Box 37, Folder 37 |
American Baptist Quarterly- book review Genre: manuscripts
1984 |
Box 37, Folder 38 |
American Quarterly- "The Great Awakening and the Rise of Evangelical Democracy"- notes, drafts and correspondence Genre: manuscripts
1967-1968 |
Box 37, Folder 39 |
American Revivalism talk at Harvard (12/3/75)- drafts, notes, correspondence Genre: notes
1975 |
Box 37, Folder 40 |
Answers to Ad in Times and Tribune
1951-1953 |
Box 37, Folder 41 |
Awakening cycle concept - correspondence, manuscript from Michael Barkun Genre: correspondence
1985 |
Box 37, Folder 42 |
Awakenings notes for revision - Miscellaneous Genre: notes
Box 37, Folder 43 |
Awakenings Preface drafts + notes Genre: manuscripts
1976 |
Box 37, Folder 44 |
1951 |
Box 37, Folder 45 |
Brown Chapel Talk (10/28/1959)
1959 |
Box 37, Folder 46 |
Chapman, Spurgeon, Smith, Torrey
Box 37, Folder 47 |
College Bulletins (1 of 2)
1959-1960 |
Box 37, Folder 48 |
College Bulletins (2 of 2)
1959-1960 |
Box 37, Folder 49 |
Cowley, W.H. on Great Awakening, manuscript, correspondence Genre: manuscripts
1975 |
Box 37, Folder 50 |
Encyclopedia Brittanica articles - Revivalism, Camp Meeting and Rescue Mission - Drafts and Correspondence Genre: manuscripts
1960 |
Box 37, Folder 51 |
Finney, Charles, American religious history - literature on religion Genre: publications
1962-1983 |
Box 37, Folder 52 |
Finney, Charles - film negative of
1958 |
Box 38, Folder 1 |
Finney, Charles - final revision of article- drafts, notes Genre: manuscripts
1975 |
Box 38, Folder 2 |
Finney - First and Secondary Sources
Box 38, Folder 3 |
Finney, Charles, Graham, Billy projects - correspondence regarding
1975-1976 |
Box 38, Folder 4 |
Finney, Charles Grandison Finney - regarding
1985-1986 |
Box 38, Folder 5 |
Finney Lectures "The Antislavery Impulse" Notes and Articles Genre: notes
1958 |
Box 38, Folder 6 |
Finney, Moody, and Sunday, Billy - Notes on Secondary Source Books on Revivals
Box 38, Folder 7 |
Finney, Charles G. speech at Oberlin- drafts, notes, lit Genre: notes
1975 |
Box 38, Folder 8 |
Finney, Charles talk at Oberlin College (10/10/75)- drafts, notes, research Genre: notes
1963-1979 |
Box 38, Folder 9 |
Finney, Charles talk at University of Illinois (10/9/76)- drafts, notes, lit, correspondence Genre: manuscripts
1976 |
Box 38, Folder 10 |
Finney xerox from Oberlin College Genre: reproductions
1957 |
Box 38, Folder 11 |
First Great Awakening drafts + notes (Chapter 1&2) Genre: manuscripts
1975 |
Box 38, Folder 12 |
First Great Awakening, drafts/notes, the - prologue, intro Genre: notes
1975 |
Box 38, Folder 13 |
First Great Awakening - first draft table of contents, edits + notes Genre: manuscripts
1975-1976 |
Box 38, Folder 14 |
First Great Awakening in middle colonies + South - drafts, notes (Chapter 2, Parts 4&5) Genre: notes
1975 |
Box 38, Folder 15 |
First Great Awakening - notes Genre: notes
1975 |
Box 38, Folder 16 |
First Great Awakening, preface/intro drafts + notes Genre: manuscripts
1975 |
Box 38, Folder 17 |
Fourth Great Awakening drafts, notes and outline for book, "Revivals, Awakenings and Reform: The Conscience of Americans, 1630-1976" Genre: manuscripts
1975 |
Box 38, Folder 18 |
Graham, Billy Book – Rough Draft Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 38, Folder 19 |
Graham, Billy - 2nd Draft
1959 |
Box 38, Folder 20 |
Graham, Billy - Ads and Gimmicks (folder 1 of 6)
1955-1957 |
Box 38, Folder 21 |
Graham, Billy - Ads and Gimmicks (folder 2 of 6)
1957 |
Box 38, Folder 22 |
Graham, Billy - Ads and Gimmicks (folder 3 of 6)
1952-1957 |
Box 38, Folder 23 |
Graham, Billy - Ads and Gimmicks (folder 4 of 6)
1952-1957 |
Box 38, Folder 24 |
Graham, Billy - Ads and Gimmicks (folder 5 of 6)
1951-1955 |
Box 38, Folder 25 |
Graham, Billy - Ads and Gimmicks (folder 6 of 6)
Box 38, Folder 26 |
Graham, Billy - American Revivalism Talk, March 23, 1964
1961-1964 |
Box 39, Folder 1 |
Graham, Billy - Article (The Nation) + Responses
1956-1957 |
Box 39, Folder 2 |
Graham, Billy - Articles on BG in The Nation and in The Providence Journal
1957 |
Box 39, Folder 3 |
Graham, Billy - Carbon for 1st Draft
1958 Aug |
Box 39, Folder 4 |
Graham, Billy - The Charlotte Observer, ed. dedicated to Graham
1977 Feb 6 |
Box 39, Folder 5 |
Graham, Billy - Charlotte Observer Newspaper Articles
1958 Sep-Oct |
Box 39, Folder 6 |
Graham, Billy - Christian Century Article (6/24/1959)
1959 |
Box 39, Folder 7 |
Graham, Billy - Data Since Book (March 1960) (folder 1 of 2)
1960-1961 |
Box 39, Folder 8 |
Graham, Billy - Data Since Book (March 1960) (folder 2 of 2)
1960-1961 |
Box 39, Folder 9 |
Graham, Billy - data, June 1, 1955 - March 1960 (folder 1 of 2) *includes Australia articles by Inglis
1954-1960 |
Box 39, Folder 10 |
Graham, Billy - data, June 1, 1955 - March 1960 (folder 2 of 2) *includes Australia articles by Inglis
1953-1959 |
Box 39, Folder 11 |
Graham, Billy - Efforts in the Midwest
1955-1958 |
Box 39, Folder 12 |
Graham, Billy - Final Carbon (Folder 1 of 2)
c.1958 |
Box 39, Folder 13 |
Graham, Billy - Final Carbon (Folder 2 of 2)
c.1958 |
Box 39, Folder 14 |
Graham, Billy - Galley Proofs (Folder 1 of 3) Genre: manuscripts
c.1959 |
Box 39, Folder 15 |
Graham, Billy - Galley Proofs (Folder 2 of 3) Genre: manuscripts
1959 May |
Box 39, Folder 16 |
Graham, Billy - Galley Proofs (Folder 3 of 3) Genre: manuscripts
c.1959 |
Box 39, Folder 17 |
Graham, Billy - "Graham, Billy and the Revival Tradition," John Hay Lecture (5/4/1959)
1959 |
Box 39, Folder 18 |
Graham, Billy - in Australia
1959 Feb-May |
Box 39, Folder 19 |
Graham, Billy - in London (Folder 1 of 2)
1953-1954 |
Box 39, Folder 20 |
Graham, Billy - in London (Folder 2 of 2)
1953-1964 |
Box 39, Folder 21 |
Graham, Billy - Indexes
c.1959 |
Box 39, Folder 22 |
Graham, Billy - Later clippings and correspondence of McLoughlin
1972-1977 |
Box 39, Folder 23 |
Graham, Billy - Libel Suit (Folder 1 of 2)
1959-1961 |
Box 39, Folder 24 |
Graham, Billy - Libel Suit (Folder 2 of 2)
1959-1960 |
Box 39, Folder 25 |
Graham, Billy - List of PhD Theses at Harvard and Radcliffe
1950-1951 |
Box 39, Folder 26 |
Graham, Billy - London clippings, + Scotland
1953-1955 |
Box 39, Folder 27 |
Graham, Billy - material on New York, gathered by McLoughlin
1957 |
Box 39, Folder 28 |
Graham, Billy - Minister's Follow-up Reports
1957 |
Box 40, Folder 1 |
Graham, Billy - Miscellaneous Clippings
1952-1958 |
Box 40, Folder 2 |
Graham, Billy - New York Crusade Clippings
1954-1958 |
Box 40, Folder 3 |
Graham, Billy - New York Crusade mailings
1957 |
Box 40, Folder 4 |
Graham, Billy - Newsletters with Political Comments
1952-1958 |
Box 40, Folder 5 |
Graham, Billy - "The Political Side of Graham, Billy's Evangelism"
c.1958 |
Box 40, Folder 6 |
Graham, Billy at the Providence Civic Center
c. 1983 |
Box 40, Folder 7 |
Graham, Billy - Publications about Graham (Folder 1 of 3)
1954-1958 |
Box 40, Folder 8 |
Graham, Billy - Publications about Graham (Folder 2 of 3)
1951-1957 |
Box 40, Folder 9 |
Graham, Billy - Publications about Graham (Folder 3 of 3)
1954-1958 |
Box 40, Folder 10 |
Graham, Billy - since July 4th, 1958,quarrel with Bob Jones, Sr. (Folder 1 of 3)
1957-1959 |
Box 40, Folder 11 |
Graham, Billy - since July 4th, 1958,quarrel with Bob Jones, Sr. (Folder 2 of 3)
1958-1959 |
Box 40, Folder 12 |
Graham, Billy - since July 4th, 1958,quarrel with Bob Jones, Sr. (Folder 3 of 3)
1958 |
Box 40, Folder 13 |
Graham, Billy - Since New York, San Francisco
1956-1958 |
Box 40, Folder 14 |
Graham, Billy - Statistics (Folder 1 of 2)
1952-1958 |
Box 40, Folder 15 |
Graham, Billy - Statistics (Folder 2 of 2)
1952-1958 |
Box 40, Folder 16 |
Graham, Billy and Sunday, Billy - corr. on resources
1961-1963 |
Box 40, Folder 17 |
Great Awakening Cycle Concept - Michael Barkun Genre: publications
1986 |
Box 40, Folder 18 |
Hartford Seminary Foundation Talk (June 9-10) regarding 4th Great Awakening - lit, correspondence, drafts, notes, research Genre: manuscripts
1977 |
Box 40, Folder 19 |
Heimert essay review- notes, drafts, correspondence Genre: notes
1966-1967 |
Box 40, Folder 20 |
Jones vs. Jones, The Battle of the Two Sam Joneses article - correspondence with American Heritage, manuscripts and galley Genre: correspondence
1960 |
Box 40, Folder 21 |
Ku Klux Klan and Fascists
Box 40, Folder 22 |
Lecture notes, + library slips of McLoughlin's - Miscellaneous correspondence
1954 |
Box 40, Folder 23 |
Loma Linda lecture on Revivalism- notes drafts and correspondence Genre: lectures
1973 |
Box 40, Folder 24 |
Loma Linda lecture on Revivalism- notes drafts and correspondence Genre: lectures
1974 |
Box 40, Folder 25 |
Marty, Martin, University of Chicago Press regarding publishing of Awakenings essay - correspondence with Genre: correspondence
1975 |
Box 40, Folder 26 |
McLoughlin - Correspondence with those connected to Sunday, Billy or D.L. Moody
1935-1952 |
Box 40, Folder 27 |
McLoughlin on Op-Eds- clippings, drafts, responses; "Wakening Again" from The New York Times Genre: manuscripts
1978 |
Box 40, Folder 28 |
McLoughlin, Jr., W.G.'s Ch. 2, 3, sent to Professor Oscar Handlin
Box 40, Folder 29 |
McLoughlin's comments on John Bruce Boles, "The Religious Mind of the Old South: The Era of The Great Revival, 1787-1805"
1969 |
Box 40, Folder 30 |
McLoughlin's Press Clippings
1959-1960 |
Box 40, Folder 31 |
Modern Revivalism - correspondence, info on related readings/materials Genre: correspondence
1966 |
Box 40, Folder 32 |
Modern Revivalism - correspondence and literature regarding Genre: correspondence
1984 |
Box 40, Folder 33 |
Modern Revivalism - correspondence regarding Genre: correspondence
1982 |
Box 40, Folder 34 |
Modern Revivalism - correspondence regarding topics on Genre: correspondence
Box 40, Folder 35 |
"Modern Revivalism" - correspondence with Richard Peyton Howard regarding McLoughlin's book Genre: correspondence
1963 |
Box 40, Folder 36 |
Modern Revivalism Book - Chapters I & II 2nd draft Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 1 |
Modern Revivalism Book – Chapters IV & V (Moody) 2nd draft Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 2 |
Modern Revivalism Book – Finney (thesis draft and intro. draft) Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 3 |
Modern Revivalism Book – Notes for Chapter VII Torrey, Chapman Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 4 |
Modern Revivalism Book- Chapter III (Knapp, Ewan) First Draft Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 5 |
Modern Revivalism Book Graham Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 6 |
Modern Revivalism Chap[ter]s 1 & 2- Final Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 7 |
Modern Revivalism Chapter III – 2nd Draft Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 8 |
Modern Revivalism Chapter III – Final Draft Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 9 |
Modern Revivalism Chapter VI – Jones and Mills 2nd and Final Drafts Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 10 |
Modern Revivalism [Chapter VI] Book - Sam Jones Rough Draft Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 11 |
Modern Revivalism Chapter VII – Torrey, Chapman, Biederwold, etc. Final Draft and 2nd Draft Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 12 |
Modern Revivalism [Chapter VIII] Book – Sunday Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 13 |
Modern Revivalism Chapter VIII – Sunday, Billy 2nd Draft – Final Draft Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 14 |
Modern Revivalism Chapters IV & V 2nd Draft Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 15 |
Modern Revivalism Chapters IV & V Final – Moody Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 16 |
Modern Revivalism Chapter IX – Graham, Billy & Visitation Evangelism 2nd Draft & Final Draft Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 17 |
Modern Revivalism: Charles Grandison Finney to Graham, Billy Book Introduction or conclusion/ Illustrations Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 18 |
Modern Revivalism Early Draft of Introduction to Finney’s Lectures on Revivals Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 19 |
Modern revivalism, McLoughlin's books on - correspondence regarding
1965 |
Box 41, Folder 20 |
Modern Revivalism Ms./2nd draft of Chap[ter]s 7, 8, 9 [typescript] Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 21 |
Modern Revivalism royalty statement
1977 |
Box 41, Folder 22 |
Modern Revivalism [typescript draft of chapters 4, 5 and 6] Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 23 |
Modern Revivalism [typescript draft of chapters 7, 8 and 9] Genre: manuscripts
1950s |
Box 41, Folder 24 |
Moody - Articles
c. 1956 |
Box 41, Folder 25 |
Moody - Chicago
Box 41, Folder 26 |
Moody - Notes on Biographies, Sermons, etc.
c. 1960 |
Box 41, Folder 27 |
Moody - Notes on Boston Advertiser, Boston Transcript
Box 41, Folder 28 |
Moody - Xm Advocate 1875-76, Liberal Xm 1875-76
Box 41, Folder 29 |
Moody + Sankey - Ch. on Moody + Sankey in Scotland
Box 41, Folder 30 |
Moody + Sankey - in Edinburgh (Folder 1 of 2)
c. 1954 |
Box 41, Folder 31 |
Moody + Sankey - in Edinburgh (Folder 2 of 2)
c. 1954 |
Box 41, Folder 32 |
Moody, Jones - Clippings
1898, n.d. |
Box 41, Folder 33 |
New England Dissent - correspondence regarding
1976 |
Box 41, Folder 34 |
Notes on the Watchmen - Examiner (?)
