John H. Chafee Senatorial Papers, Photographs

University Archives and Special Collections
15 Lippitt Road
Kingston, RI 02881-2011
Tel: 401-874-4632


Published in 2007

Collection Overview

Title: John H. Chafee Senatorial Papers, Photographs
Date range: 1945-1999, (bulk 1976-1999)
Creator: Chafee, John H., 1922-1999
Extent: 67 box(es)
(60 linear feet)
Abstract: The Multi-Media sub-group 3, records consists of 16mm motion picture film, 5" and 7" reel to reel audio tape, audio cassette tape, video cassettes, and video broadcast cassettes. The records include films of campaign ads, radio show tapes, videos of news programs, and digital copies of correspondence, memoranda, press statements.
Language of materials: English
Repository: University Archives and Special Collections
Collection number: MsG. 115.4

Scope & content

Series 1, Photographs: Providence Office,1987-1999, consists of photographs taken of Senator Chafee speaking at conferences and gatherings, participating in parades, fundraisers, campaign events, graduation ceremonies, ribbon-cuttings, groundbreakings, and other political and social activities. The records in this series are arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series 2, Photographs: Washington Office, 1968-1999, contains photographs, negatives, contact sheets, photo-albums, and prints. Photographs consist of headshots, portraits, group photos, trip photos, visits to manufacturing plants, fisheries, and environmental field trips. The folders are arranged alphabetically by subject.


The records are arranged into the following series:

  • 1. Photographs: Providence Office
  • 2. Photographs: Washington Office

Biographical Note

John Hubbard Chafee was born October 22, 1922 in Providence, Rhode Island. He attended Providence Country Day school and Deerfield Academy in Deerfield, Massachusetts. In 1940 he enrolled in Yale University but left during his sophomore year to join the United States Marine Corps at the start of World War II. He was among the first wave of American forces that invaded Guadalcanal and later the island of Okinawa. After returning from the war in 1945 he returned to Yale University and completed his bachelor’s degree. In 1950 he earned a law degree from Harvard University.

In 1951 the Marine Corps recalled Chafee to active duty. He spent the next two years serving as a rifle company commander in the Korean conflict. After returning from Korea in 1953 Chafee worked as an attorney in a Providence law firm while serving in the Rhode Island House of Representatives from 1957 to 1963. He was elected minority leader for the Rhode Island Republican party for three years and nominated as the party’s candidate for governor in the 1962 elections.

In 1962 Chafee ran for Governor of Rhode Island and won by a very narrow margin. He was reelected in 1964 and 1966 by the largest margins in the state’s gubernatorial history. After losing the 1968 gubernatorial race to Frank Licht, Chafee was appointed Secretary of the Navy by President Richard Nixon in January 1969. Upon resigning from that position, Chafee entered the 1972 Senatorial race which he lost to incumbent Democrat Claiborne Pell.

Chafee ran again for Senator when John O. Pastore announced he was retiring. He was challenged by Richard P. Lorber, who beat Governor Philip Noel by a hundred votes in the primary. Chafee won the election by a comfortable margin carrying every town in the state and capturing 58 percent of the vote. He was the first Republican from Rhode Island elected to the Senate since 1930.

Chafee’s record was highlighted by his ability to lead bipartisan efforts towards passing far-reaching legislation. In Congress he worked through consensus and cooperation in order to make progress on important bills that greatly affected the budget, tax policy, environmental protection, health care, and civil rights. In 1977, Chafee attained the chairmanship of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. He quickly established himself as an advocate of environmental protection, often finding himself at odds with the conservative factions of his party.

Chafee helped pass major environmental protection legislation that included the 1980 Superfund program to clean up hazardous waste, the Clean Water Act of 1986, the 1990 amendments to the Clean Air Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. In 1990 Chafee was ousted from his Senate Republican Chairmanship position (the third ranking position in the party leadership) because of his collaboration with Senate majority leader George Mitchell on the Clean Air Act.

Chafee was a member of several important congressional committees. He sat on the Select Committee on Intelligence, Committee on Small Business, was Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee’s Subcommittee on Health Care, and was a member of the Senate Arms Control Observer Group. He also served as Chairman of the Republican Conference for six years. He was an advocate for expanding Medicare coverage to needy families and fought diligently to secure health care coverage for children through employee benefit plans. Chafee played a key role in the passage of the Family and Medical Leave Act, which allowed workers to take unpaid leave to care for a new child or deal with a family medical crisis. In addition, he helped write the Children’s Supplemental Security Income grant that safeguarded families threatened by government cutbacks. Chafee also fought hard for persons with disabilities and established landmark legislation providing home and community-based services for the developmentally disabled.

