster, Dorothy
1967 |
Box 9, Folder 11 |
Lydenberg, H. M.
1925-1943 |
Box 9, Folder 12 |
M.H. de Young Memorial Museum
1953 Apr 19 |
Box 9, Folder 13 |
Mabbott, Thomas, O
1925 |
Box 9, Folder 14 |
MacAusten, Grace
undated |
Box 9, Folder 15 |
MacDonald, William
1916, 1920 |
Box 9, Folder 16 |
Mackall, Leonard L.
1925-1937 |
Box 9, Folder 17 |
MacKillop, Mildred
undated |
Box 9, Folder 18 |
Marri, Fernand
1951 |
Box 9, Folder 19 |
Marston, Thomas E.
1971 |
Box 9, Folder 20 |
Massey, Linton
1971 |
Box 9, Folder 21 |
Matheson, William
1975 |
Box 9, Folder 22 |
Mathiesen, Robert
1981-1983 |
Box 9, Folder 23 |
1977 |
Box 9, Folder 24 |
Maxwell, Margaret
1977 |
Box 9, Folder 25 |
Mayor, A. Hyatt
undated |
Box 9, Folder 26 |
McBride, Katharine
1951-1962 |
Box 9, Folder 27 |
McConnell, Emily
1968 |
Box 9, Folder 28 |
McConnell, Nicholas Stillwell
1972-1975 |
Box 9, Folder 29 |
McCorison, Marcus A.
1976 |
Box 9, Folder 30 |
McIntyre, John
1974-1983 |
Box 9, Folder 31 |
McIntire, Lillie
1954 Jun 14 |
Box 9, Folder 32 |
Metcalf, L.D.S.
1939 Feb 13 |
Box 9, Folder 33 |
Miller, Lucille
1970 |
Box 9, Folder 34 |
Miller, Robert Rulon
1916, 1977, undated |
Box 9, Folder 35 |
Milliken, Harry N.
1973-1984 |
Box 9, Folder 36 |
Moffitt, James K.
1954 |
Box 9, Folder 37 |
Monat, Helen
1954, 1958 |
Box 9, Folder 38 |
Monoham, Ruth
1959-1967 |
Box 9, Folder 39 |
Monty Contents Note: No last name given
1979 Dec 20 |
Box 9, Folder 40 |
Moore, Louise Winsor
1977 |
Box 9, Folder 41 |
Moulton, Elise J.
1976 |
Box 9, Folder 42 |
Myer, Elizabeth G.
1975 |
Box 9, Folder 43 |
Myers, Hope Reynolds
1968, 1974 |
Box 9, Folder 44 |
Nichols, Charles L.
1921 |
Box 9, Folder 45 |
Nikirk, Robert
1977 |
Box 9, Folder 46 |
Ohly, Kurt
1935, 1937 |
Box 9, Folder 47 |
Page, Jane H.
1979 |
Box 9, Folder 48 |
Painter, George D.
1970-1973 |
Box 9, Folder 49 |
Palsits, Victor H.
1936 |
Box 9, Folder 50 |
Panunzio, Constantine
undated |
Box 9, Folder 51 |
Park, Julian
1944 Nov 15 |
Box 9, Folder 52 |
Pastore, John O.
1972 Mar 24 |
Box 9, Folder 53 |
Peace, Nancy E.
1976 |
Box 9, Folder 54 |
Peacock, J.L.
1925 |
Box 9, Folder 55 |
Peck, Mr. Fredrick Stanhope
1958 Jun 30 |
Box 9, Folder 56 |
Penniman, James H.
1927 |
Box 9, Folder 57 |
Perkins, Fred B.
1948 Jul 1 |
Box 9, Folder 58 |
Perry, Richard W.
1983 |
Box 9, Folder 59 |
Peterson, L.
1965 |
Box 9, Folder 60 |
Pierpont Morgan Library
1954 Feb 5 |
Box 9, Folder 61 |
Pierrel, Rosemary
1971 |
Box 9, Folder 62 |
Pingree, Isabelle
1977 |
Box 9, Folder 63 |
Pottinger, David T.
1937 Apr 16 |
Box 9, Folder 64 |
Prew, Margaret J.
1974, 1977 |
Box 9, Folder 65 |
Price, Willie
1933 |
Box 9, Folder 66 |
Pritchard, Martha Caroline
1940 |
Box 9, Folder 67 |
Proffitt, Charles G.
1931 |
Box 9, Folder 68 |
Quinby, Jane
1954-1965 |
Box 9, Folder 69 |
Raab, Barbara
1980 Mar 13 |
Box 9, Folder 70 |
Rand, E.K.
1936 |
Box 9, Folder 71 |
Randall, Lilian M.C.
1976-1977 |
Box 9, Folder 72 |
Randall, Ollie A.
1977 |
Box 9, Folder 73 |
Rattey, Clifford
1965-1966 |
Box 9, Folder 74 |
Reeves, Sandra
1974, 1977 |
Box 9, Folder 75 |
Reichner, Herbert
1968 |
Box 9, Folder 76 |
Reid, Richard S.
1975-1976 |
Box 9, Folder 77 |
Retzinger, David W.
1974 |
Box 9, Folder 78 |
Rhodes, Dennis E.
1977 |
Box 9, Folder 79 |
Rhodes, Eugene A.
1966, 1977 |
Box 9, Folder 80 |
Richardson, Roland G.D.
1938 |
Box 9, Folder 81 |
Rippey, Arthur G.
1974, 1977 |
Box 9, Folder 82 |
1977 |
Box 9, Folder 83 |
Robinson, Alexander
1971 |
Box 9, Folder 84 |
Rogers, Virginia T.
1976 |
Box 9, Folder 85 |
Rollins, Carl F.
1935 Jul 13 |
Box 9, Folder 86 |
Romney, Lenore
1970 |
Box 9, Folder 87 |
Root, Azariah
1925-1926 |
Box 9, Folder 88 |
Rosenthal, Bernard M.
1962-1979 |
Box 9, Folder 89 |
Rosenwald, Lessing J.
1954-1978 |
Box 9, Folder 90 |
Ross, Sarah Y.
1957 Sep 3 |
Box 9, Folder 91 |
1936-1937 |
Box 9, Folder 92 |
Ryskamp, Charles
1979 |
Box 9, Folder 93 |
Sabbey, John G.
1974 |
Box 9, Folder 94 |
Sallander, Mr.
1954 Apr 15 |
Box 9, Folder 95 |
Sarton, George
1928-1942 |
Box 9, Folder 96 |
Savage, Roberts
1978 |
Box 9, Folder 97 |
Scheide, John Hinsdale
1936 |
Box 9, Folder 98 |
Schimmel, Caroline Hover
1970-1977 |
Box 9, Folder 99 |
Schimmel, Stuart B.
1976-1978 |
Box 10, Folder 1 |
Scholderer, Victor
1936 Mar 6-1969 Jan 22 |
Box 10, Folder 2 |
Schullian, Dorothy
1954-1978 |
Box 10, Folder 3 |
Scotti, N. David
1974 |
Box 10, Folder 4 |
Scully, Edith M.
1977 |
Box 10, Folder 5 |
Seaman, Richard F.
1979 |
Box 10, Folder 6 |
Sears, Minnie
1928 |
Box 10, Folder 7 |
Semmler, Fritz
1950 |
Box 10, Folder 8 |
Sexton, Eric
1972-1973 |
Box 10, Folder 9 |
Shaffer, Ellen
1950 |
Box 10, Folder 10 |
Sharpe, Mary Elizabeth
1970-1977 |
Box 10, Folder 11 |
Shearer, Augustus
1934 |
Box 10, Folder 12 |
Sherman, Clarence E.
1943 Jul 26-1952 Jun 10 |
Box 10, Folder 13 |
Sherman, Stuart C.
1965-1977 |
Box 10, Folder 14 |
1977 |
Box 10, Folder 15 |
Skeel, Emily Ford
1950-1951 |
Box 10, Folder 16 |
Smiley, Charles H.
1973 |
Box 10, Folder 17 |
Smith, Watson
1974 |
Box 10, Folder 18 |
Smithfield Conservation Commission
1969 |
Box 10, Folder 19 |
Smithfield Township Preservation and Development Council
1963 |
Box 10, Folder 20 |
Smithfield Zoning Board of Review
1972 May 20-28 |
Box 10, Folder 21 |
Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities
1927 Mar 17 |
Box 10, Folder 22 |
Solomon, Barbara M.
1961 |
Box 10, Folder 23 |
Spicer, William A.
1966 |
Box 10, Folder 24 |
Sraeth, Arthur
1936 |
Box 10, Folder 25 |
Stam, Deirdre
1981 |
Box 10, Folder 26 |
Stanley, John H.
1973 |
Box 10, Folder 27 |
Stark, Kendrick J.
1971-1972 |
Box 10, Folder 28 |
Stark, Marion E.
1970 |
Box 10, Folder 29 |
Steere, Abigail D.
1977 |
Box 10, Folder 30 |
Steere, John W.