Box 41, Folder 35 |
Pembroke Freshman Banquet (9/18/1959) + Father-Daughter Day Address (10/24/1959)
1959-1960 |
Box 41, Folder 36 |
Personal Interviews
1951 |
Box 41, Folder 37 |
Puritan Awakening (17th century), the - drafts, notes Genre: notes
1976 |
Box 42, Folder 1 |
"Radicalism" seminar, literature for Genre: reproductions
1968-1971 |
Box 42, Folder 2 |
Reader's Report on JW Jeffries "Separatists in Canterbury"
Box 42, Folder 3 |
Religion, politics, Carter's evangelism - newspapers, magazines; annotated works on Revivalism and Pentecostal church Genre: publications
1976 |
Box 42, Folder 4 |
Review of "Preachers and Politicians" by McLoughlin and Jack Greene in "New Books From…"
1978 |
Box 42, Folder 5 |
Revival pamphlets, articles, commentary, New York campaign, Philadelphia campaign Genre: publications
1950-1952 |
Box 42, Folder 6 |
Revivalism - literature, correspondence, research, notes - American Civilization Colloquium talk Genre: notes
1974-1975 |
Box 42, Folder 7 |
Revivalism and American Voting Behavior by John L. Hammond Jr., proposal to National Science Foundation Genre: publications
1973 |
Box 42, Folder 8 |
Revivalism and Cultural Change - note to reviews, request to review Genre: notes
1992 |
Box 42, Folder 9 |
Revivalism books - correspondence with Ronald Press and colleagues, research, reviews [1 of 3]
1956-1962 |
Box 42, Folder 10 |
Revivalism books - correspondence with Ronald Press and colleagues, research, reviews [2 of 3]
1956-1962 |
Box 42, Folder 11 |
Revivalism books - correspondence with Ronald Press and colleagues, research, reviews [3 of 3]
1956-1962 |
Box 42, Folder 12 |
Revivalism- regarding publications, research
1978-1980 |
Box 42, Folder 13 |
Revivals and Awakenings - manuscript Ch. 4-6 Genre: manuscripts
1978 |
Box 42, Folder 14 |
Revivals and Awakenings - table of contents and manuscript Ch.1-3 Genre: manuscripts
1978 |
Box 42, Folder 15 |
Revivals of Religion (Charles Finney), lectures on - correspondence with John Harvard Library, Harvard University Press Genre: correspondence
1959-1961 |
Box 42, Folder 16 |
Revivals of Religion (Charles Finney), lectures on - drafts/notes Genre: manuscripts
1956-1961 |
Box 42, Folder 17 |
Revivals of Religion (Charles Finney), lectures on - formatted manuscript Genre: manuscripts
1960 |
Box 42, Folder 18 |
Revivals, Awakening and Reform- draft Genre: manuscripts
1981 |
Box 42, Folder 19 |
Revivalist Charles Finney as Hero - article on; drafts, notes, correspondence Genre: manuscripts
1975-1980 |
Box 42, Folder 20 |
Royalty Statement from Ronald Press Co. for "Graham, Billy: Revivalist in a Secular Age"
1966 |
Box 42, Folder 21 |
Second Great Awakening drafts, notes (Chapter 3) Genre: manuscripts
1975 |
Box 42, Folder 22 |
Second Great Awakening drafts, notes (Chapter 4) Genre: manuscripts
1975 |
Box 42, Folder 23 |
Solzhenitsyn- "Solzhenitsyn and America's 4th Great Awakening" New York Times article and speech, notes and drafts Genre: publications
1978 |
Box 42, Folder 24 |
Sunday, Billy
1971 |
Box 42, Folder 25 |
Sunday, Billy - "Ma Sunday Still Speaks" Book
1957 |
Box 42, Folder 26 |
Sunday, Billy - "Sunday, Billy vs. Satan" in Chicago Magazine
1955 Sep |
Box 42, Folder 27 |
Sunday, Billy - "Winona Lake" booklet
1951 |
Box 42, Folder 28 |
Sunday, Billy - Booklets
1917-1951 |
Box 42, Folder 29 |
Sunday, Billy - Clippings on B. Sunday
1917, 1953 |
Box 42, Folder 30 |
Sunday, Billy - Correspondence, general
1910-1934 |
Box 42, Folder 31 |
Sunday, Billy - Family Correspondence
1915 |
Box 42, Folder 32 |
Sunday, Billy - Handwritten Doctrinal Sermons
1920s-1930s |
Box 42, Folder 33 |
Sunday, Billy - Investigate
Box 42, Folder 34 |
Sunday, Billy - Itinerary, 1896-1935
Box 42, Folder 35 |
Sunday, Billy - McLoughlin's Thesis Prep, including info on Fishes of Men
1951-1952 |
Box 43, Folder 1 |
Sunday, Billy - Memorial Day Sermon Notes
1907 |
Box 43, Folder 2 |
Sunday, Billy - More book paraphernalia from University of Chicago Press
Box 43, Folder 3 |
Sunday, Billy - Mrs. W.A. Sunday, correspondence and clippings
1950-1954 |
Box 43, Folder 4 |
Sunday, Billy - Newspapers (trip) 1912-1935
c.1952 |
Box 43, Folder 5 |
Sunday, Billy - Newspapers, 1907-1912
Box 43, Folder 6 |
Sunday, Billy - Notes on Articles, NY Times (1912-1950) and Reader's Guide
1952-1953 |
Box 43, Folder 7 |
Sunday, Billy - Notes on Books
Box 43, Folder 8 |
Sunday, Billy - Notes on Newspapers, 1896 - (Dec.) 1906
Box 43, Folder 9 |
Sunday, Billy - Notes on trip to Mrs. Sunday
1950 Oct |
Box 43, Folder 10 |
Sunday, Billy - Pamphlets on B.S.
1915-1929 |
Box 43, Folder 11 |
Sunday, Billy - Review on BSWHRN in "Sparkles"
1955 |
Box 43, Folder 12 |
Sunday, Billy - Reviews and Notices re. "BS WHRN" (Folder 1 of 2)
1955-1958 |
Box 43, Folder 13 |
Sunday, Billy - Reviews and Notices re. "BS WHRN" (Folder 2 of 2)
1955-1956 |
Box 43, Folder 14 |
Sunday, Billy - Sermon notes vs. modernists, evolution (and atheistic radicals)
c. 1920-1936 |
Box 43, Folder 15 |
Sunday, Billy - Sermon notes, Religion in Business, Positive and Negative Religion
c. mid-1920s |
Box 43, Folder 16 |
Sunday, Billy - Sermons
1908-1935 |
Box 43, Folder 17 |
Sunday, Billy - Sermons on Prohibition "they shall not pass"
c. 1929-1931 |
Box 43, Folder 18 |
Sunday, Billy - Sermons to women only; to men only (1) Chickens Come Home (2) Mothers
c. 1936 |
Box 43, Folder 19 |
Sunday, Billy - Sermons vs. Hitlers, radicals, dictators (1) 10 Commandments (2) Coming Dictator
c. 1934-1935 |
Box 43, Folder 20 |
Sunday, Billy - Sermons: Miscellaneous, Doctrinal, Second Coming
Box 43, Folder 21 |
Sunday, Billy - Statements in his Hand, and Ackley's
c. 1915 |
Box 43, Folder 22 |
Sunday, Billy - Statistics
Box 43, Folder 23 |
Sunday, Billy - Winona Lake collections, Mrs. S + Biederwolf
1951 |
Box 43, Folder 24 |
Sunday, Billy - Zion's Herald, Meth. Episc., 1915-1920
1909, n.d. |
Box 43, Folder 25 |
Sunday, Billy and the working girl- drafts; letters to Aunt Martha Genre: manuscripts
1975-1976 |
Box 43, Folder 26 |
Sunday, Billy Conference - Proposals, Correspondence, Transcript Genre: correspondence
1988 |
Box 43, Folder 27 |
Sunday, Billy- correspondence re: Reverends Riale and Finch; permission to use quotations and cartoon; neo-Fascism Genre: correspondence
1954-1955 |
Box 43, Folder 28 |
Sunday, Billy- correspondence re: Sunday, Billy Was His Real Name (1 of 3) Genre: correspondence
1953-1954 |
Box 43, Folder 29 |
Sunday, Billy- correspondence re: Sunday, Billy Was His Real Name (2 of 3) Genre: correspondence
1954-1955 |
Box 43, Folder 30 |
Sunday, Billy- correspondence re: Sunday, Billy Was His Real Name (3 of 3) Genre: correspondence
1954-1957 |
Box 43, Folder 31 |
Sunday, Billy- more clippings and lit re: Sunday, Billy Was His Real Name Genre: publications
1955-1956 |
Box 43, Folder 32 |
Sunday, Billy- Parlor sermons (1) The Lost Word (2) The Lawyer's Question
Box 43, Folder 33 |
Sunday, Billy- publications with reviews of/references to Sunday, Billy Was His Real Name Genre: publications
1954-1957 |
Box 43, Folder 34 |
Sunday, Billy- publications with reviews of/references to Sunday, Billy Was His Real Name Genre: publications
1954-1957 |
Box 44, Folder 1 |
Sunday, Billy- reviews of Sunday, Billy Was His Real Name Genre: publications
1955 |
Box 44, Folder 2 |
Sunday, Billy- reviews of Sunday, Billy Was His Real Name collected by University of Chicago Press Genre: publications
1955-1956 |
Box 44, Folder 3 |
Sunday, Billy, revivalism miscellaneous
1984-1985 |
Box 44, Folder 4 |
Third Great Awakening drafts, notes (Chapter 6&7) Genre: manuscripts
1975 |
Box 44, Folder 5 |
Thomas, George M's "Revivalism and Cultural Change"- notes Genre: notes
1992 |
Box 44, Folder 6 |
Trip Summary
c. 1951 |
Box 112, Folder |
Attleborough Town Records Volume 2 Contents Note: 1 reel of 35mm microfilm
1724-1757 |
Box 44, Folder 7 |
Backus - 18th Century Notes on Genre: notes
Box 44, Folder 8 |
"Backus Diaries" book - Backus illustrations and related correspondence, photographs Genre: correspondence
1979 |
Box , Folder 1 |
Backus Letters: Persecutions, Xerox on Sufferings Genre: reproductions
Box 112, Folder |
Backus manuscript - "Containing some particular account of my conversion" Contents Note: 1 reel of 35mm microfilm
1761 |
Box 44, Folder 9 |
"Backus on Church and State" edition for the John Harvard Library - introduction, notes, correspondence Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 44, Folder 10 |
"Backus on Church and State" edition for the John Harvard Library - proposal, correspondence, notes Genre: correspondence
1965-1966 |
Box 44, Folder 11 |
"Backus on Church and State" edition for the John Harvard Library - short introduction Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 44, Folder 12 |
"Backus on Church and State" edition for the John Harvard Library - short introduction; notes for Backus tracts Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 44, Folder 13 |
Backus Papers Project - Correspondence regarding Genre: correspondence
1960-1966 |
Box 44, Folder 14 |
Backus Papers Project - invoices, inventory listings, other correspondence regarding financing the project Genre: notes
1961-1964 |
Box 44, Folder 15 |
Backus Papers Project - correspondence on fund-raising, data sheet, proposals Genre: correspondence
1962-1968 |
Box 44, Folder 16 |
Backus Papers Project account balances - invoices, inventory listing, related correspondence Genre: notes
1963-1967 |
Box 44, Folder 17 |
Backus Papers: Letters Concerning the Collection at Andover Newton and the National Archives Genre: correspondence
1963-1973 |
Box 44, Folder 18 |
Backus, Florence - Correspondence regarding the Backus Project Genre: correspondence
1961-1962 |
Box 44, Folder 19 |
Backus, Florence - Correspondence with Genre: correspondence
1962 |
Box 44, Folder 20 |
Backus, Florence- correspondence regarding politics and society; publications from Genre: correspondence
1962 |
Box 112, Folder |
Backus, Florence - Diaries, negative of California papers made at MIT - microfilm Contents Note: 1 reel of 35mm microfilm
Box 44, Folder 21 |
Backus, Isaac - corr., research, notes
1962-1965 |
Box 44, Folder 22 |
Backus, Isaac - Project - funding
1972-1973 |
Box 44, Folder 23 |
Backus, Isacc and Baptists miscellaneous
1983-1985 |
Box 44, Folder 24 |
Backus, Isaac and Baptists miscellaneous
1985-1986 |
Box 109, Folder 1 |
The Balkcom Case: Notes and Correspondence with Massachusetts Historical Society and William and Mary Quarterly Genre: correspondence
1966-1967 |
Box 44, Folder 25 |
Ban, Joseph D. - Correspondence and attached copy of "Theodolite" with Ban article on Baptist Education
1988 |
Box 108, Folder 2 |
Baptist - Elder John Leland Genre: publications
1966 |
Box 44, Folder 26 |
The Baptists - bibliography, notes, correspondence Genre: notes
1960-1965 |
Box 44, Folder 27 |
"The Baptist Debate"- Drafts and edits of by McLoughlin and M. W. Davidson; correspondence with Malcolm Freiberg of the Massachusetts Historical Society Genre: manuscripts
1964-1965 |
Box 44, Folder 28 |
"The Baptist Debate" notes, drafts, early translation attempts - McLoughlin and Davidson; correspondence with Massachusetts History Society Genre: manuscripts
1964-1965 |
Box 44, Folder 29 |
Baptist Churches in New Hampshire- dissertation
1975 |
Box 44, Folder 30 |
Baptists - Correspondence regarding
1978 |
Box 44, Folder 31 |
Baptists - Correspondence regarding- related papers and project Genre: correspondence
1971-1973 |
Box 44, Folder 32 |
The Baptists in Colonial New England - summary, correspondence, prologue; Chapter 1: From Conformity to Toleration in Massachusetts 1635 to 1682 - drafts, chapter notes Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 44, Folder 33 |
The Baptists in Connecticut: 1667-1776, Chapter III: Final - notes Genre: notes
Box 44, Folder 34 |
The Baptists in the 18th Century - notes and bibliography Genre: notes
1963 |
Box 44, Folder 35 |
Baptists - Notes Genre: notes
1969, n.d. |
Box 44, Folder 36 |
Baptists - Notes Genre: notes
Box 108, Folder 3 |
Baptists - Rehoboth Petition, Jan 1, 1714 (fascimile) Genre: reproductions
1714 |
Box 44, Folder 37 |
Baptists in Ireland and the Catholic Worker- Letters from researchers to McLoughlin regarding materials on
1987 |
Box 44, Folder 38 |
Baptists in New England - History of Liberty Report and notes Genre: notes
1962 |
Box 44, Folder 39 |
Baptists in New England - Notes Genre: notes
1961-1963 |
Box 44, Folder 40 |
Baptists in New England - Old notes Genre: notes
1968 |
Box 44, Folder 41 |
Baptists miscellaneous
1980 |
Box 44, Folder 42 |
Baptists, related materials - Correspondence regarding Baptists, related materials
1966 |
Box 44, Folder 43 |
Baptists/Backus projects - Correspondence regarding
1967-1969 |
Box 44, Folder 44 |
Baptists/Backus projects - correspondence regarding
1969-1970 |
Box 45, Folder 1 |
Baptists/Backus projects - Correspondence regarding
1974-1976 |
Box 45, Folder 2 |
Baptists/Backus projects - Correspondence regarding
1975-1976 |
Box 45, Folder 3 |
Baptists/Backus projects - Correspondence and literature regarding
1982-1983 |
Box 45, Folder 4 |
Baptists/Backus projects - Correspondence and literature regarding
1982-1983 |
Box 45, Folder 5 |
Baptists/Backus - Correspondence and literature regarding
1985-1986 |
Box 45, Folder 6 |
Baptists: John Adams' Legal Papers on Religious Cases and Notes and correspondence on the Term ''Frame' of Mind" Genre: correspondence
1963-1964 |
Box 45, Folder 7 |
Baptists-related papers and projects - correspondence regarding
1963-1965 |
Box 112, Folder |
Bellingham Massachusetts First Baptist Church Records and miscellaneous documents Contents Note: 3 reels of 35mm microfilm
1826-1919 |
Box 111, Folder |
Beneficent Church records, Providence - copy 1 Contents Note: 1 reel of 35mm microfilm
1743-1820 |
Box 112, Folder |
Beneficent Church records, Providence - copy 2 Contents Note: 1 reel of 35mm microfilm
1743-1820 |
Box 45, Folder 8 |
Brown Press
1978 |
Box 112, Folder |
Brown, Moses to Isaac Backus - microfilm Contents Note: 1 reel of 35mm microfilm
1780 |
Box 112, Folder |
