Box 17 |
High Price of Haircuts - original
Jan. 3, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Rise in Taxes - copy
Jan. 4, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Congressional Investigation of Sen. Adam Powell - copy
Jan. 5, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Opposition to Bombing of North Vietnam - copy
Jan. 6, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Drinking & Driving - original
Jan. 7, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Soviet Missile Bases - original
Jan. 9, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Mao Tse-tung's Overthrow by Chiang Kai-shek - original
Jan. 10, 1967 |
Box 17 |
John E. Fogarty's Health and Welfare - copy
Jan. 11, 1967 |
Box 17 |
RFK & Democratic Leadership - copy
Jan. 12, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Mao Tse-tung Thoughts - original
Jan. 13, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Sen. Adam Powell & Senate Hearing - copy
Jan. 14, 1967 |
Box 17 |
RI Industrial Pollution - copy
Jan. 16, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Football on Sundays - original
Jan. 17, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Ghetto Policies - copy
Jan. 18, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Mayor James DiPrete of Cranston-bid for Congress - original
Jan. 19, 1967 |
Box 17 |
China's Nuclear Progress & Mao Tse-tung's Decline - original
Jan. 20, 1967 |
Box 17 |
LBJ's State of the Unions - original
Jan. 21, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Citizen Apathy in North Providence - original
Jan. 23, 1967 |
Box 17 |
LBJ's Poverty Program - copy
Jan. 24, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Chinese Revolt - copy
Jan. 25, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Ronald Reagan's Student Popularity - copy
Jan. 26, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Strong Candidate Search - original
Jan. 27, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Speeding - original
Jan. 28, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Narragansett Marine Water Lab - original
Jan. 30, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Congressional Ethics - original
Jan. 31, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Candidates in the 2nd District - original
Feb. 1, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Races to the Moon - copy
Feb. 2, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Mao Tse-tung's Thoughts - copy
Feb. 3, 1967 |
Box 17 |
John A. Notte & Primary - original
Feb. 4, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Question on Length of Vacation for Judges - original
Feb. 6, 1967 |
Box 17 |
RFK's Peace Efforts - copy
Feb. 7, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Smog - original
Feb. 8, 1967 |
Box 17 |
LBJ Peace Rumors - original
Feb. 9, 1967 |
Box 17 |
RI Sales Tax - original
Feb. 10, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Vietnam & Chinese Aid - original
Feb. 11, 1967 |
Box 17 |
RI Rejection of Home for Wayward Boys - original
Feb. 13, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Congressional Ethics - copy
Feb. 14, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Trying to get out of the Providence Ghetto - copy
Feb. 15, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Scholarships - copy
Feb. 16, 1967 |
Box 17 |
RI Sales Tax - original
Feb. 17, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Mao Tse-tung Ideologies - original
Feb. 18, 1967 |
Box 17 |
John A. Notte & Robert O. Tiernan Democratic Party - copy
Feb. 20, 1967 |
Box 17 |
RI Crime - original
Feb. 21, 1967 |
Box 17 |
LBJ's Credibility - original
Feb. 22, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Hubert Humphrey & Anti-War Movement on Stanford University Campus - copy
Feb. 23, 1967 |
Box 17 |
RFK's Support for CIA - original
Feb. 24, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Chinese-Soviet Borderline - original
Feb. 25, 1967 |
Box 17 |
US Depleting Gold Reserve & France - original
Feb. 27, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Yemen War Expense - original
Feb. 28, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Congressional Ethics - original
Mar. 1, 1967 |
Box 17 |
RI Hospital Costs - copy
Mar. 2, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Sen. Adam Powell Investigation - original
Mar. 3, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Newport Bridge Authority - copy
Mar. 4, 1967 |
Box 17 |
RFK's Attacks on LBJ - original
Mar. 6, 1967 |
Box 17 |
RI Police Ticket Fixing - program
Mar. 7, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Delaying Jail Sentences for James Hoffa - original
Mar. 8, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Draft Age - original
Mar. 9, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Trying to End Vietnam War & LBJ - original
Mar. 10, 1967 |
Box 17 |
John F. Capaldi & RI Democrats - original
Mar. 11, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Congress' Ethics Code - original
Mar. 12, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Charles deGaulle's Election Setback - original
Mar. 14, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Sen. Adam Powell Investigation - original
Mar. 15, 1967 |
Box 17 |
RI's Shrinking Credit - original
Mar. 16, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Guam Conference - copy
Mar. 17, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Richard Nixon & Soviets - copy
Mar. 18, 1967 |
Box 17 |
US Poverty Program - original
Mar. 20, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Thomas Dodd-Adam Powell Reform - original
Mar. 22, 1967 |
Box 17 |
LBJ Peace Offer - original
Mar. 23, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Newport Bridge Costs - original
Mar. 24, 1967 |
Box 17 |
LBJ's Peace Pleas - original
Mar. 25, 1967 |
Box 17 |
RFK & LBJ Troubles - original
Mar. 27, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Hubert Humphrey & US-European Relations - original
Mar. 28, 1967 |
Box 17 |
New Haven/Penn Central Merge
Mar. 29, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Absentee Vote - copy
Mar. 30, 1967 |
Box 17 |
Providence Air & Pollution - copy
Mar. 31, 1967 |
Box 18 |
French Nationalism - original
Apr. 1, 1967 |
Box 18 |
School Segregation in South - original
Apr. 3, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Democratic Liberals & Anti-Vietnam - original
Apr. 4, 1967 |
Box 18 |
China Power Struggle - original
Apr. 5, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Hubert Humphrey & LBJ - original
Apr. 6, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Un-American Activities Committee - copy
Apr. 7, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Northern Apathy to Blacks - copy
Apr. 8, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Population Growth & The Alliance for Progress - original
Apr. 10, 1967 |
Box 18 |
South American Dictators - original
Apr. 11, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Hasty Apollo Trips - original
Apr. 12, 1967 |
Box 18 |
John Chafee's Income Tax Proposals - copy
Apr. 13, 1967 |
Box 18 |
RFK's Candidacy - copy
Apr. 14, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Internal Revenue - original
Apr. 15, 1967 |
Box 18 |
House Readmittance - original
Apr. 17, 1967 |
Box 18 |
US Involvement in West - original
Apr. 18, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Stokley Carmichael Speeches - original
Apr. 19, 1967 |
Box 18 |
SEATO Military Obligations - copy
Apr. 20, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Moon Equipment - copy
Apr. 21, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Democrats & Vietnam - original
Apr. 22, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Hartford Park Housing for the Elderly - copy
Apr. 24, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Civil Rights & the Religious Community - copy
Apr. 25, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Loss of Marine Lab for RI - copy
Apr. 26, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Gen. William Westmoreland & LBJ - original
Apr. 27, 1967 |
Box 18 |
RI's Lack of Pollution Enforcement - copy
Apr. 28, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Joseph A. Dooley & Walter H. Reynolds - copy
Apr. 30, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Buddhist Birthday Truce - copy
May 1, 1967 |
Box 18 |
USSR's Standing in the World - original
May 2, 1967 |
Box 18 |
New Haven Railroad Bankruptcy - original
May 3, 1967 |
Box 18 |
LBJ & Everett Dirksen - copy
May 4, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Gen. William Westmoreland & Flag Burners - original
May 5, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Billboard Lobby & The Beautification Program - copy
May 6, 1967 |
Box 18 |
LBJ's World Policeman Policy - copy
May 8, 1967 |
Box 18 |
RFK & Nielsen Rating - original
May 9, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Greek Junta Uniforms - original
May 10, 1967 |
Box 18 |
LBJ's Problems - original
May 11, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Protesting Dissent - copy
May 12, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Vietnam Elections - original
May 13, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Providence Renewal Inspector - copy
May 15, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Dickey-Lincoln Public Project & High Power Rates - original
May 16, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Britain's Hong Kong Problems with Aden Gibraltar - copy
May 17, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Anti-Civil Rights & Southern Democratics - original
May 18, 1967 |
Box 18 |
High Drug Prices - copy
May 19, 1967 |
Box 18 |
British Common Market Appeal - copy
May 20, 1967 |
Box 18 |
China Belligerence - original
May 22, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Gamel Abdel Nasser's Deteriorating Leadership - copy
May 23, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Arab-Israeli Crisis - original
May 24, 1967 |
Box 18 |
US as World's #1 Policemen - original
May 25, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Drive to Break Up Organized Crime - original
May 26, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Mideast Act - original
May 27, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Bills in RI Assembly - original
May 29, 1967 |
Box 18 |
US Caught by Vacuums Left by French & British - original
May 31, 1967 |
Box 18 |
War on Poverty - copy
Jun. 1, 1967 |
Box 18 |
South Vietnamese Army - original
Jun. 2, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Jordan-Egypt Treaty - original
Jun. 3, 1967 |
Box 18 |
High Cost of Drugs - original
Jun. 5, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Future of the UN & Mideast War - original
Jun. 6, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Arab Cause & USSR - original
Jun. 7, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Nikolai Fedorenko at the UN - copy
Jun. 8, 1967 |
Box 18 |
John Chafee's Joy Rides - copy
Jun. 9, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Arab Wealth - original
Jun. 11, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Mideast Arms Replenished by Arms Manufacturers - original
Jun. 12, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Arab Non-Recognition of Israel - original
Jun. 13, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Charles deGaulle's "Neutrality" Towards Arabs - copy
Jun. 14, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Congress' Ethics Code & Sen. Thomas Dodd's Ethics Case - original
Jun. 15, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Oil Ban on West - copy
Jun. 16, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Return of Arab Territories & Aleksei Kosygin - original
Jun. 17, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Interference in Vietnam Free Elections - original
Jun. 19, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Luci Nuget's Baby - original
Jun. 20, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Soviets at UN - copy
Jun. 21, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Luci Nugent's Baby - original
Jun. 23, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Organized Crime in RI - original
Jun. 25, 1967 |
Box 18 |
USSR Selling Weapons to Arab Refugees - copy
Jun. 26, 1967 |
Box 18 |
Premier Aleksei Losygin & LBJ & Attacks on US - original
Jun. 27, 1967 |
Box 18 |
World Nuclear Control - original
Jun. 28, 1967 |
Box 18 |
US Mail Contract - original
Jun. 29, 1967 |
Box 19 |
4th of July Holiday Deaths - original
Jul. 3, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Mayor Joseph Doorley's Summer Program - original
Jul. 5, 1967 |
Box 19 |
UN Divided - original
Jul. 6, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Director Sargent Shriver & The CEO - copy
Jul. 7, 1967 |
Box 19 |
HollyBush Results & LBJ - original
Jul. 8, 1967 |
Box 19 |
LBJ & Latest Polls - original
Jul. 10, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Riots in Northern City Ghettos & Suburbia USA - original
Aug. 8, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Evading the Draft - original
Aug. 9, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Vietnam Military Dictatorship - original
Aug. 10, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Plant Life Study - original
Aug. 12, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Charles deGaulle's Domestic & Foreign Policies - original
Aug. 15, 1967 |
Box 19 |
LBJ's Tax Increase & Congress - original
Aug. 16, 1967 |
Box 19 |
China Escalation Risks & LBJ - original
Aug. 17, 1967 |
Box 19 |
John Chafee & George Romney on Bombing - original
Aug. 18, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Vietnam Elections - original
Aug. 19, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Ronald Reagan's California Popularity - original
Aug. 21, 1967 |
Box 19 |
RI Negroes in Vietnam - copy
Aug. 22, 1967 |
Box 19 |
LBJ's Vietnam Policy - original
Aug. 23, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Baseball & Mao Tse-tung - original
Aug. 24, 1967 |
Box 19 |
US Overflights & Mao Tse-tung - original
Aug. 25, 1967 |
Box 19 |
South Providence School Plans - original
Aug. 26, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Glory of Charles deGaulle & His Shrinking Stature - original
Aug. 28, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Vietcong Terror - original
Aug. 29, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Non-Recognition of Israel - original
Aug. 30, 1967 |
Box 19 |
California & Shirley Chisholm - copy
Aug. 31, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Tax Hikes - original
Sept. 1, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Vietcong Elections - original
Sept. 2, 1967 |
Box 19 |
LBJ Popularity & Vietnam - original
Sept. 5, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Providence School Committee - original