The 1982 senatorial election campaign was more difficult for Chafee than his previous election campaign. He was challenged by former state Attorney General Julius C. Michaelson. Michaelson tried to discredit Chafee by tying him to elements in the Republican party that supported President Ronald Reagan’s conservative agenda and close ties to big business which often clashed with the traditionally moderate ideology of Rhode Island constituents. Chafee defended his record by asserting that he prevented many jobs from leaving Rhode Island by persuading General Dynamics’ Electric Boat division to keep it’s shipyard in the state. Chafee was able to build a large treasury that allowed him to run a stronger campaign in the areas of the state that required his attention. Chafee’s long-standing seat on the Senate Finance Committee also gave him a significant advantage over his opponent. As a result, Chafee won the election, but by a mere 7,965 votes.

In the 1988 elections Chafee was challenged by Lieutenant Governor Richard Licht, nephew of former Governor Frank Licht. With a substantially larger campaign treasury and twelve years of experience in Congress, Chafee won the election with a comfortable 55 percent of the vote making him the first Republican senator in Rhode Island to be popularly elected to three consecutive terms.

Chafee was extremely active in efforts to preserve fragile coastal regions. His sponsorship of the Coastal Barriers Resources Act of 1982, which was amended in 1990, protected expansive areas of coastal shoreline from human development. Chafee also worked to protect wetlands and sponsored the American Wetlands Conservation Act. He played a leading role in the reformation of the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1995 and 1996, and he sponsored the 1984 Atlantic Striped Bass Conservation Act which saved important fisheries along the Atlantic coast and the Gulf of Mexico from pollution and over-fishing. In addition, Chafee established the nation’s first indoor air hazard research and response program, and he authored legislation that established Rhode Island’s Pettaquamscutt Cove National Wildlife Refuge which protects over 300 acres of salt marsh and forest land.

In the 1994 senatorial election Chafee retained his seat by defeating Democratic state legislator Linda J. Kushner by a comfortable margin. Chafee captured a surprising 65 percent of the vote in a year when he was thought to be vulnerable because of his highly centrist record which was seen as too moderate for Republicans and too conservative for Democrats. Nevertheless, Kushner failed to develop an effective campaign strategy and often attacked Chafee in areas where he excelled, such as health care and the environment. One of the last major bills Chafee helped create and pass was the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century through which he obtained federal funding for a bicycle trail along the Blackstone River, in addition to 59 million dollars for a new Jamestown Bridge. Chafee died on October 24, 1999 after more than forty years of public service. He left behind his wife Virginia, and their five children.

Access & Use

Access to the collection: Any qualified person doing scholarly research is permitted to use material housed in the Special Collections Unit.
Use of the materials: Terms governing use and reproduction: Photocopying and scanning of materials is a fee based service available in the repository and is allowed at the discretion of the Archivist when in compliance to the Unit's policy on copyright and publication.
Preferred citation: The Senatorial Papers of John H. Chafee, Mss. Gr. 115.4, University of Rhode Island, University Archives and Special Collections.
Contact information: University Archives and Special Collections
15 Lippitt Road
Kingston, RI 02881-2011
Tel: 401-874-4632


Administrative Information

Acquisition: The first shipments of the Chafee Senatorial Papers were transferred from Chafee's Washington office to the University of Rhode Island in the spring of 1993 and continued to arrive periodically through March of 2001.
Custodial history: The records were originally collected and stored by the Washington office and Providence office of John H. Chafee.
Processing information: The collection was processed by Mark Dionne in 2006.
Author: Finding aid prepared by Mark Dionne
Encoding: Finding aid encoded by Mark Dionne 2007, updated by Mark Dionne on 2020 July 9
Descriptive rules: Finding aid based on Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)

Additional Information

Related material: The Gubernatorial Papers of John H. Chafee (MsG. 114.1), The John H. Chafee Secretary of the Navy Papers (MsG. 114.2) The John H. Chafee 1972 Senatorial Campaign Papers (MsG. 114.3).



Series 1. Photographs: Providence Office
The series contains photographs taken of Chafee while he was speaking at conferences and dinners, and attending parades, fundraisers, campaign events, graduation ceremonies, ribbon-cuttings, groundbreakings, and other political and social activities.

