New England Library Association (NELA)

15 Lippitt Road
Kingston, RI 02881-2011
Tel: 401-874-4632


Published in 2002

Collection Overview

Title: New England Library Association (NELA)
Date range: 1938-2002
Creator: Cheryl McCarthy
Extent: 30.5 box(es)
16.75 linear feet
Abstract: The records include minutes of meetings, conference materials, correspondence, newsletters, printed materials, and photographs that document NELA's evolution from a fairly informal regional association devoted primarily to coordinating annual conferences to an active, more complex organization that plays a significant role in a wide variety of library affairs in New England.
Language of materials: English
Collection number: Mss. Gr. 153

Scope & content

The records of the New England Library Association (NELA) were placed on deposit with Special Collections on November 9, 2001 by Dr. Cheryl McCarthy, professor at the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Library and Information Science and then-NELA President. As no formal archiving procedure existed for the organization, Dr. McCarthy made it a point of her presidency to ensure the collection and preservation of the NELA records. The bulk of the records was removed from storage by the NELA Executive Secretary, Barry Blaisdell; additional material was gathered by Dr. McCarthy through appeals to the organization's members, officers, and committee and section chairs. Approximately 9 linear feet of material was transferred from Dr. McCarthy's office in 2001, with nearly one linear foot added in 2002. The records are in good condition, and possess considerable research value for those interested in prominent figures, activities, and trends in the regional library community.

The records include minutes of meetings, conference materials, correspondence, newsletters, printed materials, and photographs that document NELA's evolution from a fairly informal regional association devoted primarily to coordinating annual conferences to an active, more complex organization that plays a significant role in a wide variety of library affairs in New England.

After processing the records were arranged in the following series:

Series I, Executive Board, contains materials relating to the function and activities of the NELA Executive Board. The records in this series reveal much about the operation and structure of the organization, and include the minutes of Executive Board meetings, budgetary information, membership lists, election materials, correspondence, and policy and procedures manuals. A brief history of NELA through the mid-1970s is included in this series.

Series II, Sections, contains materials pertaining to various NELA Sections, which are formed by members who share common interests or concerns. This series includes minutes of both Section and Executive Board meetings, membership information, and program materials of NELA Sections, arranged by Section name.

Series III, Committees, consisting of the files of NELA standing Committees, which develop and coordinate many of the organization's activities and events. This series includes the records of the Conference Committee and the Publications Committee, with materials ranging from minutes of committee meetings, program planning information, conference materials, and evaluation forms and surveys that document the events of NELA's Annual Conferences and the development and production of the bimonthly newsletter. The evolution of the NELA web site is also presented in the records of the Publications Committee.

Series IV, Newsletters, containing copies of the bimonthly NELA newsletter, New England Libraries (previously NELA Newsletter), from 1973 to 2001. The articles and features of this publication provide information about the organization's officers, members, and events, and provide considerable insight into trends and issues in the library community.

Series V, Photographs, consisting of one photo album and several loose photographs documenting various NELA conferences.

Future additions to the NELA records will be processed and added to the end of the collection. Archives of conference materials from 2000 on and recent issues of the NELA newsletter can be accessed through the NELA web site at (29 July 2002)

Additional holdings of records for this collection exist in the repository.


The collection is arranged in five series as follows:

  • 1. Executive Board
  • 2. Sections
  • 3. Committees
  • 4. Newsletters
  • 5. Photographs

Historical note

Officially chartered in 1963, the New England Library Association (NELA) is a regional organization whose membership represents a variety of interests in library issues. Consisting of the six New England state library associations (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont) and numerous personal and organizational members from diverse sectors of the library community, NELA's stated objectives are to "initiate, plan and support regional activities; to encourage the exchange of ideas; to cooperate with regional and national agencies having related interests; and to stimulate library-related research in the region."

The organization grew out of the first Regional Conference of New England State Library Associations held in June 1938 at Equinox House in Manchester, Vermont. The success of this conference prompted the six state library associations to establish a permanent regional library association and to continue holding annual meetings. During the next annual conference at Wentworth-by-the-Sea in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Articles of Agreement were adopted and Heller C. Wellman, the Librarian of the City Library in Springfield, Massachusetts, was elected the first President of the New England Library Association.

The advent of World War II provided some impediments to the development of the organization. Wellman's duties on the Selective Service Board forced him to resign as NELA President in 1941. The difficulties of wartime travel prevented the association from holding another annual conference until 1946. Since the 1946 meeting in Swampscott, Massachusetts, NELA has sponsored either annual or biennial conferences in various locations in New England.

The early association was loosely organized, with no formal membership or dues schedule and little administrative structure beyond an elected Executive Board. The Board's primary role was to coordinate the conference programs of the various organizations who participated in the annual conferences. By the early 1950s, however, the NELA Board began to show interest in activities beyond conference planning, occasionally speaking out on public issues relevant to the library community. Many members expressed a desire for the organization to take a more active role in library affairs in the region, and as a result, a movement to formally incorporate NELA was started in 1953. Despite some initial resistance to the increase in bureaucracy and broadening of purpose that incorporation would entail, a revised constitution and a set of by-laws were presented for consideration at the 1962 Annual Conference. These new policies and procedures implemented a formal dues schedule, set policies for the development of sections and committees, established an advisory council, and authorized the appointment of an Executive Secretary to manage the business of the organization. On January 18, 1963, articles of incorporation were signed in Massachusetts. Within one year of the acceptance of the new structure, NELA grew to 900 members.

The new constitution allowed NELA to greatly broaden the scope of its activities through the establishment of several formal sections and committees within the association. These entities undertook the development and management of programs, events, and publications to provide support and information about a wide array of interests and concerns, from bibliography to information technology to service to the institutionalized. Among the innovations implemented through this enlarged scope was the establishment of a bimonthly newsletter for NELA members in 1969.

Dwindling membership in the 1970s prompted the association to re-evaluate its function and goals. The ad-hoc New Directions Committee was formed to promote discussion about NELA's organizational structure and its role in the library community. The recommendations arising from this dialogue resulted in a revision of procedures, particularly in regard to sections, that caused some specialized segments to lose their section status. However, the organization reaffirmed its mission to actively participate in library affairs in the region, taking a prominent role in regional initiatives such as the creation of the New England Library Board in 1972.

