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For Participating Institutions

Susan Stanford Friedman papers (MS.2024.023)

Brown University Library

Box A
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: Manuscripts: 401-863-3723; University Archives: 401-863-2148
Email: Manuscripts: hay@brown.edu; University Archives: archives@brown.edu


Series 1. Administrative materials, 1975 - 2020

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 Beijing research trip materials; includes schedule, correspondence, and handwritten notes
Box 1, Folder 2 Fellowship application: American Council of Learned Societies, 1980
Box 1, Folder 3 Fellowship application: American Council of Learned Societies, 1984
Box 1, Folder 4 Fellowship application: American Council of Learned Societies, 1985
Box 1, Folder 5 Fellowship application: Institute for Research in the Humanities, 1984
Box 1, Folder 6 Meeting materials: Contemporary Women's Writing
Box 1, Folder 7 Nellie McKay dorm dedication materials: DVD
Box 1, Folder 8 Nellie McKay dorm dedication materials; includes correspondence and draft talks (1 of 2)
2006 - 2020
Box 1, Folder 9 Nellie McKay dorm dedication materials; includes correspondence and draft talks (2 of 2)
2006 - 2020
Box 1, Folder 10 Nellie McKay dorm dedication materials: photos
circa 2014
Box 1, Folder 11 Speech file: Donna Shalala; includes typed speech drafts and clippings
1993 - 2004
Box 1, Folder 12 Women's Studies program materials: correspondence and clippings re: events
1979-1980, 1998
Box 1, Folder 13 Women's Studies program materials: correspondence and report from the review committee
Box 1, Folder 14 Women's Studies program materials; includes correspondence and readings
circa 2004
Box 1, Folder 15 Women's Studies program materials; includes memos and typed and handwritten notes
Box 1, Folder 16 Women's Studies program materials: report from the Chancellor's Committee on Women's Studies
Box 1, Folder 17 Women's Studies program materials: report from the PhD Exploration Committee

Series 2. Correspondence, 1971 - 2020

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 18 "Correspondence - general," 1969-1974
1969 - 1974
Box 1, Folder 19 "Correspondence - general," 1977-1987
1977 - 1987
Box 1, Folder 20 Correspondence from Bazin, Nancy
March 31, 1980
Box 1, Folder 21 Correspondence from the Campus Women's Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Box 1, Folder 22 Correspondence from Caughie, Pamela
Box 1, Folder 23 Correspondence from DuPlessis, Rachel
1982 - 1989
Box 1, Folder 24 Correspondence from Feldman, Yael; includes "Theory of Autobiography in the Light of Psychoanalytic Theory" by Feldman
Box 1, Folder 25 Correspondence from Foster, Francis Smith
1994, 2013-2021
Box 1, Folder 26 Correspondence from Friedman, Ellen
November 19, 1986
Box 1, Folder 27 Correspondence from Froula, Chris
Box 1, Folder 28 Correspondence from Harman [?], Margaret
Box 1, Folder 29 Correspondence from Institute for Research on Women at Rutgers
Box 1, Folder 30 Correspondence from Jones, Stephanie
Box 1, Folder 31 Correspondence from Kaplan, Caren
Contents Note: See also: the Caren Kaplan papers (Ms.2022.007) at Brown University
Box 1, Folder 32 Correspondence from Kloepfer, Deborah Kelly
Box 1, Folder 33 Correspondence from Lamas, Colleen
Box 1, Folder 34 Correspondence from Marks, Elaine
Contents Note: See also: the Elaine Marks papers (Ms.2007.003) at Brown University
Box 1, Folder 35 Correspondence from McKay, Nellie
1979 - 1982
Box 1, Folder 36 Correspondence from Nair, Hema
Box 1, Folder 37 Correspondence from Pondrom, Cyrena
1984 - 1987
Box 1, Folder 38 Correspondence from Schneck, Celeste
1986 - 1987
Box 1, Folder 39 Correspondence from Smith, Martha Nell
circa 1994
Box 1, Folder 40 Correspondence from Snitow, Ann
Box 1, Folder 41 Correspondence from Stimson, Catharine
Box 1, Folder 42 Correspondence from Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature
1991-1993, 2005
Box 1, Folder 43 Correspondence from Warhol, Robyn and Diane Prize Herndl
1990 - 1991
Box 1, Folder 44 Correspondence from Whatley, Marianne
Box 1, Folder 45 Correspondence from Yaeger, Patricia; includes signed copy of "Consuming Trauma" by Yaeger
Contents Note: See also: the Patricia Yaeger papers (Ms.2017.017) at Brown University
Box 1, Folder 46 Correspondence re: "childbirth essay"
1981 - 1999
Box 1, Folder 47 Correspondence re: conference on diaspora
Box 1, Folder 48 Correspondence re: conferences
1998 - 1999
Box 1, Folder 49 Correspondence re: Contemporary Women's Writing special issue
Box 1, Folder 50 Correspondence re: copies of Friedman's articles
1986, 1989
Box 1, Folder 51 Correspondence re: "Definitive excursions;" includes handwritten notes
2000 - 2004
Box 1, Folder 52 Correspondence re: "feminist pedagogy"
1980 - 1981
Box 1, Folder 53 Correspondence re: Feminist Studies Journal
1997 - 1998
Box 1, Folder 54 Correspondence re: "Geographies"
1995 - 1996
Box 1, Folder 55 Correspondence re: "Geometrics"
1991 - 1993
Box 1, Folder 56 Correspondence re: "H.D. essay"
1981 - 1982
Box 1, Folder 57 Correspondence re: "H.D. essay reprint"
Box 1, Folder 58 Correspondence re: "H.D. and women's studies"
1974 - 1977
Box 1, Folder 59 Correspondence re: International Institute visiting professors
Box 1, Folder 60 Correspondence re: Journal of Narrative Technique special issue
1989 - 1990
Box 1, Folder 61 Correspondence re: "Literature Compass MLA editorial board"
2007 - 2008
Box 1, Folder 62 Correspondence re: modernism seminar at Columbia University
Box 1, Folder 63 Correspondence re: Modernist Studies Association "access issues"
2011 - 2012
Box 1, Folder 64 Correspondence re: Modernism/Modernity
2012 - 2013
Box 1, Folder 65 Correspondence re: Modernist Studies Association meeting
Box 1, Folder 66 Correspondence re: "Narrative position paper"
Box 1, Folder 67 Correspondence re: national and international conferences on women and literature
Box 1, Folder 68 Correspondence re: podcast and typed notes
Box 1, Folder 69 Correspondence re: "(Re) mapping Academe Conference" (Italian)
June 8, 1988
Box 1, Folder 70 Correspondence re: research, includes handwritten notes
1983 - 2001
Box 1, Folder 71 Correspondence re: Shanghai Association of American Studies
Box 1, Folder 72 Correspondence re: talk at Purdue University
June 2, 1988
Box 1, Folder 73 Correspondence re: talk in Dubai; includes clippings
Box 2, Folder 1 Correspondence re: "Virginia Woolf article"
1990 - 1991
Box 2, Folder 2 Correspondence re: visit to Nazarbayev University , Kazakhstan; includes expense materials
Box 2, Folder 3 Correspondence re: "Women's Autobiographical selves"
1984 - 2000
Box 2, Folder 4 Correspondence re: women faculty mentoring program
Box 2, Folder 5 Correspondence to Detloff, Madelyn; includes writings by Detloff
Box 2, Folder 6 Correspondence to Gordon, Linda
Box 2, Folder 7 Correspondence to Hirsch, Marianne
Contents Note: See also: the Marianne Hirsch papers (Ms.2024.014) at Brown University
circa 1981
Box 2, Folder 8 Correspondence to Rivlin, Lily and Anais Nin
Box 2, Folder 9 Correspondence to "Reubén"
Box 2, Folder 10 Correspondence to Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty; includes handwritten notes
Box 2, Folder 11 Correspondence with Abel, Elizabeth
Box 2, Folder 12 Correspondence with Benstock, Shari
1983 - 1988
Box 2, Folder 13 Correspondence with Chandra, N.D.R.
Box 2, Folder 14 Correspondence with Dekoren, Marianne
Box 2, Folder 15 Correspondence with Elam, Diane and Robyn Wiegman
1992 - 1999
Box 2, Folder 16 Correspondence with Erdrich, Louise
1994 - 1995
Box 2, Folder 17 Correspondence with Felski, Rita
2002 - 2007
Box 2, Folder 18 Correspondence with Ferree, Myra Marx
Box 2, Folder 19 Correspondence with Fraser, Kathleen
Box 2, Folder 20 Correspondence with Gordon, Irene Linda
Box 2, Folder 21 Correspondence with Grewal, Inderpal
Contents Note: See also: the Inderpal Grewal papers (Ms.2018.016) at Brown University
1997 - 1998
Box 2, Folder 22 Correspondence with Grosskurth, Phyllis
1983 - 1984
Box 2, Folder 23 Correspondence with Harish, Ranjana
1993 - 1995
Box 2, Folder 24 Correspondence with Heinzelman, Susan
1990 - 1995
Box 2, Folder 25 Correspondence with Homans, Margaret
1984, 2005, 2020
Box 2, Folder 26 Correspondence with Howe, Susan
1986 - 1987
Box 2, Folder 27 Correspondence with Ladenson, Joyce
Box 2, Folder 28 Correspondence with Londoff, Joan
Box 2, Folder 29 Correspondence with Marcus, Jane
n.d., 1985
Box 2, Folder 30 Correspondence with McClintock, Anne
Box 2, Folder 31 Correspondence with Mases, Claire
Box 2, Folder 32 Correspondence with Ostriker, Alicia
1981, 1986
Box 2, Folder 33 Correspondence with Pratt, Annis
1993 - 1994
Box 2, Folder 34 Correspondence with Rich, Adrienne
1978 - 1983
Box 2, Folder 35 Correspondence with Sadiqi, Fatima
Box 2, Folder 36 Correspondence with Schaffner, Perdita, 1971-1988 (1 of 2)
1971 - 1988
Box 2, Folder 37 Correspondence with Schaffner, Perdita, 1971-1988 (2 of 2)
1971 - 1988
Box 2, Folder 38 Correspondence with Schaffner, Perdita, 2002
Box 2, Folder 39 Correspondence with Sellery, J'nan Moise
1987 - 1988
Box 2, Folder 40 Correspondence with Showalter, Elaine
Contents Note: See also: the Elaine Showalter papers (Ms.2020.007) at Brown University
1992 - 1993
Box 2, Folder 41 Correspondence with Spillers, Hortense
Contents Note: See also: the Hortense J. Spillers papers (Ms.2019.013) at Brown University
1980 - 1987
Box 2, Folder 42 Correspondence with Stimpson, Catharine
1980 - 1984
Box 2, Folder 43 Correspondence with Worland, Betsy
Box 2, Folder 44 Correspondence with Yalom, Marilyn
1982 - 1983

