Guide to the Tom Laperriere collection of Ernest Kurtz and Clarence Snyder recordings, 1946-2004

(bulk 1955-1985)

John Hay Library
Box A
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
Tel: 401-863-2146
Fax: 401-863-2093

Published in 2010

Collection Overview

Title: Tom Laperriere collection of Ernest Kurtz and Clarence Snyder recordings
Date range: 1946-2004, (bulk 1955-1985)
Creator: Laperriere, Thomas
Extent: 11 linear feet (11 records center boxes)
Abstract: The Tom Laperriere collection of Ernest Kurtz and Clarence Snyder recordings comprises 377 compact disc recordings of talks, speeches and conference proceedings related to alcoholism treatment and Alcoholics Anonymous. Two-thirds of the recordings are copies of selected audiocassette tapes from the Clarence Snyder and Ernest Kurtz collections of the Brown University Library. The remaining discs contain audio recordings provided by Tom Laperriere and include an accompanying relational database and mp3 files. Nearly all of the recordings in the collection are present in duplicate.
Language of materials: English
Repository: John Hay Library
Collection number: Ms. 2010.001

Scope & content

The Tom Laperriere collection of Ernest Kurtz and Clarence Snyder recordings is a comprehensive oral history of Alcoholics Anonymous contained on 377 compact discs arranged in four series.

Series 1. History of recovery, contains most of the first 167 recordings from the audiocassette series of the Clarence Snyder AA papers (Ms.2008.008: cassette nos. MK1-167).

Digital access copies are available for all of the audiocassette tapes. Click on this link to request access to the digital copies: Clarence Snyder (Ms.2008.008) audio recordings

Series 2. Clarence Snyder collection, is a 5-CD compilation of the Clarence Snyder talks from the first series.

Series 3. Alcohol awareness, contains most of the first 73 recordings from the Ernest Kurtz papers and audio cassettes (A2005.18 and A2008.049: cassette nos. EK168-240).

Digital access copies are available for all of the audiocassette tapes. Click on this link to request access to the digital copies: Ernest Kurtz (A2005.18) audio recordings

Series 4. Miscellaneous Alcoholics Anonymous recordings, includes 142 talks and speeches from the creator’s personal collection, mp3 files and a database of all the recordings in the series.

Series 1 and 3 are numbered consecutively; series 2 and 4 each have their own numbering. Some of the original recordings are not present in this collection. Most of the recordings were originally made on reel-to-reel tape and transferred to audiocassette tape, from which these digital copies were created.

Access Points

Subject Names Subject Organizations Subject Topics Subject Topics Document Types


  • Series 1. History of recovery (Clarence Snyder, MK1-MK167)
  • Series 2. Clarence Snyder collection (culled from Ser. 1)
  • Series 3. Alcohol awareness (Ernest Kurtz, EK168-EK240)
  • Series 4. Miscellaneous Alcoholics Anonymous recordings

Biographical note

Clarence H. Snyder began Alcoholics Anonymous Group #3 in Cleveland, Ohio, which was the first group to call itself "AA." His major contributions include his work on sponsorship, setting up the first central office, his efforts to secure major newspaper features and articles on A.A., and his usage of the term "A.A. Group." For more complete biographical details see: Clarence Snyder A.A. Papers, 1939-1980, Ms. 2008.008

Ernest Kurtz's academic background is in American Civilization and Spirituality, and his writings include The Spirituality of Imperfection and Shame and Guilt. For nearly twenty years he taught at the Rutgers University Summer School of Alcohol Studies. Dr. Kurtz collected the recordings in this collection for his book Not God: a History of Alcoholics Anonymous, which is still considered the definitive account of the early days of AA. He is one of the first modern scholars to consider alcoholism and addiction within a larger psychological and religious context.

Tom Laperriere maintains the web site History of Recovery: voices of AAs past and present.

Access & Use

Access to the collection: There are no restrictions on access for analog materials, except that the collection can only be seen by prior appointment. Some materials may be stored off-site and cannot be produced on the same day on which they are requested. All cassette tapes in this collection have been reformatted and can be accessed in the request link located in Series 1. For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed to
Use of the materials: Although Brown University has physical ownership of the collection and the materials contained therein, it does not claim literary rights. Researchers should note that compliance with copyright law is their responsibility. Researchers must determine the owners of the literary rights and obtain any necessary permissions from them.
Preferred citation: Tom Laperriere collection of Ernest Kurtz and Clarence Snyder recordings, Ms. 2010.001, Brown University Library.
Contact information: John Hay Library
Box A
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
Tel: 401-863-2146
Fax: 401-863-2093

Administrative Information

Acquisition: Gift of Thomas Laperriere, April 2004.
Author: Finding aid prepared by Deborah Peterson.
Encoding: Finding aid encoded by Deborah Peterson 2010 February 16
Descriptive rules: Finding aid based on Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)

Additional Information

Related material:


Series 1. History of recovery
Corresponds to audiocassette nos. MK1-MK167 of the Clarence Snyder A.A. papers, Series 4: audiocassettes (Ms.2008.008) with some gaps.

Digital access copies are available for all of the audiocassette tapes. Click on this link to request access to the digital copies: Clarence Snyder (Ms.2008.008) audio recordings

Container Description Date
Box 1, Shoebox 1, CD MK1 Roy Yeargan, Long Beach, California
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 1, Shoebox 1, CD MK2 and MK6 Casmir Lapinski, Westside Morning Group, Cleveland, Ohio
1 compact disc

Contents Note: "Got sober in 1942, Ohio area AA member." 3 copies

Box 1, Shoebox 1, CD MK3 Big Meeting tape 1, New Orleans, Louisiana
2 compact discs

Contents Note: 2 copies of CD1; 1 copy of CD2

Box 1, Shoebox 1, CD MK4 Tom Pike interview
Contents Note: 2 copies

1978 Aug
Box 1, Shoebox 1, CD MK5 Al Marineaux interview
Contents Note: 2 copies

1976 Oct 30
Box 1, Shoebox 1, CD MK7 and MK8 Eugene Edmiston, AA no. 26, interview
3 compact discs

Contents Note: 2 copies

1976 Dec 4
Box 1, Shoebox 1, CD MK9 and MK10 Walter King interview, Newberry Park, California
1 compact disc

Contents Note: 2 copies

1976 Nov 20
Box 1, Shoebox 1, CD MK11 Cecil "Teet" Carl, Valley Club, Los Angeles, California
Contents Note: 2 copies

1983 Dec 4
Box 1, Shoebox 1, CD MK12 Dewey Spies, Cleveland, Ohio
Contents Note: 2 copies

1959 Oct 29
Box 1, Shoebox 1, CD MK13 167 Live from Dr. Bob's home: 9 men, 400 years of sobriety
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 1, Shoebox 1, CD MK15 Rosa Burwell
Contents Note: 2 copies

1978 Aug
Box 1, Shoebox 1, CD MK16 Frank Hoffman interview
Contents Note: 2 copies

1977 Jul 18
Box 1, Shoebox 1, CD MK17 Russ Rathbone interview
2 compact discs

Contents Note: 2 copies

1978 Aug
Box 1, Shoebox 1, CD MK18 John Parr Founders' Day talk
Contents Note: 2 copies

1978 Jun 10
Box 1, Shoebox 2, CD MK19 Virginia McLeod interview, LaJolla, California, pt. 1
Contents Note: "Beginnings of AA," 2 copies

1977 Jul 8
Box 1, Shoebox 2, CD MK20 Virginia McLeod interview, LaJolla, California, pt. 2
Contents Note: "Beginnings of AA," 2 copies

1977 Jul 8
Box 1, Shoebox 2, CD MK21 Virginia McLeod interview, LaJolla, California, pt. 3
Contents Note: "Beginnings of AA," 2 copies

