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For Participating Institutions

Rhode Island School of Design. Board of Trustees Executive Committee records (01.02)

Rhode Island School of Design Archives

Fleet Library at RISD
2 College Street
Providence, RI 02903
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email: risdarchives@risd.edu

Historical note

The Executive Committee "shall have and exercise all the authority of the Board [of Trustees] between meetings of the Board," except for specific powers as described in the by-laws. The Committee is comprised of voting Trustees appointed by the Chair subject to approval of the Board.[RISD By-Laws, Art. IV; 2009 May 2)

Article IV of the Rhode Island School of Design Association constitution, adopted April 30, 1877, created the Committee of Management comprised of three members, increased to five members in 1881, elected by the Board of Directors, the President and the Vice-President. The Board had "charge of the practical working of the school" and made an annual report to the Association.

The 1893 by-law revisions gave specific duties to the Committee: "to take charge of the school buildings, to arrange courses of study, to employ all needed instructors, to award diplomas and prizes, and in general to have direction of the practical working of the school." The Board could not incur debts without the authority of the Board of Trustees. The Board became the Executive Committee in 1901 when RISD appointed a Director responsible for day-to-day operations.

The 1907 revisions expanded the duties of the Committee. Specifically, "under the general direction of the Board of Trustees, [the Committee] shall have full control, except as otherwise in the by-laws provided, of the affairs of the corporation," and "shall be the Governing Board of the School." The Committee had control of all buildings except for the interior of the Museum and appointed all employees except for the Director and the Curators. The Committee could expend the income from tuition fees and other income and received authority to audit ordinary expenditures on other Standing Committee. A 1929 revision granted the Committee the power to "engage and dismiss" all employees.

The Board shortened the Committee's charge in 1937. "Under the general direction of the Board of Trustees, [the Committee] shall, except as otherwise in the by-laws provided, have full control and direction of the property, business and affairs of the corporation." A 1947 amendment provided "control, direction, and regulation of the property…"

Administrative functions previously defined in the by-laws became part of the Administrative Manual adopted in 1940. Authority to prepare and circulate a manual was added to the by-laws after the fact in 1954. Standing Committees came under the control and supervision of the Committee in 1947. The Committee was required to make reports at the meetings of the Board and the annual meeting until 1977 though, in practice, the Committee ceased providing the reports in 1968.

The 1977 by-law revisions provided the Committee's current charge though the exceptions to the Committee's authority were not added until 1987. In addition, the Committee held authority to approve Standing Committee appointments, 1987-2009.

The Committee consisted of five elected members plus ex-officio members until 1977 when the committee was increased to not more than eleven elected trustees plus ex-officio members: President (1907-2009), Board Trustees Chair (1947-2009), Treasurer and Secretary (1959-2009), Vice-Chair (1965-2009), Alumni Association President (1977-2009), and Standing Committee Chairs (1980-2009).