Box 1, Folder 60 |
An Advancing Military Invasion on the Korean Peninsula; contains typed draft, handwritten notes, correspondence, and conference materials
Box 1, Folder 61 |
Anthropology as Public Discipline; contains annotated draft and handwritten notes
April 6, 1997 |
Box 1, Folder 62 |
Anthropology and September 11th; contains typed draft
Box 1, Folder 63 |
Anthropology in an Era of Permanent War; contains annotated drafts
Box 1, Folder 64 |
The Anti-Bases Movement and Reconfigurations of Empire; contains outline, handwritten notes, readings, and conference schedule
May 13-14, 2004 |
Box 1, Folder 65 |
The Ash-Covered Fabric of Civilian Camouflage: Civil-Military Relations Before and After September 11th; contains typed outline, handwritten notes, and correspondence
June 8, 2002 |
Box 1, Folder 66 |
Auto, Society and Culture: The United States of Automobiles; contains slide printouts and handwritten notes
October 29, 2010 |
Box 1, Folder 67 |
Beyond the Bases: The Militarization of Daily Life in the United States; contains annotated draft
December 3, 1998 |
Box 1, Folder 68 |
The Birth of Identity Millennium Episode 5; contains typed draft
July 14, 1983 |
Box 1, Folder 69 |
Brainwashing; contains typed outline
November 18, 1995 |
Box 1, Folder 70 |
Car Culture in the United States: Marketing Automobility and Leisure Pleasures; contains annotated draft and handwritten notes
Box 1, Folder 71 |
Carjacked: Americans and their Automobiles; contains annotated draft
February 23-25, 2009 |
Box 1, Folder 72 |
A Civil Defense: Images of Exotics in Cold War Popular Photography; contains typed draft and reading
April 27, 1994 |
Box 1, Folder 73 |
College Lights; contains annotated draft and poster
April 10, 2001 |
Box 1, Folder 74 |
Comfortable Strangers: The Cold War in National Geographic; contains typed draft, handwritten notes and correspondence
October 4, 1995 |
Box 1, Folder 75 |
Comments, Cultural Representation of Mothering; contains annotated draft and conference schedule
n.d. |
Box 2, Folder 1 |
Comments, In the Light Reverence Center for Documentary Studies; contains annotated draft and correspondence
November 9, 2001 |
Box 2, Folder 2 |
Comments, Structures of Sentiment; contains typed draft and handwritten notes
Box 2, Folder 3 |
Comments, Women Fight Fundamentalisms; contains annotated draft
November 1, 2001 |
Box 2, Folder 4 |
Comments on John Fabian Witt's "Lincoln's Code;" contains typed draft and handwritten notes
October 22, 2012 |
Box 2, Folder 5 |
Comments on Peter Andreas' "Smuggler Nation;" contains annotated draft
February 12, 2013 |
Box 2, Folder 6 |
Costs of War; contains slides, talking points, and correspondence
2011, 2015 |
Box 2, Folder 7 |
Costs of the War at Home; contains annotated draft, pamphlets, articles, and a photo
Box 2, Folder 8 |
Critical Issues in Global Security, Reappraising Theory and Practice; contains outline and handwritten notes
September 2003 |
Box 2, Folder 9 |
Cultural Warriors: Military Uses for Anthropology in Contemporary Counterinsurgency; contains typed draft
February 14, 2008 |
Box 2, Folder 10 |
Democratic Social Movements Against Militarization; contains typed draft, handwritten notes, correspondence, and an annotated paper by Roland G. Simbulan
January 17-19, 2005 |
Box 2, Folder 11 |
The Development of Emotional Meaning Systems; contains handwritten outline
Box 2, Folder 12 |
Discussion remarks, Feminist Critiques of Anthropological Practice: Reflections on Recent Trends; contains annotated outline and handwritten notes
Box 2, Folder 13 |
Discussion remarks, Panel on Self and Power; contains annotated draft
November 21, 1997 |
Box 2, Folder 14 |
Does Theory Have a Gender; contains typed draft
February 2, 1996 |
Box 2, Folder 15 |
Downsizing Democracy; contains annotated draft
Box 2, Folder 16 |
Emotions, Legal Politics and Domestic Violence in the United States; contains typed draft and conference abstracts
October 6, 2009 |
Box 2, Folder 17 |
Empire is in the Details; contains annotated drafts
Box 2, Folder 18 |
An Empire of Bases and Popular Protest; contains typed draft and lecture handout
October 26, 2004 |
Box 2, Folder 19 |
Engendered Emotion: Gender, Power, and the Rhetoric of Emotional Control in American Discourse; contains typed draft
Box 2, Folder 20 |
An Engendered Feeling for War; contains annotated draft, readings, and clipping
Box 2, Folder 21 |
The Ethnography of Empire; contains typed draft
March 15, 2006 |
Box 2, Folder 22 |
Excessive States; contains annotated draft and poster
October 13, 2000 |
Box 2, Folder 23 |
Foreign Feelings: Ethnography, Photography, and the Emotional Vision of National Geographic; contains annotated draft, handwritten notes, correspondence, and readings
Box 2, Folder 24 |
Free Speech; contains outline and correspondence
April 10, 2002 |
Box 2, Folder 25 |
