Scope & content
These records contain files on Newman's activities before and during his tenure at the University of Rhode Island. Much of the collection revolves around Newman's work with the two federal task forces on higher education that he was chairman of in the early 1970's. A large percentage of this collection is devoted to research material he used to write his dissertation in the early 1980's. The actual notes, drafts, and copies of the dissertation are contained in Series II. There is also a correspondence series that contains general correspondence files organized chronologically from 1977 to 1982, as well as correspondence that is filed by subject and person. The last series contains published material relating to the task force projects and miscellaneous publications.
Series I, Subject Files, consists of records pertaining to trusteeships, federal task force projects, post-URI plans, events attended, drafts and criticisms of speeches and reports, news articles and releases on the "Newman Reports," political science course materials, interspersed correspondence, and several files on women's issues. Also included are five black and white photographs of Newman giving a classroom lecture. These records are filed alphabetically by subject.
Series II, Research, is organized alphabetically by subject. These records were used as research materials for Newman's dissertation, "The Era of Expertise: the Growth, the Spread and Ultimately the Decline of the National Commitment to the Concept of the Highly Trained Expert, 1945 to 1970." They consist of news and journal articles, government reports, correspondence, published government and private reports, handwritten and typed notes, business directories, scholarly journal articles, data sheets, and company profile booklets.
Series III, Dissertation, is organized alphabetically by subject matter. These records represent the work performed by Newman on his dissertation, "The Era of Expertise: the Growth, the Spread and Ultimately the Decline of the National Commitment to the Concept of the Highly Trained Expert, 1945 to 1970," for which he received a Ph. D. in History from Stanford University in 1981. Separate folders are included for bibliographies, first and second rough drafts, and style sheets. Box 19 contains the notes for each chapter, one through eight, plus the epilogue.
Series IV, Correspondence, is filed alphabetically by subject. Most of these files consist of general correspondence that contain letters to and from colleagues in the education, business, and political fields. Many of the letters express congratulations and thanks for favorable comments on past and present successes. There are also files on personnel, inauguration, promotion and tenure, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, and the University of Rhode Island's Administrative Council.
Series V, Publications, consists of one document box containing a paperback copy of the Report on Higher Education; a hardcover copy of The Second Newman Report: National Policy and Higher Education; three reports to the Assistant Secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Sidney P. Marland, titled Report on Higher Education: the Federal Role. There are also three unrelated booklets--two pertain to higher education and one is on science-based industry in Israel. These materials are listed alphabetically by author or editor's last name and accompanied by the title of the work and the date of publication.