This organizational fine-tuning and regional collaboration continued in later decades, as the association sought new ways to efficiently manage its affairs and more effectively serve and support the library community. In the 1980s NELA established a leadership conference, "Counterparts Day", to promote collaboration among the executive boards of associations throughout New England. This event was broadened in more recent years as the "New England Library Leadership Conference," which is open to all interested members of the regional community. Other efforts to expand the services of the organization included the development of a web site in 1999-2000.

Information about the early history of NELA was taken from the draft of an article written by Mary A. McKenzie in 1974. The draft appears in this collection in Series I, Executive Board, Box 3, folder 36.

Access & Use

Access to the collection: Any qualified person doing scholarly research is permitted to use material housed in the Special Collections Unit.
Use of the materials: Terms governing use and reproduction: Photocopying and scanning of materials is a fee based service available in the repository and is allowed at the discretion of the Archivist when in compliance to the Unit's policy on copyright and publication.
Preferred citation: New England Library Association (NELA), Mss. Gr. 153, University of Rhode Island, University Archives and Special Collections.
Contact information:
15 Lippitt Road
Kingston, RI 02881-2011
Tel: 401-874-4632


Administrative Information

Acquisition: The records of the New England Library Association (NELA) were placed on deposit with Special Collections on November 9, 2001 by Dr. Cheryl McCarthy, professor at the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Library and Information Science and then-NELA President.
Author: Finding aid prepared by Kim Nusco.
Encoding: Finding aid encoded by Kim Nusco 2002, updated by Erin C. Mullen 2011 December 07, updated by Mark Dionne on 2020 April 9
Descriptive rules: Finding aid based on Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)

Additional Information



Series 1. Executive Board
The Executive Board of the New England Library Association (NELA) is comprised of the elected officers, the chairs of NELA sections and committees, representatives from state library associations, and an Executive Secretary responsible for the operation of the main NELA office and the maintenance of the organization's records. Since the 1960s the Board has been guided by an advisory council which later developed into an Administrative Committee comprised of the President, Past-President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, two Directors, and the Executive Secretary.

The Executive Board establishes the long-term objectives of the organization, manages its funds and property, approves and oversees the development of sections and committees, appoints independent contractors (the Executive Secretary, Newsletter Editor, and Conference Manager), and selects the time and place of the annual conference. The Administrative Committee sets the agenda for Board meetings and conducts the business of the organization. Both the Board and the Administrative Committee meet several times annually, generally alternating bimonthly.

The Executive Board series primarily consists of records kept by the recording Secretary, which include the typed minutes of Executive Board meetings as well as scattered section and committee reports, financial statements, by-laws and procedure manuals, and materials relating to conferences and special programs. From 1938 to 1966 the records were kept in a set of "Secretary's Books," with minutes, conference programs, and newspaper clippings kept in chronological order for each year. These records have been removed from their binders and placed in folders maintaining this original arrangement. Later Secretaries' binders continued this chronological arrangement, but some years included separate sections for various offices and committees. These sections have been placed in folders and filed with the minutes for their respective years, preserving the original arrangement of the binders. In general, NELA Secretaries tended to include committee and financial reports with the minutes from the meetings at which they were presented, with all records arranged by meeting date. However, not all minutes are accompanied by a complete set of reports and supplemental materials. Researchers are advised to also check both the Secretary's Records and the Executive Board Files in this series. Also, since many of NELA's Sections and standing Committees maintained records of Executive Board meetings and activities, additional information may be found in the Sections and Committees series.

Within the records of the 1980s the Secretary's binders are supplemented by a number of folders which have been labeled "Executive Board Files." These files contain materials that may have been used by the President or other member of the Administrative Committee, including copies of Executive Board meeting minutes and agendas, (many with handwritten notes), some committee and section reports, and various materials pertaining to conferences and programs. The folders are arranged by date and the materials within them have been placed in chronological order. In addition to these general files, there are a number of folders containing what appear to be the records of the NELA President, including copies of committee, conference, and financial reports, notes, and correspondence pertaining to a variety of business. These folders have been labeled "President" and the materials within the folders have been arranged in chronological order. There is also one folder containing records from a past Director, Mary Ann List.

The records for the years 1992-2001 were contained in two binders labeled "Executive Board/Administrative Committee Minutes." These binders contain fairly complete sets of minutes for both Executive Board and Administrative Committee meetings as well as many committee and financial reports. These materials have been placed in folders labeled "Minutes and Reports" and arranged in chronological order.

In addition to the general Executive Board files, the records include a number of files pertaining to subjects related to the function of the organization and its activities. Particularly in the 1980s, folders were kept for each of NELA's Sections and standing Committees, containing scattered samples of membership lists, program materials, and reports that were submitted to the Executive Board. Other topics include financial reports, evaluations of the NELA newsletter, the hiring of the Executive Secretary and independent contractors, various versions of the Board's policy and procedure manual, and records pertaining to the New England Library Leadership Conference (formerly known as Counterparts). Correspondence and membership lists are available for a limited number of years, and researchers should be aware that similar materials may be found in the Secretary's records, the general Executive Board Files, and in the Sections and Committees series. A brief history of NELA from 1938 to the mid-1970s was completed circa 1977, providing insight into the development and early goals of the organization (Box 3, folder 36).

Folders are in alphabetical order with materials arranged chronologically within each folder, with the exception of portions of the Secretary's Records which are filed chronologically in the original order of the binders.