1969 |
Box 10, Folder 31 |
Stillwell, Alison
1944 |
Box 10, Folder 32 |
Stillwell, Celia Robinson
1977 |
Box 10, Folder 33 |
Stillwell, Nick McConnell
undated |
Box 10, Folder 34 |
Stillwell, Lt. Colonel W.B.
1942 Jan 27 |
Box 10, Folder 35 |
Stillwell, Richard
1943 |
Box 10, Folder 36 |
Strable, Edward
1965 Mar 6, 1965 Feb 5 |
Box 10, Folder 37 |
Stoltz, Merton P.
1977 Jan 24, 1977 Feb 4 |
Box 10, Folder 38 |
Stone, Stephen G.
1978 Feb 24, 1978 Apr 14 |
Box 10, Folder 39 |
Swaim, Elizabeth A.
1974 Aug 24, Aug 28 |
Box 10, Folder 40 |
Swan, Bradford
1968 Aug 8 |
Box 10, Folder 41 |
Swan, Henry M.
1979 Feb 24-Mar 13 |
Box 10, Folder 42 |
Swan, Marshall
1971 Jul 7-1977 Oct 31 |
Box 10, Folder 43 |
Swartz, Laura
1968 Dec 30 |
Box 10, Folder 44 |
Swearer, Howard S.
1977 Apr 15-1979 May 7 |
Box 10, Folder 45 |
Szandorowska, Eliza Contents Note: see also Angell, Walter F.
1963 Dec 14 |
Box 10, Folder 46 |
Thompson, Lawrence S.
1974 Jan 29-1979 Jan 8 |
Box 10, Folder 47 |
Trechek, Theresa
1977 Oct 29 |
Box 10, Folder 48 |
Triennes, Roger J.
undated |
Box 10, Folder 49 |
Trustees of the Annmary Brown Memorial
1925-1927 May 7 |
Box 10, Folder 50 |
Vail, Robert William Glenroie
1932 Nov 22-1952 Oct 6 |
Box 10, Folder 51 |
Van der Muelen, C.J.
1952 Jan 16 |
Box 10, Folder 52 |
Van Hoesen, Henry B.
1938 Apr 25 |
Box 10, Folder 53 |
Van Why, Joseph S.
1966 Oct 14-1977 Apr 26 |
Box 10, Folder 54 |
Verlag, Herbert Reichner
1936 Jun 3 |
Box 10, Folder 55 |
Viall, Richmond Jr.
1975 May 22 |
Box 10, Folder 56 |
Viets, Henry R.
1961 Jan 11 |
Box 10, Folder 57 |
Walker, LeRoy R.
1976 Sep 20 |
Box 10, Folder 58 |
Watson, Thomas
1959 Sep 25 |
Box 10, Folder 59 |
Western Union Telegraph Company
1926 Oct 26 |
Box 10, Folder 60 |
Whaley, Jerry
1979 Oct 24 |
Box 10, Folder 61 |
Whitehill, Jane
1978 May 3 |
Box 10, Folder 62 |
Whitehill, Walter Muir
1971 Mar 24-1977 Dec |
Box 10, Folder 63 |
Who's Who in Library Service
1932 Apr 13-1944 |
Box 10, Folder 64 |
Wightman, Julia
1977 Mar 27 |
Box 10, Folder 65 |
Wiley, Russ
1979 Jan 31 |
Box 10, Folder 66 |
Williams, David
1979 Apr 5-1979 Apr 17 |
Box 10, Folder 67 |
Williamson, C.C.
1940 Aug 9 |
Box 10, Folder 68 |
Willy, Fraleaue
1926 Feb 7 |
Box 10, Folder 69 |
Winship, George Parker
1924 Dec 6-1926 Jul 13 |
Box 10, Folder 70 |
Wiseman, Willie Mae
1937 Nov 30 |
Box 10, Folder 71 |
Woodward, Carl R.
1952 Jul 8-1971 Nov 30 |
Box 11, Folder 1 |
Wriston, Henry
1947 May 22-1977 Oct 1 |
Box 11, Folder 2, 3 |
Wriston, Marguerite
1972-1980 |
Box 11, Folder 4 |
Wroth, Lawrence C.
1941 Apr 4-1952 Sep 15 |
Box 11, Folder 5 |
Yarbrough, Marilyn
1971 Apr 28 |
Box 11, Folder 6 |
Yoh, Peter L., National Central Library, Nanking, China
1937 Nov 4 |
Box 11, Folder 7 |
Yoken, Melvin B.
1971 May 11-1977 |
Series 3. Incunabula in American Libraries: A Second Census of Fifteenth Century Books Owned in the United States, Mexico and Canada - documentation and correspondence
Box 12, Folder 1 |
Author chart
undated |
Box 12, Folder 2 |
Author chart - carbon
undated |
Box 12, Folder 3 |
Editing instructions
undated |
Box 12, Folder 4 |
Title checking chart
undated |
Box 13, Folder 1 |
Photographs of books in the Peitang Library
undated |
Box 14, Folder 1 |
Adams, Frank D
1929, 1936 |
Box 14, Folder 1 |
Albree, John
1928, 1936 |
Box 14, Folder 1 |
Alsopp, Fred W.
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 1 |
American Art Association--Anderson Galleries
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 1 |
American Bible Society
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 1 |
American Philosophical Society
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 1 |
American Type Founders
1928-1938 |
Box 14, Folder 1 |
American University
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 2 |
Anastos, Milton V.
1940 |
Box 14, Folder 2 |
Andover-Harvard Theological Library
1939 |
Box 14, Folder 2 |
Andover-Newton Theological School
1939 |
Box 14, Folder 2 |
Andrews, C. W.
1935 |
Box 14, Folder 2 |
Angell, Ernest
1926, 1937 |
Box 14, Folder 2 |
Anthony, Alfred Williams
1925 |
Box 14, Folder 2 |
Antiquarian and Numismatic Society
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 2 |
Avinoff, A.
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 3 |
Bain, Donald
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 3 |
Baker University
1935-1936 |
Box 14, Folder 3 |
Baker, George Bramwell
1933, 1936 |
Box 14, Folder 3 |
Baldwin, Charles A.
1935 |
Box 14, Folder 3 |
Bangor Public Library
1936-1939 |
Box 14, Folder 3 |
Bangor Theological Seminary
1937 |
Box 14, Folder 3 |
Bartropp, F. F.
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 3 |
Baskerville, Thomas H.
1926, 1937 |
Box 14, Folder 3 |
Bates, William Nickerson
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 3 |
Baugh, Albert C.
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 4 |
Beal, Junius E.
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 4 |
Beals, Walter B.
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 4 |
Beattie, W.
1945 |
Box 14, Folder 4 |
Benson, F. C.
1938 |
Box 14, Folder 4 |
Berry, Lillian Gay
1939 |
Box 14, Folder 4 |
Berzunza, Julius
1936, 1939 |
Box 14, Folder 5 |
Biddle (Moncure) and company
1936, 1939 |
Box 14, Folder 5 |
Bigelow, John
1927 |
Box 14, Folder 5 |
Billstein, Nathan
1926 |
Box 14, Folder 5 |
Bingham, Robert W.
1935 |
Box 14, Folder 6 |
Bonnell, Mrs. Henry H.
1936-1939 |
Box 14, Folder 6 |
Bonniwell, W. R.
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 6 |
Boston Athenaeum
1925-1938 |
Box 14, Folder 6 |
Boston College Library
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 6 |
Boston Medical Library
1932-1939 |
Box 14, Folder 7 |
Boston Public LIbrary
1928 Apr 11 - 1940 May 23 |
Box 14, Folder 8 |
Brandegee, Mrs. E. D.
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 8 |
Brenner, J. J. A.
1935-1936 |
Box 14, Folder 8 |
Brewer, Wheaton H.
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 8 |
Brick Row Book Shop
1935-1939 |
Box 14, Folder 8 |
Brigham, Clarence S.
1935-1937 |
Box 14, Folder 8 |
Brown, Alfred J.
1932 |
Box 14, Folder 8 |
Bryn Mawr
1935-1937 |
Box 14, Folder 9 |
Buffalo Museum of Science
1938 |
Box 14, Folder 9 |
Buschke, Albrecht
1939 |
Box 14, Folder 10 |
Caldwell, Edward
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 10 |
California State Library
1936-1939 |
Box 14, Folder 10 |
Cameron, A. Guyot
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 10 |
Campbell, William J.
1936 |
Box 18, Folder 5 |
Canada--Library of Parliament
1936 Jan 25 |
Box 14, Folder 10 |
Capuchin College
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 10 |
Capuchin Fathers, Herman, Pa.
1930 |
Box 14, Folder 10 |
Capuchin Fathers, Marathon, Wis.
1939 |
Box 14, Folder 10 |
Capuching Franciscan Fathers, N.Y.
1939 |
Box 14, Folder 10 |
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
1935-1936 |
Box 14, Folder 10 |
Cary, Melbert B.
