Guide to the Jennifer Terry papers, 1978–2024

John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts
Box A
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: Manuscripts: 401-863-3723; University Archives: 401-863-2148
Email: Manuscripts:; University Archives:

Published in 2024

Collection Overview

Title: Jennifer Terry papers
Date range: 1978–2024
Creator: Terry, Jennifer
Extent: 17 linear feet
Abstract: Jennifer Terry is Professor Emeritus of Women's Studies/Gender & Sexuality Studies at the University of California at Irvine. Her scholarship concentrates on feminist cultural studies; science and technology studies; comparative and historical formations of gender, race, and sexuality; critical approaches to modernity; state-sponsored violence and biomedicine; and American studies in transnational perspective. She taught at Ohio State University from 1993-2001, University of California Berkeley from 2001-2002, Columbia University during 2014, and University of California at Irvine from 2003-2024. She received her PhD in History of Consciousness from University of California, Santa Cruz. Terry was a postdoctoral Fellow at the Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women at Brown University from 1991-1992. Terry's books include An American Obsession: Science, Medicine, and Homosexuality in Modern Society (University of Chicago Press, 1999), Deviant Bodies: Critical Perspectives on Difference in Science and Popular Culture (Indiana University Press, 1995), Processed Lives: Gender and Technology in Everyday Life (Routledge, 1997), and Attachments to War: Biomedical Logics and Violence in Twenty-First-Century America (Duke 2017). She has written articles and chapters on reproductive politics, the history of sexual science in the United States, contemporary scientific approaches to the sex lives of animals, love of objects, signature injuries of war, and the relationship between war-making practices and entertainment. In 2008, Terry completed a three-year National Science Foundation collaborative project on Privacy, Identity, and Technology. She is widely recognized for her writing and academic contributions in the fields of cultural studies of medicine, science and technology studies, and formations of sexuality.
Repository: John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts
Collection number: MS.2024.015

Scope & content

This collection contains the professional papers of Jennifer Terry, Professor Emerita at University of California, Irvine. Her scholarship concentrates on feminist cultural studies; science and technology studies; comparative and historical formations of gender, race, and sexuality; state-sponsored violence and biomedicine; and American studies in transnational perspective. She received her PhD in History of Consciousness from University of California, Santa Cruz. Materials document Terry's academic career, early research, and writings. Materials include correspondence, syllabi, handwritten notes, research materials, draft writings, and conference presentations. The collection spans from 1978 to 2024 and is arranged into 11 series.

Series 1, CORRESPONDENCE, 1988-2018, contains general correspondence regarding Terry's academic career. Correspondence also appears throughout the collection as it directly relates to specific series. This series is arranged chronologically.

Series 2, ACTIVISM, 1982-2002, contains meeting notes, handwritten notes, annotated printouts, and correspondence regarding various organizations relevant to Terry's personal and professional interests. Many of these organizations Terry participated in or supported. Of particular interest are the meeting notes from the San Francisco Bay Area Women's AIDS Network. This series is arranged alphabetically by the folder titles, original folder titles are written in quotations. The processor created all other folder titles.

Series 3, EDUCATION FILES, 1978-1988, documents Terry's undergraduate and graduate education at University of California, Santa Cruz and contains handwritten notes, syllabi, and qualifying essays. This series is arranged alphabetically by original folder titles written in quotations. The processor created two additional folder titles listed without quotations.

Series 4, CAREER DEVELOPMENT, 1979-2023, contains correspondence, grant and research proposals and Terry's tenure dossier for Ohio State University. This series is arranged alphabetically by record type.

Series 5, CONFERENCES, 1980-2021, documents Terry's participation in professional conferences. Files contain related correspondence, handwritten notes, typed drafts, and informational pamphlets. This series is arranged alphabetically by conference title.

Series 6, SEMINARS, 1990-2007, contains typed drafts, handwritten notes, annotated readings, and related correspondence regarding seminars and workshops that Terry facilitated or within which she participated. Of particular interest are the "Sexualities and Citizenship Seminar" at Ohio State University (#5.41-6.2) and "Science Knowledge and 'Difference' Seminar" at the Pembroke Center at Brown University (#5.30-5.39). This series is arranged alphabetically by title, original folder titles are written in quotations. The processor created all other folder titles.

Series 7, SPECIAL PROJECTS, 2007-2020, documents Terry's involvement in in-depth professional projects such as "Everyday Militarisms: Toxic Legacies Walkshop" a multi-site collaboration of academics, artists, and activists exploring the histories of militarism and toxicity. Files contain research, related correspondence, and annotated readings. This series is arranged alphabetically by title, original folder titles are written in quotations. The processor created all other folder titles.

Series 8, TEACHING, 1989-2024, contains lecture notes and outlines, syllabi, and examples of student work for classes taught by Terry. Some of the course titles include "Medicine and the Humanities," "Values, Science, and Technology," and "Politics of Health Sexuality, Medicine, and Power." This series is arranged alphabetically by course title.

Series 9, WRITINGS AND RELATED, 1985-2019, documents Terry's written scholarship and editorial work and is arranged into two subseries.

Subseries 1, PUBLISHED BOOKS, 1985-2007, contains contracts, drafts, and related research for books published by Terry. This series is arranged alphabetically by title and then by type. Original folder titles are written in quotations, the processor created all other folder titles.

Subseries 2, OTHER PUBLISHED WRITINGS AND RELATED WORK, 1990-2019, includes articles, book chapters, talks, Terry's dissertation with related notes from Donna Haraway, and editorial work for other published scholars. Files contain manuscripts, contracts, and annotated drafts. This series is arranged alphabetically by type and then title.

Series 10, RESEARCH, 1978-2002, contains handwritten notes, annotated readings, and clippings. The majority of this series pertains to Terry's early research. This series is arranged alphabetically by topic, original folder titles are written in quotations. The processor created all other folder titles.

Series 11, VIDEO TAPES AND T-SHIRTS, 1987-2005, contains VHS (Video Home System) tapes and t-shirts. This series is arranged alphabetically by title.

Access Points

Subject Organizations Subject Topics


This collection is arranged into 11 series.

Biographical/Historical Note

Jennifer Terry is Professor Emeritus of Women's Studies/Gender & Sexuality Studies at the University of California at Irvine. Her scholarship concentrates on feminist cultural studies; science and technology studies; comparative and historical formations of gender, race, and sexuality; critical approaches to modernity; state-sponsored violence and biomedicine; and American studies in transnational perspective. She taught at Ohio State University from 1993-2001, University of California Berkeley from 2001-2002, Columbia University during 2014, and University of California at Irvine from 2003-2024. She received her PhD in History of Consciousness from University of California, Santa Cruz. Terry was a postdoctoral Fellow at the Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women at Brown University from 1991-1992.

Terry's books include An American Obsession: Science, Medicine, and Homosexuality in Modern Society (University of Chicago Press, 1999), Deviant Bodies: Critical Perspectives on Difference in Science and Popular Culture (Indiana University Press, 1995), Processed Lives: Gender and Technology in Everyday Life (Routledge, 1997), and Attachments to War: Biomedical Logics and Violence in Twenty-First-Century America (Duke 2017). She has written articles and chapters on reproductive politics, the history of sexual science in the United States, contemporary scientific approaches to the sex lives of animals, love of objects, signature injuries of war, and the relationship between war-making practices and entertainment. In 2008, Terry completed a three-year National Science Foundation collaborative project on Privacy, Identity, and Technology. She is widely recognized for her writing and academic contributions in the fields of cultural studies of medicine, science and technology studies, and formations of sexuality.

Access & Use

Access to the collection: There are no restrictions on access, except that the collection can only be seen by prior appointment. Some materials may be stored off-site and cannot be produced on the same day on which they are requested. Advance notice is required to view any audiovisual media or born-digital records that may exist in this collection. Audiovisual media and born-digital records in this collection may not have been reformatted yet. Researchers may request access to copies by contacting the John Hay Library with the collection name, collection number, and a description of the item(s) requested. Access to original physical audiovisual or born-digital media is restricted.
Use of the materials: All researchers seeking to publish materials from the collections of the John Hay Library are requested to complete a Notice of Intent to Publish, prior to reproducing, quoting, or otherwise publishing any portion or extract from this collection. Although Brown University has physical ownership of the collection and the materials contained therein, it does not claim literary rights. It is up to the researcher to determine the owners of the literary rights and to obtain any necessary permissions from them.
Preferred citation: Jennifer Terry papers, MS.2024.015, Box [#], Folder [#], Pembroke Center Archives, John Hay Library, Brown University.
Contact information: John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts
Box A
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: Manuscripts: 401-863-3723; University Archives: 401-863-2148
Email: Manuscripts:; University Archives:

Administrative Information

Acquisition: Gift of Jennifer Terry in 2024.
Author: Finding aid prepared by Erin Perfect, on behalf of the Pembroke Center for the Teaching and Research on Women and the Brown University Library.
Encoding: This finding aid was produced using ArchivesSpace on 2024-09-19.
Descriptive rules: Finding aid based on Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)
Sponsor: Curatorial work provided by Mary O. Murphy, on behalf of the Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women and the Brown University Library.

