Scope & content
This collection documents the professional life and theoretical considerations of Peggy Kamuf, Marion Frances Chevalier Professor of English and Comparative Literature, University of Southern California, from 1963 to 2016. The collection includes Kamuf's writing at the outset of her academic career, including her PhD dissertation in 1975, and spans her work to the present day, encompassing essays, handwritten edits, book drafts and unpublished works, as well as correspondences with others in her field, and teaching materials with extensive lecture notes and lists of influential works. Topics include literary theory, notably questions of the role of authorship and the university in analyzing written works; French literature and thought; deconstructionism and Derrida; and feminist theory, in part, the concepts of jealousy, écriture féminine ("feminine writing"), sexual difference, and desire. Materials in this collection are in French and English. [Note: Kamuf is also renowned for her close collaboration with Derrida and the translation of his work; however, documentation thereof is housed mainly at the Derrida archives at the UC Irvine Special Collections and Institut Mémoires de l'Édition Contemporaine in France.]
Series I, BIOGRAPHICAL, 1988, contains a small set of folders that describe Kamuf's biography and career development. Items include Kamuf's resume and a narrative about her career as well as an interview. Files are arranged alphabetically by record type.
Series II, CORRESPONDENCE, 1974 – 2008, contains communications to and from Kamuf organized by subject or correspondent, as well as miscellaneous letters. Collection includes letters exchanged with Naomi Schor, whose collection established the Feminist Theory Archive at Brown University; Nelly Furman and Nancy K. Miller, mostly regarding plans for the Diacritics journal, as well as extensive theoretical discussion with the latter. Miscellaneous exchanges concern Signature Pieces, which had not yet been published; Fictions of Feminine Desire; Kamuf's essay on Paul de Man's controversial wartime journalism; invitations to lecture and participate in conferences; letters of thanks; and various requests. Files are arranged by date.
Series III, TEACHING FILES, 1977 – 2016, contains lectures, syllabi, and course proposals particularly on the subject of Literary Theory, and with an occasional focus upon the role of the university; other subjects include Derrida and French literature and cinema – regarding, variously, contemporary and 18th-century works. Files are arranged by date.
Series IV, WRITINGS AND RELATED, 1972-2016, series contains both long- and short-form works by Kamuf, ranging from book drafts to book reviews, talks, articles. Both published and unpublished works are included, as well as manuscripts and edits from Kamuf. This series is arranged into 8 subseries.
Articles, 1972 – 2012, contains published and unpublished essays, typescripts, and related notes written by Kamuf. Files are arranged alphabetically by title.
Book drafts, 1993 – 2007, contain complete proofs of Division of Literature (circa 1997) and Book of Addresses (unknown date) with subtle corrections from Kamuf; jacket copy for Fictions of Feminine Desire; and a complete early draft of To Follow: The Wake of Jacques Derrida. Files are arranged alphabetically by title.
Book reviews by Kamuf, 1977 – 2015, contain original drafts in the fields of feminist theory and Rousseau, among others; Kamuf's reviews often serve as responses to the work of close colleagues, including Geoffrey Bennington, Naomi Schor, and Jean-Luc Nancy. Files are arranged alphabetically by title of the book reviewed.
Book reviews of Kamuf, 1985-1999, contain documents saved by Kamuf regarding her own work. Files are arranged alphabetically by title of the book reviewed.
Chapters in edited books, 1992-2000, contain extensive essay drafts, mostly regarding deconstruction, Derrida, and feminist theory. Files are arranged alphabetically by essay title.
Talks, 1985-2016, center upon Kamuf's scholarship during her tenure at the University of Southern California, speaking at a variety of institutions and colloquiums. Records include typed drafts of her lectures in the form of essays, as well as handwritten notes. Files are arranged alphabetically by title of talk.
Other writings, 1963-2004, range from some of Kamuf's earliest work, including undergraduate papers and her dissertation at Cornell, to assorted drafts (many untitled), proposals, and correspondence. Files are arranged alphabetically by title.
Series V, NOTES, 1988-2005, contains an assortment of extensive handwritten notes (many undated), including recorded remarks, ideas, lists of references. Files are arranged by approximate date.
Series VI, ELECTRONIC RECORDS ON REMOVABLE CARRIERS, consists of one archival shoebox of 3.5 inch disks and 5.25 floppy disks. Items are arranged by the type of carrier and then by title contained on the face of each carrier. Materials include drafts of articles and books, professional correspondence, course material, and research. Electronic records will be reformatted upon request. Researchers wishing to use electronic records should notify the research services staff of the John Hay Library to begin the reformatting process: