Box 1, Film 1 |
Repeat Material, over Benson shoulder as he writes w/reed
1943-1958 |
Box 1, Film 2a |
Examples of Writing and Lettering Not on JHB [John Howard Benson] or Stills from E of L [Elements of Lettering] etc.
1943-1958 |
Box 1, Film 2b |
#1 (Black and White), Sept. 1943 R. Arnold in yard at 56, with Mother and Dad. Scene of Kitten in yard. Groff children on Poplar St. Benson children playing in yard. View of Poplar St., View of Washington St. View of St. John's Church. View of Poplar St. Shore
1943 Sep |
Box 1, Film 3 |
1943-1958 |
Box 1, Film 4 |
John Howard Benson: Film of 'The Quill' by Robert Flaherty
1943-1958 |
Box 1, Film 5 |
Misc. Cut Outs Old Mat.
1943-1958 |
Box 1, Film 6 |
Using Pens, Foreign Writing, Flourished Caps, Skeleton Alphabet, Examining Pen, Penstrokes, etc., Hebrew, Syria, Flourish Caps, Pen Strokes, Ethiopic
1943-1958 |
Box 1, Film 7 |
Possible Mat. Reel #1
1943-1958 |
Box 1, Film 8 |
1943-1958 |
Box 1, Film 9 |
Signs, Hosp. Trust and Mod Inscriptions, Roman Inscrip.
1943-1958 |
Box 1, Film 10 |
Making Pens
1943-1958 |
Box 1, Film 11 |
Portraits, Mark and Paint, Pan and Closeups, "S," "P," "Q," "R"
1943-1958 |
Box 1, Film 12 |
Misc. Shots Not Useful for Film. Nancy Writing, Hunter House, Copey Robinson, Olice, Graham Writing, Gravestones
1943-1958 |
Box 1, Film 13 |
1943-1958 |
Box 1, Film 14 |
Historic Hands. and Age. Bene. and Age - age. Cutouts. Presses. Small Rolls, Presses, ager, AGEage, age to ages, Caroline and Black Letters, New Uncials, and Ins Half func Lombardic, Rustic Old X New Still Square Rustic Caps, Square Old and New
1943-1958 |
Box 1, Film 15 |
1943-1958 |
Box 1, Film 16 |
Clips of Quill Film
1943-1958 |
Box 1, Film 17 |
Jan 14 1945, #1 Foreign Writing, Syria and Ethiopia
1945 Jan 14 |
Box 1, Film 18 |
Jan 14 1945, #2 Hebrew, Loose Roll, Reel 5 183 Heavy CAPS, no endings. N-Z
1945 Jan 14 |
Box 1, Film 19 |
Jan 14 1945, #6 Church Let.
1945 Jan 14 |
Box 2, Film 1 |
Dan Jones Benson ftg., Rejected when inspected for water damage 4/30/58. Saved just for evidence
1958 Apr 30 |
Box 2, Film 2 |
K-5538 Rhode Island School of Design 'Lettering' Part 1 and 2 Orig. Rev.
1943-1958 |
Box 2, Film 3 |
3-30-76 Orig. Reversal Charles Arnold, Physical image looks unmarred, Film slightly brittle, RPC
1976 Mar 30 |
Box 2, Film 4 |
Roll D One
1943-1958 |
Box 2, Film 5 |
Roll D Two
1943-1958 |
Box 2, Film 6 |
Roll D Three
1943-1958 |
Box 2, Film 7 |
Roll D Four
1943-1958 |
Box 2, Film 8 |
1943-1958 |
Box 2, Film 9 |
1943-1958 |
Box 2, Film 10 |
Roll C One, 1st Graffiti
1943-1958 |
Box 2, Film 11 |
Roll C Four
1943-1958 |
Box 2, Film 12 |
Roll C Five
1943-1958 |
Box 2, Film 13 |
6 Flaherty manuscripts, silver monogram, mixing paint color - Newport Harbor - Flowers
1943-1958 |
Box 2, Film 14 |
Roll E One
1943-1958 |
Box 2, Film 15 |
Roll C Six
1943-1958 |
Box 2, Film 16 |
Roll C Seven
1943-1958 |
Box 2, Film 17 |
Roll C Eight
1943-1958 |
Box 2, Film 18 |
Roll C Ten
1943-1958 |
Box 2, Film 19 |
Flaherty Leader
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 1 |
Roll A One
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 2 |
Roll A Two
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 3 |
Roll A Four
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 4 |
Roll A Roll 8, Original Reversal - Jones Says C. Arnold looks like a recent print of Flaherty Stuff. Entire "Cutting A Reed Sequel," Donny Jones NBC "The Quill"
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 5 |
Removed for D?????, Roll A Nine
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 6 |
Roll A Eleven
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 7 |
Roll A Twelve
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 8 |
Roll A Thirteen
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 9 |
Roll A Fourteen, 27 Original Reversal Cutting
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 10 |
Roll A Sixteen
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 11 |
Roll A Seventeen
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 12 |
Roll B One
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 13 |
Roll B Three
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 14 |
Roll B Four, Reel 6 Original Rev. Rob J. Flaherty 'Calligraphy' Trust Hospital - Signs - Modern Press - Stone Carving - Newport Bank - Cutting S.P.Q.R. - Pen made from reed - printing press
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 15 |
Roll B Five
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 16 |
Roll B Six
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 17 |
Roll B Seven
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 18 |
Roll B Eight
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 19 |
Main Title "Cutting a Quill," 1st Version - Work Print (Not used no music credit)
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 20 |
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 21 |
Flaherty Frames
1943-1958 |
Box 3, Film 22 |
Varying shots of sharpening reed and quill. Proj. Pos. Silent
1943-1958 |