Rhode Island Archival and Manuscript Collections Online

For Participating Institutions

St. Michael's Church, Bristol (Mss. Gr. 185)

University of Rhode Island, University Archives and Special Collections

15 Lippitt Road
Kingston, RI 02881-2011
Tel: 401-874-4632

email: archives@etal.uri.edu



Series 1. Subject Files, 1721-1993
11 boxes
(5.5 linear feet)

Series I, Subject Files, 1721-1993, contains documents from church initiatives like the Episcopal Charities, Overseas Missions, and the Church School, as well as materials related to anniversary celebrations and physical church property. There are bequests, protests, and founding documents from the earliest days of the church, and a number of documents that attempt to tell the church’s history. The most comprehensive is Two Hundred Years of St. Michael’s Rectors, written by Canon Albert C. Larned and published in 1957. However, the Early Records series should be consulted for vestry and parish meeting minutes from 1724-1963.

Arrangement: The series is arranged alphabetically by title or topic and chronologically within each folder.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 4th of July Celebration Minutes
Box 1, Folder 2 16th Centenary of the Council of Nicaea
Box 1, Folder 3 200th Anniversary of Diocese
Box 1, Folder 4 204th Anniversary: Newspaper Clipping
Box 1, Folder 5 250th Anniversary: Calendar of Events
Box 1, Folder 6 250th Anniversary: Parish Monthlies
Box 1, Folder 7 275th Anniversary: Album
Box 1, Folder 8 275th Anniversary: Annual Meeting
Box 1, Folder 9 275th Anniversary: Envelopes
Box 1, Folder 10 275th Anniversary: Festival Eucharist (also see oversize box 1)
Box 1, Folder 11 275th Anniversary: Letters of Congratulations
Box 1, Folder 12 275th Anniversary: Murder in the Cathedral
Box 1, Folder 13 275th Anniversary: Newspaper Clippings
Box 1, Folder 14 275th Anniversary: Photos
Box 1, Folder 15 275th Anniversary: Speaker Bishop Halguin
Box 1, Folder 16 275th Anniversary: Steering Committee
Box 1, Folder 17 A-RC Members
Box 1, Folder 18 Additions and Alterations: Misc. Plans and Drawings by Rumstick Associates/A.R. Torrey (see map case)
Box 1, Folder 19 Additions and Alterations: Plans by Rumstick Associates - 11 sheets (see map drawer 9)
Box 2, Folder 20 All Saints Chapel Cross
Box 2, Folder 21 American Bible Society Letter
Box 2, Folder 22 Annual Bazaar Souvenir Program
Box 2, Folder 23 Articles of Incorporation and Charter
Box 2, Folder 24 Assets
Box 2, Folder 25 Assistant to Rector: Work Agreement
Box 2, Folder 26 Authorization Certificate for Industrial Trust Company
Box 2, Folder 27 Babbitt, E.S. Resolution on death of
Box 2, Folder 28 Bank Stock
Box 2, Folder 29 Bell Tower Proposal
Box 2, Folder 30 Bequest: DeWolf - Conflict with Trinity Church
Box 2, Folder 31 Bequest: Nathaniel Kay
Box 2, Folder 32 Bequests
Box 2, Folder 33 Bills: Corbett, Samuel - teacher
Box 2, Folder 34 Bills: Hall Repairs
Box 2, Folder 35 Bills: Rent for Bishop Griswold's House
Box 2, Folder 36 Bills: Miscellaneous
Box 2, Folder 37 Bishop of Utah's Visit
Box 2, Folder 38 Book of Remembrance: Newspaper Article
Box 2, Folder 39 Boy Scout Program in the Protestant Church
Box 2, Folder 40 Bristed, Grace: Newspaper Clipping
Box 2, Folder 41 Bristol: 275th Anniversary Souvenir Booklet
Box 2, Folder 42 Bristol: Bicentennial Map
Box 2, Folder 43 Bristol College, Society of the Alumni of: Constitution & Oration by D.H. Buel
Box 2, Folder 44 Bristol Events
Box 2, Folder 45 Bristol Maps (also see oversize box 12 and Rm 231 1 F3)
1851, 1957
Box 2, Folder 46 Bristol Phoenix Souvenir Supplement (see oversize box 1)
Box 2, Folder 47 Bristol: "Songs of September"
Box 2, Folder 48 Bristol Tax Book
Box 2, Folder 49 Budget Information for Congregation (to encourage giving)
1944-1946, 1948, undated
Box 2, Folder 50 Cabinet for Altar Clothes: Plan by Clarke, Howe and Homer (see map drawer 9)
1912 Sep 24
Box 2, Folder 51 Calvary Baptist Church, Souvenir of Dedication
Box 2, Folder 52 "The Carrier Dove"
Box 2, Folder 53 "The Cathedral Age"
Box 2, Folder 54 Cathedral House Bookstore: Publication List
Box 2, Folder 55 Centennial Committee
Box 2, Folder 56 Centennial Research: Bells
Box 2, Folder 57 Centennial Research: Correspondence
Box 2, Folder 58 Centennial Research: Episcopal Church Illustrated Articles
Box 2, Folder 59 Centennial Research: Newspaper Reprints
Box 3, Folder 60 Centennial Research: Notes
Box 3, Folder 61 Centennial Research: Old Directories
Box 3, Folder 62 Centennial Service Bulletin
Box 3, Folder 63 Certificate for Free Bed in R.I. Hospital
Box 3, Folder 63a Chancel Alterations: Plans (see oversize box 12)
Box 3, Folder 63b Chapel Alterations: Plans (see Rm 231 1 F3)
Box 3, Folder 64 Chapel Building: Contract and Bill
Box 3, Folder 65 Chapel Building: Report of Building Committee
Box 3, Folder 66 Cherry Memorial Tower Dedication
Box 3, Folder 67 Church Door: Plans by Revolving Door and Entrance Division of International Steel Co. - 6 sheets (see map drawer 9)
Box 3, Folder 68 Church Handbooks
Box 3, Folder 69 Church Linens: Altar Hanging Designs by Beatrice Russo
Box 3, Folder 70 Church Linens: Catalogs
1979, 1983
Box 3, Folder 71 Church Linens: Fabric Samples
Box 3, Folder 72 Church Linens: Fabric Samples and Pattern
Box 3, Folder 73 Church Linens: Fabric Samples - Orphrey Banding
Box 3, Folder 74 Church School 4th of July Handout
Box 3, Folder 75 Church School Classes
Box 3, Folder 76 Church School Offering
Box 3, Folder 77 Church School Rosters
1856, 1860, 1862, 1864, 1884-1885, undated
Box 3, Folder 78 Church Spire - Damage from Storm: Drawing by H. W. Diman
Box 3, Folder 79 Church-wide Endeavor
Box 4, Folder 80 "Churches that Attract Young People" by Robert Gibbon
Box 4, Folder 81 Clambake
1864, 1882
Box 4, Folder 82 Clothing Collection
Box 4, Folder 83 College Student Booklet
Box 4, Folder 84 Computer System
Box 4, Folder 85 Confirmation Certificate - Brown, Augustus Osbourne
Box 4, Folder 86 Correspondence with Bishop Clarke Re: Church Leadership
1865 May-1865 July
Box 4, Folder 87 Couples Club
Box 4, Folder 88 Curate Search
Box 4, Folder 89 Daniel, Clifton: Work Agreement
1984 Aug 14
Box 4, Folder 90 DeWolf, George - debts: transcription of excerpt from 1825 letter to H. Usher Munro
Box 4, Folder 91 Dedication of a New Building
Box 4, Folder 92 Deed and Insurance Policy: Wardwell Property
Box 4, Folder 93 Deed: 35 Church St.
1868 - 1898
Box 4, Folder 94 Deeds: Juniper Hill Cemetery
Box 4, Folder 95 Deeds: Misc.
1801, 1807, 1848, 1858, 1859, 1870, 1876
Box 4, Folder 96 Deeds: Rectory
Box 4, Folder 97 Diocesan Convention Certificate of Delegates
1944-1964, scattered dates
Box 4, Folder 98 Diocesan Convention handbook
Box 4, Folder 99 Diocesan Council Christian Education Dept. A-V Catalog
Box 4, Folder 100 Diocese: A Mission for Evangelism
Box 4, Folder 101 Diocese: Constitution and Canons - draft
1988 Jun 1
Box 4, Folder 102 Diocese: New Fiscal Year
Box 4, Folder 103 Ecumenical Service
Box 4, Folder 104 Episcopal Charities
1971, 1975, 1978
Box 4, Folder 105 Episcopal Charities (see oversize box 1)
Box 4, Folder 106 Episcopal Charities
Box 4, Folder 107 Episcopal Charities
Box 4, Folder 108 Episcopal Charities
Box 4, Folder 109 Episcopal Charities
Box 4, Folder 110 Episcopal Charities
Box 5, Folder 111 Episcopal Charities
Box 5, Folder 112 Episcopal Charities
Box 5, Folder 113 Episcopal Charities
Box 5, Folder 114 Episcopal Charities
Box 5, Folder 115 Episcopal Charities
Box 5, Folder 116 Episcopal Charities: Certificate of Merit
Box 5, Folder 117 Episcopal Conference Center: Misc. Flyers and Letters
1965-1992, scattered dates
Box 5, Folder 118 Episcopal General Convention Report
Box 5, Folder 119 Episcopal Housing Foundation
Box 5, Folder 120 Exhibit Labels
Box 5, Folder 121 Fales, Rev. Thomas: First Sermon in the New Christ Church, Waltham
1898 Jun 17
Box 5, Folder 122 Fales, Rev. Thomas, Sermon Memorial to
Box 5, Folder 123 Flag Dedication
Box 5, Folder 124 Floor Plans - Misc. (see map drawer 9)
1920, 1923, undated
Box 5, Folder 125 Flyers from Other Churches
Box 5, Folder 126 Flyers - Misc. Working Copies
Box 5, Folder 127 Fothergill, E. - Letter Re: Death of His Aunt and Uncle
Box 5, Folder 128 Free Roumania Foundation
Box 5, Folder 129 Fuel Oil Contract and Correspondence
Box 5, Folder 130 Fuel Shortage - Special Corporation Meeting
Box 5, Folder 131 Furnace Maintenance Report
Box 5, Folder 132 Gano, Stephen: Letter to David Benedict and Sermon Notes
1810, 1821
Box 5, Folder 133 Global Stamp News: Research for Article on Wedding Protocol c. 1880
Box 5, Folder 134 Grant, Ulysses S. - Memorial Service Bulletin
Box 5, Folder 135 Griswold, Albert A. v. Fred Bach
Box 5, Folder 136 Griswold, Alexander Viets: Memorial Plaque (also see Rector's Papers, Series III, folders 14-17, and Family Papers, Series X, folders 9-11)
Box 5, Folder 137 Griswold, Alexander Viets: Newspaper Article on His Death
Box 5, Folder 138 Griswold, Alexander Viets: R.I. Heritage Hall of Fame Induction
Box 5, Folder 139 Gorham, Dan (Choir Member): Letter to Vestry
Box 5, Folder 140 Haiti: Correspondence
1960 Nov - 1961 Dec
Box 5, Folder 141 Haiti: Correspondence
Box 5, Folder 142 Haiti: Correspondence
Box 5, Folder 143 Haiti: Correspondence
Box 5, Folder 144 Haiti: Correspondence
Box 5, Folder 145 Haiti: Map
Box 5, Folder 146 Haiti: Music
Box 5, Folder 147 Haiti: School Building
Box 5, Folder 148 Handicapped Ramp: Plans by A.R. Torrey - 10 sheets (see map drawer 9)
Box 5, Folder 149 Helping Hands Soup Kitchen
Box 5, Folder 150 "Historic Churches of the United States" by Frederick J. Haskin
Box 6, Folder 151 Historical Church Documents - Misc. Copies
Box 6, Folder 152 Historical Church Documents - Misc. Excerpts
Box 6, Folder 153 Historical Extracts: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel
Box 6, Folder 154 Historical Notes by Louise DeWolf (see oversize box 1)
Box 6, Folder 155 Historical Notes by Louise DeWolf (copies)
Box 6, Folder 156 Historical Notes: "Origins"
Box 6, Folder 157 History Booklets by Old Stone Bank
1930, 1932, 1933
Box 6, Folder 158 History, Yearbook, and Directory
Box 6, Folder 159 Holmes House Alterations: Plans and Drawings by Clark and Howe - 15 sheets (see oversize box 12 and map drawer 9)
1919, 1920
Box 6, Folder 160 Holmes House Committee Minutes
Box 6, Folder 161 Holmes House Locke Memorial Fund
Box 6, Folder 162 "The Holy Communion" Order of Worship
Box 6, Folder 163 Howe, John - the Descendents of (see oversize box 1)
Box 6, Folder 164 Howe, Wallis Eastburn - 55th Anniversary of Election to Vestry
Box 6, Folder 165 Howe Window (Chancel Window) - Letter and Dedication
Box 6, Folder 166 Hunger March
Box 6, Folder 167 Hunger March
Box 6, Folder 168 Hunger March
Box 6, Folder 169 Hunger March
Box 6, Folder 170 Hunger March
Box 6, Folder 171 Hunger March
Box 6, Folder 172 Hunger March
Box 6, Folder 173 Hunger March
Box 6, Folder 174 Hunger March
Box 6, Folder 175 Hymn: "Father to Thee thy Courts Returned"
Box 6, Folder 176 Illustrations for Church Publications
Box 6, Folder 177 Insurance
Box 6, Folder 178 Larned, Canon Albert C. - photos
Box 6, Folder 179 Larned's "A History of St. Michael's Church in Bristol 1721-1955"
Box 6, Folder 180 Larned's History Drafts Chapters 1-6 (handwritten)
Box 7, Folder 181 Larned's History Drafts Chapters 7-11 (handwritten)
Box 7, Folder 182 Larned's History Drafts Chapter 7 (typed)
Box 7, Folder 183 Larned's "The Story of Old St. John's"
Box 7, Folder 184 Larned's "Two Hundred Years of St. Michael's Rectors"
Box 7, Folder 185 "The Layman" - Poem by Edward A. Guest
Box 7, Folder 186 Lenten Lunches
Box 7, Folder 187 Lenten Program and Calendar
Box 7, Folder 188 Lenten Programs
1940, 1965, undated
Box 7, Folder 189 "The Life of Our Lord" Pupil's Manual
Box 7, Folder 190 License of Minister - Nelson Kellog
Box 7, Folder 191 Loan from Bristol Institution for Savings
Box 7, Folder 192 Local Businesses and Events
Box 7, Folder 193 Locke, George Lyman - Reminiscences by H. Usher Munroe (also see Rector's Papers, Series III, folders 20 -35)
Box 7, Folder 194 Lord's Prayer Flyer
Box 7, Folder 195 Marriage Service - Walter Watson and Gertrude Bunn
Box 7, Folder 196 Marriage Services at St. Michaels -- Information Packet
Box 7, Folder 197 Memorial Chapel: Plans by A.R. Torrey (see map drawer 9)
1995 Feb 12
Box 7, Folder 198 Memorial Flowers
Box 7, Folder 199 Memorial Request - Resolution Against
Box 7, Folder 200 Memorials - Misc. Plans and Drawings (see map drawer 9)
1930s, undated
Box 7, Folder 201 Miracle Play
Box 7, Folder 202 Mission Statement
Box 7, Folder 203 Missionary Society (see oversize box 1) (also see Vestry and Committees Series, Ladies Benevolent Society)
Box 7, Folder 204 Mortgage Notes
Box 7, Folder 205 Munroe, Ephraim - Certificate of Good Conduct
Box 7, Folder 206 Munroe, Ephraim - Misc. Sermons
Box 7, Folder 207 Nationwide Campaign
Box 8, Folder 208 New Building: Articles of Consecration
Box 8, Folder 209 New Building: Bills
1859, 1860, 1862-1864
Box 8, Folder 210 New Building: Building Committee Guidelines
Box 8, Folder 211 New Building: Contract
Box 8, Folder 212 New Building: Corporation Meeting Minutes
Box 8, Folder 213 New Building: Newspaper Articles
1860, 1991
Box 8, Folder 213a New Building: Plans (see oversize box 12)
Box 8, Folder 214 New Building: Resolution to Raise Money by Selling Pews
Box 8, Folder 215 Newspapers - Misc.
1816, 1824, 1858
Box 8, Folder 216 Nominations for Church Office
1954-1982, scattered dates
Box 8, Folder 217 Oakes, Angier - Will
Box 8, Folder 218 Olyope Club
Box 8, Folder 219 Organ Music by Ralph Kinder (see oversize box 1)
Box 8, Folder 220 Organ Repair
1884, 1988
Box 8, Folder 221 Organists
1877, 1905, 1932, 1949, 1950, undated
Box 8, Folder 222 "Original Constitution Charter and By-laws"
Box 8, Folder 223 Overseas Missions: Budget
Box 8, Folder 224 Overseas Missions: Correspondence
1964-1967, 1986
Box 8, Folder 225 Overseas Missions: Letters from Young Churches
Box 8, Folder 226 Overseas Missions: Meeting Minutes
1960 Jul - 1961 Nov
Box 8, Folder 227 Overseas Missions: Meeting Minutes
1962 Feb-1962 Nov
Box 8, Folder 228 Overseas Missions: Meeting Minutes
1963 Jan-Apr, 1963 Sep-Nov
Box 8, Folder 229 Overseas Missions: Meeting Minutes
1964 Jan - Mar
Box 8, Folder 230 Overseas Missions: Meeting Minutes
1965-1967, scattered dates
Box 8, Folder 231 Overseas Missions: Windward Islands Correspondence
Box 8, Folder 232 Parish Meeting Agenda and Minutes (also see Early Records, Series XI)
1938-1990, scattered dates
Box 8, Folder 233 Parish Meeting Minutes (also see Early Records, Series XI)
Box 8, Folder 234 Parish Reports
Box 8, Folder 235 Parish Reports
Box 9, Folder 236 Parish Reports
Box 9, Folder 237 Parish Reports
Box 9, Folder 238 Parish Reports
Box 9, Folder 239 Parish Reports
Box 9, Folder 240 Parish Reports
Box 9, Folder 241 Parish Reports
Box 9, Folder 242 Parochial Report Guidelines
1950s, 1988, 1991
Box 9, Folder 243 Parochial Reports
1930, 1932-1943
Box 9, Folder 244 Parochial Reports
1947-1963, 1992
Box 9, Folder 245 Parochial Report Statistics
Box 10, Folder 246 Parshley, Anthony - Adopted Children: Newspaper Article
1933 Feb 3
Box 10, Folder 247 Pigeons Newspaper Clipping
Box 10, Folder 247a Plans - Unidentified Fragments (see map drawer 9)
Box 10, Folder 248 Pledge Forms - Working Copies
1946, undated
Box 10, Folder 249 Point Farm
1800, 1801, 1843, 1882, 1972
Box 10, Folder 250 Portraits/Memorials List
Box 10, Folder 251 "Prince of Liars" Flyer
Box 10, Folder 252 Princess Di Newspaper Clippings
Box 10, Folder 253 Projections and Other Financial Worksheets
1978-1981, 1985
Box 10, Folder 254 Promissory Notes
1814, 1817, 1850
Box 10, Folder 255 Protest Against Public School
Box 10, Folder 256 Protest Against Schoolmaster Mr. Bradford
Box 10, Folder 257 Raising of Foundation Report
Box 10, Folder 258 Rare Books Newspaper Article
Box 10, Folder 259 Receipts and Disbursements According to Lemuel C. Richard
Box 10, Folder 260 Rector Search Committee
Box 10, Folder 261 Rector Search Parish Profile
Box 10, Folder 262 Rectory - Alterations: maps and plans (see map drawer 9)
1928, 1947
Box 10, Folder 263 Rectory: Original Linoleum Floor in Kitchen
Box 10, Folder 264 Relief Committee
Box 10, Folder 265 "The Renovator"
Box 10, Folder 266 Repainting: Correspondence
Box 10, Folder 267 Repairs: Plans and Drawings by Clarke and Howe (see map drawer 9)
Box 10, Folder 268 R.I. Council of Churches
1966, 1969, undated
Box 10, Folder 269 Roger Williams College - Report of Chaplain
Box 10, Folder 270 Roof Investigation by Oden Engineers - 40 plans (see map case)
Box 10, Folder 271 Sacristy Cabinet: Plans by Howe and Prout (see map drawer 9)
1943 May 10
Box 10, Folder 272 St. Andrew's Club History (also see St. Andrew's Club Scrapbook, Series VI, folders 48-50)
Box 10, Folder 273 St. Michael's - Bristol, UK (also see St. Michael's - Bristol, UK scrapbook, Series VI, folder 44)
1934, 1972
Box 10, Folder 274 St. Paul's Church, Portsmouth: A Brief History
Box 10, Folder 275 Sedilia: Misc. Plans - 6 sheets (see map drawer 9)
1925, 1943-1945
Box 10, Folder 276 Shepard, Thomas: New Year's Address, Bristol
Box 10, Folder 277 Signs - Sketches
Box 10, Folder 278 Silver: Exhibit Labels and Correspondence
Box 11, Folder 279 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts: Lectures
1937, 1938
Box 11, Folder 280 Stained Glass Windows: Notes of Lance Kasparian
Box 11, Folder 281 Stationary
Box 11, Folder 282 Stoneworks: Drawing (see map drawer 9)
Box 11, Folder 283 Subscription Lists
1808, 1811, 1827, 1830, 1856, 1857, 1863, undated
Box 11, Folder 284 Subscriptions
1837, 1858, undated
Box 11, Folder 285 Supply for Pulpit
1815, 1851, 1856, 1865, 1918
Box 11, Folder 286 Surety Bond
Box 11, Folder 287 Tablet Dedication
Box 11, Folder 288 Telegram from Providence Journal Re: Roof Collapse
Box 11, Folder 289 "Ten Poor Boys"
Box 11, Folder 290 "Ten Poor Boys"
Box 11, Folder 291 Thirty-Nine Articles - Catholicism in Episcopal Church
Box 11, Folder 292 Todd, Jonathan: Letter to Nathaniel Chancey
Box 11, Folder 293 Trinity Church
1937, 1939
Box 11, Folder 294 Trinity Rectory: Newspaper Clipping
Box 11, Folder 295 Tynge, Stephen Higginson - Biography by Dudley Tynge
Box 11, Folder 296 Vestry - New Cupboards: Plans - 2 sheets (see map drawer 9)
1947, 1948
Box 11, Folder 297 Village Fair Program
Box 11, Folder 298 Wallis Memorial Plans
Box 11, Folder 299 War Shrine: Plans and Drawings by Howe, Prout and Ekman - 7 sheets (see map drawer 9)
Box 11, Folder 300 War Table Dedication
1932 Feb 9
Box 11, Folder 301 Wardwell Flower Fund
Box 11, Folder 302 Ways and Means Every Member Canvass
Box 11, Folder 303 Windows: Misc. Plans and Drawings (see map drawer 9)
1946, undated

Series 2. Vestry and Committees, 1923-1999
29 boxes
(14.5 linear feet)

Series II, Vestry and Committees, 1923-1992, contains the files of the church’s organizing body, the vestry, and the various committees that reported to the vestry: the Altar Guild, the Brotherhood, the Boys Club, the Ivy Guild, the Ladies Benevolent Society, the Music and Stewardship committees, the Women’s Auxiliary, and the Women’s Guild. It also includes the files of the Bristol Female Charitable Society, a local women's organization. The annual reports for these committees can also be found in the Parish Meeting Reports in the Subject Series.

Among the many committees that reported to the vestry, the most notable and long-standing is the Ladies Benevolent Society. This society raised money for mission projects through initiatives like the Annual Bazaar and the United Thank Offering. It formed in 1822 as the Missionary Society, and after reorganizing and changing its name twice, it settled on the Ladies Benevolent Society in 1849. The society began calling itself the Episcopal Church Women in 1970, and in 1994, it merged with the Ivy Guild, a social organization for young church women, and became the Women’s Guild.

