Rhode Island Archival and Manuscript Collections Online

For Participating Institutions

Legacies of the Vietnam War: Colloquium Series (Rec. Gr. 136)

University of Rhode Island, University Archives and Special Collections

15 Lippitt Road
Kingston, RI 02881-2011
Tel: 401-874-4632

email: archives@etal.uri.edu



Series 1. Colloquium Events
Series I contains total of twenty-five digital video-cassette tapes--two for each presentation, with the exception of one which consists of three cassettes. Each tape is dated, numbered, and indicates the speaker. There is also a poster (See map case "V") that describes each event, including the stage play and photo exhibit which were not video-taped. The directors, Kunz and Tyler, also included a more detailed description of each presentation which can be found in Box 1, folder 7. This series is filed chronologically by event.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1 Convocation: Patricia Schroeder
1999 Sep 15
Box 1, Folder 2 Making Foreign Policy After Vietnam: James Blight
1999 Sep 21
Box 1, Folder 3 Good Morning, Vietnam: The Real-Reel Story: Adrian Cronauer
1999 Sep 28
Box 1, Folder 4 Vietnamese Women- Voices Unheard: Le Ly Hayslip
1999 Oct 05
Box 1, Folder 5 Strategic Lessons: Porter Halyburton
1999 Oct 12
Box 1, Folder 6 Images of Vietnam: Peter Allen
1999 Oct 19
Box 1, Folder 7 Race and the Vietnam War: Wallace Terry
1999 Oct 26
Box 2, Folder 8 Vietnam War Reporting: Peter Arnett
1999 Nov 11
Box 2, Folder 9 Veteran's Voices
1999 Nov 09
Box 2, Folder 10 Warrior Dreams: James William Gibson
1999 Nov 16
Box 2, Folder 11 The Anti-War Movement: H. Bruce Franklin
1999 Nov 30
Box 2, Folder 12 Honors Colloquium: Charles Neu
1999 Dec 06
Box 2, Folder 13 Lecture Summaries
2000 Feb 02
Box 2, Folder 14 Poster: Legacies of the Vietnam War
1999 Fall

Series 2. Photographs
This series contains nine photographs originating from an employee of the Central Intelligence Agency that were taken in Vietnam during the conflict. These photographs were part of the photo exhibit at the Fine Arts Center. They were donated by an anonymous source and then given to the Archives by Judith Tolnick, The Coordinator of Art Galleries at URI. The series is filed alphabetically by subject.

Container Description Date
Box 3, Folder 1 City of Saigon
Box 3, Folder 2 Classification Yard: North Vietnam
Box 3, Folder 3 Mig Fighter Being Shot Down
Box 3, Folder 4 Tanson Nhut AB
Box 3, Folder 5 Vietcong Killed: Tanson Nhut AB