Guide to the Lila M. Sapinsley papers , 1955-2007

(bulk 1960-1998)

John Hay Library
Box A
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
Tel: 401-863-2146
Fax: 401-863-2093

Published in 2009

Collection Overview

Title: Lila M. Sapinsley papers
Date range: 1955-2007, (bulk 1960-1998)
Creator: Sapinsley, Lila M., 1922-
Extent: 8 linear feet (4 records center boxes, 2 oversize boxes and 1 legal-size Hollinger document case)
Abstract: The Lila M. Sapinsley papers contain material related to her political career and to her work with various civic and charitable organizations. The largest part of the collection consists of nineteen scrapbooks compiled by Mrs. Sapinsley between 1960 and 1998.
Language of materials: English
Repository: John Hay Library
Collection number: Ms. 2008.021

Scope & content

Lila M. Sapinsley is a civic leader and former state senator from Rhode Island. Her papers contain numerous awards given in recognition of her public service, copies of and notes for speeches, subject files on various topics related to her political career, nineteen scrapbooks, and her memoir.

The awards in this collection consist of both plaques and certificates. Many are for "Woman of the Year". Also included are certificates from the State Board of Elections and three undated photographs taken of Mrs. Sapinsley with President Ronald Reagan, Barbara Bush and Elizabeth Dole respectively.

The series regarding redistricting contains a variety of material related to the unsuccessful attempt by State Senator Rocco Quattrocci to combine senate districts two and three on the east side of Providence in 1982. It includes newspaper articles, press releases, correspondence, legal documents and a minicassette.

Most of the speeches in these papers are handwritten and not dated. Other material such as correspondence, fliers, pamphlets and programs is included in this series.

The subject files contain material related to Mrs. Sapinsley's service in the Rhode Island Senate, her campaign for Lieutenant Governor, her work with the Board of Trustees of State Colleges, the Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation, the Public Utilities Commission, and the Committee to Study Medical Education at Brown University.

The scrapbooks are arranged chronologically. They include newspaper clippings, correspondence, pamphlets, photographs and invitations to various events. Mrs. Sapinsley's original title for each scrabbook has been retained.

The final series, writings, consists of Mrs. Sapinsley's memoir, which was published in 2007. It is entitled Caring, Courage and Conviction: The Memoirs of Lila M. Sapinsley

Access Points

Subject Names Subject Organizations Subject Topics Subject Topics Document Types Occupations


The collection is arranged into the following series:

  • Series 1. Awards and photographs
  • Series 2. Redistricting
  • Series 3. Speeches
  • Series 4. Subject files
  • Series 5. Scrapbooks
  • Series 6. Writings

Biographical note

Lila Manfield Sapinsley was born in Chicago, Illinois on September 9, 1922. She married John M. Sapinsley on December 23, 1942, while John was serving in the United States Navy during World War II. When John was sent overseas Lila resumed her education at Wellesley College and graduated in 1944. After John was discharged from the Navy in October of 1945 they moved to Providence, Rhode Island, where they still reside. Mr. and Mrs. Sapinsley have four daughters, Jill Mooney, Carol Rubenstein, Joan Lewis and Patricia Levey.

Mrs. Sapinsley's political career in Rhode Island began with her work for "Democrats for Chafee", an organization that supported Governor John Chafee's reelection campaign in 1964. Governor Chafee appointed her to the Board of Trustees of State Colleges that year, and in 1967 she became the first woman to be elected its chairman.

There were no women serving in the Rhode Island Senate in 1972 when Mrs. Sapinsley was elected to represent the 2nd District on the east side of Providence. She ran as both a Republican and as an Independent. In 1974 she was elected Minority Leader, the first woman to hold that position in either branch of the Rhode Island Legislature. She remained Minority Leader until she left the Senate in 1984 to campaign unsuccessfully for Lieutenant Governor.

Mrs. Sapinsley was appointed to be the Director of the Department of Community Affairs by Governor Edward DiPrete in 1986. The director of that department was also the head of the Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation (RIHMFC). At the time of her appointment the agency was being investigated by the Rhode Island Attorney General's Office for, among other things, illegally granting low-interest mortgages to favored customers and political insiders. During her year as Chairwoman Mrs. Sapinsley restored public confidence and proper management to the agency. She then moved on to a six-year term on the Public Utilities Commission. While she was working there Mrs. Sapinsley also became one of four regular panelists on the Rhode Island PBS program "A Lively Experiment". She retired from the program in 2004 after sixteen years.

