Box 367, Folder 1 |
A is A Newsletter
1972 |
Box 367, Folder 2 |
The A. Philip Randolph Institute
1966 |
Box 367, Folder 3 |
Abraham Lincoln National Republican Club
undated |
Box 367, Folder 4 |
Academic Activates Committee
1972 |
Box 367, Folder 5 |
Academic Community for a Free Greece
1972-1973 |
Box 367, Folder 6 |
Access to Energy
undated |
Box 367, Folder 7 |
Accuracy in Media
undated |
Box 367, Folder 8 |
Ace (N.Y)
1972 |
Box 367, Folder 9 |
Action, Inc
1965-1969 |
Box 367, Folder 10 |
Action Center
1977 |
Box 367, Folder 11 |
The Activist [Buffalo Youth Against War and Fascism]
1971 |
Box 367, Folder 12 |
Academic Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
1976 |
Box 367, Folder 13 |
The Advocate
1972 |
Box 367, Folder 14 |
African Defense and Aid Fund
undated |
Box 367, Folder 15 |
Africa Research Group
undated |
Box 368, Folder 1 |
African People’s Socialist Party
1975-1978 |
Box 368, Folder 2 |
Agricultural Labor Support Committee
1969-1971 |
Box 368, Folder 3 |
Alabama Committee to Support Your Local Police
undated |
Box 368, Folder 4 |
Alameda County Central Labor Council
1972 |
Box 368, Folder 5 |
1976 |
Box 368, Folder 6 |
1974 |
Box 368, Folder 7 |
Alert- Women’s Legislative Review
1975-1976 |
Box 368, Folder 8 |
Alert- Americans Association
1963-1974 |
Box 368, Folder 9 |
1965 |
Box 368, Folder 10 |
Alexander Defense Committee
undated |
Box 368, Folder 11 |
Honorable Bruce Alger
undated |
Box 368, Folder 12 |
Alive Magazine
1976 |
Box 368, Folder 13 |
Marilyn R. Allen
1950-1964 |
Box 368, Folder 14 |
All Hands Abandon Ship
1972 |
Box 368, Folder 15 |
All Points of View
undated |
Box 368, Folder 16 |
Alliance, Inc
1963 |
Box 368, Folder 17 |
James B. Allen
1971 |
Box 368, Folder 18 |
Honorable Oliver Allstream
undated |
Box 368, Folder 19 |
Altadena Study and Research Group
undated |
Box 368, Folder 20 |
Alternative Press Syndicate
July-August |
Box 368, Folder 21 |
Alternative to Alienation
1975 |
Box 368, Folder 22 |
Alternatives to Abortion International
1978-1982 |
Box 369, Folder 1 |
America Today
1977 |
Box 369, Folder 2 |
The American Advisor
1972-1977 |
Box 369, Folder 3 |
American Afro-Asian Educational Exchange
undated |
Box 369, Folder 4 |
American Anti-Communist Association
1964 |
Box 369, Folder 5 |
American- Asian Educational Exchange Inc.
undated |
Box 369, Folder 6 |
American Association for Justice. Inc
1974 |
Box 369, Folder 7 |
American Bar Association
1956-1967 |
Box 369, Folder 8 |
American Birthright Committee
1962 |
Box 370, Folder 1 |
American Cause
1975 |
Box 370, Folder 2 |
American Challenge
1970-1975 |
Box 370, Folder 3 |
American Christian Constitution Press
undated |
Box 370, Folder 4 |
American Christian Freedom Party
1972 |
Box 370, Folder 5 |
American Citizen Fund
1969 |
Box 370, Folder 6 |
American Fascist Union
undated |
Box 370, Folder 7 |
American Civil Liberties Union- Berkeley Albany Chapter
1950-1960, 1970 |
Box 370, Folder 8 |
The American Coalition of Patriotic Societies
1957-1960 |
Box 370, Folder 9 |
Panama Canal Material- American Coalition of Patriotic Societies
1974-1976 |
Box 370, Folder 10 |
Rhodesian Materials- American Coalition of Patriotic Societies
1968-1978 |
Box 370, Folder 11 |
American Colonization Society
1969 |
Box 370, Folder 12 |
American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
1974 |
Box 370, Folder 13 |
American Committee on Africa
1977 |
Box 370, Folder 14 |
African Committee on Immigration Polices
1964 |
Box 370, Folder 15 |
American Communist Workers Movement
1970 |
Box 370, Folder 16 |
American Congress of Militant Baptists
undated |
Box 370, Folder 17 |
American Conservative Union
1962-1969 |
Box 370, Folder 18 |
American Council for Judaism
1977 |
Box 370, Folder 19 |
American Council for World Freedom, Inc
undated |
Box 370, Folder 20 |
American Council of Christian Churches
1956-1959 |
Box 370, Folder 21 |
American Council of Christian Laymen
1950-1953 |
Box 370, Folder 22 |
The American Defense Fund
undated |
Box 370, Folder 23 |
American Defense Society
undated |
Box 371, Folder 1 |
The American Eagle
1974-1976 |
Box 371, Folder 2 |
The American Eagle
undated |
Box 371, Folder 3 |
The American Economic Foundation
1977 |
Box 371, Folder 4 |
American Education Association
undated |
Box 371, Folder 5 |
American Education Lobby
1969 |
Box 371, Folder 6 |
American Electric Power Company
undated |
Box 371, Folder 7 |
American Fact-Finding Committee
1963 |
Box 371, Folder 8 |
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees- University of California
1970-1972 |
Box 371, Folder 9 |
American Federation of Teachers- Berkeley Faculty Union
1972 |
Box 371, Folder 10 |
American Federation of Teachers -University Federation of Librarians
1970 |
Box 371, Folder 11 |
America First Committee
1975-1977 |
Box 371, Folder 12 |
American Flag Committee
1950 |
Box 371, Folder 13 |
The American Free Press
1970-1971 |
Box 371, Folder 14 |
American Friends of Brazil
1975 |
Box 371, Folder 15 |
American Friends of Rhodes
undated |
Box 371, Folder 16 |
American Friends of Vietnam
Undated |
Box 371, Folder 17 |
American Good Government Society, Inc
1955 |
Box 371, Folder 18 |
American Guard, Inc
undated |
Box 371, Folder 19 |
American Guardian
1973 |
Box 371, Folder 20 |
American Heritage Committee
1969-1971 |
Box 371, Folder 21 |
American Heritage Protection Committee
undated |
Box 371, Folder 22 |
American Independent Movement
1972-1975 |
Box 371, Folder 23 |
American Indian Historical Society
1972-1974 |
Box 371, Folder 24 |
American Initiative Movement
1969 |
Box 371, Folder 25 |
The American Initiative
undated |
Box 371, Folder 26 |
The American Institute for Economic Research
circa 1960 |
Box 372, Folder 1 |
American Institute for Marxist Studies
1964-1971 |
Box 372, Folder 2 |
American Irish Minute Men of 1949
1952 |
Box 372, Folder 3 |
American Jewish Alternatives to Zionism
1968 |
Box 372, Folder 4 |
American Jewish Congress
1954-1966 |
Box 372, Folder 5 |
American Jewish League Against Communism
undated |
Box 372, Folder 6 |
American Korean Friendship and Information Center
undated |
Box 372, Folder 7 |
American Latvian Association
1976 |
Box 372, Folder 8 |
American Liberty League
1936 |
Box 372, Folder 9 |
American Media
undated |
Box 372, Folder 10 |
The American National Party
circa 1960 |
Box 372, Folder 11 |
American Nazi Party
undated |
Box 372, Folder 12 |
American Opinion
1963 |
Box 372, Folder 13 |
American Party of Massachusetts
1965 |
Box 372, Folder 14 |
American Party of North Carolina
1973 |
Box 372, Folder 15 |
American Party of Utah
1976 |
Box 372, Folder 16 |
The American Patriots for Freedom
1966 |
Box 372, Folder 17 |
American Progress Foundation
1960 |
Box 372, Folder 18 |
American Protestant Defense League
undated |
Box 372, Folder 19 |
American Party
1965-1972 |
Box 372, Folder 20 |
American Public Relations Forum Inc.
1954-1961 |
Box 372, Folder 21 |
American Religious Education Association
1956 |
Box 372, Folder 22 |
American Religious Educational Society Inc
1975 |
Box 372, Folder 23 |
American Renaissance Book Club
undated |
Box 372, Folder 24 |
American Reparations Committee
1972 |
Box 372, Folder 25 |
American Resettlement Foundation
1957 |
Box 372, Folder 26 |
American Security Council
circa 1980 |
Box 372, Folder 27 |
American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property
1976 |
Box 372, Folder 28 |
American Southern Africa Council
undated |
Box 372, Folder 29 |
American Speaker’s Bureau
undated |
Box 373, Folder 1 |
American Spirit
undated |
Box 373, Folder 2 |
American Student
1970 |
Box 373, Folder 3 |
The American View
1963 |
Box 373, Folder 4 |
The American Way
1950 |
Box 373, Folder 5 |
American Women’s Party
undated |
Box 373, Folder 6 |
American Youth Festival Committee
1965 |
Box 373, Folder 7 |
American Education League
1969 |
Box 373, Folder 8 |
Americans Against Union Control of Government
1974-1977 |
Box 373, Folder 9 |
American for America, Inc
1970 |
Box 373, Folder 10 |
Americas for Amnesty
undated |
Box 373, Folder 11 |
Americans for Constitutional Action
1952-1967 |
Box 373, Folder 12 |
Americans for America
1962 |
Box 373, Folder 13 |
Americans for Effective Law Enforcement
1975-1976 |
Box 373, Folder 14 |
American for Freedom
undated |
Box 373, Folder 15 |
Americans for Healthy Freedom
undated |
Box 373, Folder 16 |
Americans for Justice in the Middle East
1969 |
Box 373, Folder 17 |
Americans for Katanga
1964 |
Box 373, Folder 18 |
Americans for National Security
1973 |
Box 373, Folder 19 |
Americans for the Competitive Enterprise System JNC
undated |
Box 373, Folder 20 |
Americans in Action
undated |
Box 373, Folder 21 |
American Standard
1962 |
Box 373, Folder 22 |
American States Rights Association, Inc
1955 |
Box 373, Folder 23 |
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
undated |
Box 373, Folder 24 |
American Veterans Committee and Massachusetts
1966 |
Box 373, Folder 25 |
American White Nationalist Party
1975 |
Box 373, Folder 26 |
Americans Book of Infamy
1950-1964 |
Box 373, Folder 27 |
America’s Victory Force HQ
undated |
Box 373, Folder 28 |
Amnesty International
1977 |
Box 373, Folder 29 |
Amnesty Report (A Joint Publication of Safe Return Amnesty Committee and FORA)
1973-1975 |
Box 373, Folder 30 |
Anarchist Black Cross Bulletin
1974 |
Box 373, Folder 31 |
Anarchy-London, England
circa 1920 |
Box 373, Folder 32 |
Anarchy: Los Angeles
1965 |
Box 373, Folder 33 |
Tom Anderson
1963 |
Box 373, Folder 34 |
Angelo, Saxon, Christian Association of the United States
1948 |
Box 373, Folder 35 |
Angelo- Saxon Christian Crusade
undated |
Box 373, Folder 36 |
Ann Arbor Argus
1970 |
Box 374, Folder 1 |
Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith
1965-1968 |
Box 374, Folder 2 |
Anti-Expansion, Anti ROTC Strike Steering Committee
1969 |
Box 374, Folder 3 |
Anti-Fascist Commenter- The Commentator
1973-1974 |
Box 374, Folder 4 |
Apostolate of Our Lady of Fatima
undated |
Box 374, Folder 5 |
Austin J. App
undated |
Box 374, Folder 6 |
Appalachian Press
1974 |
Box 374, Folder 7 |
Appalshop Inc
1974 |
Box 374, Folder 8 |
April Coalition
1971 |
Box 374, Folder 9 |
Aptheker, Herbert
1962-1963 |
Box 374, Folder 10 |
Aquarian Research Foundation Newsletter
1973 |
Box 374, Folder 11 |
Aryan League of America
undated |
Box 374, Folder 12 |
Aquila Press
undated |
Box 374, Folder 13 |
Arab Relief Fund
1974 |
Box 374, Folder 14 |
Arab Student Association
1970 |
Box 374, Folder 15 |
Arab Women’s Information Committee
1971 |
Box 374, Folder 16 |
The Arena
1969 |
Box 374, Folder 17 |
Arizona Mothers for Earl Warren’s Impeachment
1961 |
Box 374, Folder 18 |
John M. Ashbrook
1963, 1968 |
Box 374, Folder 19 |
Asia Information Group
1972 |
Box 374, Folder 20 |
Asian Cultural Association
1970 |
Box 374, Folder 21 |
Asian Information Office
1973 |
Box 374, Folder 22 |
Associated Farmers of Richard County Inc
1956 |
Box 374, Folder 23 |
Associated Gospel Churches Reporter
1975 |
Box 374, Folder 24 |
Associated Industries of Missouri
undated |
Box 374, Folder 25 |
Another Mother for Peace
1971 |
Box 374, Folder 26 |
Anti-Communist Confederation of Polish Freedom Fighters in USA
1961 |
Box 374, Folder 27 |
Anti-Communist League
undated |
Box 374, Folder 28 |
Anti-Communist League of the Americas
1963 |
Box 375, Folder 1 |
Associated Students Inc
1948 |
Box 375, Folder 2 |
Associates for Americanism
circa 1957-1962 |
Box 375, Folder 3 |
The Association for State Government
undated |
Box 375, Folder 4 |
Association of American Colleges
1974 |
Box 375, Folder 5 |
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
circa 1961-1971 |
Box 375, Folder 6 |
Association of Citizens’ Councils of Arkansas
circa 1957-1960 |
Box 375, Folder 7 |
Association of Citizens’ Councils of Mississippi
circa 1947-1956 |
Box 375, Folder 8 |
Association of Former Ukrainian Political Prisoners in Soviet Union Concentration Camps
1961 |
Box 375, Folder 9 |
Association of Libertarian Feminists
circa 1975-1980 |
Box 375, Folder 10 |
Association of Southern Red Shirts
undated |
Box 375, Folder 11 |
Association of the Union of States
undated |
Box 375, Folder 12 |
Association to Defend Property Rights
circa 1975-1978 |
Box 375, Folder 13 |
1975 |
Box 375, Folder 14 |
Atlantic Union Committee
undated |
Box 375, Folder 15 |
1972 |
Box 375, Folder 16 |
Attica News
1975 March 6 |
Box 375, Folder 17 |
Earl Atwell
undated |
Box 375, Folder 18 |
Aware, INC.
1959 |
Box 375, Folder 19 |
1972 |
Box 375, Folder 20 |
Bach Mai: Emergency Relief Fund
circa 1972-1980 |
Box 375, Folder 21 |
H.C. Bailey
circa 1959-1965 |
Box 375, Folder 22 |
Bald Eagle
1975 April 18-19 |
Box 375, Folder 23 |
Baltic Women’s Council
1965 |
Box 375, Folder 24 |
Baptist Testimony Publishers, M.C.
1954 |
Box 375, Folder 25 |
Barnes; Assemblyman Richard E.
