Rhode Island Archival and Manuscript Collections Online

For Participating Institutions

Gordon Rohde Dewart papers (OF.1UF.D3)

Brown University Archives

Box A
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
Tel: 401-863-2146
email: hay@brown.edu


Series I. Dewart student work, circa 1935-1960

Container Description Date
Box 1 Course E50
Box 1 Course 12
Box 1 Department of modern languages
Contents Note: Graduate courses
Box 1 Examinations (Princeton)
Box 1 French vocabulary
Box 1 French E50
Box 1 French 3
Box 1 French 12, AMN 41
Box 1 French 102
Box 1 French 104
Box 1 French 110, Final examination
Box 1 French 201, Final examination
Box 1 French 214
Box 1 French 303
Box 1 French 305
Box 1 French 501
Box 1 French 502
Box 1 French 503
Box 1 French 503, readings for
Box 1 French 514
Box 1 French 525
Box 1 Linguistic notes
Box 1 Old French, notes
Box 1 Old French, reading list
Box 1 Old French literature, final examination
Box 1 Philosophy 4
Box 1 Pindal, Mendez
Contents Note: Poesia arabe y poesia europea
Box 1 Villon, Francoise
Contents Note: Amherst
Box 1 Reading lists
Box 1 Renaissance

Series II. Dewart student papers, circa 1940-1942

Container Description Date
Box 1 A la recherche des idees esthetiques de Pascal
Box 1 Andromaque, Jean Racine
Box 1 Autobiography
Box 1 Bibliographie
Box 1 Biography of Johann Wolgang Goethe, 1749-1832
Box 1
Box 1 Biography of Johann Wolgang Goethe, 1749-1832 : Period at
Contents Note: Weimar
Box 1 Biography of Johann Wolgang Goethe, 1749-1832 : dealing with the period from the Italienische Reise to the acquaintance with Schiller
Box 1 Britannicus
Box 1 Chatterton : drame en trois actes par Alfred de Vigny
Box 1 Ecole des femmes, Miliere
Box 1 Enigmatic arriviste : Saint Just
Box 1 Est-ce que l'etablissement de la dictature va entamer la fin de la litterature? Probleme.
Box 1 Athalie, Jean Racine
Box 1 La Fontaine, Fables
Box 1 Le Bourgeois gentilhomme
Box 1 Le Jeu de l'amour et du Hasard : Marivaux
Box 1 Le malade imaginaire
Box 1 Le malade imaginaire : Moliere, acte III.
Box 1 Le pessimisme chretien dans Paul et Virginie
Box 1 Les rapports litteraires entre la France et l'Angleterre au dix-huitieme siecle
Box 1 L'hellenisme et la litterature francaise une appreciation du nutriment sprituel fourni aux ecrivains
francais par la Grece, du seizieme siecle aux temps modernes
Box 1 L'influence de l'hellenisme dans la litterature francaise du seizieme siecle jusqu aux temps moderne (1500-1925)
Box 1 L'influence des lettres italiennes et espagnoles sur la litterature francaise au dix-septieme siecle
Box 1 Noise : explication de texte
Box 1 Promethee eternel
Box 1 Servitude et grandeur militaires
Box 1 Servitude et grandeur militaires
Box 1 Theme sur le roman, Manon Lescaut de l'abbe prevost
Box 1 Une soiree Perdue : explication de texte
Box 1 Whirlwind, the

