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Clark Ashton Smith papers (Ms.79.3)

Brown University Library

Box A
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: Manuscripts: 401-863-3723; University Archives: 401-863-2148
Email: Manuscripts: hay@brown.edu; University Archives: archives@brown.edu


Series I. Correspondence

Series I. Subseries A. Correspondence to or from Clark Ashton Smith and Carol Jones (Dorman) Smith
All correspondence. whether typed or handwritten (including rejection slips) in this section are organised alphabetically by author (save where one letter is enclosed within another letter, in which case the enclosed letter remains with the covering letter, but is indexed). The letters are then arranged chronologically within the alphabetical sequence. Where they exist, envelopes have been left with the original correspondence. Often letters are filed by the organisation from which they emerged (e.g. Weird Tales), not by the actual author. It the author is of significance, he or she is then listed in parentheses following the entry. Unknown or unidentified correspondence follows at the rear of this entire series and is unorganised.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1-3 The Academy
1 item

Contents Note: Rejection of Smith's poetry.
Box 1, Folder 1-3 Accent (Walter Edens)
1 item

Contents Note: Marketing of Smith's fantastic fiction.
[?] April 6
Box 1, Folder 1-3 Ackerman, Forrest J.
16 items

Contents Note: Purchase of Smith's carvings, Smith's photographs.
Box 1, Folder 4 Adams, Betty T.
1 item

Contents Note: Smith's carvings.
1949 November 14
Box 1, Folder 4 Ahrens family
6 items

Contents Note: Christmas greetings.
1927-1935, undated
Box 1, Folder 5 Grace Aird, Inc.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry.
1929 October 29
Box 1, Folder 5 Albrecht, Hazel Irene
1 item

Contents Note: Albrecht letter includes letter from Marshall Jones Co. to Albrecht, 18 June 1958.
1958 May 3
Box 1, Folder 5 Aley, Ruth
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry.
[?] November 30
Box 1, Folder 5 Allen Art Studios
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry.
1925 February 12
Box 1, Folder 6-7 Allen, John
9 items

Contents Note: Re: photography, Smith's fiction, poetry and art.
Box 1, Folder 6-7 Alta California Bookstore
1 item

Contents Note: Re: photography, Smith's fiction, poetry and art.
1963 March 29
Box 1, Folder 8-10 Amazing Stories (Miriam Bourne)
1 item

Contents Note: Re:subscription, J.E. Flecker, fantastic fiction, films communism. Enclosed in Anderson letters is "Ambrose Bierce and Lacadio Hearn", by Granville Hicks.
1930 March 3
Box 1, Folder 8-10 The American Book Collector
2 items

Contents Note: Re:subscription, J.E. Flecker, fantastic fiction, films communism. Enclosed in Anderson letters is "Ambrose Bierce and Lacadio Hearn", by Granville Hicks.
circa 1958 July 29, undated
Box 1, Folder 8-10 American Library Service
1 item

Contents Note: Re:subscription, J.E. Flecker, fantastic fiction, films communism. Enclosed in Anderson letters is "Ambrose Bierce and Lacadio Hearn", by Granville Hicks.
circa 1951 October 23
Box 1, Folder 8-10 Anderson, Lester
11 items

Contents Note: Re:subscription, J.E. Flecker, fantastic fiction, films communism. Enclosed in Anderson letters is "Ambrose Bierce and Lacadio Hearn", by Granville Hicks.
Box 1, Folder 11 Andreyeff, Naiia
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction and purchase of volumes.
1935 December 3
Box 1, Folder 11 Anger, Fred
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction and purchase of volumes.
1934 June 19
Box 1, Folder 11 Archer, Mrs. Archer Arthur
6 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction and purchase of volumes.
Box 1, Folder 12 Argus Books (Ben Abramson)
6 items

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, August Derleth.
Box 1, Folder 13 Arizona Highways
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of Smith's poetry, sale of art items.
Box 1, Folder 13 Arkham House Publishers (Roderic Meng)
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of Smith's poetry, sale of art items.
1972 July 8
Box 1, Folder 13 Art Collectors Club
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of Smith's poetry, sale of art items.
1915 September 24
Box 1, Folder 13 Les Artistes d'aujourd'hui
Contents Note: Re: rejection of Smith's poetry, sale of art items.
Physical Description Note: 1item
1929 November 6
Box 1, Folder 13 Asia Publishing Co.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: rejection of Smith's poetry, sale of art items.
Box 1, Folder 14 Astounding Stories (Desmond Hall, John W. Campbell, Jr.)
3 items

Contents Note: Re: requests for fiction and rejection of poetry.
Box 1, Folder 14 The Atlantic Monthly (Phoebe Lou Adams)
3 items

Contents Note: Re: requests for fiction and rejection of poetry.
Box 1, Folder 15-17 Austin, William N.
15 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction and carvings.
1949-1950, undated
Box 1, Folder 18 The Author and Journalist
2 items

Contents Note: Re: subscriptions, acceptances and rejections of Smith's fiction.
1950 January-March
Box 1, Folder 18 Avon Book Co. (Donald A. Wolheim)
5 items

Contents Note: Re: subscriptions, acceptances and rejections of Smith's fiction.
Box 1, Folder 19 Avon House
1 item

Contents Note: Re: acceptance of Smith's poetry and fiction.
1938 February 5
Box 1, Folder 19 Avrett, Robert
2 items

Contents Note: Re: acceptance of Smith's poetry and fiction.
1956 June and August
Box 1, Folder 19 Ayen, Leif D.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: acceptance of Smith's poetry and fiction.
circa 1950 April 20
Box 1, Folder 20 Aymar, Robert W.
3 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry volumes, and the marketing of Smith's fiction.
1926 November-December
Box 1, Folder 20 The B-B Service Co.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry volumes, and the marketing of Smith's fiction.
1932 April 25
Box 1, Folder 1 Bacon, Victor E.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: The United Amateur, purchase of Smith's library, Xanadu.
1926 February-June
Box 1, Folder 1 Bailey Search Service
2 items

Contents Note: Re: The United Amateur, purchase of Smith's library, Xanadu.
1961 December
Box 1, Folder 1 Baker, Joseph B.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: The United Amateur, purchase of Smith's library, Xanadu.
1949 January 27
Box 1, Folder 2 Baker, R. M.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, Smith's translations of Baudelaire, fiction-writing and George Sterling.
1944 June 28
Box 1, Folder 2 Baldwin, F. Lee
1 item

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, Smith's translations of Baudelaire, fiction-writing and George Sterling.
1944 May 3
Box 1, Folder 2 Ballantine Books
1 item

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, Smith's translations of Baudelaire, fiction-writing and George Sterling.
Box 1, Folder 2 Bannister, James W.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, Smith's translations of Baudelaire, fiction-writing and George Sterling.
1931 November 22
Box 1, Folder 2 Barber, Jackson
1 item

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, Smith's translations of Baudelaire, fiction-writing and George Sterling.
1938 April 7
Box 1, Folder 3-20 Barker, Eric W. and Barker, Madelynne (nee' Green)
159 items

Contents Note: Contents: discusses Smith's poetry, personal and literary affairs, Benjamin De Casseres, John Cowper Powys. Includes manuscripts of Barker's poetry.
circa 1938-1970
Box 1, Folder 1-13 Barker, Eric W. and Barker, Madelynne (nee' Green) continued
circa 1938-1970
Box 1, Folder 13-16 Barlow, Robert Hayward
24 items

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction H.P. Lovecraft, Frank Belknap Long, Robert E. Howard, Leaves and Samuel Loveman.
Box 1, Folder 17 Bates, Albert and Hazel
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings, personal affairs, and fantastic fiction.
1961 January 23
Box 1, Folder 17 Bates, Lesley R.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings, personal affairs, and fantastic fiction.
1919 January 7
Box 1, Folder 17 Baxter, W. H.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings, personal affairs, and fantastic fiction.
1948 March 4
Box 1, Folder 17 Beams, David
4 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings, personal affairs, and fantastic fiction.
Box 1, Folder 18-20 Beck, Claire P.
18 items

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, Smith's carvings and books, and H. P. Lovecraft.
circa 1936-1938
Box 1, Folder 1 Beck, Groo
3 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, R.H. Barlow, Eugene Field, fantastic fiction, and Smith's paintings.
Box 1, Folder 1 Bedford, Leighton
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, R.H. Barlow, Eugene Field, fantastic fiction, and Smith's paintings.
Box 1, Folder 1 Beever, Wilma
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, R.H. Barlow, Eugene Field, fantastic fiction, and Smith's paintings.
1954 November 3
Box 1, Folder 1 Beever, Mrs.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, R.H. Barlow, Eugene Field, fantastic fiction, and Smith's paintings.
circa 1937 December 30
Box 1, Folder 2-9 Bender, Albert M.
40 items

Contents Note: Re: George Sterling, Edwin Markham, and Smith's poetry.
circa 1916-1940
Box 1, Folder 10 Benet, William Rose
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: concerning Smith and rejection of Smith's poem "September", an article by Carol Smith. Included is unrevised draft of "September".
1942 November 7
Box 1, Folder 10 Bennet, Raine
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: concerning Smith and rejection of SMith's poem "September", an article by Carol Smith. Included is unrevised draft of "September".
1934 April 10
Box 1, Folder 10 Bessette, Carlyle
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: concerning Smith and rejection of Smith's poem "September", an article by Carol Smith. Included is unrevised draft of "September".
1932 February 16
Box 1, Folder 10 Better Homes and Garden
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: concerning Smith and rejection of Smith's poem "September", an article by Carol Smith. Included is unrevised draft of "September".
1957 April 2
Box 1, Folder 10 Better Verse
2 items

Contents Note: Contents: concerning Smith and rejection of Smith's poem "September", an article by Carol Smith. Included is unrevised draft of "September".
1933 May 23
Box 1, Folder 11 Biermann, Hal
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, Smith's poetry, Christmas greetings, and prize story contest.
1937 October 31
Box 1, Folder 11 Bill, Mrs. M. C.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, Smith's poetry, Christmas greetings, and prize story contest.
1912 August 3
Box 1, Folder 11 Bixby, Natalae
2 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, Smith's poetry, Christmas greetings, and prize story contest.
Box 1, Folder 11 Black Cat
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, Smith's poetry, Christmas greetings, and prize story contest.
Box 1, Folder 12-13 Blackbeard, Bill
3 items

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, Smith's poetry and George Sterling.
Box 1, Folder 12-13 Blaettler, Rudolph
8 items

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, Smith's poetry and George Sterling.
circa 1942, undated
Box 1, Folder 14 Blaisdell, Elinore
1 item

Contents Note: Re: reprinting of a Smith story, request for submission of poetry, purchase of carvings and Smith's library, and opera libretto by Smith.
Box 1, Folder 14 Bland, Henry Meade
1 item

Contents Note: Re: reprinting of a Smith story, request for submission of poetry, purchase of carvings and Smith's library, and opera libretto by Smith.
1929 July 5
Box 1, Folder 14 Bleiler, Everett F.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: reprinting of a Smith story, request for submission of poetry, purchase of carvings and Smith's library, and opera libretto by Smith.
1938 and 1961
Box 1, Folder 14 Blish, Jim
2 items

Contents Note: Re: reprinting of a Smith story, request for submission of poetry, purchase of carvings and Smith's library, and opera libretto by Smith.
Box 1, Folder 15-16 Bloch, Robert
7 items

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction and art, H.P. Lovecraft, and Lord Dunsany.
1933-1942, undated
Box 1, Folder 17 Bloomer, C. Hamilton
6 items

Contents Note: Contents: concerning Smith's fiction, H.P. Lovecraft, wine, and Tesseract.
Box 1, Folder 18 Blow, John W.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of art, sale of books, Smith's fiction.
1946 February 21
Box 1, Folder 18 Bobbitt, L.E.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of art, sale of books, Smith's fiction.
Box 1, Folder 18 Bogni, John
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of art, sale of books, Smith's fiction.
1960 September 4
Box 1, Folder 19-23 Boland, Stewart Morton
23 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction and art, Vachel Lindsay, and George Sterling.
1936-1964, undated
Box 1, Folder 24 Bond, Walden Garrett
4 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes and personal affairs.
1947 June 8
Box 1, Folder 25 The Book Collector's Quarterly
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of Smith's fiction, personal affairs, poetry.
1934 April
Box 1, Folder 25 R.R. Bowker Co.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of Smith's fiction, personal affairs, poetry.
Box 1, Folder 25 W.D Boyce Co.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of Smith's fiction, personal affairs, poetry.
Box 1, Folder 25 Boyd, Bertha
4 items

Contents Note: Re: rejection of Smith's fiction, personal affairs, poetry.
1959-1960, undated
Box 1, Folder 25 Boyd, Elizabeth
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of Smith's fiction, personal affairs, poetry.
circa 1913 January 30
Box 1, Folder 26 Boynton, Peggy and Ray
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings and Smith's writings.
1916 December 21
Box 1, Folder 26 Bradbury, Ray
5 items

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings and Smith's writings.
circa 1957-1964
Box 1, Folder 27 Bradford, Frank A.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Purchase of carvings, Smith's poetry, The Californian.
1955 March-September
Box 1, Folder 27 Bradofsky, Hyman
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Purchase of carvings, Smith's poetry, The Californian.
1935 October 7
Box 1, Folder 27 Bradshaw, Mary
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Purchase of carvings, Smith's poetry, The Californian.
1924 March 11
Box 1, Folder 27 Bragin, Charles
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Purchase of carvings, Smith's poetry, The Californian.
circa 1949 March 30
Box 1, Folder 28 Brennan, Mrs. Paul
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, personal affairs, and request of autobiography for anthology.
1933 December 14
Box 1, Folder 28 Brewer, Mrs. Mabelle
7 items

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, personal affairs, and request of autobiography for anthology.
circa 1957-1961
Box 1, Folder 28 Brewster Publications, Inc,
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, personal affairs, and request of autobiography for anthology.
1923 September 21
Box 1, Folder 28 Briggs, W.A.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, personal affairs, and request of autobiography for anthology.
1926 December 11
Box 5, Folder 1 Briney, Robert E.
4 items

Contents Note: Re: H.P. Lovecraft, and horror radio show.
Box 5, Folder 1 Broberg, John
2 items

Contents Note: Re: H.P. Lovecraft, and horror radio show.
1946 August-October
Box 5, Folder 1 Brobst, Harry
2 items

Contents Note: Re: H.P. Lovecraft, and horror radio show.
1937 April-June
Box 5, Folder 2 Brown, Fred C.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, Japan, purchase of carvings, Alice Meynell, personal affairs and Smith's fiction.
1952 January 6
Box 5, Folder 2 Brown, Louise N.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, Japan, purchase of carvings, Alice Meynell, personal affairs and Smith's fiction.
Box 5, Folder 2 Brownton, L. Page
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, Japan, purchase of carvings, Alice Meynell, personal affairs and Smith's fiction.
Box 5, Folder 2 Brumbaugh, Thomas B.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, Japan, purchase of carvings, Alice Meynell, personal affairs and Smith's fiction.
1946 September 6
Box 5, Folder 2 Bruton, H.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, Japan, purchase of carvings, Alice Meynell, personal affairs and Smith's fiction.
1956 September 9
Box 5, Folder 3 Bryant, Byron R.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: rejection of Smith's poetry, Folio, Smith's volumes. Burger letter includes J.H. Jackson's review of H.P. Lovecraft's Something about Cats and Other Pieces.
1954 and 1955
Box 5, Folder 3 The Buccaneer
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of Smith's poetry, Folio, Smith's volumes. Burger letter includes J.H. Jackson's review of H.P. Lovecraft's Something about Cats and Other Pieces.
Box 5, Folder 3 Burger, Bee
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of Smith's poetry, Folio, Smith's volumes. Burger letter includes J.H. Jackson's review of H.P. Lovecraft's Something about Cats and Other Pieces.
1950 January-February
Box 5, Folder 4 Caen, Herb
1 item

Contents Note: Contents:Smith's death, purchase of Smith's fiction, Smith to attend meeting, rental of tape recordings, Smith's poetry.
Box 5, Folder 4 Caldwell, Eugene
1 item

Contents Note: Contents:Smith's death, purchase of Smith's fiction, Smith to attend meeting, rental of tape recordings, Smith's poetry.
1955 March 27
Box 5, Folder 4 California Library Association
1 item

Contents Note: Contents:Smith's death, purchase of Smith's fiction, Smith to attend meeting, rental of tape recordings, Smith's poetry.
1957 February 13
Box 5, Folder 4 California Writers Club
1 item

Contents Note: Contents:Smith's death, purchase of Smith's fiction, Smith to attend meeting, rental of tape recordings, Smith's poetry.
1942 May 22
Box 5, Folder 4 Cambridge, Walter H.
1 item

Contents Note: Contents:Smith's death, purchase of Smith's fiction, Smith to attend meeting, rental of tape recordings, Smith's poetry.
[?] December 3
Box 5, Folder 5 Cannon, J. Vennerstrom
1 item

Contents Note: Re: acceptance of poetry, Smith's library.
circa 1928 September 4
Box 5, Folder 5 Carl's Book Store
2 items

Contents Note: Re: acceptance of poetry, Smith's library.
Box 5, Folder 5 The Carmel Pine Cone-Cymbal
3 items

Contents Note: Re: acceptance of poetry, Smith's library.
Box 5, Folder 5 Carol's Book Service
1 item

Contents Note: Re: acceptance of poetry, Smith's library.
1961 December 1
Box 5, Folder 6-7 Carpenter, Beverly and Herb
1 item

Contents Note: Re:Smith's fiction and carvings, personal affairs.
Box 5, Folder 6-7 Carson, Robert F.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction and carvings, personal affairs.
1948 January 31
Box 5, Folder 6-7 Carter, Don
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction and carvings, personal affairs.
circa 1947-1950
Box 5, Folder 6-7 Carter, Lin
6 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction and carvings, personal affairs.
1954-1971, undated
Box 5, Folder 8 Carter, Thomas Henry
4 items

Contents Note: Re: Spearhead, personal affairs.
Box 5, Folder 8 Castro, Maria
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Spearhead, personal affairs.
1937 September 3
Box 5, Folder 9 Cassidy, Mrs. Victor
1 item

Contents Note: Re: general correspondence
circa 1959 January 12
Box 5, Folder 9 Cortell, Undson
1 item

Contents Note: Re: general correspondence
1949 May 1
Box 5, Folder 9 Chalker, Jack L.
6 items

Contents Note: Re: general correspondence
Box 5, Folder 9 Chamberlin and Willi (attorney's)
2 items

Contents Note: Re: general correspondence
Box 5, Folder 9 The Champions
1 item

Contents Note: Re: general correspondence
circa 1935 December 19
Box 5, Folder 10 Chapman, G. Ken
7 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's carvings, Arthur F. Hillman, and Walter Gillings.
Box 5, Folder 11 Chairman, Gertrude B.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: General correspondence.
1926 September 9
Box 5, Folder 11 Checkering, Alan
1 item

Contents Note: Re: General correspondence.
Box 5, Folder 11 Carl Cherry Foundation
2 items

Contents Note: Re: General correspondence.
Box 5, Folder 11 Chickering, Sherman
1 item

Contents Note: Re: General correspondence.
1972 June 26
Box 5, Folder 11 Chislett Jr., William
1 item

Contents Note: Re: General correspondence.
1935 June 1
Box 5, Folder 11 Christopher Publishing House
1 item

Contents Note: Re: General correspondence.
1926 June 7
Box 5, Folder 12 Circle (George Leite)
3 items

Contents Note: Re: Advertisement's, Smith's property.
circa 1944-1946
Box 5, Folder 12 City of Auburn
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Advertisement's, Smith's property.
1962 July 27
Box 5, Folder 13 Clarke, Mrs. A. and William J.
4 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's carvings and photographs.
1948 July-November, undated
Box 5, Folder 13 Clay, Sherman
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's carvings and photographs.
1950 October 31
Box 5, Folder 14-16 The Clayton Magazines (Harry Bates)
14 items

Contents Note: Re: rejection and acceptance of Smith's fiction.
1931-1933, undated
Box 5, Folder 17 Clemens, Hays H.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's first editions, Wallace Smith, Smith's poetry.
1942 February 15
Box 5, Folder 17 Clyne, Ronald
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's first editions, Wallace Smith, Smith's poetry.
circa 1944 April 1
Box 5, Folder 17 Merrick Cobb, George
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's first editions, Wallace Smith, Smith's poetry.
1933 January-March
Box 5, Folder 18-20 Coblentz, Stanton A.
16 items

Contents Note: Contents: Re: Wings, Eric Barker, Smith's poetry, Lilith Lorraine.
1933-1947, undated
Box 5, Folder 1 Cockcroft, T.G.L.
7 items

Contents Note: Re: a Smith bibliography.
1951-1960, undated
Box 5, Folder 2 Cole, George
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, Smith's fiction, rejection of stories.
Box 5, Folder 2 Cole, Mrs. N.D.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, Smith's fiction, rejection of stories.
1927 January 14
Box 5, Folder 2 Columbia Publications, Inc.(Robert A. W. Lowndes)
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, Smith's fiction, rejection of stories.
1942 April 9, undated
Box 5, Folder 3 The Commonweal
1 item

Contents Note: Rejection of Smith's work, H.P. Lovecraft, Smith's volumes and artwork, Samuel Loveman.
1958 February 20
Box 5, Folder 3 Conover, Willis
2 items

Contents Note: Rejection of Smith's work, H.P. Lovecraft, Smith's volumes and artwork, Samuel Loveman.
Box 5, Folder 3 Cook, W. Paul
1 item

Contents Note: Rejection of Smith's work, H.P. Lovecraft, Smith's volumes and artwork, Samuel Loveman.
1927 May 22
Box 5, Folder 3 Cooke, David C.
1 item

Contents Note: Rejection of Smith's work, H.P. Lovecraft, Smith's volumes and artwork, Samuel Loveman.
1946 February 26
Box 5, Folder 3 Cooke, Stanley G.
1 item

Contents Note: Rejection of Smith's work, H.P. Lovecraft, Smith's volumes and artwork, Samuel Loveman.
1944 July 7
Box 5, Folder 4 Corey, Frederick
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: George Sterling, Smith's volumes, rejection of Mrs. Smith's work, the mind.
1929 February 3
Box 5, Folder 4 Cornwall, Earle
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: George Sterling, Smith's volumes, rejection of Mrs. Smith's work, the mind.
1947 November 15
Box 5, Folder 4 Coronet Magazine
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: George Sterling, Smith's volumes, rejection of Mrs. Smith's work, the mind.
Box 5, Folder 4 Cosmopolitan
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: George Sterling, Smith's volumes, rejection of Mrs. Smith's work, the mind.
Box 5, Folder 4 Coulter, Art
2 items

Contents Note: Contents: George Sterling, Smith's volumes, rejection of Mrs. Smith's work, the mind.
1921 August 17
Box 5, Folder 5 Cox, Arthur J.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, poetry and artwork.
1955 April 9
Box 5, Folder 5 Crackel, J. T.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, poetry and artwork.
Box 5, Folder 5 Cramer, Carl
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, poetry and artwork.
1948 June 22
Box 5, Folder 5 Crane, Carl
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, poetry and artwork.
Box 5, Folder 5 Crane, Estelle
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, poetry and artwork.
1921 August 17
Box 5, Folder 6-8 Crawford, William L.
17 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, Marvel Tales.
1933-1939, undated
Box 5, Folder 9 Thomas Y. Crowell Co.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: reprinting of Smith's fiction, purchase of carvings, rejection of story.
Box 5, Folder 9 Cummings, Mrs. Roy
2 items

Contents Note: Re: reprinting of Smith's fiction, purchase of carvings, rejection of story.
Box 5, Folder 9 Cupid's Diary
1 item

Contents Note: Re: reprinting of Smith's fiction, purchase of carvings, rejection of story.
Box 5, Folder 10 Cuthbert, Chester W.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, clipping service, Smith's artwork.
Box 5, Folder 10 C-V Newspaper Service
1 item

Contents Note: Re: reprinting of Smith's fiction, purchase of carvings, rejection of story.
1924 January 25
Box 5, Folder 10 Dabs, Lily R.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: reprinting of Smith's fiction, purchase of carvings, rejection of story.
Box 5, Folder 10 Dangerfield, William Mr. and Mrs.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: reprinting of Smith's fiction, purchase of carvings, rejection of story.
Box 5, Folder 11 Dard, Roger
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, purchase of volume and carvings, Smith's poetry, war veterans.
1955 June-September
Box 5, Folder 11 Dardene, Jack
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, purchase of volume and carvings, Smith's poetry, war veterans.
1933 November 12
Box 5, Folder 11 Davidson, D. P.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, purchase of volume and carvings, Smith's poetry, war veterans.
1948 April 10
Box 5, Folder 11 Davies, M. C.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, purchase of volume and carvings, Smith's poetry, war veterans.
1913 March 8
Box 5, Folder 11 Davis, Pauline L.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, purchase of volume and carvings, Smith's poetry, war veterans.
1959 May 4
Box 5, Folder 12-18 DeAngelis, Michael
37 items