Additional Information


Series 1. Correspondence, 1988 - 2018

Container Description Date
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 1 Correspondence re: film "Nitrate Kisses" and uncredited use of Terry's work
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 2 Correspondence re: invitation to speak at University of California, Davis Cultural Studies Colloquim
May-October 2004
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 3 Correspondence re: lecture at Miami University; includes handwritten notes
December 1993 - February 1994
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 4 Correspondence re: lecture at University of California, Berkeley
September 1998 - March 1999
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 5 Correspondence re: paper proposal for American Ethnological Society Montreal
February 2001
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 6 Correspondence re: Sciences and Cultural Seminar
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 7 Correspondence re: talk at Brown University
April 2018
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 8 "General correspondence" (1988-1989)
1988 - 1989
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 9 "General correspondence" (1990)
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 10 "General correspondence" (1991)
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 11 "General correspondence" (1992)
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 12 "General correspondence" (1993-1994)
1993 - 1994
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 13 "General correspondence" (1995-1999)
1995 - 1999
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 14 "General correspondence" (2001-2002)
2001 - 2002
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 15 "General correspondence" (n.d.)

Series 2. Activism, 1982 - 2002

Container Description Date
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 16 "Anti-Pornography Issue"; includes clippings and annotated printouts
1980 - 1981
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 17 "Domestic Partnership Activism"; includes printouts
circa 1980's
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 18 "FACT (Feminist Anti-Censorship Taskforce)"; includes correspondence and photocopied materials (1/2)
circa 1992
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 19 "FACT (Feminist Anti-Censorship Taskforce)"; includes correspondence and photocopied materials (2/2)
circa 1992
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 20 "Friends of Families Debate"; includes annotated readings and clippings
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 21 "The GRRL Scouts": printouts
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 22 "La Rouche Initiative Proposition 64"; includes photocopied materials and handwritten notes (1/3)
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 23 "La Rouche Initiative Proposition 64"; includes photocopied materials and handwritten notes (2/3)
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 24 "La Rouche Initiative Proposition 64"; includes photocopied materials and handwritten notes (3/3)
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 25 "Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute Berkeley"; includes information pamphlets and clippings
1980 - 1981
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 26 "National Gay and Lesbian Health Conference Boston"; includes proposal and related correspondence (1/2)
circa 1988
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 27 "National Gay and Lesbian Health Conference Boston"; includes proposal and related correspondence (2/2)
circa 1988
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 28 "National Gay and Lesbian Health Conference Los Angeles": handwritten notes
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 29 "Professors for Peace"; includes typed notes, correspondence, and clippings (1/2)
2001 - 2002
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 30 "Professors for Peace"; includes typed notes, correspondence, and clippings (2/2)
2001 - 2002
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 31 "Queer Nation San Francisco"; includes typed notes and printouts
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 32 "San Francisco Bay Area Action Committee for Abortion Rights Clinic Defense"; includes typed and handwritten notes
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 33 "Transnational Feminist Practices Against War Statement"; includes typed notes and related correspondence
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 34 "Vote no on proposition 6"; includes clippings
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 35 "Women's AIDS Network"; includes meeting notes (1/4)
1987 - 1991
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 36 "Women's AIDS Network"; includes meeting notes (2/4)
1987 - 1991
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 37 "Women's AIDS Network"; includes meeting notes (3/4)
1987 - 1991
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 38 "Women's AIDS Network"; includes meeting notes (4/4)
1987 - 1991

Series 3. Education Files, 1978 - 1988

Container Description Date
Box [31236104065381] 1, Folder 39 "19th Century Political Theory"; includes typed and handwritten notes [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 1 "20th Century Russian History"; includes handwritten notes [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 2 "Aesthetics"; includes handwritten notes [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 3 "Feminist Theory Collective"; includes handwritten and typed notes [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 4 "Feminist Ethics"; includes handwritten notes and assignments [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 5 "Feminist Theory"; includes handwritten notes [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 6 "Feminist Existentialism": prospectus for independent study [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 7 "Gay Liberation Studies"; includes handwritten notes and readings (1/2) [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 8 "Gay Liberation Studies"; includes handwritten notes and readings (2/2) [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 9 "The Human Machine"; includes exam prompt [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 10 "Oral exam" [Undergraduate]; includes handwritten notes [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 11 "Lesbian Literature"; includes related readings [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 12 "Modern Political Theory: final paper [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 13 "Nature of Political Theory"; includes handwritten notes [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 14 "The Nature of Political Thinking"; includes handwritten notes [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 15 "The New Woman"; includes handwritten notes [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 16 "Political Philosophy"; includes handwritten notes [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 17 "Politics 150 A"; includes handwritten notes and typed drafts (1/2) [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 18 "Politics 150 A"; includes handwritten notes and typed drafts (2/2) [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 19 "Politics of the City"; includes handwritten notes [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 20 "Socialist - Feminism"; includes handwritten and typed notes (1/2) [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 21 "Socialist - Feminism"; includes handwritten and typed notes (2/2) [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 22 "Theories of Social change"; includes annotated draft [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 23 Qualifying Essay for University of California, Santa Cruz [PhD]; includes related correspondence and handwritten notes (1/2)
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 24 Qualifying Essay for University of California, Santa Cruz [PhD]; includes related correspondence and handwritten notes (2/2)
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 25 "Qualifying of Urban Life"; includes handwritten notes [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 26 "Women as Political Thinkers"; includes handwritten notes cards (1/2) [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 27 "Women as Political Thinkers"; includes handwritten notes cards (2/2) [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 28 "Women and Third World Development" [University of California Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 29 "Women and work"; includes handwritten notes [University of California Santa Cruz]

Series 4. Career Development, 1979 - 2023

Container Description Date
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 30 Correspondence re: Bancroft-Whitney Co.; includes handwritten notes and newsletters
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 31 Facilitator materials re: University of California, Irvine Medical School Training; includes correspondence
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 32 Fellowship appointment at Stony Brook University: "Readings for seminar Queer Theory, Culture, Action"
November 3, 1992
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 33 Fellowship appointment at Stony Brook University: "Body Reading group"
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 34 Fellowship appointment at Stony Brook University: "General file"; includes informational packets, handwritten notes and related correspondence
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 35 Grant application re: The National Science Foundation
2005 - 2008
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 36 Grant proposal re: Female Desire and the National Imaginary at Ohio State University
1995 - 1996
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 37 Grant proposal re: Sexuality and Citizenship for American Studies Association
Box [31236104065399] 2, Folder 38 Handwritten notes and correspondence re: (Re-) Constructions of Deviant Sexualities Workshop
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 1 Handwritten and typed notes re: Critical Data Studies Group
2021 - 2023
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 2 Interview with Terry by Kathryn E. Diaz at Gay Community News
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 3 Job talk at University of California, Irvine; includes handwritten and typed draft
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 4 Meeting and organizational notes for "The Gay and Lesbian Alliance"
1979 - 1980
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 5 Paper proposal and panel outline re: the seduction of science for "The American Historical Association"
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 6 Posters and informational flyers re: various professional engagements; includes related correspondence (1/2)
1992 - 2016
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 7 Posters and informational flyers re: various professional engagements; includes related correspondence (2/2)
1992 - 2016
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 8 Readings from Feminist Seminar and Second Sex Conference; includes related correspondence and flyers (1/2)
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 9 Readings from Feminist Seminar and Second Sex Conference; includes related correspondence and flyers (2/2)
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 10 Research proposal re: Geographies of Conflict and Intervention; includes related correspondence
2013 - 2014
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 11 Research proposal re: MacArthur Foundation Digital Media
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 12 Research proposal re: Sexual rights; includes typed draft and related correspondence
circa 1999
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 13 Residency at The Banff Centre for the Arts; includes clippings
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 14 Tenure Dossier for Ohio State University (1/8)
1997 - 1998
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 15 Tenure Dossier for Ohio State University (2/8)
1997 - 1998
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 16 Tenure Dossier for Ohio State University (3/8)
1997 - 1998
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 17 Tenure Dossier for Ohio State University (4/8)
1997 - 1998
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 18 Tenure Dossier for Ohio State University (5/8)
1997 - 1998
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 19 Tenure Dossier for Ohio State University (6/8)
1997 - 1998
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 20 Tenure Dossier for Ohio State University (7/8)
1997 - 1998
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 21 Tenure Dossier for Ohio State University (8/8)
1997 - 1998