Sept. 6, 1967 |
Box 19 |
George Romney's Vietnam Brainwashing Charges - original
Sept. 7, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Vietnam Elections & Peace Vote - copy
Sept. 8, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Teachers' Strike - copy
Sept. 9, 1967 |
Box 19 |
UN & Ambassador Arthur Goldberg - original
Sept. 11, 1967 |
Box 19 |
George Romney Brainwash - original
Sept. 12, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara's Barrier - original
Sept. 13, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Tax Loopholes - original
Sept. 14, 1967 |
Box 19 |
USA & Civil Rights - original
Sept. 15, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Soviet & US Missiles Race - original
Sept. 16, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Cigarette Smoking - original
Sept. 18, 1967 |
Box 19 |
UN & Ambassador Arthur Goldberg - original
Sept. 19, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Peace Efforts with Ho Chi Minh - original
Sept. 20, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara's Secretary - original
Sept. 21, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Ghetto Schools - original
Sept. 22, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Suez Canal Revenue & Egypt's Bankruptcy - original
Sept. 23, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Usual Alibis of Oil Prices - original
Sept. 25, 1967 |
Box 19 |
OAS Anti-Fidel Castro Policy - original
Sept. 26, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Israeli Rigidity & Hanoi Stubbornness - original
Sept. 27, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Congressional Powers & LBJ - original
Sept. 28, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Young Radicals - copy
Sept. 29, 1967 |
Box 19 |
Red Sox & John Fawcett - copy
Sept. 30, 1967 |
Box 20 |
RI Constitutional Convention & Public Rejection - original
Oct. 2, 1967 |
Box 20 |
LBJ's Credibility - original
Oct. 3, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Red Sox Fans - original
Oct. 4, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Urban Congressmen vs. Farmers - original
Oct. 5, 1967 |
Box 20 |
LBJ's Vietnam Policy - original
Oct. 6, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Charles deGaulle's Writing - original
Oct. 7, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Pentagon Pressure for Invasion of North Vietnam - original
Oct. 9, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Public Support of LBJ's Vietnam Policy - original
Oct. 10, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Economy & Congress - original
Oct. 11, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Soviet Arms Hike - original
Oct. 13, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Chinese Anti-US Front & Albania - original
Oct. 14, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Fear of China - original
Oct. 16, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap's War Strategy - original
Oct. 17, 1967 |
Box 20 |
RI Constitutional Convention - original
Oct. 18, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Birds Migrating to South - original
Oct. 19, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Ronald Reagan & Nelson Rockefeller - original
Oct. 20, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Loss of Klan Power - original
Oct. 21, 1967 |
Box 20 |
US Business & Protectionist Bloc - original
Oct. 23, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Arab Missiles - original
Oct. 24, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Radicals & War - original
Oct. 25, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Dump LBJ Movement - original
Oct. 26, 1967 |
Box 20 |
US Protection of Asians - original
Oct. 27, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Defeat of Dickey-Lincoln Power Project - copy
Oct. 28, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Abdel Gamel Nasser's Continued Popularity - original
Oct. 30, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Hostility Towards Soldiers - original
Oct. 31, 1967 |
Box 20 |
UN Effectiveness - original
Nov. 1, 1967 |
Box 20 |
US Arms in Underdeveloped Countries - original
Nov. 2, 1967 |
Box 20 |
LBJ Surtax & Lack of Congressional Support - original
Nov. 3, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Corpsman Bruce Murray - original
Nov. 4, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Moon vs. Ghetto Problems - copy
Nov. 6, 1967 |
Box 20 |
United Fund - copy
Nov. 7, 1967 |
Box 20 |
US Non-Recognition of Red China - original
Nov. 8, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Soviet Jubilee Snubbed by China - original
Nov. 9, 1967 |
Box 20 |
RI Poverty Programs - original
Nov. 10, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Marxism - original
Nov. 11, 1967 |
Box 20 |
George Wallace's Prejudices - copy
Nov. 13, 1967 |
Box 20 |
LBJ & Income Tax - original
Nov. 15, 1967 |
Box 20 |
GOP Disorganization - original
Nov. 16, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Model Cities Program & Providence - original
Nov. 17, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Japan's Insistence for the Return of Okinawa - original
Nov. 18, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Down with LBJ Movement - original
Nov. 20, 1967 |
Box 20 |
British Austerity Program - original
Nov. 21, 1967 |
Box 20 |
RI State Income Tax - original
Nov. 22, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Charles deGaulle & Money - original
Nov. 24, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Vietnam Optimism by US & North Vietnam - copy
Nov. 25, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Fascism on College Campuses - original
Nov. 27, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Americanization of France - copy
Nov. 29, 1967 |
Box 20 |
LBJ Tax & Fiscal Responsibility - original
Nov. 30, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Defense Secretary Robert McNamara's Successor - original
Dec. 1, 1967 |
Box 20 |
US vs. Mao Tse-tung - original
Dec. 2, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Turkey & Greek Arms by US - original
Dec. 4, 1967 |
Box 20 |
South Providence Substandard Housing - copy
Dec. 5, 1967 |
Box 20 |
New RI Constitution - original
Dec. 6, 1967 |
Box 20 |
John Chafee & GOP Party Leaders - copy
Dec. 7, 1967 |
Box 20 |
LBJ's Steel Prince Hikes - copy
Dec. 8, 1967 |
Box 20 |
White House Love - copy
Dec. 9, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Stokely Carmichael's Speech Against US - copy
Dec. 11, 1967 |
Box 20 |
LBJ & Economy - copy
Dec. 12, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Richard Nixon as GOP Hopeful - copy
Dec. 13, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Soviet Takeover of Egypt - copy
Dec. 14, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Sen. Charles Percy in the Combat Zone - copy
Dec. 15, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Greek Ruins - copy
Dec. 16, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Anti-Nepotism Law - copy
Dec. 18, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Price of Gold - copy
Dec. 19, 1967 |
Box 20 |
New Haven Merger Hopes - copy
Dec. 20, 1967 |
Box 20 |
South Vietnam & the Vietcong - copy
Dec. 21, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Integrated Schools - copy
Dec. 22, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Hope for Peace in the US - original
Dec. 23, 1967 |
Box 20 |
US Pollution - copy
Dec. 26, 1967 |
Box 20 |
Unscrupulous Drug Manufacturers - original
Dec. 27, 1967 |
Box 20 |
North Providence Dump - copy
Dec. 28, 1967 |
Box 21 |
The New Year - copy
Jan. 1, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Demands Placed on Providence Surplus - copy
Jan. 6, 1968 |
Box 21 |
RI Drivers - copy
Jan. 8, 1968 |
Box 21 |
GOP Candidate - original
Jan. 13, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Electric Rates & RI Housewives - original
Jan. 16, 1968 |
Box 21 |
State Take-over of Schools - copy
Jan. 17, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Britain's Shrinking Empire - original
Jan. 18, 1968 |
Box 21 |
LBJ's Tax Increase - original
Jan. 19, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Richard Nixon-George Romney Debate - original
Jan. 20, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Needless Congressional Travels - copy
Jan. 22, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Hanoi Peace Signals - original
Jan. 23, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Extensive Government Spending - original
Jan. 24, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Korean Seizure of USS Pueblo - original
Jan. 25, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Civil Rights Bills - original
Jan. 26, 1968 |
Box 21 |
US Space Program & US World Commitments - original
Jan. 27, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Eugene McCarthy & Anti-war Democrats - copy
Jan. 30, 1968 |
Box 21 |
USS Domestic Program & Vietnam - copy
Jan. 31, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Saigon - copy
Feb. 1, 1968 |
Box 21 |
November Election Boredom - original
Feb. 2, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Richard Nixon's 1968 Candidacy & The Press - original
Feb. 3, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Consumer Legislation - original
Feb. 5, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Soviet Aid to Cuba - original
Feb. 6, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Loyal Vietnamese Citizens - copy
Feb. 7, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Slums & Crime - original
Feb. 8, 1968 |
Box 21 |
David Dean Rusk's Refusal to Testify - original
Feb. 9, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Wire Tapping Law - original
Feb. 10, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Paule Loring Death - copy
Feb. 12, 1968 |
Box 21 |
LBJ & RFK - copy
Feb. 13, 1968 |
Box 21 |
New York Garbage Settlement - original
Feb. 14, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Vietnamese Draft Age - original
Feb. 15, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Nuclear Arms & Khe Sanh - original
Feb. 16, 1968 |
Box 21 |
US Arms to Israel & Jordan - copy
Feb. 17, 1968 |
Box 21 |
New Haven Loan from Penn-Central - original
Feb. 19, 1968 |
Box 21 |
LBJ's Credibility - copy
Feb. 20, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Trade Union Discrimination - original
Feb. 21, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Decline of the American Dollar - original
Feb. 22, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Hijacking to Cuba - original
Feb. 23, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Disillusioned Blacks - copy
Feb. 24, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Khe Sanh as Prestige Symbol - original
Feb. 26, 1968 |
Box 21 |
J. William Fulbright & the Tonkin Gulf Resolution - original
Feb. 27, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Senate Civil Rights Fight & Sen. Eugene McCarthy - original
Feb. 28, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Income Tax Deduction - copy
Feb. 29, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Veteran's Rights vs. Patient's Rights - original
Mar. 1, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Richard Nixon & Nelson Rockefeller - original
Mar. 2, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Everett Dirksen Leadership & Southern Democratic Leadership - original
Mar. 4, 1968 |
Box 21 |
White Racism - copy
Mar. 5, 1968 |
Box 21 |
US Gold Reserves - original
Mar. 5, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Richard Nixon Vows to End War - original
Mar. 6, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Richard Nixon Vows to End War - original
Mar. 7, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Vietnam Corruption & Inefficiency - original
Mar. 8, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Nelson Rockefeller & Availability for a Genuine Draft - original
Mar. 9, 1968 |
Box 22 |
LBJ's Vietnam Policy - original
Mar. 11, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Richard Nixon Organization - original
Mar. 12, 1968 |
Box 22 |
US as World Protector - original
Mar. 13, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Hijacking to Cuba - original
Mar. 14, 1968 |
Box 22 |
LBJ & The Eugene McCarthy-RFK Showdown - original
Mar. 15, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Dollar & Inflation - original
Mar. 16, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Eugene McCarthy & Youth Support - copy
Mar. 18, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Troop Increase to North Vietnam - copy
Mar. 19, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Satellite Unrest - original
Mar. 20, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Nelson Rockefeller's 1968 Candidacy - original
Mar. 21, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Failure of Congressional Ethics Bills - original
Mar. 22, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Nelson Rockefeller & Richard Nixon - original
Mar. 23, 1968 |
Box 22 |
LBJ's Political Speeches - original
Mar. 25, 1968 |
Box 22 |
RFK's 1968 Candidacy - original
Mar. 26, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Violence in Harlem - original
Mar. 27, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Richard Nixon & GOP - original
Mar. 28, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Gen. William Westmoreland's Vietnam Ordeal - original
Mar. 29, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Restoration of US-Soviet Cultural Exchange - original
Mar. 30, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Wisconsin Primary & Sen. Eugene McCarthy - original
Apr. 1, 1968 |
Box 22 |
LBJ Withdrawal & Hanoi Reaction to Peace Treaty - original
Apr. 2, 1968 |
Box 21 |
Critics & Candidates - original
Apr. 3, 1968 |
Box 22 |
LBJ's Peace Flight - original
Apr. 4, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Head Start & Anti-Riot Programs - original
Apr. 5, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Martin Luther King & Racial Unity - copy
Apr. 6, 1968 |
Box 22 |
RFK's Resources & Eugene McCarthy's Early Success - original
Apr. 8, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Assassination of Martin Luther King - copy
Apr. 9, 1968 |
Box 22 |
RI Ghettos - original
Apr. 10, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Czech & the West - original
Apr. 11, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Racism - original
Apr. 12, 1968 |
Box 22 |
RFK's Candidacy - original
Apr. 13, 1968 |
Box 22 |
The Need for New RI Constitution - original
Apr. 15, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Nelson Rockefeller & Richard Nixon Candidacies - copy
Apr. 16, 1968 |
Box 22 |
LBJ's Peace Effort with Ho Chi Minh - original
Apr. 17, 1968 |
Box 22 |
John Chafee's Program & Assembly Revenge for Constitution Defeat - original