No records exist in this series for the years 1990-1991.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 American Library Association: Chapter Handbook; Handbook of Organization; Publications Checklist (binder)
1983, 1986-1987
Box 1, Folder 2 American Library Association: Conference Flyers
Box 1, Folder 3 American Library Association: Letter pertaining to Library and Information Technology Association Conference, 1988
Box 1, Folder 4 American Library Association: NELA Travel Program to ALA Annual Meeting
Box 1, Folder 5 Annual Business Meeting
1994, 1996, 1998
Box 1, Folder 6 Annual Business Meeting
1999, 2000, 2001
Box 1, Folder 7 Annual Reports (complete)
1973, 1979-1980, 1991-1992, 1992-1993
Box 1, Folder 8 Annual Reports: President
1981-1982, 1982-1983, 1983-1984
Box 1, Folder 9 Annual Reports: Sections and Committees
1982-1983, 1986-1987
Box 1, Folder 10 Children's Internet Protection Act: NELA Contribution to ALA Lawsuit
Box 1, Folder 11 Committees: Conference
Box 1, Folder 12 Committees: Educational Assistance
Box 1, Folder 13 Committees: Educational Assistance
Box 1, Folder 14 Committees: Library Recruitment
Box 1, Folder 15 Committees: Membership
1983-1984; 1987-1988
Box 1, Folder 16 Committees: Nominating
Box 1, Folder 17 Committees: Public Relations
Box 1, Folder 18 Committees: Publications
Box 2, Folder 19 Correspondence
Box 2, Folder 20 Correspondence: Outgoing (Cheryl McCarthy, President))
Box 2, Folder X-ref Counterparts See: New England Library Leadership Conference
Box 2, Folder 21 Director (Mary Ann List)
Box 2, Folder 22 Executive Board Files See also: Secretary's Records
Box 2, Folder 23 Executive Board Files See also: Secretary's Records
Box 2, Folder 24 Executive Board Files See also: Secretary's Records
Box 2, Folder 25 Executive Board Files See also: Secretary's Records
Box 2, Folder 26 Executive Board Files See also: Secretary's Records
Box 2, Folder 27 Executive Secretary: Job Description and Contract
Box 2, Folder 28 Executive Secretary: Process to Hire
Box 2, Folder 29 Executive Secretary: Ronald Hunte
Box 2, Folder 30 Financial Records: Reports of Certified Public Accountant
1968-1969; 1971;1975-1980;1982
Box 2, Folder 31 Financial Records
Box 3, Folder 32 Financial Statements
Box 3, Folder 33 Financial Statements
1998-1999; 1999-2000
Box 3, Folder 34 Goals
Box 3, Folder 35 Guide to Newspaper Indexes in New England
Box 3, Folder 36 History, NELA 1938-1965
Box 3, Folder 37 Independent Contractors: Evaluation, Contracts, Job Descriptions
Box 3, Folder 38 Membership Lists: Committees
Box 3, Folder 39 Membership Lists: Committees
Box 3, Folder 40 Membership Lists: Executive Board
1980-1983; 1986-1989; 2001
Box 3, Folder 41 Membership Lists: NELA Members
Box 3, Folder 42 Membership Lists: NELA Members
Box 3, Folder 43 Minutes and Reports
Box 3, Folder 44 Minutes and Reports
Box 3, Folder 45 Minutes and Reports
Box 4, Folder 46 Minutes and Reports
Box 4, Folder 47 Minutes and Reports
Box 4, Folder 48 Minutes and Reports
Box 4, Folder 49 Minutes and Reports
Box 4, Folder 50 Minutes and Reports
1999 Jan-May
Box 4, Folder 51 Minutes and Reports
1999 Jul-Dec
Box 4, Folder 52 Minutes and Reports
2000 Jan-Mar
Box 4, Folder 53 Minutes and Reports
2000 May-Nov
Box 4, Folder 54 Minutes and Reports
Box 5, Folder 55 Minutes and Reports (Administrative Committee only)
Box 5, Folder 56 "NELSA- A History of the New England School Library Association,1918-1968"
Box 5, Folder 57 "New England and the Constitution" (project co-sponsored with the National Endowment for the Humanities)
Box 5, Folder 58 "New England and the Constitution" (project co-sponsored with the National Endowment for the Humanities)
Box 5, Folder 59 New England Educational Media Association (NEEMA): Joint Conference with NELA
Box 5, Folder 60 New England Library Leadership Conference (formerly Counterparts Day)
Box 5, Folder 61 New England Library Leadership Conference (formerly Counterparts Day)
Box 5, Folder 62 New England Library Leadership Conference (formerly Counterparts Day)
Box 5, Folder 63 New England Library Leadership Conference (formerly Counterparts Day)
Box 5, Folder 64 New England Library Leadership Conference (formerly Counterparts Day)
Box 5, Folder 65 New England Library Leadership Conference (formerly Counterparts Day)
Box 6, Folder 66 New England Library Leadership Conference (formerly Counterparts Day)
Box 6, Folder 67 New England Library Leadership Conference (formerly Counterparts Day)
2001, 2002
Box 6, Folder 68 New England Library Leadership Institute: Letter of Support
Box 6, Folder 69 News and Announcements (Letter re: Joseph Komidor)
Box 6, Folder 70 Newsletter
Box 6, Folder 71 Newsletter
Box 6, Folder 72 Newsletter
Box 6, Folder 73 Policy and Procedure Manual
Box 6, Folder 74 Policy and Procedure Manual
Box 6, Folder 75 Policy and Procedure Manual
Box 6, Folder 76 Policy and Procedure Manual
Box 6, Folder 77 President (Benita Davis)
Box 6, Folder 78 President (Benita Davis)
Box 6, Folder 79 President (Diane Tebbetts)
Box 6, Folder 80 President (Carolyn Noah, Past-President)
Box 6, Folder 81 President (Cheryl McCarthy)
Box 7, Folder 82 Program Flyers
Box 7, Folder 83 Publication Guidelines
Box 7, Folder 84 Secretary's Book
Box 7, Folder 85 Secretary's Book
1941-1942; 1944; 1946-1953
Box 7, Folder 86 Secretary's Book
Box 7, Folder 87 Secretary's Book
Box 7, Folder 88 Secretary's Book
Box 7, Folder 89 Secretary's Book
Box 7, Folder 90 Secretary's Book
Box 7, Folder 91 Secretary's Book
Box 7, Folder 92 Secretary's Records: Committees
Box 7, Folder 93 Secretary's Records: Minutes
Box 8, Folder 94 Secretary's Records: Treasurer
Box 8, Folder 95 Secretary's Records: Committees
Box 8, Folder 96 Secretary's Records: Conference Planning Manual
Box 8, Folder 97 Secretary's Records: Correspondence
Box 8, Folder 98 Secretary's Records: Minutes
Box 8, Folder 99 Secretary's Records: New Directions Committee
Box 8, Folder 100 Secretary's Records: Treasurer
Box 8, Folder 101 Secretary's Records: Committees
Box 8, Folder 102 Secretary's Records: Minutes
Box 8, Folder 103 Secretary's Records: Treasurer
Box 8, Folder 104 Secretary's Records: "Combined Book Exhibit" (catalog)
Box 8, Folder 105 Secretary's Records: Committees
Box 8, Folder 106 Secretary's Records: Minutes
Box 8, Folder 107 Secretary's Records: Sections
Box 8, Folder 108 Secretary's Records: Treasurer
Box 8, Folder 109 Secretary's Records: Minutes
Box 9, Folder 110 Secretary's Records: Minutes
Box 9, Folder 111 Secretary's Records: Minutes
Box 9, Folder 112 Secretary's Records: Minutes
Box 9, Folder 113 Secretary's Records: Minutes
Box 9, Folder 114 Secretary's Records: Minutes
Box 9, Folder 115 Secretary's Records: Minutes
Box 9, Folder 116 Secretary's Records: Minutes
Box 9, Folder 117 Secretary's Records: Minutes See also: Executive Board Files
Box 9, Folder 118 Secretary's Records: Minutes See also: Executive Board Files
Box 9, Folder 119 Secretary's Records: Minutes See also: Executive Board Files
Box 10, Folder 120 Secretary's Records: Minutes See also: Executive Board Files
Box 10, Folder 121 Secretary's Records: Miscellaneous Printed Materials
Box 10, Folder 122 Secretary's Records: Minutes See also: Executive Board Files
Box 10, Folder 123 Secretary's Records: Minutes
Box 10, Folder 124 Secretary's Records: Minutes See also: Executive Board Files
Box 10, Folder 125 Sections: Academic
Box 10, Folder 126 Sections: Academic
Box 10, Folder 127 Sections: Children's
1983-1984, 1986-1988
Box 10, Folder 128 Sections: Hospital
Box 10, Folder 129 Sections: HQ76.3 (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Library Workers)
Box 10, Folder 130 Sections: Media
1983-1984; 1988
Box 10, Folder 131 Sections: New England Technical Services Librarians (NETSL)
Box 10, Folder 132 Sections: Public Libraries
Box 10, Folder 133 Spectrum Scholarship
Box 10, Folder 134 State Library Association Representatives
Box 10, Folder 135 Stationery
Box 10, Folder 136 Strategic Plan
Box 10, Folder 137 Web Manager: Resumes