Series 5. Conferences, 1980 - 2021

Container Description Date
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 22 6th Annual Women Studies Colloquium "Representations of Sex(uality): Pornography, Obscenity, Deviance"
March 23-24, 2005
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 23 20th Anniversary of Transnational Feminist Practices Against War at Rutgers University
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 24 American Anthropological Association (AAA) 1989 Conference: handwritten notes
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 25 American Anthropological Association (AAA) 1990 Conference; includes draft and related correspondence
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 26 American Anthropological Association (AAA) 1993 Conference; includes annotated draft and handwritten notes
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 27 American Anthropological Association (AAA) 2006 Conference
November 2006
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 28 American Historical Association (AHA) 1990 Annual Conference; includes draft and handwritten notes
December 1990
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 29 American Historical Association (AHA) 1991 Annual Conference; includes paper proposal
December 1991
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 30 American Studies Association (ASA) 2006 Conference in Oakland, California; includes annotated drafts
October 2006
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 31 American Studies Association (ASA) Annual Convention in Atlanta, Georgia
November 11-14, 2004
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 32 American Studies Association (ASA) Annual Meeting: Pedagogies of Dissent in Chicago, Illinois
November 9-12, 2017
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 33 Bellagio Conference Living in Cyberculture; includes research and notes and correspondence (1/2)
1994 - 1995
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 34 Bellagio Conference Living in Cyberculture; includes research and notes and correspondence (2/2)
1994 - 1995
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 35 Berkshire Conference on the History of Women at Rutgers University; includes handwritten notes
June 8-10, 1990
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 36 Berkshire Conference on the History of Women at Vassar College
June 16-18, 1981
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 37 Berkshire Conference on the History of Women at Vassar College; includes talk and handwritten notes
June 11-13, 1993
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 38 Beyond the Book at University of California, Davis
February 1, 2008
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 39 Bioethics, Sexuality, Gender Identity National Conference at the University of Pennsylvania
September 21, 2012
Box [31236104065407] 3, Folder 40 The Body in Society and Culture American Ethnological Society Conference; includes handwritten notes and typed draft
April 26-29, 1990
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 1 The Brain and Homosexuality a Symposium at The City University of New York (CUNY); includes handwritten notes
December 9, 1991
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 2 California Biotech Action Coalition Conference [University of California, San Francisco]
September 1996
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 3 The Canadian Historical Association Annual Conference; includes related correspondence
August 25-27, 1995
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 4 Center for the Study of Sexual Culture at University California, Berkeley
March 7-9, 2002
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 5 Complicating Categories: Women, Gender, and Difference at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
June 7-9, 1996
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 6 Counter-technologies at the Edgelands Conference at University of California, San Diego and Tijuana
February 28-29, 2020
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 7 Critical Cosmopolitanisms Conference
March 7, 2003
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 8 Cross Talk at Multicultural Feminist Symposium; includes handwritten notes
June 5-6, 1993
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 9 Cultural Studies Association 8th Annual Meeting at University of California, Berkeley
March 18-20, 2010
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 10 Defense: Models, Strategies, Media at University of California, Irvine
March 7-9, 2005
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 11 Embodiments of Science Conference at Barnard College; includes handwritten notes and writings by others (1/2)
November 6-7, 2009
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 12 Embodiments of Science Conference at Barnard College; includes handwritten notes and writings by others (2/2)
November 6-7, 2009
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 13 Everyday Militarism Public Symposium at University of Sydney; includes annotated drafts (1/2)
April 26, 2019
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 14 Everyday Militarism Public Symposium at the University of Sydney; includes annotated drafts (2/2)
April 26, 2019
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 15 Fantasy Conference at the University of Texas, Austin
November 2-3, 2001
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 16 Feminism and Representation at the Rhode Island College; includes draft and handwritten notes
April 20-22, 1989
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 17 Feminism Responses / Alternatives to Violence in Transnational Context Colloquium at Barnard
November 7, 2003
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 18 Feminist Theory Conference at Duke University
March 23, 2007
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 19 The Future of Women's Studies Swarthmore College Symposium
April 28-30, 2006
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 20 Gaming the Game Conference at the University of California, Davis; includes related correspondence
April 12-13, 2012
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 21 Gender Bodies and Technology in Roanoke, Virginia; includes related correspondence
April 22-24, 2010
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 22 Gender of "Terror" Conference at University of California, Los Angeles; includes typed draft (1/2)
May 2, 2008
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 23 Gender of "Terror" Conference at University of California, Los Angeles; includes typed draft (2/2)
May 2, 2008
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 24 Gender, War, and Militarism at the University of Pennsylvania; includes handwritten notes
October 25-26, 2007
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 25 How Do I Look Queer Film and Video Screenings and Conference in New York City; includes handwritten notes
October 21-22, 1989
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 26 History of Science Society (HSS) 1994 Conference; includes related correspondence
September 1994
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 27 (Il)legitimate Knowledge: The Challenge of Interdisciplinarity at Smith College; includes related correspondence
March 1-2, 1996
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 28 Intimate Technologies / Dangerous Zones at Banff New Media Institute
April 25-28, 2002
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 29 Lesbian and Gay Studies Conference at Rutgers and Princeton Universities; includes handwritten notes
November 1-3, 1991
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 30 Locations of Learning: Transnational Feminist Practices at Barnard College
February 22, 2014
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 31 Marxism in the New World Order Crises and Possibilities Conference at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst
November 12-14, 1992
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 32 Media Art Society Symposium at Stockholm, Sweden; includes related correspondence and handwritten notes
December 7-11, 1998
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 33 Medical Humanities Conference at Ohio State University; includes handwritten notes
April 13-14, 2018
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 34 The Medicalization of Sex at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia; includes annotated readings (1/2)
April 28-30, 2011
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 35 The Medicalization of Sex at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia; includes annotated readings (2/2)
April 28-30, 2011
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 36 National Graduate Women's Studies Conference at the University of Pennsylvania; includes draft and handwritten notes
February 23-25, 1990
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 37 National Women's Studies Association Conference at the University of Connecticut; includes program booklet (1/2)
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 38 National Women's Studies Association Conference at the University of Connecticut; includes program booklet (2/2)
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 39 National Women's Studies Association Conference at Indiana University; includes program booklet
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 40 National Women's Studies Association 23rd Annual Conference in Las Vegas
June 13-16, 2002
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 41 Normalizing the Body A Conference at the University of Maryland College Park
May 8-9, 2003
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 42 North American Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Studies Conference at the University of Iowa; includes related research (1/2)
November 1994
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 43 North American Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Studies Conference at the University of Iowa; includes related research (2/2)
November 1994
Box [31236104065415] 4, Folder 44 Outside / Inside Conference at Yale University; includes handwritten notes
October 27-29, 1989
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 1 Pleasure and Politics Conference at Harvard University; includes draft and handwritten notes
October 26-28, 1990
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 2 Persistence of Gender Conference at Stanford University
February 8-9, 2002
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 3 A Presence with a Future at Ohio University; includes related correspondence
May 2-3, 1997
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 4 QGRAD: A Graduate Student Conference on Sexuality and Gender at University of California, Los Angeles
October 16, 2004
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 5 Queer Studies Conference at University of California, Los Angeles
October 20-21, 2006
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 6 Queer Theory Conference at University of California, San Diego
January 20-21, 1995
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 7 Queer Theory a Working Conference at University of California, Santa Cruz; includes draft and handwritten notes
February 10-11, 1990
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 8 Questioning and Remaking History Conference at Rutgers and Princeton Universities; includes handwritten notes
March 2-3, 1990
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 9 (Re)Defining a Queer Space at the Claremont Colleges; includes related correspondence
April, 2-3, 2004
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 10 Relocating the Other: Cultural Politics of Alterity Conference at Ewha Womans University , Seoul; includes handwritten notes and related correspondence
September 4-5, 2009
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 11 Reproductive Technologies: Narrative, Gender, Culture at the Humanities Institute at Stony Brook University; includes related correspondence
November 6-7, 1992
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 12 Rethinking Sex Conference at the University of Pennsylvania
March 4-6, 2009
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 13 Re/Visioning Women, Health and Healing at University of California, San Francisco; includes related research
October 6-7, 1995
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 14 Sexual Worlds, Political Cultures Conference in Washington, D.C.
October 2-5, 2003
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 15 Sexualities, Cultures, and Identities Conference in Newcastle, United Kingdom
January 2003
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 16 Sexuality in Crisis Conference at University of California, Davis; includes handwritten notes
February 1, 1992
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 17 Society for Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana
March 12, 2011
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 18 Society for Cultural Anthropology "Nature Culture" Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico; includes annotated typed draft
May 7-8, 2010
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 19 Society for Social Studies of Science Conference in Montreal, Canada
January 2007
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 20 The Transnational Politics of Gender and Consumption at University of California, Berkeley
October 8-9, 1999
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 21 Wesleyan University Symposium; includes related research (1/2)
October 2005
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 22 Wesleyan University Symposium; includes related research (2/2)
October 2005
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 23 What's Left of Life? at University of California, Berkeley; includes related correspondence
February 16-17, 2007
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 24 Women's Sexualities: Historical, Interdisciplinary and International Perspectives Conference at Indiana University
November 13-15, 2003
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 25 Women and Human Rights, Social Justice and Citizenship at the University of Melbourne, Australia
June 30-July 2, 1998

