Guide to Canto a Matanzas: a collection of books from Ediciones Vigía, 1987-2019

John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts
Box A
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: Manuscripts: 401-863-3723; University Archives: 401-863-2148
Email: Manuscripts:; University Archives:

Published in 2024

Collection Overview

Title: Canto a Matanzas: A collection of books from Ediciones Vigía
Date range: 1987-2019
Extent: 5 linear feet
Abstract: Handmade art books produced by independent publisher Ediciones Vigía dating from 1987-2019.
Repository: John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts
Collection number: Ms.2023.012

Scope & content

Artists' books published by Ediciones Vigía dating 1987-2019. Ediciones Vigía volumes vary in condition.

Access Points

Subject Topics Geographical Names Document Types


Arranged in chronological order.

Biographical/Historical Note

From the seller, Libros Latinos:

"Ediciones Vigia was founded by Alfredo Zaldivar and Rolando Estevez in Matanzas, Cuba in 1985. Their earliest printed materials consisted of invitations to poetry readings, concerts and theatrical productions mimeographed onto donated butcher paper. Over time, the project expanded to include original fiction, poetry, criticism, children's literature, and even cookbooks. These handmade books are produced collaboratively—from sourcing materials to production and assembly—but mostly reflect the creative vision of Estevez who was in charge of production until his departure in 2013. Vigia titles are perhaps best known for their highly original approach to book design. Materials not normally found in book production are readily incorporated in thoughtful ways. Also noteworthy is that these unique designs—which are known to include dried flowers, shards of glass, fistfuls of sand and salvaged antique lithographs—must be replicated: most books are produced in editions of 200."

Access & Use

Access to the collection: There are no restrictions on access, except that the collection can only be seen by prior appointment. Some materials may be stored off-site and cannot be produced on the same day on which they are requested.
Use of the materials: Although Brown University has physical ownership of the collection and the materials contained therein, it does not claim literary rights. Researchers should note that compliance with copyright law is their responsibility. Researchers must determine the owners of the literary rights and obtain any necessary permissions from them
Preferred citation: Canto a Matanzas: A collection of books from Ediciones Vigía, Ms.2023.012, Brown University Library.
Contact information: John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts
Box A
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: Manuscripts: 401-863-3723; University Archives: 401-863-2148
Email: Manuscripts:; University Archives:

Administrative Information

Author: Finding aid prepared by Sophia Papandonatou and Janaya Kizzie
Encoding: This finding aid was produced using ArchivesSpace on 2024-01-18.
Descriptive rules: Finding aid based on Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)
Sponsor: From the seller, Libros Latinos: "Ediciones Vigía was founded by Alfredo Saldívar and Rolando Estévez in Matanzas, Cuba in 1985. Their earliest printed materials consisted of invitations to poetry readings, concerts and theatrical productions mimeographed onto donated butcher paper. Over time, the project expanded to include original fiction, poetry, criticism, children's literature, and even cookbooks. These handmade books are produced collaboratively—from sourcing materials to production and assembly—but mostly reflect the creative vision of Estevez who was in charge of production until his departure in 2013. Vigia titles are perhaps best known for their highly original approach to book design. Materials not normally found in book production are readily incorporated in thoughtful ways. Also noteworthy is that these unique designs—which are known to include dried flowers, shards of glass, fistfuls of sand and salvaged antique lithographs—must be replicated: most books are produced in editions of 200."

Additional Information

Related material:

Related Materials

See also individually-cataloged works published by Ediciones Vigía at the John Hay Library.


Series 1. Editions, 1987-2019

Container Description Date
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 1 Sólo quince de poesías
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 25 La Revista Del Vigía año no 1
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 24 La revista del vigía nº1 año 1
1990 January-April
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 2 Carta al río San Juan
1991 October
Box 4, Folder 1 Un Danzón y un Olvido
1991 May
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 5 La revista de los niños nº5: Barquitos del San Juan
1992 May
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 26 La revista del vigía año 3 nº1-2
1992 January-September
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 27 La Revista Del Vigía año 3, no 1y2
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 29 Los Signos Al Infinito: Una Lectura De la Poesía de Octavio Paz
1992 July
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 3 Sierva de la Reina
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 4 Un poema de Aramis Quintero
1992 July
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 6 Cuando un poeta muere
1994 January
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 7 Yo pude ser
1994 January
Box 4, Folder 1 Autorretrato Con Cardo
1995 October
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 11 El cielo imaginario
1996 January
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 8 Misterios del Oficio
1995 March
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 9 Soledad en la plaza de la Vigía
1995 April
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 10 Un soplo dispersa los limites del hogar
1995 May
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 13 5 poemas de Lucre Viridiana Estevez
1996 July
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 2 En el último sendero el iniciado piensa
1996 October
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 15 Este es el canto del siglo
1996 October
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 14 La puerta y el viajero
1996 September
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 12 Testamento del Paz: antología poética
Contents Note: book in a "cigar box"—in acidic box, provisionally wrapped in neutral paper

1996 January
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 16 Casa de las Americas - la Habana
1997 May
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 17 Oficios para el olvido
2000 May
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 18 Danny y el viento book and envelope
Contents Note: in "bag"

