Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island

University of Rhode Island, University Archives and Special Collections
15 Lippitt Road
Kingston, RI 02881-2011
Tel: 401-874-4632

email: archives@etal.uri.edu

Published in 2007

Collection Overview

Title: Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island
Date range: 1715-1990
Creator: Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island
Extent: 123 box(es)
(68.5 linear feet)
Abstract: The records of the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island document the activities of the Anglican Church in Rhode Island from the early eighteen century through the late twentieth century. The collection is divided into thirteen series documenting the Church's administrative, religious, cultural, and financial activities from 1715 to 1990.
Language of materials: English
Repository: University of Rhode Island, University Archives and Special Collections
Collection number: Mss. Gr. 41

Scope & content

The Records of the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island, transferred through the auspices of Bishop John Seville Higgins, were deposited by the diocese in the Special Collections Department of the University of Rhode Island Library
in 1976. Additional sizable deposits of records were made in 1982 and 1991, with smaller additions made in the intervening years. In addition to the records generated by the diocese itself, records of Episcopal churches throughout the diocese were deposited in the cathedral as the churches closed or were merged with other churches. Individual members of the clergy and laity also donated records to the cathedral from both active and disincorporated churches.

Since the records originated from a variety of sources, their provenance is uncertain. Over the years much material appears to have been lost due to frequent movement of the records. As a result, only a partial record of a wide variety of diocesan activities has been preserved. In addition, some records were destroyed and other records damaged due to flooding of the area in which they were stored by the 1938 hurricane. Some of the documents are rust and water stained, while leather on some of the bound volumes is decomposing.

The collection is comprised of historical records documenting the history and development of the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island, records deposited with the diocese by parish churches, handwritten and printed sermons -- some dating as early as 1711, and materials relating to the eleven bishops of the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode (see List of Bishops in the Historical Note for names and dates of service).

Additional materials include the writings of Bishop John Seville Higgins, 1927-1989, which contains the published and unpublished works of the ninth Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island, the published Journal of the Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island and published journals of the proceedings of periodic special conventions, photographs, srcapbooks, and general administrative files maintained in the office of the diocesan headquarters as well as the the files relating to the administration of local parishes and their relationship to the bishop and diocesan headquarters.

The collectionn also contains lists of people, baptized, confirmed, or received by the bishop into the Episcopal Church on his visits to the churches of the diocese and materials relating to the Episcopal Church requirement that previously married and divorced individuals seeking to remarry obtain the permission of the bishop before the ceremony can be performed in an Episcopal Church. The final part of this collection is a list published materials relating to the Episcopal Church and the Anglican faith in general. The publications in this series were removed and catalogued into the Episcopal Diocese Book Collection for greater access.


After processing, the records were organized into twelve series as follows:

  • 1. Histories/Historical Records, 1715-1990
  • 2. Diocesan Parishes, 1750-1990
  • 3. Sermons, 1711-1795, 1912
  • 4. Bishops, 1786-1989
  • 5. Writings of Bishop John Seville Higgins, 1927-1989
  • 6. Convention Proceedings, 1790-1978, 1981
  • 7. Photographs, circa 1900-1970
  • 8. Scrapbooks, 1904-1969
  • 9. Diocesan Administrative Files, 1940-1991
  • 10. Parish Administrative Files, 1872-1989
  • 11. Baptisms/Confirmations/Receptions, 1911-1990
  • 12. Remarriage Judgments, 1911-1936; 1955-1989

Biographical or Historical Information

Episcopal worship in Rhode Island dates to 1635 with the arrival in what is now
Cumberland of the Rev. William Blackstone, an Anglican priest from Boston. An itinerant preacher, Blackstone preached regularly to Indians and settlers in a field beneath the "Catholic Oak" in
Lonsdale. He also traveled astride a large white bull from settlement to settlement, stopping to preach and administer the sacraments whenever requested to do so. Blackstone built no churches, however, and Anglicans in Rhode Island continued to rely on itinerant priests to minister to their needs for the remainder of the seventeenth century.

It was not until the beginning of the eighteenth century that the first Anglican Church was built in Rhode Island. In 1698, a small congregation in
Newport petitioned Lord Bellomont, the Royal Governor of Massachusetts, to assist it in obtaining a permanent minister. The application was approved and Trinity Church
was built in 1701. It was followed shortly by St. Paul's
Narragansett (1707), St. Michael's
Bristol (1720), and King's Church
, now St. John's, Cathedral, in
Providence (1722).

Slow steady growth and the remarkably lengthy tenure of their ministers characterized the Anglican Churches in the colonial years. Rev. John Usher served St Michael's for 52 years (1723-1775); the Rev. James Honyman ministered to the congregation of Trinity Church for 46 years (1704-1750); and the great Protestant divines, Rev. James MacSparran and the Rev. Samuel Fayerweather, served St. Paul's for a total of 50 years between 1721 and 1774.

The coming of the American Revolution jeopardized this stability and the very existence of the Anglican Church in America. Prayers for the King of England and the royal family were included in the Anglican Prayer Book as part of the services. As tension between Great Britain and its American colonies increased, continued recitation of such prayers became a divisive issue between the clergy and their American congregations. The congregations insisted that prayers for the king be omitted from Sunday services and the clergy insisted on retaining them. As a result of this impasse, both King's Church in
Providence and St. Paul's in
Narragansett were closed for the duration of the Revolutionary War. In addition, St. Michael's in
Bristol burned to the ground when British gunboats shelled the town in 1778. Only Trinity Church in
Newport remained open throughout the Revolution and its congregation was deeply divided by the conflict.

By war's end the Anglican Church in America and Rhode Island was moribund. Churches had been closed or destroyed, congregations were divided, and clergy were holding services whenever and wherever possible in order to keep their flocks together. In 1789, however, three American bishops, including Samuel Seabury of Connecticut, met to form the House of Bishops
of the newly organized Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America.

The following year, the Rev. William Smith of Trinity church in
Newport, the Rev. Moses Badger of King's Church,
Providence, and lay representatives of St. Michael's,
Bristol and St. Paul's,
Narragansett met in
Newport to organize a Diocese of Rhode Island. On Nov. 18, 1790, the delegates to this first Diocesan Convention
voted to create a diocese and named Samuel Seabury, Bishop of Connecticut, as the Bishop of Rhode Island. Seabury accepted and served as bishop of both dioceses until his death in 1796. Because of its small size and inability to support its own bishop, the Diocese of Rhode Island continued to share a bishop with one or more of the New England states until 1843 when the Diocese elected John Henshaw as the Bishop of Rhode Island.

King's Church in deference to patriotic sensibilities became St. John's Church
in 1794 and the diocese continued its steady growth throughout the nineteenth century. By the time of the Diocesan Centennial in 1890, the diocese had grown from four parishes with approximately 200 communicants to thirty-five parishes with more than 9,000 communicants. The leadership of the diocese was very stable in it first century as well. Alexander Viets Griswold served as Bishop for thirty-two years (1811-43) and Thomas March Clark for forty-nine years (1854-1903).

The continued growth of the diocese into the twentieth century highlighted the growing need to have a cathedral as the administrative center and the religious focal point of the diocese. Bishop William McVickar first broached the issue in 1907 and was instrumental in forming a Cathedral Corporation two years later. It was not until 1929, however, that St. John's Church in
Providence, the former King's Church, became the Cathedral of St. John
and the seat of the diocese.

Over the next forty years, the Cathedral Close
developed around the Cathedral of St. John as the diocese sought to bring together in one location its administrative and religious headquarters. Though plans for a Cathedral Close had been developed as early as 1931, it was not until John Seville Higgins became bishop in 1955 that the plans began to reach fruition. Higgins immediately announced a plan to move the diocesan office to the cathedral and to develop the block around the cathedral as the center of diocesan life. During the next 17 years under Bishop Higgins's leadership, the diocese completely restored the cathedral inside and out, constructed a new headquarters building, a parish house, and a fifty-two bed medical facility known as Hallworth House
. The diocese also converted five homes it owned on
Benefit Street into apartments for the elderly, built a Synod Hall in the basement of the cathedral, and converted the Chapel into a diocesan library named in honor of Nathan Bourne Crocker, the distinguished nineteenth century rector of St John's. By 1972, when Bishop Higgins retired, the Cathedral Close Project
had been completed and the diocese had what Bishop James DeWolf Perry envisioned in his first address to the Diocesan Convention
in 1911 as "a beautiful group of buildings and grounds as a witness to the religious motives which inspired the founder of the City."

In 1990, the Diocese of Rhode Island
celebrated its two hundredth anniversary. The four colonial churches with barely 200 communicants had grown into a vibrant diocese of sixty-six parishes with more than 16,000 communicants. The church that had barely survived the upheaval of the American Revolution now plays a significant role in the religious, cultural, and social life of Rhode Island. As it looks back with pride on the accomplishments of its first two hundred years, the diocese also looks forward to the challenges of the next two hundred.

  • Samuel Seabury, 1790-1796
  • No Bishop, 1797
  • Edward Bass, 1798-1803
  • No Bishop, 1804-1810
  • Alexander Viets Griswold, 1811-1843
  • John Prentiss Kenly Henshaw, 1843-1852
  • No Bishop, 1853
  • Thomas March Clark, 1854-1903
  • William Neilson McVickar, 1903-1910
  • James DeWolf Perry, 1911-1946
  • Granville Gaylord Bennett, 1946-1954
  • John Seville Higgins, 1955-1972
  • Frederick Hesley Belden, 1972-1979
  • George Nelson Hunt, 1980-

Access & Use

Access to the collection: Open for research.
Use of the materials: Terms governing use and reproduction: Photocopying and scanning of materials is a fee based service available in the repository and is allowed at the discretion of the Archivist when in compliance to the Unit's policy on copyright and publication.
Preferred citation: Records of the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island, Mss. Gr. 41, University of Rhode Island, University Archives and Special Collections.
Contact information: University of Rhode Island, University Archives and Special Collections
15 Lippitt Road
Kingston, RI 02881-2011
Tel: 401-874-4632

email: archives@etal.uri.edu

Administrative Information

Acquisition: The Records of the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island, transferred through the auspices of Bishop John Seville Higgins, were deposited by the diocese in the Special Collections Department of the University of Rhode Island Library in 1976. Additional sizable deposits of records were made in 1982 and 1991, with smaller additions made in the intervening years.
Author: Finding aid prepared by Kevin J. Logan and Beth Ulucci.
Encoding: Finding aid encoded by Russell M. Franks on 2007 August 20, updated by Hailie D. Posey on 2009 August 24, updated by Mark Dionne on2020 April 29
Descriptive rules: Finding aid based on Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)

Additional Information



Series 1. Histories/Historical Records
Box 1-12, Folder 1-139
This series consists of records which document the early history and development of the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island and printed, typed, and handwritten histories of the diocese or some particular aspect of its role in the life of Rhode Island. The latter were usually produced to commemorate a significant event or anniversary in the history of the diocese such as its centennial or bicentennial. Some records in this series pre-date the official founding of the diocese in 1790, but are included because they document the early development of the Episcopal Church in Rhode Island.

Topics represented include diocesan finances, the diocesan archives, real estate transactions, diocesan missions, organizations such as the Board of Trustees of Churches and Glebes
, and the Churchmen's Club
of Rhode Island, the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church, lists of clergy in the diocese, religious services, and the ordination of the Rev. James MacSparran, perhaps the most notable Anglican clergyman in colonial Rhode Island.

Types of records represented include correspondence, minutes of meetings, committee reports, biographical sketches of prominent figures in diocesan history, prayer books, catechisms, baptismal lists, burial lists, confirmation registers, deeds, mortgages, lists of clergy serving in the diocese, Diocesan Record Books, private registers of church services held by itinerant ministers serving the diocese (1787-1817), Journals of the Proceedings of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, and an 1862 pastoral letter from the Episcopal bishops to the "Clergy and Laity of the Confederate States of America."

There is some overlap of record type and subject matter between this series and Diocesan Administrative Files. The distinction between the two is that this series contains records of an historical nature and histories of the diocese, while Diocesan Administrative Files series contains more current records documenting the administrative functions of the diocese.


The records in this series are arranged alphabetically by name, subject, or type of record and chronologically within folders.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 A. A. Gammell Fund: Receipts and Disbursements
Box 1, Folder 2 Accounts and Pledges Ledger
Box 1, Folder 3 Aldrich Homestead
, Scituate, Plat of
Box 1, Folder 4 Anglican Church in the Colony of RI: Correspondence (Photocopies)
1715, 1716, 1720, undated
Box 1, Folder 5 Annual Reports of the Women's Auxiliary
and the Indian Aid Society