From the Anthropology of War to Militarization as Sociocultural Process; contains outline
February 6, 1997 |
Box 2, Folder 26 |
Gender Politics from Scientific Center to Social Margins; contains typed draft, correspondence, and conference materials
Box 2, Folder 27 |
Gender, Race and Militarization; contains typed outline, correspondence, and conference materials
October 2005 |
Box 2, Folder 28 |
The Health and Wellbeing Effects of a Car-Dependent Transportation System; contains slide printouts and handwritten notes
December 2, 2010 |
Box 2, Folder 29 |
Hidden Casualties: Domestic Violence and the Global Military; contains typed draft and handwritten notes
October 16, 2003 |
Box 2, Folder 30 |
Historical and Anthropological Interpretive Methods for the Study of Health or Bodies; contains outline, handwritten notes, and transparencies
November 22, 1996 |
Box 2, Folder 31 |
Homefront: A Military City and the American 20th Century; contains annotated draft
January 29, 2002 |
Box 2, Folder 32 |
Homeland Security and the Anxieties of Empire; contains typed draft and handwritten notes
n.d. |
Box 2, Folder 33 |
Hope, Fear, and Political Autobiography; contains annotated draft
March 2003 |
Box 2, Folder 34 |
How and Why the Auto Industry is Marketing to Children; contains annotated outline and research printouts
April 10, 2010 |
Box 2, Folder 35 |
How Can You Know What They Know; contains outline and transparencies
March 15, 1996 |
Box 2, Folder 36 |
How Do You Study Human Beings?; contains outline
December 1999 |
Box 2, Folder 37 |
How I Got Interested in Anthropology; contains outline
April 21, 2010 |
Box 2, Folder 38 |
Inequality, Myth and the American Automobile System; contains typed draft
September 25, 2012 |
Box 2, Folder 39 |
Iraq: The Army that Remains, the Costs that Continue; contains annotated drafts and handwritten notes
n.d. |
Box 2, Folder 40 |
The Iraq Body Count Project; contains typed draft, handwritten notes, and readings
Box 2, Folder 41 |
Keywords: Culture, Military, Empire; contains typed draft, handwritten notes, and conference materials
December 6-7, 2004 |
Box 2, Folder 42 |
Language and Human Development; contains annotated draft and handwritten notes
November 1989 |
Box 2, Folder 43 |
The Long Homefront; contains typed draft, handwritten notes, and posters
February 1, 2002 |
Box 2, Folder 44 |
Making a Life and Making History: From Private Preoccupations to Public Concerns; contains annotated draft and readings
circa 1998 |
Box 2, Folder 45 |
Media Literacy and the Impeachment of the President; contains typed draft
December 1998 |
Box 2, Folder 46 |
Media Soldiers on the Homefront: Tough Talk, Soft Images and the Hard Realities of War; contains annotated draft
April 18, 2002 |
Box 2, Folder 47 |
Militarization; contains annotated draft, handwritten notes, and conference materials
June 3-4, 2005 |
Box 2, Folder 48 |
Militarization and its Discontents; contains typed draft
November 11, 2010 |
Box 2, Folder 49 |
Militarization of the Media; contains typed outline
n.d. |
Box 2, Folder 50 |
Military Conversion: the Popular, the Invisible, and Postmodern Warfare; contains typed draft and handwritten notes
Box 2, Folder 51 |
The Military Normal and the Human Terrain of Warfare; contains typed draft
September 21, 2009 |
Box 2, Folder 52 |
Military Restructuring, Hot Peace, and Civilian Camouflage; contains typed draft
November 16, 2000 |
Box 2, Folder 53 |
Military Transnationalism: The Roots and Branches of Militarization; contains annotated draft, handwritten notes, and readings
March-April 2003 |
Box 2, Folder 54 |
Military Transnations: Fayetteville, North Carolina and the Transnational Military; contains outline
October 26, 2000 |
Box 2, Folder 55 |
Military Transnations and the Conceits and Contradictions of United States Empire Building; contains annotated draft
November 2002 |
Box 2, Folder 56 |
Military and Civilian Cultures; contains typed comments and materials for cultural sensitivity training workshop
May 2004 |
Box 2, Folder 57 |
Mobilizing Masculinities: Soldiers In and Against the Iraq War; contains annotated draft and handwritten notes
Box 2, Folder 58 |
Negotiating Excess: Alliances of Anger and Managed Men; contains annotated partial draft, handwritten notes, and conference pamphlet
December 9-12, 1999 |
Box 2, Folder 59 |
North Carolina Project Collaboration; contains typed draft
Box 2, Folder 60 |
On Militarization and the Construction of Citizenship; contains typed draft and handwritten notes
February 18, 2009 |
Box 2, Folder 61 |
Permanent War; contains outline, handwritten notes, and conference participants list
June 13, 2008 |
Box 2, Folder 62 |
Presentation, Folger Library; contains typed draft, handwritten notes, and conference materials
October 30, 1999 |
Box 2, Folder 63 |
Presentation to United National High Level Meeting on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse; contains typed draft, handwritten notes, and correspondence