1977 Jul 8
Box 1, Shoebox 2, CD MK22 Big Meeting tape 2, New Orleans, Louisiana
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 1, Shoebox 2, CD MK23 Cecil "Teet" Carl, Valley Club, Los Angeles, California
Contents Note: "Those golden years" 2 copies

1983 Dec 4
Box 1, Shoebox 2, CD MK24 Birthplace of AA, Gratitude Day, Old timers' panel
2 compact discs

Contents Note: From Dr. Bob's house, 2 copies

Box 1, Shoebox 2, CD MK25 John Parr, Founders Day, Akron, Ohio
Contents Note: From Big Book (2nd ed.). 2 copies

1979 Jun 10
Box 1, Shoebox 2, CD MK26 Ernest McKenzie, Tudor Group, New York
Contents Note: "1 of first 100." 3 copies

1952 Apr 6
Box 1, Shoebox 2, CD MK27 Kay Miller interview
Contents Note: "Started AA in California." 2 copies

1976 Dec 22
Box 1, Shoebox 2, CD MK28 Wynn Law, Laguna Beach, California
Contents Note: "25th year of sobriety" from Big Book. 2 copies

Box 1, Shoebox 2, CD MK29 Roy Yeargan interview, pt. 1
Contents Note: 2 copies

1976 Nov 13
Box 1, Shoebox 2, CD MK30 Roy Yeargan interview, pt. 2
Contents Note: 2 copies

1976 Nov 13
Box 1, Shoebox 2, CD MK31 Willis Kilgore talk
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 1, Shoebox 2, CD MK33 Dewey Spies
Contents Note: "1 of first 100." 1 copy

1969 Jan 17
Box 1, Shoebox 2, CD MK34 Lee Roberts
Contents Note: "Started AA in Atascadero [CA]." 2 copies

1980 Aug
Box 1, Shoebox 2, CD MK35 Sybil Corwin, Los Angeles, California
Contents Note: 2 copies

1978 Aug
Box 1, Shoebox 2, CD MK36 Ernie Galbraith, Chicago, Illinois
Contents Note: "1 of first 100." 2 copies

Box 2, Shoebox 3, CD MK37 Claude Fullerton interview, Pasa Robles, California
2 compact discs

Contents Note: 2 copies

1977 May 22
Box 2, Shoebox 3, CD MK38 Tom V. (Vassau), Kentucky State Convention, Louisville, Kentucky
Contents Note: 1 copy

1960 Feb
Box 2, Shoebox 3, CD MK39 John Park Lee, Austin, Texas
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 2, Shoebox 3, CD MK40 Mort Joseph interview, Los Angeles, California
2 compact discs

Contents Note: 2 copies

1978 Aug
Box 2, Shoebox 3, CD MK41 Larry Bowers interview by Wally Paton
Contents Note: 2 copies

1991 Aug 31
Box 2, Shoebox 3, CD MK43 Ed R. Andy, Cleveland, Ohio
2 compact discs

Contents Note: "Borton Group 48th anniversary." 2 copies

1987 Nov 16
Box 2, Shoebox 3, CD MK44 Dave Cruikshawk, Winnipeg, Canada
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 2, Shoebox 3, CD MK45 Lefty Henderson, New Haven, Connecticut; Maryville, Tennessee
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 2, Shoebox 3, CD MK47 First Old Timers meeting, Los Angeles, California
Contents Note: Partial recording. 2 copies

1975 Sep 12
Box 2, Shoebox 3, CD MK48 Arch Trowbridge interview
Contents Note: "Radio broadcast and interview with Sarah Klien [sic]." 3 copies

1948 Dec 25
Box 2, Shoebox 3, CD MK50 Ethel Macy and Sister Ignacia
Contents Note: "Poor audio quality. Sister Ignacia at 1960 Convention." 1 copy

Box 2, Shoebox 3, CD MK51 Gert Behanna and Pastor Bill Kimball
Contents Note: "God Isn't Dead." 2 copies

Box 2, Shoebox 3, CD MK52 Good Old Days, Pioneer Luncheon, Seattle, Washington
Contents Note: AA International Convention. 2 copies

Box 2, Shoebox 3, CD MK53 Jim Burwell
Contents Note: "30th AA birthday." 2 copies

1968 Jun
Box 2, Shoebox 3, CD MK54 Fay Chase interview
Contents Note: 2 copies

1977 May 8
Box 2, Shoebox 4, CD MK55 Catherine Werling interview
Contents Note: "First lady of Pasa Robles, California." 2 copies

1980 Aug 21
Box 2, Shoebox 4, CD MK56 Walter King interview
Contents Note: 2 copies

1978 Aug
Box 2, Shoebox 4, CD MK58 Old timers meeting
2 compact discs

Contents Note: AA International Convention. 2 copies

1980 Aug
Box 2, Shoebox 4, CD MK59 24th SENY Convention. 2: Oldtimers Panel
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 2, Shoebox 4, CD MK60 They led the way: AA pioneers, Seattle, Washington
2 compact discs

Contents Note: AA International Convention. 2 copies

1990 Jul
Box 2, Shoebox 4, CD MK61 Old timers in AA, Montreal, Canada
Contents Note: AA International Convention. 2 copies

Box 2, Shoebox 4, CD MK62 Bill Wilson, John Daugherty, Sam Shoemaker
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 2, Shoebox 4, CD MK63 Jim Burwell, Amarillo, Texas
Contents Note: "The Vicious Cycle" from Big Book (3rd ed.). 1 of first 100. 2 copies

1952 Nov 8
Box 2, Shoebox 4, CD MK64 Ralph Pfau (Fr. John Doe), Detroit, Michigan
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 2, Shoebox 4, CD MK65 Warren Chisholm, Canton, Ohio
Contents Note: AA #12. 2 copies

Box 2, Shoebox 4, CD MK68 Anne Craw, Monroe, Louisiana
Contents Note: 2 copies

1969 Mar 15
Box 2, Shoebox 4, CD MK69 Dr. Bob collected talks
Contents Note: Last talk (1950). Detroit talk (1948). A talk on Alcoholics Anonymous, Bill W (no date). Smith Family greeting to Bill and Lois (1947). 2 copies

Box 2, Shoebox 4, CD MK70 Duke Paddock, Northern California
Contents Note: Incomplete convention talk. 2 copies

Box 2, Shoebox 4, CD MK71 Duke Paddock interview, pt. 1
Contents Note: 2 copies

1978 Aug
Box 2, Shoebox 4, CD MK72 Duke Paddock interview, pt. 2
Contents Note: 2 copies

1978 Aug
Box 2, Shoebox 4, CD MK73 Duke Paddock interview, pt. 3
Contents Note: 2 copies

1978 Aug
Box 3, Shoebox 5, CD MK74 Duke Paddock interview, pt. 4
Contents Note: 2 copies

1978 Aug
Box 3, Shoebox 5, CD MK75 Clarence Snyder, Orchard Grove, [Indiana]
2 compact discs

Contents Note: 35th anniversary Orchard Grove group. 2 copies.