Brown, Moses, Job Scott, and Thomas Arnold to Isaac Backus - microfilm Contents Note: 1 reel of 35mm microfilm
1780 |
Box 45, Folder 9 |
Budget for the Isaac Backus Papers Project - correspondence, grant award letter, award record Genre: correspondence
1964-1967 |
Box 45, Folder 10 |
Chapter 2: The Fight for Exemption from Religious Taxes: 1692-1734 - Part 1: drafts, chapter notes Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 45, Folder 11 |
Chapter 3: The Fights for Exemption from Religious Taxes: 1692-1734 - Part 2 - drafts, chapter notes Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 45, Folder 12 |
Chapter 4: The Baptists of New England on the Eve of the Great Awakening - drafts, chapter notes Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 45, Folder 13 |
Chapter 5: The Baptists and the Great Awakening, 1740-1765 - Part 1 - drafts, chapter notes Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 45, Folder 14 |
Chapter 6: The Baptists in the Great Awakening - Part 2 - drafts and chapter notes Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 45, Folder 15 |
Chapter 7: The Baptists Face the Courts and the Revolution 1760-1780 - drafts, chapter notes Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 45, Folder 16 |
Chapter 8: The Baptists and the Constitution of Massachusetts 1773-1783 - drafts, chapter notes Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 45, Folder 17 |
Chapter 9: The Battle Over Article Three in the Courts and in the Towns, 1780-1810 - drafts, chapter notes Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 45, Folder 18 |
Chapter 10: The Baptists Move from a Sect to a Denomination: 1780-1810 - Part 1 - drafts, chapter notes Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 45, Folder 19 |
Chapter 11: The Baptists Move from a Sect to a Denomination: 1780-1810 - Part 2 - drafts, chapter notes Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 45, Folder 20 |
Chapter 12: The Baptists in Vermont, 1768-1807 - drafts, chapter notes Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 45, Folder 21 |
Chapter 13: The Baptists in New Hampshire: 1755-1819 - drafts, chapter notes Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 45, Folder 22 |
Chapter 14: The Baptists and the End of Compulsory Religious Taxes in Connecticut, 1776-1818 Part 1 - drafts, chapter notes Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 45, Folder 23 |
Chapter 15: The Baptists and the End of Compulsory Religious Taxes in Connecticut, 1776-1818 - Part 2 - drafts, chapter notes Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 45, Folder 24 |
Chapter 16: The Baptists and the End of Compulsory Religious Taxes in Massachusetts, 1800-1833 - Part 1 - drafts, chapter notes Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 45, Folder 25 |
Chapter 17: The Baptists and the End of Compulsory Religious Taxes in Massachusetts, 1800-1833 - Part 2 - drafts, chapter notes Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 108, Folder 4 |
Chart A of the State Convention, showing the location and association of the Baptist Churches of Vermont (1887); A Map of the most inhabited part of New England containing the Provinces of Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire with the colonies of Connectic Genre: maps
1774; 1887 |
Box 111, Folder |
Church and States - Massachusetts newspaper articles, some by Backus Contents Note: 1 reel of 35mm microfilm
1760-1775 |
Box 45, Folder 26 |
CLIO- Brown Undergraduate Journal of History
1974-1975 |
Box 45, Folder 27 |
Connecticut Baptists and Separates - notes Genre: notes
Box 108, Folder 5 |
Connecticut Separates: Church Records Genre: reproductions
Box 45, Folder 28 |
The Diary of Isaac Backus- regarding Isaac Backus
1978-1980 |
Box 111, Folder |
The Diary of Isaac Backus - Backus documents on microfilm - 9 items Contents Note: Reel of 35mm microfilm containing: 1) Stephen Dunham's Verses, September 3, 1755 and Hervey's verses; 2) Mr. Buell's letter (copy) july 10, 1764 regarding marvellous work at Easthampton; 3) Part of early draft of An Appeal to the Public, 1773; 4) "Address
1755-1788 |
Box 111, Folder |
The Diary of Isaac Backus - Backus letters on microfilm - 5 items Contents Note: Reel of 35mm microfilm containing: 1) Backus to Rev. Thomas Ustick in Philadelphia, June 3, 1796; 2) Backus to Successor regarding Adam's fall and infant damnation, January 27, 1805; 3) Backus answer to Joseph Fish (incomplete); 4) History of the Hinds Co
1796-1805 |
Box 111, Folder |
The Diary of Isaac Backus - Backus letters on microfilm - 4 items Contents Note: Reel of 35mm microfilm containing: 1) almanack 1742, 1744, 1753, 1755, 1761, 1762, 1763, 1765. Edmumd Williams made diary entries in margin; 2) School boy exercises. Copies. One from Apocrypha copies by Backus, July 27, 1752: "Dying advice of Mattheus to
1741-1804 |
Box 45, Folder 29 |
Deed of Gift - working papers of McLoughlin for "The Diary of Backus" to be assigned to Brown University Genre: correspondence
1987 |
Box 45, Folder 30 |
Draft of piece on Reverend Isaac Backus
Box 45, Folder 31 |
Editorial notes on the copy of Isaac Backus on Church, State, and Calvinism for The John Harvard Library Genre: manuscripts
1966-1968 |
Box 45, Folder 32 |
Education Ministries American Baptist Churches USA - Correspondence regarding quoting "Isaac Backus and the American Pietistic Tradition" Genre: correspondence
1987 |
Box 45, Folder 33 |
Financing by Brown for the Isaac Backus Papers Project - correspondence, notes Genre: correspondence
1962-1965 |
Box 45, Folder 34 |
First Baptist Church of the City of Washington, DC - Correspondence, "The Pulpit" editions Genre: correspondence
1986-1987 |
Box 45, Folder 35 |
"The First Calvinistic Baptist Association in New England" McLoughlin paper for Church History - drafts, edits, notes, correspondence Genre: notes
1966-1967 |
Box 45, Folder 36 |
First draft of "Free Love, Immortalism, and Perfectionism…" Isaac Backus notes; Ward - Finney notes; Backus Papers, corr. Genre: manuscripts
1968-1974 |
Box 45, Folder 37 |
Guggenheim Fellowship application process
1959-1960 |
Box 112, Folder |
Heaton, Hannah Cook - Diary (Also spelled Eaton) Contents Note: 1 reel of 35mm microfilm
Box 45, Folder 38 |
"A History of the Baptists in Colonial New England" ("New England Dissent") - Readers' comments on; Harvard University Press correspondence, revisions - notes and correspondence Genre: notes
1968 |
Box , Folder |
History of Church and State in Vermont, Republican Observer, 1879 (fascimile) Genre: reproductions
1879 |
Box 45, Folder 39 |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell - Correspondence regarding grant for Backus Papers Project from National Historical Publications Committee Genre: correspondence
1963-1967 |
Box 45, Folder 40 |
"Isaac Backus (1724-1806) on Church, State, and Calvinism" - introduction, and introduction notes (carbon copy) Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 45, Folder 41 |
"Isaac Backus (1724-1806) on Church, State, and Calvinism" - revised draft Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 45, Folder 42 |
"Isaac Backus and the American Pietistic Tradition" - chapter 10 draft and prologue, notes, correpondence Genre: manuscripts
1965-1967 |
Box 45, Folder 43 |
"Isaac Backus and the American Pietistic Tradition" - draft Genre: manuscripts
Box 46, Folder 1 |
"Isaac Backus and the American Pietistic Tradition" - draft with final revision, correspondence Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 46, Folder 2 |
"Isaac Backus and the American Pietistic Tradition" - preface, acknowledgements, notes, index, related correspondence with publisher Genre: manuscripts
1967 |
Box 108, Folder 6 |
"Isaac Backus and the American Pietistic Tradition" galley proofs Genre: manuscripts
Box 46, Folder 3 |
"Isaac Backus and the American Pietistic Tradition" drafts for Little, Brown and Company, related correspondence (Folder 1 of 2) Genre: manuscripts
1967 |
Box 46, Folder 4 |
"Isaac Backus and the American Pietistic Tradition" drafts for Little, Brown and Company, related correspondence (Folder 2 of 2) Genre: manuscripts
1967 |
Box 108, Folder 9 |
Isaac Backus copy for the John Harvard Library Genre: manuscripts
Box 108, Folder 7 |
"Isaac Backus on Church, State, and Calvinism" copy for The John Harvard Library (Folder 1 of 2) Genre: manuscripts
1968 |
Box 108, Folder 8 |
"Isaac Backus on Church, State, and Calvinism" copy for The John Harvard Library (Folder 2 of 2) Genre: manuscripts
1968 |
Box 46, Folder 5 |
Jeanne West- corresondence on The Baptist articles, permission, publishing and editing Genre: correspondence
1989 |
Box 108, Folder 10 |
John Harvard Library edition of the works of Isaac Backus - notes Genre: notes
Box 46, Folder 6 |
Johnsen, Leigh - Loma's project about "The Letters of Backus," related correspondence Genre: correspondence
1986 |
Box 46, Folder 7 |
Johnsen, Leigh - Correspondence with; list of Backus papers at Rhode Island Historical Society Genre: correspondence
1987 |
Box 46, Folder 8 |
"The Life of Elder Jabez Cottle (1747-1820): A Spiritual Autobiography in Verse," drafts, notes, correspondence on material and publishing Genre: notes
1962-1965 |
Box 46, Folder 9 |
Lists of Baptist Churches
1977 |
Box 46, Folder 10 |
Lists of Laws, Statistics, Ministers, Newspaper Quarrels Genre: notes
1962 |
Box 46, Folder 11 |
Little, Brown and Company - correspondence; Isaac Backus Biography, notes & addenda Genre: correspondence
1964-1966 |
Box 46, Folder 12 |
Mark Brown memorandum on donation of Backus documents
1987 |
Box 46, Folder 13 |
Mass Baptists and Separates - Notes on Genre: notes
Box 46, Folder 14 |
"Massive Civil Disobedience as a Baptist Tactic in 1773" article for the American Quarterly - notes, drafts, correspondence Genre: notes
1969 |
Box 112, Folder |
Maston, Thomas B. - Bibliography for his theses at Yale University "The Ethical and Social Attitudes of Isaac Backus, Contents Note: 1 reel of 35mm microfilm
1939 |
Box 46, Folder 15 |
McLoughlin and Davidson - notes and reworked section of the Transcriber's Notes of The Baptist Debate Genre: manuscripts
Box 46, Folder 16 |
Miscellaneous Church State and Baptists - notes, literature Genre: notes
1963-1967 |
Box 46, Folder 17 |
Miscellaneous Papers on 18th Century Baptists Genre: reproductions
1964-1967 |
Box 46, Folder 18 |
Miscellaneous Periodicals and Notes on Baptists - Watchman, American Baptist Magazine, Baptist Missionary Magazine (1817-1877) Genre: notes
Box 111, Folder |
Miscellanesous printed publications (22) of Isaac Backus and sermons by 38 other New England preachers on microfilm - originals at Andover-Newton Contents Note: 1 reel of 35mm microfilm
1746-1800 |
Box 46, Folder 19 |
Moody - Notes related to
Box 46, Folder 20 |
Murray, John case - Research on ; correspondence with and scholarship by John Murray - notes, correspondence, draft of "New England Dissent" ch. 25 Genre: notes
1968-1969 |
Box 46, Folder 21 |
New England Dissent - correspondence regarding
1972 |
Box 46, Folder 22 |
"New England Dissent" - intro. and revised table of contents - manuscript for Feb. 19 seminar Genre: manuscripts
1968-1969 |
Box 46, Folder 23 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 1 draft Genre: manuscripts
Box 46, Folder 24 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 2 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 46, Folder 25 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 3 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 46, Folder 26 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 6 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 46, Folder 27 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 7 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 46, Folder 28 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 8 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 46, Folder 29 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 9 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 46, Folder 30 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 10 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 46, Folder 31 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 11 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 46, Folder 32 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 12 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 46, Folder 33 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 13 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 46, Folder 34 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 14 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 46, Folder 35 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 15 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 46, Folder 36 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 16 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 46, Folder 37 |