Subjects include photographs of Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson, Ronald Reagan, and George Bush, as well as former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, United States Senators, and Rhode Island government officials. There are also headshots and portraits of Chafee that were used in campaign advertisements and other political prospectus.

The folders may include negatives. Oversized photographs are kept in Oversize Box 216 as indicated in folder title list.

The folders in this series are arranged alphabetically by subject.

Container Description Date
Box 1 , Folder 1 Academy Day Candidates
Box 1 , Folder 2 Academy Day Speakers
Box 1 , Folder 3 Aerial Photo
Box 1 , Folder 4 Alcoholism Directory Press Conference
October 1, 1978
Box 1 , Folder 5 American Groundwater Trust
May 3, 1996
Box 1 , Folder 6 American Narcolepsy Association
Box 1 , Folder 7 At the Beach
Box 1 , Folder 8 Bermuda Post Card
May 29, 1905
Box 1 , Folder 9 Blue Angels (See Oversize: Box 216)
June 13, 1905
Box 1 , Folder 10 Bodell, Jon
Box 1 , Folder 11 Bristol Parade
July 4, 1994
Box 1 , Folder 12 Bush, George: Fundraiser
May 17, 1985
Box 1 , Folder 13 Cadets
Box 1 , Folder 14 Capital Building: Washington D.C.
April 1, 1978
Box 1 , Folder 15 Chafee by Fence
Box 1 , Folder 16 Chafee Family
Box 1 , Folder 17 Chafee in 18th Century Military Uniform
Box 1 , Folder 18 Chafee with Donald Sennott (assistant)
May 24, 1991
Box 1 , Folder 19 Children's Museum
June 8, 1905
Box 1 , Folder 20 Cianci, Vincent: Mayor
1980, 1991
Box 1 , Folder 21 Clinton, Hillary
October 8, 1993
Box 1 , Folder 22 Dallas Convention
August 21, 1984
Box 1 , Folder 23 Danforth Farewell Party
June 16, 1905
Box 1 , Folder 24 Darman Fundraiser
Box 1 , Folder 25 DiPrete Inauguration
June 7, 1905
Box 1 , Folder 26 Diversified Appliance Corporation
Box 1 , Folder 27 Edwards and Angell
Box 1 , Folder 28 Europe Trip
June 14, 1905
Box 1 , Folder 29 Farmer, Susan
June 2, 1905
Box 1 , Folder 30 Five Thousand Votes Celebration
June 16, 1905
Box 1 , Folder 31 Florida
Box 1 , Folder 32 Francis, Robert and Wilbur, James A.
April 28, 1905
Box 1 , Folder 33 Garden City Campaign Event
Box 1 , Folder 34 Goldwater, Barry
Box 1 , Folder 35 Governor's Ball
January 1, 1963
Box 1 , Folder 36 Governor's Night
June 8, 1905
Box 1 , Folder 37 Governor Portraits
May 21, 1905
Box 2 , Folder 38 Graduation: University of Rhode Island
1978, 1992
Box 2 , Folder 39 Gun Violence Rally
June 16, 1905
Box 2 , Folder 40 Headshots with Negatives
