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Brown University student essays collection (MS.1N.2)

Brown University Archives

Box A
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
Tel: 401-863-2146
email: hay@brown.edu


Series I. Student Essays

Container Description Date
Box 1 Adams, Aleen M. Mad women: Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Virginia (female victims of male medicine).
Box 1 Albert, Alexa E. Hands-on-experience.
Box 1 Anastasatos, John. The Athenian clubs of the 5th century B.C., their involvement into politics and the similarities of the American College.
Box 1 Arbeit, Jeffrey. Frederick William Marvel and the Rise of Athletics at Brown University
Box 1 Brown, Jesselyn A. Women's Jewish Experience at Brown.
Box 1 Bruce, Ashley. A study of graduates of Pembroke College from 1951-1964.
Box 1 Buhle, Marie Jo. A few old women are praying Rhode Island Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 1874-1896.
Box 1 Cadero-Gillette, Jennifer. Collecting art and constructing art history: The Boisserees and their medieval painting collection.
Box 1 Charles, Rachel. Pembroke women: flip-flopping over flappers.
Box 1 Cheng, Jean. Images of women and the women's movement in broadsides.
Box 2 Chu, Anita S. The New Curriculum: Our academic community since 1969.
Box 2 Constant, Allyson. Tempus Fugit: A study of tall case clocks at Brown University.
Box 2 Corrington, Tracy. Can they swing it? A study of the career/family dilemma as approached by women reformers from 1860-1920.
Box 2 Corrington, Tracy. A look at women's education in the 1920's as seen through the eyes of eight women, and as compared to historical texts... 3.2
Box 2 Cullum, Amy L. The social impact of 9 1/2 Weeks and the feminist movement.
Box 2 Daniels, Maria. The importance of "just plain entertainment": the transformation of The Brunonian 1900-1918.
Box 2 David, Ryan D. Dallas Lore Sharp: A Discovery. May 4, 2000
Box 2 Dranginis, Carly M. Virtual spac: The past, present, and future of The Brown Club of New York.
Box 2 Duprey, Ivelisse Alvarado. The Power of Place.
Box 2 Duvall, Sue. Francis Herriott Sargent: a significant stage manager.
Box 2 Finkelman, Karen. Interpretations of critical reviews from the opera "Porgy and Bess".
Box 2 Friedland, Susan J. The bitter pill: a study of Pembroke University's birth control policies during the 1960's.
Box 2 Garella, Elena. Learning the beautiful lessons... the child-rearing practices of Elizabeth Buffum Chace.
Box 2 Glupczynski, Debby. [MISSING]
Box 2 Golodny, Andrew. Brown Protests '68, '75, & '85: Continuity and Change.
Box 2 Gordon, Bonnie. Superwoman, 5-18-1988.
Box 2 Green, Lynn H. [MISSING]
Box 2 Gross, Jennifer. The busy social life of Alice Crosby.
Box 2 Hannon, Tim. Brown student's perceptions of birth control and its social acceptance in the mid-sixties and 1989.
Box 2 Hensler, Rebecca. History of feminism, 1980-the present.
Box 2 Holloway, Tracey. Calculus Over Canons: William Prager and Applied Mathematics at Brown University.
Box 2 Holovach, Rachael. Project Machado: Commemorating the history of a dormitory.
Box 2 Hosp, Edward A. Women's colleges today (are they necessary?).
Box 2 Hyun, Julia. A continuum of women, 5-6-1988.
Box 2 Jara, Rocio L. Creating History at Brown - Chemistry 21T - The Tutorial Program.
Box 2 Kelley, Ashley. No title
Box 2 Kesser, Wendy S. Conditioned not to run: a look at the socialization affecting women's response to domestic violence.
Box 2 Khan, Aleem. The elephant lady: 31 years with Bessie.
Box 2 pson, Robert W. Pigment production among the penicillia
Box 3 Klein, Laura Catherine. Northern attitudes toward black enlistment in the Civil War, as seen through the eyes of Joshua M. Addeman, Captain Fourteenth Rhode Island Heavy Artillery (Colored).
Box 3 Krawiec, Becky. Parietals and Pembroke: the social system, 1962-69.
Box 3 Lavigne, Amanda. Outdoor sculpture: Why don't we see it?
Box 3 Lee, N'Tanya. Black women and the suffrage movement: 1900-1920... Their involvement in the context of broader struggle...
Box 3 Levine, Jane A.
Box 3 Marxer, Sarah. Sexism in high school: some perceptions of women students.
Box 3 McCreery, Georgia. Surrogate motherhood: the new feminist dilemma.
Box 3 McDonagh, Dolores. Immigrant women, the Sisters of Mercy and the process of adaptation to Urban America.
Box 3 McGuinn, Melissa. Science Park. 5-12-1997
Box 3 Moses, Michael G. A structural analysis of the concept of women in the 1920's.
Box 3 Mulcahy, Joe. The college song: its origins and functions in student life.
Box 3 Mulligan, Maureen. Providence Day Nursery Association and the Nickerson Settlement House 1884-1932, social benevolence and women of the Upper Class.
Box 3 Perkins, Linda C. Sociology IC report on a primary group.
Box 3 Perkins, Linda C. Critical analysis of psychology IC in Brown University.
Box 3 Prentice, Jessica. Mary Ann Sorrentino and Mary Daly: on Catholicism and feminism.
Box 3 Raab, Barbara. Models of women's reform organizations in the progressive ERA, The Rhode Island Consumers' League, 1901-1920.
Box 3 Renda, Mary A. Feminism and philanthropy: The Women's Educational and Industrial Union of R.I. and the Providence Evangelical YWCA,
Box 3 Reynolds, Andrea. Would it be more for the political prosperity & happiness of a nation, if its supreme executive officer were hereditary rather than elective? OR The thoughts and concerns of the rising generation of students of Brown University, 1800-1820.
Box 3 Robinson, Myron Rodney. The African-American fraternity on the college campus: history and evolution of Alpha Phi Alpha at B.U.
Box 3 Rockliff, Mara. Bread and roses: the rise and fall of a radical feminist organization.
Box 3 Rome, Arlene. No title
Box 3 Ronick, David. The automobile and Brown U: a technological and cultural evolution.
