Box 1, Folder 1 |
Academy at Tuscumbia, Alabama: Appointment Recommendation Letters
1884 |
Box 1, Folder 2 |
Adams, Dean George: Correspondence
1922-1928 |
Box 1, Folder 3 |
Adams, James Truslow: Correspondence & Biographical Sketch
1923 |
Box 1, Folder 4 |
Agricultural Experiment Station: By Laws
1911 |
Box 1, Folder 5 |
Agricultural Experiment Station: Correspondence
1906-1928 |
Box 1, Folder 6 |
Agricultural Experiment Station: Minutes of Board of Managers
1902 |
Box 1, Folder 7 |
Agricultural Experiment Station: Policy
undated |
Box 1, Folder 8 |
Agricultural Experiment Station: Receipts and Expenditures
1925-1926 |
Box 1, Folder 9 |
Agricultural Extension Service: Budget, Correspondence, Activities and Projects
1915,1925, 1927,1928 |
Box 1, Folder 10 |
American Association of Agricultural Colleges & Experiment Stations:Correspondence
1909 |
Box 1, Folder 11 |
Annual Report Summary
1927 |
Box 1, Folder 11A |
Appreciation, Letters of
1913-1929 |
Box 1, Folder 12 |
Arkansas Industrial University: Appointment Recommendation Letters
1885 |
Box 1, Folder 13 |
Arkansas Industrial University: Appointment as President- Recommendation Letters
1893 |
Box 1, Folder 14 |
Artesian Well and Supply Co.: Correspondence
1929 |
Box 1, Folder 15 |
Athletics: Applications and Resolutions
1923-1929 |
Box 1, Folder 16 |
Barnard Club: Correspondence
1928 |
Box 1, Folder 17 |
Bethal Academy (VA): Recommendation Letters
1881 |
Box 1, Folder 18 |
Bills: Printing Expenses for the Catalog and Bulletin
1911-1912 |
Box 1, Folder 19 |
Bingham School (NC): Recommendation Letters
1880 |
Box 1, Folder 20 |
Bond Issue
1926 |
Box 1, Folder 21 |
Brown University: Springfield Rifles
1917 |
Box 1, Folder 22 |
Budgets, Departmental
1929 |
Box 1, Folder 23 |
Burt Hartwell: Correspondence with Board of Managers
1923-1926 |
Box 1, Folder 24 |
Burt Hartwell Dismissal: Correspondence- Board of Managers, J.C. Hopkins & C. Palmer
1928 |
Box 1, Folder 25 |
Burt Hartwell Dismissal: Correspondence- Edwards & Chief, Office of Experimental Stations
1928 Jan-Feb |
Box 1, Folder 26 |
Burt Hartwell Dismissal: Correspondence
1928 |
Box 1, Folder 27 |
Burt Hartwell Dismissal: Correspondence Hartwell & Chief, Office of Experimental Stations
1927-1928 |
Box 1, Folder 28 |
Burt Hartwell Dismissal: Memoranda, Responses to Editorials
1928 |
Box 1, Folder 29 |
Burt Hartwell Dismissal: Newspaper clippings
1928 |
Box 1, Folder 30 |
Burt Hartwell Dismissal: Protests & Resolutions from State Granges
1928 Jun 4 |
Box 2, Folder 31 |
Burt Hartwell Dismissal: Protests & Resolutions from State Granges
1928 Jun 5-14 |
Box 2, Folder 32 |
Burt Hartwell Dismissal: Protests & Resolutions from State Granges
1928 Jun 15-Jul 23 |
Box 2, Folder 33 |
Burt Hartwell Dismissal: Resolutions of Support for Edwards
1928 |
Box 2, Folder 34 |
Burt Hartwell Dismissal: Statements of Board of Managers
1928 |
Box 2, Folder 35 |
Christmas Greetings
1926-1927 |
Box 2, Folder 36 |
College Horse Barn Fire
1924 |
Box 2, Folder 37 |
Construction Program: Bids, Contracts, Bills, Correspondence
1927 Nov 1 |
Box 2, Folder 38 |
Construction Program: Bids, Contracts, Bills, Correspondence
1928 Jan-Apr |
Box 2, Folder 39 |
Construction Program: Bids, Contracts, Bills, Correspondence
1928 May-Jul |
Box 2, Folder 40 |
Construction Program: Bids, Contracts, Bills, Correspondence
1928 Aug-Sep |
Box 2, Folder 41 |
Construction Program: Bids, Contracts, Bills, Correspondence
1928 Oct |
Box 2, Folder 42 |
Construction Program: Bids, Contracts, Bills, Correspondence
1928 Nov |
Box 2, Folder 43 |
Construction Program: Bids, Contracts, Bills, Correspondence
1930 Jan-Apr |
Box 2, Folder 44 |
Construction Program: Bids, Contracts, Bills, Correspondence
1928 Dec |
Box 2, Folder 45 |
Construction Program: Bliss Hall-Bids
1926-1928 |
Box 3, Folder 46 |
Construction Program: Bliss Hall-Correspondence
1926-1928 |
Box 3, Folder 47 |
Construction Program: Bliss Hall-Correspondence
1926-1927 |
Box 3, Folder 48 |
Construction Program: Bliss Hall-Correspondence
1928-1929 |
Box 3, Folder 49 |
Construction Program: Bliss Hall-Equipment Correspondence
1927 |
Box 3, Folder 50 |
Construction Program: Dormitory and Assembly Hall
1908 |
Box 3, Folder 51 |
Construction Program: Home Economics Practice House-Bids, Contracts, Bills Correspondence
1923-1924 |
Box 3, Folder 52 |
Construction Program: Lippitt Hall
undated |
Box 3, Folder 53 |
Construction Program: News clippings
undated |
Box 3, Folder 54 |
Construction Program: Science building
1917 |
Box 3, Folder 0 |
1908-1930 |
Box 3, Folder 55 |
Cruickshank, George A.
