Albert Edgar Lownes collection on Henry David Thoreau, 1837-1965
John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts
Box A
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: Manuscripts: 401-863-3723; University Archives: 401-863-2148
Email: Manuscripts:; University Archives:
Published in 2014
Collection Overview
Title: | Albert Edgar Lownes collection on Henry David Thoreau |
Date range: | 1837-1965 |
Creator: | Lownes, Albert Edgar, 1899-1978 |
Extent: | 7 boxes |
Abstract: | The Lownes collection includes a wide variety of materials by and pertaining to Henry David Thoreau, including correspondence, college papers, journal excerpts, prints, clippings, photographs, and other Thoreauviana collected by Albert E. Lownes. Materials date from 1837-1965. |
Language of materials: | English |
Repository: | John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts |
Collection number: | Ms.80.1 |
Scope & content
The Lownes Thoreau collection as a whole contains a wide variety of materials, the vast majority of which are Albert Lownes' collections of books, pamphlets and reviews concerning Thoreau, natural studies and New England. It should be noted here that while certain items are Thoreau's own personal manuscripts or possessions, most items in the collection only pertain to Thoreau.The books and pamphlets number approximately 600 items; they consist of works by and about Thoreau, various editions of his writings, and volumes from his personal library. The collection also contains over 200 reviews and clippings concerning Thoreau and his works, many of which are from scholarly journals and magazines. In respect to these printed items, much more expansive and detailed information can be obtained from the Library's online catalog, Josiah, and from the Special Collections Card Catalogue, under the listing of Thoreau, Henry David, 1817-1862.
The Thoreau papers themselves consist of various pieces of his works, and related material. Included are pieces of correspondence, various drafts from his journal, poems and college essays, all in his hand, and some signed. Related material includes a letter from Emerson, obituaries and memoria appearing in newspapers at the time of Thoreau's death, and small pieces of visual memorabilia.
Mr. Lownes' personal Thoreauvian memorabilia, including photographs of Thoreau, his family, his associates and his homes, are also included in boxes accompanying the manuscript collection as are some correspondence and lists related to the collection.
Access Points
Subject Names- Alcott, Amos Bronson, 1799-1888
- Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
- Channing, William Ellery, 1817-1901
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882
- Greeley, Horace, 1811-1872
- Hosmer, Alfred W.
- Jones, Samuel Arthur, 1834-1912
- Lownes, Albert Edgar, 1899-1978
- Ricketson, Daniel, 1813-1898
- Thoreau, Henry David, 1817-1862
- Thoreau, Jane, 1784-1864
- Thoreau, John
- Thoreau, Maria, 1794-1881
- Thoreau, Sophia E
- Artifacts
- Clippings
- Diaries
- Engravings
- Letters (Correspondence)
- Maps
- Notebooks
- Photographs
- Poems
- Prints
- Realia
Thoreau's correspondence appears first, followed by college essays, and other writings. Following are letters concerning Thoreau written by Ralph Waldo Emerson and Alfred Hosmer; newspaper clippings, and finally, rough drafts of four essays on Thoreau written by Samuel Arthur Jones. Furthermore, the collection includes bibliographical material, a large selection of photographs, and other miscellaneous items. Correspondence and lists related to the collection, written presumably by Albert Edgar Lownes, are located in folder 25.
This collection is organized into the following series and is arranged chronologically within each series.
- Series 1. Correspondence
- Series 2. College papers
- Series 3. Journal excerpts: variants or drafts
- Series 4. Miscellaneous manuscripts
- Series 5. Scattered fragments
- Series 6. Prints
- Series 7. Clippings
- Series 8. Related correspondence
- Series 9. Some works of Samuel Arthur Jones
- Series 10. Miscellaneous Thoreauviana collected by A.E. Lownes
- Series 11. Bibliographic materials
- Series 12. Photographic prints and engravings
- Series 13. Miscellaneous printed material relating to Thoreau
- Series 14. Thoreau relics
Biography of David Henry Thoreau (1817-1862)
Henry David Thoreau (christened as David Henry Thoreau), was born in 1817, the second of three children. His father, John Thoreau, was a shopkeeper of modest means in Concord, Massachusetts. John Thoreau ran a string of unsuccessful businesses before establishing a profitable pencil factory. His wife, Cynthia, supplemented the family income by keeping a boarding house.As a child, Henry David Thoreau enjoyed the beauty of the woods in Concord and excelled at school. He was the only child in the family to receive a college education, entering Harvard College in 1833 and graduating near the top of his class in 1837. After college, he worked in the family pencil factory for a year, and then taught briefly in the public schools of Canton (Massachusetts) and at the Center School. However, he found himself disinclined to the common practice of applying corporal punishment as a means of discipline and, as a result, soon lost his position as a teacher. Unable to find another teaching job, Thoreau and his older brother John, who had helped put Henry through college on his teacher's pay, established a private school using the progressive educational methods advocated by Bronson Alcott. Henry also began writing essays and poetry, some of which were printed in The Dial, Ralph Waldo Emerson's Transcendentalist literary magazine.
The Thoreau brothers' school closed down in 1841, primarily because of John Thoreau's ill health. Later that year, Emerson invited Thoreau to live with his family as a handyman. Thoreau accepted, seeing the opportunity to both write and earn his keep. At Emerson's home he came into frequent contact with a number of Transcendental luminaries, including George Ripley and Margaret Fuller. He took up the study of Hindu scriptures, and contributed to The Dial, publishing additional poems and essays and occasionally helping to edit the magazine.
John Thoreau died in 1842. A grieving Henry moved to New York the following year, serving as tutor to William Emerson's sons, but returned to Concord in 1844. His move to the cabin on Walden Pond, part of Emerson's property, took place in 1845 and lasted for two years. While there, he wrote much of A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers and Walden. It was during this period that Thoreau was briefly jailed for refusing to pay the Massachusetts poll tax, which he argued was used for unjust purposes, such as enforcing the Fugitive Slave laws and prosecuting the war against Mexico.
Returning from Walden Pond, Thoreau earned his living as as Emerson's handyman and later as a surveyor. By the early 1850s, however, Thoreau had begun to fear that he had not fulfilled his literary calling. The publication of Walden in 1854 and its enthusiastic reception, particularly in Transcendentalist circles, restored his confidence. The moderate success of Walden also made it easier for Thoreau to publish essays in popular periodicals of general circulation. During the 1850s Thoreau also traveled and lectured widely on conservation of natural resources and the abolition of slavery.
Thoreau had developed tuberculosis in 1835 but managed it successfully for 20 years. However, when the disease flared up in 1860, his immune system proved too weak to combat it and he finally succumbed to the disease. He died at Concord on May 6, 1862.
Access & Use
Access to the collection: | There are no restrictions on access, except that the collection can only be seen by prior appointment. Some materials may be stored off-site and cannot be produced on the same day on which they are requested.. |
Use of the materials: | Although Brown University has physical ownership of the collection and the materials contained therein, it does not claim literary rights. Researchers should note that compliance with copyright law is their responsibility. Researchers must determine the owners of the literary rights and obtain any necessary permissions from them. |
Alternate form: | Digital facsimiles of items from this collection are available from within the online finding aid. |
Preferred citation: | Albert Edgar Lownes collection on Henry David Thoreau, Ms. 80.1, Brown University Library. |
Contact information: | John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts Box A Brown University Providence, RI 02912 Telephone: Manuscripts: 401-863-3723; University Archives: 401-863-2148 Email: Manuscripts:; University Archives: |
Administrative Information
Acquisition: | Donated to the Brown University Library in 1967 by Albert E. Lownes (Class of 1920). |
Custodial history: | The Thoreau collection was compiled by Albert E. Lownes over a period of many years. The original provenance of these materials, prior to their coming into the possession of Mr. Lownes, is unrecorded. |
Processing information: | Arranged and described by Barbara Filipac in 1980. |
Author: | Finding aid prepared by Barbara Filipac. |
Encoding: | This finding aid was produced using the Archivists' Toolkit 2014-12-10 |
Additional Information
Series 1. Correspondence, 1838-1860
6.0 folders
Letters in folders 1-6 have been published in
The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, edited by Walter Harding and Carl Bode. New York: University Press, 1959. Page numbers are included.
Container | Description | Date |
Box 1, Folder 1 |
Thoreau, Henry David to Thoreau, John
Concord, MA 4.0 pages Contents Note: Thoreau writes to his brother John Thoreau about life at the private school he had opened in Concord, Mass., the previous month. Correspondence, page 27. Accession Number: A55872(3) Genre: autograph letter signed, with stampless cover Location of copies: Existence and Location of Copies noteIncludes a photostat copy.Thoreau, Henry David Thoreau, John |
1838 Jul 8 |
Box 1, Folder 2 |
Thoreau, Henry David to Vose, Henry
Concord, MA 4.0 pages Contents Note: Thoreau writes to Henry Vose discussing certain items of local news in Concord, including the endeavors of his sisters in Roxbury. Correspondence, page 95. Accession Number: A55872(4) Genre: autograph letter signed, with stampless cover Location of copies: Existence and Location of Copies noteIncludes a photostat copy.Thoreau, Henry David Vose, Henry |
1843 Apr 11 |
Box 1, Folder 3 |
Thoreau, Henry David to Dudley, E.G.
Concord, MA 4.0 pages Contents Note: Thoreau accepts an invitation from E. G. Dudley to lecture on October 9, 1859, and states his preference for reading "Life Misspent" instead of "Autumnal Tints". Correspondence, page 557. Accession Number: A55872(5) Genre: autograph letter signed, with envelope Location of copies: Existence and Location of Copies noteIncludes a photostat copy.Dudley, E.G. Thoreau, Henry David |
1859 Sept 5 |
Box 1, Folder 4 |
Thoreau, Henry David to Blake, Harrison G.O.
Concord, MA 8.0 pages Contents Note: Thoreau describes his last visit to Monadnock on a camping trip. Correspondence, page 595. Accession Number: A55872(6) Genre: autograph letter signed Location of copies: Existence and Location of Copies noteIncludes a photostat copy.Blake, Harrison G.O. Thoreau, Henry David |
1860 Nov 4 |
Box 1, Folder 5 |
Greeley, Horace to Thoreau, Henry David
New York, NY 4.0 pages Contents Note: Greeley responds to an earlier request of Thoreau's, and discusses Thoreau's hopes that Greeley place an article for him on Carlyle. Correspondence, page 169. Accession Number: A55872(1) Genre: autograph letter signed Location of copies: Existence and Location of Copies noteIncludes a photostat copy.Greeley, Horace Thoreau, Henry David |
1846 Aug 16 |
Box 1, Folder 6 |
Letter fragment from unidentified author to Thoreau
Athol, MA 2.0 pages Contents Note: Letter fragment. On verso, an autograph fragment in Thoreau's hand dated April 3, 1859 (see Series 3. Journal excerpts). Accession Number: A55872(7) Genre: autograph letter Thoreau, Henry David |
1858 Jan 25 |
Series 2. College papers, 183-?-1837
3.0 folders
This series contains personal essays dating from Thoreau's years at Harvard College, 1833-1837.
Container | Description | Date |
Box 1, Folder 7 |
On what grounds may the forms, ceremonies and restraints of polite society be objected to? 4.0 pages Contents Note: Thoreau offers his opinions on how truth, sincerity and candor are sacrificed to politeness. Accession Number: A55872(8) Genre: autograph manuscript signed Thoreau, Henry David |
183- |
Box 1, Folder 8 |
The opinion of Dymond and Miss Opie regarding the general obligation to tell the truth: are they sond and applicable? 4.0 pages Contents Note: Thoreau writes a senior essay of some unappreciated erudition. Accession Number: A55872(9) Genre: autograph manuscript signed Thoreau, Henry David |
1837 |
Box 1, Folder 9 |
Question: How can 1/a = A-1(-1 is superscript)? 2.0 pages Contents Note: A mathematical proof. Accession Number: A55872(10) Genre: autograph manuscript signed Thoreau, Henry David |
1837 |
Series 3. Journal excerpts: variants or drafts, 1851-1859
The pieces in this series are characteristic of Thoreau's journal entries: long, detailed and lively descriptions of events, natural phenomena and seasonal conditions which he observed around Concord, Walden Pond, or on other trips. The excerpts date from June 11, 1851 to April 3, 1859. Included are the page and volume references from
The Writings of Henry David Thoreau, 1906, for identified journal entries. All manuscripts are in autograph form.
Container | Description | Date |
Box 1, Folder 10 |
Journal excerpts 2.0 pages Contents Note: Writings, Walden ed., volume 8, pages 239, 298-299, 475. Accession Number: A55872(11) Genre: autograph manuscripts Thoreau, Henry David |
1851 Jun 11, Jul 11, Sep 7 |
Box 1, Folder 11 |
Journal excerpts 8.0 pages Contents Note: Writings, Walden ed., volume 8, pages 298-301; volume 9, page 7; volume 12, page 387. Accession Number: A55872(12) Genre: autograph manuscripts Thoreau, Henry David |
1851 Jul 11, Sep 21, Jul 8 |
Box 1, Folder 12 |
Journal excerpt 2.0 pages Contents Note: Writings, Walden ed., volume 8, page 373. Accession Number: A55872(13) Genre: autograph manuscripts Thoreau, Henry David |
1851 Aug 5 |
Box 1, Folder 13 |
Journal excerpt 4.0 pages Contents Note: Writings, Walden ed., volume 9, pages 272-275. Accession Number: A55872(14) Genre: autograph manuscripts Thoreau, Henry David |
1852 Feb 3 |
Box 1, Folder 14 |
Journal excerpts 4.0 pages Contents Note: Writings, Walden ed., volume 9, pages 275-276, 277-278, 323. Accession Number: A55872(15) Genre: autograph manuscripts Thoreau, Henry David |
1852 Feb 3, 4, 27 |
Box 1, Folder 15 |
Journal excerpt 4.0 pages Contents Note: Writings, Walden ed., volume 10, pages 469-471. Accession Number: A55872(16) Genre: autograph manuscripts Thoreau, Henry David |
1853 Jan 21 |
Box 1, Folder 6 |
Journal excerpt 1.0 page Contents Note: Writings, Walden ed., volume 18, page 111. On front, autograph letter fragment from unidentified author to Thoreau, dated January 25, 1858 (see Series 1. Correspondence). Accession Number: A55872(7) Genre: autograph manuscripts Thoreau, Henry David |
1859 Apr 3 |
Box 1, Folder 16 |
I think of the inhabitants of the Arctic regions... 2.0 pages Accession Number: A55872(17) Genre: autograph manuscripts Thoreau, Henry David |
Box 1, Folder 16 |
At our Villages you hear the barking of dogs... 2.0 pages Accession Number: A55872(18) Genre: autograph manuscripts Thoreau, Henry David |
Series 4. Miscellaneous manuscripts, undated; 1837-1857
6.0 folders
Container | Description | Date |
Box 1, Folder 17 |
Excerpts from "The Maine Woods" 5.0 pages Contents Note: One page: see Writings, vol. 3, page 122. Four pages: see Writings, vol.3, pages 90-92. Accession Number: A55872(19),(20) Genre: autograph manuscript Thoreau, Henry David |
Box 1, Folder 18 |
Autograph manuscript excerpts from "A walk to Wachusett" and "A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers" 4.0 pages Contents Note: See Writings, vol.1, page 121 and 173; vol. 5, pages 150-151 (with this are identifying notes). Accession Number: A55872(25) Genre: autograph manuscript Thoreau, Henry David |
Box 1, Folder 19 |
Autograph poem manuscripts: Manhood 2.0 pages Contents Note: Published in Thoreau, Henry D. Collected poems, enlarged edition. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1964, page 235. A second poem, The moon moves up her smooth and sheeny path, is included in this manuscript. Accession Number: A55872(23) Genre: poemautograph manuscript Location of copies: Existence and Location of Copies noteIncludes a photostat copy.Thoreau, Henry David |
Box 1, Folder 19 |
Autograph poem manuscripts: The moon moves up her smooth and sheeny path 2.0 pages Contents Note: Published in Collected Poems, page 226. A second poem, Manhood, is included in this manuscript. Accession Number: A55872(23) Genre: poemautograph manuscript Location of copies: Existence and Location of Copies noteIncludes a photostat copy.Thoreau, Henry David |
Box 1, Folder 20 |
Autograph poem manuscripts: To the Comet 2.0 pages Contents Note: Published in Collected Poems, page 88. Accession Number: A55872(24) Genre: poemautograph manuscript Location of copies: Existence and Location of Copies noteIncludes a photostat copy.Thoreau, Henry David |
1837? |
Box 1, Folder 21 | Manuscript notebook (Memoranda) 2.0 items Contents Note: Copies of poems by British poets; lists of names and dates of British poets. With signed autograph note by Bronson Alcott on front cover, and notes about the notebook by George S. Hellman. Accession Number: A55872(21) Genre: journalautograph manuscript Alcott, Bronson Hellman, George S. Thoreau, Henry David |
Box 1, Folder 22 |
Rough notes on natural phenomena 8.0 pages Contents Note: With this is a transcript and a note by George S. Hellman. Accession Number: A55872(22) Genre: autograph manuscript Hellman, George S. Thoreau, Henry David |
1851 Mar 23-1857 Feb 28 |
Series 5. Scattered fragments
5.0 fragments
These are tipped-in manuscript fragments found in books, all in Thoreau's hand.
Container | Description | Date |
Wealth the approbation of man 2.0 pages Contents Note: Autograph manuscript tipped in front cover of Writings of Henry David Thoreau, Manuscript Edition (Call #: PS 3040 Fo6a 1). Genre: manuscript Thoreau, Henry David |
undated |
Miscellaneous fragments 2.0 pages Contents Note: Autograph manuscript tipped in front and back covers of A week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers (Call #: PS 3049 A1 1849 copy 3). Genre: manuscript Thoreau, Henry David |
undated |
Proof from Thoreau's algebra book and a fragment 2.0 pages Contents Note: Autograph manuscript tipped in B.F. Sanborn's The personality of Thoreau (Call #: PS 3053 S 46 copy 2). Genre: manuscript Thoreau, Henry David |
undated |
Four-line note 1.0 page Contents Note: Autograph manuscript inserted at page 396 of A week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers (Call #: PS 3049 A1 1849 copy 2). Genre: manuscript Thoreau, Henry David |
undated |
Autograph note 1.0 page Contents Note: Autograph note written in back endpiece of The private journal of Captain C.F. Lyon (Call #: C 650 P 27 1821 Rare Books). Genre: manuscript Thoreau, Henry David |
undated |
Series 6. Prints
2.0 folders
Container | Description | Date |
Box 1, Folder 23 |
Drawing of Thoreau Contents Note: H.D. Thoreau as he presented himself at the door of Brooklawn, Dec. 25 1854, age 37. Glossy print and negative film; original sketch and notes found in Thoreau, Henry D., A week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers (PS 3049 A1 1849 - Rare Books) Genre: drawing Ricketson, Daniel Thoreau, Henry David |
1854 |
Box 1, Folder 24 |
Unsigned engraving depicting Thoreau Genre: engraving Thoreau, Henry David |
Series 7. Clippings
1.0 folder
These either originated in newspapers on the day of Thoreau's death, or commemorated him at a later date; they are arranged in chronological order.
Container | Description | Date |
Box 1, Folder 25 |
Walden 2.0 pages Contents Note: Printed in the Commonwealth Accession Number: A56074(12) Genre: clipping Dorgan, John A. |
186-? |
Box 1, Folder 25 |
Stanzas: written to be sung at the funeral of Thoreau
Concord, MA 2.0 pages Contents Note: With a typed note by Samuel Arthur Jones Accession Number: A56074(5) Genre: clipping Channing, William Ellery, 1818-1901 Jones, Samuel Arthur |
1862 |
Box 1, Folder 25 |
Obituary notice
Boston, MA 2.0 pages Contents Note: Obituary notice for Thoreau, appeared in the Boston Daily Advertiser; with a typed note by Samuel Arthur Jones. Accession Number: A56074(6) Genre: clipping Emerson, Ralph Waldo Jones, Samuel Arthur |
1862 May 9 |
Box 1, Folder 25 |
Obituary notice
New York 2.0 pages Contents Note: Obituary notice for Thoreau; with a typed note signed by Samuel Arthur Jones. Accession Number: A56074(7) Genre: clipping Jones, Samuel Arthur New York Tribune |
1862 May 9 |
Box 1, Folder 25 |
In memoriam: to H.D.T.
New Bedford, MA 2.0 pages Contents Note: Printed in The Liberator Accession Number: A56074(9) Genre: clipping Ricketson, Daniel |
1863 Jan 11 |
Box 1, Folder 25 |
The departure
Concord, MA 2.0 pages Contents Note: From an unpublished manuscript; printed in The Commonwealth Accession Number: A56074(8) Genre: clipping Thoreau, Henry David |
1863 Aug 28 |
Box 1, Folder 25 |
Washington, DC 2.0 pages Contents Note: Printed in The New York Tribune Accession Number: A56074(10) Genre: clipping Blood, H.A. |
1863 |
Box 1, Folder 25 |
Walden Pond
MA 2.0 pages Contents Note: Printed in The Commonwealth Accession Number: A56074(11) Genre: clipping Babson, Emma Mortimer |
1865 Jul 22 |
Series 8. Related correspondence
2.0 folders
Container | Description | Date |
Box 1, Folder 26 |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo to Carr, Joanne C.
Concord, MA 4.0 pages Contents Note: Emerson discusses his concerns for the finding and editing of a quantity of Thoreau's field notes, and the last edition of his letters. Transcription of letter is available. Accession Number: A56074(1) Genre: autograph letter signed Carr, Joanne C. Emerson, Ralph Waldo |
1865 May 12 |
Box 1, Folder 27 |
Hosmer, Alfred W. to Hosmer, Ella
Concord, MA 4.0 pages Contents Note: Hosmer writes concerning a limited edition of a Thoreau work. Accession Number: A55872(2) Genre: autograph letter signed Hosmer, Alfred W. Hosmer, Ella |
1899 Dec 23 |
Series 9. Some works of Samuel Arthur Jones, 1834-1912
4.0 folders
Manuscripts of works on Thoreau by the distinguished Thoreau scholar, Samuel Arthur Jones.
Container | Description | Date |
Box 1, Folder 28 |
Introduction for reprint of Emerson's obituary for Thoreau
Ann Arbor, MI 6.0 pages Accession Number: A56074(14) Genre: typed manuscript Jones, Samuel Arthur |
undated |
Box 1, Folder 29 |
Some unpublished letters of Henry D. and Sophia E. Thoreau
Ann Arbor, MI 19.0 pages Contents Note: Article, with notes on its reception. Accession Number: A56074(13) Genre: typed manuscripts Jones, Samuel Arthur |
1898 Jan 23 |
Box 1, Folder 30 |
Thoreau as a skulker
Ann Arbor, MI 10.0 pages Contents Note: Article, with a letter of transmittal. Published in the Thoreau Society Bulletin, number 135 (Spring, 1976). Accession Number: A56074(16-17) Genre: typed manuscriptstyped letter signed Jones, Samuel Arthur |
1901 Nov 21 |
Box 1, Folder 31 |
Review of
The Service, by Thoreau, edited by F.B. Sanborn
Ann Arbor, MI 6.0 pages Accession Number: A56074(15) Genre: typed manuscripts Jones, Samuel Arthur |
1902 |
Series 10. Miscellaneous Thoreauana collected by A.E. Lownes
10.0 folders
Container | Description | Date |
Box 2, Folder 1 | Thoreau's notebook Contents Note: A bound photostat copy of Thoreau's notebook. Genre: manuscript Thoreau, Henry David |
undated |
Box 2, Folder 2 | Thoreau's maps 3.0 items Contents Note: Three maps which were originally used by Thoreau, including a map of the Mediterranean Sea, and nearby lands; map of the White Mountains, New Hampshire; and railway map of New England, including on verso a map of New York City. Genre: maps |
undated |
Box 2, Folder 3 | Thoreau printed broadsides 6.0 items Contents Note: Three different broadsides or pamphlets reprinting works by Thoreau:
Genre: broadsidespoems |
Box 2, Folder 4-5 | Printed broadsides regarding Thoreau 10.0 items Contents Note:
Box 2, Folder 6-8 | Christmas cards 38.0 items Contents Note: Cards sent to A.E. Lownes from: Charlotte and Raymond Adams (35 cards); Fred S. Piper (1 card); Paul W. Emerson (1 card); Bill Cummings (1 card). Many of the cards include obscure quotations from Thoreau's works. Genre: Christmas cards |
1930-1965 |
Box 3, Folder 1-2 | Invitations relating to Thoreau 6.0 items Contents Note: General invitations to meetings of the Grolier Club (4 items) and the Club of Odd Volumes (1 item) where Thoreau was topic of lectures to be given; also, an invitation to the unveiling of a bust of Thoreau at the Hall of Fame of Great Americans at New York University (1 item). Genre: invitations |
Series 11. Bibliographic material
4.0 folders
Container | Description | Date |
Box 3, Folder 3-4 | A Thoreau bibliography of relics, writings, Thoreauana, reviews and criticism 2.0 bound volumes Contents Note: In arrangement similar to F.H. Allen's Bibliography of Henry David Thoreau (1908), written by unknown hands. Genre: manuscript |
Box 3, Folder 5 | Correspondence found within previous two folders (Box 3, Folders 3-4) in 1956 1.0 folder Contents Note: Two typewritten letters and one postcard from Walter Warding, secretary to the Thoreau Society to A.E. Lownes concerning a book which had been stolen previous to Lownes' purchase of it. Also, two carbon copies of Lownes' responses to Warding are included. |
Box 3, Folder 6 | Miscellaneous bibliographic material Contents Note: Partial page proofs to two unidentified bibliographies of Thoreau's work, and one autograph manuscript listing "Thoreau's Works" possibly by Alfred Hosmer. |
Series 12. Photographic prints and engravings
12.0 folders
Photographs and engravings of Thoreau, his associates, and his homes and family. Also included are correspondence and miscellaneous items found within this series originally, which are either directly or indirectly related to the photographs.
Container | Description | Date |
Box 3, Folder 7 | Photographs and engravings of Thoreau 17.0 items Contents Note: Twelve engravings and photographs of Thoreau, as well as one photograph with engraving of his brother John on verso (from Thoreau Society Booklet no. 2) and another with photo of William Garrot Brown on verso (from Thoreau Society to A.E. Lownes, 28 Jul 1943). Also there is a first day cover with the stamp of Thoreau designed by Leonard Baskin, released 12 Jul 1967, featured on the front. Photograph of bust of Thoreau designed by Walton Ricketson. Brown, William Garrot Thoreau, Henry David Thoreau, John |
Box 4, Folder 1 | Photographs and engravings of Thoreau's relations 13.0 items Contents Note: Mrs. Minot (silhouettes of Thoreau's grandmother and her second husband); Cynthia Dunbar, Thoreau's mother (3 items); Louisia Dunbar, Thoreau's aunt (2 items); Maria Thoreau (2 items); Jane Thoreau, Thoreau's aunt (2 items); John Thoreau, Thoreau's borther; John Thoreau, Thoreau's father (2 items). Dunbar, Cynthia Dunbar, Louisia Minot, Mrs. Thoreau family |
Box 4, Folder 2-3 | Photographs and engravings of Thoreau's associates 11.0 items Contents Note: A. Bronson Alcott (with letter from Alcott to [unidentified], 30 Jan 1872); Jas. T. Fields; Calvin H. Greene; Alfred H. Hosmer; Horace Hosmer; Dr. Samuel Arthur Jones; Ann Ricketson, 1836- ; Daniel Ricketson (2 items), 1813-1892; Walton Ricketson; F.B. Sanborn. Alcott, A. Bronson Fields, James T. Greene, Calvin H. Hosmer, Alfred H. Hosmer, Horace Jones, Samuel Arthur Ricketson, Ann Ricketson, Daniel Ricketson, Walton Sanborn, F. B. |
Box 4, Folder 4 | Photographs and engravings: unidentified 3.0 items Contents Note: Helen [ ] (1 item), and Sophia [ ] (2 items), both of whom could possibly be Thoreau relations. |
Box 4, Folder 5 | Photographs and engravings of Thoreau sites: General Contents Note: "A corner in the 'Thoreau' room of the Concord Antiquarian Society"; "Thoreau's cairn" (4 items), on verso of one is note from [unidentfied] to Philip W. Freeman, residence of Thoreau's grandfather, built "by him", 1770; Thoreau's grave. |
Box 4, Folder 6 | Photographs and engravings of Thoreau sites: Concord, MA Contents Note: Old Wright Tavern, flyer and business card; The Colonial Inn; Merriam's Corner; Thoreau, or Alcott House (2 items); Texas House (2 items); Thoreau's home. |