Series 3. Conference Materials, 1979 - 2020

Container Description Date
Box 2, Folder 45 Androgyny as Living Myth: Feminist Theory and Application: conference abstract and proposal by Friedman
Box 2, Folder 46 British Women Writers: typed paper by Friedman, "Feminist Theory Today"
Box 2, Folder 47 California Joyce; includes correspondence
1993 - 1999
Box 2, Folder 48 Celebrating 40 years of Gender and Women's Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison; includes correspondence, typed notes, and typed talking points
Box 2, Folder 49 Companions of the Flame: The Emily Dickinson/ H.D. Dual Centennial Colloquium; includes correspondence and program
Box 2, Folder 50 Conference in Honor of Elaine Marks: typed paper and bibliography by Friedman, "Intertextualities: Migration and Indigenization from Kristeva and Woolf to Contemporary Feminist Criticism"
Contents Note: See also: the Elaine Marks papers (Ms.2007.003) at Brown University
Box 2, Folder 51 Conference on Feminism and Psychoanalysis: correspondence
Box 2, Folder 52 Contemporary Issues in Feminist Theory and Methodology; includes correspondence, readings, and participants list
Box 2, Folder 53 Contemporary Women's Writing; includes correspondence and planning materials
2007, 2014
Box 2, Folder 54 Cosmopolitanism and Diaspora Conference: paper by Friedman and citations, "Beyond Cosmopolitanism from Below in Diasporic Women's Writing"
Box 2, Folder 55 Diversity and Inclusion: Overcoming Fragmentation; includes program and paper by Friedman, "Migration, Religion, and National Identity"
Box 2, Folder 56 Division of Psychoanalysis; includes handwritten notes and annotated papers by others
Box 2, Folder 57 EDGES Conference on the Politics of Gendered Difference, Civil Rights, and the Workplace: correspondence and reports of international reviewers
Box 2, Folder 58 EDGES Conference on the Politics of Gendered Difference, Civil Rights, and the Workplace; includes correspondence, meeting materials, and handwritten notes
Box 2, Folder 59 EDGES Conference on the Politics of Gendered Difference, Civil Rights, and the Workplace; includes typed schedule outlines, booklet, and paper by Friedman, "Cosmopolitanism, Religion, Secularism, and Migration"
Box 2, Folder 60 EDGES Conference on the Politics of Gendered Difference, Civil Rights, and the Workplace: reports (1 of 2)
2013 - 2014
Box 2, Folder 61 EDGES Conference on the Politics of Gendered Difference, Civil Rights, and the Workplace: reports (2 of 2)
2013 - 2014
Box 2, Folder 62 European Feminist Research Conference: typed talking points
Box 2, Folder 63 European Women's Studies from Multicultural and Interdisciplinary Perspectives; includes correspondence and program
Box 2, Folder 64 European Women's Studies from Multicultural and Interdisciplinary Perspectives; includes readings and typed talk by Friedman, "Scenes of Intercultural Encounter"
Box 2, Folder 65 Feminism and Interdisciplinarity: typed and handwritten notes
Box 2, Folder 66 Feminism Beside Itself; includes program, correspondence, and handwritten notes
Box 2, Folder 67 Feminist Pedagogy in the United States: typed and handwritten notes
Box 2, Folder 68 Gender and Cultures of In/Equality in Europe: correspondence and typed notes
Box 2, Folder 69 Gender and Cultures of In/Equality in Europe; includes correspondence, readings, and presentations by others re: advisory panel
2015, 2020
Box 2, Folder 70 Gender and Cultures of In/Equality in Europe; includes correspondence and paper by Friedman, "Why We Need Literature, Art, and Fantasy"
Box 2, Folder 71 Gender and Cultures of In/Equality in Europe; includes correspondence and typed and handwritten notes
2018 - 2019
Box 2, Folder 72 Gender and Public Policies: Widening the Frontiers of Thought and Action; includes typed notes and paper by Friedman, "Migration, Home, and Intimacy"
Box 3, Folder 1 Gender Studies Network; includes correspondence, handouts, and handwritten notes
2006 - 2009
Box 3, Folder 2 Gender Thresholds in Transnational Modernism: typed talking points
Box 3, Folder 3 Gender and Women's Studies Workshop; includes flyer, correspondence, and typed notes
Box 3, Folder 4 GlobalGRACE: advisory board meeting materials
Box 3, Folder 5 GlobalGRACE: international project evaluation reports
Box 3, Folder 6 GlobalGRACE; includes booklets and typed and handwritten notes
Box 3, Folder 7 GlobalGRACE; includes correspondence and planning materials
2018 - 2022
Box 3, Folder 8 Globalization and the New Politics of Women's Rights; includes schedule and typed notes
Box 3, Folder 9 The H.D. Centennial Conference; includes correspondence and handwritten notes
Box 3, Folder 10 The H.D. Centennial Conference; includes correspondence and program
Box 3, Folder 11 Hilda Doolittle and Marianne Moore: A Celebration; includes correspondence and clippings
Box 3, Folder 12 Indian Literature; includes pamphlet and correspondence
2002 - 2003
Box 3, Folder 13 Indian Modernities; includes schedule and papers by others
Box 3, Folder 14 International Conference on Communication and Cultural (Ex)Change; includes correspondence, papers by others, and paper by Friedman, "Internationalizing Cultural Studies"
Box 3, Folder 15 International Conference on Narrative (1997); includes program and papers by Friedman
Box 3, Folder 16 International Conference on Narrative (2011): correspondence
Box 3, Folder 17 International Conference on Narrative Literature; includes handwritten notes, correspondence, and typed paper by Friedman, "Return of the Repressed in Women's Narrative"
1987 - 1988
Box 3, Folder 18 International Forum on Multiculturalism and General Education: typed paper drafts by Friedman, "Transnational Education in the Modern University"
Box 3, Folder 19 International Society for the Study of Narrative Conference; includes correspondence, handwritten notes, and paper by Friedman
Box 3, Folder 20 International Society on Virginia Woolf Conference: typed paper by Friedman, "Before and After A Room of One's Own"
Box 3, Folder 21 Kaleidoscope: Constructing Images of Self and Other; includes program and paper by Friedman
Box 3, Folder 22 Landmarks on the American Scene: Then and Now: correspondence and typed notes
2005 - 2006
Box 3, Folder 23 Landmarks on the American Scene: Then and Now: correspondence, program, and paper by Friedman
Box 3, Folder 24 The Legacy of Elaine Marks; includes clippings and paper by Friedman
Box 3, Folder 25 Lifting Belly High: A Conference on Women's Poetry since 1900: program and correspondence
Box 3, Folder 26 Migration, Religion, and Gender: annotated typed talk outline
Box 3, Folder 27 Modern Language Association (1981): typed panel outline and handwritten notes
Box 3, Folder 28 Modern Language Association (1986); includes correspondence, handwritten notes, and papers by others
Box 3, Folder 29 Modern Language Association (2016); includes correspondence, schedule, and typed paper by Friedman, "Cosmopolitanism, Religion, and Violence in Contemporary Arab Women's Diasporic Writing"
2016 - 2017
Box 3, Folder 30 Modernist Studies Association (2012): correspondence and planning materials
Box 3, Folder 31 Modernist Studies Association (2019); includes correspondence, handwritten notes, and papers by others
2019 - 2020
Box 3, Folder 32 Narrative and Metaphor Across the Disciplines; includes correspondence and papers by others
Box 3, Folder 33 Networking Women: Trans-European and Circum-Atlantic Connections: handwritten notes and paper by Friedman, "Networking Women on a Transnational Landscape"
Box 3, Folder 34 Poetics of Dislocation: Writing Selves; includes correspondence and handwritten notes
Box 3, Folder 35 Poetry and the Public Sphere: A Conference on Contemporary Poetry: correspondence and program
Box 3, Folder 36 Poetry, Feminism(s), and the Difficult Wor(l)d: typed and handwritten notes
Box 3, Folder 37 Pornography: New Views on an Old Problem; includes correspondence and interview transcript
Box 3, Folder 38 The Return of the Repressed Women's Narrative: handwritten notes
Box 3, Folder 39 Society for the Study of Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States; includes program, correspondence, and paper by Friedman
1998 - 1999
Box 3, Folder 40 State Fictions, Postnational Realities: Cultural perspectives on Institutions and Violence: papers by Friedman and statistic charts
Box 3, Folder 41 Theorizing Differences Among Women; includes program and handouts
Box 3, Folder 42 Unsettling Women: Contemporary Women's Writing and Diaspora; includes program, correspondence, and handwritten notes
Box 3, Folder 43 Untitled conference re: feminist theory: handwritten notes
Box 3, Folder 44 Untitled conference re: "gender and music;" includes typed notes, schedule, and correspondence
1985 - 1995
Box 3, Folder 45 Untitled conference re: "noise": typed and handwritten notes
Box 3, Folder 46 Untitled Conference re: novel and literature: typed follow-up notes
Box 3, Folder 47 Untitled conference re: rape: handwritten keynote notes
Box 3, Folder 48 Untitled conference re: "women and modernism:" handwritten notes
Box 3, Folder 49 Untitled conference re: "women's narrative:" handwritten notes
Box 3, Folder 50 Untitled conference re: women's studies: handwritten notes
Box 3, Folder 51 Virginia Woolf: The 17th Annual Conference; includes schedule and correspondence
Box 3, Folder 52 When the Professional is Political: Feminism, Activism, and the Academy: flyer and typed and handwritten notes
Box 3, Folder 53 Whose World is it? Gender Politics in Twentieth-Century Multicultural Texts; includes program and correspondence
1993 - 1994
Box 4, Folder 1 Wingspread re: women's studies: handwritten notes
Box 4, Folder 2 Women and Leadership Symposium: typed talking points and program
Box 4, Folder 3 Women of Color Forum; includes correspondence and booklets
Box 4, Folder 4 Women of Color Forum; includes information sheet and handwritten notes
Box 4, Folder 5 Women Working in Literature: handwritten notes
Box 4, Folder 6 Women Working in Literature II; includes correspondence and handwritten notes
Box 4, Folder 7 WUN Gender/Migration Seminar; includes schedule, correspondence, and report by Friedman
2006 - 2008

