Jamestown and Newport Ferry Company

University Archives and Special Collections
15 Lippitt Road
Kingston, RI 02881-2011
Tel: 401-874-4632

email: archives@etal.uri.edu

Published in 2020

Collection Overview

Title: Jamestown and Newport Ferry Company
Date range: 1872-1969
Creator: Jamestown and Newport Ferry Company
Extent: 238 box(es)
(136 linear feet)
Abstract: The Jamestown and Newport Ferries provided service between Jamestown and Newport from 1873 to 1969 and between Jamestown and Newport from 1873 to 1869 and between Jamestown and North Kingstown (Saunderstown) from 1888 to 1940.
Language of materials: English
Repository: University Archives and Special Collections
Collection number: Ms. 48

Scope & content

The records of the Jamestown and Newport Ferry Company were acquired by the University of Rhode Island Library in stages in late 1983 and early 1984 from the Jamestown Historical Society. The records were removed to the Library from an unheated barn in Jamestown and from the attic of the Jamestown Historical Society where they had been stored for fifteen years.

The Jamestown and Newport Ferries provided service between Jamestown and Newport from 1873 to 1969 and between Jamestown and Newport from 1873 to 1869 and between Jamestown and North Kingstown (Saunderstown) from 1888 to 1940. Construction of bridges in 1940 and 1969 connecting Jamestown to the mainland and Newport respectively rendered ferry service obsolete. The Jamestown and Newport Ferry Company was a municipally owned corporation, owned by the island community of Jamestown until 1951 when its operation was leased to the State of Rhode Island. In 1956, the state purchased the assets of the company for two hundred seventy thousand dollars and operated it as a division of the Department of Public Works until 1969.

The bulk of the records are from the period of municipal ownership and are primarily financial in nature. They include ledgers, payroll records, check stubs, bank statements, vouchers, service contracts, and pursers’ reports. Non-financial records include captains’ logs and daily reports, correspondence, minutes of meetings, blueprints of ferries, and navigational charts. Unfortunately, little documentation exists for the period prior to 1900 or for the period of state ownership. Apparently, until the early 1920’s, records were routinely destroyed after audit or simply when storage space became a problem. Some records were also taken to the Jamestown dump when the ferry operation was sold to the state. Records from the period of state ownership are also scarce. When the Ferry Division ceased operations in 1969, the records were supposed to have been transferred to the custody of the Jamestown Historical Society. Obviously, very few records from the period of state ownership were transferred, however, and were either discarded or still lie moldering in some as yet undiscovered corner of a basement or attic. Consequently, there are large gapes in the collection.

Many of the existing records are in poor condition due to water and vermin damage incurred while the records were stored in an unheated barn and attic. In addition, many of the earlier records are covered with coal dust, apparently from being stored at some point in company coal bins. As a result of this loss and damage, the documentation is less than complete. The existing records, however, do provide a detailed picture of the operation of a municipally owned corporation and give an idea of changes in wages and working conditions in a specific segment of the maritime industry in the first half of the twentieth century.

After sorting, the records were divided into fourteen series as follows: Ships’ Logs, Captains’ reports, Pursers’ Reports, Office Reports, Ledgers, Payroll Records, Bank Records, Subject Series, Ticket/Turnstile Series, Map and Chart Series, Building and Wharf Plans, Ship Blueprint Series, Paid Vouchers and Memorabilia.


The records are arranged into the following series:

  • 1. Ship's Logs
  • 2. Captains Reports
  • 3. Purser's Reports
  • 4. Office Reports
  • 5. Ledgers
  • 6. Payroll Records
  • 7. Bank Records
  • 8. Subject File
  • 9. Tickets/Turnstiles
  • 10. Maps and Charts
  • 11. Building and Wharf Plans
  • 12. Ship's Blueprints
  • 13. Paid Vouchers
  • 14. Memorabilia

Biographical/Historical Note

The Jamestown and Newport Ferry Company was the last in a long series of attempts to provide the residents of Conanicut Island (Jamestown) with access to Newport and the mainland. The earliest settlers of the island used their own boats to cross the West Passage to South and North Kingstown and the East Passage to Newport. As the community grew and the rate of passages across the bay increased, however, the need for a more reliable and more regular of transportation became evident.

Local communities, including Jamestown, recognized this need and began licensing individuals to provide regular ferry services between Conanicut and Aquideck Islands (Newport) and the mainland by the late seventeenth century. By 1700 the licensing authority had been assumed by the colonial legislature and the first colonial license to operate a ferry out of Jamestown was issued in May of that year. Prior to the establishment of the Jamestown and Newport Ferry Company, ferry licenses were granted for transporting passengers in only one direction. As a result, there were at times as many as six ferry boats plying the water between Jamestown and Newport and Jamestown and the mainland. (See Anna Augusta Chapin and Charles V. Chapin, A History of the Rhode Island Ferries, 1640-1923, Providence: The Oxford Press, 1925 for details of the licensing system).

By 1871, however, only one ferry provided service between Jamestown and Newport, that owned by William H. Knowles. When Knowles raised his rates to what townspeople considered an exorbitant level, the town petitioned the General Assembly for authority to establish ferry service between Jamestown and Newport. The General Assembly in April, 1872, passed an act authorizing Jamestown to establish ferry service between Jamestown and Newport and Jamestown and South Kingstown. The town organized the Jamestown and Newport Steam Ferry Association in May of 1872, but it was never incorporated. A year later the Jamestown and Newport Steam Ferry Company was granted a charter to provide ferry service between Jamestown and Newport. In 1888, the charter was amended to permit service between Jamestown and South Kingstown. The town was from the beginning the majority stockholder of the company, but until 1925 a minority of its stock was publicly held. Jamestown bought up the last of the remaining shares in 1925. The company began service between Jamestown and Newport on May 12, 1873 with the steam ferry Jamestown.

From its inception, and throughout its existence, the Jamestown and Newport ferry Company was a municipally owned and operated corporation. That, along with erratic management, worn out equipment, and lack of state assistance, was one of its many problems. Jamestown was a small town with a relatively small tax base and consequently found it difficult to bear the burden of the Ferry Company. Despite the fact that it provided a vital link in the state’s transportation system, the company received no aid from Rhode Island, either in the form of loans or a subsidy. Its rates were in addition regulated by the State Public Utilities Commission, which urged the company to keep them low to allow full public access. Nor did Newport or North or South Kingstown provide any financial assistance to the company, though the citizens of the three communities depended heavily upon the ferries for transportation back and forth across the bay.

As a result of these and other factors, the Jamestown and Newport Ferry Company was never more than a marginally profitable operation and found itself in debt to both banks and the town of Jamestown. It tried to economize in a number of ways, including the purchase of used ferries. This proved to be false economy, however, as these boats, never less than twenty-five years old when purchased, were very expensive to operate and were frequently out of service for repairs. Such misguided attempts to economize only increased the company’s financial burden.

Early in the twentieth century the company’s burden was further increased by the opening of a competitive line providing ferry service on both sides of the bay. Stillman Saunders of North Kingstown received a charter in March, 1907 for the Narraganset Transportation Company to provide ferry services between Jamestown and Newport and Jamestown and North Kingstown (Saunderstown). He built four ferries on the beach at Saunderstown and was able to provide service equal to, if not better than, that of the Jamestown and Newport Ferry Company. The competition between the two lines continued for five years until the death of Stillman Saunders in 1911. His heirs, with no apparent interest in operating a ferry company, sold the assets of the Narragansett Transportation Company to the Jamestown and Newport Ferry Company.

The “Roaring Twenties” were not a “roaring” success for the Jamestown and Newport Ferry Company. It participated only marginally in the booming economy of the 1920’s. Its financial position was, however, strong enough for it to order and build its last new boat, the Governor Carr, in 1926 at a cost of one hundred seventy-five thousand dollars. Four years later it purchased the ferry Hammonton for sixty-five thousand dollars. These two boats remained in service until 1958 when they were scrapped by the then state owned ferry service. The Ferry Company thus met the depression era with two additional boats and hopes for a profitable 1930’s.

Those hopes for a profitable decade were of course not realized. The Ferry Company managed to survive the Great Depression, however, only to be nearly destroyed by the great hurricane of September 21, 1938. Two of its three boats were caught at sea and blown ashore, one of the two destroyed. Its docking facilities on both sides of the bay were destroyed or badly damaged. The federal government supplied Works Progress Administration funds to refloat one of the vessels and to rebuild docking facilities, while the Navy loaned the company a ferry until its own boat could be refloated and repaired. The state, however, was devastated by the hurricane and was unable to provide assistance of any kind.

The Ferry Company’s financial health continued to decline throughout the 1940’s. Its unprofitable West Passage run, which had been suspended periodically during the winter in the 1930’s, was finally dropped altogether when the Jamestown Bridge connecting Jamestown to the mainland at North Kingstown opened in July of 1940. Increased military activity in Narragansett Bay provided the company with Navy and War Department contracts to ferry men and material to bases in the bay and to manufacture machine parts in its small machine shop. Whatever profit the company may have made from these contracts was more than offset, however, by a drastic reduction in civilian passengers due to war-imposed rationing of gasoline and rubber. In addition, the company’s aging ferries, the Governor Carr and the Hammonton, needed even more frequent and costly repairs.

An attempt to upgrade service with the purchase of an additional ferry finally rendered the Ferry Company insolvent in 1951. In 1950, the company purchased for one hundred twenty-five dollars the Gotham, a 24 year old diesel-electric ferry which it renamed the Jamestown. Over the next year, the company spent in excess of one hundred thousand dollars on repairs to the Jamestown, a boat actually in operation for only seventy-six days. By early 1951, the company was insolvent and its Board of Directors went before the annual Jamestown town meeting with a plan to lease the ferry operation to the State of Rhode Island. The Jamestown voters approved and, in June of 1951, the state created Jamestown Ferry Authority which began operating the ferry system on a dollar a year lease arrangement with the Jamestown and Newport Ferry Company.

The lease arrangement relieved the Ferry Company and the town of the burden of operating the ferries, but it did nothing to lessen the company’s debts to its creditors, including the town of Jamestown. Finally, in 1956, the state purchased the ferry system from the Jamestown and Newport Ferry Company for two hundred seventy-thousand dollars, payable in ten annual installments of twenty-seven thousand dollars which the company promptly turned over to the town of Jamestown.

In 1958 the ferry system was turned over to the Public Works Department and operated by the newly created Jamestown Ferry Division of that department. Among the first acts of the Jamestown Ferry Division was to sell its small old ferries for scrap and purchase two larger ferries from a ferry company in Virginia. Renamed the Jamestown and the Newport, these two boats were used on the run between Jamestown and Newport until the Newport Bridge opened in 1969. The boats made their last trips on June 28, 1969, thus ending ninety-six years of transporting passengers and vehicles across the bay.

Kingston, Rhode Island

January 1985

Access & Use

Access to the collection: Any qualified person doing scholarly research is permitted to use material housed in the Special Collections Unit.
Use of the materials: Terms governing use and reproduction: Photocopying and scanning of materials is a fee based service available in the repository and is allowed at the discretion of the Archivist when in compliance to the Unit's policy on copyright and publication.
Preferred citation: Jamestown and Newport Ferries, Mss. Gr. 48, University of Rhode Island, University Archives and Special Collections.
Contact information: University Archives and Special Collections
15 Lippitt Road
Kingston, RI 02881-2011
Tel: 401-874-4632

email: archives@etal.uri.edu

Administrative Information

Acquisition: These materials were originally collected and stored by the Jamestown and Newport Ferry Companies. The Jamestown Historical Society donated the research materials to Special Collections in 1985.
Author: Finding aid prepared by Kevin Logan.
Encoding: Finding aid encoded by Mark Dionne. 2020 May 27
Descriptive rules: Finding aid based on Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)

Additional Information



Series 1. Ship's Logs
The Ships’ Logs Series consists of the daily logs maintained by the captains for each of the ferries owned and operated by the Jamestown and Newport Ferry Company. Also included in the series is a small number of engine room and radio logs maintained by the chief engineer and the radio officer respectively. Ferries represented in the logs include the Beavertail, the Conanicut, the Governor Carr, the Hammonton, the second and fourth Jamestown, the second Newport, the Wildwood, the Norfolk, and the Richmond. The latter two ferries were renamed the Newport and the Jamestown when purchased by the Jamestown and Newport Ferry Company in 1958. The logs of the Norfolk and the Richmond came north with the vessels from Virginia and are included in this series to provide continuous history of the Richmond/Jamestown and the Norfolk/Newport.

In addition to noting such routine information as the volume of passenger traffic and daily weather conditions, the captains also noted in the logs any unusual events, incidents, or sightings. Particularly interesting in this regard are the logs of the ferries Hammonton and Governor Carr for September 21, 1938, the date of the Hurricane of 1938 which devastated the southern New England coast. The Governor Carr’s propeller fouled while its crew was trying to move it from Jamestown to a safer harbor in Newport and it was blown ashore on Jamestown. It remained there for two and a half months until it was refloated in early December. All of this of this information was routinely recorded in the Governor Carr’s log along with rapidly changing weather conditions. The Hammonton rode out the storm at its slip and the log records the rapidly rising tide which nearly drove the ferry up on the dock. Also included in the logs are accounts of rescues of capsized small boat sailors, aid rendered to disabled vessels, and collisions and near misses. The logs provide a valuable source of information for weather conditions and unusual events in and around Narragansett Bay over a seventy year time span.

The logs are arranged alphabetically by the name of the vessel and chronologically by date for each vessel.

Container Description Date
Box 1 , Folder 1 Beavertail
1897 Jan 17
Box 1 , Folder 2 Beavertail
1897 Jan 18
Box 1 , Folder 3 Beavertail
1917 Aug 30- 1918 May 25
Box 1 , Folder 4 Conanicut
1918 Dec 4-1919 Nov 15
Box 1 , Folder 5 Narragansett
1920 Jun 18-1922 Aug 6
Box 1 , Folder 6 Narragansett
1922 Aug 6- 1924 Feb 23
Box 2 , Folder 7 Narragansett
1924 Feb 23-1926 Aug 3
Box 2 , Folder 8 Narragansett
1926 Aug 1-1928 Oct 17
Box 2 , Folder 9 Narragansett
1928 Oct 18-1931 Mar 31
Box 2 , Folder 10 Narragansett
1931 Apr 1-1934 Oct 31
Box 3 , Folder 11 Engine Room Log
1923 Jan 25-1926 Dec 8
Box 3 , Folder 12 Conanicut
1915 May 27-1918 Dec 3
Box 3 , Folder 13 Beavertail
1918 Dec 4-1919 Nov 15
Box 3 , Folder 14 Beavertail
1919 Nov 15-1921 Sep 19
Box 3 , Folder 15 Beavertail
1921 Sep 21-1922 Dec 31
Box 4 , Folder 16 Beavertail
1923 Jan 1-1923 Nov 19
Box 4 , Folder 17 Narragansett
1929 Mar 24- 1938 Dec 2
Box 4 , Folder 18 Governor Carr
1928 Nov 3-1930 May 31
Box 4 , Folder 19 Governor Carr
1930 Jun 1-1931 Oct 14
Box 4 , Folder 20 Governor Carr
1931 Oct 27-1933 Jun 14
Box 5 , Folder 21 Governor Carr
1933 Aug 1-1935 Mar 12
Box 5 , Folder 22 Governor Carr
1935 Mar 12-1936 Oct 1
Box 5 , Folder 23 Governor Carr
1936 Nov 25-1938 Jul 10
Box 5 , Folder 24 Governor Carr
1938 Jul 10-1940 Aug 31
Box 5 , Folder 25 Governor Carr
1940 Sep 1-1941 Apr 3
Box 6 , Folder 26 Governor Carr
1941 May 1-1942 Aug 30
Box 6 , Folder 27 Governor Carr
1942 Aug 30-1944 Mar 31
Box 6 , Folder 28 Governor Carr
1944 Apr 1-1945 Apr 21
Box 6 , Folder 29 Governor Carr
1945 May 1-1946 Sept 17
Box 7 , Folder 30 Governor Carr
1946 Sept 16-1948 May 31
Box 7 , Folder 31 Governor Carr
1948 Jun 1-1950 Jan 31
Box 7 , Folder 32 Governor Carr
1950 Feb 1-1951 Aug 1
Box 7 , Folder 33 Governor Carr
1951 Aug 1-1953 Mar 14
Box 8 , Folder 34 Governor Carr
1953 Mar 14-1954 Jun 24
Box 8 , Folder 35 Governor Carr
1954 Jun 26-1955 Aug 31
Box 8 , Folder 36 Governor Carr
1955 Sept 1-1956 Nov 1
Box 8 , Folder 37 Governor Carr
1956 Nov 2-1957 Aug 22
Box 8 , Folder 38 Governor Carr
1957 Aug 23-1958 Sept 9
Box 8 , Folder 39 Engine Room Log
1943 Dec 28-1945 Dec 21
Box 9 , Folder 40 Hammonton
1930 Jul 9-1936 Dec 1
Box 9 , Folder 41 Hammonton
1937 May 22-1938 Dec 19
Box 9 , Folder 42 Hammonton
1938 Dec 9-1943 May 7
Box 9 , Folder 43 Hammonton
1943 May 16-1945 Nov 30
Box 10 , Folder 44 Hammonton
1948 Jun 9-1950 Dec 21
Box 10 , Folder 45 Hammonton
1900 Mar 1
Box 10 , Folder 46 Hammonton
1957 Jun 27-1958 Jan 4
Box 10 , Folder 47 J.A. Saunders X-Ref. Series I Folder
1919 Sep 25 - 1919 Dec 8
Box 10 , Folder 47 Narragansett
1918 Mar - 1919 Jun 28
Box 10 , Folder 48 Narragansett
1919 Dec 8-1921 Jun 4
Box 11 , Folder 49 Narragansett
1921 Jun 4-1924 May 13
Box 11 , Folder 50 Jamestown II
1927 Oct 13-1932 Sep 30
Box 11 , Folder 51 Jamestown II
1924 May 5-1927 Oct 13
Box 11 , Folder 52 Jamestown IV
1958 Apr 14-1959 Apr 8
Box 12 , Folder 52 Richmond
1958 Jan 30-1958 Feb 6
Box 12 , Folder 53 Richmond
1959 Apr 9-1959 Nov 13
Box 12 , Folder 54 Richmond
1960 Mar 13-1960 Nov 8
Box 12 , Folder 55 Richmond
1960 Nov 8 -1961 Oct 7
Box 12 , Folder 56 Richmond
1961 Oct 7-1962 Sept 18
Box 12 , Folder 57 Richmond
1962 Sep 19-1963 Jul 26
Box 12 , Folder 58 Richmond
1963 Jul 26-1964 Jul 4
Box 13 , Folder 59 Richmond
1964 Jul 4-1965 May 5
Box 13 , Folder 60 Richmond
1965 May 6-1965 Dec 20
Box 13 , Folder 61 Richmond
1965 Dec 20- 1966 Oct 31
Box 13 , Folder 62 Richmond
1968 Sept 3- 1969 Jun 28
Box 13 , Folder 63 Engine Room Log
1958 Feb 2- 1958 Oct 19
Box 13 , Folder 64 Richmond
1958 Oct 19 - 1959 Jun 10
Box 14 , Folder 65 Richmond
1960 Jun 14- 1960 Nov 10
Box 14 , Folder 66 Richmond
1960 Nov 10 - 1961 Jul 19
Box 14 , Folder 67 Richmond
1961 Jul 13 - 1962 Apr 17
Box 14 , Folder 68 Richmond
1962 Jun 10 - 1962 Nov 20
Box 14 , Folder 69 Richmond
1962 Nov 20 - 1963 Aug 17
Box 15 , Folder 70 Richmond
1963 Aug 17 - 1964 Jun 10
Box 15 , Folder 71 Richmond
1964 Jun 11- 1964 Dec 21
Box 15 , Folder 72 Richmond
1964 Dec 21 - 1965 Aug 18
Box 15 , Folder 73 Richmond
1965 Aug 18 - 1966 Feb 7
Box 15 , Folder 74 Radio Log
1958 Feb 4 - 1960 Jul 1
Box 15 , Folder 75 Jamestown IV: Radio Log
1960 Jul 1 - 1960 Aug 28
Box 16 , Folder 75 Jamestown IV
1960 Nov 28 - 1963 Dec 6
Box 15 , Folder 76 Narragansett
1906 Jul 1 - 1909 Sep 30
Box 15 , Folder 77 Narragansett
1915 Jul 3 - 1917 Nov 30
Box 16 , Folder 78 Beavertail
1918 Nov 8 - 1919 Mar 3
Box 16 , Folder 79 J.A. Saunders X-Ref. Series I Folder 17 Conanicut
no date
Box 16 , Folder 79.1
1969 Mar 24 - 1969 Sept 27
Box 16 , Folder 80 Newport II
1958 Jun 19 - 1959 Jun 27
Box 16 , Folder 80 X Ref. Series I Folder Norfolk
1957 Oct 21 - 1958 May 11
Box 16 , Folder 81 Norfolk
1959 Jun 28 - 1960 Jan 19
Box 16 , Folder 82 Newport IV
1960 Jan 20 - 1960 Oct 11
Box 16 , Folder 83 Newport II
1960 Oct 14- 1961 Sep 5
Box 16 , Folder 84 Newport II
1961 Sept 5- 1962 Jul 16
Box 16 , Folder 85 Newport II
1962 Jul 17 - 1964 Aug 31
Box 17 , Folder 86 Newport II
1963 Sept 1 - 1964 Sept 15
Box 17 , Folder 87 Newport II
1964 Sept 16 - 1966 Feb 18
Box 17 , Folder 88 Newport II
1966 Feb 18 - 1967 Apr 19
Box 17 , Folder 89 Newport II
1967 Apr 26 - 1968 Jan 30
Box 17 , Folder 90 Newport II
1968 Jan 31 - 1969 Mar 28
Box 17 , Folder 91 Newport II
1969 Mar 29 - 1969 Jun 28
Box 18 , Folder 92 Engine Room Log
1958 Feb 28 - 1958 Dec 11
Box 18 , Folder 93 Newport II
1958 Dec 11 - 1959 Jul 5
Box 18 , Folder 94 Newport II
1959 Jul 60 - 1959 Dec 3
Box 18 , Folder 95 Newport II
1959 Dec 3 - 1960 May 19
Box 18 , Folder 96 Newport II Engine Room Log
1960 May 20 -1960 Nov 30
Box 18 , Folder 97 Newport II Engine Room Log
1960 Nov 30 - 1961 Jul 31
Box 19 , Folder 98 Newport II Engine Room Log
1961 Aug 1 - 1962 Feb 4
Box 19 , Folder 99 Newport II Engine Room Log
1962 Feb 4 - 1963 Feb 16
Box 19 , Folder 100 Newport II Engine Room Log
19963 Feb 16 - 1963 Sep 22
Box 19 , Folder 101 Newport II Engine Room Log
1963 Oct 1 - 1964 Aug 8
Box 19 , Folder 102 Newport Ii Engine Room Log
1964 Aug 9 - 1965 Jun 5
Box 19 , Folder 103 Newport II Engine Log
1965 Jun 7 - 1966 Apr 20
Box 20 , Folder 104 Newport II Engine Room Log
1967 Jan 18 - 1967 Sep 19
Box 20 , Folder 105 Newport II Engine Room Log
1967 Sep 20 -1968 Apr 26
Box 20 , Folder 106 Radar Log
1958 -1961
Box 20 , Folder 107 Radio Log
1958 Feb 28- 1960 Jan 26
Box 20 , Folder 108 Radio Log
1960 Jan 26 - 1961 Jan 3
Box 20 , Folder 109 Radio Log
1961 Jan 3- 1963 Jul 30
Box 21 , Folder 110 Norfolk : Engine Room Log; See Also: Newport II
1952 Aug 2- 1956 Mar 31
Box 21 , Folder 111 Norfolk: Engine Room Log
1952 Dec 20 - 1955 Mar 11
Box 21 , Folder 112 Norfolk: Engine Room Log
1956 Apr 1 - 1958 Mar 4
Box 21 , Folder 113 Radar Log
1950 Feb 22 - 1957 Jun 4
Box 21 , Folder 114 Norfolk
1957 Oct 21- 1958 May 11
Box 21 , Folder 114 Newport
1958 Jun 19 - 1959 Jun 27
Box 21 , Folder 115 Richmond (Florida) See also: Jamestown IV
1941 Jun 21- 1947 Oct 21
Box 22 , Folder 116 Richmond (Florida)
1947 Oct 24- 1954 Jan 23
Box 22 , Folder 117 Richmond (Florida)
1954 Jan 24- 1954 Sep 19
Box 22 , Folder 118 Richmond (Florida)
1954 Sept 19 - 1955 May 5
Box 22 , Folder 119 Richmond (Florida)
1955 May 6 - 1955 Dec 28
Box 22 , Folder 120 Richmond (Florida)
1955 Dec 29 - 1956 Jul 29
Box 22 , Folder 121 (Richmond (Florida)
1956 Jul 29 - 1957 Mar 31
Box 23 , Folder 122 Richmond
1957 Apr 1 - 1957 Oct 20
Box 23 , Folder 123 Richmond
1957 Oct 23 - 1957 Nov
Box 23 , Folder 124 Wildwood
1951 Jun 7 - 1952 Dec 16
Box 23 , Folder 125 Wildwood
1952 Dec 17 - 1953 Oct 31
Box 23 , Folder 126 Wildwood
1953 Nov 1 - 1955 Jun 18
Box 23 , Folder 127 Wildwood
1955 Jun 19 - 1956 Jan 20
Box 24 , Folder 128 Wildwood
1956 Jan 23 - 1957 Jan 2
Box 24 , Folder 129 Wildwood
1957 Jan 2 - 1957 Nov 30
Box 24 , Folder 130 Wildwood
1957 Dec 1 - 1958 Mar 31
Box 24 , Folder 131 Engine Room Log
1954 Nov 20 - 1955 Aug 30

Series 2. Captain's Reports
This series contains the daily and monthly reports which the ferry captains had to maintain and submit to the company office. The series has been divided into two sub-series, Daily Reports and Monthly Reports.

The Daily Reports include the number of passengers and vehicles carried on each trip which the ferries made. Beginning in the early 1940’s, they also contain general information on the weather conditions each day. They complement in many respects the ships’ logs. By examining these reports one can gain information on traffic volume, busiest and least busy trips, and weather conditions over an extended period of time. The reports are divided into West Ferry and East Ferry reports until 1940, when West Ferry service ceased, and are arranged chronologically by date within folders.

The second sub-series, Monthly Reports, represent a compilation of the daily reports. Included are daily and monthly totals for trips, vehicles, and passengers for each vessel, as well as a brief description of the weather conditions for each day of the month. The monthly reports were submitted on a form especially designed for the purpose. They are arranged chronologically by month within folders.

Container Description Date
Box 25 , Folder 1 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1900 Jan 4
Box 25 , Folder 2 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1901 Jan 5
Box 25 , Folder 3 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1928 Oct - Dec
Box 25 , Folder 4 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1929 Jan- Mar
Box 25 , Folder 5 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1929 Apr- Jun
Box 25 , Folder 6 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1929 Jul - Sep
Box 25 , Folder 7 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1929 Oct- Dec
Box 25 , Folder 8 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1930 Jan-Feb
Box 26 , Folder 9 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1930 Apr - Jul
Box 26 , Folder 10 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1930 Aug -Sep
Box 26 , Folder 11 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1930 Oct - Dec
Box 26 , Folder 12 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1931 Jan - Mar
Box 26 , Folder 13 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1931 Apr - Jun
Box 26 , Folder 14 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1931 Jul - Aug
Box 26 , Folder 15 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1931 Sep-Dec
Box 27 , Folder 16 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1932 Jan- Mar
Box 27 , Folder 17 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1932 Apr - Jun
Box 27 , Folder 18 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1932 Jul - Sep
Box 27 , Folder 19 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1932 Oct - Dec
Box 27 , Folder 20 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1933 Jan- Mar
Box 27 , Folder 21 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1933 Apr - Jun
Box 27 , Folder 22 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1933 Jul- Sept
Box 27 , Folder 24 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1933 Oct - Dec
Box 28 , Folder 25 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1934 Jan - Mar
Box 28 , Folder 26 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1934 Apr - Jun
Box 28 , Folder 27 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1934 Jul - Sep
Box 28 , Folder 28 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1934 Oct - Dec
Box 28 , Folder 29 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1935 Jan; Mar-Apr
Box 28 , Folder 30 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1935 May-Sep
Box 28 , Folder 31 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1935 Oct 1 - Dec 24
Box 29 , Folder 32 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1936 Apr - Jun
Box 29 , Folder 33 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1936 Jul - Sep
Box 29 , Folder 34 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1936 Oct - Dec
Box 29 , Folder 35 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1937 Jan -Mar
Box 29 , Folder 36 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1937 Apr; Jun- Aug
Box 29 , Folder 37 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1937 Sep-Dec
Box 29 , Folder 38 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1938 Jan - Mar
Box 29 , Folder 39 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1938 Apr - Jun
Box 29 , Folder 40 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1938 Jul - Sep 20
Box 30 , Folder 41 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1939 May 20 - June 29 1939 Nov 30 - Feb 9
Box 30 , Folder 42 Captain's Reports: West Ferry
1940 May 17 - Jun 30 1940 Sep 8-30
Box 30 , Folder 43 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1928 Feb 29- Apr
Box 30 , Folder 44 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1900 Feb 16
Box 30 , Folder 45 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1928 Aug- Sep
Box 30 , Folder 46 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1928 Oct - Dec
Box 30 , Folder 47 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1929 Jan - Mar
Box 30 , Folder 48 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1929 Apr - Jun
Box 31 , Folder 49 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1929 Jul - Aug
Box 31 , Folder 50 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1929 Sep - Dec
Box 31 , Folder 51 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1930 Jan - Mar
Box 31 , Folder 52 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1930 Apr - Jun
Box 31 , Folder 53 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1930 Jul - Aug
Box 31 , Folder 54 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1930 Sep - Dec
Box 31 , Folder 55 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1931 Jan - Mar
Box 32 , Folder 56 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1931 Apr - Jun
Box 32 , Folder 57 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1931 Jul
Box 32 , Folder 58 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1931 Aug - Sep
Box 32 , Folder 59 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1931 Oct -Dec
Box 32 , Folder 60 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1932 Jan - Mar
Box 32 , Folder 61 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1932 Apr - Jun
Box 32 , Folder 62 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1932 Jul - Sep
Box 33 , Folder 63 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1932 Oct - Dec
Box 33 , Folder 64 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1932 Jan - Apr
Box 33 , Folder 65 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1933 May - Aug
Box 33 , Folder 66 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1933 Sep - Dec
Box 33 , Folder 67 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1934 Jan - Apr
Box 33 , Folder 68 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1934 May - Aug
Box 33 , Folder 69 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1934 Sep - Dec
Box 34 , Folder 70 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1935 Jan - Feb
Box 34 , Folder 71 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1935Apr - Jul
Box 34 , Folder 72 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1935 Aug - Sep
Box 34 , Folder 73 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1936 Jan - Mar
Box 34 , Folder 74 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1936 Apr- Jun
Box 34 , Folder 75 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1936 Jul - Sep
Box 34 , Folder 76 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1936 Oct - Dec
Box 34 , Folder 77 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1937 Jan - Mar
Box 34 , Folder 78 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1937 Apr - Jun
Box 35 , Folder 79 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1937 Jul - Sep
Box 35 , Folder 80 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1937 Oct - Dec
Box 35 , Folder 81 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1938 Jan - Mar
Box 35 , Folder 82 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1938 Apr - Jun
Box 35 , Folder 83 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1938 Jul - Sep
Box 35 , Folder 84 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1938 Oct- Dec
Box 35 , Folder 85 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1939 Jan- Apr
Box 35 , Folder 86 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1939 May - Jul
Box 36 , Folder 87 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1939 Aug
Box 36 , Folder 88 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1939 Sept - Oct
Box 36 , Folder 89 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1940 Feb - May
Box 36 , Folder 90 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1940 Jun - Jul
Box 36 , Folder 91 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1940 Aug
Box 36 , Folder 92 Captain's Reports: East Ferry
1940 Sep- Dec
Box 36 , Folder 93 Captain's Reports
1941 Jan - Apr
Box 36 , Folder 94 Captain's Reports
1941 May - Jul
Box 37 , Folder 95 Captain's Reports
1941 Aug - Sep
Box 37 , Folder 96 Captain's Reports
1941 Oct - Dec
Box 37 , Folder 97 Captain's Reports
1942 Jan - Apr
Box 37 , Folder 98 Captain's Reports
1942 May - Aug
Box 37 , Folder 99 Captain's Reports
1942 Sep - Dec
Box 37 , Folder 100 Captain's Reports
1943 Apr - Jun
Box 37 , Folder 101 Captain's Reports
1943 Jan - Mar
Box 38 , Folder 102 Captain's Reports
1943 Sep - Jul
Box 38 , Folder 103 Captain's Reports
1943 Sep - Oct
Box 38 , Folder 104 Captain's Reports
1944 Jan - Apr
Box 38 , Folder 105 Captain's Reports
1944 May - Aug
Box 38 , Folder 106 Captain's Reports
1944 Sep - Dec
Box 38 , Folder 107 Captain's Reports
1945 Jan - Apr
Box 39 , Folder 108 Captain's Reports
1945 May - Aug
Box 39 , Folder 109 Captain's Reports
1945 Sep - Dec
Box 39 , Folder 110 Captain's Reports
1946 Jan - Mar
Box 39 , Folder 111 Captain's Reports
1946 Apr - Jun
Box 39 , Folder 112 Captain's Reports
1946 Jul - Sep
Box 39 , Folder 113 Captain's Reports
1946 Oct - Dec
Box 40 , Folder 114 Captain's Reports
1949 Mar - Apr
Box 40 , Folder 115 Captain's Reports
1949 May - Jun
Box 40 , Folder 116 Captain's Reports
1949 Jul - Aug
Box 40 , Folder 117 Captain's Reports
1949 Sep - Dec
Box 40 , Folder 118 Captain's Reports
1950 Jan - Mar
Box 40 , Folder 119 Captain's Reports
1950 Apr - Jun
Box 41 , Folder 120 Captain's Reports
1950 Jul - Aug
Box 41 , Folder 121 Captain's Reports
1950 Sep - Oct
Box 41 , Folder 122 Captain's Reports
1950 Nov- Dec
Box 41 , Folder 123 Captain's Reports
1951 Jan - Mar
Box 41 , Folder 124 Captain's Reports
1951 Apr - Jun
Box 41 , Folder 125 Captain's Reports
1951 Jul - Aug
Box 41 , Folder 126 Captain's Reports
1951 Sep- Oct
Box 42 , Folder 127 Captain's Reports
1951 Nov - Dec
Box 42 , Folder 128 Captain's Reports
1952 Jan - Mar
Box 42 , Folder 129 Captain's Reports
1952 Apr - Jun
Box 42 , Folder 130 Captain's Reports
1952 Jul - Aug
Box 42 , Folder 131 Captain's Reports
1952 Sep - Oct
Box 42 , Folder 132 Captain's Reports
1952 Nov - Dec
Box 42 , Folder 133 Captain's Reports
1953 Jan - Feb
Box 42 , Folder 134 Captain's Reports
1968 Jul
Box 43 , Folder 135 Captain's Reports
1968 Aug
Box 43 , Folder 136 Captain's Reports
1968 Sep
Box 43 , Folder 137 Captain's Reports
1968 Oct
Box 43 , Folder 138 Captain's Reports
1968 Nov - Dec
Box 43 , Folder 139 Captain's Reports
1969 Jan - Feb
Box 43 , Folder 140 Captain's Reports
1969 Mar - Apr
Box 44 , Folder 141 Captain's Reports
1969 May
Box 44 , Folder 142 Captain's Reports
1969 Jun
Box 44 , Folder 143 Monthly Ship Reports: West Ferry
1935 - July 1940
Box 44 , Folder 144 Monthly Ship Reports: East Ferry
1935- 38
Box 44 , Folder 145 Monthly Ship Reports: East Ferry
Box 44 , Folder 146 Monthly Ship Reports
Box 45 , Folder 147 Monthly Ship Reports
Box 45 , Folder 148 Monthly Ship Reports
Box 45 , Folder 149 Monthly Ship Reports
1949 Nov - 1951 Jun
Box 45 , Folder 150 Monthly Ship Reports
1952- 53
Box 45 , Folder 151 Monthly Ship Reports
Box 45 , Folder 152 Monthly Ship Reports
Box 45 , Folder 153 Monthly Ship Reports
Box 46 , Folder 154 Monthly Ship Reports
Box 46 , Folder 155 Monthly Ship Reports
Box 46 , Folder 156 Monthly Ship Reports
Box 46 , Folder 157 Monthly Ship Reports
Box 46 , Folder 158 Monthly Ship Reports
Box 46 , Folder 159 Monthly Ship Reorts

Series 3. Purser's Reports
The Pursers’ Reports Series consists of daily reports compiled by the ships’ pursers and submitted to the company office on a standard form. The reports contain information on the number and types of tickets sold, passes issued and used, and cash receipts. The Ferry Company sold a number of different kinds of commuter tickets (e.g. twelve and twenty trip packages) and the pursers’ reports reveal how well or how poorly each of them sold.

The pursers’ reports are divided into East and West Ferry reports up to 1940, when the West Ferry was replaced by the Jamestown Bridge, and are arranged chronologically by date within folders. Beginning in November, 1942, the company no longer filed the pursers’ reports separately, but filed them with a group of daily reports in an office reports file. From November of 1942 forward, the pursers’ reports can be found in the Office Reports Series, Series IV.

Container Description Date
Box 47 , Folder 1 West Ferry
1926 Jan 3
Box 47 , Folder 2 West Ferry
1926 Jan 24
Box 47 , Folder 3 West Ferry
1926 Jun- Jul
Box 47 , Folder 4 West Ferry
1926 Jul
Box 47 , Folder 5 West Ferry
1926 Aug 1-11
Box 47 , Folder 6 West Ferry
1926 Sep
Box 47 , Folder 7 West Ferry
1926 Oct
Box 47 , Folder 8 West Ferry
1926 Nov - Dec
Box 47 , Folder 9 West Ferry
1927 Jan - Feb
Box 47 , Folder 10 West Ferry
1927 Jun
Box 48 , Folder 11 West Ferry
1927 Jul
Box 48 , Folder 12 West Ferry
1927 Aug
Box 48 , Folder 13 West Ferry
1927 Sep
Box 48 , Folder 14 West Ferry
1928 Feb - Apr
Box 48 , Folder 15 West Ferry
1928 May - Jun
Box 48 , Folder 16 West Ferry
1928 Jul
Box 48 , Folder 17 West Ferry
1928 Aug
Box 48 , Folder 18 West Ferry
1928 Sep - Oct
Box 48 , Folder 19 West Ferry
1928 Nov - Dec
Box 48 , Folder 20 West Ferry
1929 Jan - Mar
Box 48 , Folder 21 West Ferry
1929 Apr - Jun
Box 48 , Folder 22 West Ferry
1929 Jul
Box 48 , Folder 24 West Ferry
1929 Aug
Box 48 , Folder 25 West Ferry
1929 Sep - Oct
Box 48 , Folder 26 West Ferry
1929 Nov - Dec
Box 48 , Folder 27 West Ferry
1930 Apr - Jun
Box 48 , Folder 28 West Ferry
1930 Jul
Box 48 , Folder 29 West Ferry
1930 Aug
Box 50 , Folder 30 West Ferry
1930 Sep - Oct
Box 50 , Folder 31 West Ferry
1930 Nov - Dec
Box 50 , Folder 32 West Ferry
1931 Jan- Mar
Box 50 , Folder 33 West Ferry
1931 Apr - Jun
Box 50 , Folder 34 West Ferry
1931 Jul
Box 50 , Folder 35 West Ferry
1931 Aug
Box 50 , Folder 36 West Ferry
1931 Sep - Oct
Box 50 , Folder 37 West Ferry
1931 Nov - Dec
Box 50 , Folder 38 West Ferry
1932 Jan - Mar
Box 51 , Folder 39 West Ferry
1932 Apr - Jun
Box 51 , Folder 40 West Ferry
1932 Jul
Box 51 , Folder 41 West Ferry
1932 Aug
Box 51 , Folder 42 West Ferry
1932 Sep- Oct
Box 51 , Folder 43 West Ferry
1932 Nov - Dec
Box 51 , Folder 44 West Ferry
1900 Feb 7
Box 51 , Folder 45 West Ferry
1933 Apr - Jun
Box 51 , Folder 46 West Ferry
1933 Jul - Aug
Box 51 , Folder 47 West Ferry
1933 Oct - Dec
Box 52 , Folder 47A West Ferry (Saunderstown to Newport)
Nov. 1933
Box 52 , Folder 48 West Ferry (Saunderstown to Newport)
Dec. 1933
Box 52 , Folder 49 (to Newport)
Dec. 1933
Box 52 , Folder 50 (to/from Newport)
Jan. 1934
Box 52 , Folder 51 to/from Newport
Feb. 1934
Box 52 , Folder 52 (Saunderstown to Newport)
Mar. 1934
Box 52 , Folder 53 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1934 Jan - Mar
Box 52 , Folder 54 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1934 Apr - Jun
Box 52 , Folder 55 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1934 Jul - Sep
Box 52 , Folder 56 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1934 Oct - Dec
Box 53 , Folder 57 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1935 Jan - Mar
Box 53 , Folder 58 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1935 Apr - Jun
Box 53 , Folder 59 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1935 Jul - Aug
Box 53 , Folder 60 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1935 Sep - Oct
Box 53 , Folder 61 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1935 Nov - Dec
Box 53 , Folder 62 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1936 Apr - Jun
Box 53 , Folder 63 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1936 Jul - Aug
Box 53 , Folder 64 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1936 Sep - Oct
Box 53 , Folder 65 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1936 Nov - Dec
Box 54 , Folder 66 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1937 Jan - Mar
Box 54 , Folder 67 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1937 Apr -Jun
Box 54 , Folder 68 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1937 Jul - Sep
Box 54 , Folder 69 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1937 Oct - Dec
Box 54 , Folder 70 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1938 Jan - Mar
Box 54 , Folder 71 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1938 Apr - Jun
Box 54 , Folder 72 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1938 July
Box 54 , Folder 73 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1938 Aug
Box 55 , Folder 74 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1938 Sep
Box 55 , Folder 75 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1939 May - Jun
Box 55 , Folder 76 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1939 Jul - Aug
Box 55 , Folder 77 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1939 Sep- Oct
Box 55 , Folder 78 (Saunderstown to Newport)
Box 55 , Folder 79 East Ferry
1900 Mar 27
Box 55 , Folder 80 East Ferry
1926 Apr
Box 55 , Folder 81 East Ferry
1926 May
Box 55 , Folder 82 East Ferry
1926 Jun
Box 56 , Folder 83 East Ferry
1926 Jul
Box 56 , Folder 84 East Ferry
1926 Aug
Box 56 , Folder 85 East Ferry
1926 Sep
Box 56 , Folder 86 East Ferry
1926 Oct - Nov
Box 56 , Folder 87 East Ferry
1926 Dec
Box 56 , Folder 88 East Ferry
1927 Jan
Box 56 , Folder 89 East Ferry
1927 Feb
Box 57 , Folder 90 East Ferry
1927 May -Jun
Box 57 , Folder 91 East Ferry
1927 Jul
Box 57 , Folder 92 East Ferry
1927 Aug
Box 57 , Folder 93 East Ferry
1927 Sep
Box 57 , Folder 94 East Ferry
1928 Feb- Apr
Box 57 , Folder 95 East Ferry
1928 May
Box 57 , Folder 96 East Ferry
1928 Jun
Box 57 , Folder 97 East Ferry
1928 Jul
Box 58 , Folder 98 East Ferry
1928 Aug
Box 58 , Folder 99 East Ferry
1928 Sep - Oct
Box 58 , Folder 100 East Ferry
1928 Nov - Dec
Box 58 , Folder 101 East Ferry
1929 Jan - Feb
Box 58 , Folder 102 East Ferry
1929 Mar - Apr
Box 58 , Folder 103 East Ferry
1929 May - Jun
Box 58 , Folder 104 East Ferry
1929 Jul
Box 59 , Folder 105 East Ferry
1929 Aug
Box 59 , Folder 106 East Ferry
1929 Sep - Oct
Box 59 , Folder 107 East Ferry
1929 Nov-Dec
Box 59 , Folder 108 East Ferry
1930 Jan - Feb
Box 59 , Folder 109 East Ferry
1930 Feb - Mar
Box 59 , Folder 110 East Ferry
1930 Apr - May
Box 60 , Folder 111 East Ferry
1930 Jul
Box 60 , Folder 112 East Ferry
1930 Aug
Box 60 , Folder 113 East Ferry
1930 Sep - Oct
Box 60 , Folder 114 East Ferry
1930 Nov- Dec
Box 60 , Folder 115 East Ferry
1931 Jan - Feb
Box 60 , Folder 116 East Ferry
1931 Mar - Apr
Box 60 , Folder 117 East Ferry
1931 May - Jun
Box 61 , Folder 118 East Ferry
1931 July
Box 61 , Folder 119 East Ferry
1931 Aug
Box 61 , Folder 120 East Ferry
1931 Sep
Box 61 , Folder 121 East Ferry
1931 Oct
Box 61 , Folder 122 East Ferry
1931 Nov
Box 61 , Folder 123 East Ferry
1932 Jan - Feb
Box 61 , Folder 124 East Ferry
1932 Mar- Apr
Box 61 , Folder 125 East Ferry
1931 Dec
Box 62 , Folder 126 East Ferry
1932 May - Jun
Box 62 , Folder 127 East Ferry
1932 Jul
Box 62 , Folder 128 East Ferry
1932 Aug
Box 62 , Folder 129 East Ferry
1932 Sep- Oct
Box 62 , Folder 130 East Ferry
1932 Nov- Dec
Box 62 , Folder 131 East Ferry
1933 Jan
Box 62 , Folder 132 East Ferry
1933 Feb
Box 62 , Folder 133 East Ferry
1933 Mar- Apr
Box 63 , Folder 134 East Ferry
1933 May - Jun
Box 63 , Folder 135 East Ferry
1933 Jul
Box 63 , Folder 136 East Ferry
1933 Aug
Box 63 , Folder 137 East Ferry
1933 Sep-Oct
Box 63 , Folder 138 East Ferry
1933 Nov
Box 63 , Folder 139 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1933 Nov
Box 63 , Folder 140 (Saunderstown to Newport)
1933 Dec
Box 63 , Folder 141 (Newport to Saunderstown
1933 Dec
Box 64 , Folder 142 East Ferry (Newport to Saunderstown)
1934 Jan
Box 64 , Folder 143 East Ferry
1934 Jan
Box 64 , Folder 144 (Newport to Saunderstown
1934 Feb
Box 64 , Folder 145 (Newport to Saunderstown
1934 Feb- Mar
Box 64 , Folder 146 (Newport to Saunderstown
1934 Mar
Box 64 , Folder 147 (Newport to Saunderstown
1934 Apr
Box 64 , Folder 148 (Newport to Saunderstown
1934 May
Box 64 , Folder 149 (Newport to Saunderstown
1934 Jun - Jul
Box 64 , Folder 150 (Newport to Saunderstown
1934 Aug
Box 65 , Folder 151 (Newport to Saunderstown
1934 Sep - Oct
Box 65 , Folder 152 (Newport to Saunderstown
1934 Nov-Dec
Box 65 , Folder 153 (Newport to Saunderstown
1935 Jan
Box 65 , Folder 154 (Newport to Saunderstown
1935 Feb
Box 65 , Folder 155 (Newport to Saunderstown
1935 Mar
Box 65 , Folder 156 (Newport to Saunderstown
1935 Apr
Box 65 , Folder 157 (Newport to Saunderstown
1935 May
Box 65 , Folder 158 (Newport to Saunderstown
1935 Jun
Box 65 , Folder 159 (Newport to Saunderstown
1935 Jul
Box 66 , Folder 160 (Newport to Saunderstown
1935 Aug
Box 66 , Folder 161 (Newport to Saunderstown
1935 Sep
Box 66 , Folder 162 (Newport to Saunderstown
1935 Oct
Box 66 , Folder 163 (Newport to Saunderstown
1935 Nov
Box 66 , Folder 164 (Newport to Saunderstown
1935 Dec
Box 66 , Folder 165 (Newport to Saunderstown
1936 Jan
Box 66 , Folder 166 (Newport to Saunderstown
1936 Feb
Box 66 , Folder 167 (Newport to Saunderstown
1936 Mar
Box 66 , Folder 168 (Newport to Saunderstown
1936 Apr
Box 66 , Folder 169 (Newport to Saunderstown
1936 May
Box 66 , Folder 170 (Newport to Saunderstown
1936 Jun
Box 67 , Folder 171 (Newport to Saunderstown
1936 Jul
Box 67 , Folder 172 (Newport to Saunderstown
1936 Aug
Box 67 , Folder 173 (Newport to Saunderstown
1936 Sep - Oct
Box 67 , Folder 174 (Newport to Saunderstown
1936 Nov - Dec
Box 67 , Folder 175 (Newport to Saunderstown
1937 Jan
Box 67 , Folder 176 (Newport to Saunderstown
Box 67 , Folder 177 (Newport to Saunderstown
1937 Mar
Box 68 , Folder 178 (Newport to Saunderstown
1937 Apr
Box 68 , Folder 179 (Newport to Saunderstown
1937 May
Box 68 , Folder 180 (Newport to Saunderstown
1937 Jun
Box 68 , Folder 181 (Newport to Saunderstown
1937 Jul
Box 68 , Folder 182 (Newport to Saunderstown
1937 Aug
Box 68 , Folder 183 (Newport to Saunderstown
1937 Sep
Box 68 , Folder 184 (Newport to Saunderstown
1937 Oct
Box 69 , Folder 185 (Newport to Saunderstown
1937 Nov
Box 69 , Folder 186 (Newport to Saunderstown
1937 Dec
Box 69 , Folder 187 (Newport to Saunderstown
1938 Jan
Box 69 , Folder 188 (Newport to Saunderstown
1938 Feb
Box 69 , Folder 189 (Newport to Saunderstown
1938 Mar
Box 69 , Folder 190 (Newport to Saunderstown
1938 Apr
Box 69 , Folder 191 (Newport to Saunderstown
1938 May
Box 69 , Folder 192 East Ferry
1938 Jun
Box 69 , Folder 193 East Ferry
1938 Jul
Box 69 , Folder 194 East Ferry
1938 Aug
Box 69 , Folder 195 East Ferry
1938 Sep - Oct
Box 70 , Folder 196 East Ferry
1938 Nov - Dec
Box 70 , Folder 197 East Ferry
1939 Jan - Feb
Box 70 , Folder 198 East Ferry
1939 Mar- Apr
Box 70 , Folder 199 East Ferry
1939 May
Box 70 , Folder 200 East Ferry
1939 Jun
Box 70 , Folder 201 East Ferry
1939 Jul
Box 70 , Folder 202 East Ferry
1939 Aug
Box 70 , Folder 203 East Ferry
1939 Sep
Box 70 , Folder 204 East Ferry
1939 Oct
Box 71 , Folder 205 East Ferry
1939 Nov - Dec
Box 71 , Folder 206 East Ferry
1940 Jan
Box 71 , Folder 207 East Ferry
1940 Feb
Box 71 , Folder 208 East Ferry
1940 Mar
Box 71 , Folder 209 East Ferry
1940 Apr
Box 71 , Folder 210 East Ferry
1940 May
Box 71 , Folder 211 East Ferry
1940 Jun
Box 71 , Folder 212 East Ferry
1940 Jul
Box 71 , Folder 213 East Ferry
1940 Aug 1-15
Box 72 , Folder 214 East Ferry
1940 Aug 16-31
Box 72 , Folder 215 East Ferry
1940 Sep
Box 72 , Folder 216 East Ferry
1940 Oct - Nov 15
Box 72 , Folder 217 East Ferry
1940 Nov 16-30
Box 72 , Folder 218 East Ferry
1940 Dec
Box 72 , Folder 219 East Ferry
1941 Jan
Box 72 , Folder 220 East Ferry
1941 Feb
Box 72 , Folder 221 East Ferry
1941 Mar
Box 72 , Folder 222 East Ferry
1941 Apr
Box 72 , Folder 223 East Ferry
1941 May
Box 72 , Folder 224 East Ferry
1941 Jun
Box 72 , Folder 225 East Ferry
1941 Jul 1-16
Box 72 , Folder 226 East Ferry
1941 Jul 17-31
Box 72 , Folder 227 East Ferry
1941 Aug 1-15
Box 72 , Folder 228 East Ferry
1941 Aug 17-31
Box 72 , Folder 229 East Ferry
1941 Sep 1-15
Box 73 , Folder 230 East Ferry
1941 Sep 16-30
Box 73 , Folder 231 East Ferry
1941 Oct
Box 73 , Folder 232 East Ferry
1941 Nov
Box 73 , Folder 233 East Ferry
1941 Dec
Box 73 , Folder 234 East Ferry
1942 Jan
Box 73 , Folder 235 East Ferry
1942 Feb
Box 73 , Folder 236 East Ferry
1942 Mar
Box 73 , Folder 237 East Ferry
1942 Apr
Box 74 , Folder 238 East Ferry
1942 May
Box 74 , Folder 239 East Ferry
1942 Jun 1-15
Box 74 , Folder 240 East Ferry
1942 Jun 16-30
Box 74 , Folder 241 East Ferry
1942 Jul 1-16
Box 74 , Folder 242 East Ferry
1942 Jul 17-31
Box 74 , Folder 243 East Ferry
1942 Aug 1-16
Box 74 , Folder 244 East Ferry
1942 Aug 17-31
Box 75 , Folder 245 East Ferry
1942 Sep 1-15
Box 75 , Folder 246 East Ferry
1942 Sep 16-30
Box 75 , Folder 247 East Ferry
1942 Oct 1-16
Box 75 , Folder 248 East Ferry
1942 Oct 17-31
Box 75 , Folder 249 East Ferry
1942 Nov
Box 75 , Folder 250 East Ferry
1942 Dec

Series 4. Office Reports
This series contains a variety of daily reports which the company required to be submitted to its business office. It includes turnstile reports, summary of turnstile and pursers’ reports, freight reports, daily ticket reports, daily office reports, and beginning in late 1942, pursers’ reports. Much of the information contained in the various reports is duplicative. For example, pursers’ reports, turnstile reports, summary of turnstile and pursers’ reports, and daily office reports present virtually the same information in different formats.

The daily ticket reports represent a special kind of ticket sold between 1940 and 1945 in conjunction with the Jamestown Bridge Authority. Commuters were able to purchase one ticket which would allow them passage over both the newly opened Jamestown Bridge and the Jamestown and Newport ferries at a reduced rate. The receipts from the sale of these tickets were divided evenly between the Ferry Company and the Bridge Authority. Daily ticket reports were submitted to the Ferry Company, and presumably to the Bridge Authority, indicating the volume of ticket sales and receipts. Prior to November of 1942, these reports were filed separately and are contained in the Ticket/Turnstile Series, Series IX. Turnstile reports were similarly filed in the Ticket/Turnstile Series prior to June, 1943.

The office reports are arranged chronologically by date within folders.

