Box 1, Folder 18 |
Poems 40.0 items
Contents Note:
- Abide and Be My Love; with attached note
- Abraham Lincoln
- Absent Minded
- Acres of Diamonds, 1917
- Admiring Our Youth
- Aerocyst
- After a Rain
- After a Rainfall
- After Sunset
- After the Draught, Sept. 10, 1957
- Agamongenesis
- Alert Farmer, The
- All Alone
- All I Need
- All Things Come From God
- Alone and Lonely
- Alone on the Road
- Aluminum Clay
- Amatorial or Ogling
- Ambrosia or Sweetwood
- Amelioration
- Amiability
- Amortization Act, The
- Anathripsis
- Angels From Paradise
- Angels Rolled the Stone Away
- Apple, The
- Apple Blossom Time
- Apple Orchard
- Apple Time
- Apple Trees and Their Fruit
- Apple Worm, The
- Arboriculture
- Are Teachers Romantic?
- Argil
- Assay Passell
- Astral Body, An
- At a Country Station
- At Mother's Knee
- At Seventy Four
Box 1, Folder 19 |
Poems 68.0 items
Contents Note:
- Baby Cat
- Baby in a Crib
- Baby's Joke
- Baby Wanted a Hobby Horse
- Bachelor's Parrot Told the Truth
- Bamboozle
- Banana Apple, A
- Barber, The
- Barge Canal, The
- Baywindow, The
- Beaming Eyes at Sixty-eight
- Beautiful Blonde, A
- Beautiful Hands; two versions
- Beautiful Maiden, A
- Beauty Masters The Strong
- Beauty of Life, The
- Beds of Sickness
- Behind the Bar-Room Doors
- Be Kind to Animals
- Bellflower Apple
- Bells of Joy Ring Forth
- Ben Davis Trees
- Beneath the Earth
- Benzoic Acid
- Berks County Dutchman
- Bessie and Tobiath
- Beware!
- Beware of Rugs
- Beware of Wrong Medicine
- Bible or Word of God, The; (see: "A Warm
- Big Black Horse, The
- Big Money
- Big Straw Stack, A
- Bills of the Birds
- Bimetallism
- Blacksmith Anvil
- Black Spot in a Diamond, The
- Black Walnut Rhind [sic]
- Blood Red Doors
- Blue Jay, The
- Boats are Coming, The
- Bolt; Thread; Washer; Nut
- Born to be Sacred, 1 Cor: 6:19
- Born to Hard Work
- Boundry [sic] Line Fences
- Boys' Attendant at an Orphans' Home
- Boy Who Came Back, A
- Brain, The
- Brave Dog Saves Little Girl
- Bread, Cheese and Apple Butter
- Bread Crumbs
- My Wife Bakes; two copies; one also includes
- Bright Moon
- Bright Young Lady, A
- Broken Glass
- Broken Lives
- Brotherhood
- Brownies
- Brush-Off, The
- Buggy Ride, A
- Bumble Bee, The
- Bumblebee and a Mother Bear
- Bumblebees
- Burpee's Special Pole Lima
- Business Goes On, The
- Busy Man, A
- Buzzing Bumble Bee, A
- By the Grape Vine
- By the Old Fireside
Box 1, Folder 20 |
Poems 62.0 items
Contents Note:
- California Buckthorn, The
- Called "Johnny Apple Seed" of Chester County,
- Called to Play
- Cambium; two versions
- Candle Light Versus Electric Light
- Can This Happen to You?