This series also contains a quantity of Building Committee files. The building project began with the formation of the Committee to Study Church School Needs in 1963. From 1964 to 1967, the committee was known as the Committee to Study Present and Future Needs of the Church School, and the committee members decided it was time to construct a multi-purpose building. In 1967, the Church Expansion Committee invited bidders and contracted with Rumstick Associates. In 1968, the Building Committee officially came into being, and committee chairman William Bowen transferred the Building Fund to church treasurer Reynolds Northrup. Thus there are also building fund files in the Financial Documents series. The Memorial Committee, organized in 1968, collected donations for the new building and drew up plans for a memorial plaque.

The vestry files contain copious notes on church property, maintenance, and leadership, covering a range of projects, from new buildings to searches for rectors and curates. It also includes the “Pooled Funds” accounts from 1955 to 1968. Starting in 1968, the funds were managed by Standish, Ayer, and Wood, and became known as the endowment fund (See Financial Documents).

Arrangement: The series is arranged alphabetically by committee and topic and chronologically within each folder.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 Altar Guild Accounts
Box 1, Folder 2 Altar Guild Accounts
1950 Apr-1977 Dec
Box 1, Folder 3 Altar Guild Accounts
1984 Dec-1999 Apr
Box 1, Folder 4 Altar Guild Altar Fund
Box 1, Folder 5 Altar Guild Janet B. Clark Fund
Box 1, Folder 6 Altar Guild Linen Advertisement
Box 1, Folder 7 Altar Guild Meeting Minutes
Box 1, Folder 8 Altar Guild Members
Box 1, Folder 9 Altar Guild Memorial Fund
Box 2, Folder 10 Altar Guild Memorial Fund
Box 2, Folder 11 Altar Guild Responsibilities
Box 2, Folder 12 Brotherhood Checks
1930 May-1935 Nov
Box 2, Folder 13 Brotherhood Constitution and By-laws
1919, 1930
Box 2, Folder 14 Brotherhood Correspondence
Box 2, Folder 15 Brotherhood Meeting Minutes
1919 March-1923 Jun
Box 2, Folder 16 Brotherhood Meeting Minutes
Box 2, Folder 17 Brotherhood Reorganization
Box 2, Folder 18 Boys Club Meeting
Box 2, Folder 19 Bristol Female Charitable Society
1911 Oct-1930 Aug
Box 2, Folder 20 Bristol Female Charitable Society 150th Anniversary Booklet
Box 2, Folder 21 Bristol Female Charitable Society Constitution and Bylaws
Box 2, Folder 22 Bristol Female Charitable Society Correspondence
Box 2, Folder 23 Bristol Female Charitable Society Correspondence: Caughey, Miriam
Box 2, Folder 24 Bristol Female Charitable Society Life Membership Certificates
Box 3, Folder 25 Bristol Female Charitable Society Meeting Minutes
1930 Oct-1960 Oct
Box 3, Folder 26 Bristol Female Charitable Society Treasurer's Book
1812 Jan-1861 Oct
Box 3, Folder 27 Bristol Female Charitable Society Treasurer's Book
1929 Oct-1973 Sep
Box 3, Folder 28 Building Committee Bidders
Box 3, Folder 29 Building Committee Bills
Box 3, Folder 30 Building Committee Building Fund Audit
Box 3, Folder 31 Building Committee Building Fund Contributions: A-K
Box 4, Folder 32 Building Committee Building Fund Contributions: L-Z
Box 4, Folder 33 Building Committee Building Fund Pledges
Box 4, Folder 34 Building Committee Building Fund Statements
1967 Sep-1968 Feb, 1968 Apr-1964 Jun
Box 4, Folder 35 Building Committee Building Fund Treasurer's Papers
Box 4, Folder 36 Building Committee/Church Expansion Committee
Box 4, Folder 37 Building Committee/Committee to Study Church School Needs
Box 4, Folder 38 Building Committee/Committee to Study Present and Future Needs of Church School
1964, 1966-1967
Box 4, Folder 39 Building Committee Contract
Box 4, Folder 40 Building Committee Correspondence
1967 Jun-1969 Sep
Box 4, Folder 41 Building Committee Fund Drive Canvas
Box 4, Folder 42 Building Committee Fund Drive Materials
1967, 1969
Box 4, Folder 43 Building Committee Fund Drive "Six Reasons Why"
Box 4, Folder 44 Building Committee Insurance
Box 4, Folder 45 Building Committee Meeting Minutes
1967 Jul-1969 Jun
Box 4, Folder 46 Building Committee Pledge Cards (see check box)
Box 4, Folder 47 Building Committee Special Parish Meeting
Box 4, Folder 48 Building Committee Specifications for Additions and Alterations (also see Subject File, Series I, folders 18 and 19)
Box 5, Folder 49 Ivy Guild Accounts
1902 Mar-1919 Apr
Box 5, Folder 50 Ivy Guild Accounts
1919 May-1928 May
Box 5, Folder 51 Ivy Guild Accounts
1924 May-1926 May
Box 5, Folder 52 Ivy Guild Accounts
1924 Dec-1925 May
Box 5, Folder 53 Ivy Guild Accounts
1928 May-1944 Apr
Box 5, Folder 54 Ivy Guild Accounts
1964 May-1982 Sep
Box 5, Folder 55 Ivy Guild Accounts
1982 Sep-2002 May
Box 6, Folder 56 Ivy Guild Accounts
1985 Jan-1986 Jan
Box 6, Folder 57 Ivy Guild Annual Reports
1938, 1959, 1962-1978, 1989, 1992-1994
Box 6, Folder 58 Ivy Guild Checks
1945 Nov-1949 Sep
Box 6, Folder 59 Ivy Guild Checks
1949 Sep-1953 Jul
Box 6, Folder 60 Ivy Guild Checks
1953 Jun-1957 May
Box 6, Folder 61 Ivy Guild Checks
1957 May-1961 Jul
Box 7, Folder 62 Ivy Guild Checks
1961 Jul-1963
Box 7, Folder 63 Ivy Guild Checks
1963 Aug-1966 May
Box 7, Folder 64 Ivy Guild Checks
1966 Jun-1969 Jun
Box 7, Folder 65 Ivy Guild Checks
1969 Jun-1973 Nov
Box 7, Folder 66 Ivy Guild Checks
1973 Nov-1978 Apr
Box 7, Folder 67 Ivy Guild Checks
1980 Oct-1983 Sep
Box 8, Folder 68 Ivy Guild Checks
Box 8, Folder 69 Ivy Guild Constitution
Box 8, Folder 70 Ivy Guild Correspondence
1953, undated
Box 8, Folder 71 Ivy Guild Correspondence
1991-1995, scattered dates
Box 8, Folder 72 Ivy Guild Dues
1885 May-1901 Apr
Box 8, Folder 73 Ivy Guild Dues
1901 May-1921 Apr
Box 8, Folder 74 Ivy Guild Dues
1928 May-1937 May
Box 8, Folder 75 Ivy Guild Dues
1938 May-1948 May
Box 9, Folder 76 Ivy Guild Dues: Annual
1921 May-1929 Apr
Box 9, Folder 77 Ivy Guild Dues: Misc. Notes
1920 Jun-1923 Jun
Box 9, Folder 78 Ivy Guild Dues: Monthly
1920 May-1924 Mar
Box 9, Folder 79 Ivy Guild Dues: Monthly
1923 Jul-1925 Mar
Box 9, Folder 80 Ivy Guild 50th Anniversary Booklet
Box 9, Folder 81 Ivy Guild Finances - Misc.
1983-2001, scattered dates
Box 9, Folder 82 Ivy Guild Financial Reports
1984, 1989-1995
Box 9, Folder 83 Ivy Guild Foster Parent Plan
Box 9, Folder 84 Ivy Guild History
Box 9, Folder 85 Ivy Guild Meeting Minutes
1891 Mar-1892 Apr, 1904 Apr-1908 Apr
Box 10, Folder 86 Ivy Guild Meeting Minutes
1895 Apr-1903 Jul
Box 10, Folder 87 Ivy Guild Meeting Minutes
1911 Jun-1914 Jun, 1914 Aug-1919 Jul
Box 10, Folder 88 Ivy Guild Meeting Minutes
1919 Jul-1925 Jun
Box 10, Folder 89 Ivy Guild Meeting Minutes
1940 May-1941 May
Box 10, Folder 90 Ivy Guild Meeting Minutes
1941 May-1951 May
Box 10, Folder 91 Ivy Guild Meeting Minutes
1951 Jun-1961 May
Box 11, Folder 92 Ivy Guild Meeting Minutes
1961 Jun-1973 May
Box 11, Folder 93 Ivy Guild Meeting Minutes
1973 Jun-1978 May
Box 11, Folder 94 Ivy Guild Meeting Minutes
1988 Mar-1994 May
Box 11, Folder 95 Ivy Guild Members
1948 May-1970 May
Box 11, Folder 96 Ivy Guild News Clippings and Programs - Misc.
1927-1988, scattered dates
Box 11, Folder 97 Ivy Guild Recipes
Box 11, Folder 98 Ivy Guild Roll Call
Box 11, Folder 99 Ivy Guild Roster
Box 11, Folder 100 Ivy Guild Treasurer's Report
1925, 1929, 1930, 1987, 1990, 1992
Box 11, Folder 101 Ladies Benevolent Society 100-Year Report
Box 11, Folder 102 Ladies Benevolent Society Accounts
Box 12, Folder 103 Ladies Benevolent Society Accounts: Monthly
Box 12, Folder 104 Ladies Benevolent Society Accounts: Monthly
Box 12, Folder 105 Ladies Benevolent Society Accounts: Monthly
1945 Jan-1952 Jan
Box 12, Folder 106 Ladies Benevolent Society Accounts: Monthly
1952 Jan-1957 Apr
Box 12, Folder 107 Ladies Benevolent Society Accounts: Monthly
1957 May-1962 May
Box 12, Folder 108 Ladies Benevolent Society Accounts: Monthly
1962 May-1972 Nov
Box 12, Folder 109 Ladies Benevolent Society Accounts: Monthly
1972 Dec-1973 Apr
Box 13, Folder 110 Ladies Benevolent Society Accounts: Monthly
1972 May-1974 Dec
Box 13, Folder 111 Ladies Benevolent Society Accounts: Monthly
1974 May-2000 Apr
Box 13, Folder 112 Ladies Benevolent Society Accounts: Notes
1972 May-1974 Dec
Box 13, Folder 113 Ladies Benevolent Society Annual Committee Reports
1956-1974, 1985-1994, scattered dates
Box 13, Folder 114 Ladies Benevolent Society Annual Financial Reports
1957-1973, 1992-1994, 1996
Box 13, Folder 115 Ladies Benevolent Society Annual Meeting Minutes and Reports
Box 13, Folder 116 Ladies Benevolent Society Annual Reports
Box 13, Folder 117 Ladies Benevolent Society Annual Reports
Box 13, Folder 118 Ladies Benevolent Society Annual Reports
1979-1987, 1989, 1991,
Box 13, Folder 119 Ladies Benevolent Society Bequests
1895-1942, 1974
Box 14, Folder 120 Ladies Benevolent Society Check Stubs
1969 Mar-1974 Mar, 1994 Dec-2000 May
Box 14, Folder 121 Ladies Benevolent Society Committees
Box 14, Folder 122 Ladies Benevolent Society Constitution, Bylaws, and Vision Statement
Box 14, Folder 123 Ladies Benevolent Society Correspondence
Box 14, Folder 124 Ladies Benevolent Society Correspondence
Box 14, Folder 125 Ladies Benevolent Society Correspondence
Box 14, Folder 126 Ladies Benevolent Society Correspondence: Missions in Alaska
Box 14, Folder 127 Ladies Benevolent Society Correspondence: Missions in Taiwan
1959, 1962
Box 14, Folder 128 Ladies Benevolent Society Diocese Annual Report and Directory
Box 14, Folder 129 Ladies Benevolent Society Diocese Bulletin
1957, 1959, 1963
Box 14, Folder 130 Ladies Benevolent Society Diocese Directory
Box 14, Folder 131 Ladies Benevolent Society Easter Flowers
Box 14, Folder 132 Ladies Benevolent Society Events: Flyers
Box 14, Folder 133 Ladies Benevolent Society Events: Souvenir Programs
Box 14, Folder 134 Ladies Benevolent Society Executive Board Minutes
1959-1964, 1979-1987
Box 14, Folder 135 Ladies Benevolent Society Finances
1978, 1994, 1990, 1975, 2002
Box 14, Folder 136 Ladies Benevolent Society Finances - Misc.
Box 14, Folder 137 Ladies Benevolent Society Finances - Misc.
Box 15, Folder 138 Ladies Benevolent Society Finances - Misc.
Box 15, Folder 139 Ladies Benevolent Society Finances - Misc.
Box 15, Folder 140 Ladies Benevolent Society Finances - Misc.
Box 15, Folder 141 Ladies Benevolent Society Finances - Misc.
Box 15, Folder 142 Ladies Benevolent Society Finances - Misc.
Box 15, Folder 143 Ladies Benevolent Society Finances - Misc.
Box 15, Folder 144 Ladies Benevolent Society Finances - Misc.
Box 15, Folder 145 Ladies Benevolent Society Fish Tales Newsletter
1972 May-1972 Nov, 1973 Feb
Box 15, Folder 146 Ladies Benevolent Society Guides - Misc.
Box 15, Folder 147 Ladies Benevolent Society History
Box 15, Folder 148 Ladies Benevolent Society: MacDougal, Elizabeth- Memorial
1940 Feb 5
Box 15, Folder 149 Ladies Benevolent Society Meeting Minutes
Box 16, Folder 150 Ladies Benevolent Society Meeting Minutes
Box 16, Folder 151 Ladies Benevolent Society Meeting Minutes
1925 Feb-1943 Jan
Box 16, Folder 152 Ladies Benevolent Society Meeting Minutes
1943 Jan-1952 Dec
Box 16, Folder 153 Ladies Benevolent Society Meeting Minutes
Box 17, Folder 154 Ladies Benevolent Society Meeting Minutes
Box 17, Folder 155 Ladies Benevolent Society Meeting Minutes
1977, 1979 May, 1991 May, scattered dates
Box 17, Folder 156 Ladies Benevolent Society Meeting Minutes
1905 Nov-1911 Apr
Box 17, Folder x-ref Ladies Benevolent Society Member List (see folder 156)
Box 17, Folder 157 Ladies Benevolent Society Member List
Box 17, Folder 158 Ladies Benevolent Society Merger (With Ivy Guild) (also see Women's Guild)
Box 17, Folder 159 Ladies Benevolent Society Missions of Episcopal Diocese
Box 17, Folder 160 Ladies Benevolent Society Missions: Newsletter (also see correspondence folders 126 and 127)
Box 17, Folder 161 Ladies Benevolent Society National Cathedral Association
1971, 1972, undated
Box 17, Folder 162 Ladies Benevolent Society Nominations
1948-1949, 1959, 1965-1966, 1968
Box 17, Folder 163 Ladies Benevolent Society Officers
1957, 1961, 1963-1964 1969-1971, 1974-1976, 1979-1980, 1984, 1986, 1987
Box 17, Folder 164 Ladies Benevolent Society Parish Lists
1960-1961, 1969
Box 17, Folder 165 Ladies Benevolent Society Periodical Club
Box 17, Folder 166 Ladies Benevolent Society Periodical Club Account
1967 Nov-1973
Box 17, Folder 167 Ladies Benevolent Society Reports - Misc. (also see Vestry Reports)
Box 17, Folder 168 Ladies Benevolent Society Scrapbook and Photos: Yuletide Bazaar
Box 17, Folder 169 Ladies Benevolent Society Speakers
1955, 1969-1971
Box 18, Folder 170 Ladies Benevolent Society United Thank Offering
Box 18, Folder 171 Ladies Benevolent Society United Thank Offering
Box 18, Folder 172 Ladies Benevolent Society United Thank Offering Annual Reports
1947, 1952-1955
Box 18, Folder 173 Ladies Benevolent Society United Thank Offering Bulletin Flyers
1960, 1963, 1971-1972, 1976
Box 18, Folder 174 Ladies Benevolent Society United Thank Offering Program
Box 18, Folder 175 Ladies Benevolent Society United Thank Offering Receipts
Box 18, Folder 176 Ladies Benevolent Society United Thank Offering Supply Requests
Box 18, Folder 177 Ladies Benevolent Society Board of Missions Publications
Box 18, Folder 178 Ladies Benevolent Society Diocese Publications
1916, 1922
Box 18, Folder 179 Memorial Committee
Box 18, Folder 180 Music Committee
Box 18, Folder 181 Music Committee
Box 18, Folder 182 Music Committee: Budgets
1970, 1991
Box 19, Folder 183 Stewardship
Box 19, Folder 184 Stewardship
Box 19, Folder 185 Stewardship
Box 19, Folder 186 Stewardship
Box 19, Folder 187 Stewardship
Box 19, Folder 188 Stewardship
Box 19, Folder 189 Stewardship
Box 19, Folder 190 Stewardship
Box 19, Folder 191 Stewardship
Box 19, Folder 192 Stewardship
Box 19, Folder 193 Stewardship
Box 19, Folder 194 Stewardship
Box 19, Folder 195 Stewardship
Box 19, Folder 196 Stewardship
Box 19, Folder 197 Stewardship
Box 19, Folder 198 Stewardship: "Opportunities for Giving" Brochures
1987, 1990
Box 19, Folder 199 Stewardship Program Manual
Box 20, Folder 200 Vestry Chronological File
1903, 1912
Box 20, Folder 201 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 202 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 203 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 204 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 205 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 206 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 207 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 208 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 209 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 210 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 211 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 212 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 213 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 214 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 215 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 216 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 217 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 218 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 219 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 220 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 221 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 222 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 223 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 224 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 225 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 226 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 227 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 228 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 229 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 230 Vestry Chronological File
Box 20, Folder 231 Vestry Chronological File
Box 21, Folder 232 Vestry Chronological File
Box 21, Folder 233 Vestry Chronological File
Box 21, Folder 234 Vestry Chronological File
Box 21, Folder 235 Vestry Chronological File
Box 21, Folder 236 Vestry Chronological File
1965 Jan-1965 Jun
Box 21, Folder 237 Vestry Chronological File
1965 Jul-1965 Dec
Box 22, Folder 238 Vestry Chronological File
1966 Jan -1966 Jun
Box 22, Folder 239 Vestry Chronological File
1966 Jul -1966 Dec
Box 22, Folder 240 Vestry Chronological File
1967 Jan -1967 Jun
Box 22, Folder 241 Vestry Chronological File
1967 Jul -1967 Dec
Box 22, Folder 242 Vestry Chronological File
Box 22, Folder 243 Vestry Chronological File
Box 22, Folder 244 Vestry Chronological File
Box 22, Folder 245 Vestry Chronological File
Box 23, Folder 246 Vestry Chronological File
Box 23, Folder 247 Vestry Chronological File
Box 23, Folder 248 Vestry Chronological File
Box 23, Folder 249 Vestry Chronological File
Box 23, Folder 250 Vestry Chronological File
Box 23, Folder 251 Vestry Chronological File
Box 23, Folder 252 Vestry Chronological File
Box 23, Folder 253 Vestry Chronological File
Box 23, Folder 254 Vestry Chronological File
Box 23, Folder 255 Vestry Chronological File
Box 24, Folder 256 Vestry Chronological File
Box 24, Folder 257 Vestry Chronological File
Box 24, Folder 258 Vestry Chronological File
Box 24, Folder 259 Vestry Chronological File
Box 24, Folder 260 Vestry Chronological File
Box 24, Folder 261 Vestry Chronological File
Box 24, Folder 262 Vestry Chronological File
Box 24, Folder 263 Vestry Chronological File
Box 24, Folder 264 Vestry Chronological File
Box 24, Folder 265 Vestry Clippings - Misc.
1945, 1968, undated
Box 24, Folder 266 Vestry Diocesan Communications
1960s, 1970s
Box 24, Folder 267 Vestry Founding Documents (copies)
Box 24, Folder 268 Vestry General Information
1967, 1979, 1980, 1987, undated
Box 24, Folder 269 Vestry Letters and Resolutions - undated
Box 24, Folder 270 Vestry Minutes (also see Early Records, Series XI)
1942 Jul, 1942 Aug
Box 24, Folder 271 Vestry Minutes
Box 24, Folder 272 Vestry Minutes
1953, 1954
Box 24, Folder 273 Vestry Minutes
Box 24, Folder 274 Vestry Minutes
Box 24, Folder 275 Vestry Minutes
Box 24, Folder 276 Vestry Minutes
Box 24, Folder 277 Vestry Minutes
Box 24, Folder 278 Vestry Minutes
Box 24, Folder 279 Vestry Minutes
Box 24, Folder 280 Vestry Minutes
Box 24, Folder 281 Vestry Minutes
Box 24a, Folder 282 Vestry Minutes (bound volume)
Box 25, Folder 283 Vestry Minutes
Box 25, Folder 284 Vestry Minutes
Box 25, Folder 285 Vestry Minutes
Box 25, Folder 286 Vestry Minutes
Box 25, Folder 287 Vestry Minutes
Box 25, Folder 288 Vestry Minutes
Box 25, Folder 289 Vestry Minutes
Box 25, Folder 290 Vestry Minutes
Box 25, Folder 291 Vestry Minutes
Box 25, Folder 292 Vestry Minutes
Box 25, Folder 293 Vestry Minutes
Box 25, Folder 294 Vestry Minutes
Box 25, Folder 295 Vestry Minutes
Box 25, Folder 296 Vestry Minutes
Box 25, Folder 297 Vestry Minutes
Box 25, Folder 298 Vestry Minutes
Box 25, Folder 299 Vestry Minutes
Box 26, Folder 300 Vestry Minutes
Box 26, Folder 301 Vestry Minutes
Box 26, Folder 302 Vestry Minutes
Box 26, Folder 303 Vestry Minutes
Box 26, Folder 304 Vestry Minutes
Box 26, Folder 305 Vestry Minutes
Box 26, Folder 306 Vestry Minutes
Box 26, Folder 307 Vestry Minutes
Box 26, Folder 308 Vestry Minutes
Box 26, Folder 309 Vestry Minutes
Box 26, Folder 310 Vestry Minutes
Box 26, Folder 311 Vestry Pooled Funds
Box 26, Folder 312 Vestry Pooled Funds
Box 26, Folder 313 Vestry Pooled Funds
Box 26, Folder 314 Vestry Pooled Funds
Box 26, Folder 315 Vestry Pooled Funds
Box 27, Folder 316 Vestry Pooled Funds
Box 27, Folder 317 Vestry Pooled Funds
Box 27, Folder 318 Vestry Pooled Funds
Box 27, Folder 319 Vestry Pooled Funds
Box 27, Folder 320 Vestry Pooled Funds
Box 27, Folder 321 Vestry Pooled Funds
Box 27, Folder 322 Vestry Pooled Funds
Box 27, Folder 323 Vestry Pooled Funds
Box 27, Folder 324 Vestry Pooled Funds
Box 27, Folder 325 Vestry Reports from Committees
Box 27, Folder 326 Vestry Reports from Committees
Box 27, Folder 327 Vestry Reports from the Christian Education Committee
1953, 1970, undated
Box 27, Folder 328 Vestry Reports from the Christian Fellowship and Social Action Committee
Box 27, Folder 329 Vestry Reports from the Committee to Study Church School Needs
Box 27, Folder 330 Vestry Reports from the Property Committee
1959, 1966, 1988, 1990, undated
Box 27, Folder 331 Vestry Reports from the Worker Committee
Box 27, Folder 332 Vestry Reports - Misc.
1865, undated
Box 28, Folder 333 Vestry Rosters
1940, 1950, 1952-1954, 1956-1984, undated
Box 28, Folder 334 Vestry Undated Notes
Box 28, Folder 335 Women's Auxiliary Annual Report
1880-1899, missing 1981, 1985
Box 28, Folder 336 Women's Auxiliary Annual Report
Box 28, Folder 337 Women's Auxiliary Annual Report
1910-1919, missing 1914
Box 28, Folder 338 Women's Auxiliary Misc.
Box 28, Folder 339 Women's Guild Minutes
1994 Oct-1995 May, 1995 Oct - 1999 Nov

Series 3. Rectors' Papers, 1815-1994
11 boxes
(5.25 linear feet)

Series III, Rector’s Papers, 1815-1992, contains the letters, reports, and personal papers of some of the parish’s rectors. For information about the rectors, see the Subject Series. The vast majority of the files in this series belonged to Canon Delbert W. Tildesley, who was rector from 1954 to 1982. He was a member of the Diocesan Standing Committee, and many of his files are related to diocesan business, while his letters and annual reports are a valuable source of information on the church’s more recent history. Tildesley's files also contain a small number of records from before his tenure at St. Michael's as well as research materials for his comprehensive history of the church, The Bells of St. Michael's (1989). While most of these materials are copies or created by Tildesley, included with his research notes, in folder 189, are seven original letters on the topic of the history of St. Michael's bells, dating from 1846 to 1879. For Tildesley's sermons, see Series XIII. This series also contains the sermons and correspondence of the Rev. George Lyman Locke. An unexpected item found among the papers is a 1946 report on prison conditions by a committee which included Canon Anthony Parshley.