Box 1, Folder 6 Archives of the Diocese: Inventory
Box 1, Folder 7 Archives of the Diocese: Inventory
Box 2, Folder 8 Armed Forces Prayer Book
Box 2, Folder 9 Armed Forces Prayer Book
Box 2, Folder 10 Babcock, Martha "The Life of Martha Babcock"
Box 2, Folder 11 Baptisms, List of
Box 2, Folder 12 Baptisms, Register of
Box 2, Folder 13 Beecher, Rev. Thomas K: "A Lecture Delivered in the Opera House, Elmira, New York"
Box 2, Folder 14 Berkeley, George, Notes Compiled from Many Sources by Bertha Boiden Davis
Box 2, Folder 15 Beveridge, Rev. William: Private Thoughts Upon Religion
Box 2, Folder 16 Bishop's File, Inventory of
Box 2, Folder 17 Bishop's House, Article re
Box 2, Folder 18 Bishop's House: Letter from Hope Russell granting her
Power St. Home to the Diocese as a Residence for the Bishop
Box 2, Folder 19 Bishop's Salary and Convention Expenses: Parish Assessments
Box 2, Folder 20 Bishops of the Episcopal Church: Biographical Sketches and Photographs
Box 2, Folder 21 Bowler, Metcalf: Notes on
1986, undated
Box 2, Folder 22 Brown, Harold: Scrapbook re. his Gift to the Missionary Episcopate
Box 3, Folder 23 Burials, List of
Box 3, Folder 24 (Misnumbered)
no date
Box 3, Folder 25 Candidates for Orders and Ordination, List of
Box 3, Folder 26 Cash Account Book
Box 3, Folder 27 The Catechism of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States
Box 3, Folder 28 Cathedral College
: Act of Incorporation
Box 3, Folder 29 Centennial Discourse
Box 3, Folder 30 Checkley, John: "The Speech of John Checkley Upon His Trial in Boston in 1724"
Box 3, Folder 31 The Church Journal
Box 3, Folder 32 Church Missionary Society
Box 3, Folder 33 Churches and Glebes Board of Trustees
: Correspondence
1943, 1949-1955
Box 3, Folder 34 Churches and Glebes Board of Trustees
: Correspondence
Box 3, Folder 35 Churches and Glebes Board of Trustees
: Deeds, Leases, and Mortgages
1879, 1923-56, scattered
Box 3, Folder 36 Churches and Glebes Board of Trustees
: Minutes of Meetings
Box 3, Folder 37 Churches and Glebes Board of Trustees
: Miscellaneous
1912-1957, scattered, undated
Box 3, Folder 38 Churchman's Monthly Magazine
Box 4, Folder 39 Churchmen's Club
of Rhode Island: Ledgers. See: Oversize
Box 4, Folder 40 Churchmen's Club
of Rhode Island: Ledgers
Box 4, Folder 41 Churchmen's Club
of Rhode Island: Ledgers
Box 4, Folder 42 Churchmen's Club
of Rhode Island: Manual
Box 4, Folder 43 Churchmen's Club
of Rhode Island: Meetings and Programs
Box 4, Folder 44 Churchmen's Club
of Rhode Island: Minutes of Meetings
Box 5, Folder 45 Churchmen's Club
of Rhode Island: Minutes of Meetings
Box 5, Folder 46 Churchmen's Club
of Rhode Island: Minutes of Meetings
Box 5, Folder 47 Churchmen's Club
of Rhode Island: Rosters
Box 5, Folder 48 Churchmen's Club
of Rhode Island: Scrapbook. See: Oversize
Box 5, Folder 49 Churchmen's Club
of Rhode Island: Scrapbook. See: Oversize
Box 5, Folder 50 Churchmen's Club
of Rhode Island: Scrapbook. See: Oversize
Box 5, Folder 51 Churchmen's Club
of Rhode Island: Miscellaneous
1898, undated
Box 5, Folder 52 Clergy, List of
Box 5, Folder 53 Clergy, List of
Box 5, Folder 54 Clergy, List of
Box 6, Folder 55 Clergy, Transfers to and from the Diocese
Box 6, Folder 56 Clergy of Diocese in 1898 (Photograph)
Box 6, Folder 57 Confirmations, List of
Box 6, Folder 58 Clergy, Register of
Box 6, Folder 59 Constitution and Canons
Box 6, Folder 60 Constitution and Canons
1930, 1941, 1960, 1970
Box 6, Folder 61 Constitution and Canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church
in the United States
Box 6, Folder 62 Convention of the Diocese of Rhode Island
: Audit Reports
Box 6, Folder 63 Audit Reports
1956-1957, 1959-1962
Box 7, Folder 64 Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church
in the United States: Journal of Proceedings
Box 7, Folder 65 Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church
in the United States: Journal of Proceedings
1795, 1799
Box 7, Folder 66 Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church
in the United States: Journal of Proceedings
1804-1817, scattered
Box 7, Folder 67 Convocation of Providence
: Bylaws and Minutes
Box 7, Folder 67a Convocation of Providence
: Bylaws and Minutes
Box 7, Folder 67b Convocation of Providence
: Bylaws and Minutes
Box 7, Folder 67c Convocation of Providence
: Executive Committee
Box 7, Folder 68 The Convocation Register
1899 Jun
Box 7, Folder 69 Daubeny, Rev. Charles: "Trial of the Spirits"
Box 7, Folder 70 Deeds and Bequests to the Diocese
1783-1925, scattered
Box 7, Folder 71 Deeds and Bequests to the Diocese
1927, 1955, undated
Box 7, Folder 72 Depository Board
: Rules of
Box 7, Folder 73 Dexter, Gregory: Biographical Sketch
Box 7, Folder 74 Diman, John Gyron, "In Memoriam," An Address Delivered by John Vaughn Merrier
Box 7, Folder 75 Diocesan Council
of Rhode Island: Audit Reports
Box 7, Folder 76 Diocesan House
: Inventory of Contents
Box 8, Folder 77 Diocesan Missions
: Board of Managers Meetings
Box 8, Folder 78 The Diocesan Record
1902, 1929
Box 8, Folder 79 Diocesan School Proposal
Box 8, Folder 80 Diocesan Services, Programs for
1944-1955, scattered
Box 8, Folder 81 The Early Catholic Church in Rhode Island
Box 8, Folder 82 Elliot, Rev. Stephen: Address to Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church
Box 8, Folder 83 "The Episcopal Bishops of Rhode Island 1790-1980" by John Seville Higgins
Box 8, Folder 84 Episcopal Conference Center
, Accounts of
Box 8, Folder 85 Episcopal Conference Center
, Accounts of
Box 8, Folder 86 Episcopal Conference Center
, Audit Reports
1952, 1957
Box 8, Folder 87 Episcopal Convention
of Rhode Island: Cash Book. See: Oversize
Box 8, Folder 88 Episcopal Convention
of Rhode Island: Request to SPG to Transfer Trust in will of Mr. Case to RI Convention
Box 8, Folder 89 Episcopal Fund Accounts Ledger
1854, 1866
Box 8, Folder 90 Episcopate: Audit Reports
Box 8, Folder 91 Essay on the Ceremony of giving the ring in the form of Matrimony in the Protestant Episcopal Church
Box 9, Folder 92 Horner, Clarence H., Biographical Sketch and Tribute to
1979, 1982
Box 9, Folder 93 House of Bishops
: Diagram of
1859, undated
Box 9, Folder 94 mis-numbered
Box 9, Folder 95 Lottery Tickets, Photocopies of
1762-?, scattered
Box 9, Folder 96 Lottery Tickets, Receipts for
Box 9, Folder 97 Lyte, Rev. John B.: Memorial Service
Box 9, Folder 98 MacSparran, Rev. James: Diary and Sermons (bound holograph mss.). See: Oversize
Box 9, Folder 99 MacSparran, Rev. James: "Order of Services at the Unveiling of the Monument Erected to the Memory of "
Box 9, Folder 100 MacSparran, Rev. James: Ordination of
Box 9, Folder 101 MacSparran, Rev. James: The Whole Duty of Man
Box 9, Folder 102 Marriages, Lists of
Box 9, Folder 103 May, Edith, Biography of (typed mss.)
Box 9, Folder 104 The Mercury and New England Palladium (Boston), Clippings from
Box 9, Folder 105 Mission Churches: Reports to the Diocese
Box 9, Folder 106 Mission Hymnal for the Diocese Wide Mission
Box 9, Folder 106a Missionary Convocation Reports
Box 9, Folder 107 Moore, Benjamin: Letter Declining Nomination as Bishop of RI
Box 9, Folder 107a Munroe, Rev. Ephraim: Resolution of Sympathy Upon His Death
Box 9, Folder 108 One Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary of the Diocese of RI Scrapbook
Box 9, Folder 109 Parliamentary Act Empowering the Archbishop of Canterbury to Consecrate Bishops Outside of British Dominions
Box 9, Folder 110 Pastoral Letter: Episcopal Bishops to the Clergy and Laity of the Confederate States of America
Box 10, Folder 111 Pine, Rev. George Stevenson: Private Register of Services
Box 10, Folder 112 Pine, Rev. George Stevenson: Private Register of Services
Box 10, Folder 113 Pine, Rev. George Stevenson: Scrapbook
Box 10, Folder 114 Providence Preacher: A Series of Sermons,and other Instructions
Box 11, Folder 115 Provost, Bishop Samuel: Consecration Certificate as Bishop of New York (copy)
1787 Feb 4
Box 11, Folder 116 Record Book of the Diocese
Box 11, Folder 117 Remembering our Sisters: The Rhode Island Herstory Project

Box 11, Folder 118 Rhode Island Churchman, Genealogy of
Box 11, Folder 119 Rhode Island Schoolmaster
1856, 1858,1861, 1868
Box 12, Folder 120 Scripture Passages Book (Holograph Mss.)
Box 12, Folder 121 Seymour, Rev. F. E.: "How Our Church Came to Our Country"
Box 12, Folder 122 Smith, Rev. William, Biography of (Holograph Mss). See also: Series III for his Sermons
Box 12, Folder 123 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel
: One Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary
Box 12, Folder 123a Sunday School Committee
, Report of
Box 12, Folder 124 The Swedish Episcopal Church in Rhode Island,
1888-1903, 1990
Box 12, Folder 125 Sword's Pocket Almanac and Annual Register of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States
Box 12, Folder 125a Testimonials for Priests and Deacons
1843-1852, scattered
Box 12, Folder 126 Trust Funds: Data Relating to. See: Oversize
Box 12, Folder 127 Two Centuries of the Episcopal Church in Rhode Island (Holograph mss.)
Box 12, Folder 128 Two Hundredth Anniversary Celebration: Memorabilia
Box 12, Folder 129 Two Hundredth Anniversary Celebration: Memorabilia
Box 12, Folder 130 Two Hundredth Anniversary Celebration: Newspaper Clippings
Box 12, Folder 131 Two Hundredth Anniversary Celebration: Press Kit
Box 12, Folder 132 Two Hundredth Anniversary Celebration: Program
Box 12, Folder 133 Two Hundredth Anniversary Celebration: Miscellaneous
Box 12, Folder 134 Tyng, Dudley: Rhode Island Episcopalians,1635-1953
Box 12, Folder 135 Tyng, Stephen Higginson: Biographical Sketch
Box 12, Folder 136 Vinton, Rev. Francis, Letters to
Box 12, Folder 137 White, Bishop William: Copy of Consecration Certificate as Bishop of Pennsylvania. X-ref: Provost, Bishop Samuel
Box 12, Folder 138 Wills and Bequests, Correspondence Relating to. See also: Deeds and Bequests
1949, 1953
Box 12, Folder 139 Miscellaneous
1864,1898,1948,1960, undated

Series 2. Diocesan Parishes
Box 13-31, Folder 1-228
This series consists of records deposited with diocesan headquarters by parish and mission churches of the diocese. The bulk of the records are from churches which were disincorporated, though there are some printed materials (e.g. parish histories and anniversary programs) sent to the diocese from still active parishes. The records do not appear to be complete for any of the disincorporated churches and some churches may have closed without making any provision for the preservation of their records. Since the diocese had no systematic method of collecting and preserving the records of disincorporated churches, there are gaps in the collection.

These materials represent the only known existing records of the disincorporated churches and include deeds, bequests, baptismal, birth, burial, and marriage registers, pew rental registers, registers of church services, bank statements, minutes of meetings of the vestry and other parish organizations, correspondence, printed and typed parish histories, programs, brochures, ledgers, account books, acts of incorporation, charters, deeds of donation and requests to consecrate, and photographs of buildings and congregations. The early parish registers of baptisms, births, burials, and marriages are particularly significant in that they often represent the only source where such information can be located.

Some parishes in this series are also represented in the Parish Administrative Files series. Records in this series are historical in nature or histories of the parish in question, while those in Parish Administrative Files series document the administrative relationship between the parish and the diocese.


The records in this series are arranged alphabetically by the name of the church and then alphabetically by subject or type of records. In instances where there are two or more churches with the same name, they are arranged alphabetically by the name of the community in which the church is located.

Container Description Date
Box 13, Folder 1 All Saints (Pontiac)
: Marriage Information Forms
Box 13, Folder 2 All Saints (Pontiac): Parish Register
Box 13, Folder 3 All Saints Memorial (Providence)
: Accock, Rev. Arthur: The 50th Anniversary of His Ordination
Box 13, Folder 4 All Saints: Centennial History
Box 13, Folder 4a All Saints: Henshaw, Rev. Daniel: Correspondence: Atkinson-Doane
1843-1995, scattered
Box 13, Folder 4b All Saints: Henshaw, Rev. Daniel: Correspondence: Dotterer-Paddock
1874-1998, scattered
Box 13, Folder 4c All Saints: Henshaw, Rev. Daniel: Correspondence: Randall-Young
Box 13, Folder 5 Austin Chapel (Richmond)
: Parish Register (merged with St. Elizabeth's in Canonchet)
Box 13, Folder 6 Calvary Church (Burrillville)
: Consecration of
Box 13, Folder 7 Calvary Church: Deeds
Box 13, Folder 8 Calvary Church: Reports to the Missionary Convocation
Box 13, Folder 9 Chapel of the Good Shepherd (Johnston)

1885, 1888, 1960, undated
Box 14, Folder 10 Chapel of the Transfiguration (Arcadia)
: Parish Register (merged with St. Elizabeth's in Canonchet)
Box 14, Folder 11 Chapel of the Transfiguration: Parish Register
1944-1949, 1964-1965, 1970, 1973
Box 14, Folder 12 Christ Church (Boston, MA)
: An Historical Account
Box 14, Folder 13 Christ Church (Coventry)
: History of (Typed Mss.)
1957, 1987
Box 14, Folder 14 Christ Church (Providence)
: Alms Basin and Offering Plates. See: Oversize
Box 14, Folder 15 Christ Church (Providence): Altar Service Book
Box 15, Folder 16 Christ Church (Providence): Altar Service Book
Box 15, Folder 17 Christ Church (Providence): The Litany
Box 15, Folder 18 Christ Church (Providence): Parish Register
Box 16, Folder 19 Christ Church (Providence): Register of Church Services
Box 16, Folder 20 Christ Church (Providence): Vestry Meetings: Minutes of
1899-1904, 1907
Box 16, Folder 21 Christ Church (Providence): Miscellaneous
1978-1984, undated
Box 16, Folder 22 Christ Church (Westerly)
: History,1934-1984
1834-1984, 1984
Box 16, Folder 23 Church of the Advent (Pawtucket)
: Histories (typed and printed mss.)
Box 16, Folder 24 Church of the Ascension (Wakefield)
: Announcement of its Founding
Box 16, Folder 25 Church of the Ascension: "History of the Church of the Ascension,1839-1989"
Box 16, Folder 26 Church of the Ascension: Leases
1845, 1850
Box 16, Folder 27 Church of the Ascension: Vestry Meetings
1864, 1875
Box 16, Folder 28 Church of the Ascension : Watson, Rev. Elisha: Trial of
1850, 1853
Box 17, Folder 29 Church of the Epiphany (Elmwood)
: Petition for Admission to the RI Episcopal Convention
Box 17, Folder 30 Church of the Holy Cross (Middletown)
: Deeds
Box 17, Folder 31 Church of the Holy Spirit (Prudence Island)
: Parish Register
Box 17, Folder 32 Church of the Holy Spirit (Prudence Island): Parish Register
Box 17, Folder 33 Christ Church (Providence): The Litany
Box 17, Folder 34 Church of the Messiah (Foster)
: Photographs
Box 17, Folder 35 Church of the Messiah (Providence)
: Address at the 50th Anniversary of its Admission to RI Episcopal Convention
Box 17, Folder 36 Church of the Redeemer (Providence)
: Audit Reports
Box 17, Folder 37 Church of the Savior (Providence)
: Building Fund
1941-1942, 1949
Box 17, Folder 38 Church of the Savior (Providence): Charter
Box 17, Folder 39 Church of the Savior (Providence): Marriage Register
Box 18, Folder 40 Church of the Savior (Providence): Minute Book of Corporation Committee and Vestry Meetings
Box 18, Folder 41 Church of the Savior (Providence): Minute Book of Corporation Committee and Vestry Meetings and Parish Membership List
1920-1930, 1932-1934
Box 18, Folder 42 Church of the Savior (Providence): Photographs
Box 18, Folder 43 Church of the Savior (Providence): Register of Church Services
Box 18, Folder 44 Church of the Savior (Providence): Miscellaneous
1901-1912, scattered
Box 19, Folder 45 Church of the Transfiguration (Edgewood)
: "Fifty Years"
Box 19, Folder 46 Church of the Transfiguration (Jamestown)
: Deeds
1900-1915 scattered
Box 19, Folder 47 Church of the Transfiguration (Jamestown): Instrument of Donation
Box 19, Folder 48 Emmanuel Church (Manville)
: Act of Incorporation
Box 19, Folder 49 Emmanuel Church (Manville): History, 1835-1960
Box 19, Folder 50 Emmanuel Church (Manville): Photographs of Rectors
Box 19, Folder 51 Emmanuel Church (Manville): Writ of Attachment, Letter re
Box 19, Folder 52 Grace Church (East Providence)

1949, 1967
Box 19, Folder 53 Grace Church (Providence): "A Celebration of Mission and Service in Downtown Providence"
Box 19, Folder 54 Grace Church (Providence): "The First One Hundred Years 1829-1929"
Box 19, Folder 55 Grace Church (Providence): Half Century jubilee
Box 19, Folder 56 Grace Church (Providence): A History of Grace Church, 1829-1929
Box 19, Folder 56a Grace Church (Providence): Matthews, Mary Ann: Confirmation Certificate
Box 19, Folder 56b Grace Church (Providence): Resolution to Build a Church
Box 19, Folder 57 Grace Church (Providence): Sketch of
Box 19, Folder 58 Holy Nativity Mission (Thornton)
: Historical Sketch (Typed Mss.)
Box 19, Folder 59 Holy Nativity Mission (Thornton): Instrument of Donation
Box 19, Folder 60 Holy Nativity Mission (Thornton): Journal and Record of
1890-1899 Sep 30
Box 19, Folder 61 Holy Nativity Mission (Thornton): Journal and Record of
1899 Oct 1-1904
Box 20, Folder 62 Holy Nativity Mission (Thornton): Parish Register
Box 20, Folder 63 Holy Nativity Mission (Thornton): Parish Register
Box 20, Folder 64 Holy Nativity Mission (Thornton): Parish Register
Box 20, Folder 65 Holy Nativity Mission (Thornton): Parish Register
1928-1936, 1941
Box 21, Folder 66 Holy Nativity Mission (Thornton): Parish Register
Box 21, Folder 67 Holy Nativity Mission (Thornton): Parish Register. See: Oversize
Box 21, Folder 68 Holy Nativity Mission (Thornton): Service Record Book
Box 21, Folder 69 Holy Trinity (Tiverton)
: Deeds and Mortgages
1894-1897, 1908, 1916, 1959
Box 21, Folder 70 Holy Trinity (Tiverton): History of (typed mss.)
Box 21, Folder 71 St. Alban's (Centerdale)
, Consecration of
Box 21, Folder 72 St. Andrew's (Providence)
: Consecration and Deed of Donation. See also: All Saints (Providence)
Box 21, Folder 72a St. Andrew's (Providence): Peck, Rev. Francis: Invitation to Become Rector
Box 21, Folder 73 St. Andrew's (Providence): School Association
Box 21, Folder 74 St. Andrew's-by-the-Sea (Sakonnet)
: "History of the Early Years" (Holograph and typed mss.)
Box 21, Folder 75 St. Ann-by-the-Sea (Block Island)
: Consecration of
Box 21, Folder 76 St. Ann-by-the-Sea (Block Island): Photograph
Box 21, Folder 76a St. Ansgarius (Providence)
: Correspondence re:
Box 21, Folder 77 St. Ansgarius (Providence): Deposition re Rev. G. Hammarskold
Box 21, Folder 78 St. Ansgarius: Photographs
Box 21, Folder 79 St. Ansgarius: Quarterly Report of the Board of Managers
Box 22, Folder 80 St. Barnabas (Warwick)
: The Saint Barnabas Story, 1880-1980: A History of St Barnabas Church
Box 22, Folder 81 St. Bartholomew's (Cranston)
: Certificates of Delegates to Diocesan Convention
Box 22, Folder 82 St. Bartholomew's: Inventory of Church Property
Box 22, Folder 83 St. Bartholomew's: Merger with Church of the Ascension
Box 22, Folder 84 St. Bartholomew's: Parish Register
Box 22, Folder 85 St. Bartholomew's: Parish Register
Box 22, Folder 86 St. Bartholomew's: Parish Register
1920 Jun-1934 Oct
Box 23, Folder 87 St. Bartholomew's: Parish Register
1935 Jun-1955 May
Box 23, Folder 88 St. Bartholomew's: Parish Register
1955 May-1970 Apr
Box 23, Folder 89 St. Bartholomew's: Parochial Reports
Box 23, Folder 90 St. Bartholomew's: Treasurer's Reports
Box 23, Folder 91 St. Bartholomew's: Vestry and Parish Meetings, Minutes of
Box 23, Folder 92 St. Bartholomew's: Vestry and Parish Meetings, Minutes of
Box 23, Folder 93 St. Columba's Berkley Memorial Chapel (Middletown)
: Plat Maps
Box 23, Folder 94 St. David's (Phillipsdale)
: Birth and Baptismal Record Book. See: Oversize
Box 23, Folder 95 St. David's (Phillipsdale): Change of Address Certificate
Box 23, Folder 96 St. David's (Phillipsdale): Ministerial Book. See: Oversize
Box 23, Folder 97 St. David's (Phillipsdale): Parish Register. See: Oversize
Box 23, Folder 98 St. David's (Providence)
: Annual Banquet Program
Box 23, Folder 99 St. David's on the Hill (Cranston)
: "The First Fifty Years, 1914-1964"
Box 23, Folder 100 St. David's on the Hill: History, 1965-75
Box 24, Folder 101 St. Gabriel's (Providence)
: Act of Incorporation, Amendment Changing Name to St. Paul's. See also: St. Paul's (Providence)