During her political career and after, Mrs. Sapinsley served on many private sector boards, including the American Civil Liberties Union, John Hope Settlement House, Planned Parenthood of Rhode Island, Temple Beth El and the Visiting Nurses Association. She has been recognized by many organizations as "Woman of the Year". She was awarded honorary degrees by the University of Rhode Island in 1971, Rhode Island College in 1973, and Brown University in 1993. In 2007 she published Caring, Courage and Conviction: The Memoirs of Lila M. Sapinsley

1922 Sep 9

Lila Manfield Sapinsley was born in Chicago, Illinois

1942 Dec 23

Married John Sapinsley


Graduated from Wellesley College

1945 Oct

Moved to Providence, Rhode Island


Served as the chairman of "Democrats for Chafee"


Appointed by Governor John Chafee to the Board of Trustees of State Colleges


First women to be elected chairman of the Board of Trustees of State Colleges


Awarded an honorary Doctor of Public Service degree by the University of Rhode Island


Elected to the Rhode Island Senate, serving until 1984


Awarded an honorary Doctor of Pedagogy degree by Rhode Island College


Selected as a Wellesley College Distinguished Alumna


Selected "Woman of the Year" by the Governor's Advisory Commission on Women


First woman to be elected Minority Leader of the Rhode Island Senate


Selected "Woman of the Year" by the Providence Business and Professional Women's Club


Selected "Woman of the Year" by the Rhode Island Women's Political Caucus


Received the City of Peace Award from the State of Israel Bond Committee


Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Butler Hospital, the first woman to serve in that position


One of ten legislators nationwide to be recognized for outstanding performance by the National Conference of Republican Legislators


Campaigned unsuccessfully for Lieutanant Governor of Rhode Island


Appointed Director of the Department of Community Affairs by Governor Edward DiPrete

1986 Jan-Dec

Served as Chairwoman of the Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation


Appointed to a six year term on the Public Utilities Commission by Governor DiPrete


Selected "Woman of the Year" by the Rhode Island Commission on Women


Awarded an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree by Brown University

2000 Sep 15

Rhode Island College dedicated the Lila and John Sapinsley Hall at the Nazarian Center for the Performing Arts


Elected to the Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame


John and Lila Sapinsley were appointed John Gardner Fellows of Common Cause Rhode Island

Access & Use

Access to the collection: There are no restrictions on access, except that the collection can only be seen by prior appointment. Some materials may be stored off-site and cannot be produced on the same day on which they are requested.
Use of the materials: Researchers are advised that express written permission to reproduce, quote, or otherwise publish any portion or extract from this collection must be obtained from the Brown University Library. Although Brown University has physical ownership of the collection and the materials contained therein, it does not claim literary rights. It is up to the researcher to determine the owners of the literary rights and to obtain any necessary permissions from them.
Preferred citation: Lila M. Sapinsley papers, Ms. 2008.021, Brown University Library.
Contact information: John Hay Library
Box A
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
Tel: 401-863-2146
Fax: 401-863-2093

Administrative Information

Acquisition: The Lila M. Sapinsley papers were donated to the John Hay Library on October 18, 2007 by Lila M. Sapinsley.
Accruals: No further materials are anticipated for this collection.
Author: Finding aid prepared by Mary A. Harrison.
Encoding: Finding aid encoded by Mary A. Harrison 2009 January 28
Descriptive rules: Finding aid based on Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)

Additional Information

Related material: Related collections at other institutions include: Candidates for Public Office Campaign Materials, 1966-1976
Other information:


Series 1. Awards and photographs
Boxes 1, 6X, Folders 1-3
This series consists of certificates and plaques awarded to Mrs. Sapinsley in recognition of her many civic and charitable activities as well as for her service in the Rhode Island Senate. The three photographs, which are not dated, are of Mrs. Sapinsley with President Ronald Reagan, former First Lady Barbara Bush, and Elizabeth Dole.

Other certificates and photographs may be found in Series 5. Scrapbooks.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 Woman of the year award
Contents Note: This wooden plaque was presented to Mrs. Sapinsley by the Providence Business and Professional Women's Club.

1975 Oct 1
Box 1, Folder 2 Awards
Contents Note: This folder contains certificates which were presented to Mrs. Sapinsley in recognition of her many civic activities. It includes a biographical sketch of her when she was the Rhode Island Senate minority leader and a certificate of Special Congressional Recognition from Congressman James Langevin.