Contents Note: Re:Smith's poetry and fiction, Gargoyle, H.P. Lovecraft, August Derleth. Includes fiction and poetry by DeAngelis and the first issue of Gargoyle (1950).
1949-1951, undated
Box 5, Folder 19-20 de Camp, L. Sprague
38 items

Contents Note: Re: Robert E. Howard, Lord Dunsany, Smith's fiction, copyrights, August Derleth, Robert H. Barlow.
Box 5, Folder 1-5 de Camp, L. Sprague
Box 5, Folder 6-16 De Casseres, Benjamin and Bio
56 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry and artwork, Samuel Loveman, De Casseres' writings, personal affairs.
1923-1959, undated
Box 5, Folder 17-18 DeFord, Estella
1 tem

Contents Note: Re: Smith' s poetry, Emmett Pendleton, Smith's fiction.
1917 October 10
Box 5, Folder 17-18 de la Ree, Gerry
11 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith' s poetry, Emmett Pendleton, Smith's fiction.
Box 5, Folder 19 Demorest, Alfredo L.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, purchase of volumes.
1933 December 2
Box 5, Folder 19 DePace, Tom
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, purchase of volumes.
Box 5, Folder 20 Derleth, August
392 items

Contents Note: Contents: Fantastic fiction, Weird Tales, H. P. Lovecraft, Derleth's writings, science fiction, Arkham House Publishers, Smith's volumes, R.H. Barlow. includes catalogs and royalty statements from Arkham House, clippings and Derleth's newspaper column (Wisconsin Diary), and a letter from Hannes Bok to Smith originally sent to Derleth.
1931-1968, undated
Box 5, Folder 1-27 Derleth, August
1931-1968, undated
Box 9, Folder 1-25 Derleth, August
1931-1968, undated
Box 9, Folder 1-24 Derleth, August
1931-1968, undated
Box 9, Folder 25 Dewey, Mildred Nye
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry and prose-poetry, George Sterling.
1949 February 4
Box 9, Folder 25 Dewing, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
29 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry and prose-poetry, George Sterling.
Box 9, Folder 1-5 Dewing, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry and prose-poetry, George Sterling.
Box 9, Folder 6 De Woronin, D.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Purchase of carvings and volume, Smith's poetry.
Box 9, Folder 6 Dittrich, Joseph G
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Purchase of carvings and volume, Smith's poetry.
1955 March 8
Box 9, Folder 6 Dodson, Richard
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Purchase of carvings and volume, Smith's poetry.
1933 November-December
Box 9, Folder 6 Dixon, Alberta
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Purchase of carvings and volume, Smith's poetry.
1946 February 25
Box 9, Folder 7-8 Dorman, Bill and Pat
4 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs.
1958, undated
Box 9, Folder 7-8 Dorman, John
6 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs.
circa 1953-1957, undated
Box 9, Folder 9 Dorman, Terry
2 items

Contents Note: Contents: personal affairs, concert, a visit to Smith, Smith's volumes.
Box 9, Folder 9 Dotzel, Kathryn
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: personal affairs, concert, a visit to Smith, Smith's volumes.
1938 May 20
Box 9, Folder 9 Dove, Wayne E.
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: personal affairs, concert, a visit to Smith, Smith's volumes.
1953 July 25
Box 9, Folder 9 Dreis, Hazel
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: personal affairs, concert, a visit to Smith, Smith's volumes.
1961 January 9
Box 9, Folder 10 Duncan, Peter
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, fantastic fiction.
1937 July 2
Box 9, Folder 10 Dunkleberger, Walter
3 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, fantastic fiction.
1943 January-December
Box 9, Folder 11-12 Dwyer, Bernard Austin
10 items

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, Smith's artwork and writings.
1927-1933, undated
Box 9, Folder 11-12 Ebel, Joseph
1 item

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, Smith's artwork and writings.
1949 July 20
Box 9, Folder 11-12 Edwards, Dwight
2 items

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, Smith's artwork and writings.
Box 9, Folder 13 Edwards, Virginia
6 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's artwork.
1947-1948, undated
Box 9, Folder 14 Edwin Markham Poetry Society
2 items

Contents Note: Re: advertisement, purchase of volumes, Smith's poetry.
Box 9, Folder 14 Ehle, Henry S.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: advertisement, purchase of volumes, Smith's poetry.
1944 July 21
Box 9, Folder 14 Eilshemius, Louis M.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: advertisement, purchase of volumes, Smith's poetry.
1927 May 19
Box 9, Folder 15-16 Elder, Robert B.
14 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes. Includes a newspaper review of Spells and Philtres.
circa 1957-1965, undated
Box 9, Folder 17 Elias, Robert H.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: advertisements, George Sterling.
1939 July 24
Box 9, Folder 17 Embers
4 items

Contents Note: Re: advertisements, George Sterling.
Box 9, Folder 18 Eng, Steve
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: H. P. Lovecraft, fantastic fiction, personal affairs, acceptances of Smith's poetry.
1958 February 19
Box 9, Folder 18 England, Rev. and Mrs. R.N.
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: H. P. Lovecraft, fantastic fiction, personal affairs, acceptances of Smith's poetry.
1936 December 29
Box 9, Folder 18 Epos (Evelyn Thorne)
4 items

Contents Note: Contents: H. P. Lovecraft, fantastic fiction, personal affairs, acceptances of Smith's poetry.
1950, undated
Box 9, Folder 19 Esquire
3 items

Contents Note: Re: rejection of Smith's work, advertisement, invitation to convention.
Box 9, Folder 19 Eugene Field Society
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of Smith's work, advertisement, invitation to convention.
Box 9, Folder 19 Evans, E. Everett
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of Smith's work, advertisement, invitation to convention.
Box 9, Folder 20 Evans, Mervyn
1 item

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, Smith's library, sympathy, request to submit poetry.
1936 August 2
Box 9, Folder 20 Evans, William H.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, Smith's library, sympathy, request to submit poetry.
circa 1962 January 11
Box 9, Folder 20 Everett, Eldon K
1 item

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, Smith's library, sympathy, request to submit poetry.
1958 February 3
Box 9, Folder 20 Evers, Mae
1 item

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, Smith's library, sympathy, request to submit poetry.
Box 9, Folder 20 Evans, William M.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, Smith's library, sympathy, request to submit poetry.
1948 August 5
Box 9, Folder 20 The Exposition Press:
1 item

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, Smith's library, sympathy, request to submit poetry.
1939 March 6
Box 9, Folder 21 A. and A. Factor:
1 item

Contents Note: Re: acceptance of Smith's story, advertisements.
1949 October 26
Box 9, Folder 21 Fantastic Universe (Hans Stefan Santesson)
2 items

Contents Note: Re: acceptance of Smith's story, advertisements.
1958 April-July
Box 9, Folder 21 Fantasy Advertiser
1 item

Contents Note: Re: acceptance of Smith's story, advertisements.
Box 9, Folder 21 Fantasy Veterans Association
1 item

Contents Note: Re: acceptance of Smith's story, advertisements.
circa 1954 December 27
Box 9, Folder 22 Farmer, Helen
4 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volume, personal affairs.
1961 May, undated
Box 9, Folder 23-25 Farmer, William
20 items

Contents Note: Re:personal affairs.
1958-1961, undated
Box 9, Folder 1-2 Farrar, Straus & Young, Inc.
10 items

Contents Note: Re: permission to reprint story, royalty statements.
Box 9, Folder 3-7 Farsace, Larry B. (Litterio Farsaci)
25 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, fantastic fiction, Golden Atom, Hannes Bok, Lilith Lorraine, August Derleth.
Box 9, Folder 8-11 Feldman, Lew David
5 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs.
Box 9, Folder 8-11 Ferguson, Malcolm
1 item

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs.
1949 April 13
Box 9, Folder 8-11 Ferrell, Emily
15 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs.
Box 9, Folder 12 Finlay, Virgil
2 items

Contents Note: Re: fantastic art, H. P. Lovecraft, Smith's writings and artwork, fantastic fiction, Smith's volumes, acceptance of Smith's poetry.
1937 May-July
Box 9, Folder 12 Fischer, M.L.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: fantastic art, H. P. Lovecraft, Smith's writings and artwork, fantastic fiction, Smith's volumes, acceptance of Smith's poetry.
1918 November 4
Box 9, Folder 12 Fleming, Mary D.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: fantastic art, H. P. Lovecraft, Smith's writings and artwork, fantastic fiction, Smith's volumes, acceptance of Smith's poetry.
1958 January 31
Box 9, Folder 13-14 Fordyce, Gary
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, Smith's fiction, science, Supramundane Stories.
Box 9, Folder 13-14 W & G Foyle Ltd.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, Smith's fiction, science, Supramundane Stories.
1934 January
Box 9, Folder 13-14 Freehofer, Paul
1 item

Contents Note: Re:Smith's poetry, Vachel Lindsay, personal affairs.
1942 January 18
Box 9, Folder 13-14 Friend, Oscar J.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, Smith's fiction, science, Supramundane Stories.
1949 April 19
Box 9, Folder 13-14 Frome, Nils H.
7 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, Smith's fiction, science, Supramundane Stories.
Box 9, Folder 15-19 Fryer, Donald Sidney
26 items

Contents Note: Contents: August Derleth, Smith's fiction, a Smith bibliography, T. G. L. Cockcroft. Includes transcribed texts of Smith's writings.
1956-1964, undated
Box 9, Folder 20 Garden Library
3 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volume, exhibition of Smith's work.
Box 9, Folder 20 Garrett Biblical Institute, library of
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volume, exhibition of Smith's work.
1923 September 22
Box 9, Folder 21 Gatto, John
2 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, personal affairs.
Box 9, Folder 21 Gaylord, Adelia and Hank
2 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, personal affairs.
circa 1936-1939
Box 9, Folder 21 Gennett, Milo
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, personal affairs.
1942 February 27
Box 9, Folder 22 The Gentlewoman
1 item

Contents Note: Re:subscription, sympathy, Christmas greetings. Gernsback letters include Forecast 1954, a Christmas periodical produced by Gernsback, Christmas 1953.
1932 April 25
Box 9, Folder 22 Gernsback, Hugo
4 items

Contents Note: Re:subscription, sympathy, Christmas greetings. Gernsback letters include Forecast 1954, a Christmas periodical produced by Gernsback, Christmas 1953.
circa 1953-1958
Box 9, Folder 22 Geyer, Janet
1 item

Contents Note: Re:subscription, sympathy, Christmas greetings. Gernsbuck letters include Forecast 1954, a Christmas periodical produced by Gernsback, Christmas 1953.
Box 13, Folder 1-2 Gibbs, Mary L.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, Smith's translations from Baudelaire.
circa 1913 July 8, undated
Box 13, Folder 1-2 Gilcher, Edwin L.
8 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, Smith's translations from Baudelaire.
1933-1954, undated
Box 13, Folder 3 Gllings, Walter H.
3 items

Contents Note: Re: Tales of Wonder, purchase of carvings.
Box 13, Folder 3 Glackin, Anne
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Tales of Wonder, purchase of carvings.
Box 13, Folder 3 Glassman, Irving
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Tales of Wonder, purchase of carvings.
1950 November 13
Box 13, Folder 4 Gleaves, Clark M.
5 items

Contents Note: Contents: purchase of carvings, rejection of fiction.
1948-1949, undated
Box 13, Folder 4 The Golden Book
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: purchase of carvings, rejection of fiction.
1933 March 23
Box 13, Folder 5 Good Story Publishing Co.:
3 items

Contents Note: Re: consideration of Smith's work, purchase of carvings, Smith's library.
Box 13, Folder 5 Goree, B. K.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: consideration of Smith's work, purchase of carvings, Smith's library.
1934 October 26
Box 13, Folder 5 Gotham Book Mart
1 item

Contents Note: Re: consideration of Smith's work, purchase of carvings, Smith's library.
1931 December 7
Box 13, Folder 5 Grant, Donald M.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: consideration of Smith's work, purchase of carvings, Smith's library.
1961 November-December
Box 13, Folder 6 Grant, Joseph W.
5 items

Contents Note: Re:a poem by Smith set to music.
Box 13, Folder 6 The Graphic
1 item

Contents Note: Re:a poem by Smith set to music.
1911 June 2
Box 13, Folder 7 The Greens
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, purchase of carvings.
circa 1947 December 27
Box 13, Folder 7 Greene, Jean
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, purchase of carvings.
circa 1946-1949
Box 13, Folder 7 Gregg, Andrew
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, purchase of carvings.
circa 1950 April 26
Box 13, Folder 8-10 Gregory, Mrs. Kenneth
13 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs.
1957-1962, undated
Box 13, Folder 8-10 Gregory, Susan
3 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs.
1931, undated
Box 13, Folder 8-10 Griffith, Josephine
2 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs.
circa 1941-1942
Box 13, Folder 8-10 Griffith, Helen
1 item

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs.
1933 October 22
Box 13, Folder 11 Griffin, Margaret
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, purchase of carvings, personal affairs.
circa 1937 April 15
Box 13, Folder 11 Grill, Philip J.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, purchase of carvings, personal affairs.
1957, undated
Box 13, Folder 11 Grimmer, Ernest
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, purchase of carvings, personal affairs.
1949 July 18
Box 13, Folder 11 Grogan, J. T.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, purchase of carvings, personal affairs.
circa 1959 April 6
Box 13, Folder 11 Gross, P. W.
2 items

Contents Note: Contents: sale of books, Smith's fiction.
circa 1951 February
Box 13, Folder 12 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: sale of books, Smith's fiction.
circa 1946 October 11
Box 13, Folder 12 Gruber, Jack
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: sale of books, Smith's fiction.
1948 July 6
Box 13, Folder 12 Gunn, Don
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: sale of books, Smith's fiction.
1938 May
Box 13, Folder 13-27 Haas, George F.
72 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, personal affairs, fantastic fiction, Buddhism, poetry, gardening, purchase of volumes and sculptures.
1953-1971, undated
Box 13, Folder 13-27 Hadlow, Sybil
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, personal affairs, fantastic fiction, Buddhism, poetry, gardening, purchase of volumes and sculptures.
1928 July 6
Box 13, Folder 13-27 Hall, Richard N.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, personal affairs, fantastic fiction, Buddhism, poetry, gardening, purchase of volumes and sculptures.
1956 July 24
Box 13, Folder 13-27 Hamilton, Emily
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, personal affairs, fantastic fiction, Buddhism, poetry, gardening, purchase of volumes and sculptures.
Box 13, Folder 1-2 Hamilton, Fletcher and Ruth
11 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs.
circa 1939-1942, undated
Box 13, Folder 1-2 Hammond, Dave
1 item

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs.
1951 August 24
Box 13, Folder 3 Hansen, Charles
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, rejection of work, Smith's poetry, Poetry World.
1942 March 14
Box 13, Folder 3 Harper & Brothers
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, rejection of work, Smith's poetry, Poetry World.
Box 13, Folder 3 Harrison, Harry
3 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, rejection of work, Smith's poetry, Poetry World.
Box 13, Folder 4-5 Hart, Dale
1 item

Contents Note: Re: George Sterling, John Dorman, Smith's poetry, music.
1956 March 16
Box 13, Folder 4-5 Hart, James D.
4 items

Contents Note: Re: George Sterling, John Dorman, Smith's poetry, music.
Box 13, Folder 4-5 Hart, Moss
1 item

Contents Note: Re: George Sterling, John Dorman, Smith's poetry, music.
1961 September 23
Box 13, Folder 4-5 Hart, Walter L.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: George Sterling, John Dorman, Smith's poetry, music.
1955 October 14
Box 13, Folder 4-5 Harmann, Arthur
2 items

Contents Note: Re: George Sterling, John Dorman, Smith's poetry, music.
1912 October-November
Box 13, Folder 6 Haupt, Dorothy R.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: The Hyborian Legion, Smith's poetry and fiction.
1970 June 3
Box 13, Folder 6 Heap, George R.
3 items

Contents Note: Re: The Hyborian Legion, Smith's poetry and fiction.
circa 1956-1957
Box 13, Folder 6 Hebenstreit, Lucy
1 item

Contents Note: Re: The Hyborian Legion, Smith's poetry and fiction.
1954 November
Box 13, Folder 6 Heffern, Richard
2 items

Contents Note: Re: The Hyborian Legion, Smith's poetry and fiction.
Box 13, Folder 7-16 Heiberg, Loar
1 item

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, distribution of Smith's volumes. Includes newspaper. clippings on Smith.
Box 13, Folder 7-16 Heiple, Ethel
49 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, distribution of Smith's volumes. Includes newspaper. clippings on Smith.
Box 13, Folder 17 Held, Claude
2 items

Contents Note: Re:Smith's library, clipping service, Smith's poetry and fiction.
1962 November-December
Box 13, Folder 17 Helmstreet Press Clippings
1 item

Contents Note: Re:Smith's library, clipping service, Smith's poetry and fiction.
1926 June 29
Box 13, Folder 17 Herkomer, Blanche
1 item

Contents Note: Re:Smith's library, clipping service, Smith's poetry and fiction.
Box 13, Folder 17 Hevelin, James
1 item

Contents Note: Re:Smith's library, clipping service, Smith's poetry and fiction.
1946 February 23
Box 13, Folder 18-20 Heyer, Violet
2 items

Contents Note: Re:Smith's volumes, personal affairs, sympathy.
Box 13, Folder 18-20 Hilford, Janet and Mike
1 item

Contents Note: Re:Smith's volumes, personal affairs, sympathy.
Box 13, Folder 18-20 Hill, Mrs. Max
9 items

Contents Note: Re:Smith's volumes, personal affairs, sympathy.
Box 13, Folder 18-20 Hinton, Mary S.
1 item

Contents Note: Re:Smith's volumes, personal affairs, sympathy.
circa 1935 December 19
Box 13, Folder 18-20 Hiramatsu, Paul
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, personal affairs, sympathy.
1961 December 2
Box 13, Folder 21-22 Hoffman, R. A.
29 items

Contents Note: Re:fantastic fiction, The Acolyte, personal affairs.
Box 13, Folder 1-3 Hoffman, R. A. (continued)
Box 13, Folder 4-6 Hoffman, Stuart S.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, publication of Smith's fiction, personal affairs.
1963 February 16
Box 13, Folder 4-6 Holland, Kenneth M.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, publication of Smith's fiction, personal affairs.
Box 13, Folder 4-6 Hollingsworth, Mrs. Richard B.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, publication of Smith's fiction, personal affairs.
1958 May 19
Box 13, Folder 4-6 Honig, Harry
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, publication of Smith's fiction, personal affairs.
circa 1943 July 5
Box 13, Folder 4-6 Hoppings, Edith
9 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, publication of Smith's fiction, personal affairs.
1953-1960, undated
Box 13, Folder 4-6 Horn, Maude
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, publication of Smith's fiction, personal affairs.
1926 May 24
Box 13, Folder 7-8 Hornig, Charles D.
9 items

Contents Note: Contents: fantastic fiction, The Fantasy Fan.
Box 13, Folder 7-8 Houg, Doug
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: fantastic fiction, The Fantasy Fan.
1960 November 19
Box 13, Folder 9 Howard, Robert E.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, purchase of volumes and carvings.
circa 1933 December 20
Box 13, Folder 9 Hughes, Mrs. Herlon
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, purchase of volumes and carvings.
1947 May
Box 13, Folder 9 Hulbert, George
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, purchase of volumes and carvings.
Box 13, Folder 10 Hunt, John H.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes and fiction, sale of letters from George Sterling.
Box 13, Folder 10 Hunt, Roy
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes and fiction, sale of letters from George Sterling.
Box 13, Folder 10 Huntington Library and Art Gallery
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes and fiction, sale of letters from George Sterling.
1957 September 20
Box 13, Folder 10 Huntoon, Perry
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes and fiction, sale of letters from George Sterling.
1957 March 14
Box 13, Folder 11-12 International Book finders:
1 item

Contents Note: Re: advertisement, fantastic fiction, Weird Tales, personal affairs.
1959 August 25
Box 13, Folder 11-12 International Council of Religious Education:
1 item

Contents Note: Re: advertisement, fantastic fiction, Weird Tales, personal affairs.
1948 July 27
Box 13, Folder 11-12 Jacobi, Carl
8 items

Contents Note: Re: advertisement, fantastic fiction, Weird Tales, personal affairs.
1932-1934, undated
Box 13, Folder 11-12 Jacobs, Pauline R.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: advertisement, fantastic fiction, Weird Tales, personal affairs.
circa 1948 October 9
Box 13, Folder 13-14 James, C. Olon
1 item

Contents Note: Re:Smith's poetry, Vachel Lindsay, personal affairs.
1913 May 27
Box 13, Folder 13-14 Johannsen, W.
1 item

Contents Note: Re:Smith's poetry, Vachel Lindsay, personal affairs.
1927 November 20
Box 13, Folder 13-14 Jones, Evelyn T.
1 item

Contents Note: Re:Smith's poetry, Vachel Lindsay, personal affairs.
1954 November 4
Box 13, Folder 13-14 Kaleidograph (Kaleidoscope)
3 items

Contents Note: Re:Smith's poetry, Vachel Lindsay, personal affairs.
Box 13, Folder 13-14 Kalin, Paul
1 item

Contents Note: Re:Smith's poetry, Vachel Lindsay, personal affairs.
1955 May 26
Box 13, Folder 13-14 Jones, Emily C.
1 item

Contents Note: Re:Smith's poetry, Vachel Lindsay, personal affairs.
1939 May 4
Box 13, Folder 15-16 Kane, Douglas V.
3 items

Contents Note: Re: extracting payment from Gernsback Publications, death of Smith, TV interview of Smith. One letter co-written with Eric Barker.
1942-1948, undated
Box 13, Folder 15-16 Kaplan, Maurice W.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: extracting payment from Gernsback Publications, death of Smith, TV interview of Smith. One letter co-written with Eric Barker.
1935 July 19
Box 13, Folder 15-16 Henry and Nicki Kato
7 items

Contents Note: Re: extracting payment from Gernsback Publications, death of Smith, TV interview of Smith. One letter co-written with Eric Barker.
Box 13, Folder 15-16 KCRA-TV
2 items

Contents Note: Re: extracting payment from Gernsback Publications, death of Smith, TV interview of Smith. One letter co-written with Eric Barker.
1958 May
Box 13, Folder 17 Keep, Rosalind A.
3 items

Contents Note: Contents: Smith's poetry, Mills College, advertisements.
Box 13, Folder 17 Keil, George
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: Smith's poetry, Mills College, advertisements.
1956 August 27
Box 13, Folder 17 Kelley, George F.
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: Smith's poetry, Mills College, advertisements.
circa 1939 October 13
Box 13, Folder 18-19 Kelley, Mrs. Ralph
2 items

Contents Note: Re: literary criticism, science fiction, Smith's poetry and fiction.
Box 13, Folder 18-19 Kemp, Earl
2 items

Contents Note: Re: literary criticism, science fiction, Smith's poetry and fiction.
circa 1959 October-December
Box 13, Folder 18-19 Kendall, Carlton
7 items

Contents Note: Re: literary criticism, science fiction, Smith's poetry and fiction.
Box 13, Folder 20 Kenton, Bernard J.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, purchase of carvings.
1932 February 3
Box 13, Folder 20 Kimmach, Myron
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, purchase of carvings.
1948 July 10
Box 13, Folder 20 King, Herman Stowell
23 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, purchase of carvings.
Box 13, Folder 1-4 King, Herman Stowell (continued)
Box 13, Folder 5 Kirk, George
5 items

Contents Note: Re: Samuel Loveman.
Box 13, Folder 6 Kivi-aho, Lempi
6 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, Sandalwood.
circa 1943-1953
Box 13, Folder 6 Kleines, Rheinhart
1 item

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, Sandalwood.
1925 November 20
Box 13, Folder 7 Otis Kline Associates
5 items

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, Smith's poetry, book business.
1934-1950, undated
Box 13, Folder 7 Knight, Goodwin J.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, Smith's poetry, book business.
1958 April 2
Box 13, Folder 7 Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, Smith's poetry, book business.
1961 June
Box 13, Folder 8-12 Koenig, Herman C.
23 items