- Caress Me
- Carnelian
- Carnival, The
- Catamaran, The
- Cat Drowned in A Gold Fish Bowl, A
- Catherine Ox
- Celestial Opal
- Certain Gal, A
- Chair That You Filled, The
- Chair Went Over, A
- Chatter of a Child, The
- Christian Doctor, A
- Chinaman, A
- Chickens and My Dog
- Christmas; two versions
- Christmas Day
- Christmas in Jail
- Christmas 1955
- Christmas-Sabbath 1955
- Christoffs, The
- Church Suppers
- Cigars; (see: "Money")
- Civic, Religious and Fraternal Work
- The Closed Door
- Cobwebs
- Cocoon, The
- Cold in Church
- College Girl's Problem
- College Professors' Homes
- Comments on Atonement
- Conscience
- Contemptuous
- Contention
- Cool Nights
- Cool Spring in the Meadow, A
- Coronation, The
- Corusation [sic]
- Cosmic Vibration
- Cottage on or at the Beach, A
- Cottage on the Beach, A
- Coulter, A
- Country Boy Thief, A
- Country Store, The
- Cradling Wheat at Fourteen
- Cranberry Colored Dress, The
- Cranium; Tourbillion; October
- Creation; two versions
- Crickets Singing
- Crippled Pipe-Organ Player
- Cripples' Doctor, The
- Criticism
- Crook Hired A Negro, A
- Crushed Heel, A
- Crust of Bread, A; two versions
Box 1, Folder 21 |
Poems 39.0 items
Contents Note:
- Daisy, The Cow
- Danger
- Dan Malloy
- Daughters
- Dear General and Mamie
- Dear God
- Death of A Dream
- Debility
- Dedicated to A Red Cross Aide
- Crust of Bread, A; two versions
- Daisy the Cow
- Danger
- Dan Malloy
- Daughters
- Dear General and Mamie
- Dimples
- Disembogue
- Disk Jockey's Song, The
- Distorted
- Diversities of Gifts
- Doctor of Philospohy and A Possum
- Doctors and Nurses I have known
- Dog and A Tick, A
- Dog's Instincts
- Dollar in My Boots
- Down by the Old Spring House
- Down by the Willows; two versions
- Downcasts
- Down by Your Church
- Down in My Garden
- Down Lovers' Lane
- Do You Remember?
- Dreaming Alone (by my window)
- Drinker's Prayer and His Dog, A; three
- Drink of Cold Water, A
- Drove Dad To Drink
- Dynamic Force
Box 1, Folder 22 |
Poems 24.0 items
Contents Note:
- Ear of Corn, An
- Earthworm
- Easier Part, The
- Easter Bunny, The
- Easter Shams
- Ecology
- Eery [sic] Old Soul, An
- Eight Day Clock, The
- Electric Power
- Elongation
- Embellishment
- Embrocation
- Embryo
- Empty Bottles
- Empty Room, The
- End of Draught, The
- Enemy in the Home, An
- Episperm
- Epitome to Leta S. Bender, An
- Estranged
- Estranged Husband
- Euthanasia
- Every Man For Himself
- Everyone is Here For Some Good
Box 1, Folder 23 |
Poems 43.0 items
Contents Note:
- Fair Maiden
- Faithful in Adversity
- Fall Hues
- False Moonlight
- Famous Old Saying, A
- Farewell
- Farmer, The
- Farmer Jones Had a Son
- Farmer's Plight, The
- Farmer's Plight 1957, The
- Farms Versus Cities
- Father Boaster, A
- Father, Do Not Drop Your Shoes
- Fathers and Mothers
- Fatty
- Fellow and A Girl, A
- Few More Hair, A
- Fiery Natures
- Fifty Cents
- Fifty Years I Went Alone
- Figworts and Foxglove; Placenta of the
Sunflower; We Are Like a Hawser
- Finding Gold
- Fish Woman, A
- Fishermen In a Storm
- Flower, A
- Fly, A
- Fly Baked in a Pie, A
- Folded Hands
- Foot Loose; with note at bottom
- Foot of Pride (Psalm 36, II), The
- For A Dear Friend; two versions
- Form of Woman, The
- For W. Ames Legrande II
- For Years I was a Santa Claus
- Four C's, The
- Four Little Black Birds
- Four Seasons, The
- Four Sisters
- Fresh Air
- Friends
- Frigid Until Wounded
- Frowns
- Fusinist, A
Box 1, Folder 24 |
Poems 41.0 items
Contents Note:
- Gabbing; two versions; one also includes
- Gallnut
- Garden of Eden
- Gate, A
- Gathering Chestnuts
- Gem In The Rough, A
- Geraldine
- German Butcher, A
- Germanium
- Gifts
- Give; two versions
- Gnawing Away
- God Bless The Goodfellows and Bright Eyes and
Tiny Hands
- God Changed His Course
- God Endures Man
- God Gave Us Springs
- God Gave Us Tobacco
- God Is
- Godly Mothers
- God's Beautiful Moonlight
- God's Love
- God's Mighty Trees
- God Spoke Through A Lily
- God's Wonders
- Good and a Bad Mother, A
- Good Dog, A
- Good Earth, The
- Good Friend, A
- Good Fruit, The
- Grafter Black Walnut Tree, The
- Grandfather Reno
- Grandmother's Clay Bowl
- Grand Old Pet
- Grasshopper, The
- Gratitude for Rain
- Greater Power, The
- Great Poet, The; two versions
- Great Social Worker, A
- Great Spring in My Meadow, The
- Guillocke, The
- Grunners Shot My Pets
Box 1, Folder 25 |
Poems 57.0 items
Contents Note:
- Habitat
- Habits
- Hackmatack
- Had it Not Been
- Hail To All Our Fan Club Member; Christmas
- Hail to Mayflower Second, 1620-1957
- Hail to the Mayflower Replica, 1620-1957; two
- Hail to the U.S.A.
