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George Blinn Francis to sisters Julia Francis and Laura Francis, Pettaconsett, Cranston, RI Contents Note: Working on Sockanosset Reservoir.
1875 January 17 |
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George Blinn Francis to Family, Pettaconsett, Cranston, RI Contents Note: He is in charge of work in Pettaconsett during absence of Mr. Schneider.
1875 March 11 |
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George Blinn Francis to sister Laura Francis, Pettaconsett, Cranston, RI Contents Note: Complains about not getting enough letters from family, got a pay raise, and wishes he could work with brother Henry.
1875 May 10 |
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George Blinn Francis to sister Laura Francis, Pettaconsett, Cranston, RI Contents Note: Traveling home for Thanksgiving.
1875 November 8 |
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George Blinn Francis to sisters Julia Francis and Laura Francis, Pettaconsett, Cranston, RI Contents Note: Mr. Schneider encourages him to go to Philadelphia to attend Centennial, saw brother Henry who had been on a cod fishing excursion and was seasick, Julia must read book “Missionary Patriots” as he knows several of the people described in it.
1876 September 15 |
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George Blinn Francis to Family, Pettaconsett, Cranston, RI Contents Note: Trip by Julia and Laura to Philadelphia, will probably lose his job soon as there is a new board of water commissioners and they want to reduce expenses, he can always do farming as a job.
1876 November 7 |
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George Blinn Francis to sister Laura Francis, Providence, RI Contents Note: Please write.
1877 July 2 |
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George Blinn Francis to Family, Providence, RI Contents Note: Trip to Martha’s Vineyard.
1877 August 15 |
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George Blinn Francis to Family, Providence, RI Contents Note: He and Henry living together, visit of Henry Butler and tour of reservoirs, invites Laura to visit Providence.
1877 October 23 |
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George Blinn Francis to Family, Providence, RI Contents Note: Julia’s marriage to Henry Butler on March 31, working for Mr. Samuel M. Gray in City Engineers office, repairs to Pettaconset.
1880 April 4 |
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George Blinn Francis to Family, Providence, RI Contents Note: Very cold weather which froze Narragansett Bay, he skated on the bay to Gaspee Point and back to Pawtuxet.
1881 February 6 |
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George Blinn Francis to Family, Poughkeepsie, NY Contents Note: Jennie left her husband Niles and her family, George got married to Florence Green and they have just arrived in Poughkeepsie, NY.
1882 April 16 |
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George Blinn Francis to Family, Poughkeepsie, NY Contents Note: Plans for Henry’s new house were enclosed, George works on designing masonry for bridges along a railway line in New York.
1882 May 14 |
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Henry Newton Francis to sister Julia Francis, Providence, RI Contents Note: General news and comments on newspaper clippings enclosed.
1877 July 6 |
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Henry Newton Francis to Family, Providence, RI Contents Note: Reports on honeymoon trip to New York City.
1878 September 15 |
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Henry Newton Francis to Family, Providence, RI Contents Note: Reports on moving into and setting up their new abode in Providence with a long description of the coal-fired stove they purchased.
1878 October 27 |
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Henry Newton Francis to sister Laura Francis, Providence, RI Contents Note: More news on settling into new abode including a sketch of the floorplan.
1878 December 9 |
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Henry Newton Francis to sister Laura Francis, Providence, RI Contents Note: Trips to Buttonwoods Beach, RI and Putnam, CT.
1879 August 2 |
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Henry Newton Francis to Family, Providence, RI Contents Note: Plans for a railroad crossing in Hartford, CT; 3 men drowned in Providence harbor; comments ob presidential candidates.
1880 February 20 |
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Henry Newton Francis to Family, Providence, RI Contents Note: Home renovations, presidential campaign, and politics.
1880 November 14 |
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Henry Newton Francis to Family, Providence, RI Contents Note: Thanking family for his visit and the chickens.
1880 December 20 |
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Henry Newton Francis to sister Laura Francis, Providence, RI Contents Note: Wants to get some grape vines.
1881 October 16 |
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Henry Newton Francis to Family, Engineer Headquarters, Fruit Hill Reservoir, North Providence, RI Contents Note: Work on Fruit Hill Reservoir and sketch of work hut for the engineers.
1887 October 14 |