1966 |
Box 375, Folder 26 |
Basic Pamphlets
1964 |
Box 375, Folder 27 |
Battle Line
1971 March 15 |
Box 375, Folder 28 |
Bay Area Liberation Support Movement
1974 |
Box 375, Folder 29 |
Bay Area Radical Teachers Organizing Committee
circa 1972-1976 |
Box 375, Folder 30 |
Bay Area Political Action Committee
1970 |
Box 375, Folder 31 |
Bay Area Revolutionary Union
circa 1942-1955 |
Box 375, Folder 32 |
Bay Area Women’s Party
1972 |
Box 375, Folder 33 |
A. Howard Bell
undated |
Box 375, Folder 34 |
Bella Dodd Conservative Club
undated |
Box 375, Folder 35 |
Mathias W. Benner
undated |
Box 375, Folder 36 |
Erza Taft Benson
circa 1956-1966 |
Box 375, Folder 37 |
Berkeley Defense Committee
circa 1968-1972 |
Box 375, Folder 38 |
Berkeley Liberation Front
undated |
Box 376, Folder 1 |
Big Muddy Gazette
1972 |
Box 376, Folder 2 |
The Big Decision
undated |
Box 376, Folder 3 |
Biblical Evangelism
1960 |
Box 376, Folder 4 |
Bible Mission of America
undated |
Box 376, Folder 5 |
Bible Light Star
circa 1978-1982 |
Box 376, Folder 6 |
The Bible Friend
1972 |
Box 376, Folder 7 |
Biafra Newsletter
1967 |
Box 376, Folder 8 |
Between the Lines
1962 May 14 |
Box 376, Folder 9 |
Better Books Publisher
undated |
Box 376, Folder 10 |
Betrand Russell Peace Foundation
undated |
Box 376, Folder 11 |
E.M. Ross Biggers
circa 1949-1956 |
Box 376, Folder 12 |
J. Biggert
undated |
Box 376, Folder 13 |
Big Mama Rag
1981 |
Box 376, Folder 14 |
Bill’s Stamp Service
undated |
Box 376, Folder 15 |
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
circa 1977-1980 |
Box 376, Folder 16 |
Birch Watchers
undated |
Box 376, Folder 17 |
Birmingham Independent
1966 |
Box 376, Folder 18 |
Black and Red
circa 1970-1975 |
Box 376, Folder 19 |
Black Bart Brigade
circa 1971-1973 |
Box 376, Folder 20 |
Black Dwarf
circa 1968-1970 |
Box 376, Folder 21 |
Black Mountain Press
1973 |
Box 376, Folder 22 |
The Black Panther
circa 1969-1975 |
Box 376, Folder 23 |
Black Panther Party
circa 1970-1980 |
Box 376, Folder 24 |
Black Rose (published by Black Rose Collective)
undated |
Box 376, Folder 25 |
Black Rose (published by Black Rose Lecture and Learning)
1979 |
Box 376, Folder 26 |
Black Silent Majority Committee
circa 1970-1971 |
Box 376, Folder 27 |
Black Student Union
circa 1970-1972 |
Box 376, Folder 28 |
Rev. Herb Blackschleger
undated |
Box 376, Folder 29 |
The Blade
1976 |
Box 376, Folder 30 |
The Blanc Publications
undated |
Box 376, Folder 31 |
Bessie Blaska
undated |
Box 376, Folder 32 |
Oswald A. Blumit
undated |
Box 376, Folder 33 |
Bob Jones University
circa 1974-1980 |
Box 377, Folder 1 |
The Body Politic
undated |
Box 377, Folder 2 |
The Bond
circa 1968-1974 |
Box 377, Folder 3 |
Boniface Press
circa 1955-1965 |
Box 377, Folder 4 |
The Book Mailer, INC.
circa 1960-1965 |
Box 377, Folder 5 |
Border State Chamber of Congress
undated |
Box 377, Folder 6 |
Borger News - Herald
1974 July 21 |
Box 377, Folder 7 |
Boston Area Daycare Workers United and the Labor Pains Collective
circa 1976-1977 |
Box 377, Folder 8 |
Boston Area Mobilization Committee
1967 |
Box 377, Folder 9 |
Boston Committee for Disarmament and Peace
circa 1961-1965 |
Box 377, Folder 10 |
Boston Committee for Non-Violent Action
1965 |
Box 377, Folder 11 |
Boston Coordinating Committee
1962 October 27 |
Box 377, Folder 12 |
Boston Draft Resistance Group
undated |
Box 377, Folder 13 |
The Boston Forum
circa 1958-1963 |
Box 377, Folder 14 |
Boston Feminists
undated |
Box 377, Folder 15 |
Boston Free Press
undated |
Box 377, Folder 16 |
Boston University Liberation Front
1972 |
Box 377, Folder 17 |
Boston War Tax Resistance
circa 1966-1968 |
Box 377, Folder 18 |
Both Sides Now
1972 |
Box 377, Folder 19 |
Bragg Briefs
1974 |
Box 377, Folder 20 |
1975 |
Box 377, Folder 21 |
Bread and Roses
circa 1968-1970 |
Box 377, Folder 22 |
Breakaway of Women’s Liberation
1970 |
Box 377, Folder 23 |
En La Brecha
1970 |
Box 377, Folder 24 |
The Brian Bex Report
1976 |
Box 377, Folder 25 |
Briar Patch
circa 1970-1974 |
Box 377, Folder 26 |
John Bricker
1954 |
Box 377, Folder 27 |
Charles W. Briggs
undated |
Box 377, Folder 28 |
Bring The Troops Home Now
1965 |
Box 377, Folder 29 |
Britton; Frank L.
undated |
Box 377, Folder 30 |
Broadside; The Free Press
1970 |
Box 377, Folder 31 |
Broadside Press
circa 1968-1970 |
Box 377, Folder 32 |
Broken Needles Newsletter
circa 1972-1975 |
Box 377, Folder 33 |
circa 1971-1973 |
Box 377, Folder 34 |
Brown University Student Coalition
1975 |
Box 377, Folder 35 |
Donald C. Bruce
1961 |
Box 377, Folder 36 |
Raymond Buker
undated |
Box 378, Folder 1 |
Bullfrog Information Service
1971 July |
Box 378, Folder 2 |
Usher Burdick
1953 |
Box 378, Folder 3 |
James Burnham
1954 |
Box 378, Folder 4 |
Business & Society
1968 |
Box 378, Folder 5 |
Business Executives Move for Vietnam Peace
circa 1965-1970 |
Box 378, Folder 6 |
John Bye
1964 |
Box 378, Folder 7 |
Robert Byrn
1973 |
Box 378, Folder 8 |
Audie L. Byron
undated |
Box 378, Folder 9 |
California Free Enterprise Association
undated |
Box 378, Folder 10 |
California Indian Education Association
1974 |
Box 378, Folder 11 |
California Pro-Life Council
circa 1978-1982 |
Box 378, Folder 12 |
California Public Interest Research Group
1974 April |
Box 378, Folder 13 |
California Against Smog
undated |
Box 378, Folder 14 |
Cambridge-Boston Committee to End War in Vietnam
1965 |
Box 378, Folder 15 |
Cambridge Peace and Freedom Party
undated |
Box 378, Folder 16 |
Cambridge Tenants Organizing Committee
circa 1971-1974 |
Box 378, Folder 17 |
Camp McCoy 3 Defense Committee
1971 |
Box 378, Folder 18 |
Camp News
1972 |
Box 378, Folder 19 |
Campaign for the 48 States
undated |
Box 378, Folder 20 |
J.A. Campbell
undated |
Box 378, Folder 21 |
Campus Action Committee
circa 1968-1970 |
Box 378, Folder 22 |
Campus Anti-Imperialist Coalition
undated |
Box 378, Folder 23 |
Campus Crusade for Christ International
1968 |
Box 378, Folder 24 |
Campus Friends of Stop the Draft Week
undated |
Box 378, Folder 25 |
Campus Peace and Freedom Movement
1968 |
Box 378, Folder 26 |
Campus Studies Institute
undated |
Box 378, Folder 27 |
Canadian Aid for Vietnam Civilians
undated |
Box 378, Folder 28 |
Canadian Dimension
1972 October |
Box 378, Folder 29 |
Canadian Friends of Free China
circa 1975-1976 |
Box 378, Folder 30 |
Canadian Liberation Movement
1971 |
Box 378, Folder 31 |
Canadian Tribune
1972 |
Box 378, Folder 32 |
Cape Cod Broadcasting Company, INC.
1975 |
Box 378, Folder 33 |
Cape Cod Center for Peace
1970 |
Box 378, Folder 34 |
Frank A. Capell
circa 1965-1975 |
Box 378, Folder 35 |
Capsule News
circa 1959-1961 |
Box 378, Folder 36 |
Captive Nations Week Committee
1970 |
Box 378, Folder 37 |
Carbunkle Review
undated |
Box 378, Folder 38 |
P. Card [Woonsocket, RI housing questionnaire]
1965 March 31 |
Box 379, Folder 1 |
The Catonsville Roadrunner
1972 |
Box 379, Folder 2 |
Caucasian Foundation
undated |
Box 379, Folder 3 |
Caucus For a New Political Science
circa 1972-1980 |
Box 379, Folder 4 |
Center for Independent Education
circa 1975-1977 |
Box 379, Folder 5 |
Center for Information on America
1971 |
Box 379, Folder 6 |
Center for Marxist Education
circa 1974-1975 |
Box 379, Folder 7 |
Center for New Corporate Priorities
1971 |
Box 379, Folder 8 |
Center for Science in the Public Interest
undated |
Box 379, Folder 9 |
Center for the Study of Legal Authority and Mental Patient Status
circa 1971-1972 |
Box 379, Folder 10 |
Center for United Labor Action
circa 1970-1975 |
Box 379, Folder 11 |
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors
circa 1965-1980 |
Box 379, Folder 12 |
Central Committee of Correspondence
1972 |
Box 379, Folder 13 |
Central Organization of U.S Marxist-Leninists
circa 1974-1979 |
Box 379, Folder 14 |
Central Organization of U.S Marxist-Leninists Providence Branch
circa 1975-1977 |
Box 379, Folder 15 |
Central Vermont Community Action Council, INC.
undated |
Box 379, Folder 16 |
Centreville Press
circa 1961-1963 |
Box 379, Folder 17 |
Challenge to Socialism
1965 |
Box 379, Folder 18 |
Charasee Press
circa 1970-1975 |
Box 379, Folder 19 |
Charlottsville Resistance
undated |
Box 379, Folder 20 |
Chedney Press
undated |
Box 379, Folder 21 |
Chessman II
1971 |
Box 379, Folder 22 |
Chicago Anarchist Black Cross
1973 May |
Box 379, Folder 23 |
Chicago Conference on Religion & Race
undated |
Box 379, Folder 24 |
Chicago Experimental College
1970 |
Box 379, Folder 25 |
Chicago Journalism Review
circa 1973-1974 |
Box 379, Folder 26 |
Chicano Moratorium Committee
1970 |
Box 379, Folder 27 |
Childers, Erskine
circa 1961-1965 |
Box 379, Folder 28 |
Children of God
undated |
Box 379, Folder 29 |
Chile Newsletter
circa 1974-1976 |
Box 379, Folder 30 |
China Publications
1967-1968 |
Box 379, Folder 31 |
Chinese Institute of Engineers
1977 |
Box 379, Folder 32 |
Christ is the Answer
1976 |
Box 379, Folder 33 |
The Christian American
undated |
Box 379, Folder 34 |
Christian Anti-Jewish Party
undated |
Box 379, Folder 35 |
Christian Century Foundation
1956 |
Box 380, Folder 1 |
Christian Citizen Inc
undated |
Box 380, Folder 2 |
Christian Citizens Crusade Inc
1957 |
Box 380, Folder 3 |
Christian Crusade- Billy James Hargis
circa 1960-1976 |
Box 380, Folder 4 |
Christian Defense League
1964 |
Box 380, Folder 5 |
Christian Educational Association
1962 |
Box 380, Folder 6 |
The Christian Evangelizers Association
1973-1974 |
Box 380, Folder 7 |
The Christian Freedom Foundation
1961-1974 |
Box 380, Folder 8 |
Christian Government Movement
1973 |
Box 380, Folder 9 |
The Christian Layman
1958 |
Box 380, Folder 10 |
Christian Liberation Front
undated |
Box 380, Folder 11 |
Christian Nationalist Crusade
circa 1950-1960 |
Box 380, Folder 12 |
Christian Party of the People
undated |
Box 380, Folder 13 |
Christian Patriots Crusade
1957 |
Box 380, Folder 14 |
Christian Renaissance
1961 |
Box 380, Folder 15 |
Christian Research Inc
1971 |
Box 380, Folder 16 |
Christian Warriors for Christian Education
1973-1974 |
Box 380, Folder 17 |
The Christian Zion Advocate
1976 |
Box 380, Folder 18 |
Christians for Human Life, Inc
1976 |
Box 380, Folder 19 |
Christian Youth Against Communism
undated |
Box 380, Folder 20 |
Christs Mission Inc
1970 |
Box 380, Folder 21 |
The Christophers
undated |
Box 380, Folder 22 |
Le Chronic
1968 |
Box 380, Folder 23 |
Church Frank Senator
1968 |
Box 380, Folder 24 |
Church League of America
1969-1973 |
Box 381, Folder 1 |
Church of All Crusade’s Faith
1964 |
Box 381, Folder 2 |
Church of the Creator
undated |
Box 381, Folder 3 |
1973 |
Box 381, Folder 4 |
Cinema Educational Guide
1960-1968 |
Box 381, Folder 5 |
Circuit Riders
1952-1962 |
Box 381, Folder 6 |
Citizen’s Anti-Communist Committee- Connecticut
1961 |
Box 381, Folder 7 |
Citizens Against Communism
undated |
Box 381, Folder 8 |
The Citizen Movement to Stop Nuclear Power
1976-1977 |
Box 381, Folder 9 |
Citizens Civic Committee
undated |
Box 381, Folder 10 |
Citizens Committee of Constitutional Liberties
1971-1987 |
Box 381, Folder 11 |
Citizens Committee for Sane Government
1960 |
Box 381, Folder 12 |
Citizens Committee of Correspondence
1954 |
Box 381, Folder 13 |
Citizens Constitutional Committee
1962 |
Box 381, Folder 14 |
Citizens Council of Greater New Orleans
undated |
Box 381, Folder 15 |
Citizens Councils of Alabama
undated |
Box 381, Folder 16 |
Citizens Council of Boston
1955 |
Box 381, Folder 17 |
Citizens Council of Dallas County
undated |
Box 381, Folder 18 |
Citizen’s Energy Council
1976 |
Box 381, Folder 19 |
Citizen’s Energy Project
1978 |
Box 381, Folder 20 |
Citizens for Decent Literature
undated |
Box 381, Folder 21 |
Citizens for the Abolition of the Police Advisory Board
1965 |
Box 381, Folder 22 |
Citizens for Regan
undated |
Box 381, Folder 23 |
Citizens for Truth in Nutrition
1973 |
Box 381, Folder 24 |
Citizens Foreign Ad Committee
1959-1961 |
Box 381, Folder 25 |
Citizens’ Foreign Relations Committee
1957 |
Box 381, Folder 26 |
Citizens’ Housing and Planning Council of New York
undated |
Box 381, Folder 27 |
Citizen’s Intelligence Digest
1962 |
Box 381, Folder 28 |
Citizens Law Enforcement and Research Committee
undated |
Box 381, Folder 29 |
Citizens National Committee
1943 |
Box 381, Folder 30 |
Citizen’s Revolutionary Movement
undated |
Box 381, Folder 31 |
City Star
1974-1975 |
Box 381, Folder 32 |
City Wide Coordination Committee of Welfare Groups
undated |
Box 381, Folder 33 |
Civil Rights
1972 |
Box 382, Folder 1 |
Clamshell Coalition- Boston
undated |
Box 382, Folder 2 |
Class Struggle League
1973 |
Box 382, Folder 3 |
H.L Clay
1947 |
Box 382, Folder 4 |
Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Vietnam
1968 |
Box 382, Folder 5 |
Caution for a Democratic Majority
1968 |
Box 382, Folder 6 |
Coalition of the Friends of the Indochinese People
1975 |
Box 382, Folder 7 |
Coalition on National Priorates and Military Policy
1975 |
Box 382, Folder 8 |
Coalition to Fight Political Repression
1970 |
Box 382, Folder 9 |
Coalition to Prevent a “Human Life” Amendment
1981 |
Box 382, Folder 10 |
Coast Federal Savings
1957-1961 |
Box 382, Folder 11 |
1970 |
Box 382, Folder 12 |
Colonial Pictures
1956 |
Box 382, Folder 13 |
Columbia Publishing Company
undated |
Box 382, Folder 14 |
Combined Services Incorporated
undated |
Box 382, Folder 15 |
Commission on Social Action of Reform Judaism
1958 |
Box 382, Folder 16 |
The Committee
undated |
Box 382, Folder 17 |
The Committee Against International. Outlawry
undated |
Box 382, Folder 18 |
Committee Against Racism
undated |
Box 382, Folder 19 |
Committee for a Free Mozambique
1975 |
Box 382, Folder 20 |
Committee for American Broadcasting
1968-1969 |
Box 382, Folder 21 |
Committee for American Victory
undated |
Box 382, Folder 22 |
Committee for Better American Relations in the Middle East
undated |
Box 382, Folder 23 |
Committee for Community Relations
undated |
Box 382, Folder 24 |
Committee for Constitutional Government, Inc
1952-1957 |
Box 382, Folder 25 |
Committee for Constitutional Rights, Inc
undated |
Box 382, Folder 26 |
Committee for Economic Development
undated |
Box 382, Folder 27 |
The Committee for Freedom of Choice in Cancer Therapy
1968-1975 |
Box 382, Folder 28 |
Committee for the Freedom of Choice in Cancer Therapy-Beaver Valley Chapter
1976 |
Box 383, Folder 1 |
Committee for Human Rights in Jerusalem
undated |
Box 383, Folder 2 |
Committee for the Individual Rights
undated |
Box 383, Folder 3 |
Committee for International Peace Action
undated |
Box 383, Folder 4 |
Committee for Nonviolent Action
1965 |
Box 383, Folder 5 |
Committee for Nuclear Responsibility
1967-1971 |
Box 383, Folder 6 |
Committee for Prisoner Humanity and Justice
1975 |
Box 383, Folder 7 |
Committee for the Rights of the Disabled
1970 |
Box 383, Folder 8 |
Committee for the Investigation of the Deportment of State
undated |
Box 383, Folder 9 |
Committee for the Monroe Doctrine
undated |
Box 383, Folder 10 |
Committee for the Preservation of the Constitution
1968 |
Box 383, Folder 11 |
Committee for Social Responsibility in Engineering
1972-1973 |
Box 383, Folder 12 |
Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress
1975 |
Box 383, Folder 13 |
Committee for Truth in Politics
undated |
Box 383, Folder 14 |
Committee for a Women’s National Abortion Conference
undated |
Box 383, Folder 15 |
Committee of Concerned Christians
1975 |
Box 383, Folder 16 |
Committee of Correspondence
1961-1962 |
Box 383, Folder 17 |
Committee of Endorsers
1955 |
Box 383, Folder 18 |
Committee of First Amendment Defendants
1960 |
Box 383, Folder 19 |
Committee of One Million
1949-1969 |
Box 383, Folder 20 |
Committee of Religious Concern for Peace
1967 |
Box 383, Folder 21 |
The Committee of Responsibility, Inc
undated |
Box 383, Folder 22 |
Committee of Returned Volunteers
1971 |
Box 383, Folder 23 |
Committee of Russian Slaves of Jewish Communism
1953 |
Box 383, Folder 24 |
The Committee of Southern Churchmen
1966-1977 |
Box 383, Folder 25 |
Committee of the States
1968 |
Box 383, Folder 26 |
Committee of Ten Million
1978 |
Box 383, Folder 27 |
Committee on Civil Rights in Metropolitan N.Y.