Box 24, Folder 102 St. Gabriel's: Consecration of
Box 24, Folder 103 St. Gabriel's: Deeds 1875-76
Box 24, Folder 104 St. Gabriel's: Donations and Sunday School Accounts, Record of
Box 24, Folder 105 St. Gabriel's: Letter to the Episcopal Convention of Rhode Island
Box 24, Folder 106 St. Gabriel's: Parish Register
Box 24, Folder 107 St. George's (Central Falls)
: Deeds of Donation and Petition to Consecrate
1884, 1912
Box 24, Folder 108 St. George's: "Historical Sketch"
Box 24, Folder 109 St. George's: Photograph of the Interior
Box 24, Folder 110 St. James (Providence)
: Request for Consecration
Box 24, Folder 111 St. James Church at Woonsocket
: "A Century of Service 1832-1932"
Box 24, Folder 112 St. James Church at Woonsocket: "One Hundred and Fifty Years of Service, 1832-1982"
Box 24, Folder 113 St. John's (Ashton)
: Deeds
1938, 1941, 1959
Box 24, Folder 114 St. John's (Barrington)
: "125th Anniversary of St. John's Church"
Box 24, Folder 115 St. John the Evangelist (Newport)
: "A Century on the Point, 1875-1975"
Box 24, Folder 116 St. Luke's (East Greenwich)
: "History of St. Luke's Church" (150th Anniversary). See also: MsG # 100
Box 24, Folder 117 St. Luke's (Pawtucket)
: "The Year in Review"
Box 24, Folder 118 St. Mark's (Riverside)
: Letter Requesting a Loan from the Diocese
Box 24, Folder 119 St. Mark's (Warwick)
: Building Fund Program
Box 24, Folder 120 St. Mark's (Warwick): "A History" (Typed mss.)
Box 24, Folder 121 St. Martin's (Pawtucket)
: Building Fund Program
Box 24, Folder 122 St. Martin's (Pawtucket): Consecration Program
Box 24, Folder 123 St. Martin's (Pawtucket): Deeds
1924, 1932
Box 24, Folder 124 St. Martin's (Providence)
: Building Fund Program
Box 24, Folder 125 St. Mary's (East Providence)

1871, 1970
Box 24, Folder 126 St. Mary's (Portsmouth)
: Correspondence
1903, 1908-1911
Box 24, Folder 127 St. Mary's (Portsmouth): Centennial Celebration
Box 24, Folder 128 St. Mary's (Portsmouth): Dedication and Request to Consecrate
Box 24, Folder 129 St. Mary's (Portsmouth): Deeds
1844, 1861, 1911
Box 24, Folder 130 St. Mary's (Portsmouth): Receipts
1922, 1936, 1955
Box 24, Folder 131 St. Mary's (Portsmouth): Trustees' Minute Book
Box 25, Folder 132 St. Mary's (Portsmouth): Trustees' Minute Book
Box 25, Folder 133 St. Mary's (Portsmouth): Trustees' Statement of the Change of Investments
Box 25, Folder 134 St. Mary's (Portsmouth): "St. Mary's and Holy Cross Chapel (Middletown): A Brief History"
1916, 1947
Box 25, Folder 135 St. Mary's (Warwick)
: Deeds and Mortgages
1927, 1954-1959, scattered
Box 25, Folder 136 St. Mary's (Warwick): "The Warwick Church" (A chronology)
Box 25, Folder 137 St. Matthew's (Jamestown)
: "A History" (Typed mss.)
Box 25, Folder 138 St. Michael and All Angels (Rumford)
: Building Fund Program
Box 25, Folder 139 St. Michael and All Angels: Photographs
Box 25, Folder 140 St. Michael and All Angels: Services of Thanksgiving and Dedication:Program
Box 25, Folder 141 St. Michael and All Angels: "Through These Years": A 40th Anniversary History"
Box 25, Folder 142 St. Michael's (Bristol)
: Correspondence
Box 25, Folder 143 St. Michael's: Authorization to Appoint a Delegate to the Convention
Box 25, Folder 144 St. Michael's: "The Bells of St. Michael's"
Box 25, Folder 145 St. Michael's: Centennial Program for Church Building
Box 25, Folder 146 St. Michael's: A History of St. Michael's Church in Bristol
Box 25, Folder 147 St. Michael's: Rectors, Photographs of
Box 25, Folder 148 St. Michael's: Resolution of the Vestry Inviting Alexander Griswold to Preach
Box 25, Folder 149 St. Michael's: St. Michael's Church in Bristol, 1718-1983
Box 26, Folder 150 St. Paul's (Wickford)
: Correspondence
1793-1852, scattered
Box 26, Folder 151 St. Paul's (Wickford): Corporation Meeting
Box 26, Folder 152 St. Paul's (Wickford): The Glebe: Correspondence re.
1932-1945, scattered
Box 26, Folder 153 St. Paul's (Wickford): The Glebe: Correspondence re.
1946-1954, scattered
Box 26, Folder 154 St. Paul's (Wickford): The Glebe: Deed
Box 26, Folder 155 St. Paul's (WIckford): "The Glebe of St. Paul's in Narragansett" (Brochure)
Box 26, Folder 156 St. Paul's (Wickford): "The Glebe of St. Paul's in Narragansett" (Typed mss.)
Box 26, Folder 157 St. Paul's (Wickford): The Old Narragansett Church: A Brief History
Box 26, Folder 158 St. Paul's (Wickford): Old St. Paul's
Box 26, Folder 159 St. Paul's (Wickford): Photograph
Box 26, Folder 160 St. Paul's (Wickford): Society of St. Paul's Meeting
Box 26, Folder 161 St. Paul's (Wickford): Correspondence
Box 26, Folder 162 St. Paul's (Wickford): Deeds
Box 26, Folder 163 St. Paul's (Pawtucket)
: Church Army Commissioning Service
Box 26, Folder 164 St. Paul's (Pawtucket): "One Hundred Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Celebration"
Box 26, Folder 165 St. Paul's (Pawtucket): "This is St. Paul's" (Brochure)
Box 26, Folder 166 St. Paul's (Pawtucket): War Memorial Fundraising Campaign
Box 26, Folder 167 St. Paul's (Portsmouth): "A History of St Paul's Church"
Box 26, Folder 168 St. Paul's (Providence)
: Bank Book and Statement. See also: St. Gabriel's (Providence)
Box 26, Folder 169 St. Paul's (Providence): Certificates of Transfer
1924-1941, scattered
Box 26, Folder 170 St. Paul's (Providence): Communicant List
Box 26, Folder 171 St. Paul's (Providence): Name Change to St. Paul's in 1884. X-ref St. Gabriel's (Providence): Act of Incorporation, Amendment
Box 26, Folder 172 St. Paul's (Providence): Parish Register
Box 27, Folder 173 St. Paul's (Providence): Parochial Reports
1916, 1960
Box 27, Folder 174 St. Paul's (Providence): Register of Church Services
Box 27, Folder 175 St. Paul's (Providence): Vestry and Corporation Meetings, Minutes of
Box 27, Folder 176 St. Paul's (Providence): Vestry and Corporation Meetings, Minutes of
Box 27, Folder 177 St. Paul's (Providence): Vestry and Corporation Meetings, Minutes of
Box 27, Folder 178 St. Paul's (Providence): Miscellaneous
1930, 1950, undated
Box 28, Folder 179 St. Paul's (Tower Hill)
: Vestry and Corporation Meetings, Minutes of
Box 28, Folder 180 St. Peter's Chapel (South Kingstown)
: Act of Incorporation (Photocopy)
Box 28, Folder 180a St. Phillip's (West Warwick)
: Subscription List
Box 28, Folder 181 St. Thomas (Alton)
: Photograph of the Interior
Box 28, Folder 182 St. Thomas (Greenville)
: Centennial Pamphlet
Box 28, Folder 183 St. Thomas (Greenville): Deed of Donation and Request to Consecrate
Box 28, Folder 184 St. Thomas (Providence)
: Altar Guild Bank Statements
Box 28, Folder 185 St. Thomas (Providence): Altar Guild Invoices
Box 28, Folder 186 St. Thomas (Providence): Altar Guild Meetings, Minutes of
Box 28, Folder 187 St. Thomas (Providence): Altar Guild Meetings, Minutes of
Box 28, Folder 188 St. Thomas (Providence): Instrument of Donation and Request for Consecration
Box 28, Folder 189 St. Thomas (Providence): Marriage Register
Box 29, Folder 190 St. Thomas (Providence): Parish Aid Society: Correspondence
Box 29, Folder 191 St. Thomas (Providence): Parish Aid Society Meetings, Minutes of
Box 29, Folder 192 St. Thomas (Providence): Register of Church Services
Box 29, Folder 193 St. Thomas (Providence): Register of Church Services
Box 29, Folder 194 St. Thomas (Providence): Register of Church Services
Box 29, Folder 195 St. Thomas (Providence): Register of Church Services
Box 29, Folder 196 St. Thomas (Providence): Register of Church Services
Box 29, Folder 197 St. Thomas (Providence): Register of Church Services
Box 29, Folder 198 St. Thomas (Providence): St Elizabeth Society Meetings, Minutes of
Box 29, Folder 199 St. Thomas (Providence): Vestry Correspondence
1959, 1962-1968, undated
Box 30, Folder 200 St. Thomas (Providence): Vestry Meetings, Minutes of
Box 30, Folder 201 St. Thomas (Providence): Vestry Meetings, Minutes of
Box 30, Folder 202 St. Thomas (Providence): Vestry Meetings, Minutes of
Box 30, Folder 203 Seamen's Church Institute (Newport)
: Memorial Chapel
Box 30, Folder 204 Trinity Church (Bristol)
: Correspondence
Box 30, Folder 205 Trinity Church (Bristol): Correspondence
Box 30, Folder 206 Trinity Church (Bristol): Constitution and Memorials
Box 31, Folder 207 Trinity Church (Bristol): History of the Choir of Trinity Church, 1875-1900
Box 31, Folder 208 Trinity Church (Bristol): Photographs
Box 31, Folder 209 Trinity Church (Bristol): Vestry and Corporation Meetings, Minutes of
Box 31, Folder 210 Trinity Church (Newport)
: Bourne, John: Letter Requesting Appointment of a Rector
Box 31, Folder 211 Trinity Church (Newport): Case, John: Bequest to Trinity Church
Box 31, Folder 212 Trinity Church (Newport): "An Historical Sketch"
Box 31, Folder 213 Trinity Church (Newport): Honyman, Rev. James: Funeral Sermon
Box 31, Folder 214 Trinity Church (Newport): Meeting of the Congregation, Minutes of
Box 31, Folder 215 Trinity Church (Newport): "Newport in the 18th Century as seen from the Trinity Church Graveyard" (Typed mss.)
Box 31, Folder 216 Trinity Church (Newport): "Proceedings of the State Convention held at Trinity Church"
Box 31, Folder 217 Trinity Church (Newport): "Report on Schools Connected with Trinity Church"
Box 31, Folder 218 Trinity Church (Newport): Sayre, Rev. James: "A Candid Narrative of Certain Matters Relating to Trinity Church in Newport" (Holograph mss.)
Box 31, Folder 219 Trinity Church (Newport): Sayre, Rev. James: Excommunication of
Box 31, Folder 220 Trinity Church (Newport): Sayre, Rev. James: Letters to the Congregation
Box 31, Folder 221 Trinity Church (Newport): Trinity Church by Norman Isham
Box 31, Folder 222 Trinity Church (Newport): Vestry, Wardens, and Congregation, Meeting of
Box 31, Folder 223 Trinity Church (Newport): A Visit to Trinity Church in Newport
Box 31, Folder 224 Trinity Church (Pawtucket)
: "One Hundred Years, 1843-1943"
Box 31, Folder 225 Trinity Church (Pawtucket): Parish Year Book and Directory
Box 31, Folder 226 Trinity Church (Pawtucket): Vestry and Congregation Meetings, minutes of
Box 31, Folder 227 Trinity Church (South Scituate)
: Reports to the Convocation of the Diocese
Box 31, Folder 228 Weekapaug Chapel, (Westerly)
: Baptismal and Marriage Records

Series 3. Sermons
Box 32-33, Folder 1-65
This series consists of handwritten and printed sermons by Episcopal priests from Rhode Island. The sermons are among the oldest records in the collection, with all but one dating from the eighteenth century.

Among the sermons in this series are ten by Rev. James MacSparran and thirteen by the Rev. Samuel Fayerweather, two of colonial Rhode Island's most notable ministers. MacSparran and Fayerweather served successively as rectors of St. Paul's Church in Narragansett from 1721 to 1774. Other prominent eighteenth century clergy represented include Rev. George Pigot, first rector of King's Church in
Providence, and the Rev. William Smith, rector of Trinity Church in
Newport, who was instrumental in organizing the Diocese of Rhode Island in 1790.


The sermons are arranged alphabetically by the name of the author and then alphabetically thereunder by the biblical text on which the sermon is based. Sermons of unknown authorship are grouped together at the end of the series and arranged alphabetically by the biblical text on which they are based.

