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For Participating Institutions

Richard L. and Kathleen A. Hauke Papers (Mss. Gr. 68)

University of Rhode Island Library, University Archives and Special Collections

15 Lippitt Road
Kingston, RI 02881-2011
Tel: 401-874-4632

email: archives@etal.uri.edu



Sub-group One. Richard L. Hauke Papers
Sub group 1, Richard L. Hauke, contains Series I, Subject File; Series II, Manuscripts; Series III, Botany Department; Series IV, Courses; Series V, Conference and Seminar Papers, and Series VI, National Science Foundation. The papers are arranged alphabetically within each series by folder title and chronologically within each folder.

Series I, Subject File, contains correspondence, records from committees within the University, correspondence and records pertaining to professional societies, and subjects of interest to Professor Hauke such as Nuclear Winter, Creationism, and Bioethics. There are also two folders on a survey of flora at the W. Alton Jones Campus (box 9, folders 76 & 77).

Series II, Manuscript, contains Hauke's publications, book manuscripts, research material, and his masters thesis. Most of his research dealt with the genus Equisetum (commonly known as horsetails). Of particular interest are the research materials relating to botanists Agnes Arber, Edith Saunders, and Edmund Sinnott. The resulting article entitled "Vignettes from the History of Plant Morphology" is available in the collection (see box 15B, folder 100) and on the web at http://members.aol.com/cefield/hauke/, accessed in May, 2001. Also in the Manuscripts series are drafts of sermons given by Professor Hauke for the congregation of the Episcopal Chapel of Saint Augustine's located Lower College Rd. in Kingston, Rhode Island. The Chapel serves as the Episcopal Center for the URI campus community.

Series III, Botany Department, contains materials dealing with Professor Hauke's functions within the Botany Department. The records include departmental correspondence and the agenda and minutes of the departmental meetings. This series also contains records kept by Professor Hauke while serving on the Merger Committee, Space Committee, Ranger Hall Renovation Committee, and the Safety Committee of which he was Chair. Of interest is the Merger Committee (box 17, folder 15) in which the merger of Plant Science, Botany, and Plant Pathology/ Entomology is explored. There are also memoranda concerning his work as Chair of the Greenhouse Committee within the Space Committee (box 18, folder 21). This series also contains Professor Hauke's peer reviews and access is by permission of the Archivist.

Series IV, Courses, contains course notes and general information for specific courses. Folders 20 and 21 contain class and grade record books and may be researched only by permission of the Archivist.

Series V, Conference and Seminar Papers, contains correspondence, papers, notes and drafts for talks given by Professor Hauke for seminars, lectures, and conferences.

Series VI, National Science Foundation, contains research proposals and the supporting documentation submitted for approval to the National Science Foundation.

Series 1. Subject File
This series contains records and correspondence that deal with Richard Hauke's activities and interests. Correspondence is arranged alphabetically by the sender or the receiver and then chronologically.

There are also records relating to the American Fern Society, Association of American University Professors (AAUP), the Faculty Senate, among other organizations in which Professor Hauke was active. Records relating to his Fulbright scholarships and sabbaticals are also located in this series. In addition, Professor Hauke had reference files on subjects of interest to him. These subjects include Nuclear Winter, Creationism, and Bioethics. There are also two folders on a survey of flora at the W. Alton Jones Campus (box 9, folders 76 & 77).

