InventorySeries 1. Correspondence
This series consists of letters to and from relatives, friends and acquaintances; clubs and organizations; various political and educational leaders, as well as business letters.
Little correspondence with immediate family members exists in this collection, however, there is considerable correspondence with the Rue cousins, Margarite, Mary Lou, and Myra.
Correspondence with significant people include letters to and from Milton Eisenhower, as well as a typed copy of a letter from President Eisenhower. There is a letter from Eleanor Roosevelt concerning her arrival for the Convocation in observance of Brotherhood Week, an autographed program, and a photograph with President Woodward. There is correspondence with Francis Horn, Woodward's successor as University President, and Werner Baum, successor to Horn.
Of interest is correspondence with Brigadier General Elliot Thorpe. General Thorpe donated to the University the sword of Major General Yamato, Commander Imperial Kepi Tai, surrendered to him in Yokohama, Japan on September 2, 1945. With this correspondence are photographs. Most of the correspondence is mundane in nature. Correspondence of special import may be located in other series. Correspondence with historical or agricultural organizations can be found within the Historical series; URI correspondence with the URI series; correspondence concerning his writings with those writings.
Correspondence is arranged alphabetically by name or subject. Within the folders, material is in chronological order. Letters to Mrs. Woodward are filed under her name. Unidentified correspondence is at the end of the series.
Series 2. Subject File
This series consists of business, personal and legal material; photographs and memorabilia. It includes daily appointment calendars, 1941-1971; biographical materials and notes; birthday and Christmas cards; Christmas card lists, invitations, commencement and other programs.
Personal, financial and business records include records for domestics in the Woodward household; insurance policies, credit cards, materials on investments and real estate. Also included are honorary degrees, citations an certificates, including material about the Freedom's Foundation at Valley Forge, which awarded "The George Washington Honor Medal Award" to Woodward for his 1964 essay: "Freedom --- How Beautiful". Materials collected on his hobbies include: photography, print collecting and gardening. Gardening contains a large number of pamphlets and brochures.
Considerable material can be found on the construction of the Woodward house, "Myrtlewood". Pictures of Woodward receiving awards and with family and friends are grouped together under "photographs". There is also a motion picture film of the URI band saluting President Woodward in a "W" formation.
Subjects are arranged alphabetically.
Series 3. University of Rhode Island
This series contains records pertaining to people and organizations associated with URI. Most of these records are from Woodward's retirement, rather than his presidency. This series is divided into two subseries: Correspondence and Subject.
Correspondence dates from 1941-1974, most of it in the 1960's. Correspondence from his presidential years consists mainly of replies to letters of congratulations upon his appointment as president; letters concerning the furnishings, grounds and maintenance of the President's house; letters concerning his retirement; and invitations and replies to social events at the President's house. Also contained is a bound volume of his Administrative Letters (1942-1958).
Other correspondence consists of letters to and from various administrators, faculty and departments; "Friends of the Library"; the URI Foundation, of which he was a trustee.
Records in the Subject File date from 1892-1974, most of them in the 1960's. The records are comprised of notes, printed materials and reports. Included are records of official automobile mileage and gasoline purchases, (1943-1957), an Army Specialized Training Program scrapbook; a bound volume of the student newspaper The Beacon (1957-1958); faculty and staff directories; "Friends of the Library"; research notes for the gymnasium mural; the President's house; retirement; dedications of buildings; URI Christians Association and the URI Foundation.
Of interest are copies of letters and reports by Howard Edwards, former Rhode Island State College (now URI) President (1906-1930), and the score for a musical adaptation of the Morrill Act.
The records are arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically within each folder.
See Also: The Office of the President, Carl Woodward, RG#1.
Series 4. Historical File
This series consists of material related to Woodward's historical research, interest in historical subjects and his affiliations with historical organizations. These records consist of correspondence, notes and printed material. Most of the material pertains to agricultural subjects and Kingston history. Included is a collection of almanacs (1800-1973).
Of importance are the records of his chairmanships of the Civic Improvement Committee (Kingston Improvement Association, 1962-1968) and "Friends of Watson House", a group organized to restore the Watson House on the URI campus; the Fayerweather restoration and research on the Fayerweather family; records from the Cocumscussoc Association, of which eh e was a former Trustee and Vice President [See also- Writings: "Plantation in Yankeeland"]; research and correspondence on Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson; and materials about Justin Smith Morrill, founder of the Land-Grant Act, and printed materials form the Land-Grant Centennial.
Of biographical interest are the records concerning Egbert Tunis, Woodward's seafaring ancestor. For a more complete biographical note, see Writings: Boy with a Hoe.
Material on early Rhode Island history and New Jersey agricultural history can be found in research for books - See also Writings.
The records are arranged alphabetically into folders.
Series 5. Fraternity File
This series consists of correspondence and records of some of the fraternities of which Woodward was a member. The majority of the material is on Phi Gamma Delta, the social fraternity; he was an Archon Councilor (1960-1964) and trustee of the Educational Foundation.
