Thoreau's correspondence appears first, followed by college essays, and other writings. Following are letters concerning Thoreau written by Ralph Waldo Emerson and Alfred Hosmer; newspaper clippings, and finally, rough drafts of four essays on Thoreau written by Samuel Arthur Jones. Furthermore, the collection includes bibliographical material, a large selection of photographs, and other miscellaneous items. Correspondence and lists related to the collection, written presumably by Albert Edgar Lownes, are located in folder 25.
This collection is organized into the following series and is arranged chronologically within each series.
- Series 1. Correspondence
- Series 2. College papers
- Series 3. Journal excerpts: variants or drafts
- Series 4. Miscellaneous manuscripts
- Series 5. Scattered fragments
- Series 6. Prints
- Series 7. Clippings
- Series 8. Related correspondence
- Series 9. Some works of Samuel Arthur Jones
- Series 10. Miscellaneous Thoreauviana collected by A.E. Lownes
- Series 11. Bibliographic materials
- Series 12. Photographic prints and engravings
- Series 13. Miscellaneous printed material relating to Thoreau
- Series 14. Thoreau relics