undated |
Box 383, Folder 28 |
Committee on Pan American Policy
1963-1964 |
Box 383, Folder 29 |
Committee on Public Information: Division of Four Minute Men
1918 |
Box 383, Folder 30 |
Committee to Aid Greg Hill
1971 |
Box 383, Folder 31 |
Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy
undated |
Box 383, Folder 32 |
Committee to Defend Resistance to Ghetto Life
1964 |
Box 383, Folder 33 |
Committee to Elect Bonner-Lyons
1969 |
Box 383, Folder 34 |
Committee to Establish the Gold Standard
1975 |
Box 383, Folder 35 |
Committee to Preserve the American Republic
1962 |
Box 383, Folder 36 |
Committee to Reelect the President
undated |
Box 383, Folder 37 |
Committee to Remove the President
1973 |
Box 383, Folder 38 |
Committee to Secure Justice for Morton Sobell
1963 |
Box 383, Folder 39 |
Committee to Stop Federal Harassment
undated |
Box 383, Folder 40 |
Committee to Support Our Boys in Vietnam
1965 |
Box 384, Folder 1 |
Committee to Support the Town Taxi Strikers
undated |
Box 384, Folder 2 |
The Committee to Worn of the Arrival of Communist Merchandise on the Local Scene
undated |
Box 384, Folder 3 |
Common Cause
1975 |
Box 384, Folder 4 |
Common Sense (Charlottesville, VA)
1974 |
Box 384, Folder 5 |
Common Sense (San Francisco, Cali)
1974 |
Box 384, Folder 6 |
Common Sense (Washington DC)
1970-1977 |
Box 384, Folder 7 |
Common Sense-Common Good
1975-1976 |
Box 384, Folder 8 |
Communication Clearing House
1965 |
Box 384, Folder 9 |
Communist Labor Party of the United States of North America
1970-1975 |
Box 384, Folder 10 |
Communist Party of Canada
1974 |
Box 384, Folder 11 |
Communist Party U.S.A.
1965-1970 |
Box 384, Folder 12 |
Communist Change Inc
1973 |
Box 384, Folder 13 |
1972 |
Box 384, Folder 14 |
The Community Church of Boston
1965 |
Box 384, Folder 15 |
Community Congress of San Diego
1973 |
Box 384, Folder 16 |
Community Publications Cooperative
undated |
Box 384, Folder 17 |
Community Relations Services
1954 |
Box 384, Folder 18 |
1974 |
Box 384, Folder 19 |
Mrs. M. Cohan
1957 |
Box 384, Folder 20 |
Concerned Americans
undated |
Box 384, Folder 21 |
Concerned Citizens Committee
1967 |
Box 384, Folder 22 |
The Conference Board
1952 |
Box 384, Folder 23 |
Conference on Economic Progress
undated |
Box 384, Folder 24 |
Congress of African People
undated |
Box 384, Folder 25 |
Congress of Christian States of America
undated |
Box 384, Folder 26 |
The Congress of Freedom
1956-1960 |
Box 384, Folder 27 |
Congress of Industrial Organizations
undated |
Box 384, Folder 28 |
Congress of Racial Equality
1962-1965 |
Box 384, Folder 29 |
Connecticut Cetacean Society
1975 |
Box 384, Folder 30 |
Connecticut Citizen Action Group
1975 |
Box 384, Folder 31 |
Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society
1967 |
Box 385, Folder 1 |
Conservative Book of the Month Club
undated |
Box 385, Folder 2 |
The Conservative Caucus, Inc
1975 |
Box 385, Folder 3 |
Conservative Party
1960-1962 |
Box 385, Folder 4 |
Conservative Party of Massachusetts
1972 |
Box 385, Folder 5 |
Conservative Party of New Jersey
1957 |
Box 385, Folder 6 |
Conservative Party of New York State
1974 |
Box 385, Folder 7 |
Conservative Society of America
1961-1969 |
Box 385, Folder 8 |
Constitution Club Letter
1953 |
Box 385, Folder 9 |
Constitution Party of Indiana
undated |
Box 385, Folder 10 |
Constitution Party USA
1964-1967 |
Box 385, Folder 11 |
Constitutional Alliance, Inc
1966 |
Box 385, Folder 12 |
Constitutional Education League
undated |
Box 385, Folder 13 |
Constitutional Revival- George Mason Movement
1975 |
Box 385, Folder 14 |
Constructive Action
undated |
Box 385, Folder 15 |
Consumer Federation of America
1976 |
Box 385, Folder 16 |
The Continuing Inquiry
1976-1977 |
Box 385, Folder 17 |
1976-1977 |
Box 385, Folder 18 |
The Convener
1964 |
Box 385, Folder 19 |
Thomas F. Coon
1961 |
Box 385, Folder 20 |
Dr. Charles Leonard Copenhaver
undated |
Box 385, Folder 21 |
B. Corbett
1975 |
Box 385, Folder 22 |
Council Against Communist Aggression
1970 |
Box 385, Folder 23 |
Council for Basic Education
1972-1975 |
Box 386, Folder 1 |
Council for Environmental Balance
1972-1975 |
Box 386, Folder 2 |
Council for Individual Freedom
undated |
Box 386, Folder 3 |
Council for State Hood
1971 |
Box 386, Folder 4 |
Council of 1776
circa 1976 |
Box 386, Folder 5 |
Council of Organizations for Civil Rights
undated |
Box 386, Folder 6 |
Council on American Relations
undated |
Box 386, Folder 7 |
Council on Educational Needs
1957 |
Box 386, Folder 8 |
The Councilor
1972-1975 |
Box 386, Folder 9 |
Count Down
1974-1977 |
Box 386, Folder 10 |
Count Down
1963 |
Box 386, Folder 11 |
undated |
Box 386, Folder 12 |
Counterattack-American Business Consultants
1958, 1964 |
Box 386, Folder 13 |
Count Way- White Publications
undated |
Box 386, Folder 14 |
Ralph Courtney [Threefold, A Movement Opposing Social Centralization]
1957 |
Box 386, Folder 15 |
Earnest Sevier Cox
undated |
Box 386, Folder 16 |
1978-1979 |
Box 386, Folder 17 |
Philip Crane
1975 |
Box 386, Folder 18 |
1970 |
Box 386, Folder 19 |
Crestwood Books
1966-1977 |
Box 386, Folder 20 |
Crime and Social Justice
1974 |
Box 386, Folder 21 |
Rear Admiral John G. Crommelin
1958 |
Box 386, Folder 22 |
R.C. Cropper
1976 |
Box 387, Folder 1 |
The Cross and the Flag
1965-1973 |
Box 387, Folder 2 |
Cross Publications
1959 |
Box 387, Folder 3 |
The Crusader of Florida
1963 |
Box 387, Folder 4 |
undated |
Box 387, Folder 5 |
Crystal Truth Facts
undated |
Box 387, Folder 6 |
Cuba Resource Center
1974 |
Box 387, Folder 7 |
H.R. Cullen
undated |
Box 387, Folder 8 |
Cultural Correspondence
circa 1977-1982 |
Box 387, Folder 9 |
Cups of Cold-Water Ministry
1963 |
Box 387, Folder 10 |
Marion Curtis
undated |
Box 387, Folder 11 |
Cyrano’s Journal
1982 |
Box 387, Folder 12 |
D.C. Gazette- Weather Report
1974-1979 |
Box 387, Folder 13 |
Daily Planet
1969-1970 |
Box 387, Folder 14 |
Arthur Daly
1970 |
Box 387, Folder 15 |
Jerome Daly
1970 |
Box 387, Folder 16 |
“Danger of Apathy”
undated |
Box 387, Folder 17 |
Daughters of American Revolution
undated |
Box 387, Folder 18 |
Fred Davis
undated |
Box 387, Folder 19 |
Nord Davis
1958-1974 |
Box 387, Folder 20 |
Dean Richards
undated |
Box 387, Folder 21 |
Death Ship Times
1974 |
Box 387, Folder 22 |
Dedham Current Events Forum
1971 |
Box 387, Folder 23 |
The Defender Magazine
1970-1975 |
Box 387, Folder 24 |
Defender of 3 Against HUAC
undated |
Box 387, Folder 25 |
Defenders of the Christian Faith
undated |
Box 387, Folder 26 |
Defenders of Essential Rights
1957 |
Box 387, Folder 27 |
Defenders of State Sovereignty and Individual Liberties
1957 |
Box 387, Folder 28 |
Defenders of the American Constitution
1969-1974 |
Box 387, Folder 29 |
The Defense Committee Boston
1971 |
Box 387, Folder 30 |
The Defense Committee New York
1971 |
Box 387, Folder 31 |
Delaware Defenders of the Republic
1965 |
Box 387, Folder 32 |
Delaware Pilots
undated |
Box 387, Folder 33 |
Ronald V. Dellums
1970 |
Box 387, Folder 34 |
Demand MacArthur for President
1952 |
Box 388, Folder 1 |
Democratic Left
1974-1978 |
Box 388, Folder 2 |
Destiny Publishers
1968-1969 |
Box 388, Folder 3 |
Dutcher Student Anzeiger
1974-1975 |
Box 388, Folder 4 |
The Devin-Adair Company
1951 |
Box 388, Folder 5 |
Gary De Young
1968 |
Box 388, Folder 6 |
Dialogues Boston
1968 |
Box 388, Folder 7 |
Diana Press
1974 |
Box 388, Folder 8 |
Diane Books
undated |
Box 388, Folder 9 |
Dies Martin
1954 |
Box 388, Folder 10 |
Elizabeth Dilling
undated |
Box 388, Folder 11 |
The Digger
1974 |
Box 388, Folder 12 |
Discordian Society
undated |
Box 388, Folder 13 |
Dissenters’ Handbook
undated |
Box 388, Folder 14 |
1965-1966 |
Box 388, Folder 15 |
Divine Love
1965 |
Box 388, Folder 16 |
Dixie American
1963 |
Box 388, Folder 17 |
Dixie Gun Works
undated |
Box 388, Folder 18 |
The Dixie Line
1972 |
Box 388, Folder 19 |
Do It Now Foundation
undated |
Box 388, Folder 20 |
Do You Know Company
undated |
Box 388, Folder 21 |
Thomas J. Dodd
1962 |
Box 388, Folder 22 |
Kern Dodge
undated |
Box 388, Folder 23 |
Dollar Federal Savings
1961 |
Box 388, Folder 24 |
Domestic and for eign Affairs
undated |
Box 388, Folder 25 |
Don Bell Reports
1956-1975 |
Box 388, Folder 26 |
Don Stewart Ministry
undated |
Box 388, Folder 27 |
George A. Dondero
1952 |
Box 388, Folder 28 |
Door to Liberation
1970 |
Box 388, Folder 29 |
Doorstep Savannah
1965 |
Box 388, Folder 30 |
Dorchester Union of Vietnam
undated |
Box 388, Folder 31 |
Dorrwar Bookstore
1980-1981 |
Box 388, Folder 32 |
Douglas Campbell
1966-1969 |
Box 388, Folder 33 |
Robert B. Dresser
undated |
Box 388, Folder 34 |
The Drummer
1965 |
Box 388, Folder 35 |
Dr. W.E.B DuBois
1963 |
Box 388, Folder 36 |
Donald Duncan
undated |
Box 388, Folder 37 |
Dunn Survey
1935-1956 |
Box 388, Folder 38 |
Earth Times
1970 |
Box 388, Folder 39 |
East Coast Conspiracy to Save Lives
1970 |
Box 388, Folder 40 |
Ecology Action
1972 |
Box 388, Folder 41 |
Ecology Action for Rhode Island
1977 |
Box 388, Folder 42 |
Economic Observer
1954 |
Box 388, Folder 43 |
Economics National Committee on Monetary Policy
1947 |
Box 389, Folder 1 |
1971-1973 |
Box 389, Folder 2 |
undated |
Box 389, Folder 3 |
Education Exploration Center
1972 |
Box 389, Folder 4 |
Education Information
1955-1962 |
Box 389, Folder 5 |
The Educational Reviewer
1950-1953 |
Box 389, Folder 6 |
Effective Thinking Foundation
1945 |
Box 389, Folder 7 |
Elysium New Living
1971 |
Box 389, Folder 8 |
Emergency Committee for a National Mobilization Against Racism
undated |
Box 389, Folder 9 |
Emergency Counterfeit Committee
1970 |
Box 389, Folder 10 |
Employers’ Association of Chicago
undated |
Box 389, Folder 11 |
Sheldon Emry
1974-1975 |
Box 389, Folder 12 |
The Entrepreneur
1972-1975 |
Box 389, Folder 13 |
Environmental Action Foundation
1975 |
Box 389, Folder 14 |
Environmental Defense Fund
1976 |
Box 389, Folder 15 |
Environmental Education Center
1975 |
Box 389, Folder 16 |
Episcopal Peace Fellowship
1979-1983 |
Box 389, Folder 17 |
Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity
1964 |
Box 389, Folder 18 |
Equal Rights Monitor
1977 |
Box 389, Folder 19 |
Era Support Project
1976 |
Box 389, Folder 20 |
Erickson Educational Foundation Newsletter
1974 |
Box 389, Folder 21 |
Esko Publishers Inc
undated |
Box 389, Folder 22 |
Edith Essig
1956-1958 |
Box 389, Folder 23 |
The Eugene Augur
1970 |
Box 389, Folder 24 |
The Evening Sun and Star Herald Examiner
1974 |
Box 389, Folder 25 |
Jack Everly
undated |
Box 389, Folder 26 |
The Experimental University
1973 |
Box 390, Folder 1 |
1969-1970 |
Box 390, Folder 2 |
Eye Information Center
1968-1975 |
Box 390, Folder 3 |
The Fact Finder
1964-1975 |
Box 390, Folder 4 |
Facts Forum Notes
1954-1956 |
Box 390, Folder 5 |
Facts in Education
undated |
Box 390, Folder 6 |
Fag Rag
1973 |
Box 390, Folder 7 |
Fair Housing Inc
1965 |
Box 390, Folder 8 |
Fair Play Fir Cuba Committee
1960-1961 |
Box 390, Folder 9 |
Faith and Freedom Forum
undated |
Box 390, Folder 10 |
Faith Baptist Church
1963 |
Box 390, Folder 11 |
Jerry Falwell
undated |
Box 390, Folder 12 |
Families of Resisters for Amnesty
1968 |
Box 390, Folder 13 |
Farmers Liberty League
1964 |
Box 390, Folder 14 |
Farmers United
1970 |
Box 390, Folder 15 |
Fatigue Press
1972 |
Box 390, Folder 16 |
Fed Up!