The subjects are arranged alphabetically within the series and chronologically within each folder.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 Administrative Memoranda
Box 1, Folder 2 American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
1969-1972, undated.
Box 1, Folder 3 American Fern Society
1958-1976, undated.
Box 1, Folder 4 American Fern Society Foray
1958, 1962, 1964, 1968
Box 1, Folder 5 Arts & Sciences, College of: Agenda & Minutes of Faculty Meetings
Box 1, Folder 6 Arts & Sciences, College of: Agenda & Minutes of Faculty Meetings
Box 1, Folder 7 Arts & Sciences, College of: Chair and Faculty Listings
Box 1, Folder 8 Arts & Sciences, College of: General Education Curriculum
Box 1, Folder 9 Arts & Sciences, College of: Mission Statement
1975-1976, undated.
Box 1, Folder 10 Arts & Sciences, College of: Reorganization of
1972-1973, undated.
Box 2, Folder 11 Arts & Sciences, College of: Reports
1973, 1980
Box 2, Folder 12 Bioethics
1966-1975, scattered
Box 2, Folder 13 Bioethics
Box 2, Folder 14 Bioethics
Box 2, Folder 15 Biotechnology
1982, 1984, undated.
Box 2, Folder 16 C2M, Council for Christian Ministry
Box 2, Folder 17 Comprehensive Assistance Undergraduate Science Education (CAUSE)
1981-1983, undated.
Box 2, Folder 18 Correspondence, Personal A-F
1954-1997, scattered
Box 2, Folder 19 Correspondence, Personal G-Z
1952-1997, scattered
Box 2, Folder 20 Correspondence, Professional A-E
Box 3, Folder 21 Correspondence, Professional F-L
Box 3, Folder 22 Correspondence, Professional M-R
1953-1989, scattered
Box 3, Folder 23 Correspondence, Professional S-Z
1953-1989, scattered
Box 3, Folder 24 Correspondence, Professional, Recommendations A-Z
1962-1982, scattered
Box 3, Folder 25 Correspondence, URI
Box 3, Folder 26 Creationism
Box 3, Folder 27 Employment Records, URI
Box 3, Folder 28 Faculty Senate: List of Bills
Box 3, Folder 29 Faculty Senate: Minutes
Box 4, Folder 30 Field Notebooks
1969-1982, undated.
Box 4, Folder 31 Flora Mesoamericana
Box 4, Folder 32 Flora North America
1972-1997, undated.
Box 4, Folder 33 Flora North America Newsletter
Box 4, Folder 34 Flora North America Project Guide for Contributors
Box 4, Folder 35 Fulbright Hays Scholar Brochures
Box 4, Folder 36 Fulbright Scholarship Application: Ghana
Box 4, Folder 37 Fulbright Scholarship Application: Nepal
Box 4, Folder 38 Fulbright Scholarship, Jordan: Correspondence
Box 5, Folder 39 Fulbright Scholarship, Jordan: Memorabilia
Box 5, Folder 40 Fulbright Scholarship, Kenya: Correspondence
Box 5, Folder 41 Fulbright Scholarship, Kenya: Miscellaneous
1983-1988, undated.
Box 5, Folder 42 Grants, Research
Box 5, Folder 43 IBM Personal Computer: Correspondence, re.
Box 5, Folder 44 India
1974, undated.
Box 5, Folder 45 Instructional Development Program
Box 6, Folder 46 Jepson Manual: Guide For Contributors
1988, undated.
Box 6, Folder 47 Joint Educational Policy Committee
1969-1972, undated.
Box 6, Folder 48 Kramer, K.U.: Correspondence
1984-1985, 1987
Box 6, Folder 49 Marten, C.V.: Correspondence
Box 6, Folder 50 Mickely, John: Correspondence
Box 6, Folder 51 Morphology
1959-1964, undated.
Box 6, Folder 52 Morphology of Pteridophyles: Correspondence re.
1982-1986, undated.
Box 6, Folder 53 Muller's Comissuren (der Equisetensheiden)
Box 6, Folder 54 National Faculty Exchange
Box 6, Folder 55 North Carolina Conference
1970 Summer
Box 6, Folder 56 Nuclear Winter Environmental Effects of Nuclear War
1983-1985, undated.
Box 6, Folder 57 Nuclear Winter, Miscellaneous
1983-1985, undated.
Box 7, Folder 58 Research Activity on University Property not Contiguous with the Kingston Campus: Oversight Committee
1975-1978, undated.
Box 7, Folder 59 Reviews of Books and Journal Articles
1960-1989, 1997, scattered
Box 7, Folder 60 Rhode Island Science Teachers Association
1970-1986, scattered
Box 7, Folder 61 Sabbaticals: Berkeley, California
Box 7, Folder 62 Sabbaticals: Costa Rica
1963-1968, undated.
Box 7, Folder 63 Scanning Electron Microscope
1974-1975, undated.
Box 7, Folder 64 Science and Morality: Articles re.
1968-1980, undated., scattered
Box 7, Folder 65 Self Study Steering Committee: Final Report
Box 8, Folder 66 Services Offered at URI, memoranda
1959-1985, scattered
Box 8, Folder 67 Societies and Associations
1956-1987, scattered
Box 8, Folder 68 Special Arts & Sciences Committee on Faculty Development: Report
Box 8, Folder 69 Specimens on Loan
1957-1985, scattered
Box 8, Folder 70 Tide Marsh Survey
1962-1968, undated.
Box 8, Folder 71 Travel Vouchers
Box 8, Folder 72 University Faculty, Memos, Minutes, Appointments
1959-1970, 1982, scattered
Box 8, Folder 73 University Faculty Reports
1959-1982, undated.
Box 9, Folder 74 University Governance
Box 9, Folder 75 Veteran's Administration
1955-1961, undated.
Box 9, Folder 76 W. Alton Jones Campus: Survey of Flora
Box 9, Folder 77 W. Alton Jones Campus: Survey of Flora
Box 9, Folder 78 Wagner, Warren H: Correspondence
Box 9, Folder 79 World Food Problem
Box 9, Folder 80 Miscellaneous