1974 Nov 11
Box 5, Shoebox 10, CD MK76 Clarence Snyder
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 3, Shoebox 5, CD MK77 Nell Wing and Frank Mauser (tape 1)
2 compact discs

Contents Note: General Services Office (GSO) archives. 2 copies

1988 Aug 8
Box 3, Shoebox 5, CD MK78 Nell Wing and Frank Mauser (tape 2)
2 compact discs

Contents Note: General Services Office (GSO) archives. 2 copies

1988 Aug 8
Box 3, Shoebox 5, CD MK79 Clarence Snyder
Contents Note: Anniversary of the Borton group, first all AA group (Cleveland, Ohio). 2 copies

Box 3, Shoebox 5, CD MK80 Marty Mann, Hobbs, New Mexico
Contents Note: "Talks about N.C.A. [National Council on Alcohosm] and alcoholism." 2 copies

1964 Feb 1
Box 3, Shoebox 5, CD MK81 Clarence Snyder, Cleveland, Ohio
Contents Note: 2 copies

1974 Dec 11
Box 3, Shoebox 5, CD MK82 Nell Wing and Frank Mauser, Pompano Beach, Florida, pt. 1
Contents Note: 2 copies

1984 Oct
Box 3, Shoebox 5, CD MK83 Nell Wing and Frank Mauser, Pompano Beach, Florida, pt. 2
Contents Note: 2 copies

1984 Oct
Box 3, Shoebox 5, CD MK84 Nell Wing and Frank Mauser, Pompano Beach, Florida, pt. 3
Contents Note: 2 copies

1984 Oct
Box 3, Shoebox 5, CD MK85 Nell Wing and Frank Mauser, Pompano Beach, Florida, pt. 4
Contents Note: 2 copies

1984 Oct
Box 3, Shoebox 5, CD MK86 Last talks of Ebby Thacher, Dr. Bob, Bill Wilson, Chuck Chamberlain, Brentwood, California
Contents Note: 2 copies

1983 Nov 2
Box 3, Shoebox 5, CD MK87 Nancy Flynn, Kenneth Square, New York
Contents Note: "The independent blonde," from Big Book (2nd ed.). Flynn was an early New York AA member. 2 copies

Box 3, Shoebox 5, CD MK88 Morris Barbour
Contents Note: "A five time loser wins," from Big Book (3rd ed.). 2 copies

1984 Jan 12
Box 3, Shoebox 5, CD MK89 Clarence and Grace Snyder, Palm Springs, California, pt. 1
Contents Note: At Bill Rave's house. 2 copies

1978 Nov 19-24
Box 3, Shoebox 6, CD MK90 Clarence and Grace Snyder, Palm Springs, California, pt. 2
Contents Note: At Bill Rave's house. 2 copies

1978 Nov 19-24
Box 3, Shoebox 6, CD MK91 Clarence and Grace Snyder, Palm Springs, California, pt. 3
Contents Note: At Bill Rave's house. 2 copies

1978 Nov 19-24
Box 3, Shoebox 6, CD MK92 Clarence and Grace Snyder, Palm Springs, California, pt. 4
Contents Note: At Bill Rave's house. 2 copies

1978 Nov 19-24
Box 3, Shoebox 6, CD MK93 Clarence and Grace Snyder, Palm Springs, California, pt. 5
Contents Note: At Bill Rave's house. 2 copies

1978 Nov 19-24
Box 3, Shoebox 6, CD MK94 Clarence and Grace Snyder, Palm Springs, California, pt. 6
Contents Note: At Bill Rave's house. 2 copies

1978 Nov 19-24
Box 3, Shoebox 6, CD MK95 Clarence and Grace Snyder, Palm Springs, California, pt. 7
Contents Note: At Bill Rave's house. 2 copies

1978 Nov 19-24
Box 3, Shoebox 6, CD MK96 Clarence and Grace Snyder, Palm Springs, California, pt. 8
Contents Note: At Bill Rave's house. 2 copies

1978 Nov 19-24
Box 3, Shoebox 6, CD MK97 Grace Snyder, Lancaster, California
Contents Note: "Open door." 2 copies

1994 Aug 14
Box 3, Shoebox 6, CD MK98 Clarence Snyder, Phoenix, Arizona, pt. 1
Contents Note: Rummies Weekend Jamboree. 2 copies

1982 Jul 11
Box 3, Shoebox 6, CD MK99 Clarence Snyder, Phoenix, Arizona, pt. 2
Contents Note: Rummies Weekend Jamboree. 2 copies

1982 Jul 11
Box 3, Shoebox 6, CD MK100 Clarence Snyder, Phoenix, Arizona, pt. 3
Contents Note: Rummies Weekend Jamboree. 2 copies

1982 Jul 11
Box 3, Shoebox 6, CD MK101 Clarence Snyder, Phoenix, Arizona, pt. 4
Contents Note: Rummies Weekend Jamboree. 2 copies

1982 Jul 11
Box 3, Shoebox 6, CD MK102 Grace Snyder, Eureka, California
Contents Note: 2 copies

1978 Nov 25
Box 3, Shoebox 6, CD MK103 Clarence Snyder, Las Vegas, Nevada
2 compact discs

Contents Note: "Only living member of the original 40." 2 copies

Box 3, Shoebox 6, CD MK104 Clarence Snyder. History of AA, pt. 1
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 3, Shoebox 6, CD MK105 Clarence Snyder. History of AA, pt. 2
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 3, Shoebox 6, CD MK106 Bill W. (Wilson), New York, New York
Contents Note: History of the Manhattan group. 2 copies

1955 Dec
Box 4, Shoebox 7, CD MK107 Bill W.(Wilson), New York, New York
Contents Note: "From kitchen table to Rosary Hall, First anniversary." 2 copies

1953 Dec
Box 4, Shoebox 7, CD MK108 Bill W. (Wilson), New Haven, Connecticut
Contents Note: "Yale School of Alcohol Studies." 2 copies

Box 4, Shoebox 7, CD MK109 Bill W. (Wilson) 35th anniversary dinner
2 compact discs

Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 4, Shoebox 7, CD MK111 Bill W. (Wilson) 18th anniversary
Contents Note: Founder's Day and Alanon talks from original audiocassette not included. 2 copies

Box 4, Shoebox 7, CD MK112 Early AA history talk (probably Bill W.)
Contents Note: "Very poor audio." 2 copies

Box 4, Shoebox 7, CD MK114 Bill W. (Wilson) 34th anniversary
2 compact discs

Contents Note: 2 copies

1968 Oct 5
Box 4, Shoebox 7, CD MK115 Rosary Hall, 1st anniversary, Cleveland, Ohio
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 4, Shoebox 7, CD MK116 Bill W. (Wilson) 33rd anniversary
Contents Note: 2 copies

1967 Oct 7
Box 4, Shoebox 7, CD MK118 Bill W. (Wilson), Fort Worth, Texas
Contents Note: "Stories of the Big Book." 2 copies

Box 4, Shoebox 7, CD MK119 Bill W. (Wilson) Founder's Day, Akron, Ohio
Contents Note: "Meeting Dr. Bob." 2 copies

1959 Jun 10
Box 4, Shoebox 7, CD MK121 Clarence Snyder 40th anniversary, Winter Haven, Florida
Contents Note: 2 copies

1978 Feb
Box 4, Shoebox 7, CD MK123 Clarence Snyder, Eureka, California
2 compact discs

Contents Note: "Sober since February 11, 1938. His story and the 12 Steps of AA." 4 copies

1977 Oct 22
Box 4, Shoebox 7, CD MK124 Clarence Snyder, Orange Grove, California
Contents Note: "Introduction by Warren Chisholm." 2 copies

Box 4, Shoebox 8, CD MK126 Clarence Snyder, Old Timers Meeting, Miami, Florida
2 compact discs

Contents Note: "25 years or more. Incomplete recording, troubled but bearable audio." 2 copies

1970 Jul 4
Box 4, Shoebox 8, CD MK128 Al Steckman, Kentucky State Convention
Contents Note: "First editor of the Grapevine." 2 copies

1946 Feb 15
Box 4, Shoebox 8, CD MK129 A.D.Mason of Camden, Arizona
Contents Note: "Sober prior to AA conceptions." 2 copies