Contents Note: Contents: Smith's fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, Weird Tales, bibliography, William Hope Hodgson.
1933-1958, undated
Box 13, Folder 13 Koennicke, Mary Jane
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, bibliography, radio interview of Smith, sympathy.
1947 December 4
Box 13, Folder 13 Kongslie, D.B. & Alice
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, bibliography, radio interview of Smith, sympathy.
1958 April 12
Box 13, Folder 13 Konrath, Mrs. Robert
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, bibliography, radio interview of Smith, sympathy.
1956 February 24
Box 13, Folder 13 KPFA
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, bibliography, radio interview of Smith, sympathy.
circa 1956 October 6
Box 13, Folder 13 Kriechbaum, M.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, bibliography, radio interview of Smith, sympathy.
1935 September 16
Box 13, Folder 14 Krueger, Kenneth J.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: publication of Smith's stories, fantastic fiction, Robert Bloch, Smith's poetry.
Box 13, Folder 14 Kuttner, Henry
6 items

Contents Note: Re: publication of Smith's stories, fantastic fiction, Robert Bloch, Smith's poetry.
Box 13, Folder 14 Lafleur, Harry
1 item

Contents Note: Re: publication of Smith's stories, fantastic fiction, Robert Bloch, Smith's poetry.
1920 January 1
Box 13, Folder 15 Laforge, A.
6 items

Contents Note: Re: French publishers, personal affairs.
Box 13, Folder 16-21 Lane, Bruce
32 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes. fantastic-fiction, rocks, Smith's carvings.
1949-1953, undated
Box 17, Folder 1 Lane, Mrs. and Howell, Mae
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, The Acolyte, a Smith bibliography, receipt of book.
circa 1936 December 17
Box 17, Folder 1 Laney, Francis T.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, The Acolyte, a Smith bibliography, receipt of book.
Box 17, Folder 1 Largent, Mary
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, The Acolyte, a Smith bibliography, receipt of book.
Box 17, Folder 1 Larsson, Raymond E.F.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, The Acolyte, a Smith bibliography, receipt of book.
circa 1935 November 18
Box 17, Folder 2 Laughlin, Clarence John
6 items

Contents Note: Re: Science fiction, modern literature.
Box 17, Folder 2 LaVay, Anton
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Science fiction, modern literature.
Box 17, Folder 3 Law, Ian M.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith 's poetry, political campaigns writings and artwork, H. P Lovecraft.
Box 17, Folder 3 Lee, Muna
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith 's poetry, political campaigns writings and artwork, H. P Lovecraft.
1914 August 24, undated
Box 17, Folder 3 Lee, William G.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith 's poetry, political campaigns writings and artwork, H. P Lovecraft.
1938 August 22
Box 17, Folder 4 Leiber, Fritz
5 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, H.P. Lovecraft.
circa 1954-1961
Box 17, Folder 4 Leopardi, Giacomo
Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, H.P. Lovecraft.
Physical Description Note: 1item
Box 17, Folder 5-6 Leslie, Jack
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volume, science fiction, George Sterling, personal affairs.
1934 December 27
Box 17, Folder 5-6 Lewis, Alan J.
3 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volume, science fiction, George Sterling, personal affairs.
Box 17, Folder 5-6 Liberty Book Store
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volume, science fiction, George Sterling, personal affairs.
1950 September 19
Box 17, Folder 5-6 Liljencrantz, Thor
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volume, science fiction, George Sterling, personal affairs.
1964 October 16
Box 17, Folder 5-6 Linsley, Edward Stanton
4 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volume, science fiction, George Sterling, personal affairs.
Box 17, Folder 7 Litz, Jack, Alice and Dick
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greeting, Smith's poetry, rejection of Smith's work.
circa 1936 December 18
Box 17, Folder 7 Livezey, Herman
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greeting, Smith's poetry, rejection of Smith's work.
1934 March
Box 17, Folder 7 Lloyd, Cecil Francis
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greeting, Smith's poetry, rejection of Smith's work.
circa 1920 February 6
Box 17, Folder 7 The London Mercury
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greeting, Smith's poetry, rejection of Smith's work.
Box 17, Folder 8-9 Lord, Glenn
13 items

Contents Note: Re: Robert E. Howard, Smith's volumes and library. Includes transcript of a poem, "The Sea," by Robert E. Howard.
Box 17, Folder 10-15 Lorraine, Lilith (pseud. of Mary M. Wright)
32 items

Contents Note: Re: Robert E. Howard, Smith's volumes and library. Includes transcript of a poem, "The Sea," by Robert E. Howard.
Box 17, Folder 10-15 Los Angeles Public Library
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Robert E. Howard, Smith's volumes and library. Includes transcript of a poem, "The Sea," by Robert E. Howard.
1932 April-July
Box 17, Folder 16 Lovecraft, H.P.
5 items

Contents Note: Re: R. H. Barlow. Includes newspaper clippings about Lovecraft and the weird.
circa November 1934, undated
Box 17, Folder 17-20 Loveman, Samuel
112 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, bibliophily, George Sterling, Arthur Symons, Ambrose Bierce, Edgar Saltus, Vincent Starrett, George Kirk, Hart Crane. Included are printed and manuscript copies of Loveman's poetry, prose-poetry, and translations. One letter is co-written by Loveman and Eric Barker.
1914-1970, undated
Box 17, Folder 1-18 Loveman, Samuel
1914-1970, undated
Box 17, Folder 19 Lowndes, Robert A. W.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction and poetry, stenography service.
Box 17, Folder 19 Lozano and Sawyer
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction and poetry, stenography service.
1912 October 23
Box 17, Folder 19 Lucy, Allen
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction and poetry, stenography service.
1929 September
Box 17, Folder 20 Ludwig, Edward W.
6 items

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction and fandom, Fantastic Worlds.
circa 1945-1953
Box 17, Folder 21-23 Lumley, William
12 items

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, H. P. Lovecraft.
1933-1936, undated
Box 17, Folder 24-25 Lundborg, Florence
1 item

Contents Note: Smith's fiction, poetry, and artwork, Harold Vinal.
1918 August 9
Box 17, Folder 24-25 Lupardus, Dwight
2 items

Contents Note: Smith's fiction, poetry, and artwork, Harold Vinal.
1957 September
Box 17, Folder 24-25 Lyman, Helen Hoy
1 item

Contents Note: Smith's fiction, poetry, and artwork, Harold Vinal.
Box 17, Folder 24-25 Lyman, W. W.
5 items

Contents Note: Smith's fiction, poetry, and artwork, Harold Vinal.
circa 1926-1953
Box 17, Folder 24-25 The Lyric West
2 items

Contents Note: Smith's fiction, poetry, and artwork, Harold Vinal.
1922 May-November
Box 17, Folder 24-25 McBride, Mrs. Geraldine
1 item

Contents Note: Smith's fiction, poetry, and artwork, Harold Vinal.
1946 July 21
Box 17, Folder 24-25 The Lyric Year
2 items

Contents Note: Smith's fiction, poetry, and artwork, Harold Vinal.
Box 17, Folder 26-27 The McCall Co.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Rejection of work, purchase of carvings, George Haas.
Box 17, Folder 26-27 Kirby McCauley
11 items

Contents Note: Re: Rejection of work, purchase of carvings, George Haas.
Box 17, Folder 28 S. S. McClure Co.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Rejection and publication of Smith's poetry, science fiction, personal affairs.
Box 17, Folder 28 A. C. McClurg & Co.:
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Rejection and publication of Smith's poetry, science fiction, personal affairs.
1930 March 25
Box 17, Folder 28 MacDermott, Aubrey M.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Rejection and publication of Smith's poetry, science fiction, personal affairs.
1932 June 15
Box 17, Folder 28 McElfresh, S.A.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Rejection and publication of Smith's poetry, science fiction, personal affairs.
1942, August-September
Box 17, Folder 28 Mackay, Margueret M.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Rejection and publication of Smith's poetry, science fiction, personal affairs.
circa 1938 April 23
Box 17, Folder 29-30 McHenry, Louise
1 item

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, Smith's fiction and carvings.
1942 September 23
Box 17, Folder 29-30 The McKinsteys
1 item

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, Smith's fiction and carvings.
Box 17, Folder 29-30 The MacMillan Co.,
1 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, Smith's fiction and carvings.
1920 February 24
Box 17, Folder 29-30 McNeil, M.
9 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, Smith's fiction and carvings.
1951-1958, undated
Box 17, Folder 1-2 The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (Anthony Boucher)
9 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction and carvings.
Box 17, Folder 1-2 Mahoney, David
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction and carvings.
1936 February 19
Box 17, Folder 1-2 Marble, Mrs. P.J.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction and carvings.
1949 October 24
Box 17, Folder 3 Markham, David
3 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction and carvings, Donald Wandrei.
Box 17, Folder 3 Markman, Joel
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction and carvings, Donald Wandrei.
1949, July-December
Box 17, Folder 4 Marsh, Charles H.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: shoes, reprinting of Smith's fiction, a portrait of Smith, sympathy.
1918 October 2
Box 17, Folder 4 Marson's Men's Store
1 item

Contents Note: Re: shoes, reprinting of Smith's fiction, a portrait of Smith, sympathy.
1960 February 19
Box 17, Folder 4 Mashburn, Kirk
2 items

Contents Note: Re: shoes, reprinting of Smith's fiction, a portrait of Smith, sympathy.
Box 17, Folder 4 Matheson, Anna
1 item

Contents Note: Re: shoes, reprinting of Smith's fiction, a portrait of Smith, sympathy.
1961 August 17
Box 17, Folder 4 Mattei, Charles
2 items

Contents Note: Re: shoes, reprinting of Smith's fiction, a portrait of Smith, sympathy.
Box 17, Folder 5 Meacham, Phyllis
3 items

Contents Note: Re: George Sterling, reprinting of Smith's fiction, personal affairs.
1948 March-July
Box 17, Folder 5 Merlin Press, Inc.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: George Sterling, reprinting of Smith's fiction, personal affairs.
1949 November 1
Box 17, Folder 5 Merrick, Mrs. E. P.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: George Sterling, reprinting of Smith's fiction, personal affairs.
19(?) October 5
Box 17, Folder 6 Meyer, Mrs. William A.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings, Smith's poetry, subscription.
1938 March 10
Box 17, Folder 6 Meynell, Wilfred
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings, Smith's poetry, subscription.
1921 January 25
Box 17, Folder 6 The Midland
2 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings, Smith's poetry, subscription.
Box 17, Folder 7-17 Mihan, Leo B.
52 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, literature, George Sterling, H. P. Lovecraft.
circa 1917-1929, undated
Box 17, Folder 18 Miller, Henry
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Plexus, contributions of poetry, purchase of volumes and carvings, personal affairs.
1954 February
Box 17, Folder 18 Miller, Howard
3 items

Contents Note: Re: Plexus, contributions of poetry, purchase of volumes and carvings, personal affairs.
Box 17, Folder 18 Miller, M.L.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Plexus, contributions of poetry, purchase of volumes and carvings, personal affairs.
Box 17, Folder 18 Miller Jr., William
3 items

Contents Note: Re: Plexus, contributions of poetry, purchase of volumes and carvings, personal affairs.
Box 17, Folder 18 Miller, Walter E.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Plexus, contributions of poetry, purchase of volumes and carvings, personal affairs.
circa 1957 March 13
Box 17, Folder 19 Mills, J. Warner
2 items

Contents Note: Contents: purchase of carvings and papers by Smith.
1949 October-November
Box 17, Folder 19 Mills College
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: purchase of carvings and papers by Smith.
1957 October 17
Box 17, Folder 1-6 Minck, Grace Stillman (née Penfield)
32 items

Contents Note: Re:Smith's fiction and poetry, personal affairs.
1931-1950, undated
Box 17, Folder 7 Miner, Von C.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, fantastic fiction.
1933 June 21
Box 17, Folder 7 Minogue, Charles D.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, fantastic fiction.
1948 May
Box 17, Folder 7 Miske, Chapman J.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, fantastic fiction.
1938 March 10
Box 17, Folder 7 Moe, Maurice W.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, fantastic fiction.
1937 August 20
Box 17, Folder 8-9 Montague, Mrs. John E.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: George Sterling, Nora May French, invitation to meeting, Smith's fiction and poetry, a review of Smith's volume, personal affairs.
circa 1960 May 31
Box 17, Folder 8-9 Monterey Bay Area Library Executives
1 item

Contents Note: Re: George Sterling, Nora May French, invitation to meeting, Smith's fiction and poetry, a review of Smith's volume, personal affairs.
1961 March 27
Box 17, Folder 8-9 Moore, Catherine L.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: George Sterling, Nora May French, invitation to meeting, Smith's fiction and poetry, a review of Smith's volume, personal affairs.
1937 October 27
Box 17, Folder 8-9 Moore, Theodore
1 item

Contents Note: Re: George Sterling, Nora May French, invitation to meeting, Smith's fiction and poetry, a review of Smith's volume, personal affairs.
1955 March 16
Box 17, Folder 8-9 Morlan, Harry and Alice
6 items

Contents Note: Re: George Sterling, Nora May French, invitation to meeting, Smith's fiction and poetry, a review of Smith's volume, personal affairs.
1960 March-December
Box 17, Folder 10 Morse, Richard Ely
4 items

Contents Note: Re: H. P. Lovecraft, Smith's fiction, fantastic art, Weird Tales, science fiction.
Box 17, Folder 10 Moskowitz, Sam
3 items

Contents Note: Re: H. P. Lovecraft, Smith's fiction, fantastic art, Weird Tales, science fiction.
Box 17, Folder 11 Munn, Mr. and Mrs. H. Warner
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings, rejection of verse, personal affairs.
circa 1931 May 19
Box 17, Folder 11 The Munsey Publications
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings, rejection of verse, personal affairs.
circa 1925 March 23
Box 17, Folder 11 Murdock, John W.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings, rejection of verse, personal affairs.
1953 October 13
Box 17, Folder 12 National Broadcasting Co., Inc.
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: radio interview of Smith, the Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence, death of Robert Nelson.
1946 February 8
Box 17, Folder 12 National Poetry Center
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: radio interview of Smith, the Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence, death of Robert Nelson.
circa 1940 August 30
Box 17, Folder 12 Meesham, Aubrey
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: radio interview of Smith, the Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence, death of Robert Nelson.
1957 August 22
Box 17, Folder 12 Nelson, Mrs. Elmer
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: radio interview of Smith, the Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence, death of Robert Nelson.
1935 September 10
Box 17, Folder 13-16 Nelson, Robert
22 items

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction and poetry, Weird Tales, The Fantasy Fan.
circa 1934 January-December
Box 17, Folder 17-18 Nevins, John
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, acceptance and rejection of poetry, The Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence.
1948 May 28
Box 17, Folder 17-18 The New American Library
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, acceptance and rejection of poetry, The Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence.
1955 June 7
Box 17, Folder 17-18 The New Fiction Publishing Co.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, acceptance and rejection of poetry, The Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence.
1916 December 12
Box 17, Folder 17-18 The New Magazine
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, acceptance and rejection of poetry, The Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence.
Box 17, Folder 17-18 The New Orleans Poetry Journal
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, acceptance and rejection of poetry, The Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence.
Box 17, Folder 17-18 The New York Magazine Program
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, acceptance and rejection of poetry, The Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence.
circa 1930 August
Box 17, Folder 17-18 The New York Public Library
3 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, acceptance and rejection of poetry, The Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence.
Box 17, Folder 19 The New Yorker
2 items

Contents Note: Re: rejection of work, purchase of volumes, poetry awards.
Box 17, Folder 19 Newbegin's
2 items

Contents Note: Re: rejection of work, purchase of volumes, poetry awards.
Box 17, Folder 19 Newland, Martha
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of work, purchase of volumes, poetry awards.
1922 September 25
Box 21, Folder 1-2 Newton, Ayesha
8 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, purchase of carvings, Smith's poetry.
1942 July-October
Box 21, Folder 1-2 Nickman, Steven
1 item

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, purchase of carvings, Smith's poetry.
1951 April 16
Box 21, Folder 1-2 Nicol, Gertrude Dix
2 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, purchase of carvings, Smith's poetry.
1915, undated
Box 21, Folder 1-2 Nicol, R.A.
1 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, purchase of carvings, Smith's poetry.
1918 October 31
Box 21, Folder 3 Nordyke Publishing Co.
2 items

Contents Note: Contents: publication of sheet music by Smith, reprinting of Smith's poetry.
Box 21, Folder 3 North, James Neill
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: publication of sheet music by Smith, reprinting of Smith's poetry.
circa 1934 April 29
Box 21, Folder 4-12 Novack, Marilyn and Nicki
45 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs.
1952-1962, undated
Box 21, Folder 13 Novel Magazine
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of work, a manuscript by Smith, publication of Smith's fiction, personal affairs.
Box 21, Folder 13 O'Brien, Mrs. Frederick
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of work, a manuscript by Smith, publication of Smith's fiction, personal affairs.
1920 August 23
Box 21, Folder 13 O'Connor, Paul Dennis
2 items

Contents Note: Re: rejection of work, a manuscript by Smith, publication of Smith's fiction, personal affairs.
1947 April 3, undated
Box 21, Folder 13 Olmstead, Charles S.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of work, a manuscript by Smith, publication of Smith's fiction, personal affairs.
1938 January 15
Box 21, Folder 14-15 Olmstead, Mr. and Mrs. Harry M.
4 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, acceptance of work, Smith's translations from Baudelaire.
circa 1929-1938, undated
Box 21, Folder 14-15 Olschki, Leo L, Editor
1 item

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, acceptance of work, Smith's translations from Baudelaire.
Box 21, Folder 14-15 Oriental Stories (Farnsworth Wright)
3 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, acceptance of work, Smith's translations from Baudelaire.
Box 21, Folder 14-15 Orton, Vrest
1 item

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, acceptance of work, Smith's translations from Baudelaire.
1926 May 8
Box 21, Folder 16-18 The Overland Monthly
4 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry and fiction.
Box 21, Folder 16-18 Overstreet, Emily H.
13 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry and fiction.
1912-146, undated
Box 21, Folder 16-18 Oxford University Press
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry and fiction.
1937 February 15
Box 21, Folder 19 Pace, Tom
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, the Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence, Smith's poetry, acceptance of work.
1944 June 22
Box 21, Folder 19 Pacific Books, Publisher
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, the Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence, Smith's poetry, acceptance of work.
1959 August 28
Box 21, Folder 19 Palmer, A. P.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, the Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence, Smith's poetry, acceptance of work.
1961 December 16
Box 21, Folder 19 Palmer, John
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, the Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence, Smith's poetry, acceptance of work.
Box 21, Folder 19 Pardini, Albert L.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, the Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence, Smith's poetry, acceptance of work.
1951 December 12
Box 21, Folder 19 La Paree Stories
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, the Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence, Smith's poetry, acceptance of work.
1931 June 2
Box 21, Folder 20 The Paris Review
3 items

Contents Note: Contents: rejection of Smith's poetry, VVV, purchase of carvings.
1955, undated
Box 21, Folder 20 Parker, K. Lawrence
2 items

Contents Note: Contents: rejection of Smith's poetry, VVV, purchase of carvings.
Box 21, Folder 20 Parker, Robert Allerton
2 items

Contents Note: Contents: rejection of Smith's poetry, VVV, purchase of carvings.
Box 21, Folder 21 Partridge, Frank A.
6 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs.
circa 1942-1956, undated
Box 21, Folder 21 Paxton, George W.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs.
1946 July 15
Box 21, Folder 22-24 Pendleton, Emmett
14 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs.
Box 21, Folder 1-2 Penoyer, Kenneth
2 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, purchase of volumes and manuscripts, Smith's writings and carvings.
circa 1935 October-November
Box 21, Folder 1-2 Perry, Earl
4 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, purchase of volumes and manuscripts, Smith's writings and carvings.
Box 21, Folder 1-2 Perry, Francis L.
3 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, purchase of volumes and manuscripts, Smith's writings and carvings.
1948-1958, undated
Box 21, Folder 3-5 Petaja, Emil
14 items

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction and poetry, H.P. Lovecraft.
Box 21, Folder 6 Peterson, Harold
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Robert Nelson, purchase of volumes, acceptance of work, request for donation, invitation to classroom.
1934 November 26
Box 21, Folder 6 Peterson, Robert C.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Robert Nelson, purchase of volumes, acceptance of work, request for donation, invitation to classroom.
1957 March 10
Box 21, Folder 6 Phillippine Magazine
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Robert Nelson, purchase of volumes, acceptance of work, request for donation, invitation to classroom.
Box 21, Folder 6 Pine Woods School
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Robert Nelson, purchase of volumes, acceptance of work, request for donation, invitation to classroom.
Box 21, Folder 6 Placer College
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Robert Nelson, purchase of volumes, acceptance of work, request for donation, invitation to classroom.
1947 May 26
Box 21, Folder 7-8 Planas, Robert Fuentes
2 items

Contents Note: Contents: purchase and autographing of volumes, requests for contributions.
Box 21, Folder 7-8 Plant, Albert F.
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: purchase and autographing of volumes, requests for contributions.
1957 October 25
Box 21, Folder 7-8 Pocsik, John
3 items

Contents Note: Contents: purchase and autographing of volumes, requests for contributions.
Box 21, Folder 7-8 The Poet
2 items

Contents Note: Contents: purchase and autographing of volumes, requests for contributions.
circa 1947 November 26, undated
Box 21, Folder 9-11 Poetry
15 items

Contents Note: Re: acceptances, rejections, and reprinting of poetry, judging for poetry contest.
1912-1947, undated
Box 21, Folder 9-11 Poetry Promenade
1 item

Contents Note: Re: acceptances, rejections, and reprinting of poetry, judging for poetry contest.
circa 1942 April 4
Box 21, Folder 9-11 The Poetry Society of Texas
1 item

Contents Note: Re: acceptances, rejections, and reprinting of poetry, judging for poetry contest.
1947 September 20
Box 21, Folder 12-14 Pollock, Francis L.
18 items

Contents Note: Re: poetry, Smith's volumes.
1937-1947, undated
Box 21, Folder 15 Popular Publications, Inc.
4 items

Contents Note: Re: rejections of poetry, W. E. Schott.
1949-1950, undated
Box 21, Folder 15 Power, Olive Marion
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejections of poetry, W. E. Schott.
1958 May 11
Box 21, Folder 16-17 Pratt, Harry Noyes
9 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's writings and artwork.
circa 1927-1947, undated
Box 21, Folder 18-24 Price, E. Hoffman
53 items

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, Weird Tales,Bernard Austin Dwyer, Robert E. Howard, August Derleth. Included is a photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
circa 1932-1970, undated
Box 21, Folder 1-3 Price (continued)
Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, Weird Tales,Bernard Austin Dwyer, Robert E. Howard, August Derleth. Included is a photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
circa 1932-1970, undated
Box 21, Folder 4 Pritchard, K.B.
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: purchase of volumes, personal affairs, reprinting of Ebony and Crystal.
1933 October 13
Box 21, Folder 4 Procissi, Basilio and Pat
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: purchase of volumes, personal affairs, reprinting of Ebony and Crystal.
1959 August 2
Box 21, Folder 4 G.P. Putnam's Sons
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: purchase of volumes, personal affairs, reprinting of Ebony and Crystal.
1924 July 22
Box 21, Folder 5 Rabson, Amy E.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes.
1933 October 11
Box 21, Folder 5 Ramey, Hardin
6 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes.
1953 April-July
Box 21, Folder 5 Rasch, Philip J.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes.
1944 August 10
Box 21, Folder 6 Reading, L.P.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's artwork, purchase of carvings and volumes, Smith's French poetry.
Box 21, Folder 6 Reddy, Robert Bacon
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's artwork, purchase of carvings and volumes, Smith's French poetry.
1937 April 12
Box 21, Folder 6 Reed, Harry T.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's artwork, purchase of carvings and volumes, Smith's French poetry.
1947 March 3
Box 21, Folder 6 Reifschneider, Mark
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's artwork, purchase of carvings and volumes, Smith's French poetry.
1935 December 30
Box 21, Folder 6 Revue des Deux Mondes
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's artwork, purchase of carvings and volumes, Smith's French poetry.
1929 August 5
Box 21, Folder 6 Vrai et du Beau
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's artwork, purchase of carvings and volumes, Smith's French poetry.
1928 March 28
Box 21, Folder 7 Richardson, Anna M.
6 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs.
1925-1935, undated
Box 21, Folder 8-10 Richardson, Robert J.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: H. P. Lovecraft, Weird Tales , R.H. Barlow, E.Hoffmann Price, Emil Petaja, sympathy, Smith's poetry, a visit to Smith, fantastic fiction.
Box 21, Folder 8-10 Reilly, Suzette
1 item

Contents Note: Re: H. P. Lovecraft, Weird Tales , R.H. Barlow, E.Hoffmann Price, Emil Petaja, sympathy, Smith's poetry, a visit to Smith, fantastic fiction.
1935 September 20
Box 21, Folder 8-10 Riggs, Jack
1 item

Contents Note: Re: H. P. Lovecraft, Weird Tales , R.H. Barlow, E.Hoffmann Price, Emil Petaja, sympathy, Smith's poetry, a visit to Smith, fantastic fiction.
1947 March 21
Box 21, Folder 8-10 Rimel, Duane
11 items

Contents Note: Re: H. P. Lovecraft, Weird Tales , R.H. Barlow, E.Hoffmann Price, Emil Petaja, sympathy, Smith's poetry, a visit to Smith, fantastic fiction.
1934-1937, undated
Box 21, Folder 8-10 Richard, Dennis
1 item

Contents Note: Re: H. P. Lovecraft, Weird Tales , R.H. Barlow, E.Hoffmann Price, Emil Petaja, sympathy, Smith's poetry, a visit to Smith, fantastic fiction.
1971 July 22
Box 21, Folder 11 Robbins, Donald C.
3 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings and volume, H. P. Lovecraft, personal affairs.
Box 21, Folder 11 Roberts, Anne Irene
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings and volume, H. P. Lovecraft, personal affairs.
circa 1950 March 24
Box 21, Folder 11 Roberts, Charles H.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings and volume, H. P. Lovecraft, personal affairs.
Box 21, Folder 11 Robinson, George
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings and volume, H. P. Lovecraft, personal affairs.
1955 March 8
Box 21, Folder 12 Robson, Lovina S.
2 items

Contents Note: Contents: purchase of volumes and carvings, Smith's artwork.
Box 21, Folder 12 Rockwell, Dorothy
2 items

Contents Note: Contents: purchase of volumes and carvings, Smith's artwork.
1927 January 25, undated
Box 21, Folder 13 Rocky Mountain Review
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, advertisements of poetry handbooks.
Box 21, Folder 13 Romatka, Anton
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, advertisements of poetry handbooks.
circa 1948 January 13
Box 21, Folder 13 Rosen, R.H.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, advertisements of poetry handbooks.
1955 May 18
Box 21, Folder 14 Rosenblatt, Martin S.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's carvings, personal affairs, George Sterling.
1938 January 24
Box 21, Folder 14 Rosenshine, Annette
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's carvings, personal affairs, George Sterling.
circa 1938 April 14
Box 21, Folder 14 Ross, Harry Dirk
Contents Note: Re: Smith's carvings, personal affairs, George Sterling.
Physical Description Note: 1item
circa 1962 September
Box 21, Folder 14 Ryder, David Warren
4 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's carvings, personal affairs, George Sterling.
Box 21, Folder 15-17 Sackett, Samuel
15 items

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction.
Box 21, Folder 18-20 Sacramento Art Fair
1 item

Contents Note: Re: advertisements, Smith's fantastic fiction and carvings, personal and literary affairs, a crossword puzzle contest.
Box 21, Folder 18-20 St. Claire, Margaret and Ray
13 items

Contents Note: Re: advertisements, Smith's fantastic fiction and carvings, personal and literary affairs, a crossword puzzle contest.
Box 21, Folder 18-20 San Francisco Chronicle
1 item

Contents Note: Re: advertisements, Smith's fantastic fiction and carvings, personal and literary affairs, a crossword puzzle contest.
Box 21, Folder 18-20 San Francisco Examiner
1 item

Contents Note: Re: advertisements, Smith's fantastic fiction and carvings, personal and literary affairs, a crossword puzzle contest.
circa 1925 February 13
Box 21, Folder 1-2 Sather Gate Book Shop
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: purchase of volumes and carvings, acceptances and rejections of work.
1926 January 25
Box 21, Folder 1-2 The Saturday Review of Literature(William Rose Benet
5 items

Contents Note: Contents: purchase of volumes and carvings, acceptances and rejections of work.
1946-1950, undated
Box 21, Folder 1-2 Saul, B. Francis
2 items

Contents Note: Contents: purchase of volumes and carvings, acceptances and rejections of work.
1948 February-March
Box 21, Folder 3-14 Schenck, Marion and Voorhees
60 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, Smith's volumes, stamps, fruit picking.
1942-1961, undated
Box 21, Folder 15 Schmalke, Elva
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's writings and artwork, personal affairs.
1950 January 16
Box 21, Folder 15 Schott, W. E.
6 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's writings and artwork, personal affairs.
Box 21, Folder 16-17 Schultheis, Steven F.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, personal affairs, Smith's writings, fantastic fiction, Fantasy Magazine.
Box 21, Folder 16-17 Schwartz, Julius
6 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, personal affairs, Smith's writings, fantastic fiction, Fantasy Magazine.
Box 21, Folder 16-17 Scott, A.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, personal affairs, Smith's writings, fantastic fiction, Fantasy Magazine.
1937 August 24
Box 21, Folder 16-17 Scott, Eike
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, personal affairs, Smith's writings, fantastic fiction, Fantasy Magazine.
Box 21, Folder 16-17 Scott, Rob
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, personal affairs, Smith's writings, fantastic fiction, Fantasy Magazine.
Box 21, Folder 18-19 Searight, Richard F.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Hugo Gernsback, H. P. Lovecraft, Smith's artwork, purchase of carvings, candidacy for constable.
Box 21, Folder 18-19 Sears, Agnes
5 items

Contents Note: Re: Hugo Gernsback, H. P. Lovecraft, Smith's artwork, purchase of carvings, candidacy for constable.
circa 1920 August-September, undated
Box 21, Folder 18-19 The Secret Bookshop
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Hugo Gernsback, H. P. Lovecraft, Smith's artwork, purchase of carvings, candidacy for constable.
1937 April 23
Box 21, Folder 18-19 Sersen, Joseph
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Hugo Gernsback, H. P. Lovecraft, Smith's artwork, purchase of carvings, candidacy for constable.
1948 February 5
Box 21, Folder 18-19 Shannon, John L.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Hugo Gernsback, H. P. Lovecraft, Smith's artwork, purchase of carvings, candidacy for constable.
1938 August 26
Box 21, Folder 20 Shea, Vernon J.
4 items

Contents Note: Contents: Smith's fiction and poetry, H. P. Lovecraft, Weird Tales, Shea's writings.
Box 21, Folder 21 Shenandoah (Thomas Henry Carter)
3 items

Contents Note: Re: acceptance and rejection of poetry, personal affairs.
1951 August 19, undated
Box 21, Folder 21 Shillinger, Edie
2 items

Contents Note: Re: acceptance and rejection of poetry, personal affairs.
Box 25, Folder 1-2 Short Stories
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of crossword puzzle, advertisement, Smith's writings and art work, Weird Tales, fantastic fiction.
Box 25, Folder 1-2 Shortstory Publishing Co.
3 items

Contents Note: Re: rejection of crossword puzzle, advertisement, Smith's writings and art work, Weird Tales, fantastic fiction.
Box 25, Folder 1-2 John Shroder, Rare Books
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of crossword puzzle, advertisement, Smith's writings and art work, Weird Tales, fantastic fiction.
Box 25, Folder 1-2 Shroyer, Frederick
1 items

Contents Note: Re: rejection of crossword puzzle, advertisement, Smith's writings and art work, Weird Tales, fantastic fiction.
1951 November 27
Box 25, Folder 1-2 Sieger, James R.
6 items

Contents Note: Re: rejection of crossword puzzle, advertisement, Smith's writings and art work, Weird Tales, fantastic fiction.
Box 25, Folder 3 Silent Unity
2 items

Contents Note: Re: religion, Smith's poetry, purchase of volume and carvings.
Box 25, Folder 3 Silvay, Challis
1 item

Contents Note: Re: religion, Smith's poetry, purchase of volume and carvings.
1927 May 7
Box 25, Folder 3 Silverberg, Robert
1 item

Contents Note: Re: religion, Smith's poetry, purchase of volume and carvings.
1955 May 29
Box 25, Folder 3 Simonson, Edgar H.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: religion, Smith's poetry, purchase of volume and carvings.
1948 March 10
Box 25, Folder 4 Simpson, Donald
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Fantasy fandom, George Sterling Manuscripts, libraries, purchase of volume.
1959 May 22
Box 25, Folder 4 Sims, Jerry
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Fantasy fandom, George Sterling Manuscripts, libraries, purchase of volume.
1959 March 29
Box 25, Folder 4 Sinclair, Upton
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Fantasy fandom, George Sterling Manuscripts, libraries, purchase of volume.
1964 June 22
Box 25, Folder 4 Sjoberg, George
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Fantasy fandom, George Sterling Manuscripts, libraries, purchase of volume.
1957 March 30
Box 25, Folder 5 Skoog, Frank W.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings, legal affairs.
circa 1944 July 5, undated
Box 25, Folder 5 Skoon, H.P.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings, legal affairs.
Box 25, Folder 5 Skor, Ole and Florence
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings, legal affairs.
1961 January 17
Box 25, Folder 5 Slade, Margarite B.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings, legal affairs.
Box 25, Folder 5 Slade, W.H.
3 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings, legal affairs.
circa 1941-1942, undated
Box 25, Folder 6 The Smart Set
5 items

Contents Note: Contents: rejection of work, fantastic fiction.
1918, undated
Box 25, Folder 6 Smith, Chester H.
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: rejection of work, fantastic fiction.
1957 November 3
Box 25, Folder 7-22 Smith, Clark Ashton
82 items

Contents Note: Letter to Samuel Loveman, The Book Supply Co., Mrs. Timeus Smith, Los Angeles Public library, Mr. & Mrs Timeus Smith, Claire Beck, Rudolphe Blaettler, Donald A. Wolheim, Eric Barker, The Sacramento Bee, Amazing Stories. Re: personal affairs, literary affairs, George Sterling, Smith's volumes. Some letters contain replies on them by Rudolph Blaettler and Donald A. Wollheim. The majority are envelopes only or incomplete letters.
1903-1941, undated
Box 25, Folder 23-25 Smith, Mrs. Clark Ashton (Carol Jones Smith)
144 items

Contents Note: Letters to Marvel Science Stories, William E. Doud, Rudolph Blaettler, California Book Club, Terry Dorman, Garden Library, Bill and John Dorman, August Derleth, Mrs. Kenneth Gregory, Roy A, Squires, Glen Lord, Chamberlain and Willi (attorneys)L. Sprague de Camp, Donald Sydney Fryer, Donald A. Wollheim, C.F. Wakefield, Larry and Duverne Fasarce, Jeanne Inwood, Paul J. Willis, et. al., Ray Bradbury, Lew David Feldman, The Bollington Foundation, Jack Chalker, Edward Wagenknecht, David Warren Ryder, James Carlisle, Sherman Chickering, Harper & Row, Emil Petaja, Lin Carter, E. Hoffmann Price. Re: the Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence, Smith's volumes and artwork, personal affairs, the Black Book, Robert Elder, Donald Sydney Fryer, H.P. Lovecraft.
Box 25, Folder 1-25 Smith, Mrs. Clark Ashton (Carol Jones Smith) (continued)
Box 25, Folder 1 Smith, Mrs. Clark Ashton (Carol Jones Smith) (continued)
Box 25, Folder 2 Smith, D. B.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings and volumes, Smith's writings.
circa 1949 February 2
Box 25, Folder 2 Smith, Eldred
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings and volumes, Smith's writings.
1948 February 17
Box 25, Folder 2 Smith, John I.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings and volumes, Smith's writings.
1947 March 1
Box 25, Folder 2 John Smith and Son, Ltd.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings and volumes, Smith's writings.
1933 December 4
Box 25, Folder 3-5 Smith, Mr. and Mrs. P.W.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Inside and Science Fiction Advertiser, personal affairs.
1938 January 3
Box 25, Folder 3-5 Smith, Ron
3 items

Contents Note: Re: Inside and Science Fiction Advertiser, personal affairs.
Box 25, Folder 3-5 Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Timeus
15 items

Contents Note: Re: Inside and Science Fiction Advertiser, personal affairs.
Box 25, Folder 6 Smith, W.H. Fenton
3 items

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, rejection of work.
1922-1933, undated
Box 25, Folder 6 Smith's Magazine
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, rejection of work.
Box 25, Folder 6 The South Atlantic Quarterly
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Christmas greetings, rejection of work.
1916 August ?
Box 25, Folder 7 Spencer, George
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings.
1956 June 21
Box 25, Folder 7 Spousta, James M.
5 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of carvings.
Box 25, Folder 8-25 Squires, Roy A.
84 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's writings, personal affairs.
circa 1936-1972, undated
Box 25, Folder 26-27 Standard Magazines, Inc. (Leo Margulies)
9 items

Contents Note: Re: acceptances and rejections of fiction.
Box 25, Folder 26-27 Star Magazine
1 item

Contents Note: Re: acceptances and rejections of fiction.
1931 March 10
Box 25, Folder 28 Steele, Frederick M.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smiths poetry and fiction.
1920 October
Box 25, Folder 28 Stellar Enterprises
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smiths poetry and fiction.
1956 October 16
Box 25, Folder 28 The Step Ladder
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smiths poetry and fiction.
1927 January 6
Box 25, Folder 29 Stewart, J.H.
3 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, Amateur Correspondent.
1942 July-September
Box 25, Folder 29 Stickney, Corwin F.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, Amateur Correspondent.
1937 August-September
Box 25, Folder 30-31 Storr, Sherman
1 item

1945 December 12
Box 25, Folder 30-31 The Strand Magazine
1 item

1929 November 27
Box 25, Folder 30-31 Street and Smith Corp.
2 items

Box 25, Folder 30-31 Strong, Charles S.
1 item

circa 1950 December 20
Box 25, Folder 30-31 Strong, Dennis
2 items

1948 February-September
Box 25, Folder 30-31 Sturmfeder, F.H.
2 items

Box 25, Folder 30-31 Suarez, Salvador
1 item

1948 March
Box 25, Folder 1-25 Sully, Genevieve K.
221 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs.
Box 29, Folder 1-20 Sully, Genevieve K. (continued)
Box 29, Folder 21-24 Sully, Helen
17 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs.
Box 29, Folder 21-24 Sully, Marion
3 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs.
1949, undated
Box 29, Folder 25 Sutton, H.T.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, purchase of volume, science fiction.
circa 1947 April 14
Box 29, Folder 25 Swager, Edgar B.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, purchase of volume, science fiction.
circa 1935 October 11
Box 29, Folder 25 Swanson, Carl
6 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, purchase of volume, science fiction.
Box 29, Folder 1 Swanson, Carl (continued)
Box 29, Folder 2 Sylvester, Margaret
5 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, purchase of carvings.
Box 29, Folder 2 Taylor, A. B.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, purchase of carvings.
circa 1960 December 21
Box 29, Folder 2 Taylor, Dickinson
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, purchase of carvings.
1951 January 9
Box 29, Folder 3 Taylor, Ethel Rose
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: Alma Yeager, Smith's poetry.
circa 1944 August 18
Box 29, Folder 3 Taylor, H. Walker
6 items

Contents Note: Contents: Alma Yeager, Smith's poetry.
Box 29, Folder 4 Taylor, Richard
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's writing and artwork, science fiction, candidacy for state assembly.
1947 January 13
Box 29, Folder 4 The Tetartoids
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's writing and artwork, science fiction, candidacy for state assembly.
Box 29, Folder 4 Thomas, Berle
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's writing and artwork, science fiction, candidacy for state assembly.
Box 29, Folder 5-6 Thorne, Evelyn
3 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, purchase of volume, a letter of comment by Mrs. Smith.
circa 1950-1957
Box 29, Folder 5-6 Thrilling Fiction Group
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, purchase of volume, a letter of comment by Mrs. Smith.
1953, undated
Box 29, Folder 5-6 Thurburn, Malcolm
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, purchase of volume, a letter of comment by Mrs. Smith.
1936, November
Box 29, Folder 5-6 Tierney, Richard L.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, purchase of volume, a letter of comment by Mrs. Smith.
Box 29, Folder 5-6 The Times (London)
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, purchase of volume, a letter of comment by Mrs. Smith.
1958 April 18
Box 29, Folder 7-8 The Times-Picayune (New Orleans)
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of story, purchase of volumes and carvings, Smith's library.
Box 29, Folder 7-8 Tindall, C.E.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of story, purchase of volumes and carvings, Smith's library.
1953 July 30
Box 29, Folder 7-8 Tipton, Gene
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of story, purchase of volumes and carvings, Smith's library.
1959 April 22
Box 29, Folder 7-8 Tolridge, Elizabeth
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of story, purchase of volumes and carvings, Smith's library.
1933 July 5
Box 29, Folder 7-8 Tracewell, Charles E.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: rejection of story, purchase of volumes and carvings, Smith's library.
1944 July 14
Box 29, Folder 7-8 Tracy, Thomas Daniel
3 items

Contents Note: Re: rejection of story, purchase of volumes and carvings, Smith's library.
circa 1961 December, undated
Box 29, Folder 9 Treadway, French H.
3 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, Christmas greetings.
1935 October-November
Box 29, Folder 9 Tremain, F. Orlin
2 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, Christmas greetings.
circa 1933-1936
Box 29, Folder 10 Trend
1 item

Contents Note: Re:rejection of poetry, personal affairs, Smith's artwork.
1932 June 23
Box 29, Folder 10 Trent, Evelyn
2 items

Contents Note: Re:rejection of poetry, personal affairs, Smith's artwork.
Box 29, Folder 10 Tresidder, Peggy
1 item

Contents Note: Re:rejection of poetry, personal affairs, Smith's artwork.
1945 May 30
Box 29, Folder 11 Troubadour
2 items

Contents Note: Contents: request to join editorial staff, literary affairs, invitation to science fiction convention.
Box 29, Folder 11 Tucker, Bob
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: request to join editorial staff, literary affairs, invitation to science fiction convention.
1934 March 7
Box 29, Folder 11 Tulley, Marilyn Rose
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: request to join editorial staff, literary affairs, invitation to science fiction convention.
1959 April 1
Box 29, Folder 12-19 Turner, Katherine
43 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's poetry, Benjamin De Casseres, personal and literary affairs, Grace Aird, China and Japan, E. Hoffmann Price.
1912-1950, undated
Box 29, Folder 20 The Twentieth Century Press
1 item

Contents Note: Re: advertisements, selling manuscripts for motion pictures, bankruptcy proceedings.
circa 1950 March 31
Box 29, Folder 20 Union Library Association:
3 items

Contents Note: Re: advertisements, selling manuscripts for motion pictures, bankruptcy proceedings.
Box 29, Folder 20 United States District Court
1 item

Contents Note: Re: advertisements, selling manuscripts for motion pictures, bankruptcy proceedings.
1958 March 10
Box 29, Folder 20 Universal Pictures Corp.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: advertisements, selling manuscripts for motion pictures, bankruptcy proceedings.
1935 August
Box 29, Folder 1 University of Buffalo Library
2 items

Contents Note: Re: requests for donation of poetry manuscripts, plaster for building, the Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence.
1954 May-November
Box 29, Folder 1 University of California (Bancroft Library)
1 item

Contents Note: Re: requests for donation of poetry manuscripts, plaster for building, the Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence.
1957 February 28
Box 29, Folder 1 University of California College of Agriculture
1 item

Contents Note: Re: requests for donation of poetry manuscripts, plaster for building, the Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence.
1936 December 9
Box 29, Folder 1 University of Nevada
1 item

Contents Note: Re: requests for donation of poetry manuscripts, plaster for building, the Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence.
1967 November 10
Box 29, Folder 1 University of San Francisco Library
1 item

Contents Note: Re: requests for donation of poetry manuscripts, plaster for building, the Clark Ashton Smith-George Sterling correspondence.
1962 December 7
Box 29, Folder 2 Varady, Michael
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, purchase of carvings.
1948 November-December
Box 29, Folder 2 Vetter, John E.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, purchase of carvings.
1961 February 12
Box 29, Folder 2 Wagenknecht, Edward
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, purchase of carvings.
1965 April 24
Box 29, Folder 2 Wagner, Theodore K.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, purchase of carvings.
1953 November 9
Box 29, Folder 2 Wagner, Walter W.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, purchase of carvings.
1941 April 5
Box 29, Folder 3-5 Wakefield, C. F.
18 items

Contents Note: Contents: personal and literary affairs.
Box 29, Folder 6 Wakefield, John
1 item

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, purchase of carvings, Smith's writings, acceptances of Smith's poetry.
circa 1968 January 2
Box 29, Folder 6 Wald, R. F.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, purchase of carvings, Smith's writings, acceptances of Smith's poetry.
circa 1962 September
Box 29, Folder 6 The Wanderer
2 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs, purchase of carvings, Smith's writings, acceptances of Smith's poetry.
Box 29, Folder 7-17 Wandrei, Donald
56 items

Contents Note: Re: fantastic fiction, H. P. Lovecraft, Frank Belknap Long, Samuel Loveman, W. Paul Cook, Weird Tales, Astounding Stories, August Derleth, R. H. Barlow, George Sterling. Includes a prose poem, "Paphos" by Wandrei, and letters co-written by Wandrei and Samuel Loveman, Frank Belknap Long, and H. P. Lovecraft.
Box 29, Folder 18 Weber, Ione
7 items

Contents Note: Re: Hugo Gernsback, Smith's poetry.
Box 29, Folder 18 Weir, James J.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Hugo Gernsback, Smith's poetry.
1937 March 3
Box 29, Folder 1-24 Weird Tales (Farnsworth Wright, Dorothy Mcilwraith)
123 items

Contents Note: Re: acceptances and rejections of fiction and poetry, H. P. Lovecraft, wrd Dunsany, E. Hoffmann Price J Robert Nelson, Robert E. Howard.
1925-1954, undated
Box 29, Folder 25 WestArt
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: advertising, invitation to science fiction, convention, Mrs. Smith's property, acceptances of poetry.
1966 May 2
Box 29, Folder 25 Westercon
2 items

Contents Note: Contents: advertising, invitation to science fiction, convention, Mrs. Smith's property, acceptances of poetry.
1956, undated
Box 29, Folder 25 Western Heritage Inc.
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: advertising, invitation to science fiction, convention, Mrs. Smith's property, acceptances of poetry.
1961 October 20
Box 29, Folder 25 Westward
3 items

Contents Note: Contents: advertising, invitation to science fiction, convention, Mrs. Smith's property, acceptances of poetry.
Box 33, Folder 1 Wetzel, George T.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: H.P. Lovecraft, Fresco, Smith's volumes and poetry,Who's Who in California, purchase of carvings.
circa 1957 November 8
Box 33, Folder 1 Weyman, Mrs.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: H.P. Lovecraft, Fresco, Smith's volumes and poetry,Who's Who in California, purchase of carvings.
circa 1938 August 12
Box 33, Folder 1 Whitaker & Ray-Wiggin Co.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: H.P. Lovecraft, Fresco, Smith's volumes and poetry,Who's Who in California, purchase of carvings.
1911 June 28
Box 33, Folder 1 Who's Who Historical Society
3 items

Contents Note: Re: H.P. Lovecraft, Fresco, Smith's volumes and poetry,Who's Who in California, purchase of carvings.
Box 33, Folder 1 Weiss, Bill
1 item

Contents Note: Re: H.P. Lovecraft, Fresco, Smith's volumes and poetry,Who's Who in California, purchase of carvings.
circa 1961 February 15
Box 33, Folder 2-7 Wiggins, Olon
3 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, Smith's poetry and fiction, Anubis.
Box 33, Folder 2-7 Wilkinson, Marguerite
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, Smith's poetry and fiction, Anubis.
1917 March 7
Box 33, Folder 2-7 Willard's Antique Shop
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, Smith's poetry and fiction, Anubis.
1937 November 11
Box 33, Folder 2-7 Williams, Frank E.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, Smith's poetry and fiction, Anubis.
Box 33, Folder 2-7 Willis, Paul J.
23 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volumes, Smith's poetry and fiction, Anubis.
Box 33, Folder 8 Wilson, Katherine L.
5 items

Contents Note: Re: personal affairs.
circa 1935-1938, undated
Box 33, Folder 9 Wilson, Richard
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, reprinting of Smith's poetry.
circa 1958 August-September
Box 33, Folder 9 Wilson, Rufus R.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's volumes, reprinting of Smith's poetry.
1928 January 7
Box 33, Folder 10-18 Wollheim, Donald A.
45 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, Hugo Gernsback, H. P. Lovecraft.
1935-1967, undated
Box 33, Folder 10-18 Womrath's Library and Bookshop
2 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's fiction, Hugo Gernsback, H. P. Lovecraft.
circa February-July 1932
Box 33, Folder 19-21 Wonder Stories (Hugo Gernsback)
13 items

Contents Note: Re: acceptances and rejections of fiction, purchase of volume, Smith's writings.
Box 33, Folder 19-21 Woolard, Carl E.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: acceptances and rejections of fiction, purchase of volume, Smith's writings.
1936 January 4
Box 33, Folder 19-21 Wooldridge, J. W.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: acceptances and rejections of fiction, purchase of volume, Smith's writings.
1922 November 2
Box 33, Folder 22-23 Worden, H.C.
2 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volume, Smith's poetry.
Box 33, Folder 22-23 Work, George A.
9 items

Contents Note: Re: purchase of volume, Smith's poetry.
Box 33, Folder 24-25 World Science Fiction Convention
2 items

Contents Note: Re: invitation to convention, purchase of volume, Japanese poetry.
Box 33, Folder 24-25 Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Farnsworth
1 item

Contents Note: Re: invitation to convention, purchase of volume, Japanese poetry.
circa 1931 December 19
Box 33, Folder 24-25 Writer's Review
1 item

Contents Note: Re: invitation to convention, purchase of volume, Japanese poetry.
Box 33, Folder 24-25 Yablonsky, Andrew
1 item

Contents Note: Re: invitation to convention, purchase of volume, Japanese poetry.
circa 1955 April 25
Box 33, Folder 24-25 Yasuda, Ken
7 items

Contents Note: Re: invitation to convention, purchase of volume, Japanese poetry.
circa 1938-1955, undated
Box 33, Folder 1 Yeager, Alma
50 items

Contents Note: Re: Smith's writings, personal affairs, purchase of carvings.
1923-1954, undated
Box 33, Folder 1 Zorn, Ray H.
1 item

Contents Note: Re: Smith's writings, personal affairs, purchase of carvings.
1948 January 29
Box 33, Folder 2-11 Zorn, Yeager (continued)
1923-1954, undated

Series I. Subseries B. Correspondence to or from Mr. and Mrs. Timeus Smith
All correspondence in this section consists (save where noted) of personal affairs (Christmas and birthday greetings, etc.) or correspondence relating to Mrs. Timeus Smith's occupation as a subscription seller.

Container Description Date
Box 33, Folder 1-25 Unknown and unidentified correspondence
Box 33, Folder 1-23 Unknown and unidentified correspondence
Box 33, Folder 24 The American Boy
2 items

Box 33, Folder 24 American Cookery
2 items

Box 33, Folder 24 Anderson, Agnes
1 item

1928 April 3
Box 33, Folder 24 Armburster, Mr. and Mrs. L.
1 item

circa 1929 December 23
Box 33, Folder 25 Auburn Journal
3 items

circa 1933-1938
Box 33, Folder 25 Avery, J.C.
1 item

1929 November 12
Box 33, Folder 25 Bell, George
1 item

Box 37, Folder 1 Better Homes and Gardens
1 item

1929 April
Box 37, Folder 1 Bradshaw, Mary
1 item

1929 March 8
Box 37, Folder 1 Byrne, L.
1 item

1919 December 23
Box 37, Folder 1 Casey, Anna D.
2 items

1931 November-December
Box 37, Folder 2 The Chamberlains
1 item

Box 37, Folder 2 Child Life
1 item

Box 37, Folder 2 Congregational Church
2 items

circa 1931 June-December
Box 37, Folder 2 County Council of Defense:
1 item

circa 1917 June
Box 37, Folder 2 Coddington, Mrs.
1 item

circa 1931 December
Box 37, Folder 3 The Crowell Publishing Co.
5 items

1928-1935, undated
Box 37, Folder 4 Curtis, Mrs. L.W.
1 items

circa 1931 December 23
Box 37, Folder 4 Dawson, Charles
3 items

1903 April-May
Box 37, Folder 5 Deming, Harriet M.
2 items

circa 1930-1931
Box 37, Folder 5 Dependender, Beatrice
1 item

circa 1931 December 21
Box 37, Folder 5 Eckles, W. E.
2 items

circa 1929-1931
Box 37, Folder 6 England, Mr. and Mrs.
2 items

circa 1935 August
Box 37, Folder 6 Eno, Vivien
2 items

circa 1930-1935
Box 37, Folder 7-8 Ferrell, Emily
7 items

circa 1929-1935
Box 37, Folder 7-8 Fitzsimmons, T.W.
1 item

1926 January 18
Box 37, Folder 7-8 Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
1 item

circa 1931 December 22
Box 37, Folder 7-8 A. F. Ford & Co.
1 item

1910 June 30
Box 37, Folder 7-8 The Forum
1 item

1928 November 7
Box 37, Folder 7-8 Francis, J.B.
1 item

circa 1928 September 7
Box 37, Folder 9 Gargan, Emma
1 item

Box 37, Folder 9 Gaylord, Edwin C.
1 item

1930 January 21
Box 37, Folder 9 Gaylord, Hank and Mrs. A.H.
2 items

circa 1928-1931
Box 37, Folder 9 Graham E.V.
2 items

circa 1930-1931
Box 37, Folder 10 Gregory, Mrs. E.M.
1 item

circa 1931 December 22
Box 37, Folder 10 Gwynn, Mrs. Chet
1 item

circa 1931 December 23
Box 37, Folder 10 The Hamiltons
1 item

circa 1931 December 23
Box 37, Folder 10 Harlow, Janet
1 item

Box 37, Folder 10 Henderson, Abigail B.
1 item

1933 December 18
Box 37, Folder 11-16 Heywood, Marion
1 item

1931 December 18
Box 37, Folder 11-16 Hislop, Mrs. C. B.
1 item

1930 August 2
Box 37, Folder 11-16 Holden, Hannah and Mary Alice
29 items

Box 37, Folder 17 Hopwood, Charles
1 item

Box 37, Folder 17 Hunter, Zelma
1 item

circa 1928 December 22
Box 37, Folder 17 Hunter, Lillian H.
1 item

1931 December 23
Box 37, Folder 17 Hygeia
1 item

1930 September 9
Box 37, Folder 18 Ingrum, Roberta
3 items

1930-1935, undated
Box 37, Folder 18 International Circulation Co.
1 item

1933 December 22
Box 37, Folder 18 International Magazine Co.
1 item

circa 1926 June 10
Box 37, Folder 18 The Instructor
1 item

1931 December 1
Box 37, Folder 18 Joerger, Mrs. E. F.
2 items

Box 37, Folder 19 Kilpatrick, Sadie
1 item

circa 1926 December 17
Box 37, Folder 19 Knowles, Franc and Harry
1 item

circa 1931 December 21
Box 37, Folder 19 Laing, Amy L.
1 item

1931 December 20
Box 37, Folder 19 Lane, Mr. and Mrs. William
2 items

circa 1931-1935
Box 37, Folder 20 Lardner, Jeanne
1 item

circa 1930 August 5
Box 37, Folder 20 Lea, Francis Mary
1 item

1926 November 15
Box 37, Folder 20 Life
1 item

Box 37, Folder 20 Locher, Grace E.
1 item

circa 1933 October 27
Box 37, Folder 20 Lofland, Knox and Florence
1 item

circa 1931 December 23
Box 37, Folder 20 Lowell, Mrs. M.Z.
1 item

circa 1931 December 21
Box 37, Folder 21 Lukens, Gladys
1 item

circa 1931 December 24
Box 37, Folder 21 Mackay, Margueret M.
1 item

circa 1929 December 24
Box 37, Folder 21 The Magazine Bargain Man
1 item

1927 October 1
Box 37, Folder 21 John Martin's House
1 item

1927 June 6
Box 37, Folder 21 Mihan, Leo B.
1 item

1927 December 7
Box 37, Folder 22 Munger, Mrs.
1 item

circa 1930 December 30
Box 37, Folder 22 Needlecraft Magazine
1 item

1929 March 14
Box 37, Folder 22 Neltor Family
1 item

circa 1931 December 19
Box 37, Folder 22 The Parents Magazine
3 items

1933 February 17, undated
Box 37, Folder 23 Partington, Robert and James
1 item

1921 April 23
Box 37, Folder 23 Partington,Tim
1 item

Box 37, Folder 23 Placer Union High School
1 item

1930 June 3
Box 37, Folder 23 Prescott, Mrs. J.E.
1 item

1929 March 18
Box 37, Folder 23 Pictorial Review Co.
1 item

Box 37, Folder 23 Prewett, Emma
1 item

Box 37, Folder 23 Priest, Viola
1 item

circa 1923 October 7
Box 37, Folder 23 Quickenden, Mr. and Mrs. Robert G.
1 item

circa 1927 December 14
Box 37, Folder 24 Rand McNally Co.
3 items

Contents Note: Contents: distribution of Smith's The Star-Treader and Other Poems.
Box 37, Folder 24 Reader's Digest Association
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: distribution of Smith's The Star-Treader and Other Poems.
1934 April 4
Box 37, Folder 24 Review of Reviews Corp.
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: distribution of Smith's The Star-Treader and Other Poems.
circa 1931 September 11
Box 37, Folder 24 Rhoades, Mrs. J.
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: distribution of Smith's The Star-Treader and Other Poems.
circa 1931 December 24
Box 37, Folder 24 Richardson, Anna M.
2 items

Contents Note: Contents: distribution of Smith's The Star-Treader and Other Poems.
circa 1929-1931
Box 37, Folder 24 Richardson, Winnifred
1 item

Contents Note: Contents: distribution of Smith's The Star-Treader and Other Poems.
circa 1930 December 22
Box 37, Folder 24 Robertson, A. M.
4 items

Contents Note: Contents: distribution of Smith's The Star-Treader and Other Poems.
Box 37, Folder 25 Rockwell, Dorothy
1 item

circa 1931 December 23
Box 37, Folder 25 Schaeffer, Mary A.
2 items

Box 37, Folder 25 Schoefield, Amy J.
1 item

1916 November 7
Box 37, Folder 25 Shields, Mr. and Mrs. John A.
2 items

circa 1931 December 23
Box 37, Folder 25 Smith, Hank
1 item

1893 December 18
Box 37, Folder 1 Smith, Lewis and Lucy
1 item

circa 1939 December 20
Box 37, Folder 1 Smith, Robert H.
1 item

1921 August 26
Box 37, Folder 1 Smith, Mrs. Timeus
3 items

Contents Note: To: J.F. Engle and Mrs. Vivian Eno
1931-1832, undated
Box 37, Folder 2 The Smithsonian Co.
2 items

1926 July-November
Box 37, Folder 2 Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. D. N.
2 items

circa 1931-1934
Box 37, Folder 2 Todd, Carrie
1 item

1928 December 2
Box 37, Folder 2 The Trents
1 item

circa 1931 December 22
Box 37, Folder 3 Turner Subscription Agency
1 item

1930 June 12
Box 37, Folder 3 Van Riper, Donald
1 item

1933 February 1
Box 37, Folder 3 Van Riper, Grace and Mildred
1 item

circa 1930 August 2
Box 37, Folder 3 Whittemore, Mrs. Tom
1 item

1927 November 2
Box 37, Folder 4 Williams, Florence and Bill
4 items

Box 37, Folder 4 Wilson, Katherine L.
2 items

circa 1931 December 21, undated
Box 37, Folder 4 Yardley, Russea L.
1 item

1928 November 6
Box 37, Folder 4 Yeager, Alma
1 item

circa 1931 December 23
Unknown and Unidentified correspondence
30 items

Series II. Fiction Manuscripts
The fiction manuscripts in this section are organised alphabetically by title. When there is a variant title available of a certain work, it is referred to in the folder description, and also listed in the index in the back of the guide for easy reference. Unless otherwise noted, all items are carbon copies of typed manuscripts; descriptions are limited to the page count. At the end of this series are all manuscripts which could not be identified by title, or are fragments, not being associated with a particular work.

Container Description Date
Box 37, Folder 1 The Abomination of Desolation
2 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original. 2 copies.
Box 37, Folder 2 An Adventure in Futurity
57 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript, fragment; Typed manuscript original; Autograph manuscript, fragment.
Box 37, Folder 3 The Afghan Knife
8 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 37, Folder 4 The Animated Sword
9 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original.
Box 37, Folder 5 At the Crucial Moment
10 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript fragment.
Box 37, Folder 6 The Beast of Averoigne
39 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript fragment; Autograph manuscript fragment.
Box 37, Folder 7 Beyond the Singing Flame
32 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript fragment.
Box 37, Folder 8 The Black Abbot of Puthuum
27 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original.
Box 37, Folder 9a-9d The Black Diamonds
Contents Note: Autograph manuscript; Several drafts of assorted fragments; Typed manuscript original fragment.
Box 37, Folder 10 The Brahmin's Wisdom
13 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original and autograph manuscript; Fragment.
Box 37, Folder 11 The Bronze Image
4 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript Fragment.; Fragment.; Autograph manuscript fragment.
Box 37, Folder 12 A Captivity in Serpens
58 pages

Contents Note: Later title: "The Amazing Planet."
Box 37, Folder 13 The Chain of Aforgomon
21 pages

Box 37, Folder 14 The Charnal God
29 pages

Box 37, Folder 15 Checkmate
8 pages

Box 37, Folder 16 The Circle and the Caldron
16 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 37, Folder 17 The City of the Singing Flame
31 pages

Contents Note: Fragment
Box 37, Folder 18 The Colossus of Ylourgne
52 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript fragment.
Box 37, Folder 19 The Coming of the White Worm
44 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original ;Typed manuscript and autograph manuscript fragments.
Box 37, Folder 20 A Copy of Burns
4 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
1930 February 27
Box 37, Folder 21 The Corpse and the Skeleton
2 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original.
Box 37, Folder 22 The Crystals
3 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript ; Typed manuscript original 3 copies.
1914 July 2, undated
Box 37, Folder 23 The Curse of Runjat Singh
142 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript fragment; Autograph manuscript fragment; Typed manuscript fragment, original;fragment Juvenilia.
Box 37, Folder 24 The Dark Age
19 pages

Box 37, Folder 25 The Dark Eidolon
34 pages

1932 December 23
Box 40, Folder 1 The Dart of Rasasfa
20 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original.; Autograph manuscript notes on story; Autograph manuscript first draft.
Box 40, Folder 2 The Death of Ilalotha
21 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original.; Typed manuscript original fragment.
Box 40, Folder 3 The Death of Malygris
17 pages

Box 40, Folder 4 The Delirium of the Dead
7 pages

Box 40, Folder 5 The Demon of the Flower
13 pages

Box 40, Folder 6 The Devotee of Evil
32 pages

Contents Note: Fragment.; Typed manuscript fragment; Autograph manuscript fragment.
Box 40, Folder 7 The Dimension of Chance
31 pages

Box 40, Folder 8 The Disinterment of Venus
10 pages

Box 40, Folder 9 The Doom of America
4 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original. 2 copies.
Box 40, Folder 10 The Door to Saturn
24 pages

Box 40, Folder 11 Double Cosmos
27 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original 2 copies.; Typed manuscript original. Fragment. .; Typed manuscript fragment.
Box 40, Folder 12 The Double Shadow
47 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript note by HPL.
Box 40, Folder 13 The Dweller in the Gulf
46 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original, As "The Eidolon of the Blind"
Box 40, Folder 14 The Eggs from Saturn
4 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript Fragment?
Box 40, Folder 15 The Emerald Eye
5 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript fragment;Typed manuscript original fragment,Juvenilia; Autograph manuscript fragment.
Box 40, Folder 16 The Emir's Captive
16 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript fragment; Autograph manuscript, Juvenilia.
Box 40, Folder 17 The Empire of the Necromancers
13 pages

Box 40, Folder 18 The Enchanted Garden
16 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript fragment.
Box 40, Folder 19 The End of the Story
1 page

Contents Note: Fragment.
Box 40, Folder 20 Ennui
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript
Box 40, Folder 21 The Epiphany of Death
7 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original.
Box 40, Folder 22 The Eternal World
27 pages

Contents Note: Fragment.
Box 40, Folder 23 Eviction by Night
3 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original, fragment.
Box 40, Folder 24 The Expert Lover
14 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original. 12 pages 2 copies; 2 pages Fragment.
Box 40, Folder 25 The Explorer's Tale
3 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript, fragment, Juvenilia.
Box 40, Folder 1 A Fantasy
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 40, Folder 2 The Flirt
4 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript fragment.
Box 40, Folder 3 The Flower-Women
16 pages

Box 40, Folder 4 The Forbidden Forest
5 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript; Typed manuscript original.
Box 40, Folder 5 From the Crypts of Memory
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 40, Folder 6 Frozen Waterfall
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript. First and second draft.
Box 40, Folder 7 The Fulfilled Prophecy
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript fragment.
Box 40, Folder 8 The Garden of Adompha
13 pages

Box 40, Folder 9 Genius Loci
22 pages

Box 40, Folder 10 The Ghost of Mohammed Din
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 40, Folder 11 The Ghoul
8 pages

Box 40, Folder 12 The God of the Asteroid
21 pages

Contents Note: Later title: "Master of the Asteroid." Fragment
Box 40, Folder 13 A Good Embalmer
6 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 40, Folder 14 The Gorgon
14 pages

Contents Note: Earlier title:"Medusa's Head.
Box 40, Folder 15 The Great God Awto
7 pages

Box 40, Folder 16 Green Eyes
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript fragment.
Box 40, Folder 17 The Holiness of Azedarac
28 pages

Box 40, Folder 18 The House of Haon-Dor
8 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript, original; Fragment; Fragment.
Box 40, Folder 19 How the Trouble Began
4 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript fragment?
Box 40, Folder 20 The Hunters from Beyond
21 page

Box 40, Folder 21 I Am Your Shadow
55 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript, original, fragment.; Fragment.; Typed manuscript original, Fragment. ; Typed manuscript original,fragment; Typed manuscript original, fragment.
Box 40, Folder 22 The Ice-Demon
30 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript, fragment.
Box 40, Folder 23 The Image of Bronze and the Image of Iron
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 40, Folder 24 The Image of Vishnu
19 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript; Autograph manuscript; Autograph manuscript.
Box 40, Folder 25 The Immeasurable Horror
37 pages

Contents Note: Fragment; Typed manuscript, fragment.
Box 40, Folder 26 In a Hashish-Dream: Tale of Hashish-Land
8 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript, fragment.
Box 40, Folder 27 In Cocaigne
1 pages

Box 40, Folder 28 The Invisible City
29 pages

Box 40, Folder 29 The Isle of the Torturers
21 pages

Box 40, Folder 30 The Jewels
2 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original.
Box 40, Folder 31 Jim Knox and the Giantess
61 pages

Contents Note: Later title: "The Root of the Ampoi";Typed manuscript original, carbon and autograph manuscript; Fragments: 1 Typed manuscript, fragment; Autograph manuscript, fragment.
Box 40, Folder 1 The Justice of the Elephant
10 pages

Contents Note: 2 copies.; Autograph manuscript.
Box 40, Folder 2 The Kiss of Zoraida
7 pages

Box 40, Folder 3 The Knife with the Serpent Hilt
2 pages

Contents Note: Fragment.
Box 40, Folder 4 The Lake of Enchanged Silence
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 40, Folder 5 The Last Hieroglyph
21 pages

Box 40, Folder 6 The Last Incantation
7 pages

Box 40, Folder 7 The Letter from Mohaun Los
44 pages

Box 40, Folder 8 The Litany of the Seven Kisses
3 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript; Typed manuscript original, 2 copies.
Box 40, Folder 9 A Litany of' Things Loved
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 40, Folder 10 The Lotus and the Moon
2 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original; Autograph manuscript. Includes ''The Ospry and the Shark."
Box 40, Folder 11 The Maharajah's Casket
7 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript, fragment.
Box 40, Folder 12 The Maker of Gargoyles
20 pages

Box 40, Folder 13 Mander's Enemy
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript, fragment
Box 40, Folder 14 The Mandrakes
10 pages

Box 40, Folder 15 The Mark of' the Gods
6 pages

Box 40, Folder 16 Marooned in Andromeda
40 pages

Box 40, Folder 17 The Martian
54 pages

Contents Note: Later title: "The Planet Entity," as by E. M. Johnston and Clark Ashton Smith.
Box 40, Folder 18 The Master of the Asteroid
19 pages

Box 40, Folder 19 The Master of the Crabs
17 pages

Contents Note: Fragment; Autograph manuscript, fragment.
Box 40, Folder 20 The Maze of Maal Dweb
16 pages

Box 40, Folder 21 The Metamorphosis of the World
40 pages

Contents Note: Fragment
Box 40, Folder 22 The Mirror in the Hall of Ebony
1 page

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original. 2 copies.
Box 40, Folder 23 The Mithridate
1 page

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original. 2 copies.
Box 40, Folder 24 Mnemoka
38 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original, carbon and Autograph manuscript fragment; Typed manuscript, fragment also photocopies of this material.
Box 40, Folder 1 The Monster of Prophecy
172 pages

Contents Note: Later draft; Typed manuscript original and carbon; Fragment; Typed manuscript, carbon and Autograph manuscript; Fragment; Fragment; Fragment; Fragment.
Box 40, Folder 2 Morthylla
31 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript carbon and photocopy; Fragment; Typed manuscript, fragment.
Box 40, Folder 3 The Mortuary
2 pages

Box 40, Folder 4 Mother of Toads
35 pages

Contents Note: Fragment N.B.: Verso p.1- is p.2 of "Mandor's Enemy" (See 42/13).
Box 40, Folder 5 A Murder in the Fourth Dimension
13 pages

Box 40, Folder 6 The Muse of Hyperborea
3 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript; Typed manuscript, original.
Box 40, Folder 7 The Music of Death
12 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original and Autograph manuscript, fragments.
Box 40, Folder 8 The Nameless Offspring
24 pages

Box 40, Folder 9 Narcissus
1 page

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original.
Box 40, Folder 10 Necromancy in Naat
25 pages

Box 40, Folder 11 The Necromantic Tale
30 pages

Contents Note: 1 Fragment; Typed manuscript; Fragment.
Box 40, Folder 12 The Nemesis of the Unfinished
39 pages

Contents Note: As by Smith and Don Carter. Assorted fragments; Typed manuscript original and Autograph manuscript; Fragment; Autograph manuscript; Fragment
Box 40, Folder 13 A Night in Malnéant
13 pages

Contents Note: Fragment.
Box 40, Folder 14 The Ninth Skeleton
1 page

Contents Note: Fragment
Box 40, Folder 15 Offering
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript; Typed manuscript,
Box 40, Folder 16 An Offering to the Moon
25 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript, fragment.; Autograph manuscript, fragment.
Box 40, Folder 17 An Officer's Ghost Story
3 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript, fragment.
Box 40, Folder 18 Omar of Bassoeah
18 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript, fragment?
Box 40, Folder 19 The One Who Died
2 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original.
Box 40, Folder 20 Oriental Tales: The Man in the Chest
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript, fragment
Box 40, Folder 21 Osman Boy, Adventurer
29 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 40, Folder 21A The Passing of Aphrodite
2 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript, fragment.
Box 40, Folder 22 The Pawnbroker's Parrot
6 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original; 2 copies.; Typed manuscript original; "The Parrot."
Box 40, Folder 23 The Perfect Woman
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 40, Folder 24 The Peril That is Among Ruins
1 page

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript original.
Box 40, Folder 25 The Phantoms of the Fire
8 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript; Fragment.
Box 40, Folder 25A Pheonix
3 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript, fragment.
Box 44, Folder 1 The Planet of the Dead
16 pages

Box 44, Folder 2 A Platonic Entanglement
5 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original; Typed manuscript original, fragment.
Box 44, Folder 3 The Plutonian Drug
15 pages

Box 44, Folder 4 The Point of the Jest
8 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original, fragment.
Box 44, Folder 5 Preference
2 pages

Contents Note: 2 copies.; Autograph manuscript.
Box 44, Folder 6 The Primal City
9 pages

Box 44, Folder 7 The Princess Almeena
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript Includes: "Memorial."
Box 44, Folder 8 The Prophecy
7 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript,fragment, Juvenilia.
Box 44, Folder 9 A Prophecy of Monsters
20 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original; Fragment.
Box 44, Folder 10 Prose-Pastels
4 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript, original. Includes: "Chinoiserie," "The Mirror in the Hall of Ebony," and "The Muse of Hyperborea."
Box 44, Folder 11 Psalm to the Desert
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 44, Folder 12 Quest of the Gazolba
21 pages

Box 44, Folder 13 The Rajah's Sword
11 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript, fragment.; Typed manuscript original, Juvenilia; Fragment.
Box 44, Folder 14 The Red Turban
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript fragment, Juvenilia.
Box 44, Folder 15 A Rendezvous in Averoigne
19 pages

Box 44, Folder 16 The Resurrection of the Rattle-Snake
11 pages

Contents Note: Fragment
Box 44, Folder 17 The Return of the Sorcerer
41 pages

Box 44, Folder 18 The Return of Yursuf
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript fragment; Juvenilia
Box 44, Folder 19 Sadastor
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript
Box 44, Folder 20 The Satyr
9 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript. fragment.
Box 44, Folder 21 Schizoid Creator
10 pages

Contents Note: Fragment; Typed manuscript, fragment.
Box 44, Folder 22 The Second Interment
15 pages

Box 44, Folder 23 The Secret of the Cairn
27 pages

Contents Note: Later title: "The Light from Beyond." Autograph manuscript, typed, manuscript.
Box 44, Folder 24 The Seed from the Sepulcher
31 pages

Box 44, Folder 25 The Seven Geases
26 pages

Box 44, Folder 1 The Shadows
3 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original.
Box 44, Folder 2 The Sheikh's Vision
4 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript, fragment? Juvenilia.
Box 44, Folder 3 Something New
4 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 44, Folder 4 A Star-Change
25 pages

Box 44, Folder 5 Strange Shadows
36 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript, Typed manuscript carbon and original, fragments.
Box 44, Folder 6 The Sun and the Sepulcher
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript. Two different drafts.
Box 44, Folder 7 The Supernumerary Corpse
11 pages

Box 44, Folder 8 Symposium of the Gorgon
24 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original typed manuscript original and Autograph manuscript fragments.
Box 44, Folder 9 The Tale of Satampra Zeiros
15 pages

Box 44, Folder 10 A Tale of Sir John Mandeville
12 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original, fragment.
Box 44, Folder 11 The Testament of Athammaus
25 pages

Box 44, Folder 12 The Theft of the Thirty-Nine Girdles
28 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original. Typed manuscript original, fragment. Typed manuscript fragment. Autograph manuscript fragment.
Box 44, Folder 13 The Third Episode of Vathek
58 pages

Contents Note: As by William Beckford and Smith Typed manuscript original.
Box 44, Folder 14 The Tomb-Spawn
12 pages

Contents Note: Fragment Typed manuscript; Fragment.
Box 44, Folder 15 The Touch-Stone
2 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original. 2 copies.
Box 44, Folder 16 The Traveller
3 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript; Fragment.; Typed manuscript original.
Box 44, Folder 17 The Treader of the Dust
10 pages

Contents Note: (complete).
Box 44, Folder 18 Twenty-Nine Phantasms
10 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original.
Box 44, Folder 19 Ubbo-Sathla
11 pages

Box 44, Folder 20 The Uncharted Isle
29 pages

Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 44, Folder 21 Unquiet Boundary
6 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript; Typed manuscript original.
Box 44, Folder 22 The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis
22 pages

Box 44, Folder 23 Venus and the Priest
3 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript; Autograph manuscript.
Box 44, Folder 24 The Venus of Azombeii
38 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original and carbon, fragment; Autograph manuscript, fragment.
Box 44, Folder 25 A Vintage from Atlantis
9 pages

Box 44, Folder 1 A Voyage to Sfanomoe
10 pages.