Series 4. Teaching Materials, 1974 - 2015

Container Description Date
Box 4, Folder 8 "English 250: Literature virgin and gypsy:" handwritten notes
Box 4, Folder 9 "English 272:" readings and handwritten notes
Box 4, Folder 10 "English 500: Virginia Woolf;" includes typed and handwritten lecture notes
Box 4, Folder 11 "English 501:" handwritten notes
circa 1980
Box 4, Folder 12 "English 515:" handwritten notes
Box 4, Folder 13 "English 574;" includes typed and handwritten notes
Box 4, Folder 14 "English 574;" includes typed and handwritten notes and reading
Box 4, Folder 15 "English 574:" readings re: the Cuban War
2006 - 2007
Box 4, Folder 16 "English 574:" typed and handwritten notes re: Julie Dash
Box 4, Folder 17 "English 574: Feminism, Islamic Cultures, and Diaspora;" includes syllabus and typed lecture notes
2010 - 2011
Box 4, Folder 18 "English 574: Muslim Feminisms and Women's Diasporic Writing;" includes syllabus and lecture notes
Box 4, Folder 19 "English 574: Nation, Migration, and Diaspora in Women's World Writing Since 1950;" includes syllabi and typed and handwritten lecture notes
circa 2006
Box 4, Folder 20 "English 632:" typed bibliography re: "the American dream in the 20th Century"
Box 4, Folder 21 "English 727;" includes typed and handwritten notes
Box 4, Folder 22 "English 737:" bibliography and news clippings re: canon
Box 4, Folder 23 "English 737:" handouts and typed notes
1996 - 1998
Box 4, Folder 24 "English 737;" includes annotated readings and typed notes
Box 4, Folder 25 "English 737:" typed notes and handouts re: Arundhati Roy
Box 4, Folder 26 "English 737: Feminist Literary Theory;" includes syllabi and typed and handwritten lecture notes
1993 - 2010
Box 4, Folder 27 "English 737: Global/Local, Nation, Postcolonialism, Transnationalism, Diaspora/Migration;" includes syllabi and lecture notes
1991 - 2006
Box 4, Folder 28 "English 737: Global/Local, Nation, Postcolonialism, Transnationalism, Diaspora/Migration:" lecture notes
1991 - 2006
Box 4, Folder 29 "English 866;" includes syllabi and handwritten notes on poetry
circa 1985
Box 4, Folder 30 "English 873;" includes handwritten notes and handouts on Virginia Woolf
Box 4, Folder 31 "English 873: Modernism and Modernity;" includes syllabus and handwritten notes
Box 4, Folder 32 "English 873: Seminar on Joyce, Woolf, and Cultural Studies;" includes syllabus, readings, and handwritten notes
Box 4, Folder 33 "English 874: Modernism:" syllabus
Box 4, Folder 34 "English 939:" handwritten notes and annotated readings on lesbianism
Box 4, Folder 35 "Faculty seminar: The Return on the Repressed Text:" syllabus and related syllabi
circa 1988
Box 4, Folder 36 "Feminist Criticism:" handwritten notes and bibliography
Box 4, Folder 37 "Feminist Literary Theory;" includes assignment prompts, bibliographies, syllabi, and handwritten notes
1988, 1993, 1996, n.d.
Box 4, Folder 38 "Feminist Perspective:" handwritten notes
Box 4, Folder 39 "Feminist Theory:" handwritten notes
Box 4, Folder 40 "Feminist Theory and Literary Studies:" syllabus
Box 5, Folder 1 "Gender, Women, and the Humanities:" discussion posts and handwritten notes
Box 5, Folder 2 "Institute for World Literature Seminar;" includes assignment sheets and survey
Box 5, Folder 3 "Introduction to Modern Literature:" syllabus and handwritten notes
1976 - 1977
Box 5, Folder 4 "Methods and Theories of Feminist Literary Criticism;" includes syllabus
Box 5, Folder 5 "Muslim Feminisms and Women's Diasporic Writing;" includes syllabus and handwritten notes
Box 5, Folder 6 "Twentieth Century Literature;" includes notes and syllabi
Box 5, Folder 7 Unidentified course: annotated readings on autobiography
Box 5, Folder 8 Unidentified course: annotated reading and handwritten notes
Box 5, Folder 9 Unidentified course; handwritten notes and discussion questions on Adrienne Rich and Ann Ferguson
Box 5, Folder 10 Unidentified course: handwritten notes and reading on medieval women mystics
Box 5, Folder 11 Unidentified course: handwritten notes and readings on Sharan-Jeet Shan and sikhism
Box 5, Folder 12 Unidentified course; includes annotated readings on Black feminism (1 of 2)
Box 5, Folder 13 Unidentified course; includes annotated readings on Black feminism (2 of 2)
Box 5, Folder 14 Unidentified course; includes correspondence and handwritten notes
Box 5, Folder 15 Unidentified course; includes readings and handwritten notes on Anna Deavere-Smith
Box 5, Folder 16 Unidentified course; includes handwritten notes, readings, and correspondence re: Christine Froula
circa 1995
Box 5, Folder 17 Unidentified course; includes typed and handwritten notes and correspondence
2003 - 2007
Box 5, Folder 18 Unidentified course: readings on feminist theory and historical consciousness
Box 5, Folder 19 Unidentified course: typed and handwritten lecture notes re: "feminist revisioning of Judaism"
Box 5, Folder 20 Unidentified course: typed and handwritten notes re: French feminism
Box 5, Folder 21 "Virginia Woolf:" evaluation sheets
Box 5, Folder 22 "Virginia Woolf:" handwritten notes and correspondence re: A Room of One's Own
circa 2000
Box 5, Folder 23 "Virginia Woolf:" handwritten notes, readings, and discussion questions re: Between the Acts
Box 5, Folder 24 "Virginia Woolf:" handwritten and typed notes re: Orlando
Box 5, Folder 25 "Virginia Woolf;" includes correspondence and handwritten notes re: To The Lighthouse
Box 5, Folder 26 "Virginia Woolf;" includes handwritten notes re: Three Guineas
Box 5, Folder 27 "Virginia Woolf;" includes syllabus, paper comments, and handwritten notes
Box 5, Folder 28 "Virginia Woolf;" includes syllabus, assignment prompts, and course survey
Box 5, Folder 29 "Virginia Woolf:" newspaper clippings, readings, and correspondence re: Woolf biography
Box 5, Folder 30 "Virginia Woolf:" readings, handwritten notes, and correspondence re: Woolf biography
Box 5, Folder 31 "Virginia Woolf:" syllabus, assignment prompts, and typed notes