Series 2. Sections
NELA members develop Sections to share information and explore topics of mutual interest, generally focusing on specific types of libraries or pertinent issues in library services. Sections receive financial and administrative support from the NELA Executive Board, present reports to Board meetings, and offer programs at annual NELA conferences. NELA Sections also maintain independent organizational structures, with their own officers, bylaws, and meetings. Several Sections offer workshops and events in addition to the annual conference programs, often in conjunction with other organizations in their areas of interest. These activities provide a broader context in which to understand the involvement of NELA members in a variety of fields.

This series contains the records of seven NELA Sections, some of which are no longer active or have changed names or emphases over the years. The records have been arranged alphabetically by each Section's most recent name, though earlier incarnations are indicated in the folder titles. The Sections include the Academic Library Section, dealing with the concerns of librarians in university and research libraries; the Hospital Library and Institutional Libraries Sections, which address the needs of librarians working in medical libraries and other institutional settings, ranging from prisons to mental health facilities; the Media Section, dealing with issues concerning the use of audiovisual materials and other forms of media in libraries; the New England Library Support Staff Association (formerly the Paraprofessional Information Special Interest Group (PSIG)); and the New England Library Trustee Association (NELTA), which included members of boards from various kinds of libraries. Of particular note is the Information Technology Section (ITS), which was formed by the merging of the New England Library Association Microcomputers Users Group (NEMICRO) and the Media Section in 1996. NEMICRO records have been filed with the ITS folders, while the Media Section records appear as a separate Section. A limited number of records pertaining to these and other Sections can be found in Series I, Executive Board. A set of photographs from the Media Section's 1989 Spring Conference were moved to Series V, Photographs.

The kinds of materials found in the records of each Section include the minutes of Section meetings and general correspondence (often designated as "Section Business"), planning materials for conference programs and workshops, evaluations of Section activities, flyers and other printed materials publicizing Section events, and membership information. In addition, most of the Sections maintained records pertaining to NELA Executive Board activities, primarily consisting Executive Board meeting minutes annotated by Section members. Because of the relatively independent organizational structures of NELA Sections, the files reflect a variety of record-keeping arrangements. Generally, the files are arranged alphabetically by subject within each Section and chronologically within each subject. The one exception is the Academic Section, in which the records have been retained in the order in which they appear in the binders maintained by the Section secretaries. The records have been removed from their original folders and binders and the materials arranged chronologically within each folder.