Box 44, Folder 2 Vulthoom
36 pages

Box 44, Folder 3 The Weaver in the Vault
27 pages

Box 44, Folder 4 The Weird Avoosl Wuthoqquan
23 pages

Box 44, Folder 5 When the Earth Trembled
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript fragment.
Box 44, Folder 6 The White Sybil
14 pages

Contents Note: Fragment.
Box 44, Folder 7 The Willow Landscape
11 pages

Contents Note: Fragment.
Box 44, Folder 8 The Wink and the Chuckle
4 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original and carbon. fragment.
Box 44, Folder 9 The Witchcraft of Ulua
18 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original and carbon, fragment; Typed manuscript, fragment.
Box 44, Folder 10 Xeethra
24 pages

Box 44, Folder 11 Untitled
3 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript
Box 44, Folder 12-21 Unidentified manuscripts and fragments: Unorganized.

Series III. Poetry
All items are arranged alphabetically by title. There has been no distinction made between poems in English and those in other languages. Smith translated poetry both to and from English. In all instances, the poem is listed by its English title, with foreign titles following in parentheses. If there is no English title to these poems, the work is listed under the foreign title and indication of its language has been made. Poems with variant titles have been listed under the earliest title or the one which predominates. Untitled or unidentified poetry follows at the rear of this series.

Container Description Date
Box 44, Folder 1 A Mi-Chemin (French)
Contents Note: 4 copies
Box 44, Folder 1 A Mi-Chemin (English)
Contents Note: Includes: d' Ensorcelement, 2 copies
Box 44, Folder 1 L'Abîme
Box 44, Folder 2 Adjuration
Contents Note: 5 copies (1 photocopy).
Box 44, Folder 2 Adventure
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 44, Folder 3 After Armageddon
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 44, Folder 3 Afterglow
Contents Note: Includes: The light of Despair
Box 44, Folder 3 Afterwards.
Box 44, Folder 3 Alchemy
Box 44, Folder 3 Alchemy
Contents Note: 4 copies.
1952 August 10
Box 44, Folder 4 Alexandrines
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes: Sonnet (translation of poem by Fernand Severin).
Box 44, Folder 4 Alexandrins
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1929 April 14
Box 44, Folder 4 "All Is Dross that Is Not Helena."
Box 44, Folder 4 Allah
Box 44, Folder 4 Allah
Box 44, Folder 5 Almost Anything
1949 February 15
Box 44, Folder 5 Alpine Climber
Contents Note: 5 copies.
1951 January 13
Box 44, Folder 6 Las Alquerias Perdidas
Contents Note: 5 copies
Box 44, Folder 6 The Altars of Sunset
Contents Note: Includes: The Sea-Shell
Box 44, Folder 6 Alternation
1944 January 5
Box 44, Folder 7 Amithaine
Contents Note: 2 copies
1950 October 21
Box 44, Folder 7 Amor Aeternalis
Box 44, Folder 7 Amor Autumnalis
Contents Note: 3 copies.
1927 December 28
Box 44, Folder 7 Amor Hesternalis
1942 January 5
Box 44, Folder 8 Amour Bizarre
Box 44, Folder 8 L'Amour Supreme
Box 44, Folder 8 Anodyne.
1913 April 12
Box 44, Folder 8 Anodyne of Autumn
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1942 October 18
Box 44, Folder 8 Answer
Box 44, Folder 8 Antony to Cleopatra
Box 44, Folder 9 Any Shadow, Any Dream
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1943 April 22
Box 44, Folder 9 Apologia
Box 44, Folder 9 Apologia
Box 44, Folder 9 Apostrophe
Box 44, Folder 9 Arab Song
Box 44, Folder 9 Arabesque
Box 44, Folder 10 Artemis
Box 44, Folder 10 Asia
Box 44, Folder 10 Aspect of Iron
Box 44, Folder 10 At Midnight
Box 44, Folder 10 At Nadir
Box 44, Folder 10 At the Last
1923 March 10
Box 44, Folder 10 Atlantis
Box 44, Folder 11 Altar of the Past
Box 44, Folder 11 Au Bord du Lethe
Contents Note: 5 copies.
Box 44, Folder 11 Aurungzeb's Mosque
Box 44, Folder 12 The Autumn Lake
Box 44, Folder 12 Autumn Orchards
1923 November 5
Box 44, Folder 12 Autumn Orchards
Box 44, Folder 12 Autumn Twilight
Box 44, Folder 12 Autumnal
Box 44, Folder 12 Autumnal
Box 44, Folder 12 Autumn 's Pall
Box 44, Folder 12 Ave Atque Vale
Box 44, Folder 13 Averoigne
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 44, Folder 13 Aviol's Song
Box 44, Folder 13 Baillement
1926 January 20
Box 44, Folder 13 Ballad of a Lost Soul
Box 44, Folder 13 The Barrier
Box 44, Folder 14 Beauty.
Box 44, Folder 14 Beauty Implacable
Contents Note: 4 copies.
Box 44, Folder 14 Before Dawn
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1942 November 7
Box 44, Folder 14 Before Sunrise
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 44, Folder 15 Belated Love
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 44, Folder 15 Benares
Box 44, Folder 15 The Best Beloved
Box 44, Folder 15 Beyond the Great Wall
1919 December 21
Box 44, Folder 15 Bird of Long Ago
Box 44, Folder 15 Black Enchantment
Box 44, Folder 16 The Book of Years
Box 44, Folder 16 The Brook
Box 44, Folder 16 Brumal
Contents Note: 2 copies. One copy re-titled "Winter Song."
Box 44, Folder 16 The Burning Ghauts
Contents Note: Includes: Aurungzeb's Mosque.
Box 44, Folder 16 But Grant, O Venus
Box 44, Folder 16 The Butterfly
Box 44, Folder 16 By the River
1923 March 9
Box 44, Folder 17 Calendar
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 44, Folder 17 Canticle
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 44, Folder 17 Canyon-Side
Box 44, Folder 17 Catch
Box 44, Folder 17 Le Cauchemar
Box 44, Folder 18 Chance
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 44, Folder 18 Change
1923 March 7
Box 44, Folder 18 Chanson de Rêve
Box 44, Folder 18 Chanson de Novembre (French)
Contents Note: 3 copies.
1928 November 16
Box 44, Folder 19 Chanson de.Novembre (English)
Box 44, Folder 19 Chansonette.
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 44, Folder 19 Chant of Autumn
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 44, Folder 19 Chatelaine
1927 March 25
Box 44, Folder 19 The City in the Desert.
Box 44, Folder 20 The City of Destruction
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1914 May 13
Box 44, Folder 20 The City of the DJinn
Box 44, Folder 20 The City of the Titans
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 44, Folder 20 Cleopatra
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1918 May 18
Box 44, Folder 21 Cloudland
Box 44, Folder 21 Coldness
Contents Note: 2 copies
Box 44, Folder 21 Concluding Lines :f'or "Saturnian Epic."
Box 44, Folder 21 Concupiscence
Box 44, Folder 21 Connaissance
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1929 January 26
Box 44, Folder 22 Consummation
Contents Note: 2 copies
1947 October 15
Box 44, Folder 22 Contra Mortem
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes: Dominium in Excelsis, Copan.
Box 44, Folder 23 Un Couchant (French)
Contents Note: 4 copies.
Box 44, Folder 23 Un Couchant (English).
Contents Note: Includes: Un Madrigal (English).
Box 44, Folder 23 Courage
Box 44, Folder 23 Credo
Contents Note: 3 copies
1918 October 28
Box 44, Folder 24 The Crucifixion of Eros
Box 44, Folder 24 Cumuli
Box 44, Folder 24 The Cycle
Box 44, Folder 24 The Dark Chateau
Contents Note: 2 copies
Box 44, Folder 24 The Days of Time
Contents Note: Includes: The Sunrise.
Box 44, Folder 24 De Consolation
Contents Note: 2 copies
Box 44, Folder 25 Death
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 44, Folder 25 December.
Box 44, Folder 25 Delay
1952 September 12
Box 44, Folder 25 Delhi
Contents Note: Includes: Zuleika.
Box 44, Folder 25 Demogorgon
Box 44, Folder 25 Departure
Box 44, Folder 25 The Desert
Box 48, Folder 1 Desert Dweller
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 48, Folder 1 The Desire of Loving.
Box 48, Folder 1 Desire of Vastness
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 1 Desolation
Box 48, Folder 2 Dialogue
1941 July 28
Box 48, Folder 2 The Dials
Box 48, Folder 2 Didus Ineptus
Box 48, Folder 2 Disillusionment
Contents Note: Includes: The Mystic Number.
Box 48, Folder 3 Dissonance
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 3 Distillations
Box 48, Folder 3 Dolor of Dreams
Box 48, Folder 3 Dominion
Box 48, Folder 3 Dominium in Excelsis
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 4 Don Juan Sings
1923 March 7
Box 48, Folder 4 Don Quizote on Market Street
Contents Note: 4 copies.
Box 48, Folder 4 The Dragon-Fly
Contents Note: 3 copies.
1929 September 11
Box 48, Folder 5 Dreams
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1923 March 8-9
Box 48, Folder 5 A Dream
Box 48, Folder 5 The Dream
Box 48, Folder 5 A Dream of Beauty
Box 48, Folder 6 A Dream of India
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 7 A Dream of the Abyss
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 48, Folder 7 A Dream of Vathek
Contents Note: (drama).
Box 48, Folder 8 A Dream of Zanoni.
Box 48, Folder 8 The Dream-Weaver
1911 April 3
Box 48, Folder 8 Los Duenos
1950 January 30
Box 48, Folder 8 Eblis Repentant
Box 48, Folder 8 The Eclipse
Box 48, Folder 8 Ecstasy
1921 May 19
Box 48, Folder 8 Eight Haiku
Box 48, Folder 9 Êloignement
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 9 Êloignement
Box 48, Folder 9 Enchanted Mirrors
Contents Note: Includes: Almost Anything.
1925 March 16
Box 48, Folder 9 The End of Autumn
Contents Note: 3 copies. Includes: To a Friend.
Box 48, Folder 10 Ennui (or the Ennuyé)
Contents Note: 4 copies.
1919 December 22
Box 48, Folder 10 Ennui
Box 48, Folder 10 L'Ensorcelement
Contents Note: 3 copies
Box 48, Folder 11 The Envoys
Contents Note: 5 copies. (1 fragment.)
Box 48, Folder 11 Ephemera
Box 48, Folder 11 Erato
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1942 October 2
Box 48, Folder 11 Eros in the Desert
Box 48, Folder 12 Eros of Ebony (El Eros de Ébano)
Box 48, Folder 12 L'Espoir du Néant
Contents Note: 6 copies (1 photocopy).
Box 48, Folder 13 The Eternal Gleam.
Contents Note: Includes: Lost Beauty.
Box 48, Folder 13 The Eternal Shows
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes: The Unattainable.
Box 48, Folder 13 Even in Slumber
1943 November 11
Box 48, Folder 13 Evening.
Box 48, Folder 13 Exorcism
1929 January 14
Box 48, Folder 13 Exotic Memory
Contents Note: 4 copies. Includes: Epigrams.
Box 48, Folder 14 Exotique (French)
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 14 Exotique (English)
1915 June 14
Box 48, Folder 14 The Expanding Ideal
Box 48, Folder 14 A Fable
Contents Note: 6 copies.
Box 48, Folder 15 Le Fablieu d'un Dieu
Box 48, Folder 15 The Falling Leaves
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 15 Fantasia
Box 48, Folder 15 Fantasie d'Antan
Box 48, Folder 15 Farewell to Eros
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 48, Folder 15 Farmyard Fugue (On verso is letter from Bruce Lane to Smith)
1950 October 5
Box 48, Folder 16 Le Faune
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 16 Fawn-Lilies
Contents Note: 3 copies.
1919 April 19
Box 48, Folder 16 Fear
1923 August 22
Box 48, Folder 16 The Fear of Death
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes: Allah.
Box 48, Folder 16 The Feast
Box 48, Folder 16 February
1929 February 2
Box 48, Folder 16 Fellowship
Contents Note: Fragment.
Box 48, Folder 16 Fire of Snow
Box 48, Folder 16 The Flight of the Seraphim
Box 48, Folder 16 The Flower of the Night
Box 48, Folder 16 For Iris
Box 48, Folder 16 Forgetfulness
Box 48, Folder 17 La Forteresse
Contents Note: 6 copies {1 photocopy). Includes: Outlanders. Fragment. 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 18 The Freedom of the Hills
Box 48, Folder 18 From the Persian
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 18 The Fugitives (drama)
Contents Note: Fragment.
1922 September 17
Box 48, Folder 18 Future Pastoral
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 18 The Ganges
Box 48, Folder 18 Geometries
1932 August 9
Box 48, Folder 19 The Ghoul
Contents Note: Includes: No-Man's-Land.
1913 February 16
Box 48, Folder 19 The Ghoul and the Seraph
Box 48, Folder 19 Give me Your Lips
Contents Note: On verso: Strangeness.
Box 48, Folder 19 Great Poetic Lines-Gotterdammerung
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1941 February 17
Box 48, Folder 19 Grecian Yesterday
Box 48, Folder 19 The Harlot of the World
Box 48, Folder 19 Harmony
Box 48, Folder 20 Haroun al-Raschid
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 20 Hate and Love
Box 48, Folder 20 Haunting
Box 48, Folder 20 Haunting
Box 48, Folder 20 Hellenic Sequel
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 20 The Heron
Box 48, Folder 21 Hesperian Autumn (or Hesperian Fall)
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 21 The Hidden Paradise
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 21 Hill of Dionysus
1942 November 5
Box 48, Folder 21 The Hill-Top
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 22 Hope
Box 48, Folder 22 The Hope of the Infinite
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1919 September 17
Box 48, Folder 22 The Horizon Line
Box 48, Folder 22 The Horologe
Box 48, Folder 22 The lb sts of Heaven
Box 48, Folder 22 Humors of Love
Box 48, Folder 23 Hymn
Contents Note: 2 copies (photocopies).
Box 48, Folder 23 I Shall Not Greatly Grieve
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1952 August 5
Box 48, Folder 23 If Winter Remain?
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1949 January 28
Box 48, Folder 23 Illumination
1943 September 9
Box 48, Folder 24 Illusion
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 24 Image
Box 48, Folder 24 Imagination
Box 48, Folder 24 Immortelle
Box 48, Folder 24 Impression
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 1 In a Distant Universe (Dans l'Universe Lointain).
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 1 In Autumn
Contents Note: Includes: Estrangement.
Box 48, Folder 1 In Extremis
Box 48, Folder 1 In Lemuria
Box 48, Folder 1 In Saturn
Box 48, Folder 1 In the Wind
Box 48, Folder 2 In Thessaly
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 2 In Time of Absence
Contents Note: 5 copies.
1952 June 20
Box 48, Folder 2 Incantation for The Dead Will Cuckold You
Box 48, Folder 3 Incognita
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 3 The Incubus of Time
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 3 Indian Summer
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 48, Folder 4 Ineffability
Contents Note: 4 copies.
Box 48, Folder 4 The Infinite Quest
Box 48, Folder 4 The Inscription
Box 48, Folder 4 The Inscription
Box 48, Folder 4 Interval
1943 April 20
Box 48, Folder 5 Iris
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 5 Isaac Newton
Box 48, Folder 5 The Island of a Dream
Box 48, Folder 5 The Isle of Circe (La Isla de Circe)
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 48, Folder 6 The Isle of Saturn
Contents Note: 5 copies.
Box 48, Folder 6 Isle of the Shipwrecked (La Isla del Naufrago)
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 48, Folder 7 January Willow
Box 48, Folder 7 Jewel of the Orient
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 7 Jungle Twilight
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 7 Kin
Box 48, Folder 7 Lamia
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1940 January 24
Box 48, Folder 8 The Land of Evil Stars. Fragment.
Box 48, Folder 8 The Land's Dream
Box 48, Folder 8 The Last Goddess
Box 48, Folder 8 Lethe
Contents Note: Includes: A White Rose; Reincarnation.
Box 48, Folder 8 Lethe
Box 48, Folder 8 Leteo
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 9 Lichens
Box 48, Folder 9 A Litany of Things Loved
Box 48, Folder 9 Lives of the Saints
Box 48, Folder 9 Loss
1925 January 30
Box 48, Folder 9 Lost Farmsteads
Box 48, Folder 9 Love
Box 48, Folder 9 Love and Death
Box 48, Folder 10 Luna Aeternalis
Contents Note: 4 copies.
Box 48, Folder 10 The Lure of Gold
Contents Note: Includes: Fortune.
Box 48, Folder 10 Un Madrigal
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 11 Madrigal
Contents Note: 4 copies. Includes: August.
Box 48, Folder 11 Madrigal of Evanescence
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 48, Folder 12 Madrigal of Memory
Contents Note: 5 copies.
1941 July 15
Box 48, Folder 12 Malediction
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 13 Les Marées
1929 July 24
Box 48, Folder 13 Maya
Box 48, Folder 13 The Medusa of Despair
Box 48, Folder 13 The Medusa of the Skies (La Medusa des Cieux)
Contents Note: 5 copies.
Box 48, Folder 14 A Meeting
Box 48, Folder 14 Melancholia (Afloranza).
Box 48, Folder 14 Memnon at Midnight
Box 48, Folder 14 Memorial
Box 48, Folder 14 A Memory
Contents Note: Includes: Solitude.
Box 48, Folder 14 Mercy
Contents Note: Includes: The Leveler.
Box 48, Folder 14 Midnight Beach
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1943 September 5
Box 48, Folder 15 The Milky Way
Contents Note: Includes: To the Morning Star.
Box 48, Folder 15 The Mime of Sleep
Contents Note: 3 copies.
1941 July 28
Box 48, Folder 15 The Ministers of the Law
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 15 Mirage
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 16 Le Miroir des Blanches Fleurs
Contents Note: 4 copies.
1929 August 9
Box 48, Folder 16 The Mirrors of Beauty
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes: The Medusa of Despair.
Box 48, Folder 16 Mithridates
Box 48, Folder 17 Mohammed
Box 48, Folder 17 Moly
Contents Note: 3 copies.
1943 December 2
Box 48, Folder 17 Moments
Box 48, Folder 17 The Moon
Contents Note: Includes: The Ocean.
Box 48, Folder 17 Moonlight
Box 48, Folder 18 Moon-Dawn.
Box 48, Folder 18 Moon-Sight
Contents Note: 3 copies. Includes: The Hill-Top.
Box 48, Folder 18 Morning on an Eastern Sea.
Box 48, Folder 18 Mortal Essences
Box 48, Folder 18 The Mummy
Box 48, Folder 18 Mystery
Box 48, Folder 19 The Mystical Number
Contents Note: Includes: Disenchantment.
Box 48, Folder 19 Nada
Contents Note: 5 copies.
1952 June 23
Box 48, Folder 19 Nature's Orchestra
Box 48, Folder 20 Necromancy
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 20 Neighboring Slaughter-House
Box 48, Folder 20 The Nereid (La Nereida)
Contents Note: 4 copies.
1950 June 27
Box 48, Folder 21 Night. 4 copies.
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes: The Waning Moon.
Box 48, Folder 21 The Night of Despair
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 21 The Night Wind
Box 48, Folder 21 Nightfall
Contents Note: 3 copies.
1921 May 18
Box 48, Folder 22 Nightmare
Box 48, Folder 22 The Nightmare Tarn
Box 48, Folder 22 Nocturne
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 22 Nocturne: Grant Avenue
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1947 September 29
Box 48, Folder 22 The Noon of the Seasons
Box 48, Folder 23 Not Theirs the Cypress-Arch
Contents Note: 3 copies.
1951 January 12
Box 48, Folder 23 November
Box 48, Folder 23 Nyctalops
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 23 O Golden-Tongued Romance
Box 48, Folder 24 Oblivion
Box 48, Folder 24 Oblivion
Box 48, Folder 24 Ocean Twilight
Box 48, Folder 24 October
Contents Note: 5 copies.
Box 48, Folder 24 Ode
Box 48, Folder 25 Ode
Contents Note: 4 copies.
Box 48, Folder 25 Ode from the Persian
Box 48, Folder 25 Ode on Matter
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 1 Ode on the Future of Song
Box 48, Folder 1 Ode to Aphrodite
Box 48, Folder 1 Ode to Beauty
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 1 Ode to Light
Box 48, Folder 1 Ode to Matter
Box 48, Folder 1 Ode to Music
Box 48, Folder 2 Ode to Poetry
Box 48, Folder 2 Odes of Olnaschar
Box 48, Folder 2 Offering
Box 48, Folder 2 Old Hydraulic Diggings
Box 48, Folder 2 Omar's Philosophy
Box 48, Folder 2 Ombos
Box 48, Folder 3 Omniety
Contents Note: 4 copies.
1943 September 17
Box 48, Folder 3 On a Chinese Vase
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1928 November 2
Box 48, Folder 3 On Reading Baudelaire
Box 48, Folder 4 On the Canyon-Side
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1923 March 4
Box 48, Folder 4 On.Trying to Read Four Quartets
Box 48, Folder 4 One Evening
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes: Song at Evenfall.
Box 48, Folder 4 Orgueil
Contents Note: 2 copies (1 xerox).
Box 48, Folder 4 Oratian Love-Song
Box 48, Folder 5 The Orient
Box 48, Folder 5 Oriental Poems
Box 48, Folder 5 Oriental Verses
Box 48, Folder 5 Ougabalys
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1929 September 15
Box 48, Folder 5 Outlanders
Contents Note: 4 copies.
1934 June 26
Box 48, Folder 6 Pagan
Box 48, Folder 6 The Pagan
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 6 The Pageant of Music
Contents Note: 3 copies. Includes: The Music of the Gods.
Box 48, Folder 6 Paĭennerie
Box 48, Folder 7 The Palace of Jewels.
Box 48, Folder 7 The Palace of the Jinn
Box 48, Folder 7 Palms
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1918 April 10
Box 48, Folder 7 Pantheistic Dream (Rêve Pantheistique)
Box 48, Folder 7 Parnassus (Parnaso)
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1950 March 24
Box 48, Folder 8 The Past
Contents Note: Includes: The Present, The Future, Time the Wonder.
Box 48, Folder 8 The Past
Box 48, Folder 8 Paysage Paĩen.
Contents Note: 4 copies.
1929 July 28
Box 48, Folder 8 The Phantom
Box 48, Folder 9 The Phoenix
Contents Note: 3 copies.
1935 May 24
Box 48, Folder 9 Plum-Flowers
1922 May 17
Box 48, Folder 9 Poemes d'Amour
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 9 The Poet Speaks with the Ghouls
Contents Note: Fragment.
Box 48, Folder 9 Le Poète Parle avec ses Biographes (or Le Poète Parle avec les Goules)
Box 48, Folder 10 The Poets of Optimism (Los Poetas or Los Poetas del Optimismo)
Contents Note: 3 copies. Includes: Beauty (La Hermosura).
Box 48, Folder 10 The Pool (La Mare)
Contents Note: 3 copies. Includes: The Forteress (The Fortress).
Box 48, Folder 10 Postlude
Box 48, Folder 11 Pour Chercher du Nouveau
Box 48, Folder 11 The Power of Eld
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes: The Retribution.
Box 48, Folder 11 A Prayer
Box 48, Folder 11 The Prayer Rug
Box 48, Folder 11 A Precept
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 12 The Prince and the Peri
Box 48, Folder 12 Poem for Sandalwood
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 12 The Prophet Speaks
Box 48, Folder 12 Psalms
Box 48, Folder 12 Psalms
Box 48, Folder 12 Pulse-Beats of Eros
Box 48, Folder 12 The Pursuer
Contents Note: 3 copies. Includes: To the Spirit of Sublimity.
Box 48, Folder 13 Quatrains
Box 48, Folder 13 Quatrains on Jewels
Box 48, Folder 13 Que Songes-Tu, Muse?
Box 48, Folder 13 Query
Box 48, Folder 13 Quest
Contents Note: 3 copies. Includes: The Traveller
Box 48, Folder 14 Qu'Importe?
Box 48, Folder 14 Quintrains
Box 48, Folder 14 Quintrains
Box 48, Folder 14 Red Memory (Memoria Roja)
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 48, Folder 14 The Red Moon
Box 48, Folder 15 Refuge
Box 48, Folder 15 Le Refuge (French)
Contents Note: 5 copies (1 photocopy)
Box 48, Folder 15 Le Refuge (English)
Box 48, Folder 15 The Refuge of Beauty
Box 48, Folder 16 The Regained Past
Box 48, Folder 16 Remembrance
Box 48, Folder 16 Requiescat
1938 November 9
Box 48, Folder 16 Requiescat
Box 48, Folder 16 Resignation
Contents Note: Includes: Quatrains.
Box 48, Folder 16 Retrospect and Forecast (English)
1012 January 11
Box 48, Folder 16 Retrospect and Forecast (French)
Box 48, Folder 17 The Revelation.
Box 48, Folder 17 Reverie in August
Box 48, Folder 17 Reves Printaniers
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 17 Rimas XXXIII
Box 48, Folder 17 The River
Box 48, Folder 17 River-Canyon
Box 48, Folder 17 The Road of Pain
Box 48, Folder 18 Romance.
Box 48, Folder 18 Rosa Mystica
Contents Note: 3 copies.
1919 November 5
Box 48, Folder 18 Rubaiyat
Box 48, Folder 18 Rubaiyat
Box 48, Folder 18 Rubaiyat
Box 48, Folder 18 Rubaiyat of Seyyid
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 19 Sacraments
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1952 August 5
Box 48, Folder 19 Said the Dreamer
1912 March 5
Box 48, Folder 19 Sanctuary
Box 48, Folder 19 Sandalwood
Contents Note: Fragment.
Box 48, Folder 19 Sandalwood and Onions
Contents Note: Includes: Simile.
Box 48, Folder 20 Satiety
Box 48, Folder 20 Satiety
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 48, Folder 20 Saturnian Cinema
Contents Note: Verso: letter from Sam Sackett to Smith, 1954 July 24.
1954 September 13
Box 48, Folder 20 Saturnienne
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 48, Folder 21 Says the Dreamer. (Dice el Sofiador)
Box 48, Folder 21 The Sea-Gods
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 21 Sea-Lure
Box 48, Folder 21 The Secret
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes : The Oracle.
1923 March 13
Box 48, Folder 22 Secret Love
Contents Note: 5 copies. Includes: Morn.
1921 May 22
Box 48, Folder 22 Secret Worship
Box 48, Folder 22 Seeker
Box 48, Folder 23 Seer
Contents Note: 5 copies.
1952 June 23
Box 48, Folder 23 Seer of the Cycles
Box 48, Folder 24 Seins
Box 48, Folder 24 Semblence
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1923 March 4
Box 48, Folder 24 September
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 25 Septembral
Contents Note: 3 copies
Box 48, Folder 25 Shadows
Contents Note: 3 copies
Box 48, Folder 1 Shapes in the Sunset.
Box 48, Folder 1 Silence
Contents Note: Includes: Perseverence.
Box 48, Folder 1 The Silence of Eternity
Contents Note: Fragment.
Box 48, Folder 1 Silent Hour
1941 January 30
Box 48, Folder 1 Silhouette
Box 48, Folder 1 Simile
Box 48, Folder 1 Similes
Box 48, Folder 2 Sililitudes
Contents Note: 3 copies. Includes : February.
1929 February 1
Box 48, Folder 2 Sinbad, You Shouldn't Brag (or, Sinbad, It Was Not Well to Brag)
Contents Note: 4 copies. Includes: El Vendaval; Song (Cantar).
Box 48, Folder 2 Snowfall on Acacia
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 48, Folder 3 Solicitation
Contents Note: 5 copies.
1932 September 14
Box 48, Folder 3 Solitude
Contents Note: Includes: Despondency.
Box 48, Folder 4 Solution
Contents Note: 4 copies
Box 48, Folder 4 Some Blind Eidolon
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1947 March 23
Box 48, Folder 4 Some Maxims from the Persian
Box 48, Folder 5 Someone
Box 48, Folder 5 Somnus
Box 48, Folder 5 Somnus
Box 48, Folder 5 Song
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 5 Song
1927 December 19
Box 48, Folder 5 Song
Box 48, Folder 6 Song
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1923 November 5
Box 48, Folder 6 Song
Box 48, Folder 6 Song
Box 48, Folder 6 Song
Contents Note: Includes: Epigrams.
Box 48, Folder 6 Song
Contents Note: Includes: Eros of Ebony ( El Eros de Ébano)
Box 48, Folder 6 Song
1924 September 12
Box 48, Folder 6 Song (Cantar)
Box 48, Folder 7 Song of Even Fall
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 7 Song from "The Fugitives"
Box 48, Folder 7 The Song of a Comet
Box 48, Folder 7 The Song of Cartha
Box 48, Folder 8 The Song of Galeor (from The Dead Will Cuckold You)
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 8 The Song of Songs
Box 48, Folder 8 Song of the Bacchic Bards
Box 48, Folder 9 Song of the Free Beings (El Cantar de los Seres Libres)
Contents Note: 4 copies. Includes: Mito.; Two Myths and a Fable; Invocation