2001 May
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 20 Rumba: Toques y Cantos
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 18 Vanessa anda por aquí
Contents Note: in "bag"

2001 May
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 27 Arte y Vigía
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 20 Beethoven, Cuarteto para una melodía
2002 October
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 5 La revista de los niños: Barquitos del San Juan
2002 July
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 22 sonetos blancos
circa 2005
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 21 Temblor bajo la piedra
2002 October
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 19 El Tesoro del Colmenar
2002 August
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 22 Glosa
2003 October
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 24 Esquema de la Impura rosa
Contents Note: Includes decorated envelope

2004 March
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 25 Hablar de Poesía
2004 June
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 4 Hechizo del Vigía
2004 April-2004 May
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 17 Parloteo de sombra
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 18 Pastelería Creativa
2004 May
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 23 Retazos (de las hormigas) para los malos tiempos
2004 February
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 26 Treínta años
2004 June
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 30 La balada de John y yo
2005 September
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 29 Cuaderno de la fiancée
2005 September
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 28 La madera sagrada: antología de poesía
2005 April
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 31 Acerca del uso del copretérito conativo en los juegos infantiles
2006 October
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 32 La guerra queda lejos: trilogía poética
2006 October
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 35 Fast Track
2007 September
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 36 Las playas de todos los mundos (el Alfa y el Omega)
2007 October
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 34 Recetas de Cocina
2007 July
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 33 Voy por cigarros
2007 March
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 37 Manual de inexpertos, título provisional
2008 February
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 39 Nevada
2008 September
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 38 Vivir Creer Vivir
2008 February
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 28 ¡Ay, Plácido!
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 40 Estrías
2009 November
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 30 La gran depresión
2010 August
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 41 Motivos Persas
2010 January
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 1 nuestro símbolo: Caliban
2010 September
Box [31236074850275] 1, Folder 42 Ramón Meza: La ironía incomprendida
2010 February
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 2 Bicentenaire
2011 May
Box 4, Folder 1 Día Mambí
Contents Note: Includes handwritten note dated 2012 November 12

Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 3 Oficíos para la hora de las sombras
2011 July
Box 4, Folder 1 Primer retrato de Bella
Contents Note: Includes a sleeve decorated with a person wearing a backpack. Inside the sleeve are: one long fold out that holds the text and the author's biography, two oval-shaped portraits glued together, and one small sleeve with a glued-in accordian-folded insert containing

2011 November 11
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 5 Los azules desconocidos del plovo
2012 July
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 4 Desvelos
2012 April
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 6 Madre mía que está en una carta
2012 July
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 9 Opus Ciudad
2013 September
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 24 La Revista Del Vigía año 23, números 32y33
circa 2013
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 8 Roble de Color
2013 March
Box 4, Folder 1 Las Silabas del Agua/The Syllables of Water
Contents Note: In Spanish and English.

2013 October
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 7 XII Juegos Florales
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 15 Canto a Matanzas
2014 November
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 14 De codos en el puente
2014 August
Box [31236073615554] 5 Delta de las Arenas, cuentos árabes, cuentos judios
2014 June
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 13 Delta de las Arenas, cuentos árabes, cuentos judios box contents
2014 June
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 11 El titiritero florencio: poemas y rondas
2014 April
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 12 Tránsito al fin
2014 May
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 10 Los siervos
2014 March
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 16 Ana Laura y su duende van a preescolar
2015 January
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 19 Cuchillo en el Aire
2015 April
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 20 Lydia Cabrera en su laguna sagrada
2015 April
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 17 Pescador de Eneros
2015 February
La revista del vigía
2015 March
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 18 Todo lo que en silencio es lenguaje
2015 March
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 21 Pensaje Interior
2019 April
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 22 21.0
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 23 Adios Infancia
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 24 Bajo el cielo de adentro
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 25 Bibliografía de las ediciones vigía
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 26 Bob Marley: Canción de redención
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 11 Los ciclos de nadie (antología personal)
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 5 La ciudad que amo
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 27 Correos/bosques intermedios
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 30 El cuento de las estaciones
Box 4, Folder 1 Cuento Para Un Hombre Que LLoró Tapándose El Rostro
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 28 De montserrat a monserrate
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 29 Dos Poems de Rimbaud
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 31 El gran padre
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 3 Entre las cuerdas de mi sien
Box 4, Folder 1 Estaciones de las Lluvias Seca
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 6 La huella cubana de Sarah Bernhardt
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 7 La luna en el suelo (excerpt)
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 13 Mecánica sobre el ciudadano
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 14 Memoria Francesa
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 15 Museo Farmacéutico de Matanzas
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 16 Otros poemas junto al mar
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 19 pensamiento dile afrasancia
Contents Note: sala polivalente...., #88

Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 23 La Revista Del Vigía año 16, nro 28
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 8 La Ronda
Box [31236074850283.0] 2, Folder 32 El señor López y otras invenciones
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 21 Si se tiran quedan
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 9 La sombra de los otros
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 1 El Tiempo de los Fideles
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 10 La venta de miel
Box [31236074850291] 3, Folder 12 Los versos de Martí