1976-May 19, 2007
Box 1, Folder 3 Distinguished service award
Contents Note: This wooden plaque was presented to Mrs. Sapinsley by the Urban Education Center of Rhode Island College.

1983 Oct 6
Box 6X, Folder 1 Certificates and photographs
Contents Note: This folder includes certificates from the State Board of Elections, the National Republican Legislators Association and the National Council of Jewish Women. Several are from various Rhode Island government offices congratulating Mrs. Sapinsley for being named Women of the year in 1992 by the Rhode Island Commission on Women

The three photographs in the folder are of Mrs. Sapinsley with President Ronald Reagan, former First Lady Barbara Bush, and Elizabeth Dole.


Series 2. Redistricting
Box 1, Folders 4-16
The material in this series concerns the redistricting controversy in Rhode Island which began in 1982. Senate Majority Leader Rocco Quattrocci proposed combining State Senate districts two and three on the east side of Providence instead of combining several predominately Democratic districts elsewhere which had lost population. Senator Sapinsley, among others, challenged this plan in court and eventually prevailed.

Other material regarding redistricting may be found in Series 3. Speeches and Series 5. Scrapbooks.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 4 Articles regarding redistricting
Box 1, Folder 5 Newspaper articles
1981 Feb 3-1984 Jan 22
Box 1, Folder 6 Memoranda and press releases
1981 Dec 31-1982 Feb 8
Box 1, Folder 7 Correspondence
Contents Note: The correspondence in this folder is chiefly to and from Senator Sapinsley.

1982 Jan 15-1991 Feb 12
Box 1, Folder 8 Printed material
Contents Note: This folder includes a list of the Rhode Island Senate districts and their population as well as an unattributed speech regarding reapportionment.

1982 Mar-1982 Sep
Box 1, Folder 9 Senate resolutions
1982 Jul 8
Box 1, Folder 10 Legal documents
Contents Note: This folder includes affidavits, subpoenas and a copy of a Rhode Island district court opinion regarding redistricting.

1982 Jul 15-1983 Feb 11
Box 1, Folder 11 Special session
Contents Note: This folder contains Governor Garrahy's proclamation convening a special session of the legislature.

1982 Jul
Box 1, Folder 12 Term paper regarding redistricting
Contents Note: This paper was written by Leah H. Gurovits for a political science class at Brown University.

1982 Aug
Box 1, Folder 13 Redistricting analysis
Contents Note: This folder contains an analysis of the redistricting plan for the Rhode Island Senate and maps of the proposed new districts.

Box 1, Folder 14 Rhode Island Supreme Court opinion
Contents Note: This folder contains a copy of the opinion in John A. Holmes, Jr., et al v. Susan L. Farmer, et al.

1984 Apr 10
Box 1, Folder 15 Calendar of events
Contents Note: This is a schedule of dates for redistricting the Rhode Island Senate.

Box 1, Folder 16 Notes regarding redistricting
Contents Note: This folder contains handwritten notes and a minicassette.


Series 3. Speeches
Box 1, Folders 17-33
The speeches in this series are on a variety of topics. Most of them are handwritten and not dated. Other material such as correspondence, fliers, pamphlets and programs is included.

Other speeches may be found in Series 4. Subject files.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 17 Board of Trustees of State Colleges 1965-1968
Contents Note: This folder includes two pamphlets as well as notes for speeches.

Box 1, Folder 18 Board of Trustees of State Colleges 1967-1970
Contents Note: This folder includes typed copies of speeches, a commencement address, and remarks made before the Rhode Island House Finance Committee.

Box 1, Folder 19 Board of Trustees of State Colleges: Typed speeches
Box 1, Folder 20 Board of Trustees of State Colleges: Handwritten speeches
Box 1, Folder 21 Ideas and material for speeches
Contents Note: This folder contains printed material as well as handwritten notes.

Box 1, Folder 22 Venues of speeches
Contents Note: This folder contains printed material such as fliers, pamphlets and programs as well as a letter to Senator Sapinsley from President Gerald R. Ford.