Box 5, Folder 32 "Women's Studies;" includes readings and handwritten notes re: "political correctness attacks"
1994 - 2005
Box 5, Folder 33 Women's Studies 101: excerpts from readings on sex work
Box 5, Folder 34 Women's Studies 101: "final lecture notes" and exam questions
Box 5, Folder 35 Women's Studies 101: handwritten notes re: Adrienne Rich
Box 5, Folder 36 Women's Studies 101: handwritten notes re: The Bell Jar
Box 5, Folder 37 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes re: bodies
Box 5, Folder 38 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes re: class
Box 5, Folder 39 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes re: feminism
Box 6, Folder 1 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes re: feminist theory and Judy Chicago
Box 6, Folder 2 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes re: Linda Brent and course syllabus
Box 6, Folder 3 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes re: misogyny
Box 6, Folder 4 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes re: organizing - feminism
Box 6, Folder 5 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes re: philosophy
Box 6, Folder 6 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes re: Simone deBeauvoir
Box 6, Folder 7 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes and clippings re: "reproductive control, abortion to sterilization"
Box 6, Folder 8 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes and clippings re: sexuality and bodies
Box 6, Folder 9 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes and clippings re: women and work
Box 6, Folder 10 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes and readings re: Hilda Kuper
Box 6, Folder 11 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes and readings re: Jung
Box 6, Folder 12 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes and readings re: literature and androcentrism
Box 6, Folder 13 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes and readings re: otherness and transformation
Box 6, Folder 14 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes and readings re: second wave feminism
Box 6, Folder 15 Women's Studies 101: handwritten and typed lecture notes re: Indian Religion
Box 6, Folder 16 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes and related materials re: various topics (1 of 6)
circa 1984-1990
Box 6, Folder 17 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes and related materials re: various topics (2 of 6)
circa 1984-1990
Box 6, Folder 18 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes and related materials re: various topics (3 of 6)
circa 1984-1990
Box 6, Folder 19 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes and related materials re: various topics (4 of 6)
circa 1984-1990
Box 6, Folder 20 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes and related materials re: various topics (5 of 6)
circa 1984-1990
Box 6, Folder 21 Women's Studies 101: handwritten lecture notes and related materials re: various topics (6 of 6)
circa 1984-1990
Box 6, Folder 22 Women's Studies 101; includes correspondence and handwritten notes re: language
Box 6, Folder 23 Women's Studies 101; includes handwritten notes re: mythology
Box 6, Folder 24 Women's Studies 101; includes handwritten notes re: religion
Box 6, Folder 25 Women's Studies 101; includes handwritten notes and clippings re: religion and creation myths
Box 6, Folder 26 Women's Studies 101; includes handwritten notes and clippings re: women's work
Box 6, Folder 27 Women's Studies 101; includes handwritten notes and readings
1977 - 1981
Box 6, Folder 28 Women's Studies 101; includes handwritten notes and readings re: The Color Purple
Box 6, Folder 29 Women's Studies 101; includes handwritten notes and readings re: first wave feminism
Box 6, Folder 30 Women's Studies 101; includes handwritten notes and readings re: goddess religion
Box 6, Folder 31 Women's Studies 101; includes handwritten notes and readings re: marriage
Box 6, Folder 32 Women's Studies 101; includes handwritten notes and readings re: reproductive control
circa 1980
Box 6, Folder 33 Women's Studies 101; includes handwritten notes and readings re: taboo
Box 6, Folder 34 Women's Studies 101: syllabus planning materials
1984 - 1985
Box 6, Folder 35 Women's Studies 101: typed and handwritten lecture notes and slide list on art
Box 6, Folder 36 Women's Studies 310: handwritten lecture notes
circa 1979
Box 6, Folder 37 Women's Studies 310; includes course proposal and syllabi
1978 - 1979
Box 6, Folder 38 Women's Studies 410; includes handwritten notes and typed notes on quilting
Box 6, Folder 39 Women's Studies 640: History and Theory of Women's Studies: handwritten notes and clippings re: "fact/fiction"
Box 6, Folder 40 Women's Studies 640: History and Theory of Women's Studies; includes handwritten notes and handouts re: The God of Small Things
1999 - 2006
Box 6, Folder 41 Women's Studies 640: History and Theory of Women's Studies; includes handwritten notes and readings
1995 - 2001
Box 6, Folder 42 Women's Studies 640: History and Theory of Women's Studies; includes handwritten notes and readings
Box 6, Folder 43 Women's Studies 640: History and Theory of Women's Studies; includes handwritten notes, syllabus, and correspondence
Box 7, Folder 1 Women's Studies 640; includes syllabi and handwritten notes
2006 - 2007
Box 7, Folder 2 Women's Studies 640: typed and handwritten notes re: "mediation"
Box 7, Folder 3 Women's Studies 640/900: typed notes re: "related books"
circa 2000
Box 7, Folder 4 Women's Studies 900: handwritten notes and correspondence
2006 - 2007
Box 7, Folder 5 Women's Studies 900; includes handwritten notes and annotated readings
Box 7, Folder 6 Women's Studies 900; includes handwritten notes and syllabi
Box 7, Folder 7 Women's Studies 900: Research Methods in Women's Studies; includes syllabi and handwritten notes