Series 6. Seminars, 1990 - 2007

Container Description Date
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 26 Faculty Seminar: Science and Difference at Ohio State University; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 27 Faculty Seminar: Sexualities and Citizenship final meeting at Ohio State University
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 28 Faculty Seminar: Swarthmore College Faculty Seminar in Lesbian and Gay Studies; includes typed draft
August-November 1994
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 29 Seminar: Feminist Seminar and Second Sex Conference; includes related correspondence and flyers (1/2)
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 30 Seminar: Feminist Seminar and Second Sex Conference; includes related correspondence and flyers (2/2)
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 31 Seminar: Feminist Sexuality Think Tank in New York City; includes handwritten and typed notes
circa 2002
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 32 Seminar: Pembroke Center Seminar on Science Knowledge and "Difference"; includes correspondence and newsletters
1991 - 1992
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 33 Seminar: Pembroke Center Seminar on Science Knowledge and "Difference": handwritten and typed notes
circa 1991
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 34 Seminar: Pembroke Center Seminar on Science Knowledge and "Difference"; includes draft by Lisa Cartwright
circa 1993
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 35 Seminar: Pembroke Center Seminar on Science Knowledge and "Difference"; includes handwritten notes and readings re: sociobiology
circa 1991-1992
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 36 Seminar: Pembroke Center Seminar on Science Knowledge and "Difference"; includes handwritten notes and informational pamphlets about abortion re: roundtable discussion (1/2)
circa 1991-1992
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 37 Seminar: Pembroke Center Seminar on Science Knowledge and "Difference"; includes handwritten notes and informational pamphlets about abortion re: roundtable discussion (2/2)
circa 1991-1992
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 38 Seminar: Pembroke Center Seminar on Science Knowledge and "Difference"; includes readings and notes re: Anne Fausto-Sterling
circa 1991-1992
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 39 Seminar: Pembroke Center Seminar on Science Knowledge and "Difference": readings and handwritten notes
circa 1991-1992
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 40 Seminar: Pembroke Center Seminar on Science Knowledge and "Difference"; includes syllabi and related correspondence
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 41 Seminar: Pembroke Center Seminar on Science Knowledge and "Difference"; includes typed drafts
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 42 Seminar: "Super Modeling Sexual Rights"; includes lecture notes and slides
circa 2003
Box [31236104065423] 5, Folder 43 Seminar: Sexualities and Citizenship at Ohio State University; includes related correspondence and handwritten and typed notes (1/3)
April 1997 - April 1998
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 1 Seminar: Sexualities and Citizenship at Ohio State University; includes related correspondence and handwritten and typed notes (2/3)
April 1997 - April 1998
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 2 Seminar: Sexualities and Citizenship at Ohio State University; includes related correspondence and handwritten and typed notes (3/3)
April 1997 - April 1998
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 3 Seminar: "Think Again Seminar" in Seattle, Washington; includes related correspondence
May - October 2005
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 4 Seminar: Vectors Seminar re: Killer Entertainments; includes related correspondence and typed and handwritten notes (1/2)
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 5 Seminar: Vectors Seminar re: Killer Entertainments; includes related correspondence and typed and handwritten notes (2/2)
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 6 Seminar: Woundscapes of the 21st Century at New York University; includes related correspondence
February 2012
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 7 Workshop: "Afghan Women in the Imaginations of Others" at Berkeley Rep; includes handwritten notes and enlarger transparencies
circa 2002
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 8 Workshop: Biology of Sexual Orientation at Brown University Wayland Collegium; includes related correspondence and handwritten notes
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 9 Workshop: The Feminist Theory Workshop at Duke University; includes related correspondence
2006 - 2007
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 10 Workshop: Nextwave of Gender and Technoscience Workshop at University of California, Irvine; includes handwritten notes and related correspondence
February 2005 - March 2006
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 11 Workshop: Research Workshop on "Race" in the History of Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); includes related correspondence
February 15-16, 2002

Series 7. Special Projects, 2007 - 2020

Container Description Date
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 12 The Cucumber Incident (film): correspondence and related readings
circa 2000
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 13 Everyday Militarisms: catalyst contract; includes typed notes
circa 2023
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 14 Everyday Militarisms: correspondence and handwritten notes re: reading group Toxic Legacies Security/Space
2019 - 2020
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 15 Everyday Militarisms: correspondence re: "University of California, Davis Cultures of Militarization"
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 16 Everyday Militarisms: research re: "Suburban Gothic"; includes typed notes and annotated readings (1/2)
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 17 Everyday Militarisms: research re: "Suburban Gothic"; includes typed notes and annotated readings (2/2)
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 18 Everyday Militarisms: talk at Cornell University
March 2019
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 19 Everyday Militarisms: talk at Society for Literature, Science and the Arts at University of California, Irvine (UCI)
November 2019
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 20 Everyday Militarisms: Toxic Legacies Walkshop; includes correspondence and annotated readings (1/2)
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 21 Everyday Militarisms: Toxic Legacies Walkshop; includes correspondence and annotated readings (2/2)
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 22 Everyday Militarisms: Toxic Legacies Walkshop; includes maps and printouts
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 23 Everyday Militarisms: "University of California, Berkeley and University of California, Davis Everyday Militarism"; includes annotated readings
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 24 Killer Entertainments: annotated notes and drafts
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 25 Killer Entertainments: printout
circa 2007
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 26 Killer Entertainments: printout
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 27 Killer Entertainments: research re: "computer games-military" (1/2)
circa 2004-2005n.d.
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 28 Killer Entertainments: research re: "computer games-military" (2/2)
circa 2004-2005n.d.
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 29 Killer Entertainments: research re: "computer games nonmilitary"
circa 2004-2005n.d.
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 30 Killer Entertainments: research re: "DIY soldier - made videos"
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 31 Killer Entertainments: research re: "jihadi videos"; includes handwritten and typed notes
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 32 Killer Entertainments: "time coding" annotated typed notes
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 33 Relatively Gay (film); includes typed notes and related correspondence (1/2)
circa 2000
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 34 Relatively Gay (film); includes typed notes and related correspondence (2/2)
circa 2000