1975 Jan-1978 Jul
Box 1, Folder 23 Budget speeches
Box 1, Folder 24 Speeches outside the Senate
Contents Note: The speeches in this folder are undated and handwritten. The only dated material is a program for the 53rd annual meeting of the Miriam Hospital Corporation on May 14, 1979.

ca. 1979
Box 1, Folder 25 Speeches
Box 1, Folder 26 Speeches on index cards
Box 1, Folder 27 Floor speeches
Contents Note: This folder contains copies of speeches given by Senator Sapinsley on the floor of the Rhode Island Senate.

Box 1, Folder 28 Floor speeches
Contents Note: This folder also includes some correspondence. Most of the material is handwritten.

Box 1, Folder 29 Speeches regarding the Constitutional Convention
Box 1, Folder 30 Women, minority role
Box 1, Folder 31 Women, minority role
Box 1, Folder 32 Public Utilities Commission
Box 1, Folder 33 Redistricting

Series 4. Subject files
Boxes 1-2, Folders 34-50
This series contains a variety of material on various topics related to Mrs. Sapinsley's political career as well as to her work with the Board of Trustees of State Colleges, the Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation (RIHMFC), the Public Utilities Commission, and the Committee to Study Medical Education at Brown University.

Other material on these topics may be found in Series 3. Speeches and Series 5. Scrapbooks.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 34 Board of Trustees: Reports, minutes, memos
1955 Oct 5-1969 May 21
Box 1, Folder 35 Board of Trustees: Correspondence
1963 Mar 19-1970 Mar 13
Box 1, Folder 36 Board of Trustees: Printed material
1966 May 22-1970 Jun
Box 2, Folder 37 Board of Trustees: Annual reports
Contents Note: This folder contains the annual reports of the Board of Trustees for State Colleges for 1967-1968 and 1968-1969.

Box 2, Folder 38 Board of Trustees: Financial information
Box 2, Folder 39 Campaign material
Contents Note: This folder contains bumper stickers and buttons used in Mrs. Sapinsley's campaigns for the Rhode Island Senate and for Lt. Governor.

Box 2, Folder 40 Minority leader
Contents Note: This folder includes copies of laws, reprints of articles, Republican legislative platforms and a copy of a speech given to the Committee to Study the General Assembly.

Box 2, Folder 41 Minority leader
Contents Note: This folder contains news releases from various Rhode Island House and Senate Offices. They are primariy from Senator Sapinsley's office and that of House Minority Leader Frederick Lippitt.

Box 2, Folder 42 Medical education
Contents Note: This folder contains correspondence related to Mrs. Sapinsley's work on the Committee to Study Medical Education at Brown University.

1972 Feb 17-1975 May 20
Box 2, Folder 43 Reports
Contents Note: The three reports in this folder concern the Boys Training School; aging and eldercare; and skills and wages.

Box 2, Folder 44 Lt. Governor: Newspaper clippings
1984 Mar-Sep
Box 2, Folder 45 Lt. Governor: Newspaper clippings
1984 Oct-Nov
Box 2, Folder 46 Lt. Governor: Newspaper clippings
Box 2, Folder 47 Lt. Governor: Campaign material
Contents Note: This folder includes plans for campaign advertisements and a booklet describing the office of Lt. Governor.

1983-1984 Oct
Box 2, Folder 48 Lt. Governor: Speeches and statements
Contents Note: These speeches were given during Mrs. Sapinsley's campaign for Lt. Governor of Rhode Island.

1984 May 16-1984 Oct 29
Box 2, Folder 49 Lt. Governor: Correspondence
Contents Note: This folder contains correspondence to and from Mrs. Sapinsley regarding various issues related to her work in the Rhode Island Senate.

1984 May 8-1984 Oct 11
Box 2, Folder 50 RIHMFC (Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation)
Contents Note: This folder includes newspaper articles and copies of speeches related to Mrs. Sapinsley's work as Chairwoman of the Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation.

1985 Jul 15-1986 Mar 25

Series 5. Scrapbooks
Boxes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6X, 7X
This series contains nineteen scrapbooks compiled by Mrs. Sapinsley between 1960 and 1998. The scrapbooks that were in loose-leaf binders were disassembled and put into folders. Many of the scrapbooks contained loose material which was put into a separate folder and labeled "enclosures".

The contents of these scrapbooks consist chiefly of newspaper clippings. However, they also include other material such as certificates, commencement programs, copies of articles, correspondence, pamphlets, photographs, political campaign material, press releases and invitations to various events, including presidential inaugurations.

The scrapbooks are arranged chronologically. Mrs. Sapinsley's original title for each scrapbook has been retained. Box 4 is a legal-size Hollinger document case.