Series 2. Manuscripts
This series contains Hauke's publications, book manuscripts, research material, and his masters thesis, "A Review of the Literature and a Study of the Anatomy of Stomata and Sheathes of Equesetum." Most of his research dealt with the genus Equisetum. Of particular interest are the research materials relating to botanists Agnes Arber, Edith Saunders, and Edmund Sinnott. This research resulted in an article entitled "Vignettes from the History of Plant Morphology" available in the collection (see box 15B, folder 100) and on the web at http://members.aol.com/cefield/hauke/, accessed May, 2001.

Also in Manuscripts are drafts of sermons given by Professor Hauke for the congregation of the Episcopal Chapel of Saint Augustine's located on Lower College Rd. in Kingston, RI. The Chapel serves as the Episcopal Center for the URI campus community.

Container Description Date
Box 10, Folder 1 "Agnes Arber: Morphology to Metaphysics and Mysticism"
Box 10, Folder 2 Analysis of Suspected Equisetum Hybrid Pop.
Box 10, Folder 3 Analysis of Variable Population of Equisetum Arvense & E. X litorale
Box 10, Folder 4 Anatomical Study of Abscission Layer Development
Box 10, Folder 5 Arber, Agnes: Biographical Information and Photograph
1960, 1968, 1970-1971, 1994
Box 10, Folder 6 Arber, Agnes: Interview from Muriel Arber, MC-60's tape on interview
1987 Sep 08
Box 10, Folder 7 Arber, Agnes: Hunt Botany Institute
Box 10, Folder 8 Arber, Agnes: Review on "The Manifold and the One"
Box 10, Folder 9 Arber, Agnes: Review on "The Mind and the Eye"
Box 10, Folder 10 Arber, Agnes: Review on "The Natural Philosophy of Plant Form"
Box 10, Folder 0 Arber, Agnes Talk: Slides
Box 10, Folder 11 Arber, Agnes, and Edmund Sinnott, Submission of articles on
Box 10, Folder 12 Arber, Agnes: Writings
1930, 1933, 1937, 1941, 1944, 1946, 1952
Box 10, Folder 13 Arber, Agnes: Correspondence
1988, 1992, 1996
Box 10, Folder 14 Articles, Reprints of
Box 10, Folder 15 Articles, Reprints of
Box 11, Folder 16 Articles, Reprints of
Box 11, Folder 17 Asahi Publications, "The World of Plants"
Box 11, Folder 18 Chromatography
Box 11, Folder 19 Carotenoid Pigment - Equisetum
Box 11, Folder 20 Effects of Light Quality and & Intensity on Sexual Expression in Equisetum Gametophytes
Box 11, Folder 21 Equisetaceae of the Douglas Lake Region
Box 11, Folder 22 Equisetaceae L.C. Richard
Box 11, Folder 23 Equisetaceae Treatment: Correspondence
Box 11, Folder 24 Equisetaceae Treatment: Notes
Box 11, Folder 25 Equisetum Arvense: Data & Field Notes
Box 11, Folder 26 Equisetum: Correspondence
Box 12, Folder 27 Equisetum: Correspondence
Box 12, Folder 28 Equisetum: Correspondence
Box 12, Folder 29 Equisetum: Correspondence