Arrangement: The majority of the series is arranged alphabetically by name and topic and chronologically within each folder. A second accession of Tildesley papers are arranged in the same manner, but these files are appended to the end of the first Tildesley accession, beginning at folder 162.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 Bristed, John: Copy of Bequest
Box 1, Folder 2 Bristed, John: Copy of Poem by Chatterton
Box 1, Folder 3 Bristed, John: Law Lecture
Box 1, Folder 4 Bristed, John: Letter from Hebert Norris
Box 1, Folder 5 Bristed, John: Letter from Mehetable Mumford
Box 1, Folder 6 Bristed, John: Letter from Sam Penny Jr.
Box 1, Folder 7 Bristed, John: Letter concerning Death of Edward Jales
Box 1, Folder 8 Bristed, John: Letter to Bishop Smith
Box 1, Folder 9 Bristed, John: Monument Inscription
Box 1, Folder 10 Bristed, John: Pastoral Note
Box 1, Folder 11 Daniel, Clifton: Letters
1987, 1992
Box 1, Folder 12 Daniel, Clifton: Newspaper Clipping
Box 1, Folder 13 Davis, Daniel K.: Rectors Annual Reports
Box 1, Folder 14 Griswold, Alexander Viets: Correspondence
1803- 1838
Box 1, Folder 15 Griswold, Alexander Viets: "Pastoral Letter"
Box 1, Folder 16 Griswold, Alexander Viets: Sermon on 2nd Psalm
Box 1, Folder 17 Griswold, Alexander Viets: Sermons
Box 1, Folder 18 Howard, Anson B. Call to St. Michaels
Box 1, Folder 19 Howard, Anson B.: Correspondence with W. 7th Williams, Senior Warden
Box 1, Folder 20 Locke, George Lyman: Bookplate
Box 1, Folder 21 Locke, George Lyman: Calls to other parishes
Box 1, Folder 22 Locke, George Lyman: Certificate of ordination
Box 1, Folder 23 Locke, George Lyman: Chapel building
1872, 1877-1878
Box 1, Folder 24 Locke, George Lyman: Correspondence
1888, 1891, 1907
Box 1, Folder 25 Locke, George Lyman: Dedication of Memorial Tablet: Bulletin
Box 2, Folder 26 Locke, George Lyman: Financial Reports
Box 2, Folder 27 Locke, George Lyman: Historical Discourse
Box 2, Folder 28 Locke, George Lyman: Historical Discourse (copies)
Box 2, Folder 29 Locke, George Lyman: Historical Discourses
Box 2, Folder 30 Locke, George Lyman: Historical Discourses Originals
1872-1874, 1877, 1892
Box 2, Folder 31 Locke, George Lyman: Letter accepting call
Box 2, Folder 31a Locke, George Lyman: Letter from his first confirmation class
Box 2, Folder 32 Locke, George Lyman: Letters from Europe
Box 2, Folder 33 Locke, George Lyman: Passport
Box 2, Folder 34 Locke, George Lyman: Rector's Annual (Financial) Report
1890-1901, undated
Box 2, Folder 35 Locke, George Lyman Newspaper Article
Box 2, Folder 36 Parshley, Anthony: 25th Anniversary
Box 2, Folder 37 Parshley, Anthony: "A Bird's Eye View of the Church"
Box 2, Folder 38 Parshley, Anthony: Announcements
1943, 1944-1945
Box 2, Folder 39 Parshley, Anthony: Articles from Church Publications
1947, 1954, undated
Box 2, Folder 40 Parshley, Anthony: Investigation of Conditions at RI State Prison Report
Box 3, Folder 41 Parshley, Anthony: Investigation of Conditions at RI State Prison Testimony Vol.I
Box 3, Folder 42 Parshley, Anthony: Investigation of Conditions at RI State Prison Testimony Vol. II
Box 3, Folder 43 Parshley, Anthony: Letters
1930, 1940
Box 3, Folder 44 Parshley, Anthony: Parish Letters
Box 3, Folder 45 Parshley, Anthony: Rectors Annual Reports
1930, 1937
Box 3, Folder 46 Parshley, Anthony: Rectors Monthly Report
1942 Jul
Box 3, Folder 47 Tildesley, Delbert: Car Insurance
Box 3, Folder 48 Tildesley, Delbert: House of Bishops
Box 3, Folder 49 Tildesley, Delbert: House of Bishops
Box 4, Folder 50 Tildesley, Delbert: Bishop Coadjutor
Box 4, Folder 51 Tildesley, Delbert: Correspondence
Box 4, Folder 52 Tildesley, Delbert: Correspondence
Box 4, Folder 53 Tildesley, Delbert: Correspondence
Box 4, Folder 54 Tildesley, Delbert: Correspondence
Box 4, Folder 55 Tildesley, Delbert: Correspondence
Box 4, Folder 56 Tildesley, Delbert: Correspondence
Box 4, Folder 57 Tildesley, Delbert: Correspondence
Box 4, Folder 58 Tildesley, Delbert: Correspondence with Turner, Edward C.
1946-1947, 1956-1958, 1959
Box 4, Folder 59 Tildesley, Delbert: Curate Search
Box 4, Folder 60 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Apportionment System
Box 4, Folder 61 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Budget
Box 4, Folder 62 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Budget
Box 4, Folder 63 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Budget
Box 4, Folder 64 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Budget
Box 4, Folder 65 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Budget
Box 5, Folder 66 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Budget
Box 5, Folder 67 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Budget
1980, 1981
Box 5, Folder 68 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Church Newsletters
Box 5, Folder 69 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocese Clergy Conference
1980, 1982
Box 5, Folder 70 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Convention (Nursing Home)
Box 5, Folder 71 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Convention Nominations & Delegates
Box 5, Folder 72 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Convention Nominations & Delegates
Box 5, Folder 73 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Convention (Constitution Hill)
Box 5, Folder 74 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Convention Nominations & Delegates
Box 5, Folder 75 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Convention Nominations & Delegates
Box 5, Folder 76 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Convention Delegates
Box 5, Folder 77 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Convention Nominations
Box 5, Folder 78 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Convention (St. Mike hosts)
Box 5, Folder 79 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Convention Parish Leadership Form
Box 5, Folder 80 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Convention 1995 Newspaper Clippings
Box 5, Folder 81 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Convention Miscellaneous
Box 5, Folder 82 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Cannon Committee
Box 5, Folder 83 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Cathedral Corporation (see Hallworth House Memo)
Box 5, Folder 84 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Christian Education Department
Box 5, Folder 85 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Clergy Salary Committee
Box 5, Folder 86 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council College Commission
Box 5, Folder 87 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Commission on Ministry
1975, 1977, 1980-1981
Box 5, Folder 88 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Committees & Convention Appointments
1971, 1973, 1976, 1979, undated
Box 5, Folder 89 Tildesley, Delbert: Episcopal Diocese Constitution Hill Project
Box 5, Folder 90 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Continuing Education Committee
1973, 1978, 1981
Box 5, Folder 91 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Episcopal Conference Center
Box 5, Folder 92 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Evaluation Committee Materials (role & responsibilities)
Box 5, Folder 93 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Evangelism Committee
Box 5, Folder 94 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Executive Committee
Box 6, Folder 95 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Finance Committee
Box 6, Folder 96 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
Box 6, Folder 97 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
Box 6, Folder 98 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
Box 6, Folder 99 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Finance Committee Memoranda
1971, 1972, 1974, undated
Box 6, Folder 100 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Hallworth House
1972, undated
Box 6, Folder 101 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Healing Commission
Box 6, Folder 102 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Holiday House
Box 6, Folder 103 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Hunger Task Force
Box 6, Folder 104 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Meeting Minutes
Box 6, Folder 105 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Meeting Minutes
Box 6, Folder 106 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Meeting Minutes
Box 6, Folder 107 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Meeting Minutes
Box 6, Folder 108 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Memoranda
Box 6, Folder 109 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Missions Department
Box 6, Folder 110 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council News Clippings
1976, undated
Box 6, Folder 111 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Parish Quotas & Assessments
1966-1967, 1971-1972, 1979-1980
Box 6, Folder 112 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Planning Commission
1972, 1975, 1977-1978, 1981
Box 6, Folder 113 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Promotion & Publicity
Box 6, Folder 114 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Representation of Lay Delegates
Box 6, Folder 115 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Scholarship Committee
1978, 1981
Box 6, Folder 116 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council South Providence Ministry
Box 6, Folder 117 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Standing Committee Annual Report
Box 6, Folder 118 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Standing Committee Bishop Search
Box 6, Folder 119 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Standing Committee Correspondence
Box 6, Folder 120 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Standing Committee Meeting Minutes
Box 7, Folder 121 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Standing Committee Meeting Minutes
Box 7, Folder 122 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Standing Committee Members
Box 7, Folder 123 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Standing Committee Ordinands
Box 7, Folder 124 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Standing Committee Ordinands General Info.
Box 7, Folder 125 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Standing Committee Sale of Baptist Church
Box 7, Folder 126 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Standing Committee Sale of Emmanuel Rectory
Box 7, Folder 127 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Standing Committee St.Albans- St.James Dissolution
Box 7, Folder 128 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Standing Committee Sale of St.Columbia's Rectory
Box 7, Folder 129 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Standing Committee Sale of St.Martin's Property
Box 7, Folder 130 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Standing Committee Sale of St.Mark's Rectory
Box 7, Folder 131 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Standing Committee Sale of St.Matthew's Rectory
Box 7, Folder 132 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Standing Committee Sale of Trinity Church's Property
Box 7, Folder 133 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Stewardship Committee
Box 7, Folder 134 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Theological Commission
Box 7, Folder 135 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Visitation Program
Box 7, Folder 136 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Council Youth Ministry
Box 7, Folder 137 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Finance Reports
Box 7, Folder 138 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Financial Reports
Box 7, Folder 139 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Finance Reports
Box 7, Folder 140 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Investment Trust
Box 7, Folder 141 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Investment Trust
Box 7, Folder 142 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Investment Trust
Box 7, Folder 143 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Investment Trust
Box 8, Folder 144 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Investment Trust
Box 8, Folder 145 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Letters & Newsletters Bishop Hunt
1980-1983, 1988
Box 8, Folder 146 Tildesley, Delbert: Diocesan Letters & Newsletters Bishop Beldin
Box 8, Folder 147 Tildesley, Delbert: Election as Rector
Box 8, Folder 148 Tildesley, Delbert: Episcopal General Convention
Box 8, Folder 149 Tildesley, Delbert: Miscellaneous
Box 8, Folder 150 Tildesley, Delbert: News Clippings
1984, undated
Box 8, Folder 151 Tildesley, Delbert: Newspaper Clippings
Box 8, Folder 152 Tildesley, Delbert: Rectors Annual Reports
Box 8, Folder 153 Tildesley, Delbert: Retirement
Box 8, Folder 154 Tildesley, Delbert: St. Augustine's Correspondence
Box 8, Folder 155 Tildesley, Delbert: Sabbatical Banking
Box 8, Folder 156 Tildesley, Delbert: Sabbatical Letters
Box 8, Folder 157 Tildesley, Delbert: Sabbatical Letters, Drafts
Box 9, Folder 158 Tildesley, Delbert: "A Tribute to the Canon" (see also oversize box 1)
Box 9, Folder 159 Tildesley, Delbert: Veteran Admin. Schooling under G.I. Bill
Box 9, Folder 160 Tildesley, Delbert: Seabury Western Theological Seminary
Box 9, Folder 161 Tildesley, Delbert: Wedding Bulletin
Box 9, Folder 162 Tildesley, Delbert: Academic Papers
Box 9, Folder 163 Tildesley, Delbert: Anniversary of Ordinations of Evans' Family Members
Box 9, Folder 164 Tildesley, Delbert: Churchmen's Club Membership List
Box 9, Folder 165 Tildesley, Delbert: Copyright Forms
Box 9, Folder 166 Tildesley, Delbert: Correspondence
Box 9, Folder 167 Tildesley, Delbert: Correspondence, Thank You Notes
Box 9, Folder 168 Tildesley, Delbert: Correspondence about The Bells of St. Michael's
1981, 1989-1990
Box 9, Folder 169 Tildesley, Delbert: Correspondence, Employment, Call to St. Michael's
Box 9, Folder 170 Tildesley, Delbert: Correspondence, Employment, Calls and Inquiries to Parishes
Box 9, Folder 171 Tildesley, Delbert: Dedication of New Building (see also Subject Files, Series I, folder 91)
Box 9, Folder 172 Tildesley, Delbert: Diploma, Summer School of Alcohol Studies, Yale University
Box 9, Folder 173 Tildesley, Delbert: Festival Carols and Lessons
Box 9, Folder 174 Tildesley, Delbert: Newspaper Clippings
1961, 1981
Box 9, Folder 175 Tildesley, Delbert: Notes on Confirmation
Box 9, Folder 176 Tildesley, Delbert: Notes on the History of Religion
Box 9, Folder 177 Tildesley, Delbert: Pamphlets, Bible Study
Box 10, Folder 178 Tildesley, Delbert: Pamphlets, Holy Communion
1927, 1939, 1944
Box 10, Folder 179 Tildesley, Delbert: Photographs, St. Michael's Bells
Box 10, Folder 180 Tildesley, Delbert: Program, All Saints Exchange Program in Marlow, UK
Box 10, Folder 181 Tildesley, Delbert: Program, Guest Sermon at St. John's
Box 10, Folder 182 Tildesley, Delbert: Program, Joint Service with St. Mary's
Box 10, Folder 182a Tildesley, Delbert: Program, Thanksgiving Liturgy at St. Mary's
Box 10, Folder 183 Tildesley, Delbert: Programs from Ecumenical Services
1976, 1980
Box 10, Folder 184 Tildesley, Delbert: Programs from Services Given in Honor of Tildesley
1971, 1983
Box 10, Folder 185 Tildesley, Delbert: "Reflections on the Holy Land"
Box 10, Folder 186 Tildesley, Delbert: Report Card, The Chaplain School
Box 10, Folder 187 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, Bradford Bibles
1977, 1983
Box 10, Folder 188 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, Bristed, John
Box 10, Folder 189 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, Correspondence about St. Michael's Bells
1846-1879, scattered
Box 10, Folder 190 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, Correspondence with Descendants of George Lyman Locke
Box 10, Folder 191 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, DeWolf, Sylvia Griswold
Box 10, Folder 192 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, Griswold, Alexander V.
Box 10, Folder 193 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, "Historical Discourse of St. Michael's" (copy)
Box 10, Folder 194 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, History of St. Michael's (copy)
Box 10, Folder 195 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, History of Trinity Church (copy)
Box 10, Folder 196 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, Kay Farm (copy)
Box 10, Folder 197 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, Locke, George Lyman
1820-1931, scattered
Box 10, Folder 198 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, Locke, George Lyman, 10th Anniversary Address (copy)
Box 10, Folder 199 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, Locke, George Lyman, 25th Anniversary Address (copy)
Box 10, Folder 200 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, Notes
Box 10, Folder 201 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, Notes and Clippings
1882-1981, scattered
Box 11, Folder 202 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, Notes on St. Michael's Building History
1720-1861, scattered
Box 11, Folder 203 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, Pew Assignments, 4th church (copy)
Box 11, Folder 204 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, Portraits owned by St. Michael's
Box 11, Folder 205 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, Silver owned by St. Michael's
Box 11, Folder 206 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, Society for the Propagation of the Gospel Meeting Minutes
Box 11, Folder 207 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, Stained Glass Windows in St. Michael's
Box 11, Folder 208 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, Trapnell, Joseph, Correspondence (copies)
Box 11, Folder 209 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, Usher, John Sr.
Box 11, Folder 210 Tildesley, Delbert: Research, Wardens, List of
Box 11, Folder 211 Tildesley, Delbert: Resume
Box 11, Folder 212 Tildesley, Delbert: Watson Fellowship at Bexley Hall
Box 11, Folder 213 Trapnell, Reverend Joseph
Box 11, Folder 214 Usher, John: Bible
Box 11, Folder 215 Usher, John: Certificate of Ordination
Box 11, Folder 216 Usher, John: Family Tree
Box 11, Folder 217 Usher, John: Letter about his Ouster

Series 4. Parish Registers, 1721-1986
5 boxes
(2.5 linear feet)

Series IV, Parish Registers, 1721-1986, contains lists of communicants, marriages, baptisms, and burials. Most of the lists are bound in leather-backed volumes, but there are some loose parish lists and letters of transfer as well.

Though the original registers from 1721 to 1804 are intact, this series also includes two transcriptions of them: one made by the Rev. George Lyman Lock in 1908 and one probably made in 1938, at the same time as a chronology of the church was compiled. The original registers from 1819-1825, however, were severely damaged by a fire at the Freeman’s Bank in 1825. Thus the transcription of those registers is all that remains.

Arrangement: The series is arranged alphabetically by church and type of register and chronologically within folders.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 St. Michael's Confirmation List
Box 1, Folder 2 St. Michael's Marriage Register
Box 1, Folder 3 St. Michael's Parish Lists (see also oversize box 14)
1804-1827, undated
Box 1, Folder 4 St. Michael's Parish Lists
Box 1, Folder 5 St. Michael's Parish Lists
Box 1, Folder 6 St. Michael's Parish Lists
Box 1, Folder 7 St. Michael's Parish Lists
Box 1, Folder 8 St. Michael's Parish Membership Cards (see boxes at end of series)
1940s, undated
Box 1, Folder 9 St. Michael's Parish Register
Box 1, Folder 10 St. Michael's Parish Register 1721-1804 transcribed 1908
Box 2, Folder 11 St. Michael's Parish Register 1721-1804 and chronology transcribed 1938? (see oversize box 2)
Box 2, Folder 12 St. Michael's Parish Register
Box 2, Folder 13 St. Michael's Parish Register transcribed
Box 2, Folder 13a St. Michael's Parish Register and Church Services (see oversize box 14)
Box 2, Folder 14 St. Michael's Parish Register: Miscellaneous Inserts
Box 2, Folder 14a St. Michael's Parish Register
Box 2, Folder 14b St. Michael's Services Register
Box 2, Folder 15 St. Michael's Services Register
Box 2, Folder 15a St. Michael's Services Register
Box 2, Folder 16 St. Michael's Services Register
Box 3, Folder 17 St. Michael's Services Register
Box 3, Folder 18 St. Michael's Services Register
Box 3, Folder 19 St. Michael's Services Register
Box 3, Folder 20 St. Michael's Services Register
Box 3, Folder 21 St. Michael's Services Register
Box 4, Folder 22 St. Michael's Services Register
Box 4, Folder 23 St. Michael's Services Register
Box 4, Folder 24 St. Michael's Services Register
Box 4, Folder 25 St. Michael's Services Register
Box 4, Folder 26 St. Michael's Transfers
Box 4, Folder 27 St. Michael's Transfers
Box 4, Folder 28 St. Michael's Transfers
Box 4, Folder 29 St. Michael's Transfers
Box 5, Folder 30 St. Michael's Transfers
Box 5, Folder 31 St. Michael's Transfers
Box 5, Folder 32 St. Michael's Transfers
Box 5, Folder 33 St. Michael's Transfers
Box 5, Folder 34 St. Michael's Transfers
Box 5, Folder 35 St. Michael's Transfers
Box 5, Folder 36 St. Michael's Transfers
Box 5, Folder 37 St. Michael's Transfers
Box 5, Folder 38 St. Michael's Transfers
Box 5, Folder 39 St. Michael's Transfers
Box 5, Folder 40 St. Michael's Transfers
Box 5, Folder 41 St. Michael's Transfers
Box 5, Folder 42 St. Michael's Transfers
Box 6, Folder 43 Trinity Church Parish Register
Box 6, Folder 44 Trinity Church Parish Register
Box 6, Folder 45 Trinity Church Parish Register
Box 6, Folder 46 Trinity Church Parish Register (see oversize box 2)
Box 6, Folder 47 Trinity Church Parish Register
Box 6, Folder 48 Trinity Church Service Register
Box 7, Folder 49 Trinity Church Service Register
Box 7, Folder 50 Trinity Church Service Register
Box 7, Folder 51 Trinity Church Service Register

Series 5. Pews, 1778-1887
2 boxes
(1 linear feet)

Series V, Pews, 1778-1887, contains pew deeds and plans, as well as letters related to assessment collection. There are some very early deeds from the Congregational Church, where the members of St. Michael’s worshiped before they started their own church. However, most of the deeds are for St. Michael’s and most were issued between 1858 and 1861, when the church was being rebuilt after a fire. The church ceased to collect assessments on the pews in 1942.

Arrangement: The series is arranged alphabetically by topic and chronologically within folders.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 Account
Box 1, Folder 2 Assessment Collection
Box 1, Folder 3 Assessment Collection
Box 1, Folder 4 Assessment Collection
Box 1, Folder 5 Assessment Collection
Box 1, Folder 6 Assessment Collection
Box 1, Folder 7 Assessment Collection
Box 1, Folder 8 Assessments
Box 1, Folder 9 Disputes
Box 1, Folder 10 Letters: Misc.
1883, 1894, 1904
Box 1, Folder 11 Petition to State to Tax Pews
Box 1, Folder 12 Pew Assignments
Box 1, Folder 13 Pew Assignments
Box 1, Folder 14 Pew Certificates
Box 1, Folder 15 Pew Certificates
1842, 1849
Box 1, Folder 16 Pew Certificates
Box 1, Folder 17 Pew Certificates -- No. 1-50
Box 1, Folder 18 Pew Certificates -- No. 51-100
Box 1, Folder 19 Pew Certificates Fragments
Box 1, Folder 20 Pew Committee Report
Box 2, Folder 21 Pew Deeds
Box 2, Folder 22 Pew List
Box 2, Folder 23 Pew Lists
Box 2, Folder 24 Pew Lists
1972, undated
Box 2, Folder 25 Pew Plans (also see oversize box 5 and map drawer 9)
1778, 1857, 1861
Box 2, Folder 26 Pew Transfer -- Congregational Church
1820, 1828
Box 2, Folder 27 Pew Transfer -- Stone Chapel
Box 2, Folder 28 Pew Transfers -- Methodist Church
Box 2, Folder 29 Pew Transfers -- St. Michael's
1808, 1824, 1836, 1850, 1853, 1861, 1873, 1879, 1883, 1887
Box 2, Folder 30 Receipts
1842, 1857, 1859, 1874
Box 2, Folder 31 Record of Deeds for Pews (see oversize box 2)
Box 2, Folder 32 Report of the Committee Appointed to Appraise Pews

Series 5. Photos and Multimedia, 1911-1993
2.5 boxes
(5 linear feet)

Series VI, Photos and Multmedia, 1911-1993, contains images of the interior and exterior of the church, portraits of past rectors, and photos that were sent to service people during World War Two. It also contains miscellaneous photos of church members and church buildings, and a few slides, negatives, halftones, and VHS and cassette tapes.

Arrangement: The series is arranged alphabetically by topic and chronologically within folders.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 Altar Guild
1950s, undated
Box 1, Folder 2 ARC Agreement
Box 1, Folder 3 Biblical Illustrations
Box 1, Folder 4 Boys of St. Michael's
Box 1, Folder 5 Breaking Ground
Box 1, Folder 6 Bristed, John
Box 1, Folder 7 Brooks, Phillips
Box 1, Folder 8 Calendar
Box 1, Folder 9 Calendar Photo
Box 1, Folder 10 Candelabra Sketches
Box 1, Folder 11 Candlesticks
Box 1, Folder 12 Cassette Tapes: History of St. Mike's for Seeing Impaired
Box 1, Folder 13 Choir
1940s, undated
Box 1, Folder 14 Church History Scrapbook (see oversize box 5)
Box 1, Folder 15 Church Interior (also see oversize box 5)
Box 1, Folder 16 Church Interior negatives
Box 1, Folder 17 Church Exterior
1936, undated
Box 1, Folder 18 Church Postcards
1911, 1975
Box 1, Folder 19 Church School Children (see also oversize box 5)
Box 1, Folder 20 Church School Scrapbook
Box 2, Folder 21 Church Street
Box 2, Folder 22 Church Street Rectory
Box 2, Folder 23 Diocesan-Wide Mission- closing service (see oversize box 5)
1936 Feb 16
Box 2, Folder 24 Fourth of July Parade (also see oversize box 5)
Box 2, Folder 25 Gardner, Jack
Box 2, Folder 26 Glass Photo from "Photo of Ministers…"
Box 2, Folder 27 Glass Plate: Church Exterior
Box 2, Folder 28 Griswold, Alexander
Box 2, Folder 29 Halftones: Church History (see oversize box 3)
Box 2, Folder 30 Halftones: World War II (see oversize box 4)
Box 2, Folder 31 Historic Boston Churches
Box 2, Folder 32 Howard, Anson B.
Box 2, Folder 33 Howe, Wallis E.
Box 2, Folder 34 Hymn: Ride on in Majesty
Box 2, Folder 35 Ivy Guild 50th Anniversary
Box 2, Folder 36 Master: Ordination of Thomas Thompson
Box 3, Folder 37 Master: Ordination of Thomas Thompson Part II
Box 3, Folder 38 Organ
Box 3, Folder 39 Pardee Family Donations
1950s, undated
Box 3, Folder 40 Parshley, Anthony
Box 3, Folder 41 Patriotic Service
Box 3, Folder 42 Rectors and prominent members of the church (also see oversize box 5)
Box 3, Folder 43 "St. Michael Terrassant Le Dragon" by Raphael (copy)
Box 3, Folder 44 St. Michael's - Bristol, UK Scrapbook (see oversize box 5)
Box 3, Folder 45 Servicemen's Altar
Box 3, Folder 46 Slides
1968, 1996
Box 3, Folder 47 SPG Plaque
Box 4, Folder 48 St. Andrews Club Scrapbook
1934, 1936
Box 4, Folder 49 St. Andrews Club Scrapbook
1937, 1938
Box 4, Folder 50 St. Andrews Club Scrapbook
Box 5, Folder 51 Standing Committee Photos: St. Columba's Rectory
Box 5, Folder 52 Tildesley, Delbert
Box 5, Folder 53 Town Crier
Box 5, Folder 54 Unidentified Photos (also see oversize box 5)
Box 5, Folder 55 Vestry
Box 5, Folder 56 VHS: 275th Anniversary
Box 5, Folder 57 VHS: Fourth Vingette: 30
Box 5, Folder 58 VHS: Thanksgiving Eve Service

Series 7. Financial Documents, 1800-1993
31 boxes
(15.5 linear feet)

Series VII, Financial Documents, 1800-1993, contains cash books, treasurer’s books, and other church ledgers. Some of the church’s financial documents, such as the budgets and finance committee reports, are actually found in the vestry chronological files, and the annual financial reports are part of the parish meeting reports in the Subject Series. Also, documents from the building fund are in the Vestry and Committees Series. However, this series does contain monthly financial reports, insurance information, and various receipts, as well as audits and endowment account information from 1968. (Before that, the endowment was called the “Pooled Funds;” it was managed by the vestry, and statements were kept in the vestry chronological files.)

Arrangement: The series is arranged alphabetically by topic and chronologically within folders. Legal-sized documents are found at the end of the series in boxes 31a-d.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 Advocate Development Corporation
Box 1, Folder 2 Annual Treasurer's Report
Box 1, Folder 3 Annual Treasurer's Report (also see box 31a)
Box 1, Folder 4 Apportionment
1905-1918, 1983-1993
Box 1, Folder 5 Appraisal
Box 1, Folder 6 Audit: Fine
1988, 1990
Box 1, Folder 6a Audit: Instructions
1987, 1990, 1991, undated
Box 1, Folder 7 Audit Reports
Box 1, Folder 8 Audit Reports (also see box 31a)
Box 1, Folder 9 Audit Reports
1957, 1962, 1964, 1966, 1968-1969
Box 2, Folder 10 Audit Reports
1971-1972, 1975-1978, 1981
Box 2, Folder 10a Bank Statements - Misc.
Box 2, Folder 11 Bills - Misc. Records
1966, 1980s, undated
Box 2, Folder 12 Budget (scattered dates)
Box 2, Folder 13 Budget Variance Analysis
Box 2, Folder 14 Building Committee Financial Reports
Box 2, Folder 15 Car Lease
Box 2, Folder 16a-d Cash books
Box 2, Folder 16g-h Cash books
Box 2, Folder 16i-j Cash books
Box 2, Folder 17a-b Cash Disbursements (see oversize box 7)
1955, 1956
Box 2, Folder 18 Cash Receipts
Box 2, Folder 19a-b Cash Receipts and Disbursements (see oversize box 8)
Box 2, Folder 20 Cash Receipts and Disbursements
Box 2, Folder 21 Cash Receipts and Disbursements
Box 2, Folder 22 Cash Receipts and Disbursements
Box 3, Folder 23 Cash Receipts and Disbursements
Box 3, Folder 24 Cash Receipts and Disbursements
Box 3, Folder 25 Cash Receipts and Disbursements
Box 3, Folder 26 Cash Receipts and Disbursements
Box 3, Folder 27 Cash Receipts and Disbursements
Box 3, Folder 28 Cash Receipts and Expenditures
Box 3, Folder 29 Checking Account Book
Box 3, Folder 30 Choir Trip Budget
Box 4, Folder 31 Church Pension Fund
1988, undated
Box 4, Folder 32 Church School Account
Box 4, Folder 33 Church School Christmas Festival
1859, 1865
Box 4, Folder 34 Clergy Compensation
1984, 1987-1989
Box 4, Folder 35 Comparative Income and Disbursements Statement
Box 4, Folder 36 Creative Stewardship Applicants
Box 4, Folder 37 Creative Stewardship Grants
Box 4, Folder 38 Diocese Financial Workshop for Parish Officers
Box 4, Folder 39 Diocesan Investment Trust General Info.
Box 4, Folder 40 Diocesan Investment Trust Annual Report
Box 4, Folder 41 Discretionary Fund
1971-1972, 1976-1985
Box 4, Folder 42 Employee Income Tax
Box 4, Folder 43 Employee Income Tax
Box 4, Folder 44 Employee Income Tax
Box 4, Folder 45 Employee Income Tax
Box 4, Folder 46 Employee Income Tax And Payroll
Box 4, Folder 47 Employee Income Tax And Payroll
Box 4, Folder 48 Employee Income Tax And Payroll
Box 4, Folder 49 Employee Income Tax And Payroll
Box 4, Folder 50 Employee Income Tax And Payroll
Box 4, Folder 51 Employee Income Tax And Payroll
Box 4, Folder 52 Employee Income Tax And Payroll
Box 5, Folder 53 Employee Income Tax And Payroll
Box 5, Folder 54 Employee Income Tax And Payroll
Box 5, Folder 55 Employee Income Tax And Payroll
Box 5, Folder 56 Employee Income Tax And Payroll
Box 5, Folder 57 Endowment Account "Agreed Upon Procedures" Report
Box 5, Folder 58 Endowment Account Correspondence
Box 5, Folder 59 Endowment Account Correspondence
Box 5, Folder 60 Endowment Account Correspondence
Box 5, Folder 61 Endowment Account Correspondence
Box 6, Folder 62 Endowment Account Correspondence
Box 6, Folder 63 Endowment Account Correspondence
Box 6, Folder 64 Endowment Account Correspondence
Box 6, Folder 65 Endowment Account Correspondence
Box 6, Folder 66 Endowment Account Correspondence
Box 6, Folder 67 Endowment Account Correspondence
Box 6, Folder 68 Endowment Account Correspondence
Box 6, Folder 69 Endowment Account Correspondence
Box 6, Folder 70 Endowment Account Correspondence
Box 6, Folder 71 Endowment Account First and Final Accounts from RI hospital Trust
Box 6, Folder 72 Endowment Account History
Box 6, Folder 73 Endowment Account: Investors Bank and Trust Co. General
Box 7, Folder 74 Endowment Account: Performance Index Reports
Box 7, Folder 75 Endowment Account Statements
Box 7, Folder 76 Endowment Account Statements
Box 7, Folder 77 Endowment Account Statements
Box 7, Folder 78 Endowment Account Statements
Box 7, Folder 79 Endowment Account Statements
Box 7, Folder 80 Endowment Account Statements
Box 7, Folder 81 Endowment Account Statements
Box 7, Folder 82 Endowment Account Statements
Box 7, Folder 83 Endowment Account Statements
Box 7, Folder 83A Endowment Account Statements
Box 7, Folder 84 Endowment Account Statements
Box 8, Folder 85 Endowment Account Statements
Box 8, Folder 86 Endowment Account Statements
1986 Jan-1986 Jun
Box 8, Folder 87 Endowment Account Statements
1986 Jul-1986 Dec
Box 8, Folder 88 Endowment Account Statements
Box 9, Folder 89 Endowment Account Statements
Box 9, Folder 90 Endowment Account Statements
Box 9, Folder 91 Endowment Account Statements
Box 10, Folder 92 Endowment Account Statements
Box 10, Folder 93 Endowment Account Statements
Box 10, Folder 94 Endowment Account Statements and Stocks
Box 10, Folder 95 Endowment Account Statements and Stocks
Box 11, Folder 96 Endowment Account Statements
Box 11, Folder 97 Finance Committee
1954-1990, scattered
Box 11, Folder 98 Finance Committee Chair Papers: DeWolfe, John W.
Box 11, Folder 99 Finance Committee Chair Papers: Greene, William F.
Box 11, Folder 100 Finance Committee Chair Papers: Hoover, Gilbert C.
Box 11, Folder 101 Finance Committee Chair Papers: Wardell, Carol
Box 11, Folder 102 Finance Committee Chair Papers: Wardell, Carol
Box 11, Folder 103 Finance Committee Chair Papers: Wood, Henry
Box 12, Folder 104 "Flower Pot" Account
Box 12, Folder 105 Holmes House Account
1938, 1939
Box 12, Folder 106 Income Stabilization Fund
Box 12, Folder 107 Income Tax Withholding Exemption Certificates (blank)
Box 12, Folder 108 Income Tax Handbooks
1987, 1991
Box 12, Folder 109 Insurance
Box 12, Folder 110 Insurance
Box 12, Folder 111 Insurance Misc.
Box 12, Folder 112 Insurance Payroll Report
1955, 1956
Box 12, Folder 113 Investment Analysis by Standish, Ayer and Wood
Box 12, Folder 114 Investment Analysis by Standish, Ayer and Wood
Box 13, Folder 115 Investment Analysis
Box 13, Folder 116 Investment Analysis
Box 13, Folder 117 Investment Analysis
Box 13, Folder 118 Investment Analysis
Box 13, Folder 119 Investment Analysis
1990 Jan-1990 May
Box 14, Folder 120 Investment Analysis
1990 Jun
Box 14, Folder 121 Investment Analysis
1990 Jul-1990 Dec 1990
Box 14, Folder 122 Investment Analysis
Box 14, Folder 123 Investment Analysis
Box 15, Folder 124 Investment Analysis
Box 15, Folder 125 Investment Analysis
Box 15, Folder 126 Investment Analysis
Box 15, Folder 127 Investment Fund Book (see oversize box 7)
Box 15, Folder 128 Lay Eucharistic Ministry Report
Box 15, Folder 129 Long Range Plan
Box 15, Folder 130 Memo of Money Accounted for by Rector
1877-1882, 1888-1889
Box 15, Folder 131 Money Market Account
1987 Nov-1991 Dec, 1993
Box 16, Folder 132 Monthly Financial Statement Templates
Box 16, Folder 133 Monthly Financial Statements (see oversize box 10)
Box 16, Folder 134 Monthly Financial Statements
1952 Oct-1953 Nov, 1954 Feb, 1954 Nov, 1954 Jul, 1954 Aug, 1955 May-1955 Nov
Box 16, Folder 135 Monthly Financial Statements
Box 16, Folder 136 Monthly Financial Statements
Box 16, Folder 137 Monthly Financial Statements
Box 16, Folder 138 Monthly Financial Statements
Box 16, Folder 139 Monthly Financial Statements
Box 16, Folder 140 Monthly Financial Statements
Box 16, Folder 141 Monthly Financial Statements
Box 17, Folder 142 Monthly Financial Statements
Box 17, Folder 143 Monthly Financial Statements
Box 17, Folder 144 Monthly Financial Statements
Box 17, Folder 145 Monthly Financial Statements
Box 17, Folder 146 Monthly Financial Statements
Box 17, Folder 147 Monthly Financial Statements
Box 17, Folder 148 Monthly Financial Statements
Box 18, Folder 149 Monthly Financial Statements
Box 18, Folder 150 Monthly Financial Statements/Treasurer's Report
Box 18, Folder 151 Monthly Treasurer's Report
Box 18, Folder 152 Monthly Treasurer's Report
Box 18, Folder 153 Monthly Treasurer's Report
Box 18, Folder 154 Monthly Treasurer's Report
Box 18, Folder 155 Monthly Treasurer's Report
Box 19, Folder 156 Offering
1858-1865, 1913-1914
Box 19, Folder 157a-f Offering (see oversize box 9)
Box 19, Folder 157g Offering (see oversize box 6)
Box 19, Folder 158 Offering
Box 19, Folder 159 Orientation Handbook
Box 19, Folder 160 Outreach Committee
Box 19, Folder 161a-e Parish Account Books (see box 31b)
Box 19, Folder 162a-d Parish Account Books (see box 31c)
1963, 1966-1968
Box 19, Folder 163 Parochial Financial Statement
Box 19, Folder 163a Pledge Cards (see check box)
1983-1991, scattered dates
Box 19, Folder 164 Pledge List
Box 19, Folder 165 Pledge Receipts
Box 19, Folder 166 Pledge Receipts
Box 19, Folder 167 Pledge Receipts
Box 20, Folder 168 Pledge Receipts
Box 20, Folder 169 Pledge Receipts
Box 20, Folder 170 Pledge Receipts
Box 21, Folder 171 Pledge Receipts
Box 21, Folder 172 Pledge Receipts
Box 21, Folder 173 Pledge Receipts
Box 21, Folder 174 Pledge Receipts
Box 22, Folder 175 Pledge Receipts Weekly
Box 22, Folder 176 Pledge Receipts Quarterly
Box 22, Folder 177 Pledge Receipts Advance
Box 22, Folder 178 Pledge Receipts Quarterly
Box 22, Folder 179 Pledge Receipts Weekly No. 1-100
Box 23, Folder 180 Pledge Receipts Weekly No. 101-200
Box 23, Folder 181 Pledge Receipts Advance
Box 23, Folder 182 Pledge Receipts Quarterly
Box 23, Folder 183 Pledge Receipts Weekly No. 1-100
Box 23, Folder 184 Pledge Receipts Weekly No. 101-200
Box 24, Folder 185 Pledge Receipts Advance
Box 24, Folder 186 Pledge Receipts Quarterly
Box 24, Folder 187 Pledge Receipts Weekly No. 1-100
Box 24, Folder 188 Pledge Receipts Weekly No. 101-200
Box 24, Folder 189 Pledge Receipts Advance
Box 24, Folder 190 Pledge Receipts Quarterly
Box 24, Folder 191 Pledge Receipts Weekly No. 1-100
Box 25, Folder 192 Pledge Receipts Weekly No. 101-200
Box 25, Folder 193 Pledge Reports
1937, 1943, 1956, 1958, 1960-1982, 1990
Box 25, Folder 194 Pledged Fund Account for Current Expenses
Box 25, Folder 195 Pledges (see oversize box 8)
Box 25, Folder 196 Pledges: Advance
1970- 1976, 1981, 1983, 1991
Box 25, Folder 197 Pledges: Every Member Canvass
Box 25, Folder 198 Portfolio Summary
Box 25, Folder 199 Quotas and Assessments
1939, 1953-1954, 1956-1958, 1962, 1965- 1966, 1986-1974, 1977, 1979
Box 25, Folder 200 Receipts
Box 25, Folder 201 Receipts
Box 26, Folder 202 Receipts
Box 26, Folder 203 Receipts
Box 26, Folder 204 Receipts
Box 26, Folder 205 Receipts
Box 26, Folder 206 Receipts
Box 26, Folder 207 Receipts
Box 26, Folder 208 Receipts
Box 26, Folder 209 Receipts
Box 27, Folder 210 Receipts
Box 27, Folder 211 Receipts
Box 27, Folder 212 Receipts
Box 27, Folder 213 Receipts
1988 Jan-1988 Jul
Box 27, Folder 214 Receipts
Box 27, Folder 215 Receipts
Box 28, Folder 216 Receipts
Box 28, Folder 217 Receipts
Box 28, Folder 218 Receipts
Box 28, Folder 219 Receipts and Disbursements: Four Year Comparative Statement
Box 28, Folder 220 RWC Receipts
1973, 1974
Box 28, Folder 221 Savings Account Bankbooks
Box 28, Folder 222 Savings Account Bankbooks
Box 28, Folder 223 Savings Account Alice Retirement Fund
Box 28, Folder 224 Savings Account Discretionary Fund
1982, 1983
Box 28, Folder 225 Savings Accounts - Misc.
Box 28, Folder 226 Savings Accounts Parish Fellowship Account
1974-1985, 1988
Box 28, Folder 227 Savings Account Special Projects
1973- 1979
Box 28, Folder 228 Savings Account Tildsley's 25th Anniversary Fund
Box 28, Folder 229 Savings Account Youth Fellowship
1982, 2985
Box 28, Folder 230 Saving Account Funds
Box 28, Folder 231 Savings Bond: PSNH
Box 28, Folder 232 Scholarship Ad for Marcia Sessions
Box 28, Folder 233 Sinage Bid
Box 28, Folder 234 Southern California Edison Company Information
Box 28, Folder 235 Social Security Payroll Tax Procedures for Churches
Box 28, Folder 236 Special Funds
Box 28, Folder 237 Stained Glass Windows
Box 29, Folder 238 Standish, Ayer, and Wood Fixed Income Fund Report
Box 29, Folder 239 Standish, Ayer, and Wood Company Information
Box 29, Folder 240 Stewardship Statistics
Box 29, Folder 241 Stocks: Donaldson, Luflan, and Jenrette
1988 Aug-1991 Dec
Box 29, Folder 242 Stocks: Ernst and Company
1990 Aug-1991 Aug
Box 29, Folder 243 Stocks: Salomon Bros.
1990 Aug-1991 Dec
Box 29, Folder 244 Stocks: Salomon Bros.
1992 Jun-1993 Apr
Box 29, Folder 245 Sunday School Account
Box 29, Folder 246 Sunday School Account
Box 29, Folder 247 Sunday School Account
Box 29, Folder 248 Tildesley, Delbert Cashbook and Check Stubs
Box 30, Folder 249 Tildesley, Delbert Income Tax
1940, 1942-1953
Box 30, Folder 250 Tildesley, Delbert Income Tax
Box 30, Folder 251 Tildesley, Delbert Income Tax
Box 30, Folder 252 Tildesley, Delbert Income Tax
Box 30, Folder 253 Tildesley, Delbert Income Tax
Box 30, Folder 254 Tildesley, Delbert Income Tax
Box 30, Folder 255 Tildesley, Delbert Income Tax
Box 30, Folder 256 Tildesley, Delbert Income Tax
Box 31, Folder 257 Tildesley, Delbert Income Tax
Box 31, Folder 258 Tildesley, Delbert Income Tax
Box 31, Folder 259 Tildesley, Delbert Income Tax
Box 31, Folder 260 Tildesley, Delbert Income Tax
Box 31, Folder 261 Tildesley, Delbert Income Tax
Box 31, Folder 262 Tildesley, Delbert Income Tax
Box 31, Folder 263 Treasurer's Book (see box 31d)
1803-1867, 1892-1907
Box 31, Folder 264 Vitek
Box 31, Folder 265 Will- Howe, Anne (see box 31d)
Box 31, Folder 266 Work Orders

Series 8. Church Publications, 1916-2001
15 boxes
(7.5 linear feet)

Series VIII, Church Publications, 1916-2001, contains service bulletins from 1947 to 1999 and monthly church newsletters from 1916 to 1932. Some of the bulletins also contain church announcements, and there are special bulletins for holidays, dedications, anniversaries, and ordinations. Forms, drafts, and working copies of the bulletins are included at the end of the series. The church newsletter, the Parish Monthly, was brought back briefly in 1968 for the 275th anniversary of the parish, but was not published regularly after 1932.

Arrangement: The series is arranged alphabetically by title and chronologically within each folder.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 Diocesan Record and Rhode Island Churchman (see oversize box 11)
1936 Apr-1937 Sep, 1937 Nov-1938 Jun
Box 1, Folder 2 Parish Monthly
1916-1918, missing Feb & Sep 1917
Box 1, Folder 3 Parish Monthly
Box 1, Folder 4 Parish Monthly
Box 1, Folder 5 Parish Monthly
Box 1, Folder 6 Parish Monthly
Box 1, Folder 7 Parish Monthly
1927 Jan -1928 Mar, missing May 1927
Box 2, Folder 8 Parish Monthly
1929 Jul, 1929 Dec, 1930, missing Oct 1930
Box 2, Folder 9 Parish Monthly
1931, missing Oct
Box 2, Folder 10 Parish Monthly
1932, missing Sept
Box 2, Folder 11 Parish Monthly (see oversize box 11)
1933-1934, missing Apr 1933
Box 2, Folder 12 Parish Monthly (see oversize box 11)
1935-1936, missing Nov 1936
Box 2, Folder 13 Parish Monthly
Box 2, Folder 14 Newsletter
Box 2, Folder 15 Service Bulletins
Box 2, Folder 16 Service Bulletins
Box 2, Folder 17 Service Bulletins
Box 2, Folder 18 Service Bulletins
Box 2, Folder 19 Service Bulletins
Box 3, Folder 20 Service Bulletins
Box 3, Folder 21 Service Bulletins
Box 3, Folder 22 Service Bulletins
Box 3, Folder 23 Service Bulletins
Box 3, Folder 24 Service Bulletins
Box 3, Folder 25 Service Bulletins
Box 3, Folder 26 Service Bulletins
Box 3, Folder 27 Service Bulletins
Box 3, Folder 28 Service Bulletins
Box 4, Folder 29 Service Bulletins
Box 4, Folder 30 Service Bulletins
Box 4, Folder 31 Service Bulletins
Box 4, Folder 32 Service Bulletins
Box 4, Folder 33 Service Bulletins
Box 4, Folder 34 Service Bulletins
Box 5, Folder 35 Service Bulletins
Box 5, Folder 36 Service Bulletins
Box 5, Folder 37 Service Bulletins
Box 5, Folder 38 Service Bulletins
Box 5, Folder 39 Service Bulletins
Box 6, Folder 40 Service Bulletins
Box 6, Folder 41 Service Bulletins
Box 6, Folder 42 Service Bulletins
Box 6, Folder 43 Service Bulletins
Box 6, Folder 44 Service Bulletins
Box 7, Folder 45 Service Bulletins
Box 7, Folder 46 Service Bulletins
Box 7, Folder 47 Service Bulletins
Box 7, Folder 48 Service Bulletins
Box 8, Folder 49 Service Bulletins
Box 8, Folder 50 Service Bulletins
Box 8, Folder 51 Service Bulletins
Box 9, Folder 52 Service Bulletins
Box 9, Folder 53 Service Bulletins
Box 9, Folder 54 Service Bulletins
Box 10, Folder 55 Service Bulletins
Box 10, Folder 56 Service Bulletins
Box 10, Folder 57 Service Bulletins
Box 11, Folder 58 Service Bulletins
Box 11, Folder 59 Service Bulletins
Box 11, Folder 60 Service Bulletins
Box 12, Folder 61 Service Bulletins
Box 12, Folder 62 Service Bulletins
Box 12, Folder 63 Service Bulletins
Box 13, Folder 64 Service Bulletins
Box 13, Folder 65 Service Bulletins
Box 13, Folder 66 Service Bulletins
Box 14, Folder 67 Service Bulletins
Box 14, Folder 68 Service Bulletins
Box 14, Folder 69 Service Bulletins: Anniversaries
1917, 1918, 1949, 1971
Box 14, Folder 70 Service Bulletins: Children's Holiday
1869-1980, scattered dates
Box 14, Folder 71 Service Bulletins: Dedications
1876, 1921, 1932, 1933, 1944
Box 14, Folder 72 Service Bulletins: Diocesan and Ecumenical Services
1980, 1985, 1990
Box 14, Folder 73 Service Bulletins: Early Bulletins
1889, undated
Box 14, Folder 74 Service Bulletins: Institutions
Box 14, Folder 75 Service Bulletins: Memorial Services
1917, 1977, 1983, 1997
Box 14, Folder 76 Service Bulletins: Ordinations
Box 15, Folder 77 Service Bulletins: Service Announcements
1944, scattered dates
Box 15, Folder 78 Service Bulletins: Thanksgiving/Other
1943, 1951, 1968, 1983
Box 15, Folder 79 Service Scrapbooks (see oversize box 11)
Box 15, Folder 80 Service Scrapbooks (see oversize box 11)
Box 15, Folder 81 Service Scrapbooks: Lent (see oversize box 11)
Box 15, Folder 82 Working Copies: Burial Services
1949, 1968
Box 15, Folder 83 Working Copies: Christmas Services
1949, 1954, undated
Box 15, Folder 84 Working Copies: Easter and Lenten Bulletins
Box 15, Folder 85 Working Copies: Regular Services

Series 9. World War II Papers, 1941-1945
3 boxes
(1.5 linear feet)

Series IX, World War Two Papers, 1941-1945, contains the letters and photos that Canon Arthur Parshley sent to servicemen and women during the war, as well as the letters they wrote back. In cases where soldiers were killed or missing in action, there are newspaper clippings and letters from family members and military personnel. The series also contains a few documents related to the Relief Committee, which sent support to St. Michael’s Church in
Bristol, U.K., one of many churches damaged by the German air raids.