1936, 1938 |
Box 14, Folder 10 |
Castle, Linda
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 10 |
Cathedral College
1934-1936 |
Box 14, Folder 10 |
Catholic Club of the City of New York
1937 |
Box 14, Folder 10 |
Catholic institutions
undated |
Box 14, Folder 10 |
Catholic monasteries
1922-1931 |
Box 14, Folder 10 |
Catholic monasteries (Franciscan)
1930-1937 |
Box 14, Folder 10 |
Catholic monasteries (Linhart list)
1924-1936 |
Box 14, Folder 10 |
Catholic University of America
1933-1937 |
Box 14, Folder 10 |
Caxton Club
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 11 |
Century Club
1937 |
Box 14, Folder 12 |
Chandler, Lyman
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 13 |
Chapin Library
1925 Jan 12 - 1939 Oct 28 |
Box 14, Folder 12 |
Chase, Franklin H.
1937 |
Box 14, Folder 12 |
Chaucer Head Book Shop
1936 |
Box 14, Folder 12 |
Chiswick Book Shop
undated |
Box 14, Folder 12 |
Church of the Sacred Heart Library
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 1 |
Cincinnati Art Museum
1932-1934 |
Box 15, Folder 1 |
Cincinnati Public Library
1936-1937 |
Box 15, Folder 2 |
Claflin, Florence
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 2 |
Clapham, Edward G.
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 2 |
Claremont College Library
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 2 |
Clark University
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 2 |
Clark, Charles W.
1925-1936 |
Box 15, Folder 2 |
Clarke, Charles L.
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 2 |
Cleveland Medical Library Association
1937-1938 |
Box 15, Folder 2 |
Cleveland Public Library
1935-1939 |
Box 15, Folder 3 |
Cole, Harry E.
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 3 |
Colgate University Library
1932, 1936 |
Box 15, Folder 3 |
Colgate-Rochester Divinity School
1928-1937 |
Box 15, Folder 3 |
College of Physicians
1935-1939 |
Box 15, Folder 3 |
College of St. Thomas
1937 |
Box 15, Folder 3 |
College of the City of New York
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 3 |
College of the Sacred Heart, Manhattanville
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 3 |
Collins, Philip S.
1938 |
Box 15, Folder 4 |
Columbia University Library
1932 Jan 11 - 1940 May 10 |
Box 15, Folder 3 |
Columbia University Teachers College Library
1937 |
Box 15, Folder 3 |
Conception Abbey
1935-1941 |
Box 15, Folder 3 |
Cornell University Library
1919-1939 |
Box 15, Folder 5 |
Cushing, E. H.
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 5 |
Cushing, Harvey
1936-1939 |
Box 15, Folder 6 |
Dains, Frank Burnett
1938 |
Box 15, Folder 6 |
Daley, Charles M.
1931-1936 |
Box 15, Folder 6 |
Dalsheimer, Hugo
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 6 |
Dartmouth College
1935-1940 |
Box 15, Folder 6 |
Davis, Waters S.
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 6 |
Dawson's Book Shop
1939, 1949 |
Box 15, Folder 7 |
de Vegh, I.
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 7 |
Dean, Ruth J.
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 7 |
Dearden, Robert R.
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 7 |
Deetjen, Chr.
1936-1937 |
Box 15, Folder 7 |
Deitchman, Louis S.
1939 |
Box 15, Folder 7 |
Derr, Jane C.
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 7 |
Destombes, Marcel
1953 |
Box 15, Folder 7 |
Detterer, Ernst F.
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 7 |
DeWitt, Fred M.
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 8 |
Dimock, George E.
1937 |
Box 15, Folder 8 |
Doheny, Mrs. Edward Lawrence
1934-1936 |
Box 15, Folder 8 |
Dominican House of Studies
1936-1938 |
Box 15, Folder 8 |
Dow, George Francis
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 9 |
Drew University Library
1936-1937 |
Box 15, Folder 9 |
Drexel Institute Library
1936-1939 |
Box 15, Folder 9 |
Duffner, Laura M.
1935 |
Box 15, Folder 9 |
Duke University
1932-1936 |
Box 15, Folder 10 |
Eames, Wilberforce
1926-1936 |
Box 15, Folder 10 |
East Hampton Free Library
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 10 |
Ege, Otto E.
1936-1938 |
Box 15, Folder 11 |
Emerson, George W.
1930-1936 |
Box 15, Folder 10 |
Emling, Louise A.
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 10 |
Emory University
1935-1937 |
Box 15, Folder 10 |
Engineering Societies Library
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 10 |
Enoch Pratt Free Library
1925-1936 |
Box 15, Folder 10 |
Essex Institute
1932, 1936 |
Box 15, Folder 10 |
Evans, Edward W.
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 10 |
Explorers Club
1928-1936 |
Box 15, Folder 11 |
Falconer, James W.
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 11 |
Feiss, Paul L.
1924-1935 |
Box 15, Folder 11 |
Fernald, Henry B.
1940 |
Box 15, Folder 11 |
Finney, George J.
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 11 |
Fisher, Mary E,
1938-1939 |
Box 15, Folder 11 |
Flickinger, Roy C.
1934-1936 |
Box 15, Folder 13 |
Folger Shakespeare Library
1932 Feb 7 - 1939 Nov 24 |
Box 15, Folder 12 |
Forbes Library
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 12 |
Foster, William E.
1925-1935 |
Box 15, Folder 12 |
Fowler, Lawrence H.
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 14 |
Franciscan Fathers
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 14 |
Franciscan Fathers, St. Louis
1937 |
Box 15, Folder 14 |
Frankel (David) and Sons
undated |
Box 15, Folder 14 |
French Book Corporation
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 14 |
Friedenwald, Harry
1937 |
Box 15, Folder 14 |
Friedman, Lee M.
1936, 1939 |
Box 15, Folder 15 |
Fuchs J. S.
1933-1939 |
Box 15, Folder 15 |
Fuhrmann, Otto W.
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 15 |
Fulton, John F.
1932, 1935 |
Box 15, Folder 16 |
Gaebelein, Arno C.
1934-1938 |
Box 15, Folder 16 |
Gale, Arthur L.
1931-1937 |
Box 15, Folder 16 |
Gannon, Thomas J.
undated |
Box 15, Folder 16 |
Gardenside Bookshop
undated |
Box 15, Folder 16 |
Garrett, John W.
1934-1940 |
Box 15, Folder 16 |
Garrett, Robert
1935 |
Box 15, Folder 18 |
Garrett, Mrs. Rufus Napoleon
1936 Mar 16 |
Box 15, Folder 16 |
Garver, Milton
1936 |
Box 15, Folder 16 |
Gaskill, C. Francis
1937 |
Box 15, Folder 17 |
General Theological Seminary
1940 |
Box 15, Folder 17 |
Georgetown University
1939-1940 |
Box 15, Folder 17 |
Georgia Historical Society
1936-1938 |
Box 15, Folder 17 |
Gettysburg College
1937 |
Box 16, Folder 1 |
Goetz, Philip B.
1935-1936 |
Box 16, Folder 1 |
Goldman, Marcus Selden
undated |
Box 16, Folder 1 |
Goldschmidt, E.D.
1936 |
Box 16, Folder 1 |
Good, John Hasler
1936 |
Box 16, Folder 1 |
Goodhart, Howard
1935-1938 |
Box 16, Folder 1 |
Goodspeed, George T.
1933-1939 |
Box 16, Folder 1 |
Gordon, Douglas H.
1936 |
Box 16, Folder 1 |
Goucher College Library
1936 |
Box 16, Folder 2 |
Grainger, Mrs. H. B.
1929-1936 |
Box 16, Folder 2 |
Greenville Public Library
1935, 1962 |
Box 16, Folder 2 |
Grier, Albert M.
1938-1940 |
Box 16, Folder 2 |
Griscom, Acton
1923 |
Box 16, Folder 2 |
Grolier Club
1932-1936 |
Box 16, Folder 2 |
Grosvenor Library
1934-1936 |
Box 16, Folder 2 |
Grover, Edwin
1935-1936 |
Box 16, Folder 3 |
1919, 1936 |
Box 16, Folder 4 |
H.W. Wilson Co.
1936 Mar 14-Aug 12 |
Box 16, Folder 5 |
Hamill, Charles H.
1938 |
Box 16, Folder 5 |
Hamilton College Library
1928-1938 |
Box 16, Folder 5 |
Hamilton, Sinclair
1936 |
Box 16, Folder 5 |
Hanover, N. H.
1936 |
Box 16, Folder 5 |
Hargrett, Felix
1937 |
Box 16, Folder 5 |
Harper, Lathrop C.
1925-1937 |
Box 16, Folder 5 |
Harrington, Karl P.
