InventorySeries 1. Manuscripts
Box 1, Folder 1-24
The manuscript series contains copies of handwritten and typed manuscripts of articles and speeches written by William Davis Miller from 1926 to 1944. Manuscripts with titles which appeared in printed from are arranged alphabetically by title. Untitled manuscripts which were not found in printed from are given subject titles in parentheses. Notes and notebooks are filed in folders labeled “Notes” and are arranged alphabetically. Two one-page fragments are in a folder labeled “Fragments.
Printed copies of his work which were found in the collection in 1974 are in a folder in Series III, Miscellaneous labeled “Printed Writings. Miller, William Davis.” Others may be found in the publications of the Rhode Island Historical Society and through the HELIN Catalog.
Abbreviations used in this series:
AMS: Autograph manuscript (handwritten, one copy)
AMSs: Autograph manuscript (handwritten, multiple draft)
TM(s): Typewritten manuscript(s)
Inc: Incomplete
Cop: Copies
Series 2. Correspondence
Box 1, Folder 1-3
The correspondence series includes handwritten and typed letters received by William Davis Miller from 1918 to 1944, concentrated in 1933-1934 and 1944 and scattered through the other years. Few responses are included and these are filed under the name of the institution or person to whom they were sent of meant to be sent. All letters are arranged alphabetically by the name of the person or organizations which corresponded with William Davis Miller. Usually, letters sent from a person representing an institution are filed under the name of the institution and vice versa. Letters from officials in the U.S. Navy and U.S. Naval Reserve are filed under “U.S. Navy” or “U.S. Naval Reserve.”
The correspondence deals with historical subjects, family matters, naval duties, and book collecting. The correspondent most represented is William B. Goodwin, who wrote mainly about historical topics. Others include Chauncey Nash, John Hill Morgan, and Colonial Williamsburg (Harold Shurtleff).
Series 3. Miscellaneous
Box 2, Folder 1-13
This series contains items other than manuscripts, manuscripts notes, or letter sent to William Davis Miller. These items include financial and legal papers, letters sent to his mother (Miller family folder), a manuscript sent to him, printed copies of his own works and works of others, newspaper clipping, photographs, and programs of meetings. The dates begin in the 1800s with the newspaper clippings. Folders are arranged alphabetically by title.