"New England Dissen"t - chap. 17 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 46, Folder 38 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 18 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 1 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 19 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 2 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 20 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 3 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 21 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 4 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 22 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 5 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 23 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 6 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 24 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 7 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 25 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 8 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 26 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 9 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 27 draft Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 10 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 28 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 11 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 29 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 12 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 30 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 13 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 31 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 14 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 32 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 15 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 34 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 16 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 35 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 17 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 36 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 18 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 36 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 19 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 37 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 20 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 38 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 21 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 39 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 22 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 40 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 23 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 41 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 24 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 42 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 25 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 43 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 26 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 44 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 27 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 45 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 28 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 46 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 29 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 47 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 30 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 48 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 31 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 49 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 32 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 50 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 33 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 51 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 34 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 52 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 35 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 53 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 36 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 54 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 37 |
"New England Dissent" - chap. 55 draft and notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 38 |
"New England Dissent" intro. and conclusion drafts Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 39 |
"New England Dissent" notes for corrections Genre: notes
1969 |
Box 47, Folder 40 |
"New England Dissent" - notes for corrections, correspondence regarding publishing with Harvard University Press; kid doodles Genre: correspondence
1970 |
Box 47, Folder 41 |
"New England Dissent" - various chapter headings and prologue for part 3 Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 42 |
"New England Dissent" bibliographic essay Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 43 |
"New England Dissent" final corrections - correspondence, manuscript and notes Genre: manuscripts
1967-1969 |
Box 47, Folder 44 |
"New England Dissent" final corrections - notes, correspondence with John Cushing Genre: notes
Box 108, Folder 11 |
"New England Dissent" galley proofs - table of contents, chap. 1-5, index Genre: manuscripts
1971 |
Box 108, Folder 12 |
"New England Dissent" galley proofs - chap. 6-13 Genre: manuscripts
1971 |
Box 108, Folder 13 |
"New England Dissent" galley proofs - chap. 14-27 Genre: manuscripts
1971 |
Box 108, Folder 14 |
"New England Dissent" galley proofs - chap. 28-36 Genre: manuscripts
1971 |
Box 108, Folder 15 |
"New England Dissent" galley proofs - chap. 37-45 Genre: manuscripts
1971 |
Box 108, Folder 16 |
"New England Dissent" galley proofs - chap. 46-50 Genre: manuscripts
1971 |
Box 108, Folder 17 |
"New England Dissent" galley proofs - chap. 51-58 Genre: manuscripts
1971 |
Box 108, Folder 18 |
"New England Dissent" galley proofs - chap. 59-end Genre: manuscripts
1971 |
Box 47, Folder 45 |
New Hampshire: Notes, Baptist Church Records, State Archives and Laws, Plumer Papers, Newspapers Genre: notes
Box 47, Folder 46 |
Nicholas Brown/Isaac Backus letter edited by Rick Luftglass - correspondence with Luftglass and LaFantasie (RI Historical Society) Genre: notes
1982 |
Box 47, Folder 47 |
The Primary Source, and International Newsletter of Baptist History
1981 |
Box 47, Folder 48 |
Prof. McLoughlin: The Original Introduction to the Backus Diary - Prof. McLoughlin Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 49 |
Research fellowship in the Center for the Study of the History of Liberty in America, correspondence with Oscar Handlin
1960-1963 |
Box 47, Folder 50 |
RI Baptists and Separates - notes Genre: notes
Box 47, Folder 51 |
Royalty Statement for Isaac Backus and the American Pietistic Tradition
1971 |
Box 112, Folder |
Scott, Job - Cause of Truth Maintained - microfilm Contents Note: 1 reel of 35mm microfilm
Box 47, Folder 52 |
Separate - Baptists: The Six Principle Calvinistic Baptist Association Genre: manuscripts
1966-1967 |
Box 47, Folder 53 |
"The Separates and the Baptists in Connecticut 1740-1770" - drafts, notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 54 |
The Shaftsbury Baptist Church - correspondence, prints Genre: correspondence
1963-1963 |
Box 47, Folder 55 |
Soul Liberty preface, intro, table of contents; drafts and notes Genre: manuscripts
1990 |
Box 47, Folder 56 |
Soul Liberty contexts, preface, introduction, conflusion; University Press of New England Spring Books 1990 Genre: manuscripts
1990 |
Box 47, Folder 57 |
Soul Liberty manuscript chapter 1: The Rise of the Antipedobaptists in New England, 1630-1655- notes Genre: manuscripts
Box 47, Folder 58 |
Soul Liberty chapter 2: The Baptist-Puritan Debate April 14-15, 1668; copies of previous articles- McLoughlin and Davidson Genre: manuscripts
Box 48, Folder 1 |
Soul Liberty chapter 3: Baptist Tax Congregationalists in Swansea, 1711- drafts; previous article "Barrington Congregationalists vs Swansea Baptists, 1711"; chapter edits Genre: manuscripts
Box 48, Folder 2 |
Soul Liberty chapter 4: Separate Baptists and the "Free Love" Problem, 1748-1749; edits, Appendix 1; "Free Love, Immortalism, and Perfectionism..." Genre: manuscripts
Box 48, Folder 3 |
Soul Liberty chapter 5: Arminian and Calvinist Baptists- drafts edits; McLoughlin "The First Calvinistic Baptist Association…" article Genre: manuscripts
Box 48, Folder 4 |
Soul Liberty chapter 6: A Poetic Plea for Religious Liberty, 1722- drafts, edits; "Ebenezer Smith's Ballad of the Ashfield Baptists, 1772" edited Genre: manuscripts
Box 48, Folder 5 |
Soul Liberty chapter 7: Baptist Opposition to Slavery, 1773- drafts, edits; "The First Antislavery Church in New England?" Genre: manuscripts
Box 48, Folder 6 |
Soul Liberty chapter 8: Massive Civil Disobedience as a Baptist Tactic in 1773- drafts, edits; article in The American Quarterly Genre: manuscripts
Box 48, Folder 7 |
Soul Liberty chapter 9: Baptists Face the Revolution, 1776- drafts, edits; "Patriotism and Pietism…" Genre: manuscripts
Box 48, Folder 8 |
Soul Liberty chapter 10: Mob Violence Against Baptists, 1778- drafts, edits; "Mob Violence Against Dissent in Revolutionary Massachusetts" Genre: manuscripts
Box 48, Folder 9 |
Soul Liberty chapter 11: The Balkom Case, 1782: A Short-Lived Victory for Religious Liberty- drafts, edits; reprint of "The Balkom case…" from The William and Mary Quarterly Genre: manuscripts
Box 48, Folder 10 |
Soul Liberty chapter 12: Isaac Backus and Thomas Jefferson- drafts, edits; "Isaac Backus and Seapration of Church and State" Genre: manuscripts
Box 48, Folder 11 |
Soul Liberty chapter 13: A Learned Baptist Founds an Ivy League College- drafts, edits; article on James Manning, edited Genre: manuscripts
Box 48, Folder 12 |
Soul Liberty chapter 14: A Baptist Autobiography in Verse, 1820- drafts, edits; "The Life of Elder Jabez" in the New England Quarterly, 1965 Genre: manuscripts
Box 48, Folder 13 |
Soul Liberty chapter 15: Conclusion: Disestablishment at Last- drafts, edits Genre: manuscripts
1990 |
Box 48, Folder 14 |
Soul Liberty- correspondence with Katherine Kimball re: editing; various publishing info Genre: correspondence
1990 |
Box 48, Folder 15 |
Soul Liberty- correspondence, University Press of New England Genre: correspondence
1990 |
Box 48, Folder 16 |
Soul Liberty manuscript pgs 89-206 Genre: manuscripts
1990 |
Box 48, Folder 17 |
Soul Liberty manuscript pgs 207-332 Genre: manuscripts
1990 |
Box 48, Folder 18 |
Soul Liberty master page proof and manuscript for index; manuscript pgs 8-88 Genre: manuscripts
1990 |
Box 48, Folder 19 |
Soul Liberty- permission for quotes and reprints Genre: correspondence
1990 |
Box 48, Folder 20 |
Soul Liberty book sale; McLoughlin copy of galley proof, title/cover page- pg 7 Genre: manuscripts
1990-1991 |
Box 48, Folder 21 |
Soul Liberty- typing costs and fund requests; Harriet G. Mayerson, typist Genre: correspondence
1990 |
Box 48, Folder 22 |
Soul Liberty- University Press of New England Spring 1991 catalog with announcement; book jacket Genre: correspondence
1991 |
Box 48, Folder 23 |
Southern Baptist Historical Commission in Nashville - Correspondence regarding Backus publications Genre: correspondence
1961-1962 |
Box 48, Folder 24 |
Statistics and Notes on Evangelism/Baptism (1847-1855) Genre: notes
Box 48, Folder 25 |
Trip to California to visit Florence Backus (May 27 - June 3) - travel documents, photographs of Florence Backus, pamphlets, articles Genre: travel
1962 |
Box 48, Folder 26 |
Vermont and New Hampshire Baptists and Separates - Notes Genre: notes
Box 48, Folder 27 |
Vermont Baptist Historical Society and New Hampshire Historical Society Speech Correspondence with Genre: correspondence
1962-1967 |
Box 48, Folder 28 |
Vermont Baptist Notes: Church Records, Association Records, Laws, Histories (Folder 1 of 2) Genre: notes
Box 48, Folder 29 |
Vermont Baptist Notes: Church Records, Association Records, Laws, Histories (Folder 2 of 2) Genre: notes
Box 109, Folder 2 |
Vermont Baptists: Sources from Vermont Historical Society Genre: reproductions
Box 48, Folder 30 |
Warren Lecture for Harvard Divinity School - correspondence, notes, drafts, adaptation as "Isaac Backus and the Separation of Church and State in America" for publication in the American Historical Review Genre: notes
1966-1968 |
Box 48, Folder 31 |
Western Recorder - Southern Baptists and Indian Missions with miscellaneous periodicals and notes (1859, 1948) Genre: notes
Box 109, Folder 3 |
Western Reserve: Backus Papers on Xerox and notes Genre: notes
1968 |
Box 48, Folder 32 |
Writings by Various Authors on the Separation of Church and State Genre: reproductions
1967-1969 |
Box 48, Folder 33 |
Xerox copies of the Backus Tracts in JHL Anthology - Pamphlets 1-2 Genre: reproductions
Box 48, Folder 34 |
Xerox copies of the Backus Tracts in JHL Anthology - Pamphlets 3-5 Genre: reproductions
Box 48, Folder 35 |
Xerox copies of the Backus Tracts in JHL Anthology - Pamphlets 6-12 Genre: reproductions
Box 49, Folder 1 |
History of the Warren Association 1767-1792, written for BAR April 23, 1793 [1 of 3]
Box 49, Folder 2 |
History of the Warren Association 1767-1792, written for BAR April 23, 1793 [2 of 3]
Box 49, Folder 3 |
History of the Warren Association 1767-1792, written for BAR April 23, 1793 [3 of 3]
Box 49, Folder 4 |
Middleboro, Massachusetts.First Baptist Church 1756-1806
Box 49, Folder 5 |
Middleboro Third Baptist church Records 1761-1807 (Andover-Newton)
Box 49, Folder 6 |
Middleboro Third Baptist church Records 1792-1835 (Andover-Newton)
Box 49, Folder 7 |
Xerox from Andover Newton Theological School
1979 |
Box 49, Folder 8 |
History of New England with Particular Reference to the Denomination of Christians called Baptists by Isaac Backus- index, prefaces to Volumes II and III, pg 1-113 [1 of 4]
Box 49, Folder 9 |
History of New England with Particular Reference to the Denomination of Christians called Baptists by Isaac Backus- pg 114-283, 350-353 [2 of 4]
Box 49, Folder 10 |
History of New England with Particular Reference to the Denomination of Christians called Baptists by Isaac Backus- pg 284-349, 354-449 [3 of 4]
Box 49, Folder 11 |
History of New England with Particular Reference to the Denomination of Christians called Baptists by Isaac Backus- pg 450-571 [4 of 4]
Box 49, Folder 12 |
Revivalism and Separatism in New England: The First Scoiety of Norwich, Connecticut, as a Case Study by JM Bumsted
Box 49, Folder 13 |
Attempts to procure Liberty for the Baptists- xerox
Box 49, Folder 14 |
Account of My Settling- xerox
Box 49, Folder 15 |
First Baptist Church of Bellingham, Massachusetts- Elnathan Wright and Reverend Noah Alden photostats
Box 49, Folder 16 |
Kehukee Association minutes 1769-1777
Box 49, Folder 17 |
An Account of the Life of Isaac Backus, autobiography (1724-1756)- xerox, two copies
Box 49, Folder 18 |
Backus autobiography- xerox
Box 49, Folder 19 |
Account of Ordinations- xerox
Box 49, Folder 20 |
Search after Murder, 1771- xerox
Box 49, Folder 21 |
Titkut Church Minutes- June 22, 1750- August 1, 1753
Box 49, Folder 22 |
Journies for U of I- Travel Journals 1746-1796