- Half A Cent, A
- Halitosis
- Hammer and The Saw, The
- Hanging By A Thread
- Happiest Days, The
- Happiness
- Happy Easter
- Happy New Year, 1958
- Hand*Rail to All Steps, A
- Harassed
- Harmony
- Hat Off, Sir!
- Have An Arbor At Your Gate
- Have a Rose Bush at Your Gate
- Have You Smiled
- Hazel
- Head Bending Low
- Hear My Prayer
- He Didn't Like It
- He Kissed Me
- Helicopter
- Heliotrope
- Heredity
- He's a Has-Been
- He Tells Me
- He Walked Around So Pale
- He Wants to Be All
- He Was Kissed
- Hewing Logs
- Hibiscus
- High Cost of Labor, The
- Hoe and Rake
- Hole In My Pocket
- Hollyhock, The
- Holy Bible, The
- Holy Mother and Child
- Honey Bee, The
- Honeysuckle
- Honorable Policeman
- Honor to Virginia A Hahn, An
- Hoopskirt and Frills
- Hope
- Horse, A
- Hossenpfeffer
- Horticulturists
- How True It Is
- Human Contact
- Human Minds
- Human Relation
- Hunch Back Jeweler, A
- Hurrah for Rhubarb Pie
- Hurrah for the Boys in Korea
- Hurrah for the Lions
- Hurrah to Baseball
Box 1, Folder 26 |
Poems 88.0 items
Contents Note:
- I am Damned
- I am Waiting For the Moonlight
- I Came--- I'll be Leaving
- Ice Capades
- I Crave Not
- Ideal Lover
- I Do Not Pray
- If Every One
- If I
- Of I Could Do More
- I Found My Love
- Ignorance
- I Got My Eye On You
- I Have Lived To A Ripe Old Age
- I Have Loved
- I Knew A Young Man
- I Know You Love Flowers; two flowers
- I'll Give To My Saviour My Soul
- I'll Marry The Milkman
- Illness Changes Men
- I'll Smoke No More
- I'll Take My Banjo and My Broncho
- I'll Take The Blacksmith
- I Longed To Play A Harp
- I Lost a Button
- I Lost My Religion
- I Love America
- I Love to Eat A Grimes
- I Love to Fish
- I Love to Live
- I Love to Smell a Ripe Winesap
- I Met My Sweetheart Amonst [sic] The
- I'm Flying East
- I'm Nothing
- Impulse
- Impulses
- I'm Sorry
- In a Bar Room
- In a Flower Path
- In a Huckleberry Swamp
- In an Old Cupboard
- In a Vineyard
- In Berks County; In Memory of Grover Carlton
Emmons; Table Prayer
- Indian Chaplain
- Indian Love Charm
- I Never Cared
- I Never Make a Mistake
- I Never Saw or Heard The Like
- Inexorable
- In Memorium
- In Memory of Grover Carlton Emmons; (see: "In
Berks County")
- In My Arms; two versions
- In My Dream
- In My Garden; two versions
- Inomorta [sic]
- In Pastures Green
- In Retrospect
- Insinuations
- Inspirations; two versions
- Instant Sunlight
- Intellectual Power
- In That Transcendent Valley
- In The Blue Mountain
- In the Choir
- In the Days Of Our Youth
- In The Evening
- In the Long Run
- In the Lowlands
- In the Market House
- In Thy Salvation
- Into Moth Balls
- I Remember Well
- Iridescence in a Stream
- I Saw a Rock
- I'se in Love
- Is it True?