Container Description Date
Box 11, Folder 1 Academic Section (spiral-bound)
Box 11, Folder 2 Academic Section: General
Box 11, Folder 3 Academic Section: NELA Conference
Box 11, Folder 4 Academic Section: NELA Executive Board
Box 11, Folder 5 Academic Section: Annual Business Meeting Materials
Box 11, Folder 6 Academic Section: Conference Committee Meetings
Box 11, Folder 7 Academic Section: Conference Forms and Speaker Correspondence
Box 11, Folder 8 Academic Section: Correspondence
Box 11, Folder 9 Academic Section: General
Box 11, Folder 10 Academic Section: NELA Executive Board Meetings
Box 11, Folder 11 Academic Section: NELA Program Planners Kit
Box 11, Folder 12 Academic Section: Payment Forms
Box 11, Folder 13 Academic Section: Thank You Letters
Box 11, Folder 14 Academic Section: ACRL-NEC (Association of College and Research Libraries, New England Chapter) Money
Box 11, Folder 15 Academic Section: Conference Calendar
Box 11, Folder 16 Academic Section: Conference Committee Agendas
Box 11, Folder 17 Academic Section: Conference Information Packet
Box 11, Folder 18 Academic Section: Conference Kit
Box 12, Folder 19 Academic Section: Conference Program Evaluation
Box 12, Folder 20 Academic Section: Conference Programs
Box 12, Folder 21 Academic Section: Correspondence
Box 12, Folder 22 Academic Section: Counterparts
Box 12, Folder 23 Academic Section: NELA Executive Board
Box 12, Folder 24 Academic Section: Phone, Fax, E-mail
Box 12, Folder 25 Academic Section: Poster Session
Box 12, Folder 26 Academic Section: Section By-laws
Box 12, Folder 27 Academic Section: Section Chair Orientation
Box 12, Folder 28 Academic Section: Section Goals
Box 12, Folder 29 Academic Section: Section Reports
Box 12, Folder 30 Academic Section
Box 12, Folder 31 Hospital Section: Annual Conference
Box 12, Folder 32 Hospital Section: Annual Conference
Box 12, Folder 33 Hospital Section: Annual Conference- Publications of John Norris, conference speaker
Box 12, Folder 34 Hospital Section: Annual Conference
Box 12, Folder 35 Hospital Section: Annual Conference
Box 12, Folder 36 Hospital Section: Annual Conference
Box 13, Folder 37 Hospital Section: Annual Conference
Box 13, Folder 38 Hospital Section: Annual Conference
Box 13, Folder 39 Hospital Section: Annual Conference
Box 13, Folder 40 Hospital Section: Annual Reports (from all NELA sections)
1973, 1974, 1976
Box 13, Folder 41 Hospital Section: Annual Reports (Hospital Section only)
Box 13, Folder 42 Hospital Section: Budget
Box 13, Folder 43 Hospital Section: By-laws (both NELA and Section)
1966, 1971, 1972, 1974
Box 13, Folder 44 Hospital Section: By-laws
1966-1982, scattered dates
Box 13, Folder 45 Hospital Section: Directory of New England Consortia
Box 13, Folder 46 Hospital Section: History
1963, 1969, 1972, 1975, 1980, undated.
Box 13, Folder 47 Hospital Section: Membership
1968-1970, 1972-1978, undated.
Box 13, Folder 48 Hospital Section: Membership
1978-1979, 1981, undated.
Box 13, Folder 49 Hospital Section: Minutes, etc.
Box 13, Folder 50 Hospital Section: Minutes, etc.
Box 13, Folder 51 Hospital Section: Minutes, etc. (Includes NELA Executive Board minutes)
Box 14, Folder 52 Hospital Section: Minutes, etc. (Includes NELA Executive Board minutes)
Box 14, Folder 53 Hospital Section: Minutes, etc. (Includes NELA Executive Board minutes)
Box 14, Folder 54 Hospital Section: Minutes, etc. (Includes NELA Executive Board minutes)
Box 14, Folder 55 Hospital Section: Minutes, etc. (Hospital Section only)
Box 14, Folder 56 Hospital Section: Minutes, etc. (Hospital Section only)
Box 14, Folder 57 Hospital Section: NELA Budget
1979-1980, undated.
Box 14, Folder 58 Hospital Section: NELA Executive Board
Box 14, Folder 59 Hospital Section: NELA Executive Board
1981-1982, undated.
Box 14, Folder 60 Hospital Section: NELA Policies and Procedures
1967, 1974, 1978, 1980
Box 15, Folder 61 Hospital Section: New England Hospital Assembly (NEHA) Annual Meeting
1967, 1969, 1970-1975, undated.
Box 15, Folder 62 Hospital Section: New England Hospital Assembly (NEHA) Annual Meeting
Box 15, Folder 63 Hospital Section: New England Hospital Assembly (NEHA) Annual Meeting
Box 15, Folder 64 Hospital Section: New England Hospital Assembly (NEHA) Annual Meeting
Box 15, Folder 65 Hospital Section: New England Hospital Assembly (NEHA) Annual Meeting
Box 15, Folder 66 Hospital Section: New England Hospital Assembly (NEHA) Annual Meeting
1982, undated.
Box 15, Folder 67 Hospital Section: NERMLAC Representation
Box 15, Folder 68 Hospital Section: Newsletters (NELA and NEHA)
1973-1974, 1978-1982, scattered dates
Box 15, Folder 69 Hospital Section: Newsletters and Survey (Hospital Section)
Box 15, Folder 70 Hospital Section: Section Officers
Box 15, Folder 71 Hospital Section: Spring Meeting
1967-1974, 1977-1980
Box 15, Folder 72 Hospital Section: Treasurer's Reports and Financial Records
1971-1975, scattered dates
Box 16, Folder 73 Information Technology Section (ITS): Budget
Box 16, Folder 74 Information Technology Section (ITS): Miscellaneous
Box 16, Folder 75 Information Technology Section (ITS): NELA Executive Board Minutes
Box 16, Folder 76 Information Technology Section (ITS): Programs: "Create Your Own Homepage"
Box 16, Folder 77 Information Technology Section (ITS): Reports
Box 16, Folder 78 Information Technology Section (ITS): Section Meeting Minutes
Box 16, Folder 79 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Administration
Box 16, Folder 80 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Agendas
Box 16, Folder 81 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR)
Box 16, Folder 82 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Correspondence
Box 16, Folder 83 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): NELA Information
Box 16, Folder 84 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Section Meeting Minutes
Box 16, Folder 85 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Telecommunications Policy Roundtable, North East (TPR-NE)
1994-1995 (?)
Box 16, Folder 86 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Annual Conference
Box 16, Folder 87 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Annual Conference
Box 16, Folder 88 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Annual Conference
Box 16, Folder 89 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Budget
Box 16, Folder 90 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Directory Information (Membership, Section Survey)
1991-1994, undated.
Box 16, Folder 91 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Membership
Box 16, Folder 92 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): NELA Executive Board Minutes