Box 2, Folder 64 |
The Problem and the Study of Militarization; contains typed draft and correspondence
Box 2, Folder 65 |
The Psychological Ethic and the Spirit of Containment; contains annotated draft
n.d. |
Box 2, Folder 66 |
Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy; contains outline and correspondence
January 10, 1008 |
Box 2, Folder 67 |
Public Policy from the Ground Up: An Anthropological Perspective; contains typed draft and annotated reading
Box 2, Folder 68 |
Race Wars; contains annotated drafts, correspondence, and poster
2001, 2003, 2007 |
Box 2, Folder 69 |
Racial Projects and Political Participation in Five North Carolina Communities; contains typed draft and paper by Donald Nonini
November 1997 |
Box 2, Folder 70 |
Racial and Marital Formations: Crime, Race and the American Military; contains typed draft and conference program
December 5-6, 1997 |
Box 2, Folder 71 |
Racialized Loyalties; contains typed partial draft and correspondence
Box 2, Folder 72 |
Reckoning with the War in Afghanistan: The Costs for the United States; contains typed drafts and correspondence
May 6, 2011 |
Box 2, Folder 73 |
Reconstructing Iraq: The Last Year and the Last Decade; contains typed draft
March 8, 2013 |
Box 2, Folder 74 |
Research, Media, and Politics in the Study of War; contains typed draft
February 28, 2012 |
Box 2, Folder 75 |
Response, Living on Earth; contains typed draft
October 15, 1998 |
Box 2, Folder 76 |
Saving Private Ryan: The Movie, the American War Narrative in Popular Culture, and the End of the Millennium; contains typed draft
Box 2, Folder 77 |
Self and National Identity in the National Geographic Magazine; contains annotated draft, readings, and correspondence
October 17, 1995 |
Box 2, Folder 78 |
Situation Based Emotion Frames and the Cultural Construction of Emotions; contains photocopies of talk in a proceedings publication and program
Box 2, Folder 79 |
Squeaky Wheels and the Axles of Academic Habitus; contains annotated draft
October 25, 2008 |
Box 2, Folder 80 |
Statement before the Subcommittee on Public Lands and National Parks; contains typed draft, handwritten notes, and correspondence
September 25, 1984 |
Box 2, Folder 81 |
Technology and Emotions; contains outline, reading, and handwritten notecards
October 1986 |
Box 2, Folder 82 |
Testimony before the House Committee on Natural Resources and Environment; contains typed draft and correspondence
Box 2, Folder 83 |
Transpecific Biopolitics: Animals as Models and as Collaborators; contains annotated draft and handwritten notes
May 5, 2001 |
Box 2, Folder 84 |
Ungendering Theory; contains typed draft and handwritten notes
November 17, 1995 |
Box 2, Folder 85 |
United States Car Cultures and Their Contradictions; contains typed outline
March 10, 2008 |
Box 2, Folder 86 |
United States Military Bases: The Edge, Essence, and Eviction of an Empire; contains typed drafts, handwritten notes, and conference materials
Box 2, Folder 87 |
United States Military Projects: Empire, Sovereignty, and the New Forms of Military Basing; contains typed draft and correspondence
Box 2, Folder 88 |
United States Reconstruction Aid for Afghanistan: The Dollars and the Sense; contains typed draft
August 21, 2014 |
Box 2, Folder 89 |
Untitled keynote, State Green Party Convention; contains typed draft
April 12, 2002 |
Box 2, Folder 90 |
Untitled remarks to opening session on panel on anthropology and education; contains annotated draft and correspondence
Box 2, Folder 91 |
Untitled talk; contains annotated "talking points"
circa 2004 |
Box 2, Folder 92 |
Untitled talk; contains handwritten outline and one annotated page re: emotions as a category in Western culture
n.d. |
Box 2, Folder 93 |
Untitled talk at the Fayetteville Public Library; contains annotated outline
February 21, 2002 |
Box 2, Folder 94 |
Van Leer Project - Potentials; contains typed outline
Box 2, Folder 95 |
Violence and Anger: A Comparative Interpretation of Ifaluk and American Ethnopsychologies; contains abstract
January 20, 1984 |
Box 2, Folder 96 |
Violent Emotional States: Feminist and Ethnographic Perspectives; contains annotated draft, correspondence, and remarks on the topic of the other emotion
February 15-16, 2001 |
Box 2, Folder 97 |
The Vulnerability of Empire is in the Details; contains annotated and typed drafts and handwritten notes
Box 2, Folder 98 |
War's Emergent Moralities; contains typed draft
n.d. |
Box 2, Folder 99 |
War's Wages: A Military City and the American 20th Century; contains typed draft
February 11, 1998 |
Box 2, Folder 100 |
Warmaking as the American Way of Life; contains typed draft, handwritten notes, correspondence, and clippings
Box 2, Folder 101 |
Who Will Pay for the War on Iraq?; contains annotated draft, correspondence, and poster