1936 |
Box 16, Folder 5 |
Hart, Edward
1936 |
Box 16, Folder 5 |
Hartford Seminary Foundation
1937-1939 |
Box 16, Folder 6 |
Harvard College Library
1929 Feb 2-1941 Feb 15 |
Box 16, Folder 7 |
Harvard Law School
1923 Dec 11-1940 Jan 16 |
Box 16, Folder 5 |
Harvard University--Arnold Arboretum
1922-1937 |
Box 16, Folder 5 |
Harvard University--Graduate School of Business Administration
1936-1939 |
Box 16, Folder 5 |
Harvard University--Schools of Medicine and Public Health
1936 |
Box 16, Folder 5 |
Haverford College Library
1936-1937 |
Box 16, Folder 5 |
Haverhill Public Library
1940 |
Box 16, Folder 5 |
Hayes, Robert Cary
1936 |
Box 16, Folder 8 |
Hebrew Union College Library
1936-1937 |
Box 16, Folder 8 |
Hellman, Alfred M.
1936 |
Box 16, Folder 8 |
Henry, Mrs. Seton
1936-1938 |
Box 16, Folder 9 |
Hess, G., Antiquariat Munchen
1928 Nov 26 |
Box 16, Folder 10 |
Hispanic Society of America
1934-1938 |
Box 16, Folder 10 |
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
1936-1937 |
Box 16, Folder 11 |
Hofer, Philip
1936 Feb 6-1939 Jun 6 |
Box 16, Folder 12 |
Hogan, Frank J.
1940 |
Box 16, Folder 12 |
Hollands, William C
1931, 1936 |
Box 16, Folder 12 |
Holy Name College
1936-1937 |
Box 16, Folder 12 |
Horine, Emmet Field
1937 |
Box 16, Folder 12 |
Horton and Stonestreet, Inc.
1934 |
Box 16, Folder 12 |
Houghton, Arthur A.
1940 |
Box 16, Folder 12 |
Houston Public Library
1932-1936 |
Box 16, Folder 12 |
Howe, George L.
1936 |
Box 16, Folder 12 |
Howe, Marc Antony DeWolfe
1936 |
Box 16, Folder 12 |
Howell (John) Books
1929, 1936 |
Box 16, Folder 13 |
Hubbard, Lucius Lee
1932-1936 |
Box 16, Folder 13 |
Humberd, Charles D.
1930-1937 |
Box 16, Folder 13 |
Hunter, A. B.
1928-1936 |
Box 16, Folder 14-15 |
Huntington Library and Art Gallery
1925 Jan 9 - 1926 Dec 4 |
Box 17, Folder 1-2 |
Huntington Library and Art Gallery
1827 Jan 28 - 1940 Feb 14 |
Box 17, Folder 3 |
Indiana University Library
1927-1936 |
Box 17, Folder 3 |
Indianapolis Public Library
1936 |
Box 17, Folder 3 |
Ingram, Myrtle Crummer
1936 |
Box 17, Folder 3 |
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
1936-1938 |
Box 17, Folder 4 |
Jacobs, Henry Barton
1936 |
Box 17, Folder 4 |
Jayne, Horace Howard Furness
1936 |
Box 17, Folder 4 |
Jewish Institute of Religion
1940 |
Box 17, Folder 4 |
Jewish Theological Seminary of America
1935-1939 |
Box 17, Folder 4 |
John Crerar College
1936-1939 |
Box 17, Folder 4 |
Johns Hopkins University
1935-1937 |
Box 17, Folder 4 |
Johns Hopkins University--Welch Medical Library
1935-1937 |
Box 17, Folder 4 |
Johnson, William F.
1938 |
Box 17, Folder 4 |
Jones, Franklin P.
1936 |
Box 17, Folder 4 |
Jones, S. Paul
1932-1936 |
Box 17, Folder 4 |
Jones, Tessie
1939 |
Box 17, Folder 4 |
Juniata College
1939 |
Box 17, Folder 5 |
Kane, Grenville
1925-1937 |
Box 17, Folder 5 |
Kavanaugh, Edward J.
1925-1936 |
Box 17, Folder 5 |
Kaye, Frederick
1936 |
Box 17, Folder 6 |
Keever, Edwin
1926 |
Box 17, Folder 6 |
Kellen, William Vail
1936-1937 |
Box 17, Folder 6 |
Kelso, William G.
1928 |
Box 17, Folder 6 |
Klebs, Arnold C.
1935-1937 |
Box 17, Folder 7 - 11 |
Kommission fur den Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke
1923 Feb - 1939 Aug |
Box 17, Folder 12 |
Kraus, Hans P.
1939-1940 |
Box 17, Folder 12 |
Krumbhaar, E. B.
1925-1937 |
Box 17, Folder 13 |
Lafayette College
1936 |
Box 17, Folder 13 |
Lancaster Town Library
1936 |
Box 17, Folder 13 |
Langfeld, William R.
1936-1937 |
Box 17, Folder 14 |
Leavitt, Charles H.
1936 |
Box 17, Folder 14 |
Lehigh University
1926-1938 |
Box 17, Folder 14 |
Lewisohn, Adolph
1928 |
Box 17, Folder 16 |
Library Company of Philadelphia
1937 Sep 3-1938 Sep 29 |
Box 17, Folder 17 |
Library of Congress - Batchelder Collection
1935 Oct 24 - 1937 Nov 17 |
Box 17, Folder 18 |
Library of Congress - Correspondence and lists
1930 Jun 3 - 1936 Dec 11 |
Box 18, Folder 1 - 3 |
Library of Congress - Inquiries
1927 Jul 15 - 1940 Jan 13 |
Box 18, Folder 4 |
Library of Congress - Law Library
1933 Jul 25 - 1937 Mar 30 |
Box 18, Folder 5 |
Library of Parliament, Canada
1936 Jan 25 |
Box 17, Folder 15 |
Lincoln University
1936 |
Box 17, Folder 15 |
Lincoln, Daniel W.
1930-1937 |
Box 17, Folder 15 |
Lipscomb, Herbert C.
1936 |
Box 17, Folder 15 |
Litchfield, E. Hubert
1936 |
Box 18, Folder 6 |
Lockwood, Dean P.
1936 |
Box 18, Folder 6 |
Lodder, Grace B.
1936 |
Box 18, Folder 6 |
Lodge, Gonzalez
1935-1939 |
Box 18, Folder 7 |
Lomer, Gerhard R.
1935 Dec 30 - 1937 Feb 25 |
Box 18, Folder 6 |
Long Island Historical Society
1938 |
Box 18, Folder 6 |
Lontos, Sotirios S.
1937 |
Box 18, Folder 6 |
Lord, John C.
1936 |
Box 18, Folder 6 |
Loring, Augustus P.
1936 |
Box 18, Folder 6 |
Los Angeles County Law Library
1939 |
Box 18, Folder 6 |
Louisiana State University
1934-1939 |
Box 18, Folder 6 |
Lowenhaupt, Warren H.
1936 |
Box 18, Folder 6 |
Lownes, Albert Edgar
1931-1937 |
Box 18, Folder 6 |
Loyola College, Baltimore
1935-1937 |
Box 18, Folder 6 |
Loyola College, Montreal
1936 |
Box 18, Folder 8 |
Lutheran Theological Seminary
1936 |
Box 18, Folder 9 |
Lydenberg, H. M.
1939 Jul 15 - 1939 Jul 7 |
Box 18, Folder 10 |
Mabbott, Thomas Ollive
1925-1939 |
Box 18, Folder 10 |
Machen, Arthur
1932-1936 |
Box 18, Folder 10 |
Mackall, Leonard L.
1931 |
Box 18, Folder 10 |
Manhattan College
1940 |
Box 18, Folder 11 |
Manly, John M.
1938 Feb 8-1938 Oct 28 |
Box 18, Folder 10 |
Marshall, G. G.
1938 |
Box 18, Folder 10 |
Marshall, S. M.
1928 |
Box 18, Folder 10 |
Martini, Joseph
1936 |
Box 18, Folder 10 |
Marx, Alexander
1936-1937 |
Box 18, Folder 10 |
Maryland Diocesan Library
1936-1938 |
Box 18, Folder 10 |
Massachusetts Historical Society
1938 |
Box 18, Folder 10 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1936 |
Box 18, Folder 10 |
Mather, Frank J.
1933-1936 |
Box 18, Folder 12 |
McCamic, Charles M.
1928-1937 |
Box 18, Folder 12 |
McDaniel, William Brooks
1934-1936 |
Box 18, Folder 12 |
McGill University Library
1936 |
Box 18, Folder 12 |
McMurtrie, Douglas
1936 |
Box 18, Folder 12 |
McNitt, V. V.
1940 |
Box 18, Folder 12 |
McVitty, S. H.
1936-1937 |
Box 18, Folder 13 |
Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland
1925 |
Box 18, Folder 13 |
Medical Society of the County of Kings
1924-1937 |
Box 18, Folder 13 |
Metropolitan Museum of Art
1939 |
Box 18, Folder 13 |
Meyer, Robert T.
1937 |
Box 18, Folder 14 |
Minneapolis Public Library
1937 |
Box 18, Folder 14 |
Missouri Botanical Garden
1932 |
Box 18, Folder 15 |
Moffitt, James K.
1939 |
Box 18, Folder 15 |
Moriarty, G. Andrews
undated |
Box 18, Folder 15 |
Mount Saint Mary's College, Emmitsburg, Md.