Box 12, Folder 30 Equisetum: Correspondence
Box 12, Folder 31 Equisetum Diffusion Gametophytes
Box 12, Folder 32 Equisetum Notes - Misc. , Slides & Negatives
1979-1985, scattered
Box 12, Folder 33 Equisetum Notes - Misc.
Box 12, Folder 34 Equisetum Notes - Nacieons Walls?
Box 12, Folder 35 Equisetum Notes - Problems of Collenchyma Spores, etc.
Box 12, Folder 36 Equisetum Sample from Alpena MI
Box 12, Folder 37 Equisetum Ramosissium, American Fern. See also: Equis. ramosissium Photos, positives & microscope slides
1970-1978, undated.
Box 13, Folder 38 Equisetum Ramosissium, American Fern, Photos, positives & microscope slides
Box 13, Folder 39 Equisetum Ramossisium-Revisited: Maps, Photos, Notes & Final Draft
1979, 1984, 1991, 1992
Box 13, Folder 40 Equisetum Scirpoides in Denmark
Box 13, Folder 41 Equisetum Telemateir in Michigan
Box 13, Folder 42 Equisetum, Wisconsin
Box 13, Folder 43 Expanded Adaxial Epidermis Equisetum
Box 13, Folder 44 Gametangia of Equisetum Bogotense
Box 13, Folder 45 Experimental Determination in Equisetum Gametophytes
1976-1977, undated.
Box 13, Folder 46 Gemtophyte Development in Latin American Horsetails
1968, 1969
Box 13, Folder 47 Gametophytes of Equisetum Diffusion
Box 13, Folder 48 Gametophytes of Equisetum Giganteum
Box 13, Folder 49 Horsetails (Equisetum): "About Horsetails" An Article Published in IO Magazine, Drafts Notes and Correspondence
1968-1969, undated.
Box 13, Folder 50 Horsetails (Equisetum) in North America
Box 13, Folder 51 The Hyemale - Laevigatum - Kansanum Complex
Box 13, Folder 52 In Search of the Himalayan Horsetail
Box 13, Folder 53 Is Equisetum Laevigatum a Hybrid?
Box 13, Folder 54 Journal of the History of Biology: Correspondence
Box 13, Folder 55 Lessons in Pterieology - Fiddlehead Forum
Box 13, Folder 56 Master's Thesis, "A Review of the Literature and a Study of the Anatomy of Stomata and Sheathes of Equisetum"
Box 13, Folder 57 Masters Thesis: Research Notes
Box 13, Folder 58 Microreplicas
Box 14, Folder 59 Morphological Nature of the Sporangium-bearing Structure of Equisetum
1969-1970, undated.
Box 14, Folder 60 Morphology of Pteridophytes, Chapter 21
Box 14, Folder 61
1967-1969, undated.
Box 14, Folder 62 Necessity for Newmanism
Box 14, Folder 63 Ochreole of Equisetum: A Prophyllar Sheath
Box 14, Folder 64 Ochreole of Equisetum, Notes/Photos
Box 14, Folder 65 Ontogeny of Commissure of Equisetum
Box 14, Folder 66 Ontogeny of Commissure of Equisetum, Photos
Box 14, Folder 67 Perspectives on Science: Correspondence
Box 14, Folder 68 Photographs: "The Ochreole of Equisetum" & Eg. Palustre, Aruemse, & Telmateia: Includes slides E. Tetmaleia
Box 14, Folder 69 Publications: "General Botany" & "Equisetum Ramosissinaum"
Box 14, Folder 70 A Resume of the Taxonomic Reorganization of Equisetum Subgenus Hippochaete
Box 14, Folder 71 Review - Ferns & Fern Allies of Chihuahua Mexico
Box 14, Folder 72 Saunders, Edith Rebecca, Interviews: from daughter Anna Bidder and Delia Agar
1987 Sep
Box 14, Folder 73 Saunders, Edith Rebecca, "Edith Saunders & Carpel Polymorphism: A scientific Failure" Notes, Writings
1985, 1992, 1971
Box 14, Folder 74 Saunders, Edith Rebecca, Photographs, "The Staff-1896"
Box 15, Folder 75 Sermons
1964, 1969, 1971
Box 15, Folder 76 Sexuality in Wild Population of Equisetum Arvense Gametophytes
1962, 1966, undated.
Box 15, Folder 77 Sinnott, Edmund Ware: "Parallel Lives? Edmund Sinnott & Agnes Arber" Notes, Writing on Sinnott, Photographs
Box 15, Folder 0 South African Sojourn see Series VII, box 24, folder 12
Box 15, Folder 78 Stalking the Giant Horsetail
Box 15, Folder 79 Stomata Apparatus of Equisetum Toray
Box 15, Folder 80 Stomata Apparatus Equisetum + Specimens
Box 15, Folder 81 Systematic Study of Equisetum Arvense
Box 15, Folder 82 Systematic Study of Equisetum Arvense II
Box 15, Folder 83 "A Taxonomic Monograph of the Genus Equisetum Subgenus Hippochaete," Vol. I
Box 15a, Folder 84 "A Taxonomic Monograph of the Genus Equisetum Subgenus Hippochaete," Vol. II
Box 15a, Folder 85 A Taxonomic Monograph of the Genus Equisetum Subgenus Hippochaete, Vol. I (Draft)
Box 15a, Folder 86 A Taxonomic Monograph of the Genus Equisetum Subgenus Hippochaete, Vol. II (Draft)
Box 15a, Folder 87 A Taxonomic Monograph of the Genus.... - Correspondence
Box 15a, Folder 88 A Taxonomic Monograph of the Genus.... - Plates
Box 15a, Folder 89 Taxonomic Monograph of Equisetum Subgenus Equisetum
Box 15b, Folder 90 Taxonomic Monograph of Equisetum Subgenus Equisetum
Box 15b, Folder 91 Taxonomy of Equisetum: Galleys
Box 15b, Folder 92 Taxonomy of Equisetum: Galleys
Box 15b, Folder 93 Taxonomy of Equisetum: An Overview
Box 15b, Folder 94 Taxonomy of Equisetum: Specimen Requests
Box 15b, Folder 95 Tippo, Oz: Audio Cassette on Swamp Painting, "Foliar Theory of the Flower" by Richard Eyde & "On Carpel" by B.G.L. Swamy
Box 15b, Folder 96 Transition From Vegetative to Reproductive Equisetum: Correspondence
1982, 1985
Box 15b, Folder 97 Transition From Vegetative to Reproductive Equisetum: Typescripts
1982, 1985
Box 15b, Folder 98 "Two Interesting Cases of Simultaneous Discovery in the History of Biology and Some Implications Drawn There From"
Box 15b, Folder 99 Vesicular - Arbuscular Mycorrhizas in Equisetum
Box 15b, Folder 100 "Vingettes from the History of Plant Morphology or the Struggle of Every Leaf for Full Shoothood"
Box 15b, Folder 101 "Vingettes": Correspondence

