Guide to the Howard Foundation Files, 1952-1986

John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts
Box A
Brown University
Providence, RI, 02912
Telephone: Manuscripts: 401-863-3723; University Archives: 401-863-2148
Email: Manuscripts:; University Archives:

Published in 2019

Collection Overview

Title: Howard Foundation Files
Date range: 1952-1986
Creator: The George A. and Eliza Gardner Howard Foundation
Extent: .25 linear feet
Abstract: The Howard Foundation Files contain annual meeting reports and correspondence of the George A. and Eliza Gardner Howard Foundation. The collection dates from 1952-1986. The correspondence dates from 1952-1974. The meeting reports date from 1982-1986.
Language of materials: English
Repository: John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts
Collection number: OF-1D-H1

Scope & content

The Howard Foundation Files contain annual meeting reports and correspondence of the George A. and Eliza Gardner Howard Foundation. The collection dates from 1952-1986. The correspondence dates from 1952-1974. The meeting reports date from 1982-1986.

Access Points

Subject Organizations Subject Topics


This collection is arranged in one series.

  • Series 1. Howard Foundation Files

Biographical/Historical Note

The George A. and Eliza Gardner Howard Foundation is an independent foundation administered at Brown University. It awards a limited number of fellowships each year for independent projects in selected fields, targeting its support specifically to early mid-career individuals, those who have achieved recognition for at least one major project. Our support is particularly intended to augment paid sabbatical leaves. In the case of independent artists or scholars, or those without paid leaves, we would expect that a Howard Fellowship would enable them to devote a substantial block of time to the proposed project. The Howard Foundation was officially established in 1952 and offered its first fellowships in 1954. Since 1954 more than 400 Howard Fellowships have been awarded. A total of eight fellowships of $35,000 will be awarded in April 2020 for 2020-2021 in the fields of Fiction, Poetry, and Playwriting and Theatre Studies. In the early 1950s, Nicea Howard, a Providence resident long active in supporting young artists, established contact with Henry Wriston, President of Brown University with the assistance of her financial advisor, Robert W. Kenyon of the Brown Class of 1936. After a lengthy process of consultation and deliberation, the Howard Foundation was officially established in 1952 and offered its first fellowships in 1954. For its first few years, Miss Howard provided an annual stipend to support the Foundation's activities, and in 1955 she made a substantial gift to the Foundation, a gift that was augmented in 1956 when her friend Frances Tracy bequeathed a sum to the Foundation on her death. Miss Howard continued to serve on the Board of Administration of the Foundation for many years, and upon her death in 1970 she bequeathed her residual estate to the Foundation. Since 1954 more than 400 Howard Fellowships have been awarded.

Access & Use

Access to the collection: There are no restrictions on access, except that the collection can only be seen by prior appointment. Some materials may be stored off-site and cannot be produced on the same day on which they are requested.
Use of the materials: Although Brown University has physical ownership of the collection and the materials contained therein, it does not claim literary rights. Researchers should note that compliance with copyright law is their responsibility. Researchers must determine the owners of the literary rights and obtain any necessary permissions from them.
Preferred citation: Howard Foundation Files, OF-1D-H1, Brown University Library.
Contact information: John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts
Box A
Brown University
Providence, RI, 02912
Telephone: Manuscripts: 401-863-3723; University Archives: 401-863-2148
Email: Manuscripts:; University Archives:

Administrative Information

Author: Finding aid prepared by Ben Stewart and Paul Jordan
Encoding: This finding aid was produced using the RIAMCO EAD spreadsheet, 2019 July 15
Descriptive rules: Finding aid based on Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)

Additional Information


Series 1. Howard Foundation Files, 1952-1986

Container Description Date
Box [31236094312827] 1, Folder 1 Howard Foundation - Correspondence
Box [31236094312827] 1, Folder 2 Howard Foundation - Annual Meeting
1986 April 23
Box [31236094312827] 1, Folder 3 Howard Foundation - Annual Meeting
1985 April 10
Box [31236094312827] 1, Folder 4 Howard Foundation - Annual Meeting
1984 April 18
Box [31236094312827] 1, Folder 5 Howard Foundation - Annual Meeting
1982 April 13