Apr. 18, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Selling of London Bridge - original
Apr. 19, 1968 |
Box 22 |
RFK's Presidential Campaign & Popularity - original
Apr. 20, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Eleanor Slater Bill & Housing - copy
Apr. 22, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Eugene McCarthy & Herbert Hoover - original
Apr. 23, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Hungry Americans - original
Apr. 24, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Paris as Peace Site - copy
Apr. 25, 1968 |
Box 22 |
Abuse of Democracy - original
Apr. 26, 1968 |
Box 22 |
LBJ & Peace Negotiations with Ho Chi Minh - original
Apr. 27, 1968 |
Box 22 |
French Arms Profit - original
Apr. 29, 1968 |
Box 22 |
LBJ's Administration Record - copy
Apr. 30, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Providence Teacher Pay Raise - copy
May 1, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Young Radicals - copy
May 2, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Woonsocket Welfare Sit-in - copy
May 3, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Eiffel Tower & Paris as Peace Site - copy
May 4, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Proposed Senate Gun Bill - original
May 6, 1968 |
Box 23 |
record Campaign Spending - original
May 7, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Paris Riots - original
May 8, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Indiana Primary - copy
May 9, 1968 |
Box 23 |
John Chafee's Political Ticket - original
May 10, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Czech Independence - copy
May 11, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Poor People Marchers - copy
May 13, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Paris Rioting Students - original
May 14, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Sit-ins - copy
May 15, 1968 |
Box 23 |
RFK's Victories - original
May 16, 1968 |
Box 23 |
RFK vs. Hubert Humphrey - original
May 17, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Mail-order Rifle Bill - copy
May 18, 1968 |
Box 23 |
George Meany & the AFL-CIO - original
May 20, 1968 |
Box 23 |
RFK's Candidacy - original
May 21, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Blacks in White Country Clubs - copy
May 22, 1968 |
Box 23 |
US World Commitments - original
May 23, 1968 |
Box 23 |
RI Assembly Bills & Income Tax - copy
May 24, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Ronald Reagan & Nelson Rockefeller - original
May 25, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Cash Payments to Farmers Not to Grow Food - copy
May 27, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Charles deGaulle's Gold Hoard - copy
May 28, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Communist Party Downfall - copy
May 29, 1968 |
Box 23 |
RFK's Defeat - original
May 31, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Democratic Majority & Income Tax Substitute - copy
Jun. 1, 1968 |
Box 23 |
California Primary Between RFK & Eugene McCarthy - copy
Jun. 3, 1968 |
Box 23 |
War-oriented Corporations - copy
Jun. 4, 1968 |
Box 23 |
RI GOP & Congressional Seats - copy
Jun. 5, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Gun Violence - copy
Jun. 6, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Gold Star Mother Rose Kennedy - copy
Jun. 7, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy - copy
Jun. 8, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Mexicans, Negroes & Indian Leaders in Washington - copy
Jun. 10, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Richard Nixon & Hubert Humphrey & the Election - copy
Jun. 11, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Defeated Constitutional Convention - copy
Jun. 12, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Poor People's Lobby - copy
Jun. 13, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Charles deGaulle & Student Riots - original
Jun. 14, 1968 |
Box 23 |
National Rifle Association & Gun Control - original
Jun. 15, 1968 |
Box 23 |
RI Courts' New Judges - copy
Jun. 17, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Hubert Humphrey's Vietnam Stand - original
Jun. 18, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Equal Property for All - original
Jun. 19, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Providence School Committee Finances - original
Jun. 20, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Demands of the Poor - original
Jun. 21, 1968 |
Box 23 |
US as World Policeman - original
Jun. 22, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Hubert Humphrey's Democratic Administration - original
Jun. 24, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Charles deGaulle's Landslide Win - original
Jun. 25, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Sen. John Pastore's Attack on GOP - original
Jun. 26, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Slums & Congress - original
Jun. 27, 1968 |
Box 23 |
LBJ's Lame Duck Appointments - original
Jun. 28, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Multi-Billion Dollar US Missile System - original
Jun. 29, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Richard Nixon's Attack on Nelson Rockefeller - original
Ju1. 1, 1968 |
Box 23 |
World Nuclear Pact & China - original
Ju1. 2, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Richard Nixon Campaign Propaganda - copy
Ju1. 3, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Indispensable Charles deGaulle - original
Ju1. 5, 1968 |
Box 23 |
Lady Bird Bill - copy
Ju1. 6, 1968 |
Box 23 |
US Gun Violence - original
Ju1. 8, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Public's Call for Candidate for the Country - original
Aug. 6, 1968 |
Box 24 |
GOP & Vietnam - original
Aug. 7, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Party Loyalty to Richard Nixon - original
Aug. 8, 1968 |
Box 24 |
LBJ's Image & Hubert Humphrey - copy
Aug. 9, 1968 |
Box 24 |
John Chafee & Republican Nominees - original
Aug. 10, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Nguyen Van Thieu on American "Election" - original
Aug. 13, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Walter Ulbright & Czech Democracy - copy
Aug. 14, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Eugene McCarthy's Popularity in RI - copy
Aug. 15, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Hubert Humphrey's Attack on Conventions - original
Aug. 16, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Older, "Square," Generations - original
Aug. 17, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Richard Nixon & John Chafee's Limited Commitment - original
Aug. 19, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Hubert Humphrey's Lack of Loyalty to LBJ on Vietnam - original
Aug. 20, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Arson & Ghettos - original
Aug. 21, 1968 |
Box 24 |
UN Impotence in Fighting Communism - original
Aug. 22, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Searching for a Czech President - original
Aug. 23, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Campaigning - original
Aug. 25, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Hubert Humphrey-Eugene McCarthy Ticket - original
Aug. 26, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Intra-party Conflicts of Democrats - original
Aug. 27, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Czech Leaders Return Home Unharmed - original
Aug. 28, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Vietnam Plank on Convention - original
Aug. 29, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Democratic Unity & Vietnam Issue - original
Aug. 30, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam - original
Sept. 1, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Police Need - original
Sept. 3, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Candidates & Crime in the Streets - copy
Sept. 4, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Czech Invasion by USSR - original
Sept. 5, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Eugene McCarthy's Limited Welcome in RI - copy
Sept. 6, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Abe Fortas Judgeship & Liberal Record - original
Sept. 7, 1968 |
Box 24 |
George Wallace's Platform - copy
Sept. 9, 1968 |
Box 24 |
NBC Microphone Bugging at Chicago - original
Sept. 10, 1968 |
Box 24 |
LBJ's Rigid Peace Policy - original
Sept. 11, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Radicals Increasing George Wallace's Popularity - original
Sept. 12, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Spiro Agnew's Attack on Hubert Humphrey - copy
Sept. 13, 1968 |
Box 24 |
NATO & Czechoslovakia - original
Sept. 14, 1968 |
Box 24 |
RI Drunken Drivers & Weak Laws - original
Sept. 16, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Hubert Humphrey Campaign - original
Sept. 17, 1968 |
Box 24 |
George Wallace's Law & Order Statements - original
Sept. 18, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Drug Industry's High Pressure Sales Tactics - original
Sept. 19, 1968 |
Box 24 |
RI's Disturbed Children Program - original
Sept. 20, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Hubert Humphrey & LBJ's Policies - original
Sept. 21, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Campus Radicals vs. Student Majority - original
Sept. 23, 1968 |
Box 24 |
US Space Program Held Back Due to Domestic Priorities - original
Sept. 24, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Increased Hospital Rates - copy
Sept. 25, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Richard Nixon Evades TV Debates - original
Sept. 26, 1968 |
Box 24 |
George Wallace & Police State - copy
Sept. 27, 1968 |
Box 24 |
Hubert Humphrey & 1968 Campaign - copy
Sept. 28, 1968 |
Box 24 |
USSR & Their Satellites - original
Sept. 30, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Hubert Humphrey & Vietnam Issue - original
Oct. 1, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Hubert Humphrey's Speech on Stopping the Bombing - original
Oct. 2, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Richard Nixon's Vietnam Policy & Paris Peace Talks - original
Oct. 3, 1968 |
Box 25 |
George Wallace & Alabama's Record Crime Rate - original
Oct. 4, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Frank Licht & Budget Cuts - original
Oct. 5, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Nuclear Bombs - original
Oct. 7, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Forgetting LBJ - original
Oct. 8, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Nepotism in Trade Union & Disadvantaged Youth - original
Oct. 9, 1968 |
Box 25 |
John Chafee's Income Tax & The Fiscal Problem - original
Oct. 10, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Eugene McCarthy's Idealism - original
Oct. 11, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Everett Dirksen & TV Debate Bill - original
Oct. 14, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Hubert Humphrey's Choice of Vice-President - original
Oct. 15, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Apollo VII & Flight of the Cold Bug - original
Oct. 16, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Hubert Humphrey Poll Results - original
Oct. 17, 1968 |
Box 25 |
South American Democracies & Military Juntas - copy
Oct. 18, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Soviet-Czechoslovac Pact - copy
Oct. 19, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Hubert Humphrey-Edmund Muskie Ticket - copy
Oct. 21, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Failing New Haven Railroad - copy
Oct. 22, 1968 |
Box 25 |
George Wallace & Curtis Image - original
Oct. 23, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Mayor John Lindsay & The New York Mayorship - original
Oct. 24, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Eugene McCarthy's Support of Hubert Humphrey - original
Oct. 25, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Black Athletes & The US - copy
Oct. 26, 1968 |
Box 25 |
LBJ's Support of Hubert Humphrey - original
Oct. 28, 1968 |
Box 25 |
US Arms for Israel & Soviet Arms for Arabs - original
Oct. 29, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Hubert Humphrey's Rising Polls - original
Oct. 31, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Bombing Halt, Step Towards Peace - copy
Nov. 1, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Spiro Agnew Goofs During Campaign Time - original
Nov. 2, 1968 |
Box 25 |
George Wallace & Electoral College - original
Nov. 4, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Voting Sanctuary - original
Nov. 5, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Opposition to RI Income Tax - original
Nov. 6, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Richard Nixon's Trouble with Issues - original
Nov. 7, 1968 |
Box 25 |
President Nguyen Van Thieu's Withdrawal from Peace Talks - original
Nov. 8, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Defeat of Providence Civic Center - original
Nov. 9, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Charles deGaulle's Admiration for Richard Nixon - original
Nov. 12, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Richard Nixon & LBJ Lame Duck Administrations - original
Nov. 13, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Paris Peace vs. Vietnam - original
Nov. 14, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Obsolete Electoral College - original
Nov. 15, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Bay Pollution by RI Communities & Public's Indifference - copy
Nov. 16, 1968 |
Box 25 |
US Involvement in Vietnam - original
Nov. 18, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Larry McGarry Turnpike - original
Nov. 19, 1968 |
Box 25 |
West German "Mark" & Dwindling French Richard Nixon - original
Nov. 1, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Flu Germ - original
Nov. 21, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Romania & Yugoslavia's Fear of USSR - original
Nov. 22, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Richard Nixon & Spiro Agnew- copy
Nov. 23, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Gov. Frank Licht & 1969 Budget - original
Nov. 25, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Charles deGaulle & Germany - copy
Nov. 26, 1968 |
Box 25 |
22 Shopping Days Until Christmas - copy
Nov. 27, 1968 |
Box 25 |
Richard Nixon's Cabinet - original
Nov. 29, 1968 |
Box 25 |
History of LBJ's Administration - original
Nov. 30, 1968 |
Box 26 |
Slowness of Saigon Peace - original
Dec. 2, 1968 |
Box 26 |
North Kingstown Dump - copy
Dec. 3, 1968 |
Box 26 |
Police School for Riot Training - original
Dec. 4, 1968 |
Box 26 |
World Pollution - copy
Dec. 5, 1968 |
Box 26 |
US & Soviet Aid to Israeli-Arab War - copy