Container Description Date
Box 32, Folder 1 Bisset, Rev. George: "The Trial of a False Prophet"
Box 32, Folder 2 Cole, Rev. F. B.: Revelations 3:14
Box 32, Folder 3 Fayerweather, Rev. Samuel: Colossians 3:1
Box 32, Folder 4 Fayerweather, Rev. Samuel: First Corinthians 14:16
Box 32, Folder 5 Fayerweather, Rev. Samuel: First Corinthians 10:31, 15:12
Box 32, Folder 6 Fayerweather, Rev. Samuel: "A Funeral Prayer in Church on Mr. Benjamin Gardner's Child"
Box 32, Folder 7 Fayerweather, Rev. Samuel: James 5:18
Box 32, Folder 8 Fayerweather, Rev. Samuel: John 1:17
Box 32, Folder 9 Fayerweather, Rev. Samuel: John 12:36
Box 32, Folder 10 Fayerweather, Rev. Samuel: John 18:36
Box 32, Folder 11 Fayerweather, Rev. Samuel: Luke 13:3
Box 32, Folder 12 Fayerweather, Rev. Samuel: Proverbs 17:14
Box 32, Folder 13 Fayerweather, Rev. Samuel: Psalm 55:10
Box 32, Folder 14 Fayerweather, Rev. Samuel: Thessalonians 11:22
Box 32, Folder 15 Fayerweather, Rev. Samuel: Timothy 1:4
Box 32, Folder 16 Fayerweather, Rev. Samuel: Sermon Fragments
Box 32, Folder 17 Graves, Rev. John: Matthew 20:19 (preached up till 1782?)
Box 32, Folder 18 Graves, Rev. John: John 16:7
Box 32, Folder 19 MacSparran, Rev. James: Acts: 17,18
Box 32, Folder 20 MacSparran, Rev. James: First Corinthians 6:20
Box 32, Folder 21 MacSparran, Rev. James: Ephesians 6:11
Box 32, Folder 22 MacSparran, Rev. James: Jeremiah 19:9
Box 32, Folder 23 MacSparran, Rev. James: Jeremiah 44:16
Box 32, Folder 24 MacSparran, Rev. James: Job 11:6
Box 32, Folder 25 MacSparran, Rev. James: John 5:40
Box 32, Folder 26 MacSparran, Rev. James: Matthew 22, 37, 38
Box 32, Folder 27 MacSparran, Rev. James: Thessalonians 2:12
Box 32, Folder 28 MacSparran, Rev. James: Thessalonians 3:2
Box 32, Folder 29 Pigot, Rev. George: Mark 4
Box 32, Folder 30 Smith, Rev. William: "A Discourse at the Opening of the Convention" (Printed mss.)
Box 32, Folder 31 Smith, Rev. William: Luke 16:2, "A Sermon Preached at the Funeral of Rev. Robert Jenny"
Box 32, Folder 32 Smith, Rev. William: Luke 24:47, "A Discourse Delivered in St. John's Church, Providence before the Rt. Rev. Samuel Seabury"
Box 32, Folder 33 Smith, Rev. William: Matthew 26:41
Box 32, Folder 34 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Acts 7:59
Box 33, Folder 35 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Acts 10:38
Box 33, Folder 36 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Acts 25:31
Box 33, Folder 37 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Colossians 3:2
Box 33, Folder 38 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Corinthians 13:1
Box 33, Folder 39 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Hebrews 2:3
Box 33, Folder 40 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Isaiah 9:46
Box 33, Folder 41 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Isaiah 45:15
Box 33, Folder 42 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Isaiah 53:7
Box 33, Folder 43 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Job 14:14
Box 33, Folder 44 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Job 18:23
Box 33, Folder 45 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: John 3:7
Box 33, Folder 46 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: John 3:28
Box 33, Folder 47 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: John 8:56
Box 33, Folder 48 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Kings 4:38
Box 33, Folder 49 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Luke 2:1-7
Box 33, Folder 50 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Luke 5:24
Box 33, Folder 51 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Matthew 1:20
Box 33, Folder 52 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Matthew 6:6
Box 33, Folder 53 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Matthew 6:34
Box 33, Folder 54 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Matthew 11:30
Box 33, Folder 55 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Matthew 18:21
Box 33, Folder 56 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Matthew 18:8-9
Box 33, Folder 57 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Matthew 22:29
Box 33, Folder 58 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Paul 4:4
Box 33, Folder 59 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Psalms 112:7
Box 33, Folder 60 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Psalms 121:1-8
Box 33, Folder 61 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Romans 2:29
Box 33, Folder 62 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Timothy 1: 15
Box 33, Folder 63 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: "Treatise on Laws"
Box 33, Folder 64 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Zachariah 4:7
Box 33, Folder 65 Waterman, Rev. Lucius: Sermon Fragments, Unidentified

Series 4. Bishops
Box 34-40, Folder 1-95
This series contains materials relating to the eleven bishops of the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island. (See Historical Note for the names of the bishops of Rhode Island). Although all eleven bishops are represented, the quantity of records varies widely from bishop to bishop. A greater quantity of records exists for the twentieth-century bishops James De Wolf Perry, Granville Bennett, John Seville Higgins, Frederick Hesley Belden, and George Nelson Hunt, while there are only a few items from the episcopates of eighteenth century bishops Samuel Seabury and Edward Bass.

Included are correspondence, sermons, biographical sketches, photographs, wax impressions of the bishops' seals, consecration and installation programs, certificates of election as bishop, personal journals, prayer books, pastoral letters, programs for memorial services, appointment calendars, and newspaper clippings.


The records in this series are arranged alphabetically by the name of the bishop and then alphabetically by subject or type of record.

See also the papers of Bishop James DeWolf Perry, MsG #29, (1835-1961) in URI Special Collections.

Container Description Date
Box 34, Folder 1 Bass, Bishop Edward: Centennial Celebration of His Consecration
Box 34, Folder 2 Bass, Bishop Edward: Receipts signed by
Box 34, Folder 3 Bass, Bishop Edward: Sermon on Second Book of Acts 2:37
Box 34, Folder 4 Belden, Bishop Frederick H.: Correspondence with Seminarians, A-Z
1965-1977, scattered dates, undated
Box 34, Folder 5 Belden, Bishop Frederick H.: Correspondence, miscellaneous
1972-1979,scattered dates
Box 34, Folder 6 Belden, Bishop Frederick H.: Address of the Bishop Coadjutor to the RI Episcopal Church
Box 34, Folder 7 Belden, Bishop Frederick H.: Biographical Data
1975-1976, undated
Box 34, Folder 8 Belden, Bishop Frederick H.: Christmas and Easter Messages
Box 34, Folder 9 Belden, Bishop Frederick H.: Consecration as Bishop Coadjutor
1971 Jul-1971 Sep
Box 34, Folder 10 Belden, Bishop Frederick H.: Consecration as Bishop Coadjutor
1971 Sep 25
Box 34, Folder 11 Belden, Bishop Frederick H.: Consents to Consecration as Bishop Coadjutor
Box 34, Folder 12 Belden, Bishop Frederick H.: Election as Bishop Coadjutor
1970-1971 Apr 22
Box 34, Folder 13 Belden, Bishop Frederick H.: Election as Bishop Coadjutor
1971 Apr 23-1971 Jul 14, undated
Box 34, Folder 14 Belden, Bishop Frederick H.: Installation as Bishop
Box 34, Folder 15 Belden, Bishop Frederick H.: Memorial Service for
Box 34, Folder 16 Belden, Bishop Frederick H.: Photographs
1972?, undated
Box 35, Folder 17 Belden, Bishop Frederick H.: Resignation
Box 35, Folder 18 Bennett, Bishop Granville: Gaylord: Correspondence
Box 35, Folder 19 Bennett, Bishop Granville: Correspondence
Box 35, Folder 20 Bennett, Bishop Granville: Correspondence
Box 35, Folder 21 Bennett, Bishop Granville: Correspondence
Box 35, Folder 22 Bennett, Bishop Granville: Induction as Suffragen Bishop
Box 35, Folder 23 Bennett, Bishop Granville: Installation as Bishop
Box 35, Folder 24 Bennett, Bishop Granville: Photographs
Box 35, Folder 25 Bennett, Bishop Granville: Seal of
Box 36, Folder 26 Clark, Bishop Thomas March: Address at the Dedication of the MacSparran Monument
Box 36, Folder 27 Clark, Bishop Thomas March: Certificate of Election as Bishop
Box 36, Folder 28 Clark, Bishop Thomas March: Early Discipline and Culture
Box 36, Folder 29 Clark, Bishop Thomas March: "Fifty Years of Church Life" (Holograph mss.)
Box 36, Folder 30 Clark, Bishop Thomas March: Journal of Services Performed
Box 36, Folder 31 Clark, Bishop Thomas March: A Memoir by His Daughter, Mary Clark Sturtevant
Box 36, Folder 32 Clark, Bishop Thomas March: Pastoral Letter
Box 36, Folder 33 Clark, Bishop Thomas March: Photographs
Box 36, Folder 34 Clark, Bishop Thomas March: Preliminary Truths of Religion
Box 36, Folder 35 Clark, Bishop Thomas March: "A Sermon Preached at the Opening of the General Convention"
Box 36, Folder 36 Clark, Bishop Thomas March: Miscellaneous
1895, 1903, undated
Box 37, Folder 37 Griswold, Bishop Alexander Viets: Correspondence
1824-1842, scattered dates
Box 37, Folder 38 Griswold, Bishop Alexander Viets: The Apostolic Office
Box 37, Folder 39 Griswold, Bishop Alexander Viets: Chronology
Box 37, Folder 40 Griswold, Bishop Alexander Viets: Griswold's Prayers
1885, 1886
Box 37, Folder 41 Griswold, Bishop Alexander Viets: Journal
Box 37, Folder 42 Griswold, Bishop Alexander Viets: Lock of His Hair
Box 37, Folder 43 Griswold, Bishop Alexander Viets: Pastoral Letter to the General Convention
Box 37, Folder 44 Griswold, Bishop Alexander Viets: Photograph of His Portrait
Box 37, Folder 45 Griswold, Bishop Alexander Viets: Seal of See: Oversize
Box 37, Folder 46 Henshaw, Bishop John Prentiss Kewly: Correspondence Anthony - Chase
1820-1843, scattered dates
Box 37, Folder 46a Henshaw, Bishop John Prentiss Kewly: Correspondence Clark - Griswald
1813-1851, scattered dates
Box 37, Folder 46b Henshaw, Bishop John Prentiss Kewly: Correspondence Halloran - MacIlvaine
1825-1848, scattered dates
Box 37, Folder 46c Henshaw, Bishop John Prentiss Kewly: Correspondence Meade - Otey
1815-1848, scattered dates
Box 37, Folder 46d Henshaw, Bishop John Prentiss Kewly: Correspondence Savage - Smith
1822-1843, scattered dates
Box 37, Folder 46e Henshaw, Bishop John Prentiss Kewly: Correspondence Society - White
1829-1851, scattered dates
Box 37, Folder 46f Henshaw, Bishop John Prentiss Kewly: Correspondence Whittingham - Wolfe
1825-1852, scattered dates
Box 37, Folder 46g Henshaw, Bishop John Prentiss Kewly: Address at the Laying of the Cornerstone of Grace Church, Providence
Box 37, Folder 47 Henshaw, Bishop John Prentiss Kewly: Jubilee Sermon
Box 37, Folder 48 Henshaw, Bishop John Prentiss Kewly: Photograph
Box 37, Folder 49 Henshaw, Bishop John Prentiss Kewly: Seal of
Box 37, Folder 49a Henshaw, Bishop John Prentiss Kewly: Trial of Bishop Benjamin Onderdonk
Box 37a, Folder 50 Higgins, Bishop John Seville: Correspondence. See Series V for Higgins's writings
1953-1955, 1970-1971, 1981, 1983, 1987-1988
Box 37a, Folder 51 Higgins, Bishop John Seville: "Address in Appreciation of Bishop John Seville Higgins" by Bishop Louis Gelineau"
Box 37a, Folder 52 Higgins, Bishop John Seville: Address to the 1955 RI Episcopal Convention
Box 37a, Folder 53 Higgins, Bishop John Seville: Citation of the RI Episcopal Convention. See: Oversize
Box 37a, Folder 54 Higgins, Bishop John Seville: Consecration as Bishop Coadjutor
Box 37a, Folder 55 Higgins, Bishop John Seville: Consents to Election as Bishop Coadjutor
Box 37, Folder 56 Higgins, Bishop John Seville: Honorary Degrees
Box 37a, Folder 57 Higgins, Bishop John Seville: Installation as Bishop
Box 37a, Folder 57a Higgins, Bishop John Seville: Installation as Bishop, Film of. See: Oversize
Box 37a, Folder 57b Higgins, Bishop John Seville: Opposition to Ordination of Gays and Lesbians into Priesthood
Box 37a, Folder 58 Higgins, Bishop John Seville: Photographs
Box 37a, Folder 59 Higgins, Bishop John Seville: Retirement
Box 37a, Folder 59a Higgins, Bishop John Seville: Scrapbook, 1929-78. See: Oversize
Box 37a, Folder 60 Higgins, Bishop John Seville: Seal of
Box 37a, Folder 61 Higgins, Bishop John Seville: Testimonials of Election as Bishop Coadjutor
Box 37a, Folder 62 Higgins, Bishop John Seville: Miscellaneous
1952, 1953, 1988, 1990
Box 38, Folder 63 Hunt, Bishop George Nelson: Appointment Calendars
Box 38, Folder 64 Hunt, Bishop George Nelson: Appointment Calendars
Box 38, Folder 65 Hunt, Bishop George Nelson: Appointment Calendars
Box 38, Folder 66 Hunt, Bishop George Nelson: Appointment Calendars
Box 39, Folder 67 Hunt, Bishop George Nelson: Citizen of the Year Award
Box 39, Folder 68 Hunt, Bishop George Nelson: Consecration as Bishop: Correspondence re
Box 39, Folder 69 Hunt, Bishop George Nelson: Consecration as Bishop: Program
Box 39, Folder 70 Hunt, Bishop George Nelson: Consents to Consecration as Bishop
Box 39, Folder 71 Hunt, Bishop George Nelson: National Tree of Life Award
1981, undated
Box 39, Folder 72 Hunt, Bishop George Nelson: Miscellaneous
1984, 1989-1990
Box 39, Folder 73 McVickar, Bishop William Neilson: Correspondence
1882-1908, scattered dates
Box 39, Folder 74 McVickar, Bishop William Neilson: "Address to the Clergy and Laity of Rhode Island"
Box 39, Folder 75 McVickar, Bishop William Neilson: Brooks, Rev. Phillips, Letters from
1866-1892 scattered dates
Box 39, Folder 76 McVickar, Bishop William Neilson: Memorial Service
Box 39, Folder 77 McVickar, Bishop William Neilson: Photographs (also see oversize framed photograph)
1910, undated
Box 39, Folder 78 McVickar, Bishop William Neilson: Poem in Honor of
Box 39, Folder 79 McVickar, Bishop William Neilson: Prayer Book
Box 39, Folder 79a McVickar, Bishop William Neilson: Private Register of Services
Box 39, Folder 80 Perry, Bishop James DeWolf: Correspondence. See also: MsG. 29 for Bishop Perry's Personal Papers
1924, 1935-1936
Box 39, Folder 81 Perry, Bishop James DeWolf: Correspondence
Box 39, Folder 82 Perry, Bishop James DeWolf: Address at the 150th Annual Session of the RI Episcopal Convention
Box 39, Folder 83 Perry, Bishop James DeWolf: Book of Official Acts of the Bishop
Box 39, Folder 84 Perry, Bishop James DeWolf: Consecration as Bishop of Rhode Island
Box 39, Folder 84a Perry, Bishop James DeWolf: "Excerpts From the Bishop's Addresses During His Primacy. 1930-1937" from Chapter Drafts of His Biography
Box 39, Folder 85 Perry, Bishop James DeWolf: Memorial Chapel
Box 39, Folder 86 Perry, Bishop James DeWolf: Memorial Service
Box 39, Folder 87 Perry, Bishop James DeWolf: Photographs
Box 39, Folder 88 Perry, Bishop James DeWolf: Thirty-fifth Anniversary Celebration of of his Consecration
Box 40, Folder 89 Perry, Bishop James DeWolf: Twenty-fifth Anniversary Celebration of His Consecration
Box 40, Folder 90 Perry, Bishop James DeWolf: "War Time Prayers"
Box 40, Folder 91 Perry, Bishop James DeWolf: Miscellaneous
1935, 1946, 1949, undated
Box 40, Folder 92 Seabury, Bishop Samuel: Proclamation Permitting Robert Towle to Act as a Deacon
Box 40, Folder 93 Seabury, Bishop Samuel: Photographs of his Portrait
Box 40, Folder 94 Seabury, Bishop Samuel: "Samuel Seabury. Bishop in a New Nation"
Box 40, Folder 95 Seabury, Bishop Samuel: "Sermon on Charity" (Printed mss.)

Series 5. The Writings of Bishop John Seville
Box 41-43, Folder 1-30
John Seville Higgins was the ninth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island, serving from 1955 to 1972. During his episcopate and since his retirement, Higgins has been a prolific writer, and the unofficial historian of the diocese. This series contains both his published and unpublished work from college term papers to books on the Anglican faith.

Included are articles, addresses, sermons, college term papers, books, histories of various aspects of St. John's Cathedral and the Diocese of Rhode Island, letters to the editor of secular and religious publications, and a typewritten autobiography entitled One Man's Journey. The autobiography is especially interesting in that it combines a description of Higgins's life, particularly his childhood in England, with developments in the Episcopal/Anglican Church in both England and the United States. It also traces Higgins's clerical life from a young minister in the midwest to the pinnacle of his career as the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island.

Copies of Higgins's printed and typed articles on various aspects of the diocese and of St. John's Cathedral also appear in the Histories/Historical Records series of this manuscript group and in Manuscript Group 94, St. John's Church/Cathedral, Series II.


The works in this series are divided into categories of writing, i.e. articles, autobiography, books, and sermons. They are arranged alphabetically by the type of work and then alphabetically by the title of the work.