Box 16, Folder 93 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): NEMICRO Informational Flyer
n. d.
Box 16, Folder 94 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Section Business and Meetings
Box 17, Folder 95 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Workshop Planning
Box 17, Folder 96 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Workshop- "Intersecting the Internet"
Box 17, Folder 97 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Workshop- "Cruising the Internet"
1994 May 16
Box 17, Folder 98 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Workshop- "Cruising the Internet"
1994 May 26
Box 17, Folder 99 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Workshop- "Cruising the Internet"
1994 Jun 06
Box 17, Folder 100 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Workshop- "Cruising the Internet"
1994 Jun 20
Box 17, Folder 101 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Workshop- "Cruising the Internet"
1994 Jul 15
Box 17, Folder 102 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Workshop- "Cruising the Internet"
1994 Jul 29
Box 17, Folder 103 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Workshop- "Troubleshooting PCs"
1995 Jun 13
Box 17, Folder 104 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Workshop- "Troubleshooting PCs"
1995 Jun 14
Box 17, Folder 105 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Workshop- "Troubleshooting PCs"
1995 Jul 11
Box 17, Folder 106 Information Technology Section (NEMICRO): Workshop- "Troubleshooting PCs"- Expenses
Box 17, Folder 107 Institutional Libraries Section: Correspondence
Box 17, Folder 108 Institutional Libraries Section: Correspondence
Box 17, Folder 109 Institutional Libraries Section: Correspondence
Box 17, Folder 110 Institutional Libraries Section: Membership Survey
Box 17, Folder 111 Institutional Libraries Section: Newsletter- Institution Library News, vol. 1, no. 1 and no. 2
Box 17, Folder 112 Institutional Libraries Section: Newsletter- L.I.N.E. (Libraries in Institutions News Exchange), vol. 2, no.1 and no. 2; vol. 3, no. 1
Box 17, Folder 113 Institutional Libraries Section: Section Meeting Minutes
1976, 1978
Box 17, Folder 114 Institutional Libraries Section: Section Reports
Box 17, Folder 115 Institutional Libraries Section: 1979 Questionnaire
Box 18, Folder 116 Media Section: Annual Conference/Special Programs
Box 18, Folder 117 Media Section: Annual Conference
1984-1986, 1988, 1990-1991, 1995-1996, undated.
Box 18, Folder 118 Media Section: Annual Conference
Box 18, Folder 119 Media Section: Annual Conference
Box 18, Folder 120 Media Section: Annual Reports
1976-1977, 1980-1985, 1987-1990, 1992-1993
Box 18, Folder 121 Media Section: Audio-Visual Resource Directory and Questionnaire
Box 18, Folder 122 Media Section: Budget
1983-1986, 1989-1992, undated.
Box 18, Folder 123 Media Section: By-laws/Policy and Procedures
1984, 1993, undated.
Box 18, Folder 124 Media Section: Counterparts
Box 18, Folder 125 Media Section: Evaluation Forms
1983-1989, undated.
Box 18, Folder 126 Media Section: Flyers and Brochures
1985, undated.
Box 18, Folder 127 Media Section: Membership (Chairs-1976-1984, Membership 1978-1991, 1993-1994)
1976-1984, 1978-1991, 1993- 1994
Box 18, Folder 128 Media Section: NELA Continuing Education Grants
Box 18, Folder 129 Media Section: NELA Executive Board- Minutes and Financial Statements
Box 18, Folder 130 Media Section: NELA Executive Board- Minutes and Financial Statements
Box 19, Folder 131 Media Section: NELA Executive Board- Minutes and Financial Statements
Box 19, Folder 132 Media Section: NELA Executive Board- Minutes and Financial Statements
Box 19, Folder 133 Media Section: NELA Executive Board- Minutes and Financial Statements
Box 19, Folder 134 Media Section: NELA Guidelines for Joint-Sponsored Programs
Box 19, Folder 135 Media Section: NELA Planning Committee
Box 19, Folder 136 Media Section: NELA Policies and Procedures
1986, 1990
Box 19, Folder 137 Media Section: NELA Publication Guidelines
1984, 1992
Box 19, Folder 138 Media Section: Program Planning
Box 19, Folder 139 Media Section: Program Planning
1990-1992, undated.
Box 19, Folder 140 Media Section: Programs
1980, 1982-1984, undated.
Box 19, Folder 141 Media Section: Programs- Jerome Miller
Box 19, Folder 142 Media Section: Programs
Box 19, Folder 143 Media Section: Programs
Box 19, Folder 144 Media Section: Programs
Box 19, Folder 145 Media Section: Programs
Box 19, Folder 146 Media Section: Programs
Box 19, Folder 147 Media Section: Programs- Workshop on Satellite Technology and Distance Learning
Box 19, Folder 148 Media Section: Recruiting
Box 19, Folder 149 Media Section: Reimbursement Form
Box 20, Folder 150 Media Section: Section Correspondence and Memos
Box 20, Folder 151 Media Section: Section Correspondence and Memos
Box 20, Folder 152 Media Section: Section Correspondence and Memos
Box 20, Folder 153 Media Section: Section Meeting Minutes and Business
Box 20, Folder 154 Media Section: Section Meeting Minutes and Business
Box 20, Folder 155 Media Section: Section Meeting Minutes and Business
Box 20, Folder 156 Media Section: Section Meeting Minutes and Business
Box 20, Folder 157 Media Section: Section Meeting Minutes and Business
Box 20, Folder 158 Media Section: Section Meeting Minutes and Business
Box 21, Folder 159 Media Section: Section Meeting Minutes and Business (includes merger with NEMICRO)
1995-1996, undated.
Box 21, Folder 160 Media Section: Undated materials
Box 21, Folder 161 New England Library Support Staff Association (NELSSA): Annual Conference
Box 21, Folder 162 NELSSA: Annual Conference
Box 21, Folder 163 NELSSA: Conference Committee
Box 21, Folder 164 NELSSA: Conference Committee
Box 21, Folder 165 NELSSA: Conference Program
Box 21, Folder 166 NELSSA: Conference Survey
Box 21, Folder 167 NELSSA: General Information about other Support Staff Organizations
1994, 1996
Box 21, Folder 168 NELSSA: General Support Staff Information
1988, 1994-1995, undated.
Box 21, Folder 169 NELSSA: History
1993-1994, 1996-1997, undated.
Box 21, Folder 170 NELSSA: "Library Mosaics--the Magazine for Library Support Staff"
1993 May-Jun
Box 22, Folder 171 NELSSA: Membership (Paraprofessional Special Interest Group-PSIG)
Box 22, Folder 172 NELSSA: Miscellaneous Informational Flyers
Box 22, Folder 173 NELSSA: NELA Executive Board Meeting
1996 Mar
Box 22, Folder 174 NELSSA: NELA Membership
Box 22, Folder 175 NELSSA: NELSSA-PSIG Organization
1993, 1995, undated.
Box 22, Folder 176 NELSSA: Section Business
Box 22, Folder 177 NELSSA: Section Business
Box 22, Folder 178 NELSSA: Section Business
Box 22, Folder 179 NELSSA: Stand-alone Programs
1994-1996, undated.
Box 22, Folder 180 New England Library Trustee Association (NELTA)

Series 3. Committees
There are a number of standing Committees that oversee the various activities of NELA, from arranging and managing the annual conferences, to administering educational assistance grants, to developing and revising the bylaws. This series contains the records of three of these committees, the Conference Committee, the Conference Site Selection Committee, and the Publications Committee.

The Conference Committee is responsible for the preparation and direction of NELA's Annual Conference. Its duties include arranging the site, programs, and speakers for the event, and managing the conference finances. The records found in this series include printed programs, registration forms, and information about the various hotels used as conference sites. Some years also include lists of attendees and exhibitors, correspondence with various presenters, floor plans, financial records, and the results of conference evaluations. Photographs from the 1993 Annual Conference are available in Series V, Photographs. The printed programs are particularly useful for information about speakers, trends in library services, and awards granted at the conference, such as the Horn Book Award for children's literature.

The Conference Site Selection Committee conducted a review of conference locations in the 1970s. The records of this committee include membership surveys regarding the conference site and comparative studies of various hotels and convention centers in the New England area.

The records of the Conference Committee are arranged chronologically by conference date, with folders within each conference date arranged alphabetically by subject. Note that between 1984 and 1987 the Annual Conference was a joint event between NELA and the New England Educational Media Association (NEEMA). The records for this period contain information about this collaboration, including a history of the joint conferences written in 1987 by the Conference Manager (Box 27, folder 54). The Conference Site Committee records are arranged chronologically.

The Publications Committee oversees the production of the NELA newsletter, New England Libraries, and maintains the NELA web site. In addition, the Committee assists in the selection and evaluation of the Newsletter Editor and the Web Manager, manages the publications budget, and maintains the NELA Publication Guidelines. The records in this series include annual reports of the committee, budget information, minutes of committee meetings, various versions of the NELA Publications Guidelines, and searches, contracts, and evaluations of the Newsletter Editor, Assistant Editor, and Web Manager. The records reveal much about the evolution and operation of the committee, particularly through the inclusion of copious email correspondence with the Annual Report of 1997-1998 (Box 27, folder 63). The records are arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically within each subject. A partially complete set of newsletters can be found in Series IV, Newsletters.

For all three committees, the records have been removed from their original folders and arranged chronologically within new folders

Container Description Date
Box 23, Folder 1 Conference Committee: Annual Conference (Printed programs only)
Box 23, Folder 2 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 23, Folder 3 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 23, Folder 4 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 23, Folder 5 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 23, Folder 6 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 23, Folder 7 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 23, Folder 8 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 23, Folder 9 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 23, Folder 10 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 24, Folder 11 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 24, Folder 12 Conference Committee: Annual Conference- Feedback
Box 24, Folder 13 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 24, Folder 14 Conference Committee: Annual Conference- Program Planning, Audiovisual Section
Box 24, Folder 15 Conference Committee: Annual Conference- Program Planning, Sections
Box 24, Folder 16 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 24, Folder 17 Conference Committee: Annual Conference- Payments and Reimbursements
Box 24, Folder 18 Conference Committee: Annual Conference (Printed program only)
Box 24, Folder 19 Conference Committee: Annual Conference- Printed Program and Registration Forms
Box 24, Folder 20 Conference Committee: Annual Conference- Printed Program and Schedule
Box 25, Folder 21 Conference Committee: Annual Conference- Program Planning
Box 25, Folder 22 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 25, Folder 23 Conference Committee: Annual Conference- Printed Program and Registration Forms
Box 25, Folder 24 Conference Committee: Annual Conference (NELA-NEEMA)
Box 25, Folder 25 Conference Committee: Annual Conference (NELA-NEEMA)- Benita Davis (Vice-President), Notes and miscellaneous materials
Box 25, Folder 26 Conference Committee: Annual Conference (NELA-NEEMA)- Dinner Speakers
Box 25, Folder 27 Conference Committee: Annual Conference (NELA-NEEMA)- Exhibitor Registration Forms
Box 25, Folder 28 Conference Committee: Annual Conference (NELA-NEEMA)- Forms
Box 25, Folder 29 Conference Committee: Annual Conference (NELA-NEEMA)- Miscellaneous Materials
Box 25, Folder 30 Conference Committee: Annual Conference (NELA-NEEMA)- Planning Materials
Box 25, Folder 31 Conference Committee: Annual Conference (NELA-NEEMA)- Printed Program and Registration Forms
Box 25, Folder 32 Conference Committee: Annual Conference (NELA-NEEMA)- Program Suggestions and Scheduling Forms
Box 25, Folder 33 Conference Committee: Annual Conference (NELA-NEEMA)- Programs, Sunday, Sept. 29
Box 25, Folder 34 Conference Committee: Annual Conference (NELA-NEEMA)- Programs, Monday, Sept. 30
Box 25, Folder 35 Conference Committee: Annual Conference (NELA-NEEMA)- Programs, Tuesday, Oct. 1
Box 25, Folder 36 Conference Committee: Annual Conference (NELA-NEEMA)- Site (Sheraton Sturbridge)
1984, 1986
Box 25, Folder 37 Conference Committee: Annual Conference (NELA-NEEMA)
Box 26, Folder 38 Conference Committee: Annual Conference (NELA-NEEMA)- Exhibitors (forms)
Box 26, Folder 39 Conference Committee: Annual Conference (NELA-NEEMA)- Printed Program and Registration Forms
Box 26, Folder 40 Conference Committee: Annual Conference (NELA-NEEMA)
Box 26, Folder 41 Conference Committee: Annual Conference (NELA-NEEMA)- Attendees
Box 26, Folder 42 Conference Committee: Annual Conference (NELA-NEEMA)- Sites (other)
Box 26, Folder 43 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 26, Folder 44 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 26, Folder 45 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 26, Folder 46 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 26, Folder 47 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 26, Folder 48 Conference Committee: Annual Conference See also: Series V, Photographs
Box 27, Folder 49 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 27, Folder 50 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 27, Folder 51 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 27, Folder 52 Conference Committee: Annual Conference- Thank You Letters
Box 27, Folder 53 Conference Committee: Annual Conference
Box 27, Folder 54 Conference Committee: Conference Manager (Mary Ann Rupert)
Box 27, Folder 55 Conference Committee: Conference Planning Guide
Box 27, Folder 56 Conference Committee: History of the New England School Library Association (NESLA) (publication presented at an annual conference--see note in folder)
Box 27, Folder 57 Conference Site Selection Committee
Box 27, Folder 58 Conference Site Selection Committee
Box 27, Folder 59 Conference Site Selection Committee
Box 27, Folder 60 Conference Site Selection Committee
Box 27, Folder 61 Conference Site Selection Committee- pre-1980, undated materials
Box 27, Folder 62 Publications Committee: Annual Reports
1990-1993, 1995-1997
Box 27, Folder 63 Publications Committee: Annual Reports and Email Correspondence
1997-1999 (1998 Mar-1999 Aug)
Box 28, Folder 64 Publications Committee: Budget
1992-1993, 1995, 1997, 1999
Box 28, Folder 65 Publications Committee: Calendar of New England Libraries
Box 28, Folder 66 Publications Committee: Committee Meeting Minutes and Business
1982-1990, scattered dates
Box 28, Folder 67 Publications Committee: Committee Meeting Minutes and Business
Box 28, Folder 68 Publications Committee: Goals
Box 28, Folder 69 Publications Committee: New England Libraries- Contracts (Editor and Assistant Editor)
1986, 1992-1997
Box 28, Folder 70 Publications Committee: New England Libraries- Correspondence
Box 28, Folder 71 Publications Committee: New England Libraries- Readership Survey
Box 28, Folder 72 Publications Committee: New England Libraries- Search for Assistant Editor
Box 28, Folder 73 Publications Committee: New England Libraries- Search for Editor
Box 28, Folder 74 Publications Committee: NELA Web Site- Evaluation
Box 28, Folder 75 Publications Committee: NELA Web Site- Search for Web Site Coordinator
Box 28, Folder 76 Publications Committee: NELA Web Site- Search for Web Site Re-designer
Box 28, Folder 77 Publications Committee: Publication Guidelines
1982, 1986, 1992

Series 4. Newsletters
NELA began publishing a bimonthly newsletter for its members in January of 1969. Shifting briefly to a quarterly publication schedule in 1970, the NELA Newsletter returned to its previous frequency in 1973. The publication underwent several changes in design and focus, most notably when the title was changed to New England Libraries in June of 1991.

This series contains nearly complete runs of the the NELA Newsletter from 1976 to 2001, with omissions indicated below. Scattered issues from 1972-1975 are also included.

Due to changes in format, volumes of the newletter are housed in boxes according to size. Volumes 4-7 (1972-1976) and vol. 29, no.2 through volume 33 (1997-2001) are located in Box 29, while volumes 9 through 29, no. 1 (1977-1997) are in oversize Box 30.

Container Description Date
Box 29, Folder 1 NELA Newsletter, vol. 4, no. 4
Box 29, Folder 1 NELA Newsletter, vol. 5, no. 1, 2, 3, 4
Box 29, Folder 1 NELA Newsletter, vol. 6, no. 1, 4
Box 29, Folder 1 NELA Newsletter, vol. 7, no. 4, 5
Box 29, Folder 1 NELA Newsletter, vol. 8, no. 1-2; 3-4-5 (2 issues)
Box 30, Folder n/a NELA Newsletter, vol. 9, no. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 See Oversize
Box 30, Folder 1 NELA Newsletter, vol. 10, no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 See Oversize
Box 30, Folder 1 NELA Newsletter, vol. 11, no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 See Oversize
Box 30, Folder 1 NELA Newsletter, vol. 12, no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 See Oversize
Box 30, Folder 1 NELA Newsletter, vol. 13, no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 See Oversize
Box 30, Folder 1 NELA Newsletter, vol. 14, no. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 See Oversize
Box 30, Folder 1 NELA Newsletter, vol. 15, no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 See Oversize
Box 30, Folder 1 NELA Newsletter, vol. 16, no. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 See Oversize
Box 30, Folder 1 NELA Newsletter, vol. 17, no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 See Oversize
Box 30, Folder 1 NELA Newsletter, vol. 18, no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 See Oversize
Box 30, Folder 1 NELA Newsletter, vol. 19, no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 See Oversize
Box 30, Folder 1 NELA Newsletter, vol. 20, no. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 See Oversize
Box 30, Folder 1 NELA Newsletter, vol. 21, no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 See Oversize
Box 30, Folder 1 NELA Newsletter, vol. 22, no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 See Oversize
Box 30, Folder 1 NELA Newsletter, vol. 23, no. 1 See Oversize
Box 30, Folder 1 New England Libraries, vol. 23, no. 3, 4, 5, 6 (missing no. 2) See Oversize
Box 30, Folder 1 New England Libraries, vol. 24, no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 See Oversize
Box 30, Folder 1 New England Libraries, vol. 25, no. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 See Oversize
Box 30, Folder 1 New England Libraries, vol. 26, no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 See Oversize
Box 30, Folder 1 New England Libraries, vol. 27, no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 See Oversize
Box 30, Folder 1 New England Libraries, vol. 28, no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 See Oversize
Box 30, Folder 1 New England Libraries, vol. 29, no. 1 See Oversize
Box 29, Folder 2 New England Libraries, vol. 29, no. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Box 29, Folder 2 New England Libraries, vol. 30, no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Box 29, Folder 2 New England Libraries, vol. 31, no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Box 29, Folder 2 New England Libraries, vol. 32, no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Box 29, Folder 2 New England Libraries, vol. 33, no. 1, 2, 3, 4

Series 5. Photographs
This series consists of one photo album and several separate groupings of photographs that were taken at various events, primarily conferences.

The photographs in the photo album are only partially identified with inscriptions on the back of certain photographs. These inscriptions indicate that the photographs were taken between 1974-1975, most likely at an annual conference.

The groupings of photographs include two photographs of NELA and ALA officers at the 1968 Annual Conference, featuring NELA President-elect Genevieve Galick, incoming Vice President John McKenna, Directors Arthur Kissner and Richard Coombs, Secretary John Jackson and ALA President Robert McDonough. A photograph of Christine Kardokas at the Vermont Librarians Conference is identified by a note accompanying the print, but no date is specified. A set of 47 black and white and color photographs and negatives from the Media Section's Spring Conference of 1989 was moved from the Media Section files in the Sections series. Another set of photographs documenting activities at the 1993 Annual Conference at the Sheraton Hotel in Burlington, Vermont was moved from the Conference Committee files in the Committees series so they could be housed with the other photographs in the collection.

The folders in this series are arranged chronologically by date where possible. The photo album follows the separate groupings of photographs.

Container Description Date
Box 31, Folder 1 NELA Conference, October 2-5, 1968
Box 31, Folder 2 Media Section: Spring Conference, 1989-"Martha Dewing, photographs by Larry Domingues" See also: Series II, Sections, Media Section
Box 31, Folder 3 Annual Conference: "Moving Forward" See also: Series III, Committees, Conference Committee
Box 31, Folder 4 Miscellaneous Photographs
Box 31, Folder 5 Vermont Librarians Conference (Christine Kardokas)
Box 31, Folder 6 Photo Album (Annual Conference?)