Dec. 6, 1968 |
Box 26 |
US Military Talks with Hanoi & Vietcong - original
Dec. 7, 1968 |
Box 26 |
Pseudo-Students (Radicals) & Riots - original
Dec. 9, 1968 |
Box 26 |
Richard Nixon & Intellectuals - original
Dec. 10, 1968 |
Box 26 |
Richard Nixon Appointments - original
Dec. 11, 1968 |
Box 26 |
Daniel P. Moynihan - original
Dec. 12, 1968 |
Box 26 |
Nguyen Cao Ky's Technicalities of Peace - original
Dec. 13, 1968 |
Box 26 |
High Cost of Automobile Repair - original
Dec. 14, 1968 |
Box 26 |
Militant San Francisco Students - original
Dec. 16, 1968 |
Box 26 |
Santa's Appliances for Kids - copy
Dec. 17, 1968 |
Box 26 |
Brazil Democracy to Police State - original
Dec. 18, 1968 |
Box 26 |
Nguyen Cao Ky & Vietcong Forced Talks - original
Dec. 19, 1968 |
Box 26 |
Stability of World Gold Prices - original
Dec. 20, 1968 |
Box 26 |
Highway Fatalities from Drinking - original
Dec. 21, 1968 |
Box 26 |
Cheap Oil for New England - copy
Dec. 23, 1968 |
Box 26 |
Season of Happiness in Ghetto - original
Dec. 24, 1968 |
Box 26 |
Richard Nixon & LBJ's Leftover Problems - original
Dec. 26, 1968 |
Box 26 |
Central Falls Divided and Given to Other Communities - original
Dec. 27, 1968 |
Box 26 |
Successful Apollo VIII Flight - original
Dec. 28, 1968 |
Box 26 |
Forces Penn-Central/New Haven Railroads Merger - original
Dec. 30, 1968 |
Box 26 |
Israeli/Arab Conflict - original
Dec. 31, 1968 |
Box 26 |
Cut Backs on Poverty Programs - original
Jan. 2, 1969 |
Box 26 |
State's Demand for Cooperation Against Air Pollution - copy
Jan. 3, 1969 |
Box 26 |
Congress' Seniority System - original
Jan. 4, 1969 |
Box 26 |
Gov. Frank Licht's Anticipated Budget - original
Jan. 6, 1969 |
Box 26 |
John Chafee Joining Richard Nixon's Team - copy
Jan. 7, 1969 |
Box 26 |
Edmund Muskie's Presidential Strength - copy
Jan. 8, 1969 |
Box 26 |
Penalties for Disclosing Thefts & Waste in Navy & Air Forces - original
Jan. 9, 1969 |
Box 26 |
"Token Negro" - copy
Jan. 10, 1969 |
Box 26 |
Invasions by UFO's - copy
Jan. 11, 1969 |
Box 26 |
Patronage System in RI - original
Jan. 13, 1969 |
Box 26 |
Plane Hijackers - original
Jan. 14, 1969 |
Box 26 |
Gov. Walter Hickel of Alaska & Opposition of Conservative Groups - original
Jan. 15, 1969 |
Box 26 |
Nguyen Cao Ky & Prestige in Peace Talks - original
Jan. 16, 1969 |
Box 26 |
LBJ's Inflated Budget - original
Jan. 17, 1969 |
Box 26 |
North Providence Pollution - copy
Jan. 18, 1969 |
Box 26 |
LBJ's Farewell - original
Jan. 20, 1969 |
Box 26 |
National Discord & Richard Nixon - original
Jan. 21, 1969 |
Box 26 |
Oil Monopolies & New England - copy (3)
Jan. 22, 1969 |
Box 26 |
Commander Lloyd Bucher's Damaging Testimony Against Navy Brass - original
Jan. 23, 1969 |
Box 26 |
Henry Cabot Lodge & Peace Talks - original
Jan. 24, 1969 |
Box 26 |
Charles deGaulle's Announcement to Remain Four More Years - original
Jan. 25, 1969 |
Box 26 |
Gov. Frank Licht's Budget - original
Jan. 27, 1969 |
Box 26 |
Changes in the UnAmerican Activities Commission - copy
Jan. 28, 1969 |
Box 26 |
Richard Nixon Organization & Critics - original
Jan. 29, 1969 |
Box 26 |
Prehistoric China Policy - original
Jan. 30, 1969 |
Box 26 |
Extremist Minority vs. Silent Majority - original
Jan. 31, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Washington's Record Crime Rate - original
Feb. 1, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Cuba Hijackings - original
Feb. 3, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Tax Reform Bill - original
Feb. 4, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Critics of Sportsmanship of Hidden Radar - original
Feb. 5, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Congressional Pay Raise Inspiring Workers - original
Feb. 6, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Young Protestors - original
Feb. 7, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Cigarette Ban on TV - original
Feb. 8, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Attempted Tax Reform & Oil Depletion Allowance - copy
Feb. 10, 1969 |
Box 27 |
RI Storm - original
Feb. 11, 1969 |
Box 27 |
California Oil Spill & Walter J, Hickel - original
Feb. 12, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Hunger in America & the Money Used to Keep Farms from Producing - copy
Feb. 13, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Richard Nixon Togetherness - original
Feb. 14, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Canada's Wheat Sales & Recognition of Red China - original
Feb. 15, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Sen. Strom Thurmond & Relations with Richard Nixon - original
Feb. 17, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Gov. Frank Licht's 1969 Budget with Options - original
Feb. 18, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Dismissal of Notre Dame's Radicals - copy
Feb. 19, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Starving Children in US - copy
Feb. 20, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Secret Service & Visit to Western Allies - original
Feb. 21, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Richard Nixon's Behavior & Washington Critics - original
Feb. 22, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Gov. Frank Licht's 1969 Budget Popularity - original
Feb. 24, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Charles deGaulle & Britain Meet to Undermine US in Europe - original
Feb. 27, 1969 |
Box 27 |
US Space Program - original
Feb. 28, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Fear of German Military Revival & Support of a United Germany - original
Mar. 1, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Interest by Penn-Central to Relocate State & Tracks in Providence - copy
Mar. 3, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Berlin Crisis & USSR - original
Mar. 4, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Machiasport Decision & US Oil Users - original
Mar. 5, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Domestic Problems for Richard Nixon - original
Mar. 6, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Clock at Penn-Central Providence Station - original
Mar. 7, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Soviets vs. Chinese - original
Mar. 8, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Richard Nixon & Vietnam - original
Mar. 10, 1969 |
Box 27 |
ABM Decision vs. Democratic Controlled Congress - original
Mar. 11, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Tax Reform Committee & Wealthy Tax Dodgers - original
Mar. 12, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Space vs. Hunger Funds - copy
Mar. 13, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Vietnamese Attacks on Richard Nixon - original
Mar. 14, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Petty Criminals vs. Student Radicals - original
Mar. 15, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Irish in Rhode Island - original
Mar. 17, 1969 |
Box 27 |
RI State Employees Pay Raise - original
Mar. 18, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Czechs & Occupation - original
Mar. 19, 1969 |
Box 27 |
ABM Systems & Peace - original
Mar. 20, 1969 |
Box 27 |
ABM System - original
Mar. 21, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Sen. John Pastore & Government Censorship of TV - copy (3)
Mar. 22, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Richard Nixon & Ted Williams Trying to Remove Ho Chi Minh - original
Mar. 24, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Military & Industry in Government - original
Mar. 25, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Water on Mars - original
Mar. 26, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Penn-Central & The Commuter - original
Mar. 27, 1969 |
Box 27 |
US Nuclear Power - original
Mar. 28, 1969 |
Box 27 |
Unfair Housing in Industry - original
Mar. 31, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Industry vs. Labor & Richard Nixon's Fight Against Inflation - original
Apr. 1, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Sunday Meat Sales Enforcement - copy
Apr. 2, 1969 |
Box 28 |
De-escalation of Bombing for "Economy" Reasons - original
Apr. 3, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Czech Freedom Demonstration - original
Apr. 4, 1969 |
Box 28 |
World Problems - original
Apr. 5, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Tax Loopholes for the Wealthy - original
Apr. 7, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Gen. Moshe Dayan & Arab Territory - original
Apr. 8, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Elderly vs. Gov. Frank Licht Tax - copy
Apr. 9, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Richard Nixon's Riot Program & RI's Qualification - original
Apr. 10, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Richard Nixon's Domestic Program & Budget Restrictions - original
Apr. 11, 1969 |
Box 28 |
NATO's 20th Birthday - original
Apr. 12, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Pentagon Budget & Critics - original
Apr. 14, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Tax Refunds - original
Apr. 15, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Richard Nixon's Style & An Impatient Congress - original
Apr. 16, 1969 |
Box 28 |
University Radicals Getting What They Want - original
Apr. 17, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Political Patronage in Providence & Jobs for the Poor - copy
Apr. 18, 1969 |
Box 28 |
North Korean Patrols - original
Apr. 19, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Non-Conformists - original
Apr. 21, 1969 |
Box 28 |
French Voters & Charles deGaulle - original
Apr. 22, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Income Tax of Poverty - copy
Apr. 23, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Lake Michigan Contamination - original
Apr. 24, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Record Inflation & Richard Nixon's Control Efforts - original
Apr. 25, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Pornography - original
Apr. 26, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Battle for ABM - original
Apr. 28, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Charles deGaulle's Reform Bill's Rejection - original
Apr. 29, 1969 |
Box 28 |
George Romney's Model Cities Plan - original
Apr. 30, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Civil Rights - original
May 1, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Richard Nixon Suspends Hunger Drive - original
May 2, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Soviet Soldiers in Czechoslovakia - original
May 3, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Sen. Everett Dirksen's Strike Against Richard Nixon's Appointments - copy
May 5, 1969 |
Box 28 |
North Providence Pollution - copy
May 6, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Judge Abe Fortas' Ethics - original
May 7, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Revolt Against Computer Society - original
May 8, 1969 |
Box 28 |
AMA Dangerous Drug Ads & The Tobacco Industry - original
May 9, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Peace Rumors - copy
May 10, 1969 |
Box 28 |
New School Curriculum - copy
May 12, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Children's Demands - original
May 13, 1969 |
Box 28 |
James Forman & Unreasonable "Reparation" Demands - original
May 14, 1969 |
Box 28 |
College Radicals & SDS - copy
May 15, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Hanoi's Fighting - original
May 16, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Melvin Laird & Plane Contracts - original
May 17, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Pentagon's Poison Gas Plan - original
May 19, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Federal Government's Ethics - copy
May 20, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Nelson Rockefeller's Mission to South America - original
May 21, 1969 |
Box 28 |
SEATO & Continued US Commitment to South East Asian Policy - original
May 22, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Amnesty for Blacks at Hope High - original
May 23, 1969 |
Box 28 |
GOP Issues - original
May 24, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Sen. James Eastland & Money for Not Growing Crops - copy
May 26, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Vietnam Rebuilding Plan - original
May 27, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Supreme Court Justices' Salary - original
May 28, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Patronage in US Mail - original
May 29, 1969 |
Box 28 |
Vietnam Casualties & War Profits - copy
May 31, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Richard Nixon's War in Vietnam - original
Jun. 2, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Joining the "Establishment" - original
Jun. 3, 1969 |
Box 29 |
US Peace Proposal for South Vietnam
Jun. 4, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Student Radicals & Public Backlash - original
Jun. 5, 1969 |
Box 29 |
US as World Policeman - original
Jun. 6, 1969 |
Box 29 |
South American Hate for US - original
Jun. 7, 1969 |
Box 29 |
LBJ as Ex-President - copy
Jun. 9, 1969 |
Box 29 |
China, Czechs & Moscow - original
Jun. 10, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Nixon Troop Withdrawal from Vietnam - original
Jun. 11, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Vietnamese Draft Needed with US Withdrawal - original
Jun. 12, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Ho Chi Minh & Soviet-Chinese Support vs. Border Battles - original
Jun. 13, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Constructing New Homes - original
Jun. 14, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Money for South Providence Renewal - original
Jun. 16, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Wage & Price Control & Inflation - copy
Jun. 17, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Supreme Court Ruling on Adam Powell - original
Jun. 18, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Pentagon's Accounting Department & The War - original
Jun. 19, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Insecticide Abuse - original
Jun. 21, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Vietnam Troop Withdrawal - original
Jun. 23, 1969 |
Box 29 |
SDS National Convention Splits Into Factions - original
Jun. 24, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Richard Nixon's Surtax Bill vs. Tax Reform Demands - original
Jun. 25, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Taxpayer's Revolt at the Polls - original
Jun. 26, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Peru's Nationalization - copy
Jun. 27, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Providence College's 50th Anniversary - original
Jun. 28, 1969 |
Box 29 |
AMA & Richard Nixon's Debts - copy