Container Description Date
Box 41, Folder 1 Articles: "Addressing the Future" in The Living Church
Box 41, Folder 2 Articles: "Anglican Communion Today"
Box 41, Folder 3 Articles: "The Development of Cathedral Close
Providence, 1954-72" (Typed mss.)
Box 41, Folder 4 Articles: "The First Lambeth Conference, 1867" in The Living Church
Box 41, Folder 5 Articles: "The Future of the Anglican Communion"
Box 41, Folder 6 Articles: "A Narrative of King's Church, St John's Church, the Cathedral of St. John
, 1722-1972"
Box 41, Folder 7 Articles: "On the Governance of the Church Diocese" (Typed mss.)
Box 41, Folder 8 Articles: "The Redemption of the World by Our Lord Jesus Christ" (Typed mss.)
Box 41, Folder 9 Articles: Miscellaneous in Pan-Anglican
1950-1954, 1959, 1968
Box 41, Folder 10 Articles and Addresses
Box 41, Folder 11 Articles and Addresses
Box 42, Folder 12 Autobiography: One Man's Journey (Typed mss.)
Box 42, Folder 13 Books: The Expansion of the Anglican Communion
Box 42, Folder 14 Books: The General Thanksgiving: Some Thoughts Today. See also: Books: The Hope of Glory
Box 42, Folder 15 Books: The Hope of Glory. See also: The General Thanksgiving
Box 43, Folder 16 Books: One Faith and Fellowship
Box 43, Folder 17 Books: This Means of Grace
Box 43, Folder 18 Pamphlet: "From Corner Lot to City Block: The Story of the Cathedral of St. John:" See also: MsG # 94 St. John's Church/Cathedral, Series II
Box 43, Folder 19 Sermons: Address of the Rev. Samuel Fayerweather to the People of Old St. Paul's,
Narragansett on 4 July 1776" (Typed mss.)
Box 43, Folder 20 Sermons: "The Churches and the Ecumenical Movement"
Box 43, Folder 21 Sermons: "The Coming Great Church" (Typed mss.)
Box 43, Folder 22 Sermons: "He Died to Save Us All" in Martin Caldwell ed., Lift Up Your Hearts. Also in Pulpit Digest, March 1959
Box 43, Folder 23 Sermons: "The Houses in Between" (Typed mss.)
Box 43, Folder 24 Sermons: "The Peoples of the Earth: Divided and Enslaved by Sin"
Box 43, Folder 25 Sermons: "The Saviour and Salvation" (Typed mss.)
Box 43, Folder 26 Sermons: "A Sermon Preached at the Old Narragansett Church"
Box 43, Folder 27 Sermons: "You Can Take It With You," in Wedel and McCray, eds., Go Preach: Thirty Sermons for the Laity
Box 43, Folder 28 Sermons: "You Can Take it with You" in The Word with Power: Lay Readers Sermons
Box 43, Folder 29 Sermons: "You Can't Go Home Again" (Typed mss.)
Box 43, Folder 30 Miscellaneous Writings
1927-1988, scattered dates

Series 6. Convention Proceedings
Box 44-50a, Folder 1-55
This series contains the printed and bound proceedings of annual and special conventions of the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island. The proceedings, known as the Directory and Journal
, are published each year by the diocese.

Proceedings for the years 1790-1832 inclusive are summarized in one volume. The following years are missing: 1900-1909 inclusive, 1911-1913 inclusive, 1915-1932 inclusive, 1935, 1950, 1951, 1953-1962 inclusive, 1966, and 1969.


The proceedings are arranged chronologically.

Container Description Date
Box 44, Folder 1 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 44, Folder 2 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 44, Folder 3 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 44, Folder 4 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 44, Folder 5 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 44, Folder 6 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 45, Folder 7 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 45, Folder 8 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 45, Folder 9 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 45, Folder 10 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 45, Folder 11 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 46, Folder 12 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 46, Folder 13 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 46, Folder 14 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 46, Folder 15 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 46, Folder 16 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 47, Folder 17 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 47, Folder 18 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 47, Folder 19 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 47, Folder 20 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 47, Folder 21 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
1899, 1910, 1914, 1932
Box 47, Folder 22 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
1933-1934, 1936-1937
Box 48, Folder 23 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 48, Folder 24 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 48, Folder 25 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 48, Folder 26 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
1947-1949, 1952
Box 48, Folder 27 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 48, Folder 28 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 48, Folder 29 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 48, Folder 30 Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Convention
Box 49, Folder 31 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention
Box 49, Folder 32 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention
Box 49, Folder 33 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention
Box 49, Folder 34 Directory and Journal of the Special Convention
Box 49, Folder 35 Directory and Journal of the Special Convention
Box 50, Folder 36 Directory and Journal of the Special Convention
Box 50, Folder 37 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention, Part I
Box 50, Folder 38 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention, Part II
Box 50, Folder 39 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention
Box 50, Folder 40 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention, Part I
Box 50, Folder 41 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention
Box 50, Folder 42 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention
Box 50, Folder 43 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention
Box 50, Folder 44 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention
Box 50, Folder 45 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention
Box 50a, Folder 46 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention
Box 50a, Folder 47 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention
Box 50a, Folder 48 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention
Box 50a, Folder 49 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention
Box 50a, Folder 50 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention
Box 50a, Folder 51 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention
Box 50a, Folder 52 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention
Box 50a, Folder 53 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention
Box 50a, Folder 54 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention
Box 50a, Folder 55 Directory and Journal of the Annual Convention

Series 7. Photographs
Box 51-53, Folder 1-45
This series contains photographs of events, people, and places significant to some aspect of the life of the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island. Included are photographs of such events as celebratory dinners, church services, conventions, and meetings. Among the photographs of people are prominent clergy and laity of the diocese, as well as photographs of choirs and class photographs of St. Dunston's School
. Photographs of places include St. Andrew's
, St. Dunstan's
and St. Michael's Schools
, as well as several diocesan residential and office buildings.

Photographs relating to the Episcopal Diocese are also located in other series in this collection. Photographs of the bishops of Rhode Island are located in Series IV and photographs of individual parish churches are located in Series II. Photographs of the Cathedral of St. John are located in Series V of Manuscript Group 94, St. John's Church/Cathedral.


The photographs in this series are divided into the categories of events, people, and places and then arranged alphabetically thereunder by the subject of the photograph.

Container Description Date
Box 51, Folder 1 Album
Box 51, Folder 2 Events: Conventions and Meetings
Box 51, Folder 3 Events: Dinners: Men's Club Dinner. See: Oversize
Box 51, Folder 4 Events: Dinners, miscellaneous. See: Oversize
Box 51, Folder 5 Events: Services
Box 51, Folder 6 Events: Services
Box 52, Folder 7 People: Bearse, William and Sons
Box 52, Folder 8 People: Best, Rev. C. H.
Box 52, Folder 9 People: Chaplin, Dura
Box 52, Folder 10 People: Choirs
Box 52, Folder 11 People: Clark, John Innes
Box 52, Folder 12 People: Clergy, Unidentified
1951, undated
Box 52, Folder 13 People: Collins, Rev. Frederick J., Rector of the Church of the Messiah
1899, 1929, undated
Box 52, Folder 14 People: Cooper, Rev. William S.
Box 52, Folder 15 People: Diocesan Youth Chorus
Box 52, Folder 16 People: Females, Unidentified
Box 52, Folder 17 People: Groups, Unidentified
1948, undated
Box 52, Folder 18 People: Harper, Rev. John
Box 52, Folder 19 People: Holloway, Chaplain Albert M.
Box 52, Folder 20 People: Horner, Rev. Clarence H.
Box 52, Folder 21 People: Bishop Hubbard,
Williamsburg, VA
Box 52, Folder 22 People: Lawrence, Rev. William A., Bishop of Western Massachusetts
Box 52, Folder 23 People: MacSparran, Rev. James, Portrait of
Box 52, Folder 24 People: MacSparran, Mrs. James, Portrait of
Box 53, Folder 25 People: Males, Unidentified
Box 53, Folder 26 People: McQueen, Rev. Duncan R.: Installation as Dean of Suva (Fiji Island)
Box 53, Folder 27 People: Mercier, D. Cardinal, Arch-Bishop of Belgium (photocopy of photograph)
Box 53, Folder 28 People: Mercier, D. Cardinal, Arch-Bishop of Belgium (photocopy of photograph)
Box 53, Folder 29 People: Morehouse, Clifford P.
Box 53, Folder 30 People: St. Dunstan's School
: Class Photographs
Box 53, Folder 31 People: St Dunstan's School: Class Photographs
Box 53, Folder 32 People: Sherill, Rev. Henry Knox
Box 53, Folder 33 People: Bishop Street
Box 53, Folder 34 Places: Buildings, Unidentified
Box 53, Folder 35 Places:
Church Mission House, N.Y.
Box 53, Folder 36 Places: Churches, Exteriors
Box 53, Folder 37 Places: Churches, Interiors
Box 53, Folder 38 Places:
Haiti: Companion Diocese
1961, 1963
Box 53, Folder 39 Places: Hallworth House

Box 53, Folder 40 Places: St. Andrews School Barrington: Organ
Box 53, Folder 41 Places: St. Michael's School, Newport
Box 53, Folder 42 Places: Tiogue Volunteer Fire Company Station,
Box 53, Folder 43 Places: Vicarage in
Carolina, RI
Box 53, Folder 44 Places: Whipple House,
Box 53, Folder 45 Places: Whitehall: Residence of Bishop Berkeley

Series 8. Scrapbooks
Box 53a-56a, Folder 1-3
The Scrapbooks Series consists of bound scrapbooks compiled by diocesan staff members and containing photographs, brochures, programs, and newspaper clippings relating to the activities of the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island.


The scrapbooks are arranged in chronological order, but follow no topical order.

Container Description Date
Box 53a, Folder 1 Episcopal Church Building Clipping Book
Box 53a, Folder 2 St. John's Promotional Book. See: Oversize
Box 53a, Folder 3 Scrapbook: Scaringi, Geno (poems, lecture notes, news clippings) See: Oversize
Box 54, Folder 0 Scrapbook See: Oversize
Box 54a, Folder no folder Scrapbook See: Oversize
Box 54b, Folder no folder Scrapbook See: Oversize
1955-1959, 1959-1960
Box 54c, Folder no folder Scrapbook See: Oversize
Box 54d, Folder no folder Scrapbook See: Oversize
Box 55, Folder no folder Scrapbook See: Oversize
Box 55a, Folder no folder Scrapbook See: Oversize
Box 55b, Folder no folder Scrapbook See: Oversize
Box 55c, Folder no folder Scrapbook See: Oversize
Box 56, Folder no folder Scrapbooks: St. Dunstan's School. See: Oversize
Box 56a, Folder no folder Scrapbooks: Cady, Clinton. See: Oversize

Series 9. Diocesan Administrative Files
Box 57-84, Folder 1-297
This series contains the administrative records of the diocesan headquarters and the bishop. The bulk of the records date from 1970 to 1990 and document the episcopates of Bishops John Seville Higgins, Frederick Hesley Belden, and George Nelson Hunt. Topics include diocesan committees such as the Executive Committee
and the Diocesan Council
, regional and national Episcopal organizations such as the Provincial Synod
and the House of Bishops
, interfaith organizations such as the Rhode Island State Council of Churches, foreign and companion dioceses, mixed marriages, missions, the ordination of women, charitable and public interest groups such as the Episcopal Charities Fund
, Planned Parenthood
, and the Sanctuary for Central American Refugees
, clergy transfers and examinations, and the diocesan budget.

Types of records represented include correspondence, publications including Ad Clerum (the diocesan newsletter), minutes of meetings, committee reports, bank statements, audit reports, budget work sheets, canonical examination forms, clergy transfer forms, proceedings of the national House of Bishops, and pastoral letters. The Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island and its bishops have been active in the social and political as well as religious life of Rhode Island, and this activism is documented in the records. Of particular interest are the files on Planned Parenthood and Sanctuary for Central American Refugees. Also of interest are the files on the topics of mixed marriages and the ordination of women, which document the Episcopal Church's evolving attitudes on these subjects.

There is some overlap of record type and subject matter between this series and the Histories/Historical Records series. The distinction between the two is that the Histories/Historical Records series contains printed and typed histories of the diocese (e.g. Centennial and Bicentennial Histories) and historical records (e.g. early financial records, deeds, mortgages, and records of early diocesan organizations), while the records in this series document the more recent administrative functions of the diocese.


The records in this series are arranged alphabetically by subject or type of record and chronologically within folders.

Container Description Date
Box 57, Folder 1 Abrahamic Accord
1982-1986 Jun
Box 57, Folder 2 Abrahamic Accord
1986 Jul 1
Box 57, Folder 3 Abrahamic Accord
1986 Aug-1986 Nov
Box 57, Folder 4 Abrahamic Accord
1986 Dec-1987
Box 57, Folder 5 Abrahamic Accord
1988-1990, undated
Box 57, Folder 6 Ad Clerum (Clergy Newsletter)
Box 57, Folder 7 Ad Clerum
Box 57, Folder 8 Ad Clerum
Box 57, Folder 9 Ad Clerum
Box 57, Folder 10 Ad Clerum
Box 57, Folder 11 Ad Clerum
Box 57, Folder 12 Ad Clerum
Box 58, Folder 13 Ad Clerum
Box 58, Folder 14 Ad Clerum
Box 58, Folder 15 Ad Clerum
Box 58, Folder 16 Ad Clerum
Box 58, Folder 17 Ad Clerum
1981-1987, undated
Box 58, Folder 18 Allin Dinner
Box 58, Folder 19 Annand, Rev. James E., Dean of Berkley Divinity School
: Correspondence
1975, 1982-1983
Box 58, Folder 20 Association of Episcopal Colleges
: Correspondence
1985-1986, undated
Box 58, Folder 21 Berkley Divinity School: Feasibility Study and Response
Box 58, Folder 22 Bishops, Resignations of
Box 58, Folder 23 Bishops' Academy
Box 58, Folder 24 Bishops' Discretionary Fund: Account Sheets
Box 58, Folder 25 Bishops' Discretionary Fund: Receipts
Box 58, Folder 26 Bishops' ROTA Forms
Box 58, Folder 27 Brown Bag Lunches
Box 59, Folder 28 Camara, Dom Helder: Biographical Sketch
Box 59, Folder 29 Camara, Dom Helder: Visit to the Diocese of Rhode Island
Box 59, Folder 30 Canonical Examinations, Correspondence re
1967-1978, scattered
Box 59, Folder 31 Canons, Committee On: Report of
Box 59, Folder 32 Canons on the Trial of a Bishop: Correspondence re
Box 59, Folder 33 The Celebration of the Holy Eucharist by Certain Anglicans and Baptists
Box 59, Folder 34 Certificate of Ecclesiastical Authority of Another Diocese of Transfer of Clergymen
Box 59, Folder 35 Certificate to the Secretary of Convention of the Transfer of Clergymen to Another Diocese
1950-1962, 1964-1969
Box 59, Folder 36 Child Abuse Recognition and Education (CARE): Clergy Training Program
Box 59, Folder 37 Children and Their Families, Committee for

1985, undated
Box 59, Folder 38 Christian Education, Department of
: Correspondence
1968-1980, scattered dates
Box 59, Folder 39 Christian Education, Department of: Correspondence
1981-1985, scattered dates, undated
Box 59, Folder 40 Christian Education, Department of: Minutes of Meetings
Box 59, Folder 41 Christian-Jewish Symposium
: Correspondence re.
Box 59, Folder 42 Christian Social Relations, Department of

1976, 1978-1979, undated
Box 60, Folder 43 Church School Conferences/Masters of Church School Conferences: Report by Gilbert Taverner
Box 60, Folder 0 Clergy: Conferences
1980-1985, undated
Box 60, Folder 45 Clergy: Conferences
1986-1987, undated
Box 60, Folder 46 Clergy: Divorces of
1983-1985, undated
Box 60, Folder 47 Clergy, Non-Parochial: Correspondence re.
Box 60, Folder 48 Clergy, Non-Parochial: Annual Reports of
Box 60, Folder 49 Clergy, Non-Parochial: Annual Reports of
Box 60, Folder 50 Clergy, Non-Parochial: Annual Reports of
Box 60, Folder 51 Clergy, Non-Parochial: Annual Reports of
Box 60, Folder 52 Clergy, Non-Parochial: Annual Reports of
Box 61, Folder 53 Clergy Received into the Diocese: Certificate of Election by a Parish
Box 61, Folder 54 Clergy Resignations
1955-1968, scattered
Box 61, Folder 55 College Ministry
Box 61, Folder 56 College Ministry
1979, undated
Box 61, Folder 57 The Community of St. John Chrysostom
1983, undated
Box 61, Folder 58 Companion Diocese Committee
: Correspondence .See also: Extra Diocesan Mission Committee (Subcommittee of Companion Diocese)
1977, 1980, scattered, undated
Box 61, Folder 59 Conference of the R.I. State Council of Churches
and the R.I. Unit, American Jewish Committee

Box 61, Folder 60 Constitution Hill Project
. X-ref: Providence East Side Renewal: Constitution Hill
1971-1972, 1977-1980
Box 61, Folder 61 Corporate Responsibility, Committee on
1978, 1980-1981
Box 61, Folder 62 Cursillo Committee