Box 4, Shoebox 8, CD MK130 Wynn Laws of Oxnard, California
Contents Note: "Sober in 1947, died in 1973." 2 copies

1973 Jul 25
Box 4, Shoebox 8, CD MK132 Bill Green, St. Louis, Missouri
Contents Note: Originally mislabeled MK124. 2 copies

Box 4, Shoebox 8, CD MK133 Dr. Earl Marsh
Contents Note: 2 copies

1954 Sep 19
Box 4, Shoebox 8, CD MK134 Dr. Bob (Smith) and Bill W. (Wilson)
Contents Note: "Alcoholics Anonymous World Services (AAWS), Voices of our co-founders." 2 copies

Box 4, Shoebox 8, CD MK135 Elizabeth Bailey, Peekskill, New York
Contents Note: Two copies mislabeled MK126. 4 copies

Box 4, Shoebox 8, CD MK136 Bob Pearson
Contents Note: From Big Book (3rd ed.). 2 copies

1984 Feb 3
Box 4, Shoebox 8, CD MK137 Bill Green from Nutley, New Jersey
Contents Note: From Big Book (2nd ed.). 2 copies

1977 Jun 26
Box 4, Shoebox 8, CD MK139 Marty Mann, University of Utah
Contents Note: "History of drug dependence, the school and the community." 2 copies

Box 4, Shoebox 8, CD MK141 Marty Mann, Austin, Texas
Contents Note: Also includes talk given in New Orleans, La., in 1980. 2 copies

1961 Jun 2
Box 4, Shoebox 8, CD MK142 50 years of love and service: June 10,1935 to June 10, 1985. New York, New York
Contents Note: 2 copies

1985 Jun
Box 4, Shoebox 8, CD MK143 Keith McC., Cleveland, Ohio
Contents Note: Westside Morning Group. 2 copies

1988 Oct 20
Box 4, Shoebox 8, CD MK149 Ethel Macy of Barberton, Ohio.
Contents Note: "Sober 5-8-41." 2 copies

Box 5, Shoebox 9, CD MK153 Roger Wetz, Elyria, Ohio
Contents Note: 4 copies

Box 5, Shoebox 9, CD MK155 Charles Jackson, Vicksburg, Mississippi
Contents Note: 2 copies

1962 Jun 23
Box 5, Shoebox 9, CD MK156 Ethel Macy of Barberton, Ohio
Contents Note: Last talk. 3 copies

1962 Nov
Box 5, Shoebox 9, CD MK157 Four Absolutes. Al S., Joe McG., Bob G., Ken K., Harry G. Whitney H. Indiana State University
Contents Note: 2 copies

1971 Apr 3
Box 5, Shoebox 9, CD MK160 Clarence Snyder, Cleveland, Ohio
2 compact discs

Contents Note: At the Borton Group. 2 copies

Box 5, Shoebox 9, CD MK161 Clarence Snyder, Charlie Culver
2 compact discs

Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 5, Shoebox 9, CD MK162 Clarence Snyder
Contents Note: 2 copies

1982 Mar 26
Box 5, Shoebox 9, CD MK163 Ruth Hock
Contents Note: "History of AA." 2 copies

1978 Mar 12
Box 5, Shoebox 9, CD MK166 Clarence Snyder, Blackstone, Virginia
Contents Note: 2 copies

1963 Apr
Box 5, Shoebox 9, CD MK167 Clarence Snyder, Lake Brownwood, Texas
Contents Note: AA conference. 2 copies

1962 Sep 15
Box 5, Shoebox 9, CD MK458 Sunday morning
2 compact discs

Contents Note: Labeled MK122 but most likely MK458-459. 2 copies

1982 Mar 28
Box 5, Shoebox 9, CD MK668 Sue Smith Windows, Dublin, Georgia
Contents Note: Labeled MK121 but most likely MK668. 2 copies

1988 Jul 9
Box 5, Shoebox 9, CD MK672 Marty Mann, San Francisco, California
2 compact discs

Contents Note: Labeled MK125 but most likely MK672. 2 copies

1946 Dec 11
Box 5, Shoebox 10, CD MK1-MK126.mp3 Data DVD: MK1-MK126 in mp3 files
Contents Note: 1 copy


Series 2. Clarence Snyder recordings
This is a subset of Series 1, containing copies of most of the Clarence Snyder talks from that series.

Container Description Date
Box 5, Shoebox 10, CD 3016a-b Clarence Snyder: Sober since February 11, 1938. Eureka, California
2 compact discs

1977 Oct 22
Box 5, Shoebox 10, CD 3017a-b Clarence Snyder: The 12 Steps of AA at Rummies Weekend. Phoenix, Arizona
2 compact discs

1982 Nov 7
Box 5, Shoebox 10, CD 3017c-d Clarence Snyder: Early growth and spread of AA from Cleveland, Ohio. At 2nd Oldtimers Day. Omaha, Nebraska
2 compact discs

1983 Sep 17
Box 5, Shoebox 10, CD 3017e Clarence Snyder: His story, with description of Oxford Group Meetings at T. Henry's
Contents Note: Labeled 3017c.

1958 Aug 28

Series 3. Alcohol Awareness
Corresponds to audiocassette nos. EK169-EK240 from the Ernest Kurtz papers and audiocassettes (A2005.18 and A2008.049) with some gaps.

Digital access copies are available for all of the audiocassette tapes. Click on this link to request access to the digital copies: Ernest Kurtz (A2005.18) audio recordings

Container Description Date
Box 5, Shoebox 10, CD EK169 Ernest Kurtz. Alcohol awareness, pt. 1
Contents Note: Date on CD label corresponds to EK168 (1985 Apr 12). 2 copies

1985 Feb 23
Box 5, Shoebox 10, CD EK170 Ernest Kurtz. Alcohol awareness, pt. 2
Contents Note: 2 copies

1985 Feb 23
Box 5, Shoebox 10, CD EK171 Ernest Kurtz. A Philosophical approach to spirituality
Contents Note: 2 copies

1984 Jun 15
Box 5, Shoebox 10, CD EK172 Ernest Kurtz. The Historian plays prophet
2 compact discs

Contents Note: 2 copies of pt. 1; 1 copy of pt. 2.

1984 Jun 20
Box 5, Shoebox 10, CD EK173 Ernest Kurtz. AA Approach to spirituality. Oregon
Contents Note: Institute of Addiction Studies. 2 copies

Box 5, Shoebox 10, CD EK174 Ernest Kurtz. Why it works: an appreciation of AA. Oregon
Contents Note: Institute of Addiction Studies. 2 copies

Box 5, Shoebox 10, CD EK175 Ernest Kurtz. Guilt and shame. Smyrna, Georgia
Contents Note: Brawner Psychiatric Institute. 2 copies

1981 Nov 21
Box 5, Shoebox 10, CD EK176 Ernest Kurtz. Significance of AA. Little Rock, Arkansas
Contents Note: University of Arkansas at Little Rock. 2 copies

1990 Jun 19
Box 5, Shoebox 10, CD EK177 Ernest Kurtz. Why it works: an appreciation of AA
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 5, Shoebox 10, CD EK178 Mark Keller, pt. 1
2 compact discs

Contents Note: 3 copies of Tape 1 CD; 2 copies of Tape 2 CD.

1993 Aug 27
Box 6, Shoebox 11, CD EK179 Mark Keller, pt. 2
Contents Note: 2 copies

1993 Aug 27
Box 6, Shoebox 11, CD EK180 Mark Keller, pt. 3
2 compact discs

Contents Note: 2 copies

1993 Aug 27
Box 6, Shoebox 11, CD EK181 Mark Keller, pt. 4
2 compact discs

1993 Aug 27
Box 6, Shoebox 11, CD EK182 Mark Keller, pt. 5
Contents Note: 2 copies

1993 Aug 27
Box 6, Shoebox 11, CD EK183 Mark Keller, pt. 6
Contents Note: 2 copies

1993 Aug 27
Box 6, Shoebox 11, CD EK184 Ernest Kurtz
Contents Note: EK184 called "Tom White. Chiot the Way" on original audiocassette list. 2 copies

Box 6, Shoebox 11, CD EK185 Geraldine Delaney
Contents Note: At RAAC. 2 copies

Box 6, Shoebox 11, CD EK189 Dr. Reuben Holden, Bill W.
Contents Note: Black Mountain Group. 2 copies.

1993 Mar 29
Box 6, Shoebox 11, CD EK190-191 Austin Ripley. Guest House history
2 compact discs

Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 6, Shoebox 11, CD EK192 Archives meeting: Live and let live, Charleston, West Virginia, pt. 1
Contents Note: 48th Southeaster Regional Conference. 2 copies

1992 Aug 12-15
Box 6, Shoebox 11, CD EK193 Archives meeting: Live and let live, Charleston, West Virginia, pt. 2
Contents Note: 48th Southeaster Regional Conference. 2 copies

1992 Aug 12-15
Box 6, Shoebox 11, CD EK195 Bill W., Lake Orion, Michigan
2 compact discs

Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 6, Shoebox 11, CD EK196 Jerry Ellison
Contents Note: 2 copies

1978 Sep 29
Box 6, Shoebox 11, CD EK197 Ernest Kurtz. Why it works, Portland, Oregon
2 compact discs

Contents Note: Institute for Addiction Studies. 2 copies.

Box 6, Shoebox 12, CD EK198-199 Nell Wing
2 compact discs

Contents Note: 2 copies

1976 Nov 15-19
Box 6, Shoebox 12, CD EK200 Lois Wilson
2 compact discs

Contents Note: 2 copies

1977 Apr 7
Box 6, Shoebox 12, CD EK202 Einar Hansen. The Living History Book. Sacramento, California
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 6, Shoebox 12, CD EK203 Ernest Kurtz at Rutgers University
Contents Note: 2 copies

1978 Dec 4
Box 6, Shoebox 12, CD EK204 Russ Smith interview
Contents Note: 2 copies

1977 May 13
Box 6, Shoebox 12, CD EK206 Lois Wilson
2 compact discs

Contents Note: 2 copies

1976 Nov 16
Box 6, Shoebox 12, CD EK207 Nell Wing
Contents Note: 2 copies

1977 Apr 4-5
Box 6, Shoebox 12, CD EK208 Nell Wing telephone call.
Contents Note: 2 copies

1977 May
Box 6, Shoebox 12, CD EK209 Bill W. AA Traditions
Contents Note: 2 copies

1970 Nov 25
Box 6, Shoebox 12, CD EK210 Jim Burwell. History of AA
Contents Note: 2 copies

1957 Jun 15
Box 6, Shoebox 12, CD EK213 Warren Chisholm
Contents Note: 2 copies

1977 Sep 7
Box 6, Shoebox 12, CD EK214 Warren Chisholm
Contents Note: 2 copies

1977 Sep 8
Box 6, Shoebox 12, CD EK215 Anne Craw interview, pts. 1-2
2 compact discs

Contents Note: 2 copies

1977 Sep 7
Box 6, Shoebox 12, CD EK216 Anne Craw interview, pt. 3
Contents Note: 2 copies

1977 Sep 7
Box 6, Shoebox 12, CD EK217a Marty Mann interview, pt. 1
2 compact discs

Contents Note: 2 copies. Copy 2 is in Box 13.

1977 Nov 15
Box 7, Shoebox 13, CD EK217b-218 Marty Mann interview, pt. 2
Contents Note: 2 copies

1977 Nov 15
Box 7, Shoebox 13, CD EK219 Dick Perez, Kevin Birk
Contents Note: 2 copies

1978 Sep 8
Box 7, Shoebox 13, CD EK220 Fred Walker
2 compact discs

Contents Note: 3 copies

1976 Nov 20
Box 7, Shoebox 13, CD EK223 Henrietta Seiberling
2 compact discs

Contents Note: 4 copies

1977 Apr 6
Box 7, Shoebox 13, CD EK224 Clarence Snyder
Contents Note: 2 copies

1978 Oct 5-6
Box 7, Shoebox 13, CD EK225 Clarence Snyder telephone call
Contents Note: 2 copies

1977 Aug 20
Box 7, Shoebox 13, CD EK226 Clarence Snyder
Contents Note: 2 copies

1977 Oct 31
Box 7, Shoebox 13, CD EK227 Clarence Snyder
2 compact discs

Contents Note: 2 copies

1978 Oct 5
Box 7, Shoebox 13, CD EK228 Nell Wing and Niles Peebles
Contents Note: 2 copies

1977 Apr 5
Box 7, Shoebox 13, CD EK229 Nell Wing and Niles Peebles
Contents Note: 2 copies

1977 Nov 14
Box 7, Shoebox 13, CD EK232, 234, 236, 240:pt. 2 Nell Wing
Contents Note: EK232: Nell Wing on Lois; EK234: Nell Wing, 3-4-86; EK236: Nell Wing, 2-13-85; EK240:pt. 2: Nell Wing, 3-13-86. 2 copies

Box 7, Shoebox 14, CD EK233 Nell Wing
Contents Note: 2 copies

1986 Mar 27
Box 7, Shoebox 14, CD EK235, 239 Nell Wing
Contents Note: 2 copies

1986 Mar 30-Apr 6
Box 7, Shoebox 14, CD EK237 Nell Wing
Contents Note: CD label marked: 4-6-86, but date on original Kurtz list is 3-30-86. 2 copies

1986 Apr 6
Box 7, Shoebox 14, CD EK238 Nell Wing and Lois Wilson
Contents Note: 2 copies

1986 Mar 19
Box 7, Shoebox 14, CD EK240: pt. 1 Nell Wing
Contents Note: 2 copies

1986 Mar 13

Series 4. Miscellaneous Alcoholics Anonymous recordings

Container Description Date
Box 7, Shoebox 14, CD AA1 Dr. Bob's last talk, Cleveland, Ohio
Contents Note: 1st International Alcoholics Anonymous Convention. 2 copies

1950 Jul
Box 7, Shoebox 14, CD AA2 Smith Family
Contents Note: "Smith Family greeting" recorded by George Hood for Bill W. 2 copies

Box 7, Shoebox 14, CD AA3 Dr. Bob, Detroit, Michigan
Contents Note: Radio broadcast about the history of AA. 2 copies

Box 7, Shoebox 14, CD AA4 Bill W. (Wilson), Akron, Ohio, pt. 1
Contents Note: First talk. 30th Founders Day. 2 copies

1965 Jun 5
Box 7, Shoebox 14, CD AA5 Bill W. (Wilson), Akron, Ohio, pt. 2
Contents Note: Second talk. 30th Founders Day. 2 copies

1965 Jun 5
Box 7, Shoebox 14, CD AA6 Bill W. (Wilson), Des Moines, Iowa
Contents Note: Anniversary for Ray Harrison, AA organizer in Iowa. 2 copies

1948 Nov 12
Box 7, Shoebox 14, CD AA7 Ebby Thacher, Memphis, Tennessee
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 7, Shoebox 14, CD AA8 Ebby Thacher, St. Louis, Missouri
Contents Note: Hotel room recording. 2 copies

Box 7, Shoebox 14, CD AA9 Ebby Thacher, Davenport, Iowa
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 7, Shoebox 14, CD AA10 Ebby Thacher, San Jose, California
Contents Note: 2 copies

1961 Mar 5
Box 7, Shoebox 14, CD AA11 Bill W. (Wilson) talk, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, pt. 1
Contents Note: Talk on the history of AA. 2 copies

Box 7, Shoebox 14, CD AA12 Bill W. (Wilson) talk, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, pt. 2
Contents Note: Talk on the history of AA at the Oklahoma State Convention. 2 copies

Box 7, Shoebox 14, CD AA13 Bill W. (Wilson), Forth Worth, Texas
Contents Note: Talk about the Big Book at the Texas State Convention. 2 copies

Box 8, Shoebox 15, CD AA14 Bill W. (Wilson), Atlanta, Georgia
Contents Note: History of AA, at the Atlanta State Convention. 2 copies

Box 8, Shoebox 15, CD AA15 Bill W. (Wilson), Promotional recording
Contents Note: "A talk on Alcoholics Anonymous" was originally released as an LP introduction to the organization. 2 copies

1947 Apr 1
Box 8, Shoebox 15, CD AA16 Bill W. (Wilson), AA Milestones
Contents Note: 3rd General Services Conference. 2 copies

Box 8, Shoebox 15, CD AA17 Bill W. (Wilson), History of AA/Need for GSO, Chicago, Illinois, pt. 1
Contents Note: 2 copies

1951 Feb
Box 8, Shoebox 15, CD AA18 Bill W. (Wilson), History of AA/Need for GSO, Chicago, Illinois, pt. 2
Contents Note: 2 copies

1951 Feb
Box 8, Shoebox 15, CD AA19 Bill W. (Wilson), New York, New York
Contents Note: 33rd anniversary talk about Dr. Carl Young and the spiritual experience. 2 copies

1967 Oct 7
Box 8, Shoebox 15, CD AA20 Bill W. (Wilson), New York, New York
Contents Note: 20th anniversary. 2 copies

Box 8, Shoebox 15, CD AA21 Bill W. (Wilson), New York, New York
Contents Note: 34th anniversary. 2 copies

1968 Oct 5
Box 8, Shoebox 15, CD AA22 Bill W. (Wilson), New York, New York
Contents Note: 35th anniversary. 2 copies

1969 Oct 11
Box 8, Shoebox 15, CD AA23 Bill W. (Wilson), University of Vermont
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 8, Shoebox 15, CD AA24 Bill W. (Wilson), "The Story handed down."
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 8, Shoebox 15, CD AA25 Bill W. (Wilson), New York, New York
Contents Note: 10th General Service Conference. 2 copies

1960 Apr 20
Box 8, Shoebox 15, CD AA26 Bill W. (Wilson), Dallas, Texas, pt. 1
Contents Note: Adolphus Hotel. 2 copies

1951 Feb
Box 8, Shoebox 15, CD AA27 Bill W. (Wilson), Dallas, Texas, pt. 2
Contents Note: Adolphus Hotel. 2 copies

1951 Feb
Box 8, Shoebox 15, CD AA28 Bill. W. (Wilson), Ethel Macy, Wally Gillam, Akron, Ohio
Contents Note: 21st Founders Day. 2 copies

1956 Jun 24
Box 8, Shoebox 15, CD AA29 Bill W. (Wilson). California
Contents Note: 7th Southern California Convention (?). 2 copies

1951 Jul 14
Box 8, Shoebox 15, CD AA30 Bill W. (Wilson). Symbolism and anonymity. Akron, Ohio
Contents Note: 25th Founders Day. 2 copies

1960 Jun 5
Box 8, Shoebox 15, CD AA31 Bill W. (Wilson). Talks about Father Ed Dowling. Akron, Ohio
Contents Note: 25th Founders Day. 2 copies

1960 Jun 5
Box 8, Shoebox 16, CD AA32 Bill W. (Wilson), Ebby Thacher, Lois Wilson, Sister Ignacia. Long Beach, California
Contents Note: 3rd International Convention. 2 copies

1960 Jul
Box 8, Shoebox 16, CD AA33 Bill W. (Wilson), Sr. Ignacia
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 8, Shoebox 16, CD AA34 Sr. Ignacia. Long Beach, California
Contents Note: 3rd International Convention. 2 copies

1970 Jul
Box 8, Shoebox 16, CD AA35 Bill W. (Wilson), Dr. Bob. Cleveland, Ohio
Contents Note: 1st International Convention. 2 copies

Box 8, Shoebox 16, CD AA36 Traditions meeting, 1st International Convention, Cleveland, Ohio, pt. 1
Contents Note: From the Rockhill Records. 2 copies

Box 8, Shoebox 16, CD AA37 Traditions meeting, 1st International Convention, Cleveland, Ohio, pt. 2
Contents Note: From the Rockhill Records. 2 copies

Box 8, Shoebox 16, CD AA38 Bill W. (Wilson). Beginnings of AA. St. Louis, Missouri
Contents Note: 2nd International Convention. 2 copies

1955 Jul
Box 8, Shoebox 16, CD AA39 Bill W. (Wilson) and Lois Wilson. AA service and Al-Anon. St. Louis, Missouri
Contents Note: 2nd International Convention. 2 copies

1955 Jul
Box 8, Shoebox 16, CD AA40 Bill W. (Wilson). 12 traditions. St. Louis, Missouri
Contents Note: 2nd International Convention. 2 copies

1955 Jul
Box 8, Shoebox 16, CD AA41 Father Ed Dowling, Rev. Sam Shoemaker, Bill W. (Wilson). St. Louis, Missouri
Contents Note: 2nd International Convention. 2 copies

1955 Jul
Box 8, Shoebox 16, CD AA42 Bill W. (Wilson), Lois Wilson. AA Today and Tomorrow; Growth of Al-Anon, Long Beach, California, pt. 1
Contents Note: 3rd International Convention. 2 copies.

1960 Jul
Box 8, Shoebox 16, CD AA43 Bill W. (Wilson), Lois Wilson. AA Today and Tomorrow; Growth of Al-Anon, Long Beach, California, pt. 2
Contents Note: 3rd International Convention. 2 copies.

1960 Jul
Box 8, Shoebox 16, CD AA44 Ruth Hock. About the Big Book. Glendale, California
Contents Note: 2 copies

1978 Mar 12
Box 8, Shoebox 16, CD AA45 Bill W. (Wilson), Harry Green telephone call
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 8, Shoebox 16, CD AA46 Lois Wilson. 12 Traditions. Long Beach, California
Contents Note: 2 copies

1955 Aug 15
Box 8, Shoebox 16, CD AA47 Lois Wilson. AA history. Dallas, Texas
Contents Note: 2 copies

1973 May 29
Box 8, Shoebox 16, CD AA48 Lois Wilson. San Luis Obispo, California
Contents Note: 5 copies; copy 5 in Box 17.

1975 Jul 25
Box 9, Shoebox 17, CD AA49 Bill W. (Wilson), Lois Wilson. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Contents Note: 4th International Convention. 2 copies

1965 Jul
Box 9, Shoebox 17, CD AA50 Bob Smith, Jr. (son of Dr. Bob), Houston, Texas
Contents Note: 10th Spirit of Houston. 2 copies

2000 Nov
Box 9, Shoebox 17, CD AA51 Bob Smith, Jr. (Dr. Bob's son). Waterbury, Connecticut
Contents Note: Al-Anon Convention. 2 copies

1999 Mar 27
Box 9, Shoebox 17, CD AA52 Sue Smith Windows. Akron, Ohio (?)
Contents Note: Heritage Night. 2 copies

1988 May 28
Box 9, Shoebox 17, CD AA53 Sue Smith Windows. Phoenix, Arizona
Contents Note: 3rd Southwest Archives. 2 copies

1996 Feb 10
Box 9, Shoebox 17, CD AA54 Ernie Galbraith. Fort Wayne, Indiana
Contents Note: Fort Wayne Conference. 2 copies

Box 9, Shoebox 17, CD AA55 Rev. Sam Shoemaker. Charlotte, North Carolina
Contents Note: 2 copies

1962 Jun
Box 9, Shoebox 17, CD AA56 Rev. Sam Shoemaker. Four Sermons
Contents Note: From the LP. Not specifically related to AA. 2 copies

Box 9, Shoebox 17, CD AA57 Nell Wing. How it was with Bill and Lois. Garden City, New York
Contents Note: 2 copies

1992 Jun 10
Box 9, Shoebox 17, CD AA58 Nell Wing. AA During the 1940's. New York, New York
Contents Note: 2 copies

1992 Aug 17
Box 9, Shoebox 17, CD AA59 Nell Wing. Phoenix, Arizona
Contents Note: Golden Age Speakers Meeting. 2 copies

1994 Apr 19
Box 9, Shoebox 17, CD AA60 Nell Wing. Vermont
Contents Note: 20th Vermont State Convention. 2 copies

Box 9, Shoebox 17, CD AA61 Nell Wing. Phoenix, Arizona
Contents Note: Southwest Archives. 2 copies

1994 Feb 12
Box 9, Shoebox 17, CD AA62 Dr. Harry Tiebout. Long Beach, California
Contents Note: 3rd International Convention. 2 copies

1960 Jul
Box 9, Shoebox 17, CD AA63 Dr. Harry Tiebout. St. Louis, Missouri
Contents Note: 2nd International Convention. 2 copies

Box 9, Shoebox 17, CD AA64 Lynn Carroll. Blackstone, Virginia
Contents Note: Founder of Hazeldon. 2 copies

ca. 1965
Box 9, Shoebox 17, CD AA65 Rollie Hemsley. Washington, D.C.
Contents Note: 23rd Cosmopolitan Group Anniversary. 2 copies

1968 Apr 26
Box 9, Shoebox 18, CD AA66 Anne Craw. Cleveland, Ohio (?)
Contents Note: 2 copies

1972 Jan 31
Box 9, Shoebox 18, CD AA67 Father Ralph Pfau
Contents Note: "Decisions." 2 copies

Box 9, Shoebox 18, CD AA68 Father Ralph Pfau. The 12 Steps, pt. 1
Contents Note: First priest in AA. 2 copies

Box 9, Shoebox 18, CD AA69 Father Ralph Pfau. The 12 Steps, pt. 2
Contents Note: First priest in AA. 2 copies

Box 9, Shoebox 18, CD AA70 Clarence Snyder. Hawaii
Contents Note: Hawaii State Convention. 2 copies

Box 9, Shoebox 18, CD AA71 Clarence Snyder, Phoenix, Arizona, pt. 1
Contents Note: Rummies Weekend. 2 copies

1982 Nov 7
Box 9, Shoebox 18, CD AA72 Clarence Snyder, Phoenix, Arizona, pt. 2
Contents Note: Rummies Weekend. 2 copies

1982 Nov 7
Box 9, Shoebox 18, CD AA73 Clarence Snyder, Omaha, Nebraska, pt. 1
Contents Note: 2nd Oldtimers Day. 2 copies

1983 Sep 17
Box 9, Shoebox 18, CD AA74 Clarence Snyder, Omaha, Nebraska, pt. 2
Contents Note: 2nd Oldtimers Day. 2 copies

1983 Sep 17
Box 9, Shoebox 18, CD AA75 Clarence Snyder
Contents Note: Seminar Group. 2 copies

1958 Aug 28
Box 9, Shoebox 18, CD AA76 Clarence Snyder. Laurel Hill, North Carolina
Contents Note: 1st Camp Monroe Retreat. 2 copies

1960 May 6
Box 9, Shoebox 18, CD AA77 Clarence Snyder, Richmond, California, pt. 1
Contents Note: 2 copies

1973 Jun 10
Box 9, Shoebox 18, CD AA78 Clarence Snyder, Richmond, California, pt. 2
Contents Note: 2 copies

1973 Jun 10
Box 9, Shoebox 18, CD AA79 Clarence Snyder, Winter Haven, Florida, pt. 1
Contents Note: 44th year sober. 2 copies

1982 Feb 9
Box 9, Shoebox 18, CD AA80 Clarence Snyder, Winter Haven, Florida, pt. 2
Contents Note: 44th year sober. 2 copies

1982 Feb 9
Box 9, Shoebox 18, CD AA81 Clarence Snyder. Alexandria, Virginia
Contents Note: Wilson Social Club. 2 copies

1982 Jun 20
Box 9, Shoebox 18, CD AA82 Clarence Snyder. Blackstone, Virginia
1963 Apr 1
Box 9, Shoebox 18, CD AA83 Jim Burwell. Sacramento, California
Contents Note: Big Book. 2 copies

1957 Jun 15
Box 10, Shoebox 19, CD AA84 Jim and Rosa Burwell. San Diego, California
Contents Note: 2 copies

1974 Aug 17
Box 10, Shoebox 19, CD AA85 Jim Burwell. Amarillo, Texas
Contents Note: Top o' Texas. 2 copies

1952 Jan 15
Box 10, Shoebox 19, CD AA86 Jim Burwell. Palm Springs, California
Contents Note: 2 copies

1963 Jan 18
Box 10, Shoebox 19, CD AA87 Marty Mann. San Francisco, California
Contents Note: 2 copies

1968 Oct 4
Box 10, Shoebox 19, CD AA88 Marty Mann. New York, New York
Contents Note: 11th Al-Anon Family Groups World Service Conference. 2 copies

1971 Apr 15
Box 10, Shoebox 19, CD AA89 Marty Mann. St. Louis, Missouri
Contents Note: National Council on Alcoholism Chapter meeting. 2 copies

1972 Mar 22
Box 10, Shoebox 19, CD AA90 Marty Mann. Louisville, Kentucky
Contents Note: 14th Kentucky State Conference. 2 copies

1966 Feb 1
Box 10, Shoebox 19, CD AA91 Marty Mann. Little Rock, Arkansas
Contents Note: Arkansas State Convention. 2 copies

1965 Aug 1
Box 10, Shoebox 19, CD AA92 Bill Green
Contents Note: Author of "There's Nothing the Matter with Me" from Big Book, 2nd ed. 2 copies

Box 10, Shoebox 19, CD AA93 Paul Stanley. Blythe, Illinois
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 10, Shoebox 19, CD AA94 John Parr. Akron, Ohio
Contents Note: Author of "The Professor and the Paradox" from Big Book, 2nd ed. Founders Day talk. 2 copies

1976 Jun 23
Box 10, Shoebox 19, CD AA95 Sackville O'Connor Millins. Houston, Texas
Contents Note: Talk about the first AA group in Ireland. 2 copies

1957 May 20
Box 10, Shoebox 19, CD AA96 Chet Rude. Santa Barbara, California
Contents Note: "It Might Have Been Worse." 2 copies

1953 Oct 10
Box 10, Shoebox 19, CD AA97 Helen Brown. Louisville, Kentucky
Contents Note: 1st Kentucky State Conference. 2 copies

1952 Feb 7
Box 10, Shoebox 19, CD AA98 Esther Alasardia. Lubbock, Texas
Contents Note: Author of "Flower of the South" from Big Book, 3rd ed. 2 copies

Box 10, Shoebox 19, CD AA99 Esther Alasardia. St. Louis, Missouri
Contents Note: 2nd International Convention. 2 copies

1955 Jul
Box 10, Shoebox 19, CD AA100 Joe Minor
Contents Note: Author of "Joe's Woes" from Big Book, 2nd ed.

Box 10, Shoebox 19, CD AA101 Dr. Earl Marsh. Kansas City, Kansas
Contents Note: 50th Anniversary of AA. 2 copies

1991 May 25
Box 10, Shoebox 20, CD AA102 Dr. Earl Marsh. Jacksonville, Florida
Contents Note: 16th Southeast Conference. 2 copies

1960 Aug
Box 10, Shoebox 20, CD AA103 Maynard Bernard
Contents Note: Author of "Join the Tribe" from Big Book, 3rd ed. 2 copies

Box 10, Shoebox 20, CD AA104 Bob P. Queens, New York
Contents Note: Author of "AA Taught Him to Handle Sobriety" from Big Book, 3rd ed.