Series 8. Teaching, 1989 - 2024

Container Description Date
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 35 Comparative Studies 201 Literature and Society; includes syllabus, lecture notes and readings [Ohio State University]
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 36 Comparative Studies 272 Science and Society; includes syllabus and lecture notes [Ohio State University]
Box [31236104065431] 6, Folder 37 Comparative Studies 294 Digital Culture; includes syllabus, lecture notes and readings (1/2) [Ohio State University]
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 1 Comparative Studies 294 Digital Culture; includes syllabus, lecture notes and readings (2/2) [Ohio State University]
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 2 Comparative Studies 305 Medicine and the Humanities; includes syllabus, lecture notes and readings (1/2) [Ohio State University]
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 3 Comparative Studies 305 Medicine and the Humanities; includes syllabus, lecture notes and readings (2/2) [Ohio State University]
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 4 Comparative Studies 367.02 Values, Science and Technology in American Culture; includes syllabus and lecture notes [Ohio State University]
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 5 Comparative Studies 367.02 Values, Science and Technology in American Culture; includes syllabus and lecture notes [Ohio State University]
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 6 Comparative Studies 597.01 Global Studies of Science and Technology; includes syllabus and lecture notes (2/2) [Ohio State University]
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 7 Comparative Studies 597.01 Global Studies of Science and Technology; includes syllabus and lecture notes (1/2) [Ohio State University]
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 8 Comparative Studies 710: course planning materials; includes handwritten notes [Ohio State University]
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 9 Comparative Studies 711 Approaches to Comparative Cultural Studies II; includes syllabus, lecture notes, and correspondence (1/3) [Ohio State University]
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 10 Comparative Studies 711 Approaches to Comparative Cultural Studies II; includes syllabus, lecture notes, and correspondence (2/3) [Ohio State University]
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 11 Comparative Studies 711 Approaches to Comparative Cultural Studies II; includes syllabus, lecture notes, and correspondence (3/3)
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 12 Comparative Studies 729 Body Politics; includes syllabus and lecture notes [Ohio State University]
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 13 Comparative Studies 792 Science and Sexuality; includes syllabus, lecture notes, and readings [Ohio State University]
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 14 Comparative Studies 792 Science and Sexuality; includes syllabus, lecture notes, and correspondence [Ohio State University]
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 15 Comparative Studies 830 Science and Difference; includes syllabus and lecture notes [Ohio State University]
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 16 Comparative Studies 830 Science and Difference; includes syllabus , lecture notes, and correspondence [Ohio State University]
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 17 Gender and Militarization Seminar; includes syllabus, lecture notes, and correspondence [Columbia University]
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 18 Gender and Sexuality Studies 20 Introduction to Queer Studies, includes syllabus and notes [University of California, Irvine]
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 19 Gender and Sexuality Studies 50A Gender and Feminism in Everyday Life; includes syllabi and lecture notes (1/2) [University of California, Irvine]
2008, 2014, 2016, 2018
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 20 Gender and Sexuality Studies 50A Gender and Feminism in Everyday Life; includes syllabi and lecture notes (2/2) [University of California, Irvine]
2008, 2014, 2016, 2018
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 21 Gender and Sexuality Studies 50A Gender and Feminism in Everyday Life; includes syllabi, notes, and correspondence [University of California, Irvine]
2022 - 2023
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 22 Gender and Sexuality Studies 50B Gender and Power; includes syllabus, lecture notes, and correspondence [University of California, Irvine]
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 23 Gender and Sexuality Studies 50C Gender and Popular Culture; includes syllabi, lecture notes, and assignments (1/4) [University of California, Irvine]
2003-2005, 2007
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 24 Gender and Sexuality Studies 50C Gender and Popular Culture; includes syllabi, lecture notes, and assignments (2/4) [University of California, Irvine]
2003-2005, 2007
Box [31236104065449] 7, Folder 25 Gender and Sexuality Studies 50C Gender and Popular Culture; includes syllabi, lecture notes, and assignments (3/4) [University of California, Irvine]
2003-2005, 2007
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 1 Gender and Sexuality Studies 50C Gender and Popular Culture; includes syllabi, lecture notes, and assignments (4/4) [University of California, Irvine]
2003-2005, 2007
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 2 Gender and Sexuality Studies 60A Gender and Science; includes syllabi, lecture notes, and correspondence (1/2) [University of California, Irvine]
2011, 2013, 2015-2017
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 3 Gender and Sexuality Studies 60A Gender and Science; includes syllabi, lecture notes, and correspondence (2/2) [University of California, Irvine]
2011, 2013, 2015-2017
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 4 Gender and Sexuality Studies 100C Feminist Cultural Studies on embodiment; includes syllabi and lecture notes [University of California, Irvine]
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 5 Gender and Sexuality Studies 110D Politics of Health Sexuality, Medicine, and Power; includes syllabus and lecture notes [University of California, Irvine]
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 6 Gender and Sexuality Studies 110D Politics of Health Sexuality, Medicine, and Power; includes syllabi, lecture notes, and assignments [University of California, Irvine]
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 7 Gender and Sexuality Studies 110D Politics of Health Sexuality, Medicine, and Power; includes syllabus, lecture notes, and assignments [University of California, Irvine]
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 8 Gender and Sexuality Studies 120C Practices of Embodiment; includes syllabus and lecture notes [University of California, Irvine]
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 9 Gender and Sexuality Studies 140W Feminist Theory; includes syllabi and lecture notes [University of California, Irvine]
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 10 Gender and Sexuality Studies 155 New Reproductive Technologies: syllabus [University of California, Irvine]
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 11 Gender and Sexuality Studies 157 Queer History Making Adventures, Archives, and Affect; includes syllabi and lecture notes [University of California, Irvine]
2020 - 2021
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 12 Gender and Sexuality Studies 157A Queer History Making Adventures, Archives, and Affect; includes syllabus, lecture notes, and assignments [University of California, Irvine]
2009, 2011
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 13 Gender and Sexuality Studies 157B Queer Lives and Knowledges; includes syllabus and student work [University of California, Irvine]
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 14 Gender and Sexuality Studies 161 Issues in Gay and Lesbian Representation; includes syllabi and lecture notes [University of California, Irvine]
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 15 Gender and Sexuality Studies 165C New Reproductive Technologies; includes syllabi and lecture notes [University of California, Irvine]
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 16 Gender and Sexuality Studies 167A Militarism and Gender; includes syllabi and lecture notes [University of California, Irvine]
2008, 2011, 2012
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 17 Gender and Sexuality Studies 197 Senior Seminar; includes syllabus and lecture notes [University of California, Irvine]
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 18 Gender and Sexuality Studies 200A Feminist Knowledge and Social Change; includes syllabi, lecture notes, and student work [University of California, Irvine]
2005, 2013, 2016, 2019
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 19 Gender and Sexuality Studies 200B / Culture and Theory 200C Problems in Feminist Research Movement and Displacement; includes syllabus and lecture notes [University of California, Irvine]
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 20 Gender and Sexuality Studies 200B Problems in Feminist Research, includes syllabi, and notes [University of California, Irvine]
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 21 Gender and Sexuality Studies 200B Problems in Feminist Research; includes syllabus and lecture notes [University of California, Irvine]
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 22 Gender and Sexuality Studies 200B Problems in Feminist Research; includes syllabus, lecture notes, and correspondence [University of California, Irvine]
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 23 Gender and Sexuality Studies 201 Feminism, Conflict, and Humanitarianism; includes syllabus, lecture notes, and correspondence [University of California, Irvine]
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 24 Gender and Sexuality Studies 201A Subaltern Sexualities; includes syllabus and notes [University of California, Irvine]
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 25 Gender and Sexuality Studies 201B Gender and Technoculture; includes syllabus, lecture notes and readings [University of California, Irvine]
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 26 Gender and Sexuality Studies 210A Graduate Feminist Theory Impasses, Junctures, Urgencies: syllabus [University of California, Irvine]
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 27 History of Sexuality in the United States; includes syllabus and lecture notes (1/2) [University of California, Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 28 History of Sexuality in the United States; includes syllabus and lecture notes (2/2) [University of California, Santa Cruz]
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 29 Various courses: Ektachrome lecture slides
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 30 Various courses: Ohio State University graduate seminar syllabi
1993 - 1999
Box [31236104065456] 8, Folder 31 Various courses: Ohio State University undergraduate syllabi
1993 - 1999
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 1 Women's Studies 20 Introduction to Feminist Theory; includes syllabi and reading lists [University of California, Berkeley]
1997, 1998, 2001
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 2 Women's Studies 20 Introduction to Feminist Theory; includes syllabus, lecture notes and correspondence [University of California, Berkeley]
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 3 Women's Studies 102 Comparative Gender Systems; includes syllabus and lecture notes (1/2) [University of California, Berkeley]
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 4 Women's Studies 102 Comparative Gender Systems; includes syllabus and lecture notes (2/2) [University of California, Berkeley]
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 5 Women's Studies 111.1 Sexual Rights; includes syllabus and lecture notes [University of California, Berkeley]
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 6 Women's Studies 131 Gender and Science; includes syllabus and lecture notes [University of California, Berkeley]
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 7 Women's Studies 131 Gender and Science; includes syllabus, lecture notes, and student projects (1/2) [University of California, Berkeley]
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 8 Women's Studies 131 Gender and Science; includes syllabus, lecture notes, and student projects (2/2) [University of California, Berkeley]