1978, undated
Box 62, Folder 63
Dacca, Bangladesh, Diocese of. See also: Overseas Mission, Department of, and Oxford Mission to Calcutta
1960-1964, scattered
Box 62, Folder 64 Dacca, Bangladesh, Diocese of
Box 62, Folder 65 Dacca, Bangladesh, Diocese of
Box 62, Folder 66 Dacca, Bangladesh, Diocese of
Box 62, Folder 67 Dacca, Bangladesh, Diocese of
Box 62, Folder 68 Dacca, Bangladesh, Diocese of
Box 62, Folder 69 Dacca, Bangladesh, Diocese of
1972-1976, undated
Box 62, Folder 69a Dacca, Bangladesh, Diocese of: Scrapbook of Bishop Belden's Visit to See: Oversize
Box 63, Folder 70 Dawn for Children
Box 63, Folder 70a Deacons, Ordination of Programs
Box 63, Folder 71 Deacons, School Training Committee for
Box 63, Folder 72 Deacons, School Training Committee for
Box 63, Folder 73 Deaneries, Reports of
Box 63, Folder 74 Deaneries, Reports of
Box 63, Folder 75 Diocesan Appointments, Correspondence re
1979-1980, undated
Box 63, Folder 76 Diocesan Council
: Minutes of Meetings
Box 63, Folder 77 Diocesan Council: Minutes of Meetings
Box 63, Folder 78 Diocesan Council: Minutes of Meetings
Box 63, Folder 78a Diocesan Directory
Box 64, Folder 79 Diocesan Finance Committee: Correspondence
1968-1978, scattered
Box 64, Folder 80 Diocesan Finance Committee: Correspondence
1979-1981, undated
Box 64, Folder 81 Diocesan Finance Committee: Minutes of Meetings
Box 64, Folder 82 Diocesan House: Inventory
Box 64, Folder 83 Diocesan Investment Trust
: Correspondence
1971-1980, scattered
Box 64, Folder 84 Diocesan Investment Trust: Annual Report
Box 64, Folder 85 Diocesan Investment Trust: Annual Report
Box 64, Folder 86 Diocesan Investment Trust: Bank Reports
1971-1972, 1977-1978
Box 64, Folder 87 Diocesan Investment Trust: Bank Reports
Box 64a, Folder 88 Diocesan Investment Trust: Bank Reports
Box 64a, Folder 89 Diocesan Investment Trust: Bank Reports
Box 64a, Folder 89a Diocesan Investment Trust: Income Fund Certificate
Box 64a, Folder 90 Diocesan Investment Trust: Minutes of Meetings
1971-1972, 1977-1980
Box 64a, Folder 91 Diocesan Planning Commission

1977-1979, undated
Box 64a, Folder 92 Diocesan Press Service: Press Releases
1975-1979, scattered
Box 65, Folder 93 Diocesan Standing Committee: Correspondence
1940-1948, scattered, 1960-1961
Box 65, Folder 94 Diocesan Standing Committee: Correspondence
1973-1987 scattered dates
Box 65, Folder 95 Diocese of Florida, Division of
Box 65, Folder 96 Diocese of Rhode Island, A Profile of
Box 65, Folder 97 Ecumenical Committee
: Correspondence
Box 65, Folder 98 Ecumenical Conference
: "Prayer and Meditation in a Nuclear Age" See also: Providence Zen Center
Box 65, Folder 99 Edwards Fund: Audit Report
1948-1962, scattered
Box 65, Folder 100 Edwards Fund, Miscellaneous
1959-1978, scattered
Box 65, Folder 101 Election of Parish Rectors, Notification of
1955-1968, 1980
Box 65, Folder 102 Episcopal Charity Fund: Correspondence
Box 65, Folder 103 Episcopal Charity Fund: Correspondence
Box 65, Folder 104 Episcopal Charity Fund: Correspondence
1982-1987, scattered, undated
Box 66, Folder 105 Episcopal Charity Fund: Annual Audit Reports
1959, 1961-1962, 1979-1981
Box 66, Folder 106 Episcopal Charity Fund: Minutes of Meetings
1972-1982, scattered
Box 66, Folder 107 Episcopal Conference Center
1959-1982, scattered
Box 66, Folder 108 Episcopal Housing Foundation of Rhode Island (EH FRI): Correspondence
Box 66, Folder 109 Episcopal Housing Foundation of Rhode Island: Correspondence
1983-1987, undated
Box 66, Folder 109a Episcopal Lay Readership Directory
Box 66, Folder 110 Episcopal Renewal Conference of 1985
Box 66, Folder 111 Erhard Seminar Training (EST): Correspondence
1978, 1983-1985, undated
Box 66, Folder 112 Evangelism Commission
1974-1979, scattered
Box 67, Folder 113 Executive Council of the Episcopal Church: Correspondence
Box 67, Folder 114 Executive Council of the Episcopal Church: Correspondence
Box 67, Folder 115 Executive Council of the Episcopal Church: Correspondence
Box 67, Folder 116 Extra Diocesan Mission Committee: Correspondence. See also: Companion Diocese Committee
1976-1979, scattered
Box 67, Folder 117 Extra Diocesan Mission Committee: Correspondence
Box 67, Folder 118 Extra Diocesan Mission Committee: Correspondence
1983-1985, undated
Box 67, Folder 119 Extra Diocesan Mission Committee: Minutes of Meetings
1973-1985, scattered, undated
Box 67, Folder 120 Galilee Mission to Fishermen, Inc.: Correspondence
Box 67, Folder 121 Galilee Mission to Fishermen, Inc.: Correspondence
1987-1988, undated
Box 67, Folder 122 Galilee Mission to Fishermen, Inc.: Minutes of Board of Directors Meetings
Box 68, Folder 123 General Convention
1969, undated
Box 68, Folder 124 General Convention,1970
Box 68, Folder 125 General Convention, 1970
Box 68, Folder 126 General Convention, 1974
Box 68, Folder 127 General Convention, 1976
Box 68, Folder 128 General Convention Youth Program

Box 68, Folder 129 Goddard Chippendale Table: Document of Secularization
Box 68, Folder 129a Goddard Chippendale Table: Photograph on Cover of Sotheby's Catalogue
Box 68, Folder 130 Good Works Theater
1980-1984, scattered
Box 68, Folder 131 Governor's Commission on Mental Health Services

1978-1980 Oct
Box 68, Folder 132 Governor's Commission on Mental Health Services
1980 Nov-1981
Box 68, Folder 133 Greenberg Seminar

1984, undated
Box 68, Folder 134
Grenada. X-ref Windward Isles, Diocese of
Box 69, Folder 135 Healing Commission

1966-1979, scattered, undated
Box 69, Folder 136 Health, Education and Welfare, Commission on

1970-1971, undated
Box 69, Folder 137 Heath, Rev. Glendon E.: Correspondence
1962-1983, scattered
Box 69, Folder 138 Honduran Episcopal Church
Box 69, Folder 139 House of Bishops
: Annual Meeting
1962, 1964, 1969
Box 69, Folder 140 House of Bishops: Annual Meeting
1970-1972, 1974, 1977-1978
Box 69, Folder 141 House of Bishops: Annual Meeting, 1980
1980, undated
Box 69, Folder 142 House of Bishops, Annual Meeting, 1981
1981-1982, undated
Box 69, Folder 143 House of Bishops: Annual Meeting, 1982, 1983
1982-1984, undated
Box 69, Folder 144 House of Bishops: Annual Meeting, 1984
1984, undated
Box 69, Folder 145 House of Bishops: Annual Meeting, 1986
1986, undated
Box 69, Folder 146 House of Bishops: Annual Meeting, 1987,1990
1987, 1990, undated
Box 69, Folder 147 House of Bishops: Hard Cases Seminar
Box 69, Folder 148 Interfaith Conference
Box 70, Folder 149 Interfaith Health Care Ministries: Correspondence
1975-1986, scattered
Box 70, Folder 150 Interfaith Health Care Ministries: Self Study
Box 70, Folder 151 Interfaith Housing Corporation
: Correspondence
1986-1988, undated
Box 70, Folder 152 Interfaith Housing Corporation: Minutes of Meetings
1977-1980 scattered, 1986-1988
Box 70, Folder 153
Israel: Fortieth Anniversary
1985, 1988
Box 70, Folder 154
Kenya, Bishop Hunt's Trip to
1985-1986 Jan
Box 70, Folder 155 Kenya, Bishop Hunt's Trip to
1986 Feb-1989
Box 70, Folder 156 Library: Suggestions for Renovation
Box 70, Folder 157 Marriage Canons
1972-1980, scattered, undated
Box 70, Folder 158 Marriage Officiate Consents
1981, 1984
Box 70, Folder 159 Marriages: Mixed Marriages: Correspondence
1966-1971, 1984, undated
Box 70, Folder 160 Marriages: Mixed Marriages: Newspaper Clips
1964-1968, scattered, undated
Box 71, Folder 161 Mental Health Services
Box 71, Folder 162 Ministry Counci
l: Minutes of Meetings
1980-1988, scattered
Box 71, Folder 163 Miramar: Audit Report
Box 71, Folder 163a Miramar: Register of Church Services
Box 71, Folder 164 Missions, Department of: Correspondence
1969-1978, scattered
Box 71, Folder 165 Missions, Department of: Correspondence
Box 71, Folder 166 Missions, Department of: Correspondence
1981-1984, 1986-1989, undated
Box 71, Folder 167 Missions, Department of: Leadership Conference 1984
1983-1984, undated
Box 71, Folder 168 Missions, Department of: Minutes of Meetings
Box 71, Folder 169 National Defense and Discipline in a Free Society (Typed mss.)
Box 71, Folder 170 National Jewish Hospital /National Asthma Center
1980, 1982, 1984
Box 71, Folder 171 Neonatal Hypothyroid Screening Program
Box 71, Folder 172 New England Consultation of Church Leaders
1975-1979, scattered, undated
Box 71, Folder 173 Newsletter Ideas
Box 71, Folder 174
Nicaragua: Bishop Hunt's Trip to
1983 Feb-1983 Mar 27
Box 71, Folder 175 Nicaragua: Bishop Hunt's Trip to
1983 Mar 28-1983 Mar 30
Box 72, Folder 176 Nicaragua: Bishop Hunt's Trip to
1983 Apr-Aug, undated
Box 72, Folder 177 Nicaragua: Brochures and Pamphlets
1980-1983 Feb
Box 72, Folder 178 Nicaragua: Brochures and Pamphlets
1983 Mar-1983 Dec
Box 72, Folder 179 Nicaragua: Brochures and Pamphlets
1984-1987, undated
Box 72, Folder 180 Nicaragua: Journal Bulletin Special Edition on
1983 Oct 18
Box 72, Folder 181 Old Narragansett Church Fund: Audit Report
Box 72, Folder 182 Overseas Missions, Department of: Correspondence. See also: Dacca, Bangladesh Diocese of
1960-1967, scattered
Box 72, Folder 183 Overseas Missions, Department of
: Correspondence
1968-1972, 1981, undated
Box 72, Folder 184 Overseas Missions, Department of: Minutes of Meetings
Box 72, Folder 185 Overseas Missions, Department of: Minutes of Meetings
Box 73, Folder 186 Oxford Mission to
Calcutta. See also:
Dacca, Bangladesh, Diocese of
1962-1973, scattered, undated
Box 73, Folder 187 Oxford Mission to Calcutta: Sisterhood of Epiphany Scrapbook
Box 73, Folder 188 PACEM I: Peace Alternative Conference 1981
1981 Apr-1981 Oct
Box 73, Folder 189 PACEM I: Peace Alternative Conference 1981
1981 Nov-1981 Dec, undated
Box 73, Folder 190 PACEM II: Peace Alternative Conference 1982 and 1984. See also: Peace Committee
1982-1984, undated
Box 73, Folder 191 Partners in Mission: Correspondence
Box 73, Folder 192 Pastoral Development, Office of: Correspondence
1970-1977, scattered, undated
Box 73, Folder 193 Pastoral Development, Office of
: Discussion of Homosexuality in the Ministry
Box 73, Folder 194 Pastoral Letter: "The Arms Race and Nuclear Threat." See also Peace Statement by R.I. Religious Leaders
Box 73, Folder 195 Pastoral Letter: House of Bishops
Box 73, Folder 196 Pastoral Letter: Identity, Pilgrimage and Peace 1982
Box 73, Folder 197 Pastoral Letter: Urban Bishops' Coalition
Box 73, Folder 198 Peace Academy

1981-1984, scattered
Box 74, Folder 199 Peace Committee
: Correspondence. See also PACEM I and PACEM II
1979, 1981-1982
Box 74, Folder 200 Peace Committee: Correspondence
1983-1987, undated
Box 74, Folder 201 Peace Essay Contest
Box 74, Folder 202 Peace Statement by R.I. Religious Leaders
Box 74, Folder 203 Pensions and Insurance
1971-1978, undated
Box 74, Folder 204 Physicians for Social Responsibility
1980, 1987
Box 74, Folder 205 Planned Parenthood

1981-1982, 1984-1986
Box 74, Folder 206 Planned Parenthood
Box 74, Folder 207 Poe, Edgar Allen, Articles re
Box 74, Folder 208 Population Action Council
1981, undated
Box 74, Folder 209 Prayer in Public Schools
Box 74, Folder 210 Private Schools
1962, 1968
Box 74, Folder 211 Providence East Side Renewal
: Benefit Street Project
1971-1980, scattered, undated
Box 74, Folder 212 Providence East Side Renewal: Blueprints
Box 75, Folder 213 Providence East Side Renewal: Constitution Hill Project
1965-1969 Mar
Box 75, Folder 213a Providence East Side Renewal: Constitution Hill Project
1969 Apr -1970
Box 75, Folder 213b Providence East Side Renewal: Constitution Hill Project
Box 75, Folder 213c Providence East Side Renewal: Constitution Hill Project
1972-1973 Jul
Box 75, Folder 213d Providence East Side Renewal: Constitution Hill Project
1973 Aug-Oct
Box 75, Folder 214 Providence East Side Renewal: Constitution Hill Project
1973 Nov-Dec
Box 75, Folder 214a Providence East Side Renewal: Constitution Hill Project
Box 75a, Folder 214b Providence East Side Renewal: Constitution Hill Project
1975-1980, undated
Box 75a, Folder 214c Providence East Side Renewal: Constitution Hill Project
Box 75a, Folder 214d Providence East Side Renewal: Constitution Hill Project
Box 75a, Folder 215 Providence Forum
Box 75a, Folder 216 Providence Forum
Box 75a, Folder 217 Providence Zen Center
See also: Ecumenical Conference

Box 75a, Folder 218 Provincial Synod
: Correspondence
Box 75a, Folder 219 Provincial Synod: Correspondence
Box 76, Folder 220 Provincial Synod: Correspondence
Box 76, Folder 221 Provincial Synod: Correspondence
1983-1984 May
Box 76, Folder 223 Provincial Synod: Committee on Structure
Box 76, Folder 224 Provincial Synod: Executive Committee
1982-1987, scattered
Box 76, Folder 225 Provincial Synod: Finance Committee
Box 76, Folder 226 Provincial Synod: Minutes of Meetings
1972, 1977-1986
Box 77, Folder 227 Provincial Synod: Reports
1981, 1985
Box 77, Folder 228 Puppet Workshop
Box 77, Folder 229 The Quest for Peace
Box 77, Folder 230 Real Estate Committee

Box 77, Folder 231 Refugee Resettlement
1981-1985 scattered, undated
Box 77, Folder 232 Renunciations and Depositions from the Ministry
1951, 1954-1960
Box 77, Folder 233 Renunciations and Depositions from the Ministry
Box 77, Folder 234 Renunciations and Depositions from the Ministry
Box 77, Folder 235 Renunciations and Depositions from the Ministry
Box 77, Folder 236 Renunciations and Depositions from the Ministry
Box 77, Folder 237 Rhode Island Churchman (Newspaper)
Box 77, Folder 238 Rhode Island Churchman (Newspaper)
1970, 1972
Box 78, Folder 239 Rhode Island Episcopal Convention: Act of Incorporation (Amended)
Box 78, Folder 240 Rhode Island Mobilization for Survival
Box 78, Folder 241 Rhode Island Nuclear Freeze Campaign