1937-1940 |
Box 18, Folder 16 |
Mundelein College
1936-1940 |
Box 18, Folder 16 |
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
1936 |
Box 18, Folder 17 |
National Library of Mexico
1937 Jul 14 - 1939 Jul 19 |
Box 18, Folder 18 |
New Brunswick Theological Seminary
1936 Apr 22 |
Box 18, Folder 19 |
New York Academy of Medicine
1929 Mar 23 - 1939 Aug 22 |
Box 18, Folder 20 |
New York Historical Society
1940 |
Box 18, Folder 21 |
New York Public Library
1925 Jan 25 - 1940 May 13 |
Box 18, Folder 20 |
New York State Library
1925-1933 |
Box 18, Folder 22 |
New York Times
1937 Feb 12 - 1939 May 1 |
Box 18, Folder 20 |
New York University--University Heights Library
1936 |
Box 18, Folder 20 |
New York University--Washington Sq. Library--Fuhrmann Coll.
1936-1936 |
Box 18, Folder 20 |
New York University--Washington Square Library
1936 |
Box 18, Folder 23 |
Newberry Library
1925 Oct 6 - 1939 Nov 11 |
Box 18, Folder 20 |
Newbold, T. Jefferson
1936 |
Box 18, Folder 20 |
Newburyport Public Library
1936 |
Box 18, Folder 20 |
1936 |
Box 18, Folder 24 |
Niagara University
1936-1939 |
Box 18, Folder 24 |
Nichols, Charles L.
1932-1936 |
Box 19, Folder 1 |
Northrup, Charles H.
1936 |
Box 19, Folder 1 |
Northwestern College
1931-1936 |
Box 19, Folder 1 |
Northwestern University Library
1936 |
Box 19, Folder 2 |
Oberlin College Library
1932-1936 |
Box 19, Folder 2 |
Odescalchi, B. G.
1932-1937 |
Box 19, Folder 2 |
Ohio Methodist Historical Society
1932 |
Box 19, Folder 2 |
Ohio Wesleyan University
1930-1936 |
Box 19, Folder 2 |
O'Sullivan, Percy B.
1934-1936 |
Box 19, Folder 3 |
Palmer, Francis L.
1936 |
Box 19, Folder 3 |
Park, J. Edgar
1936 |
Box 19, Folder 3 |
Parke, Milton J.
1923-1936 |
Box 19, Folder 3 |
Parsons, Edward Alexander
1936-1937 |
Box 19, Folder 4 |
Peabody Institute
1935-1939 |
Box 19, Folder 4 |
Peck, Frederick S.
1936 |
Box 19, Folder 5 |
Penniman, Joshua H.
1927 Mar 24 - 1940 Mar 18 |
Box 19, Folder 4 |
Pennsylvania State College Library
1936 |
Box 19, Folder 4 |
Penrose, Boies
1936-1939 |
Box 19, Folder 4 |
Pepper, C. Doris Hellman
1937 |
Box 19, Folder 4 |
Perlstein, Israel
1949 |
Box 19, Folder 4 |
Pershing, James H.
1936 |
Box 19, Folder 6 |
Pforzheimer, C. H.
1928-1938 |
Box 19, Folder 6 |
Philadelphia Bar Association
1937 |
Box 19, Folder 7 |
Philadelphia Free Library
1928 Mar 5-1939 May 2 |
Box 19, Folder 8 |
Philadelphia Free Library--Widener Branch
1937 Sep 9-1938 Sep 17 |
Box 19, Folder 6 |
Phillips Academy, Andover
1936 |
Box 19, Folder 6 |
Phillips Exeter Academy
1936 |
Box 19, Folder 9 |
Pierpont Morgan Library
1925 Jan 10-1940 Mar 12 |
Box 19, Folder 6 |
Pilcher, L. S.
1926-1929 |
Box 19, Folder 10 |
Plumb, Charles S.
1938-1939 |
Box 19, Folder 10 |
Pontifical College Josephinum
1936 |
Box 19, Folder 10 |
Potter, Richard M. G.
1940 |
Box 19, Folder 11 |
Presbyterian College, Montreal
1939 |
Box 19, Folder 11 |
Princeton Theological Seminary
1932-1937 |
Box 19, Folder 11 |
Princeton University Library
1935-1940 |
Box 19, Folder 11 |
Providence Athenaeum
1931-1936 |
Box 19, Folder 11 |
Purdue University
1928-1936 |
Box 19, Folder 12 |
Quayle, William A.
1935 |
Box 19, Folder 12 |
Quebec--Bibliotheque de la Legislature
1936-1938 |
Box 19, Folder 12 |
Queens Borough Public Library
1936-1938 |
Box 19, Folder 12 |
Queen's University
1932-1936 |
Box 19, Folder 13 |
Radcliffe College
1930-1939 |
Box 19, Folder 13 |
Rand, E. K.
1936 |
Box 19, Folder 13 |
Randolph-Macon Women's College
1936 |
Box 19, Folder 14 |
Reichner, Herbert
1940 |
Box 19, Folder 14 |
Reynolds, Lawrence
1936 |
Box 19, Folder 14 |
Rhode Island Medical Society Library
1936 |
Box 19, Folder 15 |
Richardson, Ernest Cushing
1936 |
Box 19, Folder 15 |
Richardson, W. K.
1936-1937 |
Box 19, Folder 15 |
Ritchie, Ward
1936 |
Box 19, Folder 15 |
Riverside Public Library, Cal.
1936 |
Box 19, Folder 16 |
Roberds, J. L.
1926 |
Box 19, Folder 16 |
Robertson, Victor
1922 |
Box 19, Folder 16 |
Rome, D.
1937 |
Box 19, Folder 16 |
Roseman, Charles E.
1932-1936 |
Box 19, Folder 16 |
Rosenbach Company
1925-1939 |
Box 19, Folder 16 |
Rosenbach, A. S. W.
1936-1938 |
Box 19, Folder 17 |
Rosenwald, Lessing J.
1937 Mar 11-1939 Sep 13 |
Box 19, Folder 16 |
Royal Ontario Museum of Archaeology
1935-1937 |
Box 19, Folder 16 |
1925 |
Box 19, Folder 18 |
Rudy, David
1936 |
Box 19, Folder 18 |
Rugg, Harold G.
1936 |
Box 19, Folder 18 |
Rumball-Petre, Edwin A.
1936-1939 |
Box 19, Folder 18 |
Rutgers University Library
1935 |
Box 19, Folder 19 |
Sage, Cary N.
1935 Sep 11 |
Box 19, Folder 20 |
Saint Anselm's Church, New York City
1939 |
Box 19, Folder 20 |
Saint Anselm's Priory, Brookland, D.C.
1949 |
Box 19, Folder 20 |
Saint Benedict's College
1931-1936 |
Box 19, Folder 20 |
Saint Bernard College
1939 |
Box 19, Folder 20 |
Saint Bonaventure College
1936-1939 |
Box 19, Folder 20 |
Saint Mary's Seminary, Baltimore
1925-1936 |
Box 19, Folder 20 |
Saint Mary's Seminary, Perryville, Mo.
1927-1936 |
Box 19, Folder 20 |
Saint Vincent Archabbey
1936-1937 |
Box 19, Folder 20 |
Saint-Sulpice Bibliotheque
1936 |
Box 19, Folder 20 |
Sargent, George H.
1928-1937 |
Box 19, Folder 20 |
Sarton, George
1925-1940 |
Box 20, Folder 1 |
Scheide, John Hinsdale
1925-1939 |
Box 20, Folder 1 |
Schmauch, Walter W.
1937-1940 |
Box 20, Folder 1 |
Schuman, H.
1940 |
Box 20, Folder 2 |
Seabury Divinity School
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 2 |
Seligman, E. R.
1929-1937 |
Box 20, Folder 2 |
Sexton, E. H. L.
1922-1936 |
Box 20, Folder 3 |
Shapiro, Solomon
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 3 |
Shastid, Thomas Hall
1937 |
Box 20, Folder 3 |
Sheldon, Edward W.
1929-1936 |
Box 20, Folder 3 |
Sheppard, Walter B.
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 3 |
Sherbrooke Library, Montreal
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 3 |
Sherman, Philip D.
1935 |
Box 20, Folder 4 |
Smith, George E.
1940 |
Box 20, Folder 4 |
Smith College
1926 |
Box 20, Folder 4 |
Smith, Marian Parris
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 4 |
Smith, Robert M.
1939 |
Box 20, Folder 4 |
Sowers, Roy V.
1935-1936 |
Box 20, Folder 5 |
Spaan, Ralph M.
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 5 |
Spannuth, J. E.
1935 |
Box 20, Folder 5 |
Spaulding, Thomas M.
1939 |
Box 20, Folder 5 |
Spiegelberg, Frederick
1931-1937 |
Box 20, Folder 5 |
Springfield (Mass.) City Library
1926-1937 |
Box 20, Folder 6 |
Stamden, Edith G.
