Box 7, Folder 9 |
Article: "After the end of 'Philosophy'" [unpublished]
1989 |
Box 1, Folder 17 |
Article: "After Eurocentrism: Challenges for the Philosophy of Science"
1993 |
Box 7, Folder 10 |
Article: "After Mr. Nowhere: New Proper Scientific Selfs"
2013-2017 |
Box 7, Folder 11 |
Article: "Anti-Colonial Feminisms and their Philosophes of Science: Latin American Issues"
2019-2020 |
Box 1, Folder 18 |
Article: "Are Truth Claims in Science Dysfunctional?" (Philosophy of Language: The Big Questions); includes notes and correspondence
1997 |
Box 1, Folder 19 |
Article: "Beneath the surface of the Abortion Dispute: Are Women Fully Human?" and "Commentary to Chapter 3" (Abortion, Understanding Differences)
1980 |
Box 1, Folder 20 |
Article: "Beyond Domination: New Perspectives on Women and Philosophy"
1982 |
Box 7, Folder 12 |
Article: "Can Women be the Subjects of Progressive Global Social Theory?" [unpublished]
2007 |
Box 7, Folder 13 |
Article: "Detective Work: Thinking Philosophy of Science from Standpoint of TWW"
2013-2016 |
Box 7, Folder 14 |
Article: "Difference and Power in Feminist Epistemology and Science Studies: Envisioning the Next Decade" [unpublished]
2007 |
Box 7, Folder 15 |
Article: "Do Scientists Have a Monopoly on the Production of Science? Feminist Issues" [unpublished]
2004-2005 |
Box 1, Folder 21 |
Article: "Feminist Federated Against Patriarchy?"
1988 |
Box 7, Folder 16 |
Article: "Feminist Standpoints"
2006 |
Box 1, Folder 22 |
Article: "Four Contributions Values Can Make to the Objectivity of Social Science"
1978 |
Box 7, Folder 17 |
Article: "Gender, Democracy, and Philosophy of Science"
2001 |
Box 1, Folder 23 |
Article "The Gender Dimension of Science and Technology" (World Science Report)
n.d. |
Box 7, Folder 18 |
Article: "Gender, Modernity, Knowledge: Postcolonial Standpoints"
2008 |
Box 1, Folder 24 |
Article: "Gender Politics of Infancy"
1981 |
Box 1, Folder 25 |
Article: "How Standpoint Methodology Informs Philosphy of Social Science"
2003 |
Box 1, Folder 26 |
Article: "The Instability of the Analytical Categories of Feminist Theory"
1986 |
Box 7, Folder 19 |
Article: "Latin American Decolonial Feminist Philosophy of Knowledge Production"
2018-2020 |
Box 1, Folder 27 |
Article: "The Method Question"
1987 |
Box 1, Folder 28 |
Article: "Multicultural and Global Feminist Philosophies of Science: Resources and Challenges"
1996 |
Box 1, Folder 29 |
Article: "The Norms of Social Inquiry and Masculine Experience"
1981 |
Box 7, Folder 20 |
Article: "An Organic Logic of Research: A Response to Posey and Navarro"
2016 |
Box 7, Folder 21 |
Article: "A Philosophy of Science for us Today? A Response to Fellows and Richardson"
2017 |
Box 7, Folder 22 |
Article: "Producing Scientific Knowledge: Should Accountability be Required in the Context of Discovery?"
2002 |
Box 7, Folder 23 |
Article: "Research from Below: Productive Tensions in Social Justice Movements' Projects"
2017 |
Box 1, Folder 30 |
Article: "Rethinking Standpoint Epistemology: What is 'Strong Objectivity'?"
1993 |
Box 7, Folder 24 |
Article: "Science and Democracy: Replayed or Redesigned?"