Box 2 , Folder 41 Housing and Urban Development, Dept. of
June 10, 1905
Box 2 , Folder 42 Hubbard, Brian J.
June 20, 1905
Box 2 , Folder 43 Individual and Group Photos with Cadets
Box 2 , Folder 44 Inn at the Crossings Fundraiser
March 25, 1994
Box 2 , Folder 45 Jamaica
June 14, 1905
Box 2 , Folder 46 Jamestown Bridge
June 7, 1905
Box 2 , Folder 47 Johanssen, Sandra and Holly Greene 
June 10, 1905
Box 2 , Folder 48 Johnson, Lyndon (See Oversize: Box 216)
May 19, 1905
Box 2 , Folder 49 Kissinger, Henry
Box 2 , Folder 50 Kissinger, Henry
Box 2 , Folder 51 "Lets Talk Business"
December 21, 1992
Box 2 , Folder 52 Lincoln High School Graduation
May 25, 1905
Box 2 , Folder 53 Machtley, Ron: Planned Parenthood Building Dedication
October 1, 1989
Box 2 , Folder 54 March of Dimes
Box 2 , Folder 55 Mayoral Ball
May 16, 1905
Box 2 , Folder 56 McCullough, David: Campaign Event
August 31, 1994
Box 2 , Folder 57 Military Speaking Event
June 19, 1905
Box 2 , Folder 58 Mostar Bombings
Box 2 , Folder 59 Negatives of Portraits
Box 2 , Folder 60 Newport Naval Base
January 2, 1994
Box 2 , Folder 61 Newport Preservation Society (See Oversize: Box 216)
Box 2 , Folder 62 Newsletter Photos
Box 2 , Folder 63 Norgetown Coin Laundry
August 19, 1985
Box 3 , Folder 64 Page, Kathy Crevier
May 31, 1905
Box 3 , Folder 65 Parades
Box 3 , Folder 66 Portraits
June 10, 1905
Box 3 , Folder 67 Post Office Dedication
May 5, 1996
Box 3 , Folder 68 Reagan, President and Mrs.
Box 3 , Folder 69 Retirement Party
May 29, 1905
Box 3 , Folder 70 Rhode Island Hospital
Box 3 , Folder 71 Ribbon Cutting (See Oversize: Box 216)
Box 3 , Folder 72 Rotary of Warwick
September 8, 1994
Box 3 , Folder 73 Sailing
Box 3 , Folder 74 Schneider, Claudine: Representative
June 10, 1905
Box 3 , Folder 75 Senator Portraits
June 20, 1905
Box 3 , Folder 76 Sierra Club
June 8, 1905
Box 3 , Folder 77 Small Business Administration
August 10, 1994
Box 3 , Folder 78 Spring Concert
April 15, 1988
Box 3 , Folder 79 Toray Plastics
June 15, 1905
Box 3 , Folder 80 Traficante, Michael
June 10, 1905
Box 3 , Folder 81 Turner, Esther
September 5, 1982
Box 3 , Folder 82 Unidentified Events
Box 3 , Folder 83 United Republican Club Clam Bake
October 1, 1962
Box 3 , Folder 84 United Way Annual Meeting
April 15, 1999
Box 3 , Folder 85 Veteran's Hospital
February 12, 1988
Box 3 , Folder 86 Warner, John: Senator and Capen, Dick: US Ambassador to Spain
November 12, 1992
Box 3 , Folder 87 Waste Water Facility Ceremony
September 1, 1997
Box 3 , Folder 88 Wiezman, Ezar: Israel Defense Minister
February 8, 1980