Series 9. Writings and related, 1985 - 2019

Series 9. Subseries 1. Published books, 1985 - 2017

Container Description Date
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 9 An American Obsession: book prospectus and book outline
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 10 An American Obsession: chapter draft: "Early U.S. to Progressive Reform chapter"; includes related research (1/3)
circa 1998n.d.
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 11 An American Obsession: chapter draft: "Early U.S. to Progressive Reform chapter"; includes related research (2/3)
circa 1998n.d.
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 12 An American Obsession: chapter draft: "Early U.S. to Progressive Reform chapter"; includes related research (2/3)
circa 1998n.d.
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 13 An American Obsession: chapter draft: "Epilogue chapter"; includes research and related correspondence
1998, n.d.
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 14 An American Obsession: contract; includes related correspondence
1997 - 1998
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 15 An American Obsession: copy edits; includes correspondence
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 16 An American Obsession: correspondence re: dissertation; includes handwritten notes
1988 - 1992
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 17 An American Obsession: correspondence re: publishing book
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 18 An American Obsession: "cover photos"; includes correspondence
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 19 An American Obsession: graphics and photographs
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 20 An American Obsession: "promo"; includes related correspondence
1999 - 2000
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 21 An American Obsession: published permission and graphics; includes related correspondence (2/2)
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 22 An American Obsession: published permission and graphics; includes related correspondence (2/2)
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 23 An American Obsession: "reader's reports"
1997 - 1998
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 24 An American Obsession: "American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Lesbian / Gay Rights Project"
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 25 An American Obsession: research: "ACT-up"
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 26 An American Obsession: research: "AIDS - art"
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 27 An American Obsession: research: "AIDS - definitions"
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 28 An American Obsession: research: "AIDS Chronic Disease Paradigm"
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 29 An American Obsession: research: "AIDS - criminalization"
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 30 An American Obsession: research: "AIDS - immigration policy"
circa 1991
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 31 An American Obsession: research: "AIDS - language / metaphor" (1/2)
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 32 An American Obsession: research: "AIDS - language / metaphor" (2/2)
Box [31236104065464] 9, Folder 33 An American Obsession: research: "AIDS - popular commentary"
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 1 An American Obsession: research: "AIDS - prostitution"
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 2 An American Obsession: research: "AIDS - rightwing strategies"
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 3 An American Obsession: research: "AIDS - subjectivity/PWA"
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 4 An American Obsession: research: "Angela Pattatucci"; includes correspondence
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 5 An American Obsession: research: "background - physical anthro": handwritten notes
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 6 An American Obsession: research: binder 1; includes annotated readings and handwritten notes (1/4)
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 7 An American Obsession: research: binder 1; includes annotated readings and handwritten notes (2/4)
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 8 An American Obsession: research: binder 1; includes annotated readings and handwritten notes (3/4)
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 9 An American Obsession: research: binder 1; includes annotated readings and handwritten notes (4/4)
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 10 An American Obsession: research: binder 2; includes handwritten notes (1/3)
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 11 An American Obsession: research: binder 2; includes handwritten notes (2/3)
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 12 An American Obsession: research: binder 2; includes handwritten notes (3/3)
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 13 An American Obsession: research: "Body Build and Homosexuality"; includes typed and handwritten notes (1/4)
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 14 An American Obsession: research: "Body Build and Homosexuality"; includes typed and handwritten notes (2/4)
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 15 An American Obsession: research: "Body Build and Homosexuality"; includes typed and handwritten notes (3/4)
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 16 An American Obsession: research: "Body Build and Homosexuality"; includes typed and handwritten notes (4/4)
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 17 An American Obsession: research: "Bowman"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 18 An American Obsession: research: "California Legislation on Sex Offenders": photocopied materials (1/2)
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 19 An American Obsession: research: "California Legislation on Sex Offenders": photocopied materials (2/2)
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 20 An American Obsession: research: "Canadian Security Check materials (early 1960s)"
circa 1995n.d.
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 21 An American Obsession: research: "Carney Landis"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 22 An American Obsession: research: "Cultural Anthropology / Human Diversity"; includes typed and handwritten notes
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 23 An American Obsession: research: "CSSV Biographical notes summarized"; includes typed and handwritten notes
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 24 An American Obsession: research: "CSSV conceptual notes (summarized)"; includes typed and handwritten notes
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 25 An American Obsession: research: "CSSV - miscegenation and passing and race"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 26 An American Obsession: research: "Dannemeyer Shadow in the Land": photocopied materials
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 27 An American Obsession: research: "Degeneration and Civilization"; includes typed and handwritten notes
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 28 An American Obsession: research: "Earnest Hooton"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 29 An American Obsession: research: "Edmund Bergler"
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 30 An American Obsession: research: "Edward Strecker"; includes typed notes
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 31 An American Obsession: research: "Endocrinology"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 32 An American Obsession: research: "Eugenics Bibliography"
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 33 An American Obsession: research: "Eugenics"; includes typed and handwritten notes (1/2)
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 34 An American Obsession: research: "Eugenics"; includes typed and handwritten notes (2/2)
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 35 An American Obsession: research: "Eve Sedgwick"
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 36 An American Obsession: research: "Gay, Jan"
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 37 An American Obsession: research: "George Henry and A. Grass"; includes correspondence and handwritten notes (1/2)
1999, n.d.
Box [31236104065472] 10, Folder 38 An American Obsession: research: "George Henry and A. Grass"; includes correspondence and handwritten notes (2/2)
1999, n.d.
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 1 An American Obsession: research: "George W. Henry Foundation"
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 2 An American Obsession: research: "Gershorn Legman Glossary of Homosexuality"
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 3 An American Obsession: research: "Gilbert v. Hamilton"; includes typed and handwritten notes
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 4 An American Obsession: research: "gynecology of homosexuality"
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 5 An American Obsession: research: "Henry Minton"; includes handwritten notes and related correspondence
1995, n.d.
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 6 An American Obsession: research: "Homophile Groups"
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 7 An American Obsession: research: "Homosexual surveillance 50s-70s": photocopied archival materials
1990, n.d.
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 8 An American Obsession: research: "Homosexuality (1960s) - popular discourse"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 9 An American Obsession: research: "Immunology"
circa 1990, n.d.
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 10 An American Obsession: research: "International Eugenics Conference 1921"; includes handwritten notes (1/3)
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 11 An American Obsession: research: "International Eugenics Conference 1921"; includes handwritten notes (2/3)
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 12 An American Obsession: research: "International Eugenics Conference 1921"; includes handwritten notes (3/3)
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 13 An American Obsession: research: "Katharine Bement Davis"; includes typed and handwritten notes
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 14 An American Obsession: research: "Kinsey Institute and controversies"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 15 An American Obsession: research: "Kinsey Institute research" (1/2)
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 16 An American Obsession: research: "Kinsey Institute research" (2/2)
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 17 An American Obsession: research: "Kinsey Reviews and Criticism"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 18 An American Obsession: research: "Lesbian Typologies - primary materials" (1/2)
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 19 An American Obsession: research: "Lesbian Typologies - primary materials" (2/2)
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 20 An American Obsession: research: "Lesbianism"; includes annotated readings and handwritten notes (1/2)
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 21 An American Obsession: research: "Lesbianism"; includes annotated readings and handwritten notes (2/2)
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 22 An American Obsession: research: "Lewis Terman and Catherine Cox Mills"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 23 An American Obsession: research: "Lewis Terman papers (Stanford)"
circa 1990n.d.
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 24 An American Obsession: research: "Lewis Terman sex and personality"
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 25 An American Obsession: research: "Louise Stevens Bryant Papers"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 26 An American Obsession: research: "miscellaneous primary articles"
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 27 An American Obsession: research: "Meyer, Adolf"; includes typed and handwritten notes
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 28 An American Obsession: research: "Momism and Treasonous Lesbianism"; includes related correspondence
1996-1997, n.d.
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 29 An American Obsession: research: "notes for chapter one"; includes annotated readings, typed and handwritten notes (1/3)
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 30 An American Obsession: research: "notes for chapter one"; includes annotated readings, typed and handwritten notes (2/3)
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 31 An American Obsession: research: "notes for chapter one"; includes annotated readings, typed and handwritten notes (3/3)
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 32 An American Obsession: research: "Pastoral Psychology"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 33 An American Obsession: research: "Paul Cameron"; includes related correspondence
1990, n.d.
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 34 An American Obsession: research: "Payne-Whitney Archive"
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 35 An American Obsession: research: "popular clippings in response to Kinsey"
Box [31236104065480] 11, Folder 36 An American Obsession: research: "post war chapter"; includes typed notes and related correspondence
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 1 An American Obsession: research: "post World War II Homophobia"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 2 An American Obsession: research: "Promise Keepers": website page printouts
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 3 An American Obsession: research: "Public Sex / Bath Houses"
1985, n.d.
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 4 An American Obsession: research: "psychoanalytic writings on homosexuality"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 5 An American Obsession: research: "psychotherapeutic opposition to biological research on homosexuals and conversion therapy"
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 6 An American Obsession: research: "Queer Bashing"