Jul. 1, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Loophole Tax Reform vs. Richard Nixon's Surtax - original
Jul. 2, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Building Trade Demands & Inflation - copy
Jul. 3, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Space Monkey Project - original
Jul. 5, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Richard Nixon's Visit to Romania - original
Jul. 7, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Weakening Guidelines for School Desegregation - original
Jul. 8, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Newport Jazz Festival & Newport City Council - copy
Jul. 9, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Gov. Frank Licht's Budget Surplus - original
Jul. 10, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Secret Senate Sessions on ABM - original
Jul. 11, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Ho Chi Minh's 10-Point Peace Demands - original
Jul. 12, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Apollo Flight - original
Jul. 14, 1969 |
Box 29 |
AMA & The Dedicated Doctor - original
Jul. 15, 1969 |
Box 29 |
El Salvador Soccer Games Starts War - original
Jul. 16, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Man on the Moon - original
Jul. 17, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Administration Cut Backs - copy
Jul. 18, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Scientific Treasures From the Moon - original
Jul. 19, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin on the Moon - copy
Jul. 21, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Chinese Nuclear Threat to USSR - original
Jul. 22, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Ways & Means Committee Cuts & Tax Reformers - copy
Jul. 23, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Siberia & Richard Nixon's Visit to Romania - original
Jul. 24, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Moonstones & Science - original
Jul. 25, 1969 |
Box 29 |
US Involvement in Asia - original
Jul. 26, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Eugene McCarthy & Youth Hopes - original
Jul. 28, 1969 |
Box 29 |
Gen. Moshe Dayan's Stand on Arab Territories - original
Jul. 29, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Pentagon Cuts in Defense Spending - original
Aug. 26, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Urban Affairs Report & Money for Poor - original
Aug. 27, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Religious Wars Throughout the World - original
Aug. 28, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Prejudice in Craft Union Jobs - copy
Aug. 29, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Green Beret Murder Mystery & CIA - original
Aug. 30, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Schools Opening - copy
Sept. 2, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Hoodlum's Responsibility for Actions - original
Sept. 3, 1969 |
Box 30 |
State Welfare Costs & Aid From Nations' Governors - original
Sept. 4, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Union Contracts for Teachers - original
Sept. 5, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Carpenter's Prices - original
Sept. 6, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Building Trades Wage Escalation - original
Sept. 8, 1969 |
Box 30 |
China-Soviet Relations Going Downhill - original
Sept. 9, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Richard Nixon's California Vacation & The Critics - original
Sept. 10, 1969 |
Box 30 |
South Vietnam's Violation of Truce - original
Sept. 11, 1969 |
Box 30 |
World Disaster: US vs. USSR - original
Sept. 12, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Alaskan Oil Leases - original
Sept. 13, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Vietnam Protests on Campuses - copy
Sept. 15, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Travel Restrictions to China - original
Sept. 16, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Announcement of Troop Withdrawal & Gen. Nguyen Cao Ky - original
Sept. 17, 1969 |
Box 30 |
US Involvement in Laos - original
Sept. 18, 1969 |
Box 30 |
UN & Peace - original
Sept. 19, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Electoral College Removed - original
Sept. 20, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Long-Haired Young Men - original
Sept. 22, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Israel's Request for Aid & US Neutrality in the Middle East - copy
Sept. 23, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Richard Nixon's Cut-Back in Medicine Research - copy
Sept. 24, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Grape Pickers Grievances - copy
Sept. 25, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Violence on TV - copy
Sept. 26, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Providence College's 50th Year - copy
Sept. 27, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Richard Nixon's Course on Vietnam-Following LBJ - original
Sept. 30, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Laos & Middle East Involvement by US - original
Oct. 1, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Attacks on Elderly on Providence Streets - copy
Oct. 2, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Riots & Police - copy
Oct. 16, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Clement Haynsworth's Judicial Record - original
Oct. 17, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Congressional Seniority System - original
Oct. 18, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Richard Nixon & Wages; Prices & Peace Pressures - original
Oct. 20, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Captured US Fliers in Hanoi - original
Oct. 21, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Black Hoodlum Minority - original
Oct. 22, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Richard Nixon's Draft Reform & Student Radicals - original
Oct. 23, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Spiro Agnew's Attacks on Administration Opponents - original
Oct. 24, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Blacks in Olympics - original
Oct. 25, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Delay of Integration in the South - copy
Oct. 27, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Providence School Strikes - copy
Oct. 28, 1969 |
Box 30 |
US-Soviet Arms Control Meeting - original
Oct. 29, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Fidel Castro's Postponement of Christmas - original
Oct. 30, 1969 |
Box 30 |
Spiro Agnew's Policy Speeches - original
Oct. 31, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Richard Nixon & School Desegregation - copy
Nov. 1, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Lebanon & Syria & Palestine Commandos - original
Nov. 3, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Mind Twisting Drugs - original
Nov. 4, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Public Opinion on Vietnam - original
Nov. 5, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Pentagon Funds Restored - original
Nov. 6, 1969 |
Box 31 |
John Lindsay - original
Nov. 7, 1969 |
Box 31 |
North Vietnam Waiting Game - original
Nov. 8, 1969 |
Box 31 |
President Gamel Abdel Nasser's War Threats - copy
Nov. 10, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Dissent & Approval of Richard Nixon - original
Nov. 12, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Public Fears - original
Nov. 13, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Gov. Frank Licht 1969 Budget - original
Nov. 14, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Spiro Agnew & Richard Nixon Haters - copy
Nov. 15, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Senate Ineffective Clean Water Bill - copy
Nov. 17, 1969 |
Box 31 |
US-Soviet Nuclear Race - original
Nov. 18, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Early Christmas Advertising - original
Nov. 19, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Lunar Trip - copy
Nov. 20, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Spiro Agnew Speech Criticism - original
Nov. 21, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Judge Clement Haynsworth & "Brunswick Case" - original
Nov. 22, 1969 |
Box 31 |
US Nuclear Protection of Japan - original
Nov. 24, 1969 |
Box 31 |
State No-Strike Law - original
Nov. 25, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Richard Nixon & Vietnam - original
Nov. 26, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Patronage Pressures in RI - original
Nov. 28, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Atty. Gen. John Mitchell & Civil Rights - original
Nov. 29, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Search for Judges with Consciences in South - original
Dec. 1, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Brutality of War - original
Dec. 2, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Teacher Strikes & Students - original
Dec. 3, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Advancement in Science vs. War Regression - original
Dec. 4, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Poverty Funds Controlled by Politics - copy
Dec. 5, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Strike Methods & Municipal Employees - original
Dec. 6, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Spiro Agnew's Trip to far East Nations - original
Dec. 8, 1969 |
Box 31 |
North Providence Smog - copy
Dec. 9, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Tax Cuts vs. Social Problems - original
Dec. 10, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Vietnamization of the War - original
Dec. 11, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Anti-Pollution Costs Fall on Customer - original
Dec. 12, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Senate Tax Reform Bill - original
Dec. 13, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Richard Nixon Anti-Voting Rights Bill & Civil Rights - original
Dec. 15, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Richard Nixon's Cutback in Medical Research - original
Dec. 16, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Sen. John O. Pastore & LBJ - copy (3)
Dec. 17, 1969 |
Box 31 |
South Vietnamese Deserters - original
Dec. 18, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Richard Nixon's Gifts to the South - original
Dec. 19, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Congressional Tax Giveaways - original
Dec. 20, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Toy Popularity - original
Dec. 22, 1969 |
Box 31 |
US Peace Plan in Middle East - original
Dec. 23, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Peace Dove - copy
Dec. 24, 1969 |
Box 31 |
After Christmas Sales & Xmas Bills - original
Dec. 26, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Prisoners of North Vietnam - original
Dec. 27, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Mrs. Martha Mitchell as Administration Defender - original
Dec. 29, 1969 |
Box 31 |
Forgotten Youth in Vietnam - copy
Dec. 30, 1969 |
Box 31 |
1970 Coming In - original
Dec. 31, 1969 |
Box 32 |
North Providence Dump Burning & Clean Air Laws - copy
Jan. 2, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Arms Industry & Impoverished Countries - original
Jan. 3, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Change of Subject from Vietnam to Pollution - copy
Jan. 5, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Spiro Agnew's Visit to Nepal - original
Jan. 6, 1970 |
Box 32 |
RI Income Tax & GOP Plans - original
Jan. 7, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Gov. Frank Licht's Legislative Program - original
Jan. 8, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Nuclear Arms Production - original
Jan. 9, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Closing the Generation Gap - copy
Jan. 10, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Spiro Agnew & International Diplomacy - original
Jan. 12, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Penn-Central Profits in Freight - original
Jan. 13, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Biafran Aid Too Late - original
Jan. 14, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Israel War Escalates - original
Jan. 15, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Pollution in Smithfield - copy
Jan. 16, 1970 |
Box 32 |
US Cut-Backs on Lunar Flights - copy
Jan. 17, 1970 |
Box 32 |
"The Pill" - original
Jan. 19, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Richard Nixon & Runaway Prices - original
Jan. 20, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Judge Harrold Carswell's Confirmation by Senate - original
Jan. 21, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Health & Education Bill Threatened Veto - original
Jan. 22, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Mid-East War Aided by France - original
Jan. 23, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Mrs. Henry D. Sharpe's Gift to India Point - original
Jan. 24, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Pollution Funds - copy
Jan. 26, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Claiborne Pell's Education Bill - copy
Jan. 27, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Biafran Aid Fails Again - original
Jan. 28, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Middle East Policy - original
Jan. 29, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Richard Nixon Staff Uniforms - original
Jan. 30, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Arthur Ashe & South African Color Ban in Sports - original
Jan. 31, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Inflation Grows - original
Feb. 2, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Richard Nixon's Vietnamization Policy - original
Feb. 3, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Supreme Court Appointee from South - original
Feb. 5, 1970 |
Box 32 |
RI Pollution - copy
Feb. 6, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Youth & Drugs - original
Feb. 7, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Congress & Anti-Pollution Sponsorship - copy
Feb. 9, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Medicare Overcharges - copy
Feb. 10, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Racial Hypocrisy in the North - original
Feb. 11, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Palestine Guerrillas vs. Arab Unity - original
Feb. 12, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Teen-agers Leaving Home - original
Feb. 13, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Spiro Agnew & News Media - original
Feb. 14, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Richard Nixon & Pollution Issue - copy
Feb. 16, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Providence College Parietals - copy