1973 |
Box 390, Folder 17 |
Federal Party
1952-1956 |
Box 390, Folder 18 |
Federal Reserve System
undated |
Box 390, Folder 19 |
Federation for Constitutional Government
1956 |
Box 390, Folder 20 |
Federation of American Citizens Od German Descent in the USA
1970 |
Box 390, Folder 21 |
Federation of New Jersey Taxpayers
1973-1977 |
Box 390, Folder 22 |
Fellowship and Service Instate
undated |
Box 390, Folder 23 |
Female Liberation Newsletter
1971-1972 |
Box 390, Folder 24 |
The Feminist Art Journal
1975 |
Box 390, Folder 25 |
Feminist Recourses United
1985-1987 |
Box 390, Folder 26 |
Fidelis Publishers Inc
undated |
Box 391, Folder 1 |
Liberty Bell
1975 |
Box 391, Folder 2 |
Liberty Bell Press
undated |
Box 391, Folder 3 |
Liberty Belles
1975 |
Box 391, Folder 4 |
Liberty Legion
1970 |
Box 391, Folder 5 |
Life Amendment Political Action Committee
1979 |
Box 391, Folder 6 |
1964-1976 |
Box 391, Folder 7 |
Life Messengers
1967 |
Box 391, Folder 8 |
Dr. Albert Lindsey
undated |
Box 391, Folder 9 |
Rep. Glenard P. Lipscomb
1966 |
Box 391, Folder 10 |
Morris S. Lipschitz
1975-1977 |
Box 391, Folder 11 |
Little Free Press
1972-1974 |
Box 391, Folder 12 |
The Long Beach Free Press
1971 |
Box 391, Folder 13 |
The Long Beach Rising Star
1973 |
Box 391, Folder 14 |
Lords Covenant Church
1971 |
Box 391, Folder 15 |
Louisiana State, Joint Legislative Committee
undated |
Box 391, Folder 16 |
Lynwood Publishing Company
undated |
Box 391, Folder 17 |
Florence Fowler Lyons
1950 |
Box 391, Folder 18 |
The Mansion Forum
1954-1974 |
Box 391, Folder 19 |
The Manion Forum
1962 |
Box 391, Folder 20 |
The Manion Forum
1963-1974 |
Box 391, Folder 21 |
MacArthur Freedom Association
undated |
Box 391, Folder 22 |
William S. McBirnie
undated |
Box 392, Folder 1 |
Landsorganizationen Frihed for Nationer- Unge Solidarister
undated |
Box 392, Folder 2 |
Jerry M. Landau
1965 |
Box 392, Folder 3 |
Last Post
1971-1972 |
Box 392, Folder 4 |
Latin American News
1974 |
Box 392, Folder 5 |
Lawful Money League
undated |
Box 392, Folder 6 |
Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee
1965 |
Box 392, Folder 7 |
L. Lee Layton
1975-1979 |
Box 392, Folder 8 |
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
undated |
Box 392, Folder 9 |
League for Constitutional Government
undated |
Box 392, Folder 10 |
League for Cultural Dynamics
undated |
Box 392, Folder 11 |
League for Economic Democracy
1976 |
Box 392, Folder 12 |
League for Industrial Democracy
undated |
Box 392, Folder 13 |
League for Peace with Justice in Palestine
1946 |
Box 392, Folder 14 |
Lee Otis Johnson Defense Committee
undated |
Box 392, Folder 15 |
Legal Bureau of United Charities
1975 |
Box 392, Folder 16 |
Legal Aid Society
1972 |
Box 392, Folder 17 |
Bob Leroy
undated |
Box 392, Folder 18 |
Let Freedom Ring
1968-1969 |
Box 392, Folder 19 |
Liberal Study Group
1963-1964 |
Box 392, Folder 20 |
Liberate Puerto Rico Now Committee
1971 |
Box 392, Folder 21 |
Liberated Liberations Newsletter
1974 |
Box 392, Folder 22 |
Liberation News Service
1969 |
Box 392, Folder 23 |
Liberation Support Movement
1970-1974 |
Box 392, Folder 24 |
Liberation Party
1975-1978 |
Box 392, Folder 25 |
Liberation Party of Rhode Island
1976 |
Box 392, Folder 26 |
Liberation Republican Alliance
1976-1977 |
Box 392, Folder 27 |
Liberation Review
1975 |
Box 392, Folder 28 |
Liberation Citizens of Massachusetts
undated |
Box 393, Folder 1 |
Jewish Defense League
undated |
Box 393, Folder 2 |
Jewish Liberation Journal
1970 |
Box 393, Folder 3 |
Jewish Peace Fellowship
1970 |
Box 393, Folder 4 |
Jewish People’s Forum
1965-1966 |
Box 393, Folder 5 |
Jewish Socialist Youth Bund
1943-1975 |
Box 393, Folder 6 |
Jewish Student Federation
1971 |
Box 393, Folder 7 |
Joe McCarthy Bookstore
undated |
Box 393, Folder 8 |
Manning Johnson
1957 |
Box 393, Folder 9 |
Join Hands
undated |
Box 393, Folder 10 |
Mrs. George M. Jones
undated |
Box 393, Folder 11 |
Robert L. Jones
undated |
Box 393, Folder 12 |
The Journal
1971 |
Box 393, Folder 13 |
Journal of Current Social Issues
1974 |
Box 393, Folder 14 |
Juan Farinas Defense Committee
1971 |
Box 393, Folder 15 |
1970-1971 |
Box 393, Folder 16 |
July for the Coalition
undated |
Box 393, Folder 17 |
Junior Order of the United Americans Mechanics
undated |
Box 393, Folder 18 |
Justice for New Deal Victims Committee
1954 |
Box 393, Folder 19 |
Justice for Pelly Committee
1948 |
Box 393, Folder 20 |
Joseph Kamp
undated |
Box 393, Folder 21 |
Kansas for the Right to Work
undated |
Box 393, Folder 22 |
The Kansas Free Press
1965-1966 |
Box 393, Folder 23 |
Irene Thomas Keeley
1964 |
Box 393, Folder 24 |
Keep Africa Committee
1953 |
Box 393, Folder 25 |
Keep America White
1961 |
Box 393, Folder 26 |
Kent Country Safe Winter Committee
1961 |
Box 393, Folder 27 |
Charles Korsten
1951 |
Box 393, Folder 28 |
Key Records
undated |
Box 393, Folder 29 |
Orson Kilburn
1972-1974 |
Box 393, Folder 30 |
Husband E. Kimmel
undated |
Box 393, Folder 31 |
Frank Kirkpatrick
1954-1955 |
Box 393, Folder 32 |
Know Your Government
undated |
Box 393, Folder 33 |
Ku Klux Klan
undated |
Box 393, Folder 34 |
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan the Crusader
1975-1976 |
Box 393, Folder 35 |
Herbert V. Kohler
1957 |
Box 393, Folder 36 |
1969-1971 |
Box 393, Folder 37 |
Labor Action Committee
1980 |
Box 393, Folder 38 |
Labor Educational Association
undated |
Box 393, Folder 39 |
1975-1978 |
Box 394, Folder 1 |
Institute for International Order
1957 |
Box 394, Folder 2 |
Institute for Local Self-Reliance
1976 |
Box 394, Folder 3 |
Institute for the Study of Nonviolence
1970 |
Box 394, Folder 4 |
Institute of Applied Political Economics
1960 |
Box 394, Folder 5 |
The Integrator
1967-1968 |
Box 394, Folder 6 |
1975 |
Box 394, Folder 7 |
The Intercollegiate Review
undated |
Box 394, Folder 8 |
International Books and Periodicals
1974 |
Box 394, Folder 9 |
International Brotherhood of Teamsters
1972 |
Box 394, Folder 10 |
International Council of Christian Churches
1960-1970 |
Box 394, Folder 11 |
International Liberation School
undated |
Box 394, Folder 12 |
International Money Line
1979 |
Box 394, Folder 13 |
International Socialists
1970 |
Box 394, Folder 14 |
International Socialist Organization- Cleveland
1978 |
Box 394, Folder 15 |
International Socialist Organization – London
1973 |
Box 394, Folder 16 |
International Union of American Deserters and Draft Resistance
undated |
Box 394, Folder 17 |
Invisible Socialist University Newsletter
1976 |
Box 394, Folder 18 |
Iowans for Effective Citizenship
1960 |
Box 394, Folder 19 |
Iranian Students’ Association
1970 |
Box 394, Folder 20 |
Israel Information Services
1967 |
Box 394, Folder 21 |
1971 |
Box 394, Folder 22 |
Issues in Radical Therapy
undated |
Box 394, Folder 23 |
Donald L. Jackson
1960 |
Box 394, Folder 24 |
Jefferson County Citizens’ Council (Alabama)
1928 |
Box 394, Folder 25 |
Jefferson- Lincoln Americans
undated |
Box 394, Folder 26 |
Mrs. Jessie W. Jenkins
1950 |
Box 394, Folder 27 |
Sen William E. Jenner
1954-1958 |
Box 394, Folder 28 |
Judson Jerome
undated |
Box 394, Folder 29 |
John Jessup
1975 |
Box 394, Folder 30 |
Jesus to the Communist World
1979 |
Box 394, Folder 31 |
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs
1969 |
Box 394, Folder 32 |
Jewish Currents
undated |
Box 395, Folder 1 |
1971 |
Box 395, Folder 2 |
Impact Publishers Inc
undated |
Box 395, Folder 3 |
In the Heart of the Beast
1970-1971 |
Box 395, Folder 4 |
Independent Foundation
1964 |
Box 395, Folder 5 |
The Independent
1968 |
Box 395, Folder 6 |
The Independent Eagle
1974 |
Box 395, Folder 7 |
Independent Farmers of Ohio
undated |
Box 395, Folder 8 |
The Independent News
1978 |
Box 395, Folder 9 |
Independent Phi Beta Kappa Environmental Study Group
1976 |
Box 395, Folder 10 |
Independent Publishers
undated |
Box 395, Folder 11 |
Independent Socialist Bulletin
1969 |
Box 395, Folder 12 |
Indiana Free Enterprise Community Development League, Inc
1965 |
Box 395, Folder 13 |
Indian Life
undated |
Box 395, Folder 14 |
Indian Fights Association
1971 |
Box 395, Folder 15 |
The Individualist
1948 |
Box 395, Folder 16 |
Individuals Against the Crime of Silence
undated |
Box 395, Folder 17 |
Indochina Focal Point
undated |
Box 395, Folder 18 |
Indochina Mobile Education Project
undated |
Box 395, Folder 19 |
Indochina Resource Center
1973-1975 |
Box 395, Folder 20 |
Industrial Workers of the World
1974-1975 |
Box 395, Folder 21 |
Indochina Solidarity Committee
1970 |
Box 395, Folder 22 |
Inside China Mainland
1983-1985 |
Box 395, Folder 23 |
Inside Out
1975 |
Box 395, Folder 24 |
Institute for American Strategy
undated |
Box 395, Folder 25 |
Institute for Free Enterprise Education
1975-1976 |
Box 396, Folder 1 |
Hippocrates Health Institute
undated |
Box 396, Folder 2 |
Clare E. Hoffman
1955 |
Box 396, Folder 3 |
Alice Hollenbeck
1965 |
Box 396, Folder 4 |
Senator Ernest F. Hollings
1968 |
Box 396, Folder 5 |
Hollywood Free Paper
1971 |
Box 396, Folder 6 |
Frank E. Holman
1965 |
Box 396, Folder 7 |
Home and School Press
undated |
Box 396, Folder 8 |
1974-1975 |
Box 396, Folder 9 |
Homemakers’ Guild of America
undated |
Box 396, Folder 10 |
Homophile Union of Boston
1971 |
Box 396, Folder 11 |
Homosexual Counseling Journal
1975 |
Box 396, Folder 12 |
The Homosexual Information Center
1977 |
Box 396, Folder 13 |
Honest Money Founders
undated |
Box 396, Folder 14 |
J. Edgar Hoover
1962 |
Box 396, Folder 15 |
1971 |
Box 396, Folder 16 |
House of Hubbard
undated |
Box 396, Folder 17 |
Houston 12 Defense Committee
1973 |
Box 396, Folder 18 |
Hubert Kregeloh Comments
1956 |
Box 396, Folder 19 |
T.W. Hughes
1944 |
Box 396, Folder 20 |
Human Life Center
1975 |
Box 396, Folder 21 |
Hundred Flowers
1971-1975 |
Box 396, Folder 22 |
1971 |
Box 396, Folder 23 |
I.F. Stories Weekly
1965-1971 |
Box 396, Folder 24 |
1973 |
Box 396, Folder 25 |
undated |
Box 396, Folder 26 |
Illinois Right to Work Committee
1965 |
Box 396, Folder 27 |
Illinois Small Businessmen’s Association
undated |
Box 396, Folder 28 |
Illinois Yearly Meeting
1968 |
Box 396, Folder 29 |
Inside China Mainland
1979-1986 |
Box 397, Folder 1 |
Harry Hampel
1963-1971 |
Box 397, Folder 2 |
1970 |
Box 397, Folder 3 |
H.L Harper
undated |
Box 397, Folder 4 |
Harper’s Ferry
1971 |
Box 397, Folder 5 |
Harrisburg Defense Committee
1971 |
Box 397, Folder 6 |
The Harvard Conservative
1963 |
Box 397, Folder 7 |
Harvard Medical Strike Office
undated |
Box 397, Folder 8 |
Harvard- Radcliffe Students for Peace
1970 |
Box 397, Folder 9 |
Hawaii Farm Workers Support Committee
undated |
Box 397, Folder 10 |
Hawaii Pono Journal
1971 |
Box 397, Folder 11 |
Sam Evans Hayes
undated |
Box 397, Folder 12 |
Heads Up
1963 |
Box 397, Folder 13 |
Health Policy Advisory Center
undated |
Box 397, Folder 14 |
A.G. Heinsohn
1961 |
Box 397, Folder 15 |
1970 |
Box 397, Folder 16 |
Henderson Station
1972 |
Box 397, Folder 17 |
Henry Regnery Publishing Company
undated |
Box 397, Folder 18 |
1974-1975 |
Box 397, Folder 19 |
1975-1978 |
Box 397, Folder 20 |
Heritage Foundation
1974 |
Box 397, Folder 21 |
Heritage Manor
undated |
Box 397, Folder 22 |
Edgar W. Hiestand
1960 |
Box 397, Folder 23 |
High Times
1974 |
Box 397, Folder 24 |
Highland College
1966 |
Box 397, Folder 25 |
Highlander Research and Education Center
1973-1974 |
Box 397, Folder 26 |
Dick Hillis
undated |
Box 397, Folder 27 |
Hills, Bills, and Hilda
undated |
Box 398, Folder 1 |
National Law Enforcement Committee
1962 |
Box 398, Folder 2 |
National Lawyers Guide
1974-1976 |
Box 398, Folder 3 |
National Liberal League
1949 |
Box 398, Folder 4 |
National Organization for Women
1982-1983 |
Box 398, Folder 5 |
National Renaissance Party
1960-1961 |
Box 398, Folder 6 |
National Peace Action Coalition
1971 |
Box 398, Folder 7 |
National Patrick Henry Organization
1951 |
Box 398, Folder 8 |
National Preservice League
1967 |
Box 398, Folder 9 |
National Putnam Letters Committee
undated |
Box 398, Folder 10 |
National Report
1977 |
Box 398, Folder 11 |
National Reprint Service
1963 |
Box 398, Folder 12 |
National Republic
1954 |
Box 398, Folder 13 |
National Right to Life Committee
1980-1981 |
Box 398, Folder 14 |
The National Right to Work Committee
1981 |
Box 398, Folder 15 |
National Shooting Sports Foundation
undated |
Box 398, Folder 16 |
National Socialist League
1973-1978 |
Box 398, Folder 17 |
National Socialist White People’s Party
1973-1975 |
Box 398, Folder 18 |
National Socialist White Workers Party
1977 |
Box 398, Folder 19 |
National States’ Rights Party
1961 |
Box 399, Folder 1 |
National Community Relations Advisory Council
1952-1968 |
Box 399, Folder 2 |
National Coordinating Committee Friends of Rhodesian Independence
1970 |
Box 399, Folder 3 |
National Coordinating Committee to End the War Vietnam
1966 |
Box 399, Folder 4 |
National Council for American Education
1950 |
Box 399, Folder 5 |
The National Council for Encouragement of Patriotism
undated |
Box 399, Folder 6 |
National Council for Environmental Balance
1978-1980 |
Box 399, Folder 7 |
National Council for Universal and Unconditional Amnesty
undated |
Box 399, Folder 8 |
National Council of Churches
1975 |
Box 399, Folder 9 |
National Economy League
1941 |
Box 399, Folder 10 |
National Economic Council Inc
1930-1962 |
Box 399, Folder 11 |
National Education Program
undated |
Box 399, Folder 12 |
National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee
1982-1996 |
Box 399, Folder 13 |
National Federation of Conservative Organization
2019 |
Box 399, Folder 14 |
National Fluoridation News
1975-1978 |
Box 399, Folder 15 |
National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam
1981 |
Box 399, Folder 16 |
National Gay Student Center
1974 |
Box 399, Folder 17 |
National Gay Task Force
1973-1974 |
Box 399, Folder 18 |
National Gun Control Center
1976-1977 |
Box 399, Folder 19 |
National Herald
1977 |
Box 399, Folder 20 |
National Indian Youth Council
1977 |
Box 399, Folder 21 |
National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Board
1969 |
Box 399, Folder 22 |
National Justice Foundation
undated |
Box 399, Folder 23 |