- Isms
- Is That Sparkle For Me
- Iron Horse, The
- It Gives Me The Chills
- It is I Alone
- It's Five P.M.
- It--Te--Ty
- I've Traveled This Earth
- I Want a Place to Play
- I Want My Mama
- I was Her Second Best
- I was Mocked
- I waste No Food
Box 1, Folder 27 |
Poems 19.0 items
Contents Note:
- Jack the Mule
- Jade; two versions
- Jealousy
- Jealously and its Results
- Jesus Helps Me
- Jones Rogers, Our Mail Man
- Josephine
- Journey's End
- Joyce--Lee Orchards
- Joy of Christmas, The; two versions
- Junior Grange Camps
- Just a Common Man
- Just Another Thank You
- Just For One Day
- Just Hanging Togeather [sic]
- Just Let me Alone
- Just One Tap
- Just Rabbit Sense
- Just Waiting for Heaven
Box 1, Folder 28 |
Poems 9.0 items
Contents Note:
- Keep Steps Clean
- Keep the Love Fire Kindled
- Kentucky Wonder Beans
- Kindly Man, A
- Kiss, The
- Kissed by Abraham Lincoln
- Kisses and Dishes
- Kissing Babies' Toes
- Kleptomaniacs
Box 1, Folder 29 |
Poems 40.0 items
Contents Note:
- Lady Mildred Lee
- Lady of Courage, A
- Lame Man at the Gate, The
- Lapis Lazuli Blue Gate
- Last Day on the Farm, The
- Late J.C. Entriken, The
- Lazy Father, The
- Led Into Marriage
- Liberty
- Liberty Bell, The
- Lifes Greatest Deed; No. I, No. 2, No. 3, No.
- Life is a Battle
- Life a Clear Voice From Heaven
- Light of Our Faces, The
- Likeness of Trees, The
- Lilles [sic] of the Valley
- Liquor; two versions
- Little Fatty
- Little Fish; two versions
- Little Girl, A
- Little Home in the Country
- Little Old Sparrow, A
- Little Tot, A
- Living Beyond Means
- Living in Freight Cars
- Loaf of Bread, A
- Lonely Girl, A
- Lonely Pussy-Cats
- Lonesome
- Looking Up; two versions
- Lord, May I Be Worthy
- Lost Labor
- Love in Bloom
- Lovely Maiden, A
- Love me Darling
- Love of a Hen, The
- Love on a Straw-Ride; two versions
- Love Suffers Long
- Love on a Trail
- Lover of Music, A
Box 1, Folder 30 |
Poems 67.0 items
Contents Note:
- Maiden Came to Me, A
- Man Drunk Tried to Kill His Good Young
- Man Hides His Love From Woman
- Man Owned a Spring, A
- Mansions
- Man's Love Runs Deep
- Man With the Hoe, The
- Many Languages
- Mare With her Colt, The
- Margie Holliday and I; (see: "Mary
- Marquand on the Castor
- Martyr, The
- Mary
- Mary O'Connor; Margie Holliday and I
- Masses, The
- Master Minds
- Master of the Harp, The
- Mastery of Life, The
- Mastery of Life, The
- Matilda O' My Matilda
- Matthew 5:13 Ye Art the Salt of The
- May I Take You Home?