Feb. 17, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Richard Nixon's Southern Strategy for Desegregation - original
Feb. 18, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Laotian Plan & US Denial of Involvement - original
Feb. 19, 1970 |
Box 32 |
John Stennis Amendment - original
Feb. 20, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Value of the Dollar - original
Feb. 21, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Chicago Contempt Verdicts - original
Feb. 23, 1970 |
Box 32 |
New England Oil - copy
Feb. 24, 1970 |
Box 32 |
RI Tax & Pleasure Boats - copy
Feb. 25, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Strikes at Mt. Pleasant High School - original
Feb. 26, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Laos Escalation - original
Feb. 27, 1970 |
Box 32 |
Democratic Debt & Mayor Joseph Dooley - copy
Feb. 28, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Spiro Agnew & GOP Find Raising - copy
Mar. 2, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Penn-Central & Threatened Strikes - original
Mar. 4, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Nguyen Van Thieu Dictatorship & Dissent - original
Mar. 5, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Laos Involvement - original
Mar. 6, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Harrold Carswell - original
Mar. 7, 1970 |
Box 33 |
RI Meatcutter's Union - copy
Mar. 9, 1970 |
Box 33 |
RI Building Trades & Requirements for Blacks - copy
Mar. 10, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Casualties in Laos - original
Mar. 11, 1970 |
Box 33 |
John Mitchell's Fingerprint Bill - original
Mar. 12, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Canada's Oil Cost - copy
Mar. 13, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Voting Age at 18 - original
Mar. 14, 1970 |
Box 33 |
System Self-Destructing Itself - original
Mar. 16, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Daniel P. Moynihan Unpopularity - original
Mar. 17, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Judge Harrold Carswell Appointment - copy
Mar. 18, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Richard Nixon's Southern Strategy - original
Mar. 19, 1970 |
Box 33 |
CIA in Cambodia - original
Mar. 20, 1970 |
Box 33 |
US Mail Strike - original
Mar. 21, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Drivers License Pictures - copy
Mar. 23, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Americans in Cuba - original
Mar. 24, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Penalty-Free Speeders - original
Mar. 25, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Richard Nixon's Economic Policy - original
Mar. 26, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Illegal Strikes - original
Mar. 27, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Judge Harrold Carswell Appointment - original
Mar. 28, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Medicare Financial Chaos - original
Mar. 30, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Weather Changes - original
Mar. 31, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Distrust Between Police & Blacks & Joseph Doorley Leadership - copy
Apr. 1, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Raise in Congressional Salary - original
Apr. 2, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Richard Nixon's Desegregation Policy - copy
Apr. 3, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Richard Nixon & Judge Harrold Carswell Support - copy
Apr. 4, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Challenge Against Troops in Vietnam - original
Apr. 6, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Young Men's Dress - copy
Apr. 7, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Wage & Price Spiral - copy
Apr. 8, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Middletown Dog Track - original
Apr. 9, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Physical Danger to Police - original
Apr. 10, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Astronaut Thomas K. Mattingly - original
Apr. 11, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Gov. Claude Roy Kirk, Jr. - original
Apr. 13, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Income Tax Loopholes - original
Apr. 14, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Francis LaChapelle's Gambling Bill - copy
Apr. 15, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Arms Proliferation & SALT - original
Apr. 16, 1970 |
Box 33 |
Medicare & Medicaid - original
Apr. 17, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Connecticut National Guard - original
May 5, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Richard Nixon's in Cambodia - original
May 6, 1970 |
Box 34 |
High School Suspensions - copy
May 7, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Secretary Walter J. Hickel & Richard Nixon - original
May 8, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Power to Declare War - original
May 9, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Youth Protests - original
May 11, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Young Political Power with Adult Support - original
May 12, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Gov.Frank Licht-Spiro Agnew Confrontation - original
May 13, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Racial Conflict in Georgia - copy
May 14, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Arab Disunity & Israel's Peace Stand - original
May 15, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Rising Food Costs - copy
May 16, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Funds for Cambodia - original
May 18, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Frank Licht's Campaign - original
May 19, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Ford-Soviet Truck Deal Vetoed - original
May 20, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Spiro Agnew's Tennis Talent - copy
May 21, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Speaker John McCormack Resigns - original
May 22, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Campaign Strategies - original
May 23, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Penn-Central's Poor Service - original
May 25, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Vietnam Troops Headed for Cambodia - original
May 26, 1970 |
Box 34 |
UN's 25th Anniversary - original
May 27, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Richard Nixon's Public Image - original
May 28, 1970 |
Box 34 |
PC's ROTC Ceremonies - original
May 29, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Richard Nixon & Communist Threats - original
Jun. 1, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Graduates in Job Market - original
Jun. 2, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Gov. Frank Licht-Atty. Gen. Herbert F. DeSimone Debate - copy
Jun. 3, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Anti-War Reaction - original
Jun. 4, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Record Wage Settlements - original
Jun. 5, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Auto Deaths in 1969 - original
Jun. 6, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Richard Nixon's Southern Strategy - original
Jun. 8, 1970 |
Box 34 |
New Cambodian Government - original
Jun. 9, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Student Demands for Election Campaign - original
Jun. 10, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Bias in RI Trade - original
Jun. 11, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Arab Unity - original
Jun. 12, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Fr. John McLaughlin's Run for Senate - original
Jun. 13, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Senate vs. Richard Nixon in Cambodia - original
Jun. 15, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Central Falls City Hall Robbery - original
Jun. 16, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Apollo XIII Failure - original
Jun. 17, 1970 |
Box 34 |
U.RI - original
Jun. 18, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Call for Labor & Management to Fight Inflation - original
Jun. 19, 1970 |
Box 34 |
New England Oil - original
Jun. 20, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Voting Age Lowered - original
Jun. 22, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Spiro Agnew & Fund Raising - original
Jun. 23, 1970 |
Box 34 |
AMA Convention in Chicago - original
Jun. 24, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Democratic Party Overload - original
Jun. 25, 1970 |
Box 34 |
Penn-Central Passenger Service - original
Jun. 26, 1970 |
Box 34 |
US Peace Plan with Arabs - original
Jun. 27, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Prejudice Against Italians - copy
Jul. 1, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Curtailing Richard Nixon's Power in Cambodia - original
Jul. 2, 1970 |
Box 35 |
US-Soviet Mideast Confrontation - original
Jul. 3, 1970 |
Box 35 |
American Unity - original
Jul. 4, 1970 |
Box 35 |
U.RI & Taxpayers - original
Jul. 6, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Vietnam Failures - original
Jul. 7, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Merchandise Guaranteed - copy
Jul. 8, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Brutality in US Prisons - original
Jul. 9, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Mideast Peace at a Stand Still - original
Jul. 10, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Spiro Agnew's Feud with the News Media - original
Jul. 11, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Indian Programs & Richard Nixon - original
Jul. 13, 1970 |
Box 35 |
New Bedford Race Harmony Disrupted - original
Jul. 14, 1970 |
Box 35 |
US as World Policeman - original
Jul. 15, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Auto Union & Industry Contract - original
Jul. 16, 1970 |
Box 35 |
RI Summertime Fund - original
Jul. 17, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Richard Nixon's Southern Strategy - original
Jul. 21, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Disease amp; Cruelty to Migrant Workers - original
Jul. 22, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Farm Subsidies - original
Jul. 23, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Cereals for Children Lack Nutrition - original
Jul. 24, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Nguyen Van Thieu-Nguyen Cao Ky Rigidity - original
Jul. 25, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Mafia & "Cosa Nostra" Banned - original
Jul. 27, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Mafia & "Cosa Nostra" Banned - original
Jul. 27, 1970 |
Box 35 |
UN & South Africa (Reprinted from (9/29/66)- copy
Jul. 28, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Smog in New York (Reprinted from (11/26/66)- copy
Jul. 29, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Soviets at UN (Reprinted from (6/21/67)- copy
Jul. 30, 1970 |
Box 35 |
South Providence Substandard Housing (Reprinted from (12/5/67)- copy
Jul. 31, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Drinking & Driving (Reprinted from (1/7/67)- copy
Aug. 1, 1970 |
Box 35 |
US Business (Reprinted from (10/19/67)- copy
Aug. 4, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Speeding on Route 95 (Reprinted from (1/8/66)- copy
Aug. 58, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Recognition of Israel (Reprinted from (10/7/67)- copy
Aug. 6, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Russian Missiles (Reprinted from (12/10/66)- copy
Aug. 7, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Cost of Children (Reprinted from (6/3/66)- copy
Aug. 8, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Organized Crime (Reprinted from (5/26/67)- copy
Aug. 118, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Junk Mail - original
Aug. 14, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Tiverton's Pollution-Free Refinery & Unpredictable Accidents - copy
Aug. 15, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Anti-Ballistic Missiles - original
Aug. 17, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Destiny of the World - original
Aug. 18, 1970 |
Box 35 |
George McGovern-Mark Hatfield Bill Challenges Richard Nixon - original
Aug. 19, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Ralph Nader - original
Aug. 20, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Chemicals in Warfare - original
Aug. 21, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Women's Lib Movement - original
Aug. 22, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Providence Water - copy
Aug. 24, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Spiro Agnew & Troop Withdrawal - original
Aug. 25, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Israel's Missile Withdrawal - original
Aug. 26, 1970 |
Box 35 |
UN Peace Efforts & Palestine Refugees - original
Aug. 27, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Women's Liberation - original
Aug. 28, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Foreign Aid to our Asian Allies - original
Aug. 29, 1970 |
Box 35 |
Frank Licht's Investment Tax - original
Aug. 31, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Radicals Lead Way to Repression - original
Sept. 1, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Dr. Margaret Mead's Appointment to URI Criticized - original
Sept. 2, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Richard Nixon & Vietnam - original
Sept. 3, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Arab Missile Build-up - original
Sept. 4, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Cut Back on Moon Trips - original
Sept. 5, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Tiverton Town Council's Refinery Decision - original
Sept. 8, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Plane Hi-jackers vs. Anti Hi-jacking Devices - original
Sept. 9, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Guerrillas & Peace - original
Sept. 10, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Young Militants - original
Sept. 11, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Terrorists Tactics Scare World Powers - original
Sept. 12, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Auto Industry Bargaining - original
Sept. 14, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Nguyen Cao Ky's Unwelcomed Visit to US - original
Sept. 15, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Richard Nixon & Blue Collar Workers - original
Sept. 16, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Narragansett Boy Scouts - copy
Sept. 17, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Defective RI School Buses - original
Sept. 18, 1970 |
Box 36 |
RI Gubernatorial Race & Income Tax - copy