Series 5. Writings and Related, 1974 - 2022

Series 5. Subseries 1. Writings by Friedman, 1974 - 2022

Container Description Date
Box 7, Folder 8 Article: "Authority in a Feminist Classroom: A Contradiction in Terms?:" bound copy and related correspondence
Box 7, Folder 9 Article [?]: "Becoming H.D.:" annotated typed draft and handwritten notes
Box 7, Folder 10 Article: "Beyond Gynocriticism and Gynesis: The New Geography of Identity and Narrative Studies in the 1990s:" typed drafts and handwritten notes
Box 7, Folder 11 Article: "Border Talk: Hybridity and Performativity: Cultural Theory and Identity in the Spaces Between Difference;" includes typed draft, correspondence, and handwritten notes
2001 - 2008
Box 7, Folder 12 Article: "Conjurances of the 'New' World Literature and Migration Studies;" includes agreement and typed drafts
Box 7, Folder 13 Article: "Forbidden Fruit in the Narrative of H.D.'s Her;" includes typed drafts and handwritten notes
Box 7, Folder 14 Article [?]: "Forbidden Fruits of Lesbian Experimentation:" typed draft and handwritten notes
circa 1985
Box 7, Folder 15 Article: "Freud's Hysteria and The Interpretation of Dreams:" typed abstract and handwritten notes
Box 7, Folder 16 Article: "Gender and Genre Anxiety: Elizabeth Barrett Browning and H.D. as Epic Poets:" typed draft
Box 7, Folder 17 Article: "The Genesis of Freud and the Exodus of Dora: Originary Narratives in the Story of Joseph and The Interpretation of Dreams:" annotated typed draft
Box 7, Folder 18 Article: "H.D.: The Literary Foremother of Adrienne Rich's The Dream of a Common Language:" annotated typed draft and handwritten notes
Box 7, Folder 19 Article:"(Inter)Disciplinary and the Question of the Women's Studies PhD;" includes correspondence and reading
Box 7, Folder 20 Article: "Making History: Reflections on Feminism, Narrative, and Desire:" typed and annotated drafts (1 of 2)
Box 7, Folder 21 Article: "Making History: Reflections on Feminism, Narrative, and Desire:" typed and annotated drafts (2 of 2)
Box 7, Folder 22 Article [?]: "A Pact for Posterity: Collaboration and Intimacy in the Relationship of H.D. and Freud:" typed drafts and handwritten notes
circa 1986
Box 7, Folder 23 Article: "Relight the Flame: Alchemy as Modernist Mythmaking in H.D.'s Trilogy:" annotated typed draft and handwritten notes
Box 7, Folder 24 Article: "Remembering Shakespeare Always, But Remembering Him Differently;" includes agreement, photocopy, correspondence, and handwritten notes
1983 - 1993
Box 7, Folder 25 Article: "Scaling Planetarity: Spacetime in the New Modernist Studies:" typed draft
circa 2020
Box 7, Folder 26 Article [?]: "The Textual Body as Palimpsest: The Return of the Repressed in Freud's Early Corpus:" typed draft and handwritten notes
Box 7, Folder 27 Article: "Theories of Autobiography and Fictions of the Self in H.D.'s Cannon:" typed draft
Box 7, Folder 28 Article [?]: untitled re: "childbirth:" annotated typed draft
Box 7, Folder 29 Article: "Who Buried H.D.?:" typed drafts and correspondence
Box 7, Folder 30 Article: "What Should Every Women's Studies Major Know? Reflections on the Capstone Seminar;" includes typed draft and publication agreement
circa 2000-2001
Box 7, Folder 31 Book: Psyche Reborn: The Emergence of H.D.: correspondence
Contents Note: includes correspondence from Adrienne Rich
1979 - 1982
Box 7, Folder 32 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: "chapter 2 notes"
Box 7, Folder 33 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: chapter 2 notes and typed draft
Box 7, Folder 34 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: chapter 3 notes and typed drafts
2018 - 2019
Box 7, Folder 35 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: chapter 4 research
Box 7, Folder 36 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: chapter 5 [?] reading and correspondence
Box 7, Folder 37 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: "chapter 7 notes"
Box 7, Folder 38 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: correspondence and typed notes
2011 - 2012
Box 7, Folder 39 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade; includes abstract and correspondence
2011 - 2012
Box 7, Folder 40 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: notes
Box 7, Folder 41 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: "notes for library visit"
Box 7, Folder 42 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: "outlines"
Box 7, Folder 43 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: preface notes
Box 7, Folder 44 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: "prospectus materials"
Box 7, Folder 45 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: research re: "burkini"
2016 - 2019
Box 7, Folder 46 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: research re: "Dawah"
2018 - 2020
Box 8, Folder 1 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: research re: "fiction"
Box 8, Folder 2 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: research re: "The Hijabi Monologues Project"
2009 - 2013
Box 8, Folder 3 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: research re: "Ijtihad"
Box 8, Folder 4 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: research re: "Islam world wide"
circa 2009
Box 8, Folder 5 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: research re: "Islamophobia" (1 of 2)
2006 - 2022
Box 8, Folder 6 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: research re: "Islamophobia" (2 of 2)
2006 - 2022
Box 8, Folder 7 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: research re: "lesbian love"
Box 8, Folder 8 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: research re: "social media and Muslim women"
Box 8, Folder 9 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: research re: "storytelling"
2017 - 2018
Box 8, Folder 10 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: research re: "Sufism"
2006, 2019
Box 8, Folder 11 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: research re: "trans Muslims"
2018 - 2022
Box 8, Folder 12 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: research re: "Ummah"
circa 2010
Box 8, Folder 13 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: research re: "Wahhabism"
Box 8, Folder 14 Book: Sisters of Scheherazade: "resources"
2012, 2015
Box 8, Folder 15 Book [?]: unidentified title; includes correspondence and typed and handwritten notes
1996 - 1999
Box 8, Folder 16 Chapter: "A Room of One's Own in the World: The Pre-Life and After-Life of Shakespeare's Sister;" includes annotated typed draft, correspondence, and agreement
2012 - 2014
Box 8, Folder 17 Chapter: "Of Worlds, Words, and Woolf;" includes correspondence, typed drafts, and handwritten notes (1 of 3)
2019 - 2022
Box 8, Folder 18 Chapter: "Of Worlds, Words, and Woolf;" includes correspondence, typed drafts, and handwritten notes (2 of 3)
2019 - 2022
Box 8, Folder 19 Chapter: "Of Worlds, Words, and Woolf;" includes correspondence, typed drafts, and handwritten notes (3 of 3)
2019 - 2022
Box 8, Folder 20 Dictionary entry: "Women's Studies;" includes typed draft and handwritten notes
1995 - 1997
Box 8, Folder 21 Edited book: Androgyny as Living Myth: Feminist Theory and Research: typed draft (1 of 2)
Box 8, Folder 22 Edited book: Androgyny as Living Myth: Feminist Theory and Research: typed draft (2 of 2)
Box 8, Folder 23 Edited book: The New Modernist Studies: annotated table of contents and abstracts
Box 8, Folder 24 Edited book: Signets: Reading H.D.: correspondence
1987 - 1988
Box 8, Folder 25 Edited book: Signets: Reading H.D. [?]: handwritten notes re: introduction
circa 1999
Box 8, Folder 26 Edited book: Signets: Reading H.D.: handwritten notes and photocopied archival material re: prologue
Box 8, Folder 27 Edited book: Signets: Reading H.D.; includes handwritten notes and research handouts
Box 8, Folder 28 Edited book: Signets: Reading H.D.; includes typed and handwritten notes re: epilogue
Box 8, Folder 29 Introduction for "Androgyny Anthology;" includes typed and handwritten drafts
Box 8, Folder 30 Introduction: Ashis Nandy: typed draft
Box 8, Folder 31 Talk: "Black and White Women Historical Perspectives:" typed and handwritten notes
Box 8, Folder 32 Talk: "Blending the 'New' World Literature and Migration Studies;" includes typed drafts, correspondence, and handwritten notes
Box 8, Folder 33 Talk: "Bodies in Motion: Reflections on a Poetics of Home and Dislocation:" typed draft
Box 8, Folder 34 Talk: "Border Talk: Hybridity and Performativity: Cultural Theory and Identity in the Spaces Between Difference:" typed draft and handwritten notes
Box 8, Folder 35 Talk: "Can Religion be 'Cosmopolitan'?: Thinking Through Narratives of Violence and Religious Interculturalism;" typed talk outline and bio
Box 8, Folder 36 Talk: "Beyond Difference: Migratory Feminism in the Borderlands;" includes typed drafts and handwritten notes
Box 8, Folder 37 Talk: "A Clash of Civilizations? East-West Migrations, Islamophobia, and the Cosmopolitanism of Mohja Kahf and Marjane Satrapi:" typed talking points and related correspondence
Box 8, Folder 38 Talk: "Cosmopolitan Cultural Theory and Diasporic Women's Writing:" typed draft and notes
Box 8, Folder 39 Talk: "Cosmopolitics, Women, and War;" includes annotated typed draft, flyer, and correspondence
Box 8, Folder 40 Talk: "The Future of Women's Studies and the Threat to Academic Feminism:" typed draft
Box 8, Folder 41 Talk: "Lifting Belly High: Women's Poetry Since 1900:" typed draft, outline, and notes
Box 8, Folder 42 Talk: "Locational Feminism in a Global Age;" includes handwritten draft and correspondence
1998 - 1999
Box 8, Folder 43 Talk: "New Angles: American Studies, Modernist Studies, Feminist Studies, and Poetics:" typed draft and correspondence
2014 - 2015
Box 8, Folder 44 Talk: "Portrait of an Analysis with Freud;" includes typed drafts and handwritten notes
Box 8, Folder 45 Talk: "Quilt Lecture;" includes typed and handwritten drafts and postcards
circa 1992
Box 8, Folder 46 Talk: "Religion, Feminism, and Transnational Narrative Theory:" annotated typed draft
Box 8, Folder 47 Talk: "Riding the Waves: Women's Writing and Feminist Literary Studies for the 21st Century:" typed drafts and reviews
2010 - 2012
Box 9, Folder 1 Talk: "Scalar Geographies of the New Modernist Studies in the Longue Durée:" typed draft and readings
Box 9, Folder 2 Talk: "Scaling Planetarity: Spacetime in the New Modernist Studies;" includes typed draft and correspondence
Box 9, Folder 3 Talk: "Teaching Women and Literature;" includes handwritten outline and correspondence
Box 9, Folder 4 Talk: untitled: handwritten outlines
Box 9, Folder 5 Talk: untitled; includes correspondence and handwritten outline
Box 9, Folder 6 Talk: untitled re: "androgyny:" handwritten notes
1978, n.d.
Box 9, Folder 7 Talk: untitled re: women, depression, and empowerment: typed and handwritten drafts
Box 9, Folder 8 Talk: "Why We Need Fantasy, Art, and Literature: The Case of Virginia Woolf and Kabe Wilson;" includes typed talk draft and correspondence
Box 9, Folder 9 Talk: "World Literature and Anglophone Arab Writers in the Diaspora;" includes typed talk outline and photocopied flyer