National Labor Management Foundation
1951 |
Box 400, Folder 1 |
National Christian News
1970-1977 |
Box 400, Folder 2 |
National Chronical
1975-1976 |
Box 400, Folder 3 |
National Citizens Protective Association
undated |
Box 400, Folder 4 |
National Citizens Union
1965 |
Box 400, Folder 5 |
National Coalition Against War-Racism- Repression
undated |
Box 400, Folder 6 |
National Coalition of Gay Organizations
1972 |
Box 400, Folder 7 |
National Coalition to Ban Handguns
1979 |
Box 400, Folder 8 |
National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing
1965-1969 |
Box 400, Folder 9 |
National Committee for a Human Life Amendment
undated |
Box 400, Folder 10 |
National Committee for Full Employment
undated |
Box 400, Folder 11 |
National Committee for T. Coleman Andrews and Thomas H. Wedel
undated |
Box 400, Folder 12 |
National Committee of Christian Laymen
1964-1966 |
Box 400, Folder 13 |
National Committee on Employment of Youth
1966 |
Box 400, Folder 14 |
National Committee on Tithing in Investment
1965 |
Box 400, Folder 15 |
National Committee to Abolish the House Un-American Activities Committee
1965-1966 |
Box 400, Folder 16 |
National Committee to Preserve the Connally Reservation and American Sovereignty
1961 |
Box 400, Folder 17 |
National Committee to Reopen the Rosenberg Case
1975 |
Box 401, Folder 1 |
The Modern Utopia
1969 |
Box 401, Folder 2 |
The Mole
1970 |
Box 401, Folder 3 |
Jack Molesworth
1964, 1976 |
Box 401, Folder 4 |
Monitor South
undated |
Box 401, Folder 5 |
Monroe Board of Education
undated |
Box 401, Folder 6 |
George Montgomery
1956 |
Box 401, Folder 7 |
Robert H. Montgomery
1958 |
Box 401, Folder 8 |
The Monthly Review
1965 |
Box 401, Folder 9 |
The Morgen Freiheit
1964 |
Box 401, Folder 10 |
Alexander Moseley
1962 |
Box 401, Folder 11 |
George Van Horn Moseley
undated |
Box 401, Folder 12 |
Mothers Crusade
1967 |
Box 401, Folder 13 |
Mothers of Servicemen
1969-1971 |
Box 401, Folder 14 |
1967-1972 |
Box 401, Folder 15 |
Mount Pleasant Parents and Citizens Council
1971-1973 |
Box 401, Folder 16 |
Mounting Moving
1976 |
Box 401, Folder 17 |
1969 |
Box 401, Folder 18 |
Movement for a New Congress
undated |
Box 401, Folder 19 |
Moviemento Nacionalista Cubana
1976 |
Box 401, Folder 20 |
Movimiento Unidad Recolucionaria
undated |
Box 401, Folder 21 |
Moving on Up
1971 |
Box 401, Folder 22 |
Moving Out
1974 |
Box 401, Folder 23 |
Muhamad Speaks
1970 |
Box 401, Folder 24 |
Eustace Mullins
1954 |
Box 401, Folder 25 |
Multinational Monitor
1980 |
Box 401, Folder 26 |
Mrs. Robert Murray
undated |
Box 401, Folder 27 |
The Music Man
1975-1978 |
Box 401, Folder 28 |
The Mysterious East
1971 |
Box 401, Folder 29 |
N.T. New Times
undated |
Box 401, Folder 30 |
Naiad Press
undated |
Box 401, Folder 31 |
Napa County Council for Economic Opportunity
1970 |
Box 401, Folder 32 |
Nashville Breakdown
1970 |
Box 401, Folder 33 |
Nathan Hale Society
undated |
Box 401, Folder 34 |
National Abortion Rights Action League
undated |
Box 401, Folder 35 |
National Action Research on the Military Industrial Complex
1969-1971 |
Box 401, Folder 36 |
National Anti- Imperialist Movement in Solidarity with African Liberation
undated |
Box 401, Folder 37 |
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
1959 |
Box 401, Folder 38 |
National Association for the Advancement of White People
1964 |
Box 401, Folder 39 |
National Association for Irish Freedom
1972 |
Box 401, Folder 40 |
National Association for Survival of White Folks
undated |
Box 401, Folder 41 |
National Association for the Legal Support of Alternative Schools
1978 |
Box 401, Folder 42 |
National Association of Underground Relations Officials
1968 |
Box 401, Folder 43 |
National Association of Manufactures
1976 |
Box 401, Folder 44 |
National Blue Star Mothers
undated |
Box 401, Folder 45 |
National Catholic Conference for International Justice
undated |
Box 401, Folder 46 |
National Catholic Reporter
1978 |
Box 401, Folder 47 |
National Caucus of Labor Committees
1974 |
Box 402, Folder 1 |
Mental Patients’ Association Newsletter
1973-1976 |
Box 402, Folder 2 |
The Methodist Challenger
1955 |
Box 402, Folder 3 |
Metro Metropolitan Times and Advocate
undated |
Box 402, Folder 4 |
Metropolitan Urban Coalition
1969 |
Box 402, Folder 5 |
Michigan Information Committee
undated |
Box 402, Folder 6 |
Middle East Coordinating Committee
undated |
Box 402, Folder 7 |
Middle East Mobile Education Project
1975 |
Box 402, Folder 8 |
Middle East Perspective
1973-1975 |
Box 402, Folder 9 |
Middle East Research and Action Group
1975-1976 |
Box 402, Folder 10 |
Midnight Special
1973 |
Box 402, Folder 11 |
The Midnight Sun
1971 |
Box 402, Folder 12 |
Midpeninsula Free University
1971 |
Box 402, Folder 13 |
Midwest Center for Labor Research
1982 |
Box 402, Folder 14 |
Captain Miles
undated |
Box 402, Folder 15 |
Militant for Christ
undated |
Box 402, Folder 16 |
B.M. “Red” Miller
1955 |
Box 402, Folder 17 |
Milwaukee 14 Defense Fund
1968 |
Box 402, Folder 18 |
The Mind Sweeper
1972 |
Box 402, Folder 19 |
Minute Woman of the U.S.A.
1953-1965 |
Box 402, Folder 20 |
Minute Woman of the U.S.A. CT
1951-1953 |
Box 402, Folder 21 |
undated |
Box 402, Folder 22 |
undated |
Box 402, Folder 23 |
undated |
Box 402, Folder 24 |
1971 |
Box 402, Folder 25 |
Indians of North America
1970 |
Box 402, Folder 26 |
Israel Arab Conflict
1970 |
Box 402, Folder 27 |
Mexican Americans
1970 |
Box 402, Folder 28 |
Panama Canal
undated |
Box 402, Folder 29 |
1962 |
Box 402, Folder 30 |
Vietnamese Conflict
1970-1972 |
Box 402, Folder 31 |
1964 |
Box 402, Folder 32 |
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
1968 |
Box 402, Folder 33 |
Mississippi State Junior Chamber of Commerce
1962 |
Box 402, Folder 34 |
Mississippi State Legislation
1962 |
Box 402, Folder 35 |
MIT Peace Coalition and New England Committee on Impeachment Action
undated |
Box 402, Folder 36 |
Edmund Mittler
1953 |
Box 402, Folder 37 |
Josef Mlot-Mroz
1971-1972 |
Box 402, Folder 38 |
Marvin Mobley
undated |
Box 402, Folder 39 |
Modern Age
1975 |
Box 403, Folder 1 |
Marijuana Monthly
1976 |
Box 403, Folder 2 |
Mark Twain Column
undated |
Box 403, Folder 3 |
Antonio Marquez
undated |
Box 403, Folder 4 |
Dorthey Marshal
undated |
Box 403, Folder 5 |
Clarence Martin
undated |
Box 403, Folder 6 |
Martin Sostre Defense Committee
1973 |
Box 403, Folder 7 |
Massachusetts Citizen Committee on Vietnam
1965 |
Box 403, Folder 8 |
Massachusetts Committee for Urban Renewal Education
1965 |
Box 403, Folder 9 |
Massachusetts Freedom Movement
undated |
Box 403, Folder 10 |
Massachusetts Friends of Rhodesia
undated |
Box 403, Folder 11 |
Massachusetts Lawyers Guild
1971 |
Box 403, Folder 12 |
Massachusetts Liberation Front
1969 |
Box 403, Folder 13 |
Massachusetts Parents’ Association for Responsible Education
undated |
Box 403, Folder 14 |
Massachusetts Political Action for Peace
1965 |
Box 403, Folder 15 |
Massachusetts Public Interest Research Group
1975 |
Box 403, Folder 16 |
Massachusetts Vietnam Moratorium Committee
undated |
Box 403, Folder 17 |
Massive Economic Neighborhood Development
1968 |
Box 403, Folder 18 |
Materialistic Study Group
1970 |
Box 403, Folder 19 |
Joseph Brown Matthews
1938 |
Box 403, Folder 20 |
Matt Miller Hearing Aids
undated |
Box 403, Folder 21 |
1970-1972 |
Box 403, Folder 22 |
May the Movement
1970 |
Box 403, Folder 23 |
Meador Publishing Company
undated |
Box 403, Folder 24 |
Media Ecology Review
1972-1974 |
Box 404, Folder 1 |
Joseph R. McCarthy
1957 |
Box 404, Folder 2 |
Halsey McGovern
circa 1950-1957 |
Box 404, Folder 3 |
McGovern for President
1969 |
Box 404, Folder 4 |
A.H. McGregor
1958 |
Box 404, Folder 5 |
Carl McIntire
undated |
Box 404, Folder 6 |
Eugene F. McKenzie
1968 |
Box 404, Folder 7 |
Donald McKnight
undated |
Box 404, Folder 8 |
Norman Macleod
undated |
Box 404, Folder 9 |
John McManus “The Great Depression”
undated |
Box 404, Folder 10 |
Madison Veterans for Peace
1971-1972 |
Box 404, Folder 11 |
Manifest Destiny
1973 |
Box 404, Folder 12 |
Mao Tsetug Memorial Committee
1978 |
Box 404, Folder 13 |
Marah Inc
1958-1970 |
Box 404, Folder 14 |
March for Education Committee
undated |
Box 405, Folder 1 |
Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation
1971 |
Box 405, Folder 2 |
Carriage Antique Stop
1962-1964 |
Box 405, Folder 3 |
Arthur E. Case “World Federalists Or Americans”
1950 |
Box 405, Folder 4 |
Eugene Castle “Our Foreign Aid Follies”
undated |
Box 405, Folder 5 |
The Catacomb Press
undated |
Box 405, Folder 6 |
undated |
Box 405, Folder 7 |
Catholic Freedom Foundation
1961 |
Box 405, Folder 8 |
Catholic Interracial Council of Chicago
undated |
Box 405, Folder 9 |
Catholic Laymen of America
1969 |
Box 405, Folder 10 |
Catholic Laymen’s Council
undated |
Box 405, Folder 11 |
Catholic Laymen’s League
undated |
Box 405, Folder 12 |
Catholic Observer
1951 |
Box 405, Folder 13 |
Catholic Peace Fellowship
undated |
Box 405, Folder 14 |
The Catholic Substandard and Tires
1992-1993 |
Box 405, Folder 15 |
Catholic Truth Society
undated |
Box 405, Folder 16 |
Catholic Worker
1970-1975 |
Box 406, Folder 1 |
People’s Peace
1971 |
Box 406, Folder 2 |
People’s Press Syndicate
1969-1972 |
Box 406, Folder 3 |
People’s Revolt to Overthrow the Banking Establishment
undated |
Box 406, Folder 4 |
People’s World
1964-1970 |
Box 406, Folder 5 |
1976 |
Box 406, Folder 6 |
Personal Rights Association
1968 |
Box 406, Folder 7 |
1976-1978 |
Box 406, Folder 8 |
Petrov, Ivan
undated |
Box 406, Folder 9 |
Philadelphia Area Committee to End the War in Vietnam
1965 |
Box 406, Folder 10 |
Philadelphia Free Press
1971-1972 |
Box 406, Folder 11 |
Philadelphia Resistance
1969 |
Box 406, Folder 12 |
The Philippine Chronicle
1965-1975 |
Box 406, Folder 13 |
Philippines Information Bulletin
1973-1974 |
Box 406, Folder 14 |
The Pilgrim
1974 |
Box 406, Folder 15 |
Carter R. Pittman
1958 |
Box 406, Folder 16 |
The Pit Vs Mont Post
1973-1976 |
Box 407, Folder 1 |
Peace News
1970 |
Box 407, Folder 2 |
Peace Makers
1970-1975 |
Box 407, Folder 3 |
1972 |
Box 407, Folder 4 |
1975 |
Box 407, Folder 5 |
Peninsula Observer
1969 |
Box 407, Folder 6 |
Penn House Newsletter
1974 |
Box 407, Folder 7 |
Pennsylvania Commission for Women
1975 |
Box 407, Folder 8 |
Pennsylvania Committee to Save Or Local Government
1970-1979 |
Box 407, Folder 9 |
The Pentagon Paper
undated |
Box 407, Folder 10 |
People Acting Through Community Effort
1976 |
Box 407, Folder 11 |
People Against National Identity Cards
1973 |
Box 407, Folder 12 |
People Against Racism
undated |
Box 407, Folder 13 |
People and the Pursuit of Truth
1975-1977 |
Box 407, Folder 14 |
People’s Coalition for Peace and Justice
1970-1971 |
Box 407, Folder 15 |
People’s Committee to Combat the Plague
undated |
Box 407, Folder 16 |
People’s Court Comrades
undated |
Box 407, Folder 17 |
People’s Ideas
1971 |
Box 407, Folder 18 |
People’s Park Legal Defense Fund
1970 |
Box 408, Folder 1 |
Packaged Thinking
1949 |
Box 408, Folder 2 |
Pakistan Forum
1973 |
Box 408, Folder 3 |
Palestine Arab Delegation
1947 |
Box 408, Folder 4 |
Palestine Liberation Organization
1975 |
Box 408, Folder 5 |
Palestine Solidarity Committee
1977-1979 |
Box 408, Folder 6 |
Panhellenic Liberation Movement
1972-1974 |
Box 408, Folder 7 |
Pan-American Anti-Communist Association of New York
1957 |
Box 408, Folder 8 |
The Paper
1967 |
Box 408, Folder 9 |
Parents Against Forced Busing
undated |
Box 408, Folder 10 |
Part of the Process
undated |
Box 408, Folder 11 |
Partisan Republicans of California
1951-1952 |
Box 408, Folder 12 |
Path Finder Press
1974 |
Box 408, Folder 13 |
Patrick Henry Book Shop
undated |
Box 408, Folder 14 |
Patrick Henry Brigade
undated |
Box 408, Folder 15 |
Patrick Henry Congress
1954 |
Box 408, Folder 16 |
Patrick Henry Group
undated |
Box 408, Folder 17 |
Patrick Henry League
undated |
Box 408, Folder 18 |
Patrick Henry Press Inc
undated |
Box 408, Folder 19 |
Patriot Publishing Company
undated |
Box 408, Folder 20 |
The Patriotic Party
1970 |
Box 408, Folder 21 |
The Patriotic Party of Illinois
1968 |
Box 408, Folder 22 |
Patriotic Tract Society
undated |
Box 408, Folder 23 |
Patriotic Women’s Club of America
undated |
Box 408, Folder 24 |
Patriots for Conditional Government
1963 |
Box 408, Folder 25 |
Paul Revere Association Yeomen, Inc
undated |
Box 408, Folder 26 |
Paul Revere Club
1965 |
Box 408, Folder 27 |
Paulist Press
undated |
Box 408, Folder 28 |
1970 |
Box 408, Folder 29 |
Ethel Payne
1975 |
Box 408, Folder 30 |
Peace Action Committee of Eastern Massachusetts
1968 |
Box 408, Folder 31 |
Peace Freedom Party
1968 |
Box 408, Folder 32 |
Peace Assembly
1973 |
Box 408, Folder 33 |
Peace Exchange
1970 |
Box 408, Folder 34 |
The Peace Movement of Ethiopia
undated |
Box 409, Folder 1 |
Kenneth P. Norwick
undated |
Box 409, Folder 2 |
November Action Coalition
undated |
Box 409, Folder 3 |
Now Legal Defense and Education Fund
1977-1983 |
Box 409, Folder 4 |
Oak Forest University
1966 |
Box 409, Folder 5 |
undated |
Box 409, Folder 6 |
Jack Odom
undated |
Box 409, Folder 7 |
Christian Oehler
undated |
Box 409, Folder 8 |
The Olive Branch
1970 |
Box 409, Folder 9 |
Alvin O’Konski
1962 |
Box 409, Folder 10 |
Omni Publications
undated |
Box 409, Folder 11 |
Ontario Handgun Association
1976-1986 |
Box 409, Folder 12 |
Open Gate
1975 |
Box 409, Folder 13 |
Open Road
1977-1978 |
Box 409, Folder 14 |
Operations Challenge Metco
undated |
Box 409, Folder 15 |
Operation Freedom
1972 |
Box 409, Folder 16 |
1969 |
Box 409, Folder 17 |
1988-1989 |
Box 409, Folder 18 |
The Oracle
1960-1970 |
Box 409, Folder 19 |
Organization to Fight Communism
1962 |
Box 409, Folder 20 |
Orpheus Magazine
undated |
Box 409, Folder 21 |
Osterhaus Publishing House
1949-1950 |
Box 409, Folder 22 |
Other Scenes
1970 |
Box 409, Folder 23 |
The Other Woman
undated |
Box 409, Folder 24 |
Our Country
1975-1979 |
Box 409, Folder 25 |
Our Generation
undated |
Box 409, Folder 26 |
Our Sunday Visitor
1961 |
Box 409, Folder 27 |
Outlaw- Postal Workers Paper
1973-1975 |
Box 409, Folder 28 |
Outlaw- Times Tribe
undated |
Box 409, Folder 29 |
Owen Publishing
1971 |
Box 410, Folder 1 |