Arrangement: The series is arranged alphabetically by topic and chronologically within each folder.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 Addresses of Service-people
Box 1, Folder 2 Announcements
Box 1, Folder 3 Battle Map Used by Harold Joseph
Box 1, Folder 4 Change of Address Cards
Box 1, Folder 5 Christmas Cards
Box 1, Folder 6 Church Announcements
Box 1, Folder 7 Church Bulletins
Box 1, Folder 8 Church Newsletters
Box 1, Folder 9 Church Newsletters
Box 1, Folder 10 Church Newsletters
Box 1, Folder 11 Church Newsletters
Box 1, Folder 12 Church Newsletters from other churches
Box 1, Folder 13 Church Newsletters-Inserts
Box 1, Folder 14 Church Newsletters to Hoover, Gilbert
Box 2, Folder 15 Church of the Holy Nativity Bristol, U.K.
Box 2, Folder 16 Easter Communion Cards
Box 2, Folder 17 Letters from the Army and Navy Commission of the Episcopal Church
Box 2, Folder 18 Letters to Parshley-A
Box 2, Folder 19 Letters to Parshley-B
Box 2, Folder 20 Letters to Parshley-C
Box 2, Folder 21 Letters to Parshley-D
Box 2, Folder 22 Letters to Parshley-F
Box 2, Folder 23 Letters to Parshley-G
Box 2, Folder 24 Letters to Parshley-H
Box 2, Folder 25 Letters to Parshley-J
Box 2, Folder 26 Letters to Parshley-K
Box 2, Folder 27 Letters to Parshley-L
Box 2, Folder 28 Letters to Parshley-M
Box 2, Folder 29 Letters to Parshley-N
Box 2, Folder 30 Letters to Parshley-P
Box 2, Folder 31 Letters to Parshley-R
Box 3, Folder 32 Letters to Parshley-S
Box 3, Folder 33 Letters to Parshley-T
Box 3, Folder 34 Letters to Parshley-Unidentified
Box 3, Folder 35 Letters to Parshley-W-Williams, Arthur
Box 3, Folder 36 Letters to Parshley-Williams, John-Williams, Robert
Box 3, Folder 37 Letters to Parshley-Z
Box 3, Folder 38 Memorabilia
1944,1945, undated
Box 3, Folder 39 Military Newsletters
Box 3, Folder 40 Newspaper Clippings
1943-1945, undated
Box 3, Folder 41 Photos (also see oversize)
Box 3, Folder 42 Photos- letters soliciting
Box 3, Folder 43 Relief Committee- Correspondence
Box 3, Folder 44 Relief Committee- Newspaper Clippings
Box 3, Folder 45 Relief Committee- Patriotic Service
Box 3, Folder 46 Relief Committee- Rebuilding St. Michael's in England
Box 3, Folder 47 Returned Mail
Box 3, Folder 48 Wartime Prayer

Series 10. Family Papers, 1800-1935
3 boxes
(1.5 linear feet)

Series X, Family Papers, 1800-1935, contains the letters and papers of high-profile
Bristol families with connections to St. Michael’s Church: the DeWolfs, the Fales, the Griswolds, the Norrises, the Pecks, and the Sayers. The DeWolf brothers, sons of Captain Marc Anthony DeWolf, were wealthy slave traders in early 19th century Bristol as well as prominent members of St. Michael’s church. The marriage of John DeWolf and Sylvia Griswold united two important families, as Sylvia was the daughter of Bishop Alexander Viets Griswold.

The Fales were steady supporters of the church in 1850s. In fact, Lydia Fales French donated her home to the church in 1858, and it has been used as the rectory ever since. Samuel Norris was a representative of\ Remington Fire Arms who secured a number of important European contracts, and his wife, Isabella Dimand, was a great-great-granddaughter of Marc Anthony DeWolf.

The other families included in the collection were members of the St. Michael’s congregation, and sometimes even ministers. The Rev. Francis Peck, whose letters are included along with those of his siblings, served as assistant to the Rev. Bristed for some months in 1837. See the Subject Series for biographical information about some of these individuals.

Arrangement: The series is arranged alphabetically by name and topic, and chronologically within folders.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 DeWolf Family: Bishop James DeWolf Perry -- Letter from William Stowe
Box 1, Folder 2 DeWolf Family: Genealogy
Box 1, Folder 3 DeWolf Family: John and Susan Reynolds DeWolf -- Correspondence
Box 1, Folder 4 DeWolf Family: Marc Anthony DeWolf Howe -- Certificate of Ordination
1833 Mar 7
Box 1, Folder 5 DeWolf Family: Marc Anthony DeWolf Howe -- Correspondence
1830, 1832, 1867
Box 1, Folder 6 DeWolf Family: Sylvia Griswold DeWolf -- Letter from H. Reynolds
Box 1, Folder 7 DeWolf Family: Sylvia Griswold DeWolf -- Letter from Aimee Tynge
Box 1, Folder 8 Fales Family Letters (also see Subject Series, Rev. Thomas Fales)
Box 1, Folder 9 Griswold Family: Correspondence
Box 1, Folder 10 Griswold Family: Genealogy
Box 1, Folder 11 Griswold Family: "Sylvia Griswold and the Bristol of her Times"
Box 1, Folder 12 Norris Family: Benjamin and Maria Parker -- Correspondence
Box 1, Folder 13 Norris Family: Corner Stone Box
Box 1, Folder 14 Norris Family: Correspondence
Box 1, Folder 15 Norris Family: Correspondence
Box 1, Folder 16 Norris Family: Inventory
1930, undated
Box 1, Folder 17 Norris Family: Obituaries
Box 1, Folder 18 Norris Family: Wirt -- Letters to "Kittie"
Box 1, Folder 19 Norris, Maria: Bristol Female Charitable Society
Box 1, Folder 20 Norris, Maria: Correspondence and Fragments
Box 1, Folder 21 Norris, Maria: Correspondence with C.M. Eustice
1870 Jul-1870 Nov
Box 1, Folder 22 Norris, Maria: Diary -- Visit to England
Box 1, Folder 23 Norris, Maria: "First Day of the Armistice 1871"
Box 2, Folder 24 Norris, Maria: French Correspondence
Box 2, Folder 25 Norris, Maria: "Glances at the Making of History"
Box 2, Folder 26 Norris, Maria: "Louise the German Hearted"
Box 2, Folder 27 Norris, Maria: Misc. Writings in Europe
Box 2, Folder 28 Norris, Maria: "Mrs. Delaney"
Box 2, Folder 29 Norris, Maria: "My Memories of Civil War Days"
Box 2, Folder 30 Norris, Maria: Photos
1866, 1870, undated
Box 2, Folder 31 Norris, Maria: "Social London in the 18th Century"
Box 2, Folder 32 Norris, Maria: "The Blues: Fanny Burney and Court Life"
Box 2, Folder 33 Norris, Maria: "The Times of the Marlboros"
Box 2, Folder 34 Norris, Maria: "Versailles as I Saw it Alone"
Box 2, Folder 35 Norris, Samuel: Account of Gov. Francis Dimand in Vera Cruz
Box 2, Folder 36 Norris, Samuel: Account of the Franco-Prussian War
Box 2, Folder 37 Norris, Samuel: Letters to Heads of State
1866, 1870
Box 2, Folder 38 Norris, Samuel: Letters to His Wife and Children -- incomplete
Box 2, Folder 39 Norris, Samuel: Mauser Rifle
Box 2, Folder 40 Norris, Samuel: Obituaries
Box 2, Folder 41 Norris, Samuel: Passport
Box 2, Folder 42 Norris, Samuel: "The Business Depression in the U.S."
Box 3, Folder 43 Peck Family: Correspondence Between Nicholas, Isaac, John, and Francis Peck
Box 3, Folder 44 Peck Family: Elizabeth (Peck) Moule -- Letters from Sarah, Nicholas, and John Peck
Box 3, Folder 45 Peck Family: Isaac Peck -- letter from George Cox
Box 3, Folder 46 Peck Family: Isaac Peck -- letters from John A. Crossman
Box 3, Folder 47 Peck Family: John Peck -- letter from Edward Spaulding
Box 3, Folder 48 Peck Family: Nicholas Peck -- Letter from Randall H. Moule
Box 3, Folder 49 Peck Family: Poems
Box 3, Folder 50 Peck Family: Randall H. Moule -- Letters
1822, 1826, 1828
Box 3, Folder 51 Peck Family: Rev. Francis Peck -- Letter from A Henshaw
Box 3, Folder 52 Peck Family: Rev. Francis Peck -- Letter from Silas Holmes
Box 3, Folder 53 Peck Family: Viets Griswold Peck -- Letter from John W. Andrews
Box 3, Folder 54 Sayers Family: Letters from Joseph Rogers to His Brother
Box 3, Folder 55 Sayers Family: Letters from Lewis to Ronse Sayers

Series 11. Early Records, 1724-1963
4 boxes
(3.5 linear feet)

Series XI, Early Records, 1724-1963, contains four bound volumes of vestry and parish meeting minutes, one bound copy of selected minutes made in 1858, and one photocopy of the 1858 copy. These volumes also include audits and transcribed letters, memorials, and bequests. They provide the most comprehensive history of the early days of the church, and, because they include letters of condolence, congratulation, thanks, and complaint, they also provide glimpses into the lives of the people who made up the congregation.

Arrangement: This series is arranged alphabetically by the type of volume, and chronologically within each type.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 Annals of the Church of St. Michael's
Box 1, Folder 2 Annals of the Church of St. Michael's
Box 1, Folder 3 Annals of the Church of St. Michael's
Box 1, Folder 4 Annals of the Church of St. Michael's
Box 1, Folder 5 Annals of the Church of St. Michael's
Box 1, Folder 6 Annals of the Church of St. Michael's

Series 12. Realia, 1882-1937
1 boxes
(0.5 linear feet)

This series contains a few address stamps from Trinity Church, gavels used by St. Michael's organizations, a commemorative spoon, Tildesley's signature stamp, and shells from the
Sea of Galilee, which appear to have been collected by George Lyman Locke in 1882.

Arrangement: The items are contained within a single box, but there is no particular arrangment of the items.

Series 13. Delbert Tildesley Sermons, 1905-1993
13 boxes
(6.5 linear feet)

This series consists of a collection of sermons that Canon Delbert Tildesley delivered over the course of his career. The sermons span Tildesley's entire career, though most of these sermons were delivered at St. Michael's church, where Tildesley served as rector from 1954 to 1993.