Series 3. Botany Department
This series contains materials dealing with the Botany Department. The records include departmental correspondence and the agenda and minutes of the departmental meetings. There are also records of Professor Hauke's own Annual Peer Review and resume. This folder may be accessed by permission of the Archivist. This series also contains records kept by Professor Hauke while serving on the Merger Committee, Space Committee, Ranger Hall Renovation Committee, and the Safety Committee of which he was Chair. There are also memoranda concerning his work as Chair of the Greenhouse Committee within the Space Committee (box 18, folder 21).

The records are arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically by date within folders.

Container Description Date
Box 16, Folder 1 Annual Reviews and Resume of Professor Hauke
1975-1988, scattered
Box 16, Folder 2 Committees and Committee Reports
1964, 1974, 1986, undated.
Box 16, Folder 3 Correspondence, Departmental
Box 16, Folder 4 Correspondence, Departmental
Box 16, Folder 5 Correspondence, Departmental
Box 16, Folder 6 Correspondence, Departmental
Box 16, Folder 7 Correspondence, Departmental
1985-1989, undated.
Box 16, Folder 8 Curricular Reviews. See also: New Course Proposals
1978-1983, undated.
Box 16, Folder 9 Graduate Program in Botany
1969-1986, scattered
Box 17, Folder 10 Graduate Program Review
Box 17, Folder 11 Meetings of the Department: Agenda
1972-1973, 1984
Box 17, Folder 12 Meetings of the Department: Minutes
1960-1976, scattered
Box 17, Folder 13 Meetings of the Department: Minutes
Box 17, Folder 14 Meetings of the Department: Minutes
Box 17, Folder 15 Merger Committee Botany, Plant Science
1983-1984, undated.
Box 17, Folder 16 New Course Proposals
1972, 1976, undated.
Box 17, Folder 17 Ranger Hall Renovation Committee
Box 18, Folder 18 Safety Committee: Correspondence
Box 18, Folder 19 Safety Committee: Questionnaires
Box 18, Folder 20 Search Committee: Botany Chair
1983, 1986
Box 18, Folder 21 Space Committee
1979-1983, undated.
Box 18, Folder 22 Miscellaneous
1961-1981, undated., scattered

Series 4. Courses
This series contains syllabi and records of the courses that Professor Hauke taught. The records contain articles that dealt with the subject matter of the course, lecture notes and exams. The courses are arranged by their course code. Folders 21 and 22 which contain class grade/ record books may be accessed by permission of the Archivist.

Container Description Date
Box 19, Folder 1 BIO 101: Biology of Plants
1975-1985, undated., scattered
Box 19, Folder 2 BIO 401: Ecology
Box 19, Folder 3 BOT 102: Systems of Classifications
Box 19, Folder 4 BOT 111: General Botany
Box 19, Folder 5 BOT 111: General Botany, Kendall/Hunt Lab Guides
Box 19, Folder 6 BOT 202: Taxonomy of Vascular Plants. See also: BOT 402
Box 19, Folder 7 BOT 221: General Morphology
Box 19, Folder 8 BOT 311: Plant Anatomy
1959-1988, scattered
Box 19, Folder 9 BOT 321: General Plant Morphology
Box 19, Folder 10 BOT 402: Systematic Botany. See also: BOT 202
Box 19, Folder 11 BOT 490G: Modern Application of Light Microscopy
Box 19, Folder 12 BOT 490G: Modern Application of Light Microscopy: References
1963-1983, scattered
Box 19, Folder 13 BOT 491: Special Problems
1962, 1980, undated.
Box 19, Folder 14 BOT 491: Tutorial in Evolution of Embryophytes
Box 20, Folder 15 BOT 512: Morphology of Vascular Plants
Box 20, Folder 16 BOT 591, 592: Botanical Problems
1960-1964, 1972, undated.
Box 20, Folder 17 BOT 812: Pteridology (Summer Session at Michigan State University)
Box 20, Folder 18 HPR 302M: Plants in Civilization
1981-1983, undated.
Box 20, Folder 19 Summer Session Courses
1960-1971, scattered
Box 20, Folder 20 Class Grade/Record Books RESTRICTED.
Box 20, Folder 21 Class Grade/Record Books RESTRICTED.

Series 5. Conference and Seminar Papers
This series contains correspondence, papers, notes and drafts for the talks and lectures presented by Professor Hauke for the American Fern Society, New England Fern Conference, and the Botanical Society of America, among others.