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 7 An American Obsession: research: "reading notes - sex variants background"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 8 An American Obsession: research: "research for dissertation"; includes related correspondence
circa 1989n.d.
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 9 An American Obsession: research: "Right Wing Christianity and Homos"
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 10 An American Obsession: research: "Robert Latou Dickison - from Kinsey Institute"; includes annotated readings (1/2)
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 11 An American Obsession: research: "Robert Latou Dickison - from Kinsey Institute"; includes annotated readings (2/2)
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 12 An American Obsession: research: "Robert Latou Dickinson"; includes typed and handwritten notes
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 13 An American Obsession: research: "Robert Latou Dickinson papers"; includes handwritten notes (1/2)
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 14 An American Obsession: research: "Robert Latou Dickinson papers"; includes handwritten notes (2/2)
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 15 An American Obsession: research: "Robert Linder": annotated readings
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 16 An American Obsession: research: "Robert Yerkes - outline of self"
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 17 An American Obsession: research: "Rockefeller Archives documents" (1/3)
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 18 An American Obsession: research: "Rockefeller Archives documents" (2/3)
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 19 An American Obsession: research: "Rockefeller Archives documents" (3/3)
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 20 An American Obsession: research: " Romer v. Evans Decision and Dissent Colorado Amendment 2"
May 20, 1990
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 21 An American Obsession: research: " Rosen Study of Lesbianism (1960s)"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 22 An American Obsession: research: " Scopic Regime"; includes typed and handwritten notes
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 23 An American Obsession: research: "Sex offenders"; includes handwritten notes (1/2)
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 24 An American Obsession: research: "Sex offenders"; includes handwritten notes (2/2)
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 25 An American Obsession: research: "Sex variants - related secondary readings" (1/2)
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 26 An American Obsession: research: "Sex variants - related secondary readings" (2/2)
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 27 An American Obsession: research: "Sex variants - slides"
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 28 An American Obsession: research: "Sex variant study chapter"; includes typed notes (1/2)
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 29 An American Obsession: research: "Sex variant study chapter"; includes typed notes (2/2)
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 30 An American Obsession: research: "Statistics re: homosexuality in the population"
1993 - 1994
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 31 An American Obsession: research: "Strakosch Factors"
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 32 An American Obsession: research: "Stuart Marshall"
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 33 An American Obsession: research: "The Ladder - on scientific research"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 34 An American Obsession: research: "Theoretical Readings"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 35 An American Obsession: research: "University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Special Collections Archive"
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 36 An American Obsession: research: "reviews"
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 37 Attachments to War: "contract and production details"; includes related correspondence
2015 - 2017
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 38 Attachments to War: "readers' comments"; includes related correspondence
2015-2016, n.d.
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 39 Attachments to War: research: "911 Anxiety"
circa 2001
Box [31236104065498] 12, Folder 40 Attachments to War: research: "Abu Ghraib and torture": annotated printouts (1/3)
2004-2005, 2010, n.d.
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 1 Attachments to War: research: "Abu Ghraib and torture": annotated printouts (2/3)
2004-2005, 2010, n.d.
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 2 Attachments to War: research: "Abu Ghraib and torture": annotated printouts (3/3)
2004-2005, 2010, n.d.
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 3 Attachments to War: research: "affect and sentiments"; annotated printouts (1/2)
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 4 Attachments to War: research: "affect and sentiments"; annotated printouts (2/2)
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 5 Attachments to War: research: "Afghan women post 9-11"
2001-2002, n.d.
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 6 Attachments to War: research: "AI /AE Techs": annotated printouts
2002, n.d.
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 7 Attachments to War: research: "American Exceptionalism and Empire"; includes handwritten notes
2004, 2006
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 8 Attachments to War: research: "Anthropology of Counterinsurgency": article printouts
2005, 2007, 2009-2010
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 9 Attachments to War: research: "Bush's National Security": annotated printouts (1/2)
2004, n.d.
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 10 Attachments to War: research: "Bush's National Security": annotated printouts (2/2)
2004, n.d.
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 11 Attachments to War: research: "consumer technologies and war"
circa 2004
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 12 Attachments to War: research: "Ethnography of United States Military and Anthropology of War"; includes handwritten notes
circa 2007
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 13 Attachments to War: research: "Fuck the Army Movement"
circa 2005
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 14 Attachments to War: research: "The Future of the Army Profession": photocopied materials
circa 2006
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 15 Attachments to War: research: "gender and war"; includes handwritten notes
circa 2001-2005
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 16 Attachments to War: research: "Gregory Whitehead - Display Wounds"
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 17 Attachments to War: research: "Hollywood and War"; includes typed and handwritten notes
circa 2003-2004
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 18 Attachments to War: research: "LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) issues, post 9-11 and Iraq"
circa 2000-2003
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 19 Attachments to War: research: "Margaret Herrick Library Hollywood and War"; includes photocopied archival materials
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 20 Attachments to War: research: "media coverage of war"
circa 2003-2009
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 21 Attachments to War: research: "medicine and war"
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 22 Attachments to War: research: "militarization and interrogation"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 23 Attachments to War: research: "militarizing critical theory"; includes handwritten notes
circa 2007
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 24 Attachments to War: research: "military desegregation"
circa 2007
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 25 Attachments to War: research: "military pensions": annotated printouts
2008, n.d.
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 26 Attachments to War: research: "military recruitment"; includes informational packets
circa 2004-2006
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 27 Attachments to War: research: "military service and immigration": annotated printouts
2005-2006, 2009
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 28 Attachments to War: research: "mis-information and propaganda"; includes photocopied archival materials
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 29 Attachments to War: research: "morale"; includes handwritten notes
circa 2004-2006
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 30 Attachments to War: research: "moral - American Journal of Sociology (1941)": article printouts (1/2)
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 31 Attachments to War: research: "morale - American Journal of Sociology (1941)": article printouts (2/2)
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 32 Attachments to War: research: "morale -Iraq War" (1/2)
circa 2006-2010
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 33 Attachments to War: research: "morale -Iraq War" (2/2)
circa 2006-2010
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 34 Attachments to War: research: "MOUT (Military Operations in Urban Terrain) asymmetric warfare"; includes handwritten notes
2005, 2007, n.d.
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 35 Attachments to War: research: "music and war"
2004, 2009
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 36 Attachments to War: research: "non-lethal weapons": annotated printouts
2004, 2006-2007, n.d.
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 37 Attachments to War: research: "operation Desert Storm"
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 38 Attachments to War: research: "photography and war (and documentary cinema)"
circa 2004-2008
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 39 Attachments to War: research: "Radio and Audio Art"
circa 2001
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 40 Attachments to War: research: "Shock and Awe (December 1996)": annotated printout
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 41 Attachments to War: research: "Shoshana Johnson, Jessica Lynch and Lori Piestawa"
circa 2003-2006
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 42 Attachments to War: research: "Strategic use of Web and Television post 9-11 (Ambient TV)"
2001-2002, 2007
Box [31236104065506] 13, Folder 43 Attachments to War: research: "Surveillance" (1/2)
circa 2003-2004
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 1 Attachments to War: research: "Surveillance" (2/2)
circa 2003-2004
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 2 Attachments to War: research: "Television and War / Militarism"
circa 2004-2006
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 3 Attachments to War: research: "Total info Awareness Program"
circa 2002-2003
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 4 Attachments to War: research: "Types of War": photocopied materials
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 5 Attachments to War: research: "Unit cohesion": annotated printouts
circa 2010
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 6 Attachments to War: research: "universities and homeland security"
2004, n.d.
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 7 Attachments to War: research: "U.S.O. (United Service Organizations) Show History"
circa 2004
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 8 Attachments to War: research: "War Horse"; includes playbill and ticket
2011 - 2012
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 9 Deviant Bodies: chapter draft and related notes and readings (1/2)
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 10 Deviant Bodies: chapter draft and related notes and readings (2/2)
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 11 Deviant Bodies: contract and related correspondence and forms (1/2)
1992 - 1994
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 12 Deviant Bodies: contract and related correspondence and forms (2/2)
1992 - 1994
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 13 Deviant Bodies: correspondence re: book's publication
1991 - 1995
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 14 Deviant Bodies: introduction draft; includes related correspondence (1/3)
1993 - 1995
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 15 Deviant Bodies: introduction draft; includes related correspondence (2/3)
1993 - 1995
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 16 Deviant Bodies: introduction draft; includes related correspondence (3/3)
1993 - 1995
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 17 Deviant Bodies: photograph permissions, prints, and negatives (1/2)
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 18 Deviant Bodies: photograph permissions, prints, and negatives (2/2)
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 19 Deviant Bodies: photography permissions and related correspondence
1994 - 1995
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 20 Deviant Bodies: prospectus
1991, 1994, n.d.
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 21 Deviant Bodies: publicity and related correspondence
1994 - 1995
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 22 Deviant Bodies: readers' report
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 23 Deviant Bodies: reviews
1995 - 1997
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 24 Processed Lives: contract and related correspondence
1995 - 1996
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 25 Processed Lives: materials re: Wexner Center for the Arts Collaboration; includes drafts and related correspondence (1/2)
1994 - 1995
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 26 Processed Lives: materials re: Wexner Center for the Arts Collaboration; includes drafts and related correspondence (2/2)
1994 - 1995
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 27 Processed Lives: prospectus, drafts, and related correspondence
1995 - 1996
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 28 Processed Lives: publicity
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 29 Processed Lives: reviews and related correspondence
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 30 Processed Lives: various related correspondence and contract draft
1995 - 1997

