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Records of the President, Edward D. Eddy (Rec. Gr. 1.14)

University of RHode Island, University Archives and Special Collections

15 Lippitt Road, Kingston, RI 02881-2011
Tel: 401-874-4632
E-mail: archives@etal.uri.edu
Website: https://web.uri.edu/specialcollections/



Series I. Subject Files
118 box(es)
(54 linear feet)

The Subject Files series contains records on subjects ranging from Academic Affairs to President Eddy's trip to Zimbabwe. The files were transferred from their original folders to archival folders and most of the original titles were preserved. They reflect the interaction between President Eddy's office and other departments, organizations, committees and institutions within the University of Rhode Island and the larger educational and political community. Much of the content of the subject files is made up of correspondence combined with the memos, notes, and various other official records.

Topics covered by the records relate to the running of the University and include budget issues, Eddy's commitment to eradicating racial and sexual bias on and off campus, faculty grievances and teaching concerns, athletic files, admission issues, student housing concerns (in particular the issue of fraternities and sororities on campus), student conduct files, legal issues, maintenance of the physical plant of the university and construction plans, fund raising and development concerns, letters to the Office of Higher Education (which includes budget allocation approvals from the Board of Governors and an extensive list of correspondence from 1984 to 1991), athletics, and alumni affairs.

The controversial issues that faced Eddy during his tenure are represented in this series. Of particular interest in these files is folder 153, which contains news articles, alumni correspondence, and memos concerning the controversial hiring of McKinley Boston as the new Director of Athletics in 1989. In addition, Eddy faced numerous disciplinary problems with students. These are represented by the University Board on Student Conduct records which cover the years 1983 to 1991 and consist of memoranda, correspondence, criminal complaints, legal documents, newspaper articles and suspension notices. These records are confidential and restricted unless otherwise authorized for use by permission of this archival agency. These records contain school profiles, memoranda, correspondence, data sheets, provisionary material, and program guides.

Eddy was particularly involved with increasing the importance of the Graduate School of Oceanography. The Coastal Institute on Narragansett Bay contains files pertaining to the joint effort by Senator Pell and President Eddy to establish intensive research of marine ecosystems in Rhode Island to help promote efficient and secure methods of allowing the pursuit of local business ventures while maintaining the integrity of the bay's ecology. In these files are contained the proposals and outlines for the University of Rhode Island's Narragansett Bay Center-- the hub for this proposed research. These reports detail the objectives, goals, funding and research initiatives of the Narragansett Bay Center. There are also records of correspondence, memoranda, and news articles pertaining to the establishment of this venture. The records of the Graduate School of Oceanography are listed chronologically from 1983 to 1991. They contain programs of study, project proposals and reports, correspondence from Director John Knauss, and dedication brochures to the Marine Resources Building, November 18, 1983. Included are records of the Marine Advisory Council from 1983 to 1990.

Not only are issues concerning the running of the University of Rhode Island well represented by Eddy's records, but also represented are issues concerning national and state organizations which influence the University, such as the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASLUC). NASLUC is a conglomeration of higher education institutions that confront national and global issues arising in the scholastic community. Also represented are records from the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE), the Rhode Island Partnership for Science and Technology whose goal is to implement innovative science and technology programs into businesses, universities, and hospitals, and the University/School Partnership Program, a joint program between the University of Rhode Island and the Providence schools, whose goal was to provide better education to minority populations in Rhode Island's urban areas. These records also include correspondence, memoranda, agenda and itinerary sheets, and invitations that represent the activities of the Center for Pacific-Basin Capital Markets Research (PACAP), which President Eddy chaired. The PACAP was established in 1989 at the University of Rhode Island in order to provide a forum for business representatives and members of academia to work on strategies for implementing database technologies into Pacific-Basin capital markets.

The records of the president are diverse and reflect the myriad concerns of running a research and state university. From personnel grievances to scholarship, construction to resource development, the divergent issues confronting a university president are reflected in this series.

Arrangement: Folders in the series are arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically by date.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 Academic Affairs
1983-1984 Aug
Box 1, Folder 2 Academic Affairs
1984 Fall
Box 1, Folder 3 Academic Affairs
1986 Jan-Mar
Box 1, Folder 4 Academic Affairs
1986 Apr-May
Box 1, Folder 5 Academic Affairs
Box 1, Folder 6 Academic Affairs
1986 Jun-Sep
Box 1, Folder 7 Academic Affairs
1986 Oct-1987 Apr
Box 1, Folder 8 Academic Affairs
1987 May-Dec
Box 1, Folder 9 Academic Affairs
Box 2, Folder 10 Academic Computer Center
Box 2, Folder 11 Academic Computer Center
Box 2, Folder 12 Accreditation
Box 2, Folder 13 Accreditation
1987 Jan-Sep
Box 2, Folder 14 Accreditation
1988 Jan-Apr
Box 2, Folder 15 Accreditation
1987 Oct-Dec
Box 2, Folder 16 Accreditation
1988 May-Jun
Box 3, Folder 17 Accreditation
1988 Sep-1992
Box 3, Folder 18 Accreditation and Self-Study Report (Draft)
Box 3, Folder 19 Accreditation and Self-Study Report
1987 Aug
Box 3, Folder 20 Accreditation Study on Public Policy
1988 Apr
Box 3, Folder 21 Adams Hall, Use of
Box 3, Folder 22 Administrative Services
1983-1985, 1988
Box 3, Folder 23 Admissions Office
1983-1984 Oct
Box 3, Folder 24 Admissions Office
1984 Nov
Box 3, Folder 25 Admissions Office
1984 Dec-1985 Jun
Box 4, Folder 26 Admissions Office
1985 Jul-Dec
Box 4, Folder 27 Admissions Office
1986 Jan-Jul
Box 4, Folder 28 Admissions Office
1986 Aug-Dec
Box 4, Folder 29 Admissions Office
1987 Spring
Box 4, Folder 30 Admissions Office
1987 Jun-Dec
Box 4, Folder 31 Admissions Office
1988 Jan-Mar
Box 4, Folder 32 Admissions Office
1988 May-Dec
Box 4, Folder 33 Admissions Office
1989 Spring
Box 5, Folder 34 Admissions Office
1989 Jun-Dec
Box 5, Folder 35 Admissions Office
Box 5, Folder 36 Admissions Office
Box 5, Folder 37 Admissions Office
Box 5, Folder 38 Admissions Office- Undergraduate Admissions Reports
Box 5, Folder 39 Affirmative Action
Box 5, Folder 40 Affirmative Action
1985 Spring
Box 5, Folder 41 Affirmative Action
1985 Jun-Dec
Box 5, Folder 42 Affirmative Action
1986 Jan-Apr 2
Box 6, Folder 43 Affirmative Action
1986 Apr 3-Jun
Box 6, Folder 44 Affirmative Action
1986 Jul-Dec
Box 6, Folder 45 Affirmative Action
Box 6, Folder 46 Affirmative Action
1987 Jan- Aug
Box 6, Folder 47 Affirmative Action
1987 Fall
Box 6, Folder 48 Affirmative Action
1988 Spring
Box 6, Folder 49 Affirmative Action
1988 Jun-Dec
Box 6, Folder 50 Affirmative Action
1989 Jan-Sep
Box 6, Folder 51 Affirmative Action
1989 Oct-Dec
Box 7, Folder 52 Affirmative Action
Box 7, Folder 53 Affirmative Action
Box 7, Folder 54 Affirmative Action: Affirmative Action Plan
1983 Jul 1-1985 Jun 30
Box 7, Folder 55 Affirmative Action: Affirmative Action Plan
1983 Jul 1-1985 Jun 30
Box 7, Folder 56 Affirmative Recommendations Committee
1988 Apr-1989 Jan
Box 7, Folder 57 Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Committee
Box 7, Folder 58 Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Committee
1983 Dec-1985 Sep
Box 7, Folder 59 Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Committee
1986 Oct-1987 Jul
Box 8, Folder 60 Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Committee
1987 Jul-1988 Jan
Box 8, Folder 61 Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Committee
1988 Oct-1989 Mar
Box 8, Folder 62 Affirmative Action: Policies and Procedures
Box 8, Folder 63 Affirmative Action Program Review
Box 8, Folder 64 African American Studies Program
Box 8, Folder 65 AIDS
Box 8, Folder 66 Alcohol Task Force
Box 8, Folder 67 Alumni Affairs
1979 Jul-1981 Dec
Box 8, Folder 68 Alumni Affairs
1982 Feb-1983 Jun
Box 8, Folder 69 Alumni Affairs
1983-1984 Apr
Box 9, Folder 70 Alumni Affairs
1984 May-Dec
Box 9, Folder 71 Alumni Affairs
1985 Spring
Box 9, Folder 72 Alumni Affairs
1985 Jun-Dec
Box 9, Folder 73 Alumni Affairs
1986 Spring
Box 9, Folder 74 Alumni Affairs
1986 Jun-Dec
Box 9, Folder 75 Alumni Affairs
1987 Jan-Apr
Box 9, Folder 76 Alumni Affairs
1987 May- Dec
Box 9, Folder 77 Alumni Affairs
1988 Spring
Box 10, Folder 78 Alumni Affairs
1988 Jun-Dec
Box 10, Folder 79 Alumni Affairs
1989 Jan-Mar
Box 10, Folder 80 Alumni Affairs
1989 Apr-Dec
Box 10, Folder 81 Alumni Affairs
Box 10, Folder 82 Alumni Affairs: Case Consultant Report
1987 Nov
Box 10, Folder 83 Alumni Center Project
1987 May-Dec
Box 10, Folder 84 American Association for Higher Education
Box 10, Folder 85 American Association for University Professors (AAUP)
Box 10, Folder 86 American Association for University Professors (AAUP)
Box 10, Folder 87 American Association for University Professors (AAUP)
Box 11, Folder 88 American Association for University Professors (AAUP)
1986-1987 Mar
Box 11, Folder 89 American Association for University Professors (AAUP)
1987 Apr-1988 Jun
Box 11, Folder 90 American Association for University Professors (AAUP)
1988 Jul-1990
Box 11, Folder 91 American Association of University Women
Box 11, Folder 92 American Council on Education
Box 11, Folder 93 American Council on Education
Box 11, Folder 94 Archives
Box 11, Folder 95 Arts and Sciences, College of
Box 11, Folder 96 Arts and Sciences, College of
1985-1987 Sep
Box 11, Folder 97 Arts and Sciences, College of
1987 Oct-1988 Aug
Box 12, Folder 98 Arts and Sciences, College of
1988 Sep-1991
Box 12, Folder 99 Art and Sciences, College of: Art Department
Box 12, Folder 100 Arts and Sciences, College of: Biochemistry/Biophysics
Box 12, Folder 101 Arts and Sciences, College of: Biological Science Dept.
Box 12, Folder 102 Arts and Sciences, College of: Botany Dept.
Box 12, Folder 103 Arts and Sciences, College of: Chemistry Dept.
Box 12, Folder 104 Arts and Sciences, College of: Communicative Disorders
Box 12, Folder 105 Arts and Sciences, College of: Computer Science Dept.
Box 12, Folder 106 Arts and Sciences, College of: Dental Hygiene
Box 12, Folder 107 Arts and Sciences, College of: Economics Dept.
Box 12, Folder 108 Arts and Sciences, College of: Education
Box 12, Folder 109 Arts and Sciences, College of: English Dept.
Box 12, Folder 110 Arts and Sciences, College of: Geography and Marine Affairs
Box 12, Folder 111 Arts and Sciences, College of: Geology Dept.
Box 12, Folder 112 Arts and Sciences, College of: History Dept.
Box 12, Folder 113 Arts and Sciences, College of: Journalism Dept.
Box 12, Folder 114 Arts and Sciences, College of: Languages Dept.
Box 12, Folder 115 Arts and Sciences, College of: Political Science Dept.
Box 12, Folder 116 Arts and Sciences, College of: Mathematics Dept.
Box 13, Folder 117 Arts and Sciences, College of: Microbiology
Box 13, Folder 118 Arts and Sciences, College of: Military Science
Box 13, Folder 119 Arts and Sciences, College of: Music Dept.
Box 13, Folder 120 Arts and Sciences, College of: Music Dept.
Box 13, Folder 121 Arts and Sciences, College of: Philosophy Dept.
Box 13, Folder 122 Arts and Sciences, College of: Physics Dept.
Box 13, Folder 123 Arts and Sciences, College of: Psychology Dept.
Box 13, Folder 124 Arts and Sciences, College of: Psychology Dept.
Box 13, Folder 125 Arts and Sciences, College of: Sociology/Anthropology Dept.
Box 13, Folder 126 Arts and Sciences, College of: Theater Dept.
Box 14, Folder 127 Arts and Sciences, College of: Zoology Dept.
Box 14, Folder 128 Arts Fee
Box 14, Folder 129 Asbestos Abatement Plan
1986 May 21
Box 14, Folder 130 Association of Urban Universities
Box 14, Folder 131 Athletics
1983 Sep-1984 Jun
Box 14, Folder 132 Athletics
1984 Jul-Sep
Box 14, Folder 133 Athletics
1984 Oct-1985 Apr
Box 14, Folder 134 Athletics
1985 May-Sep
Box 14, Folder 136 Athletics
1985 Oct-Dec
Box 14, Folder 137 Athletics
1986 Jan-Jun
Box 15, Folder 138 Athletics
1986 Jul-Sep
Box 15, Folder 139 Athletics
1986 Oct-1987 Feb
Box 15, Folder 140 Athletics
1987 Mar-Apr
Box 15, Folder 141 Athletics
1987 May-Jun
Box 15, Folder 142 Athletics
1987 Jul- Dec
Box 15, Folder 143 Athletics
1988 Jan-Mar
Box 15, Folder 144 Athletics
1988 Apr-Jun
Box 16, Folder 145 Athletics
1988 Jul-Nov
Box 16, Folder 146 Athletics
1988 Dec-1989 Mar
Box 16, Folder 147 Athletics
1989 Apr-Oct
Box 16, Folder 148 Athletics
1989 Nov-1990 Aug
Box 16, Folder 149 Athletics
1990 Sep-1991
Box 16, Folder 150 Athletics
Box 17, Folder 151 Athletics: Athletic Director Search
1988 Feb-Jun
Box 17, Folder 152 Athletics: Athletic Director Search
1988 Jul-Nov
Box 17, Folder 153 Athletics: Athletic Director Search
1988 Dec-1989
Box 17, Folder 154 Athletics: Blue and White Fund
Box 17, Folder 155 Athletics: Football
Box 17, Folder 0 Athletics: NCAA
Box 17, Folder 156 Athletics: Penders, Thomas (Basketball Coach)
Box 17, Folder 157 Athletics: Walsh, Alison (Field Hockey Coach)
Box 17, Folder 158 Athletics: Women's Athletics
Box 17, Folder 159 Athletics: Yankee Conference
Box 18, Folder 160 Athletics: Yankee Conference
Box 18, Folder 161 Athletics: Yankee Conference
Box 18, Folder 162 Audiovisual Center
Box 18, Folder 163 Auditor General's Report
Box 18, Folder 164 Auditor General's Report
Box 18, Folder 165 Beaudoin, Bee D.
Box 18, Folder 166 Ben Franklin Partnership Program
Box 18, Folder 167 Blue Ribbon Commission
Box 18, Folder 168 Blue Ribbon Commission (see also: Koch Report)
Box 19, Folder 169 Blue Ribbon Commission
1986 Jan-Mar
Box 19, Folder 170 Blue Ribbon Commission
1986 Apr-Jun
Box 19, Folder 171 Blue Ribbon Commission
1986 Aug-1987 Jun
Box 19, Folder 172 Blue Ribbon Commission
1987 Feb-Jun
Box 19, Folder 173 Blue Ribbon Commission: Support Material
Box 19, Folder 174 Bond Issues
1986 Mar-Sep 23
Box 19, Folder 175 Bond Issues
1986 Sep 24-30
Box 19, Folder 176 Bond Issues
1986 Oct
Box 20, Folder 177 Bond Issues
1986 Nov-Dec
Box 20, Folder 178 Bond Issues
1988 Mar-Oct
Box 20, Folder 179 Bond Issues
1988 Nov-Dec
Box 20, Folder 180 Bond Issues
Box 20, Folder 181 Bookstore Committee
Box 20, Folder 182 Budget
Box 20, Folder 183 Budget
Box 20, Folder 184 Budget
Box 20, Folder 185 Budget
Box 21, Folder 186 Budget
Box 21, Folder 187 Budget: Board of Governors Allocation Request
Box 21, Folder 188 Budget: Board of Governors Budget Request
Box 21, Folder 189 Budget: Board of Governors Budget Request
Box 21, Folder 190 Budget: Board of Governors Budget Request
Box 21, Folder 191 Business Administration, College of
Box 21, Folder 192 Business Administration, College of
Box 22, Folder 193 Business Administration, College of
Box 22, Folder 194 Business Administration, College of
1988 Jan-Jul 16
Box 22, Folder 195 Business Administration, College of
1988 Jul 19-Dec
Box 22, Folder 196 Business Administration, College of
1989 Jan-Sep
Box 22, Folder 197 Business Administration, College of
1989 Nov-1991
Box 22, Folder 198 Business Administration, College of: Business Advisory Council
Box 23, Folder 199 Business Administration, College of: Dean Search
1984-1985 Mar
Box 23, Folder 200 Business Administration, College of: Dean Search
1985 Apr-Jul
Box 23, Folder 201 Business Administration, College of: Doctoral Program
Box 23, Folder 202 Business Administration, College of: Gardiner, Dorothy
Box 23, Folder 203 Business Advisory Council Dinner
1982 May 14
Box 23, Folder 204 Business and Finance, Office of
1983-1984 Aug
Box 23, Folder 205 Business and Finance, Office of
1984 Sep-1985 Mar
Box 23, Folder 206 Business and Finance, Office of
1985 Apr-1986 Jun
Box 23, Folder 207 Business and Finance, Office of
1986 Jul-1988 Sep
Box 24, Folder 208 Business and Finance, Office of
1988 Oct-Dec
Box 24, Folder 209 Business and Finance, Office of
1989-1990 Aug
Box 24, Folder 210 Business and Finance, Office of
1990 Sep-1991
Box 24, Folder 211 Business Manager, Office of
Box 24, Folder 212 Calendar of Opening Days
1985 Fall
Box 24, Folder 213 Carothers: Admission
Box 24, Folder 214 Capitol Development Recommendations
Box 24, Folder 215 Centennial Celebration
Box 24, Folder 216 Centennial Celebration
Box 25, Folder 217 Centennial Celebration
Box 25, Folder 218 Chafee, Senator John H.
Box 25, Folder 219 Chaplains
Box 25, Folder 220 Clinicalleluia
1990 May 1
Box 25, Folder 221 Coastal Institute on Narragansett Bay
Box 25, Folder 222 Coastal Institute on Narragansett Bay
Box 25, Folder 223 Coastal Institute on Narragansett Bay
Box 25, Folder 224 Coastal Institute on Narragansett Bay
Box 26, Folder 225 Cogeneration Project
Box 26, Folder 226 Collective Bargaining
1986-1987 Apr
Box 26, Folder 227 Collective Bargaining
1987 May-Sep
Box 26, Folder 228 College Guides
Box 26, Folder 229 College of Continuing Education
1983-1986 Sep
Box 26, Folder 230 College of Continuing Education
1986 Oct-1987 Apr
Box 26, Folder 231 College of Continuing Education
1987 May-1988 Jun
Box 26, Folder 232 College of Continuing Education
1988 Jul-1991
Box 27, Folder 233 College of Continuing Education: Relocation
1987-1988 Nov
Box 27, Folder 234 College of Continuing Education: Relocation
1988 Dec-1992
Box 27, Folder 235 Colleges and Universities: Community College of Rhode Island
Box 27, Folder 236 Colleges and Universities: Brown University
Box 27, Folder 237 Commencement
Box 27, Folder 238 Commencement
Box 27, Folder 239 Commencement
Box 27, Folder 240 Commencement
Box 27, Folder 241 Commencement
Box 28, Folder 242 Commencement Brunch
Box 28, Folder 243 Commencement Brunch
Box 28, Folder 244 Commencement Brunch
Box 28, Folder 245 Commencement Budget
Box 28, Folder 246 Commencement Budget
Box 28, Folder 247 Commencement Budget
Box 28, Folder 248 Commencement Budget
Box 29, Folder 249 Commencement Budget
Box 29, Folder 250 Commencement Budget
Box 29, Folder 251 Commencement Speeches: Albert E. Carlotti, Antonio Ponvert
Box 29, Folder 252 Commencement Ceremonial Committee
Box 29, Folder 253 Commencement Ceremonial Committee
Box 29, Folder 254 Commencement Citations
Box 29, Folder 255 Commencement Correspondence
Box 29, Folder 256 Commencement Correspondence
Box 29, Folder 257 Commencement Dinner
Box 29, Folder 258 Commencement Dinner
Box 29, Folder 259 Commencement: Edward DiPrete
Box 29, Folder 260 Commencement: Myron Essex
Box 29, Folder 261 Commencement: Athol Fugard
Box 29, Folder 262 Commencement: Honorary Degrees
Box 30, Folder 263 Commencement: Invitations and Lists
Box 30, Folder 264 Commencement: Letter to Sponsor
Box 30, Folder 265 Commencement: Richard M. Oster
Box 30, Folder 266 Commencement: Raymond J. Pettine
Box 30, Folder 267 Commencement: Platform Party
Box 30, Folder 268 Commencement: Programs
Box 30, Folder 269 Commencement: Programs
Box 30, Folder 270 Commencement: Publications
Box 30, Folder 271 Commencement: Rain Plan
Box 30, Folder 272 Commencement: A. Robert Rainville
Box 30, Folder 273 Commencement: RI State Council on the Arts
Box 30, Folder 274 Commencement: Gene Saks
Box 30, Folder 275 Commencement: Work Schedule
Box 30, Folder 276 Commencement: Script
Box 30, Folder 277 Commencement: John Sculley
Box 30, Folder 278 Commencement: Neil Simon
Box 30, Folder 279 Commencement: Speaker
Box 30, Folder 280 Commencement: Speakers
Box 30, Folder 281 Commencement: Sponsors
Box 30, Folder 282 Commencement: Leon H. Sullivan
Box 30, Folder 283 Commencement: Thank You's
Box 30, Folder 284 Committees
Box 30, Folder 285 Controllers Office
1983-1985 Sep
Box 30, Folder 286 Controllers Office
1985 Oct-1986
Box 30, Folder 287 Controllers Office
Box 31, Folder 288 Controllers Office
1989 Jan-Mar
Box 31, Folder 289 Controllers Office
1989 Apr-1991
Box 31, Folder 290 Correspondence A-E
Box 31, Folder 291 Correspondence F-L
Box 31, Folder 292 Correspondence M-R
Box 31, Folder 293 Correspondence S-Y
Box 31, Folder 294 Council of Presidents
Box 31, Folder 295 Council of Presidents
1985 Jan-June 10
Box 32, Folder 296 Council of Presidents
1985 Jun 13-Aug
Box 32, Folder 297 Council of Presidents
1985 Sep-1986 Feb 14
Box 32, Folder 298 Council of Presidents
1986 Feb-Apr
Box 32, Folder 299 Council of Presidents
1986 Jun-Oct
Box 32, Folder 300 Council of Presidents
1986 Nov-1987 Apr
Box 32, Folder 301 Council of Presidents
1987 Jun-Aug
Box 33, Folder 302 Council of Presidents
1987 Fall
Box 33, Folder 303 Council of Presidents
1988 Jan-May 19
Box 33, Folder 304 Council of Presidents
1988 May 20-1989 May
Box 33, Folder 305 Council of Presidents
1989 Jul- Dec
Box 33, Folder 306 Council of Presidents
1990 Jan-Apr
Box 34, Folder 307 Council of Presidents
1990 May-Aug
Box 34, Folder 308 Council of Presidents
1990 Sep-1991 Jan 22
Box 34, Folder 309 Council of Presidents
1991 Jan 24-Feb
Box 34, Folder 310 Council of Presidents
1991 Mar-Apr
Box 34, Folder 311 Council of Presidents
1991 Jun-Sep
Box 34, Folder 312 Council of Presidents
1991 Oct-1992
Box 34, Folder 313 Council of Presidents: Annual Meeting
Box 35, Folder 314 Council of Presidents: Effective University Leadership
Box 35, Folder 315 Council of Presidents: Young Flagship Study
Box 35, Folder 316 Danforth Workshop
Box 35, Folder 317 Danforth Workshop
Box 35, Folder 318 Daycare
Box 35, Folder 319 Development and University Relations
1983 Sep-1984 Feb
Box 35, Folder 320 Development and University Relations
1984 Mar-Jul
Box 35, Folder 321 Development and University Relations
1984 Aug-Nov
Box 35, Folder 322 Development and University Relations
1984 Dec
Box 36, Folder 323 Development and University Relations
1985 Jan-Sep
Box 36, Folder 324 Development and University Relations
1985 Oct-1986 Apr
Box 36, Folder 325 Development and University Relations
1986 May-Dec
Box 36, Folder 326 Development and University Relations
1987 Jan-Jun
Box 36, Folder 327 Development and University Relations
1987 Jul-Dec
Box 36, Folder 328 Development and University Relations
1988 Jan-Jun
Box 37, Folder 329 Development and University Relations
1988 Jul-Dec
Box 37, Folder 330 Development and University Relations
Box 37, Folder 331 Development and University Relations: Director, Annual Fund Search
Box 37, Folder 332 Development and University Relations: Director of Development
1983-1984 Sep
Box 37, Folder 333 Development and University Relations: Director of Development
1984 Oct-1986
Box 37, Folder 335 Development and University Relations: Oak and Poster Campaign
Box 38, Folder 336 Development and University Relations: Oak and Poster Campaign
Box 38, Folder 337 Dining Services Warehouse/Office Complex
Box 38, Folder 338 Dinner for Candidates for honorary Degrees
1982 May 29
Box 38, Folder 339 Ecuador: Coastal Management Program
Box 38, Folder 340 Engineering, College of
1983 Sep-1984 Mar 26
Box 38, Folder 341 Engineering, College of
1984 Mar 27-Apr
Box 38, Folder 342 Engineering, College of
1984 May-Jul
Box 38, Folder 343 Engineering, College of
1984 Aug-Oct 15
Box 39, Folder 344 Engineering, College of
1984 Oct 18-Dec
Box 39, Folder 345 Engineering, College of
1985 Jan-Jul
Box 39, Folder 346 Engineering, College of
1985 Aug-Oct
Box 39, Folder 347 Engineering, College of
1985 Nov-1986 Jul
Box 39, Folder 348 Engineering, College of
1986 Aug-1987 Feb
Box 39, Folder 349 Engineering, College of
1987 Mar-Apr
Box 40, Folder 350 Engineering, College of
1987 May-1988 May
Box 40, Folder 351 Engineering, College of
1988 Jun-1989 Jun
Box 40, Folder 352 Engineering, College of
1989 Jul-Oct
Box 40, Folder 353 Engineering, College of
1989 Nov-1991
Box 40, Folder 354 Enhancing the System
Box 40, Folder 355 Enrollment
1983 Oct-1985 Mar
Box 40, Folder 356 Enrollment and Retention Task Force Report
1983 Sep
Box 40, Folder 357 Faculty: Emeritus
Box 41, Folder 358 Faculty: Emeritus
Box 41, Folder 359 Faculty: Emeritus
1987-1988 Sep
Box 41, Folder 360 Faculty: Emeritus Status
1988 Oct-1991
Box 41, Folder 361 Faculty Grievances
Box 41, Folder 362 Finklestein Lecture
Box 41, Folder 363 Flying Boat Society
Box 41, Folder 364 Foundations
Box 41, Folder 365 Foundations: Carnegie
Box 41, Folder 366 Foundations: Champlin
1984-1986 Aug
Box 41, Folder 367 Foundations: Champlin
1986 Oct-1987
Box 42, Folder 368 Foundations: Champlin
Box 42, Folder 369 Foundations: Champlin Proposals
1987-1991 Jan
Box 42, Folder 370 Foundations: Ford
Box 42, Folder 371 Foundations Fullbright
1986 Jun-1987 Oct
Box 42, Folder 372 Foundations: General Electric
Box 42, Folder 373 Foundations: Kellog
1983, 1985
Box 42, Folder 374 Foundations: Kresge
1984 Jan
Box 42, Folder 375 Foundations: Mellon
Box 42, Folder 376 Fraternities and Sororities
Box 42, Folder 377 Fraternities and Sororities
1987 Jan-Jun
Box 42, Folder 378 Fraternities and Sororities
1987 Sep-1988 Sep
Box 43, Folder 379 Fraternities and Sororities
1988 Oct-1989
Box 43, Folder 380 Fraternities and Sororities
Box 43, Folder 381 Fraternities and Sororities: Theta Chi Discipline Problems
Box 43, Folder 382 Gordon Research Conferences
Box 43, Folder 383 Governor's Office
Box 43, Folder 384 Governor's Office
1986 Jan-Aug
Box 43, Folder 385 Governor's Office
1986 Sep-1987 Mar
Box 44, Folder 386 Governor's Office
1987 Apr-1988 Apr
Box 44, Folder 387 Governor's Office
1988 Jul-1990 Jan
Box 44, Folder 388 Governor's Office
1990 Feb-1991
Box 44, Folder 389 Graduate School
1983-1985 Jul
Box 44, Folder 390 Graduate School
1985 Nov-1986
Box 44, Folder 391 Graduate School
1987 Jan-Jun
Box 44, Folder 392 Graduate School
1987 Aug-1988
Box 45, Folder 393 Graduate School
Box 45, Folder 394 Graduate School of Library and Information Studies
1983-1985 Oct
Box 45, Folder 395 Graduate School of Library and Information Studies
1985 Nov-1986 Mar
Box 45, Folder 396 Graduate School of Library and Information Studies
1986 Apr-Oct
Box 45, Folder 397 Graduate School of Library and Information Studies
Box 45, Folder 398 Greenhouse Compact
Box 45, Folder 399 Handicapped Services
Box 45, Folder 400 Health Services
Box 46, Folder 401 Health Services
Box 46, Folder 402 Health Services
Box 46, Folder 403 Higher Education Resource Services
Box 46, Folder 404 Highlights of 1983-1985 Report from the President
Box 46, Folder 405 Horn, Francis: Correspondence
Box 46, Folder 406 High-Tech Program and Reception
1985 Oct 22
Box 46, Folder 407 General Assembly Address
1983 Nov 21
Box 46, Folder 408 Graham, George: Retirement Luncheon
1982 May 25
Box 46, Folder 409 Honorary Degrees
Box 46, Folder 410 Honorary Degrees
Box 47, Folder 411 Honorary Degrees
Box 47, Folder 412 Honorary Degrees
Box 47, Folder 413 Honorary Degrees: Bisson, William
Box 47, Folder 414 Honorary Degrees: Candidate Sponsor Dinner
Box 47, Folder 415 Honorary Degrees: Carlson, Eleanor
Box 47, Folder 416 Honorary Degrees: Certificates
Box 47, Folder 417 Honorary Degrees: Committee
Box 47, Folder 418 Honorary Degrees: Committee
Box 47, Folder 419 Honorary Degrees: Committee
Box 47, Folder 420 Honorary Degrees: Trudy Coxe
Box 48, Folder 421 Honorary Degrees: Anita DeFrantz
Box 48, Folder 422 Honorary Degrees: Diner
Box 48, Folder 423 Honorary Degrees: Earle, Sylvia
Box 48, Folder 424 Honorary Degrees: Fugard, Athol
Box 48, Folder 425 Honorary Degrees: Jordan, Barbara
Box 48, Folder 426 Honorary Degrees: Levine, Irvine
Box 48, Folder 427 Honorary Degrees: McLaughlin, Ann
Box 48, Folder 428 Honorary Degrees: Murray, Daniel and Blanche
Box 48, Folder 429 Honorary Degrees: Newman, Frank
Box 48, Folder 430 Honorary Degrees: Nominees
Box 48, Folder 431 Honorary Degrees: Shriver, Eunice
Box 48, Folder 432 Honorary Degrees: Sullivan, Rev. Leon H.
Box 48, Folder 433 Honorary Degrees: Wilkes, David
Box 48, Folder 434 Human Science and Services, College of
Box 48, Folder 435 Human Science and Services, College of
1985 Jan-Aug
Box 49, Folder 436 Human Science and Services, College of
1985 Fall
Box 49, Folder 437 Human Science and Services, College of
1986 Jan-Jun
Box 49, Folder 438 Human Science and Services, College of
1986 Jul-1987 Apr
Box 49, Folder 439 Human Science and Services, College of
1987 May-Dec
Box 49, Folder 440 Human Science and Services, College of
1988 Jan-Oct
Box 49, Folder 441 Human Science and Services, College of
1988 Nov-1991
Box 50, Folder 442 IBM
Box 50, Folder 443 Independence Square Project
Box 50, Folder 444 Institute for International Sport
Box 50, Folder 445 Institute for International Sport
1987 Spring
Box 50, Folder 446 Institute for International Sport
1987 Jun-Oct
Box 50, Folder 447 Institute for International Sport
1987 Nov-1988 Mar
Box 50, Folder 448 Institute for International Sport
1988 Apr-Jun
Box 51, Folder 449 Institute for International Sport
1988 Jul-1989 Apr
Box 51, Folder 450 Institute for International Sport
1989 Jun-1991
Box 51, Folder 451 Institutional Research and Planning
Box 51, Folder 452 Institutional Research and Planning
Box 51, Folder 453 Institutional Research and Planning
Box 51, Folder 454 Institutional Research and Planning
Box 51, Folder 455 Institutional Research and Planning
Box 51, Folder 456 Instructional Reports
Box 52, Folder 457 Instructional Reports
Box 52, Folder 458 Intellect Property
Box 52, Folder 459 International Student Affairs
Box 52, Folder 460 Job Applications
Box 52, Folder 461 Joint Educational Policy Committee
Box 52, Folder 462 Judicial Board See University Board on Student Conduct
Box 52, Folder 463 King, Martin Luther Day
Box 52, Folder 464 Koch Report See also Blue Ribbon Commission
Box 52, Folder 465 Labor research Center
Box 53, Folder 466 Ladd School Property: Proposals for Use of
Box 53, Folder 467 Law School
Box 53, Folder 468 Leadership
Box 53, Folder 469 Legal Counsel
1983 Sep-1984
Box 53, Folder 470 Legal Counsel
Box 53, Folder 471 Legal Counsel
1987 Jan-Mar
Box 53, Folder 472 Legal Counsel
1987 Apr-May
Box 53, Folder 473 Legal Counsel
1987 Jun-Oct
Box 54, Folder 474 Legal Counsel
1987 Nov-1988 Feb
Box 54, Folder 475 Legal Counsel
1988 Apr-May
Box 54, Folder 476 Legal Counsel
1988 Jun-Dec
Box 54, Folder 477 Legal Counsel
1989 Jan-Jul
Box 54, Folder 478 Legal Counsel
1984 Aug-1991
Box 54, Folder 479 Legal Counsel
Box 54, Folder 480 Library
Box 55, Folder 481 Library
1987 Sep-1988
Box 55, Folder 482 Library
Box 55, Folder 483 Machley, Ronald, Rep.
Box 55, Folder 484 Mackal Forum: See Plant Development
Box 55, Folder 485 Maternity Leave
Box 55, Folder 486 Minority Affairs
Box 55, Folder 487 Mission Statements
Box 55, Folder 488 Memorial Union Five Year Plan
Box 55, Folder 490 Murray Commission
1984 Jan-Apr
Box 55, Folder 491 Murray Commission
1985 Apr, 1987 May-Aug
Box 56, Folder 492 Murray Commissions
Box 56, Folder 493 National Academy of Science
Box 56, Folder 494 National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC)
1983-1984 Jun
Box 56, Folder 495 National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC)
1984 Jul-Dec
Box 56, Folder 496 National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC)
1985 Jan-Apr
Box 56, Folder 497 National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC)
1985 Jun-1986 Apr
Box 56, Folder 498 National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC)
1986 Aug-Dec
Box 57, Folder 499 National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC)
Box 57, Folder 500 National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC)
Box 57, Folder 501 National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC)
Box 57, Folder 502 National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC)
Box 57, Folder 503 National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC): Project 2000 Issue Papers
1984 Jun-Oct
Box 57, Folder 504 National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC): Project 2000 Issue Papers
1984 Nov-1985
Box 57, Folder 505 National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC): Position Papers
Box 58, Folder 506 National Commission on Excellence Seminar
1982 Aug
Box 58, Folder 507 National Science Foundation
Box 58, Folder 508 National Science Foundation
1985-1986 Sep
Box 58, Folder 509 National Science Foundation
1986 Oct-1990
Box 58, Folder 510 Nepotism
1979-1980, 1985, 1990
Box 58, Folder 511 New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)
Box 58, Folder 512 New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)
Box 59, Folder 513 New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)
Box 59, Folder 514 New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)
Box 59, Folder 515 New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE)
Box 59, Folder 516 New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE)
Box 59, Folder 517 New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE)
1986-1987 Jun
Box 59, Folder 518 New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE)
1987 Jul-Dec
Box 60, Folder 519 New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE)
Box 60, Folder 520 New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE)
Box 60, Folder 521 New England Council
Box 60, Folder 522 New England Council
Box 60, Folder 523 New England Council
Box 60, Folder 524 New Programs: Ph.D. in Education
Box 60, Folder 525 New York Times Guide to Colleges
Box 61, Folder 526 Nursing, College of
Box 61, Folder 527 Nursing, College of
Box 61, Folder 528 Nursing, College of: Self-Study Report Vol. I
Box 61, Folder 529 Nursing, College of : Self-Study Vol. II
Box 61, Folder 530 Oceanography, Graduate School of
Box 61, Folder 531 Oceanography, Graduate School of
1985 Jan-Jun
Box 61, Folder 532 Oceanography, Graduate School of
1985 Jul-Aug
Box 62, Folder 533 Oceanography, Graduate School of
1985 Fall
Box 62, Folder 534 Oceanography, Graduate School of
1986 Jan-Apr
Box 62, Folder 535 Oceanography, Graduate School of
1986 May-Jul
Box 62, Folder 536 Oceanography, Graduate School of
1986 Aug-Dec
Box 62, Folder 537 Oceanography, Graduate School of
1987 Jan-Mar
Box 62, Folder 538 Oceanography, Graduate School of
1987 Apr
Box 63, Folder 539 Oceanography, Graduate School of
1987 May-Aug
Box 63, Folder 540 Oceanography, Graduate School of
1987 Fall
Box 63, Folder 541 Oceanography, Graduate School of
1988 Jan-Apr
Box 63, Folder 542 Oceanography, Graduate School of
1988 May-Aug
Box 63, Folder 543 Oceanography, Graduate School of
1988 Sep
Box 63, Folder 544 Oceanography, Graduate School of
1988 Oct
Box 63, Folder 545 Oceanography, Graduate School of
1988 Nov-Dec
Box 64, Folder 546 Oceanography, Graduate School of
1989 Jan-Mar
Box 64, Folder 547 Oceanography, Graduate School of
1989 Apr-Jun
Box 64, Folder 548 Oceanography, Graduate School of
1989 Jul-Dec
Box 64, Folder 549 Oceanography, Graduate School of
1990 Jan-Jun
Box 64, Folder 550 Oceanography, Graduate School of
1990 Jul-Dec
Box 64, Folder 551 Oceanography, Graduate School of
Box 65, Folder 552 Oceanography, Graduate School of: Center for Ocean Management Studies (COMS)
Box 65, Folder 553 Oceanography, Graduate School of: John and Joanne Davis Endowment
Box 65, Folder 554 Oceanography, Graduate School of: Duce, Dr. Robert A. (Dean)
Box 65, Folder 555 Oceanography, Graduate School of: Marine Advisory Council
Box 65, Folder 556 Oceanography, Graduate School of: Marine Advisory Council
Box 65, Folder 557 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Approvals
Box 65, Folder 558 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Approvals
Box 65, Folder 559 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Approvals
Box 66, Folder 560 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Approvals
Box 66, Folder 561 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Approvals
Box 66, Folder 562 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Approvals
Box 66, Folder 563 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1984 Jan-Aug
Box 66, Folder 564 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1984 Sep
Box 66, Folder 565 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1984 Oct
Box 67, Folder 566 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1984 Nov
Box 67, Folder 567 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1984 Dec
Box 67, Folder 568 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1985 Jan-Feb
Box 67, Folder 569 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1985 Mar
Box 67, Folder 570 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1985 Apr-May
Box 67, Folder 571 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1985 Jun-Jul 9
Box 68, Folder 572 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1985 Jul 17-Aug
Box 68, Folder 573 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1985 Sep
Box 68, Folder 574 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1985 Oct
Box 68, Folder 575 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1985 Nov
Box 68, Folder 576 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1985 Dec
Box 68, Folder 577 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1986 Jan
Box 69, Folder 578 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1986 Feb
Box 69, Folder 579 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1986 Mar
Box 69, Folder 580 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1986 Apr
Box 69, Folder 581 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1986 May 5-19
Box 69, Folder 582 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1986 May 21-31
Box 69, Folder 583 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1986 Jun-Jul
Box 70, Folder 584 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1986 Aug
Box 70, Folder 585 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1986 Sep-Oct
Box 70, Folder 586 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1986 Nov-Dec
Box 70, Folder 587 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1987 Jan
Box 70, Folder 588 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1987 Feb
Box 70, Folder 589 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1987 Mar
Box 71, Folder 590 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1987 Apr
Box 71, Folder 591 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1987 May
Box 71, Folder 592 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1987 Jun
Box 71, Folder 593 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1987 Jul
Box 71, Folder 594 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1987 Aug
Box 71, Folder 595 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1987 Sep
Box 72, Folder 596 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1987 Oct-Nov
Box 72, Folder 597 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1987 Dec
Box 72, Folder 598 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1988 Jan
Box 72, Folder 599 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1988 Feb
Box 72, Folder 600 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1988 Mar
Box 72, Folder 601 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1988 Apr 1-12
Box 73, Folder 602 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1988 Apr 13-27
Box 73, Folder 603 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1988 May
Box 73, Folder 604 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1988 Jun
Box 73, Folder 605 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1988 Jul
Box 73, Folder 606 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1988 Aug-Sep
Box 73, Folder 607 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1989 Jan
Box 74, Folder 608 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1989 Feb
Box 74, Folder 609 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1989 Mar
Box 74, Folder 610 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1989 Apr
Box 74, Folder 611 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1989 May
Box 74, Folder 612 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1989 Jun
Box 74, Folder 613 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1989 Jul-Aug
Box 74, Folder 614 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1989 Sep-Oct
Box 75, Folder 615 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1989 Nov-Dec
Box 75, Folder 616 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1990 Jan-Apr
Box 75, Folder 617 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1990 May-Jun
Box 75, Folder 618 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1990 Jul-Aug
Box 75, Folder 619 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1990 Fall
Box 75, Folder 620 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1991 Jan-Mar
Box 76, Folder 621 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1991 Apr 2-18
Box 76, Folder 622 Office of Higher Education (OHE): Correspondence
1991 Apr 24-Jul
Box 76, Folder 623 Ombudsman
Box 76, Folder 624 Organizational Charts
Box 76, Folder 625 Pacific Basin Capital Markets Research Center (PACAP)
1988-1989 Nov
Box 76, Folder 626 PACAP
1989 Dec-1990 May
Box 76, Folder 627 PACAP
Box 76, Folder 628 PACAP
Box 77, Folder 629 Pace Committee
Box 77, Folder 630 Pace Committee
Box 77, Folder 631 Parking on Campus
1988-1989 Feb
Box 77, Folder 632 Parking on Campus
1989 Mar-Apr 14
Box 77, Folder 633 Parking on Campus
1984 Apr 18-May
Box 77, Folder 634 Parking on Campus
1989 Jun-1990
Box 77, Folder 635 Patent Policy
Box 78, Folder 636 Peat Morwick
Box 78, Folder 637 Pell, Claiborne
1983 Oct-1991
Box 78, Folder 638 The Pell Project
Box 78, Folder 639 Permanent Advisory Commission on Women
Box 78, Folder 640 Personnel Office
Box 78, Folder 641 Personnel Office
Box 78, Folder 642 Personnel Office
1987-1988 Aug
Box 78, Folder 643 Personnel Office
1988 Sep-1989 Sep
Box 78, Folder 644 Personnel Office
1989 Oct-1991
Box 78, Folder 645 Pharmacy, College of
Box 79, Folder 646 Pharmacy, College of
Box 79, Folder 647 Pharmacy, College of
Box 79, Folder 648 Pharmacy, College of
Box 79, Folder 649 Pharmacy, College of
Box 79, Folder 650 Philippines
Box 79, Folder 651 Physical Plant
Box 79, Folder 652 Physical Plant
Box 79, Folder 653 Physical Plant
Box 80, Folder 654 Physical Plant
Box 80, Folder 655 Physical Plant
Box 80, Folder 656 Physical Plant: Mackal Field House
1984-1985 May
Box 80, Folder 657 Physical Plant: Mackal Field House
1985 Sep-1989 Sep
Box 80, Folder 658 Physical Plant: Mackal Field House
1989 Oct-Dec
Box 80, Folder 659 Physical Plant: Mackal Field House
1990 Jan
Box 81, Folder 660 Physical Plant: Mackal Field House
1990 Feb-Mar
Box 81, Folder 661 Physical Plant: Mackal Field House
1990 Apr-Jun
Box 81, Folder 662 Physical Plant: Mackal Field House
1990 Jul-1991
Box 81, Folder 663 Policies and Procedures: Access to Public Records- Political Activity
Box 81, Folder 664 Policies and Procedures: Private Business and Travel
Box 81, Folder 665 Pre-Med. Advisory Committee
Box 81, Folder 666 President's Advisory Commission on Education
1983 Fall
Box 82, Folder 667 President's Advisory Commission on Education
1984 Jan-Mar
Box 82, Folder 668 President's Advisory Commission on Education
1984 Apr-Dec
Box 82, Folder 669 President's Advisory Commission on Education
Box 82, Folder 670 President's Advisory Commission on Education
Box 82, Folder 671 President's Advisory Commission on Education
Box 82, Folder 672 President's Advisory Commission on Education
1986-1990 Jun
Box 82, Folder 673 President's Advisory Commission on Education
1990 Jul-Dec
Box 83, Folder 674 President's Advisory Commission on Education: Member Profiles
Box 83, Folder 675 President's House
Box 83, Folder 676 President's Office: Guest Lists
Box 83, Folder 677 President's Office: Guest Lists
Box 83, Folder 678 President's Staff
Box 83, Folder 679 President's Staff
Box 83, Folder 680 President's Staff: W. Alton Jones Workshop
Box 83, Folder 681 President's Staff: W. Alton Jones Workshop
Box 84, Folder 682 President's Staff: W. Alton Jones Workshop
Box 84, Folder 683 President's Staff: W. Alton Jones Workshop
1989 Feb-Jul
Box 84, Folder 684 President's Staff: W. Alton Jones Workshop
Box 84, Folder 685 President's Staff: W. Alton Jones Workshop
1989 Aug-Dec
Box 84, Folder 686 President's Staff: W. Alton Jones Workshop
1990 May-Aug 15
Box 84, Folder 687 President's Staff: W. Alton Jones Workshop
1990 Aug 16-1991
Box 84, Folder 688 President's Staff: W. Alton Jones Workshop
Box 84, Folder 689 Promotions and Tenure
Box 85, Folder 690 Promotions and Tenure
1987-1989 Jun
Box 85, Folder 691 Promotions and Tenure
1989 Jul-1991
Box 85, Folder 692 Property and Inventory Control
Box 85, Folder 693 Providence, City of
Box 85, Folder 694 Providence, Chamber of Commerce
Box 85, Folder 695 Providence, Chamber of Commerce
1986 Jan-Jul
Box 85, Folder 696 Providence, Chamber of Commerce
1986 Aug-Dec
Box 86, Folder 697 Providence, Chamber of Commerce
1987 Jan-Mar
Box 86, Folder 698 Providence, Chamber of Commerce
1987 Apr-Aug
Box 86, Folder 699 Providence, Chamber of Commerce
1987 Fall
Box 86, Folder 700 Providence, Chamber of Commerce
1988 Apr-Jun
Box 86, Folder 701 Providence, Chamber of Commerce
1988 Jul-Dec
Box 87, Folder 702 Providence, Chamber of Commerce
Box 87, Folder 703 Providence, Chamber of Commerce
1990 Jan-Apr
Box 87, Folder 704 Providence, Chamber of Commerce
1990 May-Jul
Box 87, Folder 705 Providence, Chamber of Commerce
1990 Aug-Dec
Box 87, Folder 706 Providence, Chamber of Commerce
Box 87, Folder 707 Providence, Chamber of Commerce
Box 87, Folder 708 Providence Journal
Box 87, Folder 709 Provost's Office
Box 88, Folder 710 Public Affairs Office
Box 88, Folder 711 Public Affairs Office
Box 88, Folder 712 Public Affairs Office
Box 88, Folder 713 Public Policy Center: Correspondence
Box 88, Folder 714 Public Safety Office
Box 88, Folder 715 Public Safety Office
Box 89, Folder 716 Public Safety Office
Box 89, Folder 717 Public Safety Office
Box 89, Folder 718 Public Safety Office
Box 89, Folder 719 Purchasing
Box 89, Folder 720 Quina, Catherine: Promotion Grievance
Box 89, Folder 721 Rams Club Reception
1982 Mar 26
Box 89, Folder 722 Rams Club Reception
1982 Apr 22
Box 89, Folder 723 Reed, Rep. John F.
Box 89, Folder 724 Research Corporation Committee
Box 89, Folder 725 Research Corporation Committee
Box 89, Folder 726 Registrars Office
Box 90, Folder 727 Registrars Office
Box 90, Folder 728 Registrars Office
Box 90, Folder 729 Registrars Office
Box 90, Folder 730 Research Office
1983-1984 Mar
Box 90, Folder 731 Research Office
1984 May-Jun
Box 90, Folder 732 Research Office
1984 Jul-Dec
Box 90, Folder 733 Research Office
1985 Jan-Feb
Box 91, Folder 734 Research Office
1985 Mar
Box 91, Folder 735 Research Office
1985 Apr-1986
Box 91, Folder 736 Research Office
1986 May-Dec
Box 91, Folder 737 Research Office
1987-1988 Jun
Box 91, Folder 738 Research Office
1988 Jul-1991 Mar
Box 91, Folder 739 Research Office
1991 Apr-1992
Box 92, Folder 740 Research Park
Box 92, Folder 741 Reserve Officer Training Corporation (ROTC)
Box 92, Folder 742 Reserve Officer Training Corporation (ROTC)
Box 92, Folder 743 Residential Life, Office of
1984-1985 May
Box 92, Folder 744 Residential Life, Office of
1985 Jun-1988
Box 92, Folder 745 Residential Life, Office of
Box 92, Folder 746 Resource Development, College of
1983-1984 Jul
Box 93, Folder 747 Resource Development, College of
1984 Aug-1985 Feb
Box 93, Folder 748 Resource Development, College of
1985 Mar-Dec
Box 93, Folder 749 Resource Development, College of
1986 Jan-Sep
Box 93, Folder 750 Resource Development, College of
1986 Oct-Dec
Box 93, Folder 751 Resource Development, College of
1987 Jan-Mar
Box 93, Folder 752 Resource Development, College of
1987 Apr-Sep
Box 94, Folder 753 Resource Development, College of
1987 Oct-1988 Feb
Box 94, Folder 754 Resource Development, College of
1988 Mar
Box 94, Folder 755 Resource Development, College of
1988 Apr-Sep
Box 94, Folder 756 Resource Development, College of
1988 Nov-Dec
Box 94, Folder 757 Resource Development, College of
1989 Jan-Apr
Box 94, Folder 758 Resource Development, College of
1989 May-Aug
Box 95, Folder 759 Resource Development, College of
1989 Sep-1990 Apr
Box 95, Folder 760 Resource Development, College of
1990 May-Dec
Box 95, Folder 761 Resource Development, College of
Box 95, Folder 762 Retention Reports
Box 95, Folder 763 Retirements
Box 95, Folder 764 Rhode Island, State of: Administration Department
Box 95, Folder 765 Rhode Island, State of: Attorney General's Office
Box 95, Folder 766 Rhode Island, State of: Economic Development Department
Box 95, Folder 767 Rhode Island, State of: Education Department
1982-1983 Jul
Box 96, Folder 768 Rhode Island, State of: Education Department
1983 Sep-1985
Box 96, Folder 769 Rhode Island, State of: Education Department
Box 96, Folder 770 Rhode Island, State of: Education Department
Box 96, Folder 771 Rhode Island, State of: Environmental Management
Box 96, Folder 772 Rhode Island, State of: Legislature
Box 96, Folder 773 Rhode Island, State of: Legislature
Box 96, Folder 774 Rhode Island, State of: Legislature
Box 96, Folder 775 Rhode Island, State of: Legislature
Box 96, Folder 776 Rhode Island, State of: Legislature
Box 97, Folder 777 Rhode Island, State of: Mental Health, Retardation and Hospitals
Box 97, Folder 778 Rhode Island Black Caucus
Box 97, Folder 779 Rhode Island Partnership for Science and Technology
1984-1985 Jan
Box 97, Folder 780 Rhode Island Partnership for Science and Technology
1985 Feb
Box 97, Folder 781 Rhode Island Partnership for Science and Technology
1985 Mar-Apr
Box 97, Folder 782 Rhode Island Partnership for Science and Technology
1985 May-Jul
Box 97, Folder 783 Rhode Island Partnership for Science and Technology
1985 Aug-Nov
Box 98, Folder 784 Rhode Island Partnership for Science and Technology
1986 Jan-Jul
Box 98, Folder 785 Rhode Island Partnership for Science and Technology
1986 Aug-Dec
Box 98, Folder 786 Rhode Island Partnership for Science and Technology
1987 Jan-Jun
Box 98, Folder 787 Rhode Island Partnership for Science and Technology
1987 Aug-Dec
Box 98, Folder 788 Rhode Island Partnership for Science and Technology
Box 98, Folder 789 Rhode Island Partnership for Science and Technology
1989 Spring
Box 99, Folder 790 Rhode Island Partnership for Science and Technology
1989 Aug-Dec
Box 99, Folder 791 Rhode Island Partnership for Science and Technology
1990 Jan-Jun
Box 99, Folder 792 Rhode Island Partnership for Science and Technology
1990 Jul-1991 Jan
Box 99, Folder 793 Rhode Island Partnership for Science and Technology
1991 Mar-Jun
Box 99, Folder 794 Rhode Island Partnership for Science and Technology
Box 99, Folder 795 Rhode Island Expenditure Council (RIPEC)
Box 99, Folder 796 Rhode Island Expenditure Council (RIPEC)
Box 100, Folder 797 Rhode Island Expenditure Council (RIPEC)
1989-1990 Jun
Box 100, Folder 798 Rhode Island Expenditure Council (RIPEC)
1990 Jul-Oct
Box 100, Folder 799 Rhode Island Public Interest Research Group
Box 100, Folder 800 Rhode Island Research Corporation
Box 100, Folder 801 Rhode Island Technology
Box 100, Folder 802 Rhode Island Urban League
Box 100, Folder 803 Rose Hill Regional Landfill
Box 100, Folder 804 Route 138 Connector
Box 100, Folder 805 Sabbaticals
Box 100, Folder 806 St. Germain, Rep. Ferdinand J.
Box 100, Folder 807 Schneider, Rep. Claudine
Box 101, Folder 808 Salaries: Executive Salary Study Committee Recommendation
Box 101, Folder 809 Salaries: Executive Salary Study Committee Recommendation
Box 101, Folder 810 Salaries: Faculty Salary Report
Box 101, Folder 811 Sea Grant Project
Box 101, Folder 812 Search Committees: Correspondence
Box 101, Folder 813 Seventy-two Hour Committee
Box 101, Folder 814 Sexual Harassment
Box 101, Folder 815 Sexual Harassment
Box 101, Folder 816 Signature Authority
Box 101, Folder 817 Singer Address and Dinner
1982 Apr 29
Box 101, Folder 818 South Kingstown, Town of
Box 101, Folder 819 Special Olympics
Box 102, Folder 820 Special Programs for Talent Development (SPTD)
Box 102, Folder 821 Strike Management Strategy
Box 102, Folder 822 Students Affairs, Office of
Box 102, Folder 823 Students Affairs, Office of
1985-1986 Sep
Box 102, Folder 824 Students Affairs, Office of
1986 Oct-1987
Box 102, Folder 825 Students Affairs, Office of
1988-1990 Sep
Box 102, Folder 826 Students Affairs, Office of
1990 Oct-1991
Box 102, Folder 827 Student Employment Committee
Box 102, Folder 828 Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET)
Box 102, Folder 829 Student Excellence Awards
Box 103, Folder 830 Student Excellence Awards
Box 103, Folder 831 Student Excellence Awards
Box 103, Folder 832 Student Excellence Awards
Box 103, Folder 833 Student Excellence Awards
Box 103, Folder 834 Student Financial Aid Office
Box 103, Folder 835 Student Financial Aid Office
Box 103, Folder 836 Student Financial Aid Office
Box 103, Folder 837 Student Life, Office of
Box 103, Folder 838 Student Life, Office of
Box 104, Folder 839 Student Life, Office of
1988-1990 Nov
Box 104, Folder 840 Student Life, Office of
1990 Dec-1991
Box 104, Folder 841 Student/Parent Awareness Program
Box 104, Folder 842 Student Problems
Box 104, Folder 843 Student Problems
1986-1987 Jun
Box 104, Folder 844 Student Problems
1987-1988 Apr
Box 104, Folder 845 Student Problems
1988 May-Dec
Box 104, Folder 846 Student Problems
Box 105, Folder 847 Student Problems
Box 105, Folder 848 Student Records System
Box 105, Folder 849 Student Senate
Box 105, Folder 850 Student Senate
Box 105, Folder 851 Study Abroad
1983 Sep-1991
Box 105, Folder 852 Surveys
Box 105, Folder 853 Surveys
Box 105, Folder 854 Surveys
Box 105, Folder 855 Surveys
Box 106, Folder 856 Sympathy Letters
Box 106, Folder 857 Sympathy Letters
Box 106, Folder 858 Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association College Retirement Equities Fund
1984-1987 Sep
Box 106, Folder 859 Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association College Retirement Equities Fund
1987 Oct-Dec
Box 106, Folder 860 Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association College Retirement Equities Fund
Box 106, Folder 861 Thailand: Cooperative Programs
Box 106, Folder 862 Thailand: Cooperative Programs
Box 106, Folder 863 Thin Films Research Center
1986-1987 Feb
Box 107, Folder 864 Thin Films Research Center
1987 Mar-Apr
Box 107, Folder 865 Thin Films Research Center
1987 May-1989
Box 107, Folder 866 Times Incorporated: Program Governing Board
1983 Sep-1984, 1986-1987
Box 107, Folder 867 To Improve Education in Rhode Island by the Year 1991
Box 107, Folder 868 Transparencies for Presentations
Box 107, Folder 869 Truman Scholarship
Box 107, Folder 870 Tuition and Fees
1983-1986 Aug
Box 107, Folder 871 Tuition and Fees
1986 Sep-1989
Box 107, Folder 872 Tunisia: Fisheries Programs
Box 108, Folder 873 Turkey: Conference on University Governance
Box 108, Folder 874 Turnover Expectancy Presentation
Box 108, Folder 875 Unions See also Collective Bargaining
Box 108, Folder 876 Unions See also Collective Bargaining
Box 108, Folder 877 Unions See also Collective Bargaining
1987 Jan-Aug
Box 108, Folder 878 Unions See also Collective Bargaining
1987 Sep-1988 Jun
Box 108, Folder 879 Unions See also Collective Bargaining
1988 Jul-Dec
Box 108, Folder 880 Unions See also Collective Bargaining
Box 109, Folder 881 United States Government: Education Department
1985, 1990
Box 109, Folder 882 United States Government: Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)
Box 109, Folder 883 United States Government: Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)
1989 Jan-Mar
Box 109, Folder 884 United States Government: Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)
1989 Apr-Sep
Box 109, Folder 885 United States Government: Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)
1989 Oct-1991
Box 109, Folder 886 United States Savings Bonds
Box 109, Folder 887 United Way
1983-1987, 1991
Box 109, Folder 888 University Linkage Development Project
Box 109, Folder 889 University Board on Student Conduct (Restricted)
1983-1986 Jun
Box 110, Folder 890 University Board on Student Conduct (Restricted)
1986 Sep-1987 Sep
Box 110, Folder 891 University Board on Student Conduct (Restricted)
1987 Nov-1988 Apr
Box 110, Folder 892 University Board on Student Conduct (Restricted)
1988 May-Dec
Box 110, Folder 893 University Board on Student Conduct (Restricted)
1989 Jan-May 22
Box 110, Folder 894 University Board on Student Conduct (Restricted)
1989 May 25-Aug
Box 110, Folder 895 University Board on Student Conduct (Restricted)
1989 Nov-1991
Box 110, Folder 896 University Club
1984-1985, 1987-1989
Box 110, Folder 897 University College
Box 111, Folder 898 University College
Box 111, Folder 899 University Manual Changers
Box 111, Folder 900 University Planning Office
Box 111, Folder 901 University Relations, Office of
Box 111, Folder 902 University Relations, V.P.
Box 111, Folder 903 University Relations, V.P.
Box 111, Folder 904 University/School Partnership Program
1985-1986 Apr
Box 112, Folder 905 University/School Partnership Program
1986 Apr-Sep
Box 112, Folder 906 University/School Partnership Program
1986 Oct-1987 Jan
Box 112, Folder 907 University/School Partnership Program
1987 Feb-Jun
Box 112, Folder 908 University/School Partnership Program
1981 Jul-Dec
Box 112, Folder 909 University/School Partnership Program
1988 Jan-Jun
Box 112, Folder 910 University/School Partnership Program
1988 Jul-1989 Mar
Box 113, Folder 911 University/School Partnership Program
1989 Mar-Dec
Box 113, Folder 912 University/School Partnership Program
Box 113, Folder 913 University/School Partnership Program
Box 113, Folder 914 URI Foundation
1984 Jan-Apr
Box 113, Folder 915 URI Foundation
1984 May-Aug
Box 113, Folder 916 URI Foundation
1984 Fall
Box 114, Folder 917 URI Foundation
1985 Jan-Apr 10
Box 114, Folder 918 URI Foundation
1985 Apr 11-May
Box 114, Folder 919 URI Foundation
1985 Jun-Aug
Box 114, Folder 920 URI Foundation
1985 Sep-Oct
Box 114, Folder 921 URI Foundation
1985 Nov
Box 114, Folder 922 URI Foundation
1985 Dec
Box 114, Folder 923 URI Foundation
1986 Jan-Mar
Box 115, Folder 924 URI Foundation
1986 Apr-Jun
Box 115, Folder 925 URI Foundation
1986 Jul-Sep
Box 115, Folder 926 URI Foundation
1986 Oct-Dec
Box 115, Folder 927 URI Foundation
1987 Jan-Apr
Box 115, Folder 928 URI Foundation
1987 May-Sep
Box 115, Folder 929 URI Foundation
1987 Oct-Dec
Box 116, Folder 930 URI Foundation
1988 Jan-Apr
Box 116, Folder 931 URI Foundation
1988 May-Aug
Box 116, Folder 932 URI Foundation
1988 Sep-Oct
Box 116, Folder 933 URI Foundation
1988 Nov-Dec
Box 116, Folder 934 URI Foundation
1989 Jan-Apr
Box 116, Folder 935 URI Foundation
1989 May-Aug
Box 116, Folder 936 URI Foundation
1989 Fall
Box 117, Folder 937 URI Foundation
1990 Jan-Mar
Box 117, Folder 938 URI Foundation
1990 Apr-Jul
Box 117, Folder 939 URI Foundation
1990 Aug-Dec
Box 117, Folder 940 URI Foundation
Box 117, Folder 941 URI Foundation
Box 117, Folder 942 Urban Initiative
1984 May
Box 117, Folder 943 W. Alton Jones Campus
Box 117, Folder 944 Water Resources Center
Box 118, Folder 945 Watson Council Dinner
Box 118, Folder 946 Watson House
Box 118, Folder 947 White House Fellowship
Box 118, Folder 948 Women's Studies Program
Box 118, Folder 949 Zimbabwe
1984-1985, 1988

Series II. Speeches and Events
4 box(es)
(2 linear feet)

This series contains guest lists, invitations, and RSVP cards, in addition to some speeches. Extensive records kept on the football and basketball game luncheons and dinners held at the President's residence after and before each game were kept and are included in this series. The folders are arranged alphabetically.

Arrangement: Folders in the series are arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically by date.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 Academy of Ancient Music Concert
1985 Mar 6
Box 1, Folder 2 Academy of Ancient Music Concert
1985 Mar 6
Box 1, Folder 3 Accreditation Team Dinner
1987 Oct 25
Box 1, Folder 4 Alton Jones Party
1988 Aug 16
Box 1, Folder 5 Alumni Board Dinner
1988 May 13
Box 1, Folder 6 Alumni Dinner
1986 Nov 18
Box 1, Folder 7 Alumni Weekend: President's Reception
1985 Jun 1
Box 1, Folder 8 Ambassador Chipamaunga
1984 Apr 3
Box 1, Folder 9 Anatomy Lab Dedication Luncheon
1986 May 12
Box 1, Folder 10 Angelou, Maya: Reception
1984 Mar 19
Box 1, Folder 11 Anne of Green Gables Dinner Party
1987 Dec 4
Box 1, Folder 12 Athletic Coaches Coffee Hour
1985 Aug 27
Box 1, Folder 13 Basketball Events
Box 1, Folder 14 Basketball Events
Box 1, Folder 15 Board of Governors Reception
1986 Oct 16
Box 1, Folder 16 Buffet Brunch
1985 May 26
Box 1, Folder 17 Carlotti Luncheon
1987 Nov 1
Box 1, Folder 18 Commencement Dinner
1986 May 24-25
Box 1, Folder 19 Consul-General Luncheon
1988 Mar 7
Box 1, Folder 20 Convocation Dinner
1987 Sep 9
Box 1, Folder 21 Counselor's Breakfast
1985 Jan 24
Box 1, Folder 22 Dinner and Concert
1984 Sep 22, 1985 Jan 28, 1988 Nov 18
Box 1, Folder 23 Eleanor Roosevelt Hall: '100th Year Celebration'
1984 Oct 18
Box 2, Folder 24 Faculty Dessert and Discussion Group
Box 2, Folder 25 Faculty Senate Dinner
1987 Nov 6
Box 2, Folder 26 Family Weekend
1984 Nov 3-4
Box 2, Folder 27 Fires of London
1985 Nov 24
Box 2, Folder 28 Football Events
Box 2, Folder 29 Football Events
Box 2, Folder 30 Football Events
Box 2, Folder 31 Football Events
Box 2, Folder 32 Ghon Rhee, Rosita Chang Presentation
1988 Sep 13
Box 2, Folder 33 Golden Ambassadors Luncheon
1985 Oct 31
Box 2, Folder 34 Guidance Counselor Community Breakfast
1984 Jan 31, 1984 Feb 8
Box 2, Folder 35 House Warming
1983 Nov 28
Box 2, Folder 36 Institute for International Sports Dinner
1986 Sep 23
Box 3, Folder 37 Japanese Visit
1985 Sep 24-25
Box 3, Folder 38 Kim Concert
1986 Nov 26
Box 3, Folder 39 Kirk Applied Engineering Building Dedication
1985 Sep 13
Box 3, Folder 40 Making Critical Choices Workshop
1984 Mar 6
Box 3, Folder 41 Marine Programs Advisory Council
1983 Dec 1
Box 3, Folder 42 Marine Programs Advisory Council
1984 Dec 6, 1985 Dec 12, 1987 Jan 14
Box 3, Folder 43 Marks, Barry A.: Auditorium Dedication
1984 Oct 25
Box 3, Folder 44 Mystery of Edwin Drood, The
1988 Dec 2
Box 3, Folder 45 OSLO Philharmonic Concert
1984 Nov 19
Box 3, Folder 46 Ouchi, William: Lecture and Dinner
1984 Oct 29
Box 3, Folder 47 Parent/Student Reception
1987 Nov 7
Box 3, Folder 48 Pell, Claiborne: Reception
1984 Oct 14
Box 3, Folder 49 Petrocelli, Americo, Reception for
1989 Jan 27
Box 3, Folder 50 Prime Computer
1985 Apr 25
Box 3, Folder 51 Resource Development Advisory Council Dinner
1987 Mar 27
Box 4, Folder 52 Risk Management Seminar
1987 Mar 27
Box 4, Folder 53 Sailing Team Dinner
1988 Oct 24
Box 4, Folder 54 Seminar for Board of Governors
1987 Oct 13
Box 4, Folder 55 Seymour, Dinner: Farewell
1987 Oct 30
Box 4, Folder 56 Senior Challenge Dinner
1989 Feb 1
Box 4, Folder 57 South Kingstown Chamber of Commerce
1984 Apr 18
Box 4, Folder 58 Special Olympics
Box 4, Folder 59 State of the University
1985 Apr 26
Box 4, Folder 60 Student Excellence Awards Reception
1985 May 8
Box 4, Folder 61 Student Leader's Dinner
1988 Nov 8
Box 4, Folder 62 Student Senate Dinner
1986 Dec 9
Box 4, Folder 63 Thailand CRMP Luncheon
1986 Dec 9
Box 4, Folder 64 Tour Guide Invitation List
1976 Oct 29
Box 4, Folder 65 Union Coalition Dinner
1988 Dec 14
Box 4, Folder 66 URI Day in Cranston
1986 Apr 22
Box 4, Folder 67 URI Foundation Excellence Award Dinner
1986 Sep 3
Box 4, Folder 68 URI Quilt Exhibit
1986 Apr
Box 4, Folder 69 Yuletide Cocktail Buffet
1983 Dec 16
Box 4, Folder 70 University Club
1985 Oct 25

Series III. Postsecondary Education Executive Committee
3 box(es)
(1.5 linear feet)

This series contains files from the Ad Hoc Committee, budget allocation records, agenda files, Board of Governors records, program development proposals, policies, and meetings. These records are arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically within the subject.

Arrangement: Folders in the series are arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically by date.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 Ad Hoc Committee
Box 1, Folder 2 Agendas
Box 1, Folder 3 Agendas
Box 1, Folder 4 Agendas
Box 2, Folder 5 Agendas
Box 2, Folder 6 Audit Committee Meeting
1985 Jun 12
Box 2, Folder 7 Board of Governors Approvals
Box 2, Folder 8 Board of Governors Assembly
1985 Jan 30
Box 2, Folder 9 Board of Governors Agenda
1984 Nov 19
Box 2, Folder 10 Board of Governors Retreat
1985 Mar 22-24
Box 2, Folder 11 Budget Allocation Request
Box 3, Folder 12 Meetings
Box 3, Folder 13 Meetings
Box 3, Folder 14 Meetings
Box 3, Folder 15 Policies
Box 3, Folder 16 Program Development
1982 May 7
Box 3, Folder 17 Proposals
1983 Oct 25, 1983 Nov 2
Box 3, Folder 18 Rhode Island Nursing Study Group
1983 Oct 21
Box 0, Folder 0

Series IV. Audio Visual
2 box(es)
(1 linear feet)

The Audio Visual series is mainly comprised of audio cassettes. These cassettes are recordings of faculty meetings, education conferences, and convocation events. The last folder contains 43 slide photographs of various buildings on the University of Rhode Island campus.

Arrangement: Folders in the series are arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically by date.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 Convocation Addresses
1983 Sep 7
Box 1, Folder 2 Convocation Addresses
1984 Sep 5
Box 1, Folder 3 Convocation Addresses
Box 1, Folder 4 Convocation Addresses
1990 Sep 5
Box 1, Folder 5 Faculty Meeting
1980 Nov 24
Box 1, Folder 6 Faculty Meeting
1981 Jan 28
Box 2, Folder 7 Faculty Meeting
1990 May 1
Box 2, Folder 8 Faculty Meeting
1990 Nov 15
Box 2, Folder 9 Faculty Senate
1980 Oct 9
Box 2, Folder 10 General Education Conference
1977 Oct 24
Box 2, Folder 11 General Education Conference
1977 Oct 25
Box 2, Folder 12 Slides of Campus Buildings
1984 Oct, 1984 Nov, 1985 Aug