Series 5. Subseries 2. Writings by Others, 1995 - 2017

Container Description Date
Box 9, Folder 10 Covi, Giovanna: "Una Maison: African-Caribbean New Woman Speaking Truth to Power:" typed draft and correspondence
Box 9, Folder 11 Chase, Cynthia: "The Witty Butcher's Wife:" offprint and correspondence
Box 9, Folder 12 Laity, Cassandra: "Editor's Introduction: Toward Feminist Modernisms:" printout and correspondence
Box 9, Folder 13 Lukic, Jasmina: "A Guide to Transnational Women's Literature in Europe:" project proposal
Box 9, Folder 14 Pondrom, Cyrena: "Gertrude Stein: From Outlaw to Classic:" typed draft
Box 9, Folder 15 Radhakrishnan, R.: various titles; includes printouts, correspondence, and handwritten notes
1995 - 2002
Box 9, Folder 16 Wyatt, Jean: various titles; includes typed draft, offprint, and reading
circa 1995

Series 7. Research, 1974 - 2021

Series 7. Subseries 1. Research by Topic, 1974 - 2020

Container Description Date
Box 9, Folder 17 "Aaron's Rod:" handwritten notes and annotated partial reading
Box 9, Folder 18 "Androgyny: Feminist Definitions and Debate:" bibliography and handwritten notes
Box 9, Folder 19 "Animism:" bibliography
Box 9, Folder 20 "Arab-American literature:" readings
2014, 2017
Box 9, Folder 21 "Authority of Experience:" handwritten notes
Box 9, Folder 22 "Bryher;" includes handwritten notes and correspondence
Box 9, Folder 23 "Bryher letters:" handwritten notes
Box 9, Folder 24 "Bryher letters from Edward Glover:" handwritten notes
1983 - 1984
Box 9, Folder 25 "Bryher letters from Ezra Pound:" handwritten notes and photocopied archival material
circa 1984
Box 9, Folder 26 "Bryher letters from Havelock;" includes typed and handwritten notes and photocopied archival material
Box 9, Folder 27 "Bryher letters from H.D.:" typed notes
1980 - 1982
Box 9, Folder 28 "Bryher letters from Heinrich Mann;" includes handwritten notes and photocopied archival material
circa 2000
Box 9, Folder 29 "Bryher letters from Robert Herring;" includes handwritten notes and photocopied archival material
circa 1990
Box 9, Folder 30 "Bryher letters to H.D.:" photocopied archival material
Box 9, Folder 31 "Bryher's Heart to Artemis:" handwritten notes and reading
Box 9, Folder 32 "Bryher's Two Selves:" typed notes and readings
Box 9, Folder 33 "Bryher's works:" typed and handwritten notes and clippings
1982, 1990
Box 9, Folder 34 "Calendar: handwritten notes and "perpetual calendar" chart
Box 9, Folder 35 "Coronavirus:" news articles and correspondence
Box 9, Folder 36 "Criticism: Self, Identity, Self-Creation:" handwritten notes and readings
Box 9, Folder 37 "Daughters of the Dust;" includes readings, printouts, and handwritten notes
2005 - 2006
Box 9, Folder 38 "DH Lawrence Sons and Lovers:" handwritten notes
Box 9, Folder 39 "Don't Be Afraid, Gringo:" handwritten notes
Box 9, Folder 40 "Erdrich interviews and criticism:" handwritten notes
Box 9, Folder 41 "Erotics and poetics:" bibliography
Box 9, Folder 42 "Feminism, narrative, and desire;" includes readings and handwritten notes
circa 2006
Box 9, Folder 43 "Feminist criticism:" bibliography and note
Box 9, Folder 44 "French feminism:" photocopy of handwritten notes
Box 9, Folder 45 "Freud biography:" typed and handwritten notes and clipping
Box 9, Folder 46 "Freud and censorship:" typed and handwritten notes
Box 9, Folder 47 "Freud to Bryher:" handwritten notes and photocopied archival material
Box 9, Folder 48 "Freud chapter;" includes handwritten notes and readings
Box 9, Folder 49 "Freud Civilization and its Discontents:" handwritten notes
Box 9, Folder 50 "Freud and Dora:" handwritten notes
Box 9, Folder 51 "Freud and Joseph:" handwritten notes and index
Box 9, Folder 52 "Freud Interpretation of Dreams:" handwritten notes and reading
Box 9, Folder 53 "Freud notes;" includes handwritten notes and clippings
Box 9, Folder 54 "Freud patients and accounts;" includes readings and handwritten notes
Box 9, Folder 55 "Freud studies in hysteria:" handwritten notes
Box 9, Folder 56 "Freud The Uncanny:" handwritten notes and reading
Box 9, Folder 57 "The Girl Mohja Kahf:" typed and handwritten notes
Box 9, Folder 58 "Globalization and Cultural Theory:" typed and handwritten notes
Box 9, Folder 59 "Gnosticism:" clippings
Box 9, Folder 60 "H.D. (Hilda Doolittle);" includes correspondence and handwritten notes
1982 - 1986
Box 9, Folder 61 "H.D.:" typed and handwritten notes re: interview with Perdita Schaffner
1974, 1978
Box 9, Folder 62 "H.D.: books-reading:" handwritten notes
circa 1983
Box 9, Folder 63 "H.D.: Bryher correspondence:" typed and handwritten notes
Box 9, Folder 64 H.D.: "Bryher from H.D.:" typed and handwritten notes
Box 9, Folder 65 H.D.: "Bryher to H.D.:" typed and handwritten notes
Box 9, Folder 66 "H.D.'s circle;" includes correspondence and handwritten notes
Box 9, Folder 67 H.D.: "Cole Genderson to H.D.:" typed and handwritten notes
Box 9, Folder 68 "H.D.: Dobson;" includes handwritten notes and photocopied archival material
Box 9, Folder 69 "H.D.: family gravestones:" photos and handwritten notes
Box 9, Folder 70 "H.D. Havelock Ellis correspondence;" includes handwritten notes and photocopied archival material
circa 2001
Box 9, Folder 71 H.D.: "Helen Wolle Doolittle letters to H.D.:" typed and handwritten notes and photocopied archival material
Box 10, Folder 1 "H.D. and Aldington:" typed and handwritten notes