- Meal at the Dinner, A
- Meanness in Homes
- Medicine Cabinet
- Meditation by Moonlight; two versions
- Mental Telepathy
- Mighty Good Cause, A
- Mighty Task, A
- Milk Man
- Million Divorces a Year
- Million Dollar Palace, A
- Minerals in the Soil
- Misery
- Mister, Me Got No Brains
- Moment's Happiness, A
- Money; Shoes; Cigars
- Monkey Face
- Morning
- Mossy Water Trough, The
- Mother Bear and Her Three Cubs
- Mothers and Fathers Be Careful What You Say or
- Mother's Last Words to Her Daughter
- Mothers of America
- Mountain Peak, A
- Mountain Spring, A; two versions
- Music
- My Broncho and I
- My Charming Husband
- My Father's World
- My friend Your Hair 1955
- My Front Porch
- My Hands; two versions
- My Hands Were Tied
- My Iky
- My Legs
- My Little Brown Puppy
- My Little Friend
- My Nicely Chosen First Mate
- My Old Straw Hat
- My Pencil
- My Philosophy
- My Prayer Cushion
- My Silver Haired Dad
- Mystification
- My Temper
- My Thoughts Run Deep
- My Trunk Packed For College
- My Tutor
Box 1, Folder 31 |
Poems 32.0 items
Contents Note:
- Nacite or Tigerite
- Naeyrose [sic]
- Nagging
- Nails On Fingers and Toes
- Nanny Goat, A; on the same page: "A Billy
- Narrow Path, The
- Nature's Remedy
- Nearing The Golden Gate
- Necropolis
- Needle and Thread, A
- Net, The
- Never Give Up
- Never Travel Without Chains
- New Years Day
- New Years Day 1957
- New Year's Promise
- New Year Sabbath 1955
- New Song, A
- New York City
- Nice Large Closet
- No Christmas Cards
- Noma in a Coma; attached is a clipping with
Noma Cummings' photo signed on back.
- No More Sleigh Bells
- No More Straw Stacks
- No One
- No Rubber on The Heels
- Not a Tear
- Not Far From the Tree
- Noted Silent Stood, A
- Not Safe
- No Umbarella [sic]
- Now The Winter Winds Do Whistle
- Nut; (see: "Bolt")
Box 1, Folder 32 |
Poems 89.0 items
Contents Note:
- Obadiah Had a Sweetheart
- October; (see: "Cranium")
- An Ode to Ada Mae Hoffrek
- An Ode to Eli H. Stoltzfus
- An Ode to Grandma Inez Brumbalow; with photo
- An Ode to Leta S. Bender
- An Ode to Lincoln and Men in High Places
- An Ode to Maude B. Taber
- An Ode to Mildred Lee
- Oh, Father We Bow
- O, Father Creator
- Off Days
- Officer in the Air Corps, An
- Officious
- Off to College
- O, For a Ham Bone
- O, For a Sleigh Ride
- Oh, For a Friend That Will Not Mock
- Oh, Good People of America
- Oh, Honey-Chile
- O How I Longed to be A Student
- Oh, Josephine!; two versions
- Oh, Mother Dear
- Ola
- Old Agate Cupe, The
- Old and the New, The
- Old Blacksmith Shop
- Old Bull Frog, The
- Old Cartight, The
- Old Cobbler, The
- Old Covered Bridge, The
- Old Cow Path, The
- Old Fashioned Candles, The; two versions
- Old Fire Tower, The
- Old Friends
- Old Grist Mill, The
- Old Grizzly Toad, An
- Old Indian Trail, The
- Old Iron Kettle, The
- Old Man, An
- Old Mister Horseradish
- Old Mother Bull Frog
- Old Mother Opossum
- Old Mother Squirrel
- Old Mountain Trail, The
- Old Mr. Quinn
- Old Opossum
- Old Organ Grinder, The
- Old Saw-Horse, The
- Old Tin Cup, The
- Old Vinegar Face
- Old Water Wheel
- Old Weeping Willow Tree, An
- Old Well Wench, The
- Old Willow Tree, The
- Old Year, The
- O, My Dear Uncle Sam
- On a Clinic Board for Years
- On a Flower Path
- On a Sunday Afternoon
- On Blindness
- Once Good Friend, A
- Once I Heard
- On Cobwebs
