Scope & content
Marion North Brown compiled a photograph album documenting her trips to Europe with her family, 1902-1904(?). Many of the 10 x 8 cm black and white photographs have faded with time and include her captions for the 1902-1903 images. The first trip, 1902 June-September, depicts her voyages on the S.S. St. Paul and her travels throughout Europe including London, Oxford, Rotterdam, Brussels, Dresden, Cologne, Nuremberg, Venice, Florence, Milan, Switzerland, and Paris. The 1903 trip began on the R.M.S. Cedric August 14-23 and added Scotland to the itinerary. She returned to New York aboard the S.S. Kronprinz Wilhelm, which arrived 1903 October 1. People as well as places are identified in the 1903 photographs. The 1904(?) photographs are not identified. Marion Brown signed the inside front cover.