Box 49, Folder 23 |
Bills of Mortallity xerox; Backus papers EP (original manuscript of Bills of Mortallity in possession of Mr. Elliot Perkins, Middleborough, Massachusetts)
Box 49, Folder 24 |
List of Journeys, Preliminary Travel Journals xerox, List of 918 Journies- December 3, 1747-1803
Box 49, Folder 25 |
Isaac Backus's Hand- Manuscript of History of Hinds Controversy, 1772- November 14, 1788 (American Baptist Historical Society , Rochester)
Box 49, Folder 26 |
Isaac Backus Account of Journals of Travels: 1749-1774- xerox II Travel Journals (later transcription) 1799
Box 49, Folder 27 |
Minutes of Affairs Between Me and Mr. Hinds, 1748-1753- xerox
Box 49, Folder 28 |
Letter regarding meeting of the Elders and Messengers of several Baptist Churches in Association at Warren, Rhode Island , September 13-15, 1768
Box 49, Folder 29 |
Stongington Baptist Association Minutes 1772-1786- xerox
Box 49, Folder 30 |
Isaac Backus Notebook 1768- ; Mrs. Elliot Perkins, Middleboro
Box 49, Folder 31 |
Backus probate- Plymouth County Court
Box 49, Folder 32 |
Isaac Backus's Hand- manuscript of sermon "Thot's about laying on of Hands, February 1764" (perhaps delivered at Stonington Association or a council dealing with communion between 5 and 6 Principle Baptists (American Baptist Historical Society of Rocheste
Box 49, Folder 33 |
Norton Separatists and Baptists Church Records (Andover-Newton)
Box 49, Folder 34 |
Isaac Backus's Hand- unpublished manuscript of Remarks Upon David Jones's Vindication of Laying on of Hands, 1788 (American Baptist Historical Society of Rochester)
Box 49, Folder 35 |
Isaac Backus's Hand- 2 unpublished sermons on Hebrews VI,1-2. Laying on Hands (American Baptist Historical Society of Rochester)
Box 49, Folder 36 |
Pennsylvania Historical Society- Attleborough Council 1784
Box 49, Folder 37 |
Congregational Church in Norwich to Congregational Church in Canterbury, October or November 1746 (Terry Collection, Connecticut Historical Society, I, 193)
Box 49, Folder 38 |
Reasons for not complying with November 1, 1752 (NY Public Library)
Box 49, Folder 39 |
Isaac Backus Records of the Titkut church, 1748-1754 (Andover-Newton)
Box 49, Folder 40 |
Xeroxes used in Appendices
Box 49, Folder 41 |
Letters written by Isaac Backus between June 28, 1759- July 20, 1763; corresondence with Grant Dugdale
1972 |
Box 111, Folder |
Diary of Isaac Backus on microfilm - original volumes 1, 7, 9, 11 Contents Note: 1 reel of 35mm microfilm
Box 111, Folder |
Diary and travel journals of Isaac Backus on microfilm - volumes 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 originals at Andover-Newton, Pub. No. 424 Contents Note: 1 reel of 35mm microfilm
1724-1806 |
Box 111, Folder |
Diary and travel journals of Isaac Backus on microfilm - originals at Andover-Newton Contents Note: 1 reel of 35mm microfilm
Box 49, Folder 42 |
Diary I- holograph
Box 49, Folder 43 |
Diary II- holograph, Diary and Travel Journal collated
Box 49, Folder 44 |
Diary III- holograph (E. Goodwin)
Box 50, Folder 1 |
Diary IV- holograph (E. Goodwin)
Box 50, Folder 2 |
Diary V- holograph (Goodwin 1971)
1971 |
Box 50, Folder 3 |
Diary VI- holograph (E. Goodwin 1971)
1971 |
Box 50, Folder 4 |
Diary VII-holograph (E. Goodwin 1971)
1971 |
Box 50, Folder 5 |
Diary VIII- holograph (E. Goodwin 1971)
Box 50, Folder 6 |
Diary IX- holograph; pp 124, 125, 252, 253 are with manuscript of diary (Goodwin)
Box 50, Folder 7 |
Diary X- holograph (E. Goodwin)
Box 50, Folder 8 |
Diary XI- holograph (E. Goodwin)
Box 50, Folder 9 |
Diary XII- holograph
Box 50, Folder 10 |
Diary XIII- holograph
Box 50, Folder 11 |
Diary XIV- holograph
Box 50, Folder 12 |
Diary I- notes
Box 50, Folder 13 |
Diary II- notes
Box 50, Folder 14 |
Diary III- notes
Box 50, Folder 15 |
Diary IV- notes
Box 50, Folder 16 |
Diary V- notes
Box 50, Folder 17 |
Diary VI- notes
Box 50, Folder 18 |
Diary VII- notes
Box 50, Folder 19 |
Diary VIII- notes
Box 50, Folder 20 |
Diary IX- notes
Box 50, Folder 21 |
Diary X- notes
Box 50, Folder 22 |
Diary XI- notes
Box 50, Folder 23 |
Diary XIII- notes
Box 50, Folder 24 |
Diary XIV- notes *uncut version returned by Mr. Dugdale, 8/6/68
Box 50, Folder 25 |
To be added to B[rooklyn?] Historical Society's Biographies
Box 50, Folder 26 |
Biographies- Photostat, Backus to Samuel Jones, December 13, 1773 (McKesson Collection of Samuel Jones Papers- Pennsylvania Historical Society)
Box 50, Folder 27 |
Alternate names
Box 50, Folder 28 |
Maverick biographies (unused or out of sequence)
Box 50, Folder 29 |
Biography checklist
Box 50, Folder 30 |
Returned from Brown Press set of biographies
Box 50, Folder 31 |
Biographies- A
Box 50, Folder 32 |
Biographies- B
Box 51, Folder 1 |
Biographies- C
Box 51, Folder 2 |
Biographies- D
Box 51, Folder 3 |
Biographies- E
Box 51, Folder 4 |
Biographies- F
Box 51, Folder 5 |
Biographies- G
Box 51, Folder 6 |
Biographies- H
Box 51, Folder 7 |
Biographies- I
Box 51, Folder 8 |
Biographies- J
Box 51, Folder 9 |
Biographies- K
Box 51, Folder 10 |
Biographies- L
Box 51, Folder 11 |
Biographies- M
Box 51, Folder 12 |
Biographies- N
Box 51, Folder 13 |
Biographies- O
Box 51, Folder 14 |
Biographies- P
Box 51, Folder 15 |
Biographies- R
Box 51, Folder 16 |
Biographies- S
Box 51, Folder 17 |
Biographies- T
Box 51, Folder 18 |
Biographies- U
Box 51, Folder 19 |
Biographies- V
Box 51, Folder 20 |
Biographies- W
Box 51, Folder 21 |
Biographies- Y
Box 51, Folder 22 |
Biographies of persons mentioned in Backus Letters but not in the diaries-notes [1 of 4]
Box 51, Folder 23 |
Biographies of persons mentioned in Backus Letters [2 of 4]
Box 51, Folder 24 |
Biographies of persons mentioned in Backus Letters [3 of 4]
Box 51, Folder 25 |
Biographies of persons mentioned in Backus Letters [4 of 4]
Box 51, Folder 26 |
Letter from National Archives requesting xerox copies of Backus documents relevent to the ratification of the Constitution and the first federal Congress
1969 |
Box 51, Folder 27 |
Letter from Jack Bumsted regarding Backus research
1963 |
Box 51, Folder 28 |
Letter to Carol Schaefer from Colonial Williamsburg regarding language and Backus research
1963 |
Box 51, Folder 29 |
Correspondence with the Charles Warren Center on Biographical Glossary- copy of Biographical Glossary with McLoughlin notes
1970 |
Box 51, Folder 30 |
Backus diary- Index of typescript and List of interpolations
Box 51, Folder 31 |
Backus Diary Annotation; correspondence on Rhees diary xerox; corresondence with Jack Bumsted
1962-1963 |
Box 51, Folder 32 |
Isaac Backus manuscripts, Andover-Newton Theological School, Inventory
1963-1964 |
Box 51, Folder 33 |
Return of Backus papers to Andover-Newton Theological School- correspondence, notes on organization
1971 |
Box 51, Folder 34 |
News articles and McLoughlin letter on Providence Journal and college surveys on radical speakers
1970 |
Box 51, Folder 35 |
Correspondence with David Jonah and Ellis O'Neal on permission for James Caskey to use Backus papers
1970 |
Box 51, Folder 36 |
Brown University Office of the Controller Summaries of Unexpected and Available Balances
Box 51, Folder 37 |
Invoices, purchase requisitions, summaries of unexpended and available balances
1964-1970 |
Box 51, Folder 38 |
Correspondence with Ruth Sanford on copyediting, correspondence with Donald Hornig on funding
1970-1972 |
Box 51, Folder 39 |
Rules for the Transcription and Annotation
1961-1968 |
Box 51, Folder 40 |
Editorial Decisions on Backus diaries
1963-1968 |
Box 51, Folder 41 |
Transcription February 1966, textual policies and guidelines
1965-1966 |
Box 51, Folder 42 |
Backus Search Letters
1962-1963 |
Box 51, Folder 43 |
Correspondence with Dugdale- three biographies, Leach biographies, textual policy; Biographies Ba-Bl
c. 1965 |
Box 51, Folder 44 |
Correspondence with editors about format
1963-1966 |
Box 51, Folder 45 |
Backus letters- Editorial policy
1967 |
Box 51, Folder 46 |
Locations of Backus Papers
Box 51, Folder 47 |
Materials on transcribing, editing, and printing manuscripts- for Barbara Greene to look at
Box 51, Folder 48 |
Print blocks belonging to Backus Memorial Church, Middleboro, Massachusetts
Box 51, Folder 49 |
Rules for Cataloguing
Box 51, Folder 50 |
Bibliography of Backus' printed works
Box 51, Folder 51 |
Calendar of Florence Backus manuscript- Isaac Backus material
Box 51, Folder 52 |
Calendar of Backus autobiographical fragments
Box 51, Folder 53 |
Calendar of books in Florence Backus #2
Box 51, Folder 54 |
Backus autographed books at John Carter Brown Library
Box 51, Folder 55 |
Backus papers catalogue- American Antiquarian society, Rhode Island Historical Society
Box 51, Folder 56 |
Backus invoices
Box 51, Folder 57 |
Tentative collations of Volume I of Backus diary
Box 51, Folder 58 |
Miscellaneous correspondence on the Backus project [1 of 2]
1966-1969 |
Box 51, Folder 59 |
Miscellaneous correspondence on Backus project [2 of 2]
1968 |
Box 51, Folder 60 |
Backus project budget 1969-1970 ($1041.25, notedby McLouglin on original folder)
1965-1969 |
Box 51, Folder 61 |
Backus Papers- miscellaneous correspondence, notes
1967-1968 |
Box 52, Folder 1 |
Jack Bumsted's research- Oliver library inventory list
Box 52, Folder 2 |
Oliver Library- identified
Box 52, Folder 3 |
Isaac Backus Library 1-50
Box 52, Folder 4 |
Oliver Library- completed titles
Box 52, Folder 5 |
Library [1 of 3]
Box 52, Folder 6 |
Library [2 of 3]
Box 52, Folder 7 |
Isaac Backus Library 51-100
Box 52, Folder 8 |
Isaac Backus Library 101-150
Box 52, Folder 9 |
Library [3 of 3]
Box 52, Folder 10 |
Editing Rules and Editorial Policies for footnotes, bibliographies
Box 52, Folder 11 |
Corrections and changes to be made in Diaries, Introduction and footnotes
Box 52, Folder 12 |
checklist of sources for bibliographies and footnotes
Box 52, Folder 13 |
Backus Project Payroll
1968-1970 |
Box 52, Folder 14 |
Correction for manuscripts at Brown University Press and Baptist Historical Society; correspondence with Maisie
1969 |
Box 52, Folder 15 |
Typescript fo Revised Rules (Diaries and Travel Journals) pg 5-15, Introduction 5a
Box 52, Folder 16 |
Baptists Face the Barbarities of Slavery in 1710 edited by Mclouhglin and Winthrop D. Jordan
1963 |
Box 52, Folder 17 |
The Life of Elder Jabez Cottle (1747-1820): A Spiritual Autobiography in Verse by McLoughlin
1965 |
Box 52, Folder 18 |
The Baptist Debate of April 14-15, 1668 edited by McLoughlin and Martha Whiting Davidson
Box 52, Folder 19 |
Historical Sketch, First Congregational Church, Sturbridge: Massachusetts- George H. Haynes (Gift of Frank Haynes of Sturbridge)
1963 |
Box 52, Folder 20 |
Historical Data Relating to Counties, Cities, and Towns in Massachusetts - Frederic W. Cook
1948 |
Box 52, Folder 21 |
Wales Bicentennial Celebration- Town of Wales, August 11, 1962- August 26, 1962
1962 |
Box 52, Folder 22 |
History of Wales Baptist Church of Wales, Massachusetts- pamphlet for 225th Anniversary 1961
1961 |
Box 52, Folder 23 |
Leslie C. Abernathy- Famiilies, Social Organization, and Settlement Pattern: Historical Archaeology and 'ye community at palmers Rivers'
1977 |
Box 52, Folder 24 |
John A. Taylor- The Shared Responses to the civil War; A War Without a Winner
1977 |
Box 52, Folder 25 |
Connecticut State Register and Manual (Gift of Tom Clark of Windham, August 9, 1961)
1960 |
Box 52, Folder 26 |
The Ethical and Social Attitudes of Isaac Backus- Thomas B. Maston
1939 |
Box 52, Folder 27 |
Isaac Backus's remarks on Morse's Geography- thesis Cynthia Louise Kersten
1962 |
Box 52, Folder 28 |
Ebenezer Hinds and Isaac Backus: A Relationship that Mirrors a Pietistic Age- history honors thesis, Sarah Lee Silberman
Box 52, Folder 29 |
A Society- Touching Matter: The Friends' Dispute with Isaac Backus- Jerome H. Wood, Jr. Seminar paper
1963 |
Box 52, Folder 30 |
Judge Benjamin Barr Lindsey and the denver Juvenile Court During the Progressive Era- thesis by Peter Gregg Slater
1962 |
Box 52, Folder 31 |
Church Discipline Among New England Baptists 1740-1800 by Travis K. Hedrick for History 274; Critical Review of Church Discipline… by DW Adams
1963 |
Box 52, Folder 32 |
A Suggestion As to Why John Adams…- John Worsley; C. Lowney on paper by J. Worsley
Box 52, Folder 33 |
An Established Church in Colonial America? Myths and Realities in Eighteenth Century Massachusetts by Lowney for History 274; An Appraisal of Charlotte Lowney's An Established …- John Worsley
1963 |
Box 52, Folder 34 |
Shakers on Church and State- Patricia George paper The Shaker Flight…for History 274
1963 |
Box 52, Folder 35 |
A Question of Orthodoxy: The Narrangansett Glebe Case, 1668-1752- Charles E. Clark; A Critical Comment on: A Question of Orthodoxy…
1963 |
Box 52, Folder 36 |
The Saybrook Platform 1708-1765 by DW Adams for History 274 with Professor McLoughlin; Critique of R. Adams on The Saybrook Platform by Travis K. Hedrick
1963 |
Box 52, Folder 37 |
Critique of Analysis of 'The Establishment of Recincts and Parishes in Plymouth County 1692-1740, Miss Wattendorf- by Patricia George
1963 |
Box 52, Folder 38 |
Analysis of the Establishment of Precincts and Parishes in Plymouth County 1692-1740- Property of The Backus Project, History 274, Ellen Wattendorf
1963 |
Box 52, Folder 39 |
Backus Diary, Introduction- First Draft (Folder 1 of 2)
Box 52, Folder 40 |
Backus Diary, Introduction- First Draft (Folder 2 of 2)
Box 52, Folder 41 |
Introduction, second draft; appendixes; chronology
Box 53, Folder 1 |
Discarded Material- First version of Intro 4, etc Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 2 |
Introduction 5b Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 3 |
Diary I - xerox of original typescript Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 4 |
Diary I- footnotes, carbons, not complete Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 5 |
Diary I- footnotes Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 6 |
Diary I- biographies Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 7 |
Diary II- biographies needing revision Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 8 |
Diary II- notes (retyped) Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 9 |