1927 |
Box 3, Folder 56 |
Dickinson, Edward
1989-1909 |
Box 3, Folder 57 |
Doe, Albion N.: Correspondence with Edwards & others
1922-1923 |
Box 3, Folder 58 |
Dunlop, R.W.: Correspondence
1929 |
Box 3, Folder 59 |
Edwards: Biographical Forms and Correspondence, news clipping
1937 |
Box 3, Folder 60 |
Edwards: Biographical Sketch of Life
1900 |
Box 3, Folder 61 |
Edwards: Daughter's death, sympathy acknowledgement
1924 Apr 20 |
Box 3, Folder 62 |
Edwards: Eulogies & Resolutions
1930 Apr 10 |
Box 3, Folder 63 |
Edwards: Life & Professional Certificate
1925 |
Box 3, Folder 64 |
Edwards: Memorial Booklets
1930 May 19 |
Box 3, Folder 65 |
Edwards: Memorial Service Programs
1930 May 19 |
Box 3, Folder 66 |
Edwards: Newspaper Clippings
1930 Apr 10-11 |
Box 3, Folder 67 |
Equipment Loan Agreement: Standard Oil
1929 Feb 28 |
Box 4, Folder 68 |
Expenditures: Adams Fund
1929 |
Box 4, Folder 69 |
Expenditures: Bacteriology, Department of
1914-1926 |
Box 4, Folder 70 |
Expenditures: Bond Issue
1929 |
Box 4, Folder 71 |
Expenditures: Buildings, Power, Water, & Sewerage
1929 |
Box 4, Folder 72 |
Expenditures: Capper Ketchum Fund
1929 |
Box 4, Folder 73 |
Expenditures: Current Fund
1929 |
Box 4, Folder 74 |
Expenditures: East Hall and South Hall Meals
1928 Jan-Feb |
Box 4, Folder 75 |
Expenditures: Experiment Station
1929 |
Box 4, Folder 76 |
Expenditures: Farm Fund for Eastern, Northern, Southern RI
1927 |
Box 4, Folder 77 |
Expenditures: Federal Extension
1929 |
Box 4, Folder 78 |
Expenditures: Hatch Fund
1929 |
Box 4, Folder 79 |
Expenditures: Hatch, Adams, and Purnell, Miscellaneous funds
1929-1930 |
Box 4, Folder 80 |
Expenditures: Morrill Fund
1928 |
Box 4, Folder 81 |
Expenditures: Purnell Fund
1929 |
Box 4, Folder 82 |
Expenditures: Smith Lever Fund
1928 |
Box 4, Folder 83 |
Expenditures: State Feeding Stuffs Inspection
1927-1929 |
Box 4, Folder 84 |
Expenditures: State Fertilizer Control
1927-1929 |
Box 4, Folder 85 |
Expenditures: State Maintenance
1928-1929 |
Box 4, Folder 86 |
Expenditures: Trust Fund
1928 |
Box 4, Folder 87 |
Explanation of Estimates
1930 |
Box 5, Folder 88 |
Faculty Proposals and Petitions
1908-1924 |
Box 5, Folder 89 |
Farm Census, Expense Incurred
undated |
Box 5, Folder 90 |
Harrington, Ida M., State Leader
1921 |
Box 5, Folder 90A |
Kingston Inn
1923 Aug 13 |
Box 5, Folder 91 |
Land Grant College Survey
undated |
Box 5, Folder 92 |
1915 |
Box 5, Folder 93 |
May, Dr. Henry: Eulogy, Correspondence With Widow
1927 |
Box 5, Folder 94 |
Michigan Agricultural College: Appointment Recommendation Letters
1890 |
Box 5, Folder 95 |
Military Inspection of the College
1914 |
Box 5, Folder 96 |
Narragansett Pier & Seaview Railroad Consolidation Proposal
1920 |
Box 5, Folder 97 |
Oatley, Lincoln N.: Land Lease
1919 Sep 15 |
Box 5, Folder 98 |
Prohibition: Enforcement Letter to Town Council
1925 |
Box 5, Folder 99 |
Report for the Scholastic Year
1909 |
Box 5, Folder 100 |
Rhode Island Sheep Industry: Correspondence & Discussion
undated |
Box 5, Folder 101 |
Testimonials, miscellaneous
1886 |
Box 5, Folder 102 |
Weldin, Dr. John C.: Appointment, Correspondence
1927 |
Box 5, Folder 103 |
West Virginia University: Appointment as President, Correspondence
1900 |