New York State Coalition for Equal Rights
1975 |
Box 410, Folder 2 |
New York State Committee on Discrimination in Housing
1959 |
Box 410, Folder 3 |
New Yorkers for the Constitution
1972 |
Box 410, Folder 4 |
News from Ukraine
1977-1980 |
Box 410, Folder 5 |
News West
1975 |
Box 410, Folder 6 |
1975 |
Box 410, Folder 7 |
Newsletter on the State of the Culture
1975 |
Box 410, Folder 8 |
Niagara Coalition
undated |
Box 410, Folder 9 |
Nickell Review
1970 |
Box 410, Folder 10 |
1976, Bicentennial Prepublication Referendum
1976 |
Box 410, Folder 11 |
The 1976 Committee
1976 |
Box 410, Folder 12 |
Nix in ’56 Club
1956 |
Box 410, Folder 13 |
Richard M. Nixon
1950 |
Box 410, Folder 14 |
No More Fun and Games
undated |
Box 410, Folder 15 |
No Tax for War in Vietnam Committee
undated |
Box 410, Folder 16 |
Nola Expresses
1970-1973 |
Box 410, Folder 17 |
Agnes Nolen
undated |
Box 410, Folder 18 |
Leo. E. Nolte
undated |
Box 410, Folder 19 |
North American Congress on Latin America
undated |
Box 410, Folder 20 |
North Carolina Defenders of States Rights
undated |
Box 410, Folder 21 |
North Carolina Stop Era
1976 |
Box 410, Folder 22 |
North Star
1974 |
Box 410, Folder 23 |
Northern Star Conspiracy
undated |
Box 410, Folder 24 |
Northeastern Servicemen’s Committee
undated |
Box 410, Folder 25 |
The Northern League
undated |
Box 410, Folder 26 |
Northern Neighbors
1973-1974 |
Box 410, Folder 27 |
Northern Student Movement
1963 |
Box 410, Folder 28 |
Northern Virginia Committee for Victory Over Communism
undated |
Box 411, Folder 1 |
New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution
1973-1975 |
Box 411, Folder 2 |
New England Free Press
undated |
Box 411, Folder 3 |
New England Prisoners’ Association
1975-1976 |
Box 411, Folder 4 |
New England Turn Toward Peace
undated |
Box 411, Folder 5 |
New Foundations
undated |
Box 411, Folder 6 |
New Hampshire Conservative Union
undated |
Box 411, Folder 7 |
New Jersey Libertarian Party
1971 |
Box 411, Folder 8 |
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam
undated |
Box 411, Folder 9 |
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam- San Francisco
1969 |
Box 411, Folder 10 |
The New Patriot
1970-1971 |
Box 411, Folder 11 |
The New Prairie Primer
1970 |
Box 411, Folder 12 |
New Right Coalition
undated |
Box 411, Folder 13 |
New Schools Exchange
1973-1975 |
Box 411, Folder 14 |
New Unity
1973 |
Box 411, Folder 15 |
New University Conference
1969 |
Box 411, Folder 16 |
The New Voice
1974-1976 |
Box 411, Folder 17 |
New World Coalition
undated |
Box 412, Folder 1 |
National Limitation Committee
1976 |
Box 412, Folder 2 |
National Taxpayers’ Union
1976 |
Box 412, Folder 3 |
National Teach Out/Feedback
undated |
Box 412, Folder 4 |
National Traditionalist Causes
undated |
Box 412, Folder 5 |
National United Committee to Free Analia Davis and All Political Prisoners
1971 |
Box 412, Folder 6 |
National United Workers Origination
undated |
Box 412, Folder 7 |
National Urban League
undated |
Box 412, Folder 8 |
The National Welfare Rights Organization
1968 |
Box 412, Folder 9 |
National Youth Pro-Life Coalition
1973 |
Box 412, Folder 10 |
Nationalist Information Service
1973 |
Box 412, Folder 11 |
Nationalist Party
1962 |
Box 412, Folder 12 |
Native Student Association
undated |
Box 412, Folder 13 |
Near East Report
1967-1968 |
Box 412, Folder 14 |
undated |
Box 412, Folder 15 |
Paul Neipp
1963 |
Box 412, Folder 16 |
The Network of Patriotic Letter Writers
undated |
Box 412, Folder 17 |
New America
1971-1974 |
Box 412, Folder 18 |
New Blood
undated |
Box 412, Folder 19 |
New China Discussion Group
1971-1972 |
Box 412, Folder 20 |
New City Free Press
1970 |
Box 412, Folder 21 |
New College Development Committee
undated |
Box 412, Folder 22 |
The New Crusader
1995 |
Box 412, Folder 23 |
New Dawn Party
undated |
Box 412, Folder 24 |
New Detroit
1968 |
Box 412, Folder 25 |
New Directions for Women
1980-1984 |
Box 413, Folder 1 |
Seaboard Citizen Councils (Washington D.C)
undated |
Box 413, Folder 2 |
Seabreeze Inc
undated |
Box 413, Folder 3 |
Second Amendment Foundation
undated |
Box 413, Folder 4 |
Second City
1970 |
Box 413, Folder 5 |
Second Foundation
1977 |
Box 413, Folder 6 |
Senate Studies
undated |
Box 413, Folder 7 |
The Sentinel
1975 |
Box 413, Folder 8 |
76 Press
undated |
Box 413, Folder 9 |
Paul W. Shafer
1952 |
Box 413, Folder 10 |
Sharp Citizen
1974 |
Box 413, Folder 11 |
Shell Strike Support Committee
undated |
Box 413, Folder 12 |
Shelter Force
1975 |
Box 413, Folder 13 |
Shih Fo “An exposure of Chinese Communist drug dealings in the ‘Golden Triangle’”
1978 |
Box 413, Folder 14 |
Sierra Club
1974 |
Box 413, Folder 15 |
Los Siete
1970 |
Box 413, Folder 16 |
Karen Silkwood
1979 |
Box 413, Folder 17 |
undated |
Box 413, Folder 18 |
W. Cleon Skousen
1978 |
Box 413, Folder 19 |
Agnes Smith
undated |
Box 413, Folder 20 |
George Smith
undated |
Box 413, Folder 21 |
Laurence Smith
undated |
Box 413, Folder 22 |
Lawrence Smith
1951 |
Box 413, Folder 23 |
Rembert Gilman Smith
undated |
Box 413, Folder 24 |
William H. Smyth
1958 |
Box 413, Folder 25 |
Sobell Committee
1950-1964 |
Box 413, Folder 26 |
Socialist Labor Party- Rhode Island Chapter
undated |
Box 413, Folder 27 |
Socialist Reconstruction
1971 |
Box 413, Folder 28 |
Socialist Resolution
undated |
Box 414, Folder 1 |
Sacramento Peace Center
1965 |
Box 414, Folder 2 |
Safe Return
undated |
Box 414, Folder 3 |
Sage Brush
1975-1976 |
Box 414, Folder 4 |
St. Louis Journalism Review
1970 |
Box 414, Folder 5 |
St. Louis Outlaw
1970 |
Box 414, Folder 6 |
St Michaels Association
1969 |
Box 414, Folder 7 |
St Michael’s Legion
1969 |
Box 414, Folder 8 |
The Sally Hemings
1970 |
Box 414, Folder 9 |
1985 |
Box 414, Folder 10 |
San Diego Patriotic Society
1965 |
Box 414, Folder 11 |
San Francisco Bay Guardian
1970-1974 |
Box 414, Folder 12 |
San Francisco Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary
1960 |
Box 414, Folder 13 |
The Francisco New School
1964 |
Box 414, Folder 14 |
Dr. Herbert Sanborn
undated |
Box 414, Folder 15 |
Sanctuary Col
undated |
Box 414, Folder 16 |
Sane World
1968 |
Box 414, Folder 17 |
Savannah Committee for Constitutional Government
undated |
Box 414, Folder 18 |
Saunders, Carol
1961 |
Box 414, Folder 19 |
Save the Bay
1978-1981 |
Box 414, Folder 20 |
Save San Francisco Bay Association
1968 |
Box 414, Folder 21 |
A. Schaefer
undated |
Box 414, Folder 22 |
Robert Scheer
1966 |
Box 414, Folder 23 |
Gordon Scherer
1962 |
Box 414, Folder 24 |
Dr. Alexander Schaffner
undated |
Box 414, Folder 25 |
Phyllis Schlafly
1975-1976 |
Box 414, Folder 26 |
Rep John Schmitz
1972 |
Box 414, Folder 27 |
Hubert Schmuederrich
undated |
Box 414, Folder 28 |
George Schnapp
1973 |
Box 414, Folder 29 |
Science for People
undated |
Box 414, Folder 30 |
Science Liberation College
undated |
Box 415, Folder 1 |
Rhodesian Information Office
1977 |
Box 415, Folder 2 |
Rhodesian Information Office Pt. 2
1970-1976 |
Box 415, Folder 3 |
Rhodesian Information Office Pt.3
1978-1980 |
Box 415, Folder 4 |
Rhythm Magazine
1971 |
Box 415, Folder 5 |
Richards Cottons Conservative Viewpoint
1977 |
Box 415, Folder 6 |
The Richmond Chronicle
1969 |
Box 415, Folder 7 |
Rickenbacker, Captain Eddie
1961 |
Box 415, Folder 8 |
H.S. Riecke
1961 |
Box 415, Folder 9 |
1958 |
Box 415, Folder 10 |
The Right Brigade
1961-1964 |
Box 415, Folder 11 |
Right to Life
undated |
Box 415, Folder 12 |
Right to Life League of Southern California
1971-1976 |
Box 415, Folder 13 |
Right to Write Committee
undated |
Box 415, Folder 14 |
The Reversal Political Prisoners Defense Committee
1974 |
Box 415, Folder 15 |
Major Archibald Edward Roberts
1936-1956 |
Box 415, Folder 16 |
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
1958 |
Box 415, Folder 17 |
The Roger Priest Defense Committee
undated |
Box 415, Folder 18 |
J.A. Rogers
1965 |
Box 415, Folder 19 |
Roosevelt Archibald
1959 |
Box 415, Folder 20 |
The Root
1972 |
Box 415, Folder 21 |
Root and Branch: a Radical Quantity
undated |
Box 415, Folder 22 |
Rep John H. Rosselot
1962 |
Box 415, Folder 23 |
Roxbury War Tax Scholarship Fund
undated |
Box 415, Folder 24 |
Charles V. Ryan
1965 |
Box 416, Folder 1 |
Republic Communications Corporation
undated |
Box 416, Folder 2 |
Republication Educational Foundation
undated |
Box 416, Folder 3 |
Republication National Committee
undated |
Box 416, Folder 4 |
Research Information Bureau
undated |
Box 416, Folder 5 |
1970-1971 |
Box 416, Folder 6 |
Resisters Inside the Army
undated |
Box 416, Folder 7 |
1981 |
Box 416, Folder 8 |
The Review of Black Political Economy
1970 |
Box 416, Folder 9 |
Revolutionary Marxist Caucus
1970-1971 |
Box 416, Folder 10 |
Revolutionary Publications Unlimited
circa 1970 |
Box 416, Folder 11 |
Revolutionary Youth Brigade
1973-1974 |
Box 416, Folder 12 |
Revolutionary Youth Brigade- RIC Chapter
1973 |
Box 416, Folder 13 |
Revolutionary Student Brigade- University of Connecticut
1975 |
Box 416, Folder 14 |
Revolutionary Workers’ Party (Trotskyist)
1972-1975 |
Box 416, Folder 15 |
Rhode Island Coalition for Affirmation Active
1977 |
Box 416, Folder 16 |
Rhode Island Coalition to Inflation and Unemployment (Youth Contingent)
undated |
Box 416, Folder 17 |
Rhode Island Constitutional Right to Life Committee
1976 |
Box 416, Folder 18 |
The Rhode Island Freemason
1977 |
Box 416, Folder 19 |
Rhode Island for Brown
undated |
Box 416, Folder 20 |
Rhode Island Red
1979 |
Box 416, Folder 21 |
The Rhode Island State Taxpayers Opposing Pay Cuts
1971 |
Box 416, Folder 22 |
Rhode Island Student
1970 |
Box 416, Folder 23 |
Rhode Island Workers Association
1975-1978 |
Box 416, Folder 24 |
Rhode Island Working Women
1981-1985 |
Box 417, Folder 1 |
Radial Philosophers’ News Journal
1976 |
Box 417, Folder 2 |
Radical Student Union
1969 |
Box 417, Folder 3 |
Radical Zionist Alliance
1970 |
Box 417, Folder 4 |
Dr. Max Rafferty
1963 |
Box 417, Folder 5 |
Rally- for America
1956 |
Box 417, Folder 6 |
Rally for Caley
undated |
Box 417, Folder 7 |
Rama Pipen
1970-1974 |
Box 417, Folder 8 |
Rampart College
1967-1970 |
Box 417, Folder 9 |
Hugh S. Ramsey
1971-1976 |
Box 417, Folder 10 |
Ayn Rand
undated |
Box 417, Folder 11 |
W. D. Randall
undated |
Box 417, Folder 12 |
John R. Rarick
1969-1970 |
Box 417, Folder 13 |
Raritan Peace News
1967 |
Box 417, Folder 14 |
Ravengate Press
undated |
Box 417, Folder 15 |
La Raza Habla
1976 |
Box 417, Folder 16 |
Otis B. Read
undated |
Box 417, Folder 17 |
Ronald Reagan
1965-1981 |
Box 417, Folder 18 |
The Rebel
1961 |
Box 417, Folder 19 |
Rebel Worker Organization
1976 |
Box 417, Folder 20 |
Rebellion Left and Boston
1965 |
Box 417, Folder 21 |
1974-1976 |
Box 417, Folder 22 |
Reconciliation in Rhodesia
1974 |
Box 417, Folder 23 |
Recycling Resolution Cooperative
1971 |
Box 417, Folder 24 |
Red Family
1971 |
Box 417, Folder 25 |
The Red Mole
1971 |
Box 417, Folder 26 |
The Red Pencil
1972 |
Box 417, Folder 27 |
Red Star Market
1970 |
Box 417, Folder 28 |
Red Sun Rising
undated |
Box 417, Folder 29 |
undated |
Box 417, Folder 30 |
Julie Reed
1975 |
Box 417, Folder 31 |
Renaissance of Madison
1976-1977 |
Box 417, Folder 32 |
R.M. Rentschler
1954 |
Box 418, Folder 1 |
Privacy Journal
1974-1977 |
Box 418, Folder 2 |
Pro-American Forum
1963 |
Box 418, Folder 3 |
Pro Family Forum
1987-1988 |
Box 418, Folder 4 |
Probe Research White Supremacy
undated |
Box 418, Folder 5 |
undated |
Box 418, Folder 6 |
Progressive Labor Party- Providence
1970 |
Box 418, Folder 7 |
Progressive Party of Massachusetts
1950 |
Box 418, Folder 8 |
Promoting Enduring Peace
1961 |
Box 418, Folder 9 |
Prospect House
1973 |
Box 418, Folder 10 |
Prostitutes’ Union of Massachusetts
1975 |
Box 418, Folder 11 |
Protestant Information Center
undated |
Box 418, Folder 12 |
Providence Workers’ Committee to Throw the Bum Out
undated |
Box 418, Folder 13 |
Provincial Press
1970 |
Box 418, Folder 14 |
Public Action
undated |
Box 418, Folder 15 |
Public Affairs Committee
undated |
Box 418, Folder 16 |
Public Interest Research Group
1975 |
Box 418, Folder 17 |
Public Occurrence
1975 |
Box 418, Folder 18 |
Publish and Associates
undated |
Box 418, Folder 19 |
Puerto Rico Pro-Independence Movement
undated |
Box 418, Folder 20 |
Race Relations Reporter
1971 |
Box 418, Folder 21 |
Racing Environment Committee
1968-1969 |
Box 418, Folder 22 |
Radical America
1976 |
Box 418, Folder 23 |
Radical Jewish Union
1977 |
Box 418, Folder 24 |
Radical Libertarian
1971 |
Box 419, Folder 1 |
Plain Dealer
1970 |
Box 419, Folder 2 |
Plain Truth
1985 |
Box 419, Folder 3 |
Plainfield Joint Defense Committee
1967 |
Box 419, Folder 4 |
Ploughshares Monitor
1978 |
Box 419, Folder 5 |
Harold Poeschel
1963 |
Box 419, Folder 6 |
The Point
undated |
Box 419, Folder 7 |
The Point
1953-1954 |
Box 419, Folder 8 |
Point of Reproduction
1972 |
Box 419, Folder 9 |
Polaroid Workers Revolutionary Movement
1970 |
Box 419, Folder 10 |
Political Education Project
undated |
Box 419, Folder 11 |
undated |
Box 419, Folder 12 |
Polzin Publications
1957 |
Box 419, Folder 13 |
The Poop
1973 |
Box 419, Folder 14 |
Poor Richards Bookshop
undated |
Box 419, Folder 15 |
Portions in Due Season
undated |
Box 419, Folder 16 |
Portuguese- American Committee on Foreign Affairs
undated |
Box 419, Folder 17 |
Portuguese and Colonial Bulletin
1973 |
Box 419, Folder 18 |
Prairie Fire
1970-1986 |
Box 419, Folder 19 |
The Prayer League
1952 |
Box 419, Folder 20 |
Persoid 27 Support Committee
1968 |
Box 419, Folder 21 |
Presque’ Amerique
1971 |
Box 419, Folder 22 |
Press for Peace
1970 |
Box 419, Folder 23 |
T.J. Priestly Jr
1950 |
Box 419, Folder 24 |
The Princeton Panel
undated |
Box 419, Folder 25 |
Prisoners Digest International
1973 |
Box 419, Folder 26 |
Prisoners’ Information and Support Service
1968 |
Box 419, Folder 27 |
The Prisoner’s Union
1974-1977 |
Box 420, Folder 1 |
The Thunderbolt
1963-1980 |
Box 420, Folder 2 |
Strom Thurmond
1961 |
Box 420, Folder 3 |
The Tide
1974 |
Box 420, Folder 4 |
Lawrence Timbers
undated |
Box 420, Folder 5 |
Times Change Press
undated |
Box 420, Folder 6 |
The Times Now
1971 |
Box 420, Folder 7 |
Title of Liberty Publishing Co.