Diary II- see new typescript; Footnotes- first typescript Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 10 |
Diary III- biographies needing revision Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 11 |
Diary III- Footnotes Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 12 |
Diary IV- Footnotes Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 13 |
Diary V- Footnotes Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 14 |
Diary VI- Footnotes Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 15 |
Diary VII- Notes Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 16 |
Diary VIII- Notes Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 17 |
Diary IX- notes, retyped Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 18 |
Diary X- notes Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 19 |
Diary XI- notes Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 20 |
Diary XII- notes Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 21 |
Diary XII- notes Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 22 |
Diary XII, XIV- typescript (old) Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 23 |
Diary XIII- notes Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 24 |
Diary XIII retyped or replaced - Xeroxed discarded notes Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 25 |
Diary XIV- notes Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 26 |
Discarded Appendixes, drafts, duplicate copies of some letters Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 27 |
Diary I Revised notes (carbon)- E. Goodwin Genre: Backus Working papers
1970 |
Box 53, Folder 28 |
Diary II Revised notes (carbon)- E. Goodwin Genre: Backus Working papers
1970 |
Box 53, Folder 29 |
Diary III Revised notes (carbon)- E. Goodwin Genre: Backus Working papers
1970 |
Box 53, Folder 30 |
Diary IV Revised notes (carbon)- E. Goodwin Genre: Backus Working papers
1970 |
Box 53, Folder 31 |
Diary V Revised notes (carbon)- E. Goodwin Genre: Backus Working papers
1970 |
Box 53, Folder 32 |
Diary VI- Revised notes (carbon) Genre: Backus Working papers
1970 |
Box 53, Folder 33 |
Diary VII- Revised notes (carbon) (E. Goodwin) Genre: Backus Working papers
1970 |
Box 53, Folder 34 |
Diary VIII- Revised notes (carbon) (E. Goodwin) Genre: Backus Working papers
1970 |
Box 53, Folder 35 |
Diary IX- Revised notes (carbon) (E. Goodwin) Genre: Backus Working papers
1970 |
Box 53, Folder 36 |
Diary X- Revised notes (carbon) (E. Goodwin) Genre: Backus Working papers
1970 |
Box 53, Folder 37 |
Diary XI- Revised notes (carbon) (E. Goodwin) Genre: Backus Working papers
1970 |
Box 53, Folder 38 |
Diary XII- Revised notes (carbon) (E. Goodwin) Genre: Backus Working papers
1970 |
Box 53, Folder 39 |
Diary XIII- revised notes (carbon) Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 40 |
Diary XIV- revised notes (carbon) Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 41 |
Biographies - A Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 53, Folder 42 |
Biographies - Ba-Be Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 54, Folder 1 |
Biographies - Be-Br Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 54, Folder 2 |
Biographies - Br-By Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 54, Folder 3 |
Biographies - C Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 54, Folder 4 |
Biographies - D Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 54, Folder 5 |
Biographies - E Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 54, Folder 6 |
Biographies - F, G Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 54, Folder 7 |
Biographies - H Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 54, Folder 8 |
Biographies - I, J Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 54, Folder 9 |
Biographies - K Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 54, Folder 10 |
Biographies - L Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 54, Folder 11 |
Biographies - M Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 54, Folder 12 |
Biographies - N, O Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 54, Folder 13 |
Biographies - P [1 of 2] Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 54, Folder 14 |
Biographies - P [2 of 2] Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 54, Folder 15 |
Biographies - R Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 54, Folder 16 |
Biographies - S Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 1 |
Biographies - T Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 2 |
Biographies - U and V Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 3 |
Biographies - W and Y Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 111, Folder |
Backus letters - early letters from his mother and Journals for 1772, 1782, 1784 on microfilm - originals at California Baptist College, Pub. No. 424 Contents Note: 1 reel of 35mm microfilm
1730-1784 |
Box 111, Folder |
Backus letters - microfilm copy of large bound volume of letters Abell to Stinson all written to Backus - original at Andover-Newton Contents Note: 1 reel of 35mm microfilm
Box 55, Folder 4 |
Backus Letters 1772-1773
Box 55, Folder 5 |
Backus Letters 1774-1775
Box 55, Folder 6 |
Backus Letters 1776-1777
Box 55, Folder 7 |
Backus Letters 1778-1779
Box 55, Folder 8 |
Backus Letters 1780-1781
Box 55, Folder 9 |
Backus Letters 1782-1783
Box 55, Folder 10 |
Backus Letters 1784-1785
Box 55, Folder 11 |
Backus Letters 1786-1787
Box 55, Folder 12 |
Backus Letters 1788-1789
Box 55, Folder 13 |
Backus Letters 1790-1791
Box 55, Folder 14 |
Backus Letters 1792-1793
Box 55, Folder 15 |
Backus Letters 1794-1795
Box 55, Folder 16 |
Backus Letters 1796-1797
Box 55, Folder 17 |
Worksheets of Letters to be annotated (xeroxes of typescripts) n. d.-1750
1967-1968 |
Box 55, Folder 18 |
Backus Letters 1751-1753 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 19 |
Backus Letters 1751-1753 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 20 |
Backus Letters 1756-1757 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 21 |
Backus Letters 1768-1769 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 22 |
n.d.-1750 completed letters - footnoted and approved by W. McLoughlin Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 23 |
Backus Letters 1754-1755 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 24 |
Backus Letters 1756-1757 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 25 |
Backus Letters 1758-1759 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 26 |
Backus Letters 1760-1761 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 27 |
Backus Letters 1762-1763 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 28 |
Backus Letters 1764-1765 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 29 |
Backus Letters 1766-1767 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 30 |
Backus Letters 1768-1769 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 31 |
Backus Letters 1770-1771 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 32 |
Backus Letters 1770-1771 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 33 |
Backus Letters 1798-1799 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 34 |
Backus Letters 1800-1803 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 35 |
Backus Letters 1804-1806 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 36 |
Letters to Backus - letter calendar, notes about transcription
Box 55, Folder 37 |
Letters to Backus - typescripts (n.d.-1750) "do not mark up"
Box 55, Folder 38 |
Letters to Backus - typescripts (1751-1753)
Box 55, Folder 39 |
Letters to Backus - typescripts (1754-1755)
Box 55, Folder 40 |
Letters to Backus - typescripts (1756-1757)
Box 55, Folder 41 |
Letters to Backus - typescripts (1758-1759)
Box 55, Folder 42 |
Letters to Backus - typescripts (1760-1761)
Box 55, Folder 43 |
Letters to Backus - typescripts (1762-1763)
Box 55, Folder 44 |
Letters to Backus - typescripts (1764-1765)
Box 55, Folder 45 |
Letters to Backus - typescripts (1766-1767)
Box 55, Folder 46 |
Backus Letters 1768-1769 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 47 |
Backus Letters 1770-1771 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 48 |
Backus Letters 1772-1773 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 49 |
Backus Letters 1774-1775 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 55, Folder 50 |
Backus Letters 1776-1777 Genre: Backus Working papers
Box 56, Folder 1 |
Letters to Backus - typescripts (1778-1779)
Box 56, Folder 2 |
Letters to Backus - typescripts (1780-1781)
Box 56, Folder 3 |
Letters to Backus - typescripts (1782-1783)
Box 56, Folder 4 |
Letters to Backus - typescripts (1784-1785)
Box 56, Folder 5 |
Backus Letters 1786-1787
Box 56, Folder 6 |
Backus Letters 1788-1789
Box 56, Folder 7 |
Backus Letters 1790-1791
Box 56, Folder 8 |
Backus Letters 1792-1793
Box 56, Folder 9 |
Backus Letters 1794-1795
Box 56, Folder 10 |
Letters to Backus - typescripts (1796-1797)
Box 56, Folder 11 |
Letters to Backus - typescripts (1798-1799)
Box 56, Folder 12 |
Letters to Backus - typescripts (1800-1803)
Box 56, Folder 13 |
Letters to Backus - typescripts (1804-1807)
Box 56, Folder 14 |
Backus letters (1747-80) xerox copies [1 of 9]
Box 56, Folder 15 |
Backus letters (1747-80) xerox copies [2 of 9]
Box 56, Folder 16 |
Backus letters (1747-80) xerox copies [3 of 9]
Box 56, Folder 17 |
Backus letters (1747-80) xerox copies [4 of 9]
Box 56, Folder 18 |
Backus letters (1747-80) xerox copies [5 of 9]
Box 56, Folder 19 |
Backus letters (1747-80) xerox copies [6 of 9]
Box 56, Folder 20 |
Backus letters (1747-80) xerox copies [7 of 9]
Box 56, Folder 21 |
Backus letters (1747-80) xerox copies [8 of 9]
Box 56, Folder 22 |
Backus letters (1747-80) xerox copies [9 of 9]
Box 57, Folder 1 |
Backus letters (1781-1795) [1 of 8]
Box 57, Folder 2 |
Backus letters (1781-1795) [2 of 8]
Box 57, Folder 3 |
Backus letters (1781-1795) [3 of 8]
Box 57, Folder 4 |
Backus letters (1781-1795) [4 of 8]
Box 57, Folder 5 |
Backus letters (1781-1795) [5 of 8]
Box 57, Folder 6 |
Backus letters (1781-1795) [6 of 8]
Box 57, Folder 7 |
Backus letters (1781-1795) [7 of 8]
Box 57, Folder 8 |
Backus letters (1781-1795) [8 of 8]
Box 57, Folder 9 |
Backus letters (1796-1807) xeroxes and Regent Park Photostats [1 of 4]
Box 57, Folder 10 |
Backus letters (1796-1807) xeroxes and Regent Park Photostats [2 of 4]
Box 57, Folder 11 |
Backus letters (1796-1807) xeroxes and Regent Park Photostats [3 of 4]
Box 57, Folder 12 |
Backus letters (1796-1807) xeroxes and Regent Park Photostats [4 of 4]
Box 57, Folder 13 |
Isaac Backus to Rippon, 1792, on advertising his history (Regent's Park College)
Box 57, Folder 14 |
Backus to Rippon, Nov. 10, 1791, a general history of early persecution in New England, proofread
Box 57, Folder 15 |
Isaac Backus to rippon, Nov. 24, 1791 (Regent's Park College), proofread
Box 57, Folder 16 |
A Brief account of the Life of James Manning by Backus, Nov 22, 1791, also material on Brown and Jenckes families Providence (Brown University - unpublished manuscript, Regent's Park College Library - Rippon Papers)
Box 57, Folder 17 |
Duplicate xeroxes of some letters in the Isaac Backus Papers - may not contain Backus notes
Box 57, Folder 18 |
Western Reserve Letters, Steve's extracts - completed (Steve's desk), xeroxes; Isaac Backus letters and miscellaneous manuscripts
Box 57, Folder 19 |
Lists of letters
Box 57, Folder 20 |
Western Reserve Historical Society Letters - extracts not yet done (Steve's desk), xeroxes
c. 1968 |
Box 58, Folder 1 |
Rippon papers microfilm (Regent's Park College)
Box 58, Folder 2 |
Widow Eaton (Middleboro) to Backus and Church, September 1750 - xerox, typescript made (Mrs. Elliot Perkins, Middleboro)
Box 58, Folder 3 |
Backus Letters - correspondence with Lois Chapman
Box 58, Folder 4 |
"Family Memorials" (?) by Backus, 1803 - pages
Box 58, Folder 5 |
Daniel Hix (Hicks) papers on Dartmouth Baptist Church (1779-1812) - listing of documents on microfilm
Box 112, Folder |
Daniel Hix (Hicks) papers on Dartmouth Baptist Church (1779-1812), originals at Free Public Library, New Bedford, Massachusetts - microfilm Contents Note: 1 reel 35mm microfilm
Box 58, Folder 6 |
Backus's copies of letters (1681-1736) of Northeastern Baptists (Regent's Park College)
Box 58, Folder 7 |
Backus to Rippon, extracts taken by Backus in 1792 of letters from Samuel Hubbard's collection
Box 58, Folder 8 |
Letter biographies - work in progress (Steve's desk)
Box 58, Folder 9 |
Backus letters 1745-1770 [1 of 4]
Box 58, Folder 10 |
Backus letters 1745-1770 [2 of 4]
Box 58, Folder 11 |
Backus letters 1745-1770 [3 of 4]
Box 58, Folder 12 |
Backus letters 1745-1770 [4 of 4]
Box 58, Folder 13 |
Backus letters 1771-1776 xerox [Folder 1 of 2]
Box 58, Folder 14 |
Backus letters 1771-1776 xerox [Folder 2 of 2]
Box 58, Folder 15 |
Backus letters 1777-1783 xerox - ALS [Folder 1 of 2]
Box 58, Folder 16 |
Backus letters 1777-1783 xerox - ALS [Folder 2 of 2]
Box 58, Folder 17 |
Backus letters 1784-1791 xerox - ALS
Box 58, Folder 18 |
Backus letters 1784-1791 xerox - ALS [Folder 1 of 2]
Box 58, Folder 19 |
Backus letters 1784-1791 xerox - ALS [Folder 2 of 2]
Box 58, Folder 20 |
Backus letters 1792-1807 xerox - ALS [Folder 1 of 3]
Box 58, Folder 21 |
Backus letters 1792-1807 xerox - ALS [Folder 2 of 3]
Box 58, Folder 22 |
Backus letters 1792-1807 xerox - ALS [Folder 3 of 3]
Box 58, Folder 23 |
Diary I - biographies (xerox)
Box 58, Folder 24 |
Diary I - Family Biographies (xerox)
Box 59, Folder 1 |
Diary I Typescript + xerox; Diary Vol. 1 as found in John Hay Noted but not collated with other manuscript
Box 59, Folder 2 |
Diary II - Biographies
Box 59, Folder 3 |
Diary II - Xeroxes of notes
Box 59, Folder 4 |
Diary III
Box 59, Folder 5 |
Diary III - biographies
Box 59, Folder 6 |
Diary III - Xeroxes of notes
Box 59, Folder 7 |
Diary III "Rough notes"
Box 59, Folder 8 |
Diary IV
Box 59, Folder 9 |
Diary IV - biographies
Box 59, Folder 10 |
Diary IV - Isaac Backus's annotated copy 1755-1759 rough notes
Box 59, Folder 11 |