1981-1984, scattered, undated
Box 78, Folder 242 Rhode Island State Council of Churches
: Correspondence
1971-1985, scattered
Box 78, Folder 243 Rhode Island State Council of Churches: Correspondence
1986-1988, undated
Box 78, Folder 244 Rhode Island State Council of Churches: Annual Meeting
Box 78, Folder 245 Rhode Island State Council of Churches: Board of Director's: Minutes of Meetings
Box 78, Folder 246 Rhode Island State Council of Churches: Board of Directors: Minutes of Meetings
Box 78, Folder 247 Rhode Island State Council of Churches: Constitution of
1971, 1983
Box 78, Folder 248 Rhode Island State Council of Churches: Financial Reports
1961-1971, scattered
Box 78, Folder 249 Rhode Island State Council of Churches: Minutes of Meetings
Box 78, Folder 250 Rhode Island State Council of Churches: Task Force on Future Directions
1984-1985, undated
Box 78, Folder 251 Ruffino, Russell G.: Reception as a Priest in the Episcopal Church
Box 79, Folder 252 St. Andrew's School
: Correspondence
Box 79, Folder 253 St. Andrew's School: Correspondence
1980, 1983, 1985
Box 79, Folder 254 St. Andrew's School: Correspondence
1986-1988, undated
Box 79, Folder 255 St. Dunstan's College of Sacred Music

Box 79, Folder 256 St. Dunstan's College of Sacred Music
1983-1986, undated
Box 79, Folder 257 St. Dunstan's School
: Catalogue
Box 79, Folder 258 St. Elizabeth's Home
: Correspondence
1975-1987, scattered, undated
Box 80, Folder 259 St. Elizabeth's Home: Board of Trustees: Minutes of Meetings
1979, 1985-1988
Box 80, Folder 260 St. Elizabeth's Home: "The Story of St. Elizabeth's Home"
Box 80, Folder 261 St. George's School
: Correspondence
1976-1985, scattered
Box 80, Folder 262 St. George's School: Correspondence
1986-1989, undated
Box 80, Folder 263 St. George's School: Board of Trustees: Correspondence
Box 80, Folder 264 St. George's School: Board of Trustees: Correspondence
1984, 1986-1988
Box 80, Folder 265 St. George's School: Board of Trustees: Minutes of Meetings
Box 81, Folder 266 St. George's School: Board of Trustees: Minutes of Meetings
Box 81, Folder 267 St. George's School: Board of Trustees: Minutes of Meetings
Box 81, Folder 268 St. George's School: Evaluation of
Box 81, Folder 269 St. George's School: Faculty and Staff Directory
Box 81, Folder 270 St. Mary's Home for Children
: Correspondence
1971, 1979-1988, undated
Box 81, Folder 271 St. Mary's Home for Children: Annual and Special Reports
1968-1979, scattered
Box 81, Folder 272 St. Mary's Home for Children: Annual and Special Reports
1980-1982, 1985-1986, undated
Box 81, Folder 273 St. Mary's Home for Children: Board of Trustees: Minutes of Meetings
1978-1988, scattered
Box 82, Folder 274 St. Michael's School
: Correspondence
1955-1971, scattered, undated
Box 82, Folder 275 The Sanctuary Movement for Central American Refugees
1985-1986, undated
Box 82, Folder 276 Scott A. Smith Youth Assistance Fund
, Correspondence re:
Box 82, Folder 277 Seamen's Church Institute of Newport
: Correspondence
1982-1986, undated
Box 82, Folder 278 Seamen's Church Institute of Newport: Financial Records
1966-1983, scattered, undated
Box 82, Folder 279 Seamen's Church Institute of Newport: Minutes of Meetings
Box 82, Folder 280 Seamen's Church Institute of Newport: Publications and Reports
1965-1983, scattered
Box 82, Folder 281 Stewardship, Department of

1976-1979, undated
Box 82, Folder 282 Tokwotton Associates
: Episcopal Retirement Community
1985-1988, undated
Box 82, Folder 283 Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry
Box 82, Folder 284 United Thank Offering (UTO) Committee
: Grants Correspondence
Box 82, Folder 285 United Thank Offering (UTO) Committee: Grants Correspondence
Box 83, Folder 286 Urban Bishops' Coalition
: Correspondence. See also: Pastoral Letters: Urban Bishops' Coalition
1978-1982, undated
Box 83, Folder 287 Urban Bishops' Coalition: Correspondence
1983-1985 Apr
Box 83, Folder 288 Urban Bishops' Coalition: Correspondence
1985 Oct-1986, undated
Box 83, Folder 289 Vaguener Committee
1985-1990, scattered, undated
Box 83, Folder 290 Waterman Lake Property
Box 83, Folder 291 Widows, Orphans and Clergy Fund: Audit Reports
Box 83, Folder 292
Windward Island, Diocese of: Correspondence. See also: Companion Diocese Committee and Overseas Mission, Dept. of
1959-1979, scattered
Box 83, Folder 293 Windward Island, Diocese of: Correspondence
Box 83, Folder 294 Windward Island, Diocese of: Correspondence
1983-1986, 1990, undated
Box 83, Folder 295 Windward Island, Diocese of: Hurricane Allen Relief Fund
Box 84, Folder 296 Women, Ordination of. See also: General Convention
1966, 1972, 1974
Box 84, Folder 297 Women, Ordination of
1975, 1979, 1984, undated

Series 10. Parish Administrative Files
Box 85-103, Folder 1-132
This series consists of records which document the relationship between the bishop and active diocesan parishes for which he is responsible. Topics include visits of the bishop to the parish, financial status and financial problems of parishes, the resignation of ministers, the selection of ministers, building programs, expansion and merger plans, problems and disagreements among the parishioners, parish programs, celebrations, and special events.

Types of records included are correspondence, pastoral letters, visitation data sheets, parish budgets, parish histories and other parish publications, building plans, and blueprints, annual reports, and newspaper clippings. There is some overlap of both types of records and subjects in this series and in the Diocesan Parishes series. The distinction is that the bulk of the records in the Diocesan Parishes series are from disincorporated parishes and document a broad range of internal parish activities, while the bulk of the records in this series are from still active parishes and document the administrative relationship between the parish and the bishop.

Change in church titles, locations, and ownership are sometimes encountered in these records. A primary example is St. Paul's Church (box 95, folders 68-70). A Church of England congregation built a church originally located on
Shermantown Road in what was then referred to as Narragansett. This building was moved to
Wickford, R.I. in the Town of
North Kingstown. This building was used by the parish until 1848 when a new church building was built. After being used for storage, the old church building was restored and donated in 1914 to the Diocese of Rhode Island. The church is variously known as St. Paul's Narragansett, St. Paul's Wickford, and the Old Narragansett Church. A memo explaining these events can be found in the parish folders.


The records in this series are arranged alphabetically by the name of the town in which the parish is located and then alphabetically by the name of the parish.

Container Description Date
Box 85, Folder 1 Alton: St. Thomas
. See also: Canonchet, St. Elizabeth's
1952-1971 scattered, 1980-1987
Box 85, Folder 2 Ashton: St. John's

1963-1965, 1967, 1980-1987
Box 85, Folder 3 Barrington: St. John's

1974, 1979-1988
Box 85, Folder 4 Barrington: St Matthew's

1952-1960 scattered, 1979-1987, undated
Box 86, Folder 5 Block Island: St. Ann's

1969-1972 scattered, 1979-1984
Box 86, Folder 6 Block Island: St. Ann's
1985-1988, undated
Box 86, Folder 7 Bristol: St. Michael's

1960-1982 scattered
Box 86, Folder 8 Bristol: St. Michael's
Box 86, Folder 9 Canonchet: St. Elizabeth's

1938-1983 Jun
Box 86, Folder 10 Canonchet: St. Elizabeth's
1983 Sep-1987, undated
Box 86, Folder 11 Centerdale: St. Albans
. See also: North Providence: St. Albans-St. James

1974-1975, 1980-1987, undated
Box 87, Folder 12 Central Falls: St. George's

1962, 1979, 1982 Mar
Box 87, Folder 13 Central Falls: St. George's
1982 Apr-1987
Box 87, Folder 14 Charlestown: Church of the Holy Spirit

1981-1982, undated
Box 87, Folder 15 Coventry: Christ Church

1954-1975 scattered, 1981-1987
Box 87, Folder 16 Coventry: St. Andrew's
(merged with St. Philip's of West Warwick in 1968)
1956-1968 scattered
Box 88, Folder 17 St. Andrew's and St. Philip's
See also: West Warwick: St. Philip's and Coventry: St. Andrew's (merged 1968)
1967-1977, 1981-1985, undated
Box 88, Folder 18 Coventry: St. Matthias'

Box 88, Folder 19 Coventry: St. Matthias'
1968-1979 scattered
Box 88, Folder 20 Coventry: St. Matthias'
Box 88, Folder 21 Coventry: St. Matthias'
1984-1988, undated
Box 89, Folder 22 Cranston: Church of the Ascension
. See also: Mss. Gr. 96
1964-1970 scattered, 1980-1983
Box 89, Folder 23 Cranston: Church of the Ascension
1984-1987, undated
Box 89, Folder 24 Cranston: Church of the Transfiguration

1967-1982 scattered
Box 89, Folder 25 Cranston: Church of the Transfiguration
1983-1987, undated
Box 89, Folder 26 Cranston: St. Bartholomew's
(merged with Church of the Ascension in 1971)
1960-1971, undated
Box 89, Folder 27 Cranston: St. David's

1955-1975 scattered, 1980-1987
Box 90, Folder 28 Cranston: Trinity Church

1956-1972 scattered, 1978-1987, undated
Box 90, Folder 29 Cranston: Emmanuel Church

Box 90, Folder 30 Cranston: Emmanuel Church
1969-1975 scattered
Box 90, Folder 31 Cranston: Emmanuel Church
1983-1987, undated
Box 90, Folder 32 East Greenwich: St. Luke's

1961-1968, 1979-1982
Box 90, Folder 33 East Greenwich: St. Luke's
1983-1987, undated
Box 91, Folder 34 East Providence: Grace Memorial

1962-1972 scattered, 1979-1982
Box 91, Folder 35 East Providence: St. Mark's

1961-1977 scattered, 1979-1983
Box 91, Folder 36 East Providence: St Mary's

1942-1977 scattered, 1979-1987
Box 91, Folder 37 East Providence: St. Michael and All Angels

1953-1971 scattered,1980-1983
Box 91, Folder 38 Foster: Church of the Messiah

Box 91, Folder 39 Foster: Church of the Messiah
1980-1987, undated
Box 92, Folder 40 Greenville: St. Thomas'

1955-1975 scattered, 1978-1988
Box 92, Folder 41 Jamestown: St. Matthew's

1962-1973 scattered, 1979-1982
Box 92, Folder 42 Jamestown: St. Matthew's
Box 92, Folder 43 Johnston: Church of the Good Shepherd

Box 92, Folder 44 Johnston: St. Peter's
. See also: Mss. Gr. 87 and Providence: St. Peter's and St. Andrew's
1956-1971, undated
Box 92, Folder 45 Kingston: St. Augustine's

1958-1976 scattered
Box 92, Folder 46 Kingston: St. Augustine's
Box 93, Folder 47 Kingston: St. Augustine's
1983-1988, undated
Box 93, Folder 48 Lincoln: Christ Church

1956-1964 scattered, 1979-1982
Box 93, Folder 49 Lincoln: Christ Church
Box 93, Folder 50 Little Compton: St. Andrew's By-the-Sea

1941-1976 scattered, 1978-1981
Box 93, Folder 51 Little Compton: St. Andrew's By-the-Sea
1982-1989, undated
Box 93, Folder 52 Middleboro: Church of the Holy Cross

1957-1967 scattered, 1979-1986, undated
Box 93, Folder 53 Middletown: St. Columba's

1954-1975 scattered, 1978-1981
Box 93, Folder 54 Middletown: St. Columba's
1982-1986, undated
Box 94, Folder 55 Narragansett: St. Peter's

1953-1970 scattered, 1979-1981
Box 94, Folder 56 Narragansett: St. Peter's
1982-1987, undated
Box 94, Folder 57 Newport: Emmanuel Church

1958-1977 scattered, 1979-1982
Box 94, Folder 58 Newport: Emmanuel Church
1983-1987, undated
Box 94, Folder 59 Newport: St. George's

1958-1959, 1962-1977 scattered
Box 94, Folder 60 Newport: St. George's
1979-1987 scattered, undated
Box 94, Folder 61 Newport: St. George's School Chapel
1981-1986 scattered, undated
Box 94, Folder 62 Newport: St. John the Evangelist

1955-1975 scattered
Box 94, Folder 63 Newport: St. John the Evangelist
1977-1985, undated
Box 95, Folder 64 Newport: Trinity Church

1951-1976 scattered
Box 95, Folder 65 Newport: Trinity Church
Box 95, Folder 66 Newport: Trinity Church
Box 95, Folder 67 Newport: Trinity Church
1986-1988, undated
Box 95, Folder 68 North Kingstown: Old Narragansett Church.
See also: North Kingstown: St. Paul's.
1872, 1956-1973, 1976-1983, 1987
Box 95, Folder 69 North Kingstown: St. Paul's.
See also: North Kingstown: Old Narragansett Church
1958-1977 scattered, 1979-1981
Box 95, Folder 70 North Kingstown: St. Paul's
1982-1987, undated
Box 96, Folder 71 North Providence: St. Alban's-St. James
. See also: N. Providence: St. James and Centerdale: St. Alban's (merged 1971, merger dissolved 1974)
Box 96, Folder 72 North Providence: St. James'
. See also: North Providence: St. Alban's-St. James
1956-1976 scattered, 1980-1983
Box 96, Folder 73 North Providence: St. James'
Box 96, Folder 74 North Scituate: Trinity Church

1954-1977 scattered, 1980-1987
Box 96, Folder 75 Pascoag: Calvary Church

1958-1976 scattered, 1979-1980
Box 96, Folder 76 Pascoag: Calvary Church
1981-1983, undated
Box 96, Folder 77 Pawtucket: Church of the Advent

1972, 1977-1985, undated
Box 97, Folder 78 Pawtucket: Church of the Good Shepherd

1950-1968 scattered, 1977-1987, undated
Box 97, Folder 79 Pawtucket: St. Luke's

1953, 1967, 1979-1982
Box 97, Folder 80 Pawtucket: St. Luke's
Box 97, Folder 81 Pawtucket: St. Martin's

1954-1967 scattered, 1980-1983
Box 97, Folder 82 Pawtucket: St. Martin's
1984-1987 scattered, undated
Box 97, Folder 83 Pawtucket: St. Paul's
(Trinity Church, Pawtucket, merged into in 1971)
1965-1982 scattered
Box 97, Folder 84 Pawtucket: St Paul's
Box 98, Folder 85 Pawtucket: Trinity Church
. See also Pawtucket. St. Paul's (Trinity merged into in 1971).
1957-1977 scattered
Box 98, Folder 86 Portsmouth: St. Mary's

1955-1971 scattered
Box 98, Folder 87 Portsmouth: St. Mary's
Box 98, Folder 88 Portsmouth: St. Paul's

1956-1965 scattered, 1978-1981
Box 98, Folder 89 Portsmouth: St. Paul's
Box 98, Folder 90 Providence: All Saints Memorial

1964-1977 scattered, 1980-1983, undated
Box 98, Folder 91 Providence: Cathedral of St. John

1955-1965 scattered
Box 98, Folder 92 Providence: Cathedral of St. John
1967-1975 scattered, 1979-1983
Box 98, Folder 93 Providence: Christ Church

1960-1970 scattered
Box 98, Folder 94 Providence: Church of the Epiphany

1968, 1973, 1978-1980 Oct
Box 99, Folder 95 Providence: Church of the Epiphany
1980 Nov-1984, undated
Box 99, Folder 96 Providence: Church of the Messiah

1964, 1979-1980
Box 99, Folder 97 Providence: Church of the Messiah
Box 99, Folder 98 Providence: Church of the Redeemer

1956-1958, 1978-1982
Box 99, Folder 99 Providence: Church of the Savior
. See also: Providence: St. Augustine Day Nursery
1950-1960 scattered
Box 99, Folder 100 Providence: Grace Church

1956-1976 scattered,1979-1981
Box 100, Folder 101 Providence: Grace Church
Box 100, Folder 102 Providence: St. Andrew's
. See also: Providence: St. Peter's and St. Andrew's
1960-1971 scattered
Box 100, Folder 103 Providence: St. Ansgarius

1957-1959 scattered
Box 100, Folder 104 Providence: St. Augustine Day Nursery
. See also: Providence: Church of the Savior
1951-1954, undated
Box 100, Folder 105 Providence: St Martin's

1963-1977 scattered
Box 100, Folder 106 Providence: St. Paul's

1954-1964 scattered,1980-1983, undated
Box 100, Folder 107 Providence: St. Peter's and St. Andrew's.
See also: Johnston: St. Peter's and Providence: St. Andrew's (merged 1971)
1971-1981 scattered
Box 100, Folder 108 Providence: St. Stephen's.
See also: Mss. Gr. 98
1959-1976 scattered, 1980-1983, undated
Box 100, Folder 109 Providence: St. Thomas'
. See also: Providence: Cathedral of St. John (St. Thomas merged with St. John's in 1970.)
1956-1969 scattered
Box 100, Folder 110 Saunderstown: St. John's

1957-1979 scattered
Box 101, Folder 111 Saunderstown: St. John's
Box 101, Folder 112 Scituate: St. Timothy's

Box 101, Folder 113 Thornton: Holy Nativity.
See also Cranston: Church of the Ascension (merged with)
1953-1967 scattered
Box 101, Folder 114 Tiverton: Holy Trinity

1915-1974 scattered, 1979-1984
Box 101, Folder 115 Wakefield: Church of the Ascension

1958-1978 scattered, 1980-1983
Box 101, Folder 116 Warren: St Mark's

1965-1969, 1979-1983
Box 101, Folder 117 Warwick: All Saints

1933-1964 scattered, 1965-1969
Box 101, Folder 118 Warwick: All Saints
1972-1977 scattered, 1980-1983
Box 101, Folder 119 Warwick: Church of the Resurrection

1950-1973 scattered
Box 101, Folder 120 Warwick: Church of the Resurrection
1980-1983, undated
Box 101, Folder 121 Warwick: St. Barnabas'

1934-1978 scattered
Box 102, Folder 122 Warwick: St. Barnabas'
1980-1983, undated
Box 102, Folder 123 Warwick: St. Mark's

1949-1963 scattered
Box 102, Folder 124 Warwick: St. Mark's
1964-1971, undated
Box 102, Folder 125 Warwick: St. Mark's
Box 102, Folder 126 Warwick: St. Mary's

1958-1975 scattered, 1980-1984
Box 102, Folder 127 Watch Hill: Watch Hill Chapel

Box 102, Folder 128 Westerly: Christ Church

1938-1956 scattered, 1959-1968, 1970-1980 scattered
Box 103, Folder 129 Westerly: Christ Church
Box 103, Folder 130 West Warwick: St. Philip's
. See also Coventry: St. Andrew's and St. Philip's (merged in 1968)
1960-1968 scattered
Box 103, Folder 131 Woonsocket: St. James'

1961-1967, 1971 Jan-1980 Sep
Box 103, Folder 132 Woonsocket: St. James'
1980 Oct-1983

Series 11. Baptisms/Confirmations/Receptions
Box 104-113, Folder 1-153
This series consists of printed forms listing people baptized, confirmed, or received into the Episcopal faith by the bishop on his visits to parishes throughout the diocese. The majority of lists are for confirmations and receptions and many of the parishes are lacking lists for the years 1947-54 and 1968-70.