Sept. 19, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Spiro Agnew vs. Students & Liberals - original
Sept. 21, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Inter-Arab Fighting - original
Sept. 22, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Anti-Establishment Theme in Movies - original
Sept. 23, 1970 |
Box 36 |
UN Apathy Towards Jordan - original
Sept. 24, 1970 |
Box 36 |
East Coast Black-Out - original
Sept. 25, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Aussie's Victory - original
Sept. 26, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Internal Dissension of US - original
Sept. 28, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Campus Unrest with Richard Nixon - original
Sept. 29, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Fr. John McLaughlin's Campaign for Senate - original
Sept. 30, 1970 |
Box 36 |
New England Oil Crisis - copy
Oct. 1, 1970 |
Box 36 |
High Cost of Campaigning - copy
Oct. 2, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Soviet Sub Bases in Cuba - original
Oct. 3, 1970 |
Box 36 |
"The System" vs. Youth - original
Oct. 5, 1970 |
Box 36 |
RI Waterfront Communities - original
Oct. 6, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Patronage in Providence -copy
Oct. 7, 1970 |
Box 36 |
GOP Liberals & Spiro Agnew - original
Oct. 8, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Richard Nixon's Peace Plan - original
Oct. 9, 1970 |
Box 36 |
"Blabbo" Speeches - original
Oct. 10, 1970 |
Box 36 |
College Recesses for Campaigning - original
Oct. 13, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Liberal Democrats Swing Right - original
Oct. 14, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Providence Poverty Program vs. Patronage - copy
Oct. 15, 1970 |
Box 36 |
School Regionalization Foes - original
Oct. 16, 1970 |
Box 36 |
UN's 25th Anniversary Celebration - original
Oct. 17, 1970 |
Box 36 |
RI Income Tax - original
Oct. 19, 1970 |
Box 36 |
US Radicals - copy
Oct. 20, 1970 |
Box 36 |
John Lindsay 1972 GOP Candidate - original
Oct. 21, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Channel Hops Campaigning - original
Oct. 22, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Loss of Carriers- original
Oct. 23, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Early Christmas Advertising - original
Oct. 24, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Criminals Pay Price - copy
Oct. 26, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Richard Nixon Blames Previous Administration - original
Oct. 27, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Speeding on Route 95 - original
Oct. 28, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Behavioral Scientists - copy
Oct. 29, 1970 |
Box 36 |
High Employment - original
Oct. 30, 1970 |
Box 36 |
Busing Scare - original
Oct. 31, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Providence School System - copy
Nov. 2, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Election Results - original
Nov. 3, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Victorious Candidates - copy
Nov. 4, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Absentee Ballots in Rhode Island - copy
Nov. 5, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Disciplinary Code in Providence Schools - original
Nov. 6, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Spiro Agnew's Journeys - original
Nov. 7, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Richard Nixon's Economic Policy - original
Nov. 9, 1970 |
Box 37 |
RI's Bankrupt Revenue Machine - copy
Nov. 10, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Supersonic Transport vs. Red Ink - original
Nov. 12, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Charles deGaulle - original
Nov. 13, 1970 |
Box 37 |
RI Welfare Costs - original
Nov. 14, 1970 |
Box 37 |
James N. Williams & The Urban League - copy
Nov. 16, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Providence Funds & The Poor - original
Nov. 17, 1970 |
Box 37 |
US Chinese Policy - original
Nov. 18, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Lunar Vehicles - original
Nov. 19, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Frank Licht's Budget Problems - copy
Nov. 20, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Providence & Employment Inequality - original
Nov. 21, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Record Unemployment - original
Nov. 23, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Richard Nixon's Credibility Gap - original
Nov. 24, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Poverty & Surplus of Food & Goods - original
Nov. 25, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Edmund Muskie-Presidential Candidate - original
Nov. 27, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Protectionist Congressman - original
Nov. 28, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Richard Nixon's Inflation Fight - original
Nov. 30, 1970 |
Box 37 |
New Secretary of the Interior - original
Dec. 1, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Increase in Cost of Electricity in RI - original
Dec. 2, 1970 |
Box 37 |
1970 Census Study - original
Dec. 3, 1970 |
Box 37 |
USS Regrets - original
Dec. 4, 1970 |
Box 37 |
SST Funds Defeated in the Senate - original
Dec. 5, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Different Santas - original
Dec. 7, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Frank Licht Investment Tax - copy
Dec. 8, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Inflation Due to Wage & Price Rise - original
Dec. 15, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Santa Claus Fund - copy
Dec. 22, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Distribution of Resources - original
Dec. 23, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Youth, Adults, Minorities & Peace - original
Dec. 24, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Cost of Christmas Gifts - original
Dec. 26, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Frank Licht Income Tax Possibilities - copy
Dec. 28, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Israel Good Will - original
Dec. 29, 1970 |
Box 37 |
91st Congress & Poor - original
Dec. 30, 1970 |
Box 37 |
Hopes for 1971 - original
Dec. 31, 1970 |
Box 38 |
Dangers of Alcohol & Marijuana - original
Jan. 2, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Cigarette Commercials Banned from TV - original
Jan. 4, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Richard Nixon & Civil Rights - original
Jan. 5, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Taxes Cost Only Taxpayer - original
Jan. 6, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Politicians' Broken Promises - copy
Jan. 7, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Hopes of the Poor - original
Jan. 8, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Golda Meir & Arab Territories - original
Jan. 9, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Civic Center Vote - copy
Jan. 11, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Tax Write-offs - original
Jan. 12, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Mayor Joseph A. Doorley Sells Land to Engineers - original
Jan. 13, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Steel Industry - original
Jan. 14, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Seniority System in the House - original
Jan. 15, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Cut-Backs in Lunar Flights - original
Jan. 16, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Threat of Income Taxes - original
Jan. 18, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Penn-Central - copy
Jan. 19, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Welfare Abuse - original
Jan. 20, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Cambodia Air Attacks- original
Jan. 21, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Patronage Jobs - original
Jan. 22, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Vietnam Disengagement & Cambodia - original
Jan. 23, 1971 |
Box 38 |
RI Base Closings - original
Jan. 25, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Richard Nixon's State of the Union Address - original
Jan. 26, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Tax Rebates - original
Jan. 27, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Assembly Doorkeepers - copy
Jan. 28, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Vietnam & Cambodia - original
Jan. 29, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Richard Nixon's Deficit Budget - original
Jan. 30, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Electric Appliance Sales - copy
Feb. 1, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Federal Revenue Sharing - original
Feb. 2, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Laos Attack - original
Feb. 3, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Welfare Abuse Hysteria - copy
Feb. 4, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Laos News Embargo - original
Feb. 5, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Education & Welfare Costs - copy
Feb. 6, 1971 |
Box 38 |
RI Assembly Doorkeepers - original
Feb. 8, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Airforce Casualties in Laos - original
Feb. 9, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Indochina Involvement - original
Feb. 10, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Frank Licht Financial Troubles - copy
Feb. 11, 1971 |
Box 38 |
California Quakes - original
Feb. 12, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Protesting School Children - original
Feb. 13, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Richard Nixon's Unlimited War Powers - original
Feb. 15, 1971 |
Box 38 |
RI's Tax-Free Pleasure Boats - original
Feb. 16, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Spiro Agnew - original
Feb. 17, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Construction Union & Blacks - copy
Feb. 18, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Penn-Central Corruption - original
Feb. 19, 1971 |
Box 38 |
Lincoln Downs - original
Feb. 20, 1971 |
Box 38 |
RI Assembly Tax Bill & Frank Licht - copy
Feb. 22, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Frank Licht & Income Tax Issue - copy
Mar. 9, 1971 |
Box 39 |
War Powers: Richard Nixon vs. Senate - original
Mar. 10, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Richard Nixon's War Predictions - original
Mar. 11, 1971 |
Box 39 |
RI Transit Bankruptcy - original
Mar. 12, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Unemployed Moon Engineer - original
Mar. 15, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Israeli Peace Talks - original
Mar. 16, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Richard Nixon's Irish Heritage - original
Mar. 17, 1971 |
Box 39 |
SST benefits Private Industry - original
Mar. 18, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Jobs Decline in RI - original
Mar. 19, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Penn-Central Failures - original
Mar. 20, 1971 |
Box 39 |
US Press Releases About Vietnam - original
Mar. 22, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Wilbur Mill's Campaign for US Housed - original
Mar. 1, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Mafia Censorship - original
Mar. 24, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Spiro Agnew & CBS - original
Mar. 25, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Supersonic Transport Workers - original
Mar. 26, 1971 |
Box 39 |
RI House Doorkeepers - original
Mar. 27, 1971 |
Box 39 |
David Ben-Gurion & Peace - original
Mar. 29, 1971 |
Box 39 |
FBI on College Campuses - original
Mar. 30, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Dangers of Marijuana - copy
Mar. 31, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Steel Workers Demands - original
Apr. 1, 1971 |
Box 39 |
RI Assembly Welfare Cuts - original
Apr. 2, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Progress Ruining the Land - original
Apr. 3, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Indochina War & Lt. William L. Calley - original
Apr. 5, 1971 |
Box 39 |
RI Pleasure Boat Taxes - original
Apr. 6, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Spiro Agnew's Place in Nixon Administration - original
Apr. 7, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Lt. William L. Calley Verdict & Public Pressure - original
Apr. 8, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Richard Nixon's Pleads to End War - copy
Apr. 9, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Frank Licht Budget & Welfare Cuts - copy
Apr. 10, 1971 |
Box 39 |
China-USA Ping Pong Matches - original
Apr. 12, 1971 |
Box 39 |
US-China Peace Efforts - original
Apr. 13, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Israeli Peace Talks - original
Apr. 14, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Federal & State Tax Squeeze - original
Apr. 15, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Dump Richard Nixon Rally - original
Apr. 16, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Soviet Concern Over US-China Relations - original
Apr. 17, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Chad Brown Hoodlums - copy
Apr. 19, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Dump Richard Nixon Movement - copy
Apr. 20, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Providence Administration & Moving Contracts - copy
Apr. 21, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Spiro Agnew vs. Richard Nixon on China - original
Apr. 22, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Fire Herbert Hoover Drive - original
Apr. 23, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Earth Day Dying - original
Apr. 24, 1971 |
Box 39 |
RI House Cements Democratic Place - original
Apr. 26, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Boat Tax - original
Apr. 27, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Richard Nixon Timetable for End of War - original
Apr. 28, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Frank Licht Tax & Election Possibility - copy
Apr. 29, 1971 |
Box 39 |
Peace Radicals - original
Apr. 30, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Teenage Interest in Ecology - copy
May 1, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Frank Licht Tax - copy
May 3, 1971 |
Box 40 |
May Day Radicals - original
May 4, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Trashing by Demonstrators - original
May 5, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Bail Releases - original
May 6, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Gov. Ronald Reagan & Taxes - original
May 7, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Swordfish & Mercury - copy
May 8, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Secretary of State William Rogers' Peace Search in Middle East - original