Container Description Date
Box 21, Folder 1 American Fern Society: "Sexuality in a Wild Population of Equisetum Arvense"
Box 21, Folder 2 American Fern Society: "Gametangia of E. Bogotense"
Box 21, Folder 3 American Fern Society: "Some Effects of Light on Sexual Development in Equisetum Gametophytes"
Box 21, Folder 4 American Fern Society: "Pigmentation Accompanying Anthridial Development in Equisetum"
Box 21, Folder 5 American Fern Society: "Anatomical Oddities of Equisetum"
Box 21, Folder 6 American Fern Society: "Anatomical Oddities of Equisetum: The Ochreola
Box 21, Folder 7 American Institute for Biological Sciences: "Variation in Equisetum Arvense"
Box 21, Folder 8 American Institute for Biological Sciences: "Transition from Vegetative to Reproductive State of the Shoot Apex of Equisetum Telmateia"
Box 21, Folder 9 American Institute for Biological Sciences
Box 21, Folder 10 Biology Saturday Seminars
1961-1962, 1964-1966
Box 21, Folder 11 Botanical Society of America: "Gametophytes of Equisetum Giganteum"
Box 21, Folder 12 Botanical Society of America: "Ontogeny of Stomata of Equisetum"
Box 21, Folder 13 Botany Department Seminars
1974, 1979-1980, 1982, undated.
Box 21, Folder 14 History of Biology Seminar
Box 21, Folder 15 Kingston Garden Club: "The Ecology of Conservation"
Box 21, Folder 16 Michigan Academy of Sciences: "Stomatal Apparatus of the Genus Equisetum
Box 21, Folder 17 "The Naturalist in Europe"
Box 21, Folder 18 New England Fern Conference: "Studies on Sexuality of Equisetum Gametophytes"
Box 21, Folder 19 New England Fern Conference: "The Expanded Adaxial Epidermis of Equisetum Rhizone Sheath Teeth"
Box 21, Folder 20 New England Fern Conference: "Sexual and Reproduction in Equisetum"
Box 21, Folder 21 New England Fern Conference: "A Possible Genetic Model for Sex Determination in Equisetum"
Box 21, Folder 22 Plant Morphology Seminar: "Leaves of Lower Vascular Plants"
Box 21, Folder 23 Plant Morphology Seminar: "The Vasculature of Plant Appendages"
Box 21, Folder 24 Rhode Island Beekeepers' Association: "Nectar Secretions in Plants"
1960, 1962
Box 21, Folder 25 Rhode Island Schools' Science Fair: "Plant Anatomy, the Structure of Plants"
Box 21, Folder 26 Sigma Xi: "Studies on Central American Horsetails"
Box 21, Folder 26a Southeastern Fern Conference: "Tales of an Itinerant Equisetologist"
1990 Oct 12
Box 21, Folder 27 Symposium: "Problematic Groups in the Fern Allies and the Treatment of Subspecific Categories"
1968-1969, undated.
Box 21, Folder 28 University of Connecticut Seminar: "Some Light on Sex in Equisetum"
Box 21, Folder 29 University of Massachusetts, Amherst Seminar: "Life Among the Horsetails"
Box 21, Folder 30 University of Massachusetts, Boston Seminar: "Developmental Studies on Equisetum Gemtophytes"
Box 21, Folder 31 Zoology Department Lectures
1961-1972, scattered dates

Series 6. National Science Foundation Dates
This series contains research proposals and supporting documentation submitted for approval to the National Science Foundation.