Container Description Date
Box 77 , Folder 1 Office Reports
1940 Jan 10
Box 77 , Folder 2 Office Reports
1940 Jan 14
Box 77 , Folder 3 Office Reports
1941 Mar-Apr
Box 77 , Folder 4 Office Reports
1941 May
Box 77 , Folder 5 Office Reports
1941 Jun
Box 77 , Folder 6 Office Reports
1941 Jul
Box 77 , Folder 7 Office Reports
1941 Aug
Box 77 , Folder 8 Office Reports
1941 Sep
Box 77 , Folder 9 Office Reports
1941 Oct
Box 77 , Folder 10 Office Reports
1941 Nov
Box 77 , Folder 11 Office Reports
1941 Dec
Box 77 , Folder 12 Office Reports
1942 Jan
Box 77 , Folder 13 Office Reports
1942 Feb
Box 78 , Folder 14 Office Reports
1942 Mar
Box 78 , Folder 15 Office Reports
1942 Apr
Box 78 , Folder 16 Office Reports
1942 May
Box 78 , Folder 17 Office Reports
1942 Jun
Box 78 , Folder 18 Office Reports
1942 Jul
Box 78 , Folder 19 Office Reports
1942 Aug
Box 78 , Folder 20 Office Reports
1942 Sep
Box 78 , Folder 21 Office Reports
1942 Oct
Box 78 , Folder 22 Office Reports
1942 Nov
Box 78 , Folder 23 Office Reports
1942 Dec 1-16
Box 78 , Folder 24 Office Reports
1942 Dec 17-31
Box 79 , Folder 25 Office Reports
1943 Jan 1-10
Box 79 , Folder 26 Office Reports
1943 Jan 11-20
Box 79 , Folder 27 Office Reports
1943 Jan 21-31
Box 79 , Folder 28 Office Reports
1943 Feb 1-14
Box 79 , Folder 29 Office Reports
1943 Feb 15-28
Box 79 , Folder 30 Office Reports
1943 Mar 1-15
Box 79 , Folder 31 Office Reports
1943 Mar 16-31
Box 79 , Folder 32 Office Reports
1943 Apr 1-15
Box 80 , Folder 33 Office Reports
1943 Apr 16-30
Box 80 , Folder 34 Office Reports
1943 May 1-15
Box 80 , Folder 35 Office Reports
1943 May 16-31
Box 80 , Folder 36 Office Reports
1943 Jun 1-15
Box 80 , Folder 37 Office Reports
1943 Jun 16-30
Box 80 , Folder 38 Office Reports
1943 Jul 1-10
Box 80 , Folder 39 Office Reports
1943 Jul 11-20
Box 80 , Folder 40 Office Reports
1943 Jul 21-31
Box 81 , Folder 41 Office Reports
1943 Aug 1-10
Box 81 , Folder 42 Office Reports
1943 Aug 11-20
Box 81 , Folder 43 Office Reports
1943 Aug 21-31
Box 81 , Folder 44 Office Reports
1943 Sep 1-10
Box 81 , Folder 45 Office Reports
1943 Feb 17
Box 81 , Folder 46 Office Reports
1943 Sep 21-30
Box 81 , Folder 47 Office Reports
1943 Oct 1-10
Box 81 , Folder 48 Office Reports
1943 Oct 11-20
Box 82 , Folder 49 Office Reports
1943 Oct 21-31
Box 82 , Folder 50 Office Reports
1943 Nov 1-10
Box 82 , Folder 51 Office Reports
1943 Nov 11-20
Box 82 , Folder 52 Office Reports
1943 Nov 21-30
Box 82 , Folder 53 Office Reports
1943 Dec 1-10
Box 82 , Folder 54 Office Reports
1943 Dec 11-20
Box 82 , Folder 55 Office Reports
1943 Dec 21-31
Box 83 , Folder 56 Office Reports
1944 Jan 1-10
Box 83 , Folder 57 Office Reports
1944 Jan 11-20
Box 83 , Folder 58 Office Reports
1944 Jan 21-31
Box 83 , Folder 59 Office Reports
1944 Feb 1-10
Box 83 , Folder 60 Office Reports
1944 Feb 11-20
Box 83 , Folder 61 Office Reports
1944 Feb 21-29
Box 83 , Folder 62 Office Reports
1944 Mar 1-10
Box 84 , Folder 63 Office Reports
1944 Mar 11-20
Box 84 , Folder 64 Office Reports
1944 Mar 21-31
Box 84 , Folder 65 Office Reports
1944 Apr 1-10
Box 84 , Folder 66 Office Reports
1944 Apr 11-20
Box 84 , Folder 67 Office Reports
1944 Apr 21-30
Box 84 , Folder 68 Office Reports
1944 May 1-10
Box 84 , Folder 69 Office Reports
1944 May 11-20
Box 84 , Folder 70 Office Reports
1944 May 21-31
Box 85 , Folder 71 Office Reports
1944 Jun 1-10
Box 85 , Folder 72 Office Reports
1944 Jun 11-20
Box 85 , Folder 73 Office Reports
1944 Jun 21-30
Box 85 , Folder 74 Office Reports
1944 Jul 1-10
Box 85 , Folder 75 Office Reports
1944 Jul 11-20
Box 85 , Folder 76 Office Reports
1944 Jul 21-31
Box 85 , Folder 77 Office Reports
1944 Aug 1-10
Box 86 , Folder 78 Office Reports
1944 Aug 11-20
Box 86 , Folder 79 Office Reports
1944 Aug 21-26
Box 86 , Folder 80 Office Reports
1944 Mar 24
Box 86 , Folder 81 Office Reports
1944 Sep 1-10
Box 86 , Folder 82 Office Reports
1944 Sep 11-20
Box 86 , Folder 83 Office Reports
1944 Sept 21-30
Box 86 , Folder 84 Office Reports
1944 Oct 1-10
Box 87 , Folder 85 Office Reports
1944 Oct 11-20
Box 87 , Folder 86 Office Reports
1944 Oct 21-31
Box 87 , Folder 87 Office Reports
1944 Nov 10-10
Box 87 , Folder 88 Office Reports
1944 Nov 11-21
Box 87 , Folder 89 Office Reports
1944 Nov 21-30
Box 87 , Folder 90 Office Reports
1944 Dec 1-10
Box 88 , Folder 91 Office Reports
1944 Dec 11-20
Box 88 , Folder 92 Office Reports
1944 Dec 21-31
Box 88 , Folder 93 Office Reports
1945 Jan 1-10
Box 88 , Folder 94 Office Reports
1945 Jan 11-20
Box 88 , Folder 95 Office Reports
1945 Jan 21-31
Box 88 , Folder 96 Office Reports
1945 Feb 1-10
Box 88 , Folder 97 Office Reports
1945 Feb 11-20
Box 89 , Folder 98 Office Reports
1945 Feb 21-28
Box 89 , Folder 99 Office Reports
1945 Mar 1-10
Box 89 , Folder 100 Office Reports
1945 Mar 11-20
Box 89 , Folder 101 Office Reports
1945 Mar 21-31
Box 89 , Folder 102 Office Reports
1945 May 1-8
Box 89 , Folder 103 Office Reports
1945 May 9-16
Box 89 , Folder 104 Office Reports
1945 May 17-24
Box 89 , Folder 105 Office Reports
1945 May 25-31
Box 89 , Folder 106 Office Reports
1945 Jun 1-10
Box 89 , Folder 107 Office Reports
1945 Jun 11-20
Box 89 , Folder 108 Office Reports
1945 Jun 21-30
Box 89 , Folder 109 Office Reports
1945 Jul 1-10
Box 89 , Folder 110 Office Reports
1945 Jul 11-20
Box 89 , Folder 111 Office Reports
1945 Jul 21-30
Box 89 , Folder 112 Office Reports
1945 Aug 1-10
Box 91 , Folder 113 Office Reports
1945 Aug 11-20
Box 91 , Folder 114 Office Reports
1945 Aug 21-31
Box 91 , Folder 115 Office Reports
1945 Sep 1-10
Box 91 , Folder 116 Office Reports
1945 Sep 11-20
Box 91 , Folder 117 Office Reports
1945 Sep 21-30
Box 91 , Folder 118 Office Reports
1945 Oct 1-10
Box 92 , Folder 119 Office Reports
1945 Oct 11-20
Box 92 , Folder 120 Office Reports
1945 Oct 21-31
Box 92 , Folder 121 Office Reports
1945 Nov 1-10
Box 92 , Folder 122 Office Reports
1945 Nov 11-20
Box 92 , Folder 123 Office Reports
1945 Nov 21-30
Box 92 , Folder 124 Office Reports
1945 Dec 1-10
Box 92 , Folder 125 Office Reports
1945 Dec 11-20
Box 93 , Folder 126 Office Reports
1945 Dec 21-31
Box 93 , Folder 127 Office Reports
1946 Jan 1-10
Box 93 , Folder 128 Office Reports
1946 Jan 11-20
Box 93 , Folder 129 Office Reports
1946 Jan 21-31
Box 93 , Folder 130 Office Reports
1946 Feb 1-10
Box 93 , Folder 131 Office Reports
1946 Feb 11-20
Box 93 , Folder 132 Office Reports
1946 Feb 21-28
Box 93 , Folder 133 Office Reports
1945 Mar 1-10
Box 94 , Folder 134 Office Reports
1946 Mar 11-20
Box 94 , Folder 135 Office Reports
1946 Mar 21-31
Box 94 , Folder 136 Office Reports
1946 Apr 1-10
Box 94 , Folder 137 Office Reports
1946 Apr 11-20
Box 94 , Folder 138 Office Reports
1946 Apr 21-30
Box 94 , Folder 139 Office Reports
1946 May 1-10
Box 94 , Folder 140 Office Reports
1946 May 11-20
Box 95 , Folder 141 Office Reports
1946 May 21-31
Box 95 , Folder 142 Office Reports
1946 Jun 1-10
Box 95 , Folder 143 Office Reports
1946 Jun 11-20
Box 95 , Folder 144 Office Reports
1946 Jun 21-30
Box 95 , Folder 145 Office Reports
1946 Jul 2-10
Box 95 , Folder 146 Office Reports
1946 Jul 11-20
Box 95 , Folder 147 Office Reports
1946 Jul 21-31
Box 96 , Folder 148 Office Reports
1946 Aug 1-10
Box 96 , Folder 149 Office Reports
1946 Aug 11-20
Box 96 , Folder 150 Office Reports
1946 Aug 21-31
Box 96 , Folder 151 Office Reports
1946 Sep 1-10
Box 96 , Folder 152 Office Reports
1946 Sep 11-20
Box 96 , Folder 153 Office Reports
1946 Sep 21-30
Box 96 , Folder 154 Office Reports
1946 Oct 1-20
Box 96 , Folder 155 Office Reports
1946 Oct 11-20
Box 97 , Folder 156 Office Reports
1946 Oct 21-31
Box 97 , Folder 157 Office Reports
1946 Nov 1-10
Box 97 , Folder 158 Office Reports
1946 Nov 11-20
Box 97 , Folder 159 Office Reports
1946 Nov 21-31
Box 97 , Folder 160 Office Reports
1946 Dec 1-10
Box 97 , Folder 161 Office Reports
1946 Dec 11-20
Box 97 , Folder 162 Office Reports
1946 Dec 21-31
Box 97 , Folder 163 Office Reports
1947 Jan 1-10
Box 97 , Folder 164 Office Reports
1947 Jan 11-20
Box 97 , Folder 165 Office Reports
1947 Jan 21-31
Box 98 , Folder 166 Office Reports
1947 Feb 1-10
Box 98 , Folder 167 Office Reports
1947 Feb 11-20
Box 98 , Folder 168 Office Reports
1947 Feb 21-28
Box 98 , Folder 169 Office Reports
1947 Apr 1-10
Box 98 , Folder 170 Office Reports
1947 Apr 11-20
Box 98 , Folder 171 Office Reports
1947 Apr 21-30
Box 98 , Folder 172 Office Reports
1947 May 1-10
Box 98 , Folder 173 Office Reports
1947 May 11-20
Box 98 , Folder 174 Office Reports
1947 May 21-31
Box 98 , Folder 175 Office Reports
1947 Jun 1-10
Box 99 , Folder 176 Office Reports
1947 Jun 11-20
Box 99 , Folder 177 Office Reports
1947 Jun 21-30
Box 99 , Folder 178 Office Reports
1947 Jul 1-10
Box 99 , Folder 179 Office Reports
1947 Jul 11-20
Box 99 , Folder 180 Office Reports
1947 Jul 21-31
Box 99 , Folder 181 Office Reports
1947 Aug 1-10
Box 99 , Folder 182 Office Reports
1947 Aug 11-20
Box 100 , Folder 183 Office Reports
1947 Aug 21-31
Box 100 , Folder 184 Office Reports
1947 Sep 1-10
Box 100 , Folder 185 Office Reports
1947 Sep 11-20
Box 100 , Folder 186 Office Reports
1947 Sep 21-30
Box 100 , Folder 187 Office Reports
1947 Oct 1-10
Box 100 , Folder 188 Office Reports
1947 Oct 11-20
Box 100 , Folder 189 Office Reports
1947 Oct 21-31
Box 101 , Folder 190 Office Reports
1947 Nov 1-10
Box 101 , Folder 191 Office Reports
1947 Nov 11-20
Box 101 , Folder 192 Office Reports
1947 Nov 21-30
Box 101 , Folder 193 Office Reports
1947 Dec 1-10
Box 101 , Folder 194 Office Reports
1947 Dec 11-20
Box 101 , Folder 195 Office Reports
1947 Dec 21-25, 27-30
Box 101 , Folder 196 Office Reports
1948 Jan 1-10
Box 101 , Folder 197 Office Reports
1948 Jan 11-20
Box 102 , Folder 198 Office Reports
1948 Jan 21-31
Box 102 , Folder 199 Office Reports
1948 Feb 1-10
Box 102 , Folder 200 Office Reports
1948 Feb 11-20
Box 102 , Folder 201 Office Reports
1948 Feb 21-29
Box 102 , Folder 202 Office Reports
1948 Apr 1-10
Box 103 , Folder 203 Office Reports
1948 Apr 11-20
Box 103 , Folder 204 Office Reports
1948 Apr 21-30
Box 103 , Folder 205 Office Reports
1948 May 1-10
Box 103 , Folder 206 Office Reports
1948 May 11-20
Box 103 , Folder 207 Office Reports
1948 May 21-31
Box 103 , Folder 208 Office Reports
1948 Jun 1-10
Box 103 , Folder 209 Office Reports
1948 Jun 11-20
Box 103 , Folder 210 Office Reports
1948 Jun 21-30
Box 103 , Folder 211 Office Reports
1948 Jul 1-10
Box 103 , Folder 212 Office Reports
1948 Jul 11-20
Box 103 , Folder 213 Office Reports
1948 Jul 21-30
Box 104 , Folder 214 Office Reports
1948 Aug 1-10
Box 104 , Folder 215 Office Reports
1948 Aug 11-20
Box 104 , Folder 216 Office Reports
1948 Aug 21-31
Box 104 , Folder 217 Office Reports
1948 Sep 1-10
Box 104 , Folder 218 Office Reports
1948 Sep 11-20
Box 104 , Folder 219 Office Reports
1948 Sep 21-30
Box 104 , Folder 220 Office Reports
1948 Oct 1-10
Box 104 , Folder 221 Office Reports
1948 Oct 11-20
Box 104 , Folder 222 Office Reports
1948 Oct 21-31
Box 104 , Folder 223 Office Reports
1948 Nov 1-10
Box 104 , Folder 224 Office Reports
1948 Nov 11-20
Box 104 , Folder 225 Office Reports
1948 Nov 21-30
Box 104 , Folder 226 Office Reports
1948 Dec 1-10
Box 104 , Folder 227 Office Reports
1948 Dec 11-20
Box 104 , Folder 228 Office Reports
1948 Dec 21-31
Box 106 , Folder 229 Office Reports
1949 Jan 1-10
Box 106 , Folder 230 Office Reports
1949 Jan 11-20
Box 106 , Folder 231 Office Reports
1949 Jan 21-31
Box 106 , Folder 232 Office Reports
1949 Feb 1-10
Box 106 , Folder 233 Office Reports
1949 Feb 11-20
Box 106 , Folder 234 Office Reports
1949 Feb 21-28
Box 106 , Folder 235 Office Reports
1949 Mar 1-10
Box 106 , Folder 236 Office Reports
1949 Mar 11-20
Box 106 , Folder 237 Office Reports
1949 Mar 21-31
Box 107 , Folder 238 Office Reports
1949 Apr 1-10
Box 107 , Folder 239 Office Reports
1949 Apr 11-20
Box 107 , Folder 240 Office Reports
1949 Apr 21-30
Box 107 , Folder 241 Office Reports
1949 May 1-10
Box 107 , Folder 242 Office Reports
1949 May 11-20
Box 107 , Folder 243 Office Reports
1949 May 21-31
Box 107 , Folder 244 Office Reports
1949 Jun 1-10
Box 107 , Folder 245 Office Reports
1949 Jun 11-20
Box 107 , Folder 246 Office Reports
1949 Jun 21-31
Box 107 , Folder 247 Office Reports
1949 Jul 1-10
Box 108 , Folder 248 Office Reports
1949 Jul 11-20
Box 108 , Folder 249 Office Reports
1949 Jul 21-30
Box 108 , Folder 250 Office Reports
1949 Aug 1-10
Box 108 , Folder 251 Office Reports
1949 Aug 11-20
Box 108 , Folder 252 Office Reports
1949 Aug 21-31
Box 108 , Folder 253 Office Reports
1949 Sep 1-10
Box 108 , Folder 254 Office Reports
1949 Sep 11-20
Box 109 , Folder 255 Office Reports
1949 Sep 21-30
Box 109 , Folder 256
1949 Oct 1-10
Box 109 , Folder 257 Office Reports
1949 Oct 11-20
Box 109 , Folder 258 Office Reports
1949 Oct 21-31
Box 109 , Folder 259 Office Reports
1949 Nov 1-10
Box 109 , Folder 260 Office Reports
1949 Nov 11-20
Box 109 , Folder 261 Office Reports
1949 Nov 21-30
Box 109 , Folder 262 Office Reports
1949 Dec 1-10
Box 110 , Folder 263 Office Reports
1949 Dec 11-20
Box 110 , Folder 264 Office Reports
1949 Dec 21-31
Box 110 , Folder 265 Office Reports
1950 Jan 1-10
Box 110 , Folder 266 Office Reports
1950 Jan 11-20
Box 110 , Folder 267 Office Reports
1950 Jan 21-31
Box 110 , Folder 268 Office Reports
1950 Feb 1-10
Box 110 , Folder 269 Office Reports
1950 Feb 11-20
Box 110 , Folder 270 Office Reports
1950 Feb 21-28
Box 110 , Folder 271 Office Reports
1950 Mar 1-10
Box 111 , Folder 272 Office Reports
1950 Mar 11-20
Box 111 , Folder 273 Office Reports
1950 Mar 21-31
Box 111 , Folder 274 Office Reports
1950 Apr 1-10
Box 111 , Folder 275 Office Reports
1950 Apr 11-20
Box 111 , Folder 276 Office Reports
1950 Apr 21-30
Box 111 , Folder 277 Office Reports
1950 May 1-10
Box 111 , Folder 278 Office Reports
1950 May 11-20
Box 111 , Folder 279 Office Reports
1950 May 21-31
Box 111 , Folder 280 Office Reports
1950 Jun 1-10
Box 112 , Folder 281 Office Reports
1950 Jun 11-20
Box 112 , Folder 282 Office Reports
1950 Jun 21-30
Box 112 , Folder 283 Office Reports
1950 Jul 1-10
Box 112 , Folder 284 Office Reports
1950 Jul 11-20
Box 112 , Folder 285 Office Reports
1950 Jul 21-31
Box 112 , Folder 286 Office Reports
1950 Aug 1-10
Box 112 , Folder 287 Office Reports
1950 Aug 11-20
Box 112 , Folder 288 Office Reports
1950 Aug 21-31
Box 113 , Folder 289 Office Reports
1950 Sep 1-10
Box 113 , Folder 290 Office Reports
1950 Sep 11-17, 28-30
Box 113 , Folder 291 Office Reports
1950 Oct 1-10
Box 113 , Folder 292 Office Reports
1950 Oct 11-20
Box 113 , Folder 293 Office Reports
1950 Oct 21-31
Box 113 , Folder 294 Office Reports
1950 Nov 1-5; 7-10
Box 113 , Folder 295 Office Reports
1950 Nov 11-20
Box 113 , Folder 296 Office Reports
1950 Nov 21-30
Box 113 , Folder 297 Office Reports
1950 Dec 1-10
Box 114 , Folder 298 Office Reports
1950 Dec 11-20
Box 114 , Folder 299 Office Reports
1950 Dec 21-31
Box 114 , Folder 300 Office Reports
1951 Jan 1-15
Box 114 , Folder 301 Office Reports
1951 Jan 16-31
Box 114 , Folder 302 Office Reports
1951 Feb 1-15
Box 114 , Folder 303 Office Reports
1951 Feb 16-28
Box 114 , Folder 304 Office Reports
1951 Mar 1-13
Box 114 , Folder 305 Office Reports
1951 Mar 14-31
Box 114 , Folder 306 Office Reports
1951 Apr 1-15
Box 115 , Folder 307 Office Reports
1951 Apr 16-30
Box 115 , Folder 308 Office Reports
1951 May 1-15
Box 115 , Folder 309 Office Reports
1951 May 16-31
Box 115 , Folder 310 Office Reports
1951 Jun 1-15
Box 115 , Folder 311 Office Reports
1951 Jun 16-30
Box 115 , Folder 312 Office Reports
1951 Jul 1-15
Box 116 , Folder 313 Office Reports
1951 Jul 16-31
Box 116 , Folder 314 Office Reports
1951 Aug 1-10
Box 116 , Folder 315 Office Reports
1951 Aug 11-20
Box 116 , Folder 316 Office Reports
1951 Aug 21-31
Box 116 , Folder 317 Office Reports
1951 Sep 1-10
Box 116 , Folder 318 Office Reports
1951 Sep 11-20
Box 116 , Folder 319 Office Reports
1951 Sep 21-30
Box 117 , Folder 320 Office Reports
1951 Oct 1-15
Box 117 , Folder 321 Office Reports
1951 Oct 16-31
Box 117 , Folder 322 Office Reports
1951 Nov 1-15
Box 117 , Folder 323 Office Reports
1951 Nov 16-30
Box 117 , Folder 324 Office Reports
1951 Dec 1-15
Box 117 , Folder 325 Office Reports
1951 Dec 16-31
Box 117 , Folder 326 Office Reports
1952 Jan 1-15
Box 118 , Folder 327 Office Reports
1952 Jan 16-31
Box 118 , Folder 328 Office Reports
1952 Feb 1-14
Box 118 , Folder 329 Office Reports
1952 Feb 15-29
Box 118 , Folder 330 Office Reports
1952 Mar 1-15
Box 118 , Folder 331 Office Reports
1952 Mar 16-31
Box 118 , Folder 332 Office Reports
1952 Apr 1-15
Box 118 , Folder 333 Office Reports
1952 Apr 16-30
Box 119 , Folder 334 Office Reports
1952 May 1-15
Box 119 , Folder 335 Office Reports
1952 May 16-31
Box 119 , Folder 336 Office Reports
1952 Jun 1-10
Box 119 , Folder 337 Office Reports
1952 Jun 11-20
Box 119 , Folder 338 Office Reports
1952 Jun 21-30
Box 119 , Folder 339 Office Reports
1952 Jul 1-10
Box 120 , Folder 340 Office Reports
1952 Jul 11-20
Box 120 , Folder 341 Office Reports
1952 Jul 21-31
Box 120 , Folder 342 Office Reports
1952 Aug 1-10
Box 120 , Folder 343 Office Reports
1952 Aug 11-20
Box 120 , Folder 344 Office Reports
1952 Aug 21-31
Box 120 , Folder 345 Office Reports
1952 Sep 1-10
Box 120 , Folder 346 Office Reports
1952 Sep 11-20
Box 121 , Folder 347 Office Reports
1952 Sep 21-30
Box 121 , Folder 348 Office Reports
1952 Oct 1-10
Box 121 , Folder 349 Office Reports
1952 Oct 11-20
Box 121 , Folder 350 Office Reports
1952 Oct 21-31
Box 121 , Folder 351 Office Reports
1952 Nov 1-10
Box 121 , Folder 352 Office Reports
1952 Nov 11-20
Box 121 , Folder 353 Office Reports
1952 Nov 21-30
Box 121 , Folder 354 Office Reports
1952 Dec 1-10
Box 121 , Folder 355 Office Reports
1952 Dec 11-20
Box 121 , Folder 356 Office Reports
1952 Dec 21-31
Box 122 , Folder 357 Office Reports
1954 Jan 1-10
Box 122 , Folder 358 Office Reports
1954 Jan 11-20
Box 122 , Folder 359 Office Reports
1954 Jan 21-31
Box 122 , Folder 360 Office Reports
1954 Feb 1-14
Box 122 , Folder 361 Office Reports
1954 Feb 15-28

Series 5. Ledger's
The Ledger series consists of a number of bound and unbound ledgers used to record the financial transactions of the Jamestown and Newport Ferry Company over a period of seventy-two years. Included are accounts payable and receivable ledgers, disbursement and receipt ledgers, payroll ledgers, stock ledgers, and general ledgers.

Payroll records were kept as part of the Disbursement/Receipt Ledgers from 1897 to 1919, and from 1919 to 1928 were maintained in separate payroll ledgers. After 1928 different payroll accounting procedures were instituted and an individual payroll card was created for each employee for each year. These can be found in the Payroll Record Series, Series VI.

Other items of interest in this series include the company’s stock ledger. The town of Jamestown was majority owner of the company since its inception, but did not succeed in buying up all outstanding shares and becoming sole owner of the company until 1925. The stock ledger reveals the names of prominent citizens of late nineteenth century Jamestown who invested in the company in hopes of ensuring reliable transportation across the Bay to Newport and the mainland.

The Disbursement/Receipt Ledgers are also valuable in that they provide a month by month accounting of receipts and expenditures. Both the source of receipts and the name of the individual or company to whom disbursements were made were included in the monthly accounting. A perusal of these ledgers allows one to get a general idea of the company’s financial health, as well as to determine the identities of individuals and businesses whose services the Ferry Company most frequently used.

The series is arranged alphabetically by name or type of ledger.