undated |
Box 420, Folder 8 |
1948 |
Box 420, Folder 9 |
To Restore American Independence Committee
undated |
Box 420, Folder 10 |
Toiyabe Trails
1973 |
Box 420, Folder 11 |
undated |
Box 420, Folder 12 |
1975 |
Box 420, Folder 13 |
The Torch
1975-1982 |
Box 420, Folder 14 |
The Torch
1973-1975 |
Box 420, Folder 15 |
Train Newsletter
1970 |
Box 420, Folder 16 |
Tribal Messenger
1969 |
Box 421, Folder 1 |
A. Robert Tefft
undated |
Box 421, Folder 2 |
The Temple Free Press
1973 |
Box 421, Folder 3 |
Ten Million Americans for America
undated |
Box 421, Folder 4 |
Tennessee Federation for Constitutional Government
undated |
Box 421, Folder 5 |
Jack B. Tenney
1951 |
Box 421, Folder 6 |
The Texas Eagle
1969 |
Box 421, Folder 7 |
Texas Voters for Enforcing the Constitution
1969 |
Box 421, Folder 8 |
Texas Women for Constitutional Government
undated |
Box 421, Folder 9 |
undated |
Box 421, Folder 10 |
Third World Liberation Front
undated |
Box 421, Folder 11 |
Third World News
1973 |
Box 421, Folder 12 |
Third World Newsletter
1975 |
Box 421, Folder 13 |
Thirtieth of November Movement
undated |
Box 421, Folder 14 |
Thomas Merton Unity Center
1974-1978 |
Box 421, Folder 15 |
Three Hundred-Ten Action Plan
1975 |
Box 422, Folder 1 |
undated |
Box 422, Folder 2 |
Suffolk Street Papers
1974 |
Box 422, Folder 3 |
The Summit Sun
1957-1973 |
Box 422, Folder 4 |
Sumter Country Citizens Council
undated |
Box 422, Folder 5 |
1970 |
Box 422, Folder 6 |
Supreme Court Amendment League
1986 |
Box 422, Folder 7 |
1970 |
Box 422, Folder 8 |
Steinhart James
1948 |
Box 422, Folder 9 |
The Symbionese Liberation Army
1978 |
Box 422, Folder 10 |
Steve Symms
undated |
Box 422, Folder 11 |
1973 |
Box 422, Folder 12 |
The People First
1971 |
Box 422, Folder 13 |
Tacoma Area Urban Coalition
1969 |
Box 422, Folder 14 |
Take Over
1972 |
Box 422, Folder 15 |
Talk About Learning
undated |
Box 422, Folder 16 |
Task Force for Economic Self-Education
undated |
Box 422, Folder 17 |
Tax Foundation
1957-1969 |
Box 422, Folder 18 |
Everett Ridley Taylor
1962 |
Box 422, Folder 19 |
1975-1977 |
Box 423, Folder 1 |
Student Christian Movement
1965 |
Box 423, Folder 2 |
Student Peace Union
1962-1963 |
Box 423, Folder 3 |
Students for America
undated |
Box 423, Folder 4 |
Students for Democratic Society
1965-1973 |
Box 423, Folder 5 |
Students for a Democratic Society- Ann Arbor
1971 |
Box 423, Folder 6 |
Students for a Democratic Society-Maddison Chapter
1963 |
Box 423, Folder 7 |
Students for a Democratic Society-New England Regional
1973 |
Box 423, Folder 8 |
Students for a Democratic Society-Rhode Island Chapters
1970-1971 |
Box 423, Folder 9 |
Students for a Democratic Society-Stanford Chapter
undated |
Box 423, Folder 10 |
Students’ International Meditation Society
undated |
Box 423, Folder 11 |
Students to Oppose Participation in the National Student Association
1972 |
Box 423, Folder 12 |
Studies on the Left
1960-1967 |
Box 424, Folder 1 |
Spiritual Mobilization
1953-1955 |
Box 424, Folder 2 |
Sponsors of Open Housing Investment
1973 |
Box 424, Folder 3 |
The Staff
1972 |
Box 424, Folder 4 |
Mrs. F.M. Standish
undated |
Box 424, Folder 5 |
State Craft
1969 |
Box 424, Folder 6 |
The States’ Rights Council of Georgia
1956 |
Box 424, Folder 7 |
H.E. Stearley
1970-1978 |
Box 424, Folder 8 |
Stop Immorality on TV
undated |
Box 424, Folder 9 |
Storks’ Weekly Readers
1972 |
Box 424, Folder 10 |
The Street Journal
1972 |
Box 424, Folder 11 |
Street Journal (Sand Diego)
1970 |
Box 424, Folder 12 |
1965 |
Box 424, Folder 13 |
Strike Education Committee
1968 |
Box 424, Folder 14 |
Jane Stuart
1978 |
Box 424, Folder 15 |
Student Action
undated |
Box 424, Folder 16 |
Student Civil Liberties Coordinating Committee
undated |
Box 424, Folder 17 |
Student Committee to Aid Farah Strikers
1974 |
Box 424, Folder 18 |
Student Free Press
1968 |
Box 424, Folder 19 |
Student Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam
1966-1971 |
Box 424, Folder 20 |
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
1965-1967 |
Box 425, Folder 1 |
Southern Africa Committee
1973-1974 |
Box 425, Folder 2 |
Southern California Communist Party
undated |
Box 425, Folder 3 |
Southern California Council on Religion and the Homophile
undated |
Box 425, Folder 4 |
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
1971 |
Box 425, Folder 5 |
Southern Conference Educational Fund
1967-1977 |
Box 425, Folder 6 |
Southern Courier
1967-1969 |
Box 425, Folder 7 |
Southern Libertarian Review
1976-1977 |
Box 425, Folder 8 |
Southern Poverty Law Center
1976-1978 |
Box 425, Folder 9 |
Southern Regional Council
1962 |
Box 425, Folder 10 |
Southern States Conference of Union People
undated |
Box 425, Folder 11 |
Southern Student Organizing Committee
1965 |
Box 425, Folder 12 |
Sovereign America Volunteer Emissaries
undated |
Box 425, Folder 13 |
Soviet Jewry Action Group
undated |
Box 425, Folder 14 |
Space City
1970 |
Box 425, Folder 15 |
1975 |
Box 425, Folder 16 |
1963-1973 |
Box 425, Folder 17 |
Spartacist- West
1969 |
Box 425, Folder 18 |
Speak Up
1976 |
Box 426, Folder 1 |
Socialist Workers Party
undated |
Box 426, Folder 2 |
Society for the Christian Commonwealth
1969 |
Box 426, Folder 3 |
Society for French- American Affairs
1963 |
Box 426, Folder 4 |
Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property
undated |
Box 426, Folder 5 |
Society for Individual Liberty
undated |
Box 426, Folder 6 |
Society for Individual Rights
1972 |
Box 426, Folder 7 |
Sojourner House
1979-1985 |
Box 426, Folder 8 |
The Solid South
1959 |
Box 426, Folder 9 |
Sons of Lexington and Colorado
undated |
Box 426, Folder 10 |
Sons of Liberty
1975 |
Box 426, Folder 11 |
Sons of the American Revolution
undated |
Box 426, Folder 12 |
South African Anglo Nordic Union
1981 |
Box 426, Folder 13 |
South Hayward News
1958-1963 |
Box 426, Folder 14 |
South Vietnam in Struggle
1971-1973 |
Box 426, Folder 15 |
Southwest Africa People’s Organization of Namibia
1973 |
Box 426, Folder 16 |
Southeast News Press and Firestone Park News
1952-1970 |
Box 427, Folder 1 |
White Lightning
1973-1974 |
Box 427, Folder 2 |
White Man’s Records
undated |
Box 427, Folder 3 |
The White Sentinel
1963 |
Box 427, Folder 4 |
White Youth Alliance
1971 |
Box 427, Folder 5 |
Whitworth College
undated |
Box 427, Folder 6 |
William Winter Comments
1973 |
Box 427, Folder 7 |
Honorable John Bell Williams
1956 |
Box 427, Folder 8 |
Robert F. Williams
1965-1969 |
Box 427, Folder 9 |
Robert H. Williams
undated |
Box 427, Folder 10 |
Nancy Williamson
1971 |
Box 427, Folder 11 |
C.W. Winegarner
1962 |
Box 427, Folder 12 |
The Win Rod Letter
1962 |
Box 427, Folder 13 |
The Woman Activist
1973 |
Box 427, Folder 14 |
Woman’s Work
1980 |
Box 427, Folder 15 |
Women- A Journal of Liberation
1969-1970 |
Box 427, Folder 16 |
Women Against Violence Against Women
undated |
Box 427, Folder 17 |
Women and Revolution
1973-1976 |
Box 427, Folder 18 |
Women Armed for Self-Protection
1974 |
Box 427, Folder 19 |
Women for Peace
1972 |
Box 427, Folder 20 |
Women for Racial and Economic Equality
1978 |
Box 427, Folder 21 |
Women for Rhodesia
1978 |
Box 427, Folder 22 |
Women Library Workers
1975 |
Box 427, Folder 23 |
Women to Rescind the Equal Rights Amendment in Rhode Island
undated |
Box 427, Folder 24 |
Women United
1973 |
Box 427, Folder 25 |
The Women’s Center
undated |
Box 427, Folder 26 |
Women’s Center
1978 |
Box 427, Folder 27 |
Women’s Equity Action League
1976 |
Box 427, Folder 28 |
Women’s February Task Force Clearing House
undated |
Box 427, Folder 29 |
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
undated |
Box 427, Folder 30 |
Women’s Liberation
undated |
Box 427, Folder 31 |
Women’s Liberation Union of Rhode Island
1982 |
Box 427, Folder 32 |
Women’s National Abortion Action Coalition
1971-1972 |
Box 427, Folder 33 |
Women’s Right to Know
1964 |
Box 427, Folder 34 |
Women’s Tribunal on Abortion
1972 |
Box 428, Folder 1 |
The Walter Bagehot Research Council on National Sovereignty
1974-1976 |
Box 428, Folder 2 |
The Wanderer
1964-1969 |
Box 428, Folder 3 |
War Resisters League
1970-1975 |
Box 428, Folder 4 |
The Ware Lands
1961 |
Box 428, Folder 5 |
Washington Christian Action Council
1973 |
Box 428, Folder 6 |
Washington Constitutional Guards
1938 |
Box 428, Folder 7 |
Washington Intelligence Report
1969 |
Box 428, Folder 8 |
The Washington Park Spirit
1974 |
Box 428, Folder 9 |
Washington Peace Center Newsletter
1974 |
Box 428, Folder 10 |
Washington Summary
1962 |
Box 428, Folder 11 |
Watch Washington Club
1945-1963 |
Box 428, Folder 12 |
Agnes Waters
1950 |
Box 428, Folder 13 |
Emile E. Watson
undated |
Box 428, Folder 14 |
Rev Watts
1965 |
Box 428, Folder 15 |
Way Bright Edgar W.