Container Description Date
Box 5 Scrapbook: 1969-1971
Contents Note: This is a gray scrapbook that has the remains of a map taped to the cover.

Box 2, Folder 51 Scrapbook: 1969-1971 enclosures
Box 2, Folder 52 Democrats for Chafee
Contents Note: This scrapbook contains newspaper clippings and a small booklet regarding Governor Johh Chafee's campaign for reelection in 1964.

1964 Oct-Nov
Box 7X, Folder 1 First Campaign for Senate
Box 7X Scrapbook: 1973-1974
Contents Note: This is a large yellow scrapbook.

Box 2, Folder 53 Scrapbook: 1973-1974 enclosures
Box 5 Minority Leader R.I. Senate
Contents Note: This is a red scrapbook with the title embossed on the cover.

Box 2, Folder 54 Minority Leader R.I. Senate enclosures
Box 6X Scrapbook: 1974-1975
Contents Note: This is a large orange scrapbook. A framed newspaper article about Senator Sapinsley in inserted inside the front cover.

Box 2, Folder 55 Scrapbook: 1974-1975 enclosures
Box 6X Scrapbook: 1976
Contents Note: This is a large yellow spiral-bound scrapbook.

Box 2, Folder 56 Scrapbook: 1976 enclosures
Box 2, Folder 57 Senate Minority Leader: 1 of 3
Box 2, Folder 58 Senate Minority Leader: 2 of 3
Box 2, Folder 59 Senate Minority Leader: 3 of 3
Box 5 Scrapbook: 1978-1980
Contents Note: This is a blue scrapbook.

Box 2, Folder 60 Scrapbook: 1978-1980 enclosures
Box 2, Folder 61 Scrapbook: 1981-1982: 1 of 4
Box 2, Folder 62 Scrapbook: 1981-1982: 2 of 4
Box 2, Folder 63 Scrapbook: 1981-1982: 3 of 4
Box 2, Folder 64 Scrapbook: 1981-1982: 4 of 4
Box 3, Folder 65 Rocco I
Contents Note: The material in this scrapbook concerns the first redistricting plan proposed by Senate Majority Leader Rocco A. Quattrocchi.

1981 Dec-1982 Jul
Box 3, Folder 66 Rocco II + 74 lines: 1 of 2
Contents Note: The material in this scrapbook concerns Senator Quatrocchi's second redistricting plan for the Rhode Island Senate. "74 lines" refers to the district lines that existed in 1974.

1982 Jul-1983 May
Box 3, Folder 67 Rocco II + 74 lines: 2 of 2
1982 Jul-1983 May
Box 3, Folder 68 Scrapbook: 1983: 1 of 3
Box 3, Folder 69 Scrapbook: 1983: 2 of 3
Box 3, Folder 70 Scrapbook: 1983: 3 of 3
Box 3, Folder 71 Scrapbook: 1983-1984: 1 of 3
Box 3, Folder 72 Scrapbook: 1983-1984: 2 of 3
Box 3, Folder 73 Scrapbook: 1983-1984: 3 of 3
Box 3, Folder 74 Scrapbook: 1984: 1 of 3
Box 3, Folder 75 Scrapbook: 1984: 2 of 3
Box 3, Folder 76 Scrapbook: 1984: 3 of 3
Box 7X, Folder 2 Miscellaneous: 1 of 2
Box 7X, Folder 3 Miscellaneous: 2 of 2
Box 3, Folder 77 RIHMFC (Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation) 1985: 1 of 4
Box 3, Folder 78 RIHMFC (Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation) 1985: 2 of 4
Box 3, Folder 79 RIHMFC (Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation) 1985: 3 of 4
Box 3, Folder 80 RIHMFC (Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corportation) 1985: 4 of 4
Box 5 RIHMFC (Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation) 1985-1987
Contents Note: This scrapbook is dark brown with a gold border.

Box 4, Folder 81 RIHMFC (Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation) 1985-1987 enclosures
Box 4, Folder 82 Scrapbook: 1985-1988:1 of 3
Box 4, Folder 83 Scrapbook: 1985-1988: 2 of 3
Box 4, Folder 84 Scrapbook: 1985-1988: 3 of 3

Series 6. Writings
Box 4, Folder 85
This series consists of Mrs. Sapinsley's memoir entitled Caring, Courage and Conviction: The Memoirs of Lila M. Sapinsley