Diary IV - xeroxes, footnotes
Box 59, Folder 12 |
Diary V
Box 59, Folder 13 |
Diary V - biographies
Box 59, Folder 14 |
Diary V - xeroxes, footnotes
Box 59, Folder 15 |
Diary VI
Box 59, Folder 16 |
Diary VI - biographies
Box 59, Folder 17 |
Diary VI - xeroxes, footnotes
Box 59, Folder 18 |
Diary VI and 1st and 2nd copies; rough notes 1763-1767
Box 59, Folder 19 |
Diary VII
Box 59, Folder 20 |
Diary VII - biographies
Box 59, Folder 21 |
Diary VII - Isaac Backus's annotated copy 1767-1771, rough notes
Box 59, Folder 22 |
Diary VII - xeroxes, footnotes
Box 59, Folder 23 |
Diary VIII
Box 59, Folder 24 |
Diary VIII - biographies
Box 59, Folder 25 |
Diary VIII - Isaac Backus's annotated copy 1771-1775
Box 59, Folder 26 |
Diary VIII- xeroxes, footnotes
Box 59, Folder 27 |
Diary IX
Box 59, Folder 28 |
Diary IX - biographies
Box 59, Folder 29 |
Diary IX - Isaac Backus's annotated copy 1776-1779, rough notes
Box 59, Folder 30 |
Diary IX - xeroxes, footnotes
Box 59, Folder 31 |
Diary X
Box 59, Folder 32 |
Diary X - biographies
Box 60, Folder 1 |
Diary X - Isaac Backus's partially annotated copy 1780-1784
Box 60, Folder 2 |
Diary X - xeroxes, footnotes
Box 60, Folder 3 |
Diary XI
Box 60, Folder 4 |
Diary XI - biographies
Box 60, Folder 5 |
Diary XI - xeroxes, footnotes
Box 60, Folder 6 |
Diary XI rough notes January 1785-June 1789
Box 60, Folder 7 |
Diary XII - biographies
Box 60, Folder 8 |
Diary XII - xeroxes, footnotes
Box 60, Folder 9 |
Diary XIII
Box 60, Folder 10 |
Diary XIII - biographies
Box 60, Folder 11 |
Diary XIII - xeroxes, footnotes
Box 60, Folder 12 |
Diary XIII 1797-1802
Box 60, Folder 13 |
Diary XIV
Box 60, Folder 14 |
Diary XIV - biographies
Box 60, Folder 15 |
Diary XIV - xeroxes, footnotes
Box 60, Folder 16 |
Odd cuts from vol. I and vol. VII
Box 60, Folder 17 |
Paper collated and xeroxed and in diary
Box 60, Folder 18 |
Attempts to Procure Liberty for Baptists - 3 copies, typescript Appendix XV a, 1753-1754
Box 60, Folder 19 |
Typescript of autobiography - 1804 carbon
Box 60, Folder 20 |
Search After Murder 1771, 3 copies - typescript
Box 60, Folder 21 |
2 copies, typescript, "Account of Conversion" collated into Vol. I
Box 60, Folder 22 |
Travel Journals from 1756
Box 60, Folder 23 |
Travel Journals 1799 version 1749-1756
Box 60, Folder 24 |
Collated Typescripts
Box 60, Folder 25 |
Diary and Journals III 1752-1755
Box 60, Folder 26 |
Diary and Travel Journals II 1751-1752
Box 60, Folder 27 |
Diary I - Revised notes 1724-1751
Box 60, Folder 28 |
"Withdrawal from Pedobaptists" and "Reason of Separation" - 3 copies, typescript
Box 60, Folder 29 |
Hinds Controversy 1748-1753
Box 60, Folder 30 |
"On Baptism" and "Some apology for changing my principles" 1750, 3 copies, typescript
Box 60, Folder 31 |
"Minutes of my acting about the New Constitution 1788" - 3 copies, typescript, collate with XI
Box 60, Folder 32 |
Journals of Sundry Journeys - typescript
Box 60, Folder 33 |
Account of Settling - copy
Box 60, Folder 34 |
Typescript of Journies 1746 - Account of Journies
Box 60, Folder 35 |
(Perkins) Journals of the Travels - written 1799, 1 copy - typescript
Box 60, Folder 36 |
Diary I
Box 60, Folder 37 |
Diary IV 1755-1759
Box 60, Folder 38 |
Diary V - Editorial Preface, carbon and first draft
Box 60, Folder 39 |
Diary VI - Isaac Backus's annotated copy 1763-1767
Box 61, Folder 1 |
Diary VII 1767-1771
Box 61, Folder 2 |
Diary VIII 1771-1775
Box 61, Folder 3 |
Diary Vol. IX 1776-1780
Box 61, Folder 4 |
Diary X 1780-1784
Box 61, Folder 5 |
Diary XI 1785-1789
Box 61, Folder 6 |
Diary XII 1789-1796
Box 61, Folder 7 |
Diary XIII 1797-1802
Box 61, Folder 8 |
Diary XIV 1803-1806
Box 61, Folder 9 |
Baptist Missionary Magazine regarding Shubael Dimock
Box 61, Folder 10 |
John Gill, Expository, xerox
Box 61, Folder 11 |
John Asplund Universal Register of the Baptist Denomination in North America, for the years 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, and part of 1794 - Boston, 1794; xerox
Box 61, Folder 12 |
Diary I - carbon
Box 61, Folder 13 |
Diary II 1751-1752 - typescript, original rough notes
Box 61, Folder 14 |
Diary I 1724-May 1751
Box 61, Folder 15 |
Diary I - early typescript and carbon
Box 61, Folder 16 |
Travel Journals xerox - "This folder also includes list of travels - not to be typed"
Box 61, Folder 17 |
Norwich First Church Records, Norwich Connecticut State Library xerox [Folder 1 of 2]
Box 61, Folder 18 |
Norwich First Church Records, Norwich Connecticut State Library xerox [Folder 2 of 2]
Box 61, Folder 19 |
Backus Project Maps - Rhode Island, the colonies
Box 61, Folder 20 |
History of Baptists in the Maritime Provinces
Box 61, Folder 21 |
Wendell Association Minutes 1853 - contains history of Leverett and Montague - Sunderland Baptist Church, xerox
Box 61, Folder 22 |
Brown Family Papers - John Carter Brown Library regarding dispute in 1st Baptist Church Providence 1730-1731; xerox
Box 61, Folder 23 |
History of Sturboidy Baptist Church - Watchman March 8, 1833 "See xerox"
Box 61, Folder 24 |
Nicholas Brown Manuscripts; Andover-Newton
Box 61, Folder 25 |
Sampson Mason Genealogy xerox
Box 61, Folder 26 |
"Journey to Philadelphia 1774 from Flo. Backus" - note saying it is now in holograph file given to Grant Dugdale
Box 61, Folder 27 |
Isaac Backus, Hymn in His Hand; Mrs. Elliot Perkins, Middleboro
Box 61, Folder 28 |
Church Records - New Glocester (ME) Baptist Church 1780-1840; Andover-Newton Vt. H.S.
Box 61, Folder 29 |
Hezekiah Smith's money-raising efforts for R.I. College 1769-1770, Journey to the South, xerox; originals in Andover-Newton Backus Papers
Box 61, Folder 30 |
Isaac Backus's Hand - Unidentified tract or sermon on the law of Xian Liberty; American Baptist Historical Society Rochester
Box 61, Folder 31 |
Isaac Backus 4 Manuscript pages of History of New England (1744) - New York Public Library
Box 61, Folder 32 |
Manuscripts of Isaac Backus's History; Parts of Vol. I and Preface; American Baptist Historical Society, Colgate-Rochester
Box 61, Folder 33 |
Isaac Backus, Extracts from Writings of John Robinson, Andover-Newton
Box 61, Folder 34 |
Isaac Backus's Hand - copy of a letter by Samuel Buell, July 10, 1764; American Baptist Historical Society Rochester
Box 61, Folder 35 |
Stephen Dunham's verses (Sept. 3, 1755) and Hervey's Verses - Isaac Backus's Hand; American Baptist Historical Society Rochester
Box 61, Folder 36 |
Articles of Faith and Covenant, Cushing and Thomaston Baptist Churches, Andover-Newton
Box 61, Folder 37 |
Isaac Backus's Hand - Manuscript of an answer to Joseph Fish - incomplete
Box 61, Folder 38 |
Isaac Backus's Hand - Manuscripts "address to Mr. Joseph Fish," Printed 1773 as appendix to A Discourse regarding the Materials for building a Church
Box 61, Folder 39 |
Result of a Council in Attleborough, June 8, 1784, Haverford College Library
Box 61, Folder 40 |
Parts of An Early draft of An Appeal to the Public (1773); American Baptist Historical Society, Colgate Rochester
Box 61, Folder 41 |
Reasons for funding Boston 2nd Baptist Church, 1742; Andover-Newton
Box 61, Folder 42 |
Isaac Backus (and others, probably Andrew Backus) Account Book, Mrs. Elliot Perkins, Middleboro
Box 61, Folder 43 |
Hezekiah Smith - manuscripts of Laws and Customs at Princeton 1758; Andover-Newton
Box 61, Folder 44 |
Morgan Rhys Diary (his trip to New England)
Box 61, Folder 45 |
Thomas Baldwin to Isaac Backus July 2, 1799 (typescript made), xerox; Boston Public Library
Box 61, Folder 46 |
Answer to Veritas xerox
Box 61, Folder 47 |
Elijah Backus (Isaac's nephew); Diary at Yale, 1777 - Connecticut Historical Society
Box 61, Folder 48 |
A Catalogue of Books Presented to the College Library in Providence, by Granville Sharp Esquire
Box 61, Folder 49 |
Offprint from Medicine in Colonial Massachusetts, 1620-1820, Church Record-Keeping and Public Health in Early New England by James H. Cassedy - for McLoughlin from Jim
Box 61, Folder 50 |
The Virginia Baptist Register Number 2, 1963 - "to be kept with the Backus papers"
Box 61, Folder 51 |
"Ebenezer Hinds and Isaac Backus: A Relationship that Mirrors a Pietistic Age" History Honors Thesis by Sara Lee Silberman
1963 |
Box 61, Folder 52 |
Color negative of Backus portrait at Andover-Newton, 2 black and white negatives of Backus engravings
Box 61, Folder 53 |
The Colgate-Rochester Divinity School Bulletin March 1933, including "A New Index of Backus"
Box 106, Folder |
Index cards: Baptists and Separats - Petitions on taxes arranged by date Genre: notes
Box 106, Folder |
Index cards: Connecticut Towns #1 - Connecticut Ecclesiastical Archives, Separate and Baptist Church Records
Box 106, Folder |
Index cards: Connecticut Towns #2 - Courant, 1783-1818; American Mercury, 1784-1818; Columbian Register, 1816-1818; Windham Herald, 1791-1816; Norwich Packet, 1790-1795; other miscellaneous newspapers
Box 106, Folder |
Index cards: Massachusetts #1 - Towns, Amherst to Pittsfield; Baptist and Separatist Church Records; Congregational Church Records; Parish Records; Town Meeting Records
Box 106, Folder |
Index cards: Massachusetts #2 - Towns, Princeton to Wilbraham; Ecclesiastical Archives, 1739-1771
Box 106, Folder |
Index cards: Rhode Island Notes - Church records; town meetings; historical societies; histories; Providence Gazette, 1762
Box 106, Folder |
Index cards: Tracts on Baptism in 17th and 18th centuries
Box 107, Folder |
Index cards: Massachusetts Baptists, 1800-1833 - Archives, Newspapers, Biographies
Box 107, Folder |
Index cards: Laws relating to Baptists in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Plymouth; Incidents of Baptist persecution
Box 110, Folder |
Index cards: Names index
Box 110, Folder |
Index cards: Notes on volumes 1 - 12
Box 110, Folder |
Index cards: General bibliography
Box 110, Folder |
Index cards: Isaac Backus bibliography
Box 110, Folder |
Index cards: Catalogue of Backus Library
Box 110, Folder |
Index cards: Backus books not in catalogue
Box 63, Folder 1 |
American Antiquarian Society- "Religion and the Revolution"- notes, essay drafts, correspondence Genre: manuscripts
1976-1977 |
Box 63, Folder 2 |
American Antiquarian Society- Enthusiasm for Liberty- articles, drafts, corresondence Genre: notes
1976-1977 |
Box 63, Folder 3 |
American Civil Liberties Union - memos, articles, bulletins regarding church-state separation (folder 1 of 5) Genre: publications
1962-1966 |
Box 63, Folder 4 |
American Civil Liberties Union - memos, articles, bulletins regarding church-state separation (folder 2 of 5) Genre: publications
1962-1966 |
Box 63, Folder 5 |
American Civil Liberties Union - memos, articles, bulletins regarding church-state separation (folder 3 of 5) Genre: publications
1962-1966 |
Box 63, Folder 6 |
American Civil Liberties Union - memos, articles, bulletins regarding church-state separation (folder 4 of 5) Genre: publications
1962-1966 |
Box 63, Folder 7 |
American Civil Liberties Union - memos, articles, bulletins regarding church-state separation (folder 5 of 5) Genre: publications
1962-1966 |
Box 63, Folder 8 |
"The American Evangelicals 1800-1900" final version, introduction Genre: manuscripts
1967 |
Box 63, Folder 9 |
"The American Evangelicals 1800-1900, An Anthology" edited and introduced by McLoughlin - drafts, notes, correspondence with Harper and Row publishers Genre: manuscripts
1964-1967 |
Box 63, Folder 10 |
"The American Evangelicals, 1800-1900" - annotated draft Genre: manuscripts
1968 |
Box 63, Folder 11 |
American Life and Politics - Newspapers (Folder 1 of 2) Genre: publications
1981-1982 |
Box 63, Folder 12 |
American Life and Politics - Newspapers (Folder 2 of 2) Genre: publications
1981-1982 |
Box 63, Folder 13 |
Amherst speech "Pietistic Perfectionism in America" - notes, articles, drafts Genre: lectures
1965 |
Box 63, Folder 14 |
"The Anti-Slavery Impulse" - McLoughlin Intro. to a 1964 reprint of Barnes' - notes, correspondence, drafts/edits; Dwing Dumond correpondence on Barnes Genre: manuscripts
1963-1964 |
Box 63, Folder 15 |
Arno Press - Correspondence with regarding "The American Catholic Tradition"
1977 |
Box 63, Folder 16 |
Articles and literature on religion
1968 |
Box 63, Folder 17 |
"Back to Godhead The Magazine of the Hare Krishna Movement" Vol. 15 No. 10
1980 |
Box 63, Folder 18 |
Banner, Lois W. - McLoughlin's comments on "The Protestant Crusade"
1970 |
Box 63, Folder 19 |
Barkun, Michael- letter and millenialism papers Genre: publications
1984 |
Box 63, Folder 20 |
Bates College lecture on religion/faith in the 80s (3/31/81)- drafts, notes, correspondence Genre: manuscripts
1980-1987 |
Box 63, Folder 21 |
Bellah, Robert- An Analysis of Civil Religion- drafts/notes for Conference on American Civil Religion Genre: manuscripts
1976 |
Box 63, Folder 22 |
Bloch, Ruth - Comment of Ruth Bloch's manuscript about millenialism
1983 |
Box 63, Folder 23 |
Bloch, Ruth H - "Visionary Republic - Millennial Themes in American Thought, 1756-1800" (Intro, Chapters 1-3) Genre: reproductions
Box 63, Folder 24 |
Bloch, Ruth H. - "Visionary Republic - Millennial Themes in American Thought, 1756-1800" (Chapters 4-7) Genre: reproductions
Box 64, Folder 1 |
Bloch, Ruth H - "Visionary Republic - Millennial Themes in American Thought, 1756-1800" (Chapters 8-9, Notes) Genre: reproductions
Box 109, Folder 4 |
The Canfield Papers- notes, prints, correspondence Genre: notes
1968 |
Box 64, Folder 2 |
The Catholic Worker
1966 |
Box 64, Folder 3 |
Catholicism in America drafts by Sister Marie Augusta Neal for Daedalus volume, related correspondence Genre: manuscripts
1967-1968 |
Box 64, Folder 4 |
"Catholicism in Rhode Island: The Formative Era" - Correspondence on gift copy of book sent by Gerald George, American Association for State and Local History Genre: correspondence
1977 |
Box 64, Folder 5 |
"The Child and the Convert: Reflections of Jonathan Edwards and The Psychology of Religious Experience…" essay by Phillip J. Greven, "Child-rearing in eighteenth century England" essay by Lawrence Stone Genre: reproductions
1974-1976 |
Box 64, Folder 6 |
The Congregational Ministry in Eighteenth Century New England - McLoughlin's comments on