- One Day I Met a Lovely Maid
- One Door Too Many
- One Room
- Only a Dad
- On Mother's Eighty-First Birthday
- On My Way to Heaven
- On Thanksgiving Day
- On Two Pillows
- Opalscent [sic] Apple
- O, People of America
- Opossum
- Opossum Meat
- Orders in Love
- O, Silvery Moon
- O, Silvery Moon Over Texas
- Our Buckaroo
- Our Creator
- Our Greatest Enemies
- Our Saviour
- Out Among Strangers
- Overboard
- Over Fifty Years Ago
- Over Three Score Years Ago
- O What a Joy
- Owl in the Stove, The
- Oysters
Box 1, Folder 33 |
Poems 45.0 items
Contents Note:
- Pain
- Pair of Cardinals
- Palaces and Castles
- Pancakes
- Parlor Organ, The
- Part of Nature
- Passing Life's Journey
- Passions From Love Books
- Patch Quilt on The Baby Crib
- Patch-Work Quilt, The
- Peacock, The
- Peg Leg, A
- Penitentiary Warden, A
- Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania Drouth [sic]
- Perambulation
- Perfect Upper*Crust, The
- Periwinkle
- Petition
- Petrified Man, The
- Pet Squirrel, The
- Pictures on the Bedroom Wall
- Pioneers
- Piscary
- Placenta of the Sunflower; (see: "Figworts and
- Plain Spoken
- Please
- Plumber, A
- Plumber Green
- Poetess' Broken Chair, The
- Poet of Today, The
- Police Dog, A
- Poor Child!
- Poor Jimmie
- Popcorn on the Fire
- Portemonnaie
- Potatoes
- Potter, The
- Practical Knowledge
- Prittle Prattle
- Prodigal Son, The
- Promise
- Protoplasm
- Public Nurseries
- Puppy Love
- Pyrolusite
Box 1, Folder 34 |
Poems 34.0 items
Contents Note:
- Rabbis of The Temple
- Rainbow, A
- Rain Drops; two versions
- Rain Drops from Heaven
- Ramble in The Woods, A
- Rastus' Christmas
- Ravages of War
- Records of All Things
- Red Flannels
- Red Roses
- Red Roses
- Reminiscence of Civilization [sic] Advances in
My Eighty-Two Years; 1967
- Rhabdomantist
- Rhapsodist
- Rich Hardware Man, The
- Rich Man and Poor Man
- Righteous Man, The
- Right to Propose, The
- Rings in a Tree, The
- Robin, A
- Robins Singing in the Rain
- Rock and Roll Distortion
- Rock of Health, The
- Rod and a Reel, A
- Romans XIV:13
- Rooster on a Stump, A
- Root of All Evil
- Rosalie
- Rosebud, A
- Roses In Bloom
- Rotarians, Kiwanians, Lions
- Royal Spring, The
- Rubber Mat, A; on the same page: "An Angel
- Rustic Bridge, A
- Rusty Spikes
Box 1, Folder 35 |
Poems 91.0 items
Contents Note:
- Sabilla
- Saddle and Boots
- Salute to All the Colored Boys
- Salute to the R.N.'s, the Waves and the W. A.
C. S.
- Sand Box, A
- Sanguine
- Santa Claus
- Santa Cruz, The
- Santa of Soeeow [sic] and Joy
- Saturday Afternoon
- Saved By A Dog
- Say Uncle
- Scarf Pin, A
- Scars
- Scars of Sin, The; two versions
- School Teachers
- School Teacher of Note, A
- School Teacher's Will-Power
- Scoffer, A
- Scout Master of High Degree, A
- Screeching Floors
- Seckel Pears
- Secret Place of Prayer, The
- Seizable 1957 [sic]
- Sense and Nonesense [sic]
- Septuagenarian
- Seraglois
- Seven Hundred Apple Trees
- Seven Years of Drought
- Shadows
- Shame of Cain, The
- She Loved Me So
- She Pulled Shoe Strings
- Shoes; (see: "Money")
- Shrine Of the Little Flower, The
- Silvery Threads of Gray
- Sisyphus
- Sitters for Babies
- Six Thirty P.M.
- Sixty-Five Years
- Sleigh Ride
- Sliding Down The Balustrade
- Slip of the Tongue, A
- Slippery Elm Tree
- Slocum, The
- Smart Idiot, A
- Smile, A; two versions, on same page of one
version: "Man."