Arrangement: The sermons are organized by title and chronologically by the Liturgical Calendar, and by date within each folder.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 Epiphany:The World Wide Mission
1945 Jun 18
Box 1, Folder 1 Epiphany:They Worshiped Him
1954 Jan ?
Box 1, Folder 2 1 Epiphany:A Brighter Tomorrow
1982 Jan 10
Box 1, Folder 2 1 Epiphany:God is No Respecter of Persons
1963 Jan 13
Box 1, Folder 2 1 Epiphany:God Has No Favorites
1980 Jan 11
Box 1, Folder 2 1 Epiphany:A New Decade
1970 Jan 11
Box 1, Folder 2 1 Epiphany:Complete Allegiance
1964 Jan 12
Box 1, Folder 2 1 Epiphany:Idol Worship
1956 Jan 8
Box 1, Folder 2 1 Epiphany:The Individual's Role
1959 Jan 11
Box 1, Folder 2 1 Epiphany:No Favorites with God
1976 Jan 11
Box 1, Folder 2 1 Epiphany:Non-Conformity
1955 Jan 11
Box 1, Folder 2 1 Epiphany:Non-Conformity for Christ's Sake
1960 Jan 10
Box 1, Folder 2 1 Epiphany:Our Offering to God
1977 Jan 9
Box 1, Folder 2 1 Epiphany:Transformation, Not Conformity
1961 Jan 8
Box 1, Folder 2 1 Epiphany:The Wiseman's Lesson
1965 Jan 10
Box 1, Folder 3 2 Epiphany:Base Your Happiness on Your Hope in Christ
1967 Jan 15
Box 1, Folder 3 2 Epiphany:Brotherly Affection
1960 Jan 17
Box 1, Folder 3 2 Epiphany:Can These Bones Live?
1961 Jan 15
Box 1, Folder 3 2 Epiphany:Contentment Around Us
1957 Jan 13
Box 1, Folder 3 2 Epiphany:Does Life Have a Purpose?
1947 Jul 19
Box 1, Folder 3 2 Epiphany:Extraordinary Men
1976 Jan 18
Box 1, Folder 3 2 Epiphany:God Gives a Variety of Gifts
1966 Aug 14
Box 1, Folder 3 2 Epiphany:Grant Us Thy Peace
1963 Jan 20
Box 1, Folder 3 2 Epiphany:The Holy Communion-Preparation for Examination
1957 Feb 3
Box 1, Folder 3 2 Epiphany:Mountain Top Experiences
1957 Jan 20
Box 1, Folder 3 2 Epiphany:Peace of Mind
1951 Aug 10
Box 1, Folder 3 2 Epiphany:Religion Must Be Specific
1974 Jan 20
Box 1, Folder 3 2 Epiphany:Repent Ye
1965 Jan 17
Box 1, Folder 3 2 Epiphany:Speak, For Thy Servant Heareth
1961 Jan 16
Box 1, Folder 3 2 Epiphany:Time for Decision
1981 Jan 18
Box 1, Folder 3 2 Epiphany:The New Trial Services
1971 Jan 17
Box 1, Folder 3 2 Epiphany:Worship of the Past
1958 Jan 19
Box 1, Folder 4 3 Epiphany:The Call for the Irreligious
1961 Jan 22
Box 1, Folder 4 3 Epiphany:Christian Unity, Within and Without
1978 Jan 22
Box 1, Folder 4 3 Epiphany:Conversion in Many Forms
1968 Jan 21
Box 1, Folder 4 3 Epiphany:Dedication New Building
1969 Jan 26
Box 1, Folder 4 3 Epiphany:Fishers of Men
1962 Jan 21
Box 1, Folder 4 3 Epiphany:Forgive Us Our Trespasses As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us
1957 Jan 27
Box 1, Folder 4 3 Epiphany:The Good News of Christ
1962 Jan 7
Box 1, Folder 4 3 Epiphany:Live At Peace
1965 Jan 24
Box 1, Folder 4 3 Epiphany:The Message of the Miracle
1955 Jan 23
Box 1, Folder 4 3 Epiphany:Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Christ
1958 Jan 26
Box 1, Folder 4 3 Epiphany:Prayer-Five Fold Aspect
1957 Feb 10
Box 1, Folder 4 3 Epiphany:A Second Chance
1973 Jan 21
Box 1, Folder 4 3 Epiphany:Theological Education
1963 Jan 27
Box 1, Folder 4 3 Epiphany:To Heed the Call of Christ
1971 Jan 24
Box 1, Folder 4 3 Epiphany:Ye Cannot Serve God and Mammon
1960 Jan 24
Box 1, Folder 4 3 Epiphany:Waiting On the Lord
1963 Feb 10
Box 1, Folder 5 4 Epiphany:One Greater Than the Temple is Here
1949 Jan 23
Box 1, Folder 5 4 Epiphany:Prayer and Natural Law
1955 Jan 30
Box 1, Folder 5 4 Epiphany:Preposed Book Common Prayer
1977 Jan 30
Box 1, Folder 5 4 Epiphany:Two Aspects of Preparation for the Eucharest
1963 Feb 3
Box 1, Folder 5 4 Epiphany:What God's Word for Our Age?
1972 Jan 30
Box 1, Folder 6 5 Epiphany:Annual Report (The Institution of Aaron F. Usher, Jr.)
1977 Feb 6
Box 1, Folder 6 5 Epiphany:Annual Report 258th Parish Meeting
1976 Feb 1
Box 1, Folder 6 5 Epiphany:Done in Christ's Name
1962 Feb 4
Box 1, Folder 6 5 Epiphany:A Happy Lent
1978 Feb 5
Box 1, Folder 6 5 Epiphany:Merciful in Action, Kindly in Heart, Humble in Mind
1965 Feb 7
Box 1, Folder 6 5 Epiphany:Power [of] Spiritual Pursuasion
1972 Feb 6
Box 1, Folder 6 5 Epiphany:Revolutionists or Pioneers ?
1970 Sep 6
Box 1, Folder 6 5 Epiphany:Serenity in Believing
1955 Dec 11
Box 1, Folder 7 6 Epiphany:He Sent Them Out
1971 Feb 14
Box 1, Folder 7 6 Epiphany:Open Door of Christ
1981 Feb 15
Box 1, Folder 7 6 Epiphany:A Million Miles to Retirement
1973 Feb 11
Box 1, Folder 7 6 Epiphany:Pray Without Ceasing
1962 Feb 11
Box 1, Folder 8 7 Epiphany:Be Perfect
1981 Feb 22
Box 1, Folder 8 7 Epiphany:Person to Person Mission
1982 Feb 14
Box 1, Folder 8 7 Epiphany:Your Sins Are Forgiven
1979 Feb 18
Box 1, Folder 9 Septuagesima:Be Strong-Do Not Be Frightened-God is With You
1965 Feb 14
Box 1, Folder 9 Septuagesima:How Can I Help Someone?
1969 Feb 2
Box 1, Folder 9 Septuagesima:The Incorruptible Crown
1961 Jan 29
Box 1, Folder 9 Septuagesima:Lenten Training
1958 Feb 2
Box 1, Folder 9 Septuagesima:Overcoming Evil with Good
1957 Feb 17
Box 1, Folder 9 Septuagesima:Preparing for Lent
1962 Feb 18
Box 1, Folder 9 Septuagesima:So Run That Ye May Obtain
1959 Jan 25
Box 1, Folder 9 Septuagesima:What Will Thou Have Me to Do?
1964 Jan 26
Box 1, Folder 10 Sexegesima:The Good Ground Bears Fuit
1963 Feb 17
Box 1, Folder 10 Sexegesima:How to Use Lent
1965 Feb 21
Box 1, Folder 10 Sexegesima:Meditation on First Communion
1968 Feb 18
Box 1, Folder 10 Sexegesima:The Paradox of Man
1962 Feb 25
Box 1, Folder 10 Sexegesima:Plumbline of Righteousness
1948 Apr 14
Box 1, Folder 10 Sexegesima:Providing Christian Service
1961 Feb 5
Box 1, Folder 10 Sexegesima:Returning and Rest
1959 Feb 1
Box 1, Folder 10 Sexegesima:Retuning to God
1958 Feb 9
Box 1, Folder 10 Sexegesima:Seekest Thou Great Things for Thyself
1956 Feb 5
Box 1, Folder 10 Sexegesima:The Sowers Went Forth to Sow
1957 Feb 24
Box 2, Folder 11 Quinquagesima:The Call to Fasting
1963 Feb 24
Box 2, Folder 11 Quinquagesima:Danger of a Spiritual Vacuum
1955 Feb 20
Box 2, Folder 11 Quinquagesima:Fasting and Abstinence
1970 Feb 8
Box 2, Folder 11 Quinquagesima:God's Point of View
1959 Feb 8
Box 2, Folder 11 Quinquagesima:Greater Love Hath No Man Than This
1957 Mar 3
Box 2, Folder 11 Quinquagesima:Jesus Stood Still
1958 Feb 16
Box 2, Folder 11 Quinquagesima:Lord Make Me to See Again
1964 Feb 9
Box 2, Folder 11 Quinquagesima:Love is the Greatest
1967 Feb 5
Box 2, Folder 11 Quinquagesima:Love Never Ends
1956 Feb 12
Box 2, Folder 11 Quinquagesima:The Price of Victory is Not Cheap
1971 Feb 21
Box 2, Folder 12 Ash Wednesday:As Our Lord Fasted [for] Us
1961 Feb 15
Box 2, Folder 12 Ash Wednesday:Ash Wednesday Meditation
1962 Mar 4
Box 2, Folder 12 Ash Wednesday:Create and Make in Us New Hearts
1960 Mar 2
Box 2, Folder 12 Ash Wednesday:Go and Sin No More
1948 Feb 18
Box 2, Folder 12 Ash Wednesday:Self-Discipline
1953 Mar 1
Box 2, Folder 13 1st Lent:Begone Satan
1978 Feb 12
Box 2, Folder 13 1st Lent:Concerning Lent
1974 Mar 3
Box 2, Folder 13 1st Lent:A Great Cloud of Witnesses
1956 Feb 19
Box 2, Folder 13 1st Lent:Lent, A Time to Feel Better
1964 Feb 16
Box 2, Folder 13 1st Lent:Life is Not Casual
1980 Feb 24
Box 2, Folder 13 1st Lent:The Meaning of Lent
1905 May 6
Box 2, Folder 13 1st Lent:No Ground Under Our Feet
1969 Feb 23
Box 2, Folder 13 1st Lent:Overcoming Temptation
1968 Mar 3
Box 2, Folder 13 1st Lent:Taking Stock
1981 Mar 8
Box 2, Folder 14 2nd Lent:Ananias and Saphira
1959 Feb 22
Box 2, Folder 14 2nd Lent:Can These Bones Live?
1971 Mar 7
Box 2, Folder 14 2nd Lent:Denial of Self
1959 Feb 28
Box 2, Folder 14 2nd Lent:He Was Silent
1969 Mar 2
Box 2, Folder 14 2nd Lent:The Narrow Door
1980 Mar 2
Box 2, Folder 14 2nd Lent:The Path to the Kingdom
1977 Mar 6
Box 2, Folder 14 2nd Lent:Rebirth of the Spirit
1965 Jun 12
Box 2, Folder 14 2nd Lent:Straight and Narrow
1989 Feb 19
Box 2, Folder 14 2nd Lent:This Is the Day
1975 Feb 23
Box 2, Folder 14 2nd Lent:We Are Called to Holiness
1968 Mar 10
Box 2, Folder 15 3rd Lent:Church Summoned to Be Sent [empty]
1974 Mar 17
Box 2, Folder 15 3rd Lent:Holy Baptism
1976 Mar 21
Box 2, Folder 15 3rd Lent:Holy Ground
1977 Mar 13
Box 2, Folder 15 3rd Lent:Keeping Out Evil Spirits
1964 Mar 1
Box 2, Folder 15 3rd Lent:The New Liturgy-Two Tensions
1968 Mar 17
Box 2, Folder 15 3rd Lent:No Power of Ourselves
1964 Feb 23
Box 2, Folder 15 3rd Lent:Temptations Are Common to All
1980 Mar 9
Box 2, Folder 15 3rd Lent:Thou Shall Worship God Only
1956 Mar 18
Box 2, Folder 15 3rd Lent:The Well That Never Dries
1960 Jun 19
Box 2, Folder 15 3rd Lent:Who Do You Say I Am?
1969 Mar 9
Box 2, Folder 16 4th Lent:Doing Our Thing
1969 Mar 16
Box 2, Folder 16 4th Lent:Faith or Works
1979 Mar 25
Box 2, Folder 16 4th Lent:I Know My Own
1960 Mar 6
Box 2, Folder 16 4th Lent:The Importance of Little Things
1956 Mar 11
Box 2, Folder 16 4th Lent:Nice People or New Men
1948 Oct 17
Box 2, Folder 16 4th Lent:Parable of Hope
1974 Mar 24
Box 2, Folder 16 4th Lent:Reconciliation
1971 Mar 21
Box 2, Folder 16 4th Lent:The Son of God
1958 Oct 26
Box 2, Folder 16 4th Lent:The Sybol of the Altar in the World
1961 Oct 29
Box 2, Folder 16 4th Lent:Tests of Christian Responsibility
1968 Mar 25
Box 2, Folder 17 5th Lent:Can These Bones Live?
19[?] Mar 17
Box 2, Folder 17 5th Lent:Christ Crucified
1968 Mar 31
Box 2, Folder 17 5th Lent:Collect 5th Sunday Lent
1974 Mar 31
Box 2, Folder 17 5th Lent:New Life From Ashes
1978 Mar 12
Box 2, Folder 17 5th Lent:Now is My Soul Troubled
1979 Apr 1
Box 2, Folder 17 5th Lent:What Shall We Do?
1947 Dec 14
Box 2, Folder 17 5th Lent:Where True Joys Are to Be Found
1989 Mar 12
Box 2, Folder 18 Palm Sunday:As God Thinks
1971 Apr 4
Box 2, Folder 18 Palm Sunday:At the Name [of] Jesus Every Knee Shall Bow
1958 Mar 30
Box 2, Folder 18 Palm Sunday:Behold, My King Cometh Unto Thee
1957 Apr 14
Box 2, Folder 18 Palm Sunday:Born to Be King
1981 Apr 12
Box 2, Folder 18 Palm Sunday:The Cost of Discipleship
1964 Mar 22
Box 2, Folder 18 Palm Sunday:Day of Disappointment
1905 May 12
Box 2, Folder 18 Palm Sunday:He Wept Over Jerusalem
1974 Apr 7
Box 2, Folder 18 Palm Sunday:Jesus Christ Is Lord
1969 Mar 30
Box 2, Folder 18 Palm Sunday:Life Through Death
1961 Mar 26
Box 2, Folder 18 Palm Sunday:The Man Born to Be King
1962 Apr 15
Box 2, Folder 18 Palm Sunday:On the Death of Martin Luther King
1968 Apr 7
Box 2, Folder 18 Palm Sunday:Palm Sunday 1975
1975 Mar 23
Box 2, Folder 18 Palm Sunday:The Power of Christ
1965 Apr 11
Box 2, Folder 18 Palm Sunday:The Sad Celebration
1979 Apr 8
Box 2, Folder 18 Palm Sunday:The Tragedy of Palm Sunday
1972 Mar 26
Box 2, Folder 18 Palm Sunday:Triumphant Entry
1949 Apr 10
Box 2, Folder 18 Palm Sunday:What Will We Do With Christ?
1977 Apr 3
Box 2, Folder 18 Palm Sunday:Who Is This?
1953 Mar 25
Box 2, Folder 19 Maundy Thursday:The Holy Mysteries
1961 Mar 30
Box 2, Folder 19 Maundy Thursday:Maundy Thursday
1960 Apr 14
Box 2, Folder 19 Maundy Thursday:The Meaning of the Holy Communion
1953 Mar 17
Box 2, Folder 19 Maundy Thursday:The Meaning of the Holy Communion
1955 Mar 22
Box 2, Folder 19 Maundy Thursday:Meditation On the Holy Communion
1956 Mar 29
Box 2, Folder 19 Maundy Thursday:Renewal-Ordination Vows
1990 Apr 12
Box 2, Folder 19 Maundy Thursday:The Supper With a New Meaning
1958 Apr 3
Box 3, Folder 20 Good Friday:Good Friday
1960 Apr 15
Box 3, Folder 20 Good Friday:Good Friday Meditations
1958 Apr 4
Box 3, Folder 20 Good Friday:Good Friday Outlines
Box 3, Folder 20 Good Friday:Good Friday Service-3 hours
1949 Apr 10
Box 3, Folder 20 Good Friday:The Seven Last Words
1962 Apr 20
Box 3, Folder 20 Good Friday:The Seven Last Words
1956 Mar 30
Box 3, Folder 20 Good Friday:The Three Hours
1959 Mar 29
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:Alleluia! Christ Is Risen
1972 Apr 2
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:Easter 1957
1957 Apr 21
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:He is Not Dead: He is Risen
1958 Apr 6
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:He is Risen
1959 Mar 29
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:Christ is Risen
1960 Apr 17
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:Easter Day 1961
1961 Apr 2
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:Now is Christ Risen from the Dead
1962 Apr 22
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:Easter 1963
1963 Apr 14
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:Death and Resurrection
1969 Apr 6
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:"Of That We Are Witnesses"
1970 Mar 29
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:Easter 1971
1971 Apr 11
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:Christ is Risen
1974 Apr 14
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:Easter 1981
1981 Apr 19
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:Easter 1982
1982 Apr 11
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:Easter Meditation
1965 Apr 18
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:Easter Meditation 1968
1968 Apr 14
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:The Empty Tomb-7:A.M.
1956 Apr 1
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:The Empty Tomb-11:A.M.
1956 Apr 1
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:The Fact of the Resurrection
1964 Mar 29
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:He is Risen
1955 Apr 10
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:He is Not Dead: He is Risen
1973 Apr 22
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:If a Man Die, Shall He Live Again?
1967 Mar 26
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:They Saw and They Believed
1955 Apr 10
Box 3, Folder 21 Easter:The Resurrection- Is It True?
1977 Apr 10
Box 3, Folder 22 1st Easter:Christ the Promised One
1961 Apr 9
Box 3, Folder 22 1st Easter:Christ Would Go Further
1948 Apr 4
Box 3, Folder 22 1st Easter:The Compassion of Jesus
1947 Jul 20
Box 3, Folder 22 1st Easter:Imitators of God
1958 Apr 13
Box 3, Folder 22 1st Easter:The Lord is My Strength
1956 Apr 8
Box 3, Folder 22 1st Easter:Preparation for Holy Communion
1959 Apr 5
Box 3, Folder 23 2nd Easter:Can a Man Hide ?
1967 May 5
Box 3, Folder 23 2nd Easter:Christ Suffered for Us
1960 May 1
Box 3, Folder 23 2nd Easter:Commitment to God
1961 Apr 16
Box 3, Folder 23 2nd Easter:The Cost of Christ's Victory
1964 Apr 5
Box 3, Folder 23 2nd Easter:Dangers of Living
1949 Jul 17
Box 3, Folder 23 2nd Easter:God, Who is Rich in Mercy
1967 Apr 9
Box 3, Folder 23 2nd Easter:Justice-Mercy-Faith
1962 May 6
Box 3, Folder 23 2nd Easter:Life Abundant
1959 Apr 12
Box 3, Folder 23 2nd Easter:The Lord is My Shepherd
1958 Apr 27
Box 3, Folder 23 2nd Easter:O for the Wings of a Dove
1956 Apr 15
Box 3, Folder 23 2nd Easter:Waiting Upon the Lord
1958 Apr 20
Box 3, Folder 24 3rd Easter:Apostles' Fellowship
1974 Apr 28
Box 3, Folder 24 3rd Easter:The College Crisis
1969 Apr 27
Box 3, Folder 24 3rd Easter:Demas the Deserter
1959 Apr 19
Box 3, Folder 24 3rd Easter:How to Silence the Critic, How to Silence the Non-Believer
1962 May 13
Box 3, Folder 24 3rd Easter:I Am Going Fishing
1977 Apr 24
Box 3, Folder 24 3rd Easter:I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
1955 May 1
Box 3, Folder 24 3rd Easter:Mild Christianity
1963 May 5
Box 3, Folder 24 3rd Easter:None Shall Make Them Afraid
1979 Apr 29
Box 3, Folder 24 3rd Easter:Strangers and Pilgrims
1968 May 5
Box 3, Folder 24 3rd Easter:Surprised By Joy
1970 Apr 19
Box 3, Folder 24 3rd Easter:The Times is Fulfilled
1979 Jan 21
Box 3, Folder 24 3rd Easter:Too Good to Be True
1976 May 2
Box 3, Folder 24 3rd Easter:The Unique Position of the Episcopal Church
1961 Apr 23
Box 3, Folder 24 3rd Easter:We Walk By Faith
1960 May 8
Box 3, Folder 24 3rd Easter:Ye Shall Be My Witnesses
1956 Apr 22
Box 4, Folder 25 4th Easter:Abundant Life-Cycle A
1981 Apr 10
Box 4, Folder 25 4th Easter:Abundant Life
1978 Apr 16
Box 4, Folder 25 4th Easter:Adults and Youth Need Guiding Star
1968 May 12
Box 4, Folder 25 4th Easter:The Understanding Heart [Empty]
1967 Apr 23
Box 4, Folder 25 4th Easter:Five Truths of the Resurrection
1958 May 4
Box 4, Folder 25 4th Easter:The Contribution of an Ordinary Man
1964 Apr 26
Box 4, Folder 25 4th Easter:A Mind Like Christ's
1947 Jun 29
Box 4, Folder 25 4th Easter:Reverence for the Eternal
1956 Apr 29
Box 4, Folder 25 4th Easter:Spiritual Wholeness
1961 Apr 30
Box 4, Folder 25 4th Easter:Use Your Talents
1957 May 19
Box 4, Folder 25 4th Easter:The Value of Silence
1960 May 15
Box 4, Folder 25 4th Easter:Ye Shall Be Witnesses Unto Me
1965 May 16
Box 4, Folder 25 4th Easter:God Created Man to Be Immortal
1963 Apr 28
Box 4, Folder 25 4th Easter:The Good Shepherd
1973 May 13
Box 4, Folder 25 4th Easter:One Flock, One Shepherd
1979 May 6
Box 4, Folder 25 4th Easter:One Flock, One Shepherd (Cycle B)
1976 May 9
Box 4, Folder 25 4th Easter:The Resurrection Fact
1965 May 9
Box 4, Folder 25 4th Easter:Some Thoughts on Trial Usage
1975 Apr 20
Box 4, Folder 25 4th Easter:What is Your Idea of God?
1959 Apr 26
Box 4, Folder 26 5th Easter:Collect for Rogation Sunday
1965 May 23
Box 4, Folder 26 5th Easter:Doers and Not Hearers Only
1960 May 22
Box 4, Folder 26 5th Easter:Doers of the Word
1959 May 3
Box 4, Folder 26 5th Easter:Hearers and Doers
1968 May 19
Box 4, Folder 26 5th Easter:I Am the Lord Thy God
1963 May 19
Box 4, Folder 26 5th Easter:Life Beyond the Grave
1957 Nov 3
Box 4, Folder 26 5th Easter:Love One Another
1989 Apr 23
Box 4, Folder 26 5th Easter:Suffering As a Christian
1953 Feb 5
Box 4, Folder 26 5th Easter:Take Time for Prayer
1961 May 7
Box 4, Folder 26 5th Easter:The Welcoming Hand
1976 May 16
Box 4, Folder 27 6th Easter:God's Peace
1971 May 16
Box 4, Folder 27 6th Easter:Godly Action
1956 Oct 14
Box 4, Folder 27 6th Easter:Hallmarks of a Christian
1972 May 7
Box 4, Folder 27 6th Easter:Love One Another
1982 May 16
Box 4, Folder 27 6th Easter:Peace is My Parting Gift
1974 May 19
Box 4, Folder 27 6th Easter:Thy Will Be Done On Earth, As It Is in Heaven
1962 May 27
Box 4, Folder 27 6th Easter:The Vine and the Branches
1965 Feb 28
Box 4, Folder 28 Rogation Sunday:Life's Three Great Values
1958 May 11
Box 4, Folder 28 Rogation Sunday:The Lonely Person
1967 Apr 30
Box 4, Folder 28 Rogation Sunday:Our Father
1955 May 15
Box 4, Folder 29 1st After Ascension:The Ascension-It's Meaning for Us
1955 May 22
Box 4, Folder 29 1st After Ascension:Death and Eternal Life
1956 May 13
Box 4, Folder 29 1st After Ascension:Fear and Hypocrisy
1957 Jun 2
Box 4, Folder 29 1st After Ascension:Practical Aspects of the Ascension
1959 May 10
Box 4, Folder 29 1st After Ascension:Sojourners in Life
1958 May 18
Box 4, Folder 29 1st After Ascension:Three Facts About the Early Church
1965 May 30
Box 4, Folder 29 1st After Ascension:Three Thoughts On the Ascension
1962 Jun 3
Box 4, Folder 29 1st After Ascension:Ye Shall Be My Witnesses
1961 May 14
Box 4, Folder 30 7th Easter:Ascension-What Does It Mean?
1978 May 7
Box 4, Folder 30 7th Easter:Restoring the Unity of the Church
1980 May 18
Box 4, Folder 30 7th Easter:Tarry Ye
1963 May 26
Box 4, Folder 30 7th Easter:That They May Be One
1977 May 22
Box 4, Folder 31 Pentecost:The Charismatic Movement
1973 Jun 10
Box 4, Folder 31 Pentecost:The Coming of the Holy Ghost
1962 Jun 10
Box 4, Folder 31 Pentecost:The Coming of the Holy Spirit
1976 Jun 6
Box 4, Folder 31 Pentecost:Meaning of Pentecost
1958 May 25
Box 4, Folder 31 Pentecost:Modern Pentecost
1972 May 21
Box 4, Folder 31 Pentecost:Peace Sabbath
1982 May 30
Box 4, Folder 31 Pentecost:Pentecost
1978 May 14
Box 4, Folder 31 Pentecost:Pentecost-Divine Disturbance
1979 Jun 3
Box 4, Folder 31 Pentecost:Silver and Gold Have I None
1961 May 21
Box 4, Folder 31 Pentecost:They Were Filled with the Holy Spirit
1965 Jun 6
Box 4, Folder 31 Pentecost:What Can This Mean?
1967 May 14
Box 4, Folder 31 Pentecost:What Makes a Person a Christian?
1960 Jun 5
Box 4, Folder 31 Pentecost:What Meaneth This?
1969 May 25
Box 4, Folder 31 Pentecost:Where Your Treasure Is
1957 Jun 9
Box 4, Folder 31 Pentecost:Whitsunday
1948 May 16
Box 4, Folder 31 Pentecost:The Worth of the Individual
1959 May 17
Box 4, Folder 32 1st Pentecost:[Empty]
Box 4, Folder 33 2nd Pentecost:Are You Lonely?
1963 Jul 14
Box 4, Folder 33 2nd Pentecost:Christian Nurture
1979 Jun 17
Box 4, Folder 33 2nd Pentecost:Do Not Be Afraid
1975 Jun 22
Box 4, Folder 33 2nd Pentecost:The Humaness of Jeremiah
1981 Jun 21
Box 4, Folder 33 2nd Pentecost:Making Time in Life
1958 Jun 8
Box 4, Folder 33 2nd Pentecost:To Call On God is Not Enough
1957 Apr 11
Box 4, Folder 34 3rd Pentecost:Doing Christ's Thing
1975 Jun 8
Box 4, Folder 34 3rd Pentecost:Looking for a U Turn?
1977 Jun 19
Box 4, Folder 34 3rd Pentecost:Personal Witness to Christianity
1961 Jun 11
Box 4, Folder 34 3rd Pentecost:The Sanctity of Jesus
1976 Jun 27
Box 4, Folder 35 4th Pentecost:Are You Tired of Substitutes?
1981 Jul 5
Box 4, Folder 35 4th Pentecost:The Feeding of the Multitude
Box 5, Folder 36 5th Pentecost:Bear One Another's Burdens
1983 Jul 3
Box 5, Folder 36 5th Pentecost:God Rules
1966 Jul 3
Box 5, Folder 36 5th Pentecost:The Inescapable God
1960 Jul 10
Box 5, Folder 36 5th Pentecost:My Yoke is Easy and My Burden is Light
1990 Jul 8
Box 5, Folder 36 5th Pentecost:The Reality of Christian Love
1964 Jun 21
Box 5, Folder 36 5th Pentecost:What Makes Religion Relevant?
1966 Sep 11
Box 5, Folder 36 5th Pentecost:Who Has Ears to Hear
1981 Jul 12
Box 5, Folder 37 6th Pentecost:Be Strong and of Good Courage
1967 Oct 1
Box 5, Folder 37 6th Pentecost:Go and Do Likewise