1991 Jun 18
Box 10, Shoebox 20, CD AA105 Jim Scott. St. Louis, Missouri
Contents Note: Author of "Jim's Story" from Big Book, 2nd and 3rd eds. 2 copies

Box 10, Shoebox 20, CD AA106 Wynn Laws
Contents Note: Author of "Freedom from Bondage" from Big Book, 2nd and 3rd eds. 2 copies

Box 10, Shoebox 20, CD AA107 Beth Hartley. Omaha, Nebraska
Contents Note: At Luck o' the Irish. 2 copies

2002 Mar 15
Box 10, Shoebox 20, CD AA108 Beth Hartley. Cincinnati, Ohio
Contents Note: Author of "Empty on the Inside" from Big Book, 4th ed. 2 copies

2001 May 4
Box 10, Shoebox 20, CD AA109 Lyle P. Albuquerque, New Mexico
Contents Note: 6th Red Road Convention. 2 copies

1999 May 1
Box 10, Shoebox 20, CD AA110 Trowbridge, Archie. Detroit, Michigan
Contents Note: Radio broadcast. 2 copies

1948 Dec 25
Box 10, Shoebox 20, CD AA111 Bill Dotson. Canton, Ohio
Contents Note: Author of "Alcoholics Anonymous Number 3" from Big Book, 2nd ed. 2 copies

Box 10, Shoebox 20, CD AA112 Dr. Paul Ohliger. Atlantia, Georgia
Contents Note: 33rd Southeastern Convention. 2 copies

Box 10, Shoebox 20, CD AA113 Dr. Paul Ohliger. Fort Worth, Texas
Contents Note: 10th Anniversary Legacy Group. 2 copies

1990 Apr 4
Box 10, Shoebox 20, CD AA114 Dr. Paul Ohliger and Maxine Ohliger.
Contents Note: 6th Gratitude Roundup. 2 copies

1995 Nov 25
Box 10, Shoebox 20, CD AA115 Dr. Paul Ohliger, Olympia, Washington, pt. 1
Contents Note: 8th Capital Jamboree. 2 copies

1999 Jun 6
Box 10, Shoebox 20, CD AA116 Dr. Paul Ohliger, Olympia, Washington, pt. 2
Contents Note: 8th Capital Jamboree. 2 copies

1999 Jun 6
Box 10, Shoebox 20, CD AA117 Dr. Paul Ohliger. Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
Contents Note: Sober Vacation No. 22. 2 copies

2000 Feb 26
Box 10, Shoebox 20, CD AA118 Dr. Paul Ohliger and Ena G. Laguna Beach, California
Contents Note: 50th Anniversary of Big Book. 2 copies

1989 Sep 30
Box 10, Shoebox 20, CD AA119 Father Joseph Martin. Laguna Beach, California
Contents Note: 50th Anniversary of Big Book. 2 copies

1989 Sep 30
Box 11, Shoebox 21, CD AA120 Chuck Chamberlain. Palm Desert, California
Contents Note: The 12 Steps. 2 copies

1974 May 1
Box 11, Shoebox 21, CD AA121 Chuck Chamberlain. California
Contents Note: 2 copies

1982 Nov 10
Box 11, Shoebox 21, CD AA122 Chuck and Elsa Chamberlain, Blackstone, Virginia, pt. 1
Contents Note: Blackstone Retreat. 2 copies

1963 Apr 27
Box 11, Shoebox 21, CD AA123 Chuck and Elsa Chamberlain, Blackstone, Virginia, pt. 2
Contents Note: Blackstone Retreat. 3 copies

1963 Apr 27
Box 11, Shoebox 21, CD AA124 Paul Kiebler. Omaha, Nebraska
Contents Note: 6th Oldtimers Day. 2 copies

1987 Sep 26
Box 11, Shoebox 21, CD AA125 Paul Kiebler. New Orleans, Louisiana
Contents Note: 20th Deep South Conference. 2 copies

1988 Apr 8
Box 11, Shoebox 21, CD AA126 Paul Kiebler
Contents Note: "Four Absolutes as Spiritual Tools." 2 copies

Box 11, Shoebox 21, CD AA127 Paul Kiebler
Contents Note: Plan for Daily Living. 2 copies

1984 Nov 1
Box 11, Shoebox 21, CD AA128 Paul Kiebler. Grand Forks, North Dakota
Contents Note: North Dakota State Convention. 2 copies

1988 Sep 27
Box 11, Shoebox 21, CD AA129 Paul Kiebler
Contents Note: "Lest We Forget." 2 copies

1984 Jul 15
Box 11, Shoebox 21, CD AA130 Duke Paddock
Contents Note: Also includes talks from a 1995 convention in San Diego. 2 copies

1992 Jun 9
Box 11, Shoebox 21, CD AA131 James Houck. East Dorset, Vermont
Contents Note: "AA, the World's Greatest Spiritual Movement." 2 copies

1996 Mar 15
Box 11, Shoebox 21, CD AA132 James Houck. Kingwood, Texas
Contents Note: 2 copies

1998 Oct 19
Box 11, Shoebox 21, CD AA132 "50 Years of AA in Virginia." Arlington, Virginia
Contents Note: 41st Virginia Area Convention. Speakers: Billy Kidd, Ruth Dickens, Earl F., Nora S. 2 copies

1998 Oct 19
Box 11, Shoebox 21, CD AA134 Eve Marsh. Washington, D.C.
Contents Note: 1983 Congressional Luncheon. 2 copies

1983 Aug 19
Box 11, Shoebox 21, CD AA135 Al Badger. Birmingham, Alabama
Contents Note: 1954 Alabama AA Conference. 2 copies

Box 11, Shoebox 21, CD AA136 F. E. "Bud" Rose. Fort Myers, Florida
Contents Note: 2 copies

1969 Apr 3
Box 11, Shoebox 22, CD AA137 Gert Behanna. Cleveland, Ohio
Contents Note: Statler Hotel. 2 copies

1966 May 14
Box 11, Shoebox 22, CD AA138 Tom Vassau. Cleveland, Ohio
Contents Note: 2 copies

Box 11, Shoebox 22, CD AA139 Bob I., Tom Sharp, Peter (from Iceland)
Contents Note: 7th AA Convention. 2 copies

1980 July
Box 11, Shoebox 22, CD AA140 Mercedes McCambridge. Little Rock, Arkansas
Contents Note: 2 copies

1973 Mar 15
Box 11, Shoebox 22, CD AA141 Mercedes McCambridge. Warren, Ohio
Contents Note: 2 copies

1969 Aug 10
Box 11, Shoebox 22, CD AA142 Sen. Harold Hughes. Des Moines, Iowa
Contents Note: 2 copies

1970 Aug 8
Box 11, Shoebox 22, CD AA-Database Series 4 database
2004 Mar 25
Box 11, Folder 1 Interview with Tom Laperriere March 24 and 25, 2004, on his catalog of CDs donated to Brown University
2004 Mar 24-25