- Smiles Are Like Bubbles
- Smiley Boy, The
- Smoking in Bed
- Snow
- Soap and Water
- Some Day
- Some Haiku Fillers
- So Much Vexation; two versions
- Song in My Soul, A
- Song in My Soul N.1., A
- Song in my Soul No.2., A
- Song of The Alphabet, The
- Songwriters
- Sonnet Dedicated to Rt. Rev. Magr. Nocholas H.
Wenger, A
- Sonnet to My Tutor Mrs. Lucy Powell Malloy,
- Sonnet to the Honor of The Manske Sisters,
- Sonnet to the Honor of William Russell Ames Le
Grande II
- Sophie, My Beloved
- Sorrow and Grief
- Soulshine
- Sour Cherry Pie
- Spider, The
- Spirit of Christmas 1957, The
- Spite Fence, A
- Stars from Pennsylvania
- Star Warning
- Stock Crash Gavehim [sic] God, The
- Stone That Rolls, A
- Stool For Two
- Storm on Lake Gennesaret, The
- Strange Laws
- Strange Musician
- Stranger, A
- Street Angels
- Subordinate Cop, Barrur......, A
- Sunbeam
- Sunlight
- Surprises
- Swallow Your Pride
- Sweet Young Country Girl, A
- Swelling of the Buds
- Swinging in the Moonlight; two versions
- Swinging in the Moonlight; two versions
- Swinging on The Lawn
- Sybil, A
- Synopsis of Poetry; note attached
Box 1, Folder 36 |
Poems 93.0 items
Contents Note:
- Table Prayer; (see: "In Berks County")
- Talking Parrot, The
- Talk to an Egoist
- Teacher and Aged Student
- Tears and Smiles
- Teleology
- Ten Minutes
- Thanksgiving Day 1957
- Thanksgiving Prayer 1955
- Thank God For Sand
- Thank You Dear God
- Thank You Mr. Hort
- That Beautiful Car N. 1
- That Beautiful Car No. 2
- That Beautiful Sunshine
- That Candy Dish
- That Cigarette
- That Long Lane
- That Lost Letter
- That Patch*work Quilt
- That Picture
- Their Gifts
- Theologican [sic] Nearing Four Score Years,
- There Are Many Lonely Windows
- There is a Longing
- There is Something
- There's a Home I Built
- There's a Sunbeam
- There Was a Fine Young Fellow
- There Was an Old Farmer
- There Was a Young Fellow
- This Thanksgiving Day
- This War Stricken World
- A Thorn in His Foot
- Thorn on The Stem of the Rose, The
- Those Blessed Souls
- Those Old Wrinkled Hands
- Thousands in Penal Pen
- Thrashing Grain on The Old Bam Floor
- Thread; (see: "Bolt")
- Three Bars
- Three Pet Lucks
- Three Years Ago Said in All Sincerity
- Through a Window
- Thru The Years
- Thunder Struck
- Tied Down as A Foreman
- Till He Returns
- Tingle in My Toes, A
- Tinkling in The Ears (II Kings 21-12)
- Tiny, The Rat*Tally
- Tippy
- Tired and Lonely
- Tis I Alone
- To a Sweet Young Maiden
- To Insinuate
- To Jawaharlal Nehru
- To Jim and Dot Hall
- To Life's Cross Road
- To Oral Roberts
- Tooth pick, A
- To Our Beloved Teachers
- To Ruth M. Lynn
- To the Mailman
- To The Memory of Ada Mae Hoffrek
- To The Memory of Amanda Y. Murray
- To The Memory of Charles J. Hemming
- To the Memory of Dr. Myra Seldon Day
- To the Memory of Dr. Oliver C. Kuntsleman and
Mrs. Irma R. Kuntzleman
- To The Memory of Lucy Powell Malloy
- To The Memory of Poetess, Grandmother and Tutor
Truda McCoy
- Touch of a Finger Tip, The
- Tourbillion; (see: "Cranium")
- Tower of Babel, The
- To Wm. R. Bullock
- Town Hall Clock
- Trailing Arbutus
- Transparent Pebble
- Trees
- Trepidation
- Tribute to Ivan Lee Holt, A
- Triubute to Martha Loomis Williams
- Tribute to Our Firemen
- Triclinium