2004-2005 |
Box 7, Folder 25 |
Article: "Science, Multiple Modernities, and Culture" [unpublished]
circa 2008 |
Box 7, Folder 26 |
Article: "Secularism, Multiculturalism, and Democracy: Philosophy of Science Issues" [unpublished]
2015 |
Box 1, Folder 31 |
Article: "The Social Function of the Empiricist Conception of Mind"
1979 |
Box 1, Folder 32 |
Article: "Strong Objectivity: An epistemological Project for the West Today"
1999 |
Box 7, Folder 27 |
Article: "Stronger Objectivity for Sciences from Below"
2019 |
Box 1, Folder 33 |
Article: "Three Problems for Popperian Rationality"
n.d. |
Box 7, Folder 28 |
Article: "Three Undervalued Feminist Projects: Anti-Disciplinary, Ignatology, and Provoking Institutional Identity Crises" [unpublished]
2002 |
Box 7, Folder 29 |
Article: "Toward an Encounter: Feminist Research vs the Secularist Stance"
2014 |
Box 7, Folder 30 |
Article: "Transformation vs Resistance Identity Projects"
2002-2003 |
Box 7, Folder 31 |
Article: unidentified title in Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
2018-2019 |
Box 1, Folder 34 |
Article: "Value-Laden Technologies and the Politics of Nursing"
1980 |
Box 7, Folder 32 |
Article: "Values, Politics, and Good Research: Reflections on Weber and Standpoint Theory" [unpublished]
2006 |
Box 7, Folder 33 |
Article: various titles [arranged together by Harding]
1991-1992 |
Box 7, Folder 34 |
Article: various titles [arranged together by Harding]
1993-2000 |
Box 7, Folder 35 |
Article: various titles [arranged together by Harding]
2001-2003 |
Box 7, Folder 36 |
Article: various titles published in Science, Technology, and Human Values [arranged together by Harding]
2013-2016 |
Box 7, Folder 37 |
Article: various titles re: Latin American science and philosophy [arranged together by Harding]
2015-2018 |
Box 7, Folder 38 |
Article: "Who Knows? Identities and Feminist Epistemol" [unpublished]
circa 1986 |
Box 7, Folder 39 |
Article: "Why Tapuya"
2017-2018 |
Box 7, Folder 40 |
Article: "Women, Gender, and Philosophies of Global Development"
n.d. |
Box 7, Folder 41 |
Article: "Women, Gender, and the Production of Knowledge in Latin America"
2019 |
Box 1, Folder 35 |
Article draft: "Difference, Democracy and Philosophies of Science"
2000 |
Box 1, Folder 36 |
Article draft: "Feminism and Science: Starter Bibliographies"
1985 |
Box 1, Folder 37 |
Article draft: "Feminist Standpoints;" includes correspondence
2010 |
Box 1, Folder 38 |
Article draft: "Indigenous Knowledge: Power and Challenges;" includes notes
2015 |
Box 1, Folder 39 |
Article draft: "Science and Technology in a Multicultural and Postcolonial World: Gender Issues"
n.d. |
Box 1, Folder 40 |
Article draft: "Secularism, Muliculturalism and Democracy"
2015 |
Box 1, Folder 41 |
Articles: various "unpublished" articles [arranged together by Harding]
1986-2002 |
Box 1, Folder 42 |
Articles: various "unpublished" articles [arranged together by Harding]
2013 |
Box 1, Folder 44 |
Book: Can Theories Be Refuted?: Essays on the Duhem-Quine Thesis: reviews
1976-1983 |
Box 1, Folder 45 |
Book: Decentering the Center: Philosophy for a Multicultural, Post-Colonial, and Feminist World: reviews
2000 |
Box 1, Folder 46 |
Book: Discovering Reality: reviews
1983-1990 |
Box 1, Folder 47 |
Book: Feminism and Methodology: reviews
1987-1990 |
Box 1, Folder 48 |
Book: Is Science Multicultural?; includes reviews and correspondence (1 of 2)
1998-2002 |
Box 1, Folder 49 |
Book: Is Science Multicultural?; includes reviews and correspondence (2 of 2)
1998-2007 |
Box 7, Folder 42 |
Book: Objectivity and Diversity: correspondence re: reviews
2015-2016 |
Box 7, Folder 43 |
Book: Objectivity and Diversity: correspondence and handwritten notes re: lecture
2001-2015 |
Box 7, Folder 44 |
Book: Objectivity and Diversity; includes correspondence and royalty statements
2014-2017 |
Box 7, Folder 45 |
Book: Objectivity and Diversity: "outlines and abstracts"
2013 |
Box 1, Folder 50 |
Book: Objectivity and Diversity: reviews
2016 |
Box 8, Folder 1 |
Book: The Postcolonial Science and Technology Studies Reader: correspondence
2012-2014 |
Box 8, Folder 2 |
Book: The Postcolonial Science and Technology Studies Reader: handwritten notes
circa 2009 |
Box 8, Folder 3 |
Book: The Postcolonial Science and Technology Studies Reader; includes typed and handwritten notes
n.d. |
Box 1, Folder 51 |
Book: The Postcolonial Science and Technology Studies Reader: reviews
2012-2014 |
Box 2, Folder 1 |
Book: The Racial Economy of Science: reviews
1993-1996 |
Box 2, Folder 2 |
Book: Science and Other Cultures: reviews
2003 |
Box 2, Folder 6 |
Book: The Science Question in Feminism: reviews (1 of 3)
1986-1989 |
Box 2, Folder 7 |
Book: The Science Question in Feminism: reviews (2 of 3)
1987-1989 |
Box 2, Folder 8 |
Book: The Science Question in Feminism: reviews (3 of 3)
1987-1990 |
Box 2, Folder 3 |
Book: Science and Social Inequality: Feminist and Postcolonial Issues; includes reviews, correspondence, and notes
2007 |
Box 8, Folder 4 |
Book: Sciences from Below; includes typed and handwritten outlines
1997-2015 |
Box 8, Folder 5 |
Book: Sciences from Below: prospectus
n.d. |
Box 2, Folder 4 |
Book: Sciences from Below: reviews (1 of 2)
2007 |
Box 2, Folder 5 |
Book: Sciences from Below: reviews (2 of 2)
2008 |
Box 2, Folder 9 |
Book: Sex and Scientific Inquiry: reviews
2006 |
Box 8, Folder 6 |
Book: unidentified title: "chapter outlines"
n.d. |
Box 8, Folder 7 |
Book: unidentified title; includes typed and handwritten outlines
2001-2009 |
Box 8, Folder 8 |
Book: unidentified title: "outlines"
circa 1992 |
Box 8, Folder 9 |
Book: various titles : "outlines" (1 of 2) [arranged by Harding]
circa 1996 - 2006 |
Box 8, Folder 10 |
Book: various titles : "outlines" (2 of 2) [arranged by Harding]
circa 1996 - 2006 |
Box 8, Folder 11 |
Book: various titles : "prospectuses" [arranged by Harding]
2008-2014 |
Box 2, Folder 10 |
Book: Whose Science? Whose Knowledge?; includes reviews and correspondence (1 of 2)
1990-1993 |
Box 2, Folder 11 |
Book: Whose Science? Whose Knowledge?; includes reviews and correspondence (2 of 2)
1990-1993 |
Box 1, Folder 43 |
Book reviews by Harding; includes correspondence
1980-2000 |
Box 8, Folder 12 |
Chapter: "Gender, Sexuality, Race, and Colonialism;" includes typed annotated draft and correspondence
2019 |
Box 8, Folder 13 |
Chapter: "Objectivity for Sciences from Below;" includes typed draft and correspondence
2014-2015 |
Box 8, Folder 14 |
Chapter: unidentified title in Routledge Companion to Feminist Philosophy: correspondence
2014-2016 |
Box 8, Folder 15 |
Chapter: "Women, Gender, and Philosophies of Global Development;" includes typed drafts, proofs, and correspondence
2016-2017 |
Box 8, Folder 16 |
Journal: Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology, and Society:" correspondence
2014-2017 |
Box 8, Folder 17 |
Journal: Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology, and Society:" correspondence re: proposals
2016 |
Box 8, Folder 18 |
Journal: Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology, and Society:" progress reports
2016-2017 |
Box 2, Folder 12 |
Letters to the editor of Notices of the American Mathematical Society Journal; includes articles and correspondence
1989 |
Box 2, Folder 13 |
Letters to the editor of the Socialist Review; includes correspondence
1996 |
Box 8, Folder 19 |
Reviews of submissions to Hypatia
2017 |
Box 8, Folder 20 |
Talk: "Globally Networked Knowledges from Below;" includes typed draft and correspondence
2016 |
Box 8, Folder 21 |
Talk: "One World or Many? Challenges from the Ontological Turn in Latin American Philosophy;" includes typed outlines and handwritten notes
circa 2017 |
Box 8, Folder 22 |
Talk: various titles re: science and objectivity; includes typed and handwritten notes [arranged by Harding]
circa 1995 |
Box 8, Folder 23 |
Various formats: various titles: "outlines and abstracts;" includes correspondence and handwritten notes [arranged by Harding]
2015-2016 |
Box 8, Folder 24 |
Various formats: various titles: "permissions"
2019-2020 |
Box 2, Folder 14 |
Various formats: various titles: reprints
1975-1979 |
Box 2, Folder 15 |
Various formats: various titles: reprints
1980-1984 |
Box 2, Folder 16 |
Various formats: various titles: reprints
1986-1989 |
Box 2, Folder 17 |
Various formats: various titles: reprints
1992-1996 |
Box 2, Folder 18 |
Various formats: various titles: reprints
n.d. |
Box 2, Folder 19 |
Various formats: various titles: "response pieces" by and about Harding
n.d. |
Box 2, Folder 20 |
Various formats: various titles: "translations;" includes correspondence, lists, articles (1 of 2)
1990-2003 |
Box 2, Folder 21 |
Various formats: various titles: "translations;" includes correspondence, lists, articles (2 of 2)
2003-2009 |