Box 4, Folder 7 | Photographs and engravings of Thoreau sites: Walden, MA Contents Note: Thoreau's monument; Walden Pond (2 items); Walden, drawn by James Hosmer (1880). Location of copies: Existence and Location of Copies noteIncludes a photostat copy of the Hosmer drawing. |
Box 4, Folder 8 | Photographs and engravings of Thoreau sites: Miscellaneous Contents Note: F.B. Sanborn's home; home of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Concord; illustrations for Thoreau's Collected works (10 items), with letter from Alexander Greene, 10 Jun 1930, to A.E. Lownes, with envelope; photo of Thoreau's diaries (2 items); Gowing's Swamp, from Thoreau's diary; unidentified. |
Box 4, Folder 9 | Photographs and engravings: related correspondence 8.0 items Contents Note: A series of letters from either dealers or Thoreau enthusiasts regarding photographs and other Thoreau memorabilia (listed in chronological order):
Genre: letters (correspondence) |
Box 4, Folder 10-11 | Miscellaneous material stored with above 9.0 items Contents Note:
Series 13. Miscellaneous printed material relating to Thoreau
5.0 folders
Container | Description | Date |
Box 5, Folder 1-2 | Newspaper, magazine and miscellaneous clippings and circulars regarding Thoreau Contents Note: General material either referring to or quoting Thoreau and his work. Of particular note are: a map to Concord, MA, denoting Thoreau sites (1906, H.W. Gleason); tearsheets from a book apparently on R.W. Emerson which has an issue by issue contents listing for The Dial, a journal where Thoreau published extensively, and which was edited by Emerson. Genre: clippings |
Box 5, Folder 3 | Printed notices 10.0 items Contents Note: Flyers from book and manuscript dealers all featuring material by or about Thoreau. Genre: fliers (printed matter) |
Box 5, Folder 4 | Printed invitations 8.0 items Contents Note: Printed invitations and notices all dealing with meetings and lectures primarily on Thoreau. The majority are from the Thoreau Society. Genre: invitations |
Box 5, Folder 5 | Exhibition labels for a Thoreau exhibit Contents Note: Exhibition labels used for a display of Thoreau books and manuscripts at the John Hay Library, 1944 Nov. Genre: exhibition labels |
Series 14. Thoreau relics
2.0 boxes
This series consists of pencils, a door knocker, and a door latch
Container | Description | Date |
Box 6 | Thoreau pencils Contents Note: (1) Items acquired by Albert Edgar Lownes in 1928: Single round Thoreau pencil, sharpened, with glass-fronted wooden display case; envelope from Goodspeed's Book Shop, postmarked 7 Sept. 1928, containing printed card, "Pencil made by Thoreau", and sheet of 4 relief-printed labels for "Thoreau's improved drawing pencils …". (2) Items acquired by Albert Edgar Lownes in 1965: Bundle of 12 Thoreau pencils (round, length 6.5 in.), tied round with string and with printed label, as originally sold; in corked glass test tube; also a copy of The month at Goodpseed's, Oct. 1965, with description of the pencils on p. 3-5, headed "Walden pencil-maker. One doz. mint originals", which also refers to the single pencil and labels sold "going on thirty-two years" before (i.e. 37 years before). Genre: Realia |
Box 7 | Door knocker 1.0 item Contents Note: Brass door knocker, scallop-shell design. Ms. label attached, "Brass knocker from Thoreau's 'Texas House' Concord, Mass. From Alexander Greene." Includes bolts (of more recent manufacture?). Genre: Realia |
Box 7 | Door latch 3.0 items Contents Note: Iron thumb latch, with separate interior bar and catch. Ms. Label attached, "Latch from Thoreau's birthplace, Concord (3 pieces)". Genre: Realia |