- True Hearts
- Truth is Mighty
- Turkey on Thanksgiving
- Twas Better Than Home
- Twas on The Beach
- Twenty*Six Cows
- Twenty Years
- Twilight
- Two Hamburgers
- Two Mice Under a Tablet
- Two Poets
- Two Talented Sisters
Box 1, Folder 37 |
Poems 13.0 items
Contents Note:
- Uncontrolled Temper
- Unconquered
- Under a Pergola
- Under the Old Gravenstine Apple Tree
- Under The Sweet Bough
- Unexpected
- Unexpected Babies
- Unhappiness
- Unseen Friend
- Untold Hours
- Upon A Cliff; two versions, one inclues
- Urbanity
- Unseen Hammer and Little Black Bag, The
Box 1, Folder 38 |
Poems 8.0 items
Contents Note:
- Valley Forge, Great Valley Forge
- Value of A Cane, The
- Value of A Gift, The
- Valley of Gems, The
- Varnish is Gone, The
- Vespers
- Virtue
- Visiting Rock*Hound's
Box 1, Folder 39 |
Poems 81.0 items
Contents Note:
- Waiting; two versions
- Walt Whitman Ajuration [sic]
- Warm Heart, A; The Bible or Word of God
- Warmth of a Friend, The
- Washer; (see: "Bolt")
- Washington Praying in The Snow
- Was It For Worse?
- Watch The Song Shark
- Watch Your Fate
- Wax in The Ears
- Way of Life, The
- We Are Like a Hawser; (see: "Figworts and
- We Are Teachers of The Masses
- We Come Along
- We Come This Way
- We Have Faith
- Welcome
- We Met in High School
- Were I In Love
- Western Plains, The
- What a Girl Must Suffer
- What a Suspense
- What God Has Wrought
- What Helped Make America Great
- What I Saw and Was Told
- What Makes America Great?
- What Will Happen
- Wheelchair and Bedridden Suffers
- Wheel of Fortune, The
- When a Boy
- When a Man Grows Old
- When and Why; on same page: "Song of the
- When Daisy Died
- When I Am A Man
- When I Was Young
- When Jesus Was Crucified John 20, 11-16
- When Leaves are Falling
- When Not in Love
- When the Candle Burns Out
- When the Church Bells Ring
- When the Dew is On The Grapes
- When The Highways are Closed
- When The Japanese Are Licked
- When The Owner Died
- When the Rope Broke
- When The Swing is Up
- Whether I Come Or Whether I Go
- When World War Two Broke Out
- Whistler, The
- White Hair at Forty And No Work
- White Lies
- White Line, The
- White Pine Tree
- While Playing a Wedding March
- While Searching For Dandelions
- Who is Man
- Who Gets The Bumps?
- Whose Not Praying Today?
- Why Are We Here?
- Widows
- Wife Who Drove Her Husband In The Gutter,
- Wild Animals
- Will The Doctor Come Soon?
- Wind Dries My Tears, The
- Wiping Dishes
- Without Charity
- Without Christ
- Without Cows
- Woman
- Woman From Alaska, The
- Wonder Path, A
- Wonders of The World
- Wood-Chewing Ants
- Words of Wisdom
- Working in My Garden
- Working on Sunday
- World Doesn't Know, The
- Worm, A
- Worthy Maiden, A
- Writing Letters
- Writing Poetry; two versions
Box 1, Folder 40 |
Poems 17.0 items
Contents Note:
- Yearning for You
- Ye Have Not James 4:2
- Yes, We Have Few Potatoes
- You Are My Only Hope
- You Can't Kill Love
- You Made Love To Me
- You Make Me Weep Claire
- Young Again
- Young Fellow In High School, A
- Young Lady, A
- Young Man, A
- Young Man Came To A Priest
- Young Man From England
- Young Man Passed Twenty*One
- Young Theologians
- Young Watch Repair Man, The
- You're Not Alone
Box 1, Folder 41 |
Poems 1.0 item
Contents Note: