Box 1 |
Allen, Paul C. (Fantasy Newsletter)
Box 1 |
Amos, Ken (Nightshade Press; also as owner of Odyssey Bookshop)
Box 1 |
Bacon, Jonathan (Stygian Isle Press; Fantasy Crossroads)
Box 1 |
Barger, Robert P. (The Silver Belt)
Box 1 |
Berglund, Edward P.
Box 1 |
Black, William (Bill) (Paragon Publications)
Box 1 |
Bloch, Robert
Box 1 |
Burk, James K.
Box 1 |
Cabos, Llewellyn, (Lew)
Box 1 |
Campbell, Ramsey
Box 1 |
Capella, Ray (Raul)
Box 1 |
Carr, Nick (pulps: collector: articles)
Box 1 |
Carsons, Dave
Box 1 |
Cave, Hugh B.
Box 1 |
Cendella, Robert (Yes Art Posters)
Box 1 |
Clark, Vernon
Box 1 |
Clingan, Chet (SPWAO)
Box 1 |
Colebom, Peter (British Fantasy Society; Editor: BFS Newsletter)
Box 1 |
Collins, Robert A.
Box 1 |
Conan Properties, Inc
Box 1 |
Coronet Books
Box 1 |
Corroboree Press
Box 1 |
Cova, Francesco (Kadath)
Box 1 |
Coye, Lee Brown
Box 2 |
Crawford, William (Bill) (Fantasy Publishing Co.; Witchcraft and Sorcery)
Box 2 |
Dalby, Richard
Box 2 |
Daniels, Les
Box 2 |
de Camp, L. Sprague
Box 2 |
E. J. Carnell Literary Agency
Box 2 |
Eggeling, John
Box 2 |
Elliot, Jeffrey (interviewer)
Box 2 |
Etchison, Dennis
Box 2 |
Everts, R. Alain
Box 2 |
Fawcett, Richard (Fantasy Macabre)
Box 2 |
Fenner, Arnold M. (REH: Lone Star Fictioneer)
Box 2 |
Finlay, Norman
Box 2 |
Fletcher, Jo (cf. Steve Jones)
Box 2 |
Frierson, Meade (HPL: A Magazine of Tribute to H. P. Lovecraft)
Box 2 |
Ganley, Paul
Box 2 |
Grant, Charles
Box 2 |
Harvey, Jon (British Fantasy Society)
Box 2 |
Hardin, Nils (Tony) (Xenophile)
Box 2 |
Hay, George
Box 2 |
Herron, Don
Box 2 |
Hewitt, Tim (The Tanelorn Chronicles)
Box 2 |
Hiles, Carl (Paul) (Editor: BFS Newsletter; cf. Paul Nash)
Box 2 |
Hodden and Stoughton Paperbacks
Box 2 |
Hopkins, William
Box 2 |
Hoppenstand, Gary (The Rune Press; Midnight Sun Publications; Midnight Sun; Sign of the Salamander)
Box 2 |
Horror Show and Horrorstruck (David B. Silva and Paul Olsen)
Box 2 |
Jones, Robert
Box 2 |
Jones, Stephen
Box 3 |
Leet, Don
Box 3 |
Leiber, Fritz
Box 3 |
Lord, Glenn
Box 3 |
Lumley, Brian
Box 3 |
Mansell, Mark
Box 3 |
May, Jeffrey (Kosmic City Kapers)
Box 3 |
Mayer, John
Box 3 |
McCauley, Kirby
Box 3 |
McFerran, Dave (Vadhagh)
Box 3 |
McMillan, Dennis
Box 3 |
Miller, Chuck
Box 3 |
Minter, Richard H.
Box 3 |
Mosig, Dirk (Miskatonic Literary Circle)
Box 3 |
Munn, Harold Warner
Box 3 |
Musk, Simon R.
Box 3 |
Nash, Lemuel
Box 3 |
Nash, Paul
Box 3 |
Nolan, William F
Box 3 |
Offutt, Andrew J.
Box 3 |
Olie, Koen
Box 3 |
Page, Jerry
Box 3 |
Pany, Michel
Box 3 |
Pardoe, Rosemary
Box 3 |
Parsons, David (Fantome)
Box 3 |
Peltz, C. N.
Box 3 |
Pitts, Jim
Box 3 |
Powell Publications (legal documents re: bankrupcy)
Box 4 |
Price, Robert M. (Call of Cthulhu)
Box 4 |
Pugmire, W. H.
Box 4 |
Relling, Bill
Box 4 |
Roark, Byron (REH: Lone Star Fictioneer; Palantir)
Box 4 |
Box 4 |
Ryan, Alan
Box 4 |
St. Andre, Ken
Box 4 |
Salmonson, Jessica
Box 4 |
Saunders, Charles R.
Box 4 |
Schiff, Stuart David
Box 4 |
Schow, David
Box 4 |
Schweitzer, Darrell
Box 4 |
Scithers, George H. (Owlswick)
Box 4 |
Sparks, Robert W. (Chicago Fantasy Newsletter)
Box 4 |
Squires, John D.
Box 4 |
Stackpole, Michael
Box 4 |
Stewart, John
Box 4 |
Subiaga, Bob
Box 4 |
Sullivan, Jack (Promised Land Productions)
Box 4 |
Sutton, David (Fantasy Tales)
Box 5 |
Underwood, Tim
Box 5 |
Wandrei, Donald (mass mailing re: Arkham House)
Box 5 |
Weinberg, Robert
Box 5 |
Wellman, Manly Wade
Box 5 |
Whitcomb, Bill
Box 5 |
Williamson, J. N.
Box 5 |
Williamson, Jack
Box 5 |
Wilson, S. Clay
Box 5 |
Weekly Express
Box 5 |
Charles L. Grant (World Fantasy Awards)
Box 5 |
World Fantasy Conventions
Box 5 |
American Fantasy Magazine to Bacher, George W.
Box 5 |
Bagnall, Leslie M. to Bishop, Mike
Box 5 |
Black, Nelson W. to Burton, Alan
Box 5 |
Caldwell, Clyde to Chattacon Sight
Box 5 |
Cheap Street to Cole, Adrian
Box 5 |
Collins, Paul to Cook, Kevin
Box 5 |
Conklin, Bruce to Curtis, Keith
Box 5 |
Dagon to Deep South Convention
Box 5 |
Del Ray, Lester to Duveau, Mark
Box 5 |
Easley, Jeff to Erwine, Dan
Box 5 |
F. and S. J. Book Co. to Frost, Gregory
Box 5 |
Galileo to Goldsmith, Howard
Box 5 |
Gottfried, Chett to Gwinn, Beth
Box 5 |
Hadji, R.S. to Herrick, Darryl
Box 6 |
Hill, Lauson to Hurst, J.S.
Box 6 |
Indick, Ben P. to Jones, Jim
Box 6 |
Keefe, Bob to Kittredge, Mary
Box 6 |
Klein to Kurzman, Dave
Box 6 |
Lamb, Hugh to Lavoie, Bob
Box 6 |
Leiter, Justin to Lyons, Kevin A.
Box 6 |
McAllister, Bruce to McHardy, Vincent
Box 6 |
McIntosh, Jeff to Melville, John
Box 6 |
Melvin, Charles to Miesel, Sandra
Box 6 |
Miller, Dick to Moore
Box 6 |
Morrison, Michael to Nicoll, Gregory
Box 6 |
Nolane, Chichard to Owston, Charles E.
Box 6 |
PBM Universal to Pettus, David
Box 6 |
Plant, Bud to Raney, Ken
Box 6 |
Rankin, Thomas to Ryder, Donald S.
Box 6 |
Skandinavich (SFSF) to Schifino, J.R.
Box 6 |
Science Fiction Writers of America to Smith, Andrew D.
Box 6 |
Smith, David C. to Suriano, Gregory R.
Box 6 |
Tappin, Dougles C. to Tremayne, Peter
Box 6 |
Triebling, Friedrich to Utter, Virgil
Box 6 |
Visual Wonders Studios to Wellman, Wade
Box 6 |
Wiater, Stanley to Wryos, Joseph
Box 6 |
Valcour and Kreuger, Inc. to Zychowicz, James
Box 6 |
Miscellaneous Correspondences to no last names