(translation of Gustavo Adolfo Becquer).
Box 48, Folder 9 Song of the Necromancer
Box 48, Folder 9 Sonnet
Box 48, Folder 9 Sonnet
Box 48, Folder 9 Sonnet
1941 February 20
Box 48, Folder 10 Sonnet
Box 48, Folder 10 Sonnet Lunaire (French)
Box 48, Folder 10 Sonnet Lunaire (English)
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 10 Sonnet on Music
Box 48, Folder 10 Sonnet on Oblivion
Box 48, Folder 10 Sonnet to the Sphinx
Box 48, Folder 11 Sonnets of the Desert
Box 48, Folder 11 Sonnets of the Season
Box 48, Folder 11 Sonnets on Dreams
Box 48, Folder 11 The Sorcerer to His Love
Box 48, Folder 11 Souvenance
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1927 August 25
Box 48, Folder 11 Le Souvenir
Contents Note: 3 copies.
1929 July 28
Box 48, Folder 12 The Spiritual Dawn
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes: The Wine of Lovers.
Box 48, Folder 12 The Star-Treader
Contents Note: Fragment.
Box 48, Folder 12 The Storm
Box 48, Folder 12 Styes with Spires
Box 48, Folder 12 The Stylite
1951 January 10
Box 48, Folder 12 Sufficiency
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 13 Suggestion.
Box 48, Folder 13 The Summer Hills.
Contents Note: Includes: The Moods of the Sea.
Box 48, Folder 13 Summer Idleness
Box 48, Folder 13 Sunrise
Box 48, Folder 13 The Sunrise
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 13 The Suns and the Void
Box 48, Folder 14 Sunset
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes: The Besieging Billows.
Box 48, Folder 14 The Sunset Islands
Contents Note: Includes: Afterglow.
Box 48, Folder 14 Suplica
Box 48, Folder 14 Supplication
1942 September 30
Box 48, Folder 14 Surrealiste Sonnet 2
Box 48, Folder 14 Swine and Azaleas
1941 July 16
Box 48, Folder 14 Symbols
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1919 August 13
Box 48, Folder 15 Tanka
Contents Note: Includes: December.
Box 48, Folder 15 Tankas
Box 48, Folder 15 Tankas
1923 November 16
Box 48, Folder 15 The Tears of Lilith
1917 April 26
Box 48, Folder 15 The Temple
Box 48, Folder 15 The Temple of Night
Box 48, Folder 16 The Temptation
Contents Note: 7 copies.
1924 September 23
Box 48, Folder 16 The Temptation
Box 48, Folder 17 Thebaid
Contents Note: 3 copies.
1954 February 14
Box 48, Folder 17 The Thralls of Circe Climb Parnassus
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 48, Folder 17 The Throne of Winter
Box 48, Folder 17 Time
Box 48, Folder 18 Time.
Contents Note: Includes: To an Eastern City.
Box 48, Folder 18 A Tin Can on the Mountain-Top.
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 48, Folder 18 Tired Gardener.
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 48, Folder 18 To a Cloud
Box 48, Folder 18 To a Comet
Box 52, Folder 1 To a Northern Venus
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 1 To a Snowdrop
Box 52, Folder 1 To a Yellow Pine
Box 52, Folder 1 To Ambition
Box 52, Folder 1 To Antares
Contents Note: 4 copies (1 photocopy). 25 August 1927.Includes: Souvenance.
Box 52, Folder 2 To Carol
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 2 To George Sterling
Box 52, Folder 2 To George Sterling
Contents Note: 4 copies.
1941 November 20
Box 52, Folder 2 To George Sterling
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 3 To Iris
Box 52, Folder 3 To Iris
Box 52, Folder 3 To Lesbia
1942 September 29
Box 52, Folder 3 To Lilith
1944 January 3
Box 52, Folder 3 To Lilith
Box 52, Folder 3 To Nora May French
Contents Note: 4 copies. Includes: Wingless Phoenix.
Box 52, Folder 4 To One Absent
Contents Note: 3 copies.
1941 January 29
Box 52, Folder 4 To the Beloved
Box 52, Folder 4 To the Crescent Moon
Box 52, Folder 4 Tb the Daemon Sublimity
Box 52, Folder 4 To the Morning Star
Box 52, Folder 5 To the West Wind
Box 52, Folder 5 To Thomas Paine
Box 52, Folder 5 Touch
Box 52, Folder 5 Town Lights
Contents Note: 3 copies.
1941 November 15
Box 52, Folder 5 Transcendance
Box 52, Folder 5 Triple Aspect
Box 52, Folder 6 Tristan to Iseult
Contents Note: 4 copies. Includes: Venus.
Box 52, Folder 6 Trope
Contents Note: 4 copies.
1927 August 12
Box 52, Folder 7 Twilight
Box 52, Folder 7 The Twilight of the Gods
Box 52, Folder 7 Twilight Song
1942 September 29
Box 52, Folder 7 Two Myths and a Fable (Dos Mitos y una Fabula).
Contents Note: 5 copies.
1950 June 20
Box 52, Folder 8 Two on a Pillar
Box 52, Folder 8 Union
Box 52, Folder 8 The Unknown ( Lo Ignoto)
Contents Note: 10 copies.
Box 52, Folder 9 The Unnamed
1943 December 5
Box 52, Folder 9 A Valediction
Contents Note: Fragment.
Box 52, Folder 9 The Vampire Night
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 10 El Vendaval (Spanish and English)
Contents Note: 3 copies. Includes: Song (Cantar).
Box 52, Folder 10 Venus
Contents Note: Includes: To Antares.
Box 52, Folder 10 Venus
Box 52, Folder 10 Verity
Contents Note: 3 copies.
1952 September 14
Box 52, Folder 11 Une Vie Spectrale
Contents Note: 5 copies.
Box 52, Folder 11 Les Violins
1927 January 4
Box 52, Folder 11 The Voice in the Pines
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 12 Voices
Box 52, Folder 12 War
Box 52, Folder 12 Warnings
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 12 We Shall Meet
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 12 Weavings
Box 52, Folder 13 What Dreamest Thou, Muse? (!Que Suenas, Musa?).
Box 52, Folder 13 Where Sleepest Thou, O Eldorado? ( ¿ Dondé Duermes, Eldorado?)
Contents Note: 4 copies.
Box 52, Folder 13 The Whisper of the Worm.
Box 52, Folder 13 Wine of Wonder
Box 52, Folder 14 The Wingless Archangels. 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 14 Winter (or The Wizardry of Winter}. 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 14 Winter Midnight
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 14 The Witch
1923 March 11
Box 52, Folder 14 The Witch in the Graveyard
1913 June 26-27
Box 52, Folder 15 The Witch with the Eyes of Amber
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 15 A Woman at Prayer
Contents Note: 2 copies (1 photocopy).
Box 52, Folder 15 The World
Box 52, Folder 15 The Wraith of Beauty
Contents Note: Includes: The Dolor of Dreams.
Box 52, Folder 16 Ye Shall Return
Contents Note: 2 copies.
1951 September 30
Box 52, Folder 16 Youth and Age
Box 52, Folder 16 Zothique
Box 52, Folder 16 Zuleika
Box 52, Folder 17-25 Unorganized Fragments
Box 52, Folder 1-7 Unorganized Fragments

Series IV. Non-Fiction Manuscripts
The non-fiction series is organized similarly to the series of fiction manuscripts. If a work is anything but a carbon of a typed manuscript (i.e., autograph manuscript, typed manuscript original), it will have no description, except a page count, and other comments relevant to its condition. The manuscripts are in alphabetical order by title.

Container Description Date
Box 52, Folder 8 Atmosphere is Weird Fiction
6 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original.
Box 52, Folder 9-15 Epigrams
183 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript and typed manuscript original.
Box 52, Folder 16 Excerpts from the Black Book
2 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original.
Box 52, Folder 17 George Sterling: Poet and Friend
26 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original. Typed manuscript original. 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 18 G.S.: An Appreciation
6 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original; 2 copies. Fragment. Autograph manuscript.
Box 52, Folder 19 In Defense of Imaginative Poetry
6 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript
Box 52, Folder 20 Local Boy Makes Good
2 pages

Contents Note: Includes: "About Clark Ashton Smith." Typed manuscript original.
Box 52, Folder 21 A Note on M. R. James
4 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript original.
Box 52, Folder 22 Reviews of books: Nevertheless by Marianne Moore; The Web of Easter Island by Donald Wandrei; Wine of Wonder by Lilith Lorraine; "Show of Paintings by Auburn Poet."
6 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript, typed manuscript original. Typed manuscript original. "Show of Paintings by Auburn Poet." Includes: "Clark Ashton Smith." Typed manuscript.
Box 52, Folder 23 Story-Writing
3 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript, typed manuscript original.
Box 52, Folder 24 Untitled
1 page

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.

Series V. Translations
All works arranged alphabetically by the author of the original work and, within an author, alphabetically by title. The section is divided into a) translations from Baudelaire; and b) translations from other authors. Precedence has been given to foreign titles as opposed to English titles; the latter follow the former. If no copies of a translation bear a foreign title, then the work is listed under the English title. One unidentified translation follows at the rear of the entire series.

Series V. Subseries A. Translations from Baudelaire

Container Description Date
Box 52, Folder 25 "À Celle Qui Est Trop Gaie"
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 25 "À Theodore de Banville"
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes: Le Chat.
Box 52, Folder 25 To Theodore de Banville
Box 52, Folder 25 À Une Madone
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 25 À Une Malabaresse
Box 52, Folder 25 To a Malabaress
Box 52, Folder 1 À Une Mendiante Rousse.
Contents Note: 4 copies.
Box 52, Folder 2 À Une Passante
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 2 To a Passer-By
Contents Note: Includes: La Destruction.
Box 52, Folder 2 Abel et Cain
Box 52, Folder 3 L'Albatros
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes: Le couffre.
Box 52, Folder 3 The Albatross
Box 52, Folder 3 Alchemie de la Douleur
Contents Note: 4 copies. Includes: Obsession, Paysage.
Box 52, Folder 4 Allégorie
Contents Note: 5 copies.
Box 52, Folder 5 L'Ame du Vin
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 5 L'Amour du Mensonge
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes: Le Rebelle
Box 52, Folder 5 The Love of Falsehood
Box 52, Folder 6 L'Aube Spirituelle
Contents Note: 4 copies.
Box 52, Folder 6 The Spiritual Dawn
Box 52, Folder 6 L' Avertisseur
Contents Note: Includes: Les Plaintes d'un Icare
Box 52, Folder 6 The Adviser
Box 52, Folder 7 Les Aveugles
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 7 The Blind
Box 52, Folder 7 The Balcon
Contents Note: 4 copies.
Box 52, Folder 7 The Beacons
Box 52, Folder 8 Lá Beatrice
Contents Note: 4 copies.
Box 52, Folder 8 Beatrice
Box 52, Folder 8 Le Beau Navire
Contents Note: 2 copies
Box 52, Folder 9 La Beauté
Contents Note: 3 copies. Includes: Correspondences, elevation.
Box 52, Folder 9 Beauty
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 10 Bénédiction
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 11 Les Bijoux
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 11 Bohemiens en Voyage
Contents Note: 2 copies
Box 52, Folder 11 Brumes et Pluies
Contents Note: 5 copies.
Box 52, Folder 11 Mists and Rains
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 12 Le Cadre.
Contents Note: Includes: Un Fantome.
Box 52, Folder 12 Le Calumet de Paiz
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 12 The Cat
Box 52, Folder 12 The Cats
Box 52, Folder 13 Causerie
Contents Note: 4 copies.Includes: La Muse Malade.
Box 52, Folder 13 Chanson d'Aprés-Midi
Box 52, Folder 13 Chant d'Automne
Contents Note: 3 copies. Includes: A Une Dame Creole.
Box 52, Folder 13 Song of Autumn
Box 52, Folder 14 Une Charogne
Box 52, Folder 14 Le Chat
Box 52, Folder 14 Chatiment d'orgueil
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 14 The Chastisement of Pride.
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 14 Le Chevelure
Contents Note: 2 copies
Box 52, Folder 15 Ciel Brouillé
Contents Note: 5 copies. Includes: L'Aube Spirituelle, Couvercle, Chant d'Automne.
Box 52, Folder 15 Doubtful Skies
Box 52, Folder 16 La Cloche Felée
Box 52, Folder 16 Confession
Contents Note: Chanson d'Aprés-Midi
Box 52, Folder 17 Correspondences
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 17 Le Coucher du Soleil Romantique
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 17 Le Couvercle
Contents Note: Includes: Obsession.
Box 52, Folder 17 The Cover
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 18 Le Crepuscule du Matin
Contents Note: 3 copies. Includes: Abel et Cain.
Box 52, Folder 18 Le Crepuscule de Soir
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 19 Le Cygne
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 19 Danse Macabre
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 19 The Dance of Death
Box 52, Folder 20 De Profundis Clamayi
Contents Note: 3 copies. Includes: La tune Offensée.
Box 52, Folder 20 La Destruction
Contents Note: Includes: A Une Passante.
Box 52, Folder 20 Destruction
Box 52, Folder 20 Les Deux Bonnes Soeurs
Box 52, Folder 20 The Two Good Sisters
Box 52, Folder 21 Don Juan aux Enfers
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 21 Duellum
Contents Note: Includes: Lea Chats, Le Possede, L'Avertisseur.
Box 52, Folder 21 The Duel
Box 52, Folder 21 Elevation
Contents Note: Includes: Le Guignon.
Box 52, Folder 21 Elevation
Box 52, Folder 21 L'Ennemi
Contents Note: Includes: Parfum Exotique.
Box 52, Folder 22 Epigraph pour un Livre Condamné
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 22 Epigraph for a Condemned Book
Box 52, Folder 22 Evening Twilight
Contents Note: Fragment.
Box 52, Folder 22 The Evil Monk
Box 52, Folder 22 L'Examen de Minuit
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 22 Un Fantome
Box 52, Folder 23 Femmes Damnees
Box 52, Folder 23 Femmes Damnees
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 24 La Fin de la Journée
Contents Note: Includes: Tout Entière.
Box 52, Folder 24 Le Flacon
Contents Note: Includes: Recueillement.
Box 52, Folder 24 Le Flambeau Vivant
Contents Note: Includes: Remords Posthumes.
Box 52, Folder 24 La Fontaine de Sang
Contents Note: 4 copies.
Box 52, Folder 25 La Géante
Contents Note: 4 copies. Includes: L'Idéal.
Box 52, Folder 25 The Giantess
Box 52, Folder 1 Une Gravure Fantastique
Contents Note: 3 copies. Includes: Le Serpent Qui Danse.
Box 52, Folder 1 Le Guignon
Box 52, Folder 1 Harmonie du Soir
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes: Les Hiboux.
Box 52, Folder 1 Harmony of Evening
Box 52, Folder 2 L'Heautontimouroménos
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 2 Les Hiboux
Contents Note: 4 copies. Includes: The Owls.
Box 52, Folder 3 L'Homme et la Mer
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 3 L'Horloge
Contents Note: 5 copies.
Box 52, Folder 3 The Clock
Box 52, Folder 3 Horreur Sympathetique
Box 52, Folder 4 Hymne
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 4 Hymn
Box 52, Folder 4 Hymne à la Beauté
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 4 L'Idéal
Box 52, Folder 5 L'Imprevu
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 5 L'Invitation au Voyage.
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 6 L'Irremediable
Contents Note: 10 copies.
Box 52, Folder 7 L'Irreparable
Contents Note: 8 copies.
Box 52, Folder 8 Le Jet d'Eau
Contents Note: 4 copies.
Box 52, Folder 8 Le Jeu
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes: Les Yeux de Berthe.
Box 52, Folder 8 The Game
Box 52, Folder 9 Lesbos
Box 52, Folder 9 Le Léthé
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 9 Lethe
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 10 Les Litanies de Satan
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 10 Litany to Satan
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 11 Lola de Valence
Box 52, Folder 11 Love and the Cranium
Box 52, Folder 11 Madrigal Triste
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 12 Magnetic Horror
Box 52, Folder 12 Une Matyre
Contents Note: 4 copies.
Box 52, Folder 13 Le Masque
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 13 Le Mauvais Moine
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes: Le Coucher du Soleil Romantique.
Box 52, Folder 14 Les Metamorphoses du Vampire
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 14 The Metamorphoses of the Vampire
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 15 Moesta et Errabunda
Box 52, Folder 15 La Mort des Amants
Box 52, Folder 15 The Death of Lovers
Box 52, Folder 16 La Mort des Artistes
Box 52, Folder 16 La Mort des Pauvres
Contents Note: 4 copies. Includes: La Fin de la Journée.
Box 52, Folder 17 Le Mort Joyeux (sic)
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 17 La Muse Malade
Contents Note: 4 copies. Includes: La Muse Venale.
Box 52, Folder 17 The Sick Muse
Box 52, Folder 18 La Muse Venale
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes: La Muse Malade.
Box 52, Folder 18 La Musique
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes: Horreur Sympathetique, Le Revenant.
Box 52, Folder 18 Obsession
Contents Note: 4 copies. Includes: La Musique.
Box 52, Folder 19 Paysage
Box 52, Folder 19 Les Petites Vielles
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 19 La Pipe
Contents Note: 3 copies. Includes: Spleen.
Box 52, Folder 19 Les Plaintes d'un Icare
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 19 The Lament of Icarus.
Box 52, Folder 20 Plaisir d'Amour.
Box 52, Folder 20 Le Poison
Contents Note: 6 copies. Includes: La Vie Anterieure.
Box 52, Folder 20 The Poison
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 21 Le Portrait
Box 52, Folder 21 Le Possédé
Box 52, Folder 21 The Possessed
Box 52, Folder 21 Préface
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 52, Folder 21 La Prière d'un Paien
Contents Note: Includes: Bien Loin d'Ici.
Box 52, Folder 22 Le Rancori
Contents Note: Includes: Les Deux Bonnes Soeurs.
Box 52, Folder 22 Le Rebelle
Contents Note: 4 copies.
Box 52, Folder 22 The Rebel
Box 52, Folder 23 Recueillement
Contents Note: Includes: Sur le Tasse en Prison.
Box 52, Folder 23 Le Reniement de Saint Pierre
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 23 The Denial of Saint Peter
Box 52, Folder 24 Le Rêve d 'un Curieux
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 24 Rêve Parisien
Contents Note: 6 copies.
Box 52, Folder 24 A Parisian Dream
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 25 Le Revenant
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 52, Folder 25 Reves Printaniers
Box 52, Folder 25 Reversibilite
Box 52, Folder 25 Sed Non Satiata
Contents Note: 6 copies
Box 56, Folder 1 Self-Questioning
Box 56, Folder 1 Semper Eadem
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 56, Folder 1 Les Sept Viellards
Box 56, Folder 1 Le Serpent Qui Danse
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 56, Folder 1 Sisina
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 56, Folder 1 Le Soleil
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes: L'Invitation au Voyage.
Box 56, Folder 1 Sonnet d'Automne
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes: "Paysage Elyséen," from Pierre Lièvre.
Box 56, Folder 2 Spleen
Contents Note: 4 copies. Includes: L 'Amor de Mensonge (fragment)
Box 56, Folder 2 Spleen
Contents Note: 3 copies. Includes: L'Aube Spirituelle.
Box 56, Folder 3 Spleen
Contents Note: 6 copies.
Box 56, Folder 4 Le Squelette Laboureur
Box 56, Folder 4 To a Creole Lady
Box 56, Folder 4 The Toiling Skeleton
Box 56, Folder 4 Le Tonneau de la Haine
Contents Note: 2 copies. Includes: L'Heautontimorouménos.
Box 56, Folder 4 The Barrel of Hate
Box 56, Folder 5 Travelling Gypsies
Box 56, Folder 5 Tristesses de la Lune
Contents Note: 3 copies.
Box 56, Folder 5 Le Vampire
Contents Note: 4 copies.
Box 56, Folder 6 Vers pour le Portrait d'Honoré Daumier
Contents Note: Includes: Á Une Dame Creole.
Box 56, Folder 6 Very Far from Here
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 56, Folder 6 La Vie Anterieure
Box 56, Folder 6 Anterior Life
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 56, Folder 7 LeVin de l'Assassin
Contents Note: 5 copies.
Box 56, Folder 7 The Wine of the Assassin
Box 56, Folder 7 Le Vain des Amants
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 56, Folder 8 Le Vin des Chiffoniers
Contents Note: 3 copies. Includes: L'Amour de Mensonge (fragment).
Box 56, Folder 8 The Wine of Rag-Pickers
Contents Note: . 2 copies.
Box 56, Folder 9 Le Vin du Solitaire
Box 56, Folder 9 The Wine of the Solitary
Box 56, Folder 9 La Voix
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 56, Folder 9 Le Voyage
Contents Note: 2 copies.
Box 56, Folder 10 Un Voyage à Cythère
Contents Note: 4 copies.
Box 56, Folder 10 Les Yeux de Berthe
Box 56, Folder 10 The Eyes of Bertha
Box 56, Folder 11-12 Untitled or unidentified translations