Series III. Subject files

Container Description Date
Box 1 Anouilh
Box 1 Balzac
Box 1 Balzac
Contents Note: La cousine Bette
Box 1 Baudelaire
Box 1 Beckett, Samuel
Box 1 Camus
Box 1 Camus, Albert
Box 1 Chateaubriand
Box 1 Chretien De Troyes
Box 1 Constant, B.
Box 1 Corneille
Box 1 De La Description
Box 1 De La Fayette, Mme.
Box 1 De Lisle, Laconte
Box 1 De Nerval, Gerard
Box 1 De Saint-Exupery, Antoine
Box 1 Du, Gard, Rogert Martin
Box 2 Flaubert
Box 2 Flaubert, G.
Contents Note: L'education sentimentale
Box 2 Gautier
Contents Note: L'art pour l'art
Box 2 Germinal, Zola
Box 2 Gide, A.
Box 2 Giradoux
Box 2 Hugo, Victor
Box 2 Ideas
Box 2 Journalisme De 20LA
Box 2 L'abbe Prevost
Box 2 La Chartreuse De Parme
Box 2 Lamartine
Box 2 L'assommoir
Box 2 La Bete Humaine
Box 2 La Fortune Des Rougon
Box 2 Le Roman
Box 2 Le Romantisme
Box 2 La Rochefoucauld
Contents Note: La Bruyere
Box 2 Le Realisme
Box 2 Madame De Stael
Box 2 Malraux, Andre
Box 2 Mauriac, Francois
Box 2 Middlebury
Box 2 Montesquieu
Box 2 Montherlant
Box 2 Musset
Box 2 Nana
Box 2 Paris Etait
Box 2 Pascal
Box 2 Proust
Box 2 Rabelais
Box 2 Ricatte, Robert
Box 2 Rimbaud
Box 2 Racine
Box 2 Robbe-Grillet
Box 2 Rousseau
Box 2 Sand
Box 2 Sartre
Box 2 Stendhal
Box 2 Verlaine
Box 2 Vigny
Box 2 Voltaire
Box 2 Zola
Box 2 Zola, biblio
Box 2 Zola, Emile : Pot-Bouille

Series IV. Brown material, circa 1955-1975

Container Description Date
Box 2 Balzac
Contents Note: Material Fr-186
Box 2 Brown
Box 2 Course 75
Box 2 Course Reports
Box 2 Comprehensives, French
Box 2 Department and miscellaneous
Box 2 Exams
Box 2 French D12, Semester II
Box 2 French 3
Box 2 French 3 and 4
Box 3 French MA Program
Box 3 French 4
Box 3 French 4, Semester II
Box 3 French 4, Semester II
Box 3 French 10, Semester II
Box 3 French 10, Semester II
Box 3 French 10, Semester II
Box 3 French 10, Semester II
Box 3 French 109
Box 3 French 127
Contents Note: Final examinations
Box 3 French 127
Contents Note: Midterm examinations
Box 3 French 127
Box 3 French 127
Box 3 French 127, Semester I
Box 3 French 134
Box 3 French 201, Semester II
Box 3 Homage to Antonio Machado
Box 3 Miscellaneous course material
Box 3 Resume/CV
Box 3 Staff

Series V. Manuscripts, circa 1940-1970

Container Description Date
Box 3 Andromaque
Box 3 Avant-Propos
Box 3 Flaubert, Gustave-Bouvard Et Pecuchet
Box 3 Formal phenomena
Box 3 Heritage
Contents Note: Acts of incorporation, bylaws, trustees and officers, George's groupings
Box 3 Heritage
Contents Note: George's groupings
Box 3 Illustration
Box 3 Le Idees Litteraires De Zola
Box 3 Le Nihilsme De Bernardin
Box 3 Le Nihilisme De Rene
Box 3 Le Principe Ce Le Poesie
Box 3 Long outline, summer-fall
Box 3 Miscellaneous
Box 3 Miscellaneous manuscripts I
Box 3 Miscellaneous manuscripts II
Box 3 Miscellaneous manuscripts III
Box 3 Miscellaneous manuscripts IV
Box 3 Miscellaneous research
Box 3 Notes, miscellaneous
Box 3 Reading notes
Box 3 Reading notes, A-F
Box 3 Reading notes, G-M
Box 3 Reading notes, O-Z
Box 4 Original outline, centering on images
Box 4 Outline
Box 4 Racine Lecture
Box 4 Rapprochement Des Idees Litteraires De Chateaubriand Celles De MME De Stael
Box 4 Rewritten
Box 4 Souriau, Maurice
Box 4 Tour De Babel Morale
Box 4 Topics (introduction and general)
Box 4 Correspondence
Box 4 Correspondence--Atkinson, Geoffrey
Box 4 Correspondence--Amherst College
Box 4 Correspondence--Brown University
1948-1949, 1953
Box 4 Correspondence--Delkote, Inc.
Box 4 Correspondence--Doolittle, James
Box 4 Correspondence--Hamel, Robert H.
Box 4 Correspondence--Hamilton College
Box 4 Correspondence--Harvard
Box 4 Correspondence--MacMillan Company
Box 4 Correspondence--Miscellaneous
Box 4 Correspondence--Navy
Box 4 Correspondence--Princeton University
Box 4 Correspondence--Sturm, Ernest
Box 4 Correspondence--Trinity College
Box 4 Correspondence--Veteran's Administration