Series 1. Pre-Study
Box 1, Folder 1-5
Records of the work done before the actual study was conducted, including the proposal for the study and its abstract, and the correspondence to organizations such as college and university alumni associations, athletic associations, and the U.S. Olympic committee, which was necessary to locate the addresses of the Olympic medal winners. A final listing of the athletes and their current addresses is included here.
Series 2. Correspondence
Box 1, Folder 6-12
Although Dr. Nedwidek did travel to California and Europe for personal interviews with a few people involved with the Olympics and Olympic athletes, most of this study was done by correspondence. This series contains the communications with the athletes themselves, as well as with people such as Erich Kamper, himself an athlete and author who has done research on the Olympic athlete, and foundations which sponsor athletics in general and the Olympics in particular, such as the Citizen’s Savings Athletic Foundation, various foreign Olympic committees, the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, and the San Diego Hall of Champions.
Series 3. Analysis of Data
Box 1, Folder 13-22
: This series contains materials used to help analyze the data received. The series includes comments from the athletes themselves, a report by Erich Kamper analyzing the ages of Olympic competitors, a paper reminiscing about the Olympic Games of 1920 by Hal Brown, a biography of Bob Mathias, a copy of a questionnaire put together by Pete Wickham, a sports writer in New Jersey, that was distributed to medal winners in 1979, and lists of U.S. medal winners and team rosters. Folder #22 contains the final results of the study.
Series 4. Questionnaires
Box 2, Folder 23-29
This series contains the questionnaires that were completed and returned by the athletes.