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 6 |
Stanford University
1936-1939 |
Box 20, Folder 6 |
Starke, Audrey Harrison
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 6 |
Starr, Nathan C.
1927-1936 |
Box 20, Folder 6 |
State College of Washington
1939 |
Box 20, Folder 6 |
State University of Iowa
1937 |
Box 20, Folder 6 |
Stechert (G.E.) and company
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 6 |
Steere, Elizabeth B.
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 6 |
Stillman, John M.
1936 |
Box 22 |
Stillwell-Goodhart correspondence
1935-1951 |
Box 20, Folder 6 |
Stokes, Anson Phelps
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 6 |
Stone, Edward L.
1926-1938 |
Box 20, Folder 6 |
Stone, Wilbur M.
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 6 |
Storie, Catherine P.
1935-1936 |
Box 20, Folder 6 |
Strasburger, Clara Sax
1936-1937 |
Box 20, Folder 6 |
Strong, George F.
1929 |
Box 20, Folder 7 |
Sutro Branch, California State Library
1939 |
Box 20, Folder 7 |
Sweet, Forest H.
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 8 |
Syracuse Public Library
1925-1939 |
Box 20, Folder 11 |
Thank you notes
1940-1943 |
Box 20, Folder 9 |
Thayer, William S.
1929 |
Box 20, Folder 9 |
Thomas, Helen Plumb
1939 |
Box 20, Folder 9 |
Thompson, Dorothy
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 9 |
Thomson, S. Harrison
1935-1939 |
Box 20, Folder 10 |
Toronto Public Library
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 10 |
Trinity College
1937-1940 |
Box 20, Folder 10 |
Turner, Albert Morton
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 13 |
United States Army War College Library
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 13 |
United States Medical Library
1936-1938 |
Box 20, Folder 13 |
United States Naval Academy
1932-1937 |
Box 20, Folder 13 |
United States Office of Education
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 12 |
Ullman, Berthold Louis
1933-1940 |
Box 20, Folder 12 |
Union Theological Seminary
1936-1939 |
Box 20, Folder 13 |
Universite Laval
1936-1940 |
Box 20, Folder 13 |
University Club, New York
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 14 |
University of Buffalo
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 14 |
University of California
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 14 |
University of Chicago
1928-1937 |
Box 20, Folder 14 |
University of Cincinnati
1929-1939 |
Box 20, Folder 14 |
University of Illinois
1933-1939 |
Box 20, Folder 14 |
University of King's College
1937 |
Box 20, Folder 15 |
University of Michigan
1924-1940 |
Box 20, Folder 15 |
University of Michigan Law Library
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 15 |
University of Minnesota
1931-1939 |
Box 20, Folder 15 |
University of Nebraska
1926-1936 |
Box 20, Folder 15 |
University of North Carolina
1923-1940 |
Box 20, Folder 15 |
University of Notre Dame
1926-1938 |
Box 20, Folder 16 |
University of Pennsylvania
1932-1939 |
Box 20, Folder 16 |
University of Pittsburgh
1933-1938 |
Box 20, Folder 16 |
University of Rochester
1935-1936 |
Box 20, Folder 16 |
University of South Carolina
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 16 |
University of Texas
1936-1938 |
Box 20, Folder 16 |
University of Toronto
1932-1936 |
Box 20, Folder 16 |
University of Vermont
1930-1936 |
Box 20, Folder 16 |
University of Virginia
1936-1939 |
Box 20, Folder 16 |
University of Wisconsin
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 17 |
Van Sinderen, Adrian
1939 |
Box 20, Folder 17 |
Vassar College
1936-1938 |
Box 20, Folder 17 |
Vernon, Marie D.
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 17 |
Villanova College
1937-1940 |
Box 20, Folder 17 |
Vincennes Cathedral
1935-1936 |
Box 20, Folder 17 |
Vollbehr, Otto H. F.
1936-1937 |
Box 20, Folder 17 |
Voynich, Wilfred M.
1926-1936 |
Box 20, Folder 18 |
Waite, Pauline Grant
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 18 |
Waldie, J. Kemp
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 18 |
Wall, Florence E.
1934-1940 |
Box 20, Folder 19 |
Walters Art Gallery
1926 Jun 13-1939 Mar 14 |
Box 20, Folder 18 |
Wangenheim, Julius
1935 |
Box 20, Folder 18 |
Washington and Lee University
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 18 |
Washington Cathedral Library
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 18 |
Watertown Library
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 18 |
Watkins, Oscar L.
1936 |
Box 20, Folder 18 |
Watkinson Library
1936-1938 |
Box 21, Folder 1 |
Wead, Eunice
1936 |
Box 21, Folder 1 |
Webster, Hollis
1936 |
Box 21, Folder 1 |
Weeks, Raymond
1932 |
Box 21, Folder 1 |
Wellesley College
1925-1939 |
Box 21, Folder 1 |
Wells, Gabriel
1934-1936 |
Box 21, Folder 1 |
Wesleyan University
1936-1938 |
Box 21, Folder 1 |
Western Reserve University
1932-1938 |
Box 21, Folder 1 |
Westgate, R. I. Wilfred
1937 |
Box 21, Folder 1 |
Weston, George B.
1928 |
Box 21, Folder 1 |
Weston College
1927 |
Box 21, Folder 2 |
Widener (Mrs.)
1936 |
Box 21, Folder 2 |
Wilkins, Emily
1936-1937 |
Box 21, Folder 2 |
William L. Clements Library
1928-1938 |
Box 21, Folder 2 |
Williams College Library
1936-1938 |
Box 21, Folder 2 |
Williams, E. H.
1936 |
Box 21, Folder 2 |
Williams, Huntington
1936-1940 |
Box 21, Folder 2 |
Wilmer, R.
1940 |
Box 21, Folder 2 |
Wilmerding, Lucius
1936 |
Box 21, Folder 2 |
Wing, Donald G.
1935-1938 |
Box 21, Folder 3 |
Wolff, Johan
1938 |
Box 21, Folder 3 |
Wood, Casey
1928-1936 |
Box 21, Folder 3 |
Woodruff, Howard C.
1934 |
Box 21, Folder 3 |
Worcester County Law Library Association
1938 |
Box 21, Folder 3 |
Worcester Historical Society
1935-1937 |
Box 21, Folder 3 |
Wroth, Lawrence
1935 |
Box 21, Folder 3 |
Wulling Emerson G.
1935 |
Box 21, Folder 4 |
Xavier University
1936 Mar 9-Sep 14 |
Box 21, Folder 5 |
Yale University Library
1925 Jun 1-1939 Nov 18 |
Box 21, Folder 6 |
Yale University School of the Fine Arts
1936 |
Box 21, Folder 7 |
Zahn, J.E.
1930 May 13, undated |
Box 21, Folder 8 |
Zion Research Library
1936 Mar 10-20 |
Box 21, Folder 9 |
Zufall, Bernard
1939 Jul 8-Aug 1 |
Box 21, Folder 10 |
Correspondence and other material related to the printing of the Second Census - Bibliographical Society of America, Modern Language Association of America, Professor Gustave O. Arlt (UCLA)
1926 Oct 1-1941 Feb 9 |
Box 21, Folder 11 |
Correspondence and other material related to the printing of the Second Census - Merrymount Press, Southworth-Anthoensen Press
1938 Sep 6-1939 Jun 27 |
Box 21, Folder 12-14 |
Correspondence and other material related to the printing of the Second Census - Southworth-Anthoensen Press
1939 Jan 3-1940 Dec 12 |
Series 4. Other writings
Box 23, Folder 1 |
The Awaking Interest in Science During the First Century of Printing, 1450 - 1500: Medical Theory and Practice
1964 Mar 10 |
Box 23, Folder 2 |
The Awakening Interest in Science During the First Century of Printing, 1450 - 1500: Physics title entries
undated |
Box 23, Folder 3 |
The Awakening Interest in Science During the First Century of Printing, 1450 - 1500: The Status of Physics and Theoretical Mechanics
undated |
Box 23, Folder 4 |
The Awakening Interest in Science During the First Century of Printing, 1450 - 1500: Subject analysis for medicine
undated |
Box 23, Folder 5 |
The Awakening Interest in Science During the First Century of Printing, 1450 - 1500: Technical knowledge and skills
undated |
Box 23, Folder 6-9 |
The Beginning of the world of books, 1450 to 1470; a chronological survey of the texts chosen for printing during the first twenty years of the printing art, with a synopsis of the Gutenberg documents - corrected draft
undated |
Box 23, Folder 10 |
Essays on the heritage of the Renaissance--from Homer to Gutenberg : the growth of knowledge and its transmission through the first printed books - announcing the publication
1982 Aug-Sep |
Box 23, Folder 11 |
Essays on the heritage of the Renaissance - checklist of names
1980 Nov 13, undated |
Box 23, Folder 12 |
Essays on the heritage of the Renaissance - correspondence related to publication
1981 Jan 31-1984 Oct |
Box 24, Folder 1 |
Essays on the heritage of the Renaissance - Counter-claims to the Invention of Printing
undated |
Box 24, Folder 2 |
Essays on the heritage of the Renaissance - The Dual Purpose of the Essays on the Heritage of the Renaissance
undated |
Box 24, Folder 3 |
Essays on the heritage of the Renaissance - The First Through the Third Census of Incunabula
undated |
Box 24, Folder 4 |
Essays on the heritage of the Renaissance - Foreword and Acknowledgements
undated |
Box 24, Folder 5 |
Essays on the heritage of the Renaissance - Introduction to the Panorama of the Past
undated |
Box 24, Folder 6 |
Essays on the heritage of the Renaissance - Literature of the Greco-Roman Period
undated |
Box 24, Folder 7 |
Essays on the heritage of the Renaissance - A note on Pre-Historic Civilizations in Asia Minor and the Near East
undated |
Box 24, Folder 8 |
Essays on the heritage of the Renaissance - Preface and Introduction
undated |
Box 24, Folder 9 |
Essays on the heritage of the Renaissance - The Rebirth of Scientific Method
1980 |
Box 24, Folder 10 |
Essays on the heritage of the Renaissance - Revised Preface
1981 Jan 12 |
Box 24, Folder 11 |
Essays on the heritage of the Renaissance - The Revival and Growth of Mathematical Knowledge
1976 Dec 4 |
Box 24, Folder 12 |
Essays on the heritage of the Renaissance - The Revival and Growth of Mathematical Knowledge (unpublished essays)
1980-1981 |
Box 24, Folder 13 |
Essays on the heritage of the Renaissance - The Revival of Scientific Method and Proof
undated |
Box 24, Folder 14 |
Essays on the heritage of the Renaissance - The Status of Physics and Theoretical Mechanics
undated |
Box 24, Folder 15 |
Essays on the heritage of the Renaissance - The Survival of Learning in the Dark Ages
undated |
Box 24, Folder 16 |
Essays on the heritage of the Renaissance - The Upward Surge of Learning at the End of the First Century of Printing
undated |
Box 24, Folder 17 |
General Hawkins as he revealed himself to his librarian, Margaret Bingham Stillwell...correspondence acknowledging gift of General Hawkins
1923-1925 |
Box 24, Folder 18-19 |
Gutenberg and the Catholicon of 1460 : a bibliographical essay - newspaper clippings, questionnaires, and correspondence
1936-1951 |
Box 25, Folder 1-3 |
Incunabula and Americana, 1450-1800; a key to bibliographical study: correspondence and scrapbook
1929-1937 |
Box 25, Folder 4-6 |
Librarians are human : memories in and out of the rare-book world, 1907-1970
1973-1975, undated |
Box 25, Folder 7 |
Noah's ark, in early woodcuts and modern rhymes
1927 Sep 1-1943 Feb 9, undated |
Box 25, Folder 8-11 |
The Pageant of Benefit Street
1943-1974, undated |
Box 25, Folder 12 |
Poetry by Dorothy Carter Allan
1978 May 11, undated |
Box 25, Folder 13 |
Poetry by Helen Waddell
undated |
Box 25, Folder 14-16 |
Rhythm and rhymes : the songs of a bookworm
1977 |
Box 25, Folder 17-19 |
Vignettes and rhymes on the times : observations of a bookworm
1983-1984 |
Box 26, Folder 1-4 |
Vignettes and rhymes on the times : observations of a bookworm
1982-1983 |
Box 26, Folder 5 |
Other poetry by Margaret B. Stillwell
undated |
Box 26, Folder 6 |
While Benefit Street was young: notes by Mrs. Daniel Beckwith
1943 |
Series 5. Essays and talks
Series 5. Subseries A. Margaret B. Stillwell
Box 26, Folder 7 |
American Council on Education Fellowship
undated |
Box 26, Folder 8 |
Anne Crosby Emery Allinson
circa 1932 |
Box 26, Folder 9 |
The Annmary Brown Memorial: A Progress Report on Productive Scholarship, 1884-1972
undated |
Box 26, Folder 10 |
Benefit Street and the History of Providence, RI
1944-1967, undated |
Box 26, Folder 11 |
Betty Friedan
1975 Jun 25, 1976 |
Box 26, Folder 12 |
Bibliographical survey: printing in the 15th and 16th centuries as represented in the Hunt Collection
1958 |
Box 26, Folder 13 |
Book reviews
1937 Nov 9-1950 Jul 19 |
Box 26, Folder 14 |
1931 Mar 20 |
Box 26, Folder 15 |
Breaking into Yale
1923 Jan 30 |
Box 26, Folder 16 |
Books Surviving from the Fifteenth Century
undated |
Box 26, Folder 17 |
A Bridge to Old Age
1971 Mar 31 |
Box 26, Folder 18 |
Choose Life - Dr. Toynbee's Legacy
1980 Aug 27-Dec 14 |
Box 26, Folder 19 |
College Women and the War
circa 1917 |
Box 26, Folder 20 |
Concepts of Natural Science
undated |
Box 26, Folder 21 |
The Equal Rights Amendment
undated |
Box 27, Folder 1 |
Facing Fifty
1926 Dec 15 |
Box 27, Folder 2 |
Fifteenth Century Books in North American Libraries - correspondence
1940 Nov 30-1943 Jan 10 |
Box 27, Folder 3 |
Frank Evans Seagrane
undated |
Box 27, Folder 4 |
God Save Special Gifts to Women and to Men
1982 |
Box 27, Folder 5 |
Hawkins of the Hawkins Zovaves
1941 Sep 29-1942 Dec 23 |
Box 27, Folder 6 |
History of Book as Written by Colonel Billings
undated |
Box 27, Folder 7 |
Incunabula and the History of Printing
1940-1952 Apr 18, undated |
Box 27, Folder 8 |
Incunabula as Couriers of Learning
1951 Jun 1 |
Box 27, Folder 9 |
Incunabula in American Collections(correspondence regarding proposed essay)
1940 Nov 23-Dec 23 |
Box 27, Folder 10 |
The installation of Dean Nancy Duke Lewis
1950 Sep 19 |
Box 27, Folder 11 |
Introduction to Old Age
1971 |
Box 27, Folder 12 |
Lectures on incunabula at Yale University
1928 Mar 15 |
Box 27, Folder 13 |
Let Us Keep the Chairman, By All Means
undated |
Box 27, Folder 14 |
Liberty Loan Drive speeches
1917-1918 |
Box 27, Folder 15 |
Lists of talks and addresses
1917-1955 |
Box 27, Folder 16 |
Mathematics and Allied Subjects
1961 |
Box 27, Folder 17 |
undated |
Box 27, Folder 18 |
A Mile of History in Providence, Rhode Island
undated |
Box 27, Folder 19 |
A Note on Pre-Historic Civilizations in Asia Minor and the Near East
undated |
Box 27, Folder 20 |
The Other Side of Mirror
undated |
Box 27, Folder 21 |
Periods in the Growth of Knowledge, from Homer to Gutenberg
undated |
Box 27, Folder 22 |
Phi Beta Kappa
undated |
Box 27, Folder 23 |
The Principles of Craftsmanship Applied to productive Scholarship
1927 Mar 23 |
Box 27, Folder 24 |
Projects in the Study of Incunabula
1930 Jun 23 |
Box 27, Folder 25 |
Pro and Con in Women's Rights: The Struggle Still Goes On
1974 May 27 |
Box 27, Folder 26 |
Radio Talks
1933 Mar 30-Nov 20 |
Box 27, Folder 27 |
Project for Study of Renaissance at Brown University and the Annmary brown Library
1948 |
Box 27, Folder 28 |
Raucous Years in Rhode Island, 1842-1844 - Side-lights on the Dorr Rebellion
1975 Aug 30 |
Box 27, Folder 29 |
The resignation of Richard Nixon
1974 |
Box 27, Folder 30 |
Rowing Against the Tide and With It: Vicissitudes of the Annmary Brown Memorial, 1917-1983
1983 Oct |
Box 27, Folder 31 |
Rush C. Hawkins and the Annmary Brown Memorial
1949 Jan 20-1953 Apr 19, undated |
Box 28, Folder 1 |
Side Lights on the Dorr War: The Account of an Observer
1976 Dec 27, undated |
Box 28, Folder 2 |
Special care needed for advanced age
1983 Dec |
Box 28, Folder 3 |
Special Collections at Brown
1955 Nov |
Box 28, Folder 4 |
Special Lectures on Incunabula and Americana
1928-1930 |
Box 28, Folder 5 |
This Little Matter of Titles
1977 |
Box 28, Folder 6 |
Thoughts on the next fifty years
1959 |
Box 28, Folder 7 |
Trip to Europe and the Middle East
1952 |
Box 28, Folder 8 |
United We Stand, Divided We Fall
undated |
Box 28, Folder 9 |
While We Still Have a Margin of Time
undated |
Series 5. Subseries B. Others
Box 28, Folder 10 |
The Dorr Rebellion: Rhode Island's Crisis in Constitutional Government by Dr. Patrick T. Conley
undated |
Box 28, Folder 11 |
Smiley, Charles H.: Frank Evans Seagrave
1934 Sep |
Box 28, Folder 12 |
A Speculation Concerning Gutenberg's Early Plans for His Bible, by William H. Scheide
1973-1977 Nov 18 |
Box 28, Folder 13 |
Braven, David R.: The Third Planet Operators manual
1975 Mar 16 |
Box 28, Folder 14 |
Anonymous "What is a Grandmother"
undated |
Series 6. Notes
Box 28, Folder 15 |
Analyses and notes
undated |
Box 28, Folder 16 |
Biographical notes: Greco-Roman
undated |
Box 28, Folder 17 |
Byzantium I
undated |
Box 28, Folder 18 |
Byzantium IV
undated |
Box 28, Folder 19 |
undated |
Box 28, Folder 20 |
The English monastery at Jarrow
undated |
Box 28, Folder 21 |
Greek literature
undated |
Box 28, Folder 22, 23 |
Index to old notes on the period of translation from Petrarch
1975 |
Box 28, Folder 24 |
undated |
Box 29, Folder 1 |
Phrases and miscellaneous items
undated |
Box 29, Folder 2 |
professor Case's class
1948 |
Box 29, Folder 3 |
undated |
Box 29, Folder 4 |
Scientific geography and miscellaneous
undated |
Box 29, Folder 5 |
Suggested topics for current study
1969 |
Box 29, Folder 6 |
The survival and recovery of ancient manuscripts
undated |
Box 29, Folder 7 |
10th-13th Century A.D.