May 10, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Devaluated Dollar in Europe - original
May 11, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Progress Report on Discrimination - original
May 12, 1971 |
Box 40 |
War Powers for Congress - original
May 13, 1971 |
Box 40 |
SST Revival Bill - original
May 14, 1971 |
Box 40 |
URI & Jerry Rubin - original
May 15, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Auto Industry - original
May 17, 1971 |
Box 40 |
G.I. Drug Addiction - original
May 18, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Soviet Fishing Fleet - original
May 19, 1971 |
Box 40 |
US Debt & military Protection for War Losers - original
May 20, 1971 |
Box 40 |
SST Death - original
May 21, 1971 |
Box 40 |
SALT Talks - original
May 22, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Narragansett Bay & Raw Sewage - copy
May 25, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Lt. Gov. J, Joseph Garrahy - copy
May 26, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Frank Licht's Budget Operation - copy
Jun. 2, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Steel, Copper & Aluminum Inflation - original
Jun. 3, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Drug Use at Brown - original
Jun. 4, 1971 |
Box 40 |
US Lobster Gear & Soviet Fleet - original
Jun. 5, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Jobs for Radical Graduates - original
Jun. 7, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Alcohol vs. Marijuana - original
Jun. 8, 1971 |
Box 40 |
RI Welfare Abuses - original
Jun. 9, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Laos Involvement - original
Jun. 10, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Loans to Lockheed & Mismanagement - original
Jun. 11, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Atty. Gen. Richard J. Israel - original
Jun. 13, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Racism in South Africa - original
Jun. 14, 1971 |
Box 40 |
LBJ's Credibility Gap - copy
Jun. 15, 1971 |
Box 40 |
US-China Trade - original
Jun. 16, 1971 |
Box 40 |
LBJ & Vietnam Questions - original
Jun. 17, 1971 |
Box 40 |
RI's Fiscal Problems - original
Jun. 18, 1971 |
Box 40 |
FTC Sues Violators of Advertising Law - original
Jun. 19, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Vietnam Promises - original
Jun. 21, 1971 |
Box 40 |
LBJ's Top Secret Promise - original
Jun. 22, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Raw Sewage in the Bay - copy
Jun. 23, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Frank Licht Tax - copy
Jun. 24, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Pentagon Papers - original
Jun. 25, 1971 |
Box 40 |
New England Gambling - original
Jun. 27, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Atty. Gen, John Mitchell & Government Leaks - original
Jun. 28, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Pentagon Papers - original
Jun. 29, 1971 |
Box 40 |
Possible Closing of Parochial Schools - original
Jun. 30, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Censorship Lessened - original
Jul. 1, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Richard Nixon's Economy - original
Jul. 2, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Celebrating the Holiday - original
Jul. 4, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Drug Experimenting & Youths - original
Jul. 5, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Newport Festival - copy
Jul. 7, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Curfews on Festivals - original
Jul. 8, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Heroin & GI's - original
Jul. 9, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Arson - original
Jul. 10, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Frank Licht & Income Tax Passage - original
Jul. 11, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Lockheed Loan - original
Jul. 27, 1971 |
Box 41 |
High Cost of Living - original
Jul. 28, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Slater Zoo - copy
Jul. 29, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Diners Illegally on State Land - original
Jul. 30, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Men on the Moon - original
Jul. 31, 1971 |
Box 41 |
US-China Policy - original
Aug. 2, 1971 |
Box 41 |
US Aid to Pakistan - original
Aug. 3, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Richard Nixon's Visit with Mao Tse-tung - original
Aug. 4, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Lockheed Loan - original
Aug. 5, 1971 |
Box 41 |
School Desegregation & Richard Nixon - original
Aug. 6, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Vietnam Election - original
Aug. 7, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Muffler Violators - original
Aug. 10, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Bishop Russell J. McVinney's Death - copy
Aug. 11, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Economy Crisis vs. China Success - copy
Aug. 12, 1971 |
Box 41 |
John Lindsay & The '72 Elections - original
Aug. 13, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Sewage in Quonset Bay - original
Aug. 14, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Richard Nixon in China - original
Aug. 16, 1971 |
Box 41 |
US Economy - original
Aug. 17, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Richard Nixon's Economy Policy - copy
Aug. 18, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Tax on Small Foreign Cars - original
Aug. 19, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Wage and Price Freeze - original
Aug. 20, 1971 |
Box 41 |
South Vietnam Election - original
Aug. 21, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Secretary John Connally vs. Spiro Agnew - original
Aug. 23, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Nguyen van Thieu Dictatorship & US Sacrifices - original
Aug. 24, 1971 |
Box 41 |
World Money Market - original
Aug. 25, 1971 |
Box 41 |
90 Day Price Freeze - original
Aug. 26, 1971 |
Box 41 |
New England Bookies - original
Aug. 27, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Penn-Central & Foxboro Stadium - original
Aug. 28, 1971 |
Box 41 |
Teacher Strikes - original
Aug. 31, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Drug Experimenting & Youths - original
Sept. 1, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Yen Troubles - original
Sept. 1, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Richard Nixon's Policy on School Busing - original
Sept. 2, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Defective Products - original
Sept. 3, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Frank Licht's Party Support in 1972 - original
Sept. 6, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Barefoot Teen-agers - original
Sept. 7, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Peter Pan Diner - copy
Sept. 8, 1971 |
Box 42 |
URI: Sea Grant College - copy
Sept. 9, 1971 |
Box 42 |
European Arms Merchants Sale in South America - original
Sept. 11, 1971 |
Box 42 |
School Problems - original
Sept. 13, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Richard Nixon's Economy - original
Sept. 14, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Edmund Muskie Charged with Racism - original
Sept. 15, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Attica & San Quentin Deaths - original
Sept. 16, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Route 895 - copy
Sept. 17, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Lack of Gun Controls - original
Sept. 18, 1971 |
Box 42 |
New Phosphate Substitutes - original
Sept. 20, 1971 |
Box 42 |
United Nation Troubles - original
Sept. 21, 1971 |
Box 42 |
China in the UN - original
Sept. 22, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Accusations Against Society - original
Sept. 23, 1971 |
Box 42 |
B.A. Dario & James Alden Dooley & RI Horse Tracks - original
Sept. 24, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Supreme Court Openings - original
Sept. 25, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Alaska & Emperor Hirohito - original
Sept. 27, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Spiro Agnew & John Connally Protect Richard Nixon - original
Sept. 28, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Frank Licht Re-election Plans - original
Sept. 29, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Medicare Fraud - copy
Sept. 30, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Dollar Demise - original
Oct. 1, 1971 |
Box 42 |
United Fund Drive - copy
Oct. 3, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Drug Related Crimes - original
Oct. 4, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Women Bartenders - copy
Oct. 5, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Nguyen Van Thieu's Victory - original
Oct. 6, 1971 |
Box 42 |
School Pride at Central - original
Oct. 7, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Warwick Libraries - original
Oct. 8, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Growth of Pawtucket - copy
Oct. 10, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Economy Optimism - original
Oct. 11, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Phase Two Inflation - original
Oct. 13, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Female Supreme Court Nominees - original
Oct. 14, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Soviet Missile Fears - original
Oct. 15, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Spiro Agnew Loses Favor - original
Oct. 16, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Betting Revenue & State Treasury - original
Oct. 18, 1971 |
Box 42 |
UN Seat for Taiwan - original
Oct. 19, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Student Voters - original
Oct. 20, 1971 |
Box 42 |
East Providence Pollution - original
Oct. 21, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Nguyen Van Thieu & Cambodia - original
Oct. 22, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Pollution Cleanup - original
Oct. 24, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Qualifications of Supreme Court Justice - original
Oct. 25, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Nationalist China - original
Oct. 27, 1971 |
Box 42 |
Debt-Ridden UN - original
Oct. 28, 1971 |
Box 42 |
RI Roadbuilding - copy
Oct. 29, 1971 |
Box 42 |
John Birch Society - original
Oct. 30, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Jamestown's Raw Sewage - copy
Nov. 1, 1971 |
Box 43 |
US Foreign Aid - original
Nov. 2, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Alaska Land Bill - original
Nov. 3, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Spiro Agnew's Position in Government - original
Nov. 4, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Claiborne Pell's Intensive Campaigning - original
Nov. 5, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Bedtime Stories & Peter Pan Diner - copy
Nov. 6, 1971 |
Box 43 |
North Providence Fire Department - copy
Nov. 8, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Inadequate Education Budget - original
Nov. 9, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Prayer Bill Defeated - original
Nov. 10, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Excessive Wage Hikes & Labor - original
Nov. 11, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Early Christmas Advertising - original
Nov. 12, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Tax Dodges & Depletion Allowances - original
Nov. 13, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Edmund Muskie's Clean Water Bill - copy
Nov. 15, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Welfare Fraud Charges - original
Nov. 16, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Frank Licht's Record Budget Request - original
Nov. 17, 1971 |
Box 43 |
City Sanitation Department - original
Nov. 18, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Contributions to Presidential Candidates - original
Nov. 19, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Chinese Communists in America - original
Nov. 20, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Labor vs. Industry - original
Nov. 22, 1971 |
Box 43 |
George Meany's Increased Salary - original
Nov. 23, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Thanksgiving - original
Nov. 24, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Fatalities Due to Drugs - copy
Nov. 26, 1971 |
Box 43 |
North Kingstown's Weak Sign Laws - copy
Nov. 29, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Richard Nixon's Tax Bill - original
Nov. 30, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Women's Liberation Demands - original
Dec. 1, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Richard Nixon's China Trip - original
Dec. 2, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Golda Meir's Arms Request for Mideast War - original
Dec. 3, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Johnston School Strike - original
Dec. 4, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Recognition of the Aged - copy
Dec. 6, 1971 |
Box 43 |
UN Veto Abuse - original
Dec. 7, 1971 |
Box 43 |
USSR & China Clashes - original
Dec. 8, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Demands for Law & Order - copy
Dec. 9, 1971 |
Box 43 |
North Providence's Patronage - copy
Dec. 10, 1971 |
Box 43 |
RI's Inadequate Income Tax - original
Dec. 11, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Assembling Christmas Toys - copy
Dec. 13, 1971 |
Box 43 |
UN Demands - copy
Dec. 14, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Richard Nixon's Success in World Affairs - copy
Dec. 15, 1971 |
Box 43 |
URI Fraternity Destruction - original
Dec. 16, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Georges Pompidou's Meeting with Richard Nixon - original
Dec. 17, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Providence Police Department - original
Dec. 18, 1971 |
Box 43 |
New Asian Alliances - original
Dec. 20, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Sunday Sales Enforcement - original
Dec. 21, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Pakistan - original
Dec. 22, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Penn-Central - copy
Dec. 23, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Christmas Spirit - copy
Dec. 24, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Peace on Earth to All Men - original
Dec. 25, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Public Wants & Richard Nixon - original
Dec. 27, 1971 |
Box 43 |
John Lindsay's Presidential Candidacy - original
Dec. 28, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Anti-War Veterans - original
Dec. 29, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Secretary of Defence Melvin Laird - original
Dec. 30, 1971 |
Box 43 |
Election Year - original
Dec. 31, 1971 |