c. 1966 |
Box 64, Folder 7 |
Conser, Walter - Essays by "Luther and the Communists;" "A Conservative Critique of Church and State: The Case of The Tractarians and Neo-Lutherans"
1983 |
Box 64, Folder 8 |
Correspondence and literature - religion (general)
1982-1983 |
Box 64, Folder 9 |
Correspondence and literature regarding general religion
1983-1984 |
Box 64, Folder 10 |
Correspondence and literature - religion (general)
c. 1985 |
Box 64, Folder 11 |
Cost, Charles C. Doctoral Dissertation - "The Relationship of the Social Gospel to Practical Reform; 1890-1917" - dissertation proposal, correspondence, instructions for theses for advanced degrees Genre: reproductions
1971-1974 |
Box 64, Folder 12 |
"The Culture Hero in Secular America" - a series of essays collected by Robert H. Chambers Genre: publications
1967 |
Box 64, Folder 13 |
Culture Wars: notes on review of book Genre: notes
1991 |
Box 64, Folder 14 |
Daedalus- Correspondence with, Robert Bellah, Stephen Graubard and others Genre: correspondence
1963 |
Box 64, Folder 15 |
"The Dartmouth Quakers and Their Struggle for Religious Liberty, 1692-1734," copies, notes, correspondence qith the Friends Historical Association and the Old Dartmouth Historical Society Whaling Museum Genre: manuscripts
1980s |
Box 64, Folder 16 |
Data on Church Attendance in America - lit. Genre: reproductions
1976-1977 |
Box 64, Folder 17 |
Data on Church Attendance in America (1952-1976) Genre: reproductions
1976 |
Box 64, Folder 18 |
Davis, Bill C.- "Mass Appeal" play performed by Trinity Square Repertory Company - "A Historian's Approach to Mass Appeal" McLoughlin review; related correspondence, notes, drafts - newspaper articles on "Mass Appeal" Genre: notes
1980-1983 |
Box 64, Folder 19 |
Demerath, Jay - "The Separation of Church and State?" sent by Genre: publications
Box 64, Folder 20 |
Diary of the Moravian Mission, Spring Place- Vol 1 (1801-1814); correspondence Genre: notes
1978 |
Box 64, Folder 21 |
"The Diverse Strands in the Evolution of the American Tradition of Separation of Church and State" talk/article for Hillel, correspondence Genre: publications
1963 |
Box 64, Folder 22 |
Doan, Ruth Alden Doan's - Review of dissertation, The Miller Heresy, Millenialism, and American Culture
1986 |
Box 64, Folder 23 |
Early American History and Religion - Essays by Carol Flora Brooks, Robert Pope and other authors; other newspaper articles and notes Genre: reproductions
1964-1972 |
Box 64, Folder 24 |
Early American History and Religion - Essays by John Murrin, Stephen Crary and others; notes by McLoughlin Genre: reproductions
1978 |
Box 64, Folder 25 |
Early American History and Religion - Essays by Michael Curtin, Edward Abrahams, Bill Isley and other authors Genre: reproductions
1971-1986 |
Box 64, Folder 26 |
Election Sermons 1770-1790 - Notes for paper on Genre: notes
Box 64, Folder 27 |
Encyclopedia of Religion in America by Charles H. Lippy and Peter W. Williams
1984 |
Box 64, Folder 28 |
Essays and literature regarding religion
1976-1977 |
Box 64, Folder 29 |
"Faith in America" McLoughlin Article for the "American Quarterly" - drafts, correspondence with editor L. Ribuffo; Ribuffo articles Genre: manuscripts
1979-1983 |
Box 64, Folder 30 |
First Baptist Church of the City of Washington, D.C. - "The Pulpit" publication
1987 |
Box 64, Folder 31 |
First Baptist Church of the City of Washington, D.C. - "The Pulpit" publication Genre: correspondence
1975-1980 |
Box 64, Folder 32 |
"Freedom's Ferment" - Chapter 2: Evangelical Religion; "The Saga of American Society" Genre: publications
1987 |
Box 64, Folder 33 |
"Goldwaterism and Pietism" - article by McLoughlin - drafts, related notes, correspondence, articles, lit., maps Genre: publications
1964 |
Box 65, Folder 1 |
Hooked Hasidism article by Nancy Hass on Orthodoxy in Brooklyn, letter from Leslie Smith Genre: publications
1991 |
Box 65, Folder 2 |
Hormell, Signey - Correspondence with regarding Roger Williams TV show Genre: correspondence
1990 |
Box 65, Folder 3 |
"How is America Religious?" - draft of Introduction written by McLoughlin Genre: manuscripts
1967 |
Box 65, Folder 4 |
Howe, Daniel W. - "The Unitarian Conscience" - McLoughlin's comment on
1969 |
Box 65, Folder 5 |
Humanities Booklet #3 - Article in 1984-1985 entitled "Religious Hypocrisy" draft, "English Translation of Tartuffe" Genre: manuscripts
1984-1985 |
Box 65, Folder 6 |
Hunter, JD Hunter - Culture Wars: Struggle to Define America- annotated copy of advanced uncorrected proof Genre: notes
1991 |
Box 65, Folder 7 |
"The Impact of Secularization on Contemporary American Culture" - edited by Robert H. Chambers Genre: publications
1967 |
Box 65, Folder 8 |
Institute of Current World Affairs "A Typology of Catholic Elites" from Thomas G. Sanders to Richard H. Nolte
1968 |
Box 65, Folder 9 |
"Is there a Third Force in Christendom?" - McLoughlin's article - drafts, articles, notes, correspondence Genre: publications
1966 |
Box 65, Folder 10 |
"Is there a third force in Christendom?"- Correspondence with Daedalus final draft, other related notes Genre: correspondence
1966 |
Box 65, Folder 11 |
"Is there a third force in Christendom?"- Daedalus article - Correspondence regarding Genre: correspondence
1966-1967 |
Box 65, Folder 12 |
Jehovah's Witnesses publications
1982 |
Box 65, Folder 13 |
Kelly, George A.- McLoughlin's comment on "Politics and the Religious Consciousness in America"
1982 |
Box 65, Folder 14 |
Libertarians and Chinese - Newspaper Articles Genre: publications
1979-1982 |
Box 65, Folder 15 |
Library book requests- cancelled, out of print
1972 |
Box 65, Folder 16 |
Lilly Fellows Conference on Protestantism and Cultural Change in American History at Harvard (5/8-9/92)- drafts, edits, correspondence Genre: manuscripts
1992 |
Box 65, Folder 17 |
Literature on religion- American religious history Genre: publications
1967-1968 |
Box 65, Folder 18 |
Loeb, Larry - Letter from and paper on Religion in New England
1978 |
Box 65, Folder 19 |
"Magic, Astrology, and the Early American Religious Heritages…" essay by Jon Butler; "Harvard-trained clergymen in Eighteenth Century New England…" essay by Stephen Botein Genre: reproductions
1978 |
Box 65, Folder 20 |
Marty, Martin - Comments on Martin Marty's lecture on church-state history
1986 |
Box 65, Folder 21 |
The Mediator Fellowship (Providence) - Unitarian Universalist
Box 65, Folder 22 |
Mensch, Elizabeth - Comments on manuscript "Religion and the Ruling Class: A Critical History of Trinity Church"
1985 |
Box 65, Folder 23 |
Mexican Church- State Relations, 1933-1940 reprinted from A Journal of Church and State
1964 |
Box 65, Folder 24 |
Meyer, Donald "Churches and Families" - draft and correspondence with Daedalus Genre: manuscripts
1967 |
Box 65, Folder 25 |
Miscellaneous religious newspaper articles + xerox Genre: publications
1976-1977 |
Box 65, Folder 26 |
"Missionary Dilemma" - Drafts, Edits, and Notes for The Canadian Review of American Studies Genre: manuscripts
1984-1985 |
Box 65, Folder 27 |
Moore, R. L. - reading list Genre: notes
1980 |
Box 65, Folder 28 |
Moorhead, James - "American Apocalypse" doctoral dissertation Genre: reproductions
1975 |
Box 65, Folder 29 |
Moravian Diaries Vol 2 (1815-1824) Genre: reproductions
Box 65, Folder 30 |
Moravian Diaries Vol 3 (1825-1836) Genre: reproductions
Box 65, Folder 31 |
Mount Holyoke "Protestantism and Citizenship"- drafts, notes, and correspondence Genre: manuscripts
1976 |
Box 65, Folder 32 |
New Christian Right for Foundations - Essay - drafts, notes, correspondence Genre: manuscripts
1982 |
Box 65, Folder 33 |
Newport Symposium, From Religious Toleration to Religious Freedom (5/24/78)- literature, correspondence, drafts and notes Genre: correspondence
1973-1978 |
Box 65, Folder 34 |
Newport Symposium- paper drafts and notes, correspondence, lit on symposium and city of Newport Genre: notes
1974-1978 |
Box 65, Folder 35 |
News articles on religious events
1966 |
Box 65, Folder 36 |
Newspaper clippings - pietism and others Genre: publications
1964-1966 |
Box 109, Folder 5 |
Newspaper articles on religion in American life and politics Genre: publications
1964-1980 |
Box 65, Folder 37 |
"Notes on the Life of John Monteith"
1975 |
Box 65, Folder 38 |
Olien, Roger dissertation - correspondence, notes, drafts Genre: correspondence
1969-1971 |
Box 65, Folder 39 |
Olien, Roger doctoral dissertation - correspondence Genre: correspondence
1969-1971 |
Box 65, Folder 40 |
Oral Roberts: An American Life - Book review
1986 |
Box 65, Folder 41 |
"The Papers of Robert Morris" - correspondence regarding Robert Morris' religious views
1975 |
Box 65, Folder 42 |
Perry, Albert - Christmas greetings from minister
1971 |
Box 65, Folder 42 |
"Pietism and the American Character" - McLoughlin's essay - drafts, notes, correspondence, critiques; Peace Corps talk, Convocation speech Genre: manuscripts
1964-1967 |
Box 66, Folder 1 |
"Pietism and the American Character" - McLoughlin's essay- drafts, print Genre: publications
1965-1967 |
Box 66, Folder 2 |
"Pietism and the American Character" - Correspondence regarding
1966 |
Box 66, Folder 3 |
Pietism in America; morality and politics, newspapers and notes Genre: publications
1965-1966 |
Box 66, Folder 4 |
Project to prepare An Ecclesiastical Map of Massachusetts for the Atlas of American History by Samuel J. Hough - correspondence, reports, notes Genre: correspondence
1971-1974 |
Box 66, Folder 5 |
Publications - religion Genre: publications
1982-1990 |
Box 66, Folder 6 |
Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree - publications and notes (Folder 1 of 2) Genre: publications
1983 |
Box 66, Folder 7 |
Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree - publications and notes (Folder 2 of 2) Genre: publications
1983 |
Box 66, Folder 8 |
Rand McNally & Co. - Religion in American Life Correspondence and Manuscript Genre: manuscripts
1964-1968 |
Box 66, Folder 9 |
Rand McNally & Co. - Religion in American Life Correspondence and Manuscript Genre: manuscripts
1968 |
Box 66, Folder 10 |
Religion (general)
1971-1975 |
Box 66, Folder 11 |
Religion (general)
1974 |
Box 66, Folder 12 |
Religion (general)- Evanglical letter, letter about American church history, notes
1979 |
Box 66, Folder 13 |
Religion (general)
1984-1985 |
Box 66, Folder 14 |
Religion (general)
1986 |
Box 66, Folder 15 |
Religion (general)
1988-1989 |
Box 66, Folder 16 |
"Religion and American Culture" - Conference - Proceedings - with notes Genre: notes
1965 |
Box 66, Folder 17 |
"Religion and American Culture" - Conference - essay drafts by various authors Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 66, Folder 18 |
"Religion and American Culture" - Conference - essay drafts by various authors (Folder 1 of 2) Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 66, Folder 19 |
"Religion and American Culture" - Conference - essay drafts by various authors (Folder 2 of 2) Genre: manuscripts
1966 |
Box 66, Folder 20 |
Religion in America - edited by William G. McLoughlin and Robert N. Bellah - from the Daedalus Library Genre: manuscripts
1968 |
Box 66, Folder 21 |
"Religion in America" - McLoughlin's appearance on The Today Show to promote book - postcards, corespondence, articles and notes
1968 |
Box 66, Folder 22 |
Religion in American society - newspaper articles, lit. Genre: publications
1978-1983 |
Box 66, Folder 23 |
Religion in American society - articles, lit. Genre: publications
1981-1983 |
Box 66, Folder 24 |
"Religion in Mid-Nineteenth Century America," "The Rise of Adventism"- McLoughlin publications and correspondence Genre: publications
1973-1974 |
Box 66, Folder 25 |
Religion in the U.S. - journals, essays, magazine (American Baptist Quarterly, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science) Genre: publications
1960-1972 |
Box 66, Folder 26 |
Religion, politics and society - Miscellaneous newspaper articles, lit Genre: publications
1977-1978 |
Box 66, Folder 27 |
Rice, Marcy - "Evangelical Republicanism"
Box 66, Folder 28 |
"The Role of Religion in the Quality of Our Society" speech at Larchmont Avenue Church, correspondence, religious articles Genre: manuscripts
1962-1963 |
Box 66, Folder 29 |
Ryan, Michael D. - papers given at the Internation Symposium on the Holocaust
1974-1978 |
Box 66, Folder 30 |
Samuel Hopkins and the New Divinity Men - draft Genre: reproductions
Box 67, Folder 1 |
Scott, Donald M. - Correspondence with regarding essay "From Calling to Profession: The Transforation of New England Evangelism"
1973 |
Box 67, Folder 2 |
The Secrets of Haiti's Living Dead - Harvard Magazine
1986 |
Box 67, Folder 3 |
Sermon at Mediator on Revolution, History Department Colloquium, Letter on appointments Genre: manuscripts
1969 |
Box 67, Folder 4 |
Splitting of the Congregation of the United Congregational Church in Newport - Correspondence and literature regarding the
1979 |
Box 67, Folder 5 |
St. Matthew Lutheran Church - archives - correspondence, list
1973 |
Box 67, Folder 6 |
Tax Exemption of Churches Project - draft to be sent to the Lilly Endowment Genre: manuscripts
1981 |
Box 67, Folder 7 |
Trinity Square- the Meaning of the Scopes trial- articles, drafts, booklets Genre: manuscripts
1981 |
Box 67, Folder 8 |
University of Pennsylvania International American Studies conference talk on Church & State - "The Diverse Strands in the Evolution of the American Tradition of Separation of Church and State" correspondence, notes articles, drafts Genre: manuscripts
1961-1963 |
Box 67, Folder 9 |
US Information Agency "Handbook for the Study of the United States"- bibliographic entry on religion Genre: manuscripts
1984 |
Box 67, Folder 10 |
Washington Post Review of Culture Wars- drafts and notes Genre: manuscripts
1991 |
Box 67, Folder 11 |
Winthrop Hudson festschrift- correspondence, essay drafts and notes Genre: manuscripts
1981-1982 |
Box 67, Folder 12 |
Winthrop Hudson festschrift, trip to Rochester- correspondence, drafts and notes Genre: notes
1982-1983 |
Box 67, Folder 13 |
Yale Divinity School - class schedule
1984 |