Box 10, Folder 2 "H.D. and Bryher to Macpherson;" includes typed notes and photocopied archival material
Box 10, Folder 3 "H.D. and Bryher to Mary Sarton:" handwritten notes
Box 10, Folder 4 "H.D and Conrad Aiken:" handwritten notes and photocopied archival material
Box 10, Folder 5 "H.D. letters from Dorothy Richardson:" typed notes
Box 10, Folder 6 "H.D. letters from Edith Sitwell:" handwritten notes and photocopied archival material
circa 1983
Box 10, Folder 7 "H.D. letters from George Plank;" includes typed notes and photocopied archival material
circa 2001
Box 10, Folder 8 "H.D. letters from McAlmon:" handwritten notes and photocopied archival material
circa 1981
Box 10, Folder 9 "H.D. letters from Perdita:" typed and handwritten notes
Box 10, Folder 10 "H.D. letters from Pound:" typed and handwritten notes
circa 2001
Box 10, Folder 11 "H.D. letters from Walter de la Mare:" handwritten notes and photocopied archival material
circa 1983
Box 10, Folder 12 "H.D. letters to Amy Lowell:" handwritten notes and photocopied archival material
circa 1983
Box 10, Folder 13 "H.D. letters to HP Collins:" typed notes and photocopied archival material
Box 10, Folder 14 "H.D. letters to Jordan;" includes handwritten notes and photocopied archival material
Box 10, Folder 15 "H.D. letters to Pearson;" includes handwritten notes and photocopied archival material
circa 1983
Box 10, Folder 16 "H.D. on prizes:" annotated reading and handwritten notes
Box 10, Folder 17 "H.D. photos:" photocopies and handwritten notes
Box 10, Folder 18 "H.D. psychology:" annotated readings and handwritten notes
Box 10, Folder 19 "H.D. spelling:" handwritten notes
Box 10, Folder 20 "H.D. tallies of contents:" typed and handwritten notes
Box 10, Folder 21 "H.D. to John Cournos:" handwritten notes and photocopied archival material
Box 10, Folder 22 "Hysteria:" handwritten notes and readings
Box 10, Folder 23 "Impersonalism:" handwritten notes and readings
Box 10, Folder 24 "Indigeneity;" includes typed notes and clippings
Box 10, Folder 25 "Janice Robinson;" includes handwritten notes and photocopied archival material
circa 1982
Box 10, Folder 26 "Japanese prints and the west;" includes printouts and typed and handwritten notes
circa 2004
Box 10, Folder 27 "Kenneth Macpherson:" typed and handwritten notes
circa 2001
Box 10, Folder 28 "Lesbian culture:" bibliography
Box 10, Folder 29 "Lesbian literature:" readings and handwritten notes
Box 10, Folder 30 "Margaret Snivley Pratt:" handwritten notes and photocopied archival material
circa 1986
Box 10, Folder 31 "Marianne Moore;" includes handwritten notes and photocopied archival material
circa 1982
Box 10, Folder 32 "Men in feminism:" bibliography, review, and handwritten notes
Box 10, Folder 33 "Multiculturalism:" typed notes
Box 10, Folder 34 "Narcissism:" typed notes and reading
Box 10, Folder 35 "Narrative - analysis:" handwritten notes
Box 10, Folder 36 "Narrative - general:" handwritten notes
Box 10, Folder 37 "Narrative theory:" handwritten notes and readings
Box 10, Folder 38 "New psychology of women:" handwritten notes
Box 10, Folder 39 "N.H.P. letters:" typed and handwritten notes and photocopied archival material
Box 10, Folder 40 "Ojibway, Chippewa, Anishinabe:" handwritten notes
Box 10, Folder 41 "Persepolis:" handwritten notes
Box 10, Folder 42 "Queer theory:" handwritten notes
Box 10, Folder 43 "Queer theory, 19th century American Twain and narrative authority;" includes readings and papers by others
Box 10, Folder 44 "Pabst - Reininger - Bergner;" includes typed notes and annotated readings
circa 1985
Box 10, Folder 45 "Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi;" includes correspondence and papers by others
Box 10, Folder 46 "Psychoanalysis, bisexuality, and narcissism:" handwritten notes and readings
Box 10, Folder 47 "Psychoanalysis and feminism:" photocopied readings and handwritten notes
Box 10, Folder 48 "Psychoanalytic pioneers:" handwritten notes and readings
Box 10, Folder 49 "Relationality:" handwritten notes
Box 10, Folder 50 "Religion - Islam;" includes clippings and readings
2011 - 2018
Box 10, Folder 51 "Religion - Judaism:" news article and clipping
2012 - 2013
Box 10, Folder 52 "Robert Herring correspondence:" handwritten notes and photocopied archival material
Box 11, Folder 1 "Seduction and theory:" handwritten notes
Box 11, Folder 2 "Sexologists:" typed and handwritten notes
Box 11, Folder 3 "Trans debates;" includes clippings and correspondence
Box 11, Folder 4 "Transgender - drag:" bibliography
Box 11, Folder 5 "Traveling feminist theory:" correspondence and handwritten notes
Box 11, Folder 6 Various topics; includes typed and handwritten notes
Box 11, Folder 7 Various topics: typed and handwritten notes
circa 1985
Box 11, Folder 8 "Women and film/ feminist film theory:" handwritten notes and reading
Box 11, Folder 9 "Women and war:" reading and bibliography from Susan Schweik
circa 1991
Box 11, Folder 10 "Women, language, the body:" bibliography and handwritten notes
Box 11, Folder 11 "Women's autobiography: criticism;" includes readings and handwritten notes
Box 11, Folder 12 "Women's long poetry;" includes handwritten notes and reading
circa 1993
Box 11, Folder 13 "Women's poetry:" handwritten notes
Box 11, Folder 14 "Women's studies birthday committee:" typed and handwritten notes
Box 11, Folder 15 "Women's words:" handwritten notes