Series 2. Photographs: Washington Office
The series contains photographs, negatives, contact sheets, photo-albums, and prints. The photographs consist of headshots, portraits, group photos, trip photos, as well as Chafee visits to manufacturing plants, fisheries, and environmental field trips. The folders may also contain memoranda, speeches, press releases, notes, and news articles. Descriptions, dates, and other information may be attached to, or written on the back side of the photograph.

The records also include photographs of Chafee at business conferences, news conferences, congressional hearings, groundbreakings, ship christenings, dedications, and memorials. Included are photographs of Chafee with family members, staff members, constituents, colleagues, and interns. In addition, there are photographs taken during congressional delegation trips to Bosnia and South America. The records also include photographs of Chafee's funeral on October 30, 1999 which contain photographs of President and Mrs. Clinton, and Senators Pell, McCain, Lott, and Glenn.

Constituent photographs consist of shots with students, families, and individuals. The "Chafee and D.C. Politicos, 1977-1980" folder contains group shots, individual shots, and photographs of meetings with government officials, senators, congressmen, President Carter, spokespersons, and foreign dignitaries.

Oversized items are indicated below and include framed photographs, portraits, posters, and constituent photographs mounted on cardboard backings.

The folders are arranged alphabetically by subject.

Container Description Date
Box 1     , Folder 1 American Heart Association Award
Box 1     , Folder 2 American Public Welfare Association Ceremony
Box 1     , Folder 3 Arms Control Coalition
February 1, 1988
Box 1     , Folder 4 Barrington Public Library Dedication
June 1, 1987
Box 1     , Folder 5 Block Island
June 1, 1905
Box 1     , Folder 6 Block Island Nature Reserve Dedication
July 28, 1984
Box 1     , Folder 7 Bosnia Trip
February 1, 1997
Box 1     , Folder 8  Bosnia Trip 
February 1, 1987
Box 1     , Folder 9 Brown University: President Vartan Gregorios' Inauguration
May 1, 1989
Box 1     , Folder 9A Builders Iron Foundry (OVERSIZE BOX 12)
Box 1     , Folder 9B Builders Iron Foundry Harris-Kinsley Plant (OVERSIZE BOX 13)
1951, Feb 1953
Box 1     , Folder 10 Bull Dog Award
October 1, 1986
Box 1     , Folder 11 Bush, George H. with Cranston Mayor Ed Diprete
July 23, 1981
Box 1     , Folder 12 Cape Verde: President Aristides Pereira Meeting
October 1, 1983
Box 1     , Folder 13 Casey, William with Chafee at CIA
April 27, 1983
Box 1     , Folder 14 Chafee 5000th Vote Celebration
August 2, 1988
Box 1     , Folder 15 Chafee 5000th Vote Celebration 
August 2, 1988
Box 1     , Folder 16 Chafee 6500th Vote Celebration
August 4, 1998
Box 1     , Folder 17 Chafee and Colleague
May 16, 1979
Box 1     , Folder 18 Chafee and Pell with Man
October 30, 1987
Box 1     , Folder 19 Chafee and Ted Kennedy Interview with Newsman
Box 1     , Folder 20 Chafee and Washington D.C. Politicos
Box 2 , Folder 21 Chafee and Wes Unseld at Organ Donator Signing
Apr 21-27, 1985
Box 2 , Folder 22 Chafee at Franklin Pierce College Graduation
Box 2 , Folder 23 Chafee at Hearing
Box 2 , Folder 24 Chafee at Lone Sailor Memorial
Box 2 , Folder 25 Chafee Black and Whites
Box 2 , Folder 26 Chafee Contact Sheets
June 2, 1905
Box 2 , Folder 27 Chafee Family
January 6, 1977
Box 2 , Folder 28 Chafee Family
Box 2 , Folder 29 Chafee Funeral
October 30, 1999
Box 2 , Folder 30 Chafee Headshot
Box 2 , Folder 30A Chafee Headshot (OVERSIZE BOX 9)
Box 2 , Folder 31 Chafee Headshot Photographs
June 1, 1905
Box 2 , Folder 32 Chafee Headshot Portraits
January 26, 1977
Box 2 , Folder 33 Chafee Headshots (slides)
February 1, 1983
Box 2 , Folder 33A Chafee in Office (OVERSIZE BOX 9)
Box 2 , Folder 34 Chafee, John Sr.
March 17, 1978
Box 3 , Folder 35 Chafee Negatives and Contact Sheets