Container Description Date
Box 123 , Folder 1 Accounts Payable Ledger
1900 Jan 4
Box 123 , Folder 2 Accounts Receivable
1900 Jan 6
Box 123 , Folder 3 Accounts Receivable
Box 123 , Folder 4 Accounts Payable Ledger
Box 123 , Folder 5 Accounts Receivable Ledgers ( Accounts 1-20)
Box 123 , Folder 6 Accounts 21-30
Box 123 , Folder 7 Accounts 31-60
Box 123 , Folder 8 Accounts 31-60
1941 Mar - 1942 Dec
Box 124 , Folder 9 Accounts 31-60
Box 124 , Folder 10 Accounts 31-60
Box 124 , Folder 11 Cash Receipts Ledger
Box 124 , Folder 12 Cash Receipts Ledger
Box 124 , Folder 13 Cash Receipts and Sales Ledger
Box 125 , Folder 14 Closing Entry Ledger
1917-1951, 1960-1965
Box 125 , Folder 15 Coal Receipts Ledger
Box 125 , Folder 16 Disbursement Ledger Toll Check Ledger
1922-1924, 1924-1942
Box 125 , Folder 17 Disbursement Ledgers
Box 125 , Folder 18 Ledger; Disbursement Ledger
Box 126 , Folder 19 Disbursements Ledger (see Oversize)
Box 126 , Folder 20 Disbursement Receipt Ledger
Box 126 , Folder 21 Disbursement Receipt Ledger
1909 Mar - 1914 Oct
Box 126 , Folder 22 Disbursement Receipt Ledger
1914 Sep- 1919 Feb
Box 127 , Folder 23 Disbursement Receipt Ledger
1919 Mar 1 - 1924 Mar 1
Box 127 , Folder 24 Disbursement Receipt Ledger
1937 Aug - 1940 Oct
Box 127 , Folder 25 Disbursement Receipt Ledger
1940 Nov - 1944 Oct
Box 127 , Folder 26 Disbursement Receipt Ledger
Box 127 , Folder 27 General Ledger
Box 128 , Folder 28 General Ledger
Box 128 , Folder 29 Book I
Box 128 , Folder 30 Book II
Box 129 , Folder 31 Payroll Ledger
1919 Apr - 1922 May 22
Box 129 , Folder 32 Payroll Ledger
1922 Jun 1 - 1924 Jun 24
Box 129 , Folder 33 Payroll Ledger
1924 Jul 8 - 1927 Jan 10
Box 129 , Folder 34 Payroll cards used beginning
1927 Jan 10 - 1928 Mar
Box 129 , Folder 35 Stock Ledger
1928 Apr
Box 130 , Folder 36 Receipts Ledger
Box 130 , Folder 37 Ticket Acct. Ledgers
1919 Sep 30 - 1920 Aug 14
Box 130 , Folder 38 West Ferry
Box 130 , Folder 39 East Ferry
Box 130 , Folder 40 East Ferry
Box 131 , Folder 41 East Ferry
Box 131 , Folder 42 Ticket/Turnstyle Ledger
Box 131 , Folder 43 Ledger: Ticket/Turnstile Ledger
Box 131 , Folder 44 Ledger: Ticket/Turnstile Ledger
Box 131 , Folder 45 Ledger: Ticket/Turnstile Ledger
1900 Mar 14
Box 131 , Folder 46 Tiral Balance Ledger

Series 6. Payroll Records
In this series are found records of the Ferry Company’s payroll. The series is divided into two sub-series: Annual Pay Cards, 1928-58 and Timesheets/Pay Vouchers, 1920-51.

Beginning in 1928, the payroll was kept on individual pay cards for each employee for each year. On the pay card is recorded the individual employee’s weekly pay for each week of the year. Used in conjunction with the Disbursement/Receipt Ledgers and the Payroll Ledgers from previous series, in which weekly payrolls were recorded from 1897 to 1928, the payroll cards provide valuable information on annual incomes and changing wage scales in a particular segment of the maritime industry over a sixty year period.

They also allow one to determine the impact, if any, on wages of unionization of company employees in 1936. One can also determine from examining payroll records the uncertain and seasonal nature of the work involved. Number of employees and hours worked varied significantly from season to season.

The pay cards are arranged chronologically by year and alphabetically by name of employee within folders.

Sub-series II, Timesheets/Vouchers, consist of weekly timesheets and weekly or monthly payroll vouchers. The vouchers list each employee by name, his or her wages, and the total amount of the payroll for the week or month in question. Used with other series in the collection, particularly the Ledger Series, this series gives an accounting of the weekly payroll burden of the company.

The series is arranged chronologically by date.

Container Description Date
Box 132 , Folder 1 Payroll Record Cards A-K
1900 Jan 23
Box 132 , Folder 2 L-Z
1901 Jan 23
Box 132 , Folder 3 A-D
Box 132 , Folder 4 F-M
Box 132 , Folder 5 N-Z
Box 133 , Folder 6 A-F
Box 133 , Folder 7 G-N
Box 133 , Folder 8 P-Z
Box 133 , Folder 9 A-F
Box 133 , Folder 10 G-M
Box 133 , Folder 11 N-Z
Box 133 , Folder 12 A-L
Box 133 , Folder 13 M-Z
Box 133 , Folder 14 A-J
Box 133 , Folder 15 K-Z
Box 133 , Folder 16 A-L
Box 134 , Folder 17 M-Z
Box 134 , Folder 18 A-H
Box 134 , Folder 19 J-Z
Box 134 , Folder 20 A-D
Box 134 , Folder 21 E-Z
Box 134 , Folder 22 A-J
Box 134 , Folder 23 K-Z
Box 134 , Folder 24 A-C
Box 134 , Folder 25 D-J
Box 134 , Folder 26 K-Z
Box 134 , Folder 27 A-J
Box 134 , Folder 28 K-Z
Box 134 , Folder 29 A-K
Box 134 , Folder 30 L-Z
Box 134 , Folder 31 A-L
Box 134 , Folder 32 M-Z
Box 136 , Folder 33 A-H
Box 136 , Folder 34 J-Z
Box 136 , Folder 35 A-F
Box 136 , Folder 36 G-M
Box 136 , Folder 37 N-Z
Box 136 , Folder 38 A-G
Box 136 , Folder 39 H-Z
Box 136 , Folder 40 A-J
Box 137 , Folder 41 A-K
Box 137 , Folder 42 K-Z
Box 137 , Folder 43 L-Z
Box 137 , Folder 44 A-L
Box 137 , Folder 45 M-Z
1900 Jan 25
Box 137 , Folder 46 A-K
Box 137 , Folder 47 L-Z
Box 138 , Folder 48 A-L
Box 138 , Folder 49 M-Z
Box 138 , Folder 50 A-K
Box 138 , Folder 51 L-Z
Box 138 , Folder 52 A-L
Box 139 , Folder 53 M-Z
Box 139 , Folder 54 Payroll Record Cards Jamestown Ferry Authority A-L
Box 139 , Folder 55 M-Z
Box 139 , Folder 56 A-L
Box 139 , Folder 57 M-Z
Box 139 , Folder 58 A-G
Box 139 , Folder 59 H-O
Box 140 , Folder 60 P-Z
Box 140 , Folder 61 A-L
Box 140 , Folder 62 M-Z
Box 140 , Folder 63 A-F
Box 140 , Folder 64 G-Ma
Box 140 , Folder 65 Mc-Z
Box 140 , Folder 66 A-L
Box 140 , Folder 67 M-Z
Box 141 , Folder 68 A-L
Box 141 , Folder 69 M-Z
Box 141 , Folder 70 A-H
Box 141 , Folder 71 J-Z
Box 141 , Folder 72 Payroll Deductions
1925, 1927, 1941, 1944
Box 141 , Folder 73 Payroll Vouchers
1920 Oct 16 - 1920 Dec 1
Box 141 , Folder 74 Payroll Vouchers
1921 Feb 15- 1922 Feb 16
Box 141 , Folder 75 Payroll Vouchers
1926 Feb 22 - 1926 Jul 23
Box 142 , Folder 76 Payroll Vouchers
1926 Jul 23 - 1927 Feb 21
Box 142 , Folder 77 Timesheets/Vouchers
1928 Jan 1-23
Box 142 , Folder 78 Timesheets/Vouchers
1928 Apr 24- May 23
Box 142 , Folder 79 Timesheets/Vouchers
1928 May 25- Jul 24
Box 142 , Folder 80 Timesheets/Vouchers
1928 Jul 24- Sep 25
Box 142 , Folder 81 Timesheets/Vouchers
1900 Feb 11
Box 142 , Folder 82 Timesheets/Vouchers
1928 Nov 24- 1929 Feb 24
Box 142 , Folder 83 Timesheets/Vouchers
1929 Feb 25- Apr 25
Box 143 , Folder 84 Timesheets/Vouchers
1929 Apr 25- Jun 25
Box 143 , Folder 85 Timesheets/Vouchers
1929 Jun 24- Aug 25
Box 143 , Folder 86 Timesheets/Vouchers
1929 Aug 25 - Oct 23
Box 143 , Folder 87 Timesheets/Vouchers
1929 Oct 24- Dec 25
Box 143 , Folder 88 Timesheets/Vouchers
1929 Dec 24- 1930 Feb 26
Box 143 , Folder 89 Timesheets/Vouchers
1930 Feb 24- Jun 25
Box 143 , Folder 90 Timesheets/Vouchers
1930 Apr 23- Jun 25
Box 143 , Folder 91 Timesheets/Vouchers
1930 Jun 25- Aug 23
Box 144 , Folder 92 Timesheets/Vouchers
1930 Aug 23- Oct 23
Box 144 , Folder 93 Timesheets/Vouchers
1930 Oct 24- Dec 23
Box 144 , Folder 94 Timesheets/Vouchers
1930 Dec 24- 1931 Feb 21
Box 144 , Folder 95 Timesheets/Vouchers
1931 Feb 22- Apr 23
Box 144 , Folder 96 Timesheets/Vouchers
1931 Apr 24- Jun 23
Box 144 , Folder 97 Timesheets/Vouchers
1931 Jun 24- Aug 25
Box 144 , Folder 98 Timesheets/Vouchers
1931 Aug 24- Oct 23
Box 144 , Folder 99 Timesheets/Vouchers
1931 Oct 24- Dec 23
Box 144 , Folder 100 Timesheets/Vouchers
1931 Dec 24- 1932 Feb 22
Box 145 , Folder 101 Timesheets/Vouchers
1932 Feb 23- May 23
Box 145 , Folder 102 Timesheets/Vouchers
1932 May 24- Aug 24
Box 145 , Folder 103 Timesheets/Vouchers
1932 Aug 24- Nov 23
Box 145 , Folder 104 Timesheets/Vouchers
1932 Nov 24- 1933 Feb 21
Box 145 , Folder 105 Timesheets/Vouchers
1933 Feb 22- May 23
Box 145 , Folder 106 Timesheets/Vouchers
1933 May 24- Aug 23
Box 145 , Folder 107 Timesheets/Vouchers
1933 Aug 23- Nov 23
Box 146 , Folder 108 Timesheets/Vouchers
1933 Nov 23- 1932 Feb 24
Box 146 , Folder 109 Timesheets/Vouchers
1934 Feb 22- May 23
Box 146 , Folder 110 Timesheets/Vouchers
1934 May 24 - Jul 23
Box 146 , Folder 111 Timesheets/Vouchers
1934 Jul 24- Sep 23
Box 146 , Folder 112 Timesheets/Vouchers
1934 Sep 24- Dec 23
Box 146 , Folder 113 Timesheets/Vouchers
1935 Feb 23- May 23
Box 146 , Folder 114 Timesheets/Vouchers
1935 May 24- Aug 23
Box 147 , Folder 115 Timesheets/Vouchers
1935 Aug 24- Nov 23
Box 147 , Folder 116 Timesheets/Vouchers
1935 Nov 24- 1936 Feb 21
Box 147 , Folder 117 Timesheets/Vouchers
Box 147 , Folder 118 Timesheets/Vouchers
1939 Jun - Sep
Box 147 , Folder 119 Timesheets/Vouchers
1939 Oct 1-23
Box 147 , Folder 120 Timesheets/Vouchers
1939 Mar 15- Jun 23
Box 147 , Folder 121 Timesheets/Vouchers
1939 Jun 24- Aug 23
Box 147 , Folder 122 Timesheets/Vouchers
1939 Aug 24- Nov 24
Box 148 , Folder 123 Timesheets/Vouchers
1939 Nov 24- 1940 Feb 21
Box 148 , Folder 124 Timesheets/Vouchers
1940 Feb 22- May 23
Box 148 , Folder 125 Timesheets/Vouchers
1940 May 24- Jul 26
Box 148 , Folder 126 Timesheets/Vouchers
1940 Jul 26 -Sep 27
Box 148 , Folder 127 Timesheets/Vouchers
1940 Sep 27 - Dec 20
Box 148 , Folder 128 Timesheets/Vouchers
1940 Dec 20 - 1941 Jan 30
Box 148 , Folder 129 Timesheets/Vouchers
1941 Sep 12-19
Box 148 , Folder 130 Timesheets/Vouchers
1941 Dec 5-11
Box 148 , Folder 131 Timesheets/Vouchers
1942 Mar- Aug
Box 149 , Folder 132 Timesheets/Vouchers
1942 Nov 6- Dec 31
Box 149 , Folder 133 Timesheets/Vouchers
1943 Feb 22- Apr 22
Box 149 , Folder 134 Timesheets/Vouchers
1943 Apr 23- Jun 24
Box 149 , Folder 135 Timesheets/Vouchers
1943 Jun 25- Aug 25
Box 149 , Folder 136 Timesheets/Vouchers
1943 Aug 26- Oct 28
Box 149 , Folder 137 Timesheets/Vouchers
1943 Oct 29 - Dec 30
Box 149 , Folder 138 Timesheets/Vouchers
1943 Dec 31 - 1944 Mar 21
Box 150 , Folder 139 Timesheets/Vouchers
1944 Mar 24- May 24
Box 150 , Folder 140 Timesheets/Vouchers
1944 May 26 - Jul 20
Box 150 , Folder 141 Timesheets/Vouchers
1944 July 28 - Sep 28
Box 150 , Folder 142 Timesheets/Vouchers
1944 Sep 29 - Nov 9
Box 150 , Folder 143 Timesheets/Vouchers
1944 Nov 10- Dec 28
Box 150 , Folder 144 Timesheets/Vouchers
1944 Dec 29 - 1945 Feb 22
Box 150 , Folder 145 Timesheets/Vouchers
1945 Feb 23 -Apr 21
Box 150 , Folder 146 Timesheets/Vouchers
1945 Apr 20 - Jun 25
Box 151 , Folder 147 Timesheets/Vouchers
1945 Jun 22 - Aug 23
Box 151 , Folder 148 Timesheets/Vouchers
1945 Aug 24- Oct 25
Box 151 , Folder 149 Timesheets/Vouchers
1945 Oct 25- Dec 27
Box 151 , Folder 150 Timesheets/Vouchers
1946 Mar 1- May 26
Box 151 , Folder 151 Timesheets/Vouchers
1946 May 24- Jul 25
Box 151 , Folder 152 Timesheets/Vouchers
1946 Jul 26- Sep 26
Box 151 , Folder 153 Timesheets/Vouchers
1946 Sep 27 - Dec 26
Box 152 , Folder 154 Timesheets/Vouchers
1946 Dec 27 - 1947 Feb 27
Box 152 , Folder 155 Timesheets/Vouchers
1947 Feb 28 - May 1
Box 152 , Folder 156 Timesheets/Vouchers
1947 May 2- Jun 26
Box 152 , Folder 157 Timesheets/Vouchers
1947 Jun 27 - Aug 28
Box 152 , Folder 158 Timesheets/Vouchers (Includes retroactive)
1947 Aug 29 - Oct 23
Box 152 , Folder 159 Timesheets/Vouchers
1947 Oct 24- Dec 25
Box 152 , Folder 160 Timesheets/Vouchers
1947 Dec 26- 1948 Feb 28
Box 153 , Folder 161 Timesheets/Vouchers
1948 Feb 27- May 27
Box 153 , Folder 162 Timesheets/Vouchers
1948 May 28-Jul 29
Box 153 , Folder 163 Timesheets/Vouchers
1948 Jul 30 - Sep 30
Box 153 , Folder 164 Timesheets/Vouchers
1948 Oct 1- Dec 18
Box 153 , Folder 165 Timesheets/Vouchers
1948 Dec 18 - 1949 Feb 24
Box 153 , Folder 166 Timesheets/Vouchers
1949 Feb 25- May 26
Box 153 , Folder 167 Timesheets/Vouchers
1949 May 27 - Aug 25
Box 154 , Folder 168 Timesheets/Vouchers
1949 Aug 25- Nov 4
Box 154 , Folder 169 Timesheets/Vouchers
1949 Nov 25- 1950 Mar 2
Box 154 , Folder 170 Timesheets/Vouchers
1950 Mar 3- May 25
Box 154 , Folder 171 Timesheets/Vouchers
1950 May 26- Aug 4
Box 154 , Folder 172 Timesheets/Vouchers
1950 Aug 25- Oct 26
Box 154 , Folder 173 Timesheets/Vouchers
1950 Nov 3- 1951 Mar 1
Box 154 , Folder 174 Timesheets/Vouchers
1951 Mar 2- May 31
Box 154 , Folder 175 Miscellaneous timesheets

Series 7. Bank Records
The Bank Records Series consists of check stubs and bank statements and is divided into two sub-series. Sub series I, Check Stubs, consists of the record stubs of checks written by the company treasurer or general manger to pay the bills and legal obligations incurred by the company. On each stub is recorded the number of the beck, the date, the amount, the person to whom it was written, the balance remaining, and the purpose for which the money was paid. Although there are a number of gaps in the record, the check stubs provide a detailed record of the financial transactions of the Ferry Company. They serve as a complement to the ledgers. The stubs are arranged chronologically by date.

Sub-series II, Bank Statements, consist of the monthly statements of transactions on its checking accounts sent by the banks to the Ferry Company. The bank statements to some extent fill in the gaps left by the missing check stubs. They also indicate the daily balance in the company’s checking accounts.

The statements are arranged chronologically by date.

Container Description Date
Box 155 , Folder 1 Check Stubs #2999-3499 Aquidneck National Bank
1900 Jan 31
Box 155 , Folder 2 #1-53
1900 Feb 1
Box 155 , Folder 2A #1-32
1909 Mar
Box 155 , Folder 3 #6517-7020
1910 Jul 13- 1911 Feb 18
Box 155 , Folder 4 #8518-9015
1912 Jul - Oct
Box 156 , Folder 5 #9016-9513
1912 Oct 16- 1913 Mar 15
Box 156 , Folder 6 #10009-10509
1913 Jul 11- Oct 9
Box 156 , Folder 7 #11011-11199
1914 Apr 1- May 20
Box 156 , Folder 8 Newport Trust Co. Check Stubs #501-997
1914 Sept 4- 1915 Jan 5
Box 156 , Folder 9 #1001 - 1497
1915 Jan 5 - Jun 9
Box 156 , Folder 10 #1498 - 1994
1915 Jun 9 - Sep 1
Box 157 , Folder 11 #1995-2492
1915 Sep 1 - Dec 31
Box 157 , Folder 12 #2493-2989
1915 Dec 31- 1916 May 8
Box 157 , Folder 13 #2990-3487
1916 May 8 - Aug 15
Box 157 , Folder 14 #3488-3982
1916 Aug 15-Dec 7
Box 157 , Folder 15 #3983-4480
1916 Dec 9- 1917 May 1
Box 158 , Folder 16 #4481-4978
1917 May 1- Aug 13
Box 158 , Folder 17 #4929-5476
1917 Aug 13- Dec 1
Box 158 , Folder 18 #5477-5974
1917 Dec 1 - 1918 Apr 17
Box 158 , Folder 19 #5999-6496
1918 Apr 15- Aug 1
Box 158 , Folder 20 #6497-6994
1918 Aug 1- Nov 15
Box 159 , Folder 21 #6995-7491
1918 Nov 15- 1919 Mar 15
Box 159 , Folder 22 #7492-7989
1919 Mar 15- Dec 4
Box 159 , Folder 23 #7990-8486
1919 Dec 8 - 1920 Dec 8
Box 159 , Folder 24 #8487-8988
1920 Dec 8- 1921 Nov 4
Box 159 , Folder 25 #8991-9488
1921 Nov 15- 1922 Oct 16
Box 160 , Folder 26 #9489-9986
1922 Oct 16- 1923 Sep 7
Box 160 , Folder 27 #9987-10483
1923 Sep 7 - 1924 Jun 10
Box 160 , Folder 28 #10484-10981
1924 Jun 11- 1925 Mar 7
Box 160 , Folder 29 #10982-11479
1915 Mar 7- Oct 7
Box 160 , Folder 30 #11480-11980
1925 Oct 7- 1926 Jul 12
Box 161 , Folder 31 #11980-12477
1926 Jul 12- 1927 Apr 7
Box 161 , Folder 32 #12478-12975
1927 Apr 17- Nov 16
Box 161 , Folder 33 #12976-14473
1927 Nov 25- 1928 Aug 7
Box 161 , Folder 34 #14473-14973
1929 Nov 9-1930 Jul 9
Box 161 , Folder 35 #15472-15969
1931 Mar 12 - Oct 9
Box 162 , Folder 36 #15970-16470
1931 Oct 9 - 1932 Jul 1
Box 162 , Folder 37 #16470-16967
1932 Jul 5- 1933 Apr 11
Box 162 , Folder 38 #16968-17465
1933 Apr 11- 1934 Feb 14
Box 162 , Folder 39 #17465-17962
1934 Feb 15 - 1934 Oct 25
Box 162 , Folder 40 #17963-18462
1934 Oct 29 - 1935 Sep 10
Box 163 , Folder 41 #18463-18960
1935 Sep 11- 1936 Jul 20
Box 163 , Folder 42 #18961-19460
1936 Jul 20 - 1937 Apr 19
Box 163 , Folder 43 #19461-19958
1937 Apr 19 - Dec 17
Box 163 , Folder 44 #19959-20056
1937 Dec 17 - 1938 Apr 28
Box 164 , Folder 45 Aquideck National Bank #501-1000
1900 Apr 14
Box 164 , Folder 46 #1001-1500
1939 Aug 9 - 1940 Jun 20
Box 164 , Folder 47 #1501-1998
1940 Jun 20 - 1941 Mar 8
Box 164 , Folder 48 #1999-2502
1941 Mar 10 - Dec 24
Box 165 , Folder 49 #2503-3003
1941 Dec 30-1942 No 20
Box 165 , Folder 50 #3004-3504
1942 Nov 20 - 1943 Sep 20
Box 165 , Folder 51 #3505-4005
1943 Sep 20 - 1944 Aug 25
Box 165 , Folder 52 #4006-4506
1944 Aug 25- 1945 Jul 21
Box 166 , Folder 53 #4507-5004
1945 Jul 21- 1946 May 27
Box 166 , Folder 54 #5005-5508
1946 May 27 - 1947 Feb 28
Box 166 , Folder 55 #5509-6004
1947 Feb 28 - Nov 28
Box 166 , Folder 56 #6004-6496
1947 Oct 19 - 1948 Nov 20
Box 167 , Folder 57 #6505-7004
1948 Nov 20 - 1949 Aug 31
Box 167 , Folder 58 #7006-7506
1949 Sep 1- 1850 Jun 1
Box 167 , Folder 59 #7507-8007
1950 Jun 8 - Dec 6
Box 167 , Folder 60 Torpedo Station Defense Contract Check Stubs
Box 167 , Folder 61 Pass Books
Box 168 , Folder 62 Special Accounts
Box 168 , Folder 63 Statements
Box 168 , Folder 64 Statements
Box 168 , Folder 65 Statements
1920 Apr - 1921 Aug
Box 168 , Folder 66 Statements
1921 Aug- 1922 Dec
Box 168 , Folder 67 Statements
1923 - 1924 Jun
Box 168 , Folder 68 Statements
1924 Jul - 1925 Dec
Box 168 , Folder 69 Statements
Box 168 , Folder 70 Statements
Box 169 , Folder 71 Statements
Box 169 , Folder 72 Statements
Box 169 , Folder 73 Statements
Box 169 , Folder 74 Statements
Box 169 , Folder 75 Statements
Box 169 , Folder 76 Statements
Box 169 , Folder 77 Statements
Box 169 , Folder 78 Statements
Box 169 , Folder 79 Statements
Box 169 , Folder 80 Statements
Box 170 , Folder 81 Statements
Box 170 , Folder 82 Statements
Box 170 , Folder 83 Statements
Box 170 , Folder 84 Statements
1950- 1951 May; 1951 Sep-Dec
Box 170 , Folder 85 Statements
Box 170 , Folder 86 Statements
Box 170 , Folder 87 Statements
Box 170 , Folder 88 Statements
1962 - Oct 1963; 1964 Oct, 1966-1967
Box 170 , Folder 89 Statements, Naval Contract

Series 8. Subject File
This series is at one the most comprehensive and the most diverse of the fourteen. It contains both the earliest and the most recent records in the collection and was the series of records most lacking any original order. It is an artificial series in the sense that it contains a variety of records which did not appear to fit logically in any other series. Included in the series are annual reports, audit reports, the articles of incorporation for the company, board of directors’ minutes, stock certificates, correspondence with individuals and corporations with whom the Ferry Company did business, contracts, records relating to the ferries, and miscellaneous reports.

Of particular interest in this series are the Board of Directors’ minutes from 1886 to 1956. They contain a summary of the discussions and the policy decisions made by the Board with respect to the company’s operation and they reveal the constant struggle to keep the company financially afloat. Also of interest in this series is the material relating to the Conanicut Inland Boatmen’s Union and the National Association of Masters, Mates, and Pilots. These were the two unions which, beginning in 1936, represented the employees in bargaining with the Jamestown and Newport Ferry Company. The materials in these folders include contracts, lists of employees, and correspondence and provide insight into the struggle the company had in coming to grips with the idea of dealing with unionized employees after over sixty years of contracting with them on an individual basis. The annual audit reports of company finances are also of interests when used in conjunction with other financial records.

The bulk of the series consists of correspondence, contracts, and orders for equipment and supplies with individuals and corporations with whom the Ferry Company did business. Particularly interesting in this regard are contracts and related correspondence pertaining to agreements with the Navy and War Departments to provide ferry service to military personnel and equipment traveling to and from bases located in Newport and Narragansett Bay. Such military business kept the company in operation during World War II when the town of Jamestown which owned the Ferry Company and thus had a vested interest in its operation.

The series is arranged alphabetically by name or subject and chronologically by date within folders.

Container Description Date
Box 171 , Folder 1 Accident Reports
1900 Jan 30
Box 171 , Folder 2 Accident Reports
1900 Jan 31
Box 171 , Folder 3 Accident Reports: Charlotte Clifford
Box 171 , Folder 4 Accident Reports: Nancy McGinn
Box 171 , Folder 5 Advance Pay Receipts
1936 Jan - Nov 10
Box 171 , Folder 6 Advance Pay Receipts
1939 Nov 10- 1940 Apr 11
Box 171 , Folder 7 Almy Water Tube Boiler Co.
Box 172 , Folder 8 American Engineering Co.
Box 172 , Folder 9 American Engineering Co.
Box 172 , Folder 10 An Act Enabling the Town of Jamestown
Box 172 , Folder 11 An Act to Corporate the Jamestown and Newport F.C.
Box 172 , Folder 12 Annual Financial Reports
Box 172 , Folder 13 Annual Financial Reports
Box 172 , Folder 14 Annual Financial Reports
Box 172 , Folder 15 Annual Financial Reports
Box 173 , Folder 16 Annual Financial Reports
Box 173 , Folder 17 Annual Financial Reports
Box 173 , Folder 18 Annual Financial Reports
Box 173 , Folder 19 Annual Financial Reports
1941-1942, 1944-1947, 1950-1951
Box 173 , Folder 20 Annual Financial Reports
Box 173 , Folder 21 Annual Wage Reports
Box 173 , Folder 22 Applications
Box 173 , Folder 23 Applications
Box 174 , Folder 24 Applications
Box 174 , Folder 25 Applications
Box 174 , Folder 26 Applications
Box 174 , Folder 27 Applications
Box 174 , Folder 28 Aquidneck National Bank
Box 174 , Folder 29 Aquidneck National Bank
Box 174 , Folder 30 Arthur Tickle Engineering Works, Inc.
1940-1943, 1946-1948
Box 174 , Folder 31 Ashton Valve Company
1931-1935, 1942-1947
Box 174 , Folder 32 Audit Reports: Annual
1920, 1922, 1931, 1938-1946
Box 174 , Folder 33 Audit Reports: Annual
Box 175 , Folder 34 Audit Reports: Annual
Box 175 , Folder 35 Audit Reports: Monthly
Box 175 , Folder 36 Audit Reports: Monthly
1937, 1941, 1945
Box 175 , Folder 37 Audit Reports: Monthly
Box 175 , Folder 38 Audit Reports: Monthly
Box 175 , Folder 39 Audit Reports: Monthly
1948 Jan - May
Box 176 , Folder 40 Audit Reports: Monthly
1948 Jun - Dec
Box 176 , Folder 41 Audit Reports: Monthly
Box 176 , Folder 42 Audit Reports: Monthly
Box 176 , Folder 43 Audit Reports: State Audits
Box 176 , Folder 44 Audit Reports: State Audits
Box 176 , Folder 45 Audit Reports: State Audits
1900 Mar 6
Box 176 , Folder 46 Automobile Clubs
1938, 1942, 1945, 1951
Box 177 , Folder 47 A-Miscellaneous
1921, 1931-1933
Box 177 , Folder 48 A-Miscellaneous
Box 177 , Folder 49 A-Miscellaneous
Box 177 , Folder 50 Babcock and Wilcox Co.
Box 177 , Folder 51 Babcock and Wilcox Co.
Box 177 , Folder 52 Babcock and Wilcox Co.
Box 177 , Folder 53 Barry, Capt, Edward
Box 177 , Folder 54 Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp.
1925 - May 1926
Box 177 , Folder 55 Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp.
1926 Jun-Dec
Box 177 , Folder 56 Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp.
Box 177 , Folder 57 Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp.
Box 177 , Folder 58 Bids, Misc.
19401, 1946
Box 177 , Folder 59 Bills, List of
Box 177 , Folder 60 Blue Cross
1941-1942, 1946-1947, 1949-1950
Box 177 , Folder 61 Board of Directors, Index to Minutes
no date
Box 178 , Folder 62 Board of Directors: Minutes
1886-1887, 1897 - 1899 Apr 4
Box 178 , Folder 63 Board of Directors: Minutes
1899 Apr 10- 1908 Mar 8
Box 178 , Folder 64 Board of Directors: Minutes
1908 Apr 4- 1919 Apr 10
Box 178 , Folder 65 Board of Directors: Minutes
1919 May 6 - 1927 May 5
Box 179 , Folder 66 Board of Directors: Minutes
1927 Jun 6- 1934 Feb 21
Box 179 , Folder 67 Board of Directors: Minutes
1934 Mar - 1936 Aug
Box 179 , Folder 68 Board of Directors: Minutes
1936 Sep - 1938 Aug
Box 180 , Folder 69 Board of Directors: Minutes
1940 Mar - 1942 Aug
Box 180 , Folder 70 Board of Directors: Minutes
1942 May - 1944 Oct
Box 180 , Folder 71 Board of Directors: Secretary's Minutes
Box 180 , Folder 72 Board of Directors: Secretary's Minutes
Box 180 , Folder 73 Board of Directors: Secretary's Minutes
Box 180 , Folder 74 Board of Directors: Secretary's Minutes
Box 180 , Folder 75 Board of Directors: Secretary's Minutes
Box 180 , Folder 76 Board of Directors: Secretary's Minutes
Box 181 , Folder 77 Board of Directors: Secretary's Minutes
Box 181 , Folder 78 Board of Directors: Secretary's Minutes
Box 181 , Folder 79 Board of Directors: Secretary's Minutes
1951 Jan - June
Box 181 , Folder 80 Board of Directors: Secretary's Minutes
1951 Jul - Dec
Box 181 , Folder 81 Board of Directors, Misc.
1900 Dec 6
Box 181 , Folder 82 Board of Directors, Misc.
1920, 1927-1929
Box 181 , Folder 83 Board of Directors, Misc.
Box 181 , Folder 84 Board of Directors, Misc.
Box 182 , Folder 85 Board of Directors, Misc.
Box 182 , Folder 86 Board of Directors, Misc.
Box 182 , Folder 87 Board of Directors, Misc.
1951, 1965, 1967
Box 182 , Folder 88 Bonds
Box 182 , Folder 89 Booth and Chase Co.
Box 182 , Folder 90 Booth and Chase Co.
Box 182 , Folder 91 Brown and Sharpe Manufacturing Co.
Box 182 , Folder 92 By-Laws of the Jamestown and Newport Ferry Co.
Box 182 , Folder 93 B-Miscellaneous
1920, 1924-1926
Box 182 , Folder 94 B-Miscellaneous
Box 182 , Folder 95 B-Miscellaneous
Box 182 , Folder 96 B-Miscellaneous
Box 182 , Folder 97 B-Miscellaneous
Box 182 , Folder 98 B-Miscellaneous
Box 183 , Folder 99 B-Miscellaneous
Box 183 , Folder 100 B-Miscellaneous
Box 183 , Folder 101 B-Miscellaneous
Box 183 , Folder 102 Captains and Engineers
1937-1939, 1941-1943
Box 183 , Folder 103 Captains and Engineers
Box 183 , Folder 104 Captains and Engineers
Box 183 , Folder 105 Captains and Engineers
Box 184 , Folder 106 Certificates of War Necessity
Box 184 , Folder 107 Clarke, E.O.
Box 184 , Folder 108 Coal Bids
Box 184 , Folder 109 Colley-Maier, Inc.
Box 184 , Folder 110 Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Box 184 , Folder 111 Complaints
1941, 1945-1950
Box 184 , Folder 112 Conanicut Inland Boatmen's Union
1937 - 1938 Aug
Box 184 , Folder 113 Conanicut Inland Boatmen's Union
1938 Sep- 1939
Box 185 , Folder 114 Conanicut Inland Boatmen's Union
1940 - 1941 Jun
Box 185 , Folder 115 Conanicut Inland Boatmen's Union
1941-Jul 1942
Box 185 , Folder 116 Conanicut Inland Boatmen's Union
Box 185 , Folder 117 Conanicut Inland Boatmen's Union
Box 185 , Folder 118 Conanicut Inland Boatmen's Union
Box 185 , Folder 119 Conanicut Inland Boatmen's Union
Box 185 , Folder 120 Contracts: Army contracts
1908, 1915, 1918, 1921
Box 185 , Folder 121 Contracts: Army contacts
Box 185 , Folder 122 Contracts: Coal Contracts
Box 185 , Folder 123 Contracts: Naval Contracts
Box 185 , Folder 124 Contracts: Naval Contracts
1943- 1944 Jun
Box 185 , Folder 125 Contracts: Naval Contracts
1944 Jul - Nov
Box 186 , Folder 126 Contracts: Naval Contracts
Box 186 , Folder 127 Torpedo Station
1941 - 1942 May
Box 186 , Folder 128 Torpedo Station
1942 Jun - Sep
Box 186 , Folder 129 Contracts: Spanahan, Harris and Co
Box 186 , Folder 130 Contracts: Misc.
Box 186 , Folder 131 Crandall Packing Co.
Box 186 , Folder 132 Crane Company
1928, 1930-1936
Box 186 , Folder 133 Crane Company
1938-1938, 1940, 1945, 1949-1950
Box 186 , Folder 134 Crew Lists
1931, 1938, 1942-1943
Box 186 , Folder 135 Crew Lists
Box 186 , Folder 136 Crew Working Arrangement
Box 186 , Folder 137 Curran and Burton, Inc.
1938, 1944-1946
Box 186 , Folder 138 C- Miscellaneous
Box 186 , Folder 139 C- Miscellaneous
Box 186 , Folder 140 C- Miscellaneous
Box 186 , Folder 141 C- Miscellaneous
Box 186 , Folder 142 C- Miscellaneous
Box 186 , Folder 143 C- Miscellaneous
Box 186 , Folder 144 C- Miscellaneous
Box 186 , Folder 145 C- Miscellaneous
Box 186 , Folder 146 C- Miscellaneous
1943-1947, 1949-1952
Box 186 , Folder 147 Davidson Company
Box 187 , Folder 148 Deeds
Box 187 , Folder 149 Deeds
Box 187 , Folder 150 Devoe and Reynolds, Inc.
Box 187 , Folder 151 Discharge Certificates
Box 187 , Folder 152 Dismissals
Box 187 , Folder 153 Dixon Crucible Corp.
1943-1946, 1948
Box 187 , Folder 154 D-Miscellaneous
Box 187 , Folder 155 D-Miscellaneous
Box 187 , Folder 156 D-Miscellaneous
Box 187 , Folder 157 D-Miscellaneous
Box 187 , Folder 158 D-Miscellaneous
1939-1942, 1944-1945, 1948-1950
Box 187 , Folder 159 Eads Johnson, Inc.
1925, 1929-1936, 1939-1950
Box 187 , Folder 160 East Ferry Land
1872, 1906, 1911,1914, 1921, 1923, 1956
Box 187 , Folder 161 Electric Boat Co.
1930, 1935, 1938-1940, 1942
Box 187 , Folder 162 Electric Boat Co.
Box 188 , Folder 163 Electric Boat Co.
Box 188 , Folder 164 Elliott and Watrous, Inc.
1930,1934, 1938-1948
Box 188 , Folder 165 Employee Insurance Cards
Box 188 , Folder 166 Employee Seniority List
1950 Jan
Box 188 , Folder 167 Employee Vacation Request Forms
1930-1940, 1944
Box 188 , Folder 168 Enterprise Transportation Co.
Box 188 , Folder 169 Equipment and Supplies
1931, 1939, 1945-1952
Box 188 , Folder 170 E-Miscellaneous
Box 188 , Folder 171 E-Miscellaneous
Box 188 , Folder 172 E-MIscellaneous
1939-1940, 1942-1948, 1951
Box 188 , Folder 173 F. Ferguson and Co.
1929, 1937-1939, 1943-1945, 1948-1950
Box 188 , Folder 174 Fay, Spofford and Thorndike
1938, 1950-1951
Box 188 , Folder 175 Feedwater, Inc.
Box 188 , Folder 176 Feedwater, Inc.
Box 188 , Folder 177 Feedwater, Inc.
Box 189 , Folder 178 Ferries: Beavertail
1908, 1923-1937
Box 189 , Folder 179 Ferries: Beavertail and Conanicut Supplies
Box 189 , Folder 180 Ferries: Conanicut
1908, 1923, 1926, 1930
Box 189 , Folder 181 Ferries: Costs of Operating
Box 189 , Folder 182 Ferries: Governor Carr
1926-1927, 1932-1933, 1938-1939, 1942-1944, 1948-1950
Box 189 , Folder 183 Ferries: Hammonton
1930 Apr- Jun 10
Box 189 , Folder 184 Ferries: Hammonton
1930-1931, 1937-1939, 1941-1942, 1946-1949
Box 189 , Folder 185 Ferries: J.A., Saunders, Mohican, Narragansett (
Box 190 , Folder 186 Ferries: Jamestown re, Huguenot
1923, 1926, 1929, 1933, 1938
Box 190 , Folder 187 Ferries: Jamestown re: Gotham
Box 190 , Folder 188 Ferries: Jamestown and Newport Maintenance and Repair Records
Box 190 , Folder 189 Ferries: Newport Maintenance and Repair Journal
Box 190 , Folder 190 Ferries: Wildwood
1952-1953, 1957
Box 190 , Folder 191 Ferries: Miscellaneous
1922, 1939-1941
Box 190 , Folder 192 Ferries: Miscellanous
1942-1946, 1950, undated
Box 190 , Folder 193 Filtrators Company
Box 190 , Folder 194 The Forum
Box 190 , Folder 195 Foster Wheeler Boiler Co.
1933, 1935, 1937-1938
Box 190 , Folder 196 France Parking Co.
1928-1934, 1941-1942
Box 191 , Folder 197 Franklin Slip and Freight Broker
Box 191 , Folder 198 Fuel
1930, 1934, 1937-1938
Box 191 , Folder 199 Fuel Cost Records
1929 Oct - 1930 Dec
Box 191 , Folder 200 Fuel Cost Records
1931 Jan - Dec
Box 191 , Folder 201 Fuel Cost Records
1933 Jan - 1933 - 1934 Jun
Box 191 , Folder 202 Fuel Cost Records
1932 Jan- Dec
Box 191 , Folder 203 F-Miscellaneous
1934 Jul - 1935 Dec
Box 191 , Folder 204 F-Miscellaneous
Box 191 , Folder 205 F-Miscellaneous
Box 191 , Folder 206 F-Miscellaneous
Box 191 , Folder 207 F-Miscellaneous
1939-1941, 1944, 1946, 1948, 1950-1951
Box 192 , Folder 208 General Manger's Notebook
Box 192 , Folder 209 John F. Greene Co.
1929- 1933 Jun
Box 192 , Folder 210 John F. Greene Co.
1931 Jul - 1941
Box 192 , Folder 211 Grinnell Company
1928, 1930
Box 192 , Folder 212 Grinnell Company
1931-1938, 1940, 1945, 1949
Box 192 , Folder 213 G-Miscellaneous
Box 192 , Folder 214 G-Miscellaneous
Box 192 , Folder 215 G-Miscellaneous
Box 192 , Folder 216 G-Miscellaneous
Box 192 , Folder 217 G-Miscellaneous
Box 192 , Folder 218 G-Miscellaneous
Box 193 , Folder 219 Haas, Albert F.
Box 193 , Folder 220 Haas, Albert F.
Box 193 , Folder 221 Hammel Oil Burner Co.
Box 193 , Folder 222 Herschel Engineering and Supply Co.
1937-1940, 1944-1946, 1951
Box 193 , Folder 223 Hunt-Spiller Manufacturing Co.
Box 193 , Folder 224 Hunt-Spiller Manufacturing Co.
Box 193 , Folder 225 Hunt-Spiller Manufacturing Co.
Box 193 , Folder 226 Hunt-Spiller Manufacturing Co.
1943-1947, 1951
Box 193 , Folder 227 Hurricane Damage: 1938 Hurricane
Box 193 , Folder 228 Hutchinson, Rivinus and Co.
Box 193 , Folder 229 Hyde Windlass Co.
1925, 1930, 1934, 1939, 1943,1951
Box 194 , Folder 230 H-Miscellaneous
1924, 1927
Box 194 , Folder 231 H-Miscellaneous
Box 194 , Folder 232 H-Miscellaneous
Box 194 , Folder 233 H-Miscellaneous
1930, 1932, 1935-1936
Box 194 , Folder 234 H-Miscellaneous
Box 194 , Folder 235 H-Miscellaneous
1943-1947, 1949-1951, 1955
Box 194 , Folder 236 Income Tax Returns
1924, 1927-1931, 1933, 1942-1943, 1949
Box 194 , Folder 237 Insurance: Group Insurance
Box 194 , Folder 238 Insurance: Group Insurance
Box 194 , Folder 239 Insurance: Group Insurance
Box 194 , Folder 240 Insurance: Group Insurance
Box 194 , Folder 241 Insurance: Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.
Box 194 , Folder 242 Insurance: Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.
Box 194 , Folder 243 Insurance: Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.
Box 195 , Folder 244 Insurance Policies
no date
Box 195 , Folder 245 Insurance Schedule
Box 195 , Folder 246 Insurance, Miscellaneous
1926, 1929-1932, 1935-1936, 1938-1939, 1942-1943, 1948, 1951, 1954-1955
Box 195 , Folder 247 International Agricultural Corp.
Box 195 , Folder 248 Interstate Commerce Commission
no date
Box 195 , Folder 249 Invoices
no date
Box 195 , Folder 250 I-Miscellaneous
Box 195 , Folder 251 I-Miscellaneous
Box 195 , Folder 252 Town of Jamestown
Box 195 , Folder 253 Town of Jamestown
Box 195 , Folder 254 Town of Jamestown
Box 195 , Folder 255 Town of Jamestown
1939 1941 Jun
Box 195 , Folder 256 Town of Jamestown
1941 Jul - 1949
Box 195 , Folder 257 Town of Jamestown
Box 195 , Folder 258 Financial Notes to School Department
Box 195 , Folder 259 Financial Notes to School Department
1925, 1930-1936, 1946-1948
Box 195 , Folder 260 Town Attorney
Box 195 , Folder 261 Highways
Box 196 , Folder 262 Town Council
Box 196 , Folder 263 Town Council
Box 196 , Folder 264 Town Council
Box 196 , Folder 265 Petitions, Resolutions, Reports
Box 196 , Folder 266 Petitions, Resolutions, Reports
Box 196 , Folder 267 Petitions, Resolutions, Reports
1936, undated
Box 196 , Folder 268 Jamestown and New Shoreham Directory
Box 196 , Folder 269 Jamestown and Newport Steam Ferry Association
Box 197 , Folder 270 Jamestown Bridge Commission
Box 197 , Folder 271 Jamestown Bridge: Dedication Program
1938, 1941-1942, 1946, 1949, 1952-1958, 1960, 1962
Box 197 , Folder 272 Jamestown Bridge Proposal
1940 Aug
Box 197 , Folder 273 Jamestown Ferry Authority
Box 197 , Folder 274 Joseph T. Ryerson and Son, Inc.
Box 197 , Folder 275 J-Miscellaneous
Box 197 , Folder 276 J-Miscellaneous
Box 197 , Folder 277 J-Miscellaneous
1944-1949, 1951
Box 197 , Folder 278 J-Miscellaneous
Box 197 , Folder 279 J-Miscellaneous
Box 197 , Folder 280 J-Miscellaneous
1939-1946, 1950
Box 197 , Folder 281 K-Miscellaneous
Box 197 , Folder 282 K-Miscellaneous
1931-1942, 1946-1947, 1951
Box 198 , Folder 283 Leases: Property owned by Jamestown and Newport Ferry Co.
1915-1916, 1934-1941
Box 198 , Folder 284 Leases: Property owned by Jamestown and Newport Ferry Co.
Box 198 , Folder 285 Leases: Property owned by Jamestown and Newport Ferry Co.
Box 198 , Folder 286 Lease: Socony Vacuum Co.
Box 198 , Folder 287 Leave of Absence
Box 198 , Folder 288 Ledger Stock Transfers
Box 198 , Folder 289 Legislations Re: Jamestown and Newport Ferry Co
1896, 1909, 1934, 1936
Box 198 , Folder 290 Legislation
Box 198 , Folder 291 Legislation
Box 199 , Folder 292 Leslie Company
Box 199 , Folder 293 Letts and Quinn
Box 199 , Folder 294 Lincoln R. Young and Company
Box 199 , Folder 295 Lost Items
Box 199 , Folder 296 Lunkenheimer Valve Company
Box 199 , Folder 297 L-Miscellaneous
Box 199 , Folder 298 L-Miscellaneous
Box 199 , Folder 299 L-MIscellaneous
1938-1941, 1945-1950
Box 199 , Folder 300 Maps: Miscellanous Road Maps
Box 199 , Folder 301 Masters Mates and Pilots
1926, 1937-1940
Box 199 , Folder 302 Master, Mates and Pilots Organization
Box 199 , Folder 303 Master, Mates and Pilots Organization
Box 199 , Folder 304 Master, Mates and Pilots Organization
1943-1945, 1947-1950
Box 199 , Folder 305 Meredith and Clarke
Box 200 , Folder 306 Metalock Repair Service Inc.
Box 200 , Folder 307 Montgomery Ward
Box 200 , Folder 308 Morrissey and Conley
Box 200 , Folder 309 Mortgages
Box 200 , Folder 310 Mortgages
1926, 1930, 1934
Box 200 , Folder 311 Mortgages
1936, 1941, 1946, 1956
Box 200 , Folder 312 Myer Flush Valves
1941, 1943
Box 200 , Folder 313 M-Miscellaneous
Box 200 , Folder 314 M-Miscellaneous
Box 200 , Folder 315 M-Miscellaneous
Box 200 , Folder 316 M-Miscellaneous
Box 200 , Folder 317 M-Miscellaneous
Box 200 , Folder 318 M-Miscellaneous
Box 201 , Folder 319 Narragansett Bay Bridge Authority
Box 201 , Folder 320 Narragansett Transportation Company
Box 201 , Folder 321 Narragansett Transportation Company
Box 201 , Folder 322 Naval Torpedo Station
Box 201 , Folder 323 New England Steamship Co.
Box 201 , Folder 324 New England Steamship Co.
Box 201 , Folder 325 New London Ship + Engine Co.
Box 201 , Folder 326 New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Co
Box 201 , Folder 327 New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Co
Box 201 , Folder 328 New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Co
1931-1939, 1942-1943
Box 201 , Folder 329 Newport- City of Chamber of Commerce
1924-1930, 1936
Box 202 , Folder 330 Newport-City of Chamber of Commerce
Box 202 , Folder 331 Newport Daily News
1941, 1944
Box 202 , Folder 332 Newport Electric Corporation
1930-1935, 1939
Box 202 , Folder 333 Newport Trust Company
Box 202 , Folder 334 Newport Water Corporation
1930, 1935, 1939
Box 202 , Folder 335 Town of North Kingstown
Box 202 , Folder 336 N-Miscelalneous
Box 202 , Folder 337 N-Miscellaneous
1928- 1929 Jun
Box 202 , Folder 338 N-MIscellaneous
1929 Jul - 1930
Box 202 , Folder 339 N-Miscellaneous
Box 202 , Folder 340 N-Miscellaneous
Box 202 , Folder 341 N-Miscellaneous
Box 203 , Folder 342 N-Miscellaneous
Box 203 , Folder 343 N-Miscellaneous
Box 203 , Folder 344 N-Miscellaneous
Box 203 , Folder 345 N-Miscellaneous
Box 203 , Folder 346 Okadee Company
1943-1946, 1949-1950
Box 203 , Folder 347 Operations Report
Box 203 , Folder 348 Operations Report
Box 203 , Folder 349 Orchard Avenue Decision
Box 203 , Folder 350 Orders
Box 203 , Folder 351 O-Miscellaneous
1924-1926, 1931-1941, 1946-1950
Box 204 , Folder 352 Pawtuxet Marine Corporation
Box 204 , Folder 353 Permutit Company
Box 204 , Folder 354 Perey Turnstile Company
Box 204 , Folder 355 Petitions, Resolutions, Reports
Box 204 , Folder 356 Proctor and Gamble
Box 204 , Folder 357 Providence Mill Supply Co.
1939, 1943
Box 204 , Folder 358 Purchase Orders
Box 204 , Folder 359 Purser and Purserette Schedules
Box 204 , Folder 360 P-Miscelalneous
1909, 1924-1927
Box 204 , Folder 361 P-Miscellaneous
Box 204 , Folder 362 P-Miscellaneous
Box 204 , Folder 363 P-Miscellanous
Box 204 , Folder 364 P-Miscellaneous
Box 204 , Folder 365 Q-Miscellaneous
Box 204 , Folder 366 Rand Avery Printing Co.
1940, 1944
Box 204 , Folder 367 Rand Avery Printing Co.
Box 204 , Folder 368 Rand Avery Printing Co.
1945-1946, 1949
Box 204 , Folder 369 Rates
Box 204 , Folder 370 Ration Board
Box 204 , Folder 371 Rationing Stamps, gas, oil
Box 204 , Folder 372 Receipts
1949, 1950
Box 204 , Folder 373 Refunds- Customer
Box 204 , Folder 374 Released
1919, 1932
Box 205 , Folder 375 Revere Copper and Brass, Inc.
Box 205 , Folder 376 Rhode Island, State of Bureau of Audits
1940, 1942-1944
Box 205 , Folder 377 Department of Employment Security
Box 205 , Folder 378 Department of Labor
1936, 1940, 1950
Box 205 , Folder 379 Division of Public Utilities
1935-1940, 1942, 1944
Box 205 , Folder 380 Harbor Commission
1924-1925, 1928-1930, 1932
Box 205 , Folder 381 Jamestown Ferry Division
1965, 1969
Box 205 , Folder 382 Public Utility Administration
1940-1941, 1944-1947
Box 205 , Folder 383 Public Utilities Commission
Box 205 , Folder 384 Public Utilities Commission
Box 205 , Folder 385 Public Utilities Commission
Box 205 , Folder 386 Public Utilities Commission Reports
1930-1937, 1949
Box 206 , Folder 387 Public Utilities Commission Reports
1939-1945, 1947-1948, 1951
Box 206 , Folder 388 Registry of Motor Vehicles
1936, 1940, 1942, 1944, 1947-1948, 1951
Box 206 , Folder 389 Sale of Jamestown and Newport Ferry Co.
1952, 1956-1957, 1960
Box 206 , Folder 390 Division of Roads and Bridges State Aid
Box 206 , Folder 391 State Board of Public Roads
Box 206 , Folder 392 State Board of Public Roads
Box 206 , Folder 393 State Board of Public Roads
Box 206 , Folder 394 State Council of Defense
Box 206 , Folder 395 State Police
1925, 19229, 1931, 1935
Box 206 , Folder 396 Unemployment Compensation Board
Box 206 , Folder 397 Miscellaneous
Box 206 , Folder 398 Miscellaneous
Box 206 , Folder 399 Miscellaneous
Box 206 , Folder 400 Miscellaneous
1940-1948, 1953
Box 207 , Folder 401 Rhode Island Hospital National Bank
1941, 1950-1952, 1963, 1967
Box 207 , Folder 402 Monthly Reports
Box 207 , Folder 403 Statements of Operations
Box 207 , Folder 404 Rhode island Hotel Association
1931-1937, 1940, 1946
Box 207 , Folder 405 Rhode Island Malleable Iron Works
Box 207 , Folder 406 RI Turnpike and Bridge Authority vs. Town of Jamestown, et. Al.
Box 207 , Folder 407 RI Turnpike and Bridge Authority vs. Town of Newport, et. Al.
Box 207 , Folder 408 Robert Van Bentleys Co., Inc.
Box 207 , Folder 409 R-Miscellaneous
Box 207 , Folder 410 R-Miscellaneous
Box 207 , Folder 411 R- Miscellaneous
Box 207 , Folder 412 R-Miscellaneous
Box 207 , Folder 413 R-Miscellaneous
Box 207 , Folder 414 San Diago + Coronado Ferry Co.
Box 208 , Folder 415 Saunderstown Yacht Club
1924, 1927, 1938-1942
Box 208 , Folder 416 Savage Packing + Engineering Co
1938-1943, 1950
Box 208 , Folder 417 Scannevin and Potter
1930-1932, 1937
Box 208 , Folder 418 Schedules and Schedule Requests
1933, 1939, 1941, 1949-1951
Box 208 , Folder 419 Seaconnet Coal Company
Box 208 , Folder 420 Sears, Roebuck and Company
Box 208 , Folder 421 Sheffield and Harvey
1920, 1931-1932
Box 208 , Folder 422 Sheffield and Harvey
Box 208 , Folder 423 Sheffield and Harvey
Box 208 , Folder 424 Sheffield and Harvey
Box 208 , Folder 425 Sheehan vs. Jamestown and Newport Ferry Company
Box 208 , Folder 426 The Short Line, Inc.
Box 208 , Folder 427 Socony-Vacuum Oil Company
Box 209 , Folder 428 Socony-Vacuum Oil Company
Box 209 , Folder 429 Southern Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce
Box 209 , Folder 430 Southern Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce
1934-1935, 1938
Box 209 , Folder 431 Sprague and Son, Company
Box 209 , Folder 432 Standish-Barnes Co
1934, 1938-1940
Box 209 , Folder 433 Stock Certificates
Box 210 , Folder 434 Stockholders' Meetings, Minutes
Box 210 , Folder 435 Stock Inventory and Appraisal
1951, 1956
Box 210 , Folder 436 S- Miscellaneous
Box 210 , Folder 437 S- Miscellaneous
Box 210 , Folder 438 S- Miscellaneous
Box 210 , Folder 439 S- Miscellaneous
Box 210 , Folder 440 S-Miscellaneous
Box 210 , Folder 441 S-Miscellaneous
Box 210 , Folder 442 S-Miscellaneous
Box 211 , Folder 443 S-Miscellaneous
Box 211 , Folder 444 S-Miscellaneous
Box 211 , Folder 445 S-Miscellaneous
Box 211 , Folder 446 Texaco
Box 211 , Folder 447 Thames Shipyard
Box 211 , Folder 448 Traffic Count
Box 211 , Folder 449 Traffic Count
Box 211 , Folder 450 T-Miscellaneous
Box 211 , Folder 451 T-Miscellaneous
Box 211 , Folder 452 U.S. Government: Coast Guard
1935, 1938, 1940, 1942-1943
Box 211 , Folder 453 U.S. Government: Coast Guard
Box 211 , Folder 454 U.S. Government: Coast Guard
Box 212 , Folder 455 U.S. Government: Coast Guard
Box 212 , Folder 456 U.S. Government: Coast Guard
Box 212 , Folder 457 Federal Bureau of Investigation
Box 212 , Folder 458 Dept of Commerce
Box 212 , Folder 459 Dept of Commerce
Box 212 , Folder 460 Dept of Commerce
Box 212 , Folder 461 Dept of Commerce
Box 212 , Folder 462 Dept of Commerce
Box 212 , Folder 463 Dept of Commerce
Box 212 , Folder 464 Internal Revenue Service
1930-1935, 1937, 1944, 1948-1951
Box 213 , Folder 465 Interstate Commerce Commission
1940, 1942-1944
Box 213 , Folder 466 Maritime Labor Board
Box 213 , Folder 467 Navy Department
1925, 1927-1934
Box 213 , Folder 468 Navy Department
Box 213 , Folder 469 Navy Department
Box 213 , Folder 470 Navy Department
Box 213 , Folder 471 Navy Department
Box 213 , Folder 472 Navy Department
Box 213 , Folder 473 Public Roads Administration
Box 213 , Folder 474 Selective Service
Box 214 , Folder 475 War Assets Administration
Box 214 , Folder 476 War Department
Box 214 , Folder 477 War Department
Box 214 , Folder 478 War Department
1932-1933, 1938-1941
Box 214 , Folder 479 War Department
1942-1947, 1949
Box 214 , Folder 480 Anchorage Grounds
Box 214 , Folder 481 U.S. Government: War Department
Box 214 , Folder 482 Contracts
Box 214 , Folder 483 Work Progress Administration
1934, 1936, 1938-1939, 1941
Box 214 , Folder 484 Miscellaneous
1929, 1931-1942
Box 214 , Folder 485 Miscellaneous
1943-1947, 1940-1951
Box 214 , Folder 486 United States Metallic Packing Co.
Box 214 , Folder 487 U-Miscellaneous
1931-1940, 1949, 1951
Box 215 , Folder 488 V-Miscellaneous
Box 215 , Folder 489 Wage Rates
Box 215 , Folder 490 Wallace + Tucker Lumber Co.
Box 215 , Folder 491 Walter Kiddie + Co, Inc.
Box 215 , Folder 492 Ward, Fisher and Company
1937-1938, 1941-1951
Box 215 , Folder 493 Weiner, Paul
Box 215 , Folder 494 West Ferry Contracts
Box 215 , Folder 495 Williams and Wells Company
Box 215 , Folder 496 Williams and Wells Company
Box 215 , Folder 497 Williams and Wells Company
Box 215 , Folder 498 Williams and Wells Company
Box 215 , Folder 499 Williams and Wells Company
Box 215 , Folder 500 Work Orders
Box 215 , Folder 501 Worthington Pump and Machinery Corp.
1921-1928, 1931, 1941
Box 216 , Folder 502 W-Miscellaneous
1928-1929, 1931-1936
Box 216 , Folder 503 W-Miscellaneous
Box 216 , Folder 504 W-Miscellaneous
Box 216 , Folder 505 Y-Z Miscellaneous
1930, 1937-1938

Series 9. Tickets and Turnstiles
The Ticket/Turnstile Series contains materials relating to ticket sale sand turnstile counts for the Jamestown and Newport Ferry Company. Included in the series are daily ticket reports for Jamestown Bridge and ferry tickets from 1940 through October, 1942. These are reports of sales of a combined Jamestown Bridge and the Jamestown and Newport Ferries at a reduced rate. Receipts from the sales of these tickets were divided equally between the Bridge Authority and the Ferry Company. Beginning in November, 1942, these reports were combined with several other daily reports and can be found in the series to June, 1943 and in the Office Reports Series after that date.

Also of interest in this series are the monthly reports of tickets issued and ticket issue books. Both were designed to provide the Ferry Company with a means of controlling its ticket inventory. Both provide similar information in a slightly different format and include the date of the month, the names of the vendors, to whom the tickets were issued, and the number and types of tickets distributed to that person. The monthly reports appear to have been phased out when the state took over operation of the system in 1951, while the issue books contained in use until at least 1957.

The series is arranged alphabetically by type of record and chronologically by date within folders.

Container Description Date
Box 216 , Folder 1 Daily Ticket Report
1940 Sep - Oct
Box 216 , Folder 2 Daily Ticket Report
1940 Nov- Dec
Box 216 , Folder 3 Daily Ticket Report
1941 Jan - Feb
Box 216 , Folder 4 Daily Ticket Report
1941 Mar- Apr
Box 216 , Folder 5 Daily Ticket Report
1941 May - Jun
Box 216 , Folder 6 Daily Ticket Report
1941 Jul - Sep
Box 216 , Folder 7 Daily Ticket Report
1941 Sep - Dec
Box 216 , Folder 8 Daily Ticket Report
1942 Jan - Mar
Box 216 , Folder 9 Daily Ticket Report
1942 Apr - Jun
Box 216 , Folder 10 Daily Ticket Report
1942 Jul - Aug
Box 216 , Folder 11 Daily Ticket Report
1942 Sep - Oct
Box 217 , Folder 12 Inventory of Tickets
Box 217 , Folder 13 Issue Books: Tickets Issued
1947 Dec- 1951 Dec
Box 217 , Folder 14 Issue Books: Tickets Issued
1951 Dec- 1957 Jun
Box 217 , Folder 15 Monthly Reports: Tickets Issued
Box 217 , Folder 16 Monthly Reports: Tickets Issued
Box 218 , Folder 17 Monthly Reports: Tickets Issued
Box 218 , Folder 18 Monthly Reports: Tickets Issued
Box 218 , Folder 19 Ticket Receipts
Box 218 , Folder 20 Turnstile Reports: Jamestown Terminal
1928 Jun- Sep, 1929 Jun-Sep
Box 218 , Folder 21 Turnstile Reports: Jamestown Terminal
1930 May - Sep - 1932
Box 218 , Folder 22 Turnstile Reports: Jamestown Terminal
1933 Jun- Sept - 1934
Box 218 , Folder 23 Turnstile Reports: Jamestown Terminal
1935 Jul - Sep, 1936 Jun- Sep
Box 218 , Folder 24 Turnstile Reports: Jamestown Terminal
1938 Jun - Sep, 1939
Box 218 , Folder 25 Turnstile Reports: Jamestown Terminal
1940 May - Jul
Box 219 , Folder 26 Turnstile Reports: Jamestown Terminal
1940 Aug - Sep
Box 219 , Folder 27 Turnstile Reports: Jamestown Terminal
1940 Oct - Dec
Box 219 , Folder 28 Turnstile Reports: Jamestown Terminal
Jan - Jun 1941
Box 219 , Folder 29 Turnstile Reports: Jamestown Terminal
1941 Jul - Sep
Box 219 , Folder 30 Turnstile Reports: Jamestown Terminal
1941 Oct- Dec
Box 219 , Folder 31 Turnstile Reports: Jamestown Terminal
1942 Jan - Feb
Box 219 , Folder 32 Turnstile Reports: Jamestown Terminal
1943 Mar- Jun
Box 219 , Folder 33 Turnstile Reports: Newport Terminal
1930 Jun - Sep- 1929
Box 219 , Folder 34 Turnstile Reports: Newport Terminal
1932 Jul - Sep
Box 220 , Folder 35 Turnstile Reports: Newport Terminal
1933 Jun - Sep
Box 220 , Folder 36 Turnstile Reports: Newport Terminal
1934 Jun - Sep - 1935
Box 220 , Folder 37 Turnstile Reports: Newport Terminal
1936 Jun - Sep
Box 220 , Folder 38 Turnstile Reports: Newport Terminal
1939 Jun - Sep
Box 220 , Folder 39 Turnstile Reports: Newport Terminal
1940 May - Jul
Box 220 , Folder 40 Turnstile Reports: Newport Terminal
1940 Aug- Sep
Box 220 , Folder 41 Turnstile Reports: Newport Terminal
1941 Oct- Dec
Box 221 , Folder 42 Turnstile Reports: Newport Terminal
1941 Jan - Apr
Box 221 , Folder 43 Turnstile Reports: Newport Terminal
1941 May - Jul
Box 221 , Folder 44 Turnstile Reports: Newport Terminal
1941 Aug- Sep
Box 221 , Folder 45 Turnstile Reports: Newport Terminal
1941 Oct- Dec
Box 221 , Folder 46 Turnstile Reports: Saunderstown Terminal
1928, 1929, 1930 Jun - Sep
Box 221 , Folder 47 Turnstile Reports: Saunderstown Terminal
1931 Jun - Sep

Series 10. Maps and Charts
In this series can be found maps and navigation charts of Narragansett Bay and adjacent waters. The charts may have been used by the ferry captains to navigate the Bay, but it is more likely, given the shortness of their route and the number of trips they made daily, that the captains simply kept the charts as a source of reference. The charts are of historical interest because they indicate areas of the Bay closed to civilian shipping due to use as naval anchorages or gunnery ranges. A large number of maps of Delaware and Chesapeake Bays, which probably came with the purchase of the Jamestown and the Newport from a Virginia ferry company in 1958, were removed from the collection and incorporated into the University of Rhode Island’s Library’s map collection.

Each of the maps and charts in this series has been an arbitrary number and arranges numerically by that number in map cases.

Container Description Date
Box 1 , Folder R.I. 1 Maps and Chartes of RI Waters
Box 1 , Folder R.I. 1 Newport and Newport Harbor Army Map
Box 1 , Folder R.I. 2 Narragansett Bay Navigation Chart
Box 1 , Folder R.I. 3 Narragansett Bay Navigation Chart
Box 1 , Folder R.I. 4 Martha's Vineyard to Block Island
Box 1 , Folder R.I. 5 Block Island Sound and Approaches Navigation Map
Box 1 , Folder R.I. 6 Grid Map of RI

Series 11. Buildings and Wharf Plans
This series contains blueprints and architectural drawings of buildings wharves, equipment, and ferry slips owned by the Jamestown and Newport Ferry Company at its facilities at Newport, East and West Jamestown Landings, and at Saunderstown Landing. Due to storm damage, accidents, and ordinary wear, docking facilities had to be regularly repaired and/or rebuilt. Among the plans for these structures are blueprints for ferry slips, ferry bridges, frameworks and supports for bridges, and assorted other structures used to assist in docking ferries and off-loading passengers and vehicles.

In addition, the Ferry Company constructed a number of buildings along its wharves and rented them to local businesses as a source of additional income. Blueprints for some of these buildings are included in the series.

As with the Maps and Charts Series, each of the blueprints and drawings has been assigned an arbitrary number and arranged numerically by that number in map cases.

Container Description Date
Box 2 , Folder 1 Freight House Foundation- Newport
1900 Jan 5
Box 2 , Folder 2 Jamestown Slip- East Ferry
Box 2 , Folder 3 West Jamestown Ferry Bridge
Box 2 , Folder 4 Fittings for Ferry Bridge
Box 2 , Folder 5 Monticone's Store, Newport Wharf
Box 2 , Folder 6 Water main- East Ferry Wharf
Box 2 , Folder 7 Ferry Bridge, East Jamestown
Box 2 , Folder 8 Ferry Bridge, East 1928
Box 2 , Folder 9 Ferry Bridge, East Jamestown 1928
Box 2 , Folder 10 Ferry Bridge, East Jamestown 1928
Box 2 , Folder 11 Waiting Room and Ticket Office, West Jamestown
Box 2 , Folder 12 Bridge Hoist
Box 2 , Folder 13 Pile Foundation, Waiting Room
Box 2 , Folder 14 Terry Ramp and Slip East Jamestown
Box 2 , Folder 15 Hoist Frame East Jamestown Slip
Box 2 , Folder 16 Alterations to Bridge
Box 2 , Folder 17 Ferry Bridge Wood Framework, East Jamestown
Box 2 , Folder 18 Ferry waiting Room Foundation Piles
Box 2 , Folder 19 West Jamestown Ferry Bridge - Steel Work
Box 2 , Folder 20 Proposed Easy Bay (Newport) Bridge
Box 2 , Folder 21 West Jamestown Terminal: General Arrangement
Box 2 , Folder 22 Jamestown East Ferry Heating System
Box 2 , Folder 23 Type A Electric Ferry Bridge Hoist
Box 2 , Folder 24 Building #1, East Jamestown
Box 2 , Folder 25 Addition to Building #1 East Jamestown
Box 2 , Folder 26 Unidentified Sketch
Box 2 , Folder 27 Wood Framework for Ferry Bridge - West Jamestown
Box 2 , Folder 28 Wood Framework for Ferry Bridge- West Jamestown

Series 12. Ships' Blueprints
This series contains blueprints and marine architectural drawings of several of the ferries used by the Jamestown and Newport Company during its years of operation. The blueprints and drawings have been divided into two sub-series. Sub-series I includes scattered blueprints and drawings for three ferries owned and used by the company from the early 1920’s to the late 1950’s: the second Jamestown, the Governor Carr, and the Hammonton. Sub-series II contains over one hundred blueprints and drawings relating to the last two ferries used to transport passengers and vehicles across the Bay, the Jamestown and the Newport, acquired in 1958. Since the two ships were identical, the one set of plans was used for both.

Although sub-series I contains only a few scattered drawings, it is possible to compare them with the plans from the Jamestown and the Newport to see how little ferry design changed over the years. Unfortunately, there is not a complete set of plans for any ferry owned by this company.

In each sub-series, the drawings and blueprints have been assigned an arbitrary number and arranged numerically by that number in map cases.

Container Description Date
Box Subseries 1 , Folder 1 Blueprints : Gov. Carr, Hammonton, and Jamestown
Box FB 1 , Folder 2 Hammonton: Boilers (59H11)
Box FB 2 , Folder 3 Jamestown: Main Boiler (55J2)
Box FB 3 , Folder 4 Jamestown: Boiler Front and Burner Connection
Box FB 4 , Folder 5 Governor Carr: Tailshaft and Nut
Box FB 5 , Folder 6 Governor Carr: Safety Clocks (47C3)
Box FB 6 , Folder 7 Arranged for Refractory Lining for Marine Boiler
Box FB 7 , Folder 8 Double End Steel Diesel Electric Ferry Boat (58 NY 4a
Box FB 8 , Folder 9 Arrangement of Duplex Strainer
Box FB 9 , Folder 10 Tug Docking Plan
Box FB 10 , Folder 11 Steering Engine
Box FB 11 , Folder 12 Steering Engine
Box FB 12 , Folder 13 Drawing of Gov. Carr- Side View
Box FB 13 , Folder 14 Unidentified
Box FB 14 , Folder 15 8' D.S. Pump
Box FB 15 , Folder 16 Unidentified
Box FB 16 , Folder 17 Governor Carr: Rudder Quadrant, Spare Tiller, etc.
Box Subseries II , Folder 18 Ferry Blueprint- Jamestown + Newport
Box J+N 1 , Folder 19 Upstake and Somestack ( 20261)
Box J+N 2 , Folder 20 Refreshment Stand ( 20234)
Box J+N 3 , Folder 21 Main and Auxiliary Steam Exhaust ( 20260)
Box J+N 4 , Folder 22 Docking Plans ( 20228)
Box J+N 5 , Folder 23 Profile and Deck Plans ( 38536)
Box J + N 6 , Folder 24 Addition to Smoke Stack ( 20271)
Box J + N 7 , Folder 25 Floor Hardware, toilets ( 20273)
Box J+ N 8 , Folder 26 Modified Arrangement of Fuel Oil Fill ( 202070- A)
Box J+ N 9 , Folder 27 Seats ( 20225)
Box J+ N 10 , Folder 28 Fitting and Pipe List ( 20264)
Box J + N 11 , Folder 29 Curves of Form ( 38502)
Box J + N 12 , Folder 30 Stairs ( 20210)
Box J+ N 13 , Folder 31 Soot Blower Piping ( 20301)
Box J + N 14 , Folder 32 Floor Frames ( 38536)
Box J + N 15 , Folder 33 Pilot House Windows ( 20208)
Box J + N 16 , Folder 34 Deck Drains ( 38531)
Box J + N 17 , Folder 35 Main Sea Chests ( 20246)
Box J + N 18 , Folder 36 Main Gate ( 38522)
Box J + N 19 , Folder 37 Main Steam and Exhaust ( 20254)
Box J + N 20 , Folder 38 Toilet Bulkheads + Doors ( 20213)
Box J + N 21 , Folder 39 Profile and Decks ( 38534)
Box J + N 22 , Folder 40 Lifeboat ( 20322)
Box J + N 23 , Folder 41 Life Float ( 20215)
Box J + N 24 , Folder 42 Fuel Oil Operations Rod ( 38593)
Box J + N 25 , Folder 43 Refreshment Stand ( 20231)
Box J+ N 26 , Folder 44 Ridgepole + Spreaders for Lifeboat ( 40437)
Box J+ N 27 , Folder 45 Filling Vents ( F.O. and Water) ( 20253)
Box J+ N 28 , Folder 46 Lifeboat Stowage ( 20214)
Box J+ N 29 , Folder 47 Bon-Jean Curves ( 20183- A)
Box J+ N30 , Folder 48 Fuel Oil Filling Buckets ( 20277)
Box J+ N31 , Folder 49 Windows ( 20272)
Box J+ N 32 , Folder 50 Refreshment Stand (20233)
Box J+ N 33 , Folder 51 Addition to Upstake and Smokestack ( 20271 )
Box J+ N 34 , Folder 52 Outboard doors: Saloon Deck (20211)
Box J+ N 35 , Folder 53 Stop and Check Valve (20475)
Box J+ N 36 , Folder 54 Toilet Bulkhead and Doors (20213)
Box J+ N 37 , Folder 55 Name and Insignia (20230)
Box J+ N 38 , Folder 56 Panel Boards (20296)
Box J+ N 39 , Folder 57 Bilge and Ballast Piping (20245)
Box J+ N 40 , Folder 58 Life Preserver Box
Box J+ N 41 , Folder 59 Metallic Packing
Box J+ N 42 , Folder 60 Toilet Exhauster (20291)
Box J+ N 43 , Folder 61 Door Frames (20274)
Box J+ N 44 , Folder 62 C-O-Two Piping Layout for Boiler Room (D-96193)
Box J+ N 45 , Folder 63 Cutlass Bearing (20283)
Box J+ N 46 , Folder 64 Bilge Block Specifications
Box J+ N 47 , Folder 65 Single Vertical Piston Pump
Box J+ N 48 , Folder 66 Lifeboat Stowage (20214)
Box J+ N 49 , Folder 67 Additional Fuel Tanks
Box J+ N 50 , Folder 68 Locking Bar for 18' Escape Hatch ( 20279)
Box J+ N 51 , Folder 69 Engine Room Gauge Board (20270)
Box J+ N 52 , Folder 70 18 " Deck Scuttle Water Tight (20278)
Box J+ N 53 , Folder 71 Boiler: General Arrangement
Box J+ N 54 , Folder 72 Boiler: General Arrangement (20276)
Box J + N 55 , Folder 73 Weight and Trim Calculation (38500-A)
Box J+ N 56 , Folder 74 Arrangement of Fuel Oil Piping (20252)
Box J+ N 57 , Folder 75 Feed and Filter Tank (20250)
Box J+ N 58 , Folder 76 Operating Gear for Sliding Water Tight Door (20221)
Box J+ N 59 , Folder 77 Horizontal Sliding Water Tight Door (20222)
Box J+ N 60 , Folder 78 Steering Gear Arrangement (20216)
Box J+ N 61 , Folder 79 Auxiliary Foundations (20192)
Box J+ N 62 , Folder 80 Boiler General Arrangement (20276)
Box J+ N 63 , Folder 81 Auxiliary Steam Exhaust (20255)
Box J+ N 64 , Folder 82 Furnace Brick Work
Box J+ N 65 , Folder 83 Furnace Brick Work
Box J+ N 66 , Folder 84 Auxiliary Foundation (20227)
Box J+ N 67 , Folder 85 Auxiliary Foundation (20191)
Box J+ N 68 , Folder 86 Line Shaft Bearing (20243)
Box J+ N 69 , Folder 87 Fitting Flange and Valve List (20263)
Box J+ N 70 , Folder 88 Arrangement of Lubricating Piping (20257)
Box J + N 71 , Folder 89 Builder's Name Plate (20229)
Box J + N 72 , Folder 90 Warren Steam Pump (20292)
Box J + N 73 , Folder 91 Steering Gear Details
Box J + N 74 , Folder 92 Plumbing Fixtures (20218)
Box J + N 75 , Folder 93 Arrangement of Water Piping Sections (20204)
Box J + N 76 , Folder 94 Fire Main and Dk. Drains (20247)
Box J + N 77 , Folder 95 Diagrammatic Arrangement of Steam and Exhaust Piping
Box J + N 78 , Folder 96 Auxiliary Steam and Exhaust (20262)
Box J + N 79 , Folder 97 Mechanical Exhaust Vent from Wash Rooms (20226)
Box J + N 80 , Folder 98 Arrangement of Machinery (20242)
Box J + N 81 , Folder 99 Condenser (20290)
Box J + N 82 , Folder 100 Tile and deck Covering Plan (20224)
Box J + N 83 , Folder 101 Power and Lighting Systems: Bust Deck (20240)
Box J + N 84 , Folder 102 Glass for Pilot House (20208)
Box J + N 85 , Folder 103 Soot Blower Piping ( 20231)
Box J + N 86 , Folder 104 Insulation in Boiler Casing (20226-A)
Box J + N 87 , Folder 105 Arrangement of Water Piping Elevations (20248)
Box J + N 88 , Folder 106 Arrangement of Refractory Lining for Maine Boiler
Box J + N 89 , Folder 107 Windows (20202)
Box J + N 90 , Folder 108 Floor Plates and Service Piping (20251)
Box J + N 91 , Folder 109 Mechanical Ventilation Ducts in Engine and Boiler Rooms
Box J + N 92 , Folder 110 Arrangement of Super Heaters (242839)
Box J + N 93 , Folder 111 Girders (20197)
Box J + N 94 , Folder 112 Lines and Offsets
Box J + N 95 , Folder 113 Firemain, Sanitary, Sprinkler and Fresh Water Piping
Box J + N 96 , Folder 114 Plumbing Plans (20203)
Box J + N 97 , Folder 115 Midship Section (38507-C)
Box J + N 98 , Folder 116 Framing Plan (38510-E)
Box J + N 99 , Folder 117 Filling and Vents (20253)
Box J + N 100 , Folder 118 Auxiliary Foundations (20190)
Box J + N 101 , Folder 119 Detail of Toilet Room (20275)
Box J + N 102 , Folder 120 Potable Water Tanks (20256)
Box J + N 103 , Folder 121 Elementary 1- line Wiring Diagram (20236)
Box J + N 104 , Folder 122 Switch boards (20298)
Box J + N 105 , Folder 123 Arrangement of Ladders and Gratings (20249)
Box J + N 106 , Folder 124 Visor-Pilot House (20232)
Box J + N 107 , Folder 125 Reflected View of ceiling and Elevations of BHD's- Saloon Deck
Box J + N 108 , Folder 126 Mechanical Telegraph, Engine Order Bells and Voice Tubes
Box J + N 109 , Folder 127 Bon Jean Curves (38505-A)
Box J + N 110 , Folder 128 Two Pass Surface Condenser for Marine Service
Box J + N 111 , Folder 129 Unidentified

Series 13. Paid Vouchers
This series contains blueprints and marine architectural drawings of several of the ferries used by the Jamestown and Newport Company during its years of operation. The blueprints and drawings have been divided into two sub-series. Sub-series I includes scattered blueprints and drawings for three ferries owned and used by the company from the early 1920’s to the late 1950’s: the second Jamestown, the Governor Carr, and the Hammonton. Sub-series II contains over one hundred blueprints and drawings relating to the last two ferries used to transport passengers and vehicles across the Bay, the Jamestown and the Newport, acquired in 1958. Since the two ships were identical, the one set of plans was used for both.

Although sub-series I contains only a few scattered drawings, it is possible to compare them with the plans from the Jamestown and the Newport to see how little ferry design changed over the years. Unfortunately, there is not a complete set of plans for any ferry owned by this company.

In each sub-series, the drawings and blueprints have been assigned an arbitrary number and arranged numerically by that number in map cases.

Container Description Date
Box 222 , Folder 1 Vouchers
1924 - 1929
Box 223 , Folder 2 Vouchers
1929- 1932
Box 224 , Folder 3 Vouchers
Box 225 , Folder 4 Vouchers
Box 226 , Folder 5 Vouchers
Box 227 , Folder 6 Vouchers
1940- 1943
Box 228 , Folder 7 Vouchers
1943- 1946
Box 229 , Folder 8 Vouchers
1946 - 1948
Box 230 , Folder 9 Vouchers
1948 - 1950
Box 231 , Folder 10 Vouchers
1950 - 1952