1966 Sep 4
Box 5, Folder 37 6th Pentecost:How Do We Get a Better World?
1971 Jul 11
Box 5, Folder 37 6th Pentecost:Inescapable Facts [of] Life
1981 Jul 19
Box 5, Folder 37 6th Pentecost:A Million Miles to Retirement
1990 Jul 22
Box 5, Folder 37 6th Pentecost:The Things That Pertain to Peace
1964 Sep 6
Box 5, Folder 38 7th Pentecost:Called to Be Witnesses
1966 Jul 31
Box 5, Folder 38 7th Pentecost:Come Ye Apart and Rest Awhile
1965 Jul 25
Box 5, Folder 38 7th Pentecost:Conversion
1971 Jul 18
Box 5, Folder 38 7th Pentecost:God's Grace [is] Sufficient for Every Need
1964 May 3
Box 5, Folder 38 7th Pentecost:Simplicity
1977 Jul 17
Box 5, Folder 38 7th Pentecost:The Understanding Heart
1954 Oct 10
Box 5, Folder 38 7th Pentecost:An Understanding Heart
1970 May 17
Box 5, Folder 38 7th Pentecost:Why Are Ye Afraid?
1960 Feb 19
Box 5, Folder 39 8th Pentecost:Confrontation, Commitment, Compassion
1967 Jun 4
Box 5, Folder 39 8th Pentecost:How [to] Feed the Multitudes
1959 Mar 8
Box 5, Folder 39 8th Pentecost:Unity in Peace is God's Will
1966 Oct 2
Box 5, Folder 39 8th Pentecost:The Yoke of Christ
1978 Jul 9
Box 5, Folder 40 9th Pentecost:Be of Good Cheer: It is I, Do Not be Afraid
1956 Dec 16
Box 5, Folder 40 9th Pentecost:What is Happening?
1972 Jul 23
Box 5, Folder 41 10th Pentecost:The Therefore of Christian Ethics
1982 Aug 8
Box 5, Folder 41 10th Pentecost:What is Our Prayer Life Like?
1963 Jul 7
Box 5, Folder 42 11th Pentecost:Redeeming the Time
1967 Oct 8
Box 5, Folder 43 12th Pentecost:What Does the Sacrament Mean?
1963 Sep 1
Box 5, Folder 44 13th Pentecost:Hope for Troubled Times
1982 Aug 29
Box 5, Folder 44 13th Pentecost:The Hope That Comes from God
1980 Aug 24
Box 5, Folder 45 14th Pentecost:God's Ways Are Not Our Ways
1980 Aug 31
Box 5, Folder 45 14th Pentecost:The Ultimate Choice
1973 Sep 16
Box 5, Folder 46 15th Pentecost:Crucify the Old Nature
1964 Aug 30
Box 5, Folder 46 15th Pentecost:Give the Lie to "God is Dead"
1967 Jan 8
Box 5, Folder 46 15th Pentecost:No Partiality
1979 Sep 16
Box 5, Folder 46 15th Pentecost:Passive or Active Hearers
1973 Sep 23
Box 5, Folder 46 15th Pentecost:Who Do You Say I Am?
1978 Aug 27
Box 5, Folder 47 16th Pentecost:Bristol's Tercentenary Celebration
1980 Sep 14
Box 5, Folder 47 16th Pentecost:Hope and Determination
1976 Sep 26
Box 5, Folder 47 16th Pentecost:How Do We Respond to Questions?
1976 Oct 10
Box 5, Folder 47 16th Pentecost:One Day At a Time
1959 Sep 6
Box 5, Folder 47 16th Pentecost:We Prefer a Winner
1979 Sep 23
Box 5, Folder 48 17th Pentecost:Divine Forgiveness
1975 Sep 14
Box 5, Folder 48 17th Pentecost:There is One God
1980 Sep 21
Box 5, Folder 48 17th Pentecost:Faith in Action
1973 Oct 7
Box 5, Folder 48 17th Pentecost:Building or Tearing Down
1971 Sep 26
Box 5, Folder 49 18th Pentecost:Be Still
1955 Jun 26
Box 5, Folder 49 18th Pentecost:Can One Be a Christian in Our World?
1978 Sep 17
Box 5, Folder 49 18th Pentecost:My Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts
1975 Sep 21
Box 5, Folder 49 18th Pentecost:Our Parish [253rd Birthday]
1971 Oct 3
Box 5, Folder 49 18th Pentecost:Rejoice in the Lord
1981 Oct 11
Box 5, Folder 50 19th Pentecost:The Christian Faith is Inclusive
1976 Oct 17
Box 5, Folder 50 19th Pentecost:Christianity-Ultimate Optimism Founded on Provisional Pessimism
1971 Oct 10
Box 5, Folder 50 19th Pentecost:For Me to Live is Christ
1978 Sep 24
Box 5, Folder 50 19th Pentecost:The Outlook is Gloomy, But the Uplook is Glorious
1972 Jan 16
Box 5, Folder 50 19th Pentecost:Share One Another's Burdens
1974 Oct 13
Box 5, Folder 50 19th Pentecost:Ultimate Loyalty Belongs [to] God
1981 Oct 18
Box 5, Folder 50 19th Pentecost:What Shall I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?
1979 Oct 14
Box 5, Folder 50 19th Pentecost:The Whole Person
1973 Nov 25
Box 5, Folder 51 20th Pentecost:A Plumbline in the Midst
1965 Jun 27
Box 5, Folder 51 20th Pentecost:Rejoice in the Lord`
1964 Dec 20
Box 5, Folder 51 20th Pentecost:Three Problems of Man and The Christian Answers
1960 Oct 9
Box 5, Folder 51 20th Pentecost:Time for Meditation
1956 Oct 7
Box 5, Folder 51 20th Pentecost:Uneasy Years for the Church
1972 Oct 8
Box 5, Folder 52 21st Pentecost:Blind Bartimaeus
1982 Oct 24
Box 5, Folder 52 21st Pentecost:Jesus Stopped
1979 Oct 28
Box 5, Folder 52 21st Pentecost:Love and Judgement
1971 Oct 24
Box 5, Folder 52 21st Pentecost:Prayer
1977 Oct 23
Box 5, Folder 52 21st Pentecost:Prophets Who Will Speak Out
1980 Oct 19
Box 6, Folder 53 All Saints Day:All Saints Day
1956 Nov 4
Box 6, Folder 53 All Saints Day:All Saints Day
1980 Nov 2
Box 6, Folder 53 All Saints Day:Called to Be Saints
1962 Nov 14
Box 6, Folder 53 All Saints Day:Called to Be Saints
1978 Nov 5
Box 6, Folder 53 All Saints Day:The Continuity of Life
1964 Nov 1
Box 6, Folder 53 All Saints Day:Following the Saints
1960 Nov 6
Box 6, Folder 53 All Saints Day:Join the Band of Saints
1966 Nov 6
Box 6, Folder 53 All Saints Day:The Multitude of Saints
1969 Nov 2
Box 6, Folder 53 All Saints Day:Proper Perspective in Life
1967 Nov 5
Box 6, Folder 53 All Saints Day:Report on General Convention
1970 Nov 1
Box 6, Folder 53 All Saints Day:The Roots of Jesus' Faith, Looking Unto Jesus-the Author and Perfecter of Our Faith
1959 Nov 1
Box 6, Folder 53 All Saints Day:Sine Nomine
1963 Nov 3
Box 6, Folder 54 22nd Pentecost:Justice and Righteousness
1957 May 12
Box 6, Folder 54 22nd Pentecost:Some Hallmarks of a Christian
1963 Oct 20
Box 6, Folder 54 22nd Pentecost:The Still Small Voice of God
1959 Sep 27
Box 6, Folder 54 22nd Pentecost:Zaccheus
1977 Oct 30
Box 6, Folder 54 22nd Pentecost:Can We Pay the Price?
1973 Nov 11
Box 6, Folder 54 22nd Pentecost:The Great Commandment
1982 Oct 31
Box 6, Folder 54 22nd Pentecost:150th Anniversary of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society
1971 Oct 31
Box 6, Folder 54 22nd Pentecost:Pharisee or Publican-Which?
1974 Nov 17
Box 6, Folder 55 23rd Pentecost:Christian Panorama
1971 Nov 7
Box 6, Folder 55 23rd Pentecost:The Church
1960 Jan 31
Box 6, Folder 55 23rd Pentecost:The Harvesting of Souls
1955 Oct 16
Box 6, Folder 55 23rd Pentecost:Hope for the Church in Our Times
1978 Oct 22
Box 6, Folder 55 23rd Pentecost:The Powers That Be Are Listening
1972 Oct 29
Box 6, Folder 55 23rd Pentecost:What Do You Think of Christ?
1975 Oct 26
Box 6, Folder 56 24th Pentecost:The Bible-The Greatest Love Story
1977 Nov 13
Box 6, Folder 56 24th Pentecost:The Mission of the Church
1972 Nov 5
Box 6, Folder 56 24th Pentecost:Stand Firm-Hold to the Traditions
1980 Nov 9
Box 6, Folder 56 24th Pentecost:The Things That Really Matter
1982 Oct 17
Box 6, Folder 57 25th Pentecost:Christianity Is of the World
1954 Jan 24
Box 6, Folder 57 25th Pentecost:Oilless Lamps
1975 Nov 9
Box 6, Folder 57 25th Pentecost:What Do You Think of Christ?
1990 Oct 28
Box 6, Folder 58 26th Pentecost:At Midnight Comes the Cry
1978 Nov 12
Box 6, Folder 58 26th Pentecost:It Is Time to Awake
1975 Nov 16
Box 6, Folder 58 26th Pentecost:Report on Seabury Fellows Program
1972 Nov 19
Box 6, Folder 59 27th Pentecost:The Message of the Bible
1990 Nov 18
Box 6, Folder 59 27th Pentecost:One Talent Individuals
1978 Nov 19
Box 6, Folder 60 Trinity Sunday:Come Unto Me All Ye That Travail
1955 Jun 5
Box 6, Folder 60 Trinity Sunday:The Doctrine of the Trinity
1964 May 24
Box 6, Folder 60 Trinity Sunday:The Handiwork of God
1956 Jan 11
Box 6, Folder 60 Trinity Sunday:Holy Ground
1982 Jun 6
Box 6, Folder 60 Trinity Sunday:The Light of the World
1959 May 24
Box 6, Folder 60 Trinity Sunday:Man's Fears
1958 Jun 1
Box 6, Folder 60 Trinity Sunday:The Patient Christ
1960 Jun 12
Box 6, Folder 60 Trinity Sunday:"That They May Be One"
1971 Jun 6
Box 6, Folder 60 Trinity Sunday:The Unity of God-The Unity of Man
1962 Jun 17
Box 6, Folder 60 Trinity Sunday:Whom Shall I Send?
1963 Jun 9
Box 6, Folder 61 1st Trinity:Answering God's Call
1959 May 31
Box 6, Folder 61 1st Trinity:Dives and Lazarus
1956 Jun 3
Box 6, Folder 61 1st Trinity:Dives and Lazarus
1961 Jun 4
Box 6, Folder 61 1st Trinity:The Need for Rest
1959 Jun 23
Box 6, Folder 61 1st Trinity:On Being Different
1947 Dec 21
Box 6, Folder 61 1st Trinity:They Hear Not Moses
1963 Jun 16
Box 6, Folder 62 2nd Trinity:All is Now Ready
1969 Jun 15
Box 6, Folder 62 2nd Trinity:Deeds Not Words
1958 Jun 15
Box 6, Folder 62 2nd Trinity:Excuses
1960 Jun 26
Box 6, Folder 62 2nd Trinity:Fear Ye Not
1964 Jun 7
Box 6, Folder 62 2nd Trinity:God's Invitation
1959 Jun 7
Box 6, Folder 62 2nd Trinity:It Makes a Difference What You Believe
1953 Jun 18
Box 6, Folder 62 2nd Trinity:Life's Perrenial Excuses
1956 Jun 10
Box 6, Folder 63 3rd Trinity:Cast All Your Care On Him
1959 Jun 14
Box 6, Folder 63 3rd Trinity:Commitment and Witness
1947 Jan 25
Box 6, Folder 63 3rd Trinity:An Era of Change
1967 Jun 11
Box 6, Folder 63 3rd Trinity:A Life Changed by Jesus
1969 Jun 22
Box 6, Folder 63 3rd Trinity:Light a Candle In the Darkness
1961 Jun 18
Box 6, Folder 63 3rd Trinity:The Lost Soul
1958 Jun 22
Box 6, Folder 63 3rd Trinity:Ownership-Loss-Recovery
1947 Jun 22
Box 6, Folder 63 3rd Trinity:Pride
1948 Jun 13
Box 6, Folder 64 4th Trinity:Hope is Travail
1968 Jul 7
Box 6, Folder 64 4th Trinity:Martha and Mary
1959 Jun 21
Box 6, Folder 64 4th Trinity:Not Peace But a Sword
1965 Jul 11
Box 6, Folder 64 4th Trinity:Thou Art Ruler and Guide
1967 Jun 18
Box 6, Folder 64 4th Trinity:Work
1956 Jun 24
Box 7, Folder 65 5th Trinity:A Call to High Ideals~(the Ideals of Christ)
1966 Jul 10
Box 7, Folder 65 5th Trinity:The Conditions and the Consequences of Forgiveness
1960 Jul 17
Box 7, Folder 65 5th Trinity:Fishers of Men
1948 Jun 27
Box 7, Folder 65 5th Trinity:Following Christ
1953 May 10
Box 7, Folder 65 5th Trinity:Launch Out Into the Deep
1959 Jun 28
Box 7, Folder 65 5th Trinity:Serve Joyfully
1970 Jun 28
Box 7, Folder 65 5th Trinity:Simple Ways of Caring
1968 Jul 14
Box 7, Folder 66 6th Trinity:Our Non-Pharisaical Generation
1969 Jul 13
Box 7, Folder 66 6th Trinity:Righteousness Must Exceed Scribes and Pharisees
1955 Jul 17
Box 7, Folder 66 6th Trinity:The Scope of Righteousness
1960 Jul 29
Box 7, Folder 66 6th Trinity:Sensitive to the Call of God
1966 Jul 17
Box 7, Folder 66 6th Trinity:Three Attitudes Toward Life
1949 Feb 13
Box 7, Folder 67 7th Trinity:Do You Want to Be Different?
1967 Jul 9
Box 7, Folder 67 7th Trinity:Eternal Life Begins Now
1957 Aug 4
Box 7, Folder 67 7th Trinity:Hallowed Be Thy Name
1955 Jul 24
Box 7, Folder 67 7th Trinity:The Human Touch
1970 Jul 12
Box 7, Folder 67 7th Trinity:Is Man Free and Does God Care?
1960 Jul 31
Box 7, Folder 67 7th Trinity:Looking at Oneself
1959 Jul 12
Box 7, Folder 67 7th Trinity:Moon Landing
1969 Jul 20
Box 7, Folder 67 7th Trinity:The Things That Make for Peace
1956 Aug 5
Box 7, Folder 68 8th Trinity:All Who [Are] led by the Spirit are Sons of God
1967 Jul 16
Box 7, Folder 68 8th Trinity:Beware of Procrastination
1961 Jul 23
Box 7, Folder 68 8th Trinity:Conformity to God
1965 Aug 8
Box 7, Folder 68 8th Trinity:The Moral Law
1970 Jul 19
Box 7, Folder 68 8th Trinity:The Unity of the Universe
1969 Jul 27
Box 7, Folder 69 9th Trinity:Are We Tempted Beyond Endurance?
1966 Aug 7
Box 7, Folder 69 9th Trinity:Collect for 9th After Trinity
1947 Aug 3
Box 7, Folder 69 9th Trinity:Captivities of Life
1955 Aug 7
Box 7, Folder 69 9th Trinity:God Awaits Without
1959 Aug 18
Box 7, Folder 69 9th Trinity:He That is Without Sin
1958 Aug 3
Box 7, Folder 69 9th Trinity:The Omnipresence of God
1961 Jul 30
Box 7, Folder 70 10th Trinity:The Ability to Meet Adversity
1957 Aug 25
Box 7, Folder 70 10th Trinity:Living Together As Brothers
1958 Aug 19
Box 7, Folder 70 10th Trinity:National Day of Prayer-(Riots) [in Detroit]
1967 Jul 30
Box 7, Folder 70 10th Trinity:Transformation from Within
1959 Aug 2
Box 7, Folder 70 10th Trinity:Ye [Are the] Salt [of the] Earth
1965 Aug 22
Box 7, Folder 71 11th Trinity:As God Sees Us
1957 Sep 1
Box 7, Folder 71 11th Trinity:A Goodly Heritage
1965 Aug 29
Box 7, Folder 71 11th Trinity:God's Judgment
1959 Aug 9
Box 7, Folder 71 11th Trinity:He Saw the City and Wept
1970 Aug 9
Box 7, Folder 71 11th Trinity:Man Looks at Himself
1958 Aug 17
Box 7, Folder 71 11th Trinity:Pharisee and Publican
1962 Sep 2
Box 7, Folder 71 11th Trinity:The Pharisee and the Publican
1956 Aug 12
Box 7, Folder 72 12th Trinity:The Apostolic Blessing
1962 Sep 9
Box 7, Folder 72 12th Trinity:A Decision for Christ
1948 Mar 17
Box 7, Folder 72 12th Trinity:The God of All Comfort
1959 Aug 16
Box 7, Folder 72 12th Trinity:God's Holy Ground
1957 Sep 8
Box 7, Folder 72 12th Trinity:Our Confidence is In God
1966 Aug 28
Box 7, Folder 72 12th Trinity:Saul, Saul, Why Persecutes Thou Me?
1960 Sep 4
Box 7, Folder 72 12th Trinity:Who Do You Say I Am?
1954 Aug 22
Box 7, Folder 72 12th Trinity:Who Is Greatest?
1958 Aug 24
Box 7, Folder 73 13th Trinity:Behold, Your God!
1968 Sep 8
Box 7, Folder 73 13th Trinity:The Christian Story
1957 Sep 15
Box 7, Folder 73 13th Trinity:A Confident Strength
1960 Sep 11
Box 7, Folder 73 13th Trinity:Go and Do Likewise
1962 Sep 16
Box 7, Folder 73 13th Trinity:Go and Do Thou Likewise
1964 Aug 23
Box 7, Folder 73 13th Trinity:Signed Up for the Duration
1963 Sep 8
Box 7, Folder 73 13th Trinity:The Spirit of Neighborliness
1958 Aug 31
Box 7, Folder 73 13th Trinity:Who is My Neighbor?
1956 Aug 26
Box 7, Folder 74 14th Trinity:Come Ye Apart with Me
1960 Sep 18
Box 7, Folder 74 14th Trinity:Four Ways [to] Face Life
1958 Sep 7
Box 7, Folder 74 14th Trinity:Justice-Mercy-Humbleness
1948 Apr 11
Box 7, Folder 74 14th Trinity:Strength from God
1957 Sep 22
Box 7, Folder 74 14th Trinity:Three Levels of Life
1949 Feb 6
Box 7, Folder 74 14th Trinity:Walk In the Spirit
1962 Sep 23
Box 7, Folder 75 15th Trinity:Christ Looks Within
1957 Sep 29
Box 7, Folder 75 15th Trinity:The Cross of Christ
1955 Sep 17
Box 7, Folder 75 15th Trinity:False Christs
1952 Sep 21
Box 7, Folder 75 15th Trinity:Let Your Light [So Shine]
1968 Sep 22
Box 7, Folder 75 15th Trinity:New Creatures
1962 Sep 30
Box 7, Folder 75 15th Trinity:No Man Serves Two Masters
1958 Sep 14
Box 7, Folder 75 15th Trinity:Only in Christ Can We Boast
1966 Sep 18
Box 7, Folder 75 15th Trinity:Prayer
1961 Sep 10
Box 7, Folder 75 15th Trinity:The Strains of Life and a Strong Foundation
1956 Sep 9
Box 7, Folder 75 15th Trinity:Ye Are My Witnesses
1969 Sep 14
Box 8, Folder 76 16th Trinity:Christ Our Example
1953 May 10
Box 8, Folder 76 16th Trinity:God's Strength
1959 Sep 13
Box 8, Folder 76 16th Trinity:A Motto for Life
1949 Mar 13
Box 8, Folder 76 16th Trinity:The Needs of the Whole Church
1967 Sep 10
Box 8, Folder 76 16th Trinity:Pre-General Convention Address
1970 Sep 13
Box 8, Folder 76 16th Trinity:Reconciler
1969 Sep 21
Box 8, Folder 76 16th Trinity:Strength Within
1962 Sep 17
Box 8, Folder 76 16th Trinity:Thou Shall Have No Other Gods
1962 Oct 7
Box 8, Folder 76 16th Trinity:We Pray for Divine Compassion for the Church
1964 Sep 13
Box 8, Folder 76 16th Trinity:With a Song in My Heart
1957 Oct 6
Box 8, Folder 77 17th Trinity:Accept Life with Humility
1964 Sep 20
Box 8, Folder 77 17th Trinity:Accept Life with Humility
1963 Oct 6
Box 8, Folder 77 17th Trinity:Belief and Obedience [empty]
1961 Sep 24
Box 8, Folder 77 17th Trinity:Matthew 22: The Choice
1947 Nov 9
Box 8, Folder 77 17th Trinity:Christian Vocation
1968 Oct 6
Box 8, Folder 77 17th Trinity:The Easy Yoke
1958 Sep 28
Box 8, Folder 77 17th Trinity:Humility
1967 Sep 17
Box 8, Folder 77 17th Trinity:Meeting Life's Tragedies
1949 Jan 19
Box 8, Folder 77 17th Trinity:Patience-Humility-Love
1959 Sep 20
Box 8, Folder 77 17th Trinity:Whom Do Men Say That I Am? Who Do You Say I Am? What Do You Believe About Christ?
1953 Aug 30
Box 8, Folder 78 18th Trinity:Belief in God
1947 Oct 5
Box 8, Folder 78 18th Trinity:Called to Service
1956 Sep 30
Box 8, Folder 78 18th Trinity:The Classic Dichotomy
1966 Oct 9
Box 8, Folder 78 18th Trinity:Famine in the Land
1969 Oct 5
Box 8, Folder 78 18th Trinity:A Definition of Christianity
1957 Oct 27
Box 8, Folder 78 18th Trinity:Love Hopeth All Things
1955 Oct 9
Box 8, Folder 78 18th Trinity:Man Looks for Something
1958 Oct 5
Box 8, Folder 78 18th Trinity:Man's Restlessness
1957 Oct 20
Box 8, Folder 78 18th Trinity:Renunciation-Faith-Obedience
1967 Sep 24
Box 8, Folder 78 18th Trinity:They Turned the World Upside Down
1960 Oct 16
Box 8, Folder 78 18th Trinity:Three Requirements for Holy Communion
1962 Oct 21
Box 8, Folder 78 18th Trinity:Why Call Me Lord?
1964 Sep 27
Box 8, Folder 78 18th Trinity:With Love to the Church
1970 Sep 27
Box 8, Folder 78 18th Trinity:Religion and Total Life
1949 Oct 2
Box 8, Folder 79 19th Trinity:The Basis of Religious Involvement
1966 Oct 16
Box 8, Folder 79 19th Trinity:Called to Follow Christ
1964 Oct 4
Box 8, Folder 79 19th Trinity:Billy Graham-U. Prof [?]-Establishment Be Destroyed
1970 Oct 4
Box 8, Folder 79 19th Trinity:Finding a Personal God Through Prayer
1961 Oct 8
Box 8, Folder 79 19th Trinity:The Great Leveller
1958 Oct 12
Box 8, Folder 79 19th Trinity:Harvest Festival
1954 Oct 24
Box 8, Folder 79 19th Trinity:The Incarnation
1947 Oct 12
Box 8, Folder 79 19th Trinity:The Seal of the Holy Spirit
1959 Oct 4
Box 8, Folder 79 19th Trinity:Some Marks of the Church
1949 Jan 23
Box 8, Folder 79 19th Trinity:Time-Talents-Treasure
1962 Oct 28
Box 8, Folder 80 20th Trinity:Arise and Go to Nineveh
1948 Jan 18
Box 8, Folder 80 20th Trinity:Assuming Life's Burdens
1968 Oct 27
Box 8, Folder 80 20th Trinity:Christian Responsibility
1963 Oct 27
Box 8, Folder 80 20th Trinity:Four Characteristics of Love
1957 Nov 10
Box 8, Folder 80 20th Trinity:God Reigneth
1959 Oct 11
Box 8, Folder 80 20th Trinity:Jesus of Nazareth Passeth By
1961 Oct 15
Box 8, Folder 80 20th Trinity:Pause for Refreshment
1960 Oct 30
Box 8, Folder 80 20th Trinity:The Resurrection
1947 Oct 19
Box 8, Folder 80 20th Trinity:Two Suggestions Living [as] Responsible Christians
1964 Oct 11
Box 8, Folder 81 21th Trinity:The Love of God
1948 Mar 7
Box 8, Folder 81 21th Trinity:Pardon and Peace
1961 Oct 22
Box 8, Folder 81 21th Trinity:The Seething Cauldron
1969 Oct 26
Box 8, Folder 81 21th Trinity:Self Sufficiency of Not Enough
1949 Jan 4
Box 8, Folder 81 21th Trinity:There Arose a New King
1952 Jul 13
Box 8, Folder 81 21th Trinity:Three Steps in [the Development] of Faith
1962 Nov 11
Box 8, Folder 81 21th Trinity:Thy Faithful People
1967 Oct 15
Box 8, Folder 81 22nd Trinity:Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit
1958 Nov 2
Box 8, Folder 81 22nd Trinity:Building a Tower to Heaven
1960 Nov 13
Box 8, Folder 81 22nd Trinity:The Church As It Ought to Be
1963 Nov 10
Box 8, Folder 81 22nd Trinity:Death
1947 Nov 2
Box 8, Folder 81 22nd Trinity:Forgiving Without Counting the Cost
1959 Oct 25
Box 8, Folder 81 22nd Trinity:The Generosity of Christ
1948 Mar 4
Box 8, Folder 81 22nd Trinity:Put On the Beauty of God
1968 Nov 10
Box 8, Folder 81 22nd Trinity:Sin and Forgiveness
1956 Oct 28
Box 8, Folder 81 23rd Trinity:All Men Are Brothers
1958 Nov 9
Box 8, Folder 81 23rd Trinity:Beholding the City, He Wept
1947 Aug 10
Box 8, Folder 81 23rd Trinity:Greetings to Haiti
1962? Oct 19
Box 8, Folder 81 23rd Trinity:Greetings to Our Companion Diocese
Box 8, Folder 81 23rd Trinity:Our Citizenship is in Heaven
1968 Nov 17
Box 9, Folder 82 24th Trinity:Four Principles for [Every] Churchman
1964 Oct 18
Box 9, Folder 82 24th Trinity:Go Ye Therefore
1961 Nov 12
Box 9, Folder 82 24th Trinity:Life's Inescapables
1955 Nov 13
Box 9, Folder 82 24th Trinity:The Offering of Self
1959 Nov 8
Box 9, Folder 82 24th Trinity:The Things That Belong to God
1958 Nov 16
Box 9, Folder 83 25th Trinity:The Everlasting Words
1959 Nov 15
Box 9, Folder 83 25th Trinity:God is Our Refuge and Strength
1967 Nov 12
Box 9, Folder 83 25th Trinity:Report on Haiti
1961 Nov 19
Box 9, Folder 83 25th Trinity:Why Do We Come to Church
1958 Oct 19
Box 9, Folder 84 Sunday Before Advent:Christ is King
1981 Nov 22
Box 9, Folder 84 Sunday Before Advent:The Determining Factor of Judgment
1959 Nov 22
Box 9, Folder 84 Sunday Before Advent:Look at Yourself
1958 Nov 23
Box 9, Folder 84 Sunday Before Advent:Either/Or
1963 Sep 22
Box 9, Folder 84 Sunday Before Advent:What Is Truth?
1952 May 18
Box 9, Folder 84 Sunday Before Advent:Blessed is He…Whose Hope is in the Lord His God
1962 Nov 25
Box 9, Folder 84 Sunday Before Advent:The Challenge of Faith
1960 Nov 20
Box 9, Folder 84 Sunday Before Advent:The Christian's Hope
1953 Oct 25
Box 9, Folder 84 Sunday Before Advent:A Fourfold Test of Belief
1956 Nov 25
Box 9, Folder 84 Sunday Before Advent:Christ is King
1975 Nov 23
Box 9, Folder 84 Sunday Before Advent:A King Shall Reign
1954 Nov 14
Box 9, Folder 84 Sunday Before Advent:Christ is King
1982 Nov 21
Box 9, Folder 85 1st Advent:The Armour of Light
1969 Nov 30
Box 9, Folder 85 1st Advent:Be Alert, Be Wakeful
1972 Dec 3
Box 9, Folder 85 1st Advent:Be of Good Cheer: Thy Sins be Forgiven Thee
1956 Dec 2
Box 9, Folder 85 1st Advent:The Implications of the Divine Judgement
1964 Nov 29
Box 9, Folder 85 1st Advent:The Man Who Came by Night
1954 Nov 28
Box 9, Folder 85 1st Advent:Rejoice: Your Redemption Draweth Nigh
1979 Dec 2
Box 9, Folder 85 1st Advent:Somnabulists
1978 Dec 3
Box 9, Folder 85 1st Advent:Seizing the Moment
1967 Dec 3
Box 9, Folder 85 1st Advent:Season [of] New Beginnings
1982 Nov 28
Box 9, Folder 85 1st Advent:Threefold Messianic Message
1962 Dec 2
Box 9, Folder 85 1st Advent:Time to Wake Up to Reality
1963 Dec 1
Box 9, Folder 85 1st Advent:Watch Therefore