Box 3 , Folder 36 Chafee News Letterhead Photographs
June 8, 1905
Box 3 , Folder 37 Chafee Newsletter Photos
June 7, 1905
Box 3 , Folder 38 Chafee Portraits
December 1, 1986
Box 3 , Folder 38A Chafee Portraits as Governor as Senator (OVERSIZE BOX 9)
1968, 1998
Box 3 , Folder 38B Chafee Signing Fair Housing Act (OVERSIZE BOX 9)
April 16, 1968
Box 3 , Folder 38C Chafee Portraits (OVERSIZE BOX 13)
Box 3 , Folder 39 Chafee Speaking
January 3, 1985
Box 3 , Folder 39A Chafee Speaking (OVERSIZE BOX 9)
Box 3 , Folder 39B Chafee Speaking (OVERSIZE BOX 9)
Box 3 , Folder 39C Chafee Speaking (OVERSIZE BOX 13)
Box 3 , Folder 39D Chafee Speaking (OVERSIZE BOX 13)
Box 3 , Folder 40 Chafee Staff
June 7, 1905
Box 3 , Folder 40A Chafee Staff (OVERSIZE BOX 13)
June 7, 1905
Box 3 , Folder 41 Chafee with Constituents
Box 3 , Folder 42 Chafee with Constituents
October 15, 1987
Box 3 , Folder 43 Chafee with Constituents
November 19, 1987
Box 3 , Folder 43A Chafee with Constituents (OVERSIZE BOX 9)
Box 3 , Folder 44 Chafee with Mother and Baby in Senate Office
Box 4 , Folder 45 Chafee with Constituents: Senate Republican File Copies
Box 4 , Folder 45A Chafee with Senators (OVERSIZE BOX 13)
May 30, 1905
Box 4 , Folder 46 Chafee with Unknown Man
Box 4 , Folder 47 Chamber of Commerce Award
Box 4 , Folder 48 Chamber of Commerce Reception
April 29, 1985
Box 4 , Folder 49 Chicken Farm Visit
April 1, 1981
Box 4 , Folder 50 Children's Hockey Team
November 8, 1985
Box 4 , Folder 50A China Delegation (OVERSIZE BOX 10)
Box 4 , Folder 51 Cianci, Buddy
Box 4 , Folder 52 "Close Up Group" in Chafee Office
November 3, 1981
Box 4 , Folder 53 "Close Up" Senior Citizens Group
January 10, 1986
Box 4 , Folder 54 Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety Act: Reagan Signing Ceremony
Sep 9, 15, 1988
Box 4 , Folder 55 Connors, Joseph: Senate Page
June 7, 1905
Box 4 , Folder 56 Conservation Award
December 26, 1984
Box 4 , Folder 57 Constituent with Chafee
March 3, 1987
Box 5 , Folder 58 Constituents in Chafee Office
May 20, 1981
Box 5 , Folder 59 Constituents in Chafee Office
December 5, 1984
Box 5 , Folder 60 Corliss School
August 18, 1986
Box 5 , Folder 61 Defenders of Wildlife Award
May 1, 1986
Box 5 , Folder 62 Defense Mapping Agency Directors
Box 5 , Folder 63 Deputy Director Rhode Island Department of State Library Services
December 1, 1985
Box 5 , Folder 64 Digital Award Luncheon
January 10, 1986
Box 5 , Folder 65 Diprete, Edward Reception
January 25, 1985
Box 5 , Folder 65A Disabled American Veterans Memorial Day Framed Poster (OVERSIZE BOX 12)
May 25, 1998
Box 5 , Folder 66 Electric Boat Hearing
April 1, 1981
Box 5 , Folder 67 Environment Award: Tufts University
March 23, 1986
Box 5 , Folder 68 Environment: Canoe Trip, Jamestown Bridge
June 2, 1905
Box 5 , Folder 69 Environmental Group
July 29, 1984
Box 5 , Folder 70 Eric Brudner at Piano for Russell Building Recital 
June 26, 1983
Box 5 , Folder 71 Federal Building Groundbreaking
November 16, 1981
Box 5 , Folder 72 Fishing Trip
June 1, 1905
Box 5 , Folder 73 Forest Photograph from Dana Wilson to Senator Chafee
Box 5 , Folder 74 General Dynamics CEO Stan Pace
May 22, 1985
Box 5 , Folder 75 Goldwater, Barry and Chafee on Governor Campaign
May 21, 1905
Box 5 , Folder 76 Greek Archbishop
March 24, 1988
Box 5 , Folder 77 Gun Control Press Conference
May 1, 1993
Box 5 , Folder 78 Guns Aren't Cool Elementary School Visit
June 1, 1997
Box 5 , Folder 78A Guns Aren't Cool Kickoff Event (OVERSIZE BOX 10)
June 1, 1997
Box 5 , Folder 79 Handicapped Event
Box 5 , Folder 79A Harvard Law School Class of 1950 (OVERSIZE BOX 11)
October 25, 1978
Box 5 , Folder 80 Hearst Foundation Members
February 5, 1986
Box 5 , Folder 81 Historic Preservation Award
May 10, 1985
Box 5 , Folder 82 Income Tax News Conference
November 17, 1980
Box 5 , Folder 83 Interns
June 7, 1905
Box 5 , Folder 84 Interparliamentary Conference on Global Warming
April 29, 1990
Box 5 , Folder 85 John James "Wild Turkey" Print Award