undated |
Box 428, Folder 16 |
We Magazine
1976 |
Box 428, Folder 17 |
We the People
undated |
Box 428, Folder 18 |
Wealthy Street Baptist Church
undated |
Box 428, Folder 19 |
1955 |
Box 428, Folder 20 |
The Weekly Planet
1976 |
Box 428, Folder 21 |
Weekly Scene
1975 |
Box 428, Folder 22 |
Ruth Wenzlaff
1938 |
Box 428, Folder 23 |
West Coast Committee for Democracy in Greece
1976 |
Box 428, Folder 24 |
Western Guard Party
undated |
Box 428, Folder 25 |
William McDonald Wheeler
undated |
Box 428, Folder 26 |
Whipper- Snapper
undated |
Box 428, Folder 27 |
The White American
1965-1966 |
Box 429, Folder 1 |
Vocations for Social Change
1970-1975 |
Box 429, Folder 2 |
Vocations for Social Change
undated |
Box 429, Folder 3 |
A Voice in the Wilderness
undated |
Box 429, Folder 4 |
Voice of Americanism
undated |
Box 429, Folder 5 |
Voice of Freedom
1959 |
Box 429, Folder 6 |
Voice of Women- New England
1962-1970 |
Box 429, Folder 7 |
Voice of Women
1970-1978 |
Box 429, Folder 8 |
undated |
Box 429, Folder 9 |
Voorless Victory Campaign Committee
1962 |
Box 429, Folder 10 |
Voter Education Project
undated |
Box 429, Folder 11 |
Voter’s Alliance for Americans of German Ancestry
undated |
Box 429, Folder 12 |
Voters Pledge Campaign
undated |
Box 429, Folder 13 |
W.E.B. Dubois Clubs America
1966 |
Box 429, Folder 14 |
WRAL TV Viewpoint
1969 |
Box 429, Folder 15 |
Wage Earners Committee
undated |
Box 429, Folder 16 |
Wages for Housework
1976 |
Box 429, Folder 17 |
General Edwin Walker
1962 |
Box 429, Folder 18 |
J.H. Walker
undated |
Box 429, Folder 19 |
General Sir Walter Walker
1976-1978 |
Box 429, Folder 20 |
Walla Walla Statesman
1957 |
Box 429, Folder 21 |
George Wallace
1968-1972 |
Box 430, Folder 1 |
Wickliffe Vennard
1970 |
Box 430, Folder 2 |
undated |
Box 430, Folder 3 |
VERITAS Foundation
1973 |
Box 430, Folder 4 |
Veterans for Peace in Vietnam
1970 |
Box 430, Folder 5 |
Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade
undated |
Box 430, Folder 6 |
Viet Report
1965-1966 |
Box 430, Folder 7 |
Veterans for Peace
undated |
Box 430, Folder 8 |
Vietnam- American Friendship Week
1973 |
Box 430, Folder 9 |
Vietnam Courier
1974 |
Box 430, Folder 10 |
Vietnam News and Reports
1973 |
Box 430, Folder 11 |
Vietnam Moratorium Committee
1970 |
Box 430, Folder 12 |
Vietnam Peace Action
undated |
Box 430, Folder 13 |
Vietnam Referendum
undated |
Box 430, Folder 14 |
Vietnam Summer News
1967 |
Box 430, Folder 15 |
Vietnam Veterans Against the War. Winter Soldier Organization
1971 |
Box 430, Folder 16 |
Vigilant Women for the Bricker Amendment
undated |
Box 430, Folder 17 |
Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government
undated |
Box 430, Folder 18 |
Virginia Young Voters for the President
1972 |
Box 430, Folder 19 |
Vietnam Resource Center
1974-1976 |
Box 431, Folder 1 |
United Steelworkers of America
undated |
Box 431, Folder 2 |
United Student Coalition
1969 |
Box 431, Folder 3 |
United White Party
undated |
Box 431, Folder 4 |
United Women’s Alliance to Gain Equality
1974-1975 |
Box 431, Folder 5 |
United Zionist Revisionist of America
1977 |
Box 431, Folder 6 |
1978-1979 |
Box 431, Folder 7 |
The Universal Challenger
1966-1973 |
Box 431, Folder 8 |
The University Bookman
1971-1975 |
Box 431, Folder 9 |
University of Connecticut Student Movements
undated |
Box 431, Folder 10 |
University of Virginia
undated |
Box 431, Folder 11 |
The University Republican
undated |
Box 431, Folder 12 |
Urban American
1968 |
Box 431, Folder 13 |
Urban Coalition
1968 |
Box 431, Folder 14 |
Urban League of Greater Cincinnati
undated |
Box 431, Folder 15 |
Urban League Or Rhode Island
1968-1976 |
Box 431, Folder 16 |
James B. Utt
1961-1962 |
Box 431, Folder 17 |
The VDC News
1966 |
Box 431, Folder 18 |
The Vacaville Prison Project
undated |
Box 431, Folder 19 |
Valley Forge Anti-Communism Crusade
undated |
Box 431, Folder 20 |
Vanderlande William and Vera
undated |
Box 431, Folder 21 |
Vanguard Newsletter
1971 |
Box 431, Folder 22 |
Charles Vanik
1964 |
Box 431, Folder 23 |
Harold Velde
1953 |
Box 431, Folder 24 |
The Velvet Light Trap
1989-1990 |
Box 431, Folder 25 |
James R. Venable
1964 |
Box 431, Folder 26 |
Venceremos Brigade
1975-1978 |
Box 432, Folder 1 |
United Front Against Fascism
undated |
Box 432, Folder 2 |
United Front Press
1974-1975 |
Box 432, Folder 3 |
United Klans of America
1966-1986 |
Box 432, Folder 4 |
United Ministries in Higher Education
1971 |
Box 432, Folder 5 |
United Minority Report
1975 |
Box 432, Folder 6 |
United Republicans of America
1966 |
Box 432, Folder 7 |
United Society of Methodist Laymen
undated |
Box 432, Folder 8 |
United Southern Employee’s Association
1957 |
Box 432, Folder 9 |
U.S. China People’s Friendship Association
1972-1974 |
Box 432, Folder 10 |
United States Citizens Committee for a Free Cuba
undated |
Box 432, Folder 11 |
U.S. Coalition for Life
1973-1977 |
Box 432, Folder 12 |
U.S. Committee to Aid the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam
undated |
Box 432, Folder 13 |
The United States Constitution Society of Ohio
undated |
Box 432, Folder 14 |
United States Divorce Reform
undated |
Box 432, Folder 15 |
United States Industrial Council
1961 |
Box 432, Folder 16 |
United States Labor Party
undated |
Box 432, Folder 17 |
United States Servicemen’s Fund
1972 |
Box 433, Folder 1 |
La Tribuna
1970 |
Box 433, Folder 2 |
Tri Continental
1971 |
Box 433, Folder 3 |
Tri-County Untied Republican Club
undated |
Box 433, Folder 4 |
1978-1979 |
Box 433, Folder 5 |
undated |
Box 433, Folder 6 |
True Free Press
undated |
Box 433, Folder 7 |
undated |
Box 433, Folder 8 |
Truth About Cuba Committee
1967 |
Box 433, Folder 9 |
Truth Seeker Company
1963 |
Box 433, Folder 10 |
Tulanians Dissent
1961 |
Box 433, Folder 11 |
Tuttle W.B.
undated |
Box 433, Folder 12 |
Twentieth Century Evangelism
undated |
Box 433, Folder 13 |
Twin Circle
1968 |
Box 433, Folder 14 |
University Review
undated |
Box 433, Folder 15 |
Union of American Exilian Britain
1974 |
Box 433, Folder 16 |
Union of Concerned Scientists
undated |
Box 433, Folder 17 |
United African Descendants’ People’s Republic
undated |
Box 433, Folder 18 |
United Community Construction Workers
1973 |
Box 433, Folder 19 |
United Concessional Appeal
undated |
Box 433, Folder 20 |
United Farm Workers
1968-1975 |
Box 434, Folder 1 |
E.R. Fields
undated |
Box 434, Folder 2 |
Fifth Freedom
undated |
Box 434, Folder 3 |
1974 |
Box 434, Folder 4 |
Fighting American Nationalists
1962 |
Box 434, Folder 5 |
Fighting Times
1975 |
Box 434, Folder 6 |
Firearms and Responsible Ownership
1975 |
Box 434, Folder 7 |
The First Blow
1974 |
Box 434, Folder 8 |
Fiscal 77
1977 |
Box 434, Folder 9 |
Gordon Fitzgerald
undated |
Box 434, Folder 10 |
Flanders Hall Publishers
undated |
Box 434, Folder 11 |
Austin T. Flett
1958 |
Box 434, Folder 12 |
Flick-Reedy Corp
1966 |
Box 434, Folder 13 |
Florida Committee of Pure Water Association of America
1955 |
Box 434, Folder 14 |
Florida Legislative and Research Committee
1972 |
Box 434, Folder 15 |
Florida States Righter
1960 |
Box 434, Folder 16 |
John T. Flynn
undated |
Box 434, Folder 17 |
1974-1976 |
Box 434, Folder 18 |
Food Co-Op Nooz
1975 |
Box 434, Folder 19 |
For America
1957 |
Box 434, Folder 20 |
For the People
1975 |
Box 435, Folder 1 |
Henry Ford
1940 |
Box 435, Folder 2 |
Fort Hood Three Defense Committee
1966 |
Box 435, Folder 3 |
Fortune Society
1975 |
Box 435, Folder 4 |
Forum Publishing Company
circa 1934 |
Box 435, Folder 5 |
undated |
Box 435, Folder 6 |
Sydney H. Foster
circa 1930 |
Box 435, Folder 7 |
Foundation for American Principles and Traditions
1955 |
Box 435, Folder 8 |
Foundation for Economic Education
1951-1974 |
Box 435, Folder 9 |
Foundation for Education, Scholarship, Patriotism, and Americanism
1963 |
Box 435, Folder 10 |
Foundation for Study of Treaty Law
undated |
Box 435, Folder 11 |
The Fountain of Light
undated |
Box 435, Folder 12 |
The Fourth Estate
1970 |
Box 435, Folder 13 |
Frank Izsak Associates
undated |
Box 435, Folder 14 |
Raywood Frazier
1961 |
Box 435, Folder 15 |
Free Abortion on Demand Caucus
1971 |
Box 435, Folder 16 |
Friends Committee on Legislation
1974 |
Box 435, Folder 17 |
Free Enterprise
1964-1975 |
Box 435, Folder 18 |
Free Enterprise Association of West Virginia
undated |
Box 435, Folder 19 |
Free Men Speak
1957 |
Box 435, Folder 20 |
Free Palestine
1960-1978 |
Box 436, Folder 1 |
Free Press
1972-1975 |
Box 436, Folder 2 |
Free Spirit Press
undated |
Box 436, Folder 3 |
Free University of New England
undated |
Box 436, Folder 4 |
Free You
1970 |
Box 436, Folder 5 |
Freedom Bookstore
1962-1963 |
Box 436, Folder 6 |
Freedom Bookshelf
undated |
Box 436, Folder 7 |
Freedom Center
1962 |
Box 436, Folder 8 |
Freedom in Action
undated |
Box 436, Folder 9 |
Freedom Leadership Foundation
1976 |
Box 436, Folder 10 |
Freedom Now Party
1964 |
Box 436, Folder 11 |
Freedom News
1970 |
Box 436, Folder 12 |
Freedom of Residence Foundation
1963 |
Box 436, Folder 13 |
Freedom Press
undated |
Box 436, Folder 14 |
Freedom Press
1964 |
Box 436, Folder 15 |
Freedom School
undated |
Box 436, Folder 16 |
Freedom Views
1966 |
Box 436, Folder 17 |
Freedom Legion
undated |
Box 436, Folder 18 |
Tue Freeman
undated |
Box 436, Folder 19 |
The Free World Times
1972-1974 |
Box 436, Folder 20 |
Friends Committee on National Legislation
1968 |
Box 436, Folder 21 |
Friends of Freedom
1949 |
Box 436, Folder 22 |
Friends of Haiti
1973-1974 |
Box 436, Folder 23 |
Friends of Irish Freedom
1970 |
Box 436, Folder 24 |
Friends of Micronesia
1974 |
Box 436, Folder 25 |
Friends of the Constitution
undated |
Box 436, Folder 26 |
Friends of the Earth
1977 |
Box 436, Folder 27 |
Friends of the Pilipino People
1973 |
Box 436, Folder 28 |
Friends of the First Amendment
1965 |
Box 436, Folder 29 |
Friends of the Public Schools
1949-1950 |
Box 436, Folder 30 |
Friends of the School’s News
1957-1958 |
Box 436, Folder 31 |
Friends’ Peace Committee
undated |
Box 436, Folder 32 |
Friends Suburban Project
1975 |
Box 436, Folder 33 |
Friendship House
undated |
Box 437, Folder 1 |
Fund for Urban Negro Development
undated |
Box 437, Folder 2 |
Fundamental American Freedoms
1963 |
Box 437, Folder 3 |
The Furies
1972 |
Box 437, Folder 4 |
1973-1974 |
Box 437, Folder 5 |
The Gar
1974 |
Box 437, Folder 6 |
GI Civil Liberties Defense Committee
undated |
Box 437, Folder 7 |
G.I. Voices
1969 |
Box 437, Folder 8 |
Mel Gabler
undated |
Box 437, Folder 9 |
Lane and Howe Gall
1958 |
Box 437, Folder 10 |
John W. Gardner
1970 |
Box 437, Folder 11 |
Gary Allen Home Seminars
undated |
Box 437, Folder 12 |
1970 |
Box 437, Folder 13 |
Gateway Marine and Tackle
undated |
Box 437, Folder 14 |
Gay Community Services Center
undated |
Box 437, Folder 15 |
Gay Community Services of Rhode Island
1982 |
Box 437, Folder 16 |
Gay Liberation Task Force- Student Mobilization Committee
undated |
Box 437, Folder 17 |
Gay Liberator
1974 |
Box 437, Folder 18 |
Gay Media Action
undated |
Box 437, Folder 19 |
Gay People’s Newsletters
1971 |
Box 437, Folder 20 |
Gay Women’s Liberation
1970 |
Box 437, Folder 21 |
Gay Sunshine
1974 |
Box 437, Folder 22 |
Frank W. and Joyce Gaydosh
1977 |
Box 437, Folder 23 |
1975 |
Box 437, Folder 24 |
Wesley Critz George
1962 |
Box 437, Folder 25 |
1972 |
Box 437, Folder 26 |
Georgia Commission on Education
1956-1957 |
Box 437, Folder 27 |
The Georgia Turbine
1957 |
Box 437, Folder 28 |
Jawad F. George
undated |
Box 437, Folder 29 |
German- American National Congress
1975 |
Box 438, Folder 1 |
1969 |
Box 438, Folder 2 |
1971 |
Box 438, Folder 3 |
A. Glindset
1976 |
Box 438, Folder 4 |
Kenneth Goff
undated |
Box 438, Folder 5 |
Goldwater, Barry
1964 |
Box 438, Folder 6 |
Good Land-Dat Lanh
1975 |
Box 438, Folder 7 |
Gospel Art Shoppe
undated |
Box 438, Folder 8 |
Gospel Temple
undated |
Box 438, Folder 9 |
Gospel Tract Society
1976 |
Box 438, Folder 10 |
Government Education Foundation
undated |
Box 438, Folder 11 |
Grace and Truth
undated |
Box 438, Folder 12 |
Grand Central Industrial Centre
undated |
Box 438, Folder 13 |
Granger Graphics
undated |
Box 438, Folder 14 |
Grass Roots
1972-1974 |
Box 438, Folder 15 |
Gray Manufacturing Company
1953-1956 |
Box 438, Folder 16 |
Gray Panthers
1976 |
Box 438, Folder 17 |
Greater Boston Committee to Free Angela Davis
1971 |
Box 438, Folder 18 |
Greater Boston Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam
1965-1966 |
Box 438, Folder 19 |
Greater Boston Peace Action Coalition
undated |
Box 438, Folder 20 |
Greater Cleveland Committee for Aid to Katanga
1964 |
Box 438, Folder 21 |
Greater Indiana Polis Support Your Local Polis Committee
undated |
Box 438, Folder 22 |
Greater Los Angeles Urban Coalition
1969 |
Box 438, Folder 23 |
Greater Miami Coalition
1969 |
Box 438, Folder 24 |
Green Mountain Catamount Films
1961 |
Box 438, Folder 25 |
J.D. Grey
1960 |
Box 438, Folder 26 |
Elgrito Del Norte
1971 |
Box 438, Folder 27 |
Hon. H.R. Gross
1953 |
Box 438, Folder 28 |
Ralph Gwinn
1957-1958 |
Box 438, Folder 29 |
C.A. Hadland
undated |
Box 438, Folder 30 |
Gordon D. Hall
1968 |
Box 438, Folder 31 |
Hamiltonian Society
1976 |
Box 438, Folder 32 |
Hammer and Steel Newsletter
1962-1974 |
Box 439, Folder 1 |
World Research
1977 |
Box 439, Folder 2 |
World Service
1979 |
Box 439, Folder 3 |
World Socialist Party of the United States
1976-1977 |
Box 439, Folder 4 |
World Student News
1973-1975 |
Box 439, Folder 5 |
World War III
1969 |
Box 439, Folder 6 |
Wyman Louis
1969 |
Box 439, Folder 7 |
Yale University-Student Movements
1970 |
Box 439, Folder 8 |
Yarrows Talks
undated |
Box 439, Folder 9 |
Yes on Nine
1970 |
Box 439, Folder 10 |
Young Americans for Responsible Action
undated |
Box 439, Folder 11 |
Young People’s Socialist League
undated |
Box 439, Folder 12 |
Young Socialist
1972 |
Box 439, Folder 13 |
Young Socialist Alliance
1970-1975 |
Box 439, Folder 14 |
Young Socialist Alliance- Providence Chapters
1971 |
Box 439, Folder 15 |
Young Workers Liberation League
1977 |
Box 439, Folder 16 |
Young Lords
undated |
Box 439, Folder 17 |
Youth Action
1975 |
Box 439, Folder 18 |
Youth Against War and Fascism
1970-1973 |
Box 439, Folder 19 |
Youth Rally for Morality
1973 |
Box 439, Folder 20 |
Z Magazine
1988 |
Box 439, Folder 21 |
Elvin Zane
1950 |
Box 439, Folder 22 |
Louis Zoul
undated |
Box 440, Folder 1 |
Workers’ Party of Korea
circa 1971-1975 |
Box 440, Folder 2 |
Woman’s Work
circa 1979-1981 |
Box 440, Folder 3 |
Women, A Journal of Liberation
undated |
Box 440, Folder 4 |
John T. Wood
circa 1950-1955 |
Box 440, Folder 5 |
Roy O. Woodruff
circa 1949-1953 |
Box 440, Folder 6 |
The Worcester Punch
1969 November |
Box 440, Folder 7 |
The Word
undated |
Box 440, Folder 8 |
The Worker
circa 1975-1976 |
Box 440, Folder 9 |
Workers’ Action
1970 |
Box 440, Folder 10 |
Workers Association to Guarantee Employment
undated |
Box 440, Folder 11 |
Workers League Bulletin
1969 |
Box 440, Folder 12 |
Workers’ Power
circa 1970-1975 |
Box 440, Folder 13 |
Workers Vanguard
circa 1971-1977 |
Box 440, Folder 14 |
The Working People’s Voice
1972 |
Box 440, Folder 15 |
World Count Down
undated |
Box 440, Folder 16 |
World League for Freedom and Democracy
1995 |
Box 383, Folder 27 |
Committee on Public Information: Divison of Four Minute Men
1918 |