Box 3 Sacks, Jesse. UTRA, The Medieval Monastery.
Box 3 Scronic, Tracey L. The evolution of the Coed Fraternity Zeta Delta Xi from the all-male fraternity Zeta Psi, a history of the development and a discussion of the issues involved.
Box 3 Smith, Margaret E. Adam Smith and the Mercantile Theory.
Box 3 Smith, Margaret E. America goes to war...
Box 3 Smith, Margaret E. The American declaration of independence...
Box 3 Smith, Margaret E. The Bandung Conference.
Box 3 Smith, Margaret E. Bolivia: some problems of a social revolution.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. The British labour party in the twentieth century.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. Caesar, Brutus, Coriolanus, a study of Shakespeare's Rome.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. A comparison of Two Societies and their outstanding individuals.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. Economic aspects of military assistance.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. Economics ICII, exam.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. Fathers and sons: the beginnings of nihilism.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. The individual and political organization.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. The League of Nations mandate system applied to Palestine.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. Leonov: Soviet River.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. Logic or sentiment in Edmund Burke's Repudiation of the French Revolution
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. Lymnaea stagnalis, the great pond snail.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. Moira est l'histoire...
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. Paul et Elizabeth dans Les Enfants Terribles, un roman de Jean Cocteau.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. The place of Ribonucleoprotein in anaphase of mitosis.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. The population of New Zealand.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. The purpose and use of the Utopia concept by Thomas More.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. A report on L'immoraliste by Andre Gide: the element of youth...
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. A report on the Human Group by G. Homans.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. Rousseau's social concepts.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. A sampling of Providence architecture.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. Sex and temperament: America and primitive societies compared.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. Small town society in France, 1830.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. Some balances of protein, carbohydrate, and fat nutrition: Noted in experiments with rats.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. The Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939: an international conflict.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. A study of Laminar development in chloroplasts containing either Grana or pyrenoids.
Box 4 Smith, Margaret E. Syllabus.
Box 4 Stanley, Laura. Mrs. Warren Next Door.
Box 4 Stern, Karyn. Final Project Paper, "Portraits" May, 1997
Box 4 Stevens, Liz. SEE: Buhle, Mari Jo
Box 4 Strem, Arielle I. From pins to plaques: The recognition efforts of Brown's senior class gift campaign.
Box 4 Tompson, Frances J. British colonial policy--1603-1660 or origins of the British colonial system.
Box 4 Tompson, Frances J. Comparison of Goeth's "Faust" and Marlowe's "Dr. Faustus".
Box 4 Tompson, Frances J. Concerning Lessing and certain of his works.
Box 4 Tompson, Frances J. Cotton vs. wheat in Anglo-American relations during the Civil War.
Box 4 Tompson, Frances J. Leonardo da Vinci, a Renaissance Man.
Box 4 Tompson, Frances J. Organization of peace.
Box 4 Tompson, Frances J. Religion and the church in post-war France.
Box 4 Tompson, Frances J. The role of the Suez Canal in Anglo-Egyptian relations.
Box 4 Tompson, Frances J. Significance of "Faust" Part I
Box 4 Tompson, Frances J. Social results of the industrial revolution.
Box 4 Tompson, Frances J. Value of history.
Box 4 White, Isobel. The anti-abortion movement: from clinic bombings to operation rescue.
Box 4 Wu, Audrey. The R.I. Women's Club: transition from culture to separate female institution building.
Box 4 Yale, Mara. Women in science--1939 to present.
Box 4 Yee, Mala. Asian American identity and the college experience.
Box 4 Young, Craig. Social History of Sports in America
Box 5 Dobrow, Joseph. Patriotism versus asceticism : Brown University's struggles to endure the Civil War
Box 5 Gaebler, Ralph. Enlightened Baptists : the influence of the Scottish enlightenment in the formative years of Rhode Island College
Box 5 Gray, Joshua. The role of protest in the admission of black students to Brown University, 1968-1982
Box 5 Gummere, Walter Cooper (1940). Character contrast in the novels of Henry Fielding
Box 5 Hemmerdinger, Munroe E. [The Bermuda Water Supply]
Box 5 Harris, Louise (1926). [Economics 31 papers]
Box 5 Harshbarger, J. Patrick. College life at Brown University, 1875-1917 : youth culture and the extracurriculum, an historical description and analysis using student diaries and letters
Box 5 Hess, Demina. The start of selective admissions at Brown University: discrimination against Jews
Box 5 Krivit, Diane Lee. Moral restraint and the tide of change
Box 5 Takei, Carl. Student rights, student reasons : challing in loco parentis at Brown University, 1962-1967
Box 5 Voichick, Jennifer. Pembroke College in Brown University
Box 5 Zwick, Elizabeth. Eight years later : the Pembroke class of '54 1962 reunion directory