Scope & content
This collection contains the professional papers of Christina Simmons, Professor Emerita of History and Women & Gender Studies at University of Windsor, Canada. Her scholarship concentrates on feminist historical studies; marriage; American civilization; and gender, race, and sexuality. She received her MA in American Civilization from Brown University in 1975 and her PhD in American Civilization from Brown in 1982. Materials document Simmons' academic career, involvement in Marxist Feminist Group 2, and writings. Materials include correspondence, syllabi, handwritten notes, research materials, draft writings, and conference presentations. The collection dates from 1973—2011 and is arranged into 2 series.
Series 1, BROWN UNIVERSITY, 1974-1979, contains materials from Simmon's time in Brown's American Civilization graduate program. Files contain correspondence related to the women studies program at Brown, notes from the 1979 Simone de Beauvoir Second Sex conference, research on women's history, and syllabi and course materials courses Simmons facilitated or in which she participated. Course titles include "Women in the Contemporary World" and "Society Writes Biology.". This series is arranged alphabetically by title of course, group, or event.
Series 2, CAREER DEVELOPMENT, 1979-2011 documents Simmons' tenure at the University of Michigan and the University of Windsor. Files include graduate and undergraduate syllabi on women's history and history of marriage, correspondence with historian Jonathan Katz, correspondence with the head of the University of Windsor History Department on women's history courses, correspondence related to a proposed panel on African-American history of marriage, and notes on the Planned Parenthood 1988 Sexual Literacy Symposium in which Simmons presented a paper. This series is arranged alphabetically by record type.