1963 Jun 23
Box 9, Folder 85 1st Advent:Ye Are the Temple of God
1966 Dec 3
Box 9, Folder 85 1st Advent:O Master Let Me Walk with Thee
1947 Jan 2
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:As It is Written
1979 Dec 9
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:Be of Good Cheer: I Have Overcome the World
1957 Dec 8
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:The Bible
1948 Dec 5
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:Bible-The Book of Life
1947 Dec 7
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:The Bible Still Speaks to Us
1956 Dec 9
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:The Drama of the Bible
1952 Dec 7
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:Hope-Joy_Peace
1963 Dec 08
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:I Send My Messenger
1981 Dec 06
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:The Kingdom is at Hand
1982 Dec 05
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:Let Us Tell What God Hath Done
1961 Dec 24
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:Look Up-Lift Up Your Heads
1967 Dec 10
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:The Message of Hope
1969 Dec 07
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:The Messianic Hope
1977 Dec 04
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:The Nihilism of Our Times
1978 Dec 10
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:The Optimism of Paul
1970 Dec 06
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:The Promises of Jesus
1962 Dec 09
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:The Purpose of Holy Scripture
1960 Dec 04
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:Seven Woes-Who are the Scribes and Pharisees?
1958 Dec 07
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:Unity in the Church
1966 Dec 04
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:The Validity of Scriptures
1968 Dec 08
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:Wait Upon the Lord
1961 Dec 10
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:Waiting on God
1959 Dec 06
Box 9, Folder 86 2nd Advent:Welcome One Another
1964 Dec 06
Box 9, Folder 87 3rd Advent:The Doctrine of Hell
1959 Dec 13
Box 9, Folder 87 3rd Advent:The Four Faces of Man
1963 Dec 15
Box 9, Folder 87 3rd Advent:General Confession-Looking at Self
1960 Dec 11
Box 9, Folder 87 3rd Advent:God's Peace
1958 Dec 21
Box 9, Folder 87 3rd Advent:The Joy of Paul
1970 Dec 13
Box 9, Folder 87 3rd Advent:Judgement
1957 Dec 15
Box 9, Folder 87 3rd Advent:The Marks of a Prophet
1961 Jun 25
Box 9, Folder 87 3rd Advent:Rejoice in the Lord
1982 Dec 12
Box 9, Folder 87 3rd Advent:The Secrets of the Consecrated Life
1954 Dec 12
Box 9, Folder 87 3rd Advent:Threefold Intent Coming to the Holy Communion
1961 Dec 17
Box 9, Folder 88 4th Advent:The Final Judgement
1963 Dec 22
Box 9, Folder 88 4th Advent:Hail Mary
1970 Dec 20
Box 9, Folder 88 4th Advent:The Lord is at Hand
1959 Dec 20
Box 9, Folder 88 4th Advent:The Lord is at Hand
1957 Dec 22
Box 9, Folder 88 4th Advent:A Man of No Reputation
1954 Dec 19
Box 9, Folder 88 4th Advent:The Meaning of Advent
1977 Dec 18
Box 9, Folder 88 4th Advent:Only God Judges
1962 Dec 23
Box 9, Folder 88 4th Advent:The Savior-Born at Christmas
1956 Dec 23
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:And the Word Was Made Flesh
1962 Dec 24
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:At Peace: Self-Neighbor-God
1980 Dec 24
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:Christmas 1954
1963 Dec 24
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:Christmas 1956
1968 Dec 24
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:Christmas 1959
1956 Dec 24
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:Christmas 1961
1959 Dec 24
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:Christmas 1963
1954 Dec 24
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:Christmas 1968
1961 Dec 14
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:Christmas 1970
1975 Dec 24
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:Christmas 1975
1955 Dec 25
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:Christmas 1976
1977 Dec 24
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:Glory to God in the Highest
1955 Dec 24
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:God's Promise Fulfilled
1977 Dec 24
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:The Legend of the Creche
1955 Dec 24
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:The Meaning of Christmas
1963 Dec 19
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:No Room at the Inn
1971 Dec 24
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:On Them Has Light Shined
1978 Dec 25
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:The Second Christmas Gospel
1967 Dec 24
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:The Significance of Bethlehem
1960 Dec 24
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:A Study in Contrasts
1957 Dec 24
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:Thank God for Christmas
1960 Dec 24
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:There Was No Room In the Inn
1955 Dec 24
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:We Have Seen His Star in the East; and Have Come to Worship Him
1958 Dec 25
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:While Shepherds Watched
1972 Dec 24
Box 10, Folder 89 Christmas:The Word Was Made Flesh
1969 Dec 25
Box 10, Folder 90 1st After Christmas:Fear Not [First preached on Ascension]
1952 Dec 21
Box 10, Folder 90 1st After Christmas:Glory to God in the Highest
1957 Dec 29
Box 10, Folder 90 1st After Christmas:I Have Told You the Truth [First preached on Ascension]
1952 Jun 07
Box 10, Folder 90 1st After Christmas:Looking for Someone to Believe
1958 Dec 28
Box 10, Folder 91 2nd After Christmas:Christianity Offers: Changelessness-Discipline-Challenge
1969 Jan 05
Box 10, Folder 91 2nd After Christmas:The Faithful Remnant
1959 Jan 04
Box 10, Folder 91 2nd After Christmas:The Lesson of the Shepherds; Jesus and the Common Man
1949 Jan 02
Box 10, Folder 91 2nd After Christmas:Redeeming Time
1960 Jan 03
Box 10, Folder 91 2nd After Christmas:Thoughts for the New Year
1958 Jan 05
Box 10, Folder 92 Lenten Series:People, Shadow,Cross (A Series of Five Lectures)
Box 10, Folder 92 Lenten Series:Pilate's Wife-1st Lent
1957 Mar 10
Box 10, Folder 92 Lenten Series:A Study in Contrasts: The Good and Bad Thieves-2nd Lent
1957 Mar 17
Box 10, Folder 92 Lenten Series:Simon of Cyrene: the Cross Bearer-3rd Lent
1957 Mar 24
Box 10, Folder 92 Lenten Series:The Centurion…A Man Who Changed his Mind-4th Lent
1957 Mar 31
Box 10, Folder 92 Lenten Series:Joseph of Arimathea-5th Lent
1957 Apr 07
Box 10, Folder 93 Lenten Series:Good Shepherd (A Series of Five Lectures)
Box 10, Folder 93 Lenten Series:1st Lent missing
Box 10, Folder 93 Lenten Series:He Cares for All- 2nd Lent
1960 Mar 19
Box 10, Folder 93 Lenten Series:Jesus Leads Us- 3rd Lent
1960 Mar 20
Box 10, Folder 93 Lenten Series:He Comes to Give Us Life-4th Lent
1960 Apr 03
Box 10, Folder 93 Lenten Series:He Gives His Life For Us-5th Lent
1960 Apr 10
Box 10, Folder 94 Lenten Series:Five Personalities of the Passion
Box 10, Folder 94 Lenten Series:And Peter Remembered-1st Lent
1955 Feb 27
Box 10, Folder 94 Lenten Series:Caiaphas- The High Priest-2nd Lent
1955 Mar 06
Box 10, Folder 94 Lenten Series:Judas Iscariot-3rd Lent
1955 Mar 13
Box 10, Folder 94 Lenten Series:Jesus or Barabbas-4th Lent
1955 Mar 20
Box 10, Folder 94 Lenten Series:Pontius Pilate-5th Lent
1955 Mar 27
Box 10, Folder 95 Lenten Series:John 17
Box 10, Folder 95 Lenten Series:A Community United in God-1st Lent
1967 Feb 12
Box 10, Folder 95 Lenten Series:A Believing Comminity-2nd Lent
1967 Feb 19
Box 10, Folder 95 Lenten Series:A Separated Community-3rd Lent
1967 Feb 26
Box 10, Folder 95 Lenten Series:A Witnessing Community-4th Lent
1967 Mar 05
Box 10, Folder 95 Lenten Series:A Missionary Community-5th Lent
1967 Mar 12
Box 10, Folder 96 Lenten Series:Five Marks of a Christian
Box 10, Folder 96 Lenten Series:Commitment-1st Lent
1973 Mar 11
Box 10, Folder 96 Lenten Series:Discipline-2nd Lent
1973 Mar 18
Box 10, Folder 96 Lenten Series:Vocation-3rd Lent
1973 Mar 25
Box 10, Folder 96 Lenten Series:Fellowship-4th Lent
1973 Apr 01
Box 10, Folder 96 Lenten Series:Witness-5th Lent
1973 Apr 08
Box 10, Folder 97 Lenten Series:Aspects of the Nature of Christ
Box 10, Folder 97 Lenten Series:The Changelessness of Christ-1st Lent
1965 Mar 07
Box 10, Folder 97 Lenten Series:The Purpose of Christ-2nd Lent
1965 Mar 14
Box 10, Folder 97 Lenten Series:The Abiding Presence of Christ-3rd Lent
1965 Mar 24
Box 10, Folder 97 Lenten Series:The Peace of Christ-4th Lent
1965 Mar 28
Box 10, Folder 98 Lenten Series:Cost of Discipleship
Box 10, Folder 98 Lenten Series:What It Cost Christ for Us-1st Lent
1963 Mar 03
Box 10, Folder 98 Lenten Series:"Forgiveness Without Penitence"-2nd Lent
1963 Mar 10
Box 10, Folder 98 Lenten Series:Communion Without Confession-3rd Lent
1963 Mar 17
Box 10, Folder 98 Lenten Series:Discipleship Comes with Effort-4th Lent
1963 Mar 29
Box 10, Folder 98 Lenten Series:The Ultimate Cost
1963 Apr 06
Box 10, Folder 99 Lenten Series:Series On Paradoxes
Box 10, Folder 99 Lenten Series:Freedom Through Discipline-1st Lent
1961 Feb 19
Box 10, Folder 99 Lenten Series:Greatness Through Service-2nd Lent
1961 Feb 26
Box 10, Folder 99 Lenten Series:Joy through Suffering-3rd Lent
1961 Mar 04
Box 10, Folder 99 Lenten Series:Victory Through Defeat
1961 Mar 12
Box 10, Folder 100 Anniversary Series:Anniversary Series
Box 10, Folder 100 Anniversary Series:250th Anniversary Series - (Masonic Bodies Present)
1968 Apr 21
Box 10, Folder 100 Anniversary Series:14th Anniversary Sermon~ My Tenure Review
1968 Sep 01
Box 10, Folder 101 Armistice Day:Armistice Day
1956 Nov 07
Box 10, Folder 102 Beatitudes Series:Purity of Heart [empty]
1960 Feb 21
Box 10, Folder 103 Canterbury, England:[Visit to] Canterbury, England
Box 10, Folder 103 Canterbury, England:Changed Men-Prison
1905 May 18, 1965
Box 10, Folder 103 Canterbury, England:The Comfortable Pulpit
1905 May 19, 1966
Box 10, Folder 103 Canterbury, England:["Sorting Potatoes"]
1966 Sep 21
Box 10, Folder 103 Canterbury, England:[About Visit to Canterbury and St. Augustine's]
1966 Aug 03
Box 10, Folder 103 Canterbury, England:A Year in St. Augustine's, Canterbury
1966 Oct 03
Box 10, Folder 104 Centennial Service:Those Who Have No Memorial
1961 Oct 01
Box 11, Folder 105 Clergy Ordination:Clergy Ordination Sermons
Box 11, Folder 105 Clergy Ordination:The Call of the Priesthood
1948 Nov 21
Box 11, Folder 105 Clergy Ordination:Reflections on 30 Years in the Priesthood
1976 Dec 19
Box 11, Folder 105 Clergy Ordination:Set Apart to Serve (Ordination to the Diaconate of Charles Beck Payson)
1972 Oct 3
Box 11, Folder 106 Clergy Retreat:Clergy Retreat [and Clergy Quiet Day]
Box 11, Folder 106 Clergy Retreat:Vessels of Clay [Meditations: First and Final]
1958 Sep 2-1958 Sep 5
Box 11, Folder 106 Clergy Retreat:Clergy Quiet Day
1957 Feb 19
Box 11, Folder 107 Dedications:Christ Our Foundation (Rededication of St. Paul's Church, Portsmouth, RI)
1966 Oct 9
Box 11, Folder 108 Ecumenical:Ecumenical Talks
Box 11, Folder 108 Ecumenical:Building Bridges
1965 Mar 06
Box 11, Folder 108 Ecumenical:Essentials of the True Religion Man of Today, Prayer-Thought-Action
1970 May 14
Box 11, Folder 108 Ecumenical:How Can I Help the Movement Toward Christian Unity?
1967 Jan 22
Box 11, Folder 108 Ecumenical:Working Together
1979 Jan 21
Box 11, Folder 109 Elks Club Memorial:Sine Nomine
1982 Dec 05
Box 11, Folder 110 Eucharist Series:5 Part Series On the Eucharist
1987 Jun 28-1987 Jul 26
Box 11, Folder 110 Eucharist Series:Introduction: Background of the Eucharist-1st Sermon
1970 Feb 15
Box 11, Folder 110 Eucharist Series:He Took the Offertory-2nd Sermon
1970 Feb 22
Box 11, Folder 110 Eucharist Series:He Blessed-The Blessing-3rd Sermon
1970 Mar 01
Box 11, Folder 110 Eucharist Series:He Broke-The Fraction-4th Sermon
1970 Mar 08
Box 11, Folder 110 Eucharist Series:He Gave-The Sharing-5th Sermon
1970 Mar 15
Box 11, Folder 110 Eucharist Series:Exit-The Going Out
1970 Mar 22
Box 11, Folder 111 Confession Exhortation:Exhortation to Confession Series
Box 11, Folder 111 Confession Exhortation:Ye Who Do Truly Repent-1st Lent
1958 Feb 23
Box 11, Folder 111 Confession Exhortation:Love and Charity with Our Neighbors-2nd Lent
1958 Mar 02
Box 11, Folder 111 Confession Exhortation:And Intend to Lead a New Life-3rd Lent
1958 Mar 09
Box 11, Folder 111 Confession Exhortation:Walking From Henceforth in His Holy Ways-4th Lent
1958 Mar 16
Box 11, Folder 111 Confession Exhortation:Draw Near with Faith-5th Lent
1958 Mar 23
Box 11, Folder 112 First Communion:First Communion for Younsters
1975 Feb 16
Box 11, Folder 113 Four Last Things:The Four Last Things-A Series
Box 11, Folder 113 Four Last Things:Death-A Phase of Life
Box 11, Folder 113 Four Last Things:Judgement missing
Box 11, Folder 113 Four Last Things:Hell missing
Box 11, Folder 113 Four Last Things:Heaven missing
Box 11, Folder 114 Funeral Services:Homily for Grace Arnold Albee (1890-1985)
1985 Jul 30
Box 11, Folder 114 Funeral Services:Mary Street Bannister Funeral
1986 Mar 01
Box 11, Folder 114 Funeral Services:Homily for George Walter Chamberlain (1913-1987)
1987 Apr 14
Box 11, Folder 114 Funeral Services:Remarks-Funeral of Dr. Marshall N. Fulton
1977 May 21
Box 11, Folder 114 Funeral Services:Homily at the Graveside in Swan Point for Kay (Kathryn) Gross
1991 Mar 11
Box 11, Folder 114 Funeral Services:Homily-Hubert Holdsworth's Funeral (1915-1993)
1993 Apr 13
Box 11, Folder 114 Funeral Services:Homily-William R. Johnson's Funeral
1988 Sep 10
Box 11, Folder 114 Funeral Services:Remarks-Funeral-Ethel Barrymore Colt Miglietta
1977 May 25
Box 11, Folder 114 Funeral Services:Eulogy-Reynolds G. Northup (1912-1983)
1983 Mar 21
Box 11, Folder 114 Funeral Services:Homily for funeral of Reynolds G. Northup
1983 Mar 22
Box 11, Folder 114 Funeral Services:Homily-Tony Russo's Funeral
1987 Sep 22
Box 11, Folder 115 Grenada:Impressions of Grenada, Winward Islands (Proper 18 -A)
1981 Sep 06
Box 11, Folder 115 Grenada:Questions Christ Asks Us (Proper 16-A)
1981 Aug 23
Box 11, Folder 115 Grenada:Brief Report on Grenada
1981 Sep 20
Box 11, Folder 115 Grenada:Report on Grenada
1981 Oct 05
Box 11, Folder 115 Grenada:Talk to Rotary Club-Grenvill, Grenada, W.I.
1981 Sep 02
Box 11, Folder 116 Holy Baptism:Holy Baptism of Pamela Jane Just and Michael Lon Levesque
1976 Sep 19
Box 11, Folder 116 Holy Baptism:Holy Baptism of Jody Redfern Almeida and Jennifer Lynn Abate
1974 Oct 06
Box 11, Folder 116 Holy Baptism:Holy Baptism of George William Campbell
Box 11, Folder 117 The Holy Land:Report On the Holy Land
1972 Apr 30
Box 11, Folder 117 The Holy Land:Talk on the Holy Land
1972 Oct 11
Box 11, Folder 118 Independence Day:Bicentennial Service
1976 Jul 04
Box 11, Folder 118 Independence Day:The Earth is the Lords
1947 May 25
Box 11, Folder 118 Independence Day:Independence Day
1968 Jun 30
Box 11, Folder 118 Independence Day:Reflections on Independence Day
1979 Jul 01
Box 11, Folder 119 Institution of Rectors:Feed My Sheep! [Institution of Aaron F. Usher and John H. Peterson]
1968 Nov 28
Box 11, Folder 120 The Lord's Prayer:Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
1956 Sep 02
Box 11, Folder 120 The Lord's Prayer:Thy Kingdom Come
1955 Nov 20
Box 11, Folder 121 Memorial Day:Blessed Are the Peacemakers
1970 May 31
Box 11, Folder 121 Memorial Day:Greater Love
1962 Jun 22
Box 11, Folder 121 Memorial Day:[American] Legion Address [of the Local Post]
Box 11, Folder 121 Memorial Day:Memorial Day [in Chanute, Kansas]
1944 May 31
Box 11, Folder 121 Memorial Day:Memorial Day Address
1956 May 30
Box 11, Folder 121 Memorial Day:Memorial Day [Sermon]
1972 May 28
Box 11, Folder 122 Moon Landing:The Moon Landing
1969 Jul 20
Box 12, Folder 123 Miscellaneous:Church School Talks
1957 Sep 29
Box 12, Folder 123 Miscellaneous:The Healing Ministry
1973 Jul 17-1973 Jul 20
Box 12, Folder 123 Miscellaneous:Is the Episcopal Church Catholic or Protestant?
1953 Dec 1
Box 12, Folder 123 Miscellaneous:Miscellaneous Talks
1905 May 11
Box 12, Folder 123 Miscellaneous:Mother's Day Talk
1956 May 13
Box 12, Folder 123 Miscellaneous:Prayer [of the] King's School [Canterbury, England]
1967 Sep 13
Box 12, Folder 123 Miscellaneous:Relations of Clergy to the Women's Auxiliary
1956 May 06
Box 12, Folder 123 Miscellaneous:Talk on Korea
1953 Sep
Box 12, Folder 123 Miscellaneous:Talk on Youth
1953 Oct 26
Box 12, Folder 123 Miscellaneous:Series of Two Minute Meditations for One Week
1948 Feb 19-1948 Feb 23
Box 12, Folder 123 Miscellaneous:Traits to Look for In One's Life Mate
Box 12, Folder 123 Miscellaneous:Two Modern Saints
Box 12, Folder 123 Miscellaneous:Use of Our Gifts
1960 May 29
Box 12, Folder 123 Miscellaneous:[D.A.R.] Washington's [Birthday]
1957 Feb 22
Box 12, Folder 123 Miscellaneous:Why Be a Christian?
Box 12, Folder 123 Miscellaneous:Why Are We Episcopalians?
1948 Jan 18
Box 12, Folder 123 Miscellaneous:Miscellaneous Sermon Notes
1977 Jan 01
Box 12, Folder 124 National Day of Mourning:Except the Lord Build the House
1963 Nov 24
Box 12, Folder 124 National Day of Mourning:National Day of Mourning-On the Death of Robert F. Kennedy
1968 Jun 09
Box 12, Folder 125 The New Liturgy:Some Thought on the New Liturgy
1968 Feb 25
Box 12, Folder 126 Quiet Day:Church Summoning Community
1974 Mar 16
Box 12, Folder 126 Quiet Day:Cultivation of the Roots
1970 Oct 20
Box 12, Folder 126 Quiet Day:Discipline-Solitude-Silence-Social Concern
1973 Mar 17
Box 12, Folder 126 Quiet Day:A Quiet Day
1962 Nov 29
Box 12, Folder 126 Quiet Day:Quiet Day [The Roots Need Cultivation]
1970 Mar 11
Box 12, Folder 126 Quiet Day:Quiet Day -Companions
1972 Mar 18
Box 12, Folder 126 Quiet Day:Quiet Day for ECW of Diocese of RI
1965 Mar 18, 1965 Mar 20
Box 12, Folder 126 Quiet Day:Quiet Day-Love-Prayer-Holy Spirit
1971 Mar 20
Box 12, Folder 126 Quiet Day:Quiet Day Meditations
1955 Oct 06
Box 12, Folder 126 Quiet Day:Stop-Look-Pray-Quiet Day for Women
1959 Feb 18
Box 12, Folder 127 Religion and Life Series:Religion and Life Series:Five Sermons
Box 12, Folder 127 Religion and Life Series:Religion Just for Church
1957 Mar 14
Box 12, Folder 127 Religion and Life Series:Religion and Social Relationships
1957 Mar 21
Box 12, Folder 127 Religion and Life Series:Religion and Practical Matters
1957 Mar 28
Box 12, Folder 127 Religion and Life Series:Religion-A Household Necessity
1967 Apr 04
Box 12, Folder 127 Religion and Life Series:Religion-An Everyday Affair: see Prayer-Five Fold Aspect at 3rd Epiphany
1957 Feb 10
Box 12, Folder 128 Retreat Addresses:Introduction and Five Meditations
1954 Jul 01
Box 12, Folder 128 Retreat Addresses:Retreat Addresses
1959 Jan 16-1959 Jan 17
Box 12, Folder 129 Retreat for Young People:Four Meditations Based on the Account of the Transfiguration
1964 Sep 25-1964 Sep 26
Box 12, Folder 130 St. Luke's Day:For Me to Live is, What?
1964 Oct 28
Box 12, Folder 130 St. Luke's Day:St. Luke-The Beloved Physician
1959 Oct 18
Box 12, Folder 131 St. Matthew:Jesus Came for Sinners
1958 Sep 21
Box 12, Folder 132 St. Michael's Church, Bristol, RI:Evil Has Been Conquered
1975 Sep 28
Box 12, Folder 132 St. Michael's Church, Bristol, RI:The Open Door
1971 May 09
Box 12, Folder 132 St. Michael's Church, Bristol, RI:St. Michael's Church-A Brief History
1905 May 14, 1961
Box 12, Folder 132 St. Michael's Church, Bristol, RI:Talks on St. Michael's
Box 13, Folder 133 St. Michael's Day:St. Michael-Angels and Demons
1977 Oct 02
Box 13, Folder 133 St. Michael's Day:St. Michael-Champion of God's People
1982 Oct 03
Box 13, Folder 133 St. Michael's Day:St. Michael-He Who is Like God
1960 Oct 02
Box 13, Folder 133 St. Michael's Day:St. Michael, Our Patron Saint
1980 Sep 28
Box 13, Folder 133 St. Michael's Day:Who is Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven
1963 Sep 29
Box 13, Folder 133 St. Michael's Day:St. Michael-One Who is Like God
1974 Sep 29
Box 13, Folder 133 St. Michael's Day:Weathering the Storms of Change
1976 Oct 03
Box 13, Folder 134 St. Thomas' Day:Doubting Thomas
1954 May 02
Box 13, Folder 135 Talk on Salamanca:Talk on Salamanca
1976 Sep 01
Box 13, Folder 136 Testimonial-Roger Dietz:Demanding, Disciplined, Concerned
1976 Jun 04
Box 13, Folder 137 Thanksgiving:Thanksgiving Service
1946 Nov 28
Box 13, Folder 137 Thanksgiving:Thanksgiving Address-Bristol Rotary
1980 Nov 26
Box 13, Folder 137 Thanksgiving:Thanksgiving Day:Korea
Box 13, Folder 137 Thanksgiving:Thanksgiving:Bristol Rotary
1979 Nov 21
Box 13, Folder 138 Transfiguration:Transfiguration-To Catch a Glimpse of the Glory of God
1978 Aug 06
Box 13, Folder 139 Trip to England and Scotland:Trip to England and Scotland-Talk to ECW
1905 Jun 4, 1982
Box 13, Folder 140 Veterans' Day:Veterans' Day:Talk to RI Veterans' Home
1982 Nov 11
Box 13, Folder 141 A Series-What Jesus Had to Say About God:The Inviting God
1962 Mar 11
Box 13, Folder 141 A Series-What Jesus Had to Say About God:The Seeking God
1962 Mar 18
Box 13, Folder 141 A Series-What Jesus Had to Say About God:The Compassionate God
1962 Mar 25
Box 13, Folder 141 A Series-What Jesus Had to Say About God:God of the Individual
1962 Apr 01
Box 13, Folder 142 Work:[The Meaning of] Work
1955 Mar 13