Series 7. Subseries 2. Research by scholar's last name, 1979 - 2021

Container Description Date
Box 11, Folder 16 Research by scholar's last name: A
1984, n.d.
Box 11, Folder 17 Research by scholar's last name: A
Box 11, Folder 18 Research by scholar's last name: B
circa 1998, 2021, n.d.
Box 11, Folder 19 Research by scholar's last name: B
Box 11, Folder 20 Research by scholar's last name: C
1992-2001, 2020, n.d.
Box 11, Folder 21 Research by scholar's last name: C
1992-2001, 2020, n.d.
Box 11, Folder 22 Research by scholar's last name: C
Box 11, Folder 23 Research by scholar's last name: D
2003, 2009, n.d.
Box 11, Folder 24 Research by scholar's last name: D
2003, 2009, n.d.
Box 11, Folder 25 Research by scholar's last name: E
Box 11, Folder 26 Research by scholar's last name: F
Box 11, Folder 27 Research by scholar's last name: G
Box 11, Folder 28 Research by scholar's last name: G
Box 11, Folder 29 Research by scholar's last name: H
Box 11, Folder 30 Research by scholar's last name: I - J
Box 11, Folder 31 Research by scholar's last name: K
Box 11, Folder 32 Research by scholar's last name: K
Box 11, Folder 33 Research by scholar's last name: K
Box 11, Folder 34 Research by scholar's last name: L
Box 11, Folder 35 Research by scholar's last name: L
Box 11, Folder 36 Research by scholar's last name: M
Box 11, Folder 37 Research by scholar's last name: N - P
circa 1993-1994, n.d.
Box 11, Folder 38 Research by scholar's last name: R
1994, n.d.
Box 11, Folder 39 Research by scholar's last name: S
1993, 2004, n.d.
Box 11, Folder 40 Research by scholar's last name: S
1993, 2004, n.d.
Box 11, Folder 41 Research by scholar's last name: V-Z
1979-1997, n.d.