Container Description Date
Box 22, Folder 1 Comparative Ontogeny of Strobilus Formation in Two Species of Equisetum
Box 22, Folder 2 Continuation of the Systematic Study of the Genus Equisetum
Box 22, Folder 3 Development of Coniferous vs. Vegetative Shoots of Equisetum Arvense (Horsetail)
Box 22, Folder 4 Developmental Reproductive Biology of Equisetum Hyemale
Box 22, Folder 5 Experimental Studies on Sexuality in Equisetum
Box 22, Folder 6 Natural History of Gametophyte Morphology of Equisetum Diffusion
Box 22, Folder 7 A Study of the Sexual Nature of Equisetum Gametophytes
1965-1970, undated.
Box 22, Folder 8 Summer Institutes in Biology
1960-1961, undated.
Box 22, Folder 9 A Systematic Study of Equisetum Arvense and Closely Allied Species
1960, 1963-1966
Box 22, Folder 10 A Systematic Study of Equisetum Arvense and Closely Allied Species: Bills & Receipts
1963-1966, undated.

Series 2. Kathleen A. Hauke Papers
Sub group 2, Kathleen A. Hauke, contains one Subject File series. This series is comprised of writings by Kathleen A. Hauke. Of particular interest is her family newsletter, the Jargonian. She began writing it in 1949 and offers an interesting look into the life and thoughts of an intellectually mature teenaged girl during the post WWII years. She continued writing the Jargonian into her adult years. In addition there are "Notes From African Diary" written in 1955 (Jargonian), journals of tours to South Africa, and a typescript manuscript entitled "Biography of John Bilson, M.D" written in 1975. Another item of note is the CANE newsletter the first few issues which Kathleen Hauke edited. Citizens for the Advancement of Negro Education (CANE) was an organization created to stimulate educational opportunities for Black children. A result of CANE's work was the establishment of the CANE Day Care Center which continues to operate today. The issues of the newsletter document the struggle for racial equity in education which was a big part of campus life in the 1970s.

Prior to 1998, Kathleen Hauke donated about 1.75 linear feet of her journals to the Schlesinger Library at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University.

Series 7. Subject File
This series is mostly comprised of writings by Kathleen A. Hauke. Of particular interest is her family newsletter, the Jargonian. She began writing her newsletter in 1949 and offers an interesting look into the life and thoughts of an intellectually mature teenaged girl during the post WWII years. She continued writing the Jargonian into her adult years. Of interest are "Notes From African Diary" written in 1955 (Jargonian, folder 9), journals of tours to South Africa, and a typescript manuscript entitled "Biography of John Bilson, M.D" written in 1975. Another item of note is the CANE newsletter the first few issues which Kathleen Hauke edited. Citizens for the Advancement of Negro Education (CANE) was an organization created to stimulate educational opportunities for Black children. A result of CANE's work was the establishment of the CANE Day Care Center which continues to operate today. The issues of the newsletter document the struggle for racial equity in education which was a big part of campus life in the 1970s.

Container Description Date
Box 23, Folder 1 Articles, Miscellaneous.
1984, 1987, 1988, 1999, undated.
Box 23, Folder 2 "Biography of John Bilson, M.D"
1975 May-Jun
Box 23, Folder 3 "Bus Tour of South Africa"
1988 Mar-Apr
Box 23, Folder 4 The Chapel Chronicle v. XIV, no. 7 (edited by K. Hauke)
1958 May 02
Box 23, Folder 5 Citizens to Advance Negro Education (CANE)
Box 23, Folder 6 "The Communion of Saints" Sermon Delivered by K. Hauke at St. Augustine's Canterbury Chapel
1971 Nov 07
Box 23, Folder 7 Duquette Family Cookbook bound with Memoir of Alice Loretta Hauke Schrag
Box 23, Folder 8 "The History of the European Traveler" Talk Presented to the Doagiac Junior Arts Club by Kathleen Armstrong and Sonia Valler
Box 23, Folder 9 Jargonian, v. I, no. 1- VIII, no.1, incomplete
Box 23, Folder 10 Jargonian, v. VI - VI, XXV-XXVI, incomplete
Box 23, Folder 11 "Outstanding Catholic Magazines" prepared for Christ the King Church, Catholic Press Month
1962 Feb
Box 23, Folder 12 Poston, Ted, Articles and Reviews Re.
Box 23, Folder 13 "South African Sojourn" by Richard L. Hauke with "South African Journal" by Kathleen A. Hauke