Scope & content
Autograph manuscript signed with tyepwritten sections (58 pages). Author's last poems and letters on love and creativity before he turned to writing fiction. Wirtten mostly at Hastings on Hudson, New York, in the five months preceding his marriage to Sophie Tazewell. One of two photocopies made by the author. "No other photocopies will be made."
Typewritten memo to Mr. Hawkes from Thomas J. Wilson regarding a book idea on the subject of e.e. cummings, 16 July 1948. This was laid into a copy of The Harvard Wake, Spring 1946 issue, the focus of which was on e.e. cummings.
Prospectus for the John Hawkes collection from Clouds Hill Books. Includes letter to Samuel Hough from Darren Overty regarding the prospectus and an article about collector Carter Burden who collected the John Hawkes books as part of his larger collection of 20th century American literature, 18 October 2000.