November 12, 1985
Box 6 , Folder 86 Judge Pettine Hearing
April 24, 1981
Box 6 , Folder 87 Kids Act Speech
Box 6 , Folder 88 La Bontes, Ronald
September 20, 1985
Box 6 , Folder 89 Lad Center
1914- 1987
Box 6 , Folder 90 Land Conservation
June 17, 1905
Box 6 , Folder 91 Lowery, Nick
March 6, 1985
Box 6 , Folder 92 Mainstream Coalition Members
Box 6 , Folder 92A Meals on Wheels  (OVERSIZE BOX 11)
Box 6 , Folder 93 Mexico Trip
February 1, 1993
Box 6 , Folder 94 Middle East Trip: Chafee with President Hosni Mubarak   
Box 6 , Folder 95 National Institute of Health Scholar Ronald Reynolds
March 3, 1987
Box 6 , Folder 96 Narragansett Bay Study
July 1, 1985
Box 6 , Folder 97 National Sail Foundation Committee Hearing
June 2, 1981
Box 6 , Folder 98 National Wildlife Federation: President Jay Hair
September 29, 1986
Box 6 , Folder 99 News Interview
September 15, 1988
Box 6 , Folder 100 North Central Airport
June 1, 1905
Box 6 , Folder 101 Panama Canal Company
June 1, 1905
Box 6 , Folder 102 Parent Teacher Association
February 25, 1987
Box 6 , Folder 103 Pell, Chafee, Zoe Morgan
April 8, 1987
Box 6 , Folder 104 Pell, Ed DiPrete at Event
June 7, 1905
Box 6 , Folder 104A Persian Rug Store: Chafee, Sundlund, and others (OVERSIZE BOX 13)
Box 6 , Folder 105 Phillipine Peace Prayer Proclamation
November 1, 1988
Box 6 , Folder 106 Photographs: Oil Spills and Ocean Pollution
June 2, 1905
Box 6 , Folder 107 Picillo Dump Site
July 1, 1981
Box 6 , Folder 108 President George Bush
January 3, 1985
Box 6 , Folder 109 President Ronald Reagan: Geneva Summit
November 21, 1985
Box 6 , Folder 110 Presidential Scholars Award
February 16, 1988
Box 6 , Folder 111 Press Events
June 8, 1905
Box 6 , Folder 112 Program for Older Americans
October 1, 1984
Box 7 , Folder 113 Providence Banner
March 24, 1987
Box 7 , Folder 114 Public Voice for Food and Health Policy
June 7, 1905
Box 7 , Folder 115 Rallis, Christopher: Senior Intern
May 12, 1986
Box 7 , Folder 116 Rhode Island 350th Anniversary Postcard
June 8, 1905
Box 7 , Folder 117 Rhode Island Association of Retarded Citizens Award (S.2053)
June 18, 1905
Box 7 , Folder 118 Rhode Island Constituents
Box 7 , Folder 118A Rhode Island Constituents (OVERSIZE BOX 11)
Box 7 , Folder 118B Rhode Island Governors Group Photograph (OVERSIZE BOX 12)
Box 7 , Folder 119 Rotary Club Speech 
Box 7 , Folder 120 Rudman, Warren: Fundraiser
June 8, 1905
Box 7 , Folder 121 Save South County, Stop the Casinos Public Meeting
Box 7 , Folder 122 Save the Bay Conference
Box 7 , Folder 123 Secretary of Navy Jim Webb
March 5, 1987
Box 7 , Folder 123A Secretary of Navy Staff (OVERSIZE BOX 11)
April 24, 1972
Box 7 , Folder 124 Senator and Mrs. Chafee with Group
Box 7 , Folder 124A Senators Ski Cup (OVERSIZE BOX 13)
June 11, 1905
Box 7 , Folder 125 Senior Citizens
June 1, 1905
Box 7 , Folder 126 Silverstein, Jon
March 3, 1986
Box 7 , Folder 127 Small Business Award
Box 7 , Folder 128 South America Trip, Congressional Delegation
March 1, 1989
Box 7 , Folder 129 South Providence Basketball Team
April 20, 1988
Box 7 , Folder 130 Striped Bass Tagging
December 1, 1985
Box 8  , Folder 131  Summer Interns
June 6, 1905
Box 8  , Folder 131A Summer Interns (OVERSIZE BOX 11)
June 17, 1905
Box 8  , Folder 132 Unknown Hearing
Box 8  , Folder 133 United States Navy Casket Ceremony
Box 8  , Folder 134 Urban Job Enterprise Bill
June 1, 1980
Box 8  , Folder 134A University of Rhode Island: Chafee Building (OVERSIZE BOX 13)
March 1, 1977
Box 8  , Folder 135 Veterans Group
March 5, 1986
Box 8  , Folder 136 Veterans Group in Chafee Office
May 14, 1981
Box 8  , Folder 137 Veteran's Hospital
July 1, 1984
Box 8  , Folder 138 Watt Meeting
March 18, 1981
Box 8  , Folder 139 Woman at Periscope
Box 8  , Folder 140 Working Crews
June 1, 1905
Box 8  , Folder 140A Yale Corporation (OVERSIZE BOX 12)
May 29, 1905
Box 8  , Folder 141 Yuriy Israel Meeting
December 10, 1986
Box 8  , Folder 142 Zapata Corporation Ship Ceremony