Correspondence consists of letters to and from the national chapter of Phi Gamma Delta (1941-1974); Nu Beta, the Rutgers chapter 1944-1972); Kappa Rho, the URI chapter (1953, 1955, 1961, 1965, 1972); the Phi Gamma delta Educational Foundation (1945-1974); and the National Inter-fraternity Conference (1960-1962). Other fraternities represented are Alpha Zeta, agricultural (1941-1942) and Phi Kappa Delta, educational (1940-1957).
Besides the correspondence, the records consist of reports, bulletins, and newsletters, agenda, minutes of meetings, applications and recommendations for the Educational Foundation; memoranda, invitations, programs and other printed materials.
Important to this series is the Phi Gamma Delta material dealing with policy trends, more specifically with the questions of morals, drinking and drug problems, administrative restrictions on membership, local autonomy and the Educational Foundation.
Other fraternity correspondence is of general alumni nature.
Series 6. Institutional/Organizational Affiliations
This series consists of materials accumulated by Carl Woodward while a member of the following institutions and/or organizations:
Barrington College
British Empire Club
Brown Univ.-John C. Brown Library
Bryant College
Butler Hospital
Christian Higher Education Fund
Cornell Univ. Alumni Association
Fair Housing in RI - Citizens United
Kingston Congregational Church
National War Service
Providence Art Club
RI Council of Community Services
Rutgers University
South County Art Association
South County Hospital
United Fund
United Seaman's Service
and Miscellaneous Memberships
The series consists of general correspondence, printed material, minutes of meetings, annual reports, bulletins, etc. for each affiliation. The series is arranged alphabetically by institution or organization, and alphabetically by subject or type of material within each institution and/or organization.
Of particular interest is the material relating to the Kinston Congregational Church, which dominates the series. Included are the Act of Incorporation in 1932, annual reports, attendance records, minutes of various meetings, correspondence from 1943-1974, etc. Significant are the materials dealing with the sensitivity sessions issue, the church vandalism incident and Carl Woodward's dissatisfaction with the church and the performance of Reverend Wentzel in 1970, 1972. There are copies of sermons given by Kenneth Wentzel (1966-1967, undated), Frank Woods (undated) and Stephen Yale (1964-1965). Also of note is the extensive historical material dealing with the 250th Anniversary of the Kingston Congregational Church, including bibliographical sources, an historical sketch and a text of the pageant performed as part of the celebration.
Also of interest in this series are the Rutgers alumni material relating to Carl Woodward's class of 1914, and the material dealing with Barrington and Bryant Colleges, while he served as trustee, and the United Fund while he served as President.
Series 7. Writings
This series is divided into seven subseries. Subseries 1, 2 and 3 contain speeches by Woodward and others. Subseries 4 and 5 contain articles and reports. Subseries 6 and 7 contain documents relating to two of Woodward’s books.
Subseries 1, Speeches, is composed of drafts, copies, and reprints of the addresses given by Carl Woodward. The speeches subseries consists mostly of commencement, baccalaureate and convocation addresses, radio addresses and speeches given at various civic events and professional organizations.
Subseries 2, Speeches by Others, is a short subseries made up of three speeches by others that contain information about President Woodward.
Subseries 3, Recorded Speeches, contains the audio of the speeches of greatest importance during Woodward’s years as President of the university. For a complete list of and an historical outline to these speeches, see folder "Speeches Recorded". Also included in this section are four bound volumes of the speeches.
Subseries 4, Articles and Reports, contains articles and reports written by Woodward. Some of the articles were published and others were not. Included here are research, drafts, copies, reprints and some correspondence. This section is arranged alphabetically by title. The content of these articles is generally agricultural, educational and historical. Miscellaneous articles that are grouped together are listed on the face of the folder. Included in this section are bound volumes titled; Reprints and Miscellaneous Papers 1920-1957; Addresses, Articles and Reports 1942-1957; and a volume of miscellaneous articles, 1925-1950, mostly unpublished. All materials, including correspondence, for articles and reports are grouped together by title.
Subseries 5, Articles and Reports by Others, is a small section of articles and reports by other authors.
Subseries 6, Plantation in Yankeeland, contains all research, references, drafts, illustrations, edited manuscripts, galley sheets, and proof copies of the book, as well as dust jackets, an unbound copy, and a bound dummy copy. Also present in the subseries is all correspondence, pre- and post-publication, with the Pequot Press. In this section, also, are reviews, promotional materials, newspaper ads, a display of the book and excerpts printed in the Rhode Islander magazine section of the Providence Sunday Journal.
Finally, Subseries 7, Boy with a Hoe, contains all research, references, drafts and illustrations for the unpublished memoirs of Woodward's boyhood on a New Jersey farm. Contained in the research and references section are almanacs, correspondence, biographical notes and agricultural history.
The purpose of this book was not only autobiographical, but was meant as a reflection of rural life in New Jersey around the turn of the century.
Series 8. Memorabilia
This series consists of one article.
Container | Description | Date | ||
Box 86, Folder 1 | Monogrammed Leather Case |
undated |
Folder 1-109
Speeches by Others
Folder 110-112
Recorded Speeches
Folder 113-127
Articles and Reports
Folder 128-272
There are no folders 192-199.
Articles and Reports by Others
Folder 273-289
Plantation in Yankeeland
Folder 290-510
Boy with a Hoe
Folder 511-617