Series 9. Subseries 2. Other published writings and related work, 1990 - 2019

Container Description Date
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 31 Article: "The Body Invade" published in Socialist Review; includes draft, notes, and related correspondence
circa 1989
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 32 Article: "Do Women Need a Sex Pill?" published on CNN Blog; includes research and related correspondence
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 33 Article: "Governmentality, Sentimentality, and Imperial Erotics in 'Extreme Cinéma Vérité'"
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 34 Article: "Lesbians Under the Medical Gaze: Scientists Search for Remarkable Differences; includes research and related correspondence
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 35 Article: "Loving Objects" published in Transhumanities; includes annotated drafts and research (1/3)
2008 - 2010
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 36 Article: "Loving Objects" published in Transhumanities; includes annotated drafts and research (2/3)
2008 - 2010
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 37 Article: "Loving Objects" published in Transhumanities; includes annotated drafts and research (3/3)
2008 - 2010
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 38 Article: "Loving Objects" published in Transhumanities: printout
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 39 Article: "Significant Injury War, Medicine, and Empire in Claudia's Case" published in Women's Studies Quarterly; includes related correspondence
2008 - 2009
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 40 Article: "Theorizing Deviant Historiography" published in Differences; includes related correspondence
1990 - 1991
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 41 Article: "'Unnatural Acts' in Nature the Scientific Fascination with Queer Animals" published in GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies: printout and reprint
Box [31236104065514] 14, Folder 42 Article: "'Unnatural Acts' in Nature the Scientific Fascination with Queer Animals" published in GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies: research
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 1 Article: various titles: printouts
2012, 2015
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 2 Book chapter: Agendas for Lesbian Health: countering the Ills of Homophobia
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 3 Book chapter: Anxious Slippages between "Us" and "Them": printout
circa 1995
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 4 Book chapter: Introduction to Machine / Lives: printout
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 5 Book review: The Lure of Knowledge: Lesbian Sexuality and Theory by Judith Roof
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 6 Book chapter: Momism and the Making of Treasonous Homosexuals: printout
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 7 Book chapter: The Seductive Power of Science in the Making of Deviant Subjectivity; includes contract and related correspondence
1996 - 1997
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 8 Book chapter: The Seductive Power of Science in the Making of Deviant Subjectivity; includes related correspondence
1993 - 1995
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 9 Book chapter: Theorizing Deviant Historiography; includes related correspondence
1993 - 1994
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 10 Dissertation: Siting Homosexuality manuscript (1/7)
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 11 Dissertation: Siting Homosexuality manuscript (2/7)
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 12 Dissertation: Siting Homosexuality manuscript (3/7)
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 13 Dissertation: Siting Homosexuality manuscript (4/7)
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 14 Dissertation: Siting Homosexuality manuscript (5/7)
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 15 Dissertation: Siting Homosexuality manuscript (6/7)
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 16 Dissertation: Siting Homosexuality manuscript (7/7)
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 17 Dissertation: Siting Homosexuality: notes from Donna Haraway (1/4)
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 18 Dissertation: Siting Homosexuality: notes from Donna Haraway (2/4)
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 19 Dissertation: Siting Homosexuality: notes from Donna Haraway (3/4)
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 20 Dissertation: Siting Homosexuality: notes from Donna Haraway (4/4)
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 21 Editing work: "Detecting Queerness Book Project"; includes related correspondence
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 22 Editing work: "Cultural Anthropology Editorial Board'; includes related correspondence
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 23 Editing work: "Journal of Lesbian Studies Biology, Embodiment / Desire"; includes related correspondence
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 24 Manuscript review: Thuy Tu Manuscript Workshop; includes correspondence and handwritten notes
June 2019
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 25 Manuscript reviews: various manuscripts; includes related correspondence (1/2)
1992 - 2011
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 26 Manuscript reviews: various manuscripts; includes related correspondence (2/2)
1992 - 2011
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 27 Talk: "An Accidental Leader"; includes related correspondence
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 28 Talk: "Attachments to War: Researching Militarism in Web 2.0 and 3.0"; includes typed and handwritten notes
May 2009
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 29 Talk: "Authoritarian Masculinity / Feminist Resistance": keynote at University of San Francisco; includes annotated draft and handwritten notes and research (1/2)
April 2007
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 30 Talk: "Authoritarian Masculinity / Feminist Resistance": keynote at University of San Francisco; includes annotated draft and handwritten notes and research (2/2)
April 2007
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 31 Talk: "Berkeley Women's Studies Commencement Address"; includes draft
2002, 2004
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 32 Talk: Berkeley Women's Studies Commencement Address: program
May 20, 2002
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 33 Talk: "Body Politics in the 1990s: A Feminist Agenda"; includes typed draft
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 34 Talk: "Burying the Bone"; includes related correspondence and related research
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 35 Talk: "Drawing Lesbian Bodies"; includes annotated draft and correspondence
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 36 Talk: "Ebola and War"; includes annotated draft and notes
March 2015
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 37 Talk: "Erotic Politics in the Entertainment of Soldiers at War"; includes annotated draft
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 38 Talk: "Gender Trouble in Recent Scientific Research on Homosexuality"; includes related correspondence
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 39 Talk: "Governmentality, Sentimentality, and Imperial Erotics in Amateur Media Works by United States Soldiers"; includes outline
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 40 Talk: "Governmentality, and Entertainment as an Art of War": correspondence
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 41 Talk: "Homoercotic Flows"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 42 Talk: Introduction of Shu Lea Cheang; includes typed draft
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 43 Talk: "Mapping Desire in the Contest Between Doctors and 'Sex Variant' Women (1935-1940)"; includes annotated draft
April, 1991
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 44 Talk: "Mapping Desire in the Contest Between Doctors and 'Sex Variant' Women (1935-1940)"; includes handwritten notes
March, 1991
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 45 Talk: "Media, the State, and Academia"; includes annotated draft and related research
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 46 Talk: "Notions of Citizenship in Sex Research on Women"; includes handwritten notes
October, 1997
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 47 Talk: "Obamaphobia: Nationalist Heteropatriarchy and Fear of a Queer President"; includes annotated draft and outline
November, 2010
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 48 Talk: "Obamaphobia: Nationalist Heteropatriarchy and Fear of a Queer President"
September 2010
Box [31236104065522] 15, Folder 49 Talk: "On Being Naked" at San Diego State University; includes annotated draft and related research
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 1 Talk: "Scientia Sexualis and United States Empire" at University of California, Santa Cruz; includes related correspondence
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 2 Talk: The Seductive Power of Science in the Making of Deviant Subjectivity"
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 3 Talk: "The Seduction of Science in the Making of Deviant Subjectivity"; includes annotated draft and handwritten notes
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 4 Talk: "'Sex Variant' Under the Medical Gaze"; includes typed draft
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 5 Talk: "Something's Buried Back There" at University of California, Berkeley Department of Geography Colloquium
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 6 Talk: "Stories Animals Tell" for Women's Studies as SUNY (The State University of New York), Stony Brook
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 7 Talk: "Unnatural Acts in Nature"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 8 Talk: Untitled: annotated typed draft
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 9 Talk: Untitled re: Attachments to War at Rice University and University of Houston
February 2012
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 10 Talk: Untitled re: Attachments to War at CUNY (City University of New York) Graduate Center
2014 - 2015
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 11 Talk: Untitled re: Killer Entertainments at Scripps College
November 2008
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 12 Talk: Untitled re: participation in Digital Divide Panel; includes related correspondence
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 13 Talk: Untitled re: Teaching Gender Across the Curriculum at University of Oregon
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 14 Talk: "Wars Waged in the Name of Humanity;" includes related correspondence
2012 - 2013
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 15 Talk: "Wearable Computing": outline
May 2003
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 16 Talk: "What Should Women Want?": correspondence and flyer
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 17 Talk: "What Should Women Want?"; includes related correspondence

Series 10. Research, 1978 - 2002

Container Description Date
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 18 "AIDS and Africa"; includes handwritten notes and clippings
circa 1988-1989
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 19 "AIDS and Race"; includes clippings
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 20 "AIDS and Race re: Rushton Controversy"; includes photocopied readings
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 21 "AIDS and Straights research"; includes drafts and handwritten notes
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 22 "AIDS and Women"; includes annotated readings and informational pamphlets
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 23 "AIDS Community Service"; includes informational pamphlets
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 24 "AIDS Cultural Analysis Visual Representations"; includes handwritten notes and informational pamphlets
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 25 "AIDS Drugs, Treatment, Vaccines"; includes informational pamphlets and clippings (1/2)
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 26 "AIDS Drugs, Treatment, Vaccines"; includes informational pamphlets and clippings (2/2)
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 27 "AIDS Economics" includes annotated readings
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 28 "AIDS Gout Response"
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 29 "AIDS Latin America"; includes clippings
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 30 "AIDS - San Francisco"; includes clippings
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 31 "Anita Hill": clippings
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 32 Art exhibition catalogs
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 33 "Bowers v. Hardwick material"; includes annotated readings
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 34 "The Chapman Report"; includes annotated readings
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 35 "Computer viruses": clippings
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 36 "Criminalization of Pregnancy"; includes handwritten notes (1/3)
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 37 "Criminalization of Pregnancy"; includes handwritten notes (2/3)
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 38 "Criminalization of Pregnancy"; includes handwritten notes (3/3)
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 39 "Drug/Alcohol and Pregnancy"; includes clippings
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 40 "Fetal Rights"; includes clippings and annotated readings
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 41 "Gay and Lesbian History Project"; includes handwritten notes and annotated readings
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 42 "HIV and Pregnant Women"; includes annotated readings (1/2)
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 43 "HIV and Pregnant Women"; includes annotated readings (2/2)
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 44 "Judy! Zine"; includes photocopied materials
circa 1993
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 45 "Lesbian / Gay Families"; includes clippings
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 46 "Lesbian and Gay Theory"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 47 "Magic Johnson"; includes clippings and photocopied articles
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 48 "NEA (National Endowment of the Arts) Controversy"; includes handwritten notes
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 49 "Pregnancy and State Intervention"; includes clippings and photocopied readings
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 50 "Remote Intimacy / Sentiments in Transit"; includes handwritten notes and annotated readings (1/2)
circa 2001
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 51 "Remote Intimacy / Sentiments in Transit"; includes handwritten notes and annotated readings (2/2)
circa 2001
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 52 "Reproduction and Biotech"; includes clippings and handwritten notes
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 53 "Surveillance - general"; includes clippings
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 54 Various syllabi by various professors; includes related correspondence (1/3)
1978 - 1995
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 55 Various syllabi by various professors; includes related correspondence (2/3)
1978 - 1995
Box [31236104065530] 16, Folder 56 Various syllabi by various professors; includes related correspondence (3/3)
1978 - 1995

Series 11. Video Tapes and T-shirts, 1987 - 2005

Container Description Date
Box [31236104065548] 17, Folder 1 T-shirt: "Persephone Press"
Box [31236104065548] 17, Folder 2 T-shirt: "Word Is Out"
Box [31236104065548] 17, Folder 3 VHS (Video Home System): Animal Attraction directed by Kathy High
Box [31236104065548] 17, Folder 4 VHS (Video Home System): Coming Out Under Fire and Private Snafu Censored
Box [31236104065548] 17, Folder 5 VHS (Video Home System): The Gender Chip Project
Box [31236104065548] 17, Folder 6 VHS (Video Home System): The Heart of the Matter
Box [31236104065548] 17, Folder 7 VHS (Video Home System): (In)visible Women and Kissing Doesn't Kill
1990, 1991
Box [31236104065548] 17, Folder 8 VHS (Video Home System): Safe Sex Version C and A
Box [31236104065548] 17, Folder 9 VHS (Video Home System): That Tender Touch, The Gemini Affair, and Chained Girls