undated |
Box 29, Folder 8 |
The translation of ancient texts
undated |
Series 7. Specimen pages
Box 30-31 |
Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt [1486 - 15…] - Type 12
Box 30-31 |
Bamberg: Sensenschmidt u. Genossen [1481 -15…] - Type 11
Box 30-31 |
Barcelona: Johann Rosenbach [1493 - 1498] - Type 7
Box 30-31 |
Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt [1486 - 15…] -Type 15
Box 30-31 |
Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt [1486 - 15…]
Box 30-31 |
Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt [1486 -15…] - Type 11
Box 30-31 |
Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt [1486 -15…] - Type 9
Box 30-31 |
Heidelberg: Drucker des Lindelbach [1485 - 1489] - Type 2
Box 30-31 |
Heidelberg: Drucker des Lindelbach [1485 - 1489] - Type 3
Box 30-31 |
Basel: Kilian Fischer [1497] - Type 1
Box 30-31 |
Heidelberg: Drucker des Lindelbach [1485 -1489] - Type 1
Box 30-31 |
Bamberg: Hans Sporer [1487 -1494] - Type 2
Box 30-31 |
Augsburg: Johann Wienner [1475 -1479] - Type 1
Box 30-31 |
Augsburg: Johann Schaur [1491 - 1500] - Type 4
Box 30-31 |
Augsburg: Christoph Schnaitter [1493 - 1494 ] - Type 1
Box 30-31 |
Augsburg: Johann Froschauer [1494 - 15…] - Type 5
Box 30-31 |
Augsburg: Jodocus Pflanzmann [1475] - Type 1
Box 30-31 |
Barcelona: Johann Rosenbach [1493 -1498] - Type 10
Box 30-31 |
Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt [1486 - 15…] - Type 4
Box 30-31 |
Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt [1486 -15…] - Type 7
Box 30-31 |
Rostock: Fratres domus hortus viridis [1476 - 1500] - Type 1
Box 30-31 |
Rostock: Fratres domus horti viridis [ 1476 -1500] - Type 6
Box 30-31 |
Barcelona: Johann Rosenbach [1493 -1498] - Type 9
Box 30-31 |
Justinianus Imperator
Box 30-31 |
Voragine, Jac. De. Legenda Sanctorum que Lombardica nominatur historia. (Lyon, Jo. Numeister of Mainz for G. Balsarin, ab. 1487 )
Box 30-31 |
Justinianus. Institutiones.
Box 30-31 |
Auction of: Biblia Latina. Basilae, Johannes Froben, 27. Juni 1491; Biblia Latina. Venetiis, Simon Bevilaqua, 8. Mai 1498; Biblia Paupervm sive Historia veteris et Novi Testamenti in figuris. + accompanying religious illustration.
Box 30-31 |
Bartholomaeus Pisanus - Bergomensis + an excerpt containing a short description.
Box 30-31 |
Freydank, Die Besceidenheit, Proverbia lat. Et germ. (The first German collection of Proverbs.) + an excerpt containing a short description.
Box 30-31 |
The Adoration of the Magi - imprint on postcard
Box 30-31 |
The Works of Geffray Chaucer Newlye + an excerpt with a short description.
Box 30-31 |
The only Xylographic Letter of Indulgence - Hans Schauer - A.D. 1482
Box 30-31 |
The second Part of the troublesome Raigne of King John… + excerpt containing short description
Box 30-31 |
Woodcut and part of a page from Vincent De Beauvais, "Myrrour of the World."
Box 30-31 |
A Continuation of Lucan's Historical Poem till the Death of Julius Caesar by J.M. + an excerpt containing a short description
Box 30-31 |
Euphues and his England.
Box 30-31 |
An Elegy wrote in a Country Church Yard
Box 30-31 |
The Vicar of Wakefield: A Tale Supposed to be written by Himself.
Box 30-31 |
To a Lady on her Passion for Old China
Box 30-31 |
By the Council and House of Representatives. A Procalamation for a General Fast.
Box 30-31 |
Psalterium Davids Cum Calendario + an excerpt containing a short description
Box 30-31 |
Books printed 1501 to 1600
Box 30-31 |
Dionysius De Leeuwis
Box 30-31 |
An Historical Account of the Small Pox Inoculated in New England
Box 30-31 |
The Traveller: A Poem
Box 30-31 |
Gellius, Aulus, Noticum atticarum commentarii.
Box 30-31 |
Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies.
Box 30-31 |
A Frame of the Government of the Province of Pennsilvania in America
Box 30-31 |
The Isles of Pines, or a late Discovery + excerpts containing a short description
Box 30-31 |
New Englands Trials + an excerpt containing a short description
Box 30-31 |
Paradise Lost. A Poem written in Two Books + an excerpt containing a short description
Box 30-31 |
A Summarie and True Discourse of sir Frances Drakes + an excerpt containing a short description
Box 30-31 |
Box 30-31 |
Astronomie Instauratae Mechanica + an excerpt containing a short description
Box 30-31 |
A Playne and a familiar Introduction, teaching how to pronounce letters in the Brytische tongue + an excerpt containing a short description
Box 30-31 |
A Dictionary in Englyshe and Welshe… + an excerpt containing a short description
Box 30-31 |
Of the Tryüphe and the Vses that Charles Themperour & the Most Myghty…+ an excerpt containing a short description
Box 30-31 |
The Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey Cardinall + an excerpt containing a short description
Box 30-31 |
The saying of John late Duke of Northumberlande uppon the scaffolde at the tyme of his execution...+ an excerpt containing a short description
Box 30-31 |
Missale Ad Vsum Celberrime Ecclesie Eboracenesis…
Series 8. Subject files
Box 32, Folder 1 |
Gutenberg - Commemoration of the 5th Anniversary of the Invention of Printing in Hartford, Connecticut and Providence, Rhode Island
1940 |
Box 32, Folder 2 |
Gutenberg - Correspondence, notes and newspaper articles about Gutenberg and printing
1933, 1983 |
Box 32, Folder 3 |
Hroswitha Club - Address to the Hroswitha Club Miriam Y. Holden
1960 Feb 11 |
Box 32, Folder 4 |
Hroswitha Club - Correspondence
1972 Jan 21 |
Box 32, Folder 5 |
Hroswitha Club - Correspondence with Margaret B. Stillwell
1950 Apr 27-1973 Feb 3 |
Box 32, Folder 6 |
Hroswitha Club - Membership lists
1950-1976 |
Box 32, Folder 7-8 |
Hroswitha Club - Minutes
1944-1981 |
Box 32, Folder 9 |
Hroswitha Club - Name and organization of the Hroswitha Club
undated |
Box 32, Folder 10 |
Hroswitha Club - Newsletters and notices of annual meetings
1950-1977 |
Box 32, Folder 11 |
Hroswitha Club - Paper regarding the history of Benefit Street, read at the Hroswitha Club
1965 |
Box 32, Folder 12 |
Hroswitha Club - Tribute to Rachel Hunt by Margaret B. Stillwell
1963 |
Box 32, Folder 13 |
Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research for Women - Essays, poetry, pamphlets, Committee on Financing
1958-1982 |
Box 32, Folder 14-15 |
Stillwell-Allan Fund - Correspondence regarding gifts to the fund
1974 Apr 5-1984 Jun 31 |
Box 32, Folder 16 |
Stillwell-Allan Fund - Gifts of proceeds from the sale of Essays on the Heritage of the Renaissance to benefit the fund
1982-1983 |
Box 32, Folder 17 |
Stillwell-Allan Fund - Lists of donors and donations
1974-1980 |