Series V. Subseries B. Translations from Other Authors

Container Description Date
Box 56, Folder 13 Becquer, Gustavo Adolfo
Contents Note: "Invocation", Includes: "Song of the Free Beings" and "Two Myths and a Fable". "The Sower", Includes: "Invocation." "That Motley Drama", 2 copies. "The World Rolls On" , 2 copies.
Box 56, Folder 13 Calcaño, José A.
Contents Note: "The Cypress"
Box 56, Folder 13 Chocano, Jose Santos
Contents Note: "The Sleep of the Alligator", Includes: translation from Becquer.
Box 56, Folder 13 Dauquet, Marie
Contents Note: Untitled
Box 56, Folder 14 Gautiér, Theophila
Contents Note: "The Flower-Pot", "Pastel".
Box 56, Folder 14 Gérard de Nerval
Contents Note: "Artemis'' 2 copies. "Golden Verses."
Box 56, Folder 14 Heredia, Jose Marie de
Contents Note: "The Coral Reef". "Oblivion" 3 copies.
Box 56, Folder 15 Heredia, Jose Marie de
Contents Note: "The Samurai" 7 copies. Includes: "On a Broken Statue." "The Stained Window."
Box 56, Folder 16 Hugo, Victor
Contents Note: "Twilight." "What One Hears on the Mountain." 2 copies. "The Wheel of Omphale" 2 copies.
Box 56, Folder 17 Isaacs, Jorge
Contents Note: "Luminary." 3 copies. Includes: "Rhythm," from Juan Lozano y Lozano.
Box 56, Folder 17 Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louis de
Contents Note: "The Lake."
Box 56, Folder 17 Leconte de Lisle, Charles Marie René
Contents Note: "The Black Panther" 2 copies. "Ecclesiastes" 2 copies.
Box 56, Folder 18 Leconte de Lisle, Charles Marie René
Contents Note: "The Exhibitionists." Includes: "On a Broken Statue," trom José Maria de Heredia. "The Howler." "The Sleep of the Condor." Includes translations from Mussett and Heredia.
Box 56, Folder 18 Lerberghe, Charles Van
Contents Note: "Song".
Box 56, Folder 18 Lièvre, Pierre.
Contents Note: "Elysian Landscape." "The End of the Summer.
Box 56, Folder 19 Musset, Alfred de
Contents Note: ''Remember Thee".
Box 56, Folder 19 Nervo, Amado
Contents Note: "Night."
Box 56, Folder 19 Stendhal (Henri Beyle)
Contents Note: "From Stendhal's [sic] De L'Amour."
Box 56, Folder 19 Velasco, Jose
Contents Note: Untitled.
Box 56, Folder 19 Verlaine, Paul
Contents Note: "Ariettes Oubliées" 3 copies.
Box 56, Folder 20 Verlaine, Paul
Contents Note: "La Bonne Chanson" 3 copies. "Claire de Lune" 2 copies. "Crimen Amoris". En Sourdine" 3 copies. "To a Woman". Unknown. "Il Bacio".

Series VI. Manuscripts: Monographs and Collections
The following are book-length collections of Smith's works in manuscript , or manuscript monographs. They are listed alphabetically by title of the entire manuscript. Contents of unpublished books only are listed.

Container Description Date
Box 56, Folder 1 The Black Book
225 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript; Typed manuscript (Photocopy). Includes story plots, addresses of Smith's associates, etc.
Box 56, Folder 2 The Hill of Dionysus
Contents Note: Typed manuscript. Collection of poetry, published 1962.
Box 56, Folder 3 A Prophecy of Monsters
130 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript. Unpublished collection of stories prepared by Mrs. C. A. Smith. Contains: "A Prophecy of Monsters,., "The Disinterment of Venus," "The Willow Landscape," "The Death of Ilalotha," "The Flower-Women," 'Vintage from Atlantis," "The Seed from the Sepulcher," "The Ninth Skeleton," "The Phantoms of Fire," "A Night in Malneant," "The White Sybil, and "The Weird of Avoosl. Wuthoqquan."
Box 56, Folder 1 Selected Poems
415 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript. Published 1971. Some pages of the manuscript are missing, other pages are numbered twice, variant pages and photocopies of pages are included.
Box 56, Folder 2 The History and Pedigree of the House of Gaillard or Gaylord
66 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript. By Mrs. Timeus Smith (?).
Box 56, Folder 3 Untitled
109 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript. Unpublished collection of long stories prepared by Mrs. Clark Ashton Smith. Contents: introduction by Ray Bradbury, "The City of the Singing Flame," "Master of the Asteroid," "The Monster of the Prophecy," and "The Double Shadow."
Box 56, Folder 1 Untitled
220 pages

Contents Note: Typed manuscript. Unpublished collection of tales (partially a carbon copy of A Prophecy of Monsters) prepared by Mrs.C. A. Smith. Contains: "A Prophecy of Monsters," "The Disinterment of Venus," "The City of the Singing Flame" (fragment), "The Monster of Prophecy," "A Night in Malneant," "The White Sybil," "Master of the Asteroid," "A Vintage from Atlantis," "The Weird of Avoosl Wuthuqquan," .!'The Flower-Women," "The Phantoms of the Fire," "The Willow Landscape," "The Ninth Skeleton," "The Dead of Ilaiotha," and "The Seed from the Sepulcher."
Box 56, Folder 2 Mrs. Timeus Smith's ledger.
153 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 56, Folder 1X Empty ledger with pencil drawings on it by C. A. Smith.

Series VII. Miscellaneous Manuscripts

Series VII. Subseries A. Lists and notes by C. A. Smith

Container Description Date
Box 60, Folder 1-25 Crossword puzzles, lists of his library, stories and artwork, grocery lists, calculations, synopses for stories, etc.
347 items

Box 60, Folder 1-10 Lists and notes continued.

Series VII. Subseries B. Lists and notes by Mrs. Clark Ashton Smith and others

Container Description Date
Box 60, Folder 11-25 Inventories of Smith's work, calculation, etc.
257 items

Box 60, Folder 1-10 Inventories of Smith's work continued.
Box 60, Folder 11 Lists and notes by Mrs. Timeus Smith.
8 items

Series VII. Subseries C. Documents

Container Description Date
Box 60, Folder 12-17 Bills
65 items

Contents Note: Includes bills for books and magazines purchased, medical aid, clothing, funeral services, printing from The Auburn Journal, etc.
Box 60, Folder 18-19 Postage documents
18 items

Box 60, Folder 20-26 Subscription receipts by Mrs. Timeus Smith.
74 items

Box 60, Folder 1-3 Real Estate documents
22 items

Box 60, Folder 4-10 Bank records
119 items

Contents Note: Includes cancelled checks, bank statements, etc.
Box 60, Folder 11-12 Miscellaneous documents
21 items

Contents Note: Includes publishing contracts, birth and death records,

draft notices.

Series VIII. Visual Material
Following are photographs and negatives kept in the personal papers of C. A. Smith, manuscript illustrations and drawings by Smith, other drawings, and printed illustrations kept by Smith and his wife.

Series VIII. Subseries A. Photographs and negatives

Container Description Date
Box 64, Folder 1-23 Photographs of Clark Ashton Smith
107 items

Box 64, Folder 24-36 Photos of C. A. Smith with other, including his wife Carol.
74 items

Box 64, Folder 37-38 Photos of Carol Smith
13 items

Box 64, Folder 39-53 Photos of Smith's artwork and sculptings
80 items

Box 64, Folder 54-57 Photos of California display of Smith's work
21 items

Box 64, Folder 58-61 Photos of interiors and exteriors of Smith's homes and cabins.
22 items

Box 64, Folder 62-68 Photos of relatives (?) of Clark and Carol Smith
39 items

Box 64, Folder 69-77 Miscellaneous photos of unidentified persons and places
46 items

Box 64, Folder 78-92 Miscellaneous photos
73 items

Box 64, Folder 1-339 Black and white and colour unsorted negatives
374 items

Series VIII. Subseries B. Drawings, sketches and other illustrations

Container Description Date
Box 64, Folder 1 By Clark Ashton Smith
10 items

Box 64, Folder 2 By others
5 items

Box 64, Folder 3-12 Copies of illustrations by John Allan
Box 64, Folder 1X-2X Copies of illustrations by John Allan

Series VIII. Subseries C. Printed illustrations

Container Description Date
Box 64, Folder 13-17 Miscellaneous and unorganised Printed illustrations
50 items

Series IX. Printed Material
Printed material has been divided into four subseries: 1) newspaper clippings; 2) periodicals or periodical clippings; 3) broadsides and catalogues; and 4) books or portions of books. The items within each series may or may not concern Smith, his writing,or his life. There is no specific organization within each section.

Series IX. Subseries A. Newspaper clippings concerning Smith

Container Description Date
Box 64, Folder 18-30 Includes articles from Clark Ashton Smith's Column from The Auburn Journal, clippings of poetry by Smith, and articles about him.
126 items

Series IX. Subseries B. Periodicals or periodical clippings concerning Smith

Container Description Date
Box 64, Folder 1-5 Includes clippings and tearsheets of Smith's stories and poems, articles about Smith.
57 items

Series IX. Subseries C. Newspapers or clippings not concerning Smith

Container Description Date
Box 64, Folder 6-20 [Various clippings not concerning Smith]
Box 68, Folder 1-5 Newspapers largely from The American Weekly (supplement to the San Francisco Examiner) and San Francisco Chronicle relating to weird or scientific matters.
Box 68, Folder 1XX Oversize Newspaper - The Argonaut
1926 December 4
Box 68, Folder 1XX Oversize Newspapers - Daily Mail
1928 March 24
Box 68, Folder 1XX Oversize Newspaper - Farm-Poultry
Box 68, Folder 1XX Oversize Newspaper - The Literary Review
1922 October 28
Box 68, Folder 1XX Oversize Newspaper - New York Times Book Review
1931 June 7
Box 68, Folder 1XX Oversize Newspaper - Oakland Post-Enquirer
1923 October 13
Box 68, Folder 1XX Oversize Newspaper - Ottowa Evening Citizen
1933 December 16-30
Box 68, Folder 1XX Oversize Newspaper - Pasadena Star-News
1945 August 7
Box 68, Folder 1XX Oversize Newspaper - Poetry Broadside
1957-1958 Winter
Box 68, Folder 1XX Oversize Newspaper - Providence Sunday Journal
1935 November 10
Box 68, Folder 1XX Oversize Newspaper - Providence Junior Journal
1936 September 20
Box 68, Folder 2XX Oversize Newspaper - Rochester Times-Union
1958 September 26, 1969 October 17
Box 68, Folder 2XX Oversize Newspaper - Woman's National Daily
1909 September 10
Box 68, Folder 2XX Oversize Newspaper - Women of New Mexico
1954 November 21
Box 68, Folder 2XX [Unidentified]
3 items

Box 68, Folder 3XX-14XX American Weekly (supplement to the San Francisco Examiner)
Box 68, Folder 15XX Auburn Journal (-Republican)
6 items

Box 68, Folder 16XX Carmel Pine Cone-Cymbal
6 items

Box 68, Folder 17XX Monterey Peninsula Herald
10 items

Box 68, Folder 18 XX Pacific Grove Tribune
2 items

1950 November 3
Box 68, Folder 18XX Sacramento Bee
7 items

Box 68, Folder 19XX-28XX San Francisco Chronicle
100 items

Box 68, Folder 29 XX San Francisco Examiner
8 items


Series IX. Subseries D. Periodicals not concerning Smith
118 items

Box 68, Folder 6-9

Container Description Date
Box 68, Folder 1-9 Periodicals continued

Series IX. Subseries E. Broadsides and catalogs
123 items

Box 68, Folder 9-11

Container Description Date
Box 68, Folder 1-9 Broadsides and catalogs continued

Series IX. Subseries F. Books or Portions of Books
30 items

Box 68, Folder 1-2

Series X. Material by Others
This section includes correspondence and other literary manuscripts by individuals other than Smith. Sections a. and b. are organized alphabetically by author.

Series X. Subseries A. Correspondence

Container Description Date
Box 72, Folder 1-6 Includes da Vinci's Notebooks, Poetical Works of Robert Burns(c.1873), Arthur Symons' Gerard de Nerval and Baudelaire: A Study, The Complete Works of Pierre Louys, Reginald Smith's Weird Tales in the Thirties, They by Lilith Lorraine, copies of The Double Shadow and Other Fantasies, pages from Ebony and Crystal, and mimeograph copies of Smith's memoir of George Sterling. - continued
Box 72, Folder 1 A-C
Contents Note: Correspondents: Mrs. K. Barker to Eric W. Barker: letter, c. 26 January 1942; John Clark to Samuel Loveman: letter, undated; Cleveland Public Library to Samuel Loveman: letter, 5 March 1920; Stanton Coblentz to Eric and Maryanne Barker: letters, (3), n.d. 1942; Mary Crete Crouch to Mrs. Wallace Hemphill: letter, c.4 April-1921.
Box 72, Folder 2 D-O
Contents Note: L. Sprague de Camp to Richard F. Kuhn, 16 December 1973.; Kirk Drussai to C. F. Wakefield: letter, 15 August 1940; Larry and Duverne Farsace to unknown: 19 November 1967; Emily Ferrell to Mrs. Roony: letter, 1 February 1931; Emily Ferrell to Mother: letter, 26 November 1893; M. L. F(ischer) to George Sterling: letter 17 September 1918; Famous Fantastic stories to August Derleth: 6 August 1942 with note by Derleth to C. A. Smith; Douglas Kane to Eric and Madelynne Barker: letter, n.d, 25 Jan 1942 (with note from Eric and M. Barker to Douglas Kane) ; Forrest Knalls to Mr. and Mrs. Nulian: letter, c. 8 February 1927; Alfred A. Knopf to Witter Byner: letter, 15 February 1961.
Box 72, Folder 3-4 P-Unknown
Contents Note: S. V. Pearson to B. Lara Casares: letter, 21 April 1949; Poetry Home to Eric Barker: letter, c. 16 January 1942; Victor H. Schiro to Larry Farsace: letter, 18 September 1967; Richard F. Searight to H. P. Lovecraft:letter, 8 March 1937; Alma Yeager to unknown: c. 22 March 1946; unknown to Madelynne Barker: letter, 18 January

1942; unknown to Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord: n .d.; unknown to Mora Gillis: letter, undated;Uriknown toe. F. Wakefield: letter, undated; unknown to Alma (Yeager): letter, undated; unknown to unknown: letter undated.

Series X. Subseries B. Manuscripts

Container Description Date
Box 72, Folder 5-9 Poetry, prose and miscellany by Rita Barr, Ray Bradbury, Witter Byner, B. Lara Casares (trans.), James Francis Cooke, Benjamin de Casseres, August Derleth, Terry Dorman, Sara Bard Field, James Dillet Freeman, Lloyd Halgar, Ethel Heiple, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert Nelson, Alfred Galpin, John Poildori, Katherine Anne Porter, Harry Noyes Pratt, George Sterling, Marion Sully, Charles Wells and unknown.
51 items

Box 72, Folder 10 Sheet music, calling cards, etc.
17 items

Series XI. Appendix
This section contains photostatic copies of various manuscripts and occasional printed works. Of particular interest is the correspondence between Clark Ashton Smith and George Sterling, and typed transcripts of other correspondence. There is no specific organisation within section b. This series has been maintained as a component part of the Smith Papers solely for the convenience of researchers. If researchers wish to quote or other-wise use these manuscripts within this particular series, they must first contact the repository holding the original manuscripts for permission. Brown University does not claim any literary, legal or other right to these manuscripts.

Series XI. Subseries A. C. A. Smith-George Sterling correspondence

Container Description Date
Box 72, Folder 11-20 Clark Ashton Smith to George Sterling - Xerox copies of autograph manuscripts (originals in the Berg Collection, New York Public Library)
96 items

Contents Note: Letters. Also includes manuscripts of poetry.
1911-1918, undated
Box 72, Folder 1-30 Clark Ashton Smith to George Sterling - Xerox copies of autograph manuscripts (originals in the Berg Collection, New York Public Library) continued
Box 72, Folder 1-7 George Sterling to Clark Ashton Smith
122 items

Contents Note: Also includes manuscripts of poetry.
1911-1918, undated
Box 72, Folder 8 Transcripts of Smith's letters to Sterling made by Carol Smith
1911-1926, undated

Series XI. Subseries B. Other transcripts and photocopies

Container Description Date
Box 72, Folder 9 Transcripts
Contents Note: Letters by Robert E. Howard to Smith ( 3), and by Smith to Carol Smith. Transcripts typed by Carol Smith (?).
Box 72, Folder 10-15 Photocopies
Contents Note: Works by or about Smith, David Warren Ryder, H. L. Mencken, Robert Allerton Parker, Donald Sidney Fryer, R. H. Barlow, August Derleth, Eric Barker, George Sterling, Benjamin De Casseres, Roy A. Squires. Includes a long juvenile manuscript by Smith.

Series XII. Supplement (Materials Received in 1981)

Container Description Date
Box 76, Folder 1 Postcard from Helen, postmarked 25 June 1950; mimeographed circular letter from the Institute Of Twenty-First Century Studies, Theodore R. Cogswell,secretary, n.d. (envelope postmarked 29 Dec 1959); mimeographed Christmas card from Alan J. Lewis, 1959; fragment of typed letter from Roy Cummings, 9 April 1949; letter from Lilith Lorraine (i.e. May M. Wright), 28 Dec 1943; invoice from Sculpture Associates, 5 May 1961; note by C.J.S.(?), July 1944(?); letter from Mrs. Timeus Smith, 15 July 1927.
8 items

1927-1961, undated
Box 76, Folder 2 List of stories
6 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 76, Folder 3 List of names: people and places
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 76, Folder 4 List of books
1 page

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 76, Folder 5 Vocabulary
7 pages

Box 76, Folder 6 Untitled fragment
Contents Note: Pages 3,4,9,11 (verso:schoolbook leaves). Autograph manuscript.
Box 76, Folder 7 Synopses
18 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 76, Folder 8 Asharia
7 pages

Contents Note: Typed original, carbon, autograph manuscript.
Box 76, Folder 9 The Atmospheric Entity
1 page

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 76, Folder 10 Beyond the Rose-Arbor
1 page

Box 76, Folder 11 Exotique
1 page

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript. (Poem, in French. verso: beginning of letter dated 17 Oct 1925.)
Box 76, Folder 12 Haply I Shall Not Grieve
1 page

Contents Note: Typed poem, with annotations.
Box 76, Folder 13 The Haunted Chamber
1 page

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript. (juvenile)
Box 76, Folder 14 I Am a Witch
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript. (verso: The Death of Ilalotha, p. 13)
Box 76, Folder 15 Kismet
1 page

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript. (juvenile)
Box 76, Folder 16 The Magic Cap
1 page

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript. (juvenile)
Box 76, Folder 17 The Maker of Prodigies
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 76, Folder 18 The Master of Destruction
3 pages

Box 76, Folder 19 The Minotaur's Brother
1 page

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript. (verso: In Alienation, poem dated 26 May 1935)
Box 76, Folder 20 The Ocean-World (of Alioth)
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript. Typed. (Sequel to 'Marooned in Andromeda' and 'The Amazing Plant')
Box 76, Folder 21 Offspring of the Grave
1 page

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript. (verso: 'Alienation', poem)
Box 76, Folder 22 The Pilgrim of Eternity
1 page

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 76, Folder 23 Queen of the Sabbat
1 page

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 76, Folder 24 Shaper of Adamant
3 pages

Contents Note: Pages 1, 2, and carbon of page 2.
Box 76, Folder 25 Slaves of the Black Pillar
6 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript. Typed with annotations.
Box 76, Folder 26 The Sorceress of Averoigne and the Tower of Istarelle
2 pages

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript (Enchantress of Sylaire?)
Box 76, Folder 27 Temporality
1 page

Contents Note: Typed poem with annotation.
Box 76, Folder 28 Viziaphmal in Ophiuchus
1 page

Contents Note: Autograph manuscript.
Box 76, Folder 29 Tales of India
Contents Note: Autograph manuscript. (notebook).
Box 76, Folder 1 Scrapbook
Contents Note: (7 leaves with mounted clippings)
Box 76, Folder 2 Newspaper clippings
4 items

Box 76, Folder 3 Illustrations (printed)
3 items

Box 76, Folder 4 Magazine covers
3 items

Box 76, Folder 5 Book jackets and covers
3 items

Box 76, Folder 6 C.A. Smith, 'The Weaver in the Vault'
Contents Note: Pages 85-118 of Amazing Stories.
Box 76, Folder 7 Extracts from The Freeman
Contents Note: Pages 151-158, 163-164.
1920 October 27
Box 76, Folder 8 Crypt of Cthulhu, Vol. 4, #1,Hallowmas 1984 (contains various articles on Clark Ashton Smith,including three by Steve Behrends)
1 item

Box 76, Folder 9 Crypt of Cthulhu, Vol. 4, #2, Hallowmas 1984 (contains Untold Tales by Clark Ashton Smith)
1 item