Though the format of the baptism/confirmation/reception reporting form changed through the years, the information reported remained constant. It includes the name, address, date of birth, and previous ecclesiastical affiliation of the person to be baptized, confirmed, or received, the date on which the ceremony took place, and the name of the parish church in which it took place.


The records in this series are arranged alphabetically by the name of the town in which the church is located and then alphabetically by the name of the church. Lists within each church are arranged chronologically by date.

Container Description Date
Box 104, Folder 1 Alton: St. Thomas
. See also Canonchet: St. Elizabeth's
1956-1989 scattered
Box 104, Folder 2 Ashton: St. John's

1911-1944, 1955-1990
Box 104, Folder 3 Barrington: St. Andrew's

1918-1967 scattered
Box 104, Folder 4 Barrington: St. John's

Box 104, Folder 5 Barrington: St. John's
1955-1967, 1972-1990
Box 104, Folder 6 Barrington: St. Matthew's

1925-1985 scattered
Box 104, Folder 7 Block Island: St. Ann's

1933-1980 scattered
Box 104, Folder 8 Bristol: St. Michael's

Box 104, Folder 9 Bristol: St. Michael's
1955-1967, 1971-1990
Box 104, Folder 10 Bristol: Trinity Church

1911-1959 scattered
Box 104, Folder 11 Burrillville: State Sanatorium Chapel

1920-1926, 1938
Box 104, Folder 12 Canonchet: St. Elizabeth's
. See also: Alton: St. Thomas
1939-1989 scattered
Box 104, Folder 13 Centerdale: St. Alban's
. See also: North Providence: St. James
Box 104, Folder 14 Centerdale: St. Alban's
1955-1967, 1971-1990
Box 104, Folder 15 Central Falls: St. George's

Box 104, Folder 16 Central Falls: St. George's
1955-1967, 1972-1981, 1984-1990 scattered
Box 104, Folder 17 Charlestown: Church of the Holy Spirit

1955-1965, 1967-1990 scattered
Box 104, Folder 18 Conanicut: Chapel of the Transfiguration

Box 105, Folder 19 Coventry: Christ Church

1912-1989 scattered
Box 105, Folder 20 Coventry, St. Andrew's
. See also: Coventry: St. Andrew's and St. Philip's
1912-1945, 1958-1965
Box 105, Folder 21 Coventry, St. Andrew's and St. Philip's
. See also: Coventry: St. Andrew's and West Warwick: St. Philips
Box 105, Folder 22 Coventry: St. Matthias
1961-1966, 1971-1989
Box 105, Folder 23 Cranston: Church of the Ascension

1911-1946 scattered
Box 105, Folder 24 Cranston: Church of the Ascension
1955-1967, 1971-1989 scattered
Box 105, Folder 25 Cranston: Church of the Resurrection

1926-1946 scattered
Box 105, Folder 26 Cranston: Church of the Transfiguration

Box 105, Folder 27 Cranston: Church of the Transfiguration
Box 105, Folder 28 Cranston: St. Bartholomew's
. See also: Cranston: Church of the Ascension
1912-1965 scattered
Box 105, Folder 29 Cranston: St. David's

1918-1946 scattered
Box 105, Folder 30 Cranston: St. David's
1956-1967, 1971-1990
Box 105, Folder 31 Cranston: State Institution Chapels

1917-1990 scattered
Box 105, Folder 32 Cranston: Trinity Church

Box 105, Folder 33 Cranston: Trinity Church
1955-1967, 1971-1990
Box 105, Folder 34 Cumberland: Emmanuel Church

Box 105, Folder 35 Cumberland: Emmanuel Church
1955-1990 scattered
Box 106, Folder 36 East Greenwich: St. Luke's

Box 106, Folder 37 East Greenwich: St. Luke's
1950-1967, 1971-1990
Box 106, Folder 38 East Providence: Grace Memorial

1911-1987 scattered
Box 106, Folder 39 East Providence: St. Mark's

Box 106, Folder 40 East Providence: St. Mark's
1955-1967, 1971-1990 scattered
Box 106, Folder 41 East Providence: St. Mary's

Box 106, Folder 42 East Providence: St. Mary's
1955-1967, 1971-1990 scattered
Box 106, Folder 43 East Providence: St. Michael and All Angels

1945-1989, scattered
Box 106, Folder 44 Foster: Church of the Messiah

1955-1967, 1971-1987 scattered
Box 106, Folder 45 Greenville: St. Thomas'

Box 106, Folder 46 Greenville: St. Thomas'
1955-1967, 1971-1990
Box 106, Folder 47 Jamestown: St. Matthew's

1911-1956 scattered, undated
Box 106, Folder 48 Jamestown: St. Matthew's
1957-1967, 1971-1988 scattered
Box 106, Folder 49 Johnston: Chapel of the Good Shepherd

Box 106, Folder 50 Johnston: St. Peter's

Box 106, Folder 51 Johnston: St. Peter's
1957-1967 scattered
Box 107, Folder 52 Kingston: St. Augustine's

1958-1967, 1972-1990
Box 107, Folder 53 Lincoln: Christ Church

Box 107, Folder 54 Lincoln: Christ Church
1955-1967, 1971-1990
Box 107, Folder 55 Little Compton: St. Andrew's

1915, 1922, 1972-1973
Box 107, Folder 56 Middletown: Church of the Holy Cross

1913-1989 scattered
Box 107, Folder 57 Middletown: St. Columba's

1912-1924, 1927-1944 scattered
Box 107, Folder 58 Middletown: St. Columba's
1955-1967, 1972-1990 scattered
Box 107, Folder 59 Middletown: St. George's

1918-1990 scattered
Box 107, Folder 60 Narragansett: St. Peter's

1912-1990 scattered
Box 107, Folder 61 Newport: Emmanuel Church

Box 107, Folder 62 Newport: Emmanuel Church
1955-1967, 1971-1990
Box 107, Folder 63 Newport: Military Forts

Box 107, Folder 64 Newport: Naval Hospital

1956, 1957
Box 107, Folder 65 Newport: Naval Station
1920-1943 scattered
Box 107, Folder 66 Newport: St. George's

Box 107, Folder 67 Newport: St. George's
1955-1967, 1971-1987 scattered
Box 107, Folder 68 Newport: St. John's

Box 107, Folder 69 Newport: St. John's
1955-1967, 1971-1987 scattered
Box 108, Folder 70 Newport: Trinity Church

1911-1946 scattered
Box 108, Folder 71 Newport: Trinity Church
1955-1967, 1971-1990
Box 108, Folder 72 North Kingstown: St. Paul's

1912-1946 scattered
Box 108, Folder 73 North Kingstown: St. Paul's
1955-1967, 1971-1989, undated
Box 108, Folder 74 North Providence: Church of the Holy Spirit

1911-1930 scattered
Box 108, Folder 75 St James'
. See also: Centerdale: St. Alban's (merger 1971-74)
1931-1990 scattered
Box 108, Folder 76 St. Mary's Home Chapel

1943, 1946
Box 108, Folder 77 North Scituate: Trinity Church

1943-1945, 1956-1967, 1971-1990 scattered
Box 108, Folder 78 Pascoag: Calvary Church

1911-1946 scattered
Box 108, Folder 79 Pascoag: Calvary Church
1955-1986 scattered
Box 108, Folder 80 Pawtucket: Church of the Advent

Box 108, Folder 81 Pawtucket: Church of the Advent
1956-1990 scattered
Box 108, Folder 82 Pawtucket: Church of the Good Shepherd

Box 108, Folder 83 Pawtucket: Church of the Good Shepherd
Box 108, Folder 84 Pawtucket: St. Luke's

Box 108, Folder 85 Pawtucket: St. Luke's
1953-1990 scattered
Box 109, Folder 86 Pawtucket: St. Martin's

1915-1946 scattered
Box 109, Folder 87 Pawtucket: St. Martin's
1955-1967, 1971-1989 scattered
Box 109, Folder 88 Pawtucket: St. Paul's

Box 109, Folder 89 Pawtucket: St. Paul's
1955-1967, 1971-1990
Box 109, Folder 90 Pawtucket: Trinity Church
See also: Pawtucket: St. Paul's (merged with in 1971)
Box 109, Folder 91 Pawtucket: Trinity Church
1948-1967 scattered, undated
Box 109, Folder 92 Portsmouth: St. Mary's

1912-1946 scattered
Box 109, Folder 93 Portsmouth: St. Mary's
1955-1967, 1970-1990
Box 109, Folder 94 Portsmouth: St. Paul's

1913-1990 scattered, undated
Box 109, Folder 95 Providence: All Saints' Memorial

1912-1946, 1955-1966, 1971-1990 scattered
Box 109, Folder 96 Providence: Bishop's Chapel

1964, 1977
Box 109, Folder 97 Providence: Calvary Church

Box 109, Folder 98 Providence: Cathedral of St. John

Box 109, Folder 99 Providence: Cathedral of St. John
1955-1967, 1971-1990
Box 110, Folder 100 Providence: Christ Church

1912-1945, 1955-1977 scattered, undated
Box 110, Folder 101 Providence: Church of the Epiphany

1911-1946 scattered
Box 110, Folder 102 Providence: Church of the Epiphany
1956-1966, 1972-1989
Box 110, Folder 103 Providence: Church of the Messiah

Box 110, Folder 104 Providence: Church of the Messiah
1961-1967, 1971-1990
Box 110, Folder 105 Providence: Church of the Redeemer

1912-1946, 1956-1990
Box 110, Folder 106 Providence: Church of the Savior

1914-1939 scattered
Box 110, Folder 107 Providence: Grace Church

Box 110, Folder 108 Providence: Grace Church
1955-1967, 1971-1989 scattered
Box 110, Folder 109 Providence: Grace Silent Mission

1914-1926 scattered
Box 110, Folder 110 Providence: St. Andrew's
. See also: Providence: St. Peter's and St. Andrew's
1912-1946, 1955-1967
Box 110, Folder 111 Providence: St. Andrew's Silent Mission

1930, 1936, 1956
Box 110, Folder 112 Providence: St. Ansgarius'

1912-1956 scattered
Box 110, Folder 113 Providence: St. Augustine's Mission
1914-1918 scattered
Box 110, Folder 114 Providence: St. Elizabeth

1913-1960 scattered, undated
Box 110, Folder 115 Providence: St. James'

Box 111, Folder 116 Providence: St. Martin's

Box 111, Folder 117 Providence: St. Martin's
1955-1961, 1971-1990
Box 111, Folder 118 Providence: St. Paul's

1914-1943, 1950, 1955, 1958
Box 111, Folder 119 Providence: St. Peter's
& St. Andrew's. See also: Providence: St. Andrew's and Johnston: St. Peter's
1973-1990 scattered
Box 111, Folder 120 Providence: St. Stephen's

Box 111, Folder 121 Providence: St. Stephen's
1955-1967, 1971-1990 scattered
Box 111, Folder 122 Providence: St. Thomas'
. See also: Providence: Cathedral of St John (St. Thomas' incorporated into in 1971)
Box 111, Folder 123 Providence: St. Thomas'
Box 111, Folder 124 Prudence Island: Holy Ghost

1911, 1913
Box 111, Folder 125 Richmond: Austin Chapel

1915-1931 scattered
Box 111, Folder 126 Church of the Transfiguration

1933-1945 scattered
Box 111, Folder 127 Saunderstown: St. John's

1914-1989 scattered
Box 111, Folder 128 Scituate: St. Timothy's

1911-1957 scattered
Box 111, Folder 129 Thornton: Church of the Holy Nativity
. See also: Cranston: Church of the Ascension
1912-1960 scattered
Box 111, Folder 130 Tiverton: Holy Trinity Church

1911-1945 scattered
Box 111, Folder 131 Tiverton: Holy Trinity Church
1956-1967, 1971-1990
Box 111, Folder 132 Wakefield: Church of the Ascension

1911-1946 scattered
Box 111, Folder 133 Wakefield: Church of the Ascension
1955-1967, 1971-1990 scattered
Box 112, Folder 134 Warren: St. Mark's

Box 112, Folder 135 Warren: St. Mark's
1955-1989 scattered
Box 112, Folder 136 Warwick: All Saints

1911-1946 scattered
Box 112, Folder 137 Warwick: All Saints
1956-1967, 1971-1990 scattered
Box 112, Folder 138 Warwick: Church of the Resurrection

1955-1966, 1971-1990 scattered
Box 112, Folder 139 Warwick: St. Barnabas'

Box 112, Folder 140 Warwick: St. Barnabas'
Box 112, Folder 141 Warwick: St. Barnabas'
1967-1990 scattered
Box 112, Folder 142 Warwick: St. Mark's

1955-1967, 1971-1990
Box 112, Folder 143 Warwick: St. Mary's

1923-1946 scattered
Box 112, Folder 144 Warwick: St. Mary's
1955-1967, 1971-1990
Box 112, Folder 145 Westerly: Christ Church

Box 112, Folder 146 Westerly: Christ Church
1955-1967, 1971-1990, undated
Box 112, Folder 147 West Warwick: St. Philip's
. See also: Coventry: St. Andrew's and St. Philip's
Box 113, Folder 148 West Warwick: St. Philip's
Box 113, Folder 149 Woonsocket: St. Andrew's

1912-1965 scattered
Box 113, Folder 150 Woonsocket: St. James

Box 113, Folder 151 Woonsocket: St. James
1955-1967, 1971-1989 scattered
Box 113, Folder 152 Watch Hill: Watch Hill Chapel

1962, 1985
Box 113, Folder 153 Miscellaneous
1917-1989 scattered

Series 12. Remarriage Judgements
Box 114-117
The Remarriage Judgment series contains records relating to the requirement that previously married and divorced individuals seeking to remarry in the Episcopal Church obtain the permission of the bishop before the ceremony can be performed in an Episcopal Church by an Episcopal priest. Included are letters to the bishop from the prospective bride and groom, a letter from the local parish priest, a completed application form, copies of divorce decrees of the bride and/or groom, and a letter from the bishop granting or denying permission for the marriage ceremony to take place in an Episcopal Church.

The quantity of records varies from case to case depending upon the complexity of the situation. In addition, the process was simplified in the mid-1970s so that all that the bishop required was a completed application form and a letter from the parish priest attesting to the validity of the information in the application. Consequently, the volume of records decreased from the mid-1970s forward.


The records in this series are arranged chronologically.

Container Description Date
Box 114, Folder no folder Remarriage Judgments
1911-1936, 1955-1970
Box 115, Folder no folder Remarriage Judgments
Box 116, Folder no folder